Typical Conditions For Plasma Arc Cutting of Stainless Steels

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Table 17-2 Typical Conditions for Plasma Arc Cutting of Stainless Steels

Thickness Speed Orifice Diameter1

in. mm in./min mm/s in. mm (DCEN) (A) Power (kW)
4 6 200 86 1
8 3.2 300 60
2 13 100 42 1
8 3.2 300 60
1 25 50 21 32
4.0 400 80
2 51 20 9 16
4.8 500 100
3 76 16 7 16
4.8 500 100
4 102 8 3 16
4.8 500 100
 lasma gas flow rates vary with orifice diameter and gas used from about 100 ft3/h (47 L/min.) for a 18-in. (3.2 mm) orifice to about 200 ft3/h (94 L/min.) for a 316-in. (4.8 mm) orifice.

The gases used are nitrogen and argon with hydrogen additions from 0 to 35%. The equipment m anufacturer should be consulted for each application.

Table 17-3 Typical Conditions for Plasma Arc Cutting of Aluminum Alloys

Thickness Speed Orifice Diameter1

in. mm in./min mm/s in. mm (DCEN) (A) Power (kW)
4 6 300 127 1
8 3.2 300 60
2 13 200 86 1
8 3.2 250 50
1 25 90 38 32
4.0 400 80
2 51 20 9 32
4.0 400 80
3 76 15 6 3
16 4.8 450 90
4 102 12 5 3
16 4.8 450 90
6 152 8 3 1
4 6.4 750 170
 lasma gas flow rates vary with orifice diameter and gas used from about 100 ft3/h (47 L/min.) for a 18-in. (3.2 mm) orifice to about 250 ft3/h (120 L/min.) for a 14-in. (6.4 mm)

orifice. The gases used are nitrogen and argon with hydrogen additions from 0 to 35%. The equipment manufacturer should be consulted for each application.

Air Carbon Arc Cutting The travel speed depends on the size of electrode, type
The air carbon arc cutting (CAC-A) process is a method of of material, amperage, and air pressure. The depth and
cutting and gouging by melting the work with an electric contour of the groove is controlled by the electrode angle,
arc and blowing away the molten metal with a strong jet of travel speed, and current. The width is determined by the
compressed air. Because the process does not depend on size of the electrode. Two plates may be grooved simulta-
oxidation, it can be used on virtually all metals. The met- neously, Fig. 17-13, page 530.
als are not harmed by the process but a small heat affected The air carbon arc process is commonly used in steel
zone is produced. foundries to remove defects from castings. It is also used
a good deal in metal fabrication. The process can remove
weld defects, clean out the roots of welds, widen grooves
that have pulled together during welding, and make U-
For video of CAC-A in operation, please visit grooves in plates. As a maintenance process, it is used by
www.mhhe.com/welding. the railroads to gouge out cracks before damaged railroad
cars and tracks are welded. In refineries it cuts stainless-
steel pipe, removes stainless-steel liners, and patches
An arc is struck between the carbon electrode and the tank bottoms. Air carbon arc cutting also prepares metal
metal to be cut. The metal melts instantly, and high veloc- parts for hard-facing and repair welding. The process can
ity jets of air blast the molten metal away. The air blast is be used on all carbon, manganese, and stainless steels,
continuous and directed through and behind the point of copper and nickel alloys, cast iron, and other hard-to-cut
arcing. The electrode is pushed forward at a rapid rate. metals.

Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7 Chapter 17 529
Fig. 17-14 This air carbon arc torch has a flat electrode that makes it possible
to cut with more precision. Thermadyne Industries, Inc.
Fig. 17-13 Nature of the gouge that is possible with the air
carbon arc torch. Both plates were set up as a square groove
butt joint, and a U-groove was cut into the joint. The groove is Direct current, electrode positive polarity is used for most
ready for welding. Thermadyne Industries, Inc. applications, but an electrode for alternating current is
available. There is equipment for manual, machine, and
automatic operation. Figure 17-15, page 532 illustrates
The air carbon arc electrode is made of carbon and mechanized equipment in operation.
graphite, and it is coated with copper. Sizes range from Ordinary compressed air is supplied by a compressor.
32 to 1 inch. A flat electrode, Fig. 17-14, allows greater Most applications require from 80 to 100 p.s.i. for heavy
flexibility. Table 17-4 lists types of current and polarities duty and light duty manual cutting with as little as 40 p.s.i.
for different metals. at a flow rate over 80 cubic feet per hour, depending upon
The compressed air passes through holes in the elec- the thickness of the material. The air pressure must be of
trode holder that directs it parallel to the electrode. The such volume that a clean, dross-free surface is ensured.
electrode holder contains an air control valve and a cable
that carries both the current and air. The holder may be
air or water cooled. The cable is connected to a welding Oxygen Arc Cutting
machine and a source of compressed air. Oxygen arc cutting (AOC) is a method of cutting, pierc-
The regular constant current welding machine may ing, and gouging metals with an electric arc and a stream
be used. See Tables 17-5, 17-6, and 17-7 (pp. 531532). of oxygen.

Table 17-4 Electrode and Current Recommendations for Air Carbon Arc Cutting ofSeveral Alloys

Alloy Electrode Type Current Type Remarks

Carbon, low alloy, and d.c. dcrp
stainless steels a.c. ac Only 50% as efficient as dcrp
Cast irons a.c. dcsp At middle of electrode current range
a.c. ac
d.c. dcrp At maximum current only
Copper alloys:
copper 60% or less d.c. dcrp At maximum current
copper over 60% a.c. ac
Nickel alloys a.c. ac
a.c. dcsp
Magnesium alloys d.c. dcrp Before welding, surface must be cleaned.
Aluminum alloys d.c. dcrp Electrode extension should not exceed 4 in. (100 mm).
Before welding, surface must be cleaned.

530 Chapter 17 Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7
Table 17-5 Ampere Settings (a.c. or d.c.) and Oxygen Pressures

Chrome Nickel, Straight Low Alloy (Alloy Content Less Carbon Steel and Low Alloy
Chrome, Monel Nickel Brass, Bronze, Copper Cast iron Aluminum than 12%) High Tensile
Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen
Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds
per per per per per per
Square Square square Square Square Square
Thickness Amps Inch Thickness Amps Inch Thickness Amps Inch Thickness Amps Inch Thickness Amps Inch Thickness Amps Inch
14 175 35 14 180 1015 14 180 10 14 200 30 14 175 3035 14 175 75
185 510 2
185 1015 2
185 1015 2
200 30 2
180 3540 2
175 75
195 1015 4
190 1520 4
190 1520 4
200 30 4
190 4045 4
175 75
1 200 1520 1 200 2025 1 200 2025 1 200 30 1 200 4550 1 175 75
1 4
210 2025 1 4
210 2530 1 4
210 2530 1 4
200 35 1 4
205 5055 1 4
200 75
1 2
215 2530 1 2
215 3035 1 2
215 3035 1 2
200 35 1 2
210 5560 1 2
200 75
1 4
220 3540 1 4
220 3540 1 4
220 3540 1 4
200 40 1 4
215 6065 1 4
200 75
2 220 4045 2 225 4045 2 225 4045 2 200 40 2 220 6570 2 200 75
2 4
225 4550 2 4
225 4550 2 4
225 4550 2 4
175 45 2 4
225 7075 2 4
225 75
2 2
225 5055 2 2
230 5055 2 2
230 5055 2 2
175 45 2 2
225 75 2 2
225 75
234 230 5560 234 230 55 234 230 5560 234 175 45 234 230 75 234 225 75
3 230 60 3 235 55 3 235 60 3 175 45 3 230 75 3 225 75
Source: Arcos Corp.
Table 17-6 Power Sources for Air Carbon Arc Cutting and Gouging

Type of Current Type of Power Source Remarks

d.c. Constant current motor-generator, Recommended for all electrode sizes.
rectifier, or resistor grid unit
d.c. Constant potential motor-generator Recommended for 14-in. (6.4-mm) and larger diameter electrodes
or rectifier only. May cause carbon deposit with small electrodes. Not suitable for
automatic torches with voltage control.
a.c. Constant current transformer Recommended for a.c. electrodes only.
a.c. or d.c. Constant current D.C. supplied from three-phase transformer-rectifier supplies is
satisfactory, but d.c. from single-phase sources gives unsatisfactory arc
characteristics. A.C. output from a.c.-d.c. units is satisfactory provided
a.c. electrodes are used.

Table 17-7 Electrode and Current Recommendations for Air Carbon Arc Cutting ofSeveral Alloys

Alloy Electrode Type Current Type Remarks

Carbon, low alloy, and d.c. DCEP
stainless steels a.c. a.c. Only 50% as efficient as DCEP
Cast irons a.c. DCEN At middle of electrode current range
a.c. a.c.
d.c. DCEP At maximum current only
Copper alloys:
copper 60% or less d.c. DCEP At maximum current
copper over 60% a.c. a.c.
Nickel alloys a.c. a.c.
a.c. DCEN
Magnesium alloys d.c. DCEN Before welding, surface must be cleaned.
Aluminum alloys d.c. DCEN Electrode extension should not exceed 4 in. (100 mm).
Before welding, surface must be cleaned.

In the oxygen arc process, a stream of oxygen is di-

rected into a pool of molten metal. The pool is formed
and kept molten by an arc established between the base
metal and a tubular coated electrode, which is con-
sumed during the cutting operation, Fig.17-16. In ad-
dition to providing the source of the arc, the coating on
the electrode provides insulation, acts as an arc stabi-
lizer, and aids the flow of molten metal from the cut.
The cutting action is fast, and preheating is not re-
quired. The cut material is not contaminated in any
way. The finished cuts require very little grinding
or machining. The cut surfaces, however, are usu-
ally rougher than those produced by other arc cut-
ting processes. Experienced welders are able to use
the process for the first time with very little practice.
Fig. 17-15 Air carbon arc torch and carriage for mechanized operation. The oxygen arc process can be used to cut those met-
The current is d.c. electrode positive polarity, variable voltage. Electrode als that have always been considered nearly impossible
sizes are 516 through 58 inches. Thermadyne Industries, Inc. by standard methods. Electrodes were first developed

532 Chapter 17 Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7
To Oxygen Tank

Welding Machine


Flux Coating


Fig. 17-17 The oxygen arc electrode and holder. Arcos Corp.

Electric Arc primarily for use in under- arc and release the oxygen. For piercing, the electrode is
water cutting. It is possible pushed into and through the plate. For cutting, the elec-
Spray to cut ferrous and nonfer- trode is dragged along the plate surface at the same rate
rous metals in any thickness as the cut. The coating is kept in contact with the material
and position. Such metals as being cut at all times. The coating burns off more slowly
stainless steels, nickel-clad than the electrode, thus maintaining the arc. Figure 17-18
Fig. 17-16 Schematic of steel, bronze, copper, brass, illustrates the process at the point of cutting.
the oxygen arc electrode in
operation. aluminum, and cast iron are The speed of cut varies with the thickness and compo-
cut without difficulty. sition of the plate, the oxygen pressure, the current, and
Equipment includes an ox- the size of the electrode, Fig. 17-19, page 534. Table 17-3
ygen arc electrode holder, oxygen arc coated tubular elec gives the ampere settings and oxygen pressures for various
trodes, an a.c. or d.c. welding machine, a tank of oxygen, types of metal that can be cut by the oxygen arc process.
and oxygen-regulating gauges.
The oxygen arc cutting electrode is a ferrous metal
tube covered with a nonconductive coating. The function Coating
of the tube is to conduct current for the establishment and Oxyarc Rod
maintenance of the arc. The bore of the tube directs the
oxygen to the metal being cut. These electrodes are avail- Oxygen
able in 316- and 516-inch diameters with bores of 116 and 110 Direction of Travel
inch, respectively. They are 14 and 18 inches long.
The electrode is held by a special holder, Fig.1717. preheated
This holder is similar in appearance to a welding elec- by arc alone.
zone for
trode holder. When used for cutting under water, a fully Plate heated core
insulated holder equipped with a suitable flashback ar- by arc and
rester is required. Both current and oxygen are fed to of core. depending
the electrode through the holder. It is easy to insert the on oxygen
electrode into the holder and remove the stub end after Leading edge
of cut. Oxides, Slag, Dross,
cutting. The flow of oxygen is controlled by a valve built Molten Metal
into the holder and triggered by the operator with the
hand that grasps the holder.
Both the cutting and piercing operations are begun by
tapping the tip of the electrode on the work to establish an Fig. 17-18 The oxygen arc process at the point of cutting.

Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7 Chapter 17 533
Fig. 17-20 This custom control system will closely track all
pipe spools throughout the production process, from the isometric
drawing to shipment. It can pinpoint materials shortages, allocates
material to each pipe spool as required while tracking man-hours
required. Automated systems like this are required to speed produc-
tion and delivery while ensuring the accuracy of each pipe spool.
Team Industries, Inc.

the hand cutting torch. Machines may be used for cutting

straight lines, bevels, circles, and other cuts of varied shape.
Fig. 17-19 The oxygen arc cutting of cast iron Small portable cutting machines are used with only
risers in thefoundry. Risers are 5 inches square. one torch. Large permanent installations can make
The operation required 5 minutes cutting time. use of several cutting torches to make a number of
Arcos Corp.
similar shapes at the same time. A multiple-torch cut-
ting machine and its automatic controls are shown in
Figs. 17-21 and 17-22.
Gouging is performed by inclining the electrode until Maximum productive capacity is achieved through the
it is almost parallel to the plate surface and pointed away use of stationary cutting machines developed for produc-
from the operator along the line of the gouge. tion cutting of regular and irregular shapes of practically
any design. These machines can be particularly adapted
Goggles Welders must wear protective goggles to prevent to operations in which the same pattern or design is to be
harm to their eyes from sparks, hot particles of metal, and cut repeatedly, Fig. 17-23. A number of cutting torches are

Gloves The heat coming from a cutting job may

be very intense. There may also be a shower of
sparks and hot material which makes it neces-
sary for welders to protect their hands with
gloves. Gloves should be kept free from grease
and oil because of the danger involved in contact
with oxygen.

Arc Cutting Machines

A very large part of the cutting done today is
performed by arc cutting machines, Fig. 1720.
These machines have a device to hold the cutting
torch and guide it along the work at a uniform
rate of speed. It is possible to produce work of Fig. 17-21 Gantry-type mechanized cutting machine with PAC speeds up to
higher quality and at a greater speed than with 400 inches per minute. ESAB

534 Chapter 17 Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7
same time. This is a machine cutting process known as
stack cutting. The plates in the stack must be clean and flat
and have their edges in alignment where the cut is started.
The plates must be in tight contact so that there is a mini-
mum of air space between them. It is usually necessary to
clamp them together.

Beam Cutter
The beam cutter is a portable structural fabricating tool.
From one rail setting the operator can trim, bevel, and
cope beams, channels, and angles. The beam rail is posi-
tioned across the flanges. Two permanent magnets lock
and square the rail in position. Variable speed power
units are used on both the horizontal and vertical drives.
A squaring gauge enables the operator to adjust the torch
from bevel to straight trim cuts.
Fig. 17-22 An automatic digital control unit. ESAB This all-position arc cutting machine weighs
only 60 pounds. It is easily moved and set in
position by one operator, so, setup time is mini-
mal. The beam cutter provides clean, accurate
cuts in a minimum amount of time. It has be-
come a very important tool for use in the con-
struction industry.

Learning Arc Cutting Skills

Your instructor will assign appropriate prac-
tice in arc cutting from the jobs listed in the
Job Outlines, Tables 17-9, page 543, and 17-
11, page 546. Before you begin a job, refer to
Chapter 1 on safety and then study the speci-
fications given in the Job Outline. The Text
Fig. 17-23 A large gantry system with multiple-head capacity. Travel speed
from 21,400 inches per minute. Note the vision computer numerical contol. Reference column lists the pages in the chapter
ESAB on which the job drawings and job description
appear. Pay particular attention to the drawing
that accompanies the job description.
mounted on the machine so that a number of parts of the
same shape can be cut simultaneously. These machines
can be used for straight line or circle cutting. They can be Practice Jobs
guided by hand or a template.
Cutting machines may be guided by various types of Plasma Arc Cutting
tracing devices. One type follows a pattern line of tracer The type and thickness of the metal to be cut will de-
ink and electrically controls the movement of the torch by termine the amperage setting and cutting speed. The
means of a servomechanism. manual air plasma cutting power source and equipment
Some units make use of a tracer roller, which is mag- will generally be rated in amperage and the thickness
netized and kept in contact with a steel pattern. The tracer and type of material it is designed for. In most cases the
follows the exact outer contour of the pattern and causes electrode, tip, and gas pressure need not be varied for
the cutting tools to produce a cut in exactly the same shape. doing manual PAC with compressed air. Always follow
the specific information provided by the equipment man-
Stack Cutting ufacturer. Figure 17-24, page 536 is a manual air plasma
In addition to cuts made through a single thicknessof ma- cutting system. Figure 17-25, page 536 represents a typi-
terial, cuts are made through several thicknesses at the cal plasma cutting torch, its major parts, and inspection

Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7 Chapter 17 535

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