NIT 1 Survey
NIT 1 Survey
NIT 1 Survey
2.0 GENERAL 13
1.1.1 Name of Work:
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd. invites online Open e-tenders from eligible
shortlisted applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria as stipulated in Clause 1.1.3 of
NIT, for the work Contract-DMRC/CPM-1/Ph-IV/Janakpuri-Majlis
Park/Survey/1: Detailed topographical Survey Work for proposed Janakpuri to Majlis
Park(Including) Delhi MRTS corridor of Ph-IV Project.
Date & time of opening of 15.12.2016 @ 16:30 Hrs at Metro Bhawan, 5th Floor, A- Wing,
Technical Bid online Barakhamba Road, Delhi -110001
Date & time of opening of Shall be informed after evaluation of technical bid through
Financial Bid Online website
Authority and place for
submission of tender cost, tender Chief Project Manager/1, 9/11, Mall Road Office, Delhi-
security, required documents (if 110054. Ph.011-23813675.
any), seeking clarifications etc.
NOTE: The tender documents (non-transferable) can only be obtained after registration of tenderer
on the website Downloaded tender document will not be
entertained in office in physical form. All D.D. should be drawn in favour of Delhi Metro Rail
Corporation Ltd., payable at New Delhi. The bidder who fails to submit the tender cost & tender
security (in original) within stipulated scheduled deemed to be rejected. Any corrigendum,
addendum etc issued shall be part of this tender document and shall be made available on DMRC
website Bidder under MSME Registered Company shall
submit a reference letter with all supporting documents to above mention addressee of
Chief Project Manager/1, before 15.12.2016.
iii. Tenderers shall not have a conflict of interest. All Tenderers found to have a
conflict of interest shall be disqualified. Tenderers shall be considered to have a
conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding process, if:
(a) a tenderer has been engaged by the Employer to provide consulting services
for the preparation related to procurement for on implementation of the
iv. A firm, who has purchased the tender document in their name, can submit the
tender either as individual firm or in joint venture/Consortium. However, the lead
partner in case of JV shall be one who has experience of similar work.
vi. Tenderer (any member in case of JV/consortium) must not have paid liquidated
damages of 10% (or more) of the contract value in a contract due to delay or penalty of
10% (or more) of the contract value due to any other reason during last five years. The
tenderer should submit undertaking to this effect in Appendix-N of Form of Tender.
vii. Tenderer (any member in case of JV/consortium) must not have suffered bankruptcy/
insolvency during the last 5 years. The tenderer should submit undertaking to this
effect in Appendix-O of Form of Tender.
A. Work Experience: The tenderers will be qualified only if they have completed work(s)
during last seven years ending 30.10.2016 as given below:
(i) At least one work of any Similar work of value of Rs. 24.02 lakhs or more.
If the above work of Rs. 24.02 lakhs has been done by the foreign partner of JV and
the work was done in the country of the foreign partner then in addition to this, the
foreign partner must have done works equal to Rs. 12.01 lakhs outside the country
of the foreign partner.
(ii) Two works of any Similar work each of value of Rs. 15.01 lakhs or more.
If the above work of Rs. 15.01 lakhs has been done by the foreign partner of JV and
the work was done in the country of the foreign partner then in addition to this, the
foreign partner must have done works equal to Rs. 7.50 lakhs outside the country of
the foreign partner.
(iii) Three works of any Similar work each of value of Rs. 12.01 lakhs or more.
If the above work of Rs. 12.01 lakhs has been done by the foreign partner of JV and
the work was done in the country of the foreign partner then in addition to this, the
foreign partner must have done works equal to Rs. 6.05 lakhs outside the country of
the foreign partner.
The tenderer shall submit details of works executed by them in the Performa of
Appendix of FOT- H for the works to be considered for qualification of work
experience criteria. Documentary proof such as completion certificates from
client clearly indicating the nature/scope of work, actual completion cost and
actual date of completion for such work should be submitted. The offers
submitted without this documentary proof shall not be evaluated. In case the
work is executed for private client, copy of work order, bill of quantities, bill wise
details of payment received certified by C.A., T.D.S certificates for all payments
received and copy of final/last bill paid by client shall be submitted.
For completed works, value of work done shall be updated to 30.10.2016 price
level assuming 5% inflation for Indian Rupees every year and 2% for foreign
currency portions per year. The exchange rate of foreign currency shall be
applicable 28 days before the submission date of tender.
In case of joint venture / Consortium, full value of the work, if done by the same
joint venture shall be considered. However, if the qualifying work(s) were done
by them in JV/Consortium having different constituents, then the value of work
as per their percentage participation in such JV/Consortium shall be considered.
B. Financial Standing: The tenderers will be qualified only if they have minimum
financial capabilities as below:
(i) T1 Liquidity: It is necessary that the firm can withstand cash flow that the contract
will require until payments received from the Employer. Liquidity therefore
becomes an important consideration.
This shall be seen from the balance sheets and/or from the banking reference.
Net current assets and/or documents including banking reference, should show
that the applicant has access to or has available liquid assets, lines of credit
and other financial means to meet cash flow of Rs. 12.87 lakhs for this
contract, net of applicants commitments for other Contracts. Banking reference
should contain in clear terms the amount that bank will be in a position to lend
for this work to the applicant/member of the Joint Venture/Consortium. In case
the Net Current Assets (as seen from the Balance Sheets) are negative, only
the Banking references will be considered. Otherwise the aggregate of the Net
Current Assets and submitted Banking references will be considered for
working out the Liquidity.
The banking reference should be from a Scheduled Bank in India or (in case of
foreign parties) from an international bank of repute acceptable to DMRC as
per standard performa provided in ITT as Appendix-I and it should not be
more than 3 months old as on date of submission of bids.
(iii) T3 - Net Worth: Net Worth of tenderer during last audited financial year should be >
Rs 18.02 lakh
In Case of JV- Net worth will be based on the percentage participation of each
Example: Let Member-1 has percentage participation = M and Member-2 has =N.
Let the Net worth of Member-1 is A and that of Member-2 is B, then the Net worth
of JV will be
(iv) T4 - Annual Turnover: The average annual turnover from any Similar Survey work of
last five financial years should be >Rs. 72.07 Lacs.
Example: Let Member-1 has percentage participation = M and Member - 2 has =N.
Let the average annual turnover of Member-1 is A and that of Member-2 is B,
then the average annual turnover of JV will be
Notes :
Financial data for latest last five audited financial years has to be submitted by
the tenderer in Appendix of FOT-J along with audited balance sheets. The
financial data in the prescribed format shall be certified by Chartered
Accountant with his stamp and signature. In case audited balance sheet of the
last financial year is not made available
by the bidder, he has to submit an affidavit certifying that the balance sheet has
actually not been audited so far. In such a case the financial data of previous 4
audited financial years will be taken into consideration for evaluation. If audited
balance sheet of any year other than the last year is not submitted, the tender
may be considered as non-responsive.
Where a work is undertaken by a group, only that portion of the contract which
is undertaken by the concerned applicant/member should be indicated and the
remaining done by the other members of the group be excluded. This is to be
substantiated with documentary evidence.
Bid Capacity: The tenderers will be qualified only if their available bid capacity is
more than the approximate cost of work as per NIT. Available bid capacity will be
calculated based on the following formula:
Available Bid Capacity = 2*A*N B
construction works.
Financial data for latest last five financial years has to be submitted by the
tenderer in Appendix of FOT-J along with audited financial statements. The
financial data in the prescribed format shall be certified by the Chartered
Accountant with his stamp and signature in original.
Value of existing commitments for on-going construction works has to be
submitted by the tenderer in Appendix of FOT-G. These data shall be certified
by the Chartered Accountant with his stamp and signature.
In the case of a group, the above formula will be applied to each member to the
extent of his proposed participation in the execution of the work. If the proposed
% participation is not mentioned then equal participation will be assumed.
Suppose there are P and Q members of the JV / group with their participation in the
JV / group as 70% and 30% respectively and available bid capacity of these members
as per above formula individually works out X and Y respectively, then Bid Capacity
of JV / group shall be as under:
Bid Capacity of the JV / group = 0.7X + 0.3Y The tender submission of tenderers, who do not qualify the minimum eligibility criteria
& bid capacity criteria stipulated in the clauses to above, shall not be
considered for further evaluation and therefore rejected. The mere fact that the
tenderer is qualified as mentioned in sub clause to shall not imply that
his bid shall automatically be accepted. The same should contain all technical data as
required for consideration of tender prescribed in the ITT.
1.2.4 Following documents even though not attached as a part of tender documents will
be form integral part of the same. The work is to be carried out in accordance with
General Condition of Contract (GCC) of DMRC
1.2.5 All Tenderers are hereby cautioned that the tender containing any material
deviation or reservation as described in Clause 24.0 of Instructions to Tenderers
and / or minor deviation without quoting the cost of withdraws shall be considered
non-responsive & shall be summarily rejected.
1.2.6 The intending shortlisted tenderers must be registered on e-tendering portal Those who are not registered on the e-
tendering portal shall be required to get registered beforehand. After registration,
the tenderer will get user id and password. On login, tenderer can participate in
tendering process and can witness various activities of the process
1.2.7 The authorized signatory of intending tenderer, as per Power of Attorney (POA),
must have valid class-II or class-III digital signature. The tender document can
only be downloaded from e- tendering portal using class-II or class-III digital
signature. However, the tenderer shall upload their tender on using class-II or class-III digital signature of
the authorized signatory only.
1.2.8 Tender submission will be made on line after uploading the mandatory scanned
documents towards cost of tender documents such as Demand Draft or Pay Order
or Bankers cheque from a scheduled commercial bank based in India and
towards Tender Security such as Bank Guarantee or Demand Draft or Pay Order
or Banker's cheque from a scheduled commercial bank based in India and other
documents as stated in the tender documents.
1.2.9 Submission of Tenders shall be closed on e-tendering website of DMRC at the
date & time of submission prescribed in NIT after which no tender shall be
It shall be the responsibility of the bidder / tenderer to ensure that his tender is
submitted online on e-tendering website
before the deadline of submission. DMRC will not be responsible for non-receipt of
tender documents due to any delay and/or loss etc.
1.2.10 Tenders shall be valid for a period of 120 days (both days inclusive i.e. the date of
submission of tenders and the last date of period of validity of the tender) from the
date of submission of Tenders and shall be accompanied with a tender security of
the requisite amount as per clause 12 of ITT.
1.2.11 DMRC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without assigning
any reasons. No tenderer shall have any cause of action or claim against the
DMRC for rejection of his proposal.
1.2.12 Tenderers are advised to keep in touch with e-tendering portal for updates.
Project Manager/1C
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd
point will be finalized after taking mean value of observed co-ordinates from 3
successive triangulation control point and minimum two sets of observation
shall be taken and the accuracy of control point should be +/- 2mm.
All levels shall be taken with respect to benchmarks fixed over all triangulation
Preparation of survey drawing on 1:1000 scale and plotting of spot / ground
levels at 25 m intervals (with grid) and at sudden changes in elevation and all
features. Print-outs shall be taken on 75-micron thick double matt transparent
List of trees to be prepared in tabular form showing serial no., identification no.,
species, girth measured at 1.3m from ground level and location with respect to
nearest prominent feature (for the trees having girth more than 15cm at a height
30cm above ground level). The location along with identification number is to be
shown in drawing and made on separate Autocad layer. The Identification
number is also to be marked at site with paint as directed by Engineer-in
Marking outer dimension of all built-up areas with plot numbers and ownership
and type within survey limits.
All drawings shall be prepared on Autocad, having layers as instructed by the
Engineer-in Charge (e.g. road, spot/ground level, drain, building, boundary wall
tree, control point, ROB/RUB etc). X, Y, Z co-ordinates of all control points shall
be provided in ASCII file format as directed by Engineer-In-Charge with point
numbers and feature coding with all field books and other documents including
all data recorded in Total Station on CD.
Drains and Nallahs and pipelines shall be shown with bed levels and HFLs
Type of building such as temporary/permanent, no. of stories, and basement
Level crossings with their numbers, class, manned/unmanned, ROBs, RUBs,
FOBs and Railway bridges with their structural details, angle of crossing and
road/rail level to be marked on drawings.
Religious structures such as Temples, Gurudwaras, Mosque, Church,
Monuments, Tombs, Mazars etc to be provided in details with their brief
Name of all the adjacent colonies including house no. jhuggies clusters with
numbers along with the route of survey.
Details of northern railway tracks near the proposed alignment including take off
points, curves, transitions, crossings, switches, and other details including
electrical structures with their distances from the existing tracks.
Vertical clearance to power lines or telephone/telegraph line at crossing of
road/railway line.
Levels at important locations like road junction, or areas having sudden change
of elevation.
Any other structure, utility or detail that may seem important or as advised by
the Engineer in Charge.
2.2.2 Precise Leveling of Control Points
The work involves carrying out leveling as mentioned in description of works. The
survey should cover all the control points and connecting them to GTS benchmarks.
Leveling should be carried out by double territory method to obtain precision in the
Leveling must be carried out by a precision digital level with accuracy of better
than 1 mm per km.
Reduced level of all traverse stations shall be taken by Double Territory
Leveling must be started from a GTS Benchmark or benchmark given by
DMRC and must be closed at the same after carrying out leveling of traverse
All leveling calculations must be submitted in a register along with all field data
book and finally all calculations to be done in Excel format and the file is to be
Providing land boundary pillars along running section at 100m interval on either
side and at corners where land width is changing (only where the alignment is
not following the road) as well as for station areas as per drawing.
Specifications of pillars to be constructed and fixed at site shall be of following
sizes (in LxBxH form)
I On straight alignment at 300mm x 300mm x 400mm Square
50m interval Section (or as per BOQ)
Locations of all the alignment, boundary and reference points shall be marked
correctly on drawings in AutoCAD.
X, Y, Z co-ordinates of each triangulation control point should be written on the
pillar by paint.
Any deviation from the paper alignment found at site, the alignment parameters
(i.e. deflection angles, radius of curve, transition length etc) shall be changed in
consultation with the Engineer in Charge and Chief Project Manager-3 keeping
the obligatory points in view.
Two hard copies and one soft copy of detailed report containing following
contents shall be submitted :
(a) Introduction
(b) Detailed methodology
(c) List of curves with related parameters finally laid out at site
(d) Tables showing description of location, chainage, co-ordinates of all the
alignment, boundary and reference points, Sketches showing distance and
angles of triangulation points with respect to three prominent locations.
(e) Drawing showing all the alignment, boundary and reference points.
(f) Trees list
(g) List of infringing/adjacent structures & utilities along with their identification
number & owner details
(h) Recommendations.
Any material found not conforming shall be summarily rejected and shall have
to be removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost.
Any work not to the satisfaction of the engineer or his representative will be
rejected and the same is to be rectified or removed and replaced with work of
required standard of workmanship at no extra cost.
The Tenderer / Contractor shall provide free of cost temporary covered sitting
space at the site where the work is in progress.