Common Transaction Form
Common Transaction Form
Common Transaction Form
SIGNATURE (S) I/We have read and understood the contents of the Offer Document(s) of the Scheme(s). I/W e am/are investing/ switching into and agree to abide by the terms,
conditions, rules and regulations of the Scheme(s)
1. If the account for which you are requesting changes is a joint one, all the holders have to sign Unless it is mentioned in
the account / investments as Either or survivor.
2. This Service request will be processed subject to meeting the requirements of respective fund house guidelines including
the submission of supporting documents for carrying out the changes (you may get in touch with the respective AMCs/
local Karvy ISCs for additional requirements/documents, if any).
3. This form cannot be submitted for Fresh Purchase request for any of the funds.
4. Final acceptance and processing of transaction is subjected to verification at Karvy Processing Unit .
5. Transaction reported after their respective cut off time will be considered for the next business day .
6. COA/COB given simultaneously are subject to special instructions given by the AMC of the MF concerned. Please refer
to them (b) if all documents submitted for CoA/CoB are not as per the AMC of the MF concerned, the request will not be
7. In case the folios are KYC (Know your customer) complied/verif ied, address cannot be changed with this request. For
such folios, investor has to submit separate request to KRA Agencies.
Karvy Easy SMS services guide
S. Service What to do What you get
1 Balance Enquiry Give a missed call to a) If your mobile number is registered in Karvy serviced funds
09212993399 or SMS BAL to You will get response SMS with the balance values in all the folios across funds.
9212993399 b) If your mobile number is NOT registered
You will get response SMS as your mobile number is not
registered, please register at our branch. To know the branch address please SMS
ISC city name.
2 Balance SMS BAL first letter of the a) If your mobile number is registered in the funds where the first letter is as mentioned
enquiry in a fund name (for example to You will get response SMS with the balance values in all the folios of the funds where
specific fund get the balance value in Axis the name starts with the given letter. (For example if you SMS BAL R you will get the
MF SMS BAL A to value in Reliance MF and Religare MF if there is a balance)
09212993399 b) If your mobile number is NOT registered
You will get response SMS as your mobile number is not registered, please register at
our branch. To know the branch address please SMS ISC city name.
3 Specific SMS ISC city name (for a) Irrespective of your mobile number registration you will get the address of our branch
branch example if you want to get located in the city mentioned by you.
address the Hyderabad address SMS
ISC Hyderabad) to
4 Nearest Branch 09212993399
SMS ISC to 09212993399 a) If your mobile number is registered
address You will get response SMS with the nearest Karvy Branch address as per your
registered address.
b) If your mobile number is NOT registered
You will get response SMS as your mobile number is not registered, please register at
our branch. To know the branch address please SMS ISC city name.
5 Total Value of SMS VALUE first letter of the a) If your mobile number is registered in the funds where the first letter is as mentioned
Specific Fund fund name (for example to You will get response SMS with the total value in all the folios of that fund where the
know your total value in Axis name starts with the given letter. (For example if you SMS VALUE A you will get the
MF then SMS VALUE A to value in Axis MF if there is a balance)
09212993399 b) If your mobile number is NOT registered
You will get response SMS as your mobile number is not registered.
6 Total Value of SMS VALUE to 09212993399 a) If your mobile number is registered in Karvy serviced funds
all Funds You will get response SMS with the total value of all the folios across funds.
b) If your mobile number is NOT registered
You will get response SMS as your mobile number is not
7 Know your SMS KYTS to 09212993399 a) If your mobile number is registered
transaction You will get response SMS with the status of the latest
status transaction done in Karvy serviced funds with the NAV
b) If your mobile number is NOT registered
You will get response SMS as your mobile number is not
registered, please register at our branch. To know the branch address please SMS ISC city name.
8 Know your SMS KYTS first letter of the a) If your mobile number is registered
transaction fund name (for example to You will get response SMS with the status of the latest transaction in the
status in a know your transaction given fund with the NAV applied
specific fund status in Axis MF sms KYTS A b) If your mobile number is NOT registered or if there is no transaction
to 09212993399 You will get response SMS that you dont have any
Transaction in the given fund.
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