LTE Signalling Procedures
LTE Signalling Procedures
LTE Signalling Procedures
The RRC conncction cstablishment procedure is always initiatod by thc UE but ca.r be- tliggcrcd bf either the UE or the
-19!_gork. For example, the Ulr triggers RRC conncction establishment ifthe end-user starts an application to browse the
intemct, or to send an email. SimiJarly" the iJE triggers RI{C connection establishment ilthe IJE movcs into a nerv
'fracking Area and has 10 completc the-l'racking Area Update signalling procedure. 'l'hc nctwork triggers thc RRC
connection cstabljshment procedure by sending a Paging messagc. This could be used to allow the delivcry ofan incoming
SMS or notillcation of an incoming voice call
RRC corLnection eslablishmcnt for LTE is rclalively simple compared to RRC connection cstablishmenl for UM'I-S. The
IJM l'S procedurc rcquires NBAP and ALCAP signalling across the Iub interlace betwecn the Node B and RNC. Thcse
signaliing protocols are used to setup a radio link and new transport connection. I he flat network architccture for LIE
removes the requirement for liesc signalling procedures
In the casc of LTII, the initial Non-Access Stratum (NAS) message is transferred as part ofthe RRC conncction
establishmcnt proccdure. In the case of LIMTS, thc initial NAS mcssage is transferrcd after the RRC conncction
cstablishment procedure. Thc approach uscd by L l'E hclps to rcduce connection establishment delay
RRC conncction establishment configures Signalling Radio Bearer (SRB) I and allows subsequent signalling 10 use the
Dedicated Control Channel (DCCIJ) ralher than the Common Conlrol Channcl (CCCIJ) used by SRB 0
The signalling 1br RRC connection establishmcnl is shown in Figure 107. the entirc procedurc is compleled using oniy
RltC signalling. A 3-way handshakc is used 10 move thc IJE into RRC connected node
eNode B
RRC Connection Request / SRB 0 / CCCH / UL-SCH / PUSCH
The RRC Conncction Request message is sent as part oflhc Random Access procedure. It con'esponds to thc jnitial Laycr
3 message shown in Figure 84 (section 2l.l). It is transferred using SRB 0 on the Common Control Channcl (CCCH)
because neither SRB 1 nor a Dedicated Control Channel (l)CCl l) havc bcan setup at this point. 'Ihe uplink Resource Block
allocation 1br the R.RC Conneclion Rcquest message is signalled within the l{andom Access l{esponsc mossage
The content ofthc RRC Connection Request message is shown in l'ablc 130. It includcs a UE identity and an
cstablishmcnt cause. There is no scope for the LIE to report any measurcments wilhin the RRC Conncclion Requcst
message. The [,MTS version ofthc RRC Connection Requcst messagc allows thc UD to reporl CPICH measurements
which can subsequently be used lor downlink open loop power conhol oalculations
The LJE identit), is signailed using tho SAE Temporary Mobile Subscriber ldentity (S-TMSI) ifthc LIIJ is rcgistered u ith .^
thc l'racking Area 1o whioh thc cuncnl ccll belongs. Othcrwise, the UE selects a rirndom numbcr in thc range from l)to 2o'
- I to represent the IJH identity. ]'he S-|MSI is described in scction 26.3.3
Informarior) lilemnts
UE Idenlily cltotcE
Random Value
iistablishmenl Cause CiIOICE
High Priority Acccss
Mobile Terminating Access
Tablc l3l - Relationship betwcen higher layer establishment cause and RRC establishment caxse
The I JE starls thc T300 timer aller transmitting the RRC Conncction Roquest messagc. l'he value of T300
is broadcast
wjthin SIB 2 [.lM'l'S uscs T300 in,combination with N300 to manage re-transmissions of the RRC Connection l{equest
message. l-Tll does not have an N300 paramcter and the IIRC Conncction Request message is
sent only once pr
eslablishment procedure. l-TE uses the T300 timer 1o define how long the UE waits for a iesponse to
the I{RC Connection
Rcquest lnessage. 1 hc cstab)ishment procedure fails if T300 cxpires beforc receiving an RRC
Connectjon Sctup messagc.
The procedure aiso fails iflhe UE completes a cell re-selectjon prior lo rcceiving the RRC Connection
Setup rnessage
Random access contcntion can occur afler scnding the RRC Conncction Request message. Seotion
2l .l explains that
conlention occurs when multjple liE select the same subframe and preamble scquence for pRACH transmtsston.
contention requircs the UF to repeat lraosmission ofthc PRACII preamble and ihe subsequent RRC Connection
mcssage. This increases the delay associated with connection stabjjshment but docs not cause
the ovcrall procedure to lail
unlcss the maximum number ofprcamble lransmissions has br:en reached
Assuming that.andom access contentio-n does not occur, the UII proceeds to wait for an RRC Conneclion
Setup mcssage
from the eNodc B.'l-he UE has successfully compieted the random access procedurc so has been allocated
(signalied within thc random aocess response mcssage). l'he tJl.l monilors the PDCCIJ for
a downljni allocation addrcsscd
to i1s (l-RNll lhc PDCCII sp(jcifies the set ofPDSCII Resource Blocks used to transfer the ]lllc Conncction
messagc. The IIRC Connection Sctup message is transferred using SRB 0 on thc CCCH
Thc RIIC Conneclion Setup messagc conlains configuralion information for,sll] 'fhis allows subsequenl
use the DCCH logical channel SRB 2 is always configurcd after security activation st, the RRC
signaljing to
Connectjon selup
message does not include any inlbrmation regarding SRB 2. l he cNodc B can inslruct thc UL to
appiy a default
configuration for SRB 1, or it can instruct thc IJE to apply a specific configuration.
The delault configuralion for SRB I is prscnlcd in l able 132. This dcfault configuration has been specified by 3GPP
within TS 36.331. tJsing the dclauil configuralion heips to reduce thc signalling requirement. The defauil oonfiguntion lor
SIiB 2 is also presented in Table 132 lbr information. SRB 2 has a lower prior;ry than SRB l- i.e. a value of3 represents a
lowcr priority than a valuc of I . Both SRll I and 2 always use acknowledged modc Rl.C
Upon recelving ar RllC Conncction Setup message, the UE stops the T300 timer and makes the transilion 10 Rli.C
Connected mode. The UE thcn proceeds to complete the procedure by sending ar RRC Connectjon Setup Completc
message.'lhe conlent ofthc RRC Connection Setup Complete message is shown in'lable 133
Information Elements
l)edicated NdS J nformation
Thc l'ransaction Idcntifier, combined with the message type, identifics thc RRC procedure with thc UE
Thc Sclected PLMN Identity defines a pointcr to a PLMN listed within SIB l. i.e. UE. sclect thc PLMN to which they want
to connect when a cell belongs to more than a single PLMN
The llegistered MME inlormaljon is optional, and is included when available. It becomes available after a UII has
regisrered *ith an MME. Thc MMll is identilicd by its Globaily Unique MME ldentity (Gt.lMMUl) which is a
concatcnarion of the PLMN idenrity, MME Group Idcnrity (MMDGI) and MME Codc (MMEC). Thc MMEC identifies the
MME u,ithin its group
The llll also includes its initial Non-n ccess Stratum (NAS) mcssage wilhin the RRC Connection Setup Complcte message.
NAS messagcs are specilied within 3GPP l S 24.301. As jndicatcd within Table l3l, thc NAS message could be an
Attach, Detach, 'l'racking Arca Update, Scrvice Request or Exlended Service Request mcssage
'l he cNodc B cxtracts thc NAS message from the IIRC Connection Sctup Complete message and forwards il to an MMIl
using thc Sl Application Protocol (Sl -AP) Initial UE Message. Forwarding this message does not form pad ofthe RRC
cstablishment procedurc but is described within this soction for complctcncss
The contenl ofthe S1-AP Initial UE Mcssage is shown in Tablc 134. The eNodc B scnds this mcssage to the appropriale
MMII based upon i1s NAS Node Selection Funclion (NNSF). In thc case of a Service Request, the S- I MSI includod with jn
the RRC Connection Requcst is used to identiry the appropriate MME (S- I MSI jncludes the MMEC). In the case ol an
Altach or Tracking Area ljpdalc" the cNodc B uses thc GUMMEI included within the I{RC Connection Sctup Complete
message. Thc eNode B is lree 10 selcct an MME u,hen the UE does nol have an S-TMSI nor GUMMlll
Tebt t34 - Content ofSl ApplicatioD protocot (Sl_Ap) Initial Utr] Message
Thc cNode B allocatcs thc cNode B UE Sl-A? Identity to allow the eNode B 10 identifr the tJE wilhin SI signalling
procedures. l'hc MME UE Sl-AP Identity (not included within ths Initial UE Message) allows the MME ro idendtthc
UE within Sl signalling procedures
Figure 108 illustrates the signalling associated with the RRC connoction cstablishment proccdure when the cNode B
rejects thc RRC Connection Requesl. The reject mcssage is rctumed to thc UE using SRB 0 on ihe CCCI I logical channei.
l hc eNode B may reject the connection eslablishment request as a rcsuh ofcongestion
eNode B
{p I
RRC Conneclron Request / SRB 0 / CCCH / UL,SCH / PUSCH
lnformation Elements
Wail lime (0 to 16 seconds)
lJpon recciving an IIRCI Connecljon Re.iecl mcssage, the UE starts the T302 limer with its value set equal to the wait 1ime.
Access Class barring for mobilc originating caiJs, mobiic originating signalling and mobile terminating access is applied
until T302 expircs, i.e. the tJE is no1 allo\.vcd to send another RRC Conncction Roquest for thosc conniction types, and to
the same cell, until T302 expires. '1302 is stopped ifthc tJE completes ccll reselcction. In that casc. the UIi is p;rmjlted to
scnd an I{RC Connection I{eques110 the ncw cell
ln conlrast 10 UM I S. L fE rcquires thr; higher iayers to initiate a new connectjon estabiishmcnl proccdure after the UE
rcccives an RRC Conneclion l{eject messagc. UMI S allows the llRC Conneclion Requcst message to bc repeated from
thc RI{C laycr, based upon 1he value ofN300
* 'Ihc atlach procedure also involves establishing a default bearer betwccn the IJE and PDN Gateway. This provides always-
on corlnectiviry for thc UE. In addition, the attach procedurc can lrigger thc cslablishment of dcdicated bearers
* The signalling associated with thc a11ach and delault bearer establishment procedure is illustrated in Figurc 109. Somc
signalling messages are nested wilhin othcr messages, e.g. rhe PDN Connectivity Rcqucsl message is scnt within an Attach
Request message, which is sent within an RRC Conncclion Sotup Complete mcssage
Serving PDN
i Attach Reouest/
I PDN Connec{ivity Request
RRC Connection
Reconflguraton Complete
Figur 109 Signalling for the attach and default bearer establishmcnt procedur
The atlach procedurc slarts with the RRC connectjon cstablishment proccdure which takes the UD from RRC ldlc mode to
RRC connected mode. Thc Altach Requcst messagc is included as the 'Dedicatcd NAS Information' within thc RRC Sctup
Complctc mcssage . Thc full contcnt of the RRC Selup Complete mcssage is presented in Table 1 33 within section 23. I .
The Atlach Roqucst is a Non-Access Stratum (NAS) message so its contcnt is spccified by 3GPP TS 24.301. This cortenl
is presented in 'l able 136
The firs1 3 information elements within the Attach Rcquest messagc rcpresent the message hcadcr. fhe Protocol
Discriminator indicatcs that the subsequenl message is an EPS mobility managcmcnt message. lts vaiue is specified within
3GPP 24.007. 'fhc Sccurjty Ileader Type jndicates whcther or not the Nn S message is integib, prolected aId ciphered.
The Atlach Request Messagc ldentity indicates that thc mcssage itself is an Attach Request
* The main contenl 01'the Attach Request mcssage stads with the EPS Anach 1'ype \\'hich can be configurcd with yaiues of
'EPS Altach' or 'Combined EPS/IMSI Altach'. Thcsc valucs corrcspond to registering for only EPS packel scn,iccs, and
registering for both EI'S packet scrvices and non-EPS scrviocs. Thc mosl common non-EPS service is likely to be the CS
speech service
TheoptionalF,sMlnlormationlransferFiagisincludcilif'thet]Ijhasprotoco]configuralionoptionsthalnecdtobe to
to provide an Access Point Name (APN) for the PDN conneclion
fanstbrred securily protected. ot ,r the t.ll ,iishes
point Namc infomralion clemcnt is always excludcd u'hen
establishcd during the attach prn""au-.;ii. Acccss
the pDN Conncctivity Requcsr messlle i i""rl,a.a
wilh,in an Atlach Rcqucsr messaFL" i.c. thc Al'N is translerred during a
alier securily
subsequcnt DSM Infonnarion n"q";;i;;;;;; Transler olthis information is deiaved to allou its transfer
has been cnabied. i.e. to allow ciphering ofthe content
T3410 timer. tf T3410 expires prior ire ll E recciving a rcsponse from the MME. then the currenl attach atlempt
than 5. 3Gpp has standaraiseo a itxea value of 1d s
for the T34l I timer. The UFI re-lransnlits the Attach Rcquest
message once'f3411 has cxPired
If the atlach attempt count reaches 5, thc timer'f34!2, ard deletes its GUTI. TAI and list ofequivalent PI-MN'
tlll starts
T3402 timer. The network can signd a differenl value lor
3Gpp has standardised a aefautt vatr]e oi i2 minutes for the
.13402 messages. A value signal)cd by the nctrvork is only
within thc Attach Accept anJi racking Area Update Accept
re-acloptcd ifthc UE recejves an Attach Acocpt
arr","t ur"rrign"a i.u"tin! ar."r. i'he default-valu^e,is
"ppli*or.'*irlri, l'3402 value The atlach procedure can be rc-iniliatcd
or Tracking Arca lJpau," a"".prn-'"rru!-" *rt-i.t ao",
not specify a
placed within an S I Application
protocol (S l -AP) Iniiial t.lE Message. ',l:he content of this message is presented in ]'able
and ccll Global
j/t t6t wjtbtnsecrion 2j.I . Th. .N;i"";;;;l"dc; iniomdtion rcga-rdirg thc rracking Ara ldntity OAI) 1o thc MMF
hc cNode B procieds to forward the lnitial uE Messago
Idenlity (ccl). The S-TMSI can also ue included.'t
the IMSI belonging to the UE The IMSI may have
once the MME has receivcd thc Attach Reque st message. it dclermines
bcen included expJicitly within tle airach Rcqucst mes-sag1
HoI*-"l: if rhe uE included an old GUl l inslead of an IMSI
old MMr (or sGSN) to which the uE.was previously
thcn thc MME uses the old ctJ I L" iJ""ttri rir. address
to the.otd MN4E @r SGSN) asking for the IMSI. If the MME
registcrerl. l-he MMll then ,"na, unia.niity ncluesr messagc
its IMS1 The signalling
cannot delermine the IMSI using this a;priaoh, an taentiry i.equest is sent to the UIr asking for
uscd to determine the IMSI is not shown in Figurc 109
security setup is used to enable
ii""ilry n"girr* rEIR) whioh can be connected to the MME using thc S13 interface. lor authentication and N A S securitl
integrity protcction ana ering to-, a;f ruur.qu"nt rigno'ing. fhc sigalling used
in Figure 109
setup is no1 shown
'l'ransfer I.lag within the PDN connecliviry Requcst mcssage, thelMMFl-inilialcs
If the uE included the rsM Informalion
iil';r:il,;i#;;;,i"q*;i.;;"".d";; rhisproccdirrcallowsthcuFro-rrovidcanApN":.t:l] ^__i:v,l]:::":]
r""1'" ESM Inrormation *":.""'^'.ll:-":1i':-':.',1"J"":11.',t11:
rru,.'rpo.t-'nessases between thc MME and eNode B, and wirhin
RRC l3;l*
iH"iffiil:;:ue"i*ril'n ir-.,iilNa3
inlormaliion transler messages bet\Yeen the cNode B and IJB
UE [,,IME Se.ving PDN
"N"d"B Galeway Galeway
q@ Wi' s#*"'
llll(,1 Cenne(lroi Se1!p Coilpl.i{e / l
/\liaah il.]llLesi l
P0N Conneciivliy ReqLregl
fr-rN cuIrrL c,i!,lr F ,q e5i
Figure ll0 Additional signalling for the fiSM Information Requcst procedure
Th(r content o f lhc IISM Infbrmation Request and ESM Infbrmation Rcsponse messages is prescntcd in I'ablc 1 3 8. 'l he
rcquesl nlessage scrvcs as a simple prompt which triggers the IJE lo rclum a responsc. The response mcssage can inclucle
an Acccss Point Name (At'N) and a set of Protocol Configuration Options. 'l'he protocol configumtion options can define
the uscrname and password lor the AI)N
Table 138 Clontcnt of ESM Information Request and ESM Infornation Rcsponse mcssagcs
he dcf'ault AI'N can bc uscd ilthe tJL did not inciudc thc ESM lnformation 'Iransfcr Flag within the pDN Connectivity
Requesl message. Oncc thc MME has linalised the APN to be used, it scnds a Creatc Session Requesl message to lhc
Scrving Gatcway. This message beiongs to the Cl'P control planc protocol (GTPv2-C) ard is specificd within 3Gpp TS
Tbe Serving Galeway creates an en1ry within its EPS Bearer table and forwards the Create Session Request mcssage to thc
PDN Gatcway. 1-he PDN Gateway creates a new entry wilhin its I]PS llearer Contexl lablc and gcnerates a charging
identiry. 'Ihc new context allo\a,s the PDN Gateway 10 slart rouling user plane data between the Packct Data Nctwork
(l'DN) and the Serving Galc\\,ay, and to start charging
'l he PDN Gateway relurns a Crcatc Session Responsc mcssage to the
Scrving Gateway. This mcssagc includes the lP
addrcss that has been allocalcd to the UD by the PDN Gatervay, i.e. thc PDN Gatcway is responsible for managing thc
allooation of lP addresscs
The Serving Gateway foru'ards the Crcate Session Rcspons messagc to the N4MD, rvhich then proceeds to initiate thc S l-
AP injtial context setup proccdure. This is done by sendjng an lnitial Contoxl Setup Request message to thc eNode Il. The
content ()1'the lnitial Context Setup Rcquest mcssage is prcsented in l'ablc 139. It allows the cNode Il to confisure itself
for the new E-I{AR
lnformalion Elements
Message Type
UE Aggrcgate Maximum llit Rate
UE Security Capabilities
Security Key
Trac Activation
Cs Fallback lndicator
SRVCC Operation Possible
The llE Aggegate Maximum Bit Rate (UE-AMBR) defineslhe maximum aliowd throughput for a [lE ba-sed upon the
sum ofalliti non-GBR bearers. This parametcr forms part ofthe QoS profile described in seclion 2.9. It can be configured
with values between 0 and 10 000 Mbps, and can be specified independently for the uplint and downlink
The E-RAB Level QoS Parameters include:
The GTp Tunnel Endpoint Identifier (TEID) defines the GTP-U tunnel for the user plane data. Multiple tunnels will share
the same transport layer address
The Non-Access Stmtum CNAS) PDU is used to tuansler the Attach Accept message which acknowledges the original
Attach Request message.
The MME slarts timer T3450 afler sending the Attach Accept message. 3GPP has standardised a fixed value of 6 s for the
T3450 timer. IfT3450 expires prior to the MME rceiving a response from the UE, then the Attach Accapt message is re-
sent. The Attach Accept message can be re-sent four times. The overall attach procedure is aborted ifT3450 expires a fifth
The content ofthe Atlach Accept message is shown in Table 140. The first 3 inlormation elements within the Attach
Accept mcssage represent the mcssage header. The Protocol Discriminator indicates that the subsequent message is an EPS
mobility management message. lts value is specified within 3GPP 24.007. The Security Header ype indicates whether or
not the NAS message is integrily protectsd and ciphered. The Attach Accept Message ldentity indicates that the message
itselfis an Attach Accept
* T3412 defines the periodic Tracking Area Update (TAU) timer. UE lriggcr a periodic TAU procedure when this timer
expires. It can be configured with a value up to 186 minutes
* The Tracking Area Identity (TAI) list defines the set ofallocated tracking areas, i.e. the tracking areas with which
the UE
is registered within. The TAI list can include tracking areas belonging to more than a single PLMN when a shared
is being used. Tracking Area Updates are subsequently higgered ifthe UE moves into a tracking area which is
included within the TAI list
* The ESM Message Container is used to transfer the Activate Defauil EPS Bearer Context Request message which
represents a response to the PDN Connectivity Request message. The conlent ofthe PDN Connectivity Riqucst message
shown in Table 141
* The first 4 information elements within the Activate Default EPS Bearer Context Request message represent the message
header. The Prolocol Discriminator indicates that the subsequent message is an EPS session manigement message
'* The EPS QoS parameter defines:
* The Access Point Name (APN) inlorms the UE ofthe APN to which the default bearer is connected
* The PDN Address allocates the UE with an IP address
* The eNode B exhacts the Attach Accept message from within the Initial Context Sctup Requesl., and packages it
within an
RRC Connection Reconfiguration message. The RRC Corurectioo Reconfiguration is iransferred to the Ulr across the air-
interface. This message provides the UE with all ofthe information necessary to establish the default bearer
Acl ate DeJauh EPS Bearet Conlext Request Message ldentity Mandalorf
APN-AMBR Optional
Table 141 - Contcnt ofActivate Default EPS Bearr Context Rcquesf message
messagc.'lhis message is a simple
The IJE responds to the eNode B using the RRC Conneclr'on Reco_nfiguration completc
acknowledjement without any inlormllion contcnt. lt does not oiler the ability to tnnsfer NAS messagcs so thc llll has to
send the Aiach Complete within a subsequcnt Uplink Information Transfer message
l.he eNodc B completes the S I -AI' Iniliai Contcxt Setup proccdure by forwarding an lnitial Conlext Sctup
thc FI-RAB for th(r dcfault
mcssage to the MME. The content ofthis message is shown in Table 142. It acknou'ledgcs
bearerlias been successfully sclup. A transport iayer address is provided in lenns of an lP address for downiink data
transfer from the Scrving Gateway to the eilodc B. A GTP Tunnel Endpoint ldentitier ('lElD) is also provided to define
the GTp_u tunnej for thi user plaae data. A failure cause is specified if the E-RAts setup failed
Informalion Elemgftts
Message Tjpe
Accept mcssage
P r o lo c o I D i s cr im i nator Mandatory
The content ofthe Activate Dcfault Eps Bearer contxl Accept mcssage is shown in
Table I44. It is another simple
acknowledgement but may aiso contain some protocol config;ration options
The Serving Gateway completes the procedure by sending a Modify Bearer Response
message to the MML..l.his messagc
is a simple acknowledgement
>t The dedicated bearer establishment procedure is initiated by the network but may be requested by the l lE- The UE can
request a dedicatd bearer by sending a Non-Access Stratum (NAS) Bearer Resource Allocation Request to the MME. The
UE shrts the T3480 timer when sending a Bearer Rsourcc Allocation Request message, The message is re-transmitted ii
T3480 expires prior to the UE recciving a response from the MME. 3GPP have specifid a fixed value of 8 s for the T3480
timer. The Beaier Resource Allocation Request messagc can be re-transmitted a maximum of4 times before the overall
procedure is abofted
[ll MME Serving PDN
Gateway Gateway
{g w qp" qpe SP
Create Bearer
E-RAB Setup Request / Create Bearer Request
Activate Dedicated EPS Bearer
RRC Connection Reconllguration / Context Reqirest
Activate Dedicated EPS Bearer
Coniext Request
The pDN Gateway starts by sending a Create Bearer Request message to the Serving Gateway. This message belongs to
the GTpv2-C protocol so is specified within 3GPP TS 29.274. It includes a definition ofthe dedicated bearer QoS
requirernents, i.e. eoS Class ldentifier (QCI), Allocation and Retention Priority (ARP), Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR) and
Maximum Bit Rate (MBR). It also specifies the uplink GTP-U tunnel endpoint address at the PDN Gateway. This Tunnel
Endpoint Idsntity (TEID) defines the GTP-U tunnel to be used by the Serving Gateway when forwarding user plane data to
th. iDN Gut"*iy. The Create Bearer Requcst also includes the identiry ofthe default bearer so the dedicated bearer and
default bearer can be linked. Protocol configuration options can be included to transler application layer parameters
between the PDN and UE. These parametrs are sent transparently through the Serving Gateway and MME
The Serving Gateway generates its own version ofthe Create Bearer Request message. The content is similar to that
received from the PDN Gateway but the Serving Gateway replaces the uplink GTP-U TEID at the PDN Galeway with an
uplink GTP-U TEID at the Servjng Gateway. The MME is responsible for forwarding this TEID to the Node B to allow
the eNode B to forward uplink user plane data to the appropriate address within the srving Gatevr'ay
The MME generates an E-RAB Setup Request message which encapsulates an Activate Dedicated EPS Bearer Context
Request meisage. The E-RAB Serup Request bclongs to the Sl Application Protocol (Sl-AP) so is specified within 3GPP
TS 36.413. The Activale Dedjcated EPS Bearer Context Request belongs to the session management component ofth
Non-Access Stratum Q.qAS) protocol so is specified within 3GPP TS 24.301. The content ofthe E-RAB Setup Request is
shown in l'able 145
lnformation Elemenls
Message Iype
The NAS PDtl within the E-RAB Stup Itequest corresponds to thc Activate Dcdicated BPS Bearer Context Request. This
messagc is directed 1tl the UE mther than the eNode B so thc cNode l3 is rcsponsible lor forwarding it across the air-
interface. 'l he content oflhe Aclivate Dedicatcd EPS Bearcr Context Rcquest is shown in'l'ablc 146
Thc cNode B uscs the Ir-l{AB Setup Ilequest to oonfigurc itself for the dedjcatcd bearer. It also exlracts thc Activale
Dedicated FIPS Bearer Conlext llequest and packages it within an RRC Connectjon Rcconiiguralion ntessagc belore
lorwarding to the UIl. l'hc RRC Conncction Reconfiguration mcssage belongs to thc RRC protocol s6 is specifiecl within
3GPPTS36.331. Ihis message providcs the L]E with all ofthc information nccessary ibr ir to oonfigurc itself for the
dedicated RA-B. It is lranslerred across thc air-interface using SRB I and acknowledgcci modc RLC
The []E acknowlcdges rcception ol the RIIC Connection Reconfiguration message using the RRC Connecljon
I{econfiguration Complete mcssalte. 'l'his nrcssage also acknorvlcdges that the LJFlhas applied the configuration for the
E-RAB Sctup List I E-R-AB StuP II.RAB ID
Transport Layer Address
Criticality Diagnostics
* 'l'he UE gcnerates an Activate Dedicated EPS Bearer Contcxt Accept message to respond to the Activate Dedicated EPS
3GPP TS 24.301.
Bearer C-ontext Request from the MME. This message belongs to the NAS protocol so is specificd within
Its content is shown in Table 148. The UE packages the NAS message within an Uplirk Information Transfcr message
Sl-AP LJplink NAS
before sending it to the eNode Il. The eNode B cxtracts the NAS messagc and packages it within an
Transport mcssage before sending it to the MME
Table I48 - Contellt ofAclivate Dcdicated EPS Bearer Context Accept messag
The MMD then uses the GTpv2-C protocoi to respond 10 the Serving Gateway by sending a Create Bearer Response. This
plane data, i.e it allowsthe
message provides thc Serving Gateway wilh thc G fP-U tunnel identity fbr the downlink uscr
S".uirig Gut"*uy to forward"rlownljnk data to tbe eNodc B. l-he eNode B providcd the MME with this information within
the E-RAB Sctup Response
the PDN
The Serving Gateway compJetes the proccdure by sending its own version ofthe Create Bearel Responsc to
Gateway. ihis u"rrion includcs the downlink GTP-tl tunnel identity at the Serving Gateway so allows th PDN Gateway
to transfer downlink data 1o the Serving Gateway
l S 24.301, TS 23.401.
'fS 36.413' TS 29.274. TS 36 33 1
3GPP References:
normal TAU due to mobility. j.e. when the UE entcrs a hacking area which is not included wilhin thc li$ oltracking
areas with which the UE is rcgislcred
periodic TAU alter the T3412 timer expires. The vaiue of T3412 is initialised during the Attach procedurc within tho
Atlach Acccpt message shown in Table 140. Periodic TA{J confim to thc network that the UE is still present
rcgislering with thc CS domain for non-EPS services when the UD is already atlached for EPS services. This invoives
complcting an IMSI attach as part of the I AU procedure
registering wil.h the EPS after an incoming inler-system change, e.g. reselecting the LTE network after being camped
on the lJMl'S network
o re-registering with the EPS aflcr a CS fallback connsction has been completed
o MME load balancing. The UE initiates a TAU proccdure ifthe eNode B releases its RRC cornection using a cause
value of'Load Baiancing TAU Rcquired'
updating the UE specific DRX cycle. UE tlre allowod to select their own DRX cyclc and signal it to the MME. The
selected DItX cycle can be specified within thc Tracking Area IJpdate Requesl messago
o indioating that a IJE has sclccted a Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) cell whose CSG ldcntity is not included within
the Illl's allowed CSG lisl
The TAU procedure may involvc a change ofScrving Gateway and/or a change of MME
The signalling associated with the TAU procedurc is illustrated in Figure 1 12. exampie includes a change of MMI;
bu1 mainlains the same Serving Gatcway. The example assunres that the UFI starts in RRC ldle mode so the Tracking Area
Updale Request is sent wilhin an RRC Connection Setup Complete message. lfthc U[ is already in RRC Connectcd mode
when thlr TAU procedure is triggercd, thc'l'racking Area Update Request is scnl within an lJplink Inlormation Transfer
l'he Utl s1ar1s timer'I'3430 afler sending thc Tracking Area Update Requcst mcssage. 3GPP has standardised a fixed value
of I5 s for the T3430 timcr. IfT3430 expires prior to the UE receiving a response from thc MME, thn the curent TAU
attcmpt is abortcd and the TAU attempt count is incrcmenlcd by l. The UE starts timer T34l I ifthe resultant atlempt
oount is lcss than 5. 3GPP has slandardised a fixed value ol l0 s for the T341 I timer. The UE re-transmits the Tracking
Area Update Request message oncc T34l I has expired
If the TAU attempt count reachcs 5. the UE slarts timcr T3402. and deletes i1s lis1 of equivalcnt PLMN. 3GPP has
standardised a default value of I2 minutcs for thc 'l'3402 limer. The network can signal a dillcrent value lor T3402 within
the Aflach Accept and Tracking Area Update Accept messages. A value signallcd by the network is onJy applicable within
thc sct ofassigned Tracking Areas. lhe default value is re-adopted jfthe UE receives an Attach Accept or'l racking Area
Update Accept message which docs not specify a T3402 valuc. The IAU procedure can bc re-initiated once f3402 cxpires
M[,1E I\.4ME
, Context Response i
Uplink lnformation r rirrrsrcr //
lnrormallolr Transfer
Trackrnq Area Update Co'nplete Uplrnk NAS Transpon /
Trackrng Area UPdate ComPrele i
I,igurc l l2 - Signalling for thc 'I'rackiDg Area'Ilpdstc (TAtJ) procedure (with changc of MMII)
Once the eNode B receives the I{RC Connection Setup Complele mcssage, the
Trucking Area Updatc Requcst message is
cxtracredandolacedrvithinan5lApplicarionProiocul {\l-Al') lnrlial Ul \4e:sats( lheconl'"nt ol thismes'ageis
iir' in ,..,ton'z:. t . Thc e Nodc B includes
jnformalion regarding thc ne w liacking Area ldentitv
;;;;J;;;';;"-J;6. Thc eNode B proceeds to forward thc Initial tlE
(TAI) and Ccll clobal Identity (ccl). r'rre S- IMSI can also be inciu6ed.
change of MME)
Message to tire new MME (this examplcs assumcs the TAIJ procedurc involves a
The nerv MMI sends a Modili Bearer Requcst ncssage to the Serving (iatcway. This message also belongs to thc GTP
controi plane proroool (C;l l,v2-C). I1 inlorms thc Scrving Gateway thal the MME a-ssociatcd with the existing PDN
oonneclion has changcd. Addilional Modilj,Bearer Rcqucst mcssages are sent ifthe IJE has multiple I'jDN conneclions.
l he Serving Galeway acknowlcdgcs the ncw informalion using the Modiiy Bearcr Rcsponse m(jssage
'I'he neu, MMI1 thcn proceeds to send an [Jpdale Location Rcquesl message 1() the l lSS. 1'bis message belon]s to the
l)iameter protocol and js specified wjthin 3GI'l' TS 29.2'12. Thc MMI'. is connecled 1() the IISS using the S6a inlerface.
Thc Updatc l.ocation Request identifjcs the LIE by its IMSI and informs the I ISS that the UE has n]oved to the new MME.
'fhe I ISS contacts thc old MME usjng the Cancc] Location mcssage which also uses thc Diameter prolocol. The old MIr4E
thcn deleres the context lor the IIE and responds with a Canccl Location Acknowledge. Finally, the HSS uses the tjpdat
l,ocation Acknowledge message to confinn to the new MME thal is has updated its records for the L/Fl
'l he new MMll then progressos the'I'AIJ proccdurc by scnding a Tracking Arca Update Accept message to the UE. This
message is transferred across the Sl intcrlace using an SIAP: Dorvnlink NAS I ransporl message. he conlenl oflhe
lracking Area LJpdalc Accepl messagc is shown in Tablc I50
lnlolmatlon I lcmcnlt I
ftr. Mandat.try
\"-,,t" Hr"d", I
RRC Connection Reconfiguration
w se
w wGateway
SN Status Transfer
FoMa.d Use( Plane Data Execution
Uplink and Dowrlirk Use..Plane Da{a Uplink and Downlink User Plane Dsia
* phases: hardovtr pre.paratio":.n""dol:':1-::^"jton and
The overall handover procedure is divided into 3 rrcr\\ork llando\cr complflion
compterion. nripi. u,,; ;;; ;;; i;".;
;^ ecur,on inrol.e onll rhe radiu accerr
involle: both"^"0.,.,
thc core nerqorl anLl radlo acccs\ nelworK
RRC Connection Reconfiguration
mcasurcment rcpofiing events The
send these periodically, or based upon onc or morc
Reporr mcssages. l'his messagc, re places the Measurement
message is u."o rn .onttgui"-ii; u'E'i; ,;;; M""Suremcnr 'l'hey include:
rcporting events are dcscribed in seclion 19
control messagc used biuMl'S. Intra-fiequcncy measuremcnt
o evenl Al scrving cell becomes better than an absoir;te threshold
Events 43 and A5 are the most likely to bc used for triggering inlra-frequency handovers
The compleie conlent ofa Measurement Report is shown
rcporting timer cxpir", iffp"ioli.i *p.rting has been configured.
in l.ablc 152. U_y ,Lt r* ip,i*'"r and in practici, only a subsct ofthe content is included
GERAN Rsult List
CDMA2000 Resuits .i
' ,li
Thc Measurement I{eport identifies ils triggering mechanism using the Mcasuremcnt ldentity. I'his identily links thc
mcssagc content to the configuration inlormation rvithin the lll{C Connection Ileconfiguration message. lt docs Dot
explicitly indicatc the triggcring nechanism. For cxamplc. thc Measuren'rent Idcntit) could bc signalled as '4' and then
measurement idenlity '4' within thc RRC (lonnection Rcconfiguralion mcssage refcrcnces event A3
Serving cell measurements are always included within the Measurement Report. These measurcments allow thc eNode B
10 evaluate the coverage provided by the existing serving ce1l, and lo comparc it against the coveragc reported lor each of
the neighbouring cclls
In the case of inlra-frequency handovers. the Measuremenl Report includes thc ll-UTRA iist of measurement results but
cxoludes the inter-systcm ljsts ofmcasurcmcnt results, j.e. the LlTItA, GERAN and ClDM 2000 measuremcnt rcsults are
'l hc E-U]'RA list ofmcasurcmcnt resulls identifies each ncighbouring cell by ;ts I'hysical l-aycr Cell Identib, (PCI). The
Cell Global Idcntiry (CGI) inforrnation is tl,pical11, cxcludcd al this stage. This information is only included when
spccifically requested by the eNodc B. lt is not includcd by defbult bccause the UFI ha-s lo dccode the MIB and SIII 10
extracl the CGI. Thjs makes it relatively processor lntensive compared to jusl rqoording I{eference Signal measurcments.
The eNode B may rcquest the CGI in a separate Measurement Reporl ifthe Automatic Neighbour l{elation (ANR)
procedure described in section 25.2 is triggcrcd. The CGI information is not rcquircd ifthe ncighbouring celi is aheady
included wilhin the eNode B database 01'neighbours. i.e. the eNode [] can identiry thc ncighbouring cel1 using its PCI
RSIiI and/or RSITQ measurements fiom the ncighbouring cclls are reported to allow the eNodc B to evaluate thcir
coverage.lfthc eNode B can identiry a caodidate ncighbouring cell from its PCI, and iflhe coverage conditions indicate
that a handover should bc completed, the eNode B initiates the handovcr procedure bv sending an X2-AP Handover
I{equcsl mcssagc to thc targct c'Node B. I'he conlent of this mcssagc is prcsented in 'l'able I 53
Message Type
The Cause value wilhin thc X2-AP Ilandover Ilequest is t-vpically configured as 'l landovcr Dcsirable for Radio Rcasons'
l1 can also be configured as 'Tjme Critical I Iandover', 'Resource Optimisalion Ilandovcr' or 'il{educe l-oad in Scrving
Cell'. Thc lime critical cause indicates that the conncction is likell to drop if a handovcr is no1 completed. I'he resource
optimisation causc indicales {hat the serving cNode B is allen1ptinEl to balancc the notwork load bctrvccn itsclf and its
.l.he,l.argetCellldenlityissignalledastheE-t]TItAn\CCil.ThjsinfornralioniSextraclcdftomtheeNcldct]databaseol I
NeJghbour.Relation (ANR) procedure is triggercd
ifthe PCll and
ncishbours using the pcl u, u,","r"i.".'i:t"",t,,tomatic
network supports the ANR proccdure) l
the-corresponding CGI cannot be fou'ii
*;ti;,r^ifrc au,ut^" iassuming the
which MME hosts the UE
The Globally Unique MME Identity
(GUMMEI) is included to inlbnn the tarset eNode B of
S1-AP 'Path Swilc;Requesl' message to the approprialc MME
thc target cNtoiliii,o
connection- l.his alJows "ia."r.,fr"
during a later stage ofthe handover proccdure
i ;;f alonA with their Qualitv of Sen'ice (QoS)
handover request The se1 ofE-RA; ;;;s;;;;; ;c' I'cc tr:er planc datr
utrn i,,.tua.u to allo* thJ turg''t eNodc B to send uplink
rcouiremenrs. lhe uplink aTp 1"";.;';;;;;i'nr'i. (
it't opp'op'i''t ternt inarion point at t he serr ing iateu
;H:r il;'ti ,;;.'t;. i""
gandover Reques-1 Ackrowledge message Thc conlenl ofthis
positivc outcome, the targel eNode ;;","r".t * XZ:af,
rnessage is Presenled in Table 154
Criticality Diagnostjcs
Acknortledge messagc
Table l5,l Content ofthe X2-AP llandoYer Request
q\od'' B ol uhich l -RAll
{''lnurvlcdtc mcssagc lo inlurm lhc tt'ulqc
flre targct eNode B urc' the llandorer Rcquc:t toruarJ uplinL and 'lo$nlinL user
ro a-llou rhe.uurcc cNod. B t0
harc hecn admincd. L; I t, tunnel endioins"are specifico which have not been admifled
plane dara across rhc x2 inrcrfaca. iil';;;.il;.
tj .un atro s1'.. iry anv IJ-RAB
message which has bcen generated by the targct
command message encapsulates ariilic;;;;"i;
the air-
R".;;i;;;;;;; ;rssagc is seint to the sourcJ eNodc B to be forwarded across
eNode B. The RRC .t.his onto the targct aell
for complering thc handovcr
interface to the uE. message p"r"rw iall irr. ug *itrr-;"slruotions
to thc llE
r'r".i"t"t n.""*.nphase by forwarding it across thc air-inteface
.fhe includes a scction which specifies mobiliq' control
irformation This
RRC connection Rcconliguration message
section oflhc mcssage is presented in l
able 155
'lhePhrsical tater( ell ld(nlil) rl'( l)i: speiificd todircctthc ll onlo the rppropriare
ccll lhc uplink and dorrnlink tU-
N. thcchanncl iorir isal.ospccifiedincomhinationqith
earricr. are specified in ,.r^ ni,n.i,'t -t/i't{Ai-ARil
any additional spectrum emission requirements
lirner upon
100' 150' 200' 500'.l000 or 2000 ms fhe UE stads this
l'he T304 timer is specified using a value of50' to the UE successfully completing the random access
receiving thc mobiljly controj ;"rir"""ii"".
"*pir", procedure
;;;:"';; ;;i;;geroetl' thc uH initiatcs the RRC Conncction Rc-establishment
physical channets al the
l{adio Iicsourca confiEluration providcs inlormation rugarding various transport-and
l.he common
ii'; ;;"i-um
,plint t'unl'nii ano uplink c-r clic prcfix length are also spccificd
.l.he rathcr than aliowing it to seiecl a sequencc at
Access procedure. uE is attocatJi pr.*rfrle stqLi'nce to
"'jial."i!i thACll mask defines the subftame dur-ing u'hich the Ul'l is aliowed
randon lrom thc pool ol commo" ."u."".'..1rt" procedure
pr"ulnbl" s"qu"n"-"'it i, opprou"r., l"tp, to impro\e the reliabilif- oflhc
overall handovcr
use the dcdicated
'labl Contcnt of Mobilit) Control lnformation from within an RRC Connection Reconfiguratio mcssage
155 -
* The source eNode B proceeds to scnd an X2-AP Sequcnce Numbcr (SN) Status Transfer messagc to the targct eNode R.
'l his message provides the target eNode B with
uplink and downlink PDCP sequence number information lor E,RAB
using acknowledged mode RLC. l'his helps to ensure that sequcnce numbering is prcscrved during the handover and that
tbe handover is losslcss PDCP sequence numbers for unackno\yledged mode RLC are reset in the larget eNode B. The
content ofthe SN Status Transfer message is shown in 'Iablc I56
The optional Rcccivc Status ofllplink PDCI' SDU inlbrmation dcfines a bitmap to indicate which uplink SDU havc been
successftlly received, and which have not been reccivcd
The tJplink COI-NT valuc defincs the PDCP sequencc number and Hyper Framc Number (HFN) ofthe first missing
upiink SDIJ. 'l he Downlink COLIITIT value delines thc PDCP sequcnce number and HFN that the larget eNodc B should
allocatc to the next downlink SDU that has not already bccn allocaled a sequencc number
The sourcc eNode B starts for$'arding uscr plane data across thc X2 interfacl] to the larget eNode ts after receiving the X2-
AP llandovcr Request Acknowledgc message. Forwarding makes usc ofthe X2 upJink and downlink GTP l unnel
l-ndpoints specified within thc Handovcr Request Acknowledge message. At this point in time, the targel eNodq B buffers
the packets without lorwarding
Thc uli proccccls to achievc air-interfacc synchronisation with the 1ar8.ct ccll using thc PIimaD'and Secondary
Synchronjsation Signals. The tJE thcn initiates the random access procedurc whiclr is non-contention based if
the target
cNodc B included Dedicated l{ACI I Configuration informalion wilhin the Mobility Control section ollhe RRC
Conncction Rooonfiguration mcssage. The random acccss procedurc is contention bascd ilthe Dcdicaled ItA(lH
Confi guration jnlormation was cxcludcd
Random Access Rcsponse (RAR) mcssage providcs the lJ[ rvith timing advancc inlormation for thc larget ccl]. also
this the jnitial layer 3 messagc is the RRC
providcs an uplink resource allocation for the injlial laycr 3 message. In,
bonncction Riconfiguration Complete mcssagc. The IJE compietcs the handover procedurc from the LJE pcrspective by
sending this mcssage
Both uplink and downlinl data can now be transferred betwecn the tJE and larget cNode B. This.epresents lhe start ofthe
Hanilover Completion phasc. t)ownlink data lrom the Sen'ing Gatewa)' continucs to be sent 10 the souroc eNode B'
'fhc ll car forward uplink dala to thc
where it is forwardcd to thc larget cNode B across tha X2 intcrface. target eNode
SeNing Gatcway using the Sl uplink G1'P Tunnel Endpoint spccified within the X2-AP Ilandover Requcst messagc
Afler receiving the RRC Conneclion Rcconfigumtion Complete mcssage, thc target eNode ll initiales the procedure for
switching the iowniink GIP tunnel from the source eNode B to thc target cNode B. This is done by sending an S1-AI'
Path Swiich Rcquest 10 the MMFI. Thc conlcnl ofthis mcssage is presenled in l'able 157
1'AI Mandatory
Thc l,ath Su,itch liequcst specifies both the transport la),cr address and the GTP l unnel Endpoint ldentity ('I EID) $hich
arc to be used when ibrwarding downlink dala to thc targel cNode B. Thc MME is also informcd oflhe Tracking Area
ldenlit_v (T'Al) and Cell Global Identiry (CCI) belonging to the cell with $hich the l lE is no\l connccted
The MME decicles whcther or no1 the exisling Scrying Gatorvay can continue providing services to the UE. Thc examplc
shou,n in Figure I l3 assumcs therc is no rcquirement to changc Serving Galcrvay. lf the Scn'ing Gateway needs 10 he
changccl, the MME forwards a GTPv2-C Creale Session Request message to the new Serving Galervay. and the new
Sen,ing Gateway oonlacts the I'DN Galeway 10 requcst re-direction ofthe existing G IP tunncl
Assuming the Scrving Galeway rcmains unchangsd, the MME lorwards a G'l'l'v2-C Modil Ilearer Roquest message to
thc existi"ng Serving Gatcway. This message instructs the Serving Gateway to start fbr$'arding downlink data tt)u'ards thc
larget cNoie B. 'l'hi Scrving Galovay proceeds to switch thc downlink path, and a{ this poinl bolh uplink and downlink
dala is tanslerrccl betwccn the UE and Scn ing Gateway without any forwarding via the source eNodc B
The Sening Gateway acknowledges thc switch to the MMtr using a GTPv2-C Modii-.r Bearer Rcsponse message. The
MME rhen icknowledgcs rhe swjtch to thc targct cNode B using ar Sl-AP Palh Switch Rcquest Acknorv)edge message
'I he larget eNode B completes lhe handover procedlrre by scndinl an X2-AP 1)ll Contcxt Release mcssage 1() thc source
cNode E. This message inlorms the souro!'eNode B that it can release i1s rcsources for thc LIE *hich has now moved
aoross to the target eNodc Il