Runway Calculation: Description Unit Data

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Description Unit Data

Max. wheel load (R max) kg 5,000.00
Support distance (L) mm 6,000.00
Wheel base (a) mm 3,000.00
Hoisting class H2
Crane/Hoisting speed (vh) mpm 1.00
Crane weight kg 8,000.00
Sigma allowable kg/mm 14.00
Deflection allowable = 1/.of L 600.00
Modulus of elasticity for mild steel (E) kg/mm 21,400.00
Runway type & size mm 400 x 200 x 8 x 13 OK!

Detail Calculation Unit Result

Hoist load factor () 1.1044
Design vertical load (Pv) kg 5,522.00
Mx kg mm 9,318,375.00
Horizontal force due to earthquake (Ph) kg 600.00
My kg mm 1,012,500.00
Continuous self weight (q) kg/mm 0.0660
Moment due to continuous weight (Mc) kg mm 297,000.00
Sigma x kg/mm 8.08
Sigma y kg/mm 5.82
Sigma total kg/mm 13.90
Conclusion Okay

Quick Calculation Unit Result

Mx kg mm 10,546,875.00
My kg mm 1,054,687.50
Sigma x + Sigma y kg/mm 14.92
Conclusion Not Okay

Deflection Check Unit Result

Deflection due to max. live load mm 8.87
Deflection due to cont. self weight mm 0.22
Deflection total mm 9.09
Deflection = 1/.of L 659.91
Conclusion Okay

d Beam Profile Properties
d IWF & H- Beam
Pv Web & Flange Weight Section Modulus M. Inertia
Ph mm x mm kg/m Zx (mm) Zy (mm) Ix (mm^4)
L Ph 100 x 100 x 6 x 8 17.20 76,500 26,700 3,830,000
125 x 125 x 6.5 x 9 23.80 136,000 47,000 8,470,000
150 x 75 x 5 x 7 14.00 88,800 13,200 6,660,000
148 x 100 x 6 x 9 21.10 138,000 30,100 10,200,000
Hoist load factor () at 150 x 150 x 7 x 10 31.50 219,000 75,100 16,400,000
hoisting speed vh (mpm) 175 x 175 x 7.5 11 40.20 330,000 112,000 28,800,000
Up to 90 Over 90 198 x 99 x 4.5 x 7 18.20 160,000 23,000 15,800,000
H1 1.1+0.0022*vh 1.3 200 x 100 x 5.5 x 8 21.30 184,000 26,800 18,400,000
H2 1.1+0.0044*vh 1.6 200 x 200 x 8 x 12 49.90 472,000 160,000 47,200,000
H3 1.1+0.0066*vh 1.9 248 x 124 x 5 x 8 25.70 285,000 41,100 35,400,000
H4 1.1+0.0088*vh 2.2 250 x 125 x 6 x 9 29.60 324,000 47,000 40,500,000
250 x 250 x 9 x 14 72.40 867,000 292,000 108,000,000
Pv = * R max 298 x 149 x 5.5 x 8 32.00 424,000 59,300 63,200,000
Mx = {2 * Pv * (L/4 + d/2)}/L Note: d = (L-a)/2 300 x 150 x 6.5 x 9 36.70 481,000 67,700 72,100,000
Ph = (0.15 * Crane weight) / 2 300 x 300 x 10 x 15 94.00 1,360,000 450,000 204,000,000
My = {2 * PH * (L/4 + d/2)}/L 346 x 174 x 6 x 9 41.40 641,000 91,000 111,000,000
350 x 175 x 7 x 11 49.60 775,000 112,000 136,000,000
Mc = (q * L) / 8 350 x 350 x 12 x 19 137.00 2,300,000 776,000 403,000,000
Sigma x = (Mx + Mc) / Zx 396 x 199 x 7 x 11 56.60 1,010,000 145,000 200,000,000
Sigma y = My / Zy 400 x 200 x 8 x 13 66.00 1,190,000 174,000 237,000,000
Sigma total = (Sigma x + Sigma y) < Sigma allowable 400 x 400 x 13 x 21 172.00 3,330,000 1,120,000 666,000,000
450 x 200 x 9 x 14 76.00 1,490,000 187,000 335,000,000
500 x 200 x 10 x 16 89.60 1,910,000 214,000 478,000,000
= 1.25 600 x 200 x 11 x 17 106.00 2,590,000 228,000 776,000,000
Mx = {1.25 * R max * (L-a/2)} / (2 * L) 588 x 300 x 12 x 20 151.00 4,020,000 601,000 1,180,000,000
My = 0.1 * Mx 700 x 300 x 13 x 24 185.00 5,760,000 722,000 2,010,000,000
Sigma x + Sigma y = (Mx / Zx) + (My / Zy) < Sigma allowable 800 x 300 x 14 x 26 210.00 7,290,000 782,000 2,920,000,000
Filled in
Vertical load without load factor = R = R max Filled in
1 = (R * L) * [{(3 * a)/(4 * L)} - (a / L)] / (6 * E * Ix)
2 = 5 * q *( L^4) / (384 * E * Ix)
total = 1 + 2 <= allowable

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