Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test 2017: Attestation by The Gazetted Officer With Seal and Date

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Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test 2017

(If there is no photograph on your hall ticket, the following form should be used)

i) A passport size photograph should be affixed on this form and an

attestation of the form should be obtained from a gazetted officer.
ii) Along with the attested form, a stamp size photograph should also be
brought and submitted to the hall invigilator at the time of examination
on the examination day.

Name of the Candidate:

Roll No. : 17TE..

Please affix a passport

size colour photograph
in this space .
Attestation of the
Gazetted Officer should
also be obtained across
the photograph, leaving
the face clearly visible.

Signature of the candidate

Attestation by the Gazetted Officer
with seal and date

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