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Enhanced Secure and Reliable Routing Protocols For Heterogeneous Multihop Wireless Networks Using Qos

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Vol No. 1 Issue No.

1 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Engineering (IJIE) ISSN: 2456-5687

Enhanced secure and reliable routing protocols for

heterogeneous multihop wireless networks using QoS
M. Manikanta1
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology
email: manikantankmt@gmail.com

As wireless communication is well accepted, significant research has been devoted to supporting
real-time communication with draconian Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for wireless applications. At
the same time, a wireless hybrid network that combines wireless infrastructure network and mobile wireless
ad hoc network (MANET) has been proven to be a better substitute for the next generation wireless
networks. By directly adopting resource reservation-based QoS routing for MANETs, hybrids networks
acquires invalid reservation and race condition problems in MANETs. How to assurance the QoS in hybrid
networks still remains as an open problem. In this paper, we propose a QoS-Oriented Concerned routing
protocol (QOD) to escalate the QoS support capability of hybrid networks. Taking advantage of fewer
communication hops and anycast communication features of the hybrid networks, QOD transfigure the
packet routing problem to a resource scheduling problem. QOD assumes five algorithms: 1) a QoS-
guaranteed neighbour selection algorithm to encounter the communication delay requirement, 2) a
concerned packet scheduling algorithm to further diminish communication delay, 3) amobility-based
segment resizing algorithm that adjusts segment size as claimed by the node mobility in order to reduce
communication time, 4) a traffic duplication and redundant elimination algorithm to increase the
communication throughput, and 5) a data redundancy elimination-based communication algorithm to
eliminate the unwanted or redundant data to further improve the communication QoS. Analytical and
simulation results based on the arbitrary way-point model and the real humane mobility model ,unveil that
QOD can provide high QoS performance in terms of overhead, communication delay, mobility-resilience,
and scalability.

Keywords- Securing heterogeneous multihop wireless networks, packet dropping and selfishness attacks,
secure routing protocols, trust system sand payment system.


In multihop wireless networks, when a mobile node desired to communicate with a remote destination, it
relies on the other nodes to deliver the packets. This multihop packet communication can extend the network
coverage area using limited power and improve area phantom efficiency. The multihop wireless network
stimulated in many useful applications such as data sharing and multimedia data communication. It can
establish a network to communicate, concern files, and share information. However, the supposition that the
nodes are willing to spend their limited resources, such as battery energy and available network bandwidth.

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Vol No. 1 Issue No. 1 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Engineering (IJIE) ISSN: 2456-5687

Figure 1: Multi Hop Wireless Networks

A set of wireless communication nodes accomplishing self-configuration in a dynamic mode for
formation of network without fixed infrastructure or centralized supervision is entitled as mobile ad hoc
network (MANET). Often, there may be frequent changes in the network topology as mobiles are acts as
nodes. In addition to the role of router, the end nodes also play the role of end host. The routing protocol in
such a network is an authority to determine the routes among hosts and offering communication among end
points via intermediate nodes. The MANET is well liked and alluring since they offers to provide a good
communication in the changing infrastructure for the applications such as rescue operations, robotic
application performs tactical operations, environmental monitoring and conferences. The primary objective
of routing protocols in ad-hoc network is to create a direction among the nodes (minimum hops) between
source and destination with minimum overhead on the nodes and minimum bandwidth used so that packets
are transmitted in a timely and sequential manner. A MANET protocol should function adequately performs
over a large range of networking context from small ad-hoc group to greater mobile multi-hop networks.


Reputation-based schemes suffer from false allegations where some honest nodes are falsely
identified as malicious. This is because the nodes that loose packets temporarily, due to congestion present
in the network, may be falsely identified as malicious by its well disposed neighbors. In order to reduce the
false allegations, the schemes should use tolerant thresholds to ensure that a nodes packet, rate of dropping
can only reach the threshold if the node is malevolent. However, this increases the missed detection
mechanism where some malicious nodes are not detected. Moreover, benevolent threshold enables the nodes
with high packet dropping rate to actively participate in routes, and enables the mischievous nodes to
circumvent the scheme by dropping packets at a lower rate than the schemes threshold. When a nodes
notoriety value is above the accepted range, it does not have incentive to relay packets because it may not
bring more utility. The system proposed concept that ameliorate throughput in an ad hoc network in the
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Vol No. 1 Issue No. 1 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Engineering (IJIE) ISSN: 2456-5687
presence of nodes that accepted to forward packets, fail to do so. To mitigate this problem to classifying the
nodes based upon the dynamically measured behavior. So in this part we proposed two extensions that are
introduced to the Dynamic Source Routing algorithm to alleviate the effects of routing misbehavior, such as
path rater and watchdog. The watchdog identifies mis behaving nodes, while the path rater dodges routing
packets through these nodes. Communication protocol that can transfer communication data information or
messages from the source node to the destination with limited utilization of the public key cryptography
operations. This public key cryptography is used for only on, there packet and the efficient hashing
operations are also used in next packets. Unlike ESIP which aims to transfer messages efficiently, QOS aims
to establish stable and reliable routes. In, payment is used to oppose the rational packet-dropping attacks,
where the traducer drops packets because traducer does not benefit from relaying packets. A prominence
system is also used to discern the irrational packet-dropping traducer once their packet-dropping rates
exceed stated threshold.

Theodorakopoulos and Barras analyze the issue of assessing the trust level as an abstract principle of
the shortest path problem in an oriented graph, where the edges correspond to the belief that a node has
about other node. The main aim was to enable the nodes to indecently build trust relationships using
exclusively examined information. In , Velloso et al. had proposed a human-based model which builds a
trust relationship among nodes in ad hoc network. Without the need of global trust knowledge, they have
conferred a protocol that scales adequately for large networks. In , a secure routing protocol with enhanced
quality of service support has been urged. The routing metrics are obtained by bringing together the
requirements on the trustworthiness of the nodes and the quality of service of the links among the particular


In order to strengthen the QoS abutment capability of hybrid networks, in this paper, we stated a
QoS-Oriented Concern routing protocol (QOD). Usually, a hybrid network has extensive base stations. The
data communication in hybrid networks has two traits. First, an AP can be a source or a target to any mobile
node. And another one, the number of communication hops between a mobile node and an AP is very little.
The first trait allows a stream to have anycast communication along multiple communication paths to its
destination node through base stations, and the second trait enables a source node to connect to an AP
through an intermediary node.


The source node programs the packet streams to neighbours that were based on their queuing condition,
channel condition, and mobility, aiming increase network capacity and to reduce time delay.

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Vol No. 1 Issue No. 1 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Engineering (IJIE) ISSN: 2456-5687
Taking full advantage of the two traits, QOD transforms the packet routing problem into effective and
dynamic resource scheduling problem.


The proposed QOS uses payment and trust systems with trust-based including energy-aware routing
protocol to establish stable and reliable routes in wireless networks.
QOS stimulates the nodes not only to relay others packets but also to perpetuate the route stability. It also
abuse the nodes that report incorrect energy capability by decreasing their chance to be selected by the
routing protocol. The stated SRR and BAR routing protocols is evaluated them in terms of overhead and
route stability. These proposed protocols can informed various routing decisions by considering multiple
factors, such as route length, the route reliability based on the nodes past behavior, and the route lifetime
based on the nodes energy capability. Performance evaluation is done based on the results of the simulation
done using ns2. From the results it is proven that the packet and route reliability delivery ratio has been
improved using this protocol. The security of packet is decreased with untrusted nodes. In future work
provide security for each packet, so that the intruders cant able to get or damage the packets.


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