Austin Williams Resume
Austin Williams Resume
Austin Williams Resume
Python, Java, Javascript, OCaml, Ruby, PHP, HTML, SQL, and quickly mastering new languages
Object Oriented and Functional Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning
Quality Assurance and Test Automation
Economics, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics
Ability to perform well under pressure, solve complex problems, meet tight deadlines, work
independently, collaborate, think creatively & communicate clearly
Goldman Sachs NYC (Summer Analyst, FICC Technology) Summer 2017
Onboarded new venues for post-trade processing of European repurchase agreements:
o Created a handler using Java and QuickFIX/J to connect directly to venue,
receive FIX trade messages, and send appropriate responses
o Reconciled incoming feed and database sources
o Used Typesafe Config to configure development and production environments,
along with dictionaries for correct message communications
o Leveraged JUnit to increase existing code coverage and provide new
integration and unit testing
CS Technology NYC (Software Development and QA Intern) Summer 2016
Developed a lightweight, continuously delivered software platform using PHP:
o Designed and created features and data model
o Engineered interaction with back-end, middleware, and front-end design
Developed automated testing solutions, still used on a daily basis by CSTs
international software team:
o Executed proof-of-concepts for UI testing with Ruby, Selenium, Cucumber,
Capybara, and Tellurium
o Packaged a virtual machine for consistent test results, with necessary tools to
run tests headlessly across multiple browsers and versions
Reveal 42 NYC (Production/Post-Production Intern) 2013-2014
Various Studios NYC/Los Angeles (Professional Actor) 2005-2014
Starred in numerous feature films and TV shows including 275 episodes on ABC
Princeton University: Computer Science B.S.E./Finance Certificate Candidate June 2018
3.7/4.0 GPA
Princeton Charter Club - Executive Officer:
o Plan social events for members and recruitment events for prospective members
o Work with staff/graduate board to ensure that the club runs smoothly and members are happy
o Developed online store for club gear
Relevant Courses:
o Computer Science: General Computer Science, Algorithms and Data Structures, Introduction to
Programming Systems, Advanced Programming Techniques, Computer Graphics, Functional
Programming, Reasoning About Computation, Neural Networks Theory and Applications,
Economics and Computing
o Economics: Introduction To Microeconomics, Introduction To Macroeconomics,
Microeconomic Theory, Macroeconomics, Financial Investments, Corporate Finance