Frequently") Suatu Kegiatan Dilakukan Atau Suatu Peristiwa Terjadi. Inilah Beberapa Contoh Adverbs
Frequently") Suatu Kegiatan Dilakukan Atau Suatu Peristiwa Terjadi. Inilah Beberapa Contoh Adverbs
Frequently") Suatu Kegiatan Dilakukan Atau Suatu Peristiwa Terjadi. Inilah Beberapa Contoh Adverbs
Adverbs of frequency digunakan untuk menyatakan seberapa sering (how often atau how
frequently) suatu kegiatan dilakukan atau suatu peristiwa terjadi. Inilah beberapa contoh adverbs
of frequency yang sering digunakan:
Adverbs of Frequency Contoh Kalimat
100% Always (selalu) I always go to bed before 11pm
90% Usually (biasanya) I usually have cereal for breakfast
80% Normally / generally (umumnya) I normally go to the library
70% Often / frequently (sering) I often surf the internet
50% Sometimes (kadang) I sometimes forget my homework
30% Occasionally (adakalanya) I occasionally come late to class
10% Seldom (jarang) I seldom read the newspaper
5% Hardly ever / rarely (hampir tidak pernah) I hardly ever drink alcohol
0% Never (tidak pernah) I never swim in the sea
a. Adverb of frequency diletakkan sebelum kata kerja utama (kecuali dengan to be) :
Subject + to be + adverb
They are always making me happy
She isn't usually wearing wristwatch
c. Ketika kita menggunakan auxiliary verb atau kata kerja bantu (have, will, must, might,
could, etc), adverbs diletakkan di antara antara auxiliary dan kata kerja utama :
d. Kita dapat menggunakan adverbs berikut pada awal kalimat: usually, normally, often,
frequently, sometimes, occasionally.
Contoh: Sometimes, we look at the picture.
e. Tapi kita tidak dapat menggunakan adverbs berikut di awal kalimat: always, seldom, rarely,
hardly, ever, never
Contoh : Always, we look at the picture.
Yang benar : We always look at the picture.
g. Kata keterangan frekuensi negatif tidak bisa dibuat menjadi negatif, contoh:
I dont never eat rice for breakfast (tidak tepat)
She doesnt hardly ever come home late (tidak tepat)
Adverbs of Definite Frequency sering diletakkan di akhir kalimat. Tapi ada juga yang
meletakkannya di tengah atau awal kalimat. Contoh kalimatnya:
Most companies pay taxes yearly.
She goes to the campus every day.
We train soccer weekly to improve the strategy.
Every day, more than five thousands peope use the commuter line.
Adverbs of Indefinite Frequency sering diletakkan di tengah kalimat, setelah kata kerja. Tapi ada
juga yang meletakkannya di awal atau akhir kalimat. Contoh kalimatnya:
We usually go shopping on Saturday.
He is always late.
Sometimes they come and stay with us.
I play tennis occasionally.