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The vimrc file shared configures various settings like indentation, folding, completion etc to improve the vim editing experience. It also loads plugins and sets syntax highlighting for different file types.

The main sections configured are: General Config, Vundle Initialization, Turn Off Swap Files, Persistent Undo, Indentation, Folds, Completion etc. Each section customizes settings related to that area.

Some of the plugins that can be loaded using Vundle include syntax highlighting plugins for different languages, tagbar for viewing tags/outline, nerdtree for file navigation etc. The exact plugins loaded would be mentioned in the ~/.vim/vundles.vim file.

" Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!).

" This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect.
set nocompatible

" TODO: this may not be in the correct place. It is intended to allow overriding
" source ~/.vimrc.before if it exists.
if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.before"))
source ~/.vimrc.before

" ================ General Config ====================

set number "Line numbers are good

set backspace=indent,eol,start "Allow backspace in insert mode
set history=1000 "Store lots of :cmdline history
set showcmd "Show incomplete cmds down the bottom
set showmode "Show current mode down the bottom
set gcr=a:blinkon0 "Disable cursor blink
set visualbell "No sounds
set autoread "Reload files changed outside vim
colorscheme desert "Changes the color scheme. Change this to your liking.
Lookin /usr/share/vim/vim61/colors/ for options.

" This makes vim act like all other editors, buffers can
" exist in the background without being in a window.
set hidden

"turn on syntax highlighting

syntax on

" Change leader to a comma because the backslash is too far away
" That means all \x commands turn into ,x
" The mapleader has to be set before vundle starts loading all
" the plugins.
let mapleader=","

" =============== Vundle Initialization ===============

" This loads all the plugins specified in ~/.vim/vundles.vim
" Use Vundle plugin to manage all other plugins
if filereadable(expand("~/.vim/vundles.vim"))
source ~/.vim/vundles.vim

" ================ Turn Off Swap Files ==============

set noswapfile
set nobackup
set nowb

" ================ Persistent Undo ==================

" Keep undo history across sessions, by storing in file.
" Only works all the time.
if has('persistent_undo') && !isdirectory(expand('~').'/.vim/backups')
silent !mkdir ~/.vim/backups > /dev/null 2>&1
set undodir=~/.vim/backups
set undofile
" ================ Indentation ======================

set autoindent
set smartindent
set smarttab
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
set tabstop=2
set expandtab

" Auto indent pasted text

nnoremap p p=`]<C-o>
nnoremap P P=`]<C-o>

filetype plugin on
filetype indent on

" Display tabs and trailing spaces visually

set list listchars=tab:\ \ ,trail:

set nowrap "Don't wrap lines

set linebreak "Wrap lines at convenient points

" ================ Folds ============================

set foldmethod=indent "fold based on indent

set foldnestmax=3 "deepest fold is 3 levels
set nofoldenable "dont fold by default

" ================ Completion =======================

set wildmode=list:longest
set wildmenu "enable ctrl-n and ctrl-p to scroll thru matches
set wildignore=*.o,*.obj,*~ "stuff to ignore when tab completing
set wildignore+=*vim/backups*
set wildignore+=*sass-cache*
set wildignore+=*DS_Store*
set wildignore+=vendor/rails/**
set wildignore+=vendor/cache/**
set wildignore+=*.gem
set wildignore+=log/**
set wildignore+=tmp/**
set wildignore+=*.png,*.jpg,*.gif

" ================ Scrolling ========================

set scrolloff=8 "Start scrolling when we're 8 lines away from margins
set sidescrolloff=15
set sidescroll=1

" ================ Search ===========================

set incsearch " Find the next match as we type the search
set hlsearch " Highlight searches by default
set ignorecase " Ignore case when searching...
set smartcase " ...unless we type a capital
" ================ Custom Settings ========================
"so ~/.yadr/vim/settings.vim

" Vim syntax file
" Language: Verilog/SystemVerilog HDL + UVM
" Author: Amit Sethi, Amal Khailtash, Khalid Siddiqi
" Last Change: Sun Mar 6 21:11:18 PST 2011
" Version: 3.0
" Maintainer:
" Authors:
" Amit Sethi <>
" Amal Khailtash <>
" Khalid Siddiqi <>
" Credits:
" Originally created by
" Amit Sethi <>
" OVM 2.0 Classes/Methods
" Amal Khailtash <>
" OVM 2.0 to UVM conversion
" Khalid Siddiqi <>
" Revision Comments:
" Amit Sethi <> - Thu Jul 27 12:54:08 IST 2006
" Version 1.1
" Amal Khailtash <> - Mon Sep 29 09:55:42 EDT 2008
" Version 2.0
" Added OVM 2.0 Keyworks
" Another option is the work by Anil Raj Gopalakrishnan
" Khalid Siddiqi <> Sun Mar 6 21:11:18 PST 2011
" Version 3.0
" Converted OVM 2.0 version to UVM

" Extends Verilog syntax

" Requires $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/verilog.vim to exist
" For more info on setting $VIMRUNTIME etc. see:

" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items

" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded

if version < 600

syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" Read in Verilog syntax files
if version < 600
so syntax/verilog.vim
runtime! syntax/verilog.vim

syn sync lines=1000

" SystemVerilog Syntax

syn keyword verilogStatement module endmodule

syn keyword verilogStatement always_comb always_ff always_latch
syn keyword verilogStatement class endclass
syn keyword verilogStatement virtual local const protected
syn keyword verilogStatement package endpackage
syn keyword verilogStatement rand randc constraint randomize
syn keyword verilogStatement with inside dist
syn keyword verilogStatement randcase
syn keyword verilogStatement sequence endsequence randsequence
syn keyword verilogStatement get_randstate set_randstate
syn keyword verilogStatement srandom
syn keyword verilogStatement logic bit byte time
syn keyword verilogStatement int longint shortint
syn keyword verilogStatement struct packed
syn keyword verilogStatement final
syn keyword verilogStatement import export
syn keyword verilogStatement context pure
syn keyword verilogStatement void shortreal chandle string
syn keyword verilogStatement clocking endclocking
syn keyword verilogStatement interface endinterface modport
syn keyword verilogStatement cover covergroup coverpoint endgroup
syn keyword verilogStatement property endproperty
syn keyword verilogStatement program endprogram
syn keyword verilogStatement bins binsof illegal_bins ignore_bins
syn keyword verilogStatement alias matches solve static assert
syn keyword verilogStatement assume super before expect bind
syn keyword verilogStatement extends null tagged extern this
syn keyword verilogStatement first_match throughout timeprecision
syn keyword verilogStatement timeunit priority type union unique
syn keyword verilogStatement uwire var cross ref wait_order intersect
syn keyword verilogStatement wildcard within
syn keyword verilogStatement semaphore triggered
syn keyword verilogStatement std
syn keyword verilogStatement new

syn keyword verilogTypeDef typedef enum

syn keyword verilogConditional iff

syn keyword verilogRepeat return break continue

syn keyword verilogRepeat do while foreach

syn keyword verilogLabel join_any join_none forkjoin

syn match verilogGlobal "`begin_\w\+"

syn match verilogGlobal "`end_\w\+"
syn match verilogGlobal "`remove_\w\+"
syn match verilogGlobal "`restore_\w\+"

syn match verilogGlobal "`[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\>"

syn match verilogNumber "\<[0-9][0-9_\.]\=\([fpnum]\|\)s\>"

syn match verilogNumber "\<[0-9][0-9_\.]\=step\>"

syn match verilogMethod "\.atobin\>"

syn match verilogMethod "\.atohex\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.atoi\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.atooct\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.atoreal\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.await\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.back\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.bintoa\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.clear\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.compare\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.data\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.delete\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.empty\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.eq\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.erase\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.erase_range\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.exists\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.find\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.find_first\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.find_first_index\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.find_index\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.find_last\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.find_last_index\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.finish\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.first\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.front\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.get\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.getc\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.hextoa\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.icompare\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.index\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.insert\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.insert_range\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.itoa\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.kill\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.last\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.len\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.max\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.min\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.name\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.neq\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.new\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.next\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.num\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.octtoa\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.peek\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.pop_back\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.pop_front\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.prev\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.product\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.purge\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.push_back\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.push_front\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.put\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.putc\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.rand_mode\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.realtoa\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.resume\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.reverse\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.rsort\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.self\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.set\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.shuffle\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.size\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.sort\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.start\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.status\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.stop\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.substr\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.sum\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.suspend\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.swap\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.tolower\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.toupper\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.try_get\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.try_peek\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.try_put\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.unique\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.unique_index\>"
syn match verilogMethod "\.xor\>"

syn match verilogAssertion "\<\w\+\>\s*:\s*\<assert\>\_.\{-});"

"syn match uvmClass "\<uvm_\w\+\>"
"syn match uvmClass "\<uvm_tlm_\w\+\>"
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod
"syn keyword uvmMethodGlobal
"syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod

" uvm_sv/src/base/
" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_component.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_component
syn keyword uvmMethod accept_tr apply_config_settings begin_child_tr
begin_tr build check clone
syn keyword uvmMethod connect create create_component create_object
do_accept_tr do_begin_tr do_end_tr
syn keyword uvmMethod do_flush do_func_phase do_kill_all
do_resolve_bindings do_task_phase end_of_elaboration
syn keyword uvmMethod end_tr extract flush get_child get_config_int
get_config_object get_config_string
syn keyword uvmMethod get_first_child get_full_name get_next_child
get_num_children get_parent has_child
syn keyword uvmMethod kill lookup m_begin_tr print_config_settings
print_override_info record_error_tr
syn keyword uvmMethod record_event_tr report resolve_bindings restart
resume run set_config_int set_config_object
syn keyword uvmMethod set_config_string set_inst_override
set_inst_override_by_type set_name
syn keyword uvmMethod set_report_default_file_hier
set_report_id_action_hier set_report_id_file_hier
syn keyword uvmMethod set_report_severity_action_hier
syn keyword uvmMethod set_report_severity_id_action_hier
syn keyword uvmMethod set_report_verbosity_level_hier set_type_override
syn keyword uvmMethod start_of_simulation status stop suspend
syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod configure export_connections find_component
find_components get_component
syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod get_num_components
"syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod global_stop_request
syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod import_connections post_new pre_run
syn keyword uvmDeprecatedClass uvm_threaded_component

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_config.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_config_setting
syn keyword uvmMethod matches_string print_match type_string
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_int_config_setting
syn keyword uvmMethod matches_string type_string value_string
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_string_config_setting
syn keyword uvmMethod matches_string type_string value_string
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_object_config_setting
syn keyword uvmMethod matches_string type_string value_string
syn keyword uvmMethodGlobal set_config_int set_config_object set_config_string

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_env.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_env
syn keyword uvmMethod do_task_phase get_type_name run_test
syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod do_test

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_event.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_event_callback
syn keyword uvmMethod create pre_trigger post_trigger
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_event
syn keyword uvmMethod add_callback cancel create delete_callback do_copy
do_print get_num_waiters
syn keyword uvmMethod get_trigger_data get_trigger_time get_type_name
is_off is_on reset trigger
syn keyword uvmMethod wait_off wait_on wait_ptrigger wait_ptrigger_data
wait_trigger wait_trigger_data
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_event_pool
syn keyword uvmMethod create delete do_copy do_print exists first get
get_global_pool get_type_name
syn keyword uvmMethod last next num prev
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_barrier
syn keyword uvmMethod cancel create do_copy do_print get_num_waiters
get_threshold get_type_name
syn keyword uvmMethod reached_threshold reset set_auto_reset
set_threshold wait_for
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_barrier_pool
syn keyword uvmMethod create delete do_copy do_print exists first get
get_global_pool get_type_name
syn keyword uvmMethod last next num prev

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_report_server.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_report_server
syn keyword uvmMethod compose_message copy_id_counts
copy_severity_counts dump_server_state
syn keyword uvmMethod f_display get_id_count get_max_quit_count
get_quit_count get_severity_count
syn keyword uvmMethod incr_id_count incr_quit_count incr_severity_count
syn keyword uvmMethod process_report report reset_quit_count
reset_severity_counts set_id_count
syn keyword uvmMethod set_max_quit_count set_quit_count
set_severity_count summarize
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_report_global_server
syn keyword uvmMethod get_server set_server

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_factory.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_object_wrapper
syn keyword uvmMethod create_component create_object get_type_name
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_factory_override
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_factory
syn keyword uvmMethod create_component_by_name create_component_by_type
syn keyword uvmMethod create_object_by_type debug_create_by_name
syn keyword uvmMethod find_override_by_name find_override_by_type print
register set_inst_override_by_name
syn keyword uvmMethod set_inst_override_by_type
set_type_override_by_name set_type_override_by_type
syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod auto_register
"syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod create_component create_object
syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod print_all_overrides
"syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod print_override_info set_inst_override

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_misc.svh
syn keyword uvmCompatibility avm_virtual_class
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_void
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_scope_stack
syn keyword uvmMethod current depth down down_element get get_arg
in_hierarchy set
syn keyword uvmMethod set_arg set_arg_element unset_arg up up_element
syn keyword uvmMethodGlobal uvm_bits_to_string uvm_is_match uvm_string_to_bits

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_object.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_status_container
syn keyword uvmMethod get_full_scope_arg init_scope
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_object
syn keyword uvmMethod clone compare copy create do_compare do_copy
do_pack do_print do_record
syn keyword uvmMethod do_sprint do_unpack get_full_name get_inst_count
get_inst_id get_name
syn keyword uvmMethod get_type get_type_name pack pack_bytes pack_ints
print_field_match record
syn keyword uvmMethod set_int_local set_name set_object_local
set_string_local unpack unpack_bytes unpack_ints
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_copy_map
syn keyword uvmMethod clear delete get set
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_comparer
syn keyword uvmMethod compare_field compare_field_int compare_object
compare_string init
syn keyword uvmMethod print_msg print_msg_object print_rollup
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_recorder
syn keyword uvmMethod record_field record_generic record_object
record_string record_time
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_options_container
syn keyword uvmMethod init

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_object_globals.svh
syn keyword uvmTypeDef uvm_bitstream_t uvm_radix_enum

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_packer
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_packer
syn keyword uvmMethod enough_bits get_bit get_bits get_byte get_bytes
get_int get_ints get_packed_bits
syn keyword uvmMethod get_packed_size index_error is_null pack_field
pack_field_int pack_object
syn keyword uvmMethod pack_real pack_string pack_time put_bits put_bytes
put_ints reset set_packed_size
syn keyword uvmMethod unpack_field unpack_field_int unpack_object
unpack_object_ext unpack_real
syn keyword uvmMethod unpack_string unpack_time

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_port_base.svh
syn keyword uvmTypeDef uvm_port_type_e uvm_port_list
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_port_component_base
syn keyword uvmMethod get_connected_to get_provided_to is_export is_imp
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_port_component
syn keyword uvmMethod do_display get_connected_to get_port
get_provided_to get_type_name is_port is_export
syn keyword uvmMethod is_imp resolve_bindings
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_port_base
syn keyword uvmMethod connect debug_connected_to debug_provided_to
get_comp get_connected_to get_full_name
syn keyword uvmMethod get_if get_name get_parent get_provided_to
get_type_name is_export is_imp is_port
syn keyword uvmMethod is_unbounded max_size min_size resolve_bindings
set_default_index set_if size
"syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod do_display remove
syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod check_min_connection_size check_phase

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_printer.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_printer_knobs
syn keyword uvmMethod get_radix_str
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_printer
syn keyword uvmMethod indent index index_string istop print_array_footer
syn keyword uvmMethod print_array_range print_field print_footer
print_generic print_header
syn keyword uvmMethod print_id print_newline print_object
print_object_header print_size
syn keyword uvmMethod print_string print_time print_type_name
print_value print_value_array
syn keyword uvmMethod print_value_object print_value_string write_stream
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_hier_printer_knobs
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_table_printer_knobs
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_table_printer
syn keyword uvmMethod print_footer print_header print_id print_size
print_type_name print_value
syn keyword uvmMethod print_value_array print_value_object
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_tree_printer_knobs
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_tree_printer
syn keyword uvmMethod print_array_footer print_id print_object
print_object_header print_scope_close
syn keyword uvmMethod print_scope_open print_string print_type_name
print_value_array print_value_object
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_line_printer
syn keyword uvmMethod print_newline

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_registry.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_component_registry
syn keyword uvmMethod create create_component get get_type_name
set_inst_override set_type_override
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_object_registry
syn keyword uvmMethod create create_object get get_type_name

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_report_defines.svh
syn keyword uvmTypeDef uvm_action uvm_action_type uvm_severity
uvm_severity_type uvm_verbosity
syn keyword uvmTypeDef id_actions_array id_file_array uvm_FILE
s_default_action_array s_default_file_array

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_report_global.svh
syn keyword uvmMethodGlobal uvm_get_max_verbosity
uvm_initialize_global_reporter uvm_report_error
syn keyword uvmMethodGlobal uvm_report_fatal uvm_report_info

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_report_handler.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_hash
syn keyword uvmMethod exists fetch first get next set
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_report_handler
syn keyword uvmMethod dump_state format_action get_action
get_file_handle get_server get_verbosity_level
syn keyword uvmMethod initialize report report_header run_hooks
set_default_file set_defaults
syn keyword uvmMethod set_id_action set_id_file set_max_quit_count
set_severity_action set_severity_file
syn keyword uvmMethod set_severity_id_action set_severity_id_file
set_verbosity_level summarize
syn keyword uvmClass default_report_server
syn keyword uvmMethod get_server

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_report_object.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_report_object
syn keyword uvmMethod die dump_report_state get_report_handler
get_report_server uvm_get_max_verbosity
syn keyword uvmMethod uvm_report_error uvm_report_fatal uvm_report_info
syn keyword uvmMethod report_error_hook report_fatal_hook report_header
report_hook report_info_hook
syn keyword uvmMethod report_summarize report_warning_hook
reset_report_handler set_report_default_file
syn keyword uvmMethod set_report_handler set_report_id_action
set_report_id_file set_report_max_quit_count
syn keyword uvmMethod set_report_severity_action
set_report_severity_file set_report_severity_id_action
syn keyword uvmMethod set_report_severity_id_file
"syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod avm_report_error avm_report_fatal
avm_report_message avm_report_warning
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_reporter
syn keyword uvmMethod create get_type_name

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_report_server.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_report_server
syn keyword uvmMethod compose_message copy_id_counts
copy_severity_counts dump_server_state
syn keyword uvmMethod f_display get_id_count get_max_quit_count
get_quit_count get_severity_count
syn keyword uvmMethod incr_id_count incr_quit_count incr_severity_count
syn keyword uvmMethod process_report report reset_quit_count
reset_severity_counts set_id_count
syn keyword uvmMethod set_max_quit_count set_quit_count
set_severity_count summarize
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_report_global_server
syn keyword uvmMethod get_server set_server

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_root.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_root
syn keyword uvmMethod find find_all get get_current_phase
get_phase_by_name get_type_name
syn keyword uvmMethod insert_phase run_global_phase run_test
syn keyword uvmDeprecatedClass uvm_test_top
syn keyword uvmDeprecatedMethod print_topology print_unit print_unit_list
syn keyword uvmMethodGlobal global_stop_request uvm_find_component
uvm_print_topology run_test
syn keyword uvmMethodGlobal set_global_stop_timeout set_global_timeout

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_transaction.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_transaction
syn keyword uvmMethod accept_tr begin_child_tr begin_tr convert2string
syn keyword uvmMethod do_accept_tr do_begin_tr do_copy do_end_tr
do_print do_record
syn keyword uvmMethod enable_recording end_tr get_accept_time
get_begin_time get_end_time
syn keyword uvmMethod get_event_pool get_initiator get_tr_handle
get_transaction_id is_active
syn keyword uvmMethod is_recording_enabled m_begin_tr set_initiator

" uvm_sv/src/base/uvm_version.svh
syn keyword uvmMethodGlobal uvm_revision_string

" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/
" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/avm_compatibility.svh
syn keyword uvmCompatibility avm_env avm_named_component avm_report_client
syn keyword uvmCompatibility avm_report_server avm_reporter
avm_threaded_component avm_transaction
syn keyword uvmCompatibility action action_type severity
syn keyword uvmCompatibility uvm_named_component uvm_report_client
syn keyword uvmCompatibility avm_transport_port avm_transport_export
syn keyword uvmCompatibility avm_class_pair avm_in_order_comparator
syn keyword uvmCompatibility avm_in_order_built_in_comparator
syn keyword uvmCompatibility avm_report_error avm_report_fatal
avm_report_message avm_report_warning
syn keyword uvmCompatibility analysis_fifo avm_transport_imp avm_analysis_imp

" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/base_compatibility.svh
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod

" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/compatibility.svh
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod

" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/urm.svh
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod

" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/urm_compatibility.svh
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod

" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/urm_macro_compatibility.svh
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod

" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/urm_message.svh
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod

" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/urm_message_compatibility.svh
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod

" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/urm_message_defines.svh
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod

" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/urm_meth_compatibility.svh
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod

" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/urm_port_compatibility.svh
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod
" uvm_sv/src/base/compatibility/urm_type_compatibility.svh
"syn keyword uvmClass
"syn keyword uvmMethod

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/
" uvm_sv/src/methodology/methodology.svh
syn keyword uvmTypeDef uvm_default_driver_type uvm_default_sequence_type
syn keyword uvmTypeDef uvm_default_sequencer_param_type

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/methodology_noparm.svh

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_agent.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_agent
syn keyword uvmMethod run

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_algorithmic_comparator.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_algorithmic_comparator
syn keyword uvmMethod connect get_type_name write

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_driver.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_driver
syn keyword uvmMethod run

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_in_order_comparator.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_in_order_comparator
syn keyword uvmMethod connect flush get_type_name run
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_in_order_built_in_comparator
syn keyword uvmMethod get_type_name
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_in_order_class_comparator
syn keyword uvmMethod get_type_name

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_meth_defines.svh
syn keyword uvmTypeDef uvm_active_passive_enum

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_monitor.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_monitor

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_pair.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_class_pair
syn keyword uvmMethod clone comp convert2string copy create
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_built_in_pair
syn keyword uvmMethod clone comp convert2string copy create

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_policies.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_built_in_comp
syn keyword uvmMethod comp
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_built_in_converter
syn keyword uvmMethod convert2string
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_built_in_clone
syn keyword uvmMethod clone
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_class_comp
syn keyword uvmMethod comp
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_class_converter
syn keyword uvmMethod convert2string
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_class_clone
syn keyword uvmMethod clone

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_push_driver.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_push_driver
syn keyword uvmMethod build check_port_connections end_of_elaboration

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_random_stimulus.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_random_stimulus
syn keyword uvmMethod generate_stimulus get_type_name

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_scoreboard.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_scoreboard
syn keyword uvmMethod run

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_subscriber.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_subscriber
syn keyword uvmMethod write

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/uvm_test.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_test
syn keyword uvmMethod run

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/layered_stimulus/
" uvm_sv/src/methodology/layered_stimulus/uvm_layered_stimulus.svh

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/layered_stimulus/uvm_scenario.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_scenario
syn keyword uvmMethod apply apply_request apply_send get_id
syn keyword uvmMethod mid_apply post_apply pre_apply pre_body start

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/layered_stimulus/uvm_scenario_controller.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_scenario_controller
syn keyword uvmMethod apply apply_request apply_send

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/layered_stimulus/uvm_scenario_driver.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_scenario_driver
syn keyword uvmMethod end_of_elaboration get_next_item run

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/sequences/
" uvm_sv/src/methodology/sequences/uvm_push_sequencer.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_push_sequencer
syn keyword uvmMethod run

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/sequences/uvm_req_rsp_sequence.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_req_rsp_sequence
syn keyword uvmMethod apply

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/sequences/uvm_req_rsp_sequence.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_sequence
syn keyword uvmMethod do_print start send_request get_current_item
get_response put_response
syn keyword uvmMethod set_sequencer
syn keyword uvmMethod get_response_queue_error_report_disabled
set_response_queue_depth get_response_queue_depth

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/sequences/uvm_sequence_base.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_sequence_base
syn keyword uvmTypeDef uvm_sequence_state_enum
syn keyword uvmMethod body create_and_start_sequence_by_name create_item
do_sequence_kind get get_priority
syn keyword uvmMethod get_seq_kind get_sequence get_sequence_by_name
get_sequence_state get_sequencer
syn keyword uvmMethod get_use_response_handler grab is_blocked is_item
is_relevant kill m_finish_item
syn keyword uvmMethod m_get_sqr_sequence_id m_start_item mid_do
num_sequences post_body post_do pre_body pre_do
syn keyword uvmMethod response_handler send_request set_priority
set_sequencer stop ungrab unlock use_response_handler
syn keyword uvmMethod wait_for_grant wait_for_item_done
wait_for_relevant wait_for_sequence_state
"syn keyword uvmCompatibility get_id pre_apply mid_apply post_apply
syn keyword uvmCompatibility get_parent_scenario

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/sequences/uvm_sequence_builtin.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_random_sequence
syn keyword uvmMethod body do_copy do_compare do_print do_record create
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_exhaustive_sequence
syn keyword uvmMethod body do_copy do_compare do_print do_record create
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_simple_sequence
syn keyword uvmMethod body create get_type_name

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/sequences/uvm_sequence_item.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_sequence_item
syn keyword uvmMethod set_sequence_id get_sequence_id
set_use_sequence_info get_use_sequence_info set_id_info set_sequencer
syn keyword uvmMethod get_sequencer set_parent_sequence
get_parent_sequence set_depth get_depth is_item start_item finish_item
syn keyword uvmMethod m_start_item m_finish_item get_full_name
get_root_sequence_name get_root_sequence get_sequence_path
syn keyword uvmMethod do_print
"syn keyword uvmDeprecated set_parent_seq get_parent_seq pre_do body mid_do
post_do wait_for_grant send_request wait_for_item_done

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/sequences/uvm_sequencer.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_sequencer
syn keyword uvmTypeDef uvm_seq_item_prod_if
syn keyword uvmMethod get_type_name connect build end_of_elaboration
send_request get_next_item try_next_item item_done put get peek
syn keyword uvmMethod m_add_builtin_seqs item_done_trigger
item_done_get_trigger_data add_seq_cons_if
syn keyword uvmTypeDef uvm_virtual_sequencer
syn keyword uvmDeprecatedClass uvm_seq_prod_if

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/sequences/uvm_sequencer_analysis_fifo.svh
syn keyword uvmClass sequencer_analysis_fifo
syn keyword uvmMethod write
" uvm_sv/src/methodology/sequences/uvm_sequencer_base.svh
syn keyword uvmClass seq_req_class
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_sequencer_base
syn keyword uvmMethod do_print user_priority_arbitration
grant_queued_locks choose_next_request wait_for_available_sequence
syn keyword uvmMethod get_seq_item_priority
wait_for_arbitration_completed set_arbitration_completed is_child wait_for_grant
syn keyword uvmMethod wait_for_item_done is_blocked is_locked lock_req
unlock_req lock grab unlock ungrab remove_sequence_from_queues
syn keyword uvmMethod stop_sequences sequence_exiting kill_sequence
is_grabbed current_grabber has_do_available set_arbitration
syn keyword uvmMethod analysis_write wait_for_sequences add_sequence
remove_sequence set_sequences_queue get_seq_kind get_sequence
syn keyword uvmMethod num_sequences send_request
syn keyword uvmDeprecated start_sequence

" uvm_sv/src/methodology/sequences/uvm_sequencer_param_base.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_sequencer_param_base
syn keyword uvmMethod do_print connect build send_request
get_current_item put_response analysis_write start_default_sequence run
syn keyword uvmMethod get_num_reqs_sent get_num_rsps_received
set_num_last_reqs get_num_last_reqs last_req set_num_last_rsps
syn keyword uvmMethod get_num_last_rsps last_rsp execute_item
syn keyword uvmCompatibility set_num_last_items
"syn keyword uvmCompatibility last

" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm
" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm/uvm_exports.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_blocking_get_export
uvm_blocking_get_peek_export uvm_blocking_master_export
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_blocking_peek_export uvm_blocking_put_export
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_blocking_transport_export uvm_get_export
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_master_export uvm_nonblocking_get_export
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_nonblocking_master_export
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_nonblocking_put_export
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_nonblocking_transport_export uvm_peek_export
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_slave_export uvm_transport_export
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_analysis_export
syn keyword uvmMethod get_type_name

" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm/uvm_imps.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_blocking_get_imp uvm_blocking_get_peek_imp
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_blocking_peek_imp uvm_blocking_put_imp
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_blocking_transport_imp uvm_get_imp
uvm_get_peek_imp uvm_master_imp
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_nonblocking_get_imp
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_nonblocking_master_imp
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_nonblocking_put_imp uvm_nonblocking_slave_imp
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_peek_imp uvm_put_imp uvm_slave_imp
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_analysis_imp
syn keyword uvmMethod writw

" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm/uvm_ports.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_analysis_port uvm_blocking_get_peek_port
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_blocking_master_port uvm_blocking_peek_port
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_blocking_slave_port
uvm_blocking_transport_port uvm_get_peek_port
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_get_port uvm_master_port
uvm_nonblocking_get_peek_port uvm_nonblocking_get_port
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_nonblocking_master_port
uvm_nonblocking_peek_port uvm_nonblocking_put_port
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_nonblocking_slave_port
uvm_nonblocking_transport_port uvm_peek_port
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_put_port uvm_slave_port uvm_transport_port
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_analysis_port
syn keyword uvmMethod get_type_name write

" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm/sqr_connections.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_seq_item_pull_port
syn keyword uvmMethod connect_if
syn keyword uvmMethod get get_next_item has_do_available peek put
put_response try_next_item
syn keyword uvmMethod item_done wait_for_sequences
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_seq_item_pull_export
syn keyword uvmMethod get get_next_item has_do_available peek put
put_response try_next_item
syn keyword uvmMethod item_done wait_for_sequences
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_seq_item_pull_imp
syn keyword uvmMethod get get_next_item has_do_available peek put
put_response try_next_item
syn keyword uvmMethod item_done wait_for_sequences

" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm/sqr_ifs.svh
syn keyword uvmClass sqr_if_base
syn keyword uvmMethod get get_next_item has_do_available item_done peek
put put_response try_next_item wait_for_sequences

" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm/uvm_tlm.svh

" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm/uvm_tlm_fifo_base.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_tlm_event
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_tlm_fifo_base
syn keyword uvmMethod can_get can_peek can_put flush get is_empty
ok_to_get ok_to_peek
syn keyword uvmMethod ok_to_put peek put size try_get try_peek try_put

" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm/uvm_tlm_fifos.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_tlm_fifo
syn keyword uvmMethod can_get can_peek can_put flush get get_type_name
syn keyword uvmMethod is_full peek put size try_get try_peek try_put
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo
syn keyword uvmMethod get_type_name write

" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm/uvm_tlm_ifs.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_tlm_if_base
syn keyword uvmMethod can_get can_peek can_put get nb_transport peek put
syn keyword uvmMethod transport try_get try_peek try_put write

" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm/uvm_tlm_imps.svh

" uvm_sv/src/uvm_tlm/uvm_tlm_req_rsp.svh
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel
syn keyword uvmMethod create create_aliased_exports connect
syn keyword uvmClass uvm_tlm_transport_channel
syn keyword uvmMethod nb_transport transport

" Define the default highlighting.

" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_verilog_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_verilog_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>

" The default highlighting.

HiLink verilogMethod Function
HiLink verilogTypeDef TypeDef
HiLink verilogAssertion Include

HiLink uvmClass Type

HiLink uvmTypeDef Type
HiLink uvmMethod Function
HiLink uvmMethodGlobal Function
HiLink uvmDeprecated Error
HiLink uvmDeprecatedClass Error
HiLink uvmDeprecatedMethod Error
HiLink uvmCompatibility Underlined

delcommand HiLink

let b:current_syntax = "verilog_systemverilog"

" vim: ts=8

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