Café Au Lait: 76 Consulting LTD

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Sana Ali | Christine Dikongue | Amy Michialidis | Rajiv Mirpuri | Geoff Penhorwood | Corinne Sperduti

1.0 Background 6
1.1 Business Objective 6
1.2 Project Objectives 6

2.0 Scope Management Purpose 7

2.1 Project Title 7
2.2 Justification 7
2.3 Scope Summary 7
2.4 Acceptance/Success 7
2.5 Sponsors/ Stakeholders 7
2.6 Budget 7

3.0 Collection of Requirements 8

3.1 Identification 8
3.2 Analysis 8
3.3 Documentation 8
3.4 Requirements Traceability Matrix 8
3.5 Stakeholder Register Roles & Responsibilities 9

4.0 Scope 10
4.1 Scope Statement 10
4.2 Acceptance Criteria 10
4.3 Document Review Analysis 11
4.4 Deliverables 12
4.5 Exclusions 14
4.6 Constraints 15
4.7 Assumptions 15

5.0 Work Breakdown Structure 16

5.1 WBS 16
5.2 WBS Dictionary 16

6.0 Scope Validation 17


7.0 Scope Control 18

7.1 Purpose of the Change Management Plan 18
7.2 Version History 18
7.3 Change Request (CR) Process Flow Requirements 18
7.4 Change Management Log (Template) 19
7.5 Evaluating and Authorizing Change Requests 19
7.6 Change Control Board 20
7.7 Change Management Plan Approval 20

8.0 Cost Management 21

Project Schedule 21
Milestone Chart 21
Cost Plan 22
8.4 76 Control 22
9.0 Stakeholder Communication Requirements 23
9.1 Information to be Communicated 24
9.2 Medium Choice 25
9.3 Escalation Process 26
9.4 Revision Process 28

Risk Management Plan 29
Risk Management Objective 29
Risk Approach 29
Risk Breakdown Structure 29
Qualitative Risk Analysis 30
Quantitative Analysis 31
Risk Register 31
Identified Risks 32

11.0 Human Resources Plan 33

11.1 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities Assignments 33
11.2 Organizational Chart 34
11.3 Responsibility Assignment Matrix 35
11.4 Staff Acquisition 36
11.5 Resources Calendar 36

12.0 Resource Availability Planning (Develop) 37

COURSE # 12.1
SCS1860 272 Ramp-up Report 37
GROUP 7 12.2 Phase Resource Requirement Report 37

Sana Ali | Christine Dikongue | Amy Michialidis | Rajiv Mirpuri | Geoff Penhorwood | Corinne Sperduti
13.0 Project Staff Performance Management (Manage) 38
13.1 Project Performance Appraisals 38
13.2 Observation & Conversation 39
13.3 Feedback on Performance 39
13.4 Conflict Management 40
13.5 Issues Log 40

Recognition & Rewards 41
Benefits 41
Training 41
Team Building 41

15.0 Quality Management Plan 42

15.1 Document Change Control 42
15.2 Quality Management Approach 42
15.3 Quality Management Objectives 43
15.4 Project Quality Control 43
15.5 Project Quality Assurance 45
15.6 Quality Team Roles & Responsibilities 47
15.7 Quality Tools 47
15.8 Quality Control and Assurance Problem Reporting Plan 48

16.0 Project Close-out Resource Release Report 49

17.0 Client Acceptane 50

Tab A - Change Request Form 52
Tab B - Requirements Traceability Matrix 53
Tab C - WBS 56
Tab D - WBS Dictionary 58
Tab E - Scope Validation Plan 60
Tab F - Change Management Instructions & Log 62
Tab G - Project Schedule 64
Tab H - Cost Plan 74

Caf Au Lait is a successful bakery caf located at Runnymede Rd. and Dundas St. in Toronto, Canada
that opened its doors in 2012. Following 3 years of a successful business, the owners of Caf Au Lait,
Bonnie and Troy, have expanded their caf to its second location in the bustling neighbourhood of
Liberty Village, which is home to a flurry of young professionals and a booming condo development.
Market research has identified the south west area of Toronto as the perfect site for the cafs second
location as there is little competition, large amounts of pedestrian traffic, as well as urban infrastructure
and a dynamic population.

The Liberty Village location is currently in its second month of business, but despite a promising start,
Caf Au Lait is not hitting projected sales. To combat the lack of awareness, the cafs owners have
decided to engage event marketing agency 76 Consulting Ltd. to help boost awareness, traffic and sales
for their second location. 76 Consulting Ltd. has been in business for over 12 years and has a roster of
over 15 loyal clients from the restaurant, service industry and retail sectors.


Use the promotional event as a vehicle to change and improve Caf Au Laits brand image as
a popular and authentic bakery caf in the eyes of the public who live and work in Torontos
Liberty Village.
Increase the sales and traffic of Caf Au Laits Liberty Village location and make the second
location as profitable and successful as the first.


Develop a 60-day plan to successfully deliver on scope, schedule, and cost a one-day event at
Caf Au Laits Liberty Village location that will drive awareness of the business.
Create an engaging experience for pedestrians to sample Caf Au Laits food and drinks.
Achieve Sponsor/Client satisfaction at the conclusion of the event.
Build the business relationship with the owners of Caf Au Lait to increase the likelihood of 76
Consulting Ltd. being engaged for future projects.
This section of the Caf Au Lait Liberty Village Awareness Event will clearly define the scope of the project,
including requirements collection, the WBS, scope validation, control plans and techniques. Additionally,
the Scope Management Plan will serve as an agreement of the project scope between the following parties:
Project Sponsor/Stakeholder (Caf Au Lait owners, Bonnie & Troy) and 76 Consulting Ltd. (Project Director,
Project Manager, Project Team) and other personnel associated with and/or affected by the project.


Caf Au Lait Liberty Village Awareness Event.

Caf Au Lait is not hitting projected sales and is not recognized by the community in Liberty Village. 76
Consulting Ltd. will help to boost the awareness for Caf Au Lait`s second location with a promotional event to
create buzz about the caf amongst those who live and work in Liberty Village.


This project will consist of planning an awareness event starting April 1, 2016 for a one day event on Thursday
June 9, 2016 (7am - 7pm) with a total budget of $90,000 to drive awareness of Caf Au Lait`s second location in
Torontos Liberty Village. The projects targeted completion date is June 30, 2016.
The event will include samples of Caf Au Lait`s food and drink, special offers and coupons (which will be
provided by the sponsor/stakeholder), as well as promotional printed pre-event materials and at-event
materials. The event will be a way for local consumers to test and try Caf Au Laits products and as a way to
motivate consumers to visit and shop at the Caf.

The project sponsor, project director, project manager, and other stakeholders are responsible for establishing
and approving documents for project scope measurement. This will include deliverable quality checklists and
any performance measurements. As the project moves throughout its lifecycle and planned scope becomes
complete, project objective managers and stakeholders/sponsors will be aware of what is being accomplished
in relations to expensed resources and meeting stakeholder/sponsor expectations.

The project will be determined successful with clients satisfaction and formal sign-off following the one day
event being delivered and executed on time, and on budget.


Bonnie Smith Owner of Caf Au Lait
Troy Smith Owner of Caf Au Lait

The total Project Budget for the Caf Au Lait Liberty Village Awareness Event is CDN $90,000.00
(excluding HST).

Please refer to Appendix A Change Request Form.

The approach 76 Consulting Ltd. will use for collecting requirements for the Caf Au Lait Liberty Village
Awareness Event will consist of splitting the deliverables into project and product deliverables requirement
identification, interviews, surveys and document analysis.

The tools and techniques used to gather key insights into the project and product requirements will be
interviews (focus groups) with key stakeholders and consumer surveys (intercept surveys with 20 key
questions with a sample population of 100 people in the Liberty Village area).

The project team will analyze the results, and structure the survey answers and requirements to determine
priority and accountability. Document analysis and acceptance criteria will be determined for an
understanding of when a requirement has reached an acceptable level.

Once a requirement has been set, it will be documented and assigned to the appropriate stakeholder and
team member. Key findings and insights will be summarized in pie charts and bar graphs.


The Requirements Traceability Matrix is used to link identified and documented project requirements to
those elements within the scope and WBS that will ensure the requirement is met and satisfied.

Please refer to Appendix B Requirements Traceability Matrix.




Sponsor/ That the project is carried Reviews and approves the External HIGH HIGH ALL STAGES
Stakeholder Owners out according to the project charter and plan,
at Caf Au Lait agreed project plan. deliverables. Decision maker on
changes to the project. Has to
be informed of all changes.

Project Director That the project is planned Must be kept up to date with Internal HIGH HIGH ALL STAGES
appropriately, including the project, so the Sponsor can
the project schedule and be updated. Any major changes
milestones. the PD must be involved in.
Review and approve project
budget and expenditures.
Liaises between PM and

Project Manager That the event is carried Requires daily updates and Internal HIGH HIGH ALL STAGES
out according to communication on the project,
specifications, project plan and any issues that arise.
and to the agreed plan of

Project Budget & That all costs provided Reports individual and project Internal HIGH HIGH ALL STAGES
Finance Officer prior to preparing the status. Performs all project
budget. activities as needed. Develops
project budget requirements.

Project & Event That all details regarding Performs all project activities as Internal HIGH MED ALL STAGES
Planning Officer the project are provided needed. Develops scheduling
prior to preparing the requirements. Communicates
event plan. Must report key dates and deadlines to
individual and project the Event Operations Officer
status to the Project and other team members as
Manager. needed. Interacts with support
personnel as needed.

Event Operations All details are provided Performs all project activities Internal HIGH MED ALL STAGES
Officer by the Project & Event as needed. Responsible for the
Planning Officer within a event setup.
sufficient timeframe. Event
is setup as scheduled.
Reports individual and
project status to the PM.
Responsible for on-site
coordination of event
personnel, materials, etc.

Project Coordinator Ensuring on time delivery Performs all project activities Internal HIGH LOW ALL STAGES
of materials. Reports as needed. Assists Event
individual and project Operations Officer with on-site
status to PM. event support. Prepares reports
and event documentation and

Project Admin Ensuring all office space is Performs all project activities Internal HIGH LOW ALL STAGES
maintained and stocked as as needed. Coordinates and
per Project Team needs. schedules all internal and
external project meetings.
Assists with the production
of project and event
documentation, material. Assists
Budget & Finance Officer with
payment, invoices, filing, etc.

The project scope will be broken down into two primary categories; project scope deliverables and product
scope deliverables. For the avoidance of doubt, project related deliverables, as defined in section 4.4
below, will refer to the suit of documents, plans, and processes created by 76 Consulting Ltd to enable
the on budget and on time execution of the Caf Au Lait Liberty Village Awareness Event. Product related
deliverables will refer to those items required to ensure the success of the event on the day and on site.
This includes those physical items outlined in section 4.4 below. The requirements for both categories of
scope will be collected as per the process outlined above.

Those projects related deliverables outlined in section 4.4 would be defined, created, and accepted by
the project sponsor in phases 1 and 2 of the project schedule. Some monitoring and control exercises
will persist into phase 3, leading up to the successful execution of the event. Each plan, process, or
project document will successfully pass through the acceptance criteria process outlined below before
being accepted by the customer. Document creation, approval, and review will have to be completed
within a tight timeframe due to the project schedule, and 76 Consulting Ltd staff must aim for document
acceptance on first review to avoid unnecessary time spent on revisions.

As the product related deliverables pertain directly to the success of the promotional event, they will
be procured, delivered, and installed at the project site in phase 3 of the project schedule. Timing of
procurement and delivery will be critical as no significant lead-time or storage has been allowed for in
the project schedule. The delivery and installation of these deliverables will be reported to the project
manager and project sponsor on a weekly (or sometimes more frequent) basis so as to maintain a dynamic
customer acceptance process. Both categories of scope will be monitored, validated, and controlled via the
processes outlined in section 7.0 of this document.


1. Project deliverable acceptance criteria
a. Each stage of project deliverable development will be delivered to the customer as per the agreed
project schedule.
b. Each stage of project deliverable development will be signed off by the author, project manager,
and project director where appropriate before submission to the customer as per section 7.0 of
this document.
c. Each stage of project deliverable development will be approved and signed off by the customer
where required as per the agreed WBS and as per section 7.0 of this document.

1. Product deliverable acceptance criteria:

a. Weekly progress reports will be used as the primary way to track and gain acceptance of each item
listed in section 4.4.
b. Delivery and receipt of each item listed in section 4.4 will be tracked against the procurement
management plan and progress reported weekly to the PM and project sponsor.
c. Setup of each item listed in section 4.4 will be tracked against the Schedule baseline and progress
reported weekly to the PM and project sponsor leading up to the event day.
d. Sponsor/customer feedback: Was the event a success? Did it meet targeted outcomes?


1.1 Project Requirements/Deliverables

1.1.2 Project Charter

1.1.3 Project Requirements Requirements management plan

1.1.4 Budget Cost performance baseline Cost management plan

1.1.5 Schedule Schedule baseline Schedule management plan

1.1.6 Resources Responsibility charts/assignments Human resource plan Communication management plan

1.1.7 Scope Scope statement WBS Scope baseline Scope management plan

1.1.8 Risk Assessment Risk management plan

1.1.9 Other Management Plans & Reports Process improvement plan Quality management plan Procurement management plan Weekly progress reports Lessons learnt / Post-event summary report
1.2 Product Requirements/Deliverables

1.2.2 Dcor Tent (qty. 1, rental) Balloons (qty. 20 with ribbon and weights) Banner (qty. 1 inc. design and printing) Step and repeat backdrop (qty. 1 inc. structure, design, printing, and installation) Stanchions (qty. 8, rental) Red carpet (qty. 1, rental) Riser tables (qty. 10, rental) Stools (qty. 20, rental)

1.2.3 Out of Home Materials 1 mobile billboard (inc. media space, design, production, installation, and driver) 3 chalk art installations (inc. media space, design, and installation) Wild postings (qty. 5, inc. media space, design, and installation)

1.2.4 Printed Promotional Materials Flyers (qty. 1000 design and printing) Coupons (qty. 1000 design and printing) Direct Mail charge (qty. 2000 design, printing and distribution)

1.2.5 Additional Required Staff 1 x Photographer + equipment (9 hrs) 1 x DJ + equipment (9 hrs) Street Team (4 street team members, 9hrs, uniforms, and 4 iPad rentals)

1.2.6 Other Electrical generator (qty. 1, rental)

1. Food, beverages, samples, offers, and full-time staff for in-store operations (to be provided by the
project sponsor).
2. Food, beverage, and other sample quality (to be guaranteed by the project sponsor).
3. Contest prizes (to be provided by the project sponsor).
4. Additional project management services (extended advertising initiatives, press release, media
relations & distribution) by 76 Consulting Ltd after project closeout.
5. On-going business improvement services (sales and operational support) for Caf Au Lait by 76
Consulting Ltd after project closeout.
6. All other products and services offered by 76 Consulting Ltd unless expressly stated and agreed to
by the Project Manager and/or the Project Director.


There will be little room for additions to the project scope

1. Tight schedule and schedule, change orders, etc. due to the tight project

Documents, plans, and processes must be produced to

2. Document Production achieve acceptance at first review to avoid unnecessary time
spent for revisions.

Failure to secure all required permits and approvals as

1. Permits per the project schedule may jeopardize the successful
execution of the event.

No storage or significant lead time has been allowed for.

The product deliverables outlined in section 4.4 must be
4. Product Deliverables
procured and delivered so that they arrive ready to be set
up for the event.

Given the poor performance the second location, the event

5. Budget must stay on budget to avoid putting the project sponsors
under further financial stress.

1. Caf staff (i.e. cashiers, wait staff, bakers) will be provided by the project sponsor.
Consequence: 76 Consulting Ltd will be forced to procure and train additional staff at short notice.
2. The project sponsor will provide adequate amounts of baked goods, beverages, and other samples.
Consequence: 76 Consulting Ltd will be forced to procure additional supplies from another
establishment, which would be inconsistent with the objective of the event. Possibility to use the
other caf site.
3. There will not be any other, large-scale promotional events taking place on the day of the event or
in the general vicinity of the event that would interfere with the event.
Consequence: 76 Consulting Ltd will be forced to hire additional event staff and promotional
materials to compensate for the loss of customers.
4. The traffic counters in the caf will be able to accurately count/track high volumes of foot traffic
during the event.
Consequence: 76 Consulting Ltd will be forced to provide additional event staff to act as traffic
counters or employ another technique to estimate traffic conditions/levels.
5. The cafs stakeholders will accurately track and report sales figures during and following the event.
Consequence: 76 Consulting Ltd will be forced to employ another technique to estimate sales
figures following the event.

5.1 WBS
The following work breakdown structure will be used by 76 Consulting Ltd. to successfully facilitate the
delivery of the Caf Au Lait Liberty Village Awareness Event. This WBS uses a phased, top down approach.

Please refer to Appendix C WBS.


The following section includes additional information based on the WBS, to clarify scope and work on
each task.

Please refer to Appendix D WBS Dictionary.

This section highlights the sign-off and acceptance levels of the WBS compared against the scope baseline.

Please refer to Appendix E Scope Validation Plan.

The Change Management Plan documents and tracks all the scope changes against the scope baseline
requested by the project sponsors/stakeholders. The audience is the project manager, project team, the
owners of Caf au Lait, it is the mean used to control the scope and ensure that changes in the project are
addressed and approved properly.


The version history will help 76 Consulting Ltd. control and track the development and distribution of
the Change Management Plan.


Project Manager: Project Director: Original

1.0 03/01/2016 03/05/2016
Matthew Smith Ramona Bennett Version



A submitter completes a CR Form and sends the completed

Generate CR
form to the Change Manager

The Change Manager enters the CR into the CR Log. The

Log CR Status
CRs status is updated throughout the CR process as needed.

Project personnel review the CR and provide an estimated

Evaluate CR level of effort to process, and develop a proposed solution
for the suggested change

Approval to move forward with incorporating the suggested

change into the project/product

If approved, make the necessary adjustments to carry out

Implement the requested change and communicate CR status to the
submitter and other stakeholders



The following is the document template for the log that will be used throughout the project life cycle to
track and maintain a historical view of project change requests and their current status.

Please refer to Appendix F Change Management Log.


Change requests are evaluated using the following priority criteria:


High A change affecting Scope, Time, Resources, Quality and Cost

Medium A change affecting Duration, e.g.: When a feeding buffer needs to added

Low When a change wont affect the process of the project

Change requests are evaluated and assigned one or more of the following change types:


Scope Change affecting scope

Time Change affecting time

Duration Change affecting duration

Cost Change affecting cost

Resources Change affecting resources

Deliverables Change affecting deliverables

Product Change affecting product

Processes Change affecting process

Quality Change affecting quality

Change requests are evaluated and assigned one of the following status types:


Open Entered/Open but not yet approved or assigned

Work in Progress CR approved, assigned, and work is progressing

In Review CR work is completed and in final review prior to testing

Testing CR work has been reviewed and is being tested

Closed CR work is complete, has passed all tests, and updates have been released.



Stakeholders Bonnie & Troy 416-455-6859 Authorizing Medium and Low priorities.

Authorizing high priority CR. This change

Project Director Ramona Bennett 426-543-9834
needs to be approved by the stakeholders.
In charge of controlling the change in the
Project Manager Matthew Smith 647-988-3453 entire project from the beginning to the


This template will be used for the Caf Au Lait project to acknowledge that relevant stakeholders have
reviewed the Caf au Lait Change Management Plan and agree with the suggestion. Changes to this
Change Management Plan will be coordinated and approved by the undersigned.

Signature: Bonnie Henri

Troy Henri Date: March 1st 2016
Print Name: Bonnie & Troy Henri
Title: Stakeholders
Role: Authorizing Medium and Low priorities

Signature: Ramona Bennett Date: March 1st 2016

Print Name: Ramona Bennett
Title: Project Director
Role: Authorizing high priority CR. This change needs to be approved by the stakeholders.

Signature: Matthew Smith Date: March 1st 2016
Print Name: Matthew Smith
Title: Project Manager
Role: In charge of controlling the change in the entire project from the beginning to end.

The following schedule is a listing of a projects milestones, activities, and deliverables, with intended
start and finish dates. Estimated based on resource allocation, and duration, linked by dependencies and
scheduled events. Elements on the schedule are closely related to the work breakdown structure.

Please refer to Appendix G for Project Schedule



1. Concept Project Director Apr-01 Apr-15

Project Charter Project Director Apr-01 Apr-15

2. Development Project Manager 16-Apr 15-May

Project Plan Project Manager Apr-16 May-15

3. Implementation Project Manager May-16 Jun-30

Printed Materials Project & Event Planning Officer May-23 Jun-01

Out of Home Materials Event Operations Officer May-23 Jun-05

Street Team Project & Event Planning Officer May-23 Jun-09

Disc Jockey Project & Event Planning Officer May-25 Jun-09

Photographer Project & Event Planning Officer May-25 Jun-09

Dcor Event Operations Officer May-23 Jun-09

4. Project Close Out Project Manager Jun-10 Jun-30

Lessons Learned & Post
Project Manager Jun-10 Jun-30
Report Document

The definitive cost plan summarizes using a bottom up (detailed) method for all resources, space, material
and equipment to fulfill the Caf Au Lait Liberty Village Awareness Event on Thursday June 9, 2016. The
Baseline Budget is $90,000 (excluding HST).

Please refer to Appendix H Cost Plan.


The Project Budget & Finance Officer will monitor the costs. All quotes/invoices from the project team
will be submitted along with tracking sheets. The project budget finance manager will ensure all items
are recorded to the cost baseline. The officer will use methodologies such as earned value management
to track against planned, earned and actual costs. All costs will be monitored, tracked, reviewed and
Bonnie and Project Weekly progress To be provided with all External High High All Phases
Troy Henri Sponsors and reports, Document/Plan reports, plans, revisions,
Owners of revisions, Document/ project documents, and
Caf Au Lait Plan approvals/rejection, deliverables in accordance
Project Plan approvals/ with the WBS and Project
rejection, Project Schedule
Deliverable order/receipt
reports, Lessons Learned
Ramona Project Document/Plan To review and sign-off high Internal High High All Phases
Bennett Director approvals/rejection, level, Project Kick-Off, and
Project Plan approvals/ Project Plan documents,
rejection, Lessons especially budget, schedule,
Learned and scope
Matthew Project Weekly progress To prepare the Project Internal High High All Phases
Smith Manager reports, Document/Plan Budget and to be provided
revisions, Document/ with and provide the Project
Plan approvals/rejection, Manager with all reports,
Project Plan approvals/ plans, revisions, project
rejection, Project documents, and deliverables
Deliverable order/receipt in accordance with the WBS
reports, Lessons Learned and Project Schedule
Stephanie Project Project Budget, Weekly To prepare the Project Internal High Phase 2,
Johnson Budget & progress reports, Schedule and to be provided Phase 3
Finance Document/Plan with and provide the Project
Officer revisions, Document/ Manager with all reports,
Plan approvals/rejection, plans, revisions, project
Project Plan approvals/ documents, and deliverables
rejection, Project in accordance with the WBS
Deliverable order/receipt and Project Schedule
reports, Lessons Learned
Roger Project Project Schedule, To be provided with and Internal High Phase 2,
Linetti & Event Weekly progress provide the Project Manager Phase 3
Planning reports, Document/Plan with all reports, plans, project
Officer revisions, Document/ documents, and deliverables
Plan approvals/rejection, relating to the execution of
Project Plan approvals/ the event in accordance with
rejection, Project the WBS and Project Schedule
Deliverable order/receipt
reports, Lessons Learned
Marie Event Weekly progress reports, To assist the Project Officers Internal High Phase 3
LaRocca Operations Document/Plan revisions, and Project Manager in the
Officer Project Deliverable production of all reports,
order/receipt reports, plans, revisions, project
Lessons Learned documents, and deliverables
in accordance with the WBS
and Project Schedule
Alexandra Project N/A To assist the Project Officers Internal Medium Low Phase 3
Stephens Coordinator and Project Manager in the
production of all reports,
plans, revisions, project
documents, and deliverables
in accordance with the WBS
and Project Schedule.
Simon Bell Project N/A To assist the Project Officers Internal Low Low All Phases
Admin and Project Manager in the
production of all reports,
plans, revisions, project
documents, and deliverables
in accordance with the WBS
and Project Schedule

N/A Weekly Progress Document/Report Medium Project Manager Project Sponsors Weekly
N/A Weekly Team Meeting Meeting Medium Project Manager Project Team Weekly
1.1 Project Kick-Off Meeting Medium Project Manager Project Sponsors, Once
Meeting (Lead) Director, and
1.2.1 Project Feasibility Document/Report Low Project Manager Project Sponsors Once

1.2.2 Project Stakeholder ID Document/Report Low Project Manager Project Sponsors Once

1.2.3 Project Charter Document/Report Low Project Manager Project Sponsors, Once
Director, and
2.2.1 Req. Management Document/Report High Project Manager Project Sponsors Once
2.2.2 Scope Baseline Document/Report High Project Manager Project Sponsors Once

2.2.3 Budget Baseline Document/Report High Budget & Finance Project Sponsors Once
2.2.4 Schedule Baseline Gantt Chart/Document High Project & Event Project Sponsors Once
Planning Officer
2.2.5 Human Resources Document/Report High Project Manager Project Sponsors Once
2.2.6 Communication Plan Document/Report High Project Manager Project Sponsors Once

2.2.7 Risk Management Plan Document/Report High Project Manager Project Sponsors Once

2.2.8 Process Improvement Document/Report High Project Manager Project Sponsors Once
2.2.9 Quality Management Document/Report High Project Manager Project Sponsors Once
2.2.10 Procurement Document/Report High Budget & Finance Project Sponsors Once
Management Plan Officer

3.3.1 Product Deliverables Procurement Report Medium Event Operations Project Sponsors, Once
Ready & Set up Officer Project Manager
3.3.2 Additional Staff Ready Procurement Report Medium Event Operations Project Sponsors, Once
& Set Up Officer Project Manager
3.4 Procurement Procurement Report Medium Event Operations Project Sponsors, Once
Complete Officer Project Manager

3.5.1 Product Deliverables Procurement Report Medium Event Operations Project Sponsors, Once
Received Officer Project Manager

3.5.2 Additional Staff Procurement Report Medium Event Operations Project Sponsors, Once
Confirmed Officer Project Manager

3.6.1 Product Deliverables Procurement Report Medium Event Operations Project Sponsors, Once
Ordered Officer Project Manager

3.6.2 Additional Staff Procurement Report Medium Event Operations Project Sponsors, Once
Booked Officer Project Manager

4.1 Project Close-Out Meeting Medium Project Manager Project Sponsors, Once
Meeting Director, and
4.2.1 Post Event Report Document/Report High Project Manager Project Sponsors Once

4.2.2 Lessons Learnt Document/Report High Project Manager Project Sponsors Once
The following chart communicates when to use specific medium for specific communication activities.


Internal Approvals 3 1 2

External Approvals 3 2 1

Briefing Internal Stakeholders/Team 3 1 2

Briefing External Stakeholders 3 1 2

Briefing Suppliers 3 1 2

Payment Internal Invoices 3 1 3

Payment External Invoices 3 1 3

Building Consensus 3 2 1

Mediating a Conflict 3 2 1

Resolve a misunderstanding 2 3 1

Addressing negative behaviour 2 3 1

Expressing support/appreciation 1 2 3

Maintaining Confidentiality 1 3 2

Asking clarification 2 1 3

Asking an informal question 1 2 3

Making a simple request 2 1 3

Giving complex instructions 3 1 2


76 Consulting Ltd uses the following escalation process to resolve issues that cannot be mutually agreed
at the site level. This process is applied to both internal, external client, and external 3rd party dispute

Site Level
An attempt is always made to first resolve the issue directly between the people most closely related to the
issue in the workplace. Strategies that are encouraged for dispute resolution at this level are discussion,
mutual compromise, review and comparison to accepted scope, and working meetings. If a solution to the
problem cannot be reached, an entry in the project Issues Log is made and the Project Manager notified
that the dispute is being escalated to the next level.

Level 1
(Management) If attempts at the site level are insufficient to resolve the issue, it will be escalated to the
management level. At this stage of the escalation process, the functional officers will review the issue and
attempt to reach a solution. If they are unable to reach a solution they will advise and request that the
Project Manager become directly involved. At this stage the Project Manager will meet with those internal
and external persons who are involved with the dispute and attempt to reach a solution. If a solution to
the problem cannot be reached at this stage, the entry in the project Issues Log will be updated and the
Project Director notified that the dispute is being escalated to the next level.
Level 2
(Director) If attempts at the management level are insufficient to resolve the issue, it will be escalated to
the director level. At this stage of the escalation process, a director from both parties will meet and attempt
to reach a solution to the problem. If a solution is reached, clear actions to resolving the problem will be
agreed and communicated to the Project Manager and Project Team. A follow up meeting between the
directors will be scheduled within a mutually agreed amount of time to ensure that the actions have been
fulfilled and the problem solved. If a solution cannot be reached at the director level, the project Issues Log
will be updated and the Project Director will escalate the issue to the final stage of the escalation process.

Level 3
(3rd Party Arbitration) If attempts at the director level are insufficient to resolve the issue, it will be escalated
to 3rd Party Arbitration. Both parties involved in the dispute will arrange legal counsel who will meet
and review all applicable information, reference material, and evidence pertaining to the issue. The legal
counsel will arrive at a decision designed (to the best of the allowable circumstances given the severity of
the issue) fairly address the concerns of both parties involved in the dispute. Both parties agree that the
decision of the legal counsel is contractually binding and a clear set of actions will be taken to resolve the
issue based on the advice and review of the legal counsel. . A follow up meeting between both parties will
be scheduled within a mutually agreed amount of time to ensure that the actions have been fulfilled and
the problem solved.


As outlined in section 4.2 and 4.3 of the Scope Management section of this Project Plan, each document
produced by 76 Consulting Ltd will successfully pass through the follow review cycle and meet the following
criteria to achieve quality assurance and acceptance by the Project Sponsor:
Note This process applies to Project Deliverables, which is defined to mean any plan or process to be
produced as per the agreed Project WBS and Schedule.

a. Each stage of project deliverable development will be delivered to the customer as per the agreed
Project WBS and Schedule.

b. Each stage of project deliverable development will be signed off by the author, project manager,
and project director where appropriate before submission to the customer as per the agreed
Project WBS and Schedule.

c. Each stage of project deliverable development will be approved and signed off by the customer
where required as per the agreed Project WBS and Schedule.
The purpose of the Risk Management Plan is to identify the risks for the Caf Au Lait event launch, and
develop strategies to mitigate and avoid the issues that are outlined.


The approach for the Caf Au Lait launch included speaking to the stakeholders (interviewing) based
on their first location launch, brainstorming, and discussing amongst various 76 Consulting Ltd. staff
to determine the top risks that must be accounted for when completing the project plan. All risks were
outlined and identified, a countermeasure was determined for each risk. Every effort will be made by the
76 Consulting Ltd. staff to ensure that the required steps are taken to mitigate the risks, should they arise.
Since all of the risks were determined to take place on the day of the event, all staff has been briefed on the
approaches to take, and that they should be done in a timely manner. The Project Manager will be on site,
all staff will report to them and the information will be conveyed to the Stakeholders (Bonnie & Troy).


10.4 Qualitative Risk Analysis
Probability Impact Matrix
The table below shows howThe table
areshows how risks are determined
determined based on based on probability and
probability and impact, and
impact, and the different
the different categories. The table below determines the credibility of performing the
categories. The table below determines the credibility
quantitative risk analysis process. of performing the quantitative risk analysis
Definition of Impact Scales for Four Project Objectives

Very Low Low Moderate High Very High

0.05 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.80

Insignificant <10% cost 10-20% 20-40% cost >40% cost

cost increase increase cost increase increase
Cost increase

Insignificant <5% time 5-10% time 10-20%time >20% time

time increase increase increase increase
Time increase

Scope Minor areas Major Scope Project end

decrease of scope areas of reduction item is
Scope barely affected scope unacceptable effectively
noticeable affected to sponsor useless

Quality Only very Quality Quality Project end

issues barely demanding reduction reduction item is
Quality noticeable requirements requires unacceptable effectively
are affected sponsor to sponsor useless

Probability Impact Matrix

Probability Impact MatrixEach risk outlined below was taken from the Risk Breakdown Structure and was

Each risk outlined below determined

was taken by likelihood of occurrence. The red area represents high risk, yellow area
from the Risk Breakdown Structure and was determined by likelihood
represents moderate risk, green represents low risk.
of occurrence. The red area represents high risk, yellow area represents moderate risk, green represents
low risk.
Probability and Impact Matrix

Probability Threats

0.90 0.05 0.09 0.18 0.36 0.72


0.70 0.04 0.07 0.14 0.28 0.56

0.50 0.03 0.05 R1.4, 2.2, 0.40
R1.2, 3.2
2.3, 3.3

0.30 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.24

R1.1 R1.3 R2.1, 3.1

0.10 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08

0.05 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.80

The low (optimistic) and high (pessimistic) data was gathered during the interview process with the
stakeholders based on their previous experience with their first launch. 76 Consulting Ltd.s data from
various other small projects that were undertaken by the company within the same budget scale was also
taken into consideration.


The Project Manager and the Project Team produced countermeasure options for each risk that was
associated with the event. As the event planning continues and more risks are identified, the risks will
be analyzed and a countermeasure will be determined. The risks for the project will be managed and
controlled within the triple constraints (time, scope and cost). The major constraint that the four identified
risks can be related to is time. With the project team, each risk will be looked at on a case-by-case basis as
they arise to determine and make sure the countermeasure is still the best option at the time. The Project
Manager will be kept informed of all risks and inform the Stakeholders as they emanate.

There are five major risks for the Caf Au Lait event launch:

1.3 Due to space of the C 16-Apr-16 76 Consulting Ltd. will ensure that the event Project Manager N/A $1,000
event launch there plan meets all legal requirements. Review the (Matthew Smith)
is increased risk for fire and safety code, to determine the legal
liability and safety maximum occupancy of the event. Outdoor
issues if there is a space will also be available to accommodate
high turnout. for large crowds. Staff will be prepared to
handle issues as they arise.
1.4 Potential chance D 20-May-16 Caf Au Laits initial caf will be prepared and Project Manager $1,000
of power and on standby in case the location is needed (Matthew Smith)
mechanical failure to bake fresh goods for the Liberty Village
on site. location. Stakeholders will also have a backup
generator available for the day of the event.
2.2 Weather is uncertain B 17-May-16 Countermeasure: 76 Consulting Ltd. will Events $500
and rain could occur order a tent to have on standby to cover all Operations
on day of event outdoor activities. Umbrellas will be available Manager (Marie
for the street team and Caf Au Lait staff. LaRocca)
2.3 Depending on A 15-Apr-16 The event will be held during peak business Project Director N/A $500
the time of day hours during the work week. This will (Ramona
the event is held, promote the event and create foot traffic Bennett)
there may be poor from employees and businesses in the vicinity
attendance. of the event.
2.4 Customers may B 09-Jun-16 76 Consulting Ltd. staff will ensure that there Project Manager N/A
have food allergies. are warning labels on all foods that may (Matthew Smith)
contain certain ingredients. Signs will also
be seen throughout the venue around food
identifying that there potential allergens in
the food. Staff will be prepped and briefed
to notify consumers of allergy alert prior to
offering any samples.



Mitigation actions, to reduce the likelihood and seriousness, to be identified and

implemented as soon as the project commences as a priority.
Mitigation actions, to reduce the likelihood and seriousness, to be identified and
appropriate actions implemented during project execution.
Mitigation actions, to reduce the likelihood and seriousness, to be identified and costed
for possible action if funds permit.
D To be noted - no action is needed unless grading increases over time.
Roles and responsibilities of team members and stakeholders are clearly defined below.
Role description of the portion of the project for which the member is accountable.
Authority the level at which the member may make decisions, apply project resources, or make
Responsibility the work a team member must perform to complete assigned work activities.
Consulted Consulted before any decisions are made

The roles and responsibilities for the Caf au Lait Project are essential to the project success. All team
members must clearly understand their roles and responsibilities in order to successfully perform their
portion of the project. For the Caf au Lait Project the following project team roles and responsibilities have
been established:

Project Director (PD), (1 position): responsible for the overall success of the Caf au Lait Project. The
PD must authorize and approve all project expenditures. The PD is also responsible for approving work
activities meet their established acceptability criteria and fall within acceptable variances. The PD will
be responsible for reporting project status in accordance with the communications management plan.
The PD will evaluate the performance of all project team members and communicate their performance
to functional managers. The PD must possess the following skills: leadership/management, budgeting,
scheduling, and effective communication.

Project Manager/Change Manager (PM)(1 position): responsible for gathering project requirements
for all phases, creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and
managing the quadruple constraints of the project management , which are cost, time, scope, and quality.
Controls the change of the entire project by initiating and implementing a change request.
Project Budget & Finance Officer (1 position): Reports individual and project status. Performs all project
activities as needed. Develops project budget requirements.

Project & Event Planning Officer (PEPO)(1 position): The keys responsibilities are plan, design and
produce events while managing all project delivery elements within time limits. The PEPO is responsible for
the distribution, implementation, and monitoring all section of the project. The PEPO organizes facilities
and manages all events details such as decor, entertainment, transportation, equipment and promotional
materials. The PEPO will report status to the PM in accordance with the projects communications
management plan.

Event Operations Officer (EOO)(1 position): The event operations officer responsibilities are to ensure
compliance with insurance, legal, health and safety obligations. The EOO will specify staff requirements and
coordinate their activities, cooperate with marketing and PR to promote and publicize event. Proactively
handle any arising issues and troubleshoot any emerging problems on the event day, conduct pre- and
post event evaluations and report on outcomes.

Project Coordinator (1 position): Ensuring on time delivery of materials. Reports individual and project
status to PM. Performs all project activities as needed. Assists Event Operations Officer with on-site event
support. Prepares reports and event documentation and material.

Project Administrator (1 position): Performs all project activities as needed. Coordinates and schedules
all internal and external project meetings. Assists with the production the project, event documentation,
material. Assists Budget & Finance Officer with payment, invoices, filing, etc.


The following responsible, accountable, consult, inform RACI or responsibility assignment matrix (RAM
chart shows the relationship between project tasks and team members. Any proposed changes to project
responsibilities must be reviewed and approved by the project director. Changes will be proposed in
accordance with the projects change control process.

R Responsible for completing the work
A Accountable for ensuring task completion/sign off
C Consulted before any decisions are made
I Informed of when an action/decision has been made

The company has adequate staff with the required skill sets in each area that is necessary for the
Caf au Lait launch.



(APRIL 1-15TH) (APR 16TH- MAY 15TH) (MAY 16TH JUNE 9TH) (JUNE 10TH - 30TH

Year: 2016 - hours Concep Development Implementation Project Close-out

(April 1-15th) (Apr 16th- May 15th) (May 16th June 9th) (June 10th - 30th
Project Director 10 0 0 10

Project Manager 8 75 60 33

Project & Event 0 0 29 0

Planning Officer

Event Operations, 0 0 68 0
Project Team, Project
76 Consulting Ltd deploys a three-stage planning and reporting process to ensure that the best resources
are available to work on projects at the appropriate time. Differently than some companies, 76 Consulting
Ltd does not usually hire consultants, preferring to invest in and develop their own in house staff of project
management experts. Each employee will take responsibility for their own specific section of a project,
based on their expertise and career development goals, but all employees will share certain duties from
time to time.

This three-stage approach is facilitated by a project resource histogram produced by the Project Manager
before the end of Phase 1 of the project, and by resource loading the project schedule as soon as possible.


Before the end of Phase 1 of the project, the Project Director and Project Manager will identify which team
members will be required for the overall project, with specific focus on those team members This will take
the form of the Resource Ramp-up Report, and will be shared with the project sponsors/stakeholders in
order to install confidence that the right resources are in place to achieve their project success.

This stage will be facilitated and made possible by referencing the project resource histogram and the
resource-loaded schedule if it is available at this early stage in the project lifecycle.


1 calendar week in advance of the transition between each project phase, the Project Manager will
complete a Phase Resource Requirement Report. This report will ensure that the right resources are ready
and available to start work on the specific project phase. The Project Manager will also use this report to
align, motivate, and focus team members on what they need to accomplish during the project phase.

During this transition phase, the Project Manager will consult the project resource histogram and
the resource loaded schedule in order to make the most informed decision with regards to resource

76 Consulting Ltd uses the following performance management techniques across each of its active
projects, including the Caf Au Lait project, to ensure that the appropriate resources will be available on
time to execute project tasks and activities. This process is designed to continually challenge and develop
the skills of its employees.


Before the end of Phase 1 of the project, the Project Manager will meet with each project team member
to put in place a performance appraisal. In this meeting the Project Manager will clarify the specific role
that individual will play on the project, and clarify any performance related questions the individual may
have with regards to their role, project scope, timelines, etc. Each team member will have a complimentary
appraisal review as part of the Project-Close-out Resource Release Report, or more frequently if required
i.e. an interpersonal issue.

Additionally, during this meeting the Project Manager will distribute the initial organizational chart and
project schedules for the project, so the individual is aware of whom else they will be working with, and
given an opportunity to voice any concerns they may have. As 76 Consulting Ltd is usually working on
several projects in tandem, the Project Manager will also take the opportunity during this meeting to
discuss how the individuals participation on the project will fit and fulfill the specific, longer-term goals and
training plans each employee of 76 Consulting Ltd participates in.

These specific, longer term development goals are set and agreed upon between the individual and the
Project Manager at the beginning of each calendar year, and are not tied any one specific project. The
program is offered by 76 Consulting Ltd to ensure that they are investing in and developing the careers of
their in-house project staff.
As part of the performance management process deployed by 76 Consulting Ltd, and designed to facilitate
the individual Performance Appraisal system, all projects undertaken by 76 Consulting Ltd foster an
overarching process of observation and conversation. This means that at any time in the project lifecycle,
team members are encouraged to discuss any issues they are having, internal to the project or external,
with the Project Manager.

Additionally, if they feel a problem is developing, the Project Manager may at any time meet with project
team member(s) to discuss behaviour that could compromise the project deliverables or timeline and
especially the positive, inclusive, and rewarding working environment that 76 Consulting Ltd continuously
strives to provide all of its employees.


Project team members will regularly receive feedback on their performance at two stages throughout the
project lifecycle. Before the end of Phase 1 of the project, as part of the individual Performance Appraisal
system, each employee will receive feedback from the Project Manager regarding their performance on
past projects with specific regard for their selection and participation on a current project.

Each employee will also receive performance feedback as part of the Project-Close-out Resource Release
Report. At this stage, the Project Manager will discuss with the individual their performance on their most
recent project, offering praise for a job well done, offering constructive criticism on how they can improve
next time, and assisting them with allocation to the next available project or assignment.

Through the approach used by 76 Consulting Ltd to address conflict management, each situation will be
analyzed as it arises and it will be the responsibility of the project manager to directly address any conflicts
on their projects using the following conflict management tool to determine and reinforce the best method
and justification for conflict resolution.


The Project Manager will maintain an Issues Log for all projects in confidence. This log will record all
HR-related issues, resolved and unresolved, over the project lifecycle. It will be reviewed with the Project
Director between project phases at a minimum, or more frequently if required. This log is used by 76
Consulting Ltd to monitor HR-related issues across all of their projects, helping to create a more positive,
inclusive, and rewarding working environment for its staff.

The following processes will be used to measure and manage project staff performance and help manage
and monitor issue resolution until closed.
1. Identify Issue/Define the cause of the Problem
2. Analyze the Problem
3. Implement a Decision
4. Review the decision and confirm the problem is solved

Issue Log Template

Log ID Issue Category Date of Occurrence Primary Individual Other Individual(s)
Description PM Responsible Resolved Y/N
Due to the size (small to medium) and frequency of projects, 76 Consulting Ltd is able to regularly offer its
staff engaging and rewarding incentives to reward them for their hard work. From time to time, during the
Project Close-out Meeting, an MVPP (most valuable project person) is selected by the Project Manager and
Project Director to be recognised for their exemplary effort in achieving project success. There is no set
criterion for this recognition but it is designed to highlight effort, enthusiasm, or customer satisfaction over
and above the expected level. This recognition and reward typically consists of a commemorative plaque,
a small monetary bonus on behalf of 76 Consulting Ltd, and occasionally an additional reward provided by
the sponsor/stakeholders.

It is noted that the owners of Caf Au Lait have committed to awarding the MVPP for their project with an
in-store commemorative plaque, as well as a $100 gift card.

As part of helping to create a positive, inclusive, and rewarding working environment for its staff, 76
Consulting Ltd also offers a flexible benefits program for all full-time employees. This program allows staff
members to customize the level of coverage required to meet their personal or family needs. 76 Consulting
Ltd contributes a certain monetary value for each employee, which will account for a competitive range
of health benefits (i.e. health, dental, vision insurance). If the employee will require additional coverage to
meet their personal or family requirements, increased coverage can be selected at an additional cost.

76 Consulting Ltd is invested in developing the skills and talent of its employees. Comprehensive selections
of training and personal development courses are made available to full-time employees of the company.
So as to not interfere with project timelines, employees are encouraged to schedule personal development
courses for the period of time between finishing a project and ramping up on a new initiative. Training
and personal development courses are offered in partnership with former clients of 76 Consulting Ltd as
well as through several major universities and private professional training providers. There is currently no
specific training scheduled for the 76 Consulting Ltd. staff for the event launch. The company has adequate
staff with the required skill sets in each area that is necessary for the Caf au Lait launch. If throughout the
project certain individuals are lacking skill sets, funding will be provided from the project reserve fund.
There will be a debrief meeting at the beginning of the implementation phase.


In order to foster a positive, inclusive, and rewarding working environment, 76 Consulting Ltd organises
team building events and social evenings to strengthen the working relationship of its employees. These
events are particularly effective as part of the final phase of a project, to finalize the project closeout and
finish on a positive note. Depending on the nature of a projects client, occasionally the project sponsors/
stakeholders will be included in team building events and offer their products and/or services as a token of
appreciation for a job well done. Although 76 Consulting Ltd absorbs the cost of these events directly, the
value they represent and return in the form of improved morale and motivation is well worth the expense.

The following is the document control for revisions to this document.

0.9 03/15/16 Project Manager Phase 1 - Preliminary draft for Phase 1

1.0 03/30/16 Project Manager Phase 1 & 2 conform to new framework template,
update for Phase 2 deliverables


This section describes the approach the 76 Consulting Ltd will use for managing quality throughout the
projects life cycle. The team will ensure that quality is planned for both product and process. In order to be
successful, this project will meet its quality objectives by utilizing an integrated quality approach to define
quality standards, measure quality and continuously improve quality.

Product quality for this project will be defined by the companys current standards and criteria. The focus
is on the projects deliverable and the standards and criteria being used will ensure the product meets
established quality standards and customer satisfaction.

Process quality for this project will focus on the processes by which the project deliverable will occur.
Establishing process quality standards will ensure that all activities conform to an organizational standard
which results in the successful delivery of the product.

The project team will work with the Quality Group to define and document all organizational and project
specific quality standards for both product and processes. All quality documentation will become part of
this Project Plan and will be transitioned to operations upon the successful completion of the project.

The quality management plan identifies these key components:

Deliverable Quality Standards

Project Deliverables Quality Control Activities
Completeness and Correctness Criteria

Process Quality Standards

Project Processes Quality Assurance Activities
Stakeholder Expectations
The following is a brief explanation of each of the components of the quality management plan.


The quality standards that are the measures used to determine a successful outcome
for a deliverable.
Deliverable Quality Standards and
Completeness and Correctness Criteria The completeness and correctness criteria describe when each deliverable is complete
and correct as defined by the customer. Deliverables are evaluated against these criteria
before they are formally approved.

The quality standards that are the measures used to determine if project work
processes are being followed.
Process Quality standards and
Stakeholder Expectations Stakeholder expectations describe when a project process is effective as defined by the
project stakeholders. An example is the expectation to be regularly informed monthly of
project status.

The quality control activities that monitor and verify that the project deliverables meet
Quality Control Activities
defined quality standards.

The quality assurance activities that monitor and verify that the processes used to
Quality Assurance Activities
manage and create the deliverables are followed and are effective.


The following are the quality objectives of the project that reflect the overall intentions to be applied with
regard to quality throughout the project.
Deliverables support improved project management proficiency at 76 Consulting Ltd.
Deliverables meet the requirements of Caf au Lait Stakeholders
Deliverables align with industry best practices for project management
Project practices conform to recommended project management standards


The focus of quality control is on the deliverables of the project. Quality control monitors project
deliverables to verify that the deliverables are of acceptable quality and are complete and correct.

Metrics will be established and used to measure quality throughout the project life cycle for the product
and processes. The Quality Group Manager will be responsible for working with the project team to define
these metrics, conduct measurements, and analyze results. These product and process measurements will
be used as one criterion in determining the success of the project and must be reviewed by the project

Metrics will include:
Process performance
o Resource utilization
o Requirement gathering
o Vendor / procurement management
o Weekly reports
Product performance
o Printed Material
o Out of Home Material
o Street team
o Disc Jockey
o Photographer
o Dcor
Customer Satisfaction

Quality improvements will be identified by any member of the project team. Each recommendation will be
reviewed to determine the cost versus benefit of implementing the improvement and how the improvement
will impact the product or processes. If an improvement is implemented the project manager will update all
project documentation to include the improvement and the quality manager will update the organizational
documentation the improvement affects.

This section describes how the project team will identify and document the quality requirements and

Product Quality:
The product quality standards and requirements will be determined by the project team. These standards
will primarily be based on the companys documented standards for event. There may be product-specific
qualities standards identified that are not currently part of the documented organizational standards. In this
case, the project team will review these newly identified standards and incorporate them into organizational
documentation if approved. The project team will also document any newly identified quality standards
into the project plan and ensure communication with all stakeholders.

Process Quality:
The process quality standards and requirements will be determined by the project team. Many of these
standards will be based on existing company process standards. However, it is anticipated that there will be
several unique steps in the occurrence of this event which will require new quality standards. The project
team will work to establish acceptable standards and document these standards for incorporation into both
organizational process documents as well as the project plan. These standards will be communicated to all
project stakeholders.

As trial products are created, the process metrics will be measured and analyzed to determine the quality
of the process. Once the product meets quality compliance and all process metrics fall within acceptable
quality assurance margins, we will achieve process compliance for the project.
The quality assurance of this project focuses on the processes used in the developing, planning and
execution of the event. In order to ensure quality, an iterative quality process will be used throughout the
project life cycle. This iterative process includes measuring process metrics, analyzing process data, and
continuously improving the processes.

The Project Manager and the project team will perform assessments at planned intervals throughout the
project to ensure all processes are being correctly implemented and executed.

The following tables identify:

The project processes subject to quality assurance.
The quality standards and stakeholder expectations for that process.
The quality assurance activity such as a quality audit or reviews - that will be executed to monitor
that project processes are properly followed.
How often or when the quality assurance activity will be performed.

The quality manager will provide day to day quality management and conduct process audits on a
weekly basis, monitor process performance metrics, and assure all processes comply with project and
organizational standards. If discrepancies are found, the quality manager will meet with the Project
Manager and review the identified discrepancies.

The Project Manager will schedule regularly occurring project, management, and document reviews. In
these reviews, an agenda item will include a review of project processes, any discrepancies and/or audit
findings from the quality manager, and a discussion on process improvement initiatives.
The following identifies the quality-related responsibilities of the project team and lists specific quality


The following lists the tools to be used to support quality management implementation and the purpose or
use of the tool.

All Project products and processes must be measured and fall within the established standards
and tolerances. The below logs will be used by the project and quality teams in conducting these
measurements and will be maintained for use as supporting documentation for the projects acceptance.
In phase 4 of the project, the Project Manager will complete a Project Close-out Resource Release Report
for each employee. This report will serve as an opportunity for the Project Manager to provide team
members with critical feedback as to their performance over the phase or project lifecycle. The specific
criteria of this feedback will be elaborated upon in the next section. To conclude this report, the Project
Manager will discuss the individuals own impressions of the project, how it did or did not meet their
personal development goals, and assist that individual in finding work on another project or assignment
within the 76 Consulting Ltd portfolio.

Project Name: ________________________________________________
Project Manager: ________________________________________________

I (We), the undersigned, acknowledge and accept delivery of the work completed for this project on
behalf of our organization. My (Our) signature(s) attest to my (our) agreement that this project has been
completed. No further work should be done on this project.


1. Was this project completed to your satisfaction? Yes No

2. Please provide the main reasons for your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with this project.

3. Please provide suggestions on how our organization could improve its project delivery capability
in the future.

This is the Change Request form that will be used for the Caf Au Lait project, including details of the first
major change request that was initiated:

76 CONSULTING LTD. PROJECT SCOPE VALIDATION PLAN 76 Consulting Ltd. Project Scope Validation Plan

Phase Deliverable Phase Deliverable

Date Date


April 15th 2016 May 16th 2016
Signature Required: Sponsor/Client, Project Director, Project Manager Signature Required: Sponsor/Client, Project Director, Project Manager Signature Required

1.1 - Signature required: 2.1 - Signature Required:

Sponsor/Client, Project Director, Project Manager Sponsor/Client, Project Manager

2.2 - Signature Required:

1.2 - Signature required:
Project Manager, Project Budget Officer, Project Planning Officer, Event Operations
Sponsor/Client, Project Manager Proj

Signature Required:
1.2.1/1.2.2/1.2.3 - Signature Required:
Project Manager, Project Budget Officer, Project Planning Officer, Event Operations
Project Manager Sponsor/Clie

1.3 - Signature Required: 2.3 - Signature Required:

Sponsor/Client, Project Manager Sponsor/Client, Project Manager Proj




Sponsor/Client, Project Ma

Project Budget Offi

Sponsor/Client, Project Ma
Ltd. Project Scope Validation Plan

Phase Deliverable Phase Deliverable

Date Date


May 16th 2016 June 9th 2016
Signature Required: Sponsor/Client, Project Director, Project Manager Signature Required: Sponsor/Client, Project Director, Project Manager

3.1 - Signature Required: 4.1 - Signature Required:

Sponsor/Client Sponsor/Client, Project Director, Project Manager

3.2 - Signature Required: 4.2 - Signature Required:

Project Manager, Event Operations Officer Sponsor/Client, Project Manager

3.3 - Signature Required: 4.2.1/4.2.2 - Signature Required:

Sponsor/Client, Project Manager, Event Operations Officer Project Manager

3.3.1/3.3.2 - Signature Required: 4.3 - Signature Required:

Project Manager, Event Operations Officer Project Manager, Project Planning Officer, Event Operations Officer

Signature Required: 4.3.1/4.3.2/4.3.3 - Signature Required:

Event Operations Officer N/A

3.4 - Signature Required: 4.4 - Signature Required:

Project Manager Sponsor/Client, Project Manager

3.5 - Signature Required: 4.5 - Signature Required:

Sponsor/Client, Project Manager, Event Operations Officer Event Operations Officer

3.5.1/3.5.2 - Signature Required:

Project Manager

Signature Required:
Event Operations Officer

3.6 - Signature Required:

Sponsor/Client, Project Manager, Project Budget Officer, Project Planning Officer, Event
Operations Officer

3.6.1/3.6.2 - Signature Required:

Project Manager

Signature Required:
Project Budget Officer, Project Planning Officer, Event Operations Officer

3.7 - Signature Required:

Sponsor/Client, Project Manager, Project Budget Officer, Project Planning Officer, Event
Operations Officer





Change Management Instructions & Log
Instructions: Complete the Project Name, NC, Project Manager Name, and Project Description fields
For each change request identified, complete the following
A unique ID number used to identify the change request in the change
management tracking log
Current Status This column should be populated with the change request's current status
Open The change request is currently open but has not yet been addressed
Work In Progress The change request is being actively worked to develop a resolution.
The change request is no longer considered an active project threat and
B can be closed with or without resolution.
The change request resolution is not yet resolved and it is past the
expected resolution date.
On Hold The change request has been put on hold.
Combined Two change requests found to be similar have been combined.
Priority This column should be populated with the priority of the change request.
Critical The change request will stop project progress if not resolved
The change request will likely move the project back in terms of budget or
timeline, or will materially affect quality or scope.
The change request will have material effect on project, has potential to be
moved to high category and/or requires significant resources to manage.
The change request is expected to have a moderate effect on the project,
but will require resources to address.
D Change Request Description This column should be populated with a description of the change request.
This column should be populated with the name of the change requests
E Assigned to Owner owner. The individual most responsible for working towards resolving the
change request.
This column should be populated with the date that the change request is
F Expected Resolution Date
expected to be resolved.
This column should be populated with Yes if the change request needs to
G Escalation Required (Y/N) be escalated and No if escalation is not needed to resolve the change
This column should be populated with the proposed steps to address the
H Action Steps change request. Examples include, but are not limited to, developing
alternatives analysis or submitting a change request.
This column should be populated with a description of the impact of the
change request. The impact may be expressed in terms of one or more of
I Impact Summary
the following: schedule, scope, resources, and space. The impact
description should also include a reference to any milestones impacted.
This column should be populated with the change request type. Valid
Change Request Type options include the following: Product, Project, Other. These are defined as
Product The change request impacts the products being developed.
Project The change request impacts the project developing the product.
Other The change request impacts other areas
This column should be populated with the date that the change request
K Date Identified
was identified.
This column should contain the project ID of any associated milestones
that may be impacted by a change request or that the change request is
L Associated ID(s)
dependent upon for resolution. Please note, this value may require
coordination with other program/project managers.
This column should be populated with the name of the individual who first
M Entered By
identified the change request.
This column should be populated with the date that the change request
N Actual Resolution Date
was actually resolved.
This column should be populated with a description of the final resolution
of and rationale for the change request. The resolution may be expressed
O Final Resolution & Rationale in terms of one or more of the following: schedule, scope, resources, and
space. The resolution description should also include a reference to the
milestones impacted.

Instructions for Changing the Contents of Drop-Down Menus
Highlight the cell where you wish to change the content of the drop down menu.

From the file menu click "Data" -> "Validation" and change the content of the source field

Instructions For Filtering Data
Highlight the header of the cell you wish to filter data on.

From the file menu click "Date" -> "Filter" ->"Auto Filter".

Then select your filter criteria from the drop down menu that appears on your header cell.


Level Task Name Duration Start Finish
1 Feasibility Research 3 days Fri 01/04/16 Mon
1.1 Set up meeting with Caf Au Laits owners 1 day Fri 01/04/16 Fri 01/04/16
1.2 Visit Caf Au Lait's Owners 1 day Mon Mon
04/04/16 04/04/16
1.2.1 Take meeting notes 1 day Mon Mon
04/04/16 04/04/16
1.2.2 Set up meeting with Project Director (Ramona) 1 day Tues Tues
05/04/16 05/04/16

2 Stakeholder Analysis 2 days Wed Wed
06/04/16 06/04/16
2.1 Set up meeting the caf owners 1 day Thurs Thurs
07/04/16 07/04/16
2.2 Visit the owner 1 day Fri Fri
2.2.1 Collect the requirements 08/04/16 08/04/16
2.2.2 Collect high level scope
2.2.3 Collect approximate budget

2.3 Set up meeting with project director 1 day Fri Fri

2.3.1 Collect the list of possible team members 08/04/16 08/04/16

3 Create Project Charter 4 days Fri 08/04/16 Wed
3.1 Outline project objective 1 day Fri 08/04/16 Fri 08/04/16
3.2 Outline project scope inclusions and exclusions 1 day Fri 08/04/16 Fri 08/04/16
3.3 Outline project deliverables 1 day Fri 08/04/16 Fri 08/04/16
3.4 Outline project benefits 1 day Sat 09/04/16 Sat 09/04/16
3.5 Outline assumptions 1 day Sat 09/04/16 Sat 09/04/16
3.6 Outline risk and counter measures 1 day Sun Sun
10/04/16 10/04/16
3.7 Constraints 1 day Mon Mon
11/04/16 11/04/16
3.8 Critical success factors 1 day Tue Tue
12/04/16 12/04/16
3.9 Dependencies 1 day Tue Tue
12/04/16 12/04/16
3.10 Project team and contact information 1 day Wed Wed
13/04/16 13/04/16
3.11 Cost 1 day Wed Wed
13/04/16 13/04/16
3.12 High level project plan 1 day Wed Wed
13/04/16 13/04/16

4 Interview Team Members 1 day Wed Wed
13/04/16 13/04/16
4.2 Finalize team 1 day Thurs Thurs
14/04/16 14/04/16

5 Final Sponsor Review and Acceptance 1 day Thu Thu
14/04/16 14/04/16
5.1 Set up meeting with project director 1 day Thu Thu
14/04/16 14/04/16
5.2 Get sign off for project charter 1 day Thu Thu
14/04/16 14/04/16

6 Project Kick off Meeting Planning 1 day Thu Thu
14/04/16 14/04/16
6.2 Prepare meeting Agenda 1 day Thu Thu
14/04/16 14/04/16
6.3 Send meeting invite to all project stakeholders with meeting 1 day Thu Thu
agenda 14/04/16 14/04/16

7 Project Kick off Meeting 1 day Fri 15/04/16 Fri 15/04/16
7.1 Welcome team 1 day Fri 15/04/16 Fri 15/04/16
7.2 Introduce team members 1 day Fri 15/04/16 Fri 15/04/16
7.3 Walk team through Agenda 1 day Fri 15/04/16 Fri 15/04/16
7.4 Present project charter to team members 1 day Fri 15/04/16 Fri 15/04/16
7.5 Present communication plan 1 day Fri 15/04/16 Fri 15/04/16
7.6 Set up expectations to team members 1 day Fri 15/04/16 Fri 15/04/16
7.7 Get team feedback 1 day Fri 15/04/16 Fri 15/04/16

8 Requirements Document 4 days Sat 16/04/16 Thu
8.1 Set up meeting with Bonnie and Troy 1 day Sat Sat 16/04/16
8.2 Interview Bonnie and Troy 1 day Mon Mon
18/04/16 18/04/16
8.4 Interview Roger & Maria (Project and Event Planning officer) for 1 day Tues Tue
requirements 19/04/16 19/04/16
8.5 Brain storming session with stakeholders 1 day Tue Tue
19/04/16 19/04/16
8.7 Intercept surveys with 100 people in Liberty Village 2 days Wed Thu
20/04/16 21/04/16

9 Scope Document Production 4 days Fri 22/04/16 Wed

9.1 Generate scope description 1 day Fri 22/04/16 Fri 22/04/16
9.2 Create acceptance criteria 1 day Fri Fri
22/04/16 22/04/16
9.3 Add deliverables 1 day Fri 22/04/16 Fri 22/04/16
9.4 Provide project exclusions 1 day Sat 23/04/16 Sat 23/04/16
9.5 Add constraints 1 day Sun Sun
24/04/16 24/04/16
9.6 Add assumptions 1 day Sun Sun
24/04/16 24/04/16
9.7 Create WBS 2 days Mon Tue
25/04/16 26/04/16
9.8 Create scope validation document 1 day Wed Wed
27/04/16 27/04/16
9.9 Create control scope document 1 day Wed Wed
27/04/16 27/04/16

10 Generate Schedule Management Plan 4 days Thu Tue
28/04/16 03/05/16
10.1 Define all the activities 2 days Thu Fri 29/04/16
10.2 Sequence all the activities 1 day Fri 29/04/16 Fri 29/04/16
10.3 Estimate activity resources 1 day Sat 30/04/16 Sat 30/04/16
10.4 Estimate activity durations 1 day Sat 30/04/16 Sat 30/04/16
10.5 Develop schedule 2 days Sun Mon
01/05/16 02/05/16
10.6 Control schedule 1 day Tue Tue
03/05/16 03/05/16

11 Generate Cost Management Plan 1 day Wed Wed
04/05/16 04/05/16
11.1 Estimate all the activities 1 day Wed Wed
04/05/16 04/05/16
11.2 Create a budget based on the activities 1 day Wed Wed
04/05/16 04/05/16
11.3 Generate cost tracking document 1 day Wed Wed
04/05/16 04/05/16

12 Generate HR Management Plan Document 3 days Thu Mon
05/05/16 09/05/16
12.1 Determine and document project roles 1 day Thu Thu
05/05/16 05/05/16
12.2 Document responsibilities associated with roles 1 day Thu Thu
05/05/16 05/05/16
12.3 Document reporting relationships 1 day Fri 06/05/16 Fri 06/05/16
12.4 Identify project team personality types 1 day Fri 06/05/16 Fri 06/05/16
12.5 Document team motivation techniques 1 day Sat 07/05/16 Sat 07/05/16
12.6 Generate responsibility assignment matrix 1 day Sun Sun
08/05/16 08/05/16
12.7 Generate staffing management plan 1 day Mon Mon
09/05/16 09/05/16
12.8 Generate resources histogram 1 day Mon Mon
09/05/16 09/05/16

13 Generate Communication Management Plan 2 days Tue Wed
10/05/16 11/05/16
13.1 Document stakeholders communications requirements 1 day Tue Tue
10/05/16 10/05/16
13.2 Document information to be communicated 1 day Tue Tue
10/05/16 10/05/16
13.3 Determine the format in which the communication should 1 day Tue Tue
happen 10/05/16 10/05/16
13.4 Determine who will receive the information and who will 1 day Tue Tue
produce it 10/05/16 10/05/16
13.5 Document the method of technology used for communication 1 day Tue Tue
10/05/16 10/05/16
13.6 Determine frequency of communication 1 day Wed Wed
11/05/16 11/05/16
13.7 Determine escalation procedure 1 day Wed Wed
11/05/16 11/05/16
13.8 Revision of procedures 1 day Wed Wed
11/05/16 11/05/16
13.9 A glossary of common terminology 1 day Wed Wed
11/05/16 11/05/16

14 Develop Risk Management Plan 2 days Thu Fri 13/05/16
14.1 Document possible risks 2 days Thu Fri 13/05/16
14.2 Prioritize the possible risks 2 days Thu Fri 13/05/16
14.3 Document risk analysis 2 days Thu Fri 13/05/16
14.4 Document the risk response 2 days Thu Fri 13/05/16
14.5 Document risk control procedures 2 days Thu Fri 13/05/16

15 Develop Quality Management Plan 1 day Sat 14/05/16 Sat 14/05/16
15.1 Document measureable quality aspects of the event 1 day Sat 14/05/16 Sat 14/05/16
15.2 Generate control quality documentation 1 day Sat 14/05/16 Sat 14/05/16

16 Develop Procurement Management Plan d 1 day Sun Sun
15/05/16 15/05/16
16.1 Document services that needs to be procured from outside the 1 day Sun Sun
76 consulting inc 15/05/16 15/05/16


17 Event Permit 1 day Mon Mon
16/05/16 16/05/16
17.1 Contact local authority to know the process of getting permit for 1 day Mon Mon
event 16/05/16 16/05/16
17.2 Fill up necessary forms and apply for permit 1 day Mon Mon
16/05/16 16/05/16
17.3 Pick up event permit 1 day Mon Mon
16/05/16 16/05/16

18 Weekly Progress Reports 34 days Mon Thu
16/05/16 30/06/16

19 Printed Material - Flyers 7 days Mon Wed
23/05/16 01/06/16
19.1 Design flyers 1 day Mon Mon
23/05/16 23/05/16

19.2 Locate supplier for printing flyers 1 day Mon Mon
23/05/16 23/05/16
19.3 Request for quote for 8.5 x 11(flyers) qty 1000 1 day Mon Mon
23/05/16 23/05/16
19.4 Receive quote for 8.5 x 11 (flyers) qty 1000 1 day Tue Tue
24/05/16 24/05/16
19.5 Send design and quote to stakeholder for approval 1 day Tue Tue
24/05/16 24/05/16
19.6 Get stakeholder feedback 1 day Wed Wed
25/05/16 25/05/16
19.7 Place order for printed flyers 1 day Thu Thu
25/05/16 25/05/16
19.8 Deliver printed flyers to stakeholder (qty 1000) 1 day Wed Wed
01/06/16 01/06/16

20 Printed Material - Coupons 7 days Mon Wed
23/05/16 01/06/16
20.1 Design coupons 1 day Mon Mon
23/05/16 23/05/16

20.2 Locate supplier for printing coupons 1 day Mon Mon
23/05/16 23/05/16
20.3 Request for quote for 4 x 2 (flyers) qty 1000 1 day Mon Mon
23/05/16 23/05/16
20.4 Receive quote for 4 x 2 (flyers) qty 1000 1 day Tue Tue
24/05/16 24/05/16
20.5 Send design and quote to stakeholder for approval 1 day Tue Tue
24/05/16 24/05/16
20.6 Get stakeholder feedback 1 day Wed Wed
25/05/16 25/05/16
20.7 Place order for printed coupons 1 day Thu Thu
25/05/16 25/05/16
20.8 Deliver printed coupons to stakeholder (qty 1000) 1 day Wed Wed
01/06/16 01/06/16

21 Printed Material - Direct Mail 7 days Mon Wed
23/05/16 01/06/16
21.1 Design direct mail 1 day Mon Mon
23/05/16 23/05/16

21.2 Locate supplier for printing direct mail 1 day Mon Mon
23/05/16 23/05/16
21.3 Request for quote for 5 x 6 (direct mail) qty 2000 1 day Mon Mon
23/05/16 23/05/16
21.4 Receive quote for 5 x 6 (flyers) qty 2000 1 day Tue Tue
24/05/16 24/05/16
21.5 Send design and quote to stakeholder for approval 1 day Tue Tue
24/05/16 24/05/16
21.6 Get stakeholder feedback 1 day Wed Wed
25/05/16 25/05/16
21.7 Place order for printed direct mail 1 day Thu Thu
25/05/16 25/05/16
21.8 Postal code drop and FSA walk for direct mail (qty 2000) 1 day Wed Wed
01/06/16 01/06/16

22 Out of Home Material 11 days Mon Sun
Mobile Billboard, Wildpostings and Chalk Art 23/05/16 05/06/16
22.1 Design of billboard and wildpostings 2 days Mon Tues
23/05/16 24/05/16
22.3 Locate media suppliers and request for quote 1 day Tue Tue
24/05/16 24/05/16
22.2 Send quote and design to client for approval 1 days Wed Wed
25/05/16 25/06/16
22.3 Get stakeholder feedback 1 day Thu Thu
26/05/16 26/05/16
22.4 Printing, installation and Media Space 8 days Thu Sun
26/05/16 05/06/16


23 Dcor Material 12 days Wed Thu
(Balloons, Tent, Banner, Step and Repeat, Stanchions, Red 25/05/16 09/06/16
Carpet, Cocktail Table, Stools)
23.1 Locate Material Supplier 1 day Wed Wed
25/05/16 25/05/16
23.2 Find dcor material suppliers from online 2 days Thu Fri
26/05/16 27/05/16
23.3 Call the suppliers during business hours 2 days Thu Fri
26/05/16 27/05/16
23.4 Get the product samples and quotes 1 day Mon Mon
30/05/16 30/05/16
23.5 Design Banner and Step and Repeat 1 day Tue Tue
31/05/16 31/05/16
23.5 Compile quotes and send to client for approval 1 day Wed Wed
01/06/16 01/06/16
23.6 Stake holder approval 1 day Thu Thu
02/06/16 02/06/16
23.7 Get Stakeholder feedback 1 day Fri Fri 03/06/16
23.8 Order dcor and place delivery for June 9 to Caf Au Lait 1 day Fri 03/06/16 Fri 03/06/16
Liberty Village location

24 Street Team 14 days Mon Thu
23/05/16 09/06/16
24.1 Research for agencies that supply staff for events 1 day Mon Mon
23/05/16 23/05/16
24.2 Get the quotes per person 1 day Tue Tue
24/05/16 24/05/16
24.3 Negotiate the best possible price 1 day Wed Wed
25/05/16 25/05/16
24.5 Finalize the agreement 1 day Wed Wed
25/05/16 25/05/16
24.6 Confirm street team for the day of event 11 days Thu Thu
26/05/16 09/06/16

25 Photographer 12 days Sat 25/06/16 Sat 09/07/16
25.1 Research for agencies that supply Photographer 1 day Thu Thu
02/06/16 02/06/16
25.2 Get the quotes 1 day Fri 03/06/16 Fri 03/06/16
25.3 Negotiate the best possible price 1 day Sat 04/06/16 Sat 04/06/16
25.4 Finalize the agreement 1 day Sun Sun
05/06/16 05/06/16
25.5 Confirm Photographer for the day of event 1 day Mon Mon
06/06/16 06/06/16

26 Electric Generator 1 day Fri 20/05/16 Fri 20/05/16
26.1 Find Electric Generator suppliers from Yellow pages and online 1 day Fri 20/05/16 Fri 20/05/16
26.2 Call the suppliers during business hours 1 day Fri 20/05/16 Fri 20/05/16
26.3 Negotiate price 1 day Fri 20/05/16 Fri 20/05/16
26.4 Get the quote from suppliers for stakeholder approved samples 1 day Fri 20/05/16 Fri 20/05/16
26.5 Get the best price per unit 1 day Fri 20/05/16 Fri 20/05/16
26.6 Finalize the material agreement 1 day Sat 21/05/16 Sat 21/05/16
26.7 Finalize on the product and associated price 1 day Sat 21/05/16 Sat 21/05/16
26.8 Get stakeholders approval 1 day Sat 21/05/16 Sat 21/05/16

27 DJ + Equipment 12 days Wed Thu
25/05/16 09/06/16
27.1 Research for agencies that supply DJ 1 day Fri 27/05/16 Fri 27/05/16
27.2 Get the quotes 1 day Sat 28/05/16 Sat 28/05/16
27.3 Negotiate the best possible price 1 day Sun Sun
29/05/16 29/05/16
27.4 Finalize the agreement 1 day Mon Mon
30/05/16 30/05/16
27.5 Confirm DJ for the day of event 1 day Tue Tue
31/05/16 31/05/16

28 Day of Event 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16
28.1 Arrive early at the location 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16
28.2 Set up dcor material 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16
28.3 Set up out of home material 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16
28.4 Set up printed material 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16
28.5 Set up electric generator 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16
28.6 Street team arrived and ready 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16
28.7 DJ + Equipment ready 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16
28.8 Photographer ready 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16
28.9 DJ starts music 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16
28.1.1 Street team giving out flyers and product samples all day of 1 day Thu Thu
event 09/06/16 09/06/16

29 Event Clean Up 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16
29.1 Pack up everything 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16

29.2 Throw all the garbage 1 day Thu Thu
09/06/16 09/06/16

30 Stakeholder Feedback Event Results Analysis 4 days Mon Thu
13/06/16 16/06/16
30.1 Get feedback from the project team 1 day Mon Mon
13/06/16 13/06/16
30.2 Set up meeting with Project Team
30.3 Get feedback from customer 1 day Tue Tue
14/06/16 14/06/16
30.4 Set up meeting with customer
30.5 Get feedback from sponsor 1 day Wed Wed
15/06/16 15/06/16
30.6 Set up meeting with sponsor
30.7 Get sales data 1 day Thu Thu
16/06/16 16/06/16
30.8 Set up meeting with restaurant owners

31 Project Close Out Meeting 2 days Wed Thu
29/06/16 30/06/16
31.1 Send meeting invite 1 day Wed Wed
29/06/16 29/06/16
31.3 Close Out Meeting & Celebration 1 day Thu Thu
Present Lessons Learned Document 30/06/16 30/06/16


Continue to next page

Prepared by: Project Budget & Finance Officer and Project Manager

Resource Name Description Team Lead Supplier/Name of Pro

1. Concept
The purpose of the kickoff meeting is to formally notify
all team members, clients, and stakeholders that the
project has begun. Address feasibility of project and
1.1 Project Kick Off Meeting present to stakeholders Project Director 76 Consulting Ltd.
Project Charter Document - Formalize project existence
1.3 Project Charter and direction Project Director 76 Consulting Ltd.
2. Development
Define and document stakeholders needs to meet the
project objectives. Includes quantified and documented
needs and expectation of the sponsor, customer, and
2.1 Collection of Requirements other stakeholders Project Manager 76 Consulting Ltd.
Planning proccess, refine prepare and integrate all
subsidiary plans - Project Requirements, Cost, Schedule,
Resouces, Scope, Risk Assessment, Quality, HR,
2.2 Project Plan Communications, Procurement Project Manager 76 Consulting Ltd.
3. Implementation
3.1 Weekly Progress Reports Weekly Status Reports sent to Stakeholder/Sponsor Project Manager 76 Consulting Ltd.
3.2 Product Deliverables Delivered and Ordered Ordering and Managing of Product Deliverables Project & Event Planning Officer 76 Consulting Ltd.
Printed Materials
1 Version of Design, Typesetting & Artwork. Final Files
3.3 Flyers (8.5" x 11") - Design, Typesetting, Copywriting & Artwork prepped and delivered to printer Project & Event Planning Officer 76. Consulting Ltd.
3.4 Flyers (8.5" x 11") - Printed and Delivery Printed and Delivered to Caf Au Lait Liberty Village Project & Event Planning Officer The Printing House (TP
1 Version of Design, Typesetting & Artwork. Final Files
3.5 Coupons (4" x 2") - Design, Typesetting, Copywritng & Artwork prepped and delivered to printer Project & Event Planning Officer 76 Consulting Ltd.
3.6 Coupons (4" x 2") - Printed and Delivery Printed and Delivered to Caf Au Lait Liberty Village Project & Event Planning Officer The Printing House (TP
1 Version of Design, Typesetting & Artwork. Final Files
3.7 Direct Mail (5" x 6") - Design Typesetting , Copywriting & Artwork prepped and delivered to printer Project & Event Planning Officer The Printing House (TP
Printed, Packed, Segmented by Postal Code Drop and
3.8 Direct Mail (5" x 6") - Printed, FSA Drop (Postal Code Drop) Delivered to Canada Post Project & Event Planning Officer The Printing House (TP
Out of Home Materials
3.9 Mobile Billboard (228" x 96") - Design, Typesetting, Copywriting & 1 Version of Design, Typesetting & Artwork. Final Files
Artwork prepped and delivered to printer Event Operations Officer 76 Consulting Ltd.
3.10 Mobile Billboard (228" x 96") - Printing, Installation and Media Includes 10 hours for 5 days - June 5 in market. Includes
Space media space, production, installation, and driver Event Operations Officer Grassroots Experientia
Includes for 7 days - June 3 in market. Includes media
3.11 Chalk Art (10' x 10') - Design, and Installation space and design Event Operations Officer Grassroots Experientia
1 Version of Design, Typesetting & Artwork. Final Files
3.12 Wildpostings (5' x 8') - Design, Typesetting & Artwork prepped and delivered to printer Event Operations Officer 76 Consulting Ltd.
Includes for 7 days - June 3 in market. Includes media
3.13 Wildpostings (5'x 8') - Printing and Installation space and printing Event Operations Officer Grassroots Experientia
Street Team
3.14 Street Team Members Staff for promotional event 13 hours Project & Event Planning Officer Street Ambiance Even
Branded Tshirts (Street Team to wear own black pants
3.14 Street Team Uniforms and shoes) Project & Event Planning Officer Promo
3.15 Street Team Ipads & Data Rental of 4 ipads and Data Project & Event Planning Officer Promo
Disc Jockey
13 hour day - includes all equipment, music, stereo,
3.16 DJ & Equipment table, linens Project & Event Planning Officer
1 Photographer, Equipment, Lighting and Usage of 300
3.17 Photographer captured photos from 13 hour day event Project & Event Planning Officer Green Screen Studio
5 bunches of 4 balloons. Includes black and white
ballons, black ribbon and silver weights and delivery on
3.18 Balloons day of event. Event Operations Officer Balloon King
3.19 Tent (20' x 20') Rental of a large 20' x 20 tent (in case it rains) Event Operations Officer Chair Man Mills
3.20 Banner (32.5" x 80") Design, Printing and Structure - Double sided Banners Event Operations Officer The Printing House (TP
3.21 Step and Repeat (10' x 10') 1 Design, Structure and Delivery included Event Operations Officer The Printing House (TP
3.22 Stanchions (5 feet length) Rental. Delivery included Event Operations Officer Chair Man Mills
3.23 Red Carpet (10' x 3') Rental. Delivery included Event Operations Officer Chair Man Mills
3.24 Cocktail Table (42" high) Rental. Delivery included Event Operations Officer Chair Man Mills
3.25 Stools (32" high) Rental. Delivery included Event Operations Officer Chair Man Mills
3.26 Electrical Generator Rental. Delivery included Event Operations Officer Chair Man Mills
3.27 Project Manager Fee for Development Fees for Managing the Development Process Project Manager 76 Consulting Ltd.
3.28 Project Team Fee for Development Fees for Project Team in Development Process Project Team 76 Consulting Ltd.
3.29 Delivery/Courier Costs Cover all product deliverables shipping and delivery Project Coordinator Current Express
4. Project Close Out
Final Document that summarizes the plan, event and
4.1 Lessons Learned & Post Report Document lessons learned Project Manager 76 Consulting Ltd.
4.2 Event Results Analysis Analysis of Key Insights Project Manager 76 Consulting Ltd.
Meeting with Project Manager, Project Director, Project
Team and Stakeholders to close and finalize project and
4.3 Project Close Out Meeting celebrate Project Manager and Project Director 76 Consulting Ltd.
5. Reserves (20% of total estimate)
Total project cost estimate
Supplier/Name of Provider Start Date End Date # Units/Hrs. Cost/Unit/Hr. Subtotals % of Total

76 Consulting Ltd. Apr-01 Apr-15 $250 8 (hr) $2,000 2.293%

76 Consulting Ltd. Apr-01 Apr-15 $250 10 (hr) $2,500 2.867%

76 Consulting Ltd. Apr-16 Apr-30 $200 25 (hr) $5,000 5.734%

76 Consulting Ltd. Apr-16 May-15 $200 50 (hr) $10,000 11.467%

76 Consulting Ltd. May-16 Jun-30 $200 30 (hr) $6,000 6.880%

anning Officer 76 Consulting Ltd. May-23 May-27 $150 15 (hr) $2,250 2.580%

anning Officer 76. Consulting Ltd. May-23 May-25 $150 3 (hr) $450 0.516%
anning Officer The Printing House (TPH) May-26 Jun-01 $.50(pp) 1000 (qty) $500 0.573%

anning Officer 76 Consulting Ltd. May-23 May-25 $150 3 (hr) $450 0.516%
anning Officer The Printing House (TPH) May-26 Jun-01 $0.65 (pp) 1000 (qty) $650 0.745%

anning Officer The Printing House (TPH) May-23 May-25 $150 4 (hr) $600 0.688%

anning Officer The Printing House (TPH) May-26 Jun-01 $2.50 (pp) 2000 (qty) $800 0.917%

Officer 76 Consulting Ltd. May-23 May-25 $150 5 (hr) $750 0.860%

Officer Grassroots Experiential May-26 Jun-05 $500 5 (days) $2,500 2.867%

Officer Grassroots Experiential Jun-01 Jun-03 $500 7 (days) $3,500 4.014%

Officer 76 Consulting Ltd. May-23 May-25 $150 3 (hr) $450 0.516%

Officer Grassroots Experiential Jun-01 Jun-03 $200 5 (qty) $1,000 1.147%

anning Officer Street Ambiance Events Group May-23 Jun-09 $225 4 (qty) $900 1.032%

anning Officer Promo May-25 Jun-01 $100 4 (qty) $400 0.459%
anning Officer Promo May-25 Jun-09 $100 4 (qty) $400 0.459%

anning Officer May-25 Jun-09 $1,000 1 (qty) $1,000 1.147%

anning Officer Green Screen Studio May-25 Jun-09 $1,500 1 (qty) $1,500 1.720%

Officer Balloon King May-25 Jun-09 $3 20 (qty) $60 0.069%

Officer Chair Man Mills May-25 Jun-09 $500 1 $500 0.573%
Officer The Printing House (TPH) May-25 Jun-09 $150 3 (qty) $450 0.516%
Officer The Printing House (TPH) May-25 Jun-09 $600 1 (qty) $600 0.688%
Officer Chair Man Mills May-26 Jun-09 $20 8 (qty) $160 0.183%
Officer Chair Man Mills May-26 Jun-09 $50 1 (qty) $50 0.057%
Officer Chair Man Mills May-26 Jun-09 $30 10 (qty) $300 0.344%
Officer Chair Man Mills May-26 Jun-09 $10 20 (qty) $200 0.229%
Officer Chair Man Mills May-26 Jun-09 $500 1 (qty) $500 0.573%
76 Consulting Ltd. May-23 Jun-09 $200 30 (hrs) $6,000 6.880%
76 Consulting Ltd. May-23 Jun-09 $150 60 (hrs) $9,000 10.321%
or Current Express May-23 Jun-09 $500 1 (qty) $500 0.573%

76 Consulting Ltd. Jun-10 Jun-30 $5,000 20 (hrs) $5,000 5.734%

76 Consulting Ltd. Jun-10 Jun-30 $2,000 8 (hrs) $2,000 2.293%

nd Project Director 76 Consulting Ltd. Jun-30 Jun-30 $250 15 (hrs) $3,750 4.300%
$14,534 16.667%
$87,204 100%


COURSE # SCS1860 272 | GROUP 7

Sana Ali | Christine Dikongue | Amy Michialidis
Rajiv Mirpuri | Geoff Penhorwood | Corinne Sperduti

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