Non Mark-up/Interest Income

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- Interest Income on Investment

Interest income on investment for the year under review was PKR 58,906 million, higher by PKR 3,239 million or
5.8% compared to PKR 55,667 mien of prior year. A significant portion of high yield bonds matured during the
year. On the back of reducing discounts rates, yield curve of government bonds recorded a generally descending
trend. To effectively manage the interest rate risks we optimally placed our funds into low-risk securities, thus
increasing our income.

- Interest Income on Due from Banks and Other Financial Institutions

Mark-up/Interest income earned on deposits/due from financial institutions against dep osits and repo arrangements
was PKR 1.245 million i.e. PKR 302 milion lower than PKR 1.547 million earned in 2015. This was primarily due to
volumetric drop in placements.

Interest Expense

Interest expense for the year was primarily driven by the deposits and amounted to PKR 50.070 milion. lower by PKR
3,224 million or 6% against PKR 53,294 million of last year. Reduction in the mark -up/interest cost was achieved
through a favourable shift in liability-mix as wel as the pricing. We attracted more deposits at a lower mark -up rate.
Given the higher transaction volumes. interest cost incurred under repo transactions and short term borrowings
amounted to PKR 9.507 milkon as against PKR 6.647 milson of prior year.

Non Mark-up/Interest Income

Year under review was yet another tough year for the banking
industry as we faced multifaceted pressures on non-funt
based income. Key drivers for drop in non mark-up / interes-.
Income were the lower volumes of foreign currencies and
low e r c a p ita l g a ins . Wi th a d r op b y 14 .3 %, non
mark-upinterest income for the year was PKR 29.967 milon
compared to PKR 34,983 milion of year 2015. Non
markupAnterest income took up 35% of the total operating
income. To mitigate the adverse impact of lower dividend
income and capital gains, we pro-actively increased our fee
income by capturing more services business to boost fee &
commission based services. With a 19.7% YoY increase, in
2016 we earned fee & commission income of PKR 14,833
million, compared to PKR 12,395 million of previous year.
Income from Investment banking advisory services was one
of the key contributors towards this segment of NFI. Fee
income from Government transactions also increased due t
Dividend Income I n come From
Fee, Comm, Brokenlye v o l u m e t r i c g r o w t h . ) C a p i t a l Other Income Dealing in F.0
G a i n s

Catering to our customer requirements, the bank accelerated innovation in its products universe. services offered and
delivery channels. We also propelled transformation and development of fee -based businesses. promoted the
application of technological progress of financial services to benefit a wider group of customers and also improved the
financial service level.

Operating Expenses
During the year, the bank implemented various measures for an optimal cost management and continued to boost Its
operating efficiencies. Total operating expenses for the year were PKR 48,351 million, PKR 4.683 milion or 10.7%
higher than that in 2015. Excluding other provision charge of PKR 1,098 million, administration expenses amounted to
PKR 47.252 milion. HR costs amounted to 67% of the total administrative expenses and increased by 9.8% during the
year to PKR 31,430 million. Increase is very much in Pie with market based growth.

The bank implemented multiple measures for effective control & reduction of operating costs. This included installation of
solar panels, deployment of IT systems to optimise HR utilisation and reduce traveling costs and centralsation of certain
cost functions. So far we have installed solar panels at over 200 branches to run ATMs leading to reduction in power cost.


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