Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Preliminary Information
LESSON 1: Choosing a Book Date of Lesson: November 11th, 2016
Grade: 3rd Course/Subject: ELA
Number of Students: 1
Unit/Theme: Reading Engagement Period/Time: Lunch/After School
Estimated Duration: 15/75 Minutes
Where in the unit does this lesson occur? Structure(s) or grouping for the lesson (underline any that apply):
Beginning of the unit Whole class
Middle of the unit Small group
End of the unit One-to-one
Other (specify)
1. GOALS: What are your goals for student learning, and why are they appropriate for these
students at this time?
Big Idea or Concept Being Taught
In this lesson, the student will learn how to use a library to choose books that she is interested in reading. With her
teacher, the student will go to the public library to pick out books. The student will learn how to pick an appropriate book
using the PICK strategy. Then, based on the students interest survey, the teacher will help the student choose an
appropriate leveled book to read together in following sessions.
1. Student will demonstrate understanding of how to self-select a text based on personal interests by identifying her
own interests in a reading interest survey and then going to the library to choose books with the help of a teacher
(List the Common Core Learning Standards or other discipline-specific standards addressed in this Common lesson.)
A. RL 3.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, at the
high end of the grades 2-3 text complexity band independently and proficiently
2. ASSESSMENT: How will you know and document the extent to which students make
progress towards or meet your goals?
Evidence and Assessment of Student Learning
(How will you know whether students are making progress toward your learning goal[s], and/or how will you assess the
extent to which they have met your goal[s]?)
Teacher will assess whether or not Aniyah is able to use the PICK strategy to choose appropriate library books
through informal observation of Aniyah picking out books at the public library. Teacher will ask Aniyah to
complete a think aloud of how she is picking her first couple books to ensure the teacher gets accurate
observation/assessment information.
3. THE LESSON: How will you support students to meet your goals?
Launch/Hook/Anticipatory Set
(How will you get the lesson started? What questions, texts, inquiry, modeling, and/or other techniques will you use to
engage students?)
At School (Lunch):
1. Teacher will ask the student, Aniyah, Do you like to read? and follow up with Why or why not?
2. Teacher will have Aniyah fill out the Reading Interest Survey to get a general idea of what topics she may like to
read about
3. Based off the Interest Survey, teacher will say, Wow! It looks like you like to read about _________. Were
going to work on your reading together over the next month, just you and me. Id like you to pick out a book
that we can read together during this time- a book that you really want to read. Maybe it could be a book
about ___________! Would you like to go to the public library with me one day after school? We can pick out a
book that we can read together, and we can also pick out books you might like to read for fun at home.
Explore/Instructional Strategies
(How will students engage with ideas/texts to develop understandings; what questions will you ask; how will you promote
question generation/discussion; how will you address the academic language demands? Detail your plan. Note: For math
lesson plans, please write or attach every task/problem students will solve during the lesson.)
At Library:
1. Teacher will say, I cant wait for you to pick out a book that we can read together over the next couple weeks.
Before you go ahead and pick a book, I want to tell you how I was taught to pick a book at a library. Its called
PICK. Whenever you pick a book to read, you just have to remember PICK!
2. Teacher will explain PICK
A. P= Purpose. You want to pick a book based on purpose. You can do this by asking questions like, Am I
reading for fun? Am I reading to learn something? Will I be reading silently or out loud?
B. I= Interest. You want to pick a book that interests you or excites you! You can figure out if a book interests
you by looking at the front and back covers, looking at the pictures, and/or chapter titles.
C. C=Comprehend. Even though you want to pick a book based on interests, you still want to be able to
understand it. You can learn if the book is at or near your reading level by opening it, reading one page,
and asking, Did I understand what I just read?
D. K= Know the Words. You also want to be able to read most of the words in a book. You can check this by
opening the book up to a random page and reading that one page. If you didnt know 2-3 words, then the
book is at just the right level!
3. Teacher will then model for the student how to use PICK with a random library book off the shelf
4. Teacher will say, Ok! Its your turn to find a couple books that you want to read! For the first couple books
you find, I want you to use the PICK strategy aloud to show me how you are choosing the books. I cant wait to
see what you choose!
5. Teacher will let Aniyah pick anywhere between 1-5 books to borrow from the library
(How will you bring closure to the lesson?)
1. Teacher will say, Wow! You picked some great books out today, Aniyah! Lets decide on one that we can read
together when we work on your reading.
2. Teacher will guide Aniyah in picking an appropriate book to use for the following reading sessions
(How will you address the needs of all learners in this lesson, i.e., how will you respond to diversity among students in such
areas as prior knowledge, ability level, learning needs, cultural background, and English language proficiency?)
As Aniyah has likely never been to a library before , the teacher may need to explain what a library is and how a library
is setup before moving into the main section of the lesson plan.