Handover Info List

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Annex 4 |List of Handover Documents QUEEN'S HILL SITE 1 DEVELOPMENT soa (CD CompactDise by J2[3]6[7]9 Ne Hard woot} te tet — = ra-rstt er} 15) [s/s 5) a mete fit fa tets | ai 1. Design Layouts and Surveys a oD iin aye Sie et Pas (CAD eo DC mise) oo t ft el nd a Fl ain it & Nn Be) © 7 7 oo] E Jeroen Suey (CAD es i [6. Hoarding Layout [co | oe 4 cen fin cs Radi commen on Tal sD [oo fond Wows Davin i comes ow DSO a fells Tessa Ups Layo of te teprated Community and Welire Bick (CAD Beye MOR) _ | CD I T fio. Ske Location of we presevnion oes ad seed one for nee ianepaing [CD] t i a. stech-Poteil peen/ ou comin Ee : isch al 5. ezsagpn he Gam Hl Se Ar é eo | i Modis Bs 2015 ayo is (Da IOAD Hs Cle { 5 Updo of Sse CAD er DR) a Reports sf = [ iF i - {pcos Png Bian commas Go faring Rr oT] | [Reni Comieny Rept co) svi Aol Repo i és om i py Tos Aca Rp Rea ool PEAS Rear ES Comme “ eo fie somes on Cs ond Gass fag Mand eo 1 _ Sees rin Sts evr dD Cont Lt jo i | [3. Schedule of Accommodation it eee I Ssh co Ramet ifs Commniy at [| | Scho Aonmndnon of hie Cane a Sno Aonmolao of Rei Cv ne ory co ct Sth of Acormilsio of NsordEy Cnr co TE Sse o Asoo of ei Chie ndYou Seis Come © Ses o Acoma Car Co hE cof fas cena Regen A Wl Preis © recom ‘Wong Oyang Annex 4 List of Handover Documents rae Fino foals Yoho QUEEN'S HILL SITE 1 DEVELOPMENT. 2 2 5 fLegced [Date of Issue 2S (c0- Compt se me Pptetty | Tes se say] NC. Hardcopy Monn | 7 [7] 7/7 r T t T EM EMail Yeu [15 [as] as] is [is] T wena [rf > [stats] L cry [Rotaiminraen NSO a e [s. General Information t lpn Deepen Perm ames ona esi Je ine Lif rg Te Ae fl Meng @ e) z [Tenive Countdown Programme for DORP (Annes 3 offal Meeting) feo) [ [ aa [sotto Dens Ans ofl Moe je @ fs: Davis Comet Common Moning ——— jo Je an nd Pret hci oo] Tt = Ch Lit Dil Desig fete works | PCMDI Sn Ln tine, AVA Saison {Cal Apo Meh Dron Sided FormDCMEFOL 4.647 | = orange Mama - open Maa Kile z fe z CT Coe facie of Reet Cr Hane Ey jo { ‘HyDs technical guides of Public Transport Terminas cy a i. HongKong Phoning Standard Guidelines - Caper 3 cD) ff 1. Dem peste 5) @ Tee Gel pat ne 1) @ 1. Tec Feebach (ype Je 15) | Teele] it Mise wing Re fr snl CAD dais i ® Photos 7 !. Photos the existing vile houses in Mia Liu Shui San Tswen focing the football pitch co | i l ex othe site eonceon Lang Ma Rod _ fel zl [ | Ps Reming tc @ es Ts with ih erty ves wo ott Exiting bldg © Photos - Retained and renovated building: seaior officer's mass [co | i Pots ge > Photos Hinds temple : ol | = fuses = : @ |6. Supplementary information fa ‘a i rowetoisof iC Sebnision ® PoverPoiaof BC Saison pene on co { . PowerPoint with updated layouts, es and soundings ifortion co aE cic ie a ids Tepe oo [5. ODRPI Submission Sampies HC} fea |. PRI Desens Pa Tite Pat. 8 102 2. Pit Deveapet Stn Tle Ar 6 & HD Pls a2, Ton 4 Pita 8 Develo Cen Sa Win Whole Fd Mkt SetanlSies nea? | Sx edn dvi Oe fom ASD = = ol L it Ee] fcc som T Wong & Osa OR a sje al au) ae) | z i a eS : I e a | fie

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