Ecological Communication, Niklas Luhmann PDF
Ecological Communication, Niklas Luhmann PDF
Ecological Communication, Niklas Luhmann PDF
Translated by John Bednarz, jr.
Luhmann, Niklas.
Ecological communication.
Translation of: Okologische Kommunikation.
Includes index.
1. EcologyPhilosophy. 2. ManInfluence on nature.
3. Environmental protectionPhilosophy. 4. Environ-
mental policy. I. Title.
QH540.5.L8313 1989 574.5'01 89-4843
ISBN 0 - 2 2 6 - 4 9 6 5 1 - 1 (alk. paper)
j iMUHiiHUHii; mnmii j
I 10 SEP. 1990
1 Sociological Abstinence 1
2 Causes and Responsibilities? 8
3 Complexity and Evolution 11
4 Resonance 15
5 The Observation of Observation 22
6 Communication as a Social Operation 28
7 Ecological Knowledge and Social Communication 32
8 Binary Coding 36
9 Codes, Criteria, Programs 44
10 Economy 51
11 Law 63
12 Science 76
13 Politics 84
14 Religion 94
15 Education 100
16 Functional Differentiation 106
17 Restriction and Amplification
Too Little and Too Much Resonance 115
VI Contents
Translator's Introduction
Niklas Luhmann
Sociological Abstinence
1 The theory must change its direction from the unity of the
social whole as a smaller unity within a larger one (the world)
to the difference of the system of society and environment,
7 Sociological Abstinence
If these two points are accepted then 'society' signifies the all-
encompassing social system of mutually referring communications.
It originates through communicative acts alone and differentiates
itself from an environment of other kinds of systems through the
continual reproduction of communication by communication. In
this way complexity is constituted through evolution.
The considerations that follow presuppose this theory - not in
order to provide a solution to the problem of the ecological
adaption of the system of society, but instead to see what contours
the problem takes on when it is formulated with the help of this
'We really can change the whole thing', is a slogan that could
still be heard even quite recently. Courage is all that is needed -
and cybernetic guidance! Complexity has simply been exploited
insufficiently until today causing all kinds of mistakes and
problems for the system's output. Instead, the system has to use
variety (i.e., number of possible states) to control variety and in
this way, acquire the 'requisite variety for running the world'. 1
This kind of optimism seems to have passed. It underestimated
the much discussed problematic of structured complexity. Above
all, it did not understand that the concept of complexity itself
designates a unity that acquires meaning only in reference to
difference, indeed in reference to the difference of system and
It is not saying much to state that the world or a system is
'complex'. From this point of view everything determinate results
from the reduction of complexity. Instead, one could simply say
that everything occurs only in the world. But not much is gained
in this way. Statements concerned with complexity become
productive only when they are turned from unity to difference.
The distinction of system and environment can be used to do
this. It enables one to make the statement with which we will
introduce the following discussion: that for any system the
environment is always more complex than the system itself.3 No
system can maintain itself by means of a point-for-point
correlation with its environment, i.e., can summon enough
'requisite variety' to match its environment. So each one has to
12 Complexity and Evolution
say that a system can see only what it can see. It cannot see what
it cannot. Moreover, it cannot see that it cannot see this. For the
system this is something concealed 'behind' the horizon that, for
it, has no 'behind'. What has been called the 'cognized model'1
is the absolute reality for the system. It has a singular quality of
being or, logically speaking, univocality (Einwertigkeit). It is what
it is, and if it turns out that it is not what it seems to be then
the system has made a mistake! The system can operate only
with two values when it uses the distinction of self-reference and
All this necessarily holds true for a system's immediate
observation of what presents itself as environment to it. Neverthe-
less, a system that observes other systems has other possibilities.
Even if it posits its environment apodictically, like every other
system, the observation of a system by another system following
Humberto Maturana we will call this 'second-order observation'2
- can also observe the restrictions forced on the observed system
by its own mode of operation. The observing system can discover
that the environment of the observed system is not constituted
by boundaries at all, but, perhaps, by constraints. It can observe
the horizons of the observed system so that what they exclude
becomes evident. Using this, it can clarify the mode of operation
of the system/environment-relations in a kind of 'second-order
At present, second-order cybernetics seems to be the place
where the problems of the foundations of logic and epistemology
can, at least, be handled if not 'solved'. We will therefore have
to examine it briefly because these problems become increasingly
important when we deal with science as a part of society, i.e.,
as part of the object discussed by it (including these words as
part of this text too).
Since social systems in general and societies in particular
constitute themselves through autopoietic self-reference, every
observer is confronted with the question of how these systems
come to terms with the problems of tautology and paradox that
necessarily follow when a system operates through self-reference
alone, i.e., when it must ground all its operations in self-reference.
The classical answer to this problem (Russell and Whitehead,
Tarski) is well known. Such a system has to interrupt or 'unfold'
24 Observation of Observation 24
Communication as a Social
Binary Coding
Eternal Law
(just law)
Natural Law
perfect use" corrupt use
positive law
legal illegal
mere fact of authority was the goal. But if this happens the legal
system is, as it were, coupled to the political system without any
awareness of its own function. Thus its unity cannot be reflected
adequately. The transcendent, external support supplied by
natural law is eliminated and (for the time being) not replaced.
So the use of natural law as the theory of law has to be rejected
within the legal system. Programs assume the task of the correct
handling of the values 'legal' or 'illegal'. The unity of all the
Codes, Criteria, Programs 48
code program
unity p justice
operation legal/illegal valid legal norms
Science 77
Even the scientific system that concerns itself (with the help of
this code and with its corresponding reductions) with themes like
the environment, owes the system's openness and learning capacity
to the closure of its autopoietic self-reproduction. Even the
scientific system finds itself reduced to a self-structured resonance;
Science 81
i.e., creating difference in the sense that one party commits itself
more than the others to long-term environmental programs even
at the expense of the economy (including the loss of jobs) and
campaigns with this difference. This procedure still seems too
risky to the so-called 'peoples parties' who regard voter-swings
of even small percentages as catastrophic. It is possible that this
is changing and that ecological themes, with their own harsh
demands, are supplanting the old sociopolitical ones. We will
always have to reckon with limited resonance. But it is by no
means settled that competitive democracy and the coding of
politics have to ruin themselves with ecological themes by keeping
access to the government open.
code program
unity God revelation
operation immanence/ rules of Holy
transcendence Scripture
Figure 3
Religion 97
Functional Differentiation
itself can form road-blocks for entire political spheres. If law, for
example, brings the pharmaceutical industry and physicians under
the threat of liability to supply information and to establish
precautionary standards then this is something that can have
medical and also economic consequences that are entirely
unrelated to what is legally important and might not even
comprise part of the legal decision itself: the effects of anxiety,
uncertainties, increase of the necessity of experiments on animals,
the rise of costs or even the increase of the routine use of
experimental apparatuses. In all these circumstances there is no
supervening reason because every system can create resonance
only with its own code. This is something that follows almost
automatically if information triggers code-specific operations.
Furthermore, within their own domains, the function systems
depend on other functions being fulfilled elsewhere. Particular
deficits in performance can amount to unmanageable changes of
the social environment of other systems and thereby produce
disproportionate consequences. In this way, far-reaching economic
or political consequences may ensue if the legal system, for
whatever internal reasons, is incapable of developing rules for
the right to conduct labor disputes that enable the participants
to foresee the legal consequences of their behavior. The principle
of 'proportion' [Verhaltnissmassigkeit] within the legal system
may then have disproportionate consequences in relation to the
other systems. For similar reasons politically justified intervention
has, on more than one occasion, ruined entire economic domains
or made them dependent on constant political attention. The
relationship of politics and law shows the same thing in a
spectacular way. On the other hand, the stability of governments
depends on whether the economic production of wealth rises or
falls, i.e., on developments that are to a great extent out of their
control and which often do not work out as well or poorly for
the economy as they do for the political system.
For these reasons a much greater amount of resonance is more
likely to occur within society than to result from its relation to
the external environment. Function systems are differentiated,
coded and programmed for functionally specific high output.
They constantly scour their socially internal environment for
impulses and pick up what is offered to them. They are
119 Restriction and Amplification
what is worse and says nothing about any progress that has been
made, for example, in the medicine of the health sciences.14
Through public rhetoric anxiety has become stylized as the
principle of self-observation. Whoever suffers anxiety is morally
in the right, particularly if it is anxiety on behalf of others and
this can be assigned to a recognized non-pathological type.
Despite these clearly semantic contours no (sub)system can be
differentiated out for the management of anxiety. Even in view
of the tactful, considerate, understanding treatment of this
syndrome it remains to be seen to what extent this is merely a
matter of 'pluralistic ignorance'. 15 If no one really feared a
radioactive contamination of the water-supply but everyone
assumed that others feared this and, consequently, accepted this
argument, then how could anyone detect that the anxiety was
not contrived?
Of course, the social problem lies less in the psychical reality
of anxiety than in its communicative actuality. If anxiety is
communicated and is not contested in the communicative process
it acquires a moral existence. It becomes a duty to worry and a
right to expect participation in fears and to require standards for
defense against danger. Therefore, those who worry about
ecological matters do not, like Noah once did, equip just their
own ark with the necessary material for later evolution. They
become warners - with all the risks that this implies.16 In this
way anxiety infuses ecological communication with morality and
controversies become impossible to make decisions on because of
their polemical origin. Only the future can indicate whether the
anxiety had been justified - but the future is constituted anew
in every present.
Against a morality that propagates anxiety-related distinctions
theoretical analyses are in a difficult position. Anxiety, since it
transforms the uncertainty of the situation into the certainty of
anxiety, is a self-justified principle that needs no theoretical
foundation. It can, and indeed quite rightly does, ascribe theories
to the function system of science and distinguish, accordingly,
whether they sympathize with the anxiety or not. As a result of
the long-standing apriorism of reason, the position from which
an anxiety-based rhetoric and morality makes its observations
enjoys an unassailable self-certainty.
131 Anxiety, Morality and Theory
Toward a Rationality of
Ecological Communication
consider this. Even so, we still have to realize that the discrepancy
between social problems and environmental problems will make
itself known formulated according to systems theory, this means
discrepancies between the society and its environment. In the
case of morality and ethics the concern, naturally, is with a social
regulation, but precisely because of this we will have to ask
whether the conditions and forms of this regulation do not have
to change if they are extended to an unrelated domain, to non-
social sources of problems. It would be premature, however, to
take this question out of circulation by saying that even ecological
problems are ultimately caused socially or, at least, are of interest
only in the context of ecological communication. However correct
this may be, an entirely new dimension of complexity comes into
play through the difference of system and environment, and it is
improbable that this complexity just like the internal social
complexity of double contingency could be transferred to the
conditions of esteem or contempt.
We must, therefore, ask the question whether, even under these
circumstances, an ethics that abstains from paradox will develop
and be able to be practiced with moral responsibility. This could
also give us pause to wonder whether it is not the recognition
of paradox that is the way for ethics to go to do justice to the
new problem situation - for, even in the case of theories, a more
complex problem situation changes the conditions of adequate
internal complexity. It could very well be that the digestive as
well as the ruminating apparatus of ethics will have to be
equipped with more stomachs above all with one for paradoxes.
In any event, as long as such an ethics does not exist, ecological
communication itself will have to respect its distance from
morality. At present it is falsely guided by the instructions of
environmental ethics. To be sure, ecological communication will
examine ethical possibilities too and perhaps be able to prepare
a field of development for their reformulation. But if anywhere,
it is in ecological communication that society places itself in
question, and we cannot see how ethics can dispense with this
and remain available as something that can be relied on. On the
contrary, if a specific function is to be attributed to environmental
ethics within the context of ecological communication then this
might very well be to remain cautious in dealing with morality.
Translator's Introduction
1. Niklas Luhmann, Soziale Systeme (Social Systems), Frankfurt:
Suhrkamp, 1984.
2. Jiirgen Habermas/Niklas Luhmann, Theorie der Gesellscbaft oder
Sozialtechnologie: was leistet die systemforschung? (Theory of
Society or Social Technology: What Does Systems Research
Accomplish?), Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1971.
3. Talcott Parsons, Social Systems and the Evolution of Action
Theory, New York: Free Press, 1977, p. 118.
4. Talcott Parsons et al., Toward a General Theory of Action,
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1951, p. 16.
5. Cf. Soziale Systeme, 1984, p. 93.
6. Hessicher Rundfunk, 7 May 1987.
1. The text of the address has been published in the Proceedings of
the Academy under the given title, RWAkW G278, Opladen 1985.
Chapter 4 Resonance
Chapter 10 Economy
1. c.f., for more detail Niklas Luhmann, 'Das sind Preise', in Soziale
Welt, vol. 34, (1983), pp. 153-70; Luhmann, 'Die Wirtschaft
der Gesellschaft als autopoietisches System', in Zeitschrift fiir
Soziologie, vol. 13 (1984), pp. 3 0 8 - 2 7 .
2. In many respects one will still, of course, be able to detect
'medieval' relations of an almost universal applicability of money
in developing countries. Cf., for this and for the (again medieval-
like) counter-movements, Georg Elwert, 'Die Verflechtung von
Produktionen: Nachgedanken zur Wirtschaftsanthropologie', in
Ernst Wilhelm Miiller et al. (eds), Ethnologie als Sozialwissenschaft,
special edition 26/1984 of the Kolner Zeitschrift fiir Soziologie
und Sozialpsychologie, Opladen 1984, pp. 3 7 9 - 4 0 2 (397ff.).
3. The modern discussion of 'property rights' has developed within
this context. Its extension to ecological goods, like 'rights' to
environmental pollution, has not been able to assume the former
preservative function of property because a right to pollution of
the air and water, whatever has been paid for it, does not enable
the proprietor to handle the air or water carefully and does not
give him the right to complain about the emissions of others.
4. Cf., for example, Raymond de Roover, 'The Concept of Just Price:
Theory and Economic Policy', in Journal of Economic History,
vol. 18 (1958), pp. 4 1 8 - 3 4 ; de Roover, La Pensee economique
des scolastiques: Doctrines et methodes, Paris 1971, see especially
pp. 59ff.
5. This demonstrates both a release of the economy for self-regulation
as well as the reinforcement of economic dependence on a
functioning legal system, i.e., the increase of the dependence and
independence of the economy on law. This was clearly seen by
Max Weber and has been developed extensively ever since. Cf.,
for example, James William Hurst, Law and the Conditions of
162 Notes
Notes 163
paradox. Or, formulated differently, the environmental economy
has to resort to other forms of paradox-elimination and asymmetriz-
13. Less optimistic are observers who simply begin from the facts.
Cf., for example, Brock B. Bernstein, 'Ecology and Economics:
Complex Systems in Changing Environments', in Annual Review
of Ecology and Systematics, vol. 12 (1981), pp. 3 0 9 - 3 0 and in
relation to the boundaries of the consequences of a 'moral suasion',
of a change of values, of a change of consciousness William J.
Baumol/Wallace E. Oates, Economics, Environmental Policy and
the Quality of Life, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1979, pp. 282ff.
14. Cf., for example, Karl-Heinrich Hansmeyer, 'Okologische Anfor-
derungen an die staatliche Datensetzung fur die Umweltpolitik
und ihre Realisierung', in Lothar Wegehenkel (ed.), Marktwirtschaft
und Umwelt, Tubingen 1981, pp. 6 - 2 0 (9).
15. I have not been able to understand and to translate into a
sociological language what economists understand by the 'market'.
The crucial systems-theoretical insight is that the market is not
a 'subsystem' of the economic system but its system-internal
environment or section of this environment viewed from the
perspective of the individual subsystems. Cf., especially Harrison
C. White, 'Where Do Markets Come From?' in American Journal
of Sociology, vol. 87 (1981), pp. 5 1 7 - 4 7 . If one begins from this
then there is no difficulty in discovering such system-internal
environments even in socialist economies with a state-run pro-
duction apparatus. Whether one calls this a 'market' or not is
then primarily a matter of ideology.
16. Reflections on theoretical models can be found in Horst Siebert,
Okonomische Theorie der Umwelt, Tubingen 1978.
17. Cf., Douglas R. Hofstadter, Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal
Golden Braid, Hassocks, Sussex 1979.
18. For further problems resulting from the distinction of level-
decisions and allocation-decisions see also Joachim Klaus, 'Zur
Frage der staatlichen Fixierung von Umweltstandards und Emis-
sionsniveaus', in Wegehenkel, ibid., pp. 969.
19. Compared with the legal system, the parallel is clear with the
similarly hierarchical difference of levels between law-making and
law-application that has to be viewed as a strategy of paradox-
elimination but which always fails in practice. This, however,
occurs only in individual cases and in a way that is acceptable.
20. See perhaps Bender, ibid., (1976); Sieber, ibid., (1978); or in
reference to the level of management science Udo Ernst Simonis
164 Notes
Chapter 11 Law
Chapter 12 Science
12. Cf., for example, Isaac Levi, Gambling with Truth: An Essay on
Induction and the Aims of Science, London 1967.
13. The theory of evolution, therefore, is at the very least, a significant
perspective of modern science because it comes to the rescue here
and explains how (not why) reality, without any consideration of
logic and mathematics, so simplified itself that it finally has become
what it is.
14. This has been formulated ever since Warren Weaver, 'Science and
Complexity', in American Scientist, vol. 36 (1948), pp. 5 3 6 - 4 4 .
Cf., also Todd R. LaPorte (ed.), Organized Social Complexity:
Challenge to Politics and Policy, Princeton N.J. 1975; Giovan
Francesco Lanzara/Francesco Pardi, L'interpretazione della com-
plessita: Methodo sistemico e scienze sociali, Naples 1980; Hans
W. Gottinger, Coping with Complexity, Dordrecht 1983.
15. Cf., for example, Henri Atlan, Entre le cristal et la fumee: Essai
sur /'organisation du vivant, Paris 1979, pp. 74ff. Cf., also Lars
Lofgren, 'Complexity Descriptions of Systems: A Foundational
Study', in International Journal of General Systems, vol. 3 (1977),
pp. 197-214; Robert Rosen, 'Complexity as a System Property',
in International Journal of General Systems, vol. 3 (1977), pp.
16. Cf., Heinz von Foerster, Observing Systems, Seaside Ca. 1981,
especially pp. 288ff.
17. It is obvious that this is an offense against the rules of the theory
of science - even against the rules of the divine Popper. See, for
example, Hans Albert, 'Modell-Platonismus: der neoklassische Stil
des okonomischen Denkens in kritischer Beleuchtung', in Festschrift
Gerhard Weisser, Berlin 1963, pp. 4 5 - 7 6 . But this insight does
not lead one out of the problem but deeper into it when it raises
the question (and this is only a different version of the problem
of structured complexity) how one can protect the theory of
science against infection by paradoxes, how one can immunize
Popper himself.
18. A quite considerable investigation of the effects of distinctions of
size on social structures is summarized as follows, '(25) Other
things being equal, the above statements about the relationship
between scale and social organizations are true. (26) Other things
are never equal.' Gerald D. Berreman, 'Scale and Social Relations:
Thoughts and Three Examples', in Frederick Barth (ed.), Scale and
Social Organization, Oslo 1978, pp. 4 1 - 7 7 (77).
19. To be sure, not if one considers the relative isolation of life on
the earth. Measured by the analytic apparatus of scientific theories
Notes 171
Chapter 13 Politics
Chapter 14 Religion
Chapter 15 Education
1. We will leave aside the special case of Egypt in which neither the
one nor the other is true but, instead, where religion assumed the
representation of unity. It found no successors.
2. Marcel Gauchet, 'L'Experience totalitaire et la pensee de la
politique', in Esprit, July/August 1976, pp. 3 - 2 8 (26).
3. For potentializing through inhibition cf., Yves Barel, Le Paradoxe
et le systeme: Essai sur la fantastique social, Grenoble 1979, pp.
4. The recursivity in the formulation is intended.
5. The impetus that the theory of attribution experienced within this
context was itself an interesting theme of research. It is still
visible, for example, in Felix Kaufmann, Methodenlehre der
Sozialwissenschaften, Wien 1936, especially pp. 18Iff.
6. For a topical survey cf., Ortwin Renn, 'Die alternative Bewegung:
Eine historisch-soziologische Analyse des Protestes gegen die
Industriegesellschaft', in Zeitschrift fur Politik, vol. 32 (1985), pp.
153-94; Karl-Werner Brand (ed.), Neue soziale Bewegungen in
Westeuropa und den USA: Ein internationaler Vergleich, Frankfurt
7. In the sense of Michel Serres, Le Parasite, Paris 1980.
178 Notes
of the risk is not obtained from statistics of past accidents but is,
so to say, projected freely and unrestrictedly. In contrast to the
perception of other risks this is quite clear in Slovic et al., ibid.,
(1980), p. 193.
14. Moreover, it is remarkable here that the fears increase while the
dangers clearly decrease. This is a case of the self-inducement of
anxiety-related communication treated above. In this field of
anxiety the 'double-standard' of involuntary/voluntary can be
observed easily. One is more afraid of the chemistry of the food
industry than one's own poor eating habits when in reality there
is more reason for worrying about the latter.
15. In the sense of the Allport school. Cf., especially Richard L.
Schanck, A Study of a Community and its Groups and Institutions
Conceived of as Behaviors of Individuals, Princeton N.J. 1932;
Ragnar Rommetveit, Social Norms and Roles: Explorations in
the Psychology of Enduring Social Pressures with Empirical
Contributions from Inquiries into Religious Attitudes and Sex
Roles of Adolescents from Some Districts in Western Norway,
Oslo 1955.
16. For the morality and logic of warning, cf., Lars Clausen/Wolf R.
Dombrowsky, 'Warnpraxis und Warnlogik', in Zeitschrift fiir
Soziologie, vol. 13 (1984), pp. 2 9 3 - 3 0 7 .
17. Cf., Niklas Luhmann, Soziale Systeme, Frankfurt 1984, pp. 638ff.
18. See also Niklas Luhmann, 'The Self-Description of Society: Crisis
Fashion and Sociological Theory', in International Journal of
Comparative Sociology, vol. 25 (1984), pp. 5 9 - 7 2 .
communicating 2 8 - 3 1 analysis of 84
and the languages of prices and anxiety 127-8
and norms 63 and binary codes 3 6 - 4 3
and the law 68 differentiation of 3 4 - 5 , 4 1 - 2 ,
economy 5 1 - 6 2 , 84 76, 77
binary code, 36, 52 and education 100-1, 104
definition of 51 and environmental dangers 115
and ecological politics 92, 93 and functional differentiation
and functional differentiation 106-8, 109, 110, 114; see
106-7 also functional
and the law 63 differentiation
limitation of 5 1 - 2 and observation 26
and morality 46 and rationality 135, 136
and politics 63, 90, 91 and resonance 115-20
and resonance 117, 118, in society 127
119-20 functional differentiation 4 2 - 3 ,
and responsibilities 10 106-14, 121
and self-observation 123-4 of codes 4 6 - 5 0
ecosystems 81 and the economy 52
education 42, 100-5 and the law 6 3 - 4
environment, Bender's definition and politics 85, 89
of 58 and rationality 137
environmental compatibility, and resonance 115, 116
testing of 67 and self-observation 125
environmental complexity 11-14 in society 127
environmental dangers and
religion 98 goods, balancing of, and ethical
Erasmus 34 responsibility 70
ethics Greece, ancient
and the balancing of goods 70 and binary codes 43
environmental 5, 55, 139-42 view of environment 6
evolution Green political movement 86, 89,
and binary codes 38, 42, 43 90, 126
complexity of 11-14
Habermas, J. 82, 133, 134, 136
falsity and the scientific code 76, Harnack, Adolf von 126
77-78, 79, 81 Hegel, G. W. F. 108
Frankfurt School 133 Hofstadter, Douglas 60, 111
freedom and the law 65, 66, Husserl, Edmund x, 17, 29, 77,
67-8 82
French Revolution 3, 46, 88
function systems xiii-xiv, xv identity, collective 133-5
184 Index