Questionnaire Anemia
Questionnaire Anemia
Questionnaire Anemia
DEFICIENCY ANEMIA definition: Iron Deficiency Anemia- is low blood level of iron. It is usually related to a low
intake of dietary iron and/or increased iron requirements during rapid growth periods. This questionnaire is only a
screening tool to help identify if your child is at risk for being anemic. A blood test is the only way to diagnose anemia.
Instructions: Staff review questionnaire with parent/guardian and place a in the appropriate box. DO NOT
COMPLETE THE POINTS BOX; Health staff will complete this box.
10. Does your child eat meat, fish poultry, beans, eggs, or peanut butter at least 1 0
1-2 times per day?
11. Does your child often seem to have a loss of interest in their surroundings? 0 1
12. Does your child have frequent nosebleeds? 0 1
16. Does your child have any of the following medical conditions? Cyanotic 0 1
Congenital Heart Disease, Iron loss from gastrointestinal tract or pulmonary
bleeding, urinary iron loss?
Total points: