Develop You Ream
Develop You Ream
Develop You Ream
February 2002
Division of Ralph W. Peters and PEOPLE Inc.
The Maintenance Excellence Institute
Maximizing Maintenance Operations for Profit Optimization Page 2
Recommended Next Steps after the Scoreboard for Maintenance Excellence Evaluation
Document Results: After The Scoreboard for Maintenance Excellence evaluation has been completed,
a written and oral report to top leaders will document the results with a presentation of
recommendations and a plan of action. Key areas of the report presentation will help you to:
! Determine Strengths/Weaknesses and Priorities for Action
! Benchmark Your CMMS Installation
! Maximize Benefits of CMMS
! Develop Maintenance and Maintenance as a Profit Center
! Define Potential Savings
! Develop Recommended Plan of Action (and Implement)
! Develop Method to Measure and Validate Results
! Initiate a Maintenance Excellence Index
We will now take a look at each of these topics to see how you can progress quickly from the
evaluation to the point where measurable results are being received.
Ralph W. Peters and PEOPLE Inc.
The Maintenance Excellence Institute
Maximizing Maintenance Operations for Profit Optimization Page 3
Very often the system for computerized physical asset management whatever the brand name takes the
hit as the cause of all the weaknesses. The CMMS/EAM is blamed for not being able to do this and that
and causing all types of problems and extra work. This attitude will generally always be the case when
the CMMS was purchased as the solution not the tool. Bottom line here is that most systems are
under utilized and when fully used with all their intended functionality will serve their primary IT
So just as we can benchmark a total maintenance operation and its best practice application with a 27
category scoreboard in Part II, we also need to do the same basic process with whatever CMMS is in
place. However here we need to evaluate the CMMS and its current application as to its effectiveness
in making those best practices happen. Is the CMMS enhancing current and future best practices or
not? Are we getting maximum value from this IT investment? How can we improve current use of the
system? We will now take a look at how to get answers and take action on these key questions.
Benchmark Your CMMS Installation: The CMMS Benchmarking System is another tool developed
by The Maintenance Excellence Institute and is to be used with The Scoreboard for Maintenance
Excellence. It is used to evaluate the utilization of an existing CMMS installation. It is designed as a
methodology for developing a benchmark rating of your CMMS (Class A, B, C, or D) to determine
how well this tool is supporting best practices and the total maintenance process. It is not designed to
evaluate the functionality of various CMMS systems nor is it intended to compare vendors.
The system provides a methodology for developing a benchmark rating of your existing CMMS to
determine how well this tool is supporting best practices and the total maintenance process. It can also
be used as a method to measure the future success and progress of a CMMS system implementation
that is now being installed. Maintenance best practices are the key and the CMMS is the information
technology tool that links it all together. A summary of The CMMS Benchmarking System is shown in
Figure 4 with the 9 evaluation categories that include a total of 50 evaluation items for benchmarking
your CMMS installation.
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The Maintenance Excellence Institute
Maximizing Maintenance Operations for Profit Optimization Page 4
Lets now take a look at each of the CMMS Benchmarking System evaluation items and comments
related to the evaluation items for each category.
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The Maintenance Excellence Institute
Maximizing Maintenance Operations for Profit Optimization Page 5
5. Direct responsibilities for maintaining parts inventory Database integrity is supported by having direct
database is assigned responsibilities assigned for maintenance of both
6. Direct responsibilities for maintaining equipment/asset the parts inventory and the equipment/asset databases
database is assigned
7. Initial CMMS orientation training for all maintenance This category addresses the important area of CMMS
employees education and training for crafts people, storeroom
8. An ongoing CMMS training program for maintenance personnel and operations employees.
and storeroom employees
9. Initial CMMS orientation training for operations An ongoing training program is in place along with a
employees .
10. CMMS systems administrator (and backup) designated systems administrator and a qualified
designated and trained backup.
11. A work control function is established or a well This category addresses the best practice area of having
defined documented process is being used an established process for the work management of work
12. On-line work request (or manual system) used to requests and work orders with either an on-line or
request work based on priorities manual process.
13. Work order system used to account for 100% of all All craft hours are accounted for and visibility of backlog
craft hours available is available by type of work with estimated hours.
14. Backlog reports are prepared by type of work to Work order procedures include well defined priority
include estimated hours required system that operations understands and uses to support
15. Well defined priority system is established based on proactive, planned maintenance
criticality of equipment, safety factors, cost of
downtime, etc.
16. Craft labor, parts and vendor support costs are charged Equipment/asset history includes all related costs for
to work order and accounted for in equipment/asset repair. Maintenance expenditures by specific
history file equipment system/subsystem and by operating
17. Budget status on maintenance expenditures by departments are available
operating departments is available
18. Cost improvements due to CMMS and best practice Documented cost improvements are available to
implementation have been documented validate the original CMMS justification process
19. Deferred maintenance and repairs identified to Budgeting process provides management a complete
management during budgeting process picture of all deferred maintenance and potential
20. Life-cycle costing is supported by monitoring of repair consequences. Monitoring of repair costs to
costs to replacement value replacement value supports life-cycle-costing
21. A documented process for planning & scheduling has This category addresses the best practice area for
been established planning and scheduling. Has a formal process been
22. The level of proactive, planned work is monitored and established and is planned work increasing? Are
documented improvements have occurred emergency repairs being analyzed for reduction?
23. Craft utilization (true wrench time) is measured and This category evaluates whether or not the planning
documented improvements have occurred process has improved craft utilization and increased
24.Daily or weekly work schedules are available for hands on wrench time.
planned work
25. Status of parts on order is available for support to Work schedules for planned work are being used and
maintenance planning process there has been increased scheduling coordination
26. Scheduling coordination between maintenance and between maintenance and their customers.
operations has increased
27. Emergency repairs, hours and costs tracked and Parts availability and status is visible to effectively
analyzed for reduction support the planning process.
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The Maintenance Excellence Institute
Maximizing Maintenance Operations for Profit Optimization Page 6
Ralph W. Peters and PEOPLE Inc.
The Maintenance Excellence Institute
Maximizing Maintenance Operations for Profit Optimization Page 7
Maximize Your Benefits from CMMS: Todays information technology for CMMS/EAM offers the
maintenance leader an exceptional tool for managing the overall Maintenance operation and
maintenance processes as an internal business and profit center. However, maintenance surveys and
benchmark evaluations conducted by The Maintenance Excellence Institute and others validate that
poor utilization of existing CMMS systems is a major improvement opportunity. What are some of the
typical benefits of an improved CMMS that could be missing from your operation?
Improved Work Control: Better work management with improved control of work requests
by craft, monitoring of backlogs, determining priorities, and scheduling decisions for
overtime effectively. Full accountability of craft time/labor cost to work orders, which
accrues to asset history and ensures charge backs to customers/tenants.
Improved Planning and Scheduling: The systems and procedures to establish a more
effective day-to-day maintenance planning and scheduling process contribute to improved
craft labor utilization and customer service. Better planning and scheduling with our
customers is an important benefit. We must plan for maintenance excellence because it does
not occur naturally.
Improved MRO Materials Management: The means for more effective management and
control of maintenance parts and material inventories. Information for decisions on
inventory reduction is readily available to identify parts usage, excess inventory levels, and
obsolete parts.
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The Maintenance Excellence Institute
Maximizing Maintenance Operations for Profit Optimization Page 8
Improved Reliability Analysis: The means to track work order and equipment history data
related to types of repairs, frequencies and causes for failure. It allows maintenance to have
key information on failure trends that leads to eliminating root causes of failures and to
improving overall equipment reliability.
Increased Budget Accountability: Provides for greater accountability for craft labor and
parts/materials through the work order and storeroom inventory modules. Increased level of
control, greater visibility and accountability of the overall maintenance budget by individual
piece of equipment and by using department or work order. Replacement and renovation
decisions for facilities and other building systems can be supported by cost information
from the CMMS.
Understand the Power of CMMS/EAM to Support Potential Savings: The evaluation of your
CMMS using The CMMS Benchmarking System will identify improvement opportunities that translate
into direct savings. It is important that these areas be highlighted and that the future process for
performance measurement is focused upon these specific areas which may have been used initially for
CMMS/EAM capital project justification. The opportunities to realize both quantifiable and qualifiable
benefits are numerous. Maintenance must be given the best practice tools, the people resources, and
capital investments to address the improvement opportunities and in turn are held accountable for
results. As summarized in Part II. there are 12 key areas where direct savings, cost avoidances and
gained value can be established, documented. Effective CMMS/EAM will contribute to all of them and
help to increase:
1. Value of asset/equipment uptime providing increased capacity and throughput
2. Value of increased quality and service levels due to maintenance
3. Value of facility availability or cost avoidance from be non-available
4. Value of increased direct labor utilization (production operations)
5. Gained value from increased craft labor utilization/effectiveness via gains in wrench time
6. Gained value from increased craft labor performance/efficiency
7. Gained value of clerical time for supervisors, planners, engineering and admin staff
8. Value of MRO materials and parts inventory reduction
9. Value of overall MRO materials management improvement
10. Value of overall maintenance costs reductions with equal or greater service levels
11. Value of increased facility and equipment life and net life cycle cost reduction
12. Other manufacturing and maintenance operational benefits; improved reliability and other
reduced cost
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The Maintenance Excellence Institute
Maximizing Maintenance Operations for Profit Optimization Page 9
Use CMMS to Develop Your Maintenance Operation as a Profit Center: A fully utilized CMMS is
your business management system to support the business of maintenance. It is a mission-essential
information technology tool and effective physical asset management and maintenance is also mission-
essential and a core requirement for success. Often we see the CMMS being purchased as the
solution, never really integrated with the business system or the necessary basic best practices initiated
to really make the IT investment work. Often maintenance is only viewed as a necessary evil and not
as a valid profit center and internal business. Many times the maintenance leaders cannot sell
management on doing maintenance the right way or to convince them that the right thing to do is to
shut down for preventive maintenance. Conversely, when maintenance is viewed as a profit center
the opportunities to realize both quantifiable and quantifiable benefits are numerous. In turn,
maintenance support to the profit optimization process continues when CMMS is used effectively to
develop your maintenance operation as a profit-center.
You Can Get Maximum Value from Your Maintenance Operation: You can maximize your
CMMS and your total maintenance operation for profit optimization. To find out the best approach for
your organization, for help with planning the pilot evaluation and to receive a complete copy of this
five-part series contact.
Ralph W. Peters and PEOPLE Inc.
The Maintenance Excellence Institute
Maximizing Maintenance Operations for Profit Optimization Page 10
President and founder for Ralph W. Peters and PEOPLE Inc. a consulting firm with three divisions for total
operations improvement; The Maintenance Excellence Institute (maintenance), The Manufacturing Excellence
Institute (manufacturing) and The Institute for Public Service Excellence (governmental). His practical
engineering experience and technical leadership in the maintenance, manufacturing and governmental
productivity consulting fields has helped hundred of operations achieve manufacturing operations success and
maintenance excellence in plant, fleet and facility maintenance operations.
His scope of experience in governmental operations productivity has firmly established his personal capabilities
and that of The Institute for Public Service Excellence to support value added government services. Pete is a
senior member of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, the Association of Facility Engineers and the Society of
Maintenance and Reliability Professionals He has been involved in manufacturing operations management,
systems implementation, facilities management, maintenance and governmental productivity consulting for more
than 30 years. He is retired from the US Army Corps of Engineers/NC Army National Guard (1995) with 28 years
of service and serving in Viet Nam and during Desert Storm.
Pete is author of the upcoming books; Profit-Centered Maintenance: The New Millennium Strategy for
Maintenance Excellence and PRIDE in Maintenance. He is editor/primary author for The Guide to Computerized
Maintenance Management Systems, Scientific American Newsletters LLC, author of the maintenance chapters in
The Warehouse Management Handbook and The Future Capable Company from Tompkins Press and John
Wileys new Handbook of Industrial Engineering, 3rd Edition. A recognized leader in the areas of implementing
manufacturing and maintenance best practices, profit-centered maintenance, performance measurement,
productivity improvement for government operations and providing value-added total operations consulting, He
is also the author of over 200 articles and publications and as a frequent speaker has delivered presentations on
manufacturing and maintenance-related topics worldwide. He received his BSIE and MIE from North Carolina
State and is a graduate of the US Army Command and General Staff Course and the Engineer Officers Advanced
Clients from the manufacturing and maintenance sectors have included operations in the petrochemical,
aerospace, manufacturing, mining, pharmaceutical, hand-tool manufacturing, utilities and automotive industries,
in addition to construction fleet management, public transit operations and facilities management for healthcare,
educational and governmental facility complexes.
Ralph W. Peters and PEOPLE Inc.