Conversion of Noise Pollution Into Electrical Energy
Conversion of Noise Pollution Into Electrical Energy
Conversion of Noise Pollution Into Electrical Energy
ABSTRACT:-Noise is often defined as unwanted sound, convenient way to produce high electric energy advantageous.
but technically noise is the perception of a series of New and creative method are used produce electricity is
compressions and rarefactions of the air above and bel ow something different and valuable .It has disclosed the new
normal atmos pheric pressure. It generates the vi brati on of dimensions in the field of electricity. We always eager to find
air particles. Vi bration refers to the oscillating movement out and also hoe noise pollution can be used to convert into
of any object. electricity.
Noise is the form of polluti on which is not restricted till The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot
industries only, sources of noise includes vehicle fleets, be created nor be destroyed. Under the consideration of this
housing colonies, loud music in marriages/celebrations, law the technological giants have discovered numerous
louds peakers used in political rallies, industrial appliances, sources to extract energy fro m them and use it as a source of
generators, loud s peakers at s piritual pl aces, airport and power for conventional use.
rail way tracks etc. Continuous exposure to high noise has
been observed to affect the human health. Vari ous control
There are various so called eco-friendly sources of energy that
methodologies are used to mini mize the human exposure
we have discovered till the present artificial era. So me of them
to high level of sound.
are imp lemented to great extent under the suitable
This is based on the oscillation created by the sound wave circu mstances to overcome the short run of the energy due to
which can be further converted to electricity by the use of technological boom that has led the energy needs to its apex.
magnetic fiel d. We will use louds peaker (trans ducer) to Solar energy is one in the list that came up with the wide range
work opposite as its normal working, instead of converting of applications such as solar heaters; solar cookers and it
electrical signal into sound it converts sound wave into gained success due to its easy implementation. There are
electrical energy. various other sources of renewable energy which includes
harassing energy form wind, Biomass, water etc.
A number of other ways are also available for such
conversion such as Piezometers and piezoelectric devices, But the efficiency of the energy sources discussed above is the
but the efficiency of these processes have not been found major issue over which the scientists are working since long.
satisfactory. Therefore, through this project we ai m to The efficiency of the solar cell is 20% only under the pract ical
devise a device which can convert noise from l ouds peaker conditions. This is not the only problem with present sources it
into electricity. Noise polluti on is waste and no one want it further extends to high cost involved in production process.
and if this waste form of sound coul d be converted and Thus the researchers now are feeling the need of other kinds of
used, then it will be very beneficial for mankind. sources to harass energy for our conventional uses.
We all consi der noise as a form of sound pollution but wi th To add to the list there is an emerg ing scenario which leads us
technological advancement and great research work going to a new renewable energy source known to us since long and
on, it is possible now to convert this uni versally distri buted that is the sound. The sound or noise in other terms is present
polluti on into useful form energy such as thermal energy all around us. So why not use it to satisfy our needs of energy.
and electrical energy. In our basic applications we see sound be converted in the
electrical signals to travel over the media for co mmun ication
Key word: noise pollution, electrical energy, piezoelectric purposes. For example the sound energy is converted into
material. electrical signals using diaphragm present in the microphone
and these signals then reach to the speakers and then
converted back to sound. The electrical current generated by a
micro -phone is very small and referred to as MIC-level; this
In our daily life there is greater need of electricity, without the signal is typically measured in mill volts. Before it can be used
for any-thing serious the signal needs to be amplified, usually
electricity many of our work will shut down and stuck at the
same point. There is a greater need and huge amount of to line level (typically 0.5 -2V).Application of sound energy as
electricity is required so various methods are adopted for the the source of electricity can be much beneficial for the hu man
existence as compared to other sources. This is because the
production of electricity. But use of electricity art high rate
and devastation also, thus requires the alternate a source of sound is present in the environ ment as a noise which forms an
energy that not only produce the electricity but become a essential part of the environ mental pollution. The
concentration of noise to use it for power generation can lead Piezoelectric material used for the conversion of noise
to discovery of another hidden source of energy which can act pollution to green energy and into electric energy.
as a boon to non-renewable sources such as coal, crude oil etc. Piezoelectric crystals are the crystals which converts
which are on line of extinction. mechanical strain to electric energy.
The strain applied to piezoelectric material by sound energy
Sound that is perceptible by hu mans has frequencies fro m could be converted into electricity.
about 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. In air at standard temperature and
pressure, the corresponding wavelengths of sound waves Practical Approaches
range from 17 m to 17 mm.
The term piezoelectricity define as electric charges that
But have we ever imag ined sound as source of electricity? No, accumulates in certain solid materials (such as crystals, certain
is the answer. This is because it was stone which was left ceramics and biological matter such as bone, DNA etc.) in
unturned by the researchers up till now but this hidden source response to applied mechanical stress. The Piezoelectric effect
is now emerg ing as the a new era in the world of renewable is the liner electro mechanical interaction between the
sources of energy. This could be easily understood by the law mechanical and the electrical state in crystalline materials with
of thermodynamics which states that the mechanical energy no inversion symmetry.
can be converted to electrical energy.
Piezoelectric materials are the crystal which converts
A. Nature of sound and it effects mechanical strain to electric energy. Piezoelectric materials
are transducers its crystals could convert mechanical strain to
Sound energy is a mechanical energy which travel in the form electricity, the crystals are formed naturally e.g. quartz and
of wave, mechanical wave that is an oscillat ion of pressure artificially Zn O, Niobaet Lead etc. The sound energy could be
which need med iu m to travel i.e. it could not travel through converted into electricity using piezoelectric material. Piezo
vacuum. In mediu m like liquid and gas sound is transmitted as electric materials are transducers its crystals could convert
longitudinal wave whereas through solid it could be mechanical strain to electricity, the crystals are formed
transmitted as both longitudinal wave and transverse. Sound naturally e.g. quart z, bone, DNA whereas art ificially ZnO,
could be converted into electricity as mechanical energy could lithiu m niobatet Lead Metaniobate the sound energy could be
be converted into electricity by the law of thermodynamics. converted into electricity using piezo electric material. Certain
single crystal materials exhib it the follo wing phenomenon:
When sound wave travel through a medium in that mediu m is when the crystal is mechanically strained, (here sound energy)
periodically displaced and thus oscillates with sound wave. or when the crystal is deformed by the application of an
The sound wave displace back and forth because of the external stress, electric charges appear on the crystal surfaces;
potential energy comp ression and the kinetic energy of the and when the direction of the strain reverses, the polarity of
oscillation. Sound energy could be easily converted into heat the electric charge is reversed. Th is is called the d irect p iezo
energy and then converted into electricity but it is not highly electric effect, and the crystals that exhib it it are classed as
efficient as the loss in conversion will be more whereas the piezoelectric crystal.
other method is converting sound energy to electricity by
piezo electric material, piezoelectric materials are the crystal Converting sound energy to electricity by piezo electric
which converts mechanical strain to electric energy by such material device could be made which will co llect the sound
method. So we could see that sound is a form o f mechanical wave that are travelling near it and that sound wave will be
energy and according to third law of thermodynamics used to cause a strain due to p ressure created by its oscillat ion
mechanical energy could be converted into electric energy in the p iezo crystal and that will create the d isturbance in its
Countries like Israel, India, A merica and china etc. are t ry to atoms resulting in the flo w o f electric charge on the surface of
give the advanced, effective and economical approaches and the crystal thus sound energy could be converted. And thus
to produce electricity at vas t scale. So it is necessary to this sound energy could be used to perform various tasks by
increase the supply of electric power for that it is very converting it into useful electric energy.
essential for us to find other alternative methods to produce
electric energy. Today world need electricity at every second Piezo Electric Material and Their Properties
so numerous approaches are using to produce unstoppable at
high rate. Countries like ISRA EL using creative minds and When a piezoelectric crystal is placed in an electric field, or
producing new ideas in conference was held in December when charges are applied by external means to its faces, the
2016. crystal exhib its strain, i.e. the dimensions of the crystal
B. Method for conversion of noise pollution into electrical
energy When the direction of the applied electric field is reversed, the
direction of the resulting strain is reversed. This is called the
inverse piezo electric effect. So it could be seen that when the
sound energy is applied to the piezoelectric mater ial it create will be-co me quiet portable without much concern about their
strain in the crystal then it reverse it and the strain is converted battery life.
into electric energy. This direct piezo electric effect property
of piezoelectric material could be used for making the device Its other application field includes the lightening of the street
to convert sound energy to electric energy. lamps and traffic lights just by extracting the sound energy of
the noise that is produced by the vehicles on the road. In this
Piezo converter a device could be made using piezo electric way we are not only ab le to reduce the noise pollution and but
material wh ich will co llect the sound wave which are also utilize it as a source of electricity.
travelling near it and that sound wave will be used to cause a Also in the industries with the mechanical forte where very
strain due to pressure created by its oscillation in the p iezo huge amount of the noise is produced as result of functioning
crystal and that will create the disturbance in its atoms of heavy machineries this s ound can be trapped and can be
resulting in the flow o f electric charge on the surface of the used to run the low power machines used in production
crystal thus sound energy could be converted into electricity as process.
the piezo electric material convert mechanical strain to electric
energy. And thus this sound energy could be used to perform V. CONCLUSIONS
various tasks by converting it into useful electric energy.
The sound energy is the unexplo red source which has
enormous potential to meet the future gro wing requirements of
II. ADVANTAGES the electricity and serve as the eco-friendly and renewable
source of energy.
Due to conversion fro m the sound to the electric energy it
is the possible to use energy in abundant. This technology is not practically usable up till now due to
The electric energy is the cleanest energy. efficiency concerns but the present work on this field makes
With an effective conversion we can use this energy to its future quiet promising.
lighten the street lights and can use effective signal marks
of lights sensors that can prevent accidents.
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