Ehandbook Strategize Your Steam System
Ehandbook Strategize Your Steam System
Ehandbook Strategize Your Steam System
Make the Most of Blowdown 5
Recovering thermal energy from flash steam offers energy-saving opportunities
Plant Combats Corrosion in Idled Boilers 8
Several measures provide proper protection of off-line steam generators
Get a Hold of Steam System Management 15
Software helps to maximize equipment reliability, efficiency and safety
Resources 18
Pick Heaters makes several complete systems: the Pick constant flow heater, which is used
where a continuous flow of hot water is needed like jacketed heating, and a variable flow
heater, which is reportedly ideal for frequent start/stop applications such as hose stations.
Pick systems are available in 10 standard sizes for liquid flow rates up to 5,000 gpm and
steam flow rates up to 50,000 lbs./hr. Standard materials of construction include cast
iron, carbon steel and stainless steel. Specialty alloys are available on request.
The series incorporates a replaceable drop-in check mechanism (Replaceable Insert Kit sold
separately) that installs into the existing body without requiring additional assembly of separate
checking components. This pre-assembled complete check mechanism eliminates the need to
assemble individual checking components, creating an efficient and economical method of ef-
fectively rebuilding the entire check mechanism, if an application requires, the company says.
The check valves are suited for a range of applications in liquids, gases and steam.
By Riyaz Papar
rrespective of how steam is produced in tube leaks and failures, foaming resulting
in our process plants, several aspects in liquid carryover, loose sludge in the boiler
of steam generation are common; we water, etc. All of these problems could dam-
should apply standard best practices to age boiler integrity. Blowdown is the primary
them. This column specifically addresses mechanism that controls the water chemistry
the blowdown stream as well as both the of the boiler water. It regulates the concentra-
flash steam recovery and heat recovery that tion of dissolved and precipitated chemicals in
we should implement in our steam systems. the boiler and, thus, ensures steam generation
equipment functions reliably.
Every steam system has a water treatment
plant; feedwater is made up of treated make- Generally, boiler water conductivity or total
up water, returned condensate and directly in- dissolved solids is used to control blowdown,
jected steam (in the deaerator). Although the but as our steam systems get more complex,
condensate and steam are clean, the treated other parameters pH, silica, iron, etc.
makeup water still brings in dissolved impuri- also are used as secondary control points.
ties. Because these impurities are not soluble In the past 25 years, I have seen blowdown
in steam, they remain in the boiler. As a result, rates as low as 1% and in some instances as
their concentration builds and can lead to high as 15%. Blowdown rate depends on sev-
serious operational problems such as scal- eral factors; however, I will not be covering
ing on the water-side of the tubes resulting blowdown rate in this column. Please work
with your water chemist to ensure you have occasions, I have been able to source it from
everything in place to minimize blowdown. within a plants operations that are no longer
in service. The remainder of the liquid water
CAPTURE THERMAL ENERGY from the flash tank is still hot (>225F) and
Blowdown, because it is saturated liquid can be used to exchange heat in a simple
water at steam generation pressure, con- one-pass shell-and-tube heat exchanger or a
tains a significant amount of thermal ener- plate-and-frame unit, etc. This can be used to
gy. The higher the steam generation pres- heat the makeup water going to the deaera-
sure, the higher the saturation (blowdown) tor, thereby saving on overall steam demand
temperature and the higher the thermal from utilities.
energy (Btu/lb) associated with the blow-
down. As blowdown is discharged from the Also, I have faced some challenges in plants
boiler, this thermal energy (provided by the when I tried implementing blowdown thermal
fuel or from another source) is lost. There- energy recovery. Most relate to past incorrect
fore, reducing the amount of blowdown to applications, such as a large U-tube heat
the bare minimum is an excellent best prac- exchanger used to recover heat from blow-
tice; beyond that we need to look at other down that fouled and eventually was taken
mechanisms to capture lost energy. out of service because it became a mainte-
nance headache. In other plants, because
So, that brings us to creating and recover- there is so much excess low-pressure steam,
ing flash steam from blowdown and then, if managers claim theres no benefit of low-
economically justifiable, recovering heat from pressure, low-temperature heat recovery. This
the liquid water before discharge. The sim- is not necessarily true; technologies exist to
plest configuration is to first take the blow- upgrade low-pressure steam and make use of
down stream into a flash tank whose pressure every Btu that would otherwise be lost. I
is slightly higher than either the deaerator realize the overall blowdown energy recovery
pressure or the lowest-pressure steam header and cost savings may not be huge (<2%) but,
in the steam generation area. The blowdown as one of the simplest and most cost-effective
flashes and produces low-pressure steam best practices, it should never be ignored!
that can be recovered and used within the (For more on improving boiler management
steam system to offset deaerator steam to help save energy, see Optimize Boiler
demand. Recovering flash steam accounts for Loads, and Dont Get
6570% of the total blowdown stream energy Steamed,
that would otherwise have been lost. Inter-
estingly, the flash tank is a simple piece of RIYAZ PAPAR is a former CP energy columnist. He can
Drop-in Replaceable
Check Mechanism
Check-All Valve Mfg. Co. is proud to introduce a This pre-assembled complete check mechanism
new check valve product offering with a world of eliminates the need to assemble individual checking
possibilities. The EPIC series consists of in-line components, creating an efficient and economical
spring-loaded poppet-type check valves that are method of effectively rebuilding the entire check
designed to be cost effective, simple, rugged and mechanism, if an application requires.
efficient while operating in any flow orientation.
The EPIC is machined from 300 series stainless Due to the materials of construction, high flow
steel bar stock with Aflas seat/seals and a 1/2-PSI capacity, complete repairability and the quality
stainless steel spring (cracking pressure). These customers have come to expect from Check-All, the
materials of construction are excellent for steam EPIC check valves are uniquely suited for a very
applications. The check valve also achieves a high wide range of applications in liquids, gases and
flow capacity and reduced pressure loss compared steam.
to other poppet style check valves of similar sized
connections. These features minimize the pressure See us on the web at:
drop across the valve. Available connection options
are FNPT, MNPT, flared tube, and double ferule
compression tube. For additional information and a free brochure
Additionally, the EPIC series incorporates a
replaceable drop-in check mechanism (Replaceable Phone: 515-224-2301
Insert Kit sold separately) that is easily installed Fax: 515-224-2326
into the existing body without requiring additional Email:
assembly of separate checking components.
By Brad Buecker, Kiewit Engineering and Design Co., and Dan Dixon,
Lincoln Electric System
team generation plays a critical role BACKGROUND
at many industrial facilities. Unfor- The Terry Bundy plant has three GE
tunately, the high-temperature and LM6000 combustion turbines, two of which
high-pressure environment of large steam are equipped with heat recovery steam
generators makes them susceptible to generators (HRSGs) that drive a supple-
corrosion. Even seemingly minor impurity mental steam turbine. Total plant capacity
ingress can cause problems [1]. Fortunately, is 170 MW. The units cycle on and off, often
plants can take advantage of a lot of les- on a daily basis during the summer, accord-
sons learned about preventing corrosion in ing to the requirements of the South West
boilers. However, an often overlooked issue Power Pool. At other times, a unit may be
is the risk of severe corrosion occurring dur- down for several days or perhaps even
ing those times when a steam generator is weeks during periods of mild weather or for
down due to lack of steam demand or for maintenance outages.
maintenance. This article outlines several
techniques for protecting steam generators For normal operating chemistry, the HRSG
at these times. Our examples come from feedwater is on an all-volatile treatment oxi-
a power plant, Lincoln Electric Systems dizing [AVT(O)] program, with ammonium
Terry Bundy Generating Station in Lincoln, hydroxide injection to maintain feedwater
Nebraska, but the technologies suit process pH within a 9.610 range. High-pressure
plants as well. evaporator chemistry complies with the
pressure turbine.
Figure 4. Desiccant wheel
unit provides air with only
10% humidity to condenser
and low-pressure turbine.
Source: Lincoln Electric System.
dissolved oxygen concentration from satu- blades in steam turbines typically collect
rated conditions to less than 10 ppb. salts that carry over with steam from boiler
drums. The combination of a moisture-laden
DONT FORGET THE STEAM atmosphere and these salt deposits can fos-
TURBINE ter pitting and stress corrosion cracking.
Far too often in the power industry, plants
allow the condenser hotwell to remain A very practical method to combat this cor-
moist or even contain standing water dur- rosion, and the one adopted at Terry Bundy,
ing outages in which the condenser vacuum is injection of desiccated air into the condens-
was broken and air entered the condenser er during all but short-term, i.e., <72 h, layups.
and low-pressure turbine. The low-pressure This system uses a desiccant wheel dehu-
1. Buecker, B., The Importance of Steam Generation Chemistry Control and Monitoring as Il-
lustrated by Case Histories, IWC 1510, Proceedings, 76th Ann. Intl. Water Conf., Orlando, Fla.
2. Cycle Chemistry Guidelines for Shutdown, Layup and Startup of Combined Cycle Units with
Heat Recovery Steam Generators, Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, Calif. (2006),
downloadable at
In 2005, drum inspections showed signifi-
cant pitting. This prompted implement-
ing the changes weve outlined. A repeat
inspection in 2008 showed no new pitting
(Figure 5). Subsequent inspections continue
to show little to no additional pitting.
Iron level monitoring, via particulate collec- the plant six hours (over dry layup) to
tion on 0.45-micron filters, showed a reach full load when needed.
significant decrease in samples from the
condensate pump discharge and both BRAD BUECKER is a process specialist for Kiewit Engi-
low-pressure and high-pressure drums. neering and Design Co., Lenexa, Ks. DAN DIXON is su-
Quicker startups than in the past are now pervisor, inter-local projects, for Lincoln Electric System,
Whether you require jacketed heating or other process liquid heating applications, Pick eliminates BTU
losses for 100% energy efficiency. This alone could save Larrys company up to 20% in fuel costs. In
addition, Picks compact design along with its ease of maintenance, saves valuable space and invaluable
down time. All this, combined with an unlimited supply
of hot water, low water pressure drop, the lowest
OSHA noise level, and the widest operating range of
any direct steam injection heater is enough to make
anyones heart go pit-a-pat. Which is precisely what
flat lining can do to a guy.
efineries and other chemical Escalating repair costs
plants frequently miss or have Increasing unit freeze-up issues
a delayed response to critical The inability to distinguish easily between
issues in daily operations due to failed working and nonworking steam traps
steam traps. However, failed steam traps The inability to generate work lists for
are often viewed as a routine part of run- repairs resulting from an incomplete
ning a plant or the cost of production. database
While steam traps play a crucial role in Inappropriate or insufficient repair tracking
plantwide safety, equipment reliability
and product quality, they also can cause Steam trap management can be a cum-
production interruptions if not maintained bersome task for refineries that house
properly. 2,000 to 10,000 traps, so the ability to
manage steam traps while generating data
STEAM SYSTEM CHALLENGES collection is advantageous. Without a
Refineries often experience daily issues steam system management tool, refineries
due to a lack of steam system and steam are unable to generate reports for failed
trap management. Some of the problems traps or seasonal shutoffs or provide
encountered include: reports by area or site. They also have no
Injuries and incidents related to steam access to consistent information in real
tracing time.
that offers features such as these that may Inventory, categorization and tracking of
historical information for all steam traps as steam traps and in-house surveys and par-
needed, by individual location or area, for tial surveys of the traps, including photos
with all of Armstrongs real-time monitor- generation family-owned company that provides
ing products (SteamEye, AIM, and The intelligent system solutions that improve utility
Brain), to ensure it has access to the most performance, lower energy consumption and reduce
Check out our library of white papers covering myriad top-
ics and offering valuable insight into products and solu-
tions important to chemical processing professionals. From
automation to fluid handling, separations technologies and
utilities, this white paper library has it all.
Chemical Processings Minute Clinic podcast series is de-
signed to tackle one critical issue at a time giving you
hard-hitting information in just minutes.