Transmission Lines

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In-phase reflected voltage that is smaller in magnitude than the

1. A 50- line is terminated in a 25 resistance. Find the SWR? incident voltage
A. 0.5 C. 4 D. Opposite-phase reflected voltage that is smaller in magnitude
B. 2* D. 0.25 than the incident voltage
2. A transmitter supplies 50 W to a load through a line with an SWR of 17. A 50-ohm transmission line that has a load impedance of 300-ohm
2:1. Find the power absorbed by the load has a VSWR of
A. 44.4 W * C. 50.5 W 6:1 * C. 0.666:1
B. 30.3 W D. 35.4 W 1:6 D. 5:1
3. A transmitter is required to deliver 100 W to an antenna through 45 18. The input impedance of a quarter-wavelength section of a 50-ohm
m coaxial cable with a loss of 4 dB/100m. What must be the output transmission line that is terminated with a short is
power of the transmitter, assuming the line is matched. 50 ohm C. infinite (open) *
A. 66.23 W C. 125 W 0 ohm (a short) D. 100 ohm
B. 151 W * D. 100 W 19. A device that is used to match an unbalanced transmission line to a
4. What is the capacitance of 55 miles No. 4 copper wire spaced 18 balanced transmission line is called a
inches? From the wire tables, we find that No. 4 copper has a radius balun *
of 0.10215 in. slotted line
A. 0.476 F * C. 0.583 F shorted stub section
B. 0.245 F D. 0.135 F none of the above
5. A coaxial line with an outer diameter of 6 mm has a 50 20. A 50-ohm transmission line with a 300-ohm load impedance has a
characteristic impedance. If the dielectric constant of the insulation is reflection coefficient of
1.60, calculate the inner diameter. 6 C. 0.714 *
A. 3.09 mm C. 4.9 mm 0.166 D. 1.4
2.09 mm * D. 3.67 mm 21. A transmission line can be used as a(n)
6. A cable has inductance of 15 nH/m and 85 pF/m at a specified inductor
frequency. What is the surge impedance of the line? matching section
13.3 * C. 12.6 capacitor
all of the above *
15.8 D. 10.4
22. A transmission line is the conductive connection between system
7. What is the SWR if the line has 75 impedance and is terminated elements that carry ______ power.
with a 30 load? radiated C. high-level
0.4 C. 5 signal * D. current
2.5 * D. 0.2 23. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line can be
8. What is the coefficient of reflection for a 100 characteristic line and calculated from its electrical or ____ characteristics.
a 300 load? physical * C. metallic
0.5 * C. 0.25 insulating D. balun
2 D. 4 24. The velocity constant is a ratio of _____ velocity to velocity in free
9. The chief advantage of coaxial cable over open-wire line is space.
minimized radiation loss * relative C. angular
low noise pick up actual * D. reflection
low cost 25. A nonresonant line is terminated with a ____ load equal in value to
low resistive losses its characteristic impedance.
10. Unshielded twisted-pair cable is reactive C. resistive *
A. seldom used due to noise problems impedance D. shorted
increasingly used in computer networking * 26. An abrupt reversal in the direction of voltage and current is termed
more costly than coaxial cable ____.
all of the above reflection * C. VSWR
11. The ratio of actual velocity to free-space velocity is called SWR D. match
velocity factor * 27. The electrical length of a transmission line is given in ____.
velocity of propagation meters C. microns
relative dielectric constant feet D. wavelength *
delay time 28. Magnetic field losses occur when ____ are induced in a nearby
12. In a balanced line, the same current flows in each line but is conductor.
A. 45 out of phase currents * C. pulses
B. 180 out of phase * voltages D. distortion
29. When the transmission line is matched to the load, it
C. 90 out of phase
transfers maximum current to the load
D. 270 out of phase transfers maximum voltage to the load
13. What is the length of a quarter-wavelength section of RG-8A/U transfers maximum power to the load *
coaxial cable at a frequency of 144.2 MHz if its velocity factor is reduces the load current
0.69. 30. What would the SWR of a short transmission line be if it is properly
52.1 cm C. 43.6 cm terminated?
35.9 cm * D. 2.08 m 1:1 * C. 1:2
14. A nonlossy transmission line that is terminated with a resistive load 1:4 D. 1:3
that is equal to the characteristic impedance of the line. 31. Under what condition will a short transmission line have no reflected
A. has the same impedance at all points along the line power?
B. has the same voltage at points along the line A. if it is terminated equal to the surge impedance *
C. has a reflection coefficient at the load equal to zero B. if it is terminated greater than the surge impedance
all of the above * C. if it is terminated less than the surge impedance
15. A flat line standing wave graph indicates if it is terminated by a dummy load
no reflection
no physical imperfection 32. What is the impedance of a twin lead transmission line?
SWR = 1 300 * C. 75
Both A & C *
600 D. 50
16. A nonlossy transmission line terminated with a short circuit has an
A. In-phase reflected voltage that is equal in magnitude to the 33. What device can indicate impedance mismatch in an antenna
incident voltage system?
B. Opposite-phase reflected voltage that is equal in magnitude to SWR meter * C. ammeter
the incident voltage * Power meter D. voltmeter
34. How does lengthening a coaxial line affect its impedance value?
Increase C. it depends 52. For an air dielectric two-wire line, the minimum characteristic
No effect * D. decrease impedance value is
35. What causes power to be reflected back down a feedline? 85 C. 83 *
Impedance mismatch * 90 D. 88
Skin effect 53. When a quarter-wave section transmission line is terminated by a
High resistance short circuit and is connected to an RF source at the other end, its
Due to dielectric constant input impedance is
36. What is the common velocity factor of open wire line? inductive
0.66 C. 0.75 capacitive
0.975 * D. 0.355 resistive
37. When load impedance equals to Zo of the line, it means that the load D. equivalent to a parallel resonant LC circuit *
______all the power. 54. If the SWR is infinite, what type of load transmission line has?
A. reflects C. absorbs * Purely reactive * C. Purely resistive
B. attenuates D. radiates Purely capacitive D. Purely inductive
38. What is the impedance matching ratio of a coax balun? 55. What is the ratio of the reflected voltage to the incident voltage?
1:4 C. 4:1 * VSWR C. ISWR
2:1 D. 3:2 SWR D. Reflection coefficient*
39. When VSWR is equal to zero, this means 56. What is a single conductor running from the transmitter to the
A. that no power is applied * antenna called?
B. that the load is purely resistive Single-wire line * C. Microstrip
C. that the load is a pure reactance Twin-lead D. Coaxial line
D. that the load is opened 57. Coaxial cable impedance is typically ________.
40. What is the ratio of reflected voltage to the forward traveling voltage? 150 to 300 C. 50 to 75 *
30 to 45 D. 300 to 600
58. Quarter-wavelength line is used as __________.
C. Reflection coefficient *
impedance transformer *
lecher line
41. Transmission line must be matched to the load to __________.
transmission line
A. transfer maximum voltage to the load
harmonic suppressor
B. transfer maximum power to the load *
59. The transmission lines which can convey electromagnetic waves
C. reduce the load current
only in higher modes is usually called
D. transfer maximum current to the load
coaxial cable
42. The energy that neither radiated into space nor completely
waveguide *
power lines
A. Reflected waves C. Captured waves
twisted wire of telephone line
B. Incident waves D. Standing waves *
60. A quarter-wave line is connected to an RF generator and is shorted
43. What is the transmission and reception of information?
out at the far end. What is the input impedance to the line generator?
A. Modulation C. Communications *
A low value of resistance
B. Radiation D. Emission
A high value of resistance *
44. Transmission lines are either balanced or unbalanced with respect to
C. A capacitive resistance which is equal in the value to the lines
A. negative terminal C. reference
surge impedance
B. ground * D. positive terminal
D. An inductive resistance which is equal to the value to the lines
45. The standing wave ratio is equal to __________ if the load is
surge impedance
properly matched with the transmission line.
61. If the SWR on a transmission line has a high value, the reason could
A. Infinity C. 0
B. -1 D. 1 *
A. an impedance mismatch between the line and the load. *
46. What is the advantage of the balanced transmission line compared
that the line is non-resonant
to unbalanced line?
C. a reflection coefficient of zero at the load
A. Low attenuation * C. Easy installation
that the load is matched to the line.
B. Low radiation loss D. Tensile strength
62. A 50-ohm transmission line is feeding an antenna which represents a
47. What device converts a balanced line to an unbalanced line of a
transmission line? 50 resistive load. To shorten the line, the length must be
Hybrid C. Stub any convenient value *
Directional coupler D. Balun * B. an odd multiple of three-quarters of a wavelength
48. The velocity factor of a transmission line C. an odd multiple of half a wavelength
A. depends on the dielectric constant of the material used * D. an even multiple of a quarter of a wavelength
B. increases the velocity along the transmission line 63. A radio transmission line of 300 impedance is to be connected to
is governed by the skin effect an antenna having an input impedance of 150 . What is the
D. is higher for a solid dielectric than for air impedance of a
49. Which one of the following is not a bounded media? quarter-wave matching line?
Coaxial line C. Two-wire line 212 * C. 250
Waveguide D. Ocean * 200 D. 150
50. The impedance measured at the input of the transmission line when
its length is infinite. PROBLEM SOLVING:
Input impedance
Open circuit impedance
Characteristic impedance * 64. A 50- short-circuited line is 0.1 in length, at a frequency of 500
Short circuit impedance MHz. Calculate (a) the equivalent inductive reactance and (b) the
51. The following are considered primary line constants except equivalent inductance.
conductance 65. A 30-m long lossless transmission line with Z0 = 50
capacitance operating at 2MHz is terminated with a
complex propagation constant * load ZL = 60 + j40 . Find the standing
wave ratio.

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