Armaflex Self Seal Leaflet Digital
Armaflex Self Seal Leaflet Digital
Armaflex Self Seal Leaflet Digital
The energy and frost protection calculation examples given on the front page are based on the following conditions:
*Save up to 75 per annum based on 80m of 22mm diameter central heating pipework, insulated with 25mm thick AF/Armaflex
Class O, at ambient room temperature of 20C, line temperature of 70C, boiler efficiency of 85%, operating for 5 hours a day, 280
days per year with a gas unit price of 0.05 per kWh.
Armaflex pipe
insulation tape
Your benefit:
AF/ARMAFLEX CLASS O SELF SEAL: Speed up your installation and save up to 30% on labour costs
AF/Armaflex Class O Self Seal is a nitrile rubber pipe insulation product fully slit along each length with two strips of double
sided self adhesive tape pre-applied to each open slit surface. Specially developed to provide insulation where fast, secure
installation is required and ideal for applications where working space is restricted, AF/Armaflex Class O Self Seal is easily
applied by fitting the insulation and peeling back the self adhesive tape. Fast and secure gluing of seams over the entire
length of an installation is ensured, giving a professional finish and aesthetic appearance to the entire installation.
Technical data
Material: Elastomeric foam based on synthetic rubber. Flexible closed cell material with built-in Microban antimicrobial protection.
Applications: Insulation/protection of pipes (heating system pipes, domestic hot and cold water pipes, air conditioning and refrigeration
chilled pipework) and other heating and plumbing installations (incl. elbows, fittings, flanges, etc) to prevent heat losses and
save energy. For high humidity conditions and all chilled and cold water applications Armaflex is the industry standard to
prevent condensation and corrosion issues.
Thermal conductivity*
at 0 C 0.034 W/(m K)* = [34 + 0,1 m + 0,0008 m]/1000 D 4804 Tested acc. to DIN EN 12667 and EN
GB 5148 ISO 8497
Reaction to fire Surface Spread of Flames Class 1 GB 5151 & l/m Surface spread of flame: tested accor-
GB 5153 ding to BS 476 Part 7: 1997
Fire Propagation Total Index Performance (I)
12 GB 5150 & Fire propagation: tested according to
Sub Index (i1) 6 GB 5152 BS 476 Part 6: 1989
Dimensions & tolerances In accordance with EN 14313, table 1 GB 5164 / Tested acc. to EN 822, EN 823, EN
GB 5165 13467
*1 Further technical specifications (test certificates, approvals etc.) can be delivered upon request, please quote certificate number.
*2 l = Official supervision by independent institutes and/or test authorities m = regular in-factory quality monitoring according to prEN14304
*3 In case the insulation is glued with its whole surface directly onto the object and the surface temperature of the object exceeds +85C, HT/Armaflex sheets (rolls) should be used.
Armaflex Accessories
Adhesive Armaflex 520: guarantees a reliable seal at tube butt joins and seams
Armaflex Cleaner: for cleaning the surfaces to be joined and the tools used
Armafinish 99: White or grey paint for protecting Armaflex from UV damage
Cutting sets: 3 piece knife set with sharpening stone
Ceramic knife: Cuts Armaflex without becoming dulled
Installation hints
ca 20 cm A
Clean all dust, dirt, oil and water from pipework using Ar- the slit seam and squeeze together with firm pressure, use of a sharp ceramic cutting knife is recommended
maflex Cleaner where necessary. Install Armaflex when to ensure a permanent seal. The Armaflex can be pus- (Armaflex Cleaner available for cleaning adhesive
ambient temperature is between +10 and +35C. Open hed around long radius bends. Alternatively two piece from tools and Armaflex insulation). Seal all butt joints
the pre-slit tube and fit over the pipe. Adjust to ensure elbows can be formed using the cutting template prin- with Armaflex 520 Adhesive. Alternatively AF/Armaf-
the self-adhesive strips are easily accessible. Remove ted on all Armaflex boxes and seal using Armaflex 520 lex Class O tape can be used to seal joints on central
the white protection paper strips on both sides. Close Adhesive* (always cut along the flat side of tubes). The heating pipework (not suitable to seal joins on cold
*Optimal evaporation time under normal conditions: 1 min. 30 sec.
All data and technical information are based on results achieved under typical application conditions. Recipients of this information should, in their own interest and responsibility, clarify with us whether or not
the data and information apply to the intended application area. Installation instructions are available in our Armaflex installation manual. Please consult Customer Services before insulating stainless steels.
Adhesive Armaflex 520 must be used to guarantee proper installation. Product not suitable for outdoor use without painting with Armafinish 99.
Armacell UK
Mars Street, Oldham, OL9 6LY T +44 (0)161 287 7100