Affiliation Format
Affiliation Format
Affiliation Format
ABC University
This is to certify that XYZ College, new Colony, West Bengal is affiliated to the ABC
University since 1961 and recognized by the University Grants Commission (if
applicable) and the following Courses/Subjects are taught in the said college as per
approval, example ;
Sl No Name of the Course(s) and Duration Affiliation Period of
Permane Tempora Validity
nt ry for the
(I) Three year B.A. Hons. Courses in Bengali, English, Permanent ----
Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit,
(II) Three year B.Com General Course Permanent ----
(III) Three year B.Sc Hons. Courses in Physics, Temporary 2012-2013
Chemistry, Mathematics, Zoology, Computer
(IV) B.Ed & M.Ed Courses ( if Applicable) Temporary 2011-2015
Competent Authority
(with Name, Designation, Seal and Signature)
Kindly note the format is only suggestive and any other letter structure can be used to convey the
information in full..
All Letters/Documents regarding affiliation/ recognition by statutory bodies etc., if not in the
English language, then the institution is advised to provide an English translation of the same
(and upload it along with the original letter/document) under the seal and signature of the Head
of the Institution.