Energy e 14 2002
Energy e 14 2002
Energy e 14 2002
The Chairman,
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board,
I am directed to state that the Government have decided that power supply to
buildings constructed in Poramboke lands may be considered on execution of
Indemnity Bond where No Objection Certificate could not be produced by the
concerned person from the departments concerned.
2. I am also directed to state that while effecting the power supply to the buildings
constructed on poramboke lands, the following conditions shall be adhered to
i) Indemnity Bond shall not confer permanent and full right to the ownership of
the land.
ii) The undertaking will be to the effect that those who obtain the electricity
supply will be liable to be evicted at any time if the lands are required by
Government and / or any dispute arises at a later date and that the electricity supply
given in this regard will not confer any claim on ownership of the land.
3. I am further to state that the Government 's intention is to abide by the judgement
of the High Court, Chennai in writ petition Nos.10748 and 12714/98 dated 1.9.1998
and at the same time not to deprive the present incumbents from the Electricity
Yours faithfully,
for Secretary to Government
Copy to:
Part II Section 2
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 of the Tamil Nadu Revision of Tariff
Rates on supply of Electrical Energy Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act I of 1979) the
Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following amendment to the Schedule to
the said Act:-
2. The amendment hereby made shall come into force on the 1st December 2001.
In the said Act, for the Schedule, the following schedule shall be substituted,
(See Section 3)
Registered Factories, Tea Estates, Textiles, Fertilizers, Salem Steel Plant. Heavy
Water Plant, Caustic Soda, Calcium Carbide. Aluminium and Potassium Chlorate,
Software Industries including Maintenance, Service and Training Institutions and
Hardware Units and all other industrial Establishments.
1. (a) New High Tension Industries set up in any area on or after 15th February
1997 shall not be eligible for any tariff concession:
Provided that the High Tension Industries set up in any area other than Chennai
Metropolitan area before 15th February 1997 shall continue to avail themselves of the
said tariff concession until the expiry of the period of three years from the date on
which the consumer is given service connection.
1. (b) New Industry to be set up in the areas other than the Chennai Metropolitan
area which will work night shift only and existing industry, which has only
night shift between 9.30 p.m. of a day and 5.30 a.m. of the next day, shall be
given a concession of 40 per cent of the appropriate rate for energy consumed
during night shift only for a period of seven months from July to January
during a period of five years from the date of giving service connection. This
concession shall apply to energy rate arrived at after giving the concession, if
Provided that in respect of those having one day shift and one night shift concession
shall stand reduced from 40 per cent to 20 per cent.
Explanation 2: - For the purpose of this clause Existing Industry means an industry
which has not completed five years from the date, and consumer is given service
connection and which is still eligible to the concessional tariff rate.
(c) (i) If a consumer availing himself of High Tension Supply under this tariff does
for any reason utilize the power load for more than thirty days, then the current
consumption charges for the power utilized in the service for lighting and non-
industrial purpose shall be billed under High Tension Tariff III, that is energy charges
as well as demand charges.
(ii) In the case of supply under High Tension Tariff-A the use of electricity for
bonafide purposes of lighting, heating and power loads in the residential quarters
within the factory or in the estate premises shall be metered separately by the
consumer taking High Tension Supply and paid for to the Board at Low Tension
Tariff I-A. The units so metered shall be deducted from the total number of units
registered in the main meter of the High Tension Supply for billing purposes.
(d) For the High Tension Industrial consumers. Time of the day meter shall be
provided. On installation of Time of the day meters, the High Tension Industrial
consumers shall be billed at 20 per cent extra on the energy charges for the energy
recorded during peak load hours. The duration of peak load hours shall be as under:-
1. (e) High Tension Industries under Tariff I-A having Arc furnaces, the
consumption of electrical energy will be charged at 25 per cent extra to that of
High Tension Tariff I-A.
2. (f) High Tension Industries under Tariff I-A having Arc or Induction
furnaces or steel rolling process the integration period for arriving the
maximum demand in a month will be adopted fifteen minutes.
In the case of supply under High Tension Tariff II-A the usage of electricity for
bonafide purposes of lighting, heating and power loads in the residential quarters
within the premises shall be metered separately by the consumer, taking High Tension
Supply and paid for to the Board at Low Tension Tariff I-A. The units so metered
shall be deducted from the total number of units registered in the main meter of the
High Tension Supply for billing purposes.
Commercial and all categories of consumers not covered under High Tension Tariff
IA, IB, IIA, IIB, IV and V
Provided that the industries requiring High Tension Supply during construction
period shall be charged under this tariff.
In the case of supply under High Tension Tariff III, the usage of electricity for
bonafide purposes of lighting, heating and power loads in the residential quarters
within the factory or in the estate premises shall be metered separately by the
consumer, taking High Tension Supply and paid for to the Board at Low Tension
Tariff I-A. The units so metered shall be deducted from the total number of units
registered in the main meter of the High tension supply for billing purposes.
New Tourism Projects set up in any area on or after 15th February 1997 shall not be
eligible for any tariff concession:
Provided that the New Tourism Projects set up before 15th February 1997 and
availing themselves tariff concession shall continue to avail themselves the said tariff
concession unit the expiry of the period of three years from the date the consumer is
given service connection.
Agriculture 25
(i) Any High Tension Supply involving a sanctioned demand above 5000 KVA plus
2 per cent marginal adjustment shall be given supply only at 33 KV, if available in
the area or at EHT Voltage:
(c) Category-III: New High Tension Consumers requesting supply for a demand
above 5000 KVA shall be given supply only at the voltage indicated in item (i) above.
(a) Category I: In the case of existing High Tension Consumers whose sanctioned
demand exceeds 5000 KVA and who do not avail themselves of supply at the voltage
indicated in item (i) within the stipulated period they shall be charged an extra levy of
ten paise per KWH over and above the normal tariff, for the entire energy consumed.
(b) Category II: The existing High Tension Consumers whose sanctioned demand,
with the additional demand sanctioned exceeds 5000 KVA may be with the approval
of the Board be allowed the additional demand at the High Tension Supply itself for a
period not exceeding 12 months from the date of sanction of the additional demand,
provided they agree to be charged the extra levy of ten paise per KWH over and
above the normal tariff for demand, provided they agree to be charged the extra levy
of ten paise per KWH over and above the normal tariff for the entire energy
consumed till they avail themselves of the supply at 33 KV or at EHT voltage as may
be applicable.
Below 0.90 lag and up One per cent of the current consumption
to 0.85 charges for every reduction of 0.01 in power
Below 0.85 to 0.75 One and half per cent of the current
consumption charges for every reduction of
0.01 in power factor from 0.90
Below 0.75 Two per cent of the current consumption
charges for every reduction of 0.01 in power
factor from 0.90
Current consumption charges include the charges of recorded demand and the energy
charges at notified tariff rate excluding concessions, if any.
(iii) Billable Demand: The Maximum Demand charges for any month and at the point
of supply shall be based on the KVA demand recorded in that month or 100 per cent
of the sanctioned demand which ever is higher.
Domestic purposes for lights and fans including radios and power loads:-
1.Fixed Charges:-
2. Energy Charges:-
ii) Public conveniences maintained and run by the local bodies and by such other
organizations as are specified by the Government from time to time.
iii) Community Nutrition Centres and Block Offices of Tamil Nadu Integrated
Nutrition Project.
iv) Anganwadi Centres, Nutritious Meals Centres and School Buildings associated
with the Government Welfare Schemes.
Huts in Village Panchayats, Houses constructed under Jawahar Velai Vaipu Thittam,
TAHDCO and Kamarajar Adi-Dravidar Housing Scheme and Huts in Town
Panchayats in Kanyakumari District alone No Charge.
Explanation I: Hut means a living place not exceeding 200 sq.ft area with mud wall
and thatched roof.
Explanation II: Only one light not exceeding 40 watts shall be permitted per hut.
Public Lighting and Public Water-Supply System and Public Sewerage System.
Public Lighting and Public Water Supply 350 paise per KWH
and Public Sewerage System belonging to
Municipalities and Minicipal Corporations
and Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage
Board in Municipalities, Municipal
Corporations and Chennai Metropolitan
Water Supply and Sewerage Board in
Minimum monthly charges Rs. 20 per service
1.Fixed Charges:-
2. Energy Charges:-
1.Fixed Charges:-
Provided that the actual places of public worship having an annual income of less than
Rs.1000 (Rupees one thousand only) shall not be charged for burning of one light not
exceeding power of 100 Watts (one hundred) from 6.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. with
restriction of 150 units per annum, by installing only a single meter per place of
public worship on payment of Rs.1,200 (Rupees one thousand two hundred only) as
service connection charges and in the initial phase service connections to 1000
Temple and also to proportionate number of Mosques and Churches with annual
income or less that Rs.1,000 per annum will also be provided under the scheme
subject to following conditions.
1) The cut off date for receipt of applications from eligible places of public worship
shall be fifteenth August 2000.
2) If the annual income of the places of public whorship in any particular year
exceeds Rs.1000 (Rupees One thousand only), the said places of public worship shall
not be eligible for availing the scheme of free supply for the subsequent years.
(ii) Chief Administrative Officer of the Tamil Nadu Wakf Board in respect of
mosque; and
(iii) Arch Bishops Church of South India, Arch Bishops Catholic Church and Chief
Pastors, Pentecost in respect of the concerned dioceses.
4) This scheme shall not be made applicable for the places of public worship situated
in Government Poramboke lands, Highways and its Poramboke lands and disputed
lands eventhough they are otherwise eligible.
5) If the units of consumption exceeds 150 units per annum, the excess consumption
shall be charged under L.T. Tariff II-C.
6) No split of meter facility shall be allowed and that only one connection with a
single meter be provided for each places of worship.
Cottage and Tiny Industries, Small Gem Cutting Units where cutting operation is
done with or without power, powerlooms, Sericulture and Floriculture:-
2. Energy Charges:-
Provided that the connected load shall not exceed 10 Horse Power.
Supply to welding sets will be classified under Low tension Tariff III-B.
Coffee grinding, Ice Factory, Body Building Units, Saw Mill, Rice Mill, Flour Mill,
Prawn Farming, Poultry Farming, Battery Charging Unit and Industries not covered
under Low Tension Tariff III-A:-
1.Fixed Charges:-
1. Engery Charges:-
Chennai Non-
Metropolitan area Metropolitan Area
Paise / KWH Paise / KWH
a) Rate for the consumption up 360 350
to 750 KWH per month or 1500
KWH for two months
b) Rate for the consumption of 400 430
751 KWH and above per month
or 1501 KWH and above for
two months
Minimum monthly charges Rs.40 per KW or part thereof
contracted load.
Explanation-I :- For supply to welding sets this rate will be increased by 25 per cent.
Explanation-II:- The connected load under lighting and other non-industrial purposes
connected with the factory within the factory premises shall not exceed 15 per cent of
that for power and heating. Where the lighting and non-industrial load exceeds the
permissible limit of 15 per cent, the whole service shall be brought under Low
Tension Tariff V.
Industrial installation having connected load 75 HP and above but not exceeding 150
Energy Charges:
The provision of Low Tension Trivector meter and the above two part tariff rate is at
the option of the consumer with all other stipulations prescribed for the High Tension
1. Fixed Charges:-
2.Energy Charges:-
Chennai Non-Metropolitan
Metropolitan Area
Paise / KWH Paise / KWH
a) Rate for the consumption up to 360 350
750 KWH per month or 1500 KWH
for two months
b) Rate for the consumption of 751 440 430
KWH and above per month or 1501
KWH and above for two months
Minimum monthly charges Rs.40 per KW or part thereof
contracted load.
Explanation I:- The service shall stand in the name of Information Technology
Industry and shall be utilised for software development, hardware, maintenance and
servicing and Training purposes and such other purposes as may be specified by the
Government from time to time.
Explanation II:- The 15 per cent restriction on lighting and other non-industrial
purposes connected with the factory within the factory premises is relaxed under this
category of Information Technology Industries. The monthly minimum charges shall
be based on total connected load which also includes lighting.
Provided that for the agriculturist having power connections for their pumpsets by
payment of Rs.10,000 (Rupees Ten thousand only) or the actual cost of extension of
power connection as the case may be rate of tariff shall be Rs.250 (Rupees two
hundred and fifty only) per horse power per annum or metered tariff at the rate of fifty
paise per KWH, at the option of the consumer:
Provided further that for the agriculturists having power connection for their pumpsets
initially with supply of energy free of cost and subsequently permitted to raise their
pumpset capacity beyond the existing horsepower, the rate of tariff shall be Rs.250
(Rupees Two hundred and fifty only) per Horse Power per annum.
Explanation-I: (a) Agriculturists shall be permitted lighting upto 50 watts per 1000
watts of motive/power connected subject to a maximum of 150 watts inclusive of
wattage of pilot lamps each of which shall not exceed 15 watts and with not more than
3 lamps (excluding pilot lamps) for lighting the farm or the field around the pumpsets
Energy used for radios or other appliances including domestic appliances in the farm
houses shall be metered separately and charged for at the appropriate tariff.
(b) Agriculturists shall be permitted to use the water pumped from the well and stored
in overhead tanks for bonafide domestic purposes in the farm house.
The farm house, shall be in close proximity not exceeding 150 feet from the well.
Explanation-II:- Extra lighting in agricultural services over the permissible limit shall
be charged for, if separately metered as per Low Tension Tariff V and if not
separately metered a flat rate of Rs.10 per month per 40 watts lamp (ordinary) or
larger wattage of lamps in proportion. If fluorescent and mercury vapour lamps are
connected, the flat rate shall be enhanced by 50 per cent.
Commercial and all categories of consumers not covered under Low Tension Tariff-
1.Fixed Charges:-
2. Energy Charges:-
Chennai Non-
Metropolitan area Metropolitan Area
Paise / KWH Paise / KWH
a) Rate for the consumption up460 450
to and inclusive of 100 KWH
per month or 200 KWH for
two months
b) Rate for the consumption 510 500
of 101 KWH and above per
month or 201 KWH and above
for two months
Minimum monthly charges Rs.25 per service
General provisions applicable to consumers covered under Low Tension Tariff IA,
The L.T./C.T. services after provision of Electronics Energy Meters should maintain
a Power Factor of not less than 0.085 lag. The non-maintenance of Power Factor will
entail a levy of penalty as below:-
Below 0.85 lag and up to One per cent of the current consumption
0.75 charges for every reduction of 0.01 in
power factor from 0.85
Below 0.75 One and half per cent of the current
consumption charges for every reduction
of 0.01 in power factor from 0.85
Rate Minimum
a) Lighting or combined Rs.10 per KWH Rs.50 per KW per
installation of lights and day or part
fans mixed load of lights thereof.
and power exhibition
motive power and heating
b) Lavish illuminations Rs.20 per KWH Rs.130 per KW
per day or part
c) For extension of supply to ... No Charge
sugarcane crushing
operations by agriculturists
Explanation:- The rate for lavish illumination shall apply to weddings, garden parties
and other private functions where the illumination is obtained through bulbs fastened
in outer surfaces of walls of buildings on trees and poles inside the compound and in
pandals, etc., outside the main building.
All other cases of illumination, obtained through bulbs intended on outer surface of
walls of buildings on trees and poles inside the compound and in pandals, etc. outside
the main building shall be charged as for temporary supply.
The above tariffs shall be read with the general terms and conditions of supply
prescribed by the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board from time to time.
Secretary to Government.
Part II Section 2
No. II(2)/EGY/925(b)/2001.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Tamil Nadu Revision of Tariff
Rates on Supply of Electrical Energy Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act I of 1979), the
Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following amendment to the Schedule to
the said Act:-
2. The amendment hereby made shall come into force on the 1st December 2001.
In the said Act, in The Schedule under Part-B, under the heading Low Tension
Supply under the sub-heading Low Tension Tariff 1A for the entries under the
heading 2 Energy Charges the following shall be substituted, namely:-
2. Energy Charges:-
Secretary to Government