Isometric Drawing 00 Jam I Rich
Isometric Drawing 00 Jam I Rich
Isometric Drawing 00 Jam I Rich
Published by the
to theBookDepartments of the
McGraw Publishing Company Hill Publishing Company
9. To draw a square 16
10. To draw a hexagon 16
11. To draw an octagon t
12. To draw any polygon 19
13. To draw a circle 20
(a) First method 20
(6) Second method 22
(c) Error of the first method 22
(d) To draw an inscribed hexagon 24
(e) To draw a circumscribed hexagon 24
(/) To draw a series of circles 25
14. To draw an ellipse 26
15. To draw an hyperbola 27
16. To draw a parabola 27
17. To draw an undulating figure 28
1 8. To draw any figure composed of straight lines and circular arcs 28
19. The proper arrangement of all drawings with reference to the center
lines, and the manner of laying off dimensions 30
41. Explanatory 57
42. Sheet No. 1,
Isometric drawings of some plane figures 58
43. Sheet No. 2,
Isometric drawings of some straight-line objects 60
44. Sheet No. 3,
Isometric drawings of some bench exercises 62
45. Sheet No. 4,
Isometric drawings of some cylindrical objects 64
46. Sheet No. 5,
Isometric drawings of some shop tools 66
47. Suggested sheets 68
48. Remarks,
Dimensioning 68
Enlargement 68
Distortion 68
Shading 69
1. Introductory.
To understand what is to follow, the reader must possess a
working knowledge mechanical drawing; assuming this much,
made, rather than to the reasons for doing " thus and so."
Plain and common terms will be used in so far as they can be
found to fit, and in the event a few unfamiliar words are used
2. Definitions.
PLATE No. 1.
fe a
o y
I f
g 3
PLATE No. 2.
neers and of Mr. H. O. Lacount, Boston, Mass., author of the paper mentioned.
Reproduced by permission of the Berger Manufacturing Company,
Canton, Ohio.
FIG. 1.
FIG. 2.
figures that isometric drawing finds its ready and best use,
that is, in drawings where most of the lines are straight lines
FIG. 3.
4. Time Element.
While isometric drawing is limited to certain uses because
of the nature of the object and the purpose of the drawing,
the real, practical limitation to the art is the time required to
execute the drawings.
The author has on several occasions made comparison of
the time required in which to draw a mechanical drawing and
the time consumed in making an isometric drawing; he has
timed himself, and has taken the time of a number of students,
and finds that, with the exception of very simple rectangular
FIG. 4.
5. Characteristics.
FIG. 5.
should be further qualified by adding, which are new to one
already familiar with the principles of mechanical drawing."
Isometric drawing is based on isometric projection, and
isometric projection is the result of a particular kind of pro-
and three faces are shown in one view or drawing. The two
characteristics of isometric drawing, as compared with ordinary
mechanical drawing, are, therefore, the direction of the principal
lines and the showing of the three dimensions of an object in
one view. (See Fig. 5.)
6. Tools Used.
The tools required for making isometric drawings are prac-
tically the same as those needed for ordinary mechanical
FIG. 6.
pah- of center lines are show^n drawn on each plane, the lines
5-5 and 6-6 being on the horizontal plane and the lines 3-3,
4-4, 1-1, and 2-2 being on the vertical planes. They are show n
FIG. 8.
8. Flexibility.
The center lines and axes just described are the basis or base
lines for all isometric drawing, and as long as the relation
between the three lines as shown in Fig. 8 is maintained they
may be drawn at will. For practical purposes the direction
of the lines is determined by -the drawing tools used, the T-square
and triangle. The four usual arrangements are shown at a,
b, c, and d of Fig. 9.
FIG. 9.
FIG. 10.
PLATE No. 3.
drawing of an indicator
Fig. 10 is a three-view mechanical
cock or valve, and an isometric drawing of the same valve.
The drawings show a section of the valve removed to show
the interior.
Plate 3 and Fig. 10, together with the other illustrations
of the text, serve to demonstrate the flexibility of the art.
9. To Draw a Square.
Fig. 11 illustrates a square drawn in different positions,
being a mechanical drawing
and drawings B, C, and
D isometric drawings. Drawing B represents the square as
on vertical planes.
construct the square (consider drawing ), draw the
center lines 5-5 and 6-6 with the T-square and 30 triangle,
each line being at 30 with
f the Next, as-
Lastly, draw through each of the two points on each center line
a line parallel to the other center line; these lines will meet
and form the required figure, a-b-c-d, as shown.
metric drawing.
To construct the hexagon (consider drawing 5-2), first
draw the center lines 5-5 and 6-6 at the angle shown. Now
FIG. 12.
the six points now located, as shown, giving the required figure.
[See also Article 13, (d) and (e).]
FIG. 13.
form the octagon.
Second method (consider drawing D).
This method is by referring all of the points to the center
lines. In drawing A, consider points a, 6, c, d, e, /, g, and h
projected (perpendicularly) onto the center lines, giving on
center line c-g the points c, x, o, y, and g, and on line a-e the
points a, m, o, n, and e. To draw the isometric drawing D,
firstdraw the center lines as shown, and, working from point
o, lay off on each the corresponding above-mentioned projected
points that is, on line a-e, lay off points a, m, o, n, and e, and
and g, being on the center lines, are fixed, and, to finish the
figure, connect the eight points found, as shown.
When an octagon on a horizontal plane lies within a cir-
point o. Fourth, and lastly, join the eight points in which the
center lines and the last drawn two lines cut the circumference
of the circle. 1 It is obvious that a similar construction can
be applied when drawing on a vertical plane
12. To Draw Any Polygon.
Fig. 15 represents the construction of a ten-sided figure and
of figure, and is typical of any polygon.
a fifteen-sided The
method shown is what may be called plotting," and is based
on the reference of all points to the center lines. In any plane
figure each and every point has two dimensions, so to speak.
For example, a point is so far from each of the two center lines;
in drawing A-l, point c is c-5 (or 4-0) distance from the vertical
center line, and c-4 (or 5-o) distance from the horizontal center
line. Xow if these distances are known, they may be laid off
on the center a line drawn through the point on one center
line parallel to the other center line, and the point located by
the intersection of the lines drawn.
To construct the fifteen-sided figure :
center line (giving points a, 15, 16, 17, o, 18, 19, 20, and 21),
then all onto the horizontal center line (giving points 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, o, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14). Second, draw the iso-
The isometric drawing of a circle is an ellipse, but is spoken of as a
" circle."
metric center lines a-21 and 1-14 (drawing B-2), and, working
from their point of intersection, o, lay off the points a, 15, 16,
17, o, 18, 19, 20, and 21 on the line a-21 and the points 1, 2, 3,
FIG. 15.
working from the intersection of the two center lines, o, lay off
on each center line, each way from
point o, a distance equal
to the radius of the circle. This gives points a, 6, c, and d.
Third, through each of the two points on each center line draw
a line parallel to the other center line. These four lines will
form a diamond-shaped figure (a parallelogram), 1-2-3-4.
FIG. 16.
Fourth, with the point 2 as a center and the distance from the
point to the middle of the opposite side of the parallelogram,
distance 2-c, as a radius, describe the arc'c-6. Fifth, with the
point 4 as a center and a radius equal to the distance from the
point to the middle of the opposite side of the parallelogram
as a radius, distance 4-J, describe the arc a-d. Sixth, draw
the diagonal of the parallelogram, the line 1-3, and where
this line intersects the lines 2-c and 4-d, the points x and y,
take new centers and, with a radius equal to the distance from
either point to the middle of the nearest sides of the parallelogram
such as distances x-c or y-d, draw the arcs a-c and b-d, com-
pleting the ellipse a-d-b-c the isometric representation of the
" "
The ellipse or circle in drawing C or D, the plane of
which is drawn in a manner
vertical, is similar to that just
described. The method just explained is an approximate
(6) Second method.
Fig. 17 illustrates a second method of constructing an iso-
metric drawing of a circle. In the figure, drawing is a mechan- A
ical drawing and drawing B an isometric drawing. The method
shown is similar to that employed in Fig. 15 and described in
Article 12, and
what has been termed plotting.
FIG. 17.
of points, project these points onto the center lines, then take
FIG. 18.
lay off on the center line H-H, each way from o, one-half of
the distance between sides of the hexagon, the length o-h, and
draw through each of the two points thus obtained a line parallel
to the center line 7-7. Where
these lines cut the circle, points
method. Second, working from the point o, lay off on the center
line V-V, each way from o, one-half of the distance between
corners of the hexagon (the lengths o-C and o-F). This locates
two points (C and F) of the hexagon. Third, through each
of the points H, in which the center line H-H
intersects the ellipse
FIG. 21.
Second, extend the center line r-s, the lines a-b and d-c and }
and 3-s 2 (parallel to the arc 1-s). Fourth, locate the points
bi and b 2 in like manner and, with these points as centers and
a radius equal to radius g, draw the arcs r x-2 and r 2-3 (parallel
to the arc r-1). Fifth, lay off on the line x-n the distances
x-x and
x Xj-x-j equal to the length e, the distance between cen-
ters of the circles and, with the points x x and x 2 as centers and
a radius equal to radius/, draw the arcs 2-r, and 3-r 2 Sixth, .
FIG. 22.
center line. The point in which the lines through the two points
on the center lines (one on each) representing the projection
of any one point intersect, will locate that particular point,
and the series of lines the several points a, b, c, etc. Fourth,
and lastly, through the points thus obtained and the points
H, H
and V, V, the ends of the axes of the ellipse, draw the
curve H, a, b, c, etc., the isometric drawing of the ellipse.
metric drawing B on a
vertical plane, and the construction
FIG. 26.
thus obtained, points / and e, draw the center lines /-/ and e-e.
Third, working to the center lines just found, use the approx-
imate method for drawing a circle (Article 13), and locate the
center point o and the radius r, and describe the full-line arc
manner, though with a little less work. That is, now that the
scheme is known, in applying the method for drawing a circle,
only that portion of the entire construction used for the drawing
FIG. 27.
They are :
i -
FIG. 30.
construct the isometric drawing (B), first draw the center
lines a-a and b-b, and on them construct the square 1-2-3-4,
as explained in Article 9. Second, from the corners 1, 3, and 4,
drop vertical lines, and on the line through the point 4 lay off
a length 4-4' equal to the thickness of the block. Third, through
the point thus located (point 4') draw the lines 4 '-3' and 4'-l'
from the point o lay off a length o-o' equal to the height of the
pyramid. Third, join each corner of the hexagon with the
point o'.
To construct the figure, first draw the center lines a-a and
b-b. Second, working from the point o, lay off, each way, the
lengths o-4, 4-3, etc., correspond-
ing to the widths of the object
as defined in drawing A .
working from point o, lay off
FIG. 33.
may be drawn by joining the
points as shown. Fifth, draw
the axis X-Y and on it lay off, from point o, a length o-o'
equal to the length of the block. Sixth, through the point o'
draw the center lines c-c and d-d, and working to them draw
the outline of the rear face of the block. Seventh, connect the
two faces by joining the corners, and complete the figure, as
Attention is called to the similarity of the above construc-
tion of the visible end face to that given for drawing any polygon,
" "
Article 12. It is as much plotting as the method there
described. Also, note that the center lines used are not, exactly,
what are usually termed center lines. The point to be noted is
that the method or scheme for executing the construction of all
first construct the two ends or bases, then join the bases
FIG. 34.
points such as
points 1, 2, 3, etc. Third, through each
point draw aat right angles (so called in isometric
drawing) to the line m-n (note that the line through any
point is but a second center line), and on each line lay
off, each way from the point on the
line m-n, a length equal
the points /, i, etc., and on each line Jay off a length equal to
the thickness of the handle, locating points /', i'', etc., and draw
through these points as shown.
The above example happens to be such that the curves
drawn (on the top plane) are symmetrical with the center line
m-n should the case be different, a base line may be used for
reference and from it the construction can be laid out, but the
method is similar to that just described.
FIG. 36.
To draw
the circular arc showing at the bottom of the core
box (arc a-d), consider the arc as extended to complete the
circle of which it is a part; then lay out the construction for
drawing a circle (Article 13), locate the center point and the
radius for describing that portion of the ellipse covered by the
arc in question (in this case, one-fourth of the circumference),
and draw in the required curve.
The drawing cap is offered as a second example
of the bearing
of the application of the above method of drawing parts of
circles, and the construction, which is clearly shown in the
figure, should be carefully noted.
Attentionis called to the arc at the bottom of the figure;
FIG. 39.
drawing the arcs of the ellipses showing in the rear base or end
of the ring. For example, consider the outside curve at the
rear, the line w'-S'-G'-/; this curve is parallel to the curve
i/>-5-6-2 of the front face. To draw the arc at the rear, first
draw through the points 5 and 6 the guide lines 5-5' and 6-6'
parallel to the axis (line XY) of the ring. Second, draw a
similar line through the point i, and on it lay off a length i-4
equal to the thickness or length of the ring, and, with the point
thus located, the point i', as a center and a radius H' equal to
radius R, describe the arc 5'-6'. Third, in like manner shift
the center point r to r', and s to s', and, with the new position
of the points as centers and the same radius as used for the
FIG. 40.
construct the drawing with the center of the hole on one of the
center lines; if the object has two holes either 90 or 180 apart,
see that they are located on the center lines; if the object has
four holes equally spaced, place the centers on the center lines,
etc. When there is an unequal number of holes, as in the present
case of three, place one of the holes on one of the center lines,
and, by plotting, referring the centers to the center lines, locate
the centers for the other two holes as shown.
It must always be borne in mind that an isometric drawing
is not measured or laid out like a mechanical drawing, but
that all dimensions must be laid out or taken in some one of
three directions, that is, parallel to either center line or to the axis.
FIG. 41,
working to them draw the outline of the hole through the center
(Article 13; also see Fig. 42). Second, working to the same
set of center lines, in similar manner draw the ellipse 5-6-7-8.
Third, drop the three centers used to draw the arc z-6-5-2/
(Article 30).
The remainder of the construction is similar to that already
given, the procedure being to drop down the axis dis- X-Y
tances T, S and E, locate the points o', o" and-o'", establish
new planes at these points, and working to the center lines
drawn draw in the several ellipses and complete the figure as
33. To Take Out a Section.
In mechanical drawing it is customary when
removing a
section to remove some portion limited by the center lines.
For example, in the case of the stepped pulley, Fig. 41, if a
half sectionis to be shown, the quarter assumed to be removed
by Fig. 42.
for drawing an object
Fig. 42 illustrates the usual procedure
with a section removed. The lines are all shown, and, in the
light of what has been given thus far, the figure should prove
self explanatory.
When executing such as the above, two methods may be
followed: (1) To first make the construction for the entire
FIG. 43.
FIG. 44.
1', 2', 3', 4', 5', and 6'. Third, bisect each side of the hexagon
1-2-3-4-5-6, at each middle point erect a vertical line, and on
itlay off a length equal to the greatest width of a side of the nut,
locating the points 7', 8', 9', 10', 11', and 12' and giving, with
the two points already located, three points in the curve at the
top of each side face of the nut. Fourth, draw a curved line
(using the irregular curve) through the points thus located, as
shown. Fifth, draw the axis X-Y
through the point o, and on
itlay a length o-o' equal to the thickness of the nut. Sixth,
through the point 0' draw the center lines a-b and c-d, and
working to them draw the two circles showing in the top face
of the nut, in accordance with Article
13, completing the figure.
FIG. 45.
FIG. 46.
FIG. 47.
FIG. 48.
Fig. 49 illustrates a
mechanical (A) and an isometric (B)
drawing of a ring which is circular in section.
execute drawing B, first pass a number of radial planes
the ring
through the ring, as indicated in drawing A, cutting
in a number of sections. Second, refer the center lines of each
section of drawing A
to the center lines of the figure (as indi-
cated for section number 12), and by plotting establish their
position in drawing B. Third, on
each pair of center lines con-
struct a parallelogram, and within each parallelogram describe
FIG. 49.
very w ell.
methods of representation serve
each of the arcs first drawn and terminated by the lines m-n
FIG. 52.
FIG. 56.
with a horizontal and two vertical (at right angles) great circles
FIG. 57.
41. Explanatory.
Thefollowing exercises are offered as covering practically
all of the different constructions given in Chapters II and III,
PLATE No. 4.
filled in as shown.
When inking-in, ink the border lines, the outlines of each
figure, and its isometric center lines. Omit all dimensioning.
The finished sheet is to have a margin \" wide all around
outside the 8"Xll" border line, finishing 9"X12" in dimen-
The references for the several constructions are to be found
in Chapter II. For drawings 1 and 2, see Article 9. For
drawings 3 and 5, see Article 12. For drawing 4, see Article
10. For drawings 6, 7, and 8, see Article 13. Drawing 9 is
but the grouping of drawings 6, 7, and 8. For drawings 10 and
11, see Article 13 (/). For drawings 12 and 16, see Article 13
(d) and (e). For drawing 14, see Article 18. For drawing 17,
see Article 17.
To drawFig. 13, locate the six points of a hexagon of 1J"
diagonal diameter (Article 10) and the six points of a hexagon
of }" diagonal diameter (the latter diagonal to be at right angles
to the 1J" diagonal) and join the points as shown.
To draw Fig. 15, locate the six points of a hexagon of 1"
diagonal diameter (Article 10); through each of the six points
thus located draw center lines and working to them (Article
13) construct the isometric representation of a circle of \"
PLATE No. 5.
PLATE No. 6.
PLATE No. 7.
PLATE No. 8.
short, the whole line of hand shop tools make very good examples
to illustrate.
48. Remarks.
Dimensioning.Isometric drawings are used more for illus-
trating than for giving working directions working or shop
drawings. Such being the case, they are not often dimensioned.
As before expressed, however, they may be dimensioned, as
witness Plates Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7.
'-.8<K :'
Professor of Engineering Drawing, Ohio State University
289 pages, 6x9, over 450 illustrations, $2.00 (8/6) net, postpaid
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