Articles: Background
Articles: Background
Articles: Background
Lancet 2016; 387: 46274 Background Millennium Development Goal 5 calls for a 75% reduction in the maternal mortality ratio (MMR)
Published Online between 1990 and 2015. We estimated levels and trends in maternal mortality for 183 countries to assess progress
November 12, 2015 made. Based on MMR estimates for 2015, we constructed projections to show the requirements for the Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG) of less than 70 maternal deaths per 100 000 livebirths globally by 2030.
See Comment page 410
Methods We updated the UN Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group (MMEIG) database with more than
*Contributed equally
200 additional records (vital statistics from civil registration systems, surveys, studies, or reports). We generated
University of Massachusetts
estimates of maternal mortality and related indicators with 80% uncertainty intervals (UIs) using a Bayesian model.
Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA
(L Alkema PhD); World Health The model combines the rate of change implied by a multilevel regression model with a time-series model to capture
Organization, Geneva, data-driven changes in country-specic MMRs, and includes a data model to adjust for systematic and random errors
Switzerland (D Chou MD, associated with dierent data sources.
D Hogan PhD, A-B Moller MA,
D Ma Fat BA, T Boerma PhD,
Prof M Temmerman PhD, Results We had data for 171 of 183 countries. The global MMR fell from 385 deaths per 100 000 livebirths (80% UI 359427)
C Mathers PhD, L Say MD); in 1990, to 216 (207249) in 2015, corresponding to a relative decline of 439% (340487), with 303 000 (291 000349 000)
Harvard University, Cambridge, maternal deaths worldwide in 2015. Regional progress in reducing the MMR since 1990 ranged from an annual rate of
MA, USA (S Zhang BSc); and
University of California,
reduction of 18% (0031) in the Caribbean to 50% (4060) in eastern Asia. Regional MMRs for 2015 ranged from
Berkeley, CA, USA 12 deaths per 100 000 livebirths (1114) for high-income regions to 546 (511652) for sub-Saharan Africa. Accelerated
(A Gemmill MA) progress will be needed to achieve the SDG goal; countries will need to reduce their MMRs at an annual rate of reduction
Correspondence to: of at least 75%.
Dr Doris Chou, World Health
Organization, Department of
Reproductive Health and
Interpretation Despite global progress in reducing maternal mortality, immediate action is needed to meet the
Research, 1211 Geneva, ambitious SDG 2030 target, and ultimately eliminate preventable maternal mortality. Although the rates of reduction
Switzerland that are needed to achieve country-specic SDG targets are ambitious for most high mortality countries, countries that made a concerted eort to reduce maternal mortality between 2000 and 2010 provide inspiration and guidance on
how to accomplish the acceleration necessary to substantially reduce preventable maternal deaths.
Funding National University of Singapore, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, USAID, and
the UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research
Training in Human Reproduction.
Research in context
Evidence before this study Globally, MMR declined from 385 deaths per 100 000 livebirths
All publicly available data on maternal mortality are compiled on (80% uncertainty interval [UI] 359427) in 1990,
a regular basis by the United Nations Maternal Mortality to 216 (207249) in 2015. In the next 15 years, 39 million women
Inter-Agency Group (UN MMEIG) to improve monitoring of would die from a maternal cause of death if each country
progress towards maternal survival goals, and to enhance the continues to reduce its MMR at the present rate of 29%, which
capacity of countries to produce timely estimates of maternal was the median annual reduction for 200010. The Sustainable
mortality. Before our study, the global database contained Development Goals aim for a total number of projected
2374 records and UN MMEIG estimates of maternal mortality cumulative maternal deaths between 2016 and 2030 of no more
levels and trends were constructed using that database and a than 25 million, 14 million lower than is expected based on
multilevel regression model for countries without sucient present rates of change.
high-quality information from vital registration systems.
Implications of all the available evidence
Added value of this study With the vision of ending preventable maternal deaths and the
This study extended the existing UN MMEIG global database by mission to reduce the global MMR to 70 deaths per 100 000 in
including 234 additional records. We constructed estimates for the next 15 years, urgent action is needed to accelerate progress,
183 countries that capture data-driven trends in all countries, particularly in countries with substantial maternal mortality.
while accounting for systematic and random errors in the Future action might be guided by past successes in countries
observations. For the rst time, we provide country-specic that have reduced the MMR. Future research on what eorts
estimates of the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) up to the contribute most eectively to maternal mortality reductions will
Millennium Development Goal target year (2015) and assess help the allocation of resources and setting priorities.
achievements in reducing the MMR between 1990 and 2015. See Online for appendix
the proportion of maternal deaths among deaths in misclassication tends to result in undercounting of
women aged 1549 years (panel 1), and we used the maternal deaths because there is higher likelihood of
reported MMR only if the proportion of maternal deaths misclassifying a maternal death as a non-maternal death
was not available. than the opposite. Many nationally representative studies79
For the full database see The full database (and all model specications) that we of reporting of maternal deaths suggest that vital used is available online. The 2015 update to the database registration systems fail to record around 50% of maternal
included more than 200 additional records (referring to deaths.
maternal-mortality-2015/en/ vital statistics from civil registration systems, reporting Some studies were able to record information for only
years, studies, or reports), resulting in a database with pregnancy-related deaths (table 1). Such information is
2608 records providing 3634 country-years of information subject to systematic error because pregnancy-related
in total for 171 countries, from 1985 to 2015 (table 2). The deaths tend to exceed maternal deaths because of the
appendix (pp 575) provides source details for all inclusion of deaths that are not causally related to the
datapoints not taken from vital statistics. pregnancy. However, because pregnancy-related deaths
Most data sources for maternal mortality have substantial are reported by a family member and pertain to deaths
uncertainty or biases. The estimation approach attempts to occurring during pregnancy rather than deaths for which
account for these random and systematic errors (table 2). the cause has been medically classied, surveys such as
For civil registration vital statistics data, the reported the Demographic Health Survey and other sources that
proportion of maternal deaths among all deaths to women report pregnancy-related deaths might also be subject to
aged 1549 years were the data inputted. For vital under-reporting, especially for deaths occurring early in
registration country-years based on International pregnancy (and thus unknown to the reporting family
Classication of Disease (ICD)-9, we used deaths coded to member; table 2).12
630676, and for those based on ICD-10, we used codes
O00O95, O98O99, and A34 (which include only those Sources and construction of other model inputs
maternal deaths for which the timing corresponds to the We used several other inputs to estimate MMR and
denition of a maternal death). An important systematic related outcomes, including entries from WHO life
bias associated with vital registration data is the potential tables, which provide estimates of all-cause deaths
misclassication of maternal deaths resulting from errors among women of reproductive age,13 estimates of
in medical reporting and certication of the cause of death livebirths from UNPD,14 and estimates of deaths due to
or errors in applying the correct ICD code. Such HIV/AIDS among women aged 1549 years from
Information used to construct maternal Assumptions about systematic errors Assumptions about random errors Number of Country-years
mortality estimates (reporting problems that result in biases) records
Civil registration vital statistics
ICD-9 PM Misclassication of maternal deaths or Observations are subject to stochastic 1078 1078
incompleteness; inclusion of late maternal errors
ICD-10 PM Misclassication of maternal deaths or Observations are subject to stochastic 947 947
incompleteness errors
Specialised studies Maternal deaths are used if a rigorous None Observations are subject to stochastic 224 364
assessment conrms that all deaths to errors
women of reproductive age were captured;
otherwise, the PM or MMR is used*
Other data sources reporting PM or MMR* Under-reporting of maternal deaths Observations might be subject to 178 206
on maternal mortality sampling, stochastic, or additional
random error
Other data sources reporting Pregnancy-related PM or Under-reporting of pregnancy-related Observations might be subject to 181 1038
on pregnancy-related pregnancy-related MMR* deaths; over-reporting of maternal deaths sampling, stochastic, or additional
mortality (eg, through sibling due to the inclusion of pregnancy-related random error
histories) deaths that are not maternal
Stochastic errors refer to dierences between observed PMs and expected PMs due to the randomness associated with the event of a maternal deathie, when considering the event of a maternal death as the
outcome of a random variable with a Bernouilli distribution with the probability of a maternal death given by the expected PM. Sampling error arises in recorded PMs that are obtained from samples that are a
subset of the populationeg, in surveys or sample registration systems. In addition to sampling or stochastic errors, results might be due to additional random errors, which are non-systematic errors that occur
during data collectioneg, due to how a questionnaire was administered or due to data entry errors. PM=proportion of all-cause deaths that are maternal. MMR=maternal mortality ratio. ICD=International
Classication of Diseases. *PM takes precedence over MMR.
UNAIDS.15 We used three covariates in the statistical the AIDS MMR was modelled separately to capture the
analysis: the gross domestic product per capita, the trends in maternal mortality associated with the epidemic,
general fertility rate, and the proportion of births following the same procedure used previously.79
delivered by skilled health personnel.16 The appendix The model for the non-AIDS MMR consists of two
(pp 23) provides sources and details on constructing components. The main component is a Bayesian
trends for these covariates. hierarchical regression model. This regression model
assumes that the logged proportion of non-AIDS
Statistical analysis maternal deaths among all non-AIDS deaths to women
We estimated indicators of maternal mortality using a of reproductive age (the dependent variable) is a linear
new Bayesian maternal mortality estimation model.10 function of random country-specic intercepts and three
This model renes the approach previously used by the predictor variables: gross domestic product, general
Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group to fertility rate, and the proportion of births delivered by
better incorporate trends in country data and surrounding skilled health personnel. This model has been used
uncertainty. The model is able to track high-quality data previously to estimate non-AIDS MMR for countries
very closely, handle countries that changed from using without sucient high-quality data from vital registration
survey-based data sources to newly scaled up vital systems.79 In this study, we extended this regression
registration, and combine information from data and model to capture country-specic trends in the non-AIDS
covariates for countries with limited data while producing MMR as suggested by the data: the regression-based and
covariate-driven estimates for countries without data. thus covariate-driven estimates for rates of reduction in
The model eliminates the need to group countries on the the non-AIDS MMR were combined with country-year-
basis of data availability: one model is used for all specic distortion terms. We modelled these distortion
countries, irrespective of the data sources available. A full terms with a time-series model and estimated them for
technical description of the model and software has been all country-years. The eect was as follows: if data for a
published elsewhere.10 country suggested that the non-AIDS MMR decreased
The MMR for each country-year was modelled as the faster in year t than expected based on covariates, the
sum of the AIDS MMR and the non-AIDS MMR, where data-driven distortion term for that year was estimated to
non-AIDS MMR refers to maternal deaths due to direct be greater than 0, to capture the acceleration in the MMR
obstetric causes or to indirect causes other than HIV, reduction beyond the reduction captured by covariates.
whereas AIDS maternal deaths are those deaths caused Similarly, if the MMR reduced less than expected based
by AIDS for which pregnancy was a substantial on covariates, the distortion was estimated to be negative
aggravating factor. Because of the substantial eect of the to capture the deceleration in the MMR reduction
HIV/AIDS epidemic on mortality in many countries, compared with the expected covariate-based reduction.
For countries with ample data across time, the distortion intervals (UIs) for the MMR and all related outcomes
term had a more dominant role in the estimation, using the 10th and 90th percentiles of the posterior
allowing for the model to track patterns in country data, distributions. There is a 10% chance that the true outcome
whereas for countries with limited data, the estimates are is below the interval, and there is a 10% chance that the
more strongly supported by the expected trend implied true outcome is above the interval. We report 80% UIs
by the covariates. For countries with continuous rather than 95% UIs because of the substantial uncertainty
time series of high-quality vital registration data, the inherent in maternal mortality outcomes: intervals based
model follows the data very closely (given adjustments on higher uncertainty levels quickly lose their ability to
for misclassication). present meaningful summaries of a range of likely
We used data quality models to account for systematic outcomes.
and random errors associated with the recorded proportion The UIs for the MMR and related maternal mortality
of maternal deaths: we assumed that each recorded logged outcomes assess the uncertainty in the indicators based
proportion of maternal deaths was equal to the sum of the on the available data and uncertain model parameters,
true logged proportion of maternal deaths, adjusted for such as data adjustment parameters. The uncertainty
reporting problems (to make it comparable to the reported assessment does not include the uncertainty in any of
value) and additional error, which was assumed to be the demographic indicators that were used as inputs to
normally distributed.10,16 Adjustments for reporting issues our model, including the total number of deaths to
(table 2) were similar to adjustments used in previous women of reproductive ages and the number of births.
studies.79 However, late maternal deaths were excluded
from proportions of maternal deaths based on ICD-10 to Country consultation
be in keeping with our denition of maternal death, and We consulted with WHO member states, providing the
adjustments were updated accordingly. We accounted for opportunity for them to share data or provide additional
uncertainty in the adjustment parameters through prior information about national data sources. The process
distributions on the adjustment parameters by increasing does not involve obtaining approval from countries
the overall error variance of the observation. For each regarding the estimates. Our estimates are intended to
observation, total error variance was set equal to its be internationally comparable; thus, they might dier
stochastic or sampling error variance, combined with a from national estimates developed by other methods.
non-sampling or additional random error variance term During the country consultation, we received new data
for observations from surveys and miscellaneous sources. from 33 countries that were deemed to be of sucient
We accounted for the resulting total error variances in the quality for inclusion (Argentina, Australia, Austria,
model tting such that, with systematic errors being equal, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Costa
observations of the proportion of maternal deaths with Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
smaller error variances carried a greater weight in El Salvador, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary,
determining the estimates than did observations with Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Panama,
larger error variances. South Korea, Rwanda, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Turkey, USA).
Maternal mortality indicators
In addition to the MMR estimates, we also calculated the Projections for 2030
annual (continuous) rate of reduction, the lifetime risk of We constructed scenario-based projections for 2030 to
maternal mortality,2 and the maternal mortality rate assess the potential eect of meeting the targets
(panel 1). proposed in the SDGs.11 We also generated country-
We estimated indicators of maternal mortality with a specic MMR projections from 2016 to 2030, based on
Bayesian model. We used a Markov chain Monte Carlo the median of the country-specic continuous annual
algorithm to generate samples of the posterior rates of reduction for 200010, to represent what would
distributions of all model parameters. We implemented happen if countries typical experiences continued until
the algorithm using JAGS software (version 3.3.0) and did 2030. We used annual rates of reduction for 200010, as
For the software and data the analysis with R. Software programs and input data are opposed to later periods, to exclude more recent years
see available online. for which MMR estimates are driven by modelling for
The sampling algorithm produced a set of trajectories of most countries. We calculated the median annual rates
mortality-2015/en the MMR for each country, from which we derived other of reduction based on all countries, irrespective of the
indicators and aggregate outcomes. Point estimates for MMR in 2000, because SDG target rates will apply to all
maternal mortality indicators were based on posterior countries irrespective of their starting level in 2015.
medians or equivalently, 50th percentiles of posterior
distributions. To obtain point estimates of relative Role of the funding source
reductions, annual rates of reduction, and aggregate The funders of the study had no role in study design, data
outcomes (eg, worldwide MMR), we used unrounded collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of
point estimates of the MMR. We computed 80% uncertainty the report. LA, DC, SZ, A-BM, and DH had full access to
400 1000
Maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 livebirths)
0 0 0
500 300
300 100
0 0 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Year Year Year
Figure 1: Global and regional estimates of maternal mortality ratio from 1990 to 2015
Shaded areas are 80% uncertainty intervals. Shaded areas in background are comparable.
all the data in the study and all authors had nal 1990, to 303 000 (291 000349 000) in 2015. The largest
responsibility for the decision to submit for publication. proportion in 2015 occurred in sub-Saharan Africa
(201 000 deaths [663%], 80% UI 188 000240 000).
Results Estimates for all years are available online. Between For the MMR estimates for all
The global maternal mortality ratio decreased from 1990 and 2015, 107 million women worldwide died years see
385 deaths per 100 000 livebirths (80% UI 359427) in from maternal causes. monitoring/maternal-
1990, to 216 (207249) in 2015, corresponding to a 439% Regional ndings can mask variation between mortality-2015/en/
(340487) decline and an annual continuous rate of individual countries within the region and regional
reduction of 23% (1727; gure 1, appendix MMRs might be driven by the MMRs of countries with
pp 7688). We dene regions and developmental status many livebirths. The appendix (pp 7688) shows country-
according to the MDG classication. The progress made specic MMR estimates. Globally in 2015, the median
and present levels of maternal mortality dier greatly country-specic MMR was 54 deaths per 100 000 livebirths
between regions. The highest regional rate of decline (IQR 14229) and country-specic estimates ranged
for 19902015 occurred in eastern Asia (annual from 3 (80% UI 23) in Finland to 1360 (9991980) in
continuous rate of reduction 50%, 80% UI 4060) Sierra Leone (gure 2). Among countries with an MMR
and the lowest was in the Caribbean (18%, 0031). greater than 100 deaths per 100 000 livebirths in 1990,
Regional MMRs for 2015 ranged from 12 deaths per changes ranged from an increase of 340% (80% UI
100 000 livebirths (80% CI 1114) for developed regions 65912) for Guyana, to a decrease of 900% (789946)
to 546 (511652) for sub-Saharan Africa. for Maldives. The lower bound of the 80% UI exceeded
The yearly number of global maternal deaths 500 for eight countries (Central African Republic, Chad,
decreased from 532 000 (80% UI 496 000590 000) in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Liberia,
Population <100 000 not
included in the assessment
Data not available
Not applicable
Data not available
Not applicable
Data not available
Not applicable
Figure 2: Maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 livebirths) for 2015
(A) Point estimates, (B) lower bounds of 80% uncertainty intervals, and (C) upper bounds of 80% uncertainty intervals.
A 75% reduction (achieved MDG 5) B 50% reduction, lower bound >25% C 25% reduction, lower bound >0% C Other
Romania Haiti
Papua New Guinea
Equatorial Guinea
Peru Nigeria
Ethiopia Swaziland
Indonesia Bolivia
Nepal Algeria
Bhutan Afghanistan Ghana Malawi
Tajikistan Central African
Bangladesh Burkina Faso Republic
Egypt The Gambia
Solomon Islands Sierra Leone
India Gabon
Eritrea Mauritania
Comoros Benin
Cape Verde El Salvador Botswana Yemen
Mozambique FSM Congo (Brazzaville)
Morocco Kenya
Timor-Leste Kiribati Colombia
OPT Philippines
Vietnam Syria Lesotho
Myanmar Mali Namibia
Tanzania DRC
Pakistan Cameroon
Sudan Nicaragua
Laos Brazil Chad
Guatemala Cte dIvoire
Djibouti Somalia Paraguay
Rwanda South Sudan Guinea-Bissau Panama
Dominican Republic Zimbabwe
Iraq Niger
Tunisia Suriname
So Tom and Prncipe Togo
Mongolia South Africa
Guinea Guyana
Figure 3: Relative reduction in maternal mortality ratio from 1990 to 2015, for 95 countries with maternal mortality ratio of more than 100 in 1990
Countries are grouped on the basis of the categories from table 3. Within each category, countries are sorted by relative reduction. Error bars refer to 80% uncertainty intervals. DRC=Democratic
Republic of the Congo. OPT=Occupied Palestinian Territory. FSM=Federated States of Micronesia.
1990 2015
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Lifetime risk (1000) Lifetime risk (1000)
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
been met. Of the category 1 countries, the probability of
having reached MDG 5 is greater than 90% for Cambodia
MMR in Maternal Cumulative MMR in Maternal Cumulative
2030 deaths in maternal 2030 deaths in maternal
and Maldives but smaller than 90% for all other countries.
(deaths per 2030 deaths (deaths per 2030 deaths The other categories are based on point estimates and the
100 000 100 000 lower bounds of the 80% UIs for the relative decline. It is
livebirths) livebirths)
important to include uncertainty assessments in a
Worldwide 161 223 000 3 878 000 64 89 000 2 508 000 categorisation of country progress. For example, in
Developed regions 8 990 19 000 4 500 14 000 Nigeria, the point estimate for the relative reduction in
Northern Africa 43 1700 34 000 21 850 25 000 MMR since 1990 suggests a decrease of 396%. However,
Sub-Saharan Africa 357 161 000 2 692 000 128 58 000 1 646 000 the lower bound of the 80% UI is 50%; thus, the chance
Caucasus and central Asia 21 320 6500 11 160 4800 that no progress has been made is greater than 10%. Most
Eastern Asia 18 2400 50 000 9 1200 37 000 countries (39 [41%] of 95) are in category 2; for countries
Southeastern Asia 72 7900 150 000 36 3900 109 000 in this category, the best estimate suggests that MMR has
Southern Asia 115 40 000 778 000 58 20 000 564 000 fallen by at least 50%, and there is at least a 90% chance
Western Asia 59 3200 58 000 30 1600 42 000 that the MMR decreased by 25% since 1990. For the
Caribbean 117 7400 14 000 58 370 11 000 21 countries in category 3, the best estimate suggests that
Latin America 39 3600 70 000 20 1800 51 000 the MMR reduced by at least 25% and there is at least a
Oceania 123 360 6400 61 180 46 000 90% chance that the MMR has declined. For category 4
countries, the chance that the MMR decreased is less than
Regions and developmental status based on MDG classication. Scenario 1 is based on past experience in a typical
90% or the point estimate of the country-specic decline is
country (annual rate of reduction of 29%) and scenario 2 is based on the Sustainable Development Goal of a global
MMR of less than 70 deaths per 100 000 livebirths by 2030, and MMR of less than 140 deaths per 100 000 livebirths less than 25% (gure 3).
for each country. The number of maternal deaths has been rounded as follows: <100 rounded to the nearest 1; Globally, lifetime risk of maternal death fell by more
100999 rounded to nearest 10; 10009999 rounded to nearest 100; and >10 000 rounded to nearest 1000. than half, from 14 maternal deaths per 1000 women over
MMR=maternal mortality rate. MDG=Millennium Development Goals.
their lifetimes (80% UI 1315) in 1990, to 6 (56) maternal
Table 4: Projections of MMR and maternal deaths for 2030 deaths in 2015 (gure 4), which is equivalent to 1 death per
73 women (6678) in 1990, and 1 death per 180 women
Maldives, Mongolia, Rwanda, Timor-Leste), for which the (160190) in 2015. The largest relative declines occurred in
point estimate of the reduction between 1990 and 2015 eastern Asia (84%) and southern Asia (81%). The largest
suggests that the MDG 5 target of a 75% reduction has absolute decline occurred in sub-Saharan Africa, where
is rarely collected. Although providing comprehensive vital registration systems changed from using ICD-9 to
maternal and child health interventions might be ICD-10. Whereas deaths reported by ICD-9 codes cannot
unrealistic in countries faced with conict or natural be explicitly identied by timing, ICD-10 introduced the
disaster, targeted actions such as routine obstetric care concept of late maternal deaths; those that occur 42 days
during crises might be possible and could reduce to 1 year after the end of a pregnancy. Since the
maternal mortality from preventable causes.25 introduction of these codes (O96 and O97), the number
In 2000, when the MDGs were endorsed, 98 countries of late maternal deaths and cases of near-miss and
had civil registration systems, 37 countries had had maternal morbidity have increased (perhaps because of
nationally representative surveys done in the previous obstetric transition, in which deaths decrease because of
57 years, and few specic reports on maternal improvements in health care).28 Although improvements
mortality existed. To overcome the limitations of a in health care probably contribute to this eect, the
paucity of data, statistical models have been used to potential contribution of changes in reporting also
assess progress in maternal health. Our model updates warrants further investigation. Such considerations are
the method for estimating maternal mortality, and uses especially relevant for the release of the 11th revision of
new data corresponding to 3634 country-years of the ICD, which is expected in 2018, and will be
information in 171 countries and updated estimates for implemented through the latter half of the SDG
covariates and the number of livebirths. Validation monitoring period.
exercises suggest that our model was reasonably well For countries without well-functioning vital regis-
calibrated.10 The appendix (p 121) provides an overview tration systems, well-designed research studies and
of the dierences between UN Maternal Mortality surveillance systems can collect data for cause-specic
Estimation Inter-Agency Group estimates published in analyses of mortality to assess the proportion of deaths
2014, and our revised estimates, and decomposes that have maternal causes.79,11,29 However, many countries
dierences into those caused by new methods versus rely on the reporting of pregnancy-related mortality for
those caused by updated inputs.9 estimating maternal mortality, which is challenging
Despite these improvements, challenges remain because limited data are available that enable a detailed
regarding the estimation of maternal mortality and our analysis of how national pregnancy-related mortality
study has some limitations. Estimating maternal compares to maternal mortality. There is also the
mortality is challenging because of limited data challenge of dening and estimating which proportion
availability. For example, for nine of 171 countries with of pregnancy-related AIDS deaths should be counted as
empirical evidence, there were no datapoints from 2005 maternal deaths due to the aggravating eect of the
or later, and for 55 of 171 countries, there was no pregnancy.9 Subnational studies, such as that of the
information since 2010. Moreover, there is substantial INDEPTH surveillance network, might also provide new
uncertainty around observations because of random insights for estimates.29 The extent of under-reporting or
errors (including sampling or stochastic errors), and over-reporting of the proportion of pregnancy-related
uncertainty arising from systematic errors in reporting. deaths is another uncertain factor. Although previous
The misclassication of maternal deaths is a great studies12 suggested that the proportion of pregnancy-
obstacle to accurate measurement of maternal mortality related maternal deaths are under-reported, a more
in countries with functioning vital registration systems. recent study30 in a demographic surveillance site in
Although the addition of a pregnancy check box Senegal showed that the proportion of pregnancy-related
on International Classication of Diseases coding deaths was over-reported when using a Demographic
documents has improved the classication of maternal Health Survey questionnaire, and that a siblings survival
deaths, they continue to be classied outside of related calendar might provide a better instrument for
ICD-10 codes.9 Acknowledging these classication measuring pregnancy-related mortality. Further studies
diculties, countries such as Kazakhstan, Mexico, and are needed to test the validity of these ndings in other
Cuba have implemented specialised surveillance systems settings. More generally, to improve maternal mortality
and administrative protocols to review and correct cause estimates, future endeavours related to maternal health
of death assignment before submission to vital statistical monitoring should take into account how data are
departments; thus, eliminating systematic misclassi- collected and determine mechanisms to standardise
cation errors (unpublished data).26,27 If implemented in data to minimise reporting biases.11
more countries, this strategy would result in more The estimation of maternal mortality depends on the
accurate reporting and provide the basis for additional estimation of adult female mortality and the number of
analyses of misclassication that might inform births. As such, the challenges and limitations that apply
misclassication adjustments for countries without to the estimation of these two indicators should also
such systems. apply to estimation of maternal mortality.13,14 Uncertainty
Another reporting diculty relates to the eect of the assessments should include the uncertainty in related
changing denition and idea of what a maternal death indicators such as covariates, all-cause deaths, and births.
is. During the MDG reporting period, countries with A further limitation is the reliance on predictor covariates
whenever empirical country observations are lacking. Although the SDG target is a worthy aim, individual
Compounding this limitation is the challenge in countries need to do much work to accomplish this
constructing time series of covariates that are comparable ambitious goal in the next 15 years. Continued research
across countries and within countries over time. Doing on what eorts and innovations have the greatest eect on
so for skilled birth attendance is particularly challenging maternal mortality will help to allocate resources and set
because of diculties in its denition as well as priorities. The acceleration in reducing maternal mortality
reporting.3134 Because of the uncertainty in maternal will not be possible without clinical and non-clinical
mortality indicators, more attention needs to be given to interventions as well as political and policy action, as
the presentation and interpretation of UIs. In addition, shown by countries that have already substantially
users of MMR estimates should be warned against post- decreased maternal mortality in a short period. Although
hoc analyses for countries with limited data, such as each country will be dierent, the Ending Preventable
correlating the MMR estimates with coverage indicators, Maternal Mortality Strategy suggests adaptive highly
given the uncertainty surrounding the MMR estimates eective interventions to improve womens health, before,
and the covariate-driven estimation approach. during, and after pregnancy.11 Discussions on interventions
Our estimates of MMR dier from those produced by should be informed by the content and quality of the care
the Global Burden of Disease study 2013 (appendix provided; eorts are underway to dene and delineate
pp 119, 305487).35 Globally, for the 183 countries included what constitutes high-quality care, which would be
in our study (excluding Puerto Rico), the Global Burden of expected to decrease mortality and morbidity.39 These
Disease study estimated that there were 374 000 maternal strategies are complemented by analyses such as the Lives
deaths in 1990, compared with our estimate of 532 000 Saved Tool and the One Health Tool, which provide
(80% UI 496 000590 000).36 Large dierences are present insights into their cost-eectiveness and eect on
in southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. For 2013, the mortality reduction.40,41
dierences are smaller: the Global Burden of Disease Achievement of the target will also require robust
study estimates 292 000 maternal deaths compared with information systems to monitor progress and inform
315 000 (80% UI 303 000356 000) in our study. Dierences priority-setting, planning, and resource allocation. The
in MMRs might be due to dierences in estimates of all- importance of high-quality data, specically on cause of
cause deaths: all-cause mortality estimates are much death, to inform decision making and to ultimately reduce
lower in the Global Burden of Disease study than in our maternal mortality is described in the UN Global Strategy
study for most countries in sub-Saharan Africa in 1990, for Womens, Childrens and Adolescents Health, which
and all-cause mortality in the Global Burden of Disease puts data collection at the centre of political attention.42,43
might be underestimated for those countries that rely Although the activities and resources needed to
largely on Demographic Health Survey sibling histories.37 accomplish the SDG target might seem overwhelmingly
Other explanations for dierences in estimates include ambitious, ten countriesincluding Cambodia and
dierences in the pre-processing of input data (ie, vital Rwandahave experienced rates of reduction that
registration and Demographic Health Survey data), exceeded those necessary to meet the SDG target.
dierences in the estimates of the number of births (the Moreover, a world where millions of preventable maternal
Global Burden of Disease study used estimates from deaths continue to occur is not acceptable as an alternative
World Population Prospects 2012 whereas we used World scenario. Hence, the time for action is now.
Population Prospects 2015), and dierences in the models Contributors
and covariates used for estimating maternal mortality LA and SZ developed the statistical model and analysed the model
outcomes. More analysis is needed to better understand results. DH and CM provided statistical support and inputs to the
models development. DC, DH, DMF, AG, and A-BM constructed input
the contribution of the various dierences in modelling datasets. LA, DC, DH, and LS wrote the rst draft of the report. All
to the dierences in estimates at the country and authors reviewed results and provided inputs and comments.
regional levels. UN MMEIG collaborators and technical advisory group
As the aim of monitoring in MDG 5 has given way to Saifuddin Ahmed (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA),
maternal mortality-related targets for the SDGs, a vision of Mohamed M Ali (World Health Organization, Eastern Mediterranean
ending all preventable maternal deaths has emerged.38 Regional Oce, Cairo, Egypt), Agbessi Amouzou (United Nations
Childrens Fund, New York, NY, USA), David Braunholtz (independent
Although maternal deaths might still occur in even the best consultant), Peter Byass (Ume University, Ume, Sweden; University of
circumstances, every eort should be made to eliminate the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa), Liliana Carvajal-Velez
preventable maternal deaths. The SDG of reducing (United Nations Childrens Fund, New York, NY, USA),
global maternal mortality to less than 70 deaths per Victor Gaigbe-Togbe (United Nations Population Division, New York, NY,
USA), Patrick Gerland (United Nations Population Division, New York,
100 000 livebirths by 2030 works towards this aim.11 Our NY, USA), Edilberto Loaiza (UNFPA, New York, NY, USA), Samuel Mills
projections suggest that the achievement of the SDG (World Bank Group, Washington DC, USA), Namuunda Mutombo
maternal mortality target would result in 601% fewer (African Population and Health Research Center, Nairobi, Kenya),
maternal deaths in 2030, and 14 million fewer deaths Holly Newby (United Nations Childrens Fund, New York, NY, USA),
Thomas W Pullum (Demographic Health Survey, Rockville, MD, USA),
cumulatively from 2016 to 2030, compared with a projection and Emi Suzuki (World Bank Group, Washington DC, USA).
based on the typical rate of reduction for 200010.