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Procalcitonin as a diagnostic marker for sepsis: a systematic

review and meta-analysis
Christina Wacker, Anna Prkno, Frank M Brunkhorst*, Peter Schlattmann*

Lancet Infect Dis 2013; Background Procalcitonin is a promising marker for identication of bacterial infections. We assessed the accuracy
13: 42635 and clinical value of procalcitonin for diagnosis of sepsis in critically ill patients.
Published Online
February 1, 2013
Methods We searched Medline, Embase, ISI Web of Knowledge, the Cochrane Library, Scopus, BioMed Central, and
S1473-3099(12)70323-7 Science Direct, from inception to Feb 21, 2012, and reference lists of identied primary studies. We included articles
See Comment page 382
written in English, German, or French that investigated procalcitonin for dierentiation of septic patientsthose
*Contributed equally
with sepsis, severe sepsis, or septic shockfrom those with a systemic inammatory response syndrome of non-
infectious origin. Studies of healthy people, patients without probable infection, and children younger than 28 days
Department of Medical
Statistics, Computer Sciences were excluded. Two independent investigators extracted patient and study characteristics; discrepancies were resolved
and Documentation by consensus. We calculated individual and pooled sensitivities and specicities. We used I to test heterogeneity and
(C Wacker Cand Med, investigated the source of heterogeneity by metaregression.
A Prkno Cand Med,
Prof P Schlattmann PhD), and
Department of Findings Our search returned 3487 reports, of which 30 fullled the inclusion criteria, accounting for 3244 patients.
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Bivariate analysis yielded a mean sensitivity of 077 (95% CI 072081) and specicity of 079 (95% CI 074084).
Care Medicine The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 085 (95% CI 081088). The studies had
(Prof F M Brunkhorst MD),
Centre for Sepsis Control and
substantial heterogeneity (I=96%, 95% CI 9499). None of the subgroups investigatedpopulation, admission
Care, Jena University Hospital, category, assay used, severity of disease, and description and masking of the reference standardcould account
Jena, Germany for the heterogeneity.
Correspondence to:
Prof Peter Schlattmann, Interpretation Procalcitonin is a helpful biomarker for early diagnosis of sepsis in critically ill patients. Nevertheless,
Department of Medical Statistics,
the results of the test must be interpreted carefully in the context of medical history, physical examination, and
Computer Sciences and
Documentation, Centre for microbiological assessment.
Sepsis Control and Care, Jena
University Hospital, Funding Ministry of Education and Research, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Thuringian Ministry for
Bachstrae 18, 07743 Jena,
Education, Science and Culture, the Thuringian Foundation for Technology, Innovation and Research, and the
peter.schlattmann@mti.uni- German Sepsis Society.
Introduction Several humoral and cellular systems are activated
Worldwide, sepsis and its sequelae are still a common during sepsis, with a subsequent release of various
cause of acute illness and death in patients with molecules that mediate the host response to infection.
community-acquired and nosocomial infections.1,2 The Several potential bloodstream biomarkers have been
American College of Chest Physicians and the Society investigated for their ability to diagnose sepsis, estimate
of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference its severity, and provide a prognosis. The 116-aminoacid
(Northbrook, IL, USA; August, 1991) dened sepsis as polypeptide procalcitonin had been termed the the
systemic inammatory response caused by infection.3 champion so far for identication of bacterial infections8
However, no gold standard exists for proof of infection. because it has several advantages over other potential
Bacteraemia is identied in only about 30% of patients biomarkersie, wide biological range, short time of
with sepsis, depending on previous antibiotic treat- induction after bacterial stimulus, and long half-life.9
ment.4,5 Furthermore, early clinical signs of sepsis, such However, only two meta-analyses have investigated the
as fever, tachycardia, and leucocytosis, are non-specic accuracy of procalcitonin for the diagnosis of sepsis, with
and overlap with signs of systemic inammatory re- conicting results.10,11 Both were limited by selected
sponse syndromes of non-infectious origin, especially populations, did not include a heterogeneous patient
in patients who have undergone surgery. Other signs, population, and, most importantly, were biased by the
such as arterial hypotension, thrombocytopenia, or choice of a gold standard for the denition of sepsis.
increased lactate concentrations suggest, too late for Additionally, new studies of procalcitonin have been
life-saving treatment, progression to organ dysfunction. done since the publication of the meta-analyses and our
Thus, delay in diagnosis and treatment of sepsis in- understanding of procalcitonin is still developing.
creases mortality, prolongs length of hospital stay, and We did a meta-analysis to investigate the ability
increases costs,6,7 highlighting the need for early and of procalcitonin to dierentiate between sepsis and
reliable diagnostic biomarkers for sepsis. systemic inammatory response syndromes of

426 Vol 13 May 2013


non-infectious origin in critically ill patients and address The extracted data were general and detailed
the heterogeneity of patients and the aect of individual methodology characteristics, characteristics of the study
covariates. population (adults or children), setting (emergency
department, general ward, or intensive care unit),
Methods admission category (surgical or medical), severity of
Search strategy and selection criteria illness (sepsis, severe sepsis, or septic shock), and details
We systematically searched Medline (via PubMed), of the procalcitonin assays and cutos used.
Embase (via OvidSP), ISI Web of Knowledge, the Each investigator also recorded the number of true
Cochrane Library, Scopus, BioMed Central, and Science and false positives and negatives. We contacted the
Direct for studies that assessed the accuracy of pro- corresponding authors if further information was
calcitonin for the diagnosis of sepsis. needed. If no response was received after sending a
Our medical subject heading terms (for Medline), reminder, the study was excluded.
EMTREE terms (for Embase), and text (for others) were We assessed the methodological quality of the studies
(procalcitonin OR PCT) AND (sepsis OR bacterial with the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy
infection OR systemic inammatory response syn- Studies checklist.13 We tailored the guidelines for scoring
drome OR SIRS). To reduce the number of results, for each item of the checklist to our review.14 Because overall
searches in Science Direct, Embase, and Scopus, we also quality scoring is dicult and should not be included in
used the search terms NOT (review OR letter OR meta-analyses,15 we included only item 9 (description of
editorial OR animal experiment OR meeting abstract the reference standard) and item 11 (diagnostic review
OR proceeding paper OR poster presentation OR bias) of the 14 individual quality-related items as
meta-analysis OR case report). We searched the covariates in a bivariate random-eects model to test
databases between inception and Feb 21, 2012. We also them as possible sources of variation and bias.
searched the reference list of each primary study
identied and of previous systematic reviews. Statistical analysis
Studies were included if they assessed the accuracy of We tabulated true positives, false negatives, false posi-
procalcitonin for dierentiation between critically ill tives, and true negatives in patients with sepsis and
patients with sepsis from those who have a systemic systemic inammatory response syndrome, stratied by
inammatory response syndrome without infection. study. We used the numbers to calculate sensitivity and
To be eligible, studies had to have a well dened specicity and a corresponding CI.
reference standard for sepsis, which included the use of To synthesise data, we used an exact binomial
denitions established by the American College of Chest rendition16 of the bivariate mixed-eects regression
Physicians and Society of Critical Care Medicine
Consensus Conference3 or the German Sepsis Society.12
3487 articles retrieved from databases
In accordance with these denitions, the presence of
infection had to be microbiologically conrmed or at
least clinically suspected because of one or more 3321 excluded on the basis of title or abstract
characteristics: white blood cells in a normally sterile 64 animal experiments
76 case reports
body uid, perforated viscus, radiographic evidence of 145 commentaries and letters
pneumonia in association with production of purulent 21 meta-analyses
382 reviews
sputum, and syndrome associated with a high risk of 37 editorials
infection (eg, ascending cholangitis). 316 meeting abstracts, poster presentations, or correspondence
Furthermore, the studies had to provide sucient 2280 not relevant*

information to construct the 22 contingency tableie,

false and true positives and negatives were provided. 166 full-text reviews
We only included publications written in English,
German, or French. Animal experiments, reviews,
136 did not meet the selection criteria
correspondences, case reports, expert opinions, and 93 reference group or control group did not correspond to
editorials were excluded. We also excluded all studies our definitions
that involved healthy people, patients without probable 1 no well defined reference standard according to guidelines
37 no 22 contingency table could be made
infection, and children younger than 28 days. 3 language other than English, German, or French
2 age younger than 28 days
Two investigators (CW, AP) independently extracted data, 30 studies included in meta-analysis
including the quality assessment from the retrieved
studies. Discrepancies were resolved in a consensus Figure 1: Study selection
meeting or, if agreement could not be reached, they were Some studies were excluded for more than one reason. *Did not investigate the
resolved by referral to a third investigator (FMB). diagnostic accuracy of procalcitonin as a marker for sepsis. Vol 13 May 2013 427


model developed by van Houwelingen17,18 for meta- curve for procalcitonin with summary operating points for
analysis of treatment trials, modied for synthesis of sensitivity and specicity on the curves and a 95%
diagnostic test data.19,20 This model does not transform condence contour ellipsoid (two-dimensional CI).
pairs of sensitivity and specicity of individual studies We calculated I to assess heterogeneity. If hetero-
into a single indicator of diagnostic accuracy, but geneity among studies was recorded, the potential source
preserves the two-dimensional nature of the data taking of heterogeneity was investigated by metaregression.
into account any correlation between the two. Study-level covariates can be used in metaregression to
Based on this model, we estimated mean logit sensitivity combine results from multiple studies with attention to
and specicity with their standard error and 95% CIs, the between-study variation. We used study-specic
between-study variability in logit sensitivity and specicity, covariates such as population or admission category. To
and the covariance between them. We back-transformed investigate publication bias, we constructed eective
these quantities to the original receiver operating curve sample size funnel plots versus the log diagnostic odds
scale to obtain summary sensitivity, specicity, and ratio and did a regression test of asymmetry.21
diagnostic odds ratios. We then used the derived logit We calculated statistics to assess the agreement
estimates of sensitivity, specicity, and respective variances between the two investigators for assessment of metho-
to construct a hierarchical summary receiver operating dological quality.

Year Population Admission Setting Procalcitonin Cuto n Prevalence Severity TP FP TN FN Sensitivity Specicity
category assay (ng/ (%) (95% CI) (95% CI)
Ahmadinejad24 2009 Adult Medical and ED PCT-Q 05 120 59% No information 63 11 38 8 089 078
surgical (079095) (063088)
Al-Nawas25 1996 Adult Medical PCT-LIA 05 337 36% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 73 45 170 49 060 079
and septic shock (051069) (073084)
Arkader26 2006 Paediatric Medical and PICU PCT-LIA 2 28 50% No information 12 0 14 2 086 100
surgical (057098) (077100)
Bell27 2003 Adult Medical and ICU PCT-LIA 1575 83 75% No information 47 2 19 15 076 (063 090
surgical 086) (070099)
Castelli28 2004 Adult Medical and ICU PCT-LIA 12 49 69% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 21 2 13 13 062 087
surgical and septic shock (044078) (060098)
Clech29 2006 Adult Medical ICU PCT-Kryptor 1 76 47% Septic shock 29 2 38 7 081 095
(064092) (083099)
Clech29 2006 Adult Surgical ICU PCT-Kryptor 97 67 46% Septic shock 28 9 27 3 090 075
(074098) (058088)
Dorizzi30 2006 Adult Medical and ICU PCT-LIA 1 83 61% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 42 6 26 9 082 081
surgical and septic shock (069092) (064093)
Du31 2003 Adult Medical and ICU PCT-LIA 16 51 39% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 16 8 23 4 080 074
surgical and septic shock (056094) (055088)
Gaini32 2006 Adult Medical HW PCT-Kryptor 1 93 80% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 56 9 10 18 076 053
and septic shock (064085) (029076)
Gibot33 2004 Adult Medical ICU PCT-LIA 06 76 62% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 39 9 20 8 083 069
and septic shock (069092) (049085)
Groselj-Grenc34 2009 Paediatric Medical and PICU PCT-LIA 028 36 67% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 20 3 9 4 083 075
surgical and septic shock (063095) (043095)
Harbarth35 2001 Adult Medical and ICU PCT-LIA 11 78 77% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 58 4 14 2 097 078
surgical and septic shock (088100) (052094)
Hsu36 2011 Adult Medical ICU PCT-Kryptor 22 66 83% Severe sepsis and 31 0 11 24 056 100
septic shock (042070) (072100)
Ivancevic37 2008 Adult Surgical PCT-LIA 11 63 65% No information 34 5 17 7 083 077
(068093) (055092)
Jimeno38 2004 Adult Medical PCT-LIA 05 104 39% No information 17 5 58 24 041 092
(026058) (082097)
Kofoed39 2007 Adult Medical HW and PCT-Kryptor 025 151 64% No information 77 23 32 19 080 058
ED (071088) (044071)
Latour-Perez40 2010 Adult Medical and ICU PCT-Q 05 114 63% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 53 5 37 19 074 088
surgical and septic shock (062083) (074096)
Meynaar41 2011 Adult Medical and ICU PCT-Kryptor 2 76 42% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 31 9 35 1 097 080
surgical and septic shock (084100) (065090)
(Continues on next page)

428 Vol 13 May 2013


Year Population Admission Setting Procalcitonin Cuto n Prevalence Severity TP FP TN FN Sensitivity Specicity
category assay (ng/ (%) (95% CI) (95% CI)
(Continued from previous page)
Naeini42 2006 Adult Medical and PCT-Q 05 50 50% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 22 1 24 3 088 096
surgical and septic shock (069097) (080100)
Oshita43 2010 Adult PCT-Q 05 168 67% No information 76 11 45 36 068 080
(058076) (068090)
Pavcnik-Arnol44 2007 Paediatric Medical and PICU PCT-Kryptor 579 49 61% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 17 2 17 13 057 089
surgical and septic shock (037075) (067099)
Ruiz-Alvarez45 2009 Adult Medical and ICU PCT-Kryptor 032 103 76% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 65 9 16 13 083 064
surgical and septic shock (073091) (043082)
Sakr46 2008 Adult Surgical ICU PCT-LIA 2 327 36% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 82 92 116 37 069 056
and septic shock (060077) (049063)
Selberg47 2000 Adult Medical ICU PCT-LIA 33 33 67% Sepsis and severe 19 5 6 3 086 055
sepsis (065097) (023083)
Simon48 2008 Paediatric Medical and PICU PCT-LIA 25 64 39% No information 17 10 29 8 068 074
surgical (046085) (058087)
Suprin49 2000 Adult Medical ICU PCT-LIA 2 95 79% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 49 6 14 26 065 070
and septic shock (053076) (046088)
Tsalik50 2011 Adult ED PCT-Kryptor 01 336 74% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 168 33 56 79 068 063
and septic shock (062074) (052073)
Tsangaris51 2009 Adult Medical and ICU PCT-Kryptor 1 50 54% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 19 2 21 8 070 091
surgical and septic shock (050086) (072099)
Tugrul52 2002 Adult Medical and ICU PCT-LIA 131 85 88% Sepsis, severe sepsis, 55 2 8 20 073 080
surgical and septic shock (062083) (044097)
Wanner53 2000 Adult Surgical ED and PCT-LIA 15 133 34% No information 34 20 68 11 076 077
ICU (060087) (067086)

All assays made by BRAHMSGmbH (Hennigsdorf, Germany). TP=true positive. FP=false positive. TN=true negative. FN=false negative. ED=emergency department. ICU=intensive care unit. PICU=paediatric
intensive care unit. HW=hospital ward.

Table: Study characteristics

We used the MIDAS module22 for STATA (version 12) The table shows the main study characteristics.
for the bivariate summary receiver operating curve 3244 critically ill patients were included in the analysis,
analysis and to calculate statistics. We used Proc of whom 1863 (57%) had sepsis and 1381 (43%) had
GLIMMIX in SAS (version 9.3) to do the metaregression. systemic inammatory response syndrome of non-
Graphs were produced with the MIDAS module and the infectious origin. 21 of 30 studies reported classication
Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies of severity of illness (sepsis, severe sepsis, or septic
module for STATA. shock). Of 1173 patients, 499 (42%) had sepsis,
234 (20%) had severe sepsis, and 440 (38%) had septic
Role of the funding source shock.
The sponsor of the study had no role in study design, The prevalence of sepsis among studies ranged
data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or between 34% and 88% (mean 60%). Only four studies
writing of the report. The corresponding author had full were done in a paediatric setting, whereas
access to all the data in the study and had nal 27 investigated adult patients (table). Sites of infection
responsibility for the decision to submit for publication. eg, lung, abdomen, bloodstream, urinary tractvaried.
The source of infection (community-acquired or
Results nosocomial) also diered between studies.
Our database search retrieved 3487 articles. After Most studies were done in intensive care units, four
reviewing the titles and abstracts, we excluded 3321. of them in a paediatric intensive care unit, and most
After a full text review we excluded a further 136, leaving (20 of 30) were done in Europe (table). The cuto for
30 studies for inclusion (gure 1). Because in one study procalcitonin concentration diered substantially be-
investigators reported diagnostic accuracy separately for tween studies (median 11 ng/mL, IQR 0520).
medical and surgical patients, the study was divided Most studies (17 of 30) used a quantitative manual
into two parts, thus we analysed 31 datasets. Search of procalcitonin assay for diagnosis of sepsis (table). The
the reference lists of the identied articles and previous appendix shows assay characteristics, the metho- See Online for appendix
systematic reviews10,11,23 did not identify any more dological quality of the included studies according to
relevant articles. the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies Vol 13 May 2013 429


checklist,13 how the studies scored on each item, and The area under the receiver operating characteristic
how the items were assessed. We omitted item 12 of the curve was 085 (95% CI 081088; gure 3). Substantial
checklist (clinical data) because the index test is fully heterogeneity exists among the studies (overall I for
automated and no further clinical data are needed to bivariate model 96%, 95% CI 9499). We recorded no
interpret the test results. evidence of a threshold eect (tested with the STATA
The inter-rater reliability for assessment of quality items MIDAS module). The proportion of heterogeneity
was 059 (p<00001). Overall, the methodological quality probably caused by dierent cutos was small (005). To
was moderate. None of the studies fullled all of the identify the source of heterogeneity, we did
items, but all studies fullled at least four items. 22 studies metaregression analyses.
(73%) met at least 50% of the items.24,2628,3036,39,41,4345,4752 To compare medical with surgical patients we did a
Items 3 (reference standard), 5 (partial verication bias), stratied bivariate regression analysis. We obtained data
6 (dierential verication bias), and 14 (withdrawals) were from 13 studies (nine provided data for medical patients
fullled by all studies. Reports of test review bias (item 10) and four provided data for surgical patients). The
and uninterpretable results (item 13) were poor (appendix). diagnostic accuracy in surgical patients was higher than
We identied publication bias by Deeks regression test of that in medical patients as measured by the area under
asymmetry (t=412; p<00005; appendix). the summary receiver operating characteristic curve
Pooled sensitivity was 077 (95% CI 072081) and (083 [95% CI 080086] vs 079 [075083]; not tested
pooled specicity was 079 (95% CI 074084; gure 2). for signicance). We also compared adult with paediatric

Sensitivity (95% CI) Specificity (95% CI)

Wanner and colleagues (2000)53 076 (060087) 077 (067086)

Tugrul and colleagues (2002)52 073 (062083) 080 (044097)
Tsangaris and colleagues (2009)51 070 (050086) 091 (072099)
Tsalik and colleagues (2011)50 068 (062074) 063 (052073)
Suprin and colleagues (2000)49 065 (053076) 070 (046088)
Simon and colleagues (2008)48 068 (046085) 074 (058087)
Selberg and colleagues (2000)47 086 (065097) 055 (023083)
Sakr and colleagues (2008)46 069 (060077) 056 (049063)
Ruiz-Alvares and colleagues (2009)45 083 (073091) 064 (043082)
Pavcnik-Arnol and colleagues (2007)44 057 (037075) 089 (067099)
Oshita and colleagues (2010)43 068 (058076) 080 (068090)
Naeini and colleagues (2006)42 088 (069097) 096 (080100)
Meynaar and colleagues (2011)41 097 (084100) 080 (065090)
Latour-Perez and colleagues (2010)40 074 (062083) 088 (074096)
Kofoed and colleagues (2007)39 080 (071088) 058 (044071)
Jimeno and colleagues (2004)38 041 (026058) 092 (082097)
Ivancevic and colleagues (2008)37 083 (068093) 077 (055092)
Hsu and colleagues (2011)36 056 (042070) 100 (072100)
Harbath and colleagues (2001)35 097 (088100) 078 (052094)
Groselj-Grenc and colleagues (2009)34 083 (063095) 075 (043095)
Gibot and colleagues (2004)33 083 (069092) 069 (049085)
Gaini and colleagues (2006)32 076 (064085) 053 (029076)
Du and colleagues (2003)31 080 (056094) 074 (055088)
Dorizzi and colleagues (2006)30 082 (096092) 081 (064093)
Clech and colleagues (2006; surgical)29 090 (074098) 075 (058088)
Clech and colleagues (2006; medical)29 081 (064092) 095 (083099)
Castelli and colleagues (2004)28 062 (044078) 087 (060098)
Bell and colleagues (2003)27 076 (063086) 090 (070099)
Arkader and colleagues (2006)26 086 (057098) 100 (077100)
Al-Nawas and colleagues (1996)25 060 (051069) 079 (073084)
Ahmadinejad and colleagues (2009)24 089 (079095) 078 (063088)

Combined 077 (072081) 079 (074084)

Q=13521, degrees of Q=13671, degrees of
03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 freedom=3000, p=000 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 freedom=3000, p=000
Sensitivity I2=7781 (70348528) Specificity I2=7806 (70698542)

Figure 2: Sensitivity and specicity of procalcitonin assay for diagnosis of sepsis

430 Vol 13 May 2013


patients (085 [082088] vs 085 [081088]; not tested

for signicance). Analysis of the other covariates yielded
no signicant results (data not shown). Thus, the
heterogeneity could not be explained by metaregression

Procalcitonin can dierentiate eectively between sepsis
and systemic inammatory response syndrome of non-
infectious origin. Previously, two meta-analyses have
investigated the diagnostic accuracy of procalcitonin in
critically ill patients, with conicting results.10,11

In a meta-analysis from 2006, including studies pub- 05 Area under the curve 085 (95% CI 081088)
lished between April, 1996, and October, 2004, Uzzan and
colleagues11 reported that the summary receiver operating
characteristics curve for procalcitonin was better than for
C-reactive protein for identication of sepsis. However,
the investigators restricted the population to surgery or
trauma patients. Therefore, no conclusion can be drawn
for patients other than surgical. Furthermore, the
researchers did not assess the heterogeneity of patients Individual studies
Summary operating point
from dierent settings, with dierent sites of infection, or Summary receiver operating characteristic curve
other study-specic covariates. 95% confidence contour
In a meta-analysis from 2007, including 18 studies 95% prediction contour
published between April, 1996, and November, 2005, 10 05 0
Tang and colleagues10 concluded that procalcitonin is Specificity
not able to discriminate between sepsis and systemic
Figure 3: Summary receiver operating characteristic curve
inammatory response syndrome. The diagnostic Also shows 95% condence contour and 95% prediction contour.
accuracy of procalcitonin was low; mean sensitivity and
specicity were both 71% (95% 6776) and the area
under the summary receiver operator characteristic with our selection criteria.54,6469 Furthermore, four studies
curve was 078 (95% CI 07383). However, their had insucient information to construct the
ndings were heavily biased because of their selection 2 2 contingency table.7073 One investigated the predictive
criteria. First, studies were excluded that had sites of value of procalcitonin for tumour necrosis factor and
infection typical in sepsis, such as abdominal sepsis, interleukin 6 concentrations.74 Another did multiple
pancreatitis, or meningitis. Second, studies that assessed measurements in several patients75 and one study
the ability of procalcitonin to diagnose septic shock were investigated the prognostic value of procalcitonin for
excluded. Because progression of sepsis to septic shock infection after cardiac surgery.76
is associated with an increase in procalcitonin Furthermore, the meta-analysis of Tang and col-
concentration,1 exclusion of patients with septic shock leagues10 has substantial shortcomings in its quantitative
could reduce the overall estimate of diagnostic accuracy. data analysis. It summarised pairs of sensitivity and
To prevent systematic bias, we included all eligible specicity into a single measure of diagnostic accuracy.
studies that investigated the diagnostic capacity of Thus, important information is missing. To retain the
procalcitonin in the continuum from sepsis to severe two-dimensional character, we used the bivariate mixed-
sepsis and to septic shock. Third, they included studies eects regression model.
that assessed patients who did not have systemic Our meta-analysis has several limitations.77 First, we
inammatory response syndrome or who were not detected substantial heterogeneity between studies but
critically ill, which might cause underestimation of none of the study characteristics were responsible for the
diagnostic accuracy. majority of this heterogeneity. The studies dier in
Accordingly, 23 studies included in the previous meta- several wayseg, methodological quality, patients
analyses10,11 were excluded from our systematic review clinical spectrum, admission category, and procalcitonin
because 13 included healthy controls or patients who did assay used. Thus, further unrecorded dierences be-
not have systemic inammatory response syndrome in tween the studies probably contribute to the hetero-
the control group,5466 and seven did not provide clear geneity. Use of a more homogenous population would
denitions for the target condition or included patients solve this diculty, but would cause selection bias.
who had infection without systemic inammatory Second, a reliable test of infection is still absent,
response syndrome and thus were not in accordance so observational studies are biased by the choice of Vol 13 May 2013 431


gold standard. According to our inclusion criteria, the Fourth, we detected publication bias. Studies with
presence of infection had to be microbiologically desirable results are more likely to be published, which
conrmed or at least clinically suspected. All included can lead to an overestimation of overall diagnostic
studies fullled this requirement (appendix), but most accuracy. To solve this problem, we looked again for
did not provide much detailed information about how further studies by searching the databases and reference
infection was proved. Nevertheless, depending on lists of primary studies, but could not identify additional
previous antibiotic treatment, bacteraemia occurs in only relevant articles. Finally, we only included studies written
about 30% of patients with sepsis.4,5 Additionally, absence in German, English, or French, which might have
of standardisation of clinical and radiological ndings aected our ndings.
could cause interobserver variability, which could lead to The cutos that separated patients who had sepsis
false-negative or false-positive judgments about the from those who did not varied greatly between studies.
patients medical condition. We only included studies Some had a cuto that led to the most favourable results
that had a well dened reference standard for sepsis. for diagnostic accuracy. Others gave sensitivity and
Nevertheless, we do not know denitively whether all specicity at dierent thresholds. The diculty is that
patients with infection were identied as such. the cutos were not subsequently validated. The values
Third, implementation of some studies was reported of diagnostic accuracy are correlated negatively with each
poorly, especially with regard to uninterpretable results other. To change the cuto means changing sensitivity at
and test review bias (appendix). To minimise resultant the cost of specicity or vice versa. False-negative results
bias and to ensure more homogeneity, investigators leading to denial of treatment could be fatal in sepsis.6
should use the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic However, to prevent the development of antibiotic
Accuracy checklist78 and also consider using the Quality resistance, and increased side-eects and costs, critically
Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies checklist.13 ill patients without bacterial infection should be
identied correctly. Thus, a rational threshold is needed.
We recommend dierent phases in testing diagnostic
01 Positive likelihood ratio 999
Negative likelihood ratio accuracy. First, investigators should examine the validity
02 998 of procalcitonin in a selected group of patients to nd a
03 997 rational cuto. Second, to ascertain diagnostic value in
05 995 everyday clinical practice, the established cuto has to be
07 993 validated in a diagnostic controlled trial.
1 99
The most important feature of a biomarker is its
2 Likelihood ratio 98 potential to change clinical decision making. In recent
3 1000 97 years, cutos between 01 and 05 ng/mL have been
calculated in patients with lower respiratory tract
7 200 93 infections.79 Our meta-analysis provides important
10 100 90 information for critically ill patients, for whom
diagnostic decision making is of upmost importance.
80 The median cuto of the studies included was
Post-test probability (%)
Pretest probability (%)

30 5 70 11 ng/mL (IQR 0520). The absence of a clinical

40 2 60 threshold eect suggests that a cuto of between
50 1 50 10 and 20 ng/mL is helpful for discrimination of
60 40 patients with sepsis from other inammatory conditions,
70 02 30 in accordance with recommendations.80
80 005 20 Likelihood ratios and post-test probabilities are also
002 relevant for clinicians. They provide information about
90 001 10 the likelihood that a patient with a positive or negative
93 0005 7 test actually has sepsis or not. In our study, both
95 5
0002 likelihood ratio and post-test probability were moderate
97 0001 3 (gure 4). A positive likelihood ratio of 4 implies that a
98 2
person with disease is four-times more likely to have a
99 1 positive test result than is a healthy person. Given a
993 07 pretest probability of 20%, the post-test probability for a
995 05 positive test result is 48% (gure 4). Likewise a negative
997 03 likelihood ratio of 029 reduces the post-test probability
998 02 to 7% for a negative test result. However, these likelihood
999 01
ratios are calculated from dichotomised data. The result
of the procalcitonin test is either positive or negative.
Figure 4: Fagan nomogram of the procalcitonin test for diagnosis of sepsis The disadvantage of making data dichotomous is that

432 Vol 13 May 2013


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19 Reitsma JB, Glas AS, Rutjes AW, Scholten RJ, Bossuyt PM,
Conicts of interest Zwinderman AH. Bivariate analysis of sensitivity and specicity
We declare that we have no conicts of interest. produces informative summary measures in diagnostic reviews.
J Clin Epidemiol 2005; 58: 98290.
20 Riley RD, Abrams KR, Sutton AJ, Lambert PC, Thompson JR.
The work was supported by the German Centre for Sepsis Control & Care,
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