CFA Level 2 Fixed Income 2017
CFA Level 2 Fixed Income 2017
CFA Level 2 Fixed Income 2017
Brief Introduction
Topic weight:
Study Session 1-2 Ethics & Professional Standards 10 -15%
Instructor: Feng
Study Session 9-11 Equity Investment 15 -25%
Study Session 12-13 Fixed Income 10 -20%
Study Session 14 Derivatives 5 -15%
Study Session 15 Alternative Investments 5 -10%
Study Session 16-17 Portfolio Management 5 -10%
Weights: 100%
Content: Content:
Study Session 12: Valuation Concepts Study Session 13: Topics in Fixed Income Analysis
Reading 35: The Term Structure and Interest Rate Reading 37: Valuation and Analysis: Bonds with
Dynamics Embedded Options
Reading 36: The Arbitrage-Free Valuation Framework Reading 38: Credit Analysis Models
Reading 39: Credit Default Swaps
: :
Fabozzi, F. J
ISBN: 978-7-5654-0650-8
Brief Introduction
Spot rate
Forward Rate Models & Forward Pricing The rate of interest on a security that makes a single
Models payment at a future point in time (a.k.a zero-coupon rate
or zero rate).
Describe relationships among spot rates and forward
t=0 t=j t=j+k
rates, and the shape of the yield curve; S(j)
$1 [1+S(j)]j
Describe the forward pricing and forward rate models,
S(j): annualized spot rate for time j.
and calculate forward and spot prices and rates using
Spot curve: the term structure of spot rates, the graph of
those models.
the spot rate versus maturity.
Forward Rate Models & Forward Pricing Models Forward Rate Models & Forward Pricing Models
Forward Rate Models & Forward Pricing Models Forward Rate Models & Forward Pricing Models
Forward Rate Models & Forward Pricing Models Forward Rate Models & Forward Pricing Models
Forward Rate Models & Forward Pricing Models Forward Rate Models & Forward Pricing Models
Example Importance:
Consider a 2-year loan beginning in 1 year. The 1-year Content:
spot rate is 7% and the 3-year spot rate is 9%. Calculate Spot rates & forward rates;
the forward price of a 2-year bond to be issued in 1 year. Spot curve and forward curve;
Forward rate models & forward pricing models.
Exam tips:
F(1,2) = 0.7722 0.9346 = 0.8262. 1;
2spot curveforward curve
Yield-to-Maturity (YTM)
Yield and Spread The internal rate of return on the cash flows of a fixed-rate
Tasks: n
P M Tt F
P= +
Describe relationships among YTM, expected and t= 1 ( 1 + Y T M ) t ( 1 + Y T M )n
realized returns on bonds; YTM is the same as the spot rate for zero-coupon bonds;
Describe bootstrapping; For coupon bonds, if the spot curve is not flat, the YTM
Explain swap rate curve and calculate swap spread; will not be the same as the spot rate;
Describe Z-spread, TED and LiborOIS spreads. YTM is some weighted average of spot rates.
The issuer makes full and timely coupon and principal The YTM is the expected return only if all the three
critical assumptions for YTM are met.
Realized return is the actual return on the bond during
The bond is option-free and there is no default risk.
the time an investor holds the bond.
The investor is able to reinvest coupon payments at
It is based on actual reinvestment rates and the yield
curve at the end of the holding period.
Bootstrapping Example
Using the output of one step as the input of next step. If the YTMs for annual pay bonds trading at par with
Spot rates may be obtained from the par curve by maturity of 1 year, 2 years and 3 years are 1%, 1.25%,
while incorporate uncertainty in the long term. compensate investors for the added interest rate risk
Under this theory, the expected return for every bond they face when lending long term.
Forward rate = expected spot rate + liquidity premium
over short time periods is the same.
Liquidity premium increase with maturity.
But it is often observed that short-holding-period
Given an expectation of unchanging short-term spot
returns on long-dated bonds do exceed those on
rates, this theory predicts an upward-sloping yield
short-dated bonds.
Content: Modern term structure models
5 traditional term structure theories.
Exam tips:
Describe modern term structure models and how
they are used.
Content: Active Bond Portfolio Management
3 modern term structure models.
Exam tips:
Describe the strategy of riding the yield curve;
Explain the measurement of yield curve risk;
Explain the maturity structure of yield volatilities and
their effect on price volatility.
forward rate f(1,1), the price of the above bond one year
later (P1) is:
P1 90 .08
1 11 .01 %
Arbitrage-Free Valuation
Content: Binomial interest rate tree
Arbitrage opportunities and arbitrage-free valuation.
Exam tips:
Describe a binomial interest rate tree framework;
spot rates
Describe the process of calibrating a binomial interest
rate tree to match a specific term structure.
Example Answer
Using the interest rate tree below, calculate the value for Step 1: calculate the bond value for up-node at year 1:
1 100 + 7 100 + 7
a 2-year, annual-pay bond with a coupon rate of 7%. V1,U = + = 99.07
2 1.08 1.08
Year 0 Year 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2
8% $7
3% 8% $100
3% $7
Bonds with Embedded Option
Backward induction valuation;
Pathwise valuation.
Describe fixed-income securities with embedded
Exam tips:
Explain how interest rate volatility, level and shape of
the yield curve affect the value of callable or putable
Interest rate volatility vs. bond value Level of yield curve vs. callable bond value
The value of any embedded option, regardless of the As interest rates decline, the value of the callable bond
type of option, increases with interest rate volatility. Thus: rises less rapidly than the value of the straight bond,
As interest rate volatility increases, the value of the
limiting the upside potential for the investor.
callable bond decreases;
Call option value increases as interest rate decline, the
Note: recall Vcallalbe = Vstraight Vcall
rise of the straight bond value is partially offset by the
As interest rate volatility increases, the value of the
increase in the value of the call option;
putable bond increases.
Note: recall the price-yield curve of callable bond.
Note: recall Vputalbe = Vstraight + Vput
Level of yield curve vs. putable bond value Shape of yield curve vs. callable bond value
As interest rates rise, the value of the putable bond falls As the yield curve moves from being upward sloping, to
less rapidly than the value of the straight bond. flat, to downward sloping, the value of the call option
Put option value increases as interest rates rise, the increases, and the value of the callable bond decreases.
decline of the straight bond value is partially offset by The one-period forward rates become lower and the
the increase in the value of the put option; opportunities to call increase.
Note: recall the price-yield curve of putable bond.
Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option
Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option
Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option
Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option
Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option
Valuing risky callable and putable bonds (Cont.) Valuing risky callable and putable bonds (Cont.)
Review: graph presentation of Z-spread and OAS: When valuing risky bond with the interest rate tree
Rates generated from government spot curve, the model does
Bond Yields not produce arbitrage-free price (typically higher than
market price).
OAS Benchmark Spot
Option-adjusted spread (OAS): the constant spread that,
Rate Curve when added to all the one-period forward rates on the
interest rate tree, makes the model price of the bond
Maturity equal to its market price.
Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option
Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option Valuing Bonds with Embedded Option
Effective duration
Interest Rate Risk of Bonds with
The sensitivity of the bonds price to a 100 bps parallel
Embedded Option
shift of the benchmark yield curve, typically the
government par curve, assuming no change in the bonds
Calculate and interpret effective duration of a callable
credit spread.
or putable bond;
PV- - PV
Effective duration
Describe one-sided durations and key rate durations; 2 C urve PV0
Compare effective convexities of callable, putable,
and straight bonds.
Interest Rate Risk of Bonds with Embedded Option Interest Rate Risk of Bonds with Embedded Option
Interest Rate Risk of Bonds with Embedded Option Interest Rate Risk of Bonds with Embedded Option
life shorter, so the effective duration of both callable and effective duration of straight bond, but have much
putable bond will be less or equal to that of identical influence on that of callable and putable bonds.
Decrease of interest rate will decrease the effective
straight bond.
duration of callable bond;
Increase of interest rate will decrease the effective
duration of putable bond.
Note: recall the price-yield curves.
Interest Rate Risk of Bonds with Embedded Option Interest Rate Risk of Bonds with Embedded Option
Effective duration (Cont.) One-side duration
The effective durations may be misleading when it is
The effective durations when interest rates go up or
calculated by averaging the changes resulting from
shifting the benchmark yield curve up and down by the down.
same amount. One-side up-duration: durations that apply only when
The price sensitivity of bonds with embedded options is interest rates rise.
not symmetrical when the embedded option is in the
One-side down-duration: durations that apply only
The callable bond price has limited upside potential; when interest rates fall.
The putable bond price has limited downside
Interest Rate Risk of Bonds with Embedded Option Interest Rate Risk of Bonds with Embedded Option
Convertible Bonds
Describe defining features of a convertible bond; during a pre-determined period (conversion period) at a
Content: Measures of Credit Risk
Defining features of a convertible bond;
Components of a convertible bonds value;
Explain probability of default, loss given default,
Comparison of convertible bond with straight bond and
expected loss, and present value of the expected loss;
common stock.
Calculate and interpret the present value of the
Exam tips:
expected loss on a bond;
Compare the credit analysis ABS and corporate debt.
Credit Models
Credit models
Credit Models Traditional credit models
Explain structural models and reduced form models Newer credit models for corporate credit risk
Content: Basic Concepts of CDS
Credit scoring and credit rating;
Structural models;
Describe credit default swaps (CDS), and the
Reduced form models.
parameters that define a given CDS product;
Exam tips:
Describe credit events and settlement protocols with
Structural models Reduced form models
respect to CDS.
Pricing and profit of CDS;
Use CDS to manage credit exposure and take
advantage of valuation disparities.
Exam tips: