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Volume 58 International Scientific Journal

Issue 2 published monthly by the

December 2012 World Academy of Materials
Pages 227-234 and Manufacturing Engineering

World Class Manufacturing model

in production management
K. Paucha*
Management and Administration Institute, Organization and Management Faculty,
Silesian University of Technology, ul. Roosevelta 26-28, 41-800 Zabrze, Poland
* Corresponding e-mail address:

Received 21.10.2012; published in revised form 01.12.2012


Purpose: of this paper is to show the complexity of issues related to modern management of production
systems. Furthermore, it presents in a coherent form principles and the nature of the so-called World
Class Manufacturing model. While presenting the model a wide variety of problems to be solved has
also been identified in order to achieve the expected results, which allow organizations to build a strong
competitive position in the market. This is a timely issue due to the fact that the model gives a possibility
to improve production management systems. Thereby, reliability and quality of production process and
its flexibility is improved. This, in turn, greatly affects the competitiveness of businesses. It should be also
emphasized that variability in the environment in which organizations operate forces them to continuous
search for new organizational solutions and implementation of modern management-supporting tools.
Design/methodology/approach: In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives literature studies
on modern concepts of management were undertaken. Particular attention was paid to the production
area. As a follow-up to literature studies a research was carried out in a number of companies that
implemented some elements of the WCM model. As a results it was possible to get to know applied
solutions, identified problems, achieved results, etc.
Findings: As a result of literature studies one can come to a conclusion that there are many different
methods and techniques supporting management processes. The study shows that managers use
these tools extensively. The number of management-supporting tools is increasing. There is a growing
awareness of employees that any kind of change is necessary
Practical implications: The issue presented here is of great importance for the production practice.
Ignoring rapid changes in the business environment and the need to adapt to them can weaken
the competitive position in the market. What it all comes down to is that implementation of modern
management models is necessary.
Originality/value: A major advantage of this paper is to show the complexity of production system
management. Different pillars of the World Class Manufacturing model show the diversity of issues to
be tackled, diversity of models, tools and techniques.
Keywords: World Class Manufacturing; Lean Manufacturing; Total Quality Management; Quality
Control; Logistic and Customer Service
Reference to this paper should be given in the following way:
K. Paucha, World Class Manufacturing model in production management, Archives of Materials
Science and Engineering 58/2 (2012) 227-234.


Copyright by International OCSCO World Press. All rights reserved. 2012 227
K. Paucha

1. Introduction
1.  Introduction area of business management has to tackle. Actions taken in order
to respond to challenges of the turbulent environment must be
faster and faster. They have to be flexible, efficient and meet
Transformation processes taking place in recent years, not
specific standards. All these conditions are constantly changing
only in the Polish economy, forced organizations to adopt a new
due to customer needs and requirements as well as rapid pace of
approach to identify and understand customer needs. Businesses
technology development and state-of-the-art technologies.
operating in a competitive environment have to meet customer
This paper presents basic principles and characteristic features
needs by offering high value products. However, this is not the
of World Class Manufacturing model and implementation
only goal. Companies must show a tendency to make their
operations efficient and flexible. The efficiency of any requirements of such a model. This program is a compilation of a
organization depends largely on the organization level of modern approach to production systems development as it is
production systems and the range of application of modern based on the concept of Toyota Production System, Lean
production management support tools [1,2]. Manufacturing elements and Total Quality Management. The case
Adjusting production processes to the requirements of a study, based on the examples from the automotive industry,
competitive market requires an analysis of activities from the shows some of the problems of this concept. Together with other
perspective of material flow, flow of information and elimination of problematic issues, outlined in this article in a nutshell because of
any source of waste. To perform process flow analysis, carry on their publishing limitations, WCM takes manufacturing processes as a
critical evaluation and finally improve them there are such tools used whole.
like Lean Manufacturing and Total Quality Management. Use of
these management tools allows managers to improve the quality of
manufactured products, eliminate unnecessary waste, reduce
production costs, gives better control of the implemented processes,
2. WWorld
2.  Class
orld Class Manufacturing
produce continuous improvement, etc. [3-6].
The need for restructuring of domestic enterprises to improve Currently a customer making a purchase is not only interested
their competitiveness made them interested in the Lean concept. in a product but also, to a large extent, in extra services provided
Initially the concept was used mainly in companies with foreign under the purchase contract. Hence, policies of many
capital. A significant increase in efficiency with a relatively small organizations are based on such principles as: customer
outlay was possible just by knowing and using modern satisfaction with products and/or services, value added,
management tools. It was a stimulus to start applying the appreciation of employees. It is possible to achieve these
principles of lean manufacturing. This type of innovative objectives through continuous improvement. One can say that
solutions can raise the level of innovation of the economy of only learning organizations can be successful in a competitive
Poland, which is low at present. market. Learning activities should be focused on the
Specific actions imposed by globalization allow companies to development of employees qualifications, process development,
achieve a strong competitive position in the market. A fast pace of continuous management model development and change of
change shows that continuous analysis of the environment is business models.
necessary to quickly identify factors affecting the company's World Class Manufacturing (WCM) is an example of such a
position in the market. Therefore, organisations must be highly system. World Class Manufacturing is a management concept
flexible, i.e. show the ability to keep pace with recent changes in introduced by organizations using the best production systems in
the environment, identify customer needs and expectations the world. WCM is an integrated management model, which
quickly and correctly and respond immediately to their needs. assumes continuous improvement of activities within the
At the same time companies need to be properly managed, i.e. the framework of organizational system. The aim is to achieve global
decision-making process should be quick and the staff creative, competitiveness by adhering to the following principles: no
supportive and adapting to changes. A research into the waste, no stock, no failure, no defect, improvement of
competitive advantage shows that companies point to quality of applied processes, increased productivity, improved security, cost
products, level of customer service, innovation of products and reduction, etc. Additionally, to run world-class manufacturing
applied technology, a wide range of products, research and processes it is necessary to use teamwork and prepare employees
development facilities, competitive prices, environmentally- to work in such teams. Benchmarking is carried out at the level of
friendly green products and technologies, after-sales service, leading organizations from given industry group [16,17].
delivery time, etc. as major factors influencing the advantage of The concept of World Class Manufacturing shows an
the company [7-10]. advisability of a modern, comprehensive approach to develop a
It shows the need for continuous improvement of model that better organizes new product development processes
management processes, mainly production systems [11-13].
and manage them. It is a comprehensive program for production
The need to be innovative means that most of companies decide
management system reorganization, which is based on the
to intensify innovation-related activities both product and process-
oriented, often associated with changes in production technology. fundamental principles of continuous improvement of safety and
These changes, in turn, force organizations to develop proper, elimination and attacking of waste of any kind. Organization
competitive production processes. In industrial practice, one of management according to the principles of WCM is based on high
the most well-known solutions in the area of production is the so- quality reliable methods and tools with extensive involvement of
called Toyota Production System [14,15]. all employees and managers of the company. Only adoption of
The aim of this paper is to present a complexity of issues such approach makes it possible to achieve high, world-class
related to the management of production processes and tasks this quality and measurable savings in the manufacturing process [18].

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World Class Manufacturing model in production management

Fig. 1. Pillars of WCM [17]

Fiat Auto Poland and other Group companies like Fiat Below please find a brief description of individual pillars.
Powertrain Technologies Poland have introduced the concept. A seven step methodology developed for each pillar is used to
Activities carried out under WCM program are most evident in implement accepted solutions.
design, production and sales processes. Introduction of WCM,
based on Toyota's management model is useful to achieve high, 1. Safety
world-class production quality and reliability of products. It is It is a technical pillar that involves continuous improvement
also aimed at the elimination of waste. of working environment and reduction of factors generating
WCM as a management model introduces its own methods accidents and dangerous occurrences.
and tools that enable organizations to achieve competitive The aim of SAFETY pillar is to eliminate accidents. It
advantage, based on the principle to manufacture highest quality requires more intense preventive actions, continuous
products at low prices. The WCM model is based on ten improvement of ergonomics in the workplace and skills and
interlinked pillars in order to achieve aforementioned objectives. qualifications necessary to eliminate potential hazardous events
High operational level of production and logistics processes and accidents.
referring to both methodology used and results achieved by the
world's best companies lay a foundation of the World Class 2. Cost Deployment
Manufacturing model. Experiences gained by these organizations
made it possible to recognize World Class Manufacturing as Manufacturer, as part of COST DEPLOYMENT pillar, for
a model having as a basis following concepts: company's management analysis/audit has to introduce an
x Total Quality Control (TQC), effective plan of waste reduction where such activities can bring
x Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), substantial benefits. It is necessary to develop an improvement
x Total Industrial Engineering (TIE), program that will lead to a reduction of waste. There are activities
x Just In Time (JIT). carried out in order to identify waste, determine the place of their
Results of continuous improvement of all parameters and production, valuate them, identify elimination methods and
ongoing involvement of all employees, regardless of their position expected results.
in the organizational structure are certified by external experts. 3. Focused Improvement
As mentioned above, the WCM model is based on 10
interlinking technical pillars (manufacturing process-related) and The purpose of this pillar is to eliminate major waste
managerial pillars as illustrated in Figure 1. identified previously within the Cost Deployment pillar. This way

Volume 58 Issue 2 December 2012 229

K. Paucha

organizations do not exploit resources for problematic issues of Main activities are based on the Value Stream Mapping in
minor priority. Corrective actions are targeted and have to lead to order to determine existing inventory shortages and the possibility
a final problem solving and restore or introduce a new, specific of their removal.
standard. This work should be carried out periodically because of
its unique nature. The aim of this pillar is to achieve waste 8. Early Equipment Management
reduction in the production system and eliminate activities not
generating value added and therefore not likely to increase the Activities being a part of this pillar are usually undertaken if
cost competitiveness of the product. the start-up time of new equipment exceeds the initial settlements.
Efficient implementation of this kind of work allows for cost
4. Autonomous Maintenance optimization and loss elimination resulting from inactivity period.
In addition, the pillar covers activities related to early equipment
As machinery and equipment often operate in poor conditions management during the product development process through a
and never work at full capacity this pillar becomes really special revision of the model (Design Review), specification of
important. The aim of this pillar is to improve the efficiency of technical requirements for submitting a tender and supplies
the global production system by: consistent with the requirements of the user.
x Restoration of a mechanical device or equipment to its
original state and maintaining its initial technical parameters 9. People Development
to prevent deterioration,
x Increased involvement of production staff and development of Activities within this pillar are to ensure, through a structured
a co-operation system favourable for both machine operators system of training, appropriate skills and qualifications for every
and maintenance service staff, job position. In addition, maintenance service staff and
x Development of technical skills and qualifications. technicians are prepared to train later other employees. There
All above mentioned activities must be supported by skills should be also knowledge and operational skills documentation
development. Furthermore, this pillar is also responsible for the system in place.
proper organization of the workplace (Workplace Organization),
efficiency improvement and getting the productivity of the 10. Environment
production system up.
The tenth pillar is used to meet the environmental
5. Professional Maintenance management requirements (compliance with the requirements and
standards of the environmental management), continuous
Scope of activities associated with this pillar is a result of the improvement of the working environment, etc. The main activities
number of failures that occur in many systems, lack of systematic include: periodic internal audits verifying the impact of the plant
preventive measures and poor co-operation between machine on the surrounding environment, risk identification and
operators and the maintenance service staff. Main activities under prevention, use of ISO 14000 standard and a variety of technical
this pillar focus on: control and failure cause analysis, further improvements such as production site improvements.
qualifications of maintenance service staff, collaboration with
staff members responsible for Autonomous Maintenance, etc.

6. Quality Control
3. CCase
3.  study
ase study

Despite many preventive measures taken there are always Fiat Auto Production System was developed to achieve
situations when customers are not satisfied with our products or satisfactory performance results together with results that satisfy
services. This reflects the importance of this pillar. Defects are clients. Only the best concepts, methods and management
found and the cost of rejected products becomes a considerable techniques can do this. Tools used in the WCM should:
expense for the company. This pillar is generally designed to x increase the flexibility of production process making
provide customers with high quality products at minimal cost, to it possible to meet market expectations and customer needs,
develop proper operating conditions for production systems and to x improve the quality of products,
increase quality problem solving skills of staff members. x improve processes,
x constant reduction of manufacturing cost,
7. Logistic & Customer Service x active involvement of workers in the improvement of processes,
x effective system for motivating employees.
Large stocks or a necessity to reschedule production due to WCM is an integrated management system, based on 10
raw material shortages are usually the reason for performing tasks managerial and 10 technical pillars. Its aim is to develop
being a part of this element of WCM concepts. The aim is to manufacturing site organizational system in order to achieve
create favourable conditions for the flow of materials within the World Class level of competitiveness. [Fiat] Thus, WCM is
company and between the suppliers and the plant, reduce based on four concepts: no waste, no stock, no failure, no
inventory level, minimize the amount of displacement, reduce the defect. WCM has been recognized as a culmination of the
number of kilometres and transit time inside the company and development of quality management system in an organization.
from direct suppliers, integrated purchase, production and sales FAP had to pass through the following stages to go up to WCM:
network. Total Productive Maintenance (1996), Total Quality Management

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World Class Manufacturing model in production management

- ISO 9001 certificate (1997), ISO 14001 (2000), ISO 9001:2000 are usually identified and prioritize them. Furthermore, it helps to
(2001), Integrated Quality, Environment, Occupational Health decide what should be done first. The matrix enables a better
and Safety Management System certificate: ISO 9001:2000, ISO diagnosis of the situation , taking adequate steps, discovering the
14001, PN-EN 18001 (2002), Polish Quality Award (EFQM) cause of the problem and finally introduction of changes. All the
(2003), Recognised for Excellence 2005 in the 14th edition of work results in development of standards and adoption of
European Quality Award (2005), EFQM Excellence Award appropriate management methods. A list of problematic issues is
Finalist (World Class Manufacturing (2006), WCM Bronze Level continuously updated and expanded. Duly authorized and appointed
(2007r.), WCM Silver Level (2009r.). staff members analyse particular problems.
In the opinion of employees of companies where a survey was For machine related problems the analysis starts simply from
conducted WCM is based on important principles. It requires to inspection of current machine parameters. If the parameters are
be familiar with various methods and techniques. It involves over correct then further in-depth analysis is carried out to eliminate finally
a long period of time a large group of employees becoming a kind system waste. For example, Fiat Auto Poland carries out a detailed
of working method. It allows you to develop an efficient system analysis of problems in the pillar and records are kept. Thus:
that is aimed at eliminating the sources of problems. Each of the x Material-related problems - a quantitative tracking of
ten pillars has to achieve a specific group of goals. Actions taken supplies is done and any nonconformities are recorded,
in one pillar are often reflected in another one. The number of described and communicated to the supplier to adopt a proper
steps to be done within each pillar has been unified. standpoint. This way the supplier is obliged to draw up a
So, for example in the pillar of Quality Control there are report and its results affect suppliers assessment. This issue is
actions taken, which are designed to provide customers with really important as the greatest number of quality-related
products of the highest quality. On the one hand it allows to problems is connected with material and often explains the
reduce the number of defective products and reduce costs. reason of change of a supplier or search for new alternative
Qualifications and skills of employees in quality problem solving sources of supply.
are certainly higher. More attention is paid to the solutions used in x Problems in a man group are of very diverse nature and
production systems. Achievement of objectives assigned to this their analysis is really comprehensive. The process of human
pillar is connected with: applied failure rate analysis, quality error analysis involves an employee who made a mistake and
training courses, the so-called improvement groups. a member of the employee technological team or its leader,
The Quality Control procedure consists of the following steps: etc. During the first stage of the analysis the employee defines
1. Problem selection, existing nonconformity. Detailed description of operations is
2. Understanding objectives, provided during the second stage and the problem is clearly
3. Planning activities, presented. The team leader is responsible for specific
4. Cause analysis, knowledge assessment. If the assessment is positive further
5. Defining and implementation of preventive measures, error cause identification is carried. Mainly the man-related
6. Monitoring of results, quality problems occur in the assembly department. This is a
7. Standardization of control activities and their implementation. consequence of the fact that the greatest number of operations
The Quality Control concept implies that this issue is crucial is performed manually by an operator. If a human factor
for the existence of the company. Quality Engineering department causes the problem actions to be taken are really important, as
is responsible for proper operation of this pillar. The pillar can be they are aimed at discovery and elimination of root causes of
divided into three levels of action: defects. It is also important not to release defective products
x reactionary - for example elimination of faults and defects at outside the production unit.
manufacturer or suppliers plant using established methods, x Problems in the method group emerge most frequently
x preventive, because of mistakes of many different workers performing
x proactive. certain operations. This way a mistake of a single worker can
The second and the third action are intended to minimize the risk be eliminated. If causes are found employees can be properly
of faults and defects. Special attention is paid to the methodology of trained and processes secured against re-occurrence of defects
proceeding; first of all every problem must be well-defined and in the future.
described and then its cause can be removed. This is to prevent the x A group of defects associated with the machine directly
re-emergence of a specific problem. In case of complex problems a affects the issues of proper maintenance (inspection scope and
4M + Project analysis is carried out [18, 08/12]. The aim of the dates, cleaning, maintenance, etc.). Modern machinery stock
analysis is give an answer where lies the root cause (or causes) of the ensures reduction of causes of errors and defects.
problem. Does the cause lie in the material, machine, methods used In case it is impossible to identify causes of defects and
or is it a human-factor? If the cause is material, method and categorize them, although comprehensive analyses were carried
man a tool called Problem Solving (Creative Problem Solving) is out, design work has to be initiated. The result is that the problem
used and in case of machine-related causes it is a Quality is redesigned and a new way of problem solving can be found. It
Maintenance tool. Both of these tools have a developed seven step usually relates to problems identified in operation or only by the
methodology. For the first three groups of causes a tool developed customer.
by quality staff called Quality Assurance Matrix is very helpful. It is The Quality Control pillar was given very high marks during
a lists of all the problems that occurred inside and outside the the last WCM audit conducted at Fiat Auto Poland. The 4.0 mark
company in the past and that are currently being solved. It makes it is the highest rating received by a production plant within the
easier to find stages in the production process where the problems entire Fiat group. Thanks to perfect solutions the number of

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defects in produced cars is the lowest (compared with other Fiat 3. increase of staff creativity - bringing forward improvement
plants) as well as the unit cost of repairing. ideas,
Taking into account efficient operation of a company another 4. growth of staff motivation.
pillar of the WCM, i.e. Logistics & Customer Service plays a very All in all, assessing the WCM program it should be clearly
important role. Despite the ongoing work to improve the results stated that, as a result of actions taken, unit cost of production was
companies are continuously striving to reduce inventory levels, reduced, reliability of products and customer satisfaction
more efficient supply of workstations with necessary components, increased, accident and incident figures decreased, etc.
accessories, assemblies, etc. Sometimes, shortages disturb the Analysis of implemented solutions shows that earning the
production process and it is necessary to reschedule production highest marks possible is not an objective on its own for the
planning. Therefore, main objectives of this pillar are: majority of organizations. WCM is a set of methods that enable to
x to reduce inventory levels, achieve outlined objectives, streamline processes, improve quality,
x to minimize internal displacement of materials (frequency and reliability, safety, working conditions, eliminate waste, etc. It is
distance), very important that each of the above processes is subject to a
x continuous optimization of flow between organizational units separate evaluation and rating during the audit. So, plants set
and between the company and its suppliers, quantitative objectives and try to approach them. At the same time
x integration of purchase, production and sales Network. certain standards are implemented, however they are not taken as a
Objectives can be achieved through continuous system target. It is said that WCM is a never ending process.
improvement especially using the following methods: Value WCM know-how is widely distributed in Fiat-Chrysler group.
Stream Mapping, Just In Time, Kanban, FIFO, etc. There are The Development Centre is fully responsible for all WCM-related
activities and exchange of information and experience between
seven steps to be introduced within this pillar:
plants that successfully implemented individual pillars of WCM.
1. modernization of the so called production line engineering,
Currently the Group is trying to included to the system as many
2. reorganization of internal logistics,
suppliers as possible.
3. reorganization of external logistics,
4. production levelling,
5. improving internal and external logistics,
6. integrating purchase, production and sales network, 4. SSummary
4.  ummary
7. use of sequence and just-in-time programming.
As shown in the above example tasks to be performed are Issues concerning implementation of modern organizational
very complex and require considerable knowledge. The scope and solutions that the paper deals with prove the need for a
complexity of issues show that it is a long-lasting process to comprehensive approach for the transformation process of
achieve objectives. Despite the importance of all ten pillars, their existing enterprises. All employees have to engage in full,
interdependence and their interaction, the Cost Deployment pillar conscious, and active participation in the process of change as
is considered as a strategic one in terms of value added. Within well as improve their skills and qualifications. Managers of
this pillar different cost analyses are carried out, waste and its different organizational units express their opinion that people are
causes as well as waste centres are identified; this pillar also not as resistant to new ideas as they were before. It seems that
supports projects aimed at waste reduction. Activities carried out employees awareness has increased: mid-level managers and
frontline workers are familiar with various methods of
within this pillar and related analyses are so important that the
management support. Changes in structure enable better
audit is carried out twice a year.
cooperation between internal and external units (mainly suppliers,
Fiat Group has been working worldwide on the development
consumers, co-operators, etc.).
and implementation of WCM program for over five years. After Literature cited examples of modern management tools show
the merger with Chrysler the program was extended to both that they affect in a significant way economic performance of
groups. WCM was implementation and has been used in over 160 companies, so they become more competitive.
companies, 106 of which 106 belongs to Fiat Spa-Chrysler. This Research on the involvement of Polish companies in
year, gold WCM medal (gold level) was awarded to Fiat implementation of modern management tools in production
Powertrain Technologies Poland in Bielsko-Biala [18, 5/2012]. systems shows growing interest in these tools. On the one hand it
Theres been ongoing work since 2007 and the first positive result is required to increase efficiency, productivity, quality and
was a bronze medal (bronze level) as early as 2008. Within the attractiveness of the market while on the other hand it is a
next 12 months the company was awarded a silver WCM medal. necessity to meet certain requirements set down by various
The gold level achieved in 2012 allowed Fiat Powertrain organizations including subsidiaries of international holdings. A
Technologies Poland to win best in class award; especially the number of companies forming elements of logistics and supply
pace that allowed FIAT to reach record levels was appreciated chain has to meet certain standard requirements related to the flow
which, in turn, made Fiat Powertrain Technologies Poland of materials and information.
a leader of the entire Fiat Group. Introduced methods allow, in a relatively short period of time,
Implementing the WCM program in Bielsko plant special to achieve results that improve competitive position of the
attention was paid to: company. So, productivity grows, number of defects decreases,
1. raising employees awareness of the WCM foundations and the amount of waste is reduced, revenues increase while inventory
benefits through a training program, level decreases, etc. There should be an ongoing monitoring of
2. convincing employees to the method - like active involvement results of introduced changes and developed indicators
in the development of working environment, periodically analysed.

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Implementation of modern production management tools Here implementation of new solutions is regarded as a need of
helps to improve organizations internal system. There is a the hour. Business partners find joint solutions interesting,
growing understanding of processes, employees better identify x A considerable need for WCM implementation is noticeable in
emerging problems and get involved in companys activities. order to achieve a strong competitive position. On the one hand
Both available literature and industrial practice shows that to organizations want to raise the level of efficiency, productivity,
achieve a significant improvement of companys operations it is quality and market attractiveness and on the other, to meet
required to change the way of thinking of all employees. certain high standards of various cooperating companies.
Corporate culture, awareness of employees, motivation and To bring to an end future processes of change in business
training systems have to be changed. Human resources become management will be more comprehensive and more rapid. Increasing
the leading element of the process.
complexity of processes will require application of special but also
Research carried out in automotive, machine and metal industry
diverse skills and qualifications. Basically, new challenges that
shows that to use these concepts efficiently it is required to:
today's businesses have to respond to in the improvement of
x train managers and project managers to make them fully
production processes will force organizations to develop and
understand new concepts, methods and techniques,
implement concepts enabling them to optimize activities. It becomes
x enable workers to participate in management processes while
improving their skills and qualifications to better understand evident when analysis of all WCM pillars is carried out.
the changes taking place in an organization, The key implication message is that WCM solutions and
x develop favourable conditions for effective introduction of methods enable to:
changes, reduction of resistance and conflict solving, x Reduce overcapacities,
x implement modern IT solutions to enable rapid exchange of x Reduce excess inventory,
information, x Reduce number of employees,
x introduce solutions for active collaboration between x Improve operating effectiveness,
organizations / plants (their co-operation), x Use machines and equipment more efficiently,
x develop a system that enables to raise professional skills, x Reduce finished goods inventory,
stimulate creativity and understand processes happening in the x Simplify logistics and supply chain,
environment and the entire organization, x Response rapidly to changes in the business environment,
x maximize use of available resources, both tangible and x Response immediately to changes in demand,
x Combine production with logistics,
x etc.
x Improve relationships with suppliers, cooperatives, customers,
As presented and discussed in this paper currently managers
can benefit from a variety of tools that support managements x Develop modern cooperation and communication system with
processes, especially production management. A study, based on business partners,
my own observations, analyses and discussions with managers of x Improve return on assets ratio,
different levels allow to come to the following conclusions: x Reduce the capital employed in specific task,
x Introduction of new management tools is difficult, time x Track and implement state-of-the-art technologies,
consuming and shows potential for conflict. So, there should x Shorten preparation time and lead time while the risk of
be a program in place of comprehensive implementation of failure is reduced,
new solution and favourable conditions to run implementation x Shorten the production cycle,
processes smoothly, x Give easier and quick access to information concerning the
x Decision concerning the selection of various concepts and company and its business partners,
their implementation belongs to the top management. They
x etc.
are consistent with adopted long-term business strategies.
Different tools aimed at ensuring high quality of products and
processes can work as a specific standard for the entire
industry. Introduced methods and concepts complement each
other and practically cover the entire set of processes carried
out in the production area,
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