Focus Group Discussion - Group 6
Focus Group Discussion - Group 6
Focus Group Discussion - Group 6
Topic: To find out if McDonalds should add pasta into its menu
1. People who are frequent visitors of QSRs (Quick Service Restaurants)
2. 5-10 customers in the focus groups
We started with a general question to understand the frequency of visits of the consumers.
We got a variety of inputs with average being 4 times a week. The discussion was then
steered in the direction of eating habits of the consumers with questions like fast food
preference and where did pasta stand in their liking. As the group consisted of regular QSR
visitors, we found favorable inputs to the first one (burgers and wraps were the preferred
options) and also welcoming thoughts on the second (pasta was indeed appreciated by the
majority of the members). We then moved deeper into understanding the factors that favor
the consumption of pasta- intention being to include the preferences in our environment. Soft
drinks were favored by the majority to complement the pasta. Also, consumers showed
greater interests in having more vegetables and chicken in the pasta to make it a scrumptious
meal. We then tried to understand the intention of consumers to buy pasta when it was
offered at the same price as burgers. The response to that was angled more towards burgers.
Our concluding questions then tried to capture the final conversion of consumers in buying
pasta in a QSR, the response to which was a favorable one.