Nur 16, Min & Geochem Sangkaropi

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Proceeding of The 3rd International Symposium on Smart Material and Mechatronics 2016

Gowa, Indonesia, 15-18 November 2016 ISBN: xxx-xxxx

Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics

of the Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposits
in Sangkaropi District, North Toraja, Indonesia
Irzal Nur Ulva Ria Irfan
Mining Engineering Study Program Faculty of Geological Engineering Study Program Faculty
Engineering, Hasanuddin University Gowa, of Engineering, Hasanuddin University Gowa,
South Sulawesi, Indonesia South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Sufriadin Asran Ilyas

Mining Engineering Study Program Faculty of Mining Engineering Study Program Faculty of
Engineering, Hasanuddin University Gowa, Engineering, Hasanuddin University Gowa,
South Sulawesi, Indonesia South Sulawesi, Indonesia

AbstractThis paper describes an update study of the Kuroko- stratiform bodies of sulphides precipitated from magmatic-
type volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in Sangkaropi hydrothermal fluids that mixed with seawater, at or
mineralization district, North Toraja, South Sulawesi Province, immediately below the seafloor, commonly associated with
Indonesia, which focused on their associated hydrothermal submarine volcanics [1,2,3,4]. A typical type of VMS deposits,
alteration, ore and gangue mineralogy, as well as ore grades.
the Kuroko-type deposit, has been known distributed and
Rock and mineralization samples were collected from field work
to be studied using petrography, ore microscopy, X-ray clustered at Sangkaropi district which consists of three adjacent
diffraction, and chemical analyses of Instrumental Neutron localities of mineralized bodies around the border of North
Activation Analysis and Total Digestion Inductively Coupled Toraja- and Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province,
Plasma methods. The study resulted that host rocks of the Indonesia, namely Sangkaropi, Rumanga, and Bilolo deposits.
mineralizations were altered tuff and dacitic volcanic breccia. The district extended about 17 km, in southwest-northeast
The mineralizations mainly occurred as massive closely-spaced trend. The deposits were operated in small scale mining by the
disseminated sulphides, with veins, vein stockworks, and sulphide Japanese during World War II. In 1974 to 1979 PT. Aneka
stringers. Quartz and barite were identifed as the main gangues. Tambang, an Indonesia mining company, carried out a major
Ore mineral assemblages include chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite,
exploration program which involved detailed shallow drilling.
pyrite, bornite, pyrrhotite, and covellite, with azurite and
malachite as supergene minerals. Hydrothermal alteration Later, during 1987 to 1994, Aberfoyle Company investigated
minerals identified in clay, silicification, and altered host rocks the area as a part of Contract of Work exploration program.
include quartz, muscovite, halloysite, anorthite, chlorite, Recently, since 2006, local companies PT. Makale Toraja
paragonite, and calcite, which generally consistent to the inner Mining, PT. Sangkaropi Rumanga Mining, and PT. Integra
zones of Kuroko-type volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits Mining Nusantara detailly explored and mined base metals in
alteration zones. Chemical analysis of two selected mineralization the deposits [5,6,7,8].
samples resulted highest ore grades of 3.5 ppm Au, 159 ppm Ag, Three types of ore mineralization have been recognized in
>1% Cu, 0.49% Pb, and >1% Zn. From three localities of the district: (1) yellow ore, consists of pyrrhotite, pyrite,
Kuroko-type deposits in the district, based on their ore grade
characteristics, Rumanga deposit is the most promising to be chalcopyrite (abundant), with less sphalerite, tetrahedrite, and
detailly investigated in the future. enargite; (2) black ore, consists of pyrite, sphalerite,
tetrahedrite, with less chalcopyrite, chalcocite, and galena; and
Index Terms volcanogenic massive sulphide, VMS, Kuroko, (3) impregnated ore in form of disseminated pyrite in silicified
ore, Sangkaropi. rocks [9]. Ranges of ore grade are: 0.18 to 21.16% Cu, 2.27 to
25.31% Pb, 0.41 to 37.30% Zn, and 0.51 to 10.61% Fe. The
I. INTRODUCTION mineralization deposited in temperature about 280 oC, at a sea
Volcanogenic massive sulphide or volcanic-hosted massive depth of not less than 640 m; mainly developed in contact
sulphide deposits (VMS or VHMS) are typically massive- zones between rhyolitic tuff-lava unit and underlying andesite
unit [5]. The Kuroko-type VMS deposits in Sangkaropi district
Proceeding of The 3rd International Symposium on Smart Material and Mechatronics 2016 Authors Name
Gowa, Indonesia, 25-28 September 2016 ISBN: xxx-xxxx

was inferred to be formed in Oligocene, about 35 to 22.5 ma deposit; massive and phaneritic; consists of quartz, alkali
[10]. feldspar, plagioclase, and mafic minerals; cut by quartz veinlets
This paper describes an update study of the VMS deposits and altered by argillitization, sericitization and chloritization.
in Sangkaropi district which focused on their mineralogical and (2) Andesitic tuff breccia; mainly consists of andesitic tuff
geochemical characteristics, by performing field and laboratory breccia and lapilli tuff which intercalated by sandy tuff, fine
works as well as analytical studies of altered host rocks and ore tuff, claystone, and silicified rocks; graded bedding structure
mineralization samples. exposed near Rumanga deposit. (3) Dacite; green; altered;
distributed on the top of the andesitic tuff breccia as flow
II. GEOLOGY OF THE SANGKAROPI DISTRICT layers. (4) Acidic tuff; composed of acidic tuff, tuff breccia,
Regionally, the Sangkaropi district and surroundings were breccia and clay; the breccia contains fragments of dacite,
arranged by Tertiary rock units of: Oligocene to Early Miocene granite, andesite, and pumice. (5) Rhyolitic pyroclastics and
Lamasi Volcanics which consists of andesitic-dacitic tuff, lava lava; massive and mainly composed of rhyolitic to dacitic tuff,
and volcanic breccia intercalated by calcareous sandstone and breccia and lava; altered and silicified; about 80 m in
shale (Toml), and its limestone and marl members (Tomc); maximum thickness. (6) Basalt and clay; exposed only around
Early to Middle Miocene Riu Formation composed by marl, Sangkaropi deposit; basalt is dark green to black in fresh, and
limestone, shale, calcareous sandstone with intercalations of dark brown in altered; claystone is grey to dark grey; in contact
claystone and tuff (Tmr); and Late Miocene to Pliocene to ore deposit, silicification and brecciation were observed in
intrusive rocks of granite, granodiorite, rhyolite, diorite, and claystone. (7) Calcareous shale; composed of shale and clay
aplite (Tmpi). Structural lineaments around the area are which contains foraminiferan fossils. (8) Andesitic lava and
generally north-south to northwest-southeast and northeast- pyroclastics; andesite lava is green and massive; andesitic
southwest trends [11]. pyroclastic rocks consist of volcanic breccia and tuff breccia
with small amounts of clay and silicified rocks [5] (Fig. 1).
This study consists of two main stages, field works and
laboratory works. The field works were carried-out in and
around the Sangkaropi VMS deposit district, where altered
rock, as well as alteration and mineralization samples were
collected randomly, selectively, and systematicly from
outcrops, adits, and pits. The laboratory works included
petrography, ore microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD)
analysis, and chemical analysis. Sample preparations for the
microscopic studies, i.e., thin sections for petrography and
polished sections for ore microscopy, as well as their
observations using transmitted- and reflected light microscope,
were performed in Optical Mineral Laboratory, Department of
Geological Engineering, Hasanuddin University. For the XRD
analysis, 13 selected powdered alteration and mineralization
samples were sent to be identified their mineral assemblages in
Research and Development Centre of Mineral and Coal
Technology (Puslitbang Tekmira) Bandung. The objective of
the chemical analysis was to measure concentrations or ore
grades of five selected metals: gold, silver, copper, lead, and
zinc. For this, two selected mineralization samples were sent to
be prepared and analyzed in a commercial research laboratory,
PT. Intertek Utama Services, Jakarta. The gold grade was
determined by INAA (Instrumental Neutron Activation
Analysis) method, silver by combination of INAA and TD-ICP
(Total Digestion Inductively Coupled Plasma) method, and the
base metals by TD-ICP method.

Fig. 1. Geologic map of the Sangkaropi district, showing locations of the IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
three deposits (Sangkaropi, Rumanga, and Bilolo) which extended in
southwest-northeast trend. Legend: 1. Granitic rock, 2,3: andesitic tuff A. Characteristics of Ore Bodies
breccia and dacite lava, 4: Acidic tuff, 5: Rhyolitic pyroclastics and lava,
6: Basalt and clay, 7: Calcareous shale, 8: Andesitic lava and pyroclastics, As mentioned, there were three Kuroko-type VMS deposits
9: Kuroko-type ore body (after [5]). clustered and distributed in southwest-northeast trend in the
Sangkaropi district: Sangkaropi deposit at the southwest,
Locally, there are eight units of Tertiary rocks distributed in Rumanga deposit at the centre, and Bilolo deposit at the
the district, which from older to younger are as follow: (1) northeast (Fig. 1). During the field work, a detailed field
Granitic rock; exposed in the northern part of Sangkaropi observation, measuring section and sampling has been carried

Proceeding of The 3rd International Symposium on Smart Material and Mechatronics 2016 Authors Name
Gowa, Indonesia, 25-28 September 2016 ISBN: xxx-xxxx

out from the lower part (footwall) to the top of ore bodies of disseminated chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, pyrite, and barite
the three deposits. in altered massive and fragmented host rocks were observed
The Sangkaropi main ore body was about 150 m wide and (Fig. 2.B and 2.C) accompanied by quartz and barite veins and
subhorizontally extended in east-west trend (N290oE strike), vein stockworks. Spots of supergene minerals azurite and
with 60 m thickness from bottom to the top (Fig. 2.A). The ore malachite were abundantly found on surface of the ore body,
body was concordantly cuts stratigraphic units of the host rocks indicating weathering of copper-bearing minerals (Fig. 2.B).
of mainly dasitic breccia. A basalt dike was found at the Sulphide stockworks and stringers were found developed in
northern part of the ore body, intruded the dacitic breccia host altered dacitic tuff in a stream northeast of the Sangkaropi ore
rock. The host rocks were generally fragmented with dacite and body, which indicating the altered lower part of the ore body
rhyolite were the main fragments, and ore minerals distributed [12,13,14]. Under the microscope, intergrowth and replacement
clusterly above the host rocks. At the lower part of the ore textures were recognized in samples from Sangkaropi. Fig. 2.D
body (footwall), the fragmented volcanic host rocks were shows the intergrowth of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and
exposed; and in the upper part, from 15 m to the top, pyrite.


Py D E F

Sp Cv Py
Ccp Ccp

Gn Gn
0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm

Fig. 2. (A) Morphology of Sangkaropi ore body, looking northeast. (B) Outcrop of Sangkaropi ore body, showing fragmented dacitic breccia host rock on the
footwall, and massive sulphide ore on the upper part; supergene products of bluish azurite and greenish malachite are shown on the left-upper part of the
outcrop. (C) A boulder of Sangkaropi black ore (kuroko) which conists of disseminated fine- to medium grained sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, and
pyrite. (D) Photomicrograph of Sangkaropi mineralization sample, showing ore mineral assemblage of sphalerite (Sp), galena (Gn), chalcopyrite (Ccp), and
pyrite (Py). (E) Photomicrograph of Rumanga sample, showing fine-grained disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite (Bn). At the left side, bluish covellite (Cv)
replaced surfaces of chalcopyrite. (F) Photomicrograph of Bilolo sample, showing chalcopyrite, galena, and pyrite scarcely disseminated in barite (Brt) gangue.
A chalcopyrite grain replaced by pyrrhotite (Po) in its central part and covellite at the fringe, is shown on the left side of the picture.
The Rumanga main ore body was about 8 m wide and The Bilolo ore body was about 175 m wide and
subhorizontally extended in east-west trend (N85oE strike), subhorizontally extended in east-west trend (N275oE strike),
with 6 m thickness from bottom to the top. The ore body was with 70 m thickness from bottom to the top. The ore body
concordantly cuts stratigraphic units of the host rocks of was concordantly cuts stratigraphic units of the host rocks of
dasitic breccia, tuff, and marl. The volcanic breccia host dasitic volcanic rocks and marl. The lower part of Bilolo ore
rocks were generally fragmented with dacite was the main body was arranged by tuff. The central and particularly top
fragments, and ore minerals distributed clusterly in the host parts of the ore body were dominated by barite and quartz
rocks. In Rumanga deposit, dacitic breccia and tuff host gangue associated with massive disseminated sulphides of
rocks were exposed in the lower part of the ore body, while pyrite, chacopyrite, sphalerite, galena, pyrrhotite, and
disseminated ore and vein stockworks occurred in the central covellite; vein stockwroks identified as well. Under the
and upper parts. From field and microscopic observations, microscope, indications of galena, pyrrhotite, and covellite
ore minerals identified include galena, sphalerite, pyrite, formed as late-stage minerals were observed, where some
chalcopyrite, bornite, and covellite. Covellite formed as a galena occurred as open-space filling (veinlets), pyrrhotite
secondary minerals which generally replaced the fringes and replaced chalcopyrite, and secondary covellite replaced
surfaces of chalcopyrite (Fig. 2.E). chalcopyrite fringes (Fig. 2.F).

Proceeding of The 3rd International Symposium on Smart Material and Mechatronics 2016 Authors Name
Gowa, Indonesia, 25-28 September 2016 ISBN: xxx-xxxx

B. Hydrothermal Alteration and Gangue During field work, numbers of hydrothermal alteration
Based on field and microscopic observations, the VMS outcrop were found around or adjacent to ore bodies of the
ore mineralizations in Sangkaropi district were mostly found Sangkaropi district (Fig. 3.B and 3.C). For identification of
associated with quartz and barite gangues. Quartz occurred hydrothermal alteration and gangue mineral assemblages,
either as crystalline disseminated grains associated with ore thirteen selected altered host rocks as well as pervasive
minerals, and as veins and vein stockworks which irregularly alteration (clay) and mineralization samples were collected
distributed in the mineralized bodies. While barite formed as from the three deposits and surroundings during the field
disseminated grains and veins which closely associated with work, to be analyzed using XRD method. List of the samples
ore minerals (Fig. 3.A), and as a layer on top of ore bodies. and their mineral assemblages are shown in Table I.



Fig. 3. (A) Barite vein associated with black ore at Sangkaropi ore body. (B) Pervasive alteration of clay and chlorite near Sangkaropi ore body. (C) Outcrop of
altered tuff host rock of Rumanga ore body.


No Sample code Sample source Mineral assemblages
1 S.01.SKR.G Clay, Sangkaropi Quartz, muscovite, halloysite
2 K.S.01.UL.E Clay, Sangkaropi Quartz, chlorite, paragonite
3 Z.S.01.UL.A Clay, Sangkaropi Quartz, muscovite, anorthite
4 K.S.02.UL.M Clay, Rumanga Quartz, halloysite, anorthite
5 S.11.WLN.K Clay, Bilolo Quartz, muscovite, anorthite
6 S.21.WLN.I Clay, Bilolo Quartz, calcite
7 S.06.SKR.C Altered tuff, Sangkaropi Quartz, muscovite, halloysite
8 Z.S.02.HL.H Altered tuff, Sangkaropi Quartz, halloysite
9 S.13.WLN.B Altered dacitic breccia, Bilolo Quartz, muscovite, anorthite
10 S.19.WLN.D Altered tuff, Bilolo Quartz, anorthite
11 S.31.WLN.J Silicification, Bilolo Quartz
12 TOP.RMG.MTS.L Barite layer on top of ore body, Rumanga Barite
13 TOP.ORE.RMG.F Top of ore body, Rumanga Quartz, pyrite

In general, the mineral assemblages identified from all

samples include quartz, muscovite, halloysite, chlorite,
paragonite, anorthite, calcite, pyrite, and barite (Table I).
Based on the sample locations relative to ore bodies and the
mineral assemblages they contained, generally the
distribution of the hydrothermal alteration is consistent to the
inner zones of the typical Kuroko-type VMS alteration zones
[15]. There are four main zones of alteration in and around
Kuroko-type deposit, which from the margins towards the
core of the mineralization, are as follow: Zone I,
characterized by assemblage of montmorillonite + zeolite +
cristobalite; Zone II, consists of sericite + sericite-
montmorillonite + Fe-Mg chlorite + albite + K-feldspar +
quartz; Zone III, characterized by clay alteration within and
around the mineralization, and contains sericite +
interstratified montmorillonite + sericite + Mg-chlorite and
quartz; Zone IV, surrounds the central part of the mineralized
body and it displays strong silicification, with quartz +
Fig. 4.Alteration zones associated with a Kuroko-type
sericite + Mg-rich chlorite [15]. The alteration zoning was massive sulphide deposit. Explanation of zones I to IV
illustrated in Fig. 4 [16]. are described in the text [16].

Proceeding of The 3rd International Symposium on Smart Material and Mechatronics 2016 Authors Name
Gowa, Indonesia, 25-28 September 2016 ISBN: xxx-xxxx

Montmorillonite, zeolite, cristobalite, albite and K- and dacitic volcanic breccia. Individual ore bodies were
feldspar, the main minerals of zones I and II, were not generally extended in east-west trend, where the ore zone
recognized from the samples analyzed (Table I). Most of the overlying the volcanic-hosts footwall. Mineralizations in the
clay samples were collected around the ore bodies in the ore zone mainly occurred as massive closely-spaced
district (samples number 1 to 6 in Table I), where the disseminated sulphides, which generally consist of sulphides
mineral assemblages generally represent the zone III. Quartz ore of chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, pyrite, bornite,
and chlorite, two of the main minerals of the zone, were pyrrhotite, and covellite, with supergene minerals of azurite
identified; while sericite, the fine-grained mica, was and malachite, in quartz and barite gangues. Hydrothermal
represented by muscovite and paragonite. In shallow alteration minerals identified in clay, silicification, and
environment, halloysite occurs mainly as a supergene altered host rocks include quartz, muscovite, halloysite,
weathering product [17], thus it is possible that halloysite in anorthite, chlorite, paragonite, and calcite, which generally
the area was formed by weathering. The presence of consistent to the inner zones of the Kuroko-type
anorthite and calcite may indicates the Ca-bearing minerals, volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits alteration zones.
mainly feldspar, in the pre-altered host rocks. Thus, in From three localities of Kuroko-type deposits in the district,
general, the clay samples represent zone III alteration which based on their ore grade characteristics, Rumanga deposit is
distributed around the periphery of the ore bodies, as the most promising to be detailly investigated in the future,
illustrated in Fig. 4. considering its significant grade of gold and copper.
The other seven samples were collected in the ore bodies
(samples number 7 to 13 in Table I). The first five samples ACKNOWLEDGMENT
which were taken from strongly altered host rocks and The authors thank to the Head of Centre of Research and
silicification zone in Sangkaropi and Bilolo mineralizations, Community Services (LP2M) Hasanuddin University for
mainly consist of quartz accompanied by muscovite, the Grant of 2016 Research of Specific Indonesian Maritime
halloysite, and anorthite. This is typical for zone IV, where Continent (Hibah Penelitian Benua Maritim Indonesia
silicification (quartz) and sericite (muscovite) are the main Spesifik Tahun 2016) through Contract Letter No.
characteristics. The rest two samples were taken on the top 4092/UN4.21/LK.23/2016, August 15, 2016, to financially
of Rumanga ore body, from barite layer (sample code supported this study.
TOP.RMG.MTS.L), and from ore mineralization (sample
code TOP.ORE.RMG.F), which indicates the gangue quartz REFERENCES
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Proceeding of The 3rd International Symposium on Smart Material and Mechatronics 2016 Authors Name
Gowa, Indonesia, 25-28 September 2016 ISBN: xxx-xxxx

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