The document discusses the Patient Safety and Quality Care Movement, which aims to improve patient safety, quality of services, efficiency of care, and rates of error. It notes that patient safety and quality care are intertwined, and defines them according to the Institute of Medicine. Key aspects of quality care discussed include being safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient and equitable. The document also covers topics like diagnostic and treatment services, blunt end vs. sharp end, evidence-based practice, and the need for changes in healthcare culture and advances in technology to continue progress.
The document discusses the Patient Safety and Quality Care Movement, which aims to improve patient safety, quality of services, efficiency of care, and rates of error. It notes that patient safety and quality care are intertwined, and defines them according to the Institute of Medicine. Key aspects of quality care discussed include being safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient and equitable. The document also covers topics like diagnostic and treatment services, blunt end vs. sharp end, evidence-based practice, and the need for changes in healthcare culture and advances in technology to continue progress.
The document discusses the Patient Safety and Quality Care Movement, which aims to improve patient safety, quality of services, efficiency of care, and rates of error. It notes that patient safety and quality care are intertwined, and defines them according to the Institute of Medicine. Key aspects of quality care discussed include being safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient and equitable. The document also covers topics like diagnostic and treatment services, blunt end vs. sharp end, evidence-based practice, and the need for changes in healthcare culture and advances in technology to continue progress.
The document discusses the Patient Safety and Quality Care Movement, which aims to improve patient safety, quality of services, efficiency of care, and rates of error. It notes that patient safety and quality care are intertwined, and defines them according to the Institute of Medicine. Key aspects of quality care discussed include being safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient and equitable. The document also covers topics like diagnostic and treatment services, blunt end vs. sharp end, evidence-based practice, and the need for changes in healthcare culture and advances in technology to continue progress.
! The Patient Safety and Quality Care Movement aims to improve: " Patient safety " Quality of services " Efficiency of care " Rates of error ! Patient Safety and Quality Care are intertwined ! Patient Safety-IOM as the prevention of harm to patients.1 ! Quality care-IOM defined quality as the the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.1 ! Patient centered care ! Diagnostic2 ! Treatment ! Preventative ! Other ! Safe3 ! Effective ! Patient-Centered ! Timely ! Efficient ! Equitable ! Blunt end vs. Sharp end2 ! Patient centered care ! Evidence based practice ! Teamwork ! Preparation for practice ! Challenge the status quo ! Shape the culture of the future ! Future changes in Healthcare ! Errors will continue to occur " Change in culture " Patient centered care " Importance of education/training " Advances in technology ! 1. Hughes, R. (Ed.). (2008). Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses (Vol. 3). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. ! 2. Donaldson, M. S., Corrigan, J. M., & Kohn, L. T. (Eds.). (2000). To err is human: building a safer health system (Vol. 6). National Academies Press. ! 3. The six domains of health care quality https:// safety/talkingquality/create/sixdomains.html