Probability Analysis For Estimating Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Probability Analysis For Estimating Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Probability Analysis For Estimating Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
The daily rainfall data of 37 years were collected and annual one day maximum rainfall was
sorted to estimate the probable one day maximum rainfall for different return periods by
using probability distribution function at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) Campus.
The mean value of annual one day maximum rainfall was found to be 77.79 mm with standard
deviation and coefficient of variation and skewness of 28.56, 0.37 and 0.71 respectively. October
month received the highest amount of one day maximum rainfall and the highest number of
one day maximum rainy days. Five probability distributions such as Normal, Log Normal,
Gumbel, Pearson Type-III and Log Pearson Type-III distribution have been tested to determine
the best fit probability distribution that describes the annual one day maximum rainfall by
comparing with the Chi-square value. The results revealed that the log-normal distribution
was the best fit probability distribution for annual one day maximum rainfall. Based on the
best fit probability distribution, the minimum rainfall of 33.99 mm in a day can be expected to
occur with 99 per cent probability and one year return period and maximum of 173.8 mm
rainfall can be received with one per cent probability and 100 year return period. The results
from the study could be used as a rough guide by design engineers and hydrologists for
appropriate planning and design of small soil and water conservation structures, irrigation
and drainage systems.
Keywords: Return period, frequency, probability distribution, one day maximum rainfall.
Rainfall is one of the most important natural crop failure due to deficit or excess rainfall. To exploit
resource input to crop production and its occurrence the available rainfall effectively, crop planning and
and distribution is erratic, temporal and spatial management practices must be followed based on
variations in nature. The analysis of rainfall data the rainfall amount and distribution at a place
strongly depends on its distribution pattern. It has (Prakash and Rao. 1986). Probability analysis helps
long been a topic of interest in the fields of in developing cropping plan and estimating the
meteorology in establishing a probability distribution design flow rate for maximizing crop production
that provides a good fit to daily rainfall (Barkotulla et (Tomar and Ranade, 2001). Scientific prediction of
al. 2009). Analysis of rainfall and determination of rains and crop planning done analytically may prove
annual maximum daily rainfall would enhance the a significant tool in the hands of farmers for better
management of water resources applications as economic returns (Bhakar et al., 2008).
well as the effective utilization of water resources
The probability distribution functions most
(Rajendra Subudhi, 2007). Probability and frequency
commonly used to estimate the rainfall frequency
analysis of rainfall data enables us to determine
are Normal, Log Normal, Gumbel, Pearson Type-III
the expected rainfall at various chances (Bhakar et
and Log Pearson Type-III distributions. Kumar
al., 2008). Such information can also be used to
(2000) and Singh (2001) concluded that the log
prevent floods and droughts, and applied to planning
normal distribution is the best probability model for
and designing of water resources related to
predicting annual maximum daily rainfall for
engineering such as reservoir design, flood control
Ranichauri (Tehri-Garhwal) and Tandong (sikkim),
work and soil and water conservation planning
respectively. Ajay kumar et al. (2007) predicted annual
(Agarwal, 1988, Dabral et al., 2009).
maximum rainfall and inferred that Log Pearson
Though the rainfall is erratic and varies with time Type III probability distribution function can be used
and space, it is commonly possible to predict return to design hydraulic and soil and water conservation
periods using various probability distributions structures at Almora and similar places in
(Upadhaya and Singh, 1998). Therefore, probability Uttarakhand. Rajendra Subudhi (2007) found that
analysis of rainfall is necessary for solving various normal distribution is the best fit for predicting the
water management problems and to access the annual maximum daily rainfall of Chakapada block
*Corresponding author email: of Kandhamal district in Orissa. There is no widely
accepted procedure to forecast the one day The weibull's method was used for computation
maximum rainfall (Barkotulla et al., 2009). In this of observed annual one day maximum rainfall
present study, an attempt is made to determine the amounts at the return periods of 1.01, 1.05, 2, 5, 10,
statistical parameters and prediction of annual one 25 and 38 years.
day maximum rainfall data of TNAU at various return
Frequency analysis
periods using five probability distribution functions,
viz., Normal, Log Normal, Gumbel's, Pearson Type- Determination of the frequency of occurrence of
III and Log Pearson Type-III distribution. extreme hydrologic events like floods, droughts and
severe storms are important in water resource
Materials and Methods planning and management. There is a definite
The analysis was done at Tamil Nadu Agricultural relation between the frequency of occurrences and
University, Coimbatore which is located at 11N magnitude; the ordinary events occur almost
latitude and 77E longitude with an elevation of 426.72 regularly than the severe storms. Frequency or
m above mean sea level covering an area of 323.88 probability distribution helps to relate the magnitude
ha. The mean annual rainfall is 657 mm distributed of these extreme events with their number of
in 47 rainy days. Heavy rains are likely to occur during occurrences such that their chance of occurrence
North East Monsoon. The mean maximum and with time can be predicted successfully.
minimum temperature is 31.5C and 21.4C, Chow (1964) has shown that most frequency
respectively. The mean relative humidity ranges distribution functions applicable in hydrologic
between 61 to 91 per cent during 07:22 hours and studies can be expressed by the following equation.
ranges between 41 to 68 per cent during 14:22 hours.
XT = X m + K
Data Collection and analysis
Where, XT-variate X of a random hydrologic series
Daily rainfall data collected from Agro Climatic
with a return period of T years; Xm - mean of the
Research Centre in TNAU campus for a period of
variate; - standard deviation of the variate; K -
37 years (1970-2007) were used in the present study.
frequency factor which depends upon the return
Annual maximum daily rainfall was sorted out from
period T and the assumed frequency distribution.
these data. The statistical behavior of any
hydrological series can be described on the basis The theoretical value of annual maximum daily
of certain parameters. Generally, mean, standard rainfall for the same return periods were computed
deviation, coefficient of variation and coefficient of for determining the best fit probability distributions,
skewness were taken as measures of variability of five distributions (normal, lognormal, Pearson type
hydrological series. All the parameters have been III, log Pearson type III and Gumbel) are tried.
used to describe the variability of rainfall in the Continuous distributions
present study.
In hydrology many events are considered as part
Particulars Formula
of continuous processes. For such events,
Mean (Xm) continuous distributions like normal, lognormal,
Gumbel, Pearson type III and log Pearson type III
Standard deviation ( )
may be applied to the observed hydrologic variable.
Distribution Probability density function
Coefficient of variation (Cv)
Return period
estimated one day maximum rainfall from different The expected annual one day maximum rainfall
probability distribution functions. for different probability distributions such as Normal,
Log Normal, Gumbel's, Pearson type-III and Log
Computation of observed and expected one day
maximum rainfall Pearson Type-III are calculated and presented in
Table 3 for different return periods. The expected
Annual one day maximum rainfall for the period annual one day maximum rainfalls for different
of 37 years was plotted against return period in years probabilities are graphically represented in figure
which was calculated from weibull's method and 4. From the figure, it can be observed that the
presented in figure 3. estimated annual one day maximum rainfall for
different probability distributions are following the
same trend of observed rainfall for different
Chi-square test
Table 3. Different probability distribution functions of one day maximum expected rainfall against observed
lowest calculated Chi-square value among the five and one year return period and maximum of 173.81
probability distributions. Hence, Log normal mm rainfall can be received with one per cent
distribution has been found the best probability probability and 100 year return period. A maximum
distribution for predicting annual one day maximum of 72.81 mm rainfall is expected to occur at every 2
rainfall for TNAU. According to this distribution, in a years which is approaching mean annual one day
day the minimum rainfall of 33.99 mm rainfall can maximum rainfall. It is generally recommended that
be expected to occur with 99 per cent probability 2 to 100 years is sufficient return period for soil and
Table 4. Chi-square test of goodness of fit for water conservation measures, construction of dams,
different probability distribution for one day irrigation and drainage works (Bhakar et al., 2006).
maximum daily rainfall Regression model
SI. Probability Return Normal Log Gumbal Pearson Log Regression model was developed from the
No. (%) period Normal Pearson
(Years) observed annual one day maximum rainfall against
1. 99 1.0101 5.09 0.56 0.06 0.37 0.02 different return period by using Weibull's method.
2. 95 1.0526 0.89 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.00 The trend analysis (figure 4.) for prediction of one
3. 50 2 0.19 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00
day maximum rainfall for different return period was
4. 20 5 0.00 0.03 0.10 0.01 0.02
5. 10 10 0.33 0.74 0.40 0.50 0.59 carried out and it is found that the exponential trend
6. 4 25 3.10 0.40 0.98 1.39 0.93 line gives better coefficient of determination (R2) =
7. 2.63 38 4.74 0.45 1.03 2.22 1.42 0.9614 and the equation is: Y = 38.25e 0.0339x
2Cal 14.33 2.29 2.64 4.55 2.98