Optimal Location of STATCOM Using Chemical Reactio PDF
Optimal Location of STATCOM Using Chemical Reactio PDF
Optimal Location of STATCOM Using Chemical Reactio PDF
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Department of Electrical Engineering, Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, West Bengal, India
Department of Electrical Engineering, Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India
Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, West Bengal, India
KEYWORDS Abstract Optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD) problem has a signicant inuence on optimal
Flexible AC transmission operation of power systems. However, getting optimal solution of ORPD problem is a strenuous
system; task for the researchers. The inclusion of exible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices in
Static synchronous the power system network for solving ORPD problem adds to its complexity. This paper presents
compensator (STATCOM); the application of chemical reaction optimization (CRO) for optimal allocation of a static syn-
Optimal reactive power chronous compensator (STATCOM) to minimize the transmission loss, improve the voltage prole
dispatch (ORPD); and voltage stability in a power system. The proposed approach is carried out on IEEE 30-bus and
Chemical reaction IEEE 57-bus test systems and the simulation results are presented to validate the effectiveness of the
optimization (CRO); proposed method. The results show that the proposed approach can converge to the optimum solu-
Transmission loss
tion and obtains better solutions as compared to other methods reported in the literature.
2015 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Ain Shams University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
voltage prole and voltage stability, while satisfying various 2. Mathematical problem formulation
equality and inequality constraints. The ORPD problem is in
general non-convex and non-linear and exists many local 2.1. Static model and mathematical analysis of static
minima. synchronous compensator
Over the last two decades, many researchers performed a
lot of researches on ORPD. Various optimization techniques
Although, there are several FACTS devices for controlling
are evolved to solve ORPD problem. These algorithms are
power ow [22] and voltage prole in power system, for this
generally divided into two categories, namely, classical mathe-
study, only STATCOM device is considered to minimize the
matical optimization algorithms and intelligent optimization
transmission loss, improve the voltage prole and voltage sta-
algorithms. The classical algorithms are starting from an initial
bility of power system network. Static model of this FACTS
point, continuously improve the current solution through a
device is as described below.
certain orbit, and ultimately converging to the optimal solu-
Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is connected
tion. These algorithms include linear programming (LP) [3]
in parallel with the specic bus of a power system. The primary
quadratic programming (QP) [4], non-linear programming
goal of STATCOM is to enhance the reactive power compen-
(NLP) [5] and mixed integer linear programming (MILP) [6],
sation which adjusts the reactive power and voltage magnitude
and benders decomposition [7]. Though, some of these tech-
of power system network. It consists of three basic compo-
niques, have a good convergence but most of them suffer from
nents, namely, transformer, voltage source converter (VSC)
local optimality. Since ORPD is multimodal and non-linear
and capacitor. The STATCOM is modeled as a controllable
optimization problem and severely depends on the initial
voltage source (Ep) in series with an impedance [23]. The real
guess, the classical techniques are unable to produce global
part of this impedance represents the cupper losses of the cou-
optimal solution. To overcome this deciency, various intelli-
pling transformer and converter, while the imaginary part of
gent optimization algorithms known as heuristic techniques
this impedance represents the leakage reactance of the cou-
are applied to solve ORPD problem. Some of the well popular
pling transformer. STATCOM absorbs requisite amount of
optimization techniques are evolutionary programming (EP)
reactive power from the grid to keep the bus voltage within
[8], genetic algorithm (GA) [9,10], simulated annealing (SA)
reasonable range for all power system loading. Fig. 1 shows
[11,12], tabu search (TS) [13,14], differential evolution (DE)
the circuit model of a STATCOM connected to the ith bus
[15,16], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [17,18] and arti-
of a power system. The injected active and reactive power ow
cial bee colony (ABC) [19], etc. Recently, a harmony search
equation of the ith bus are given below:
algorithm (HSA) was developed by Sirjani et al. [20] for simul-
taneous minimization of total cost, the voltage stability index, Pi Gp jVi j2 jVi jjEp jjYp j cosdi dp hp
voltage prole and power loss of IEEE 57-bus test system N
using shunt capacitors, SVC and static synchronous compen- jVi jjVj jjYij j cosdi dj hij 1
sators (STATCOM). Saravanan et al. presented PSO [21] to j1
nd optimal settings and location TCSC, SVC and UPFC
devices for improving system load ability with minimum cost Qi Bp jVi j2 jVi jjEp jjYp j sindi dp hp
of installation. N
The literature survey shows that most of the population
jVi jjVj jjYij j sindi dj hij 2
based techniques successfully solved optimal located FACTS j1
based ORPD problem. However, the slow convergence toward
the optimal solution is the main concern for most of these The implementation of STATCOM in transmission system
heuristics algorithms. Furthermore, these techniques often introduces two state variables (|Ep| and dp); however, |Vi| is
produce the local optimal solution rather than global optimal known for STATCOM connected bus. It may be assumed that
In this article, a recently developed heuristic algorithm
named chemical reaction optimization (CRO) algorithm based
on the different chemical reactions on the molecular structure
of molecules, introduced by Lam et al. in 2010 is used to nd
the optimal location of STATCOM device for solving ORPD
problem. The effectiveness of the proposed CRO algorithm is
demonstrated by implementing it in two standard systems
namely IEEE 30-bus and IEEE 57-bus systems and its perfor-
mance is compared with PSO, DE and other optimization
techniques recently published in the literature.
The remaining sections of this paper are organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 describes the problem formulation of ORPD
problem. Section 3 briey describes the CRO technique and
the different steps of the proposed CRO approach. Section 4
discusses the computational procedure and analyzes the DE,
PSO and CRO results when applied to case studies of
FACTS based ORPD problem. Lastly, Section 5 outlines the
conclusions. Figure 1 Schematic static model of STATCOM.
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
Optimal location of STATCOM 3
the power consumed by the STATCOM source is zero in 2.2.2. Minimization of voltage deviation
steady state. Since bus voltage is one of the most important security and ser-
PEp realEp Ip 3 vice quality indexes of the power system, the minimization of
deviations of voltages from desired values is considered as
another objective in this study. The objective function of volt-
PEP Gp jEp j2 jEp jjVi jjYp j cosdi dp hp 0 4 age prole improvement, i.e. voltage deviation minimization at
load buses, may be expressed as:
where Vi is the voltage at the ith bus; Yp is the admittance of !
the STATCOM; Gp , Bp are the conductance and susceptance, X
f2 x; y min VLf VLf 8
respectively, of the STATCOM; hij is the admittance angle of
transmission line connected between the ith bus and jth bus,
respectively; dp is the voltage source angle of the where VLf is the voltage at the ith load bus; VspLf is the desired
STATCOM; Ep is the voltage sources of STATCOM voltage at the ith load bus, usually set to 1.0 p.u.
2.2.3. Minimization of L-index
2.2. Objective function It is very important to maintain constantly acceptable bus volt-
age at each bus under normal operating conditions. However,
The conventional formulation of ORPD problem determines when the system is subjected to a disturbance, the system con-
the optimal setting of control variables such as generator ter- guration is changed. The non-optimized control variables
minal voltages, transformers tap setting, reactive power of may lead to progressive and uncontrollable drop in voltage
shunt compensators, controllable voltage source of resulting in an eventual widespread voltage collapse. In this
STATCOM and its phase angle to minimize the transmission work, voltage stability enhancement is achieved through min-
loss while satisfying the operational constraints. However, in imizing the voltage stability indicator L-index. The indicator
order operate the power system in reliable and secure mode, values vary in the range between 0 and 1.
the voltage prole and voltage stability index of the power sys- The L-index of a power system is briey discussed below:
tem are also considered as the objective functions in this study. For a multi-node system, the relation among voltage and
current of load and generator buses may be expressed as
2.2.1. Minimization of total real power loss 2 3 2 32 3
Il yll ylg Vl
The objective of transmission loss minimization may be 4 54 5:4 5 9
expressed by ygl ygg
Ig Vg
By matrix inversion, the above equation may be rearranged as
X h i
f1 x; y Ploss Gk V2i V2j 2jVi jjVj j cosdi dj 5
k1 follows:
Vl Zll Flg Il
" # " #" #
where f1 x; y is the transmission loss minimization objective
function; Ploss is the total active power loss; Gk is the conduc- : 10
Ig Kgl Ygg Vg
tance of the kth line connected between them ith and jth buses;
Vi, Vj are the voltage of the ith and jth buses, respectively; di, dj The sub-matrix Flg may be expressed as under:
are the phase angle of the ith and jth bus voltages. x is the vec-
tor of dependent variable consisting of load voltages Flg yll 1 ylg 11
(Vl1 ; . . . VlNL ), generators reactive powers (Qg1 ; . . . ; QgNG ),
The voltage stability index of the jth bus may be expressed by
transmission lines loadings (Sl1 ; . . . ; SlNTL ), controllable volt-
age source of STATCOM (Ep1 ; . . . ; Epn ) and phase angle of X Vi
Lj 1 Fji where j 1; 2; . . . ; Nl 12
STATCOM (dp1 ; . . . ; dpn ); y is the vector of independent vari- i1
ables consisting of generators voltages (Vg1 ; . . . ; VgNG ), trans-
formers tap settings (T1 ; . . . ; TNT ), reactive power injections where Vg ; Vl are the vectors of the bus voltage of the generator
(Qi1 ; . . . ; QiNC ) and voltage of the buses where STATCOMs and load buses, respectively; Ig ; Il are the vectors of the bus
are used (VSTATCOM1 ; . . . ; VSTATCOMn ). currents of the generator and load buses, respectively. Zll ,
Therefore, the independent and dependent vectors may be Flg , Kgl , Ygg are the sub-matrices obtained by partial inversion
expressed as of the admittance matrix, Ng ; Nl are the number of generator
h i and load buses, respectively.
x Vl1 ; .. .;VlNL ;Qg1 ;.. .QgNG ;Sl1 ;. ..; SlNTL ;Ep1 ;. ..; Epn ; dp1 ;.. .;dpn To move the system far away from the voltage collapse
point, the voltage stability index needs to minimize. The global
6 L-index indicator of the power system is expressed as follows:
Lmax maxL1 ; L2 ; . . . ; LNl 13
y Vg1 ; . . . ; VgNG ; T1 ; . . . ; TNT ; Qi1 ; . . . ; QiNC ; VSTATCOM1 ; . . . ; VSTATCOMn
7 Therefore, to enhance the voltage stability and to move the
system far from the voltage collapse margin, the objective
where NG; NL are the number of generator and load buses; function may be represented as follows:
NTL; NT; NC are the number of transmission lines, regulating
transformers and shunt compensators, respectively. f3 x; y min Lmax 14
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
4 S. Dutta et al.
2.2.4. Constraints Any change in the atom type makes the molecules different
The ORPD incorporating STATCOM is subjected to the fol- from others. Each molecule has two kinds of energies PE
lowing constraints: (potential energy) and KE (kinetic energy). PE represents the
objective function of a molecule while the KE of a molecule
(1) Equality constraints represents its ability of escaping from a local minimum.
During the CRO [2426] process, the following four types
X NB of elementary reactions are likely to happen. These are on-
pgi pli Vi Vj gij cos hij bij sin hij wall ineffective collision, decomposition, inter-molecular inef-
i1 i1 j1 fective collision and synthesis. These reactions can be catego-
X NB rized into single molecular reactions and multiple molecular
qgi qli Vi Vj gij sin hij bij cos hij reactions. The on-wall ineffective collision and decomposition
i1 i1 j1 reactions are single molecular reactions, while the inter-
where pgi ; pli are the active power generation and demand, molecular ineffective collision and synthesis reactions are of
respectively, of the ith bus; qgi ; qli are the reactive power gener- the latter category.
ation and demand, respectively, of the ith bus; gij ; bij are the
(1) On-wall ineffective collision
conductance and susceptance, respectively, of the line con-
nected between them ith bus and jth bus and NB is number
In this reaction process each molecule hits the wall of the
of buses.
container and generates a new molecule whose molecular
structure is closed to the original one. Since, the On-wall inef-
(2) Inequality constraints
fective collision is not so severe, the resultant molecular struc-
ture is not too different from the original one. A molecule ms
vmin max
gi 6 vgi 6 vgi collides into the wall is allowed to change to another molecule
pmin max
i 1; 2; . . . ; NG 16 ms1 , if the constraint described below is satised.
gi 6 pgi 6 pgi ;
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
Optimal location of STATCOM 5
0 0
KEms1 PEms1 KEms2 PEms2 PEms1 KEms1 : 27 KEms1 rand KEms PEms PEms1
The various steps for implementing the CRO algorithm can PEms1 31
be summarized as follows:
KEms1 1 rand KEms PEms
Step 1: The various input parameters of the CRO algo- 0
PEms1 PEms1 32
rithm are initialized. The molecular structures of
the molecules are generated randomly. The molecu- Step 6: To enhance the search space, the inter-molecular
lar structures of the molecules represent various ineffective collision is applied on each molecule to
feasible solution vectors. update its molecular structure. The inter-
Step 2: The value of the objective function of the individual molecular ineffective collision occurs when two
feasible solution set represents the potential energy molecules collide and then produce two new mole-
(PE) of the individual molecule. An initial kinetic cules. To perform this reaction, two molecules ms1
energy (KE) is assigned to all the molecules. and ms2 from the population are selected and two
Step 3: Depending upon the PE values, sort the population new molecules ms01 and ms02 are generated by per-
and in order to retain the best solutions intact, few forming the crossover operation of DE. The origi-
best molecules are kept as elite molecules. nal molecules ms1 and ms2 are replaced by the
Step 4: To allow the algorithm to escape from a local min- new molecules ms01 and ms02 if the newly generated
imum, the on-wall ineffective collision operations molecules have better tness value (PE). The KE
are performed on non-elite molecules. In this pro- of the molecules ms1 and ms2 are modied using
cess, one molecule ms is selected randomly from (33) and (34)
the population and one molecule ms1 is generated
using mutation operation as described below 0
KEms1 rand PEms1 KEms1 PEms2
0 0
KEms2 PEms1 PEms2 33
msi;j k;j m;j n;j
2 ms1 F ms1 ms1 i 1; 2; . . . ; NP
28 0
KEms2 1 rand PEms1 KEms1 PEms2
0 0
msk;j m;j n;j
1 ; ms1 and ms1 are the jth components of three different KEms2 PEms1 PEms2 34
molecules chosen randomly from the current population.
Step 7: Lastly, the molecules participate in synthesis colli-
If there is enough energy for the new molecule to be gener-
sion operation to update their molecular structure.
ated, i.e. if criterion (29) is satised, replace the original mole-
Two molecules ms1 and ms2 are selected randomly
cule with the new one, and update the relevant KE using (30).
from the population set and one molecule ms01 is
KEms PEms P PEms1 29 generated by performing the crossover operation.
If the newly generated molecule gives better func-
1 1
KEms rand KEms PEms PEms 30 tion value (PE), the new molecule is included and
the original molecules are excluded. The new mole-
Step 5: For each decomposition operation, two molecules cule ms01 updates its KE using (35)
are selected from the population and two molecules
are generated by performing the crossover opera- KEms1 rand KEms1 PEms1 KEms2
tion of DE. Afterward, they are tested against the 0
0 PEms2 PEms1 35
synthesis criterion: KEms PEms P PEms1 PEms1 .
If this criterion is satised by the selected mole- Step 8: The feasibility of each solution is checked by satis-
cules, replace the original molecules by the newly fying its operational constraints.
generated molecules and update the KE of the Step 9: Sort the solutions from best to worst and replace
new molecules using (31) and (32). the worst solution by the best elite solutions.
Table 1 Transmission loss for different input parameters of IEEE 30-bus system with STATCOM.
Input parameter Input parameter Input parameter
KEloss_rate KEinitial TL KEloss_rate KEinitial TL KEloss_rate KEinitial TL
0.05 5000 4.5494 0.15 5000 4.5399 0.25 5000 4.5412
0.05 7500 4.5431 0.15 7500 4.5372 0.25 7500 4.5378
0.05 10,000 4.5386 0.15 10,000 4.5328 0.25 10,000 4.5337
0.05 12,500 4.5417 0.15 12,500 4.5381 0.25 12,500 4.5390
0.05 15,000 4.5462 0.15 15,000 4.5405 0.25 15,000 4.5418
0.10 5000 4.5423 0.20 5000 4.5367 0.30 5000 4.5477
0.10 7500 4.5395 0.20 7500 4.5314 0.30 7500 4.5416
0.10 10,000 4.5346 0.20 10,000 4.5297 0.30 10,000 4.5369
0.10 12,500 4.5402 0.20 12,500 4.5326 0.30 12,500 4.5420
0.10 15,000 4.5447 0.20 15,000 4.5373 0.30 15,000 4.5448
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
6 S. Dutta et al.
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
Optimal location of STATCOM 7
Table 3 Statistical comparison (50 trials) among various algorithms for IEEE 30-bus without STATCOM.
Real power loss minimization
Techniques TLBO [29] QOTLBO [29] SPEA [30] GA-1 [31] GA-2 [32] PSO DE CRO
Best loss (MW) 4.5629 4.5594 5.1170 4.5800 4.5550 4.6096 4.5749 4.5322
Mean loss (MW) 4.5695 4.5601 NA NA NA 4.6503 4.6414 4.5413
Worst loss (MW) 4.5748 4.5617 NA NA NA 4.7831 4.7328 4.5476
lines. The generator and transmission-line data adopted from STATCOM are taken as 1.10 p.u. and 0.9 p.u., respectively.
[37] are illustrated in Tables A1A3. The maximum and mini- The limits of phase angle of STATCOM are taken as
mum voltage limits at all the buses are taken as 1.10 p.u. and 200 6 dp 6 00 . The resistance and reactance of equivalent
0.95 p.u., respectively. The upper and lower tap settings limits STATCOM converter is 0.01 p.u. and 0.1 p.u., respectively.
of regulating transformers are taken as 1.10 p.u. and 0.9 p.u., The performance of the proposed CRO method is demon-
respectively. The upper and lower voltage limits of strated by applying it in conventional ORPD problem (Case
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
8 S. Dutta et al.
CRO Case A: Transmission loss minimization
(i) ORPD without STATCOM device
The effectiveness of the proposed CRO method along with
PSO and DE is initially veried by applying it to minimize
transmission loss of IEEE 30-bus system without any
STATCOM. The transmission loss and the optimal settings
of control variables obtained by PSO, DE and CRO algo-
rithms are reported in Table 2. The results show that the trans-
4.6 mission loss found by the proposed CRO method is lower than
0 20 40 60 80 100 PSO, and DE. Fig. 2 shows the variation of real power loss
Generation Cycles against the number of iterations for the CRO, DE and PSO
algorithms. Moreover, 50 trials with different initial popula-
Figure 3 Convergence characteristics of different algorithms for tions are carried out to test the robustness of the CRO algo-
transmission loss with STATCOM (IEEE 30-bus system). rithm and its statistical results are compared with those of
Table 5 Statistical comparison (50 trials) among various algorithms for IEEE 30-bus with STATCOM.
Techniques Real power loss Voltage deviation Voltage stability index
Best 4.5802 4.5493 4.5297 0.1013 0.0928 0.0803 0.1183 0.1162 0.1148
Mean 4.6347 4.6106 4.5304 0.1054 0.0997 0.0816 0.1206 0.1195 0.1153
Worst 4.7480 4.7061 4.5332 0.1141 0.1080 0.0852 0.1243 0.1218 0.1162
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
Optimal location of STATCOM 9
Table 7 Statistical comparison (50 trials) among various algorithms for IEEE 57-bus without STATCOM.
Real power loss minimization
Best loss p.u.) 0.2536 0.2597 0.2479 0.2580 0.2742 0.2671 0.2581 0.2512 0.2732 0.2462 0.2444 0.2438
Mean loss (p.u.) 0.2635 0.2839 0.2971 0.2733 0.3070 0.3232 0.2967 0.2618 0.3434 0.2574 0.2483 0.2443
Worst loss (p.u.) 0.2774 0.3249 0.3932 0.3400 0.3862 0.4197 0.3698 0.2730 0.4439 0.2875 0.2816 0.2451
TLBO [29], QOTLBO [29], SPEA [30], GA-1 [31] and GA-2 about the same and the variation is negligible. These facts
[32]. The statistical results reported in Table 3 show that the strongly demonstrate the robustness of the proposed CRO
best, worst and the average results obtained by CRO are near for the conventional ORPD problem. The worst and mean loss
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
10 S. Dutta et al.
Table 9 Statistical comparison (50 trials) among various methods for IEEE 57-bus with STATCOM.
Techniques Real power loss minimization Voltage deviation minimization Voltage stability index minimization
Best 24.4341 24.2316 23.8378 0.7008 0.6803 0.6533 0.2297 0.2242 0.2193
Mean 25.9073 25.6371 23.8904 0.7075 0.6891 0.6541 0.2378 0.2316 0.2204
Worst 27.0068 26.9117 23.9655 0.7183 0.7011 0.6586 0.2405 0.2480 0.2237
DE and PSO are reported in Table 5. From Table 5 it is very 0.32 CRO
evident that CRO not only has found the highest quality
results among the all algorithms compared, but also possesses 0.3
the highest probability of nding the better solution for the
problem under consideration.
Case B: Voltage deviation minimization
The results obtained for this objective function by PSO, DE
and CRO without and with STATCOM devices are reported 0.22
in 5th, 6th and 7th columns of Tables 2 and 4, respectively. 0 20 40 60 80 100
It is observed from the simulation results that voltage devia- Generation Cycles
tion is improved by incorporating STATCOM from
0.1086 p.u. to 0.1013 p.u. by PSO, from 0.1029 p.u. to Figure 5 Convergence characteristics of different algorithms for
0.0928 p.u. by DE and from 0.0849 p.u. to 0.0803 p.u. by voltage stability index with STATCOM (IEEE 57-bus system).
CRO method. Moreover, it is observed that voltage deviation
using proposed CRO is better as compared to that obtained by
PSO and DE algorithms. The statistical results for voltage index minimization objective, before using FACTS devices in
deviation minimization objective illustrated in Tables 3 and the transmission network, the L-index obtained using PSO,
5, show the superiority of the proposed CRO method over DE and CRO was 0.1210 p.u., 0.1198 p.u. and 0.1156 p.u.,
other approaches. respectively. However, after installing STATCOM with opti-
mal settings in the optimized location using PSO, DE and
Case C: Minimization of L-index voltage stability CRO, the voltage stability index in the different buses is signif-
icantly reduced. However, the best L-index is obtained using
To further investigate the efciency of the proposed CRO CRO method for both the cases (i.e. without and with
method, it is applied on the same IEEE 30-bus system to min- STATCOM).
imize voltage stability index. The 8th10th columns of Tables 2
and 4 show the optimal settings of control variables, optimal 4.2. IEEE 57-bus system
locations and optimal parameter setting of STATCOM
obtained by applying PSO, DE and CRO techniques for nor- In order to assess the effectiveness and robustness of the pro-
mal and FACTs based ORPD problem. For voltage stability posed CRO method, a larger test system consisting of 57 buses
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
Optimal location of STATCOM 11
with and without STATCOM is considered to solve ORPD algorithm, simulations are carried out for conventional
problem. This system (IEEE 57-bus) consists of seven genera- ORPF problem and STATCOM based ORPD problems.
tor buses (the bus 1 is the slack bus and buses 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 and
12 are PV buses), fty load buses and 80 branches, in which Case A: Transmission loss minimization
branches (412, 2021, 2426, 729, 3234, 1141, 1545, (i) ORPD without STATCOM device
1446, 1051, 1349, 1143, 4056, 3957, and 955) are tap
changing transformers. In addition, buses 8, 25 and 53 are The optimal settings of control variables obtained by CRO,
selected as shunt compensation buses. The base load of the sys- PSO and DE for this case are illustrated in Table 6. It is noted
tem is 1272 MW and 298 MVAR. The full system data that all the state variables and control variables are in their
adopted from [38] are listed in Tables A4A6. The voltage specied limits. To assess the potential of the proposed
magnitude limits of all buses are set to 0.94 p.u. for lower approach, a comparison among the results obtained by the
bound and to 1.06 p.u. for upper bound. In this study, the CRO, DE, PSO approaches and those reported in the litera-
allowed steps for tap changers are between 0.9 and 1.1 p.u., ture are carried out. The results of this comparison are given
the allowed voltage changes are between 0.95 and 1.05. In in Table 7. It is worth mentioning that the comparison is car-
order to test and validate the robustness of the proposed ried out with the same control variable limits, and other system
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
12 S. Dutta et al.
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
Optimal location of STATCOM 13
the convergence graphs that for CRO only about 45 iterations demonstrate that the L-index reduction accomplished using
are needed to nd the optimal solution. However, for both DE the CRO approach is better than that obtained by the other
and PSO, almost 85 iterations are required to achieve optimal approaches. Hence, the conclusion can be drawn that CRO
results. is better than all the other listed algorithms in terms of global
search capacity and local search precision. Furthermore, it can
Case B: Voltage deviation minimization be seen that all the control variables optimized by the various
discussed methods are acceptably kept within the limits. Fig. 5
Here, PSO, DE and CRO approaches are applied on the shows the convergence performance of algorithms with the
same test system with the objective of voltage deviation mini- evolution process. It shows that, compared with PSO, and
mization without and with STATCOM devices. The corre- DE, CRO has faster convergence speed and needs lesser itera-
sponding results obtained by the different methods are listed tion cycles to achieve the optimal L-index level. The statistical
in the 5th7th columns of Tables 6 and 8. The voltage devia- results of L-index minimization objective for normal and
tion value obtained by PSO, DE and CRO methods is STATCOM based ORPD problem are illustrated in the last
0.7135 p.u., 0.6919 p.u. and 0.6724 p.u., respectively, for three columns of Tables 7 and 9, respectively. The statistical
ORPD without FACTS. After incorporating the results clearly suggest the robustness of the proposed methods
STATCOM, voltage deviation value obtained by PSO, DE over other discussed methods.
and CRO methods is 0.7008 p.u., 0.6803 p.u. and 0.6533
p.u., respectively. This clearly suggests that voltage deviation 5. Conclusion
has been signicantly reduced by incorporating STATCOM
in optimal location. However, the simulation results indicate Chemical reaction optimization (CRO) has proven to be an
that reduction of voltage deviation obtained by CRO is best efcient nonlinear optimization technique for solving different
among all the discussed algorithms for both normal ORPD types of real world problems of various eld of engineering. In
and FACTS based ORPD problems. This fact clearly suggests this article CRO is used to nd the optimal location of
that CRO outperforms PSO and DE in terms of solution STATCOM for solving optimal reactive power dispatch
quality. (ORPD) problem. Minimization of the transmission loss,
improvement of the voltage prole and voltage stability are
Case C: Minimization of L-index voltage stability considered as the objective function to evaluate the system per-
formance. It is observed that the STATCOM can reduce the
Finally, PSO, DE and CRO techniques are applied for L- transmission loss, voltage deviation and voltage stability index
index minimization on IEEE 57-bus system to test the superi- of a power system network effectively. Moreover, for all the
ority of the proposed CRO approach. The optimal control three different objectives, CRO produces better solutions than
variables, TL, VD, and L-index values obtained using PSO, so far best known results by any other method. Furthermore,
DE and CRO approaches in the IEEE 57-bus power system from the statistical comparative results, it is found that the
for L-index minimization objective of normal ORPD and proposed CRO algorithm is robust and suitable for sizing
STATCOM based ORPD are elaborated in the columns 8th and locating STATCOM devices in power system transmission
10th of Tables 6 and 8, respectively. The results clearly system. Considering all these results of the study for ORPD
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
14 S. Dutta et al.
Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
Optimal location of STATCOM 15
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Please cite this article in press as: Dutta S et al., Optimal location of STATCOM using chemical reaction optimization for reactive power dispatch problem, Ain Shams
Eng J (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.013
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