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D6349 09

TABLE A1.1 Continued

Material Average Sr SR r R
NIST 0.5062 0.0205 0.0277 0.0574 ...
1633b ... ... ... ... 0.0774
APBA 0.1396 0.0288 0.0579 0.0806 0.1621
BD 0.8700 0.0201 0.0692 0.0564 0.1938
PHA 4.6179 0.0586 0.3237 0.1642 0.9064
ESP5 8.7171 0.1419 0.2234 0.3973 0.6256
LP1 3.6971 0.0546 0.0727 0.1528 0.2036
LP2 10.0279 0.0942 0.3698 0.2637 1.0355
SDA 6.0992 0.0992 0.3014 0.2778 0.8439
SFA 4.7088 0.0968 0.0987 0.2709 0.2765
Value-treated as an outlier.

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D6349 09

TABLE A1.1 Continued

CaO TiO2
Material Average Sr SR r R Material Average Sr SR r R
89ten 1.0375 0.0299 0.1413 0.0838 0.3957 SL 16 0.06 0.0053 0.0231 0.014 87 0.064 80
1633b 2.2183 0.167 0.2047 0.4677 0.5732 FBC 9 0.44 0.0251 0.0304 0.070 39 0.084 99
1632c 2.8042 0.0657 0.2025 0.1838 0.5671 1635 0.74 0.0181 0.0534 0.050 63 0.149 43
89one 3.2775 0.145 0.3509 0.4061 0.9825 89one 0.79 0.0296 0.0486 0.082 86 0.135 94
2776 3.4013 0.0814 0.4155 0.228 1.1634 WAL 4 0.85 0.0139 0.0761 0.033 89 0.213 13
WAL 7 5.9115 0.2381 0.4895 0.6665 1.3707 WAL 7 1.01 0.0332 0.0485 0.092 97 0.135 80
WAL 4 8.3385 0.3049 0.5893 0.8538 1.6502 1632c 1.09 0.0274 0.0474 0.076 58 0.132 67
1635 17.2344 0.4056 0.9246 1.1358 2.5888 WAL 1 1.17 0.0358 0.0633 0.100 31 0.177 21
WAL 6 20.0223 0.6715 1.2675 1.8801 3.549 90five 1.28 0.0304 0.0821 0.085 07 0.229 77
90five 21.6719 0.5909 0.9488 1.6544 2.6567 91three 1.32 0.0504 0.0742 0.141 00 0.207 65
WAL 1 22.8144 0.6572 1.0275 1.8402 2.877 1633b 1.32 0.0374 0.0573 0.104 67 0.160 41
91three 32.459 0.8782 1.7329 2.4588 4.852 2776 1.32 0.0446 0.2734 0.124 86 0.765 40A
SL 16 38.3577 1.9973 6.2295 5.5923 17.443 WAL 6 1.36 0.0357 0.0641 0.099 88 0.179 49
FBC 9 44.0321 0.2669 3.7107 6.3473 10.39 89ten 1.47 0.0385 0.1046 0.107 68 0.292 92
K2O P2O5
Material Average Sr SR r R Material Average Sr SR r R
91three 0.09 0.013 66 0.032 35 0.038 26 0.090 59 FBC 9 0.10 0.0193 0.0731 0.053 97 0.243 24
SL 16 0.09 0.016 36 0.042 75 0.045 80 0.119 70 89ten 0.16 0.0195 0.0667 0.054 72 0.186 87
90five 0.39 0.042 86 0.084 79 0.120 00 0.237 40 89one 0.19 0.0249 0.097 0.069 73 0.271 71
1635 0.45 0.041 81 0.187 20 0.117 08 0.524 16 WAL 6 0.31 0.0251 0.0752 0.070 16 0.210 43
WAL 1 0.53 0.037 18 0.084 70 0.104 11 0.237 15 1635 0.35 0.0232 0.0647 0.064 96 0.181 26
WAL 6 0.73 0.054 65 0.131 87 0.153 02 0.386 86 WAL 1 0.40 0.0346 0.072 0.096 80 0.201 56
WAL 7 0.93 0.061 62 0.142 25 0.172 55 0.398 31 2776 0.40 0.0205 0.0719 0.057 25 0.201 35
FBC 9 1.03 0.056 24 0.183 03 0.157 48 0.512 50 1632c 0.53 0.0379 0.0762 0.106 06 0.213 42
WAL 4 1.30 0.050 99 0.126 60 0.142 77 0.354 48 1633b 0.61 0.0361 0.1035 0.101 04 0.289 88
89one 1.49 0.202 06 0.306 53 0.565 76 0.858 27 WAL 7 0.70 0.035 0.0869 0.097 92 0.243 24
2776 1.69 1.101 39 0.234 14 0.283 90 0.655 59 91three 0.76 0.053 0.1032 0.148 38 0.288 94
1632c 1.74 0.051 26 0.180 40 0.143 53 0.505 13 90five 1.07 0.0776 0.1712 0.217 38 0.479 47
1633b 2.34 0.067 30 0.241 91 0.188 44 0.677 36 WAL 4 1.34 0.0974 0.2269 0.272 82 0.635 33
89ten 2.53 0.141 68 0.387 37 0.396 70 1.084 64
Na2O MnO2
Material Average Sr SR r R Material Average Sr SR r R
91three 0.17 0.017 56 0.028 64 0.049 17 0.080 18 89ten 198 7.06 18.52 19.78 51.87
FBC 9 0.20 0.020 18 0.045 85 0.056 51 0.128 39 1633b 207 5.62 14.64 15.74 41.00
1633b 0.27 0.017 74 0.039 49 0.046 6 0.110 56 FBC 9 212 15.27 35.85 42.74 100.39
89ten 0.29 0.018 76 0.024 74 0.052 5 0.069 28 90five 240 18.89 49.5 52.89 138.60
89one 0.32 0.033 12 0.079 32 0.092 7 0.222 09 1632c 275 23.63 38.93 66.16 108.99
WAL 4 0.56 0.091 77 0.108 24 0.257 0.303 08 WAL 4 463 16.85 60.98 47.18 170.74
1632c 0.59 0.023 89 0.053 64 0.066 90 0.150 20 2776 471 34.16 86.71 95.66 242.79
WAL 7 0.64 0.022 73 0.064 14 0.063 6 0.179 60 WAL 6 565 16.48 100.9 46.14 282.51
2776 0.64 0.047 05 0.053 26 0.131 7 0.149 13 89one 622 49.77 90.52 139.35 253.45
90five 1.99 0.118 47 0.152 37 0.331 7 0.426 63 1635 653 31.63 104.83 88.58 293.52
WAL 1 3.80 0.127 63 0.405 17 0.357 4 1.134 7 WAL 7 699 34.75 90.79 97.30 254.22
1635 6.65 0.218 39 0.371 48 0.611 50 1.040 14 91three 770 39.04 142.03 109.32 397.67
WAL 6 7.44 0.256 06 0.488 1 0.717 1.366 69 WAL 1 834 53.04 99.72 148.50 279.23
Material Average Sr SR r R Material Average Sr SR r R
FBC 9 266 17.1 87.2 47.8 244.1 89one 285 20.8 50.8 58.3 142.3
89one 343 20.6 89.6 57.8 250.9 SL 16 338 36.2 121.4 101.3 340.0
91three 381 29.7 51.5 83.2 144.2 FBC 9 734 58.4 76.3 163.6 213.7
1632c 645 19.6 43.2 54.8 121.0 89ten 867 37.9 93.2 106.0 260.9
1633b 821 38.2 59.9 107.1 167.6 1632c 1 047 25.3 56.7 70.8 158.8
89ten 950 36.9 62.8 103.5 175.9 WAL 7 1 229 52.6 88.7 147.3 248.4
2776 1 353 141.0 141.0 394.9 394.9 1633b 1 237 53.7 113.8 150.4 318.8
1635 1 898 250.1 321.4 700.3 899.9 2776 1 670 46.9 116.1 131.2 325.2
WAL 7 3 540 134.5 198.0 376.5 554.3 91three 1 935 57.2 165.5 160.0 463.5
90five 6 034 321.7 328.9 900.7 921.0 WAL 4 2 948 57.4 207.4 160.6 580.6
WAL 4 6 899 142.6 400.9 399.4 1122.5 90five 2 959 97.1 167.3 271.9 468.5
WAL 6 17 120 697.0 1614.9 1951.6 4521.8 1635 3 435 88.4 230.2 247.4 644.5
WAL 1 30 479 2101.0 3542.7 5882.7 9919.6 WAL 6 9 290 290.5 519.9 813.4 1455.6
WAL 1 10 460 285 712 798.0 1993.6

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D6349 09


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 The precision of this test method, characterized by A1.3 Reproducibility Standard Deviation (SR)The stan-
repeatability (Sr, r) and reproducibility (SR, R) has been dard deviation of test results obtained under reproducibility
determined for the materials described in Table A1.1. conditions.
A1.2 Repeatability Standard Deviation (Sr)The standard
deviation of test results obtained under repeatability condi-

TABLE A1.1 Repeatability (Sr, r) and Reproducibility (SR, R) Parameters Used for Calculation of Precision Statement

SiO2 Al2O3
Material Average Sr SR r R Material Average Sr SR r R
SL 16 2.04 0.1757 0.9016 0.4919 2.5245 SL 16 1.04 0.1176 0.2075 0.3293 0.5811
FBC 9 24.96 0.8585 1.3907 2.4039 3.8941 FBC 9 9.30 0.4087 0.5491 1.1445 1.5376
91three 25.34 0.8172 1.4299 2.2883 4.0036 1635 12.80 0.2692 0.6918 0.7537 1.9371
89one 27.76 0.7742 2.0337 2.1677 5.6943 89one 13.58 0.4246 1.0916 1.189 3.056
WAL 1 30.49 0.7935 1.537 2.2219 4.3036 90five 15.88 0.3715 0.625 1.0402 1.7501
WAL 6 30.78 0.7847 1.6418 2.197 4.5971 91three 17.28 0.471 1.0166 1.3188 2.8464
90five 34.69 1.2085 2.1835 3.3837 6.1137 WAL 7 18.37 0.5599 0.7047 1.5678 1.9731
1635 35.17 0.8463 2.4193 2.3695 6.7741 WAL 1 19.38 0.3037 0.5593 0.8505 0.5661
2776 47.49 1.819 2.2528 5.0931 6.3078 WAL 6 19.69 0.2795 0.5646 0.7825 1.5809
1632c 49.31 1.6403 2.5153 4.5927 7.0429 WAL 4 23.06 0.2947 0.7231 0.825 2.0246
1633b 50.47 1.2066 1.8074 3.3785 5.0608 1632c 24.08 0.4669 0.8512 1.3073 2.3834
WAL 4 55.66 1.3734 2.9156 3.8455 8.1638 2776 28.20 0.9721 1.5042 2.722 4.2117
89ten 58.28 2.1858 2.7337 6.1201 7.6545 1633b 29.00 0.6332 0.918 1.773 2.5703
WAL 7 63.73 2.1713 3.2922 6.0797 9.2183 89ten 29.54 0.8364 0.9418 2.3419 2.637
Fe2O3 MgO
Material Average Sr SR r R Material Average Sr SR r R
SL 16 0.39 0.0494 0.0873 0.1382 0.2445 91three 0.40 0.022 0.055 0.061 46 0.153 88
89ten 4.21 0.2511 0.449 0.7031 1.2572 SL 16 0.52 0.0221 0.0299 0.061 94 0.083 77
90five 4.98 0.2102 0.3113 0.5886 0.8716 89one 0.60 0.0271 0.0406 0.075 9 0.113 54
WAL 7 5.02 0.1823 0.2039 0.5105 0.571 1632c 0.79 0.0346 0.0557 0.096 93 0.155 81
WAL 4 5.03 0.1993 0.2765 0.5581 0.7743 1633b 0.82 0.0271 0.0388 0.075 9 0.108 52
WAL 6 5.30 0.1498 0.2647 0.4195 0.741 89ten 0.83 0.0324 0.056 0.090 76 0.156 80
FBC 9 5.91 0.2782 0.4979 0.779 1.394 2776 1.03 0.0395 0.116 0.110 48 0.324 89
WAL 1 6.46 0.2527 0.3738 0.7075 1.0467 WAL 7 2.03 0.0742 0.2447 0.207 73 0.685 13
1635 7.23 0.239 0.3593 0.6692 1.0061 WAL 4 2.47 0.0483 0.1237 0.135 36 0.346 29
91three 9.45 0.4187 0.6115 1.1723 1.7122 1635 3.27 0.104 0.1369 0.291 18 0.383 42
1633b 11.92 0.3534 1.2383 0.9896 3.4673 FBC 9 3.34 0.1144 0.2105 0.320 34 0.589 36
2776 12.54 0.4945 0.7811 1.3845 2.1872 90five 5.65 0.1819 0.2096 0.509 21 0.586 84
1632c 14.92 0.5103 0.9565 1.4289 2.6781 WAL 6 6.29 0.1806 0.285 0.505 62 0.798 05
89one 47.94 2.2709 4.1201 6.3584 11.536 WAL 1 7.29 0.2194 0.3344 0.614 23 0.936 40

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D6349 09
TABLE 3 Concentration Ranges and Limits for Repeatability and (NIST) was included in the ICP interlaboratory study to
Reproducibility for Major and Minor Elemental Oxides in Ash ascertain possible bias between reference material values and
from Coal, Coke, and Solid Combustion Residues
those determined by the new method. A comparison of the
NOTEThe precision and bias study for SO3 was performed only by the NIST values and those obtained in the interlaboratory study are
mixed acid dissolution (10.3.2) and does not include data from fusion and given in Table 4. The results show a very small (positive) bias
dissolution (10.3.1).
Elemental Concentration Repeatability Reproducibility TABLE 4 Comparison of Certified Values for Standard Reference
Oxide Range Limit (r) Limit (R)
Material 1633b with Interlaboratory Study Values for Major and
SiO2 2.0473.73 % 0.13 + 0.09 xA 2.00 + 0.10 xA Minor Elemental Oxides in Ash from Coal, Coke, and Solid
Al2O3 1.0429.54 % 0.17 + 0.06 xA 0.86 + 0.07 xA Combustion Residues
Fe2O3 0.3947.94 % 0.13 xA 0.23 xA
MgO 0.407.29 % 0.02 + 0.08 xA 0.11 + 0.11 xA Elemental ICP-RR NIST
CaO 1.0444.03 % 0.11 xA 0.25 xA Oxide Value Value
TiO2 0.061.47 % 0.02 + 0.07 xA 0.05 + 0.12 xA SiO2 50.47 6 1.21 49.25 6 0.17
K2O 0.092.53 % 0.06 + 0.11 xA 0.14 + 0.30 xA Al2O3 29.00 6 0.63 28.44 6 0.51
P2O5 0.101.34 % 0.01 + 0.18 xA 0.11 + 0.31 xA Fe2O3 11.92 6 0.35 11.12 6 0.33
Na2O 0.177.44 % 0.06 + 0.09 xA 0.10 + 0.17 xA MgO 0.81 6 0.027 0.80 6 0.01
MnO2 198834 ppm 0.16 xA 0.42 xA CaO 2.28 6 0.16 2.11 6 0.08
BaO 266950 ppm 0.07 xA 190 ppm TiO2 1.32 6 0.037 1.32 6 0.02
BaO 0.133.00 % 0.17 xA 0.30 xA K2O 2.33 6 0.067 2.35 6 0.04
SrO 28510460 ppm 33 + 0.076 xA 73 + 0.164 xA P2O5 0.61 6 0.036 0.53A
SO3B 0.1410.0 0.03 x+0.06 0.08 x+0.06 Na2O 0.27 6 0.04 0.27 6 0.004
Where x is the average of two single test results. MnO2B 207.3 6 5.6 208.6 6 2.7
SO3 vales are applicable to mixed acid dissolution only. See 10.3. BaOB 821 6 38 792 6 30
SrOB 1237 6 54 1231 6 17
SO3 0.51 6 0.02 0.52 6 0.01
Noncertified value.
13. Precision and Bias B
Value in ppm.
13.1 PrecisionThe precision of this test method for the
determination of major and minor elements in ash from coal, for the reported values for iron.
coke, and solid combustion residues are shown in Table 3. The 13.3 An interlaboratory study, designed consistent with
precision characterized by the repeatability (Sr, r) and repro- Practice E691, was conducted in 1997, and twelve labs
ducibility (SR, R) is described in Table A1.1 in the Annex A1. participated.7
13.1.1 Repeatability Limit (r)The value below which the 13.4 A second interlaboratory study, designed consistent
absolute difference between two test results of separate and with Practice E691, was conducted in 2003. The purpose of the
consecutive test determinations, carried out on the same interlaboratory study was to include sulfur in the suite of
sample in the same laboratory by the same operator using the elements analyzed by ICP-AES. The details of the study and
same apparatus on samples taken from a single quantity of supporting data are given in a Research Report filed at ASTM
homogeneous material, may be expected to occur with a headquarters.8
probability of approximately 95 %.
13.1.2 Reproducibility Limit (R)The value below which 14. Keywords
the absolute difference between two test results, carried out in 14.1 coal; coal ash; inductively coupled plasma-atomic
different laboratories using samples taken at random from a emission spectrometry; major and minor element
single quantity of material that is as nearly homogeneous as
possible, may be expected to occur with a probability of 7
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
approximately 95 %.
be obtained by requesting Research Report D05-1035.
13.2 BiasA standard reference material (1633b-coal fly 8
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
ash) from the National Institute for Standards and Technology be obtained by requesting Research Report D05-1032.

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D6349 09 All analysis results must fall within the concentra- Preparation duplicatesA sample prepared in du-
tion range of the calibration standards. If a sample result occurs plicate following the procedure in section 10 of this standard.
above the high calibration standard, dilute the sample and If the duplicates fail to meet the repeatability specifications of
reanalyze for that element. this test method, reanalyze the sample solution and the dupli- All calibration solutions shall be matrix matched cate solution once. If these results still fail to meet the
(in relation to the dissolution background such as LiB4O7 and repeatability specifications consider the preparation batch in
acids) to the sample solutions. question and investigate the problem. The calibration shall include a minimum of a Secondary Control sampleA secondary measure-
calibration blank and three calibration standard concentrations, ment standard shall be processed following the procedure in
assuming a linear calibration. The recommended relative section 10 of this standard. Results for the control sample shall
concentrations for the calibration standards are: be within the ASTM Reproducibility limits and within the
laboratorys process control limits (as defined in ASTM
(1) The middle standard should be near the mid-point of the
Manual 76 or other appropriate process control limit defini-
expected sample concentration range.
(2) The high standard should be approximately two times Primary Control sampleA primary measurement
the middle standard standard shall be processed through the entire sample digestion
(3) The low standard should be approximately one-tenth scheme. This sample shall be performed a minimum of once
(110) of the middle standard. per quarter. Results for the primary control sample shall be
(4) The linear correlation of the calibration regression shall within the ASTM Reproducibility limit and within the labora-
be 0.995 or greater. torys process control limit (as defined in ASTM Manual 7 or
Analyte Calcium Silicon other appropriate process control limit definition).
Estimated sample Calcium 10 mg/L to 180 mg/L to 11.2.7 Secondary QC verificationsPost analysis verifica-
concentration 20 mg/L in solution 230 mg/L in solution
tions include verification of the sum of the oxides as a weight
Recommended middle 15 mg/L 200 mg/L
standard concentration percent of the sample. The undetermined content shall not
Recommended high 30 mg/L 400 mg/L exceed 5% when all major and minor analytes and SO3 are
standard concentration included. If the undetermined value exceeds 5%, the analysis
Recommended low 1.5 mg/L 20 mg/L shall be considered suspect, and verification steps shall be
standard concentration
taken when the cause for a high undetermined percent is not
11.2.3 Initial calibration verification: already known. A successful calibration shall be verified with an
initial calibration verification standard(s) and the calibration 12. Calculation or Interpretation of Results
blank prior to the analysis of any samples. 12.1 Calculate the percentage (by weight) of each element The initial calibration verification recovery shall be in the ash using the following equation:
within 5% of the known value. See 7.12 and 7.13. % E 5 ~C 3 V!/W 3 D 3 100 (1) The initial calibration blank reported concentration
shall be below the reporting limit. where:
E = element analyzed,
11.2.4 Periodic calibration verification: C = concentration in mg/L (ppm or g/g) of M in the The calibration shall be verified after every 10th analyzed solution,
analysis and at the end of the batch or shift using a periodic V = volume (in litres) of sample solution prepared in
calibration verification standard(s) and a calibration blank. Section 10, The periodic calibration verification recovery shall W = weight of sample in milligrams, and
be within 10% of the known value. See 7.12 and 7.13. D = dilution factor; = final volume of analyzed solution The periodic calibration blank reported concentra- divided by the amount of the prepared solution (see
tion shall be below the reporting limit. Section 10) used for the dilution.
11.2.5 If a calibration verification fails to meet the criteria, 12.2 Use Practice D3180 to calculate as-determined results
it shall be rerun once. If it still fails the calibration is suspect to other bases.
and any samples analyzed after the last acceptable calibration 12.3 Convert concentrations in the ash to the dry sample
verification shall be re-analyzed. basis for reporting as follows:
11.2.6 Preparation batch Quality Control Checks: C 5 A 3 B/100 (2) Various checks are necessary to ensure that the where:

dissolution process applied to the samples provides accurate C = percent of element in the dry sample,
recovery without contamination. A = percent of element determined in the ash, and All preparation batch quality control shall be per- B = % ash in the dry sample.
formed once for each batch or for every 40 samples, whichever
is more frequent. Method blankAbsolute results for this blank shall 6
Manual of Presentation of Data and Control Chart Analysis, ASTM MNL7A,
be less than the reporting limit. ASTM International, 2002.

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D6349 09
nearest 0.5 mg) of the fluxing agent and add to the ash sample. develop cracks. They should be inspected before each use. A
Mix the ash and fluxing agent thoroughly and heat to melting convenient way to do this is to hold them up to a light source.
at 1000 to 1200C with stirring, according to or If any evidence of cracks is noted, the bottle should be, until a clear melt is obtained. discarded.) If a muffle furnace is used for heating, place the
NOTE 4 Some combustions residues may contain sulfite sulfur. If
platinum dish in a clean silica or refractory tray and place in a sulfite is known to be present or is suspected, add 1-mL of 30% H2O2 to
muffle furnace preheated to 1000C; 7 min at this temperature the digestion bottle before proceeding to The peroxide will
is sufficient to fuse most mixtures completely, but heating oxidize sulfite species to sulfate which is quantitatively retained in the
should be continued until a clear pellet is obtained. Use digestion process. If peroxide is added, make the appropriate adjustment
platinum-tipped tongs to swirl the melt gently to dissolve the to the final sample volume used in the calculation of results in Section 12.
ash. Remove the tray with the dish and cool to room tempera- Add 5.0 mL of the 70/30 HCl/HF mixed acid
ture. Carefully rinse the bottom and outside of the platinum solution (7.5.5) and 2.0 mL of HNO3 to the sample and tighten
dish to remove possible contamination; then place is in a clean the screw cap (see Note 5). Heat the bottle at 100 to 130C in
250- or 400-mL beaker. Place a clean TFE-fluorocarbon coated a boiling water bath, on a steam bath, or in an oven for at least
magnetic stirring bar in the platinum dish and add 50 mL of 5 2 h. Remove the bottle from the heat source, and add 93.0 mL
+ 95 HNO3 (see 7.5.4) to the melt in the platinum dish. of 1.5 % boric acid (H3BO3) solution. Return the bottle to the
Immediately place the beaker with the dish on the stirring heat source and continue heating for 1 h. Cool the solution to
hotplate. Stir and heat the solution to just below boiling and room temperature before analysis. If the samples are not
maintain this near boiling condition until the melt is dissolved analyzed immediately, they may be stored in their original
or for not more than 30 min (see Note 3). Remove the platinum digestion bottles or transferred to polyethylene bottles. Prepare
dish from the beaker, rinse the dish with small amounts of a method blank using the above procedure.
reagent water, and quantitatively transfer the solution to a
100-mL volumetric flask. Add 1 mL of internal standard to the NOTE 5The 70/30 HCl/HF mixed acid solution (see 7.5.5) can be
flask and dilute to the 100-mL mark with water. This solution prepared and stored until use, whereas an aqua regia mixture (HCl and
HNO3) is not stable. Using the mixed acid solution and concentrated
is 1000 ppm with respect to the total sample and contains 4 g/L
HNO3 is equivalent to using aqua regia and HF.
of fluxing agent.
10.3.3 Prepare calibration standards using appropriate val-
NOTE 2Graphite crucibles may be used instead of platinum for the
fusion. The graphite crucibles are not to be immersed in the digestion ues of standard stock solutions (see 7.3). Add 1-mL internal
solution. Pour the red-hot melt directly from the crucible into the acid standard solution (see 7.4) per 100-mL volume used. Dilute to
solution and proceed with stirring and heating as written above. the mark with the proper diluents.
NOTE 3If the stirring is not constantly maintained, some of the
constituents may precipitate, primarily silicic acid, as a result of heating in 11. Instrument Operation
the highly acidic solution. The analysis must then be repeated.
11.1 Consult the manufacturers instructions for operation If a flame is used for heating, rotate the platinum
of the ICP spectrometer. The present method assumes that good
dish in the flame until a clear melt is obtained. If automated
operating procedures are followed. Design differences among
fusion equipment is being used, follow the manufacturers
instruments and different selected analytical wavelengths for
programmed steps. If the crucible is inserted manually into the
individual spectrometers make it impractical to list detailed
flame using platinum-tipped tongs, stir by swirling for at least
5 min. When a clear melt is obtained, either pour the hot melt
11.2 To ensure the validity of the data obtained from an ICP
into 50 mL of 5 + 95 nitric acid (see 7.5.4) in a clean 250- or
analysis, the following QC elements shall be considered the
400-mL beaker containing a Teflon-coated magnetic stirring
minimum for each analyte wavelength.
bar or cool the crucible and transfer the solid pellet to this
solution. (It is the analysts responsibility to ensure that the 11.2.1 Initial and periodic instrument performance verifica-
entire sample is transferred to the nitric acid solution). Imme- tion (also to be performed after major maintenance):
diately place the beaker on a stirring hot plate. Stir and heat the All manufacturer specified spectral alignment prac-
solution to just below boiling and maintain the near boiling tices (such as Mercury lamp alignment) shall be followed.
condition until the pellet is dissolved or for not more than 30 The reference peak intensity shall be monitored
min (see Note 3). Transfer the solution quantitatively to a following the manufacturer recommendations. A Manganese
100-mL volumetric flask. Add 1 mL of internal standard to the solution is often used for this purpose.
flask and dilute to the 100-mL mark with water. This solution The minimum detectable limit shall be verified
is 1000 ppm with respect to the total sample and contains 4 g/L every 6 months for analytes previously determined to be within
of fluxing agent. ten times the minimum detectable limit. The minimum detect-
10.3.2 Mixed Acid DissolutionWeigh 0.1g (to the nearest able limit must be less than or equal to the reporting limit.
0.1 mg) of the ash sample as prepared in 9.1 or 9.2 into a Select peak wavelengths to minimize/eliminate
250-mL polycarbonate bottle with an O-ring seal and screw spectral interferences.
cap 9see Note 4. The bottle should be capable of withstanding Inter-element interference corrections (spectral
a temperature up to 130C, the pressure developed during interferences) and background point corrections shall be veri-
digestion, and resistant to oxidation. (WarningWith re- fied every 3 months according to manufacturer specifications.
peated use the polycarbonate bottles will become brittle and 11.2.2 Calibration :

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D6349 09
7.11 Blank SolutionsAll of the test methods in this silica roasting dish. Place the dish in a cold muffle furnace and
standard require two types of blank solutions. A calibration heat gradually so that the temperature reaches 500C in 1 h and
blank that is used to establish the analytical calibration curve 750C in 2 h. Ignite at 750C until all carbonaceous matter is
and a method blank which is used to evaluate possible removed or for an additional 2 h. Allow the dish to cool,
contamination and assess spectral background. The calibration transfer to an agate mortar, and grind to pass a 75-m (No. 200)
blank is also used initially and periodically to verify the sieve. Reignite the ash at 750C for 1 h, cool rapidly, and
baseline of the calibration has not changed significantly. weigh portions for analysis. If samples are stored and the
7.11.1 Calibration BlankThe same solution as the Stan- absorption of moisture or CO2, or both, is in question, reignite
dard Solution Diluent. the ash using the 500-750C staged combustion before use.
7.11.2 Method BlankThe method blank shall be processed Alternatively, determine loss on ignition using the 500-750C
through the same digestion procedure as the samples and staged combustion on a separate sample weighed out at the
consist of all the reagents in the same volumes as used in same time as the test portion and make the necessary correc-
preparing the samples. tions. Thoroughly mix each sample before weighing.
7.12 Initial calibration verification standard(s) : 9.2 Ashing of Solid Combustion ResiduesSpread an ap-
7.12.1 Where possible the initial calibration verification propriate amount of the prepared sample from 8.2 in a layer not
standard(s) shall be from alternate producers or different lot over 2 mm in a porcelain, quartz, or fused silica roasting dish.
numbers from the calibration standard(s). Place the dish in a cold muffle furnace and heat gradually so
7.12.2 Where possible the initial calibration verification that the temperature reaches 500C in 1 h and 750C in 2 h.
standard(s) shall be traceable to a primary standard such as a Ignite the sample at 750C until all carbonaceous matter is
NIST CRM. removed. Allow the ash to cool, transfer to an agate mortar, and
7.13 Periodic calibration verification standard(s)The grind to pass a 75-m (No. 200) sieve. Reignite the ash for 1
source of these materials can be the same as the calibration h at 750C, cool rapidly, and weigh portions for analysis. If
materials. samples are stored and the absorption of moisture or CO2, or
7.14 Primary Control SampleA material that is processed both, is in question, reignite the ash using the 500-750C
following the same procedure as an analytical sample and is a staged combustion before use. Alternatively, determine loss on
measurement standard whose quantity value and measurement ignition using the 500-750C staged combustion on a separate
uncertainty are established without relation to another mea- sample weighed out at the same time as the test portion and
surement standard for a quantity of the same kind (see ISO/IEC make the necessary corrections. Thoroughly mix each sample
Guide 99:2007 International Vocabulary of Basic and General before weighing.
Terms in Metrology).
7.15 Secondary Control SampleA material that is pro- 10. Procedure
cessed following the same procedure as an analytical sample 10.1 The solutions and proportions described below are the
and is a measurement standard whose quantity value and typical ash samples as represented by American coals. There-
measurement uncertainty are assigned through calibration fore, stronger or weaker dilutions may be required to establish
against, or comparison with, a primary measurement standard suitable concentrations for those elements of varying percents
for a quantity of the same kind (see ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007 outside the range of the typical sample. Analysts must deter-
International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Me- mine the sensitivity and linear range of calibration of their own
trology). equipment and choose concentration ranges for standards
compatible with the samples and instrument specific to their
8. Sample Preparation own work.
8.1 Coal and CokePrepare the analysis sample in accor- 10.2 To minimize the potential of contamination, platinum
dance with Practice D2013 (coal) or Practice D346 (coke) by ware must be prepared by boiling in dilute HNO3 (5 + 95) and
pulverizing the material to pass a 250-m (No. 60) sieve. rinsing thoroughly with reagent-grade water. After this initial
8.1.1 Analyze separate test portions for moisture content in cleaning, the platinum ware must be handled with clean tongs
accordance with Test Methods D3173 or D5142 so that and protected from contamination from table tops, and so forth.
calculation to other bases can be made. All glassware used in analyses must be equally clean and
8.2 Solid Combustion ResidueDry a representative por- protected.
tion of the solid residue to constant weight at 110 to 115C. 10.3 Ash DissolutionTwo methods of dissolving the ash
Determine the moisture loss during this drying step if it is samples are offered for this test method. The analyst may
desirable to calculate results to an as-received basis. Crush the choose the method most appropriate for their laboratory and
dried portion of the sample to pass a No. 200 (75-m) sieve. instrumentation. Laboratories using the fusion method (see
Use a mill that minimizes metal contamination. 10.3.1) for dissolving the ash should be aware that a consid-
erable amount of sulfur may be lost from the ash during the
9. Preparation of Ash fusion process. A blank test solution containing the same
9.1 Ashing of Coal and Coke Analysis SamplePrepare the concentration of reagents used for the ash samples shall be
ash from a thoroughly mixed analysis sample of coal or coke prepared and analyzed with the ash sample solutions.
(see 8.1) that has been ground to pass a 250-m (No. 60) 10.3.1 Sample Fusion and DissolutionWeigh 0.1g (to the
U.S.A. standard sieve. Spread the coal and coke in a layer not nearest 0.1mg) of the ash sample as prepared in 9.1 or 9.2 into
over 6 mm (14 in.) in depth in a porcelain, quartz, or fused a platinum dish (or crucible) (see Note 2). Weigh 0.4g (to

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D6349 09
TABLE 2 Examples of Analyte Concentration Equivalents Arising from Interference at the 100-ppm (mg/L) Level4

NOTE 1Dashes indicate that no interference was observed even when interferents were introduced at the following levels: Al, Ca, and Fe = 1000 ppm,
Mn = 200 ppm, and Mg = 100 ppm.
Analyte Elements Wavelengths, nm Al Ca Fe Mg Mn Ti
Aluminum 308.215 --- --- --- --- 0.21 ---
Barium 455.103 --- --- --- --- --- ---
Calcium 317.933 --- --- 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.03
Iron 259.940 --- --- --- --- 0.12 ---
Magnesium 279.079 --- 0.02 0.13 --- 0.25 0.07
Manganese 257.610 0.005 --- 0.002 0.002 --- ---
Silicon 288.148 --- --- --- --- --- ---
Sodium 588.995 --- --- --- --- --- 0.08

must be investigated and established for each individual 7.5.5 Mixed Acid Solution, 70/30 HCl/HFMix seven parts
analyte line on that particular instrument. All measurements concentrated hydrochloric acid and three parts concentrated
must be within the instruments linear range in which correc- hydrofluoric acid.
tion factors are valid. It is the responsibility of the analyst to 7.6 Fluxing Agents Lithium tetraborate, Li2B4O7, or mix-
verify that the instrument configuration and operating condi- tures of lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) and anhydrous lithium
tions used satisfy the analytical requirements of this method metaborate (LiBO3).
and to maintain quality control data confirming instrument 7.7 Boric Acids Solution1.5 %.
performance and analytical results.
7.8 Hydrogen Peroxide30%
7. Reagents 7.9 Wetting AgentsApproximately 0.1 g of reagent grade
lithium iodide (LiI) or other suitable wetting agent may be
7.1 Purity of ReagentsReagents grade chemicals shall be added to the flux to facilitate pooling of the melt and removal
used in all tests. It is intended that all reagents shall conform to of the melt of cooled pellet.
the specifications of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of
7.10 Standard Solution DiluentUse either 7.10.1 or
the American Chemical Society in which such specifications
are available.5 Other grades may be used provided it is first
ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently high purity to 7.10.1 Weigh 4 g, to the nearest 0.0001 g, of fluxing agent
permit its use without lessening the accuracy of the determi- (see 7.6) into a clean 1000-mL beaker containing a magnetic
nation. stirring bar. Add 500 mL of 5 + 95 nitric acid (see 7.5.4) to the
7.2 Purity of WaterUnless otherwise indicated, references beaker and place on a stirring hot plate. Heat the mixture to just
to water shall be understood to mean Type II reagent water as below boiling and maintain this temperature with constant
defined by Specification D1193. stirring until the fluxing agent dissolves. This dissolution
7.3 Standard Stock SolutionsStock solutions of 1000 ppm process should take about 30 min or less (see Note 1).
(mg/L) for each element are needed for preparation of dilute Quantitatively transfer the warm solution to a 1000-mL volu-
standards in the range from <0.1 to 100 ppm. Prepare standard metric flask. After the solution cools to room temperature,
stock solutions from 99.999 % purity metals or salts. Alterna- dilute to 1000 mL with reagent grade water.
tively, one can use commercially available stock solutions 7.10.2 Weigh 4 g, to the nearest 0.0001 g, of fluxing agent
specifically prepared for ICP-AES spectroscopy. (see 7.6) into a platinum dish (or crucible). Heat to 1000C to
7.4 Internal Standard SolutionStock solution of 1000 form a liquid and cool. Carefully rinse the bottom and outside
ppm (mg/L) of yttrium (Y), scandium (Sc), indium (In), or of the platinum dish to remove possible contamination. Place
other suitable element not found in significant concentrations the cooled platinum dish containing the flux and a magnetic
in the test samples. stirring bar into a clean 1000-mL beaker. Add 500 mL of 5 +
7.5 Acids: 95 nitric acid (see 7.5.4) to the beaker and place immediately
7.5.1 Hydrochloric AcidConcentrated HCl. sp gr 1.19. on the stirring hotplate. Heat the mixture to just below the
7.5.2 Hydrofluoric AcidConcentrated HF, sp gr 1.17. boiling temperature and maintain this temperature with con-
7.5.3 Nitric Acid Concentrated HNO3, sp gr 1.42. stant stirring until the melt dissolves. This dissolution process
7.5.4 Nitric Acid (5 + 95)Dilute 50 mL of concentrated should take about 30 min (see Note 1). After dissolution
nitric acid to 1000 mL. remove the platinum dish after rinsing with reagent water and
collecting the washings in the acid solution. Quantitatively
transfer the warm solution to a 1000-mL volumetric flask. After
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications , American
the solution cools to room temperature, dilute to 1000 mL with
Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not reagent grade water.
listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia NOTE 1This time and temperature are sufficient to dissolve the melt
and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville, completely. If stirring is not maintained constantly, some of the material
MD. may not dissolve, and the final solution must be filtered before use.

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D6349 09
TABLE 1 Recommended Wavelengths for Elements Determined relations between concentration and intensity for the analytes
by ICP and the interferents can be assumed. The analyst should follow
Element Wavelengths, nm the manufacturers operating guide to develop and apply
correction factors to compensate for the interferences.
Aluminum 396.152, 256.80, 308.215, 309.271 5.1.4 Physical interferences are generally considered to be
Barium 455.403, 493.41, 233.53
Calcium 317.93, 315.887, 364.44, 422.67 effects associated with the sample nebulization and transport
Iron 259.940, 271.44, 238.204 processes. Such properties as change in viscosity and surface
Magnesium 279.553, 279.08, 285.21, 277.983
tension can cause significant inaccuracies, especially in
Manganese 257.610, 294.92, 293.31, 293.93
Phosphorous 178.287, 214.900 samples that may contain high dissolved solids or acid con-
Potassium 766.491, 769.896 centrations, or both. The use of a peristaltic pump is recom-
Silicon 212.412, 288.16, 251. 611
Sodium 588.995, 589.592
mended to lessen these interferences. If these types of inter-
Strontium 421.55 ferences are operative, they must be reduced by dilution of the
Sulfur 182.04 sample or utilization of standard addition techniques, or both.
Titanium 337.280, 350.50, 334.941
Another problem that can occur from high dissolved solids is
salt buildup at the tip of the nebulizer. This affects aerosol flow
rate causing instrumental drift. Wetting the argon before
their quality. Knowledge of the elemental composition of the nebulization, the use of a tip washer, or sample dilution have
associated residues is also useful in predicting the elemental been used to control this problem. Also, it has been reported
enrichment/depletion compositional behavior of ashes and that better control of the argon flow rate, particularly nebulizer
slags in comparison to the concentration levels in the parent flow, improves instrument precision. This is accomplished with
coal. Utilization of the ash by-products and hazardous potential the use of mass flow controllers.
may also depend on the chemical composition and leachability 5.1.5 Chemical interferences are characterized by molecular
of the inorganic constituents of the coal ash. compound formation, ionization effects, and solute vaporiza-
4.2 The chemical composition of laboratory-prepared ash tion effects. Normally these effects are not pronounced with the
may not exactly represent the composition of mineral matter in ICP technique. However, if such effects are observed they can
coal or the composition of fly ash and slag resulting from be minimized by careful selection of operating conditions (that
commerical-scale burning of the coal. is, incident power, observation position, and so forth), by
5. Interferences buffering of the sample, matrix matching, and standard addi-
tion procedures. These types of interferences can be highly
5.1 Several types of interference effects may contribute to
dependent on matrix type and the specific analyte element.
inaccuracies in the determination of major and minor elements.
The analyst should follow the manufacturers operating guide 6. Apparatus
to develop and apply correction factors to compensate for the 6.1 Ashing Furnace, with an adequate air circulation (two to
interferences. The interferences can be classified as spectral, four volume changes per minute) and capable of having its
physical, and chemical. temperature regulated between 700 and 750C.
5.1.1 Spectral interferences can be categorized as overlap of 6.2 Fusion Furnace, with an operating temperature of 1000
a spectral line from another element, unresolved overlap of to 1200C.
molecular band spectra, background contribution from con- 6.3 Meeker-Type Burner, with inlets for fuel gas (propane or
tinuous or recombination phenomena, and background contri- natural gas) and compressed air, capable of flame temperatures
bution from stray light from the line emission of high concen- of 1000 to 1200C.
tration elements. The second effect may require selection of an 6.4 Platinum Dishes or Crucibles, 35- to 85-mL capacity.
alternate wavelength. The third and fourth effects can usually Graphite crucibles with 10- to 15-mL capacity may also be
be compensated by a background correction adjacent to the used.
analyte line. In addition, users of simultaneous multi-element 6.5 Stirring Hotplate and Bars, with operating temperature
instrumentation must assume the responsibility of verifying the up to 200C.
absence of spectral interference from an element that could 6.6 Polycarbonate Bottles, 250-mL capacity with an O-ring
occur in a sample but for which there is no channel in the seal and screw cap, capable of withstanding temperatures of
instrument array. 100 to 130C, the pressure that is developed during the
5.1.2 Table 1 lists the elements determined by this method digestion, and resistant to oxidation. Other types of bottles or
and the recommended wavelengths using conventional nebu- vials may be used provided they are capable of withstanding
lization. Sulfur may only be determined if the sample is the temperatures and pressures developed duing the digestion.
dissolved by the mixed acid dissolution described in 10.3.2. 6.7 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spec-
5.1.3 Table 24 lists some interference effects for the recom- trometer (ICP), either a sequential or simultaneous spectrom-
mended wavelengths given in Table 1. The data in Table 2 are eter is suitable. Because of the differences between various
intended for use only as a rudimentary guide for the indication makes and models of satisfactory instruments, no detailed
of potential spectral interferences. For this purpose, linear operating instructions can be provided. Instead, the analyst
should follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of
Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes , (EPA-600/4-79-020), the particular instrument. Sensitivity, instrumental detection
Metals-4, Method 200.7 CLP-M. limit, precision, linear dynamic range, and interference effects

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Designation: D6349 09

Standard Test Method for

Determination of Major and Minor Elements in Coal, Coke,
and Solid Residues from Combustion of Coal and Coke by
Inductively Coupled PlasmaAtomic Emission
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6349; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 2.2 ISO Standard:3

1.1 This test method covers a procedure for the analysis of ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007 International vocabulary of metrol-
the commonly determined major and minor elements in coal, ogy -- Basic and general concepts and associated terms
coke, and solid residues from combustion of coal and coke. (VIM)
These residues may be laboratory ash, bottom ash, fly ash, flue
3. Summary of Test Method
gas desulfurization sludge, and other combustion process
residues. 3.1 The sample to be analyzed is ashed under standard
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as conditions and ignited to constant weight. The ash is fused with
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this a fluxing agent followed by dissolution of the melt in dilute
standard. acid solution. Alternatively, the ash is digested in a mixture of
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the hydrofluoric, nitric, and hydrochloric acids. The solution is
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spec-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- trometry (ICP) for the elements. The basis of the method is the
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- measurement of atomic emissions. Aqueous solutions of the
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. samples are nebulized, and a portion of the aerosol that is
produced is transported to the plasma torch where excitation
2. Referenced Documents and emission occurs. Characteristic line emission spectra are
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 produced by a radio-frequency inductively coupled plasma. A
D346 Practice for Collection and Preparation of Coke grating monochromator system is used to separate the emission
Samples for Laboratory Analysis lines, and the intensities of the lines are monitored by photo-
D1193 Specification for Reagent Water mutilplier tube or photodiode array detection. The photocur-
D2013 Practice for Preparing Coal Samples for Analysis rents from the detector are processed and controlled by a
D3173 Test Method for Moisture in the Analysis Sample of computer system. A background correction technique is re-
Coal and Coke quired to compensate for variable background contribution to
D3180 Practice for Calculating Coal and Coke Analyses the determination of elements. Background must be measured
from As-Determined to Different Bases adjacent to analyte lines of samples during analysis. The
D5142 Test Methods for Proximate Analysis of the Analysis position selected for the background intensity measurement, on
Sample of Coal and Coke by Instrumental Procedures either or both sides of the analytical line, will be determined by
E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to the complexity of the spectrum adjacent to the analyte line. The
Determine the Precision of a Test Method position used must be free of spectral interference and reflect
the same change in background intensity as occurs at the
analyte wavelength measured.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D05 on Coal
and Coke and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D05.29 on Major 4. Significance and Use
Elements in Ash and Trace Elements of Coal.
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2009. Published December 2009. Originally
4.1 A compositional analysis of coal and coke and their
approved in 1998. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D6349 - 081. DOI: associated combustion residues are often useful in assessing
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1 rue de
the ASTM website. Varemb, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland, http://www.iso.ch.

Copyright. (C) ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbour Dr., P.O. box C-700 West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959, United States

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