Sartorius Cata Integrated Lab Equipment S 0300 e

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Products and Solutions

for Science and Research

turning science into solutions

Products and Solutions
for Science and Research
About Sartorius

Sartorius is an internationally leading process

technology supplier covering the segments
of biotechnology and mechatronics. The
Goettingen-based company founded in 1870
currently employs a good 3,660 persons. Its
biotechnology segment focuses on filtration
and separation applications, fermenters and
proteomics. The mechatronics segment par-
ticularly consists of products for weighing,
measurement and automation technology in
laboratory and industrial applications.

Sartorius key customers are from the

pharmaceutical, chemical and food and
beverage industries and from numerous
research and educational institutes of
the public sector.

Sartorius has its own production facilities

in Europe, Asia and America as well as sales
subsidiaries and local commercial agencies
in more than 110 countries.
Table of Content
Major Filtration Applications 11 Minisart SRP Units Sartoclear P Depth Filter
with PTFE Membrane 39 Capsules for Bench Scale Trials 83
Sample Cleaning
Particle and Protein Removal 12 Re-usable 13 mm Syringe Low-cost Polycarbonate Holder 85
Filter Holders 41
Concentration of Proteins 13 25 mm Stainless Steel Filter
Re-usable 25 mm Syringe Holder for In-line Filtration 86
Sterile Venting; Air|Gas Filtration; Filter Holders 43
Clean Room Monitoring 14 47 mm Stainless Steel Filter
Ultrasart D20 for LAL Tests Holder for In-line Filtration 87
Sterilizing Filtration of without Interference 45
Aqueous Solutions 15 Chemical-resistant PTFE Holders 88
Accessories for Minisarts
Which Unit for which Volume? 15 and Re-usable Syringe Stainless Steel Holder
Filter Holders 46 with 200 ml Capacity 90
Microbiological Quality Control 16
Sartorius Sartolab RF|BT Stainless Steel Holder
Vacuum Filtration Units 47 with 2 Liter Capacity 91
Filtration 19
25 mm Glass Holder for the 142 mm Stainless Steel Holder
Low Adsorption Cellulose Acetate Filtration of Small Volumes 48 for the Filtration of up to about
Membrane Filters, Type 111, for 50 Liter Volumes 92
the Filtration of Aqueous Solutions 20 50 mm Glass Holder with
Protective PTFE Ring 49 GMP-complying 142 mm Stainless
Chemical Resistant RC-Membrane Steel Holder with Sanitary Flanges 93
Filters, Type 184, for the Filtration All-glass Holder 50
of Organic Solvents 22 GMP-complying 293 mm Stainless
Polycarbonate Holders 51 Steel Holder with Sanitary Flanges 94
Polyethersulfone Membrane Filters,
Type 154, for the Filtration of Accessories for Modular Assembly System
Aqueous and Aggressive Solutions 23 Vacuum Filter Holders 53 for Stainless Steel Filter
Housings 95
Cellulose Nitrate (Ester) Membrane Sartolab P20 and Sartolab P20
Filters, Type 113, for Sample plus for Reliable Sterile Filtration Accessories for Pressure
Pretreatment, Particle Testing of Tissue Culture Solutions 56 Filtration Units 96
and Chemotaxis 24
SartoScale Filter Filtration Systems
Polyamide Membrane Filters, Test Disposables 58 with Pressure Tanks 97
Type 250, for the Filtration of Alkaline
Solutions and Organic Solvents 26 Sartobran P 150 and Midisart 2000
Sartobran P 300 Capsules 60 Sterile Venting Units 104
Hydrophobic PTFE Membrane
Filters, Type 118, for the Filtration Sartoguard PES Membrane Midisart BV Sterile Venting
of Air, Gases or Chemicals 27 Prefiltration MidiCaps 61 Filter on Disposable Bag and
Tubing Assemblies 106
Polycarbonate Track-Etch- Sartobran P MidiCaps
Membrane Filters, Type 230, Sterilizing MidiCaps 64 Sartofluor MidiCaps with PTFE
for the Analysis of Particles 29 Membrane for Sterile Venting 107
Sartopore 2 150
Glass Fiber Prefilters for Larger and Sartopore 2 300 66 Hydrophobic PTFE Membranes,
Totally Filterable Volumes in Type 118, for the Filtration of
Clarification and Sterile Filtration 30 Sartopore 2 Air, Gases or Chemicals 109
Sterilizing Grade MidiCaps 67
Ultrafiltration Membrane Filters 25 mm Stainless Steel Filter
from PES 146, CTA 145 and Sartopore 2 XLI 0.2 m Holder for In-line Filtration 111
RC 144 for the Concentration, Sterilizing Grade MidiCaps
Purification and Removal of and Capsules 69 47 mm Stainless Steel Filter
Proteins 31 Holder for In-line Filtration 112
Sartopore 2 XLG 0.2 m
Minisart 0.2 m Syringe Filter Sterilizing Grade MidiCaps 72 Sartofluor Mini Cartridges
Holders for Rapid Small for Sterile Venting 113
Volume Sterilization with MidiCaps for the Particle
Maximum User Convenience 33 Removing Filtration or Housings for Sterile Air Venting
Prefiltration 75 and for Air|Gas Filtration 115
High Flow Rate Minisart Syringe
Filters for Particle Removal, Wash Water Capsules 79 Sartocon Slice 116
Ultracleaning and Prefiltration 34
Mini Filter Cartridges for the SartoJet Pump. Four-piston
Minisart RC Units with Hydrophilic, Particle-removing Filtration or Diaphragm Pump for Sartocon
Solvent-resistant RC-membranes 36 Prefiltration 81 Slice Crossflow Filtration System 117
Major Filtration Applications

Sartocon Slice 2000 Vivawell Vac 8-Strip Plate 174

Crossflow Cassette 119 Filtration
Vivapure mini|maxiprep
Sartocon Slice 200 Protein A & G Spin Columns 176
Stainless Steel Holder 120
Vivapure mini|maxiprep MC
Sartoflow Slice 200 Benchtop Spin Columns 178 Ultrafiltration
Crossflow System 121 & Sample Preparation
Vivapure Anti-HSA/IgG Kits
Filter Papers 122 for Human Albumin and
Human Albumin/IgG Depletion 179
Chemical Compatibility 124
Vivapure C18 Micro Membrane Chromatography
Spin Columns 180
Ultrafiltration &
Sample Preparation 131 Adenovirus Purification with
Vivapure AdenoPACK kits 181
Vivaspin 500 132 Microbiological Control
Lentivirus Purification with
24-Well Ultrafiltration Frame Safe Vivapure LentiSELECT Kit 184
and Fast Protein Concentration
in High Throughput Format 133 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
VivaSpec 186
Vivaspin 2 134 Bags for Fluid Handling

Centrisart I 136 Membrane Chromatography 187

Vivaspin 4 137 Sartobind

The Pace Maker in Membrane Laboratory Water Systems
Vivaspin 6 139 Adsorber Technology 188

Vivaspin 15 141 for Robust Separations 189

Vivaspin 15R 143 Sartobind 4 mm Capsules Cell Cultivation Systems

for Polishing 192
Vivaspin 20 144

Vivaclear Centrifugal Filters 147 Microbiological Control 197

Vivacell 70 148 Air Sampler for Homogenizers & Centrifuges

Critical Applications 198
Vivacell 100 151
AirPort MD8 Air Sampler 199
Vivacell 250 154
Gelatine Membrane Filters 200 Filter Integrity Testing Systems
Vivaflow 50 156
BACTair 201
Vivaflow 200 158
Vivapore Solvent Absorption for the MD8 Air Samplers 202 Weighing Technology
Concentrators 160 for Laboratories
Gridded Membrane Filters
Ultrafiltration Membrane Filters from Cellulose Nitrate
from PES 146, CTA 145 and (Cellulose Ester)
RC 144 for the Concentration, acc. to ISO Standards, Sterile and Moisture & Water Content
Purification and Removal of Individually Packaged, Measurement
Proteins 162 for Colony Counting 205

Vivacon 500 For DNA Sample Microsart e.motion Dispenser 206

Desalting and Concentration 164
Microsart e.motion Mass Metrology
Vivacon 2 Membrane Filters 207
For DNA Sample Desalting and
Concentration 166 Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose
Ester) Membrane Filters Gridded,
Vivapure Ion Exchange Individually, Sterile Packaged 208 Electroanalysis
Protein Purification Products 168 for Laboratories
Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Ester)
Vivawell Vac Vacuum Membrane Filters, Gridded,
Manifold Systems 172 Non-sterile Packaged 210

Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Ester) Systems 269 Homogenizers
and Cellulose Acetate Membrane and Centrifuges 313
Filters, White, Individually, arium 613L
Sterile Packaged 212 Reverse Osmosis Systems 270 Homogenizers 314

Hydrophobic Edged Cellulose arium 613AOV Open Gravity Laboratory Centrifuges 316
Nitrate (Cellulose Ester), Cellulose Tanks for Reverse Osmosis Water
Acetate and Regenerated Produced by arium 613L Systems 272
Cellulose Membrane Filters Filter Integrity Testing Systems 317
Individually, Sterile Packaged arium RO 61316
& Non-sterile 214 Reverse Osmosis Systems 273 Sartocheck mini Filter
Integrity Tester for Food &
Nutrient Pad Sets 217 arium EDI 61215 Beverage Applications 318
ASTM Type 2 Pure Water System 276
Culture Media in Bottles and Tubes Sartocheck 3 plus 319
Absorbent Pads and Petri Dishes 221 arium 613CPF05-------V
Pretreatment Cartridge 279 Sartocheck 4 plus 321
Biosart 100 Monitors 223
arium 613CPM4--------V Sartocheck 4 MultiUnit 324
Biosart 100 Nutrient Media 225 Reverse Osmosis Modules 280
WIT Trolley 326
Microsart @filter 100| arium Pressure Tanks
Microsart @filter 250 for Reverse Osmosis Systems
Sterile Disposable Filter Units 226 arium 61215 and Type 2 Water Weighing Technology
Systems arium 61316 281 for Laboratories 329
Microsart Funnel 100|Microsart
Funnel 250 Sterile Disposable arium basic Ultrapure Cubis. The New Benchmark 330
Funnels 228 Water System 282
Premium Ultramicrobalances
Biosart 250 Funnels 230 arium pro Ultrapure and Microbalances SE2, ME5 and
Water System 284 ME36S. Highest Precision Even
Combisart for the Smallest Sample Quantities 334
The Sterile-vented Filter Station 231 arium Cartridge Kits Disposables
for Ultrapure Water Systems 287 Premium Semimicrobalances and
Microsart Combi.jet Analytical Balances: Sartorius ME
2-branch Stainless Steel Manifold 236 arium Water Guard 288 When Results Matter 335

How to Set-up a Standard Micro-, Semimicro-,

Vacuum Filtration System 238 Cell Cultivation Systems 289 Analytical and Precision Balances
The New Sartorius CPA:
Accessories for Vacuum Filter CERTOMAT Benchtop Shakers 290 Unrivalled in Its Performance Class 336
Holders and Manifold Systems 245
CERTOMAT Incubation Shakers 291 Standard Analytical and Precision
Electric Vacuum Pumps 247 Balances Extend The New
Accessories 292 Achievers for Your Lab 339
School Kit
for Microbiological Experiments 254 CultiFlask 50 Budget-class Analytical and
Disposable Bioreactor 294 Precision Balances Talent
Sterility Testing Systems The Affordable Introduction to
Sterisart Universal Pump 255 CELLine Disposable Sartorius Weighing Technology 341
Two-compartement-Bioreactor 295
Sterility Testing Systems Accessories 343
Sterisart NF 256 SENSOLUX Stand-alone Version 296
Safety Weighing Cabinet SWC
Re-usable Sterility Test System 259 SuperSpinner D 1000 297 Safe Weighing of Toxic and
Powdery Substances 346
VoluPACTM Tubes 298
Bags for Fluid Handling 261 Sartorius Density Determination
UniVessel SU The Optimal Equipment for
Standard Flexboy Bags 262 Single-use Stirred Tank Bioreactor 299 All Methods 348

Biostat Aplus The Compact, Bluetooth Wireless Technology*

Laboratory Water Systems 267 Autoclavable Fermentor|Bioreactor 304 Weigh and Communicate
Wirelessly 349
arium 615S Softener Systems BIOSTAT Bplus
Water Pretreatment Systems 268 Integrated System Design for Eliminate Static Electricity
Convenience Research 305 Quickly and Reliably 350
arium 615DI Deionization
Cartridges Water Pretreatment Single-use Bioreactors 308 Sartorius Pipette Calibration 351

8 Table of Content
Major Filtration Applications

OEM Products 353 Weight Sets (YCS) 381

mg Weights (YCW) 382
Moisture & Water Content
Measurement 355 Weights (YCW) 383

The Right Equipment for Test Weights (YCW...8) 384 Ultrafiltration

Any Application 356 & Sample Preparation
Accessories for Weights (YAW) 385
Sartorius MA35. Easy ... Very Easy! 358

Sartorius MA150. Electroanalysis for Laboratories 387

The Compact Class 359 Membrane Chromatography
Sartorius DocuClip &
Sartorius MA100. Docu-pHMeter
Analytical Precision, Combined The New Standard for
with Flexibility and Dynamics 360 Reliability in Electrochemical
Analysis 388 Microbiological Control
MA35|MA100|MA150 361 Professional Meter:
Multitalented Instruments
Accessories MA35|MA100|MA150 363 for the Most Sophisticated
Measurement Tasks 390
Sartorius LMA200PM Bags for Fluid Handling
Speed Meets Analytical Precision 364 pH|mV Meter
Reliability in All Applications 392
LMA200PM 365 Sensors for the Highest Quality
Measurements 393 Laboratory Water Systems
Sartorius WDS400. Selective
Detection of Surface Water, Capillary Accessories 395
Water and Water of Crystallization 366

Sartorius LMA320PA Moisture Services 397 Cell Cultivation Systems

Analysis in a Fraction of a Second 368
Instrument Services 398
Water Detection System WDS 400 367 EXPAND
Training Courses and Seminars 399
Specifications|Accessories Homogenizers & Centrifuges
LMA320PA 369 Abstract of Our Training Program 400

Sartorius PMD320PA and CONFIDENCE Validation Services 407

PMD325PA Online Moisture
Analysis in a Fraction of a Second 370 DISCOVER Filter Integrity Testing Systems
Plant, Process and System Survey 409
PMD320PA and PMD325PA 371 Process Optimization 410

PMD500 Series Process Analyzer Sales & Service Contact 412 Weighing Technology
with NIR Technology 372 for Laboratories

Specifications PMD500 373

Moisture & Water Content

Mass Metrology 375 Measurement

Automatic Mass Comparators

and Robots 376

Manual Mass Comparators 377 Mass Metrology

Accessories for Mass Determination 378

Weights & Weight Sets

(YCW, YCS) 379 Electroanalysis
for Laboratories
Metrological Weight Sets in
Wooden Cases with Forceps* 380

Major Filtration
Sample Cleaning
Particle and Protein Removal 12

Concentration of Proteins 13

Sterile Venting;
Air|Gas Filtration;
Clean Room Monitoring 14

Sterilizing Filtration of
Aqueous Solutions 15

Microbiological Quality Control 16

Sample Cleaning
Particle and Protein Removal

Samples for HPLC Aqueous Solutions and Solvents

Membrane filters have established themselves A 47 mm pressure holder (see page 87)
as the filters of choice for particle removing allows particle removal from liter volumes
preparation of the small volume samples of solutions for cell counters. The all-glass
used for HPLC. The most commonly used pore filter holder with a 0.45 m membrane filter,
size for this application is 0.45 m, although Type 184, is perfectly suitable for the particle
0.2 m is preferred when the sample contains removal from solvents for HPLC.
very fine particles.
Colloid and Protein Removal
Ready to use Minisart RC and Minisart SRP As shown in the guide below, smaller
syringe filtration units are available in both filters must be inserted for the removal of
pore sizes and in 4 mm, 15 mm and 25 mm colloids, e.g. pore sizes of 0.1 m or smaller
Direction of diameters. The small 4 mm units are packed for samples in nephelometry. Proteins
ultrafiltration for ease of removal from the box. require ultrafilters, which tend to quickly
cause blockage due to their fineness. The
The combination of PTFE filter holders and Centrisart I centrifugal units prevent this
PTFE membrane filters is particularly suitable blockage by filtering in the opposite direction
Ultrafiltrate for the filtration of samples for the NMR of the centrifugal force. The easy accessibility
spectrometry and also for the filtration of the filtrate makes Centrisart I units
Ultrafilter of extremely hydrolysis-prone or oxygen extremely practical for the preparation of
Particles etc.
sensitive samples (see pages 27 and 88). clinical samples and for liposome separations.
Centrifugal Water Samples Samples for LAL Tests
force Analytical methods for various substances in The samples are normally clean solutions
water require larger sample volumes. Particle free of ultrafilter blocking substances.
removal using 0.45 m membrane filters is Ultrasart D20 units are designed for the
described in the respective instructions as removal of interfering, low-molecular
well as using 50 mm membrane filters in substances from these samples by simple
glass or stainless steel vacuum filter holders. pressure filtration (see page 45).
Difficult to filter samples, such as sludge
samples, must be filtrated with pressure
(see page 56).

Separation Ranges of Membrane Filters and Ultrafilters

Coarse particles Fine particles Colloids Liposomes

Yeasts| moulds Bacteria Viruses Pyrogens
Cells Proteins Peptides Salts

8 3 0.8 0.65 0.45 0.2 0.1 300,000 D 20,000 D 5,000 D

m m m m m m m MWCO MWCO MWCO

Membrane Filters Ultra Filters

Minisart RC and Centrisart I and Vivaspin

Minisart SRP centrifugal units
syringe units Pages 132 to 136
Pages 33 to 40

Glass filter holders: Membrane filters

Pages 48 to 50 pages 20 to 31

12 Sample Cleaning Particle and Protein Removal | Filtration Applications

Concentration of Proteins

The Sartorius separation techniques for All of the above products utilize ultra-
biomolecules include ultrafiltration and filtration membranes which separate based
membrane adsorption. on the size and low protein adsorption
characteristics the volume exhibits.
Vivaspin centrifugal units or Vivacell pressure
filtration units are commonly used for small
volume concentration with ultrafiltration.
Centrisart I, because of its patented
separation concept, is particularly
advantageous when the ultrafiltrate is of

Crossflow filtration has established itself as

an economical means of processing medium
to large volumes. Vivaflow units perfectly fill
the gap between the centrifugal units and
the cassette systems. These ready-to-connect
units are a time- and cost-saving method to
treat samples according to laboratory stand-
ards and, at the same time, offer forecasts
concerning the scale-up to larger volumes.

Scale-up. Which Unit for which Volume?

Filtrations Unit Filter Area Typical Sample Volume

Vivaspin 500 0.50 cm 0.5 ml
Vivaspin 2 1.20 cm 2 ml
Centrisart I 0.79 cm2 2,5 ml
Vivaspin 4 2.00 cm 4 ml
Vivaspin 6 2.50 cm 6 ml
Vivaspin 15 4.00 cm 15 ml
Vivaspin 20 6.00 cm2 20 ml
Vivacell 70 20.00 cm 70 ml
Vivacell 100 23.50 cm 90 ml
Vivacell 250 40.00 cm 250 ml
Vivaflow 50 50.00 cm2 1l
Vivaflow 200 200.00 cm 5l
Sartocon Slice 200 200.00 cm 5l
Sartocon Slice 0.100.50 m 50 l

Filtration Applications | Concentration of Proteins 13

Sterile Venting; Air|Gas Filtration;
Clean Room Monitoring

Sterile Venting and Air|Gas Filtration Sartofluor Capsules are ready-to-connect

The naturally hydrophobic PTFE membranes units, including valves, for the sterile vent-
are the filters of choice for these applications. ing of tanks and vessels. They are individually
They are heat-resistant and can be repeatedly pretested and integrity testable at any time.
autoclaved or steam-sterilized, whether The Capsule is available in a choice of three
they are used as disc filters in stainless steel different sizes, with the following pleated
holders or ready-to-connect units, or as filtration areas: 0.05 m3, 0.1 m3 and 0.2 m3.
pleated filters in Capsules and Mini cartridges. Air flow rates are shown in the diagram on
page 107.
Midisart 2000 units can be autoclaved.
The larger packs of these units contain Sartofluor Mini Cartridges are recom-
Memory Discs, which slip over the hose nipple mended when the ventilation filter has to
connector and keep track of the number of be sterilized simultaneously with the cor-
Minisart-HY Midisart 2000
sterilizing cycles. responding vessel via in-line steam-steriliza-
142 mm device + tion. They are mounted in one of the stainless
PTFE membrane filter
Sartofluor capsules 0.05 m2 Midisart 2000 units are designed for the steel housings described on page 113.
80 sterile venting of small fermenters and cul-
Flow rate for air
(l/min at p = 0.1 bar)
ture vessels (6120 liters), as well as for the Clean Room Monitoring
venting of filling vessels for sterile, distilled The effectiveness with which the gelatine
water and culture media, and for the sterili- membrane filters (page 200) can collect
20 zation of air fed into small fermenters. airborne microorganisms and simultaneously
10 maintain their viability is demonstrated in
5.3 20 130 500
Midisart BV (page 106) disposable venting comparison with a slit sampler. The water-
cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 filter manufactured with hydropobic, soluble gelatine membranes are also becom-
Filtration area
reinforced PTFE membranes, are specially ing increasingly important for the collection
designed for sterile venting on disposable bag of viruses.
Colony count Clean room class C manifolds and tubing systems. Midisart BV
Slit sampler allows sterilization by gamma irridiation and
Colony count/m3 MD 8
is integrity testable.

8 Minisart HY (page 104), has only a fourth

6 of the filtration area and is used for sterile
venting of flasks and for air sterilization
in tube systems.

0 The 47 mm stainless-steel device, Type 16254

1 2 3 (page 87), is designed for the installation in
lines. It features a valve on the inlet side for
the drainage of condensation. The air flow
rate corresponds to that of Midisart 2000.

Higher flow rates require proportionately

more filter area.

PTFE membrane filters Midisart 2000

Page 27 Page 104

Sartofluor capsules Sartofluor Mini cartridges

Page 107 Page 113

14 Sterile Venting; Air|Gas Filtration; Clean Room Monitoring | Filtration Applications

Sterilizing Filtration of Aqueous Solutions

How ready-to-connect units from Sartorius Regulatory Compliance Comparison of the Adsorption
fulfill the requirements of the customers. All units are comprised of practice-proven of Various Filter Materials
cellulose acetate or polyethersulfone
Scale-up membrane filters, tested according to HIMA. 139.6
The combination of the large filter area and Each single unit is tested for housing and
the optimized geometry of the filter supports membrane integrity prior to packaging, and 40

of Minisarts and Sartolab P20 units ensure statistically valid numbers of units from each
high flow rates at low pressures and optimal batch are subjected to the Bacteria Challenge 30
throughputs. Often, the filterable volume Test. All types can be integrity tested by the
can even be doubled by using Minisart plus user before and after filtration.
or Sartolab P20 plus units with an integrated 20
prefilter. Sartobran 150 and 300 and All materials pass the USP Plastics Test
Sartobran P Capsules contain a pleated Class VI. Sartorius cellulose acetate and
double membrane for maximum economy. PES membrane filters have proven to display 10

particularly low adsorption and assure

minimal loss of proteins and preservatives 0
(see diagram). 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
m2 )
BSA (m/cm IgG (m/cm2)

1 = Nylon 3 = PVDF
2 = SFCA 4 = PES

Which Unit for which Volume?

Filtration Unit Filter Area Typical Sample Volume

Minisart 5.3 cm 100 ml
Minisart plus 5.3 cm2 200 ml
Sartolab P20 20 cm 5l
Sartolab P20 plus 20 cm * 10 l
Sartobran 150 150 cm2 ** 25 l
Sartobran 300 300 cm ** 50 l
Sartobran P up to 0.45 m2 ** 200 l

* = with integrated glass fiber prefilter

** = with heterogeneous double membrane

Standard Minisart and Sartolab P20 and

Minisart plus Sartolab P20 plus
syringe units units
Page 33 Page 56

Sartobran P 150 Sartobran P capsules

and 300 capsules Page 64
Page 60

Filtration Applications | Sterilizing Filtration of Aqueous Solutions 15

Microbiological Quality Control

Colony Counting The fully automated Microsart e.motion

Quantitative and reproducible detection membrane filter dispenser releases gridded
of trace contamination or infection as well membranes from their individual, specially
as the capability of performing efficient, developed and sterile packaging that does
costeffective testing procedures under rou- not require any interleaving paper. Moreover,
tine conditions are the requirements placed Sartorius Stedim Biotech also offers individu-
on a practical microbiological testing method. ally, sterile-packaged membrane filters in easy-
The membrane filter method optimally meets to-open envelopes. Each one is clearly labeled
these requirements, and Sartorius Stedim with the product identification and lot number.
Biotech offers the ideal range of filters and Membranes with a 0.45 m pore size are used
equipment to carry out this method. on a standard basis for microbiological analysis.

In the standard membrane filter method, a Sartorius Stedim Biotech additionally supplies
membrane filter with the appropriate pore special membrane versions known as highflow
size is placed in a filter holder and the sample membranes. They deliver 30% higher flow rates
is filtered. Any microorganisms present in the compared with conventional 0.45 m pore
sample are retained by the pore structure on size membranes. The specially designed pore
the surface of the membrane filter. The mem- structures of 0.45 m pore size membranes
brane filter is then placed on an appropriate enable faster filtration runs thanks to their
culture medium and incubated to detect high flow rate performance and throughput.
these microbes. Especially E. coli shows best growth promotion
on High Flow Membranes. Just like every lot of
During incubation, the exchange of nutrients Sartorius Stedim Biotech 0.45 m membrane
and metabolites takes place through the pore filters, the special high flow versions are tested
system of the membrane filter. The colonies and released in compliance with ISO 7704.
that develop during incubation on the mem-
brane filter surface are then counted and Microsart @vance
related to the filtered sample volume. Advance your Microbiological Control of
Pharma-Biotech Products
Sartorius Stedim Biotech specifically manu- A new product line within the successful
factures individually packaged gridded Microsart product family is aimed directly
membrane filters for this application. These at microbiological applications in the phar-
are ready to use and strictly quality controlled maceutical and biotech industry: Microsart
for colony growth. @vance. @vance stands for even more
progress and intelligent design, enhanced
Microsart safety and thus more reliable results.
The product family for innovative colony
counting Following the trend of using Single-use
The Microsart product family consists of products, these products are delivered ster-
all the most recent products from SSB for ile, ready-to-use and can be disposed of in
microbiological analysis, which are espe- an environmentally friendly manner. The
cially characterized by innovation and clever new Microsart @vance product line is
design. Simple handling on less working area being launched with the Microsart @filter
in comparison to conventional products that's 100 and 250 filter units, a ready-to-use
it where Microsart products have always combination funnel and gridded membrane
stood out. in one unit. The process of producing phar-
maceuticals and bringing new drugs to the
Easy membrane removal market is becoming an increasingly costly
Easy funnel removal business. The pharmaceutical and biotech
All consumables are ready-to-use industries are driven by the need to optimize
The hardware is intelligent and functional their work flows and increase efficiency
in design without compromising their level of safety.
Microsart @filter not only saves time and
labor costs but minimizes the risk of second-
ary contamination - that's advanced colony
counting by Sartorius Stedim Biotech.

Nutrient pad sets Individually packed,

Page 217 gridded membrane filters
Page 205

Microsart e.motion
membrane filter dispenser:
Page 206

16 Microbiological Quality Control | Filtration Applications

Nutrient Pad Sets (NPS) provide added Airborne Bacteria and Viruses
convenience. These are dehydrated culture Gelatin membrane filters are routinely
media that are already individually inserted used for quantitative sampling of airborne
in a petri dish and sterilized. After they have microbes in cleanroom and isolator moni-
been moistened with 3.03.5 ml of demin- toring. In addition, their effectiveness in
eralized, sterile water, they are ready to use collecting the smallest airborne viruses and
immediately. To find out which colonies typi- bacteriophages has been proven. The reason:
cally grow on which NPS, please refer to page Gelatin appears to have a protective effect
217. Our wide array of culture media covers on the viruses collected and can be dissolved
all the types needed in the food and beverage in buffer or a different medium for subse-
industry and in the pharmaceutical industry quent identification of the type of virus (page
as well as for water analysis. 200).

NPS are continuously enhanced as part of our Gelatin membrane filters can also be used for
development program to adapt our products routine monitoring of bacteriophages in the
to changing application requirements. Besides ambient air of dairies.
the new NPS types, we also offer Nutrient
Pads in a new packaging design. The standard For Faster and More Convenient Filtration
NPS box contains 100 sterile Nutrient Pads, of Samples
each of which is individually inserted in a Sterile Single-use funnels and preassembled
petri dish and sterilized. Ten each of these Monitors can be used in place of stainless
petri dishes are sealed in an aluminum bag. steel funnels and vacuum filters holders.
This special packaging in bags protects the
sensitive formula constituents of the Nutrient Biosart 250 Funnels
Pad from fluctuations in humidity and tem- The 250-ml Biosart funnels eliminate time-
perature during transportation and storage. consuming sterilization of one sample to the
As a result, it guarantees the high quality of next. The large inner diameter of the funnel
our NPS throughout their entire shelf life base ensures exceptionally fast filtration runs
up to 24 months. (page 230).

And this is precisely what makes the Sartorius Biosart 100 Monitors
Stedim Biotech Nutrient Pads Sets so unique: These complete Monitors featuring a 100-ml
No other ready-to-use culture media around capacity are available with incorporated fil-
the globe assure such consistently high quality ters in a choice of different pore sizes, filter
and reproducible results for up to 24 months. colors and diameters. The completely sterile
units need to be used in conjunction with
Other Bacteriological Water Tests various culture media. After pouring in an
A procedure for collecting Legionella organ- appropriate liquid culture medium to wet the
isms specifies polyamide membranes (diam- interior cellulose pad, the lid and base of the
eter 142 mm), of the pore size 0.2 m or Monitor can be easily converted into a petri
0.45 m. For isolation of bacteriophages from dish (page 223).
water, Sartocon cross-flow filter cassettes
with polyether sulfone membrane Combisart Systems
(100,000 MWCO) deliver excellent results. The Combisart design enables equipment
and consumables to be optimally combined
to meet specific needs. Each filter station on
the multi-branch manifold has an air filter for
sterile venting.

Sterisart enables sterility testing to be per-
formed in a completely closed system accord-
ing to international pharmacopeias.

Biosart 250 Funnels Gelatine membrane filters

Page 230 Page 200

Biosart 100 Monitors

Page 223

Filtration Applications | Microbiological Quality Control 17

Low Adsorption Cellulose Acetate 25 mm Glass Holder for the Stainless Steel Holder
Membrane Filters, Type 111, for the Filtration of Small Volumes 48 with 2 Liter Capacity 91
Filtration of Aqueous Solutions 20
50 mm Glass Holder with 142 mm Stainless Steel Holder
Chemical Resistant RC-Membrane Protective PTFE Ring 49 for the Filtration of up to about
Filters, Type 184, for the Filtration 50 Liter Volumes 92
of Organic Solvents 22 All-glass Holder 50
GMP-complying 142 mm Stainless
Polyethersulfone Membrane Filters, Polycarbonate Holders 51 Steel Holder with Sanitary Flanges 93
Type 154, for the Filtration of
Aqueous and Aggressive Solutions 23 Accessories for GMP-complying 293 mm Stainless
Vacuum Filter Holders 53 Steel Holder with Sanitary Flanges 94
Cellulose Nitrate (Ester) Membrane
Filters, Type 113, for Sample Sartolab P20 and Modular Assembly System
Pretreatment, Particle Testing Sartolab P20 plus for Reliable for Stainless Steel Filter
and Chemotaxis 24 Sterile Filtration of Tissue Housings 95
Culture Solutions 56
Polyamide Membrane Filters, Type Accessories for Pressure
250, for the Filtration of Alkaline SartoScale Filter Filtration Units 96
Solutions and Organic Solvents 26 Test Disposables 58
Filtration Systems
Hydrophobic PTFE Membrane Sartobran P 150 and with Pressure Tanks 97
Filters, Type 118, for the Filtration Sartobran P 300 Capsules 60
of Air, Gases or Chemicals 27 Midisart 2000
Sartoguard PES Membrane Sterile Venting Units 104
Polycarbonate Track-Etch- Prefiltration MidiCaps 61
Membrane Filters, Type 230, Midisart BV Sterile Venting
for the Analysis of Particles 29 Sartobran P MidiCaps Filter on Disposable Bag and
Sterilizing MidiCaps 64 Tubing Assemblies 106
Glass Fiber Prefilters for Larger
Totally Filterable Volumes in Sartopore 2 150 Sartofluor MidiCaps with PTFE
Clarification and Sterile Filtration 30 and Sartopore 2 300 66 Membrane for Sterile Venting 107

Ultrafiltration Membrane Filters Sartopore 2 Hydrophobic PTFE Membranes,

from PES 146, CTA 145 and Sterilizing Grade MidiCaps 67 Type 118, for the Filtration of
RC 144 for the Concentration, Air, Gases or Chemicals 109
Purification and Removal of Sartopore 2 XLI 0.2 m
Proteins 31 Sterilizing Grade MidiCaps 25 mm Stainless Steel Filter
and Capsules 69 Holder for In-line Filtration 111
Minisart 0.2 m Syringe Filter
Holders for Rapid Small Sartopore 2 XLG 0.2 m 47 mm Stainless Steel Filter
Volume Sterilization with Sterilizing Grade MidiCaps 72 Holder for In-line Filtration 112
Maximum User Convenience 33
MidiCaps for the Particle Sartofluor Mini Cartridges
High Flow Rate Minisart Syringe Removing Filtration or for Sterile Venting 113
Filters for Particle Removal, Prefiltration 75
Ultracleaning and Prefiltration 34 Housings for Sterile Air Venting
Wash Water Capsules 79 and for Air|Gas Filtration 115
Minisart RC Units with Hydrophilic,
Solvent-resistant RC-membranes 36 Mini Filter Cartridges for the Sartocon Slice 116
Particle-removing Filtration or
Minisart SRP Units Prefiltration 81 SartoJet Pump. Four-piston
with PTFE Membrane 39 Diaphragm Pump for Sartocon
Sartoclear P Depth Filter Slice Crossflow Filtration
Re-usable 13 mm Syringe Capsules for Bench Scale Trials 83 System 117
Filter Holders 41
Low-cost Polycarbonate Holder 85 Sartocon Slice 2000
Re-usable 25 mm Syringe Crossflow Cassette 119
Filter Holders 43 25 mm Stainless Steel Filter
Holder for In-line Filtration 86 Sartocon Slice 200
Ultrasart D20 for LAL Tests Stainless Steel Holder 120
without Interference 45 47 mm Stainless Steel Filter
Holder for In-line Filtration 87 Sartoflow Slice 200
Accessories for Minisarts and Benchtop Crossflow System 121
Re-usable Syringe Filter Holders 46 Chemical-resistant PTFE Holders 88
Filter Papers 122
Sartorius Sartolab RF|BT Stainless Steel Holder
Vacuum Filtration Units 47 with 200 ml Capacity 90 Chemical Compatibility 124

Low Adsorption Cellulose Acetate Membrane Filters, Type 111,
for the Filtration of Aqueous Solutions

Cellulose acetate membranes combine high The results of publications on adsorption are
flow rates and thermal stability with very low difficult to correlate, as mostly different test
adsorption characteristics, and are therefore substances, conditions and detection methods
excellently suited for use in pressure filtration were used, and the membranes were tested
devices. The 0.2 m membrane is the filter without previous sterilization.
of choice for sterile filtration of aqueous
solutions, such as nutrient media, buffers
and sera.

Typical Performance for Cellulose Acetate Membrane Filters

Adsorption Bovine serum albumin <10 g/cm2
Bubble point acc. DIN 58355 Minimum value
for 0.2 m > 2.9 when measured with an
automatic integrity tester,
for 0.45 m = 1.9 bar|190 kPa|27.5 psi,
for 0.65 m = 1.3 bar|130 kPa|18.9 psi,
for 0.8 m = 0.8 bar|80 kPa|11.6 psi
Chemical compatibility Resistant to aqueous solutions, pH 48,
against most alcohols, hydrocarbons and oils
Extractables with water Less than 1%
Flow rate for water Average value per cm2 area
acc. DIN 58355 at p = 1 bar |100 kPa|14.5 psi:
24 ml/min for 0.2 m,
69 ml/min for 0.45 m, 130 ml/min for 0.65 m,
200 ml/min for 0.8 m pore size
Material Cellulose acetate
Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C or 134 C with
-radiation, dry heat or ethylene oxide
Sterilizing filtration Filters with 0.2 m pore sizes are validated by
Bacteria Challenge Tests.
Thermal stability Max. 180 C
Thickness acc. DIN 53105 Average value 120 m

20 Membrane Filters for Liquid Samples | Filtration

Order Numbers for Cellulose Acetate Membrane Filters, Type 111
13 mm diameter 11104--13------N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11106--13------N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11107--13------N 0.2 m, pack of 100
25 mm diameter 11104--25------N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11105--25------N 0.65 m, pack of 100
11106--25------N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11107--25------N 0.2 m, pack of 100
30 mm diameter 11106--30------N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11107--30------N 0.2 m, pack of 100
47 mm diameter 11104--47------N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11105--47------N 0.65 m, pack of 100
11106--47------N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11107--47------N 0.2 m, pack of 100
50 mm diameter 11104--50------N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11105--50------N 0.65 m, pack of 100
11106--50------N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11107--50------N 0.2 m, pack of 100
11107--50----ACN 0.2 m, pack of 100
individually, sterile packed
85 mm diameter 11106--85------N 0.45 m, pack of 100
90 mm diameter 11106--90------G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11107--90------G 0.2 m, pack of 25
100 mm diameter 11106-100------G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11106-100------N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11107-100------G 0.2 m, pack of 25
11107-100------N 0.2 m, pack of 100
142 mm diameter 11104-142------G 0.8 m, pack of 25
11104-142------N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11105-142------G 0.65 m, pack of 25
11106-142------G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11106-142------N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11107-142------G 0.2 m, pack of 25
11107-142------N 0.2 m, pack of 100
293 mm diameter 11104-293------G 0.8 m, pack of 25
11104-293------N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11105-293------G 0.65 m, pack of 25
11106-293------G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11106-293------N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11107-293------G 0.2 m, pack of 25
11107-293------N 0.2 m, pack of 100

Special brochure for all membrane filters available. Order no. SM-1503-e.

Filtration | Membrane Filters for Liquid Samples 21

Chemical Resistant RC-Membrane Filters, Type 184,
for the Filtration of Organic Solvents

These solvent-resistant, hydrophilic mem- Regenerated cellulose membranes also

brane filters are excellently suited for their feature low non-specific adsorption.
major application, particle removal from

The 50 mm diameter, 0.45 m pore size

filter, for example, is standardly used in
combination with the all-glass holder
(described on page 50) to ultraclean and
de-gas solvents and mobile phases for HPLC.

Typical Performance for Regenerated Cellulose Membrane Filters

Adsorption Bovine serum albumin approx. <10 g/cm2
Bubble point acc. DIN 58355 Min. values, wetted with water,
4.4 bar|440 kPa|63.8 psi for 0.2 m,
2.8 bar|280 kPa|40.6 psi for 0.45 m
Chemical compatibility Resistant to almost all solvents (see list above)
and against aqueous solutions in the
pH-range 312.
Further details on page 124.
Extractables with water Less than 1%
Flow rate acc. DIN 58355 Average value per cm2 area for water
at 1 bar |100 kPa|14.5 psi pressure,
16 ml/min for 0.2 m,
28 ml/min for 0.45 m pore size.
Material Regenerated cellulose,
reinforced with non-woven cellulose
Sterilization By autoclaving (at 121 C or 134 C),
Dry heat (180 C), and gamma radiation
(25 kGy) or with ethylene oxide
Thickness acc. DIN 53105 160200 m

Order Numbers for Regenerated Cellulose Membrane Filters, Type 184

13 mm diameter 18406-013 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
18407-013 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
25 mm diameter 18407-025 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
47 mm diameter 18406-047 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
18407-047 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
50 mm diameter 18407-050 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
100 mm diameter 18406-100 G 0.45 m, pack of 25
142 mm diameter 18406-142 G 0.45 m, pack of 25
18407-142 G 0.2 m, pack of 25
18407-142 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
293 mm diameter 18406-293 G 0.45 m, pack of 25
18407-293 G 0.2 m, pack of 25

Special brochure for all membrane filters available. Order no. SM-1503-e

22 Membrane Filters for Liquid Samples | Filtration

Polyethersulfone Membrane Filters, Type 154,
for the Filtration of Aqueous and Aggressive Solutions

The new polyethersulfone membrane filters Furthermore, the membranes are very well
feature excellent flow speeds and a high suited for samples of the environmental
filterable volume. sector.

Biologic and pharmaceutic solutions can The 0.1 m filters are used for the ultra-
be filtered in the wide pH-range of pH 2-12, cleaning of solutions, e.g. in the case of
because of their low protein adsorption. nephelometry.

Typical Performance for Polyethersulfone Membrane Filters

Adsorption 10 g/cm2 for IgG, 5 m/cm2 for BSA,
1.9 g/cm2 for Insulin
Bubble point acc. DIN 58355 0.1 m with Isopropanol|water (60|40)
>2.1 bar|30.45 psi
0.2 m = 3.2 bar|320 kPa|46 psi
0.45 m = 2.3 bar|33.4 psi
Chemical compatibility Resistant to some solutions and aggressive,
aqueous solutions, pH 1-13.
Extractables with water Less than 0.2%
Flow rate for water Average value per cm2 area at
acc. DIN 58355 p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi:
0.1 m >7 ml/min.
0.2 m >28 ml/min.
0.45 m >32 ml/min.
Material Polyethersulfone (non ionic)
Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C or 134 C,
gamma radiation or with ethylenoxide.
Sterilizing filtration Filters with 0.2 m pore sizes have been
validated with the Bacteria Challenge Test.
Thickness acc. DIN 53105 150 m

Order Numbers for Polyethersulfone Membrane Filters, Type 154

25 mm diameter 15458--25------N 0.1 m, pack of 100
15407--25----MIN 0.2 m, pack of 100
15406--25------N 0.45 m, pack of 100
47 mm diameter 15458--47------N 0.1 m, pack of 100
15407--47----MIN 0.2 m, pack of 100
15406--47------N 0.45 m, pack of 100
50 mm diameter 15458--50------N 0.1 m, pack of 100
15407--50----MIN 0.2 m, pack of 100
15406--50------N 0.45 m, pack of 100

Special brochure for all membrane filters available. Order no. SM-1503-e.

Filtration | Membrane Filters for Liquid Samples 23

Cellulose Nitrate (Ester) Membrane Filters, Type 113,
for Sample Pretreatment, Particle Testing and Chemotaxis

Cellulose nitrate is a standard material for The high non-specific adsorption of

membrane filters and offers a wide range of the cellulose nitrate membrane is very
pore sizes from 8 m to 0.45 m. The larger advantageous for diagnostic kits. The
pore sizes (8 m, 5 m, 3 m) can be used for adsorption decreases with increasing pore size,
chemotaxis and cell retention, the 0.45 m as shown in the diagram.
pore size for particle collection.

Typical Performance for Cellulose Nitrate (Ester) Membrane Filters

Adsorption See diagram
Bubble point acc. DIN 58355 Wetted with water, minimum values:
0.3 bar|30 kPa|4.35 psi for 8 m pore size, 11301
0.5 bar|50 kPa|7.25 psi for 5 m pore size, 11342
0.6 bar|60 kPa|8.7 psi for 3 m pore size, 11302
1.0 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi for 1.2 m pore size, 11303
1.4 bar|140 kPa|20.3 psi for 0.8 m pore size, 11304
2.0 bar|200 kPa|29 psi for 0.65 m pore size, 11305
2.4 bar|240 kPa|34.8 psi for 0.45 m pore size, 11306
Chemical compatibility Resistant to aqueous solutions in the pH-range 48
to hydrocarbons and to some solvents.
Extractables with water Less than 1%
Flow rate for water Average values per cm2 area at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi:
Porengre (m)
acc. DIN 58355 750 ml/min for 8 m pore size, 11301
570 ml/min for 5 m pore size, 11342
(-Globulin, approx. 125 g/cm2)
430 ml/min for 3 m pore size, 11302
320 ml/min for 1.2 m pore size, 11303
200 ml/min for 0.8 m pore size, 11304
130 ml/min for 0.65 m pore size , 11305
69 ml/min for 0.45 m pore size, 11306
Material Cellulose nitrate
Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C, gamma radiation (25 kGy) or
with ethylene oxide.
Thermal stability Max. temperature 130 C
Thickness acc. DIN 53105 130 m

Order Numbers for Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, Type 113

13 mm diameter 11301-013 N 8 m, pack of 100
11342-013 N 5 m, pack of 100
11302-013 N 3 m, pack of 100
11304-013 N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11306-013 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
20 mm diameter 11304-020 N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11306-020 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
25 mm diameter 11301-025 N 8 m, pack of 100
11342-025 N 5 m, pack of 100
11302-025 N 3 m, pack of 100
11303-025 N 1.2 m, pack of 100
11304-025 N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11305-025 N 0.65 m, pack of 100
11306-025 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
30 mm diameter 11306-030 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
37 mm diameter 11301-037 N 8 m, pack of 100
11304-037 N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11306-037 N 0.45 m, pack of 100

24 Membrane Filters for Liquid Samples | Filtration

Order Numbers for Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, Type 113
47 mm diameter 11301-047 N 8 m, pack of 100
11342-047 N 5 m, pack of 100
11302-047 N 3 m, pack of 100
11303-047 N 1.2 m, pack of 100
11304-047 N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11305-047 N 0.65 m, pack of 100
11306-047 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
50 mm diameter 11301-050 N 8 m, pack of 100
11342-050 N 5 m, pack of 100
11302-050 N 3 m, pack of 100
11303-050 N 1.2 m, pack of 100
11304-050 N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11305-050 N 0.65 m, pack of 100
11306-050 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
80 mm diameter 11301-080 ALN 8 m, pack of 100 sterile, non-individually packed
85 mm diameter 11306-085 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
90 mm diameter 11342-090 G 5 m, pack of 25
11303-090 G 1.2 m, pack of 25
11304-090 G 0.8 m, pack of 25
11306-090 G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11306-090 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
142 mm diameter 11301-142 G 8 m, pack of 25
11302-142 G 3 m, pack of 25
11303-142 G 1.2 m, pack of 25
11304-142 G 0.8 m, pack of 25
11304-142 N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11305-142 G 0.65 m, pack of 25
11306-142 G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11306-142 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11342-142 G 5 m, pack of 25
11342-142 N 5 m, pack of 100
293 mm diameter 11301-293 G 8 m, pack of 25
11303-293 G 1.2 m, pack of 25
11304-293 G 0.8 m, pack of 25
11304-293 N 0.8 m, pack of 100
11306-293 G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11306-293 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11342-293 G 5 m, pack of 25
47 mm and 50 mm filters are, in some pore sizes, sterile, individually packed, available in packs of 100.

Order Numbers
47 mm diameter 11301-047 ACN 8 m
11302-047 ACN 3 m
11303-047 ACN 1.2 m
11304-047 ACN 0.8 m
11305-047 ACN 0.65 m
11306-047 ACN 0.45 m
50 mm diameter 11301-050 ACN 8 m
11302-050 ACN 3 m
11303-050 ACN 1.2 m
11304-050 ACN 0.8 m
11305-050 ACN 0.65 m
11306-050 ACN 0.45 m

Order Number Description <> m length [m] width [cm]

11327------41BL Nitrocellulose 0.22 3 30
11306------41BL Nitrocellulose 0.45 3 30

Filtration | Membrane Filters for Liquid Samples 25

Polyamide Membrane Filters, Type 250,
for the Filtration of Alkaline Solutions and Organic Solvents

Polyamide membrane filters are hydrophilic Their relatively high non-specific adsorption,
and chemically resistant to alkaline solutions which can cause loss of important substances,
and organic solvents. They are therefore e.g. from tissue culture solutions, limit their
recommended for particle-removing filtration application. For these kind of solutions, the
of water, aqueous solutions and solvents for low adsorption cellulose acetate membrane
analytical determination such as HPLC, as well filters, Type 111, described on page 20, are
as for the sterile filtration of these liquids. recommended.
They are also highly recommended for the
isolation of Legionella.

Typical Performance for Polyamide Membrane Filters

Adsorption 100 g/cm2 for bovine serum albumin
(0.2 m pore size)
Bubble point acc. DIN 58355 Minimum value
for 0.2 m = 3.4 bar|340 kPa|49.3 psi,
for 0.45 m = 2.2 bar|220 kPa|33.35 psi.
Chemical compatibility Resistant to many solvents and alkali-solutions,
pH range 314.
Extractables with water Less than 1%
Flow rate for water Average value per cm2 area at
acc. DIN 58355 p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi:
>12 ml/min for 0.2 m,
>26 ml/min for 0.45 m pore size
Material Polyamide
Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C or 134 C or with
ethylene oxide.
Sterilizing filtration Filters with 0.2 m pore size are validated
by the Bacteria Challenge Test.
Thickness acc. DIN 53105 Average value 115 m

Order Numbers for Polyamide Membrane Filters, Type 250

13 mm diameters 25006-013 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
25007-013 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
25 mm diameter 25006-025 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
25007-025 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
47 mm diameter 25006-047 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
25007-047 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
50 mm diameter 25006-050 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
25007-050 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
90 mm diameter 25006-090 G 0.45 m, pack of 25
25007-090 G 0.2 m, pack of 25
142 mm diameter 25006-142 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
25007-142 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
293 mm diameter 25006-293 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
25007-293 N 0.2 m, pack of 100

26 Membrane Filters for Liquid Samples | Filtration

Hydrophobic PTFE Membrane Filters, Type 118,
for the Filtration of Air, Gases or Chemicals

The main application of this membrane filter PTFE membrane filters have an excellent
type is air|gas filtration. They are made chemical compatibility, so that they are also
purely of PTFE (polytetra-fluorethylene), used for the filtration of solvents and acids,
and are therefore permanently hydrophobic. to which other filter types are not resistant.
Unlike other (hydrophilic) filter types, they Due to their hydrophobic characteristics,
are not wetted by air humidity, allowing they must be pre-wetted with ethanol
unhindered passage of air at low differential or methanol before the filtration of aqueous
pressures as well. media.

Typical Performance for PTFE Membrane Filters

Adsorption 8 g/cm2 for gamma-globulin
(0.2 m pore size)
Bubble point acc. DIN 58355 Minimum value for Isopropanol
0.2 m = 1.0 bar|100 kPa|15 psi,
for 0.45 m = 0.7 bar|70 kPa|~10 psi.
Average value for
1.2 m = 0.45 bar|45 kPa|6.52 psi,
for 5 m = 0.1 bar|10 kPa|1.45 psi
Chemical compatibility Resistant to almost all chemicals
Extractables with water None detectable
Flow rate for air Average values per cm2 area at
p = 0.05 bar|5 kPa|0.725 psi:
0.2 l/min for 0.2 m,
0.3 l/min for 0.45 m,
1.6 l/minfor 1.2 m and
4 l/min for 5 m pore size
Material Polytetrafluorethylene
Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C or 134 C or
with ethylene oxide.
Sterilizing filtration Filters with 0.2 m pore size are validated
with the Bacteria Challenge Test.
Thickness acc. DIN 53105 Average values, 65 m for 0.2 m and
100 m for 5 m pore size.

Order numbers see next page.

Filtration | Membrane Filters for Liquid Samples 27

Order Numbers for PTFE Membrane Filters, Type 118
13 mm diameter 11803-013 N 1.2 m, pack of 100
11806-013 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11807-013 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
25 mm diameter 11842-025 N 5 m, pack of 100
11803-025 N 1.2 m, pack of 100
11806-025 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11807-025 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
47 mm diameter 66042--47------N 5 m, PTFE supported, pack of 100
11842-047 N 5 m, pack of 100
11803-047 N 1.2 m, pack of 100
11806-047 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11807-047 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
50 mm diameter 11842-050 N 5 m, pack of 100
11803-050 N 1.2 m, pack of 100
11806-050 N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11807-050 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
100 mm diameter 11842-100 G 5 m, pack of 25
11803-100 G 1.2 m, pack of 25
11806-100 G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11807-100 G 0.2 m, pack of 25
142 mm diameter 11842-142 G 5 m, pack of 25
11803-142 G 1.2 m, pack of 25
11806-142 G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11807-142 G 0.2 m, pack of 25
293 mm diameter 11806-293 G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11807-293 G 0.2 m, pack of 25

28 Membrane Filters for Liquid Samples | Filtration

Polycarbonate Track-Etch-Membrane Filters, Type 230,
for the Analysis of Particles

Polycarbonate Track-Etch-Membranes are Track-etch technology offers the user distinct

manufactured from high grade polycarbonate performance advantages when excellent
film using track-etch technology. They retain surface capture and high sample visibility are
particles on their surfaces. Their capillary required. Applications: particulate analysis,
pore structure is uniform and precise, with epifluorescence microscopy, fluid clarifica-
a narrow pore size distribution. Track-etch tion, cytology, cell biology, bioassays, water
membranes are an excellent choice for microbiology, environmental analysis.
accurate fractionation of particulates because
of their precise pore size. In addition, their
smooth, flat surface provides high particulate

Typical Performance for Polycarbonate Membrane Filters

Bubble point acc. DIN 58355 Minimum value
0.2 m > 4 bar/58 psi
0.4 m > 2.2 bar/32 psi
Chemical compatibility See table page 124
Extractables Low
Flow rate for water > 10 ml/min/cm for 0.2 m
> 30 ml/min/cm for 0.4 m
Porosity <15%
Material Polycarbonate
Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C
Thermal stability Max. temperature 140 C

Order Numbers for Polycarbonate Membrane Filters, Type 230

25 mm diameter 23007-25 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
23006-25 N 0.4 m, pack of 100
47 mm diameter 23007-47 N 0.2 m, pack of 100
23006-47 N 0.4 m, pack of 100
50 mm diameter 23007-50N 0.2 m, pack of 100

Filtration | Membrane Filters for Liquid Samples 29

Glass Fiber Prefilters for Larger Totally Filterable Volumes
in Clarification and Sterile Filtration

The major use of all three glass fiber filters Serial filtration may be necessary for difficult
is as a depth prefilter, placed directly on top to filter liquids such as serum. Two or three
of a membrane filter, whereby the prefilter membrane filters of different pore sizes are
diameter specified for the holder must be placed on each other, with a glass fiber pre-
used. Larger diameters would intrude under filter on top and 13420 polyester separators
the sealing ring of the holder and cause between them (diameter as same as prefilter)
leakage. to assist liquid passage.

The standard Type 13400 contains an acrylic

latex binder. It has a high particle loading
capacity, but for very dirty liquids, the
thicker Type 13430 can be more effective.
Type 13440 is a finer, binder-free type,
and is recommended for the prefiltration
of relatively clean solutions, such as tissue
culture media.

Typical Performance
Flow rates for water At p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi, 320 ml/min/cm2 for 13400
Materials 13400, glass fiber with acrylic latex binder.
Sterilization By dry heat, at 180 C or by autoclaving at 121 C or 134 C.
Thermal stability 220 C for 13400
Thickness Ca. 0.55 mm for 13400

Order Numbers
a) Type 13400, 13400-013 S 13 mm, pack of 200
Standard Glass Fiber Filters 13400-042 Q 42 mm, pack of 500
13400-044 Q 44 mm, pack of 500
13400-047 Q 47 mm, pack of 500
13400-050 Q 50 mm, pack of 500
13400-100 K 100 mm, pack of 50
13400-120 K 120 mm, pack of 50
13400-124 K 124 mm, pack of 50
13400-127 K 127 mm, pack of 50
13400-130 K 130 mm, pack of 50
13400-142 K 142 mm, pack of 50
13400-150 K 150 mm, pack of 50
13400-257 K 257 mm, pack of 50
13400-260 K 260 mm, pack of 50
13400-279 K 279 mm, pack of 50
13400-293 K 293 mm, pack of 50
b) Type 13430, 13430-127 K 127 mm, pack of 50
Extra Thick Glass Fiber Filters 13430-130 K 130 mm, pack of 50
13430-142 K 142 mm, pack of 50
13430-257 K 257 mm, pack of 50
13430-279 K 279 mm, pack of 50
13430-293 K 293 mm, pack of 50
c) Type 13440, 13440-042 Q 42 mm, pack of 500
Binder-free Glass Fiber Filters 13440-044 Q 44 mm, pack of 500
13440-047 Q 47 mm, pack of 500
13440-050 Q 50 mm, pack of 500
13440-130 K 130 mm, pack of 50

30 Membrane Filters for Liquid Samples | Filtration

Ultrafiltration Membrane Filters from PES 146, CTA 145 and
RC 144 for the Concentration, Purification and Removal of Proteins

Polyethersulfone (PES) Regenerated Cellulose (RC)

This is a general purpose membrane that These membranes are also highly hydrophillic
provides excellent performance with most and are often preferred for their higher
solutions when retentate recovery is of protein recovery when processing very dilute
primary importance. Polyethersulfone solutions. Resistance to autoclaving, ease
membranes exhibit no hydrophobic or hydro- of cleaning and extended chemical resistance
phillic interactions and are usually preferred also characterize this type of membrane.
for their low fouling characteristics, excep-
tional flux and broad pH range.

Cellulose Triacetate (CTA)

High hydrophilicity and very low non-specific
binding characterize this membrane. Cast
without any membrane support that could
trap or bind passing microsolutes, these
membranes are to be preferred for sample
cleaning and protein removal and when high
recovery of the filtrate solution is of primary

Typical Performance for Polyethersulfone, Type 146

Thickness 120 m
pH range 114
Waterflux MWCO 10,000 0.2 ml/min/cm2
Protein retention Cytochrome C 95%

Specifications for Cellulose Triacetate, Type 145

Thickness 120 m
pH range 48
Waterflux MWCO 10,000 0.11 ml/min/cm2
Protein retention Cytochrome C 90%

Specifications for Regenerated Cellulose, Type 144

Thickness 180 m
pH range 113
Waterflux MWCO 10,000 0.08 ml/min/cm2
Protein retention Cytochrome C 99%

Order numbers see next page.

Filtration | Protein Concentration Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation 31

Order Numbers for Polyethersulfone Membrane Filters, Type 146
25 mm diameter 1462925------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1463925------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
47 mm diameter 14609-047 D 1.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14629-047 D 5.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14639-047 D 10.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14659-047 D 30.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14650-047 D 50.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14668-047 D 100.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14679-047 D 300.000 MWCO, pack of 10
63 mm diameter 1462963------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1463963------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1465963------D 30,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1466863------D 100,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
76 mm diameterr 1462976------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1463976------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10

Order Numbers for Cellulose Triacetate Membrane Filters, Type 145

43 mm diameter 1454943------D 20,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
47 mm diameter 14529-047 D 5.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14539-047 D 10.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14549-047 D 20.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14549-047 N 20.000 MWCO, pack of 100
50 mm diameter 1453950------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10

Order Numbers for Regenerated Cellulose Membrane Filters, Type 144

25 mm diameter 1442925------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1443925------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
47 mm diameter 14429-047 D 5.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14439-047 D 10.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14459-047 D 30.000 MWCO, pack of 10
63 mm diameter 1442963------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1443963------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1445963------D 30,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
76 mm diameter 1442976------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1443976------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10

32 Protein Concentration Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Filtration

Minisart 0.2 m Syringe Filter Holders for Rapid Small
Volume Sterilization with Maximum User Convenience

Ready-to-use units, which offer high flow Minisart plus units are advantageous for
rates at low inlet pressures, make correspond- the sterilization of difficult to filter liquids.
ingly rapid sterile filtration possible. Fitted They include a fine glass fiber prefilter on the
on a standard syringe, they enable a less filter membrane, a combination which is so
manually tiresome sterilization of up to effective that throughputs can often be
100 ml of liquid. A Minisart fitted on a doubled. Minisarts and their packaging are
standard dosing syringe comprises a very environmentally friendly, free of PVC!
convenient system for simultaneous dosage
and sterilization. Minisart High Flow are syringe filter holders
with a polyethersulfone membrane for the
The combination of a large filtration area and sterile filtration at higher flow rates and a
an optimized geometry of the filter support, higher filtration speed.
which are responsible for the high flow rates,
also ensures high total throughputs.

Specifications for 0.2 m Minisarts and Minisart plus

Adsorption Values determined for the cellulose acetate
membrane, 0.83 g/cm2 with RSA,
812 g/cm2 with gamma globulin.
Bubble point Min. value with water 3.2 bar|320 kPa|46 psi
Color coding Blue
Connectors Female Luer Lock inlet, male Luer Lock outlet.
Alternatively only for standard Minisarts
male luer slip outlet.
Cytotoxicity No inhibition with MRC-5 or L-929 cells
Endotoxins Endotoxin-output below the detection limit
of the tests (0.06 EU/ml)
Filter diameter 28 mm
Filter area 6.2 cm2
Flow rate Typical values for water
at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi 60 ml/min
Hold-up volume 0.1 ml for standard Minisarts,
0.23 ml for Minisart plus
Application Max. recommended operational pressure:
4.5 bar|450 kPa|65 psi
limits housing burst pressure,
6 bar|600 kPa|87 psi and higher
Max. temperature, 50 C
Materials Cellulose acetate membrane filters, glass fiber
prefilters (only for Minisart plus),
MBS polymerisate

Order Numbers for 0.2 m Minisart

Pack of 50, sterile, individually packed 16534 K with Luer Lock outlet
17597 K with male luer slip outlet
Pack of 500, non-sterile bulk packed 16534 Q with Luer Lock outlet
17597 Q with male luer slip outlet

Order Numbers for 0.2 m Minisart plus

Pack of 50, sterile, individually packed 17823 K with Luer Lock outlet
Pack of 500, non-sterile bulk packed 17823 Q with Luer Lock outlet

Special brochure available. Order no. SL-0003-e

Filtration | Applications for Syringe Filter Holders 33

High Flow Rate Minisart Syringe Filters for Particle Removal,
Ultracleaning and Prefiltration

Ready-to-use filter units with 0.45 m, These flow rates contribute to user coven-
0.8 m, 1.2 m or 5 m pore size membrane ience by lowering the pressure required for
filters. These independent filters fulfill your filtration. Minisart GF contains a glass fiber
filtration requirements whenever volumes filter with a retention efficiency of 98% for
of up to 100 ml must be clarified or ultra- 0.7 m spherical particles. It is very useful
cleaned. They can also be used as prefilter when relatively dirty solutions are to be
in combination with a 0.2 m Minisart, clarified, or when a prefilter is needed on an
increasing the total filterable volume. 0.2 m or 0.45 m Minisart. Minisart plus
units also contain this glass fiber filter,
The high flow rates of these units result but as a prefilter on a 0.45 m or 1.2 m
from the large filter area and the very low membrane, for higher total throughputs.
flow resistance of the filter support, which
ml/min is demonstrated by the relative constant
600 increase in the flow rate with increasing
500 pore size.


Order Numbers for Minisart High Flow
0.1 m, pack of 50, sterile, individually packed 16553 K with Luer Lock outlet
0.45 0.8 1.2 5 Pore
m m m m S ize 0.2 m, pack of 50, sterile, individually packed 16532 K with Luer Lock outlet
16541 K with luer slip outlet
0.45 m, pack of 50, sterile, individually packed 16537 K with Luer Lock outlet
16533 K with luer slip outlet

Order Numbers for Standard 0.45 m to 5 m Minisarts

Pack of 50, 17598 K 0.45 m Minisart with male luer slip outlet
sterile, individually packed 16555 K 0.45 m Minisart with Luer Lock outlet
16592 K 0.8 m Minisart with Luer Lock outlet
17593 K 1.2 m Minisart with Luer Lock outlet
17594 K 5 m Minisart with Luer Lock outlet
Pack of 500, 17598 Q 0.45 m Minisart with male luer slip outlet
non-sterile bulk packed 16555 Q 0.45 m Minisart with Luer Lock outlet
16592 Q 0.8 m Minisart with Luer Lock outlet
17593 Q 1.2 m Minisart with Luer Lock outlet
17594 Q 5 m Minisart with Luer Lock outlet

Order Numbers for Minisart plus Units

Pack of 50,
sterile, individually packed 17829 K 0.45 m with Luer Lock outlet
Pack of 500, 17829 Q 0.45 m with Luer Lock outlet
non-sterile bulk packed 17825 Q 1.2 m with Luer Lock outlet

Order Numbers for Minisart GF Units

Non-sterile bulk packed 17824 K Luer Lock outlet, pack of 50
17824 Q Luer Lock outlet, pack of 50

Recommended accessories see page 46.

34 Applications for Syringe Filter Holders | Filtration

Specifications for Minisarts, Minisart plus and Minisart GF
Connectors Female Luer Lock inlet, male Luer Lock outlet
(the 0.45 m unit is also available with a male luer slip outlet)
Application limits Max. recommended operating pressure 4.5 bar|450 kPa|65 psi.
Housing burst pressure 6 bar|600 kPa|87 psi and higher
Max. temperature 50 C
Bubble point Min. value with water
2.0 bar|29 psi (0.45 m), 0.8 bar|12 psi (0.8 m),
0.7 bar|10 psi (1.2 m), 0.4 bar|6 psi (5 m),
0.5 bar|7 psi (Minisart GF)
Flow rate Typical values for water at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
160 ml/min (0.45 m),
350 ml/min (0.8 m), 400 ml/min (1.2 m),
500 ml/min (5 m), 450 ml/min (Minisart GF)
Color coding Yellow (0.45 m), green (0.8 m), red (1.2 m),
brown (5 m), opaque (Minisart GF)
Filter diameter 28 mm
Filter area 6.2 cm2
Materials Cellulose acetate membrane (except Minisart GF).
Glass fiber filter (Minisart GF and Minisart plus).
MBS polymerisate.
Hold-up volume 0.15 ml
Cytotoxicity Detectably no inhibition with MRC-5 (human lung cells)

Filtration | Applications for Syringe Filter Holders 35

Minisart RC Units with Hydrophilic,
Solvent-resistant RC-Membranes

Ready-to-use syringe filter units for simple, They are compatible with the following
rapid and reliable ultracleaning of small- substances:
volume samples for HPLC or GC analysis. Acetone Hexane
Acetonitrile Isobutanol
Minisart RC4 is recommended for sample Gasoline Isopropanol
volumes of up to about 5 ml and n-Butanol Methanol
Minisart RC25 for sample volumes of up Cellosolve (ethyl) Methylenechloride
to about 100 ml. Chloroform Methylethylketone
Diethyl acetamide Pentane
Minisart RC units outperform competitive Dimethyl sulfoxide Tetrahydrofuran
hydrophilic units in terms of compatibility Dioxane Toluene
with aqueous solutions and solvent mixtures. Acetic acid (96%) Trichloroacetic
Ethanol acid (25%)
Ethyl acetate Trichlorethane
Ethylene glycol Water
Freon TF Xylene

Specifications for Minisart RC4, RC15 and RC25

Connectors Female Luer Lock inlet. Luer slip outlet
Bubble point with water > 2.0 bar (0.45 m), > 3.4 bar (0.2 m)
Flow rate for hexane
at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
Minisart RC4 10 ml/min (0.45 m), 3.5 ml/min (0.2 m)
Minisart RC15 280 ml/min (0.45 m), 140 ml/min (0.2 m)
Minisart RC25 430 ml/min (0.45 m), 230 ml/min (0.2 m)
Flow rate for methanol
at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
Minisart RC4 3.0 ml/min (0.45 m), 1.5 ml/min (0.2 m)
Minisart RC15 105 ml/min (0.45 m), 55 ml/min (0.2 m)
Minisart RC25 325 ml/min (0.45 m), 160 ml/min (0.2 m)
Flow rate for water
at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
Minisart RC4 1.5 ml/min (0.45 m), 0.5 ml/min (0.2 m)/3 bar
Minisart RC15 30 ml/min (0.45 m), 10 ml/min (0.2 m)
Minisart RC25 100 ml/min (0.45 m), 60 ml/min (0.2 m)
Filter diameter 4 mm (RC4), 15 mm (RC15), 25 mm (RC25)
Filter area 0.07 cm2 (RC4), 1.7 cm2 (RC15), 4.8 cm2 (RC25)
Filling volume 0.17 ml (RC4), 0.45 ml (RC15), ca. 1.0 ml (RC25)
Housing burst pressure 6 bar|600 kPa|87 psi and higher
Materials Polypropylene housing,
reg. Cellulose membrane filter
Max. temperature 121 C, 30 min (autoclave)
Pore size 0.45 m or 0.2 m
Hold-up volume 5 l (RC4), 30 l (RC15), ca.100 l (RC25)

36 Applications for Syringe Filter Holders | Filtration

Order Numbers for Minisart RC4
17821 K With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 50
17821 Q With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 500
17822 K With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 50
17822 Q With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 500

Order Numbers for Minisart RC15

17761 K With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 50
17761 ACK With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 50, sterile,
individually packed
17761 Q With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 500
17762 K With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 50
17762 Q With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 500

Order Numbers for Minisart RC25

17764 K With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 50
17764 ACK With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 50, sterile,
individually packed
17764 Q With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 500
17765 K With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 50
17765 Q With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 500

Filtration | Applications for Syringe Filter Holders 37

Minisart NY25 (Polyamide), NY15, NYXplus

Dead Volume 0.030 ml

Connector, outlet male Luer Slip
Connector , inlet female Luer Lock
Pore size 0.2 m 0.45 m
Order number (50 units) 1776B-K 1776C-K
Order number (500 units) 1776B-Q 1776C-Q
Housing material Polypropylene Polypropylene
Membranes material Polyamide Polyamide
Membranes diameter 15 mm 15 mm
Membranes area 1.7 cm 1.7 cm2
Filling volume 0.45 ml 0.45 ml
Burst pressure 6 bar|600 kPa 6 bar|600 kPa
Max. temperature (autoclave) 121 C, 30 min 121 C, 30 min
Flow rate for water > 20 ml/min > 40 ml/min

Dead Volume 0.144 ml

Connector , outlet Male Luer Slip
Connector , inlet Female Luer Lock
Pore size 0.2 m 0,45 m
Order number (50 units) 1784B-K 1784C-K
Order number (500 units) 1784B-Q 1784C-K
Housing material Polypropylene Polypropylene
Membranes material Polyamide + GF Polyamid + GF
Membranes diameter 25 mm 25 mm
Membranes area 4.8 cm 4.8 cm2
Filling volume 0.854 ml 0.854 ml
Burst pressure 6 bar|600 kPa 6 bar|600 kPa
Max. temperature (autoclave 121 C, 30 min 121 C, 30 min
Flow rate for water > 75 ml/min > 130 ml/min

Dead Volume 0.10 ml

Connector, outlet Male Luer Slip
Connector , inlet Female Luer Lock
Pore size 0.2 m 0.45 m
Order number (50 units) 17845-ACK 17846-ACK
Order number (500 units) 17845-Q 17846-Q
Housing material Polypropylene Polypropylene
Membranes material Polyamide Polyamide
Membranes diameter 25 mm 25 mm
Membranes area 4.8 cm 4.8 cm2
Filling volume 1.0 ml 1.0 ml
Burst pressure 6 bar|600 kPa 6 bar|600 kPa
Max. temperature (autoclave 121 C, 30 min 121 C, 30 min
Flow rate for water > 50 ml/min > 80 ml/min

38 Applications for Syringe Filter Holders | Filtration

Minisart SRP Units with a Clean and
Chemically Inert PTFE Membrane

Ready-to-use units for simple, rapid and Minisart SRP4 is recommended for sample
reliable ultracleaning of small-volume volumes of up to about 1 ml, Minisart SRP15
samples for HPLC or GC analysis, which for up to about 5 ml and Minisart SRP 25
require an even more chemical resistant unit for up to 100 ml.
than Minisart RC, e.g. for solvents such as
acetone, dimethylformamide and DMSO,
or for aggressive aqueous liquids.

Specifications for Minisart SRP4, SRP15 and SRP25

Connectors Female Luer Lock inlet, luer slip outlet
(Minisart SRP15 is also available with
a small spike outlet)
Bubble point With isopropanol, 0.9 bar (0.45 m) or
1.4 bar (0.2 m)
Flow rate for ethanol
at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
Minisart SRP4 2.0 ml/min (0.45 m)/3 bar
Minisart SRP15 45 ml/min (0.45 m), 20 ml/min (0.2 m)
Minisart SRP25 130 ml/min (0.45 m), 70 ml/min (0.2 m)
Flow rate for methanol
at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
Minisart SRP4 4.5 ml/min (0.45 m)
Minisart SRP15 150 ml/min (0.45 m), 55 ml/min (0.2 m)
Minisart SRP25 260 ml/min (0.45 m), 160 ml/min (0.2 m)
Flow rate for air
at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
Minisart SRP4 0.06 l/min (0.45 m)
Minisart SRP15 1.1 l/min (0.45 m), 0.5 l/min (0.2 m)
Minisart SRP25 1.8 l/min (0.45 m), 1.2 l/min (0.2 m)
Filter diameter 4 mm (SRP4),15 mm (SRP15), 25 mm (SRP25)
Filter area 0.07 cm2 (SRP4), 1.7 cm2 (SRP15), 4.8 cm2 (SRP25)
Housing burst pressure 6 bar|600 kPa|87 psi and higher
Materials Polypropylene (housing),
Polypropylene-reinforced PTFE
(membrane filter)
Max. temperature 121 C, 30 min (autoclave)
Pore size 0.45 m or 0.2 m
(Minisart SRP4, only 0.45 m)
Hold-up volume 5 l (SRP4), 10 l (SRP15), 100 l (SRP25)
Water penetration point 3.0 bar (0.45 m) or 4.0 bar (0.2 m)

Filtration | Applications for Syringe Filter Holders 39

Order Numbers for Minisart SRP4
17820 K With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 50
17820 Q With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 500

Order Numbers for Minisart SRP15 with spike outlet

17558 K With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 50
17558 Q With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 500
17559 K With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 50
17559 Q With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 500

Order Numbers for Minisart SRP15 with luer outlet

17573 K With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 50
17573 ACK With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 50, sterile, individually packed
17573 Q With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 500
17574 K With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 50
17574 Q With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 500

Order Numbers for Minisart SRP25

17575 K With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 50
17575 ACK With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 50, sterile, individually packed
17575 Q With 0.2 m membrane, pack of 500
17576 K With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 50
17576 Q With 0.45 m membrane, pack of 500

40 Applications for Syringe Filter Holders | Filtration

Re-usable, 13 mm Syringe Filter Holders for the Ultracleaning
of Small Volumes (up to about 10 ml)

PTFE Holder for Solvents and Chemicals Other benefits of this application are the low
Made completely of PTFE, this holder is hold-up volume, the easy cleaning and the
unaffected by chemicals and contains no drying at a temperature of 180 C.
trace elements which could be released
into the liquid being filtered. It is therefore The construction of the holder ensures leak
extremely well suited for particle removal proof sealing without a sealing ring, and
from samples and reagents for analytical avoids twisting of the membrane filter when
methods, such as NMR samples. the top is tightened onto the base.

Specifications for the 13 mm PTFE Syringe Filter Holder

Connectors Female Luer Lock inlet, luer slip outlet
Chemical compatibility As for PTFE
Flow rate for water
at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
With 0.2 m membrane filter Approx. 10 ml/min
With 0.45 m membrane filter 18 ml/min
Filtration area 0.5 cm2
Weight 13 g
Materials PTFE top and bottom part
Max. operating pressure 5 bar|500 kPa|72.5 psi
Membrane filter diameter 13 mm
Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134 C)
or by dry heat (max. 180 C)
Hold-up volume Less than 0.03 ml after overcoming the
bubble point (0.3 ml before)

Order Number for the 13 mm PTFE Syringe Filter Holder


Filtration | Applications for Syringe Filter Holders 41

Polycarbonate Holder
for Aqueous Solutions
This inexpensive filter holder is made of clear,
autoclavable polycarbonate and contains a
silicone gasket for leak-proof sealing. It can
be used at pressures of up to 7 bar by simply
manually screwing it together.

Filter supports in the top and bottom parts

allow filtration in either direction.

Specifications for the 13 mm Polycarbonate Syringe Filter Holder

Connectors Female Luer Lock inlet, luer slip outlet
Chemical compatibility As for polycarbonate and silicone
Flow rate for water
at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
With 0.2 m membrane filter Approx. 18 ml/min
With 0.45 m membrane filter 35 ml/min
Membrane filter 35 ml/min with 0.45 m membrane filter
Filtration area 0.5 cm2
Materials Polycarbonate top and bottom part,
silicone gasket 10 14.9 mm
(replacement part no. 6980569 for a pack of 10)
Max. operating pressure 7 bar|700 kPa|101.57 psi
Membrane filter diameter 13 mm
Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C
Hold-up volume Less than 0.2 ml after overcoming the
bubble point (0.3 ml before)

Order Number for the 13 mm Polycarbonate Syringe Filter Holder

16514E Pack of 12

Recommended accessories are described on page 46.

42 Applications for Syringe Filter Holders | Filtration

Re-usable 25 mm Syringe Filter Holders for the Ultracleaning and
Sterilizing Filtration of Volumes of up to about 100 ml

Stainless Steel Holder for Solvents The top part can easily be mounted on the
and Chemicals bottom part using the enclosed tightening
The PTFE-coated surface on the top part is tool.
an important property of the filter holder
and ensures leak-proof sealing without a Filter supports in the top and bottom parts
sealing ring. As a result, the heat-resistance allow filtration in either direction.
is extremely good, and the chemical compati-
bility depends only on the inserted filter type.

Specifications for the 25 mm Stainless Steel Holder

Connectors Female Luer Lock inlet, luer slip outlet
Chemical compatibility As for stainless steel and PTFE
Flow rate for water
at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
With 0.2 m membrane filter Approx. 45 ml/min
With 0.45 m membrane filter 80 ml/min
Membrane filter 80 ml/min with 0.45 m membrane filter
Filtration area 3 cm2
Materials Stainless steel (1.4305) top and bottom parts.
PTFE-coated sealing area in top part.
Luran 368R tightening tool
(replacement part no. 6980595)
Max. operating pressure 7 bar|700 kPa|101.5 psi
Membrane filter diameter 25 mm
Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134 C)
or by dry heat (max. 180 C)
Hold-up volume Less than 0.1 ml after overcoming the
bubble point (0.3 ml before)

Order Number for the 25 mm Stainless Steel Holder


Filtration | Applications for Syringe Filter Holders 43

Polycarbonate Holder
for Aqueous Solutions
This inexpensive filter holder is made of clear,
autoclavable polycarbonate and offers a
filtration area six times the amount of that
of the 13 mm holder described on page 41.
The silicone gasket enables a leak-free
filtration at pressures of up to 7 bar by
simply manually screwing it together.

Filter supports in the top and bottom parts

allow filtration in either direction.

Specifications for the 25 mm Polycarbonate Syringe Filter Holder

Connectors Female Luer Lock inlet, luer slip outlet
Chemical compatibility As for polycarbonate and silicone
Flow rate for water
at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
With 0.2 m membrane filter 70 ml/min
With 0.45 m membrane filter 110 ml/min
Filtration area 3 cm2
Materials Polycarbonate top and bottom parts,
silicone flat gasket 20 25 mm
(replacement part no. 1EDS-D0053 for
a pack of 10)
Max. operating pressure 7 bar|700 kPa|101.5 psi
Membrane filter diameter 25 mm
Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C
Hold-up volume Less than 0.3 ml after overcoming the
bubble point (0.6 ml before)

Order Number for the 25 mm Polycarbonate Syringe Filter Holder

16517E Pack of 12

Recommended accessories are described on page 46.

Filters see page 20.

44 Applications for Syringe Filter Holders | Filtration

Ultrasart D20 for LAL Tests without Interference

Ultrasart D20 Pressure System for Ultrasart D20

The Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate test is Consists of a pressure manifold for
commonly used in pharmaceutical quality 3 Ultrasart D20 units, valves for individual
control. The ready-to-use ultrafiltration units control of pressure and|or flow and air
Ultrasart D20 allow for removal of disturbing, venting, a 3 liter pressure tank and connect-
low-molecular substances out of LAL-test ing hoses. Additional pressure manifolds can
samples within 1530 minutes, without be connected by using the adapter 17152
reducing the sensitivity of the test. or 17153.

Depyrogenation, after removal of the pressure

gauge, at up to 200 C.

Specifications for Ultrasart D20

Chemical compatibility Resistant to aqueous solutions of pH 39,
and when contacting 1M amino acid up to
2 hours
Filtration area 5.3 cm2
Flow rate For water at 1 bar|14.5 psi, 2 ml/min
Materials Cellulose triacetate ultrafilter
(20,000 D MWCO, 100% endotoxin retention),
SAN and MBS-cyrolite housing
Max. sample volume 15 ml

Specifications for Pressure System for Ultrasart D20

Max. operating pressure 5 bar

Order Numbers for Ultrasart D20

16520 C
Ultrasart D20 ultrafiltration units, sterile and pyrogen-free, pack of 6

Order Numbers for Pressure System for Ultrasart D20

16506 Complete Pressure system
16565 Pressure manifold
16663 Pressure tank 3 l
16698 Pressure hose for connceting tank to manifold
16664 Pressure hose for connceting tank to pressure

Filtration | Applications for Syringe Filter Holders 45

Accessories for Ready-to-use Minisarts
and Re-usable Syringe Filter Holders

Dosing Syringe 3-way Valve

The dosing syringe is perfectly suitable in Allows conduction of continuous filtration
connection with a filter holder for rapid and when connected to a syringe and fitted on
simple filtration. The new dosing syringe in the outlet side with a filter holder.
combination with our Minisart filter holders
are ideal for wetting our nutient pad sets Disposable Syringes
with sterile water. They can be used with the 3-way valve
and the filter holders with a female luer
The volume of the dosing syringe can be lock inlet connection. One packet contains
infinitely adjusted from 0.5 to 5.0 ml by 12 individually packed needles and
turning the screw on the handle. The syringe 12 disposable needles.
is user- and maintenance-friendly. Moreover,
it is very easy to handle and so avoids fatigue Needles
signs of the hand after longer use. Fit on the luer slip outlets of the syringe
filter holders. Accomodates the piercing
The dosing syringe can be disinfected by of silicone caps or rubber bungs and the
boiling. It is not recommended to autoclave selective induction of the filtrate into a
the syringes. If autoclaving is absolutely tube or an other vessel. The stainless steel
necessary, the plastic handle must first be needle is autoclavable.

Order Number for Dosing Syringe 16685--2

Order Number for 3-way Valve 16639 Autoclavable (121 C).
Replacement parts 6986070 Sealing (4 )
6986071 Pressure spring (2 )
6986072 Fixing spring (2 )
6986073 Perbunan valve (2 )
Order Numbers for Disposable Syringes 16644E 5 ml volume, pack of 12
16645E 10 ml volume, pack of 12
16646E 20 ml volume, pack of 12
16647E 50 ml volume, pack of 12
Order Numbers for Needles 01324 Stainless steel needle
01325 Disposable needle

46 Applications for Syringe Filter Holders | Filtration

Sartorius Sartolab RF|BT
Vacuum Filtration Units

Sartorius Sartolab RF and BT units are Sartorius Sartolab 150 V filtration unit with
optimized for the application in cell culture. pleated 0.2 m PES membrane for vacuum
The built-in membrane made of polyethersul- filtration|sterile filtration of up to several
fone guarantees extremely high flow rates liters.
and low protein binding, and is therefore
ideal for the filtration of solutions containing By opening the drain valve protected by a
proteins. 0.2 m PTFE membrane, the created vacuum
can be interrupted to replace the filled
The receiver flask is delivered with tube receiver flask for a new one. Filtration
adapter and closure lid. restarts, when the drain valve is closing.
This procedure of continuous filtration
The Sartolab RF units are sterile complete can be repeated several times.
units with a drainage vessel; the Sartolab BT
holders can usually be adapted to trade, The 0.2 m pleated PES membrane with
vacuum resistant bottles with a screw con- an area of 150 cm2 guarantees reliable sterile
nector 45. Attention: only use bottles which filtration of media, buffers and many other
are licensed for sub-pressure methods. solutions. They can be used universally on
bottles with a diameter of up to 58 mm.
Available in different sizes.

Order Numbers for Sartolab RF Vacuum Filtration Units

180C1---------E 150 ml, with receiver, 18 cm filter area,
0.22 m PES membrane
Case with 12 units
180C7---------E 250 ml, with receiver, 24 cm filter area,
0.22 m PES membrane
Case with 12 units
180C2---------E 500 ml, with receiver, 63 cm filter area,
0.22 m PES membrane
Case with 12 units
180C3---------E 1000 ml, with receiver, 79 cm filter area,
0.22 m PES membrane
Case with 12 units
180C8---------E 1000 ml, with receiver, 79 cm filter area,
0.1 m PES membrane
Case with 12 units

Order Numbers for Sartolab BT Vacuum Filtration Units

80C4---------k 150 ml, with receiver, 18 cm filter area,
0.22 m PES membrane
Case with 48 units
180C5---------E 500 ml, with receiver, 63 cm filter area,
0.22 m PES membrane
Case with 12 units
180C6---------E 1000 ml, with receiver, 79 cm filter area,
0.22 m PES membrane
Case with 12 units

Order Number for Sartolab 150 V

18080----------M Sterile vacuum filtration unit, pack of 3

Special brochure available. Order no. SLU1511-e and SL-2023-e

Filtration | Applications for Vacuum Filtration Units 47

25 mm Glass Holder
for the Filtration of Small Volumes

25 mm Glass Holder for Hybridisation The PTFE ring, which holds the glass frit or the
Tests, Particle Testing and Clarification screen support, allows for the autoclaving of
The two devices differ only in the filter devices with a filter in position and without
support, the glass frit or the PTFE-coated adherence of the filter to the support. It also
screen support. The device with glass frit protects the rim of the glass frit from break-
ensures uniform distribution of particles and age and from potential leakage.
is therefore recommended, when the retained
particles on the filter surface are of interest. It has a rim around the upper edge to simplify
As it is easy to clean, the device with a PTFE- the positioning of the membrane filter when
coated screen support is more suitable when inserted, and a silicone ring on the underside
the filtrate is required or for radiochemical for a reliable seal on the filtrate side. The
work. funnel-shaped top part simplifies filling in
the sample.

Outlet spout 12 mm
Parts and materials Borosilicate glass funnel and base.
PTFE|glass filter support (type 16306) and
PTFE|stainless steel, coated with
Teflon (type 16315)
Silicone O-ring 25 3 mm
Aluminium clamp
Chemical compatibility As for glass, PTFE and silicone.
The silicone O-ring can be replaced by a Viton
6980115 O-ring, order no. 00118
glas funnel
30 ml Flow rate for water at 90% vacuum 50 ml/min with 0.2 m
150 ml/min with 0.45 m
6983008 500 ml/min with 0.8 m membrane filter
small clamp
Funnel capacity 30 ml
screen support and Filtration area 3 cm2
6980117 PTEE-ring
Suitable membrane filter diameter 25 mm (or 24 mm)
Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134 C) or
17148 6980116 by dry heat (max. 180 C)
glass frit glass base

Order Numbers
16306 Glass device for 25 mm membrane filter,
with glass frit
16315 Glass device for 25 mm membrane filter,
with PTFE-coated screen support

Recommended accessories are described on page 53.

Replacement parts see diagram.

48 Applications for Vacuum Filtration Units | Filtration

50 mm Glass Holder with Protective PTFE Ring,
for Particle Testing or Clarification and Sterile Filtration

This filter holder is available in two versions The PTFE ring, which holds the glass frit and
differing from each other only in the type the screen support, allows for the autoclav-
of the filter support. The filter with glass ing of the devices with a filter in position and
frit ensures uniform distribution of retained protects the edge of the glass frit from
particles and is therefore recommended, when breakage and potential leakage. It has a
the residue on the filter surface is of interest. rim around the upper edge to simplify the
Because it is easy to clean, the device with the positioning of the membrane filter when
PTFE-coated screen support is preferable when inserted and a silicone O-ring in the underside
the filtrate is required, or when liquids difficult for a leak-proof seal on the filtrate side.
to remove from glass frits must be examined.

Specifications for the 50 mm Glass Holder

Outlet spouts 15 mm outside diameter
Parts and materials Borosilicate glass funnel and base.
Anodised aluminium clamp.
Silicone caoutchouc lid. PTFE|glass filter
support (type 16307) and PTFE|stainless steel
filter support,
coated with Teflon (type 16316).
Silicone O-ring 45 3 mm
Chemical compatibility As for glass, PTFE and silicone (see page 124).
If required, the silicone O-ring can be
replaced by a Viton O-ring (order no. 00124).
Flow rate For water at 90% vacuum,
200 ml/min with 0.2 m,
600 ml/min with 0.45 m,
2.2 l/min with 0.8 m membrane filter.
Funnel capacity 250 ml
Filtration area 12.5 cm2
Max. operating pressure Only for vacuum
Suitable membrane filter diameter 50 mm (or 47 mm)
Sterilization By autoclaving (121 C or 134 C) or by dry
heat (max. 180 C).

Order Numbers
for the 50 mm Glass Holders 6980121
16307 Glass vacuum filtration holder for
50 mm (or 47 mm) membrane filter,
with glass frit filter support
16316 Glass vacuum filtration holder for 6980119
glass funnel,
50 mm (or 47 mm) membrane filter, 250 ml
with PTFE-coated screen filter support

large clamp
Recommended accessories are described
on page 53. Replacement parts see
diagram. 6983006 6983007
glass frit

17146 drain screen
glass frit
and PTFE
ring with
centre 6980123
edge silicone
screen support
and PTFE ring
with centre
6980120 edge
glass base,
50 mm

Filtration | Applications for Vacuum Filtration Units 49

All-glass Holder for Particle Removal from Solvents
for Analytical Determinations

All areas, where liquid and device can come Convenience of handling is ensured by several
into direct contact, are made of glass or beneficial features. A 6 mm wide non-ground
PTFE. The device, in combination with rim above the ground glass neck of the suc-
solvent-resistant, hydrophilic RC-membranes tion flask prevents the filtrate from contact-
(Type 184, see page 22), is therefore ideal ing grease on the ground glass surface and so
for ultracleaning and degassing solvents and avoids its contamination while being poured
solvent mixtures for HPLC, GC and AA. out of the flask.

The hose nipple connector is made of poly-

propylene for safe connection of the vacuum
hose. The filtrate outlet spout ends well below
the entrance to this hose nipple.

Specifications for the All-glass Holder

Parts and materials Borosilicate glass funnel, base and flask.
Filter support PTFE ring holding a glass frit,
with Viton O-ring (45 3 mm).
Anodized aluminium clamp.
Chemical compatibility As for glass and PTFE
Flow rate For water at 90% vacuum,
200 ml/min with 0.2 m,
600 ml/min with 0.45 m,
2.2 l/min with 0.8 m membrane filter.
Funnel capacity 250 ml
Capacity of the filtrate flask 1 liter
Filtration area 12.5 cm2
Max. operating pressure Only for vacuum
Suitable membrane filter diameter 50 mm (or 47 mm)
Sterilization (without connector) By autoclaving (121 C or 134 C) or
by dry heat (max. 180 C).

Order Number for the All-glass Holder

16309 All-glass vacuum filtration unit for
glass funnel 50 mm (or 47 mm) membrane filter,
with vacuum-resistant flask,
6983004 capacity 1 liter
filter support
with glass frit
and O-ring

Viton O-ring Recommended accessories are described
on page 53. For replacement parts, see
6983003 diagram.
with sealing
Viton sealing
for connector

glass base

glass flask

50 Applications for Vacuum Filtration Units | Filtration

Polycarbonate Holders for the Clarification or Sterile Filtration
of up to about 200 ml Volumes of Aqueous Solutions

Type 16510 is complete with a receiver flask For sterile filtrations, the filter holder,
and can be operated with sub-pressure as included in the delivery, is equipped with
well as with slight over-pressure (0.5 bar is a glass fiber filter 13400-0013 and enables
recommended for highest standing times). sterile venting for pressure compensation
It is, together with a vacuum hand pump, in order to avoid contamination of the sterile
a practical, cost-effective system for the filtrate. The funnel fits onto the central
filtration in and outside the laboratory. opening of the lid and simplifies filling the
liquid in the top part.

Type 16511 is like 16510, but without a

receiver flask. It is used on a suction flask
or a vacuum manifold, e.g. Combisart,
see page 231.

Specifications for 47 mm Polycarbonat Holders

Parts supplied Type 16510, top part complete with lid,
stopper for lid, plug and funnel, base part
with hose nipple and filter holder, receiver
flask with lid, all made of polycarbonate.
Silicone O-rings for lid (80 3 mm), filter
support (40 5 mm) and opening
(14 2 mm). Polypropylene filter support.
Components Type 16511, like 16510 but without
receiver flask
Chemical compatibility As for polycarbonate, polypropylene and
Flow rate For water at 90% vacuum,
200 ml/min with 0.2 m,
700 ml/min with 0.45 m,
2 l/min with 0.8 m membrane filter.
Capacity Top part and receiver flask, 250 ml
Filtration area 12.5 cm2
Max. operating pressure Vacuum or max. 2 bar|200 kPa overpressure
Suitable membrane filter diameter,
47 mm (prefilter, 37 mm).
Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C. The polycarbonate
material withstands numerous cycles,
provided aggressive cleaning agents are
completely washed off and that the steam
does not contain anticorrosive, anti-scaling
boiler water additives.

Filtration | Applications for Vacuum Filtration Units 51

Order Numbers for 47 mm Polycarbonate Holders
16510 Polycarbonate holder for 47 mm membrane filter, with 250 ml
top part and receiver flask, for vacuum or pressure filtration.
16511 Polycarbonate holder for 47 mm membrane filter,
with 250 ml top part, for vacuum filtration.

Recommended accessories are described on page 53|96.

Replacement Parts
16514E 13 mm filter holder, pack of 12
6980110 Silicone O-ring, 40 5 mm
6980225 Plug, pack of 10
6980226 Funnel
6980227 Stopper for lid
6980228 Lid
6980229 Silicone O-ring, 80 3 mm, pack of 2
6980230 Top part, 250 ml
6980232 Filter support, pack of 2
6980233 Base part
6980234 Hose nipple
6980235 Silicone O-ring, 14 2 mm, pack of 3
6980236 Silicone cap, pack of 10
6981090 Receiver flask

52 Applications for Vacuum Filtration Units | Filtration

Accessories for Vacuum Filter Holders

Laboratory Vacuum Pump, 90%

Compact, reliable and oil-free membrane pump with low noise level.

Max. vacuum 90% (100 mbar, 76 torr)
Max. flow rate [l/min] 20
Wattage [W] 80
Weight [kg] 4.5
Dimensions [mm] 203 145 187
Max. ambient temperature 40 C

Order Numbers
16692 220 V, 50 Hz
16695 110 V, 60 Hz
Replacement part 6986105 Set of one neoprene membrane, two valve
springs and one neoprene head seal.

Laboratory Vacuum Pump, 98%

Membrane pump with high performance, reliable vacuum source, oil-free.

Max. vacuum 13 mbar (10 torr)
Max. flow rate [l/min] 26
Wattage [W] 120
Current [Amp] 1.8
Weight [kg] 9.8
Dimensions [mm] 338 250 225
Max. ambient temperature 40 C

Order Numbers
16612 220 V, 50 Hz
16615 110 V, 60 Hz
Replacement part 6986017 Set of two neoprene membranes, four valve
springs and two neoprene head seals.

Filtration | Applications for Vacuum Filtration Units 53

Water Jet Pump with G3/4 Female Thread
Simple vacuum source. For connection
to a water tap with G3/4 male thread.

Order Number

Suction Flask, 2 Liter Capacity

Vacuum-resistant flask made of Duran 50
glass with plastic safety hose nipple according
to the German Industrial Standard No. 12476.
Outer diameter of the hose nipple, 9 mm.
Inner diameter of the opening, 60 mm.
Stoppers are not enclosed.

A 1 liter capacity flask is available for

countries which do not have safety
restrictions on glass hose nipples.

Order Numbers
16672 For 2 l capacity
16672-----1 For 5 l capacity including stopper and adapter
16606 For 1 l capacity for countries which do not
have safety restrictions on glass hose nipples.

Order Numbers for Bored Stoppers for Vacuum-Resistant Flask, 2 l, 16672

17173 For stainless steel holders 16201, 16219,
17174 For 25 mm glass holders
17175 For 50 mm glass holders

Order Numbers for Stoppers for 1 l Flask, 16606

17004 For stainless steel holders 16201, 16219,
17005 For 25 mm glass holders
17006 For 47|50 mm glass holders

54 Applications for Vacuum Filtration Units | Filtration

Woulffs Bottle, 500 ml
Used between suction flask and vacuum
source. Allows simple control of the vacuum
with glass units without a separate tap and
also prevents the filtrate from overflowing
from the suction flask.

Order Number

Water Trap, Vacusart

Vacusart is a ready-to-connect filtration unit,
consisting of a polypropylene housing and
a water-repellent, but porous PTFE mem-
brane with a pore size of 0.45 m. Vacusart
is perfectly suitable for the protection of
vacuum pumps.

Order Number
17804 M Pack of 3

Peristaltic Pump

Maximum rotor speeds 50 rpm and 400 rpm
Operating voltages and frequencies 110240 V 50/60 Hz
Speed control ratio 20:1
Power rating 100 VA
Operating temperature 5 C to 40 C
Storage temperature range 40 C to 70 C
Weight [kg|lb] 5.35|12
Noise <70 dBA at 1 m
Standards IEC 335-1, EN 60529 (IP31)
Machinery Directive 98/37/EC EN 60204-1
Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC EN 61010-1
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC EN 50081-1/EN 50082-1

Order Number

Filtration | Applications for Vacuum Filtration Units 55

Sartolab P20 and Sartolab P20 plus
for Reliable Sterile Filtration of Tissue Culture Solutions

Ready-to-use units which, attached to a Sartolab P20 units have an extraordinarily

membrane pump or tube pump, quickly and favorable price-performance ratio. Often, the
reliably sterilize 100 ml to 5 liter of media and total filterable volume can even be doubled
aqueous solutions. due to an integrated binder-free glass fiber
The combination of a large filtration area
(20 cm2) and an automatic de-aeration
ensures high flow rates and optimal total
throughputs. Automatic venting of any
trapped air through the PTFE membrane-
protected vent ports ensures that the entire
filter surface is used for effective filtration.

Sartolab P 20 plus
V (ml)

150 Sartolab P20

Specifications for Sartolab P20 Units
Connectors Inlet, Luer Lock inner cone or 612 mm
Competitive mixed ester
stepped hose nipple.
Competitive PVDF
50 Outlet, 612 mm stepped hose nipple
Biosafety Pass the USP Plastics-Class VI-Test
0 10 50 100 150 200 Time (secs)
Bubble point Min. value with water, 3.2 bar|320 kPa|46 psi
Top part: results with contaminated Flow rate For water 250 ml/min
medium (DMEM + 10% FCS), at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi
at 1 bar differential pressure.
Filtration area 20 cm2
Filling volume 6 ml
Housing burst pressure > 5 bar|500 kPa|72.5 psi
Materials Membrane filter (0.2 m). Cellulose acetate
(SFCA) or Polyethersulfone.
PTFE airfilter. Polycarbonate housing
Max. recommended inlet pressure 3 bar|300 kPa|43.5 psi
Protein adsorption Less than 10 g -Globulin/cm2
Hold-up volume 0.3 ml after (1.3 ml before) bubble point
Toxicity Non-toxic as confirmed with L929 fibrolast
cells of mice and with MRC-5 lung cells of
human embryonic origin
Accessories Integrity holder 18099

Specifications for Sartolab P20 plus Units

As for P20, except

Filling volume 5.5 ml
Materials Supplemented with a binder-free glass fiber
Protein adsorption Varies due to the prefilter
Hold-up volume 0.9 ml after (1.8 ml before) bubble point

Order numbers see next page.

56 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Order Numbers for Sartolab P20 Units
18052----------D (SFCA) With hose nipple inlet connection, pack of 10
18053----------D (SFCA) With Luer Lock inlet connection, pack of 10
18075----------D (PES) With Luer Lock inlet connection, pack of 10,
without automatic venting

Order Numbers for Sartolab P20 plus Units

18056----------D (SFCA + GF) With hose nipple inlet connection, pack of 10
18058----------D (SFCA + GF) With Luer Lock inlet connection, pack of 10
18068----------D (PES + GF) With Luer Lock inlet connection, pack of 10

Recommended accessories are described on page 96.

Special brochure available on request. Order no. SL-3009-e

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 57

Filter Test Disposables for Use in the Biopharmaceutical Industry

Description Optimized Design

SartoScale filter test disposables are designed SartoScale filter test disposables feature ultra
to perform reliable filterability trials with low hold up and dead volumes in order to
47 mm flat filter discs of original filter perform filterability trials with minimized
cartridge material. The use of disposables product volumes.
for filtration trials avoids time consuming
preparation of filter discs in stainless steel Reliability
filter holders and prevents installation SartoScale filter test disposables containing
mistakes of the flat filter discs. integrity testable membrane filters can be
tested for integrity by a bubble-point test to
Applications assure reliable test results.
SartoScale filter test disposables are ideally
suited to perform all kind of filterability Zero-T-Test System
trials with the target to select the optimal We recommend to use SartoScale filter test
membrane material for a certain application disposables together with our Zero-T Filter
or to determine the ideal combination of Test System in order to perform filtration
prefilters and final filters with minimum trials effectively. The Zero-T-System consists
product volumes. of hardware and software modules which
allow easy handling and installation of the
Original Filter Material SartoScale filter test disposables. Automatic
SartoScale filter test disposables contain data acquisition is achieved by the connec-
the original filter active material of the tion of a balance to a laptop. The software
respective filter cartridges in order to assure analyses automatically the incoming data
reproducible test results. for scale-up calculations.

Scale-up Availabilility
After material selection or determination of SartoScale filter test disposables will
a prefilter|final filter scheme with SartoScale become available for all filter materials
filter test disposables a scale-up for flow rate of Sartorius AG including:
and total throughput performance of the Sartopore 2 544
selected materials should be done using small Sartobran P 523
scale pleated capsule devices (e. g. capsules Sartolon 510
of type 150). Sartofluor 518
Sartoclean CA 562
Sartoclean GF 560
Sartopure PP2 559
Sartopure GFPlus 555
Sartoguard GF 548
Sartoguard PES 547
Sartopore 2 XLI 544
Sartopore 2 XLG 544
Sartopore 2 XLM 544

Specifications for SartoScale

Biosafety All materials pass the USP Plastic Test Class VI
Extractables Meet or exceed the requirements for WFI
quality standards set by the current USP
Connectors See order numbers
Filter area 13 cm2
Materials Capsule housing polypropylene,
all common filter materials of Sartorius
Regulatory Compliance Non pyrogenic according to USP Bacterial
Endotoxins, non fibre releasing according to
21 CFR
Max. differential pressure 5 bar|72.5 psi at 20 C, 2 bar|29 psi at 80 C
Sterilization By autoclaving at 134 C, 2 bar, 30 min.
Non in-line steam sterilization

58 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Order Information
5445307HS--**--M Sartopore 2 0.2 m, pack of 3
5445358KS--**--M Sartopore 2 0.1 m, pack of 3
5445306GS--**--M Sartopore 2 0.45 m, pack of 3
5445307GS--**--M Sartopore 2 XLG 0.2 m, pack of 3
5445307IS--**--M Sartopore 2 XLI 0.2 m, pack of 3
5445358MS--**--M Sartopore 2 XLM 0.1 m, pack of 3
5235307HS--**--M Sartobran P 0.2 m, pack of 3
5235358HS--**--M Sartobran P 0.1 m, pack of 3
5235306DS--**--M Sartobran P 0.45 m, pack of 3
5105307HS--**--M Sartolon 0.2 m, pack of 3
5625307AS--**--M Sartoclean CA 0.2 m, pack of 3
5625306AS--**--M Sartoclean CA 0.45 m, pack of 3
5625305GS--**--M Sartoclean CA 0.65 m, pack of 3
5625304ES--**--M Sartoclean CA 0.8 m, pack of 3
5605305GS--**--M Sartoclean GF 0.65 m, pack of 3
5605304ES--**--M Sartoclean GF 0.8 m, pack of 3
5595305PS--**--M Sartopure PP2 0.65 m, pack of 3
5595303PS--**--M Sartopure PP2 1.2 m, pack of 3
5595302PS--**--M Sartopure PP2 3 m, pack of 3
5595342PS--**--M Sartopure PP2 5 m, pack of 3
5595301PS--**--M Sartopure PP2 8 m, pack of 3
5595320PS--**--M Sartopure PP2 20 m, pack of 3
5595350PS--**--M Sartopure PP2 50 m, pack of 3
5555305PS--**--M Sartopure GF Plus 0.65 m, pack of 3
5555303PS--**--M Sartopure GF Plus 1.2 m, pack of 3
5485358MS--**--M Sartoguard GF 0.1 m nominal, pack of 3
5485307GS--**--M Sartoguard GF 0.2 m nominal, pack of 3
5475358GS--**--M Sartoguard PES 0.1 m nominal, pack of 3
5475307IS--**--M Sartoguard PES 0.2 m nominal, pack of 3

** = Connector type Description

F " Tri-Clamp
H " Multiple stepped hose barb

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 59

Sartobran P 150 and Sartobran P 300 Capsules; Optimum Convenience
for up to 50 Liters; Cost-saving Scale-up to Larger Volumes

Newly developed, ready-to-use pressure During this venting, the PTFE membrane
filtration units offering maximum prevents liquid from emerging, thus
convenience for the sterile filtration of 0.1 to protecting the filtrate from non-sterile
50 liters of buffers, infusion solutions, tissue drops and the environment and user from
culture solutions, sera and other solutions possible contamination. For the subsequent
containing proteins. No more problems with integrity test, the outlet spout must be
air bubbles in the liquid. A hydrophobic PTFE closed with the closure.
membrane validated for sterile air filtration
allows for effective air bubble collection at Sartobran P 150 and Sartobran P 300 filter
the highest point upstream. capsules contain the same heterogeneous
surfactant-free cellulose acetate double
At the beginning of the filtration, the membrane with low adsorption as used in
Sartobran 300 threaded closure can be opened so that larger Sartobran P capsules and Sartobran
air bubbles can vent away and full use P cartridges. They demonstrate the same
of the complete filter area is guaranteed. superior high flow rates and large through-
puts per filtration area. Furthermore, a
scale-up to larger volumes is only a matter
of simple multiplications, allowing you
to reduce validation costs.

Specifications for Sartobran P 150 and Sartobran P 300

Connectors Sartobran P 150: " multiple stepped hose barb
inlet and outlet or " sanitary flange
Sartobran P 300: " multiple stepped hose barb
Sartobran 150 (Typ SS)
inlet and outlet
Comparison of filtered volumes Biosafety Pass the USP Plastics-Class VI-Test
(5 + 107 Ps. diminuta/ml)
in 2 min. at 1 bar Bubble point With water, minimum value 3.2 bar|320 kPa|46 psi
Sartobran 300 Chemical compatibility For aqueous solutions of ph 48 as well as most
Competitive product, 0.22 m PVDF
Competitive product, 0.2 m polysulfone alcohols and hydrocarbons.
1000 Filtration area 150 cm2 and 300 cm2
800 Materials Cellulose acetate membrane filter (0.45 m or 0.2 m
600 pore size). PTFE air filter (0.2 m). Polypropylene housing and
400 filter support. Polycarbonate filling bell.
Max. differential pressure 4 bar|400 kPa|58 psi at 20 C, 2 bar|200 kPa|29 psi at 80 C
Sterilization Supplied steam sterilized.
Can be re-sterilized by autoclaving at 121 C.
Cytotoxicity Non-toxic as confirmed with L-929 fibrolast cells of mice and
with MRC-5 lung cells of human, embryonic origin.

Order Numbers for Sartobran P 150 Capsules with 0.2 m Final Filter and 0.45 m Prefilter
Sterile, individually packed
5231307H4-OO-B " Hose nipple inlet and outlet, pack of 5
5231307H4-SS-B " triclamp inlet and outlet, pack of 5
5231307H4-SO-B " triclamp inlet, " hose nipple outlet, pack of 5

Order Numbers for Sartobran P 300 Capsules with 0.2 m Final Filter and 0.45 m Prefilter
Sterile, individually packed
5231307H5-OO-V " Hose nipple inlet and outlet, pack of 2
5231307H5-OO-B " Hose nipple inlet and outlet, pack of 5

Recommended accessories are described on page 96.

Special data sheet available. Order no. SPK2027-e.

60 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Sartoguard PES
Membrane Prefiltration MidiCaps

Description Reliable Retention

Sartoguard PES filter are especially designed Sartoguard PES filters are available with
for effective bioburden control and reliable 0.1 m and 0.2 m nominal retention rating.
removal of particles from a broad range of The 0.1 m rated filters typically provide a
fluid streams. They provide the finest, most LRV of 6 per cm2 filtration area for Brevundi-
efficient and reliable performance for critical monas Diminuta, while the 0.2 m rated
prefiltration applications. They can be used filters typically provide a LVR of 6 per cm2
for protection of Mycoplasma retentive or filtration area for Serratia Marcescens.
sterilizing grade filters. They allow downsiz-
ing of filtration systems and cost saving in Compatibility
applications where the use of validated steri- Sartoguard PES filter elements are designed
lizing grade filters is not required, but reliable for broad chemical compatibility from pH 1 to
bioburden and turbidity reduction is. pH 14 and low extractable levels. They
are compatible with multiple in line steam
Applications sterilization cycles up to 134 C for car-
Typical applications of Sartoguard PES filter tridges and multiple autoclaving cycles for
include prefiltration of: MidiCaps.
Downstream Intermediates (before and Quality & Security
after UF | DF and chromatography steps) Sartoguard PES filter are individually tested
Clarified cell culture harvest for integrity during production. The integrity
Cell Culture Media of the filters can be verified onside before and
Aseptically filled Small Volume Parenterals after use by a diffusion or bubble-point test.
Economy Sartoguard PES filter elements are available in
Sartoguard PES filter feature a unique a broad range of sizes and formats to provide
heterogeneous double layer membrane con- linear scale-up from R&D to process scale.
struction in combination with an increased
filtration area of 0.8 m2/10" cartridge. By Documentation
providing outstanding total throughput and Sartoguard PES filter are designed, developed
flow rate performance, they ensure highest and manufactured in accordance with an
process efficiency, minimized overall filtration ISO 9001 certified Quality Management
costs and short filtration cycle times. System. A Validation Guide is available for
compliance with regulatory requirements.

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 61

Materials Prefilter Membrane PES, asymmetric
Endfilter Membrane PES, asymmetric
Support Fleece Polypropylene
Core Polypropylene
Capsule Housing Polypropylene
End Caps Polypropylene
O-Rings Silicone
Pore Size Combinations
0.8 m + 0.1 m nominally
1.2 m + 0.2 m nominally

Available Sizes|Filtration Area

Size 4 0.021 m2 | 0.22 ft2

Size 7 0.065 m2 | 0.7 ft2
Size 8 0.13 m2 | 1.4 ft2
Size 9 0.26 m2 | 2.8 ft2
Size 0 0.52 m2 | 5.6 ft2

Available Connectors MidiCaps

SS, SO, OO, FF, FO, HH (only size 7)

S: 11" Tri-Clamp (Sanitary)

O: 1" Single stepped hose barb
F: 3" Tri-Clamp (Sanitary)
H: 4" Multiple stepped hose barb
(with filling bell at the outlet)

Operating Parameters
Max. Allowable Differential Pressure 5 bar | 72.5 psi at 20 C (MidiCaps)
4 bar | 58 psi at 20 C (Capsules)
2 bar|29 psi at 80 C (MidiCaps | capsules)
Max. Allowable Back Pressure 2 bar |29 psi at 20 C

Sartoguard PES filter meet, or exceed the requirements for WFI quality standards set by the
current USP.

Regulatory Compliance
Individually integrity tested during production
Onside integrity testable by diffusion or bubble-point test
Non pyrogenic according to USP Bacterial Endotoxins
Pass USP Plastic Class VI Test
Non fiber releasing according to 21 CFR

Autoclaving: 134 C, 2 bar, 30 min

Sterilization Cycles
Autoclaving Min. 25 (MaxiCaps & MidiCaps)

Technical References
Validation Guide: SPK5782-e

62 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Soy Peptone Supplement Cell Culture Media

Soy Peptone Supplement Cell Culture Media

Order Codes

Filter Pore Size Nominally Test Pressure Max. Diffusion Min. Bubble Point
[m] [bar|psi] [ml/min] [bar|psi]
5471358G4 0.1 1.5|22 1.1 2.8|40.5
5475358G7 0.1 1.5|22 3 2.8|40.5
5475358G8 0.1 1.5|22 6 2.8|40.5
5475358G9 0.1 1.5|22 9 2.8|40.5
5475358G0 0.1 1.5|22 18 2.8|40.5
5471307F4 0.2 1.2|17.5 1.1 1.8|26
5475307F7 0.2 1.2|17.5 3 1.8|26
5475307F8 0.2 1.2|17.5 4 1.8|26
5475307F9 0.2 1.2|17.5 6 1.8|26
5475307F0 0.2 1.2|17.5 12 1.8|26

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 63

Sartobran P MidiCaps for the Filtration
of Protein Containing Solutions

Sartobran P MidiCaps are designed for The polypropylene housing contains two
maximum convenience and performance. membrane filters. The first coarser membrane
They are complete filter units, ready-to- acts as a prefilter relieving the next finer
connect and to-use without prior cleaning. membrane,which guarantees a reliable reten-
Although intended for Single-use, they tion according to pore size. This fractionated
can be autoclaved several times and are retention of particles and microorganisms
therefore re-usable if the application allows. has a very favorable effect on the total
The membranes are reinforced to increase throughput, as shown below. A solution of
their mechanical strength, thus guaranteeing relatively high colloid content was filtered
greatest reliability during filtration and
sterilization. Just as in the smaller Sartobran
300 capsules, the pleating of the membranes
Filter Combination allows large filter areas to be sealed in small,
0.2 m only
0.2 m + 0.45 m
0.2 m + 0.2 m handy units.

Total Volume filtered


100 Specifications for Sartobran P Filter Units

75 Biosafety All materials pass the USP Plastics-Class VI-
Chemical compatibility With aqueous solutions of pH 48 and
with most alcohols and hydrocarbons
(see page 124).
Filtration area 0.05 m2, 0.1 m2, 0.2 m2 or 0.45 m2
Integrity test data All Sartobran P Capsules are integrity
tested. Details on minimal bubble points and
maximal diffusional values are given in the
directions for use supplied with them.
Materials Double layer cellulose acetate membrane,
fleece-reinforced. Polypropylene housing and
Max. differential pressure 4 bar|58 psi at 20 C, 2 bar|29 psi at 80 C
Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C, 30 min.
Cytotoxicity All materials are non-toxic, as determined
with L-929-cells and with MRC-5-cells.

64 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Order Numbers for Sartobran P MidiCaps*

With 0.2 m Final Filter and 0.45 m Prefilter

Type OO, with " Hose Nipple Inlet and Outlet

5235307H7-OO-A 0.05 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235307H8-OO-A 0.1 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235307H9-OO-A 0.2 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235307H0-OO-V 0.45 m2 filter area, pack of 2 Type SS, with hose nipple inlet and outlet

Type SS, with 1" Sanitary Flange Inlet and Outlet

5235307H7-SS-A 0.05 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235307H8-SS-A 0.1 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235307H9-SS-A 0.2 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235307HO-SS-V 0.45 m2 filter area, pack of 2

Type SO, with 1" Sanitary Flange Inlet and " Hose Nipple Outlet
Type FF, with sanitary ange inlet and
5235307H7-SO-A 0.05 m2 filter area, pack of 4 outlet
5235307H8-SO-A 0.1 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235307H9-SO-A 0.2 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235307H0-SO-V 0.45 m2 filter area, pack of 2

Type HH, with " Multiple Stepped Hose Barb Inlet and Outlet
5235307H7-HH-A 0.05 m2 filter area, pack of 4

Type FF, with " Sanitary Flange Inlet and Outlet

Type OO, with sanitary ange inlet and
5235307H7-FF-A 0.05 m2 filter area, pack of 4 hose nipple outlet
5235307H8-FF-A 0.1 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235307H9-FF-A 0.2 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235307H0-FF-V 0.45 m2 filter area, pack of 2

With 0.45 m Final Filter and 0.65 m Prefilter

Type OO, with " hose nipple inlet and outlet
5235306D7-OO-A 0.05 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235306D8-OO-A 0.1 m2 filter area, pack of 4 Type HH (only size 7), with sanitary ange
5235306D9-OO-A 0.2 m2 filter area, pack of 4 inlet and outlet
5235306D0-OO-V 0.45 m2 filter area, pack of 2

Type SS, with 1" Sanitary Flange Inlet and Outlet

5235306D7-SS-A 0.05 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235306D8-SS-A 0.1 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235306D9-SS-A 0.2 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235306D0-SS-V 0.45 m2 filter area, pack of 2

Type SO, with 1" Sanitary Flange and " Hose Nipple Outlet
5235306D7-SO-A 0.05 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235306D8-SO-A 0.1 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235306D9-SO-A 0.2 m2 filter area, pack of 4
5235306D0-SO-V 0.45 m2 filter area, pack of 2
* Also available as mini cartridges with the same pore sizes and areas.

Order Numbers for Packs of 5

Pore Size 0.05 m2 Filter Area 0.1 m2 Filter Area 0.2 m2 Filter Area
0.2 m 5231507H7B 5231507H8B 5231507H9B

Special brochure available on request. Order no. S--0024-e

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 65

Sartopore 2 150 and Sartopore 2 300
Best Flow Rates and Optimum Convenience for up to 50 Liters

Sartopore 2 150 and Sartopore 2 300 are The asymetric structure of the membrane and
disposable, sterile, ready-to-use membrane the double-layer construction with build-in
filter capsules for convenient sterilizing prefilter allow exceptionally high standing
grade filtration of 0.1 to 50 liters. The times and flow rates. Therefore, the filter are
polyethersulfone membrane is compatible used especially for the filtration of difficult to
with a pH range from pH 1 to pH 14. There- filter, highly viscous solutions, or when short
fore Sartopore 2 150 and Sartopore 2 300 filtration times are required.
are ideal for filtration of solutions with
high|low pH. The vent design enables easy access to the
venting valve. A hydrophobic PTFE membrane
Sartopore 2 150 and 300 are with 3 dif- positioned on the highest point upstream
ferent pore sizes available. For prefiltration allows an easy venting of the filter elelment
filter with 0.45 m final membranes are used, and prevents product loss during the venting
whereas Sartopore 2 150 and 300 MidiCaps process.
with 0.2 m final membranes are used for
the sterile filtration. Filters with 0.1 m final Sartopore 2 150 and Sartopore 2 300
membranes are perfect suitable for combined contain the design like the Sartopore 2
sterile filtration and mycoplasma retention in MidiCaps and MaxiCaps. Thus, a scale-up
sera and serum-containing culture media. to larger sizes is only a matter of simple
multiplications, allowing you to reduce
validation costs.

Specifications for Sartopore 2 150 and Sartopore 2 300

Biosafety All materials pass the USP Plastic Test Class VI
Chemical compatibility To aqueous solutions in the pH-range 114
Total Throughput Comparison
Total Throughput at 95% blockage [kg] Connectors See order numbers

2 Cytotoxicty All materials are detectably non-toxic

1.5 concerning L929-cells and MRC-5-cells

Filter area 0.015 m2 and 0.03 m2
Sartopore 2 150 PVDF 100 cm2 PVDF 200 cm2 PESU 250 cm2
Materials Asymetric, double-layerd polyethersulfone
0.45 + 0.2 m 0.22 m 0.22 m 0.22 m
membrane filter, polypropylene housing parts
At 0.5 bar|7.25 psi differential
and support framing, PTFE air filter
pressure Order Numbers for Sartopore 2 150

With 0.45 m Final Filter and 0.65 m Prefilter

5441306D4-SS-B 0.015 m2, " sanitary flange inlet and outlet
5441306D4-OO-B 0.015 m2, " mutiple stepped hose barb inlet and outlet
5441306D4-SO-B 0.015 m2, " sanitary flange inlet and 4 mutiple stepped hose barb outlet
With 0.2 m Final Filter and 0.45 m Prefilter
5441307H4-SS-B 0.015 m2, " sanitary flange inlet and outlet
5441307H4-OO-B 0.015 m2, " mutiple stepped hose barb inlet and outlet
5441307H4-SO-B 0.015 m2, " sanitary flange inlet and 4 mutiple stepped hose barb outlet
With 0.1 m Final Filter and 0.2 m Prefilter
5441358K4-SS-B 0.015 m2, " sanitary flange inlet and outlet
5441358K4-OO-B 0.015 m2, " mutiple stepped hose barb inlet and outlet
5441358K4-SO-B 0.015 m2, " sanitary flange inlet and 4 mutiple stepped hose barb outlet

Order Numbers for Sartopore 2 300

With 0.45 m Final Filter and 0.65 m Prefilter

5441306D5-OO-B 0.03 m2, " mutiple stepped hose barb inlet and outlet
With 0.2 m Final Filter and 0.45 m Prefilter
5441307H5-OO-B 0.03 m2, " mutiple stepped hose barb inlet and outlet
With 0.1 m Final Filter and 0.2 m Prefilter
5441358K5-OO-B 0.03 m2, " mutiple stepped hose barb inlet and outlet

66 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Sartopore 2 MidiCaps for Best Flow Rates
and Standing Times Over the Whole pH-range

The new Sartopore 2 MidiCaps ideally The asymmetric structure of the membrane
supplement the Sartobran P filters described and the double-layer construction with a
on page 64. Whereas Sartobran P filters build-in prefilter allow exceptionally high
are mainly used for prefiltration and sterile standing times and flow rates. The filter
filtration of protein-containing solutions in elements are therefore used especially for the
the pH-range of 48, the broad chemical filtration of difficult to filter, highly viscous
compatibility of the polyethersulfone solutions or when short filtration times are
membranes from pH1 to pH 14 of the required.
Sartopore 2 filter elements also allows the
filtration of aggressive liquids of high or The graph shows the comparison of the
low pH. total filtration volume of Sartopore 2
polyethersulfone membranes, PVDF,
Sartopore 2 MidiCaps are available with nylon-66 membranes as well as two different
three different pore sizes. For the prefiltration PES membranes, also in the 10"-cartridge Total Filtration Volume in Comparison

of difficult to filter solutions, Sartopore 2 format, each measured in kg filtrate at 90% 50

(kg filtrate at 90% blocking)

MidiCaps with 0.45 m final membranes blocking.

Total filtration volume


are used, whereas filter elements with 0.2 30

m final membranes are used for the sterile 20

filtration of media. Sartopore 2 MidiCaps 10

with 0.1 m final membranes are perfectly 0

Sartopore 2 PVDF N66 PES PES
suitable for combined sterile filtration and 10" cartridge format

retention of mycoplasma in sera and serum-

containing culture media.

Specifications for Sartopore 2 Capsules

Biosafety All materials pass the USP Plastics Test
Class Vl
Chemical compatibility To aqueous solutions in the pH-range 114
Connectors See order numbers
Cytotoxicity All materials are detectably non-toxic
concerning L929-cells and MRC-5-cells.
Filter area 0.05 m2, 0.1 m2, 0.2 m2 or 0.45 m2
Integrity test data All Sartopore 2 MidiCaps are integrity
testable. You find detailed information about
minimal bubble points and maximal air
diffusion values in the instructions for use,
enclosed to every pack.
Materials Asymmetric, double-layered polyethersulfone
membrane filter, polypropylene housing parts
and support framing|drainage devices
Max. differential pressure p = 4 bar at 20 C, 2 bar at 80 C

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 67

Order Numbers for Sartopore 2 MidiCaps*

Sartopore 2 MidiCaps with 0.45 m Final Filter

5445306G7-**-A 0.05 m2 filter area
5445306G8-**-A 0.1 m2 filter area
5445306G9-**A 0.2 m2 filter area
Type 00, with hose nipple inlet and outlet 5445306G0-** 0.45 m2 filter area

Sartopore 2 MidiCaps with 0.2 m Final Filter

5445307H7-**-A 0.05 m2 filter area
5445307H8-**-A 0.1 m2 filter area
5445307H9-**-A 0.2 m2 filter area
5445307H0-** 0.45 m2 filter area
Type SS, with sanitary ange inlet and
Sartopore 2 MidiCaps with 0.1 m Final Filter
5445358K7-**-A 0.05 m2 filter area
5445358K8-**-A 0.1 m2 filter area
5445358K9-**-A 0.2 m2 filter area
5445358K0-** 0.45 m2 filter area

* Also available as mini cartridges with the same pore sizes and areas.

Order Numbers for Packs of 5

Mini cartridges Pore Size 0.05 m2 0.1 m2 0.2 m2

Filter Area Filter Area Filter Area
0.1 m 5441558K7B 5441558K8B 5441558K9B
0.2 m 5441507H7B 5441507H8B 5441507H9B
0.45 m 5441506G7B 5441506G8B 5441506G9B

** Available with -SS, -SO, -00 connector (HH only size 7)

68 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Sartopore 2 XLI 0.2 m
Sterilizing Grade MidiCaps and Capsules

Description Compatibility
Sartopore 2 XLI MidiCaps and Capsules are The PES membrane of Sartopore 2 XLI
self contained filter units that are especially MidiCaps and Capsules provide broad chemi-
designed for sterilizing grade filtration of cal compatibility from pH 1 to pH 14 and low
pharmaceutical solutions with a homogenous extractable levels. They are compatible with
particle spectrum. The unique heterogene- multiple autoclaving cycles up to 134 C.
ous double layer PES membrane combination
of Sartopore 2 XLI MidiCaps and Capsules Scalability
filters is specifically developed to provide Sartopore 2 XLI filter elements are available
exceptional high total throughputs and in a broad range of sizes and formats to
outstanding flow rates for totally chemically provide linear scale-up from R&D to process
defined process fluids and other process flu- scale.
ids of biotech manufacturing processes with
small particle spectrum. Cost Saving
The use of the capsule design concept avoids
Applications investment in stainless steel filter housings
Typical applications of Sartopore 2 XLI and eliminates additional costs for cleaning
MidiCaps and Capsules include sterilizing of housings and cleaning validation.
grade filtration of:
Ophthalmic solutions Microbiological Retention
Chemically defined cell culture media Sartopore 2 XLI MidiCaps and Capsules
High viscous large volume parenterals are fully validated as sterilizing grade filters
Any fully chemically defined media according to HIMA and ASTM
F-838-05 guidelines.
The combination of the built-in 0.35 m Quality Control
pre-filter in front of a 0.2 m final filter Each individual element is tested for
together with the 30% enlarged effective integrity by B.P. and Diffusion-Test prior to
filtration area per XLI filter element provide being released assuring absolute reliability.
an outstanding total throughput and flow
rate performance in the target applications. Documentation
Thus ensuring highest process efficiency, Sartopore 2 XLI MidiCaps and Capsules are
minimized filtration costs and short filtration designed, developed and manufactured in
cycle times. accordance with an ISO 9001 certified Qual-
ity Management System. A Validation Guide
is available for compliance with regulatory

Materials Prefilter Membrane PES, asymmetric
Endfilter Membrane PES, asymmetric
Support Fleece Polypropylene
Core Polypropylene
End Caps Polypropylene
Capsule Housing Polypropylene
O-Rings Silicone
Filling Bell Polycarbonate
Pore Size
0.35 m + 0.2 m

Available Sizes|Filtration Area

Capsules Size 4 0.021 m2 | 0.22 ft2

Size 7 0.065 m2 | 0.7 ft2
Size 8 0.13 m2 | 1.4 ft2
Size 9 0.26 m2 | 2.8 ft2
Size 0 0.52 m2 | 5.6 ft2

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 69

Available Connectors Capsules Size 4
Available Connectors MidiCaps
SS, SO, OO; FF, FO, HH (only size 7)
S: 11" Tri-Clamp (Sanitary)
O: 1" Single stepped hose barb
F: 3" Tri-Clamp (Sanitary)
H: 4" Multiple stepped hose barb (with filling bell at the outlet)
S: 1" Tri-Clamp (only Capsule Size 4)
O: Multiple stepped hose barb (only Capsule Size 4)

Operating Parameters
Max. Allowable Differential Pressure 5 bar | 75 psi at 20 C (MidiCaps)
4 bar | 58 psi at 20 C (Capsules)
2 bar|29 psi at 80 C (MidiCaps| capsules)
Max. Allowable Back Pressure 2 bar |29 psi at 20 C

Sartopore 2 XLI 0.2 m rated MidiCaps, MaxiCaps and Capsules meet or exceed the require-
ments for WFI quality standards set by the current USP.

Regulatory Compliance
Individually integrity tested during production
Integrity test correlated to HIMA/ASTM
F 838-05 Bacteria Challenge Test
Non pyrogenic according to USP Bacterial Endotoxins
Pass USP Plastic Class VI Test
Non fiber releasing according to 21 CFR

Autoclaving: 134 C, 2 bar, 30 min

Sterilization Cycles
Autoclaving: 25 min (MidiCaps and MaxiCaps)
No In-Line Steam Sterilization

Technical References
Validation Guide: SPK5768-e

Extractables Guide: SPK5776-e

70 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Chemically Defined Cell Culture Media

Total Throughput per 10" MaxiCaps [l]

Sartopore 2 XLI Competitor A Competitor B

0.35 | 0.2 PES 0.5 | 0.2 PES 0.45 | 0.2 PES

Ophthalmic Solution

Total Throughput per 10" MaxiCaps [l]

Sartopore 2 XLI Competitor A Competitor B

0.35 | 0.2 PES 0.5 | 0.2 PES 0.45 | 0.2 PES

Order Codes

Pore Size Test Pressure Max. Diffusion Min. Bubble Point

[m] [bar|psi] [ml/min] [bar|psi]
XLI MidiCaps
5445307I7--**--A 0.35 + 0.2 2.5|36 5 3.2|46
5445307I8--**--A 0.35 + 0.2 2.5|36 6 3.2|46
5445307I9--**--A 0.35 + 0.2 2.5|36 9 3.2|46
5445307I0--**--V 0.35 + 0.2 2.5|36 18 3.2|46
XLI Capsules Size 4
5441307I4--**--B 0.35 + 0.2 2.5|36 1.1 3.2|46

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 71

Sartopore 2 XLG 0.2 m
Sterilizing Grade MidiCaps

Description Compatibility
Sartopore 2 XLG MidiCaps are self con- The PES membrane of Sartopore 2 XLG
tained filter units that are especially designed MidiCaps provide broad chemical compat-
for sterilizing grade filtration in special appli- ibility from pH 1 to pH 14 and low extractable
cations of cell culture processes. The unique levels. They are compatible with multiple
heterogeneous double layer PES membrane autoclaving cycles up to 134 C.
combination of Sartopore 2 XLG MidiCaps
is specifically developed to deal with the Scalability
broad variety of contaminants in up- and Sartopore 2 XLG filter elements are available
downstream processing of biotech applica- in a broad range of sizes and formats to
tions. They provide consistently high total provide linear scale-up from R&D to process
throughput performance for biological fluid scale.
streams independent from media and process
variations. Cost Saving
The use of the capsule design concept avoids
Applications investment in stainless steel filter housings
Typical applications of Sartopore 2 XLG and eliminates additional costs for cleaning
MidiCaps include sterilizing grade filtration of housings and cleaning validation.
Plant peptone or yeast supplemented cell Microbiological Retention
culture media Sartopore 2 XLG MidiCaps are fully vali-
Serum containing cell culture media dated as sterilizing grade filters according to
Other cell culture media used in biotech HIMA and ASTM F-838-05 guidelines.
Clarified cell culture harvest Quality Control
Downstream Intermediates (before and Each individual element is tested for
after UF|DF and chromatography steps) integrity by B.P. and Diffusion-Test prior to
being released assuring absolute reliability.
The combination of the built-in 0.8 m Documentation
prefilter in front of a 0.2 m final filter Sartopore 2 XLG MidiCaps are designed,
together with the 30% enlarged effective developed and manufactured in accordance
filtration area per XLG filter element provide with an ISO 9001 certified Quality Manage-
an outstanding total throughput and flow ment System. A Validation Guide is available
rate performance in the target applications. for compliance with regulatory requirements.
Thus ensuring highest process efficiency,
minimized filtration costs and short filtration
cycle times.

Materials Prefilter Membrane PES, asymmetric
Endfilter Membrane PES, asymmetric
Support Fleece Polypropylene
Core Polypropylene
End Caps Polypropylene
Capsule Housing Polypropylene
O-Rings Silicone
Filling Bell Polycarbonate
Pore Size
0.35 m + 0.2 m

Available Sizes|Filtration Area

Size 7 0.065 m2 | 0.7 ft2
Size 8 0.13 m2 | 1.4 ft2
Size 9 0.26 m2 | 2.8 ft2
Size 0 0.52 m2 | 5.6 ft2

72 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Available Connectors MidiCaps
SS, SO, OO, FF, FO, HH (only size 7)

S: 11" Tri-Clamp (Sanitary)

O: 1" Single stepped hose barb
F: 3" Tri-Clamp (Sanitary)
H: 4" Multiple stepped hose barb (with filling bell at the outlet)

Operating Parameters
Max. Allowable Differential Pressure 5 bar| 75 psi at 20 C (MidiCaps)
4 bar| 58 psi at 20 C (Capsules)
2 bar|29 psi at 80 C
Max. Allowable Back Pressure 2 bar|29 psi at 20 C

Sartopore 2 XLG 0.2 m rated MidiCaps meet or exceed the requirements for WFI quality
standards set by the current USP.

Regulatory Compliance
Individually integrity tested
Integrity test correlated to HIMA/ASTM
F 838-05 Bacteria Challenge Test
Non pyrogenic according to USP Bacterial Endotoxins
Pass USP Plastic Class VI Test
Non fiber releasing according to 21 CFR

Autoclaving: 134 C, 2 bar, 30 min

Sterilization Cycles
Autoclaving: Min. 25
No In-Line Steam Sterilization

Technical References
Validation Guide: SPK5772-e08121

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 73

Soy Peptone Supplemented Cell Culture Media

Total Throughput per 10" MaxiCaps [l]





Sartopore 2 XLG Competitor A Competitor B
0.8 | 0.2 PES 0.5 | 0.2 PES 0.45 | 0.2 PES

Monoclonal Antibody Pool

Total Throughput per 10" MaxiCaps [l]







Sartopore 2 XLG Competitor A Competitor B
0.8 | 0.2 PES 0.5 | 0.2 PES 0.45 | 0.2 PES

Antibody Concentration: 47.5 mg/ml

Order Numbers

Pore Size Pack Size Test Max. Min.

[m] (pieces) Pressure Diffusion Bubble Point
[bar|psi] [ml/min] [bar|psi]
XLG MidiCaps
5445307G7--**--A 0.8 + 0.2 4 2.5|36 5 3.2|46
5445307G8--**--A 0.8 + 0.2 4 2.5|36 6 3.2|46
5445307G9--**--A 0.8 + 0.2 4 2.5|36 9 3.2|46
5445307G0--**--V 0.8 + 0.2 2 2.5|36 18 3.2|46
XLG Capsule Size 4
5441307G4--**--B 0.8 + 0.2 5 2.5|36 1.1 3.2|46

74 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

MidiCaps for the Particle Removing Filtration or Prefiltration
of 100 Liters and More

Each of these ready-to-connect units Sartoclean CA MidiCaps

contains a multi-step combination of filters Available with 3.0 on 0.8 m and 0.8 on
for effective and economical particle removal. 0.65 m cellulose acetate double membrane
These filters are either used alone or as a for the retention of particles and larger
prefilter in combination with a Sartobran P microorganisms by fractionated membrane
or Sartofluor MidiCaps. There is a choice of filtration, and as single layer capsules with
four different types, differing only in the a pore size of 0.2 and 0.45 m.
filters they contain. All other parts are the
same and made of polypropylene. Major application: prefiltration in
combination with a subsequent Sartobran P
Sartopure PP2 MidiCaps MidiCaps for higher filterable volumes in
Depth-type filters containing progressively the sterile filtration of serum with minimal
finer polypropylene fleeces for the retention adsorption.
of particles by fractionated depth filtration.
Six retention efficiencies of 20, 8, 5, 3,1.2 and Sartoclean GF MidiCaps
0.65 m. Major applications: particle-remov- Two types, like Sartoclean CA MidiCaps,
ing filtration of deionized water, pharma- but additionally with a glass fiber prefilter
ceutical solutions, reagents, chemicals, acids, for the retention of particles, larger micro-
solvents, air and other gases. organisms and colloids, using a combination
of depth filtration and fractionated
Sartopure GF Plus MidiCaps membrane filtration.
Sartopure GF Plus MidiCaps feature highly
charged glass fiber layers and polypropylen Major applications: prefiltration of biological
fleeces for effective clarification of fluids liquids with relatively high colloid content.
streams based on the combination of Clarification of turbid solutions.
adsoptive and mechanical retention. The
3-dimensional filter matrix assures highest
total thoughputs and effective clarification.
Two retention efficiencies of 1.2 and 0.65 m.

Major applications: prefiltration and clarifi-

cation of biological liquids of relatively high
colloid content (such as sera) and particle
removal out of biological liquids like cell
culture media and fermentation broths.

Specifications for Sartopure PP2 and Sartoclean MidiCaps

Biosafety All materials pass the USP
Plastics-Class VI-Test.
Filter area 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 or 0.45 m2,
as listed under order numbers.

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 75

Order Numbers for Sartopure PP2 MidiCaps and Sartopure GF Plus MidiCaps

Sartopure PP2 Depth Filter MidiCaps

Type OO, with " Single Stepped Hose Barb

5595305P7-OO-A 0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5595305P8-OO-A 0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5595305P9-OO-A 0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5595305P0-OO-V 0.65 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5595303P7-OO-A 1.2 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5595303P8-OO-A 1.2 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
Type 00, with hose nipple inlet and outlet
5595303P9-OO-A 1.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5595303P0-OO-V 1.2 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5595302P7-OO-A 3 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5595302P8-OO-A 3 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5595302P9-OO-A 3 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5595302P0-OO-V 3 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5595342P7-OO-A 5 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5595342P8-OO-A 5 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5595342P9-OO-A 5 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5595342P0-OO-V 5 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

Type SS, with 1" Sanitary Flange Inlet and Outlet

Type SS, with sanitary ange inlet and
5595305P7-SS-A 0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5595305P8-SS-A 0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5595305P9-SS-A 0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5595305P0-SS-V 0.65 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5595303P7-SS-A 1.2 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5595303P8-SS-A 1.2 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5595303P9-SS-A 1.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5595303P0-SS-V 1.2 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

Type SO, with 1" Sanitary Flange Inlet and " Single Stepped Hose Barb Outlet
5595303P7-SO-A 1.2 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5595303P8-SO-A 1.2 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5595303P9-SO-A 1.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
Type SO, with sanitary ange inlet and
hose nipple outlet
5595303P0-SO-V 1.2 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

Sartopure GF Plus Depth Filter MidiCaps

Type OO, with " Single Stepped Hose Barb

5555305P7-OO-A 0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5555305P8-OO-A 0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5555305P9-OO-A 0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5555305P0-OO-V 0.65 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5555303P7-OO-A 1.2 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5555303P8-OO-A 1.2 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5555303P9-OO-A 1.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5555303P0-OO-V 1.2 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

Type SS, with 1" Sanitary Flange Inlet and Outlet

5555305P7-SS-A 0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5555305P8-SS-A 0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5555305P9-SS-A 0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5555305P0-SS-V 0.65 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5555303P7-SS-A 1.2 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5555303P8-SS-A 1.2 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5555303P9-SS-A 1.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5555303P0-SS-V 1.2 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

76 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Type SO, with 1" Sanitary Flange Inlet and " Single Stepped Hose Barb Outlet
5555305P7-SO-A 0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5555305P8-SO-A 0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5555305P9-SO-A 0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5555305P0-SO-V 0.65 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5555303P7-SO-A 1.2 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5555303P8-SO-A 1.2 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5555303P9-SO-A 1.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5555303P0-SO-V 1.2 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

Type 00, with hose nipple inlet and outlet

Order Numbers for Sartopure CA MidiCaps and Sartoclean GF MidiCaps

Sartoclean CA MidiCaps

Type OO, with " Single Stepped Hose Barb

5625307A7-OO-A 0.2 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625307A8-OO-A 0.2 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5625307A9-OO-A 0.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5625307A0-OO-V 0.2 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5625306A7-OO-A 0.45 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625306A8-OO-A 0.45 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5625306A9-OO-A 0.45 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
Type SS, with sanitary ange inlet and
5625306A0-OO-V 0.45 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2 outlet
5625305G7-OO-A 0.8|0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625305G8-OO-A 0.8|0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5625305G9-OO-A 0.8|0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5625305G0-OO-V 0.8|0.65 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5625304E7-OO-A 3.0|0.8 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625304E8-OO-A 3.0|0.8 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5625304E9-OO-A 3.0|0.8 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5625304E0-OO-V 3.0|0.8 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

Type SS, with 1" Sanitary Flange Inlet and Outlet

5625307A7-SS-A 0.2 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625307A8-SS-A 0.2 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
Type SO, with sanitary ange inlet and
5625307A9-SS-A 0.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4 hose nipple outlet
5625307A0-SS-V 0.2 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5625306A7-SS-A 0.45 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625306A8-SS-A 0.45 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5625306A9-SS-A 0.45 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5625306A0-SS-V 0.45 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5625305G7-SS-A 0.8|0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625305G8-SS-A 0.8|0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5625305G9-SS-A 0.8|0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5625305G0-SS-V 0.8|0.65 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5625304E7-SS-A 3.0|0.8 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625304E8-SS-A 3.0|0.8 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5625304E9-SS-A 3.0|0.8 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5625304E0-SS-V 3.0|0.8 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 77

Type SO, with 1" sanitary flange inlet and " single stepped hose barb outlet
5625307A7-SO-A 0.2 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625307A8-SO-A 0.2 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5625307A9-SO-A 0.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5625307A0-SO-V 0.2 um, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5625306A7-SO-A 0.45 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625306A8-SO-A 0.45 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5625306A9-SO-A 0.45 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5625306A0-SO-V 0.45 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5625305G7-SO-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625305G8-SO-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
Type 00, with hose nipple inlet and outlet
5625305G9-SO-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5625305G0-SO-V 0.8/0.65 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5625304E7-SO-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5625304E8-SO-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5625304E9-SO-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5625304E0-SO-V 3.0/0.8 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

Sartoclean GF MidiCaps

Type OO, with " single stepped hose barb

5605305G7-OO-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
Type SS, with sanitary ange inlet and
5605305G8-OO-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5605305G9-OO-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5605305G0-OO-V 0.8/0.65m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5605304E7-OO-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5605304E8-OO-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5605304E9-OO-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5605304E0-OO-V 3.0/0.8 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

Type SS, with 1" sanitary flange inlet and outlet

5605305G7-SS-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5605305G8-SS-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5605305G9-SS-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5605305G0-SS-V 0.8/0.65 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
Type SO, with sanitary ange inlet and
hose nipple outlet
5605304E7-SS-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5605304E8-SS-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5605304E9-SS-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5605304E0-SS-V 3.0/0.8 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

Type SO, with 1" sanitary flange inlet and " single stepped hose barb outlet
5605305G7-SO-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5605305G8-SO-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5605305G9-SO-A 0.8/0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5605305G0-SO-V 0.8/0.65 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2
5605304E7-SO-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 4
5605304E8-SO-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 4
5605304E9-SO-A 3.0/0.8 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5605304E0-SO-V 3.0/0.8 m, 0.45 m2, pack of 2

78 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Easy to Handle, Ready-to-connect Complete Units
for the Wash Water Filtration in Hospitals

It is a well-known fact that many infections The successful use of Sartorius Capsules in
occuring in hospitals are caused by tap water actual day-to-day use is well documented
used for the patients personal hygiene (e.g. by reports of hygiene specialists. The capsules
washing, showering) or to clean instruments are re-usable, complete units without
(e.g. rinsing of endoscopes). For hospital areas expensive stainless steel housings. The compact
where high standards of hygiene are required, form of the units with smooth external
sterilizing filtration of drinking and service surfaces meet hygiene requirements. They are
water at the point of use is recommended. light in weight and therefore very convenient
for the user, as the snap-on connectors enable
an easy and rapid installation on taps or
directly in front of shower heads. The double-
layered membranes are validated for sterilizing
filtration, and have bacteria retention ratings
that exceed standard requirements to ensure a
high margin of safety.

Biosafety All components pass the USP PlasticsClass VI-Test.
Bubble point With water, min. value 3.2 bar|320 kPa|46 psi
Flow rate For water at p = 3 bar|300 kPa|43.5 psi, ca. 12 l/min
Final pressure Max. p = 4 bar|400 kPa|59 psi at 20 C, 2 bar|200 kPa|29 psi at 80 C
Filtration area 0.1 m2 (size 8)|0.05 m2 (size 7)
Materials Cellulose acetate membrane filter (double-layered, 0.45 m on
0.2 m pore size), polypropylene support and housing.
Sterilization By autoclaving (121 C, 1 bar, 30 min or 134 C, 2 bar, 15 min).

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 79

Order Numbers for Wash Water Capsules
5 capsules in a pack, sterile, individually packed
5231307H8-PQ-B Inlet: 6 mm quick connect coupling; outlet: integrated PP-showerhead
5231307H8-PO-B Inlet: 6 mm quick connect coupling; outlet: hose barb
5231307H8-VQ-B Inlet: 8 mm quick connect coupling; outlet: integrated PP-showerhead
5231307H8-VO-B Inlet: 8 mm quick connect coupling; outlet: hose barb
5231307H8-VZ-B Inlet: 8 mm quick connect coupling; outlet: G male thread for
installation of a separate autoclavable showerhead
5231307H7-PQ-B Inlet: 6 mm quick connect coupling; outlet: integrated PP-showerhead
5231307H7-PO-B Inlet: 6 mm quick connect coupling; outlet: hose barb
5231307H7-VQ-B Inlet: 8 mm quick connect coupling; outlet: integrated PP-showerhead
5231307H7-VO-B Inlet: 8 mm quick connect coupling; outlet: hose barb
5231307H7-VZ-B Inlet: 8 mm quick connect coupling; outlet: G male thread for
installation of a separate autoclavable showerhead

Couplings 17712 8 mm quick-connect coupling without water stop
17713 8 mm quick-connect coupling with water stop
Separate showerhead 17771 Autoclavable showerhead G female thread
Adapters to attach 17747 G3/8-female thread
the quick-connect 17748 G-female thread
couplings to taps 17749 M 22 1-female thread
or fittings of different 17750 G 1-female thread
thread sizes 17766 M 24 1 male thread
Integrity testing 1629605 Fully automated integrity test unit Sartocheck Junior
17751 Adapter Sartocheck|8 mm quick-connect coupling

Special brochure available on request. Order no. SL-1503-e

80 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Mini Filter Cartridges for the Particle-removing Filtration
or Prefiltration of 100 Liters and More

Each of these mini cartridges contains a series Sartoclean CA Mini Cartridges

of filters with increasing fineness for effective Available with 3.0 m/0.8 m and
and economical particle removal, either as an 0.8 m/0.65 m cellulose acetate double
independent filter or as a prefilter in com- membranes, for the retention of particles
bination with a Sartobran P or Sartofluor and larger microorganisms by means of
mini cartridge. The four different types differ fractionated membrane filtration, as well
only in the filter combinations. All other parts as simple membrane mini cartridge with
are the same, made of polypropylene (support 0.2 and 0.45 m pore sizes. Main application:
framing) or silicone (sealing ring). prefiltration in combination with a
subsequent Sartobran P mini cartridge
Sartopure PP2 Mini Cartridges (e.g. for larger filterable volumes in the
They contain polypropylene fleeces of sterile filtration of serum) with minimal
increasing fineness for fractionated depth adsorption.
filtration. Retention efficiency: 20 m, 8 m, Sartopure PP2 Mini Cartridges
5 m, 3 m, 1.2 m and 0.65 m. Main Sartoclean GF Mini Cartridges 0.2 m2, 0.65 m, 1.2 m, 3 m
applications: particle-removing filtration of Same as Sartoclean CA mini cartridges, Differential Pressure [mbar]

deionized water, pharmaceutical solutions, but complemented by a glass fiber prefilter

chemicals and solvents and other gases. for the retention of particles, larger micro-
organisms and colloids using the combina-
tion of depth and fractionated membrane
filtration. Main applications: Water Flow Rate [l/h]

prefiltration of biological liquids with

a relatively high colloid content and
clarification of turbid solutions. Water Flow Rates
for 0.2 m2 Sartoclean CA and
Sartoclean GF 0.8|0.65 m
Differential Pressure [mbar]

Sartoclean GF 0.2 m2 Sartoclean CA 0.2 m2

Specifications for Sartopure and Sartoclean Mini Cartridges

Connectors Inner silicone O-ring and bayonet lock (twist lock) for safe hold on
the base (also refer to descriptions on page 113 and page 115) Water Flow Rate [l/h]

Flow rate* Typical values for 0.2 m2 mini cartridges for water
at 0.5 bar|50 kPa|7.25 psi pressure:
Sartopure PP2 39 l/min. (1.2 m), 24 l/min. (0.65 m)
Sartoclean CA 41 l/min. (0.8 m), 32 l/min. (0.65 m)
Sartoclean GF 25 l/min. (0.8 m), 17 l/min. (0.65 m)
Filter area 0.05 m2, 0.1 m2, 0.2 m2 or 0.3 m2, as listed under order numbers
Filter materials Sartopure PP 2, Polypropylene filter
Sartoclean CA, Cellulose acetate membranes
Sartoclean GF, Glass fiber prefilter, cellulose acetate membranes

Order numbers see next page.

* See also diagram on the left

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 81

Order Numbers for Sartopure and Sartoclean Mini Cartridges*

Sartopure PP2 Depth Filter Mini Cartridges

5591505P7-B 0.65 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 5
5591505P8-B 0.65 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 5
5591505P9-B 0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5
5591503P9-B 1.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5
5591502P9-B 3 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5
5591542P9-B 5 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5
5591501P9-B 8 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5
5591520P9-B 20 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5

Sartoclean CA Membrane Filter Mini Cartridges

5621507A9-B 0.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5
5621506A9-B 0.45 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5
5621505G9-B 0.8|0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5
5621504E9-B 3.0|0.8 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5

Sartoclean GF Membrane Filter Mini Cartridges

5601505G9-B 0.8|0.65 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5
5601504E9-B 3.0|0.8 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 5

* Special brochure available on request. Order no. S--0024-e

82 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Sartoclear P Depth Filter Capsules
for Bench Scale Trials

Description Flexibility
Sartoclear P Caps are especially developed Sartoclear P Caps can be used for small
to serve small scale volumes in cell harvest volume processing from 50 ml up to 1.000 ml.
and clarification applications. The product
features encapsulated cellulose based Sterilization
depth filter media with highest dirt holding 1 cycle of wet autoclaving 121 C
capacity. Sartoclear P Caps are being at 1 bar for 30 min
manufactured using the advantage of the Sartoclear P Caps may not be in line
unique and closed SartoScale system. steam sterilized!

Applications Extractables
Sartoclear P Caps are being used as Single- The depth filter media of Sartoclear P meets
use capsules for bench scale trials, scale up the requirements for WFI quality standards
trials and small scale manufacturing. set by the USP 26.
Non pyrogenic according to USP Bacterial
Filter Area Endotoxins after a flush of 50 l/m2 WFI
Each Sartoclear P Cap contains an effective LAL level < 0.125 UE/ml
filter area of 25 cm2. Pass USP Plastic Class VI Test

Product Benefits Metal Extractables

Sartoclear P Caps are completely disposable (Please see validation guide of
capsules. This technology provides highest Sartoclear P Depth Filter Module.)
flexibility for disposable small scale manu-
facturing and scale up work. Sartoclear P Non fiber releasing according 21 CFR.
Caps can be simply and directly connected
to the downstream processing line or dispos-
able bags. The integrated teflon vent valve
features unique venting procedure and
eliminates contamination of the laboratory

Differential Pressure [bar] [psi]

1 14.5


0.5 7.25


0 0
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000

Water Flow Rate [ml/Capsule + min]

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 83

Materials Depth Filter Media: Cellulosic depth filter media with inorganic filter aids
Core: Polypropylene
Capsule Housing: Polypropylene

Grade Nominal Retention Thickness Weight Ash Content Water Flow

[m] [mm] [kg/m2] [%] [l/m2/min]
C4-P 8 4.1 0.93 20 1,250
C8HP 4 4.1 1.08 35 700
F4HP 1.5 4.1 1.26 45 205
F7HP 1.0 4.0 1.42 50 100
S5-P 0.3 4.0 1.55 50 70
S9-P 0.1 4.0 1.64 48 42

Filtration area 25 cm2

Operating Max. allowable system pressure: 5.5 bar|80 psi at 20 C
parameters Max. allowable pressure differential: 2.0 bar|29 psi
Max. allowable back pressure: 0.03 bar|0.4 psi

Technical References
Directions for use: 85030-521-62

Ordering Information
All Sartoclear P Caps do have 3" Triclamp connectors at the in- and outlet.

Order No. Grade Description Qty.

293C4-P13ACFF--M C4HP Single Layer 25 cm2 Cap, Cell Harvest 3
293C8HP13ACFF--M C8HP Single Layer 25 cm2 Cap, Cell Harvest 3
293F4HP13ACFF--M F4HP Single Layer 25 cm2 Cap, Clarification 3
293F7HP13ACFF--M F7HP Single Layer 25 cm Cap, Clarification 3
293S5-P13ACFF--M S5P Single Layer 25 cm Cap, Bioburden reduction 3
293S9-P13ACFF--M S9P Single Layer 25 cm2 Cap, Bioburden reduction 3

295PB1P13ACFF--M PB1 Post Bioreactor 1, Multilayer 25 cm2 Cap 3

295PB2P13ACFF--M PB2 Post Bioreactor 2, Multilayer 25 cm Cap 3
295PC1P13ACFF--M PC1 Post Centrifuge 1, Multilayer 25 cm2 Cap 3
295PC2P13ACFF--M PC2 Post Centrifuge 2, Multilayer 25 cm Cap 3

84 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Low-cost Polycarbonate Holder for the Filtration
of Liter Volumes of Aqueous Solutions

This holder is made of stable, autoclavable The holder is charakterized by an excellent

polycarbonate. This practical holder is suitable resistance to pressure and density setting by
for many simple laboratory filtrations. It can simply hand-tightening. The transparent top
be connected to a peristaltic pump or a part allows the visual control of the correct
pressure container. The bell-shaped base fit of the O-ring.
protects the filtrate from repeated conta-
mination while flowing in a receiver. The hose nipples can be replaced by luer
connectors to use it as a large area syringe
filter holder.

Specifications for the 50 mm Polycarbonate Filter Holder

Chemical compatibility As for polycarbonate, polypropylene and silicone
Flow rate For water at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
150 ml/min with 0.2 m,
320 ml/min with 0.45 m pore size
Filtration area 12.5 cm2
Weight 83 g
Threads for connectors M 12 1 female thread
Materials Polycarbonate top part, base part and hose
nipple. Polypropylene filter support.
Silicone O-ring (40 5 mm).
Max. operating pressure 7 bar|700 kPa|101.5 psi
Suitable membrane filter diameter 50 mm (prefilter, 40 mm) connector

Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C

The material withstands repeated cycles,
provided aggressive cleaning agents are
completely washed off and that the boiler
water does not contain anti-corrosive or
anti-scaling additives.
filter support

silicone O-ring
Order Number for the 50 mm Polycarbonate Filter Holder
16508B Polycarbonate in-line pressure filter holder, 6980232
filter support
for 50 mm membrane filter, pack of 5.

base part
Recommended accessories are described on page 96.
Replacement parts are shown in the diagram.


Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 85

25 mm Stainless Steel Filter Holder for In-line Filtration

The 25 mm Filter Holder

The G connection threads with density bar-
rel, guaranteed leak-proof sealing of the hose
nipple and the holder without sealing rings.
Other connectors, available as accessories,
fit the holder onto reducing valves or pumps
with G female thread (Order no. 01030) or
G3/8 female thread (01029) or onto pressure
tanks with G3/8 male thread (00177).

6980176 Specifications
Connectors Hose nipples DN10
Filtration area 3 cm2
Flow rate For air at p = 1 bar|14.5 psi:
6981031 0.5 l/min with 0.2 m,
Top part
1.0 l/min with 0.45 m pore size

Weight ca. 170 g
Silicone O-ring
Materials Stainless steel, except silicone
O-ring (21 2 mm) and aluminium closing ring
Base part
Max. opperating pressure 5 bar|500 kPa|72.5 psi
Suitable membrane filter 25 mm, type 118
6981034 Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134 C) or
Closing ring
by dry heat (max. 180 C).

Order Number
16251 Stainless steel holder for
25 mm membrane filter.

Replacement parts are shown in the diagram.

86 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

47 mm Stainless Steel Filter Holder for In-line Filtration

The 47 mm Filter Holder

Tolerates pressure of up to 20 bar. The inlet-
side valve is convenient for the intermittent
run-off of waste water. Other connectors,
available as accessories, fit the holder onto
reducing valves or pumps with G3/8 female
thread (Order no. 17089) or onto pressure
tanks with G3/8 male thread (17069) or on
taps with G3/4 male thread (17068).

Specifications 6980722
Connectors Hose nipples DN10
PTFE flat gasket
Connection thread M12 1
Filtration area 13 cm2 6980717
Viton O-ring
Flow rate For air at p = 0.3 bar|4.35 psi:
0.5 l/min with 0.2 m, 6982005
closing ring
1.0 l/min with 0.45 m pore size
Weight ca. 490 g 6982003
top par
Materials Stainless steel, except silicone O-ring
(42 3 mm), PTFE and Viton valve seals 6980721
back pressure screen
Max. operating pressure 20 bar|2,000 kPa|290 psi 6980178
silicone O-ring
Suitable membrane filter 47 mm, type 118
Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134 C) or screen support
by dry heat (max. 180 C). 6980737
support plate

base plate

Order Number
16254 Stainless steel holder for connector
47 mm membrane filter

Replacement parts are shown in the diagram.

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 87

Chemical-resistant PTFE Holders
for the Filtration of Aggressive Liquids

47 mm Holder with 200 ml Capacity

The holder hinders the release trace elements
into the filtrate and is resistant to almost all
chemicals. The Viton O-ring in the top part
allows easy hand tightening, but can be
replaced by a PTFE O-ring, Order no. 17039).
The 6 mm outlet nipple is an integral part of
the base, the 10 mm inlet hose nipple can be
replaced by a G3/8 connector 17051.

Specifications for the 47 mm, 200 ml PTFE Filter Holder

Chemical compatibility As for PTFE and Viton
Flow rate For water at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
170 ml/min with 0.2 m,
500 ml/min with 0.45 m,
1.4 l/min with 0.8 m pore size
Filtration area 12.5 cm2
Thread for inlet connector M 14 1.5 male thread
Materials Top part, barrel, base part, corrugated iron,
hose nipples and filter support with
40 3.5 mm PTFE O-ring.
Aluminium locking rings. 39 3.5 mm Viton
O-ring (top part)
Max. operating pressure 5 bar|500 kPa|72.5 psi
Suitable membrane filter diameter 47 mm
Sterilization By autoclaving (max 134 C) or
by dry heat (180 C)

Order Number for the 47 mm, 200 ml PTFE Filter Holder

16579 PTFE pressure filter holder, 47 mm,
with 200 ml capacity.

Replacement Parts
6985000 PTFE O-ring
6985002 Connector
6985001 Filter support
6985011 Viton O-ring

88 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

142 mm In-line PTFE Holder
This filter holder is made completely of PTFE.
It is clamped between the two metal plates
of the holding frame. An alternative inlet
connector for the 13 mm hose nipple is the
G3/8 connector (Order no. 17105).

Specifications for the 142 mm PTFE Pressure Filter Holder

Chemical compatibility As for PTFE
Flow rate With 0.2 m membrane filter at
p = 0.5 bar|50 kPa|7.25 psi,
1 l/min for water, 1.6 l/min for ethanol
Filtration area 130 cm2
Weight 6 kg
Materials Top part, base, back pressure screen, filter
support with 131 4 mm O-ring, vent valve
and PTFE hose nipples. Chromium plated
holding frame plates. Aluminium legs
Max. operating pressure 5 bar|500 kPa|72.5 psi
Suitable membrane filter diameter 142 mm (prefilter, 130 mm)
Sterilization By autoclaving (max 134 C) or
by dry heat (180 C)

Order Number for the 142 mm PTFE Pressure Filter Holder

16540 In-line 142 mm PTFE pressure filter holder

Replacement Parts
6980700 Back pressure screen
6980705 PTFE O-ring
6980706 Connector
6980701 Filter support
6980712 Screw for clamp
6980703 Base part
6980713 Aluminium legs
6980704 Vent valve
6985010 Clamp

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 89

Stainless Steel Holder with 200 ml Capacity,
for the Filtration of up to 5 Liter Volumes

A practical holder for many laboratory For the filtration of small volumes (up to
filtrations. It can be attached to a tripod with about 200 ml of soil samples or viscous
the help of a steel rod which can be screwed liquids, such as oils), the holder is connected
in. The hose nipple is screwed into the side of directly to a pressure source.
the top part, leaving room for a large filling
opening. This makes pouring in the sample For the filtration of up to 5 liter volumes of
easier, and the sample can be refilled without relatively easily filterable liquids (e.g. buffer
removing the tube connection to the pressure solutions, solutions for cell counters and
source. Leak-proof sealing is achieved by tissue culture solutions), it is used in combi-
hand-tightening the closing ring. nation with a pressure tank.

Specifications for the 47 mm, 200 ml Stainless Steel Pressure Holder

Chemical compatibility As for stainless steel, PTFE and silicone.
If required, the silicone O-ring in the filter
support can be replaced by a Viton O-ring
00179 or a PTFE O-ring 17038 (reduces the
max. operating pressure to 4 bar|58 psi!); the
silicone O-ring in the top part can be replaced
by a Viton O-ring 17145.
Flow rate For water at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
200 ml/min with 0.2 m,
600 ml/min with 0.45 m,
1.3 l/min with 0.8 m pore size.
Filtration area 13 cm2
Weight 960 g
Threads for the connectors M 12 1 female threads
Materials Top part, barrel, base part, corrugated iron,
closing ring, closure cap, back pressure screen
and stainless steel hose nipples 1.4401 (AISI
316). PTFE-coated stainless steel filter support.
Silicone O-rings, 41 2 mm (top part) and
42 3 mm (filter support). PTFE-sealing (cap).
Max. operating pressure 10 bar|1,000 kPa|145 psi
Suitable membrane filter diameter 47 mm (prefilter, 42 mm)
Sterilization By autoclaving (max 134 C) or by dry heat
(180 C).

6980151 port closure Order Number for the 47 mm, 200 ml

Stainless Steel Pressure Holder
6986055 16249 Stainless steel pressure holder for
PTFE insert
47 mm membrane filter, with
6981288 200 ml capacity.
6986084 holding
top part rod

silicone O-ring
6980801 Recommended accessories are described on
6982005 page 96. Replacement parts are shown in
closing ring
the diagram.


silicone O-ring 6980180
screen support
underdrain screen
base part

90 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Stainless Steel Holder with 2 Liter Capacity,
for Sample Preparation and Sterile Filtration of Serum

This device is perfectly suited for the removal The holder is also used for the sterile
of insoluble components from samples for the filtration of difficult-to-filter liquids, such
determination of the particular constituents as serum. Up to three membrane filters with
of sludge that can be eluted with water. progessively finer pore sizes in direction of
Due to the 2 liter capacity, the total sample the filtration are installed into the holder.
volume can be filled in with a large filling The fractionated retention of suspended
port, allowing simple pouring of the liquid. material enlarges the filterable volume.
The pressure filtration avoids the loss of The swing-out locking clamps ensure firm
volatile components. The filter are 130 cm2, sealing simply by hand-tightening.
which guarantees short filtration times.

Specifications for the 142 mm, 2000 ml Stainless Steel Pressure Holder
Chemical compatibility As for stainless steel, PTFE, silicone and Viton.
If required, the silicone O-rings can be
replaced by EPDM O-rings (order no.
6982071), Viton O-rings (6982070) or
PTFE O-rings (6982072, reduce the max.
operating pressure to 4 bar, 58 psi), and
the Viton valve O-rings by EPDM O-rings
(6985184) or silicone O-rings (6985183).
Flow rate For water at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
2 l/min with 0.2 m,
4.5 l/min with 0.45 m,
11 l/min with 0.8 m pore size
Filtration area 130 cm2
Weight 12 kg|26.5 lbs
Threads for connectors M 12 1 female threads
Materials Top part, base, corrugated iron, locking clamps,
legs, locking cap and valve body made of
stainless steel 1.4401 (AISI 316). PTFE-coated
stainless steel filter support and back pressure
screen. Silicone O-rings (130 4 mm) in the top
part and the filter support. Viton valve O-rings
(3 1.5 mm). PTFE sealing (valve and cap).
Max. operating pressure 7 bar|700 kPa|101.5 psi
Suitable membrane filter diameter 142 mm (prefilter, 130 mm)
Sterilization By autoclaving (max 134 C) or
by dry heat (180 C).

Order Number for the 142 mm, 2000 ml 6986055

PTFE disc 6980151
Stainless Steel Pressure Holder port closure
16274 Stainless steel pressure filter holders
6980711 6982002
for 142 mm membrane filter, with locking clamp barrel
2 liter capacity. 6982036
Recommended accessories are described on 6982001
silicone O-ring
page 96. Replacement parts see diagram.
back pressure
6982001 support
O-ring 6980702
corrugated iron

PTFE flat gasket
Viton O-ring 6980801
6980722 connector

steel leg
steel leg

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 91

142 mm Stainless Steel Holder for the Filtration
of up to about 50 Liter Volumes

This holder is very often used in laboratories The holder is designed for effective steri-
for particle removal and for sterile filtration lization by autoclaving. The arrangement of
of several liters of volume. It has a stable the air venting valve in the top plate and
construction and is easy to operate. The large the test valve in the base plate ensures the
filtration area of 130 cm2 ensures high flow necessary vapour penetration. The back
rate for the total filter volume. The supplied pressure screen has a smooth surface in order
unscrewable hose nipples can be replaced by to avoid damages of the membrane filters,
G3/8 connectors, if systems with particularly also when a glass fiber prefilter is used.
practical handling is required.
The swing-out locking clamps ensure a firm
sealing simply by hand-tightening.

Specifications for the 142 mm Holder with Hose Nipples

Chemical compatibility As for stainless steel, PTFE, silicone and Viton. If
required, the silicone O-rings can be replaced
by EPDM O-rings (order no. 6982071), Viton
O-rings (6982070) or PTFE O-rings (6982072,
reduce the max. operating pressure to 4 bar|
58 psi), and the Viton valve O-rings by EPDM
O-rings (6985184) or silicone O-rings (6985183).
Flow rate For water at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
2 l/min with 0.2 m, 4,5 l/min with 0.45 m,
11 l/min with 0.8 m pore size.
Filtration area 130 cm2
Weight 6 kg
Threads for connectors M 12 1 female threads
Materials Top part, base, corrugated iron, locking
clamps, stainless steel legs and valve bodies
1.4401 (AISI 316). PTFE-coated stainless steel
filter support and back pressure screen.
Silicone O-rings (130 4 mm) in the top part
and filter support. Viton valve O-rings
(3 1.5 mm). PTFE flat gasket on valves.
Max. operating pressure 7 bar|700 kPa|101.5 psi
Suitable membrane filter diameter 142 mm (prefilter, 130 mm)
Sterilization By autoclaving (max 134 C) or
by dry heat (180 C).

Order Number for the 142 mm Holder

6980801 connector with Hose Nipples
6982012 top part 16275 142 mm in-line stainless steel filter
6980717 Viton O-ring holder
6980656 PTFE flat gasket
6980722 valve
16660 Laboratory tripod with special socket
6982001 Silicone O-ring
(100 cm, ca. 33 mm )

6980707 back pressure screen

Recommended accessories are described on

6980708 filter support
page 96. Replacement parts are shown in
6982001 silicone O-ring the diagram.
6980702 corrugated iron

6980711 locking clamp

6980711 locking clamp
6980712 screw

6980717 Viton O-ring

6980801 connector
6980656 PTFE flat gasket
6980722 valve
6982043 stainless steel leg
6982043 stainless steel leg

92 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

GMP-complying 142 mm Stainless Steel Holder
with Sanitary Flanges

The inlet and outlet connectors are sanitary valve in the base guarantees safe sterilization
flanges, which are integral parts of the top of the device with a mounted filter, either by
and bottom plates. They assist in making the autoclaving or by in-line vapour deposition.
holder easy to clean and simplify the in-line The swing-out clamps ensure leak-proof
installation. A suitable clamp allows, with the installation simply by hand-tightening.
legs removed, the adjustment of the outlet to The back pressure screen is very easy to
any height. mount and has a smooth surface in order
to avoid damages to the membrane filter
The arrangement of the air venting valve in when being autoclaved, even when no
the top part and the sample removal|test glass fiber prefilter is used.

Specifications for the 142 mm Sanitary Flange Holder

Dimensions Max. height 404 mm, width 231 mm (in
height of the clamps) or 293 mm (at the end
of the legs).
Chemical compatibility As for stainless steel, PTFE, silicone and
Viton. If required, the silicone O-rings can
be replaced by EPDM O-rings (order no.
6982071), Viton O-rings (6982070) or PTFE
O-rings (6982072, reduce the max. operat-
ing pressure to 4 bar|58 psi, and the Viton
valve O-rings by EPDM O-rings (6985184) or
silicone O-rings (6985183).
Flow rate For water at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
2 l/min with 0.2 m, 4.5 l/min with 0.45 m,
11 l/min with 0.8 m pore size.
Filtration area 130 cm2
Weight 6 kg
Materials Top part, base, corrugated iron, locking
clamps, stainless steel legs and valve body
1.4401 (AISI 316). PTFE-coated stainless steel
filter support and back pressure screen.
Silicone O-rings (130 4 mm) in the top part
and filter support. Viton valve O-rings
(3 1.5 mm). PTFE flat gasket on valves.
Max. operating pressure At 7 bar|700 kPa
Suitable membrane filter diameter 142 mm (prefilter, 130 mm)
Sterilization By autoclaving (max 134 C) or
by dry heat (180 C).

Order Number for the 142 mm Sanitary 6980717

Flange Holder Viton O-ring
6980740 top part
16276 142 mm stainless steel pressure 6980656
6982001 PTFE flat gasket
filter holder for the in-line installa- silicone O-ring
tion, GMP-complying, with sanitary 6980707 6980722
flanges back pressure screen valve

filter support
Recommended accessories are described on 6982001
silicone O-ring
page 96. Replacement parts are shown in
6980711 6980702
the diagram. locking clamp corrugated iron

6980717 6980711
Viton O-ring locking clamp
PTFE flat gasket 6980712
screw for clamp


6982043 stainless steel leg

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 93

GMP-complying 293 mm Stainless Steel Holder
with Sanitary Flanges

The construction of this holder is the same The holder offers the same advantages for
as that of the 142 mm holder described on the user as the 142 mm holder, however the
page 93, except for the legs and the num- filtration area is four times larger, corres-
ber of locking clamps. The three legs are made pondingly the flow rates are higher and the
of stainless steel in order to avoid corrosion in-service life is longer. The filter support
problems, as is sometimes the case with is designed for the maximum exploitation
aluminium legs. They are shorter and screwed of the filter area and minimum flow resist-
in vertically to give a very stable footing ance, as is confirmed by the steady increase of
to the holder with a larger diameter. The flow rates with increasing pore sizes
swing-out mechanism of the locking clamps (see diagram).
is very practical, as there are 6 clamps.

Durchflussleistung fr Wasser bei p = 1 bar Specifications for the 293 mm Sanitary Flange Holder
l/min Dimensions Max. height 331 mm, width 416.5 mm
Chemical compatibility As for stainless steel, PTFE, silicone and
24 Viton. If required, the silicone O-rings can
be replaced by EPDM O-rings (order no.
16 6982077), Viton O-rings (6982078) or PTFE
O-rings (6982079, reduce the max. operating
8 pressure to 4 bar|58 psi), and the Viton valve
O-rings by EPDM O-rings (6985184) or sili-
0.2 0.45 0.65 0.8 Poren- cone O-rings (6985183).
m m m m gre
Flow rate For water at p = 1 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi,
8 l/min with 0.2 m, 14 l/min with 0.45 m,
32 l/min with 0.8 m pore size.
Filtration area 560 cm2
Weight 20 kg
Materials Top part, base, corrugated iron, locking
clamps, stainless steel legs and valve body
1.4401 (AISI 316). PTFE-coated stainless steel
filter support and back pressure screen.
Silicone O-rings (280 4 mm) in the top part
and filter support. Viton valve O-rings
(3 1.5 mm). PTFE valve flat gasket
Max. operating pressure 5 bar|500 kPa
Suitable membrane filter diameter 293 mm (prefilter, 279 mm)
Sterilization By autoclaving (max 134 C) or
by dry heat (180 C)

6980717 Order Number for the 293 mm

Viton O-ring
Sanitary Flange Filter Holder
PTFE flat gasket 16277 293 mm stainless steel pressure filter
valve holder for in-line installation, GMP-
6982022 complying, with Sanitary flange inlet
silicone O-ring
and outlet.
back pressure screeng

filter support
Recommended accessories are described on
silicone O-ring page 96. Replacement parts are shown in
6980716 the diagram.
corrugated iron

6980718 6980718
locking clamp locking clamp
Viton O-ring
PTFE flat gasket

6982044 stainless steel leg
stainless steel leg
screw for clamp

94 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Modular Assembly System
for Stainless Steel Filter Housings

The Sartorius modular assembly system for Stainless Steel T-Type for 0.05 m2, 0.1 m2
filter housings combines the highest flexibil- and 0.2 m2 Mini Cartridges
ity with short delivery periods and favorable Stainless steel housings for liquids, particles
prices. With the help of a special software, or sterile filtration.
the mini-, standard-single- and multisystems
can be constructed by our field service locally. The housing features an air venting valve on
There is a choice of different construction the inlet side. The mini cartridge is changed
heights, different de-aerations and tubing by opening the housing with a bayonet catch.
according to German Industrial Standards
DIN, the ISO and the BSOD. Furthermore, Suitable filter cartridges on page 81.
triclamp, flange or tube joint connectors are
available according to the usual standards.

Quality Standards for the Modular System

Material AISI 316 L
Surfaces Interior: Ra < 0,5 m
Exterior: Ra <1.6 m
Temperature range 10+150 C
Pressure range 1+10 bar
(1,000 kPa, 14.5 psi.. + 145.0 psi)
Adapter Mini: 15
Standard: 25

Connectors Triclamp 50.5 mm (Sanitary flange)
Width ca. 172.5 mm
Surface roughness Product touching areas < 0.5 m
Materials Stainless steel AISI 316L, silicone O-ring
Max. operating pressure 10 bar|1,000 kPa|145.0 psi
Max. temperature 150 C

Order Number
7M19LSB00085 Stainless steel mini cartridge housing for
liquid filtration T-type

Special brochure available on request. Order no. SPG1501-e

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 95

Accessories for Pressure Filtration Units

The accessories required depend on the type 4. For Stainless Steel Holders
of the pressure filtration unit. The inlet hose nipple can be connected to
a pressure source (pump or nitrogen bottle)
Re-usable units with barrels to hold the liquid with a commercially available hose.
to be filtered can be connected to a pressure Alternatively, the hose nipple can be replaced
source (pressure pump or nitrogen bottle) by a connector with G3/8 male thread (Order
after insertion of the membrane filter and no. 17089), in order to connect the device to
prefilter, and if necessary, after sterilization the pressure source with the flexible pressure
and pouring in of the liquid. hose 17091, or the PTFE pressure hose 16999.

When using ready-to-connect units, devices For the filtration of easy-to-filter, large-
for the conduction installation and mini volume liquids, the 47 mm holder can be
cartridge housings, the filterable liquid connected to a 5 l pressurized container
must be fed in on the inlet side, either out using a connector with G3/8 male thread
of an open container through a peristaltic and a PTFE pressure hose.
or impeller pump, or out of a pressurized
conduction system or a pressurized container. 5. For Stainless Steel Holder
Various systems with pressurized containers The inlet hose nipple can be connected to
are described on the next page. a peristaltic pump or a pressurized container
with a commercially available hose, but it is
far more practical to replace the hose nipple
Recommended Accessories with a connector with G3/8 male thread
(Order no. 17089), in order to connect the
1. For Sartobran 300 Capsules unit to a pressurized container with the PTFE
The hose nipple inlet can be connected to hose 16999.
a peristaltic pump or a pressurized container
using commercially available tubing. However it is connected, further accessories
simplify the use of the holder, when the
2. For Sartobran P Capsules filtrate is to be filled into bottles. A hand-
Connection to a pressurized container: operated valve (16656) on the outlet side
either a capsule with G3/8 male thread with allows the control of the filtrate flow.
inlet hose nipple using a PTFE-tube 16999, A clamp (17036) replaces the three legs
or a capsule with inlet hose nipples using allowing the adjustment of the height of
commercially available tubing. the outlet to that of the bottles.

Connectors for capsules with inlet sanitary 6. For Holders, Mini Cartridge Housings
flange are described under 7. and Capsules with Sanitary Flange Inlets
The sanitary flange at the inlet and outlet
3. For Polycarbonate Holder require one clamp (17033) and one connector.
The inlet hose nipple can be connected to a
peristaltic pump or a pressurized container The outlet connector is usually a 19 mm
using commercially available tubing. The hose (17017) or a 25 mm (17016) hose nipple,
nipple can be replaced by a connector with or an adapter 17150 for the hand-operated
G3/8 male thread (Order no. 17089) in order to valve (16656), with which the flow of the
connect the device to a pressurized container filtrate can be regulated.
using the PTFE pressure hose 16999.
The inlet connector depends on the system:
The hose nipple can also be replaced by a Luer Connector 17019 with G3/8 male thread
Lock connector (Order no. 16881), in order to accomodates the connection with the
use the device as syringe filter holder. A luer PTFE pressure hose 16999 to a pressurized
slip connector (Order no. 16880) can replace container.
the outlet hose nipple.

Order Numbers
16508 Polycarbonate holder
16249 Stainless steel holder
16274 Stainless steel holder
16275 Stainless steel holder

96 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Filtration Systems with Pressure Tanks and
Three Different Connection Possibilities

Specifications for Membrane Pump

Input wattage 15 W
Electrical supply 220 V, 50 Hz
Diaphragm Max. 3,000/min
Materials Polypropylene housing, PTFE membrane,
EPDM seals and valves.
Max. operating pressure 3 bar|43.5 psi, preset to 2.5 bar|36.3 psi
Rated output for water 650 ml/min without pressure,
300 ml/min with Sartolab P20
Self-priming Up to 3 m water column.
Power consumption, 0.76 A.

Order Numbers for Membrane Pump


Replacement Part
6988094 Tubing set, consisting of 2.5 m silicone hose
(4 mm inner diameter, 1.5 mm wall thickness,
60 Shore A hadness), 5 multi functional
adapters, 1 stainless steel sinker.

Specifications for Membrane Pump for Pressure

Weight [kg] ca. 15
Threads for connectors G female thread
Dimensions [cm] 35 25 26
Max. performance [l/min] 55
Max. ambient temp. 40 C
Power [W] 250
Protection IP 44

Order Numbers for Membrane Pump for Pressure

16617 (220 V, 50 Hz)
16662 (110 V, 60 Hz)

Replacement Part
6986006 Spare parts kit, consisting of 2 membranes,
4 valve springs and 2 pump head gaskets.

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 97

Filtration Systems with Pressure Tanks and
Three Different Connection Possibilities (continued)

Pressure Tank A certificate concerning construction and

Pressure tanks serve as reserve containers for pressure testing according to the German
pressure filtration, and are also used for the decree for pressure tanks is enclosed in every
transport, storage and distribution of liquids. tank (the tanks are specifically designed for
Two handles simplify the handling and the pressure, and are not to be used as vacuum
transport. Special trolleys are available for containers).
the 40, 60, 80 and 100 liter pressure tanks.
For the specific requirements of the pharma-
The pressure tanks are made of 1.4401 ceutical industry, GMP-complying pressure
(AISI 316) stainless steel and meet the tanks are available in various sizes upon
requirements of PED/97/23/EC. The surfaces request. Benefits of the device include the
are electropolished. The tanks can be ease of cleaning, the equipment with triclamp
autoclaved at 121 C. connectors as a standard and the low surface
The screwed on G3/8 connectors allow the
connection of PTFE pressure hoses 16823 or
16999. They can be replaced by hose nipples,
sanitary flanges or connectors for quick-
connect systems (see accessories).
As a standard, the lid is equipped with a
pressure gauge, a safety valve, and a clamp
for leak-proof, pressure-resistant closure.

Dimensions 17530 235 234 mm|3.9 kg|8.6 lbs
height diameter|weight 17531 360 234 mm|5.4 kg|11.9 lbs
17532 600 234 mm|8.2 kg|18.2 lbs
17533 705 300 mm|11.8 kg|26 lbs
17534 643 400 mm|15.2 kg|33.5 lbs
17535 802 400 mm|18.4 kg|40.5 lbs
17536 962 400 mm|21.7 kg|47.8 lbs
(opening, for all types, oval, length 98 mm,
width 82 mm)
Maximal operating pressure 7 bar|101.5 psi for 17530, 17531, 17532.
5 bar|72.5 psi for 17533.
3 bar|43.5 psi for 17534.
2 bar|29 psi for 17535, 17536
Max. operating temperature 95 C

6985093 Spanner, 1719 mm (to fasten connectors)
17636 Trolley for 17533
17635 Trolley for 17534, 17535 and 17536

The Silicone O-Rings Supplied on Standard can be Replaced by

the Following Viton or EPDM O-Rings
6986110 Silicone O-ring (lid)
6986132 Silicone O-ring (tubes)
6986111 EPDM O-ring (lid)
6986133 EPDM O-ring (tubes)

Other Connectors
16863 Hose nipple, DN 1019
17070 1"1" sanitary flange
17170 Quick connect nipple

98 Applications for Pressure Filtration | Filtration

Order Numbers
17530 5 liter capacity
17531 10 liter capacity
17532 20 liter capacity
17533 40 liter capacity
17534 60 liter capacity
17535 80 liter capacity
17536 100 liter capacity

Replacement Parts
For all pressure tanks 6980389 Viton O-ring (lid)
6980395 Inlet tube
6980396 Viton O-ring (tubes)
6980420 Connector, G3/8
6985131 PTFE cap (2 )
For 17530, 17531,17532 6980390 Pressure gauge, 7 bar
6986112 Outlet tube (17530)
6986113 Outlet tube (17531)
6986114 Outlet tube (17532)
6986130 Lid with valve
For 17533 6980415 Pressure gauge, 5 bar
6986115 Outlet tube (17533)
6986129 Lid with valve
For 17534 6986116 Outlet tube (17534)
6986137 Pressure gauge, 3 bar
6986138 Lid with valve
For 17535, 17536 6986117 Outlet tube (17535)
6986118 Outlet tube (17536)
6986119 Pressure gauge, 2 bar
6986131 Lid with valve

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 99

Filtration Systems with Pressure Tanks and
Three Different Connection Possibilities (continued)

With G3/8 Connectors in the connections, a slight tightening with

The pressure tank is connected to the a 19 mm wrench for a leak-proof sealing
pressure source and the filtration unit by is necessary. No seals and Teflon tapes are
means of stainless steel reinforced PTFE required.
hoses. These hoses can be autoclaved and
are easy to clean. Due to the density barrel Main advantage: easy cleaning.

Pressure hoses: have suitable density barrel connections.

Sartobran P capsules Type RO

have a suitable density barrel
connection. The inlet hose nipple
Pressure Pressure tank: of the holders 16249, 16275 and
pump: has suitable 16508 have to be replaced by
has a suitable density barrel connector 17089. Capsules, holders
density barrel connections. and holding with inlet sanitary flange
connection. require connector 17019.

With Quick Connectors when the coupling is removed from the

The pressure tank is connected to the pressure quick-connect nipple.
source and the filtration unit by means of
stainless steel reinforced PTFE pressure hoses Main advantage: connection and removal of
and quick connect couplings. Hoses and the coupling is quick and simple.
couplings can be autoclaved. The valve in the
quick-connect coupling closes automatically

Pressure hoses: require an additional adapter (6985128) on the nuts to the pressure tank
inlet and outlet, and to the filter units.

Pressure pump: Pressure tank: Not recommended for capsules,

has a suitable G3/8 connectors housings or devices with
density barrel are to be replaced sanitary flanges. The inlet hose
connection. by quick-connect nipple of the holders 16249,
nipples (17170). 16275, and 16508 have to
be replaced by the connector

100 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

With Commercially Available Hoses
The pressure tank is connected to the pressure
source and the filtration unit by means of
commercially available pressure hoses. The
hoses must be clamped to the hose nipples.
Main advantage: hoses are usually available.

Pressure hoses: require tube clamps.

Pressure pump:
connectors Pressure tank: Sartolab P20 units, Sartobran
must simply be G3/8 connectors 300 capsule, Sartobran P
reversed. have to be capsule Type OO as well as the
replaced by hose filter holders 16249, 16275 and
nipples (16863). 16508 feature hose nipples as
a standard.

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 101

PTFE Pressure Hose Hand-operated Valve
Stainless steel reinforced PTFE pressure hoses This valve is fitted on the outlet side of the
with G3/8 nuts on each side. The hoses are sol- filter holder Type 16275, and allows a steady
vent resistant and easy to clean. They can be regulation of the filtrate or a selective dosage
sterilized by autoclaving (121 C or 134 C) or when filling up liter volumes.
by dry heat (180 C).
An adapter (Order no. 17150) allows the
The nuts fit on the G3/8 male threads, and attachment of a capsule and a mini cartridge
ensure a leak-proof connection without the housing with sanitary flange.
need for sealing rings or Teflon tapes.
Fitted to the filter holder, the valve can be
The nuts also fit on a function piece with sterilized, when open, with all the usual
quick-connect coupling (Order no. 6985128) methods. For cleaning purpose, it can be
for quick and simple connection to holders quickly disassembled without problems.
fitted with quick connect nipples. The valve
in the coupling opens when it is fitted on Materials: ball and housing, stainless steel
a quick connect nipple, and closes when (Material no. 1.4401, AISI 316).
removed from the nipple. Seat and nipple for 13 mm hose, PTFE.

Flexible Pressure Hose Clamp for sanitary flanges

1 m long. G3/8 nuts on each side. It is very Two 11" sanitary flanges are pressed
flexible and especially practical as a pressure against the supplied gasket and are attached
hose for pressure holders with capacity barrel. with the clamp.
Can be sterilized by autoclaving or by dry
heat. Not for use with liquids. For order numbers, see next page.

Plastic Pressure Hose

Flexible gas pressure hose with quick-connect
coupling for direct connection to pressure
holders with a capacity barrel. The hose has
a quick-connect nipple and a G3/8 nut for
connection to the pressure source. Not for
use with liquids.

102 Applications for Pressure Filtration Units | Filtration

Order Numbers for PTFE Pressure Hose
16999 1.5 m long
16823 80 cm long

Accessories for 6985128

6980407 Trigger valve for cleaning

Replacement Part for 6985128

6985216 Seal set (Viton O-ring, flat gasket)

Order Number for Flexible Pressure Hose


Order Number for Plastic Pressure Hose


Order Number for Hand-operated Valve


Replacement Parts
6981314 Stainless steel bell
6986090 Valve body
6986091 Connector, M12 1
6986092 PTFE hose nipple
6988093 PTFE sealing, (pack of 2)

Order Number for Clamp for Sanitary Flanges

7ZSB--0009 1" (50.5 mm)

Replacement silicone gaskets are available under the order number 6982029 (pack of 2).
Ethylene polypropylene gaskets (order no. 6982060) and PTFE reinforced buna (6982061)
are also available.

Filtration | Applications for Pressure Filtration Units 103

Midisart 2000 Sterile Venting Units,
Light Weight and Easy-to-connect

Re-usable complete filtration units with Each unit is printed with a lot number and
naturally hydrophobic PTFE membrane for an individual piece number on the housing
reliable sterile venting of small fermenters for total security and traceability.
and of containers for culture media.
Minisart HY Ready to Connect Units
Midisart 2000 units have been designed for the Sterile Venting of Small Containers
for maximum handling ease and reliability. and Bottles
Tapered hose nipples ensure a simple, secure These 26 mm units consist of a polyester-
hold for tubing with an inner diameter of strengthened 0.2 m PTFE membrane in
612 mm. Due to the low weight of only 20 g, a cyrolite housing with Luer Lock connectors
the connected tubing is not snapped off. The (female top, male bottom).
membrane is reinforced with polypropylene
gauze for stability at pressures of up to
3 bar|43.5 psi. The 20 cm2 large filter area
allows high flow rates at low differential

Specifications for Midisart 2000 Units

Connectors Choice of conical hose nipples for tubing with
612 mm inner diameter (with slip-fit for luer
syringes), or 1/8" male NPT.
Biosafety All materials pass the USP Plastics Test Class VI.
Bubble point Min. value with isopropanol for 0.2 m unit
= 1.4 bar|140 kPa|20.3 psi
(1.1 bar after autoclaving) and
0.9 bar|90 kPa|13 psi for 0.45 m unit.
Air flow rate Typical values for 0.2 m pore size:
1.1 l/min at 0.02 bar|0.29 psi
(1.8 l/min for 0.45 m)
2.0 l/min at 0.05 bar|0.72 psi
(4.6 l/min for 0.45 m)
5.0 l/min at 0.1 bar|1.45 psi
(8.5 l/min for 0.45 m)
Filter area 20 cm2
Filling volume Approx. 3 ml
Housing diameter 62 mm
Materials PTFE membrane filter aus PTFE, reinforced with
polypropylene gauze, polypropylene housing.
Max. recommended operating pressure 3 bar|300 kPa|43.5 psi
Max. temperature 134 C
Sterilization method By autoclaving at 121 C (at least 20 times) or
134 C. E and G packs are presterilized with
ethylene oxide.
No gamma irradiation allowed.
Hold-up volume Approx. 0.5 ml after (1 ml before) bubble point
Water penetration point 4.0 bar|58 psi (0.2 m) and
3.0 bar|43.5 psi (0.45 m)

Specifications for Minisart HY

Bubble point Min. value with isopropanol 1.2 bar|17.4 psi
Air flow rate Approx. 1.4 l/min at p = 0.1 bar|1.45 psi
Filter area 5.3 cm2
Housing burst pressure Min. value 6.0 bar|600 kPa|87 psi
Water penetration point Min. 4.0 bar|400 kPa|58 psi

Order numbers see next page.

104 Sterile Filtration of Gases | Filtration

Order Numbers for Midisart 2000 Units

Order No. Pore Size Membrane Connectors E|A Pieces/Case Sterile

17804 E 0.45 m PTFE Hose Barb|Hose Barb 12 Yes
17804 G 0.45 m PTFE Hose Barb|Hose Barb 25 Yes
17804 NPE 0.45 m PTFE 1/8"|1/8" NPT 12 Yes
17804 NPG 0.45 m PTFE 1/8"|1/8" NPT 25 Yes
17805 E 0.2 m PTFE Hose Barb|Hose Barb 12 Yes
17805 G 0.2 m PTFE Hose Barb|Hose Barb 25 Yes Standard Hose Barb
17805 NPE 0.2 m PTFE 1/8"|1/8" NPT 12 Yes
17805 NPG 0.2 m PTFE 1/8"|1/8" NPT 25 Yes
17805 UPN 0.2 m PTFE Hose Barb|Hose Barb 100 No
17805 UPQ 0.2 m PTFE Hose Barb|Hose Barb 500 No
17809 UNN 0.2 m PTFE 1/8"|1/8" NPT 100 No
17812 UNN 0.2 m PTFE 1/8"|Hose Barb 100 No
17805 TCN 0.2 m PTFE TriClamp|TriClamp 100 No
17877 UPN 0.2 m PTFE Small Hose Barb| 100 No
Small Hose Barb

Small Hose Barb

Order Numbers for Minisart HY

16596 HYK Sterile, individually packed, pack of 50
16596 HYQ Non-sterile, pack of 500

Special brochure available on request. Order no. SL-1021-e

1/8" NPT Thread


Filtration | Sterile Filtration of Gases 105

Midisart BV Sterile Venting Filter
on Disposable Bag and Tubing Assemblies

Description Stability
Midisart BV disposable venting filter manu- The reinforcement of the hydrophobic PTFE
factured with hydrophobic, reinforced PTFE membrane by a Polyester fleece assures the
membranes, are especially designed for sterile full mechanical stability of the PTFE mem-
venting on disposable bag manifolds and brane for specified applications after gamma
tubing systems . sterilization. Midisart BV is integrity testable.

Applications Documentation
Midisart BV filter elements used on Midisart BV filter elements are designed,
disposable bags do prevent the collapsing developed and manufactured in accordance
of the bag chamber during draining by with an ISO 9001 certified Quality Manage-
sterile venting. ment System. A Validation Guide is available
for compliance with regulatory requirements.
Used on disposable bag manifolds Midisart
BV facilitate sterile drainage of the tubing
in order to empty the tubing connection
between the single bags of the bag manifold.

Materials Membrane: PTFE
Support fleece: Polyester
Housing: Polypropylene
Pore size 0.2 m
Article codes 17805--------BVE (12 per box)
17805--------BVN (100 per box)
17805--------BVQ (500 per box)
Connectors Multiple stepped hosebarb (in- and outlet)
Filtration area 20 cm2|3 square inch
Housing diameter 64 mm|2.5"
Sterilization Gamma Irradiation 50 kGy (max.)
Max. operation pressure In direction of filtration: 1.5 bar|22 psi
Opposite direction: 0.5 bar|7 psi

106 Sterile Filtration of Gases | Filtration

Sartofluor MidiCaps with PTFE Membrane
for Maximum Security in Sterile Venting

Sartofluor MidiCaps are ready-to-connect, The excellent chemical compatibility of the

pre-tested, complete filter units. The PTFE PTFE and polypropylene materials makes
membrane is pleated to obtain the largest Sartofluor MidiCaps additionally useful for
possible usable filtration area in the small the filtration of those acids, bases and
polypropylene housing. The two valves on non-aqueous solvents for which other capsule
the upstream side of the housing ensure types cannot be used.
good steam passage and correspondinly
accomodate sterilization of the capsules by

The extreme hydrophobicity of the PTFE

membrane ensures maximum filtration
security, even when filtering moist air.
The high air flow rate of the membranes and
the large filter area enable effective sterile
filtration, even at low differential pressures.

Differential Pressure [mbar] Differential Pressure [mbar]

A B A = 5181307T4-00 A B C A = 5181307T7-00
B = 5181307T5-00 B = 5181307T8-00
C = 5181307T9-00

Air Flow Rate [l/min] Air Flow Rate [m3/h]

Filtration | Sterile Filtration of Gases 107

Specifications for Sartofluor MidiCaps
Connectors Hose nipple 10 mm or 1"1" Sanitary flange
Biosafety All materials pass the USP Plastics Test Class VI.
Bubble point Min. value with 60% Isopropanol:
1.5 bar|150 kPa|21.75 psi for 0.1 m pore size
1.0 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi for 0.2 m pore size
0.6 bar|60 kPa|8.7 psi for 0.45 m pore size
Chemical compatibility See page 124
Air flow rate For 0.2 m capsules see diagram on page 107
Filter area 0.015 m2, 0.03 m2, 0.05 m2, 0.1 m2 or 0.2 m2
Material PTFE membrane filter. Housing, polypropylene
supporting and drainage layers
Max. differential pressure 4 bar|58 psi at 20 C, 2 bar at 80 C
Max. operating pressure 4 bar|58 psi at 20 C
Sterilization By autoclaving (121 C or 134 C)
Water penetration pressure Approx. 4.5 bar|450 kPa|65.3 psi
for 0.2 m pore size

Order Numbers for Sartofluor MidiCaps

Sartofluor MidiCaps with hose nipple inlet and outlet
5185358T7-XX-B 0.1 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 5
5185358T8-XX-B 0.1 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 5
5185358T9-XX-A 0.1 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5185307T7-XX-B 0.2 m, 0.05 m2, pack of 5
5185307T8-XX-B 0.2 m, 0.1 m2, pack of 5
5185307T9-XX-A 0.2 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4
5185306T9-XX-A 0.45 m, 0.2 m2, pack of 4

XX: Connector styles

Available Connectors
SS, SO, OO, FF, FO, HH (only for size 7)
S 1" Tri-Clamp (Sanitary)
O Single stepped hose barb
F " Tri-Clamp (Sanitary)
H Small, multiple stepped hose barb
(with filling bell at the outlet)

108 Sterile Filtration of Gases | Filtration

Hydrophobic PTFE Membranes, Type 118,
for the Filtration of Air, Gases or Chemicals

The main application of this membrane filter PTFE membrane filters have excellent
type is the air|gas filtration. They are made chemical compatibility, so that they are also
purely of PTFE (polytetra-fluorethylene), used for the filtration of solvents and acids,
and are therefore permanently hydrophobic. to which other filter types are not resistant.
Unlike other (hydrophilic) filter types, they Due to their hydrophobic characteristics,
are not wetted by air humidity, allowing they must be pre-wetted with ethanol
unhindered passage of air, also at low or methanol before the filtration of aqueous
differential pressures. media.

Specifications for PTFE Membrane Filters

Adsorption 8 g/cm2 for gamma-globulin
(0.2 m pore size).
Bubble point acc. DIN 58355 Minimum value for Isopropanol
0.2 m = 1.0 bar|100 kPa|15 psi,
for 0.45 m = 0.7 bar|70 kPa|~10 psi.
Average value for
1.2 m = 0.45 bar|45 kPa|6.52 psi,
for 5 m = 0.1 bar|10 kPa|1.45 psi
Chemical compatibility Resistant to almost all chemicals
Extractables with water None detectable
Flow rate for air Average values per cm2 area at
p = 0.05 bar|5 kPa|0.725 psi:
0.2 l/min for 0.2 m,
0.3 l/min for 0.45 m,
1.6 l/minfor 1.2 m and
4 l/min for 5 m pore size
Material Polytetrafluorethylene
Sterilization By autoclaving at 121 C or 134 C or
with ethylene oxide.
Sterilizing filtration Filters with 0.2 m pore size are validated
with the Bacteria Challenge Test.
Thickness acc. DIN 53105 Average values, 65 m for 0.2 m and
100 m for 5 m pore size.

Order numbers see next page.

Filtration | Sterile Filtration of Gases 109

Order Numbers for PTFE Membrane Filters
13 mm diameter 11803-013N 1.2 m, pack of 100
11806-013N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11807-013N 0.2 m, pack of 100
25 mm diameter 11842-025N 5 m, pack of 100
11803-025N 1.2 m, pack of 100
11806-025N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11807-025N 0.2 m, pack of 100
47 mm diameter 66042--47------N 5 m, PTFE supported, pack of 100
11842-047N 5 m, pack of 100
11803-047N 1.2 m, pack of 100
11806-047N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11807-047N 0.2 m, pack of 100
50 mm diameter 11842-050N 5 m, pack of 100
11803-050N 1.2 m, pack of 100
11806-050N 0.45 m, pack of 100
11807-050N 0.2 m, pack of 100
100 mm diameter 11842-100G 5 m, pack of 25
11803-100G 1.2 m, pack of 25
11806-100G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11807-100G 0.2 m, pack of 25
142 mm diameter 11842-142G 5 m, pack of 25
11803-142G 1.2 m, pack of 25
11806-142G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11807-142G 0.2 m, pack of 25
293 mm diameter 11806-293G 0.45 m, pack of 25
11807-293G 0.2 m, pack of 25

110 Sterile Filtration of Gases | Filtration

25 mm Stainless Steel Filter Holder for In-line Filtration

The 25 mm Filter Holder

The G connection threads with density
barrel guarantee leak-proof sealing of
the hose nipple and the holder without
sealing rings. Other connectors, available
as accessories, fit the holder onto reducing
valves or pumps with G female thread
(Order no. 01030) or G3/8 female thread
(01029), or onto pressure tanks with G3/8
male thread (00177).

Specifications 6980176
Connectors Hose nipples DN10
Filtration area 3 cm2
Flow rate For air at p = 1 bar|14.5 psi:
0.5 l/min with 0.2 m, 6981031
top part
1.0 l/min with 0.45 m pore size
Weight ca. 170 g 6981033
silicone O-ring
Materials Stainless steel, except silicone O-ring
(21 2 mm) and aluminium closing ring
base part
Max. opperating pressure 5 bar|500 kPa|72.5 psi
Suitable membrane filter 25 mm, type 118
Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134 C) or 6981034
closing ring
by dry heat (max. 180 C).

Order Number
16251 Stainless steel holder for 25 mm
membrane filter.

Replacement parts are shown in the diagram.

Filtration | Sterile Filtration of Gases 111

47 mm Stainless Steel Filter Holder for In-line Filtration

The 47 mm Filter Holder

Tolerates pressure of up to 20 bar. The inlet
side valve is convenient for the intermittent
run-off of waste water. Other connectors,
available as accessories, fit the holder onto
reducing valves or pumps with G3/8 female
thread (Order no. 17089), or onto pressure
tanks with G3/8 male thread (17069) or on
taps with G male thread (17068).

6980722 Connectors Hose nipples DN10
6980656 Connection thread M12 1
PTFE flat gasket
Filtration area 13 cm2
Viton O-ring
Flow rate For air at p = 0.3 bar|4.35 psi:
0.5 l/min with 0.2 m, 1.0 l/min
6982005 with 0.45 m pore size
closing ring
Weight ca. 490 g
top part Materials Stainless steel, except silicone O-ring
(42 3 mm), PTFE and Viton valve seals
back pressure screen Max. operating pressure 20 bar|2,000 kPa|290 psi
silicone O-ring
Suitable membrane filter 47 mm, type 118
6980180 Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134 C) or
screen support by dry heat (max. 180 C).
support plate

6982006 Order Number

base plate
16254 Stainless steel holder for 47 mm
membrane filter.

Replacement parts are shown in the diagram.

112 Sterile Filtration of Gases | Filtration

Sartofluor Mini Cartridges for Highest Safety
in Sterile Venting and Compressed Air|Gas Filtration

Sartofluor mini cartridges are designed The inserted, specially developed PTFE
particularly for cases of sterile venting when membranes are extremely water-repellent,
the cGMP directives must be adhered to. which is shown impressively by the very
high water penetration pressure. The diagram
The sealing system, an inner O-ring plus shows values for various 0.2 m filter
bayonet twist lock, guarantees safe attach- materials. Due to the optimal hydrophobicity,
ment in mini cartridge housings and a firm steam sterilized Sartofluor mini cartridges
hold for back pressure pushes. re-reach their maximal flow rates in
shortest time.

Differential Pressure [mbar]

A B C D A = 5181407T7 Water Penetration Pressure (bar)

B = 5181507T7 6
C = 5181507T8 5
D = 5181507T9 4

Alternative Products
Air Flow Rate [m3/h] Sartofluor PVDF PTFE PTFE PVDF

Air ow rates at atmosperic pressure Sartouor mini 0.2 m,

Type 5181507T7, T8, T9, 5181407T7

Specifications for Sartofluor Mini Cartridges

Connector Inner silicone O-ring (replacement part no.
6985150) and bayonet lock.
Biosafety Pass USP Plastic Class VI Test.
Bubble point Minimum value, wetted with 60% isopropanol,
1.5 bar|150 kPa|21.75 psi for 0.1 m,
1.0 bar|100 kPa|14.5 psi for 0.2 m,
0.6 bar|60 kPa|8.7 psi for 0.45 m pore size
Chemical compatibility As for polypropylene, PTFE and silicone
(silicone O-ring can be replaced by an EPDM
O-ring, order no. 6985149,
or a Viton O-ring, order no. 6985151).
Flow rate For air for 0.2 m
Mini cartridges See diagram
Filtration area 0.05 m2, 0.1 m2 or 0.2 m2
Materials PTFE membrane filter. Polypropylene housing
protective fleece and drainage fleece.
Silicone O-ring.
Max. differential pressure 5 bar|500 kPa|72.5 psi at 20 C,
2 bar|200 kPa|29 psi at 80 C
Sterilization Fitted in a mini cartridge housing, autoclaving
or in-line steaming (121 C or 134 C).
In-line steaming, max. p = 0.5 bar|7.25 psi
Water penetration pressure Approx. 4.5 bar|450 kPa|65.2 psi for 0.2 m
pore size.

Order numbers see next page.

Filtration | Sterile Filtration of Gases 113

Order Numbers for Sartofluor Mini Cartridges

With 0.1 m filter

5181558T7 B 0.05 m2 filter area, pack of 5
5181558T8 B 0.1 m2 filter area, pack of 5
5181558T9 B 0.2 m2 filter area, pack of 5

With 0.2 m filter

5181507T7 B 0.05 m2 filter area, pack of 5
5181507T8 B 0.1 m2 filter area, pack of 5
5181507T9 B 0.2 m2 filter area, pack of 5

Sartofluor Junior
5181407T7 B 0.05 m2 filter area, pack of 5

With 0.45 m filter

5181506T9 B 0.2 m2 filter area, pack of 5

Sartofluor capsules see page 107.

Special brochure available on request. Order no. SPK1502-e

114 Sterile Filtration of Gases | Filtration

Housings for Sterile Air Venting
and for Air|Gas Filtration

Housing for Sterile Venting Housing for Pressure Gas Filtration

The cut-outs in the top part of the housing The bowl accomodates the condensate which
guarantee good air circulation and ensure can be drained via a pharma-valve. The mini
the drying-out of the system after vapor cartridge holder prevents the mini cartridge
deposition (avoidance of condensate from contacting condense water and ensures
formation). The base has a plug for the inner the best vapor deposition conditions.
O-ring and a bayonet lock for a firm hold of Attachment of the mini cartridges like that
the inserted mini cartridges. of the T-type liquid housing, (page 95).
The housing follows PED 97/23/EC.

Suitable filter cartridges on page 81.

Housing for sterile venting

Specifications for Housing for Sterile Venting
Connector DN 25 tube joint
Weight Approx. 700 g
Height Approx. 186 mm
Material Stainless steel 1.4571 (= AISI 316)
Max. operating pressure 10 bar|1,000 kPa|145 psi
Max. temperature 180 C

Specifications for Housing for Pressure Gas Filtration

Connectors Clamp 25 mm (sanitary flange)
Width Approx. 164 mm
Surface roughness Product contact areas < 0.5 m
Materials Stainless steel AISI 316L, silicone O-ring
Max. operating pressure 10 bar|1,000 kPa|145 psi
Max. temperature 150 C

Order Numbers for Housing for Sterile Venting

Housing for pressure gas ltration
7M19LSB00012 Stainless steel mini cartridge housing for the
sterile venting of housings and tanks, with
DN 15 tube joint and bayonet-lock for the
inserted mini cartridge.

Order Number for Housing for Pressure Gas Filtration

7M19LSB00098 Stainless steel mini cartridge housings
for air|pressure gas filtration.

Special brochure available on request. Order no. SPG1501-e

Filtration | Sterile Filtration of Gases 115

Sartocon Slice
The Pilot-scale Crossflow System for Batches of 1 to 100 Liters

Sartocon Slice cassettes are made of the Depending on the MWCO, they are autoclav-
same materials and construction and, there- able or in-line steamable, so that they can be
fore, the identical flow path length as the easily and efficiently cleaned and sterilized
Sartocon cassettes, used for larger-scale prior to re-use.
production. The scale-up and the scale-down
is perfectly linear throughout the range of The Sartocon Slice holding system can accom-
applications, from cell harvesting to protein modate up to three or five Sartocon Slice cas-
purification and concentration. Validation settes. It is designed for maximum performance
requirements, and their high costs, are greatly and ease of cleaning. The system is designed
reduced or entirely eliminated. with all process connectors on a stationary
plate, which allows the fixed tubing of the
All cassettes have excellent chemical holder and effective cleaning. Sartoflow alpha
compatibility, covering a wide pH-range. is an optimized ultrafiltration system including
a pump with optional data recording.

Specifications for Sartocon Slice Cassettes

Biosafety All materials pass the USP Plastics Test Class VI.
Chemical compatibility pH 214 (Hydrosart), pH 114 (polyethersulfone)
Filter area 0.1 m2
Application limits Max. 4 bar|58 psi inlet pressure.
Max. 50 C operating temperature.

Order Numbers for the Sartocon Slice Holding System

17521---001 Sartocon Slice holding device (without accessories)
for up to three Sartocon Slice Cassettes
17521---002 Sartocon Slice holding device (without accessories)
for up to five Sartocon Slice Cassettes
17521---101 Sartocon Slice set with accessories for microfiltration
17521---102 Sartocon Slice set with accessories for ultrafiltration

Order Numbers for the Sartocon Slice Cassettes

3051860601W--SG Hydrosart, 0.45 m pore size
3051860701W--SG Hydrosart, 0.2 m pore size
3051860601O--SG Hydrosart, 0.45 m open channel
3051860701O--SG Hydrosart, 0.2 m open channel
3051545801W--SG Polyethersulfone, 0.1 m pore size
3051467901E--SG Polyethersulfone, 300,000 MWCO
3051466801E--SG Polyethersulfone, 100,000 MWCO
3051465001E--SG Polyethersulfone, 50,000 MWCO
3051465901E--SG Polyethersulfone, 30,000 MWCO
302146AL01K--SG PESU max. for albumin
3051463901E--SG Polyethersulfone, 10,000 MWCO
3051463401E--SG Polyethersulfone, 8,000 MWCO
3051462901E--SG Polyethersulfone, 5,000 MWCO
3051460901E--SG Polyethersulfone, 1,000 MWCO
3051441901E--SG Hydrosart, 2,000 MWCO
3051442901E--SG Hydrosart, 5,000 MWCO
3051443901E--SG Hydrosart, 10,000 MWCO
3051445901E--SG Hydrosart, 30,000 MWCO
3051446801E--SG Hydrosart, 100,000 MWCO

Special data sheets available on request. Order no. SPC2039-e, SPC2032-e

116 Ultrafiltration and Cell Harvesting | Filtration

SartoJet Pump. Four-piston Diaphragm Pump
for Sartocon Slice Crossflow Filtration System

The Sartojet 4-piston diaphragm pump is a A special designed Sartocon Slice crossflow
powerful positive displacement pump for all set fits directly to the feed adapter of the
biopharmaceutical down stream processing pump. All pressurized parts of the system
applications in process development and are hard piped and connected via sanitary
small scale production. Tri Clamp adapters. This system supplies
up to five Sartocon Slice Cassettes with
Applications 0.1 m2 filter area each.
Transfer of biopharmaceutical solutions
and suspensions An optional pressure switch with local digital
Feedpump for crossflow and cartridge pressure read out shuts the pump down
filtration applications when a predefined pressure is triggered. This
Dosing and mixing pump for chro- accessory protects the user and the process
matography systems by shutting down the pump automatically
Feedpump for centrifuges, separators when the maximum operation pressure of a
and homogenizers cartridge or a crossflow system is obtained.
The pressure switch is easily programmed by
The Pump Design is Especially Suited for: the user.
Protein solutions
Polymer solutions Additional control is achieved by using an
Cell and cell debris suspensions inductive level sensor. This small sensor is
Mammalian and insect cell suspensions placed outside of a glass or plastic vessel
Vaccines and is not in contact with the product.
Monoclonal antibodies It switches the pump off when a predefined
level of liquid in the vessel is detected.
The unique pump technology ensures high Max. Flow at 100% (1 cP)
reliability and very low energy uptake even Features
at high flow rates with shear sensitive Easy to clean, no shaft seals
cell suspensions. Therefore, in cell harvest Can run dry, self priming
crossflow applications no cooling of the Low noise, constant flow
suspension is necessary. The pump is self Compact
priming and can be combined with severall Adjustable flow up to 1,380 l/h
different accessories. Pressure up to 6.0 bar|90 psi, 5.0 bar|75 psi
in permanent use
The pump is easy to operate. Pump and Temperature up to 60 C, CIP up to 90 C
control pad are mounted in an easy-to-clean (short time), SIP up to 135 C
stainless steel cabinet.


Product Wetted Components

Pump head AISI 316L stainless steel
Surface finish Ra < 0.8 m
Diaphragm Santoprene
Valves & O-Ring EPDM & BUNA
Valve chamber & pistons Polypropylene
Ports Tri-Clamp " O.D.

3.1B material certificates, surface finish protocol, pump performance chart and
FDA conformity documents are supplied with the pump.

Filtration | Ultrafiltration and Cell Harvesting 117


Motor 24 V DC
Variable speed 03,000 rpm
Torque 0.59 Nm at 3,000 rpm
Motor power 185 Watt, 8.7 Amp.

Electrical Details
Power supply 115240 V, AC, 50 Hz or 60 Hz
Controls voltage 24 V, DC
Controls (ON|OFF) Touch Pad 0100%
Connector 1 Electronic pressure switch
Connector 2 Inductive level switch
Dimensions L W H [mm] 415 300 385

Ordering Informations and Accessories

17521---110 SartoJet 4-piston diaphragm pump
17521---111 Pressure switch with local digital display
for SartoJet
17521---112 Level Switch for SartoJet
17521---113 Drain Valve
17521---105 Sartocon Slice Microfiltration Set for SartoJet
17521---106 Sartocon Slice Ultrafiltration Set for SartoJet

118 Ultrafiltration and Cell Harvesting | Filtration

Sartocon Slice 200. The Low Hold-up Volume Crossflow Cassette
Filter for Low Volume Applications

Sartocon Slice 200 Product Profile

Sartocon Slice 200 Crossflow filters are Hydrosart cassettes exhibit no adsorption of
designed for low volume applications. proteins, viruses, etc. Membrane retention is
unaffected by repeated use. The Hydrosart
Target use ultrafiltration cassette can be re-used with-
Product discovery out any loss of integrity or performance.
Pre-clinical trials Out-of-the-box performance is maintained
Small-scale clinical trials with multiple uses. These features make the
Membrane screening PESU and Hydrosart membrane ideally suit-
ed to the biotechnological industry
The cassettes are available with Polyether-
sulfone and Hydrosart membrane types in
both MF and UF formats. Feature Benefits
Low hold-up volume Minimized working
The Polyethersulfone Membrane volume.
The robust polyethersulfone membrane
(PESU) is a polymer which is stable within Low protein-binding High product yield;
a broad pH (114) and temperature range Easily cleaned.
that is well established and widely accepted Wide pH and a wide Chemicals can be
in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical variety of temperature used for the removal
industries. Membrane regeneration and range of foulants.
depyrogenation is accomplished by using
(1N) NaOH at elevated temperatures as High flow rates Economical filtration
required. Cassettes are stored in 0.1N NaOH. runs.
Silicone sealing No glues etc.
The Hydrosart Membrane compound Self Sealing.
Hydrosart is a stabilized cellulose-based
membrane that has been optimized for use Identical flow geome- Straight line,
in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical try and hydraulic scale-up.
industries. The Hydrosart membrane is a sta- dimensions as larger
ble polymer (created by a Sartorius patented scale-up devices.
process) which is compatible with a wide
range of chemical agents and stable within
a broad pH range. It is also an extremely
hydrophilic and neutral membrane, making
it non-protein binding and virtually non-
fouling. It exhibits extremely high and
consistent flux rates. Membrane regenera-
tion, and depyrogenation is accomplished by
using (1N) NaOH at elevated temperatures as
required. Cassettes are stored in 0.1N NaOH.

Ordering Information
Available Slice 200 types and order numbers

Cut Off|Pore Size Hydrosart Polyethersulfone

200 cm2 Filter Area 200 cm2 Filter
1 kD 3081460902E--SG
2 kD 3081441902E--SG
5 kD 3081442902ESG 3081462902E--SG
8 kD 3081463402E--SG
10 kD 3081443902E--SG 3081463902E--SG
30 kD 3081445902E--SG 3081465902E--SG
50 kD 3081465002E--SG
100 kD 3081446802E--SG 3081466802E--SG
300 kD 3081467902E--SG
0.1 m 3081545802W--SG
0.2 m 3081860702W--SG
0.45 m 3081860602W--SG

Filtration | Ultrafiltration and Cell Harvesting 119

Sartocon Slice 200 Stainless Steel Holder. Low Hold-up Volume
Crossflow Holder for Sartocon Slice 200 Cassettes

Sartocon Slice 200 Holder The Slice 200 holder uses female stainless
The Sartocon Slice 200 stainless steel holder steel Luer Lock connectors. This ensures a safe
is optimized for the use of up to two Slice 200 and reliable connection to additional equip-
Crossflow cassettes (max. 0.04 m2). It is ment. The stainless steel Luer Lock thread
designed for low volume applications from even allows the use of polypropylene adapters
100 ml to 5 l. without the risk of damaging. The feed and
retentate ports and the two filtrate ports are
Target use located on one side. In combination with
Product discovery the small footprint design, this provides a
Pre-clinical trials compact system with low minimum working
Small pilot lots volume. The adjustable feet guarantee a firm
stand of the holder on the bench.

The bores of the ports are widened up to the

cassette side to avoid air locks and to ensure
proper cleaning of the Slice 200 system.

Technical Data
Holder Hold-up volume Feed|Retentate ports < 2 ml
Holder Hold-up volume permeate ports < 2 ml
Maximum number of cassettes 2 Slice 200 cassettes (200 cm2 each)
Dimensions L W H [mm] 160 120 275
Weight [kg] 5.8

Ordering Informations and Accessories

17525--01 Slice 200 stainless steel holder
17521---023 Torque wrench
17521---022 Hexagon nut
17525---001 Pressure gauge, 0-6 bar, oil damped
17525---002 Luer lock adapter kit

120 Ultrafiltration and Cell Harvesting | Filtration

Sartoflow Slice 200 Benchtop Crossflow System

Design Description The Sartoflow Slice 200 benchtop features:

The Family of Sartorius benchtop crossflow Sartocon Slice 200 cassette holder which
systems feature the latest advances in fits up to two Sartocon Slice 200 filter
crossflow technology from Sartorius. cassettes
The Sartoflow Slice 200 benchtop system 500 ml feed reservoir with sealed cap
is designed around our Sartocon Slice 200 900 rpm magnetic stirrer
(filter area: 200 cm2) cassette and is perfectly Peristaltic pump
suited for R&D, process development, Three pressure transmitters
pre-clinical and small pilot lots. Display of process parameters
(pressures, TMP, flow rates, volume)
3 modes of operation
(manual|TMP control|constant flow)
5 built-in independent alarms
Win Wedge PC interface software with
custom Excel macros for data logging pro-
cess analysis complete with graphs.

Ordering Information
17525SYS-BT1 Sartoflow Slice 200 benchtop system (120 V)
17525SYS-BT2 Sartoflow Slice 200 benchtop system (220 V)
17525SP-01 3 Pack of pressure transmitters
17525SP-02 Spare parts kit
(replacement leur valves and fittings)

Filtration | Ultrafiltration and Cell Harvesting 121

Filter Papers
(Including Thimbles, Glass and Quartz Microfiber Filters)

Introduction Boards
Nowadays, high-grade filter papers are for the Filtration and Absorption of Liquids
indispensable for routine work in laboratory Among other applications, these boards
applications. Sartorius Stedim Biotech are used for the filtration of cooking and
supplies you with a broad range of filter transformer oils, galvanic baths and as base
papers for myriad filtration tasks and paper for further impregnation with certain
supports you in solving all your filtration reagents, cytocards or fragrance test cards.
Seed Testing Papers
Ash-free Filter Papers These papers satisfy the requirements for
for Quantitative and Gravimetric Analyses the determination of germination capability
These filter papers are used for quantitative according to ISTA (International Seed Test
and gravimetric analyses as well as for Association) and are ideal for ensuring an
pressure or vacuum filtration. They are made optimal moisture content for the most diverse
out of 100% cotton linters with an alpha- types of seeds and germination forms. Their
cellulose content of > 98% and are washed pH ranges between 6.0 and 7.5, they are
out with acid to make the papers ashless and wet-strengthened and their special structure
achieve high purity. prevents fine seed roots from growing
through the paper.
Wet-strengthened Filter Papers
for Qualitative Analyses Filter Papers for the Sugar Industry
These qualitative filter papers are essentially In the sugar industry, filter papers are used in
used for analytical purposes and routine laboratories to assay sugar beet or cane sugar.
analyses, whenever no gravimetric analyses These papers are wet-strengthened and either
are required. They are wet-strengthened smooth or crped; they are made of cellulose
and can be used for pressure and vacuum or a mixture of cellulose and diatomaceous
filtration. They are made of refined pulp and earth. Grade 100/N is not only supplied as
linters with an > 95% alpha-cellulose content discs or folded filters, but also on rolls for
with an ash content < 0.1%. VENEMA systems.

High-purity Filter Papers Surface Protection Paper

for Qualitative Analyses LabSorb and LabSorb Ultra are highly
These paper grades are used for analytical absorptive grades of paper coated on one side
purposes that require a low ash content. with polyethylene. Used with the cellulose
Grades 292 and 292a are especially suitable side up, the paper absorbs liquids, which are
for soil analyses because they are low stopped by the polyethylene layer and thus
in nitrogen. For phosphate or sodium prevented from soaking through. Used with
determination, we recommend grades 131 the polyethylene side up, the papers are
and 132. highly useful for recovery of valuable or toxic
Smooth Filter Paper
for Qualitative-technical Analyses Phase Separating Paper
These filter papers are used for routine Grade 480 is impregnated with a stabilized
analyses like clarification, determination of silicon, thus rendering it hydrophobic:
substances, but also as discs with a center It retains water, but allows solvents to flow
hole for technical applications. through. The flow stops automatically when
the entire solvent has passed through. In
Crped Filter Papers many applications, this phase separator paper
for Qualitative-technical Analyses eliminates the need to use separating funnels.
Crped filter papers are mostly used for
the rapid filtration of relatively coarse Diatomaceous Earth Filter Paper
precipitates; because of their crped structure Grade 470 papers are made of cellulose and
they provide a larger filtration area than diatomaceous earth and offer a much better
smooth filter paper. separating capability than pure cellulose
papers at the same rate of filtration. This
grade quickly retains the finest particles at
high flow rates.

122 Filter Papers | Filtration

Sample Carrier Paper Glass Microfiber Filters Without Binder
Grade TFN is made from pure cotton linters Binder-free glass microfiber filters are
without any additives. This sample carrier recommended for analytical and gravimetric
material is intended for absorbing and analyses and also as prefilters. These filters
transporting human bodily fluids and|or as combine fast flow rates with high load
a carrier for in-vitro diagnostic tests. For capacity and the retention of very fine
example, it is used to perform screening particles; they are biologically inert and
tests for hereditary diseases and metabolic resistant to most chemicals.
disorders such as phenylketonuria (Guthrie
test). Grade TFN papers comply with the Glass Microfiber Filters With Binder
requirements of EC Directive 98/79/EC, Annex These filters are mostly used for monitoring
I and III (other IVD) and is recommended air and gas. They are manufactured with
for applications in accordance with the synthetic binding agents to ensure that
CLSI-LA4-A5:2007 standard. the filter has a defined strength. They are
mechanically and chemically stable and
Nonwovens depending on the binding agent used are
These nonwoven grades are made of rayon either hydrophobic or hydrophilic.
or polyester and are available in different
weights. They are usually sold on rolls as Quartz Microfiber Filters
nonwoven rayon (viscose), but can also be These quartz microfiber filters are free of
supplied on request as discs or sheets. glass fibers and binding agents. They are
especially suited for emission monitoring at
Weighing Paper temperatures of up to 900 C and wherever
Grade 605 weighing paper is made of filters of the highest purity are needed.
transparent smooth parchment that is ideal They are available in two grades:
for the weighing of viscous, semi-crystalline Grade T 293, quartz microfiber filters
or solid substances. unconditioned
Grade MK 360, quartz microfiber filters
Lens Cleaning Paper conditioned (heat pre-treated); certificate
Grade 2113 lens cleaning paper is a thin, on trace elements available for every
non-linting silk tissue paper used for cleaning batch.
very sensitive surfaces, such as optical glasses
or lenses without scratching them.

Extraction Thimbles
Sartorius Stedim Biotech thimbles are
supplied in three different thimble designs
to cover the majority of application areas.
These cellulose or glass microfiber thimbles
are primarily used in Soxhlet extraction units
to extract defined substances from solids for
further analyses. Quartz microfiber thimbles
are preferred for emission control due to
their high temperature resistance. They are
supplied in a large variety of diameters and

Blotting Papers
These blotting papers are made from the
purest raw materials with the maximum
degree of absorptiveness and cellulose

Chromatography Papers
Chromatography papers are made of 100%
cotton linters. These highly pure papers are
not only ideal for chromatography, but also
for a wide range of absorption applications
like those common in the life sciences and

Filtration | Filter Papers 123

Chemical Compatibility
1. Filter Materials and Mini Cartridges

Cellulose Cellulose Reg. PTFE Poly- Glass Polycar- Polyether- Sartobran P Sartofluor
Acetate Nitrate Cellulose amide Fiber bonate sulfone Cartridge Cartridge
Solvents 111 113 184 118 250 134 230 154
Acetone E
Acetonitrile ? ? ? ? ? ?
Gasoline V
Benzene ?
Benzyl alcohol ?
n-Butyl acetate E ?
Cellosolve ?
Cyclohexane ? V
Cyclohexanone ? ?
Diethylacetamide ? ? ?
Diethyl ether ?
Dimethyl formamide ?
Ethanol, 98%
Ethyl acetate ?
Ethylene glycol ?
Formamide ? ? ? ? ?
n-Heptane ? ? ? V
n-Hexane ? V
Isobutanol ?
Isopropyl acetate ? ?
Methanol, 98% ?
Methyl acetate ?
Methylene chloride
Methyl ethyl ketone ?
Methyl isobutyl ketone ? ?
Monochlorobenzene ? V V
Nitrobenzene ?
n-Pentane ? V V
Perchloroethylene ? V V
Carbon tetrachloride ? ?
Toluene ?

Key to symbols see next page.

124 Compatibility Tables | Filtration

Cellulose Cellulose Reg. PTFE Poly- Glass Polycar- Polyether- Sartobran P Sartofluor
Acetate Nitrate Cellulose amide Fiber bonate sulfone Cartridge Cartridge
Solvents 111 113 184 118 250 134 230 154
Trichloroethane ? ? ? ?
Trichloroethylene ?

Acetic acid, 25% ? ?
Acetic acid, 96% ? ?
Hydrofluoric acid, 25% ? ?
Hydrofluoric acid, 50% ? ?
Perchloric acid, 25% ? ? ?
Phosphoric acid, 25% ? ? ?
Phosphoric acid, 85% ? ? V/E
Nitric acid, 25% ? V
Nitric acid, 65% ?
Hydrochloric acid, 25% ? V/E
Hydrochloric acid, 37% ? V/E
Sulfuric acid, 25% ?
Sulfuric acid, 98% ? ?
Trichloroacetic acid, 25% ? ? ?

Ammonium, 1N E
hydroxide, 25%
hydroxide, 32%
Sodium hydroxide, 32%
Sodium, 1N

Aqueous Solutions
Formalin, 30%
Sodium hypochlorite, 5% ? ?
Hydrogen peroxide, 35% ? ? ?

Key to Symbols
= compatible = limited compatibility
= not compatible ? = not tested
E = compatible after replacing silicone O-ring with an EPDM O-ring
V = compatible after replacing the silicone O-ring with a Viton O-ring

Contact time: 24 hours at 20 C

Chemical compatibilities can be influenced by various factors.
Therefore, we recommend that you confirm compatibility with the
liquid you wish to filter by performing a trial filtration run before
you begin with actual filtration.

Filtration | Compatibility Tables 125

2. Filter Holder, Cartridge Housing and O-Ring Materials

Glass Poly- Poly- PTFE Stainless EPDM PTFE Silicone Viton

Solvents carbonate propylene Steel O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
Acetonitrile ?
Benzyl alcohol
n-Butyl acetate
Diethylacetamide ? ?
Diethyl ether
Dimethyl formamide
Dimethylsulfoxide ? ? ?
Ethanol, 98%
Ethyl acetate
Ethylene glycol
Isopropyl acetate
Methanol, 98%
Methyl acetate ?
Methylene chloride
Methyl ethyl ketone
Methyl isobutyl ketone ?
Carbon tetrachloride

Key to symbols see next page.

126 Compatibility Tables | Filtration

Glass Poly- Poly- PTFE Stainless EPDM PTFE Silicone Viton
Solvents carbonate propylene Steel O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
Trichloroethane ?

Acetic acid, 25%
Acetic acid, 96% ?
Hydrofluoric acid, 25%
Hydrofluoric acid, 50%
Perchloric acid, 25%
Phosphoric acid, 25%
Phosphoric acid, 85%
Nitric acid, 25%
Nitric acid, 65%
Hydrochloric acid, 25%
Hydrochloric acid, 37%
Sulfuric acid, 25%
Sulfuric acid, 98%
Trichloroacetic acid, 25%

Ammonium, 1N
Ammonium hydroxide, 25%
Potassium hydroxide, 32%
Sodium hydroxide, 32%
Sodium, 1N

Aqueous Solutions
Formalin, 30%
Sodium hypochlorite, 5%
Hydrogen peroxide, 35%

Key to Symbols
= compatible = limited compatibility
= not compatible ? = not tested

Contact time: 24 hours at 20 C

Chemical compatibilities can be influenced by various factors.
Therefore, we recommend that you confirm compatibility with the
liquid you wish to filter by performing a trial filtration run before
you begin with actual filtration.

Filtration | Compatibility Tables 127

3. Ready-to-connect Filtration Units

Midisart Minisart Minisart Minisart Minisart Sartobran Sartobran P Sartofluor Sartolab

Solvents 2000 HY RC SRP 300 Capsule Capsule P20
Acetonitrile ? ? ? ? ?
Benzene ?
Benzyl alcohol ? ? ?
n-Butyl acetate ?
Cyclohexane ?
Cyclohexanone ?
Diethyl ether ? ? ?
Dimethyl formamide ?
Ethanol, 98%
Ethyl acetate
Ethylene glycol ? ?
Formamide ? ? ? ? ?
Glycerin ?
n-Heptane ?
Isopropyl acetate ?
Methanol, 98%
Methyl acetate ?
Methylene chloride
Methyl ethyl ketone
Methyl isobutyl ketone ? ? ? ? ?
Monochlorobenzene ? ? ?
Nitrobenzene ? ? ?
Perchloroethylene ?
Pyridine ?
Carbon tetrachloride ?

Key to symbols see next page.

128 Compatibility Tables | Filtration

Midisart Minisart Minisart Minisart Minisart Sartobran Sartobran P Sartofluor Sartolab
Solvents 2000 HY RC SRP 300 Capsule Capsule P20
Trichloroethane ? ?
Trichloroethylene ? ? ?
Acetic acid, 25% ? ?
Acetic acid, 96% ?
Hydrofluoric acid, 25% ?
Hydrofluoric acid, 50% ?
Perchloric acid, 25% ? ? ?
Phosphoric acid, 25% ?
Phosphoric acid, 85% ? ? ?
Nitric acid, 25% ?
Nitric acid, 65% ?
Hydrochloric acid, 25% ?
Hydrochloric acid, 37% ?
Sulfuric acid, 25% ?
Sulfuric acid, 98% ?
Trichloroacetic acid, 25%
Ammonium, 1N ?
Ammonium hydroxide, 25% ?
Potassium hydroxide, 32% ?
Sodium hydroxide, 32% ?
Sodium, 1N ?

Aqueous Solutions
Formalin, 30% ?
Sodium hypochlorite, 5% ?
Hydrogen peroxide, 35% ?

Key to Symbols
= compatible = limited compatibility
= not compatible ? = not tested

Contact time: 24 hours at 20 C

Chemical compatibilities can be influenced by various factors.
Therefore, we recommend that you confirm compatibility with the
liquid you wish to filter by performing a trial filtration run before
you begin with actual filtration.

Filtration | Compatibility Tables 129

& Sample
Vivaspin 500 132
24-Well Ultrafiltration Frame Safe
and Fast Protein Concentration
High in Throughput Format 133
Vivaspin 2 134
Centrisart I 136
Vivaspin 4 137
Vivaspin 6 139
Vivaspin 15 141
Vivaspin 15R 143
Vivaspin 20 144
Vivaclear Centrifugal Filters 147
Vivacell 70 148
Vivacell 100 151
Vivacell 250 154
Vivaflow 50 156
Vivaflow 200 158
Vivapore Solvent Absorption
Concentrators 160
Ultrafiltration Membrane Filters
from PES 146, CTA 145 and
RC 144 for the Concentration,
Purification and Removal of
Proteins 162
Vivacon 500 For DNA Sample
Desalting and Concentration 164
Vivacon 2 For DNA Sample
Desalting and Concentration 166
Vivapure Ion Exchange
Protein Purification Products 168
Vivawell Vac Vacuum
Manifold Systems 172
Vivawell Vac 8-Strip Plate 174
Vivapure mini|maxiprep
Protein A & G Spin Columns 176
Vivapure mini|maxiprep MC
Spin Columns 178
Vivapure Anti-HSA/IgG Kits
for Human Albumin and
Human Albumin/IgG Depletion 179
Vivapure C18
Micro Spin Columns 180
Adenovirus Purification with
Vivapure AdenoPACK kits 181
Lentivirus Purification with
Vivapure LentiSELECT Kit 184
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
VivaSpec 186

Vivaspin 500

100 l to 500 l Samples The patented vertical membrane design and

Vivaspin 500 l centrifugal filter units offer thin channel filtration chamber
a simple, one step procedure for sample (US 5,647,990), minimises membrane fouling
preparation. They can effectively be used and provides high speed concentrations, even
in a fixed angle rotors accepting 2.2 ml with particle laden solutions.
centrifuge tubes.

Technical Specifications Vivaspin 500

Concentrator capacity Swing bucket rotor Do not use
Fixed angle rotor 500 l
Dimensions Total length 50 mm
Width 11 mm
Active membrane area 0.5 cm2
Hold-up volume,
membrane and support < 5 l
Dead stop volume 5 l
Materials of construction Body Polycarbonate
Filtrate vessel Polypropylene
Concentrator cap Polycarbonate
Membrane Polyethersulfone

Equipment Required Vivaspin 500

Centrifuge Rotor type Fixed angle
Minimum rotor angle 40
Rotor cavity To fit 2.2 ml
(11 mm) conical
bottom tubes
Maximum speed 15,000 g

Ordering Information

Vivaspin 500 Polyethersulfone Pack Size Prod. No.

3,000 MWCO 25 VS0191
3,000 MWCO 100 VS0192
5,000 MWCO 25 VS0111
5,000 MWCO 100 VS0112
10,000 MWCO 25 VS0101
10,000 MWCO 100 VS0102
30,000 MWCO 25 VS0121
30,000 MWCO 100 VS0122
50,000 MWCO 25 VS0131
50,000 MWCO 100 VS0132
100,000 MWCO 25 VS0141
100,000 MWCO 100 VS0142
300,000 MWCO 25 VS0151
300,000 MWCO 100 VS0152
1,000,000 MWCO 25 VS0161
1,000,000 MWCO 100 VS0162
0.2 m 25 VS0171
0.2 m 100 VS0172
Starter pack 25 VS01S1
(5 of each 5 k, 10 k, 30 k, 50 k, 100 k)

132 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

24-well Ultrafiltration Frame
Safe and Fast Protein Concentration in High Throughput Format

The unique and re-usable 24-well is designed Vivaspin 500-HT

to be fitted with up to 24 individual Vivaspin Vivaspin 500-HT centrifugal concentrators are
500 ultrafiltration devices. The vertical designed for use with the Vivaspin
membrane design and built in dead stop 24-well ultrafiltration frame. The cap strips
pocket inherent to all Vivaspin devices allow allow simple and convenient processing of
fast and safe high throughput concentration 248 samples in parallel using a multiwell
of 24 samples per plate. plate rotor accepting 2 stacked deep
multiwell plates per bucket, and capable
The 24-well ultrafiltration frame and the of spinning at up to 1,500 g.
supplied collection plates can effectively be
used in a swing-out rotor for stacked deep Traditional Vivaspin 500 devices can be used
well plates. in the 24-well ultrafiltration frame
as well for a larger MWCO option.

Technical Specifications 24-well Ultrafiltration Frame

Centrifuge requirements Rotor type Swing-out multiwell
plate rotor accepting
stacked deep well plates
Maximum speed 1,500 g
Dimensions Frame dimension 128 85 25 mm
Max. height of 49 mm
frame plus filtrate
collection plate
Materials of construction Frame Acetal
collection plate Polystyrene
Concentrate recovery Pipette type Fixed or variable volume
Recommended tip Thin gel loader type

Ordering Information

Pack Size Prod. No.

24-well ultrafiltration frame 2 VW24HT051
(includes 2 collection plate)
24-well filtrate collection plate 12 VW24PS0212
Vivaspin 500 High Throughput
(HT) Polyethersulfone
(includes 120 cap strips)
10,000 MWCO 480 VS01HT01
30,000 MWCO 480 VS01HT21

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 133

Vivaspin 2
Choice of Membranes

0.42 ml Samples Also unique to the Vivaspin 2, is the choice

The Vivaspin 2 bridges the gap between the of directly pipetting the concentrate from
500 l and 4 ml centrifugal concentrators. the dead stop pocket built into the bottom
This device combines the speed of the of the concentrator, or alternatively reverse
classic Vivaspin products with low internal spinning into the concentrate recovery cap
surface and membrane area for superior which can then be sealed for storage. Both
recoveries from very dilute solutions. methods result in near total concentrate
Available with a choice of PES, Cellulose
Triacetate and Hydrosart membranes,
Vivaspin 2 offers the highest flexibility
for process optimisation.

Technical Specifications Vivaspin 2

Concentrator capacity Swing bucket rotor 3 ml
Fixed angle rotor 2 ml
Dimensions Total length 126 mm
Width 17 mm
Active membrane
area 1.2 cm2
Hold-up volume
of membrane <10 l
Dead stop volume 8 l
Materials of construction Body Polycarbonate
Filtrate vessel Polycarbonate
Concentrator cap Polycarbonate
Membrane PES, CTA, HY

Equipment Required Vivaspin 2

Rotor type Swing bucket Fixed angle
Minimum rotor angle 25
Rotor cavity To fit 15 ml (17 mm) To fit 15 ml (17 mm)
conical bottom tubes conical bottom tubes
Maximum speed 4,000 g 12,000 g*

* Please note, devices with membrane MWCO >100 kDa need to be processed at lower g forces.
See data sheets for details.

Crystal clear polycarbonate


PES, CTA, or Hydrosart

Direct pipette
Integral deadstop avoids recovery or choice
risk of concentrating of reverse spinning
to dryness concentrate into
sample cap
Filtrate and
Filtrate container concentrate
ts standard 15 ml can be sealed
tube carriers for storage

134 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Ordering Information

Vivaspin 2 Polyethersulfone Pack Size Prod. No.

3,000 MWCO 25 VS0291
3,000 MWCO 100 VS0292
5,000 MWCO 25 VS0211
5,000 MWCO 100 VS0212
10,000 MWCO 25 VS0201
10,000 MWCO 100 VS0202
30,000 MWCO 25 VS0221
30,000 MWCO 100 VS0222
50,000 MWCO 25 VS0231
50,000 MWCO 100 VS0232
100,000 MWCO 25 VS0241
100,000 MWCO 100 VS0242
300,000 MWCO 25 VS0251
300,000 MWCO 100 VS0252
1,000,000 MWCO 25 VS0261
1,000,000 MWCO 100 VS0262
0.2 m 25 VS0271
0.2 m 100 VS0272
Starter pack 25 VS02S1
(5 of each 5 k, 10 k, 30 k, 50 k, 100 k)

Vivaspin 2 Cellulose Triacetate Pack Size Prod. No.

5,000 MWCO 25 VS02U1
5,000 MWCO 100 VS02U2
10,000 MWCO 25 VS02V1
10,000 MWCO 100 VS02V2
20,000 MWCO 25 VS02X1
20,000 MWCO 100 VS02X2

Vivaspin 2 Hydrosart Pack Size Prod. No.

2,000 MWCO 25 VS02H91
2,000 MWCO 100 VS02H92
5,000 MWCO 25 VS02H11
5,000 MWCO 100 VS02H12
10,000 MWCO 25 VS02H01
10,000 MWCO 100 VS02H02
30,000 MWCO 25 VS02H21
30,000 MWCO 100 VS02H22

Ordering Tips
Choose a membrane pore size at least 50% smaller than the size of the molecule
to be retained.
Usually choose Polyethersulfone membranes for fastest concentrations.
Usually choose Cellulose Triacetate for Protein Removal|Ultrafiltrate recovery.
Usually choose Hydrosart membranes for highest recovery with Ig fractions.

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 135

Centrisart I

0.52.5 ml Samples Typical Applications Include:

Centrisart I is a ready to use unit for small Drug binding studies
volume centrifugal ultrafiltration to separate Determination of metabolites in serum
proteins from low molecular weight sub- Protein removal from blood samples
stances in biological samples. Cleaning of liposomes
Virus removal
Centrisart I features a unique design,
ultrafiltration in the opposite direction to
the centrifugal force. This is so effective
in preventing premature blockage of the
filter that even whole blood samples can be
deproteinized. The ultrafiltrate is collected
in the floater insert tube, where it is readily
accessible without removing the tube.
Direction of

Technical Specifications Centrisart I

Ultraltrate is
collected in the Concentrator capacity Swing bucket rotor 2.5 ml
oater insert tube, Fixed angle rotor 2.5 ml
where it is readily
accessible without Dimensions Total length 93 mm
removal of the Width 14 mm
tube. Active membrane area 0.79 cm2
Hold-up volume of
Ultraltrate membrane < 5 l
Ultralter Dead stop volume 100 l
Materials of construction Centrifuge tube Polystyrene
Floater tube Cellulose
Centrifugal force
Cap Polyethylene
Membrane CTA, PES

Equipment Required Centrisart l

Rotor type Swing bucket Fixed angle
Minimum rotor angle 25
Rotor cavity To fit 15 ml (17 mm) To fit 15 ml (17 mm)
conical bottom tubes conical bottom tubes
Maximum speed 2,500 g 2,000 g

Ordering Information

Pack Size Prod. No.

5,000 MWCO CTA 12 13229-E
10,000 MWCO CTA 12 13239-E
20,000 MWCO CTA 12 13249-E
100,000 MWCO PES 12 13269-E
300,000 MWCO PES 12 13279-E
Starter pack (3 units each of 5k, 10k, 20k, 100k) 12 13209-E

136 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Vivaspin 4

14 ml Samples The patented vertical membrane design

Vivaspin 4 ml concentrators are disposable and thin channel filtration chamber
ultrafiltration devices for the concentration (US 5,647,990) minimises membrane
of biological samples. Maximum initial sample fouling and provides high speed
volumes range from 1 ml to 4 ml. They can concentrations, even with particle laden
be effectively used in either swing bucket or solutions.
fixed angle rotors accepting 15 ml centrifuge
tubes. Vivaspin 4 is available with the high flux
polyethersulfone membrane range which
is recommended for most solutions.

Technical Specifications Vivaspin 4

Concentrator capacity Swing bucket rotor 4 ml
Fixed angle rotor 4 ml
Dimensions Total length 122 mm
Width 17 mm
Active membrane area 2.0 cm2
Hold-up volume of
membrane < 10 l
Dead stop volume 20 l
Materials of construction Body Polycarbonate
Filtrate vessel Polypropylene
Concentrator cap Polycarbonate
Membrane Polyethersulfone

Equipment Required Vivaspin 4

Rotor type Swing bucket Fixed angle
Minimum rotor angle 25
Rotor cavity To fit 15 ml (17 mm) To fit 15 ml (17 mm)
conical bottom tubes conical bottom tubes
Maximum speed 4,000 g 10,000 g*

* Please note, devices with membrane MWCO >100 kDa need to be processed at lower g forces.
See data sheets for details.

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 137

Ordering Information

Vivaspin 4 Polyethersulfone Pack Size Prod. No.

5,000 MWCO 25 VS0413
5,000 MWCO 100 VS0414
10,000 MWCO 25 VS0403
10,000 MWCO 100 VS0404
30,000 MWCO 25 VS0423
30,000 MWCO 100 VS0424
50,000 MWCO 25 VS0433
50,000 MWCO 100 VS0434
100,000 MWCO 25 VS0443
100,000 MWCO 100 VS0444
0.2 m 25 VS0473
0.2 m 100 VS0474
Starter pack 25 VS04S3
(5 of each 5 k, 10 k, 30 k, 50 k, 100 k)

138 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Vivaspin 6

26 ml Samples The Vivaspin 6 features twin vertical mem-

Vivaspin 6 ml concentrators have been branes for unparalleled filtration speeds and
developed to offer increased volume 100 plus concentrations. Remaining volume
flexibility and performance. is easy to read off the printed scale on the
side of the concentrator and the modified
Vivaspin 6 can process an impressive 6 ml dead stop pocket further simplifies direct
in either swing bucket or fixed angle rotors pipette recovery of the final concentrate.
accepting standard 15 ml conical bottom
test tubes.

Technical Specifications Vivaspin 6

Concentrator capacity Swing bucket rotor 6 ml
Fixed angle rotor 6 ml
Dimensions Total length 122 mm
Width 17 mm
Active membrane area 2.5 cm2
Hold-up volume of
membrane < 10 l
Dead stop volume 30 l
Materials of construction Body Polycarbonate
Filtrate vessel Polycarbonate
Concentrator cap Polypropylene
Membrane Polyethersulfone

Equipment Required Vivaspin 6

Rotor type Swing bucket Fixed angle
Minimum rotor angle 25
Rotor cavity To fit 15 ml (17 mm) To fit 15 ml (17 mm)
conical bottom tubes conical bottom tubes
Maximum speed 4,000 g 10,000 g*

* Please note, devices with membrane MWCO >100 kDa need to be processed at lower g forces.
See data sheets for details.

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 139

Ordering Information

Vivaspin 6 Polyethersulfone Pack Size Prod. No.

3,000 MWCO 25 VS0691
3,000 MWCO 100 VS0692
5,000 MWCO 25 VS0611
5,000 MWCO 100 VS0612
10,000 MWCO 25 VS0601
10,000 MWCO 100 VS0602
30,000 MWCO 25 VS0621
30,000 MWCO 100 VS0622
50,000 MWCO 25 VS0631
50,000 MWCO 100 VS0632
100,000 MWCO 25 VS0641
100,000 MWCO 100 VS0642
300,000 MWCO 25 VS0651
300,000 MWCO 100 VS0652
1,000,000 MWCO 25 VS0661
1,000,000 MWCO 100 VS0662
0.2 m 25 VS0671
0.2 m 100 VS0672
Starter pack 25 VS06S1
(5 of each 5 k, 10 k, 30 k, 50 k, 100 k)

140 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Vivaspin 15

215 ml Samples In a single spin, 15 ml solutions can be

The Vivaspin 15 concentrator is a disposable concentrated up to 300 . Samples can be
ultrafiltration device for use in swing bucket typically concentrated in 1030 minutes
centrifuges accommodating 50 ml tubes. with macromolecular recoveries in excess of
Vivaspin 15 is used for the concentration of 95%. The longitudinal membrane location
biological samples in the 215 ml range. The and adjacent thin channel, provide optimum
innovative design (US Patent no. 5,647,990, cross flow conditions even for particle laden
second patent pending), simplicity, speed and solutions, the centrifugal force pulling
exceptional concentrate recoveries are the particles and solids away from the membrane
main features of the concentrator. to the bottom of the device. Macromolecules
collect in an impermeable 50 l concentrate
pocket integrally moulded below the
membrane surface, thereby eliminating the
risk of filtration to dryness.

Technical Specifications Vivaspin 15

Concentrator capacity Swing bucket rotor 15 ml
Fixed angle rotor 8 ml
Dimensions Total length 76 mm
Width 25.5 mm
Active membrane area 4 cm2
Hold up volume of
membrane < 20 l
Dead stop volume 50 l
Materials of construction Body Polycarbonate
Filtrate vessel Polypropylene
Concentrator cap Polycarbonate
Membrane Polyethersulfone

Equipment Required Vivaspin 15

Rotor type Swing bucket Fixed angle
Minimum rotor angle 25
Rotor cavity To fit 50 ml (17 mm) To fit 50 ml (17 mm)
conical bottom tubes conical bottom tubes
Maximum speed 3,000 g* 3,000 g

* Please note, devices with membrane MWCO >100 kDa need to be processed at lower g forces.
See data sheets for details.

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 141

Ordering Information Requires 50 ml Centrifuge Tubes

Vivaspin 15 Polyethersulfone Pack Size Prod. No.

5,000 MWCO 10 VS1511
5,000 MWCO 40 VS1512
10,000 MWCO 10 VS1501
10,000 MWCO 40 VS1502
30,000 MWCO 10 VS1521
30,000 MWCO 40 VS1522
50,000 MWCO 10 VS1531
50,000 MWCO 40 VS1532
100,000 MWCO 10 VS1541
100,000 MWCO 40 VS1542
Starter pack 10 VS15S1
(2 of each 5 k, 10 k, 30 k, 50 k, 100 k)

Conical bottom 50 ml tubes and lids 100 VSA001
Conical bottom 50 ml tubes and lids 40 VSA002

142 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Vivaspin 15R

215 ml Samples Ultimate recovery at low adsorption

Vivaspin 15R is the latest member of the (95-98%)
Vivaspin product family with all the unique Extremely short concentration time
features of Sartorius Stedim Biotech (30 in 15 min.)
concentrators including a patented vertical Convenient application protocol with easy
membrane and a dead stop. Vivaspin 15R handling
is targeting the volume segment 2 to Easy scale-up to Vivaflow 200 with
15 ml with a modified regenerated cellulose Hydrosart membrane for volumes
membrane; Hydrosart. This membrane is up to 5 litres
ideal where extremely high recovery with Very small hold up volume (< 20 l)
very low adsorption is needed, for example
in applications such as desalting and
concentration of Ig fractions.

Technical Specifications Vivaspin 15R

Concentrator capacity Swing bucket rotor 15 ml
Fixed angle rotor 12.5 ml
Dimensions Total length 116 mm
Width 30 mm
Active membrane area 3.9 cm2
Hold up volume of
membrane < 20 l
Dead stop volume 30 l
Materials of construction Body Polycarbonate
Filtrate vessel Polypropylene
Concentrator cap Polycarbonate
Membrane Hydrosart

Equipment Required Vivaspin 15R

Rotor type Swing bucket Fixed angle
Minimum rotor angle 25
Rotor cavity To fit 50 ml (30 mm) To fit 50 ml (30 mm)
conical bottom tubes conical bottom tubes
Maximum speed 3,000 g 6,000 g

Ordering Information

Vivaspin 15R Hydrosart Pack Size Prod. No.

2,000 MWCO 12 VS15RH91
2,000 MWCO 48 VS15RH92
5,000 MWCO 12 VS15RH11
5,000 MWCO 48 VS15RH12
10,000 MWCO 12 VS15RH01
10,000 MWCO 48 VS15RH02
30,000 MWCO 12 VS15RH21
30,000 MWCO 48 VS15RH22

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 143

Vivaspin 20

520 ml Samples More Process Flexibility

Vivaspin 20 ml centrifugal concentrators Vivaspin 20 is available with unique accesso-
have been developed to offer increased ries and operating methods that are designed
volume flexibility and performance. to provide more process flexibility and further
time saving.
Vivaspin 20 handles up to 20 ml in swing
bucket centrifuges and 14 ml in 25 fixed Gas Pressure Filtration
angle rotors accepting 50 ml centrifuge When an appropriate centrifuge is
tubes. unavailable, or for single sample processing,
Vivaspin 20 can be filled with up to 15 ml and
Featuring twin vertical membranes for then pressurised for bench top concentration.
unparalleled filtration speeds the Vivaspin 20 For even faster processing, gas pressure
can achieve 100 plus concentrations. can be combined with centrifugal force.
Pressure-fugation is particularly suitable for
Remaining volume is easy to read off the difficult or viscous samples such as serum, or
printed scale on the side of the concentrator when using a low process temperature which
and the modified dead stop pocket reduces filtration speed, and generally when
further simplifies direct pipette recovery minimum process time is essential.
of the final concentrate.

Technical Specifications Vivaspin 20

Concentrator capacity Swing bucket rotor 20 ml
Fixed angle rotor 14 ml
With pressure head 15 ml
Dimensions Total length 116 mm
125 mm with
pressure head
Width 30 mm
Active membrane area 6.0 cm2
Hold up volume of
membrane < 20 l
Dead stop volume 50 l
Materials of construction Body Polycarbonate
Filtrate vessel Polycarbonate
Concentrator cap Polypropylene
Pressure head Acetal|aluminium
Membrane Polyethersulfone

Using the Vivaspin 20 pressure cap


up to 5 bar with spin
air or inert gas up to 3,000 g

or then recover

stand in rack

144 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Desalting with Vivaspin 20 The improved performance is due to the con-
In this procedure following concentration, a stant washing action of the buffer solution in Desalting of
diafiltration cup is filled with buffer and then the diafiltration cup as it replaces solvent and Concentrated
spun one time to achieve 98% salt removal. salts as they pass through the ultrafiltration Sample
This compares to the need for two spins to membrane.
achieve the same result with the traditional Dialtration
refill and re-spin procedure. cup is lled with
buffer solution

Equipment Required Vivaspin 20 Solvent in sample

is continuously
Centrifuge replaced
Rotor type Swing bucket Fixed angle by fresh buffer
Minimum rotor angle 25 solution
Rotor cavity To fit 50 ml (30 mm) To fit 50 ml (30 mm)
conical bottom tubes conical bottom tubes Remaining salts
Maximum speed 5,000 g* 8,000 g* and contaminants
Optional Pressure Accessories are progressively
cleared through
Air pressure controller (APC) complete with pressure gauge, Prod no. VCA002 membrane
regulator, over-pressure safety valve, female connector to
Sartorius Stedim Biotech pressure products and 1 m extension
line (4 mm pneumatic tubing) with male and female
connectors and 1 m of 6 mm inlet tubing
Charge valve Prod. no. VCA005
VS20 pressure head Prod. no. VCA200

* Please note, devices with membrane MWCO >100 kDa need to be processed at lower g forces. See data sheets for details.

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 145

Ordering Information

Vivaspin 20 Polyethersulfone Pack Size Prod. No.

3,000 MWCO 12 VS2091
3,000 MWCO 48 VS2092
5,000 MWCO 12 VS2011
5,000 MWCO 48 VS2012
10,000 MWCO 12 VS2001
10,000 MWCO 48 VS2002
30,000 MWCO 12 VS2021
30,000 MWCO 48 VS2022
50,000 MWCO 12 VS2031
50,000 MWCO 48 VS2032
100,000 MWCO 12 VS2041
100,000 MWCO 48 VS2042
300,000 MWCO 12 VS2051
300,000 MWCO 48 VS2052
1,000,000 MWCO 12 VS2061
1,000,000 MWCO 48 VS2062
0.2 m 12 VS2071
0.2 m 48 VS2072
Starter pack 12 VS20S1
(2 of each 5 k, 10 k, 30 k, 50 k, 100 k, 0.2 m)

Vivaspin 20 Accessories
Air pressure controller (APC) 1 VCA002
Charge valve for pressure head 1 VCA005
Diafiltration cups 12 VSA005
Female connector 1 VCA010
Male connector 1 VCA011
4 mm OD pneumatic tube (3 m) 1 VCA012
Vivaspin 20 pressure head 1 VCA200

146 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Vivaclear Centrifugal Filters

Vivaclear centrifugal filters are disposable Product Features

microfiltration devices for the fast and High-flux Polyethersulphone membrane
reliable clarification|filtration of biological 0.8 m pore size
samples in the range 100 l to 500 l. They Low hold up volume (< 5 l)
can be used in fixed angle rotors accepting Fast and reproducible performance
2.2 ml centrifuge tubes.
Clarification of samples before loading
onto Vivapure protein purification
spin columns
Removal of particles and participates
Filtration of plasma and serum
Filtration of cells or cell debris

Technical Specifications
Rotor 4045 Fixed angle rotor 500 l
Pore size 0.8 m
Dimensions Total length 43 mm
Filtrate collection
tube diameter 11 mm
Active membrane area 0.34 cm2
Hold-up volume,
membrane plus support < 5 l
Maximum RCF 2,000 g
Materials of construction Body Polypropylene
Membrane Polyethersulphone
Filtrate collection tube Polypropylene

Ordering Information Pack Size Cat. No

Vivaclear Mini 0.8 m PES 100 VK01P042

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 147

Vivacell 70

1070 ml Samples For more process control or for single

Vivacell 70 combines the ease of use of samples, combine gas pressure with a gentle
centrifugal devices with the flexibility and orbital shake, or you can even pressurise
control provided by pressurised ultrafiltration and then leave standing on a bench top or
cells. Vivacell 70 is inexpensive, quick in a refrigerator for highest simplicity with
and easy to assemble, requires no tubing minimum equipment requirements.
connections or stirring mechanisms and can
be adapted to equipment availability The longitudinal membrane inhibits
or to specific user preferences. fouling, whilst the built-in dead stop will
hinder further concentration when residual
For convenience, simply spin in a large volume drops below 150 l.
capacity centrifuge (rotors accepting 250 ml
bottles). For highest speeds particularly with
difficult samples, pressurise the device with
air or inert gas before centrifuging.

Process convenience
Low shear, no foaming
Less visual control

Simplicity and highest process control
Ideal for refrigerated use
Slower concentrations

Speed and process control
Ideal for single samples
If left unattended can concentrate to dryness

Fastest processing
Ideal with low MWCO or with difficult solutions
Less visual control

148 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Technical Specifications Vivacell 70 Total Process Flexibility
Concentrator capacity Swing bucket rotor 70 ml
Fixed angle rotor 50 ml
With pressure head 70 ml
With pressure-fuge head 50 ml
Dimensions Total length 119 mm standard centrifugal
185 mm with pressure head
125 mm with pressure fuge head
Width 62 mm
Active membrane area 20 cm2 Centrifugal mode Centrifugal mode
swing-out rotors xed-angle rotors
Hold up volume of membrane < 200 l modied cap
Dead stop volume 150 l
Operating requirements Rotor type Swing bucket or fixed angle
Minimum rotor angle 25
Rotor cavity To fit 250 ml (62 mm)
centrifuge bottles
Maximum speed 1,000 g
Maximum pressure 5 bar|75 psi
Materials of construction Body Polycarbonate
Filtrate vessel Polycarbonate
Concentrator cap Santoprene Pressure mode Pressure mode
Pressure head|pressure bench top centrifuge
fuge head Acetal
Membrane Polyethersulfone

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 149

Ordering Information

Vivacell 70 Polyethersulfone Concentrator Bodies Pack Size Prod. No.

with Polycarbonate Filtrate Bottles
5,000 MWCO 2 VS6011
10,000 MWCO 2 VS6001
30,000 MWCO 2 VS6021
50,000 MWCO 2 VS6031
100,000 MWCO 2 VS6041
0.2 m 2 VS6071

Vivacell 70 Polyethersulfone Concentrator Body Only

5,000 MWCO 10 VS6012
10,000 MWCO 10 VS6002
30,000 MWCO 10 VS6022
50,000 MWCO 10 VS6032
100,000 MWCO 10 VS6042
0.2 m 10 VS6072

Vivacell 70 Accessories
Air pressure controller (APC) complete with pressure gauge, 1 VCA002
regulator, over-pressure safety valve, female connector
to Sartorius Stedim Biotech pressure products and 1 m extension
line (4 mm pneumatic tubing) with male and female connectors
and 1 m of 6 mm inlet tubing
250 ml centrifuge bottle standard caps 4 VSA003
Modified caps for use in fixed angle rotors 2 VCA004
with 250 ml centrifuge bottles
Charge valve for pressure-fuge head 1 VCA005
Replacement seals for pressure-fuge head (VCA701) 10 VCA007
Female connector 1 VCA010
Male connector 1 VCA011
4 mm pneumatic tubing (3 m) 1 VCA012
Vivacell 70 pressure head with reservoir and filtrate bottle 1 VCA700
(bench top use)
Vivacell 70 pressure-fuge head (for use in centrifuge) 2 VCA701

150 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Vivacell 100

20100 ml Samples Vivacell 100 Utilizes:

Vivacell 100 is the latest member of the Pressure
Vivacell family and bridges the volume range Centrifuge
between the Vivacell 70 and the Vivacell 250. Pressure-shake

Vivacell 100 is a unique and innovative Vivacell 100, when used as a centrifugal
concentrator for volumes from 20 ml to device, fits only into swing bucket rotors
100 ml, which utilizes pressure, centrifuge accepting 250 ml bottles.
or pressure-shake to rapidly concentrate
even samples with very high particle Vivacell 100 units can also be used for
loading. single or extremely sensitive samples in
the pressurized mode only and left on the
Vivacell 100 is designed for centrifugal bench or placed on a laboratory shaker for
concentration of samples up to 100 ml which faster concentration. It can also be kept
makes it the largest centrifugal unit available. in a pressurized mode in the refrigerator.
At the same time, the new construction Handling is made easy by use of quick
design allows for maximum centrifugal connectors. In whichever mode Vivacell 100
force of 4,000 g to be used for even faster is used, the vertical membrane design inhibits
concentration. membrane fouling while the built-in dead
stop impedes concentration to dryness and
loss of sample.

Technical Specifications Vivacell 100

Concentrator capacity Swing bucket rotor 90 ml
With pressure head 98 ml
Dimensions Total length 123 mm centrifugal
197 mm with
pressure head
Width 62 mm
Active membrane area 23.5 cm2
Hold up volume of
membrane < 250 l
Dead stop volume 350 l
Operating requirements Rotor type Swing bucket
Rotor cavity To fit 250 ml (62 mm)
centrifuge bottles
(maximum cavity
depth 105 mm)
Maximum speed 2,000 g
Maximum pressure 5 bar|75 psi
Materials of construction Body Polycarbonate
Filtrate vessel Polycarbonate
Concentrator cap Santoprene
Pressure head Acetal
Membrane Polyethersulfone

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 151

Quick release connector Process convenience
Low shear, no foaming
Less visual control

Pressure head Santoprene

Concen- seal Pressure
trator cap Simplicity and highest process control
Graduations Ideal for refrigerated use
Twin vertical Concen- Slower concentrations
membranes trator

Filtrate container fits
Speed and process control
standard 250 ml rotors Ideal for single samples

152 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Ordering Information

Vivacell 100 Polyethersulfone Pack Size Prod. No.

with Polypropylene Concentrator Cap
5,000 MWCO 2 VC1011
5,000 MWCO 10 VC1012
10,000 MWCO 2 VC1001
10,000 MWCO 10 VC1002
30,000 MWCO 2 VC1021
30,000 MWCO 10 VC1022
50,000 MWCO 2 VC1031
50,000 MWCO 10 VC1032
100,000 MWCO 2 VC1041
100,000 MWCO 10 VC1042
300,000 MWCO 2 VC1051
300,000 MWCO 10 VC1052
1,000,000 MWCO 2 VC1061
1,000,000 MWCO 10 VC1062
0.2 m 2 VC1071
0.2 m 10 VC1072

Accessories Pack Size Prod. No.

Air pressure controller (APC) complete with 1 VCA002
pressure gauge, regulator, over-pressure
safety valve, female connector, 1 m extension
line (4 mm pressure tubing) with male
and female connectors and 1 m of 6 mm
inlet tubing
Plastic pipettes 100 VPA005
Female connector 1 VCA010
Male connector 1 VCA011
4 mm pressure tubing (3 m) 1 VCA012
Santoprene replacement seals 10 VCA014
Vivacell 100 pressure head with 1 VCA800
replacement seals (5)

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 153

Vivacell 250

50250 ml Samples Unique membrane module takes seconds to

The Vivacell 250 is a totally new concept replace. Concentrate can be easily monitored
for the concentration of larger biological through the graduated inspection window.
samples. This product offers numerous
advantages when compared to stirred cells.

One size handles a volume range from

under 50 ml to 250 ml.
Use free standing on a bench top or in
a refrigerator for maximum simplicity,
or use on laboratory shaker for fastest
The unique conical dead stop built into
the bottom of the membrane insert allows
concentrations to under 1 ml.
The gentle vortex action controls
membrane polarisation whilst greatly
reducing the shear effects typical of
stirring mechanisms.
Set up or membrane replacement takes
just a few seconds. Quick connect fittings
and simple screw closure further enhance
ease of use.

Screw Closure
Technical Specifications Vivacell 250
Quick connect
check valve Concentrator capacity 250 ml
Combined pres- Max pressure 4 bar|60 psi
sure indicator Dimensions Width 116 mm
and safety valve
Height (incl. pressure indicator) 235 mm
Active membrane area 40 cm2
module takes
seconds to Hold-up vol. memb. & support < 200 l
replace Dead stop volume 600 l
Unique conical Materials of construction Screw closure Acetal
base allows Pressure head Acetal
to under 1 ml
Quick release connector Acetal
Concentrator body|sleeve Polycarbonate
Concentrate Filtrate container Polycarbonate

154 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Ordering Information

Vivacell 250 Pack Size Prod. No.

Vivacell 250 complete with pressure head, 1 VCA25
pressure indicator|over-pressure release valve,
quick release connection to APC, 2 sample
reservoirs, filtrate container & insert tool

Vivacell 250 Polyethersulfone Inserts

5,000 MWCO 5 VC2511
10,000 MWCO 5 VC2501
30,000 MWCO 5 VC2521
50,000 MWCO 5 VC2531
100,000 MWCO 5 VC2541
0.2 m 5 VC2571
Starter kit (1 of each 5 k, 10 k, 30 k, 50 k, 100 k) 5 VC25S1

Air pressure controller (APC) complete with 1 VCA002
pressure gauge, regulator, over-pressure
safety valve, female connector to
Sartorius Stedim Biotech pressure products
and 1 m extension line (4 mm pneumatic
tubing) with male and female connector
and 1 m of 6 mm inlet tubing
Replacement pressure indicator|over- 1 VCA008
pressure relief valve
Vivacell 250 maintenance kit (includes 1 VCA009
one sample reservoir and filtrate container,
and O-ring seals for pressure head)
Female connector 1 VCA010
Male connector 1 VCA011
4 mm OD pressure tubing (3 m) 1 VCA012
Replacement pressure head & screw closure 1 VCA015

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 155

Vivaflow 50

100 ml to 5 Litres Unique Performance

The novel Vivaflow 50 system (patents A single 50 cm2 module will typically
pending) provides a standard of ease of use, reduce 500 ml to less than 15 ml in under
performance, flexibility and economy which 50 minutes.
is unrivalled by any laboratory or pilot scale Less than 10 ml minimum system
filtration system on the market. recirculation for highest concentrations.
Less than 500 l non recoverable hold up
Unique Features volume.
Thin channel flip-flow recirculation path Near total recoveries achievable with a
provides high cross flow velocities with single 10 ml rinse.
minimum pump requirements.
No need for pressure holders. Unique flip-flow thin channel flow
Multiple modules Crystal clear for simple control of remain- path results in high turbulence and linear
ing hold up and membrane status. velocity for exceptional flux even at high
Unique Interlocking modules with series concentrations
connectors for easy scale up.

Technical Specifications Vivaflow 50

Dimensions Overall L H W 107 84 25 mm
Channel W H 15 0.3 mm
Active membrane area 50 cm2
Single module Hold up volume (module) 1.5 ml
Filtrate vessel Minimum recirculation volume < 10 ml
Non recoverable hold-up < 0.5 ml
Operating conditions Pump flow 200-400 ml/min
Maximum pressure 3 bar|45 psi
Maximum temperature 60 C
Materials of construction Main housing Polycarbonate
Sample | dialtration Flow channel TPX (PMP)
reservoir (VFA006) Membrane support TPX (PMP)
Seals and O-rings Silicone
Pressure indicator Polypropylene,
SS spring
Flow restrictor Polypropylene
Fittings Nylon
Tubing PVC (medical grade)

156 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Ordering Information

Vivaflow 50 Modules Include Filtrate Tube,

Size 16 Peristaltic Tubing, Flow Restrictor and Fittings Pack Size Prod. No.
3,000 MWCO PES 2 VF05P9
5,000 MWCO PES 2 VF05P1
10,000 MWCO PES 2 VF05P0
30,000 MWCO PES 2 VF05P2
50,000 MWCO PES 2 VF05P3
100,000 MWCO PES 2 VF05P4
1,000,000 MWCO PES 2 VF05P6
0.2 m PES 2 VF05P7
10,000 MWCO RC 2 VF05C0
100,000 MWCO RC 2 VF05C4

Vivaflow 50 Complete System Comprises

Pump (240 V), Easy load pump head (size 16), tubing, 1 VFS502
500 ml sample|diafiltration reservoir, module stand,
pressure indicator, T connectors, series interconnectors
Pump (115 V), Easy load pump head (size 16), tubing, 1 VFS504
500 ml sample|diafiltration reservoir, module stand,
pressure indicator, T connectors, series interconnectors

Vivaflow 50 PVC Tubing and Fittings

Size 16 PVC pump tubing (3 metres, 3.2 1.6 mm) VFA004
Flow restrictor set (2 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mm) VFA009
T connectors for running 2 stacks (2 pieces) VFA030
Series interconnectors (6 pieces) VFA031
Female luer fittings (10 pieces) VFA032
VF50 tubing Kit (2 1 m size 16 PVC tubing with inlet fittings, 2 50 cm VFA034
size 16 PVC tubing with 0.6 mm flow restrictors, 1 series interconnector)
Flow restrictor 0.6 mm (6 pieces) VFA035

VivaFlow 50 Accessories
Masterflex economy drive variable speed peristaltic pump (240 V) VFP001
Masterflex economy drive variable speed peristaltic pump (115 V) VFP002
500 ml sample and|or diafiltration reservoir VFA006
Masterflex easy load pump head size 16 VFA012
Vivaflow 50 stand VFA016
Pressure indicator (1-3 bar) VFA020

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 157

Vivaflow 200

0.5 to 5 Litres The economical standard package comes

Concentrate 250 ml to under 20 ml in just a complete with tubing, pressure indicator,
few minutes or concentrate one litre 50 times flow restrictor and high pressure pump
in less than 30 minutes. Alternatively, use two tubing. All you need is a peristaltic pump
Vivaflow 200s in parallel and concentrate capable of handling 6.4 mm OD (size 16)
5 litres in under 75 minutes. tubing. Should your pump head require larger
tubing, link your own peristaltic tube up to
Near total sample recoveries can be expected the standard product, using the interconnec-
with most solutions. tor provided.

Two modules in parallel will concentrate

5 litres in under 75 minutes

Technical Specifications Vivaflow 200

Dimensions Overall L H W 126 138 38 mm
Channel W H 10 0.4 mm
Active membrane area 200 cm2
Hold up volume (module) 5.3 ml
Min. recirculation volume < 20 ml
Non recoverable hold-up < 2 ml
Materials of construction Main housing Acrylic
Flow channel Acrylic
Vivaow 200 Set-up for Dialtration Membrane support Polypropylene
Feed line Pressure Seals and O-rings Silicone
indicator Pressure indicator Polypropylene,
SS spring
Waste Flow restrictor Polypropylene
Fittings Nylon
Tubing PVC (medical grade)
Operating conditions Pump flow 200-400 ml/min
Maximum pressure 4 bar|60 psi
Maximum temperature 60 C

Feed Sealed Pump Flow

reser- dialtra- head restrictor
voir tion

158 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Ordering Information Operation Single Module

Vivaflow 200 Modules Include Pressure Pack Size Prod. No. Return
Indicator, Flow Restrictor and Size 16 PVC Feed
Peristaltic Tubing and Fittings
2,000 MWCO Hydrosart 1 VF20H9
3,000 MWCO PES 1 VF20P9
5,000 MWCO PES 1 VF20P1
10,000 MWCO PES 1 VF20P0 Pump Filtrate
30,000 MWCO PES 1 VF20P2
50,000 MWCO PES 1 VF20P3
Operation Two Modules
100,000 MWCO PES 1 VF20P4
0.2 m PES 1 VF20P7
10,000 MWCO RC 1 VF20C0 Feed
100,000 MWCO RC 1 VF20C4
5,000 MWCO Hydrosart 1 VF20H1
10,000 MWCO Hydrosart 1 VF20H0
30,000 MWCO Hydrosart 1 VF20H2 Pump Filtrate

Vivaflow 200 Complete System Comprises

Pump (240 V), Easy load pump head (size 16), 1 VFS202
tubing, 500 ml sample|diafiltration reservoir
Pump (115 V), Easy load pump head (size 16), 1 VFS204
tubing, 500 ml sample|diafiltration reservoir

Vivaflow 200 Accessories

Masterflex economy drive variable speed peristaltic pump (240 V) VFP001
Masterflex economy drive variable speed peristaltic pump (115 V) VFP002
500 ml sample and|or diafiltration reservoir VFA006
Masterflex easy load pump head size 16 VFA012
Masterflex easy load pump head size 15 VFA013

Vivaflow 200 Tubing and Fittings

Size 15 pvc pump tubing and Luer fittings (3 m, 4.8 2.6 mm) VFA003
Size 16 pvc pump tubing and Luer fittings (3 m, 3.2 1.6 mm) VFA004
Y connector (size 15 to 2 size 16) VFA005
Flow restrictor set (2 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mm) VFA009
Female luer fittings size 16 (10 pieces) VFA032
Flow restrictors 0.6 mm (6 pieces) VFA035
Female luer fittings size 15 (10 pieces) VFA036

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 159

Vivapore Solvent Absorption Concentrators

0.5 ml20 ml Samples Vivapore is ideal for general purpose

With no need for additional equipment, laboratory concentration or purification
pressure or vacuum, solvent absorption prior to further analysis. It is particularly
is the most economic and user friendly suited for labile solutions that can denature
concentration technique available to the with alternative shear or pressure inducing
clinician and research scientist. methods or that require processing in a cold
room environment.
Just fill the unit with the solution to be con-
centrated, wait for the desired concentration Vivapore concentrators extend the solvent
level to be achieved and then pipette the absorption technique to a totally new level
concentrated sample from the bottom of the of performance, application potential and
reservoir. ease of use.

Technical Specifications

Vivapore 5 Vivapore 10|20

Membrane material PES PES
Membrane MWCO 7,500 7,500
Membrane surface area 20 cm 28 cm2
Reservoir material SAN SAN
Vivapore 5 Volume range 15 ml 210 ml | 20 ml*
Minimum concentrate volume 50 l 50 l
Vivapore overall dimensions
Width [mm] 42 46
Height [mm] 82 100

Vivapore 10|20

160 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Ordering Information

Vivapore 5
Includes Stand and Recovery Pipettes
7,500 MWCO PES 4 VP0503
7,500 MWCO PES 30 VP0501

Requires Stand
7,500 MWCO PES 100 VP0502

Vivapore 10|20
Includes Stand and Recovery Pipettes
7,500 MWCO PES 4 VP2003
7,500 MWCO PES 30 VP2001

Requires Stand
7,500 MWCO PES 100 VP2002

Vivapore Accessories
Disposable stands for 4 units 6 VPA002
Plastic recovery pipettes (Vivapore 10|20) 100 VPA005
10 ml expansion reservoir (Vivapore 10|20) 10 VPA006
Plastic recovery pipettes (Vivapore 5) 100 VPA007

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 161

Ultrafiltration Membrane Filters from PES 146, CTA 145 and
RC 144 for the Concentration, Purification and Removal of Proteins

Polyethersulfone (PES) Regenerated Cellulose (RC)

This is a general purpose membrane that These membranes are also highly hydrophillic
provides excellent performance with most and are often preferred for their higher
solutions when retentate recovery is of protein recovery when processing very dilute
primary importance. Polyethersulfone solutions. Resistance to autoclaving, ease
membranes exhibit no hydrophobic or hydro- of cleaning and extended chemical resistance
phillic interactions and are usually preferred also characterize this type of membrane.
for their low fouling characteristics, excep-
tional flux and broad pH range.

Cellulose Triacetate (CTA)

High hydrophilicity and very low non-specific
binding characterize this membrane. Cast
without any membrane support that could
trap or bind passing microsolutes, these
membranes are to be preferred for sample
cleaning and protein removal and when high
recovery of the filtrate solution is of primary

Typical Performance for Polyethersulfone, Type 146

Thickness 120 m
pH range 114
Waterflux MWCO 10,000 0.2 ml/min/cm2
Protein retention Cytochrome C 95%

Specifications for Cellulose Triacetate, Type 145

Thickness 120 m
pH range 48
Waterflux MWCO 10,000 0.11 ml/min/cm2
Protein retention Cytochrome C 90%

Specifications for Regenerated Cellulose, Type 144

Thickness 180 m
pH range 113
Waterflux MWCO 10,000 0.08 ml/min/cm2
Protein retention Cytochrome C 99%

Order numbers see next page.

162 Protein Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Order Numbers for Polyethersulfone Membrane Filters, Type 146
25 mm diameter 1462925------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1463925------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
47 mm diameter 14609-047 D 1.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14629-047 D 5.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14639-047 D 10.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14659-047 D 30.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14650-047 D 50.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14668-047 D 100.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14679-047 D 300.000 MWCO, pack of 10
63 mm diameter 1462963------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1463963------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1465963------D 30,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1466863------D 100,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
76 mm diameter 1462976------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1463976------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10

Order Numbers for Cellulose Triacetate Membrane Filters, Type 145

43 mm diameter 1454943------D 20,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
47 mm diameter 14529-047 D 5.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14539-047 D 10.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14549-047 D 20.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14549-047 N 20.000 MWCO, pack of 100
50 mm diameter 1453950------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10

Order Numbers for Regenerated Cellulose Membrane Filters, Type 144

25 mm diameter 1442925------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1443925------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
47 mm diameter 14429-047 D 5.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14439-047 D 10.000 MWCO, pack of 10
14459-047 D 30.000 MWCO, pack of 10
63 mm diameter 1442963------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1443963------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1445963------D 30,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
76 mm diameter 1442976------D 5,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10
1443976------D 10,000 NMGT (MWCO), pack of 10

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Concentration 163

Vivacon 500
For DNA Sample Desalting and Concentration

Reproducible DNA and Protein Sample New: Vivacon 500-PCR Grade

Desalting and Concentration When using DNA amplification technologies,
Vivacon 500 centrifugal concentrators any traces of DNA originating from the
offer the optimal solution for DNA and equipment have to be eliminated.
protein concentration and buffer exchange
applications. For optimal performance with Vivacon 500-PCR Grade units are treated
very dilute samples, e.g. forensic samples, with ethylene oxide (ETO) in a validated
Vivacon 500 is equipped with the patented process in order to deactivate all traces of
regenerated cellulose membrane Hydrosart. DNA that might interfere with subsequent
amplification procedures.
High recoveries and excellent reproducibilities
are paired with convenience offered by
molecular weight cut-off printed on
individual devices.

The possibility of a re-spin after sample

processing assures complete concentrate
recovery which is especially important when
working with low sample concentrations.

Technical Specifications Vivacon 500

Concentrator capacity Fixed angle rotor 0.5 ml
Dimensions Total length (concentration) 45 mm
Total length (back spin) 47.5 mm
Width 12.4 mm
Active membrane area 0.32 cm2
Hold up volume of
membrane and support < 5 l
Dead stop volume (40 rotor) 5 l
Materials of construction Body Polycarbonate
Filtrate vessel Polypropylene
Membrane Hydrosart

Conversion Table for Hydrosart MWCO to Nucleotide Cut-off

Membrane MWCO Double-Stranded Nucleotide Cut-off [bp]

Hydrosart 2 kDa > 10
Hydrosart 10 kDa > 30
Hydrosart 30 kDa > 50
Hydrosart 50 kDa > 300
Hydrosart 100 kDa > 600

164 DNA Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Ordering Information

Vivacon 500 Pack Size Prod. No.

2,000 MWCO 25 VN01H91
2,000 MWCO 100 VN01H92
10,000 MWCO 25 VN01H01
10,000 MWCO 100 VN01H02
30,000 MWCO 25 VN01H21
30,000 MWCO 100 VN01H22
50,000 MWCO 25 VN01H31
50,000 MWCO 100 VN01H32
100,000 MWCO 25 VN01H41
100,000 MWCO 100 VN01H42

Vivacon 500 Sample Pack Pack Size Prod. No.

Sample Kit L 12 VN01HL12
(4 units each of 2, 10 and 30 K)
Sample Kit H 12 VN01HH12
(4 units each of 30, 50 and 100 K)

Vivacon 500-PCR Grade Sample Pack Pack Size Prod. No.

30,000 MWCO 4 VN01H2-SETO
50,000 MWCO 4 VN01H3-SETO
100,000 MWCO 4 VN01H4-SETO

Vivacon 500-PCR Grade Pack Size Prod. No.

30,000 MWCO 25 VN01H21ETO
30,000 MWCO 100 VN01H22ETO
30,000 MWCO 500 VN01H23ETO
50,000 MWCO 25 VN01H31ETO
50,000 MWCO 100 VN01H32ETO
50,000 MWCO 500 VN01H33ETO
100,000 MWCO 25 VN01H41ETO
100,000 MWCO 100 VN01H42ETO
100,000 MWCO 500 VN01H43ETO

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | DNA Concentration 165

Vivacon 2
For DNA Sample Desalting and Concentration

Reproducible DNA Sample Desalting and New: Vivacon 2-PCR Grade

Concentration Vivacon 2-PCR Grade units are treated
Vivacon 2 centrifugal concentrators with ethylene oxide (ETO) in a validated
offer the optimal solution for DNA and process in order to deactivate all traces of
protein concentration and buffer exchange DNA that might interfere with subsequent
applications. For optimal performance with amplification procedures.
very dilute samples, e.g. forensic samples,
Vivacon 2 is equipped with the patented
regenerated cellulose membrane Hydrosart.

High recoveries and excellent reproducibilities

are paired with convenience offered by
volume graduation and molecular weight
cut-off printed on individual devices.

The possibility of a re-spin after sample

processing assures complete concentrate
recovery which is especially important when
working with low sample concentrations.

Technical Specifications
Concentrator capacity Fixed angle rotor 2 ml
Dimensions Total length (Concentration) 125 mm
Total length (Back-spin) 115 mm
Width 16 mm
Active membrane area 0.95 cm2
Hold-up volume membrane
and support 10 l
Dead stop volume (25 rotor) 55 l
Materials of construction Body Polycarbonate
Filtrate vessel Polypropylene
Back spin vial Polypropylene
Concentrator cap Polypropylene
Membrane Hydrosart

166 DNA Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Ordering Information

Vivacon 2 Pack Size Prod. No.

2,000 MWCO 25 VN02H91
2,000 MWCO 100 VN02H92
2,000 MWCO 500 VN02H93
10,000 MWCO 25 VN02H01
10,000 MWCO 100 VN02H02
10,000 MWCO 500 VN02H03
30,000 MWCO 25 VN02H21
30,000 MWCO 100 VN02H22
30,000 MWCO 500 VN02H23
50,000 MWCO 25 VN02H31
50,000 MWCO 100 VN02H32
50,000 MWCO 500 VN02H33
100,000 MWCO 25 VN02H41
100,000 MWCO 100 VN02H42
100,000 MWCO 500 VN02H43

Vivacon 2-PCR Grade Pack Size Prod. No.

30,000 MWCO 25 VN02H21ETO
30,000 MWCO 100 VN02H22ETO
30,000 MWCO 500 VN02H23ETO
50,000 MWCO 25 VN02H31ETO
50,000 MWCO 100 VN02H32ETO
50,000 MWCO 500 VN02H33ETO
100,000 MWCO 25 VN02H41ETO
100,000 MWCO 100 VN02H42ETO
100,000 MWCO 500 VN02H43ETO

Vivacon 2-PCR Grade Sample Pack Pack Size Prod. No.

30,000 MWCO 4 VN02H2-SETO
50,000 MWCO 4 VN02H3-SETO
100,000 MWCO 4 VN02H4-SETO

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | DNA Concentration 167

Ion Exchange Protein Purification Products

Fast and Easy-to-use Spin Columns The rapid 1-2-3 bind-wash-elute protocol
Vivapure Ion Exchange (IEX) spin columns especially lends itself to screening
are centrifugal devices, incorporating applications, where many different samples
Sartobind Membrane Adsorber technology are processed in parallel.
as their chromatography matrix. Vivapure
IEX spin columns make protein purification as The Sartobind Membrane Adsorber
easy as filtration. The devices are ready-to- Matrix
use and do not bear the risk of running dry. Sartobind IEX membrane adsorbers are
For many protein purification applications, based on stabilized regenerated cellulose and
Chromatography gel beads (right) are they can replace time-consuming and tedious display a microporous structure with a pore
shown on top of a membrane adsorber in column chromatography. size of > 3 m, which is orders of magnitude
this SEM picture. The membrane adsorber
pores are over 50 larger than bead pores.
larger than conventional chromatographic
gel materials. This allows molecules to be
transported to the ligands immobilized on
the membrane adsorber by convective flow,
leading to very high flow rates.

168 Protein Purification | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Order No. Kits Quantity
VS-AVPQ020 Vivapure AdenoPack 20
VS-AVPQ022 Vivapure AdenoPack 20 RT
VS-AVPQ101 Vivapure Adenopack 100
VS-AVPQ102 Vivapure Adeno PACK 100 RT*
VS-AVPQ501 Vivapure Adeno PACK 500
VS-AVPQ502 Vivapure AdenoPack 500 RT
90-KIT-01 Sartobind Demo Kit
1ZA---0004 Adapter UNF 1032 to Luer male, PEEK 1
1ZA---0005 Adapter UNF 1032 to Luer female, PEEK 1
17002---140 Pair of Luer adapters, black Tefzel M6 thread 2
16517----------E Syringe filter holders, 25 mm diameter, 12
polycarbonate for filter or adsorber membrane
16214 Syringe filter holder 25 mm diameter, 1
stainless steel for filter or adsorber membrane

8 Strips|Spin Columns 1.4 mm Bed Height

Order No. Vivawell Quantity

VW08IS02 Vivawell 8 Strip S-IEX 24 strips (2 plates)
centrifugal purification strips
VW08IQ02 Vivawell 8 Strip Q-IEX 24 strips (2 plates)
centrifugal purification strips
VW08ID02 Vivawell 8 Strip D-IEX 24 strips (2 plates)
centrifugal purification strips

Order No. Vivapure Mini Spin Columns Spin Columns|

Centrifuge Tubes
VS-IX01SM24 Vivapure S Mini M 24|48
VS-IX01SH24 Vivapure S Mini H 24|48
VS-IX01QM24 Vivapure Q Mini M 24|48
VS-IX01QH24 Vivapure Q Mini H 24|48
VS-IX01DM24 Vivapure D Mini M 24|48
VS-IX01DH24 Vivapure D Mini H 24|48

Order No. Vivapure Maxi Spin Columns Spin Columns|

Centrifuge Tubes
VS-IX20SM08 Vivapure S Maxi M 8|16
VS-IX20SH08 Vivapure S Maxi H 8|16
VS-IX20QM08 Vivapure Q Maxi M 8|16
VS-IX20QH08 Vivapure Q Maxi H 8|16
VS-IX20DM08 Vivapure D Maxi M 8|16
VS-IX20DH08 Vivapure D Maxi H 8|16

Related products for production

Sartobind SingleSep capsules
* Vivapure Adeno PACK RT does not contain Benzonase

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Purification 169

Available Formats

Vivapure IEX Products Application

Vivawell 8-strip plates High throughput application, where larger capacities are
needed (e.g. high throughput applications for Vivapure Mini)
Vivapure Mini Spin Columns Sample fractionation
Purification condition scouting
Small scale purification
Vivapure Maxi Spin Columns Large scale sample fractionation
One step protein purification|concentration
Vivawell 8-strip plate-300 l Polishing of His-tagged protein
Binding capacity: 1 mg

Membrane Availability

Functional Groups Ion Exchanger Type

Sulphonic acid (S) Strong acidic cation exchanger: R-CH2-SO3-Na+
Quaternary ammonium (Q) Strong basic anion exchanger: R-CH2-N+-(CH3)3Cl-
Diethylamine (D) Weak basic anion exchanger: R-CH2-NH+-(CH2H5)2

Vivapure Mini-400|500 l Performance Characteristics

Binding capacities: 14 mg
Vivapure Protein Max. Volume per Max. Volume per
Spin Binding Centrifuge Run Centrifuge Using
Columns Capacity* Using a Swing-Out a Fixed Angle
[mg] Rotor [ml] Rotor Run [ml]
Vivawell 8-strip 1 0.3
Vivapure Mini M 1 0.5
Vivapure Mini H 4 0.4
Vivapure Maxi M 1520 20 10.5
Vivapure Maxi H 6080 19 10.5

Vivapure Maxi-19|20 ml * Actual yields depend on specific protein sample and selected pH and salt conditions. Yields established using
Binding capacities: 1580 mg 1 mg/ml BSA in 25 mM Tris/HCL pH 8.0 with Vivapure Q & D spin columns and 1 mg/ml cytochrome c in 25 mM sodium
acetate buffer pH 5.5 with Vivapure S spin columns.

Typical Applications
Fractionation prior to further analysis e.g. 2D gels
Scouting purification conditions for new protein preparation protocols
Endotoxin removal
Polishing His-tagged proteins after metal chelate chromatography
Purification and concentration of proteins
Removal of heme moiety from heme containing proteins

Detailed application notes are available on our website:

170 Protein Purification | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Ordering Information

Prod. No. Description Spin Centrifuge

Columns Tubes
Vivapure Mini Ion Exchange Spin Columns (up to 0.5 ml)
VS-IX01SQ16 Vivapure Mini S&Q H starter kit 16 32
VS-IX01DM24 Vivapure D Mini M 24 48
VS-IX01DH24 Vivapure D Mini H 24 48
VS-IX01QM24 Vivapure Q Mini M 24 48
VS-IX01QH24 Vivapure Q Mini H 24 48
VS-IX01SM24 Vivapure S Mini M 24 48
VS-IX01SH24 Vivapure S Mini H 24 48

Vivapure Maxi Ion Exchange Spin Columns (up to 20 ml)

VS-IX20DH08 Vivapure D Maxi H 8 16
VS-IX20QM08 Vivapure Q Maxi M 8 16
VS-IX20QH08 Vivapure Q Maxi H 8 16
VS-IX20SM08 Vivapure S Maxi M 8 16
VS-IX20SH08 Vivapure S Maxi H 8 16

Vivawell 8-Strip Pack Size

VW08ID02 Vivawell 8-Strip D 24
VW08IS02 Vivawell 8-Strip S 24
VW08IQ02 Vivawell 8-Strip Q 24

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Purification 171

Vivawell Vac Vacuum Manifold Systems

New Vivawell Vac 8 and Vivawell Vac 96 The system is easy to use with quick release
Vacuum Manifold Systems fitting and can be run without initial set
The new Vivawell-Vac vacuum manifolds up time.
have been designed specifically for use with
Vivawell Vac 8-strip units and plates. The Vivawell Vac 8 and 96 vacuum manifold
The extra long drip nozzles on the 8-strip Cross-talk free filtration due to extra long
outlet eliminate gaps between the sample drip nozzels
flow and receiver wells. This direct stacking Configurations for 1 ml and 2 ml
prevents cross talk between individual wells. collection plates with adaptor
Vivawell Vac 96 can be easily conficured for
Vivawell Vac 96 set-up both flow-to-waste and analyte collection.

Specifications for Vivawell Vac 96

Manifold assembly 1
Quick release vacuum fitting 1
Control valve 1
Vacuum Tubing 1m
Hose barb fitting 1
Vivawell Vac 96

Materials of Construction
Manifold Base + Adaptor ring Acetal
Manifold Top Plate Anodised Aluminium
O-ring Silicone
Quick release vacuum fitting Acetal
Manifold dimensions W D H [mm] 144 102 71

Vivawell Vac 8
Ordering information Description Pack Size
VW96VAC01 Vivawell Vac 96 1
VW96VAA02 Vivawell Vac 96 liquid trap 1
and reservoir
VW96VAA03 96 deep well collection plate 25
1 ml (square wells)
VW96VAA04 96 deep well collection plate 25
2 ml (square wells)
VW96VAA05 Replacement seal for Vivawell 1
Vac 96
Vivawell Vac 8-strip plate

Required Equipment
Vivawell Vac 96 Vivawell Vac 8-strip plate
Vacuum pump or vacuum source capable
of applying vacuum at 10" Hg or higer

172 Protein Purification | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Specifications for Vivawell Vac 8
Manifold assembly 1
Quick release vacuum fitting 1
Control valve 1
Vacuum Tubing 1m
Hose barb fitting 1
8-well collection strips (1.2 ml) 5
Single strip silicone gaskets 12

Materials of Construction
Manifold Base + Adaptor ring Acetal
Manifold Top Plate Clear acrylic
O-ring Silicone
Quick release vacuum fitting Acetal
Manifold dimensions W D H [mm] 105 80 58

Ordering Information Description Pack Size

VW08VAC01 Vivawell Vac 8 1
VW08VAA02 Vivawell Vac 8 liquid trap 1
and reservoir
VW08VAA03 8 well collection strips 125
1.2 ml (round wells)
VW08VAA04 Replacement seal for Vivawell 1

Required Equipment
Vivawell Vac 8 Vivawell Vac 8-strip units
Vacuum pump or vacuum source capable
of applying vacuum at 10" Hg or higer

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Purification 173

Vivawell Vac 8-Strip Plate

For use with Vivawell Vac Vacuum Using Vivawell Vac 8, individual 8-strips can
manifold systems be run for medium throughput applications.
Optimal for high-throughput
applications The Vivawell Vac 8-strip IEX plate is available
Flexibility in number of samples to with two different membrane functionalities
be processed and can be processed as a 96-well plate
with the Vivawell Vac 96 (VW96VAC01) or
Vivawell Vac 8-strips feature a modular as indiviual 8-strips with the Vivawell Vac 8
design of individual 8-strip units set into a (VW08VAC01).
96-well frame. A silicone gasket seals the
plate set-up of 12 individual 8-strip units, for
Vivawell Vac 8-strip plate vacuum processing.

For large sample quantities, the full plate

set-up can be processed quickly with Vivawell
Vac 96.

Membrane Availability

Functional Groups Ion Exchange Type

Sulphonic acid (S) Strong acidic cation
exchanger R-CH2-So3-Na+
Vivawell Vac 8-strip plate
on Vivawell Vac 96 Quaternary ammonium (Q) Strong basic anion
exchanger R-CH2-So3-Na+-(CH2)2Cl-

Membrane Adsorber
Nominal pore size 35 m (Large pore size prevents gel filtration
effects and minimizes non-specific adsorption)
Thickness 230320 m
Amount of ionic groups 145218 -Equivalents/ml
(-Equivalents/ml) for monovalent ions (Q & S)
Vivawell Vac 8-strip on Vivawell Vac 8 Working pH (Q&S) 212
Approximate pka of ionic groups Q-11|S-1

174 Protein Purification | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Materials of Construction
Vivawell 8-strip IEX units Polypropylene
Supporting matrix Stabilized regenerated cellulose
Holding Frame Polypropylene

Capacities and Dimensions

Device Bed Volume Membrane Area

[l] [cm2]
Vivawell Vac 8-strip 80 2.4

Ordering Information Description Pack Size

VW08IQ02V Vivawell Vac 8-strip 24
Q-IEX purification strips
VW08IS02V Vivawell Vac 8-strip 24
S-IEX purification strips

Required Equipment
Vivawell Vac 8-strip IEX plate Vivawell Vac manifold
Vacuum pump or vacuum source capable of
applying vacuum at 10" Hg or higer
Vivawell Vac system liquid trap

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Purification 175

Vivapure mini|maxiprep Protein A & G Spin Columns

Affinity purification of monoclonal antibod- Working with Samples > 20 ml

ies has been largely confined to the use of
Protein A and Protein G chromatography. Accessory
The Vivapure mini|maxiprep A & G kits are For working with sample volumes larger than
designed for simple, rapid antibody purifica- 20 ml, e.g. diluted cell culture supernatants, a
tion from serum, ascites and tissue culture sealing cap and peristaltic pump collar
supernatant such as those derived form (VS-PPCSC) for Vivapure maxiprep columns
static cultures and bioreactors. Vivapure offer a fast and easy to use alternative to
mini|maxiprep spin columns replace lengthy multiple centrifugation steps. The sample
and expensive chromatographic methods is pumped into the maxiprep spin column
such as FPLC. through a tube attached to the sealing cap
with a connector. To ensure the usage of
Large numbers of samples can be processed in high sample loading flow rates, the peristaltic
parallel. The low hold-up volume ensures high pump collar securely locks the sealing cap to
solute recovery with minimal non-specific the column barrel.
absorptive losses.
Required Equipment
The Vivapure mini|maxiprep A & G Variable speed peristaltic pump capable of
Advantages speeds less than 20 rpm.
Spin column based kits for fast results E. g. Masterflex pump (VFP001, 240 V|VFP002,
Parallel processing 115 V), Masterflex easy load pump head-size
Different configurations to suit all needs 16 (VFA012).
Economical due to re-usability

Ordering Information

Product Name Pack Size Product No.

Vivapure A Starter Pack* 2 miniprepA VS-ARSTPKA2
Vivapure miniprepA Kit* 16 miniprepA VS-ARAMINIK
Vivapure miniprepA Bulk Pack 48 miniprepA VS-ARAMINIB
Vivapure maxiprepA Kit* 4 maxiprepA VS-ARAMAXIK
Vivapure maxiprepA Bulk Pack 12 maxiprepA VS-ARAMAXIB
Vivapure A Buffer Pack VS-ARABUFPK
Vivapure G Starter Pack* 2 miniprepG VS-ARSTPKG2
Vivapure miniprepG Kit* 16 miniprepG VS-ARGMINIK
Vivapure miniprepG Bulk Pack 48 miniprepG VS-ARGMINIB
Vivapure maxiprepG Kit* 4 maxiprepG VS-ARGMAXIK
Vivapure maxiprepG Bulk Pack 12 maxiprepG VS-ARGMAXIB
Vivapure G Buffer Pack VS-ARGBUFPK
Sealing Cap & Peristaltic Pump Collor 1 VS-PPCSC

* including UF-concentrators and buffers

176 Protein Purification | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Technical Data

Protein A & G for Antibody Purification

Protein A & G miniprep Centrifuge

Sample size 0.65 ml
Typical Binding Capacity 1 mg IgG/column
Number of re-uses 3

Protein A & G maxiprep Centrifuge1

Sample size 20 ml
Typical Binding Capacity 20 mg IgG/ column
Number of re-uses 5
Use the peristaltic pump accessory (VS-PPCSC) for larger volumes

Binding Affinities of Protein A and Protein G

Antibody Protein A Protein G

Human IgG1 **** ****
Human IgG2 **** ****
Human IgG3 + ****
Human IgG4 **** ****
Human IgGA ** +
Human IgGD ** +
Human IgGE ** +
Human IgGM ** +
Mouse IgG1 * **
Mouse IgG2a **** ****
Mouse IgG2b *** ***
Mouse IgG3 ** ***
Rat IgG2a + ****
Rat IgG2b + **
Rat IgG2c * **
Rabbit IgG **** ***
Hamster IgG * **
Guinea Pig IgG **** **
Bovine IgG ** ****
Sheep IgG *|+ **
Goat IgG *|+ **
Pig IgG *** ***
Chicken IgG + *

**** = Strong Affinity

*** = Moderate Affinity
** = Weak Affinity
* = Slight Affinity
+ = No Afnity

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Purification 177

Vivapure mini|maxiprep MC Spin Columns

The Vivapure mini|maxiprep MC kit is Working with Samples > 20 ml

designed for simple, rapid His-tagged recom-
binant protein purification from a cell lysate Accessory
under native or denaturing conditions. For working with sample volumes larger than
Vivapure spin columns replace lengthy and 20 ml, e.g. diluted cell culture supernatants,
expensive chromatographic methods such as a sealing cap and peristaltic pump collar (VS-
FPLC. Metal chelate affinity chromatography PPCSC) for Vivapure maxiprep columns offer
is a rapid onestep purification, which removes a fast and easy to use alternative to multiple
most contaminants and can achieve purities centrifugation steps. The sample is pumped
close to homogeneity. into the maxiprep spin column through a
tube attached to the sealing cap with a con-
This Vivapure MC purification kit incorpo- nector. To ensure the usage of high sample
rates pre-packed Ni2+-IDA agarose resin plugs loading flow rates, the peristaltic pump collar
in ready-to-use spin columns. The objective is securely locks the sealing cap to the column
to offer the researcher total protein purifica- barrel.
tion solutions from the initial fractionation
stage to the final polishing steps. Resolution Required Equipment
of the His-tagged protein is achieved either Variable speed peristaltic pump capable of
in a 2.2 ml microfuge tube for the Vivapure speeds less than 20 rpm.
Mini spin column or in a 50 ml centrifuge E. g. Masterflex pump (VFP001, 240 V|VFP002,
tube for the Vivapure Maxi spin column. 115 V), Masterflex easy load pump head-size
16 (VFA012).
The Vivapure mini|maxiprep MC
Spin column based kits for fast results
Parallel processing
Different configurations to suit all needs
Economical due to re-usability

Technical Data

Protein MC miniprep Kits Centrifuge

Sample size 0.65 ml
Typical Binding Capacity 1 mg His-tagged protein
Number of re-uses 2

Protein MC maxiprep Kits Centrifuge1

Sample size 20 ml
Typical Binding Capacity 10 mg His-tagged protein
Number of re-uses 2
Use the peristaltic pump accessory (VS-PPCSC) for larger volumes

Ordering Information

Product Name Pack Size Product No.

Vivapure metal cheleate Starter Pack* 4 VS-MCST04
Vivapure miniprepMC Kit* 24 VS-MCMINI24
Vivapure miniprepMC Bulk Pack 72 VS-MCMINIB
Vivapure maxiprepMC Kit* 8 VS-MCMAXIK
Vivapure maxiprepMC Bulk Pack 24 VS-MCMAXIB
Vivapure metal chelate Buffer Pack VS-MCBUFPK

* including UF-concentrators and buffers

178 Protein Purification | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Vivapure Anti-HSA/IgG Kits for Human Albumin and
Human Albumin/IgG Depletion

The Vivapure Anti-HSA and Anti-HSA/IgG Additionally, all buffers and spin tubes
kits are intended for biologists involved in required for albumin and albumin/IgG
the discovery of serum biomarkers that need removal from 12 20 l samples of human
highly specific albumin or albumin and IgG serum are included as well as a recommended
removal at Single-use pricing. protocol for recovery of albumin or albumin
and IgG and associated proteins.
The Vivapure Albumin Depletion Kit is based
on a unique antibody fragment for specific The Vivapure Advantage
albumin removal. Highly specific antibody fragment based
albumin removal
The Albumin/IgG Depletion Kit uses a Protein G based IgG removal
combination of the Anti-HSA antibody Priced for Single-use
fragment and Protein G resin for depleting no risk of contamination
albumin and IgG.

Ordering Information

Kit Contents
VS-SP08HAR Vivapure Anti-HSA Kit for Human Albumin Depletion
Anti-HSA Affinity Resin (50% slurry) 5 ml
Clarification spin columns (Vivaclear) 12
Collection tubes (2 ml) 24
Binding Buffer 15 ml Before
VS-SP50HAR Vivapure Anti-HSA Affinity Resin for Human Albumin Depletion
Anti-HSA Affinity Resin (50% slurry) 50 ml
VS-SP08HAIGG Vivapure Anti-HSA/IgG Kit for Human Albumin and IgG Depletion
Anti-HSA/IgG Affinity Resin (50% slurry) 5.5 ml
Clarification spin columns 12
Collection tubes (2 ml) 24
Binding Buffer 15 ml

Specifications: Vivapure Anti-HSA and Anti-HSA/IgG Kits

Anti-HSA Affinity Resin binding capacity 2 mg/ml
(suspension containing 50% packed medium) After

Anti-HSA/IgG Affinity Resin binding capacity 1.8 mg/ml albumin

(suspension containing 50% packed medium) 0.6 mg/ml IgG
Clarification spin columns (Vivaclear) max. volume capacity 500 l
Recommended centrifugation speed 400 g

Handling overview Albumin and Albumin/IgG removal in 20 minutes

up to 20 l spin spin
serum sample

Fill Vivaclear Mix sample with Recover albumin Wash 13 with Albumin and IgG
with Anti-HSA/ Anti-HSA/IgG and IgG depleted Binding Buffer for depleted sample is
IgG Afnity Resin sample complete sample ready for analysis
Afnity Resin incubate for 15 min. recovery

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Protein Purification 179

Vivapure C18 Micro Spin Columns

Fast Sample Preparation for Mass The Vivapure C18 spin columns offer a very
Spectrometry fast and effective method to simultaneously
Vivapure C18 Micro spin columns are desalt and concentrate up to 200 l of highly
centrifugal membrane-based devices for dilute peptide solutions from any source
concentration, purification and desalting (2D-PAGE, chromatographic methods or
of peptides prior to analysis by mass spec- biological samples).
trometry. The columns are prepacked with
a membrane containing C18 hydrophobic The Vivapure Advantage
chains for reversed-phase chromatography. Centrifugal format
High volume capacity
The columns are the size of standard Low elution volume
microcentrifuge tubes. With Vivapure C18 Parallel processing
micro spin columns, a few centrifugation High reproducibility
steps replace the tedious repetitive pipet- Elution in Matrix
ting procedure for sample preparation prior
to MALDI MS analysis. Samples are easily
processed in parallel, and the tiny elution
volumes are thoroughly collected in the
included microtubes.

Ordering Information Kit Contents

VS-RP218L24 Vivapure C18 Micro spin columns
Vivapure C18 Micro spin columns 24
Micro collection tubes (200 l) 24
Collection tubes (2 ml) 48

Binding capacity (for standard digestion) 5 g
Maximum volume 200 l
Minimum elution volume 3 l

180 Protein Purification | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Adenovirus Purification with Vivapure AdenoPACK kits

AdenoPACK 20|100|500 AdenoPACK kits are offered as AdenoPACK 20,

The AdenoPACK adenovirus purification AdenoPACK 100 and AdenoPACK 500, for the
and concentration kits offer researchers purification and concentration of adenovirus
who need to recover up to 3 1013 purified type 5 from 20 ml to 500 ml cell culture,
recombinant adenovirus particles for leading to 1 1011- 3 1013 purified viral
in-vitro transfection a fast, safe and easy particles. For each sample volume, the most
to use solution. The kits include all reagents convenient handling method is offered for
and devices necessary for clarification, ultimate convenience.
purification and concentration of adenovirus
type 5 from HEK293 cell cultures in only two
hours. These straight forward kits replace
time-consuming and labor-intensive 48 hour AdenoPACK 20
CsCl density gradients.

Purification Results from Preparations with Ad5 GFP-Constructs

Purification Method Process Time Eluate Recovery*** Viral Particles

AdenoPACK 20|20 ml culture 1 hour 1 ml 6570% 1 1011-12
AdenoPACK 100|60 ml culture 12 hours 1 ml 65% 13 1012
AdenoPACK 100|200 ml culture 2 hours 1 ml 80% 1 1013
AdenoPACK 500|500 ml culture 2 hours 1 ml 80% 13 1013
500 ml CsCl density gradient 2448 hours 12 ml** 6070% 1 1011-12

** after dialysis *** before buffer exchange

Vivapure AdenoPACK 20 Contents and Ordering Information

Vivapure AdenoPACK 20 VS-AVPQ020
Vivapure AdenoPACK 20 RT* VS-AVPQ022
AdenoPACK Maxi spin columns 6
Vivaclear Maxi 0.45 m PES 6
Empty 50 ml tubes 6
Loading Buffer (10 ) 25 ml
Washing Buffer (10 ) 30 ml
Elution Buffer 20 ml
Benzonase (12.5 U/l) 120 l
Vivaspin 20, 100 kDa MWCO 6
Instructions 1 each for Kit and Vivaspin

* AdenoPACK 20 RT does not contain Benzonase

Technical Data

Kit Specifications
Sample size 20 ml of cell culture
Number of purifications 6 20 ml
Virus particles (VP) per ml Typically up to 1 1011 1012
VP|IU 50100
Processing time Typically 1 hour
Endotoxin level < 0.025 EU/ml

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Virus Purification and Concentration 181

Vivapure AdenoPACK 100 Contents and Ordering Information
Vivapure AdenoPACK 100 VS-AVPQ101
Vivapure AdenoPACK 100 RT* VS-AVPQ102
AdenoPACK 100 units 2
Minisart Plus 4
20 ml syringe 4
Tubing set and one way valve 2
10 ml syringe (elution) 2
AdenoPACK 100
Loading Buffer (10 ) 1 25 ml
Washing Buffer 1 120 ml
Elution Buffer 1 20 ml
Benzonase 12.5 U/l 200 l
Vivaspin 20 concentrator 4
Instructions 1 each for Kit and Vivaspin

AdenoPACK 100 Accessories

VS-AVPA001 Pump tubing set for Vivapure AdenoPACK

* AdenoPACK 100 RT does not contain Benzonase*

Technical Data

Kit Specifications
Sample size 20200 ml of cell culture
Number of purifications 2 2060 ml
1 200 ml
Virus particles (VP) per ml Typically up to 1 1013
VP|IU 2050
Processing time Typically 2 hours
Endotoxin level < 0.025 EU/ml

182 Virus Purification and Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Vivapure AdenoPACK 500 Contents and Ordering Information
Vivapure AdenoPACK 500 VS-AVPQ501
Vivapure AdenoPACK 500 RT* VS-AVPQ502
AdenoPACK 500 unit 1
Sartopore 2 150 1
Tubing set and one way valve 2
10 ml syringe 1 Vivapure AdenoPACK 500
Loading Buffer (10) 60 ml
Washing Buffer (10) 30 ml
Elution Buffer 20 ml
Benzonase 12.5 U/l 500 l
Vivaspin 20 concentrator 2
Instructions 1 each for Kit and Vivaspin

* AdenoPACK 500 RT does not contain Benzonase

Technical Data

Kit Specifications
Sample size 500 ml of cell culture
Number of purications 1 500 ml
Virus particles (VP) per ml Typically up to 3 1013
VP|IU 2050
Processing time Typically 2 hours
Endotoxin level < 0.025 EU/ml

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Virus Purification and Concentration 183

Lentivirus Purification with Vivapure LentiSELECT Kit

LentiSELECT 40|500|1000
The LentiSELECT lentivirus purification and
concentration kits offer researchers who need
to recover up to 5 109 infective lentivirus
particles per ml for invitro transfection or
animal studies a fast and easy to use solution.

These straight forward kits replace time-

consuming ultracentrifugation protocols,
which typically take approximately one day
for large sample volumes, thus reducing the
Vivapure LentiSELECT 40 purification time to only a few hours.

Purification Results from Preparations with VSV-G Pseudotyped Lentivirus Constructs

Purification Process Eluate Viral Recovery Infective

Method Time Particles Viral
[ml] Particles
40|40 ml sample 45 min 200 l* 4 109 50% 8 108
500|500 ml sample 3 hours 1 ml* 3 109 35% 25 109
1000|1000 ml sample 6 hours 2 ml* 5 109 35% 1 1010
500 ml sample 1011 hours 500 l 6 109 25% 3 109
* After desalting|buffer exchange

Vivapure LentiSELECT 40 Contents and Ordering Information

Vivapure LentiSELECT 40 VS-LVPQ040
LentiSELECT units 4
50 ml syringe 4
10 ml syringe 4
Tube set with one-way valve 4
Loading buffer (10 ) 30 ml
Washing buffer 150 ml
Elution buffer 20 ml
Vivaspin 20, 100 kDa MWCO 8
Instructions 1 each for Kit and Vivaspin

Technical Data

Kit Specifications
Sample size 40 ml cell culture
Number of purifications 4 40 ml
Infective particles (P) per ml Typically up to 3 109
VP|IU 515
Processing time Typically 45 minutes
Endotoxin level < 0.025 EU/ml

184 Virus Purification and Concentration | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

Vivapure LentiSELECT 500 Contents and Ordering Information
Vivapure LentiSELECT 500 VS-LVPQ500
LentiSELECT unit 1
Sartopore 2 150 1
50 ml syringe 1
Tube set with one-way valve 1
Loading buffer (10 ) 30 ml
Washing buffer 170 ml
Vivapure LentiSELECT 500
Elution buffer 30 ml
Vivaspin 20, 300 kDa MWCO 2
Operating manual 1 each for Kit and Vivaspin

Technical Data

Kit Specifications
Sample size 500 ml cell culture
Number of purifications 1 500 ml
Infective particles (IP) per ml Typically up to 25 109*
Processing time Typically up to 3 hours
Endotoxin level < 0.025 EU/ml

* 1 ml final elution sample

Vivapure LentiSELECT 1000 Contents and Ordering Information

Vivapure LentiSELECT 1000 VS-LVPQ1000
LentiSELECT unit 2
Sartopore 2 150 1
50 ml syringe 1
Tube set with one-way valve 1
Loading buffer (10 ) 30 ml
Washing buffer 170 ml
Vivapure LentiSELECT 1000
Elution buffer 60 ml
Vivaspin 20, 300 kDa MWCO 2
Operating manual 1 each for Kit and Vivaspin

Technical Data

Kit Specifications
Sample size 1000 ml cell culture
Number of purifications 1 1000 ml
Infective particles (IP) per ml Typically up to 45 109**
Processing time Typically up to 6 hours
Endotoxin level < 0.025 EU/ml

** 2 ml final elution sample

Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation | Virus Purification and Concentration 185

UV-VIS Spectrophotometer VivaSpec

The UV-VIS spectrophotometer family enables In addition, the VivaSpec and VivaSpec+
the fast and reliable determination of concen- instruments offer a higher flexibility with
tration and purity of your samples. Pre-pro- additional methods:
grammed methods allow the simple selection Measurement of single and multiple wave-
of all relevant parameters. The results are cal- lengths
culated automatically and displayed together Concentration calculation
with the accompanying data. The results can be Scan within two user defined wavelengths
transferred to a PC using the included software. (from 200 nm to 900 nm)
with automatic peak detection
General features are the maintenance-free Generation of calibration curves
long-life xenon lamp as light source, a USB Kinetic measurements
port for optional connection to PC, and a large
graphical display. Optional accessories are printer, SD card
reader or a Bluetooth module, all of them
The basic model VivaSpec LS is dedicated for available either preinstalled or separately.
the use in classical life science applications:
Nucleic acid quantification and purity control For measurements in the microliter range
Protein assays: Bradford, Lowry, BCA, (0.7 l to 5 l), the Hellma TrayCell offers a
Biuret, direct UV measurements sophisticated solution.
Cell Density (OD600)
Simple absorption measurements

Technical Specifications
Wavelength range 1901100 nm
Spectral bandwidth 5 nm (3 nm VivaSpec+)
Wavelength accuracy 2 nm
Wavelength reproducibility 1 nm
Light source Xenon lamp
Beam height 15 mm
Detector 1024 CCD Array
Photometric range 0.3 to 2.5 A
Photometric reproducibility 0.003 A (0 to 0.5 A), 0.007 A (0.51.0 A)
Digital Output Standard USB Port, Bluetooth as option
Dimensions W D H [mm] 260 390 100
Weight [kg] < 4.5
Power input 90-250 V, 50|60 Hz

Order Numbers
SMB80-3003-75 VivaSpec
SMB80-3003-76 VivaSpec with printer
SMB80-3003-77 VivaSpec with Bluetooth module
SMB80-3005-11 VivaSpec with SD card module
SMB80-3004-80 VivaSpec+
SMB80-3004-81 VivaSpec+ with printer
SMB80-3004-82 VivaSpec+ with Bluetooth module
SMB80-3005-12 VivaSpec+ with SD card module
SMB80-3004-70 VivaSpec LS
SMB80-3004-71 VivaSpec LS with printer
SMB80-3005-10 VivaSpec LS with SD card module
SMB80-3005-00 SD card module
SMB80-3003-84 Printer
SMB80-3003-96 Bluetooth module
SMB80-3004-07 Paper rolls (box with 20 pieces)
SMB70-3006-00 TrayCell with 2 lids (1 mm and 0.2 mm)

186 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer | Ultrafiltration & Sample Preparation

The Pace Maker in Membrane
Adsorber Technology 188

for Robust Separations 189

Sartobind 4 mm Capsules
for Polishing 192

The Pace Maker in Membrane Adsorber Technology

Unique Microporous Structure Low Unspecific Adsorption

Sartobind Membrane Adsorbers display The basis for all Sartobind membranes is
a microporous structure with a pore size of a stabilized reinforced cellulose. It is made
>3 m which is orders of magnitudes larger from regenerated cellulose and during the
than conventional chromatographic gel production to Sartobind it runs through a
matrices. Molecules are transported number of stabilization and grafting steps
by convective flow to ligands. until a chromatographic matrix is formed on
the cellulose backbone. Principally any ligands
Characteristics of Membrane Adsorbers known from conventional chromatography
(MA) can be covalently bound on the matrix.
Ready-to-use units
Simple handling with a syringe or with Speed Up
a pump Sartobind ready-to-use units are run at 5 to
Pore sizes > 3 and 0.45 m 30 membrane volumes per minute.
Negligible diffusion limitation This is at least one order of magnitude faster
Low bed heights between 0.8 and 4 mm than chromatographic columns. A typical
Scalable to process dimension with 4 mm speed up factor is about 25 measured in
Sartobind disposable capsules and 8 mm direct comparison to conventional column
batch re-usable|disposable Sartobind technology (reference: Walter, J. K. in:
Robust high performance separations Bioseparation and Bioprocessing, Strategies
No bed cracking, channeling or air and Considerations for Advanced Economy in
entrapment Downstream Processing of Biopharmaceuti-
Flow rate of ion exchange membranes cal Proteins. G. Subramanian (ed.) Wiley VCH,
530 membrane volumes per minute Vol. ll p. 447-460, (1998). Flow rate does not
below 2 bar (30 psi, 0.2 MPa) affect breakthrough performance.
Chemistries: strong and weak ion
exchange, coupling, affinity and metal Sartobind Membrane Types
chelate ligands Sartobind S, Q, STIC PA and D ion
Sartobind IDA (iminodiacetic acid)
metal chelate
Sartobind Aldehyde
Sartobind Protein A (recombinant)

Sartobind Applications
Purification and concentration
Large proteins, blood factors, protein
conjugates, viruses, VLP, mAbs

Contaminant Removal
Host cell proteins, DNA, viruses, leached
ligands, endotoxins, aggregates

188 Protein Purification by Membrane Adsorbers | Membrane Chromatography

for Robust Separations

Constant Capacity Chemical Compatibility

The robustness of Sartobind Membrane The housing of Sartobind SingleSep capsules
Adsorbers in ion exchange chromatography is polypropylene. The housing of Sartobind
has been tested in consecutive runs of 1000 MA 15, 75 and 100 is polysulfone, which is
chromatographic cycles (see figure below). stable to many standard solvents applied in
Laboratory Units: Sartobind MA
You may use Sartobind Membrane Adsorbers Sartobind ion exchange membranes are
for any ion exchange or affinity chromato- compatible with alcohols such as ethanol,
graphy which require high speed and simple isopropanol, glycerol, and denaturing solvents
operation. The small scale units for laboratory such as 8 M urea and 8 M guanidine HCl and
use is the MA 15 with 0.8 mm bed height can be cleaned with 1 N sodium hydroxide. Sartobind MAs may be used by hand
(3 membrane layers), MA 75 with 4 mm or with a chromatographic system via
Luer Lock adapters.
(15 layers) and MA 100 with 1.4 mm
(5 layers). These may be reused hundreds of

Sartobind MA units for laboratory


Purication cycles of bovine serum albumin on

Sartobind Q 75 strong anion exchanger repeated
1000 times. Flow rate: 120 cm/h, cycle time: 10 min,
equilibration buffer: 20 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.0,
sample: 5 ml bovine serum diluted 1:20 with equilibration
buffer, elution buffer: 20 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.0 +
1 N NaCl, regeneration after each 100 cycles with
1 N NaOH.

Membrane Chromatography | Protein Purification by Membrane Adsorbers 189

Technical Data Sartobind Laboratory Scale Units

MA 15 MA 75 MA 100 nano
Membrane material Stabilized reinforced cellulose
Application for Purification, Purification, Purification, Down-scale
re-usable downscale re-usable for biopharma
for production, production
Adsorption area [cm2] 15 75 100 36|110
Number of layers 3 15 5 15|30
Bed height [mm] 0.8 4.0 1.4 4|8
Bed volume* [ml] 0.41 2.1 2.8 1|3
Membrane diameter [mm] 25 25 50
Housing material Polysulfone Polysulfone Polysulfone Polypropylene
Inlet connector Female Luer Female Luer Female Luer Female Luer
Outlet connector Male Luer Male Luer Male Luer Female Luer
Typical dynamic protein 10.5/S 15 52.5/S 75 70/S 100 29/Q nano 1 ml
binding capacity [mg/unit] 12/Q 15 60/Q 75 80/Q 100 25/S nano 1 ml
(with Iysouome for S 60/PA nano 1 ml
BSA for Q/D) 45/D 75 88/Q nano 3 ml
77/S nano 3 ml
44/Phenyl nano 3 ml
Flow rate** at 0.1 MPa
(1 bar|14.5 psi) [ml/min] > 50 > 25 > 75 1030|515
Void volume [ml] 1.0 1.3 4.2 5 (1 ml)/4 (3 ml)
Maximum pressure [MPa] 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4
pH stability of housing 213 213 213
Storage before use at Room temperature

pH Stability for MA15, 75, 100 and nano

Short term 314 214 214
Long term 413 212 212

MA units are supplied as non sterile

* 1 ml membrane volume is equal to 36.4 cm2 membrane area
** Ion exchange

190 Protein Purification by Membrane Adsorbers | Membrane Chromatography

Technical Data Sartobind MA Affinity Units

Data Common for all Membrane Types

Membrane material Stabilized reinforced cellulose
Number of layers 15 (20 for Protein A)
Bed height [mm] 4.0
Bed volume [ml] 2.1
Membrane diameter [mm] 25
Adsorption area [cm ] 75
Dead volume [ml] 1.3
Maximum pressure 0.6 MPa (6 bar|87 psi)
Housing material Polysulfone
Inlet connector Female Luer
Outlet connector Male Luer
Chemical stability Stable in all common chromatography buffers
except peroxide and other oxidizing or reac-
tive reagents

Data According to Affinity Type

Membrane Type Protein A 2 ml IDA 75

Ligand Recombinant protein A Iminodiacetic acid (IDA)
Binding capacity 10-15 mg/unit 7.5 mg/unit
Test proteins polyclonal human IgG His6-tagged protein*
depending on sample
Recommended ions for coupling Ni2+, Co2+, Cu2+ or Zn2+
Flow rate at 0.1 MPa > 10 ml/min > 10 ml/min
(1 bar|14.5 psi)
Recommended flow rate 510 ml/min 50 ml/min
pH stability (long term) 39 212
pH stability (short term) 210 114
Storage before use + 4 C Dry at room temperature

* protected by patents of third parties

** proteins ranging from 12.5 to 600 kD under standard conditions

Membrane Chromatography | Protein Purification by Membrane Adsorbers 191

Sartobind 4 mm Capsules for Polishing

Sartobind ion exchange capsules with Ready-to-use format

4 mm bed height are designed to remove Simple and fast set-up
contaminants, e. g. DNA, host cell proteins, No trouble with air entrapment,
endotoxins, leached ligands and viruses, at channeling or bed cracking
accelerated flow rates in flowthrough mode. Membrane pore size of > 3 m allows
This is a direct result of negligible mass trans- purification of large biomolecules and
fer effects and is made possible by the > 3 m viruses
macroporous membrane. The design allows Low unspecific adsorption = less
for robust chromatographic separations and product loss
drastically reduced validation costs. Reduced validation costs
Autoclaving at 121 C for 30 min,
one cycle

Technical Data Sartobind 4 mm Capsules

Membrane Base material Stabilized reinforced cellulose
Membrane thickness 275 m
Membrane types strong cation exchanger S (sulfonic acid)
strong anion exchanger Q
(quaternary amine)
salt tolerant anion exchanger
Sartobind STIC PA (primary amine)
Capsule Design Cylindric
Bed height 4 mm (nominal number of layers: 15)
Housing material Polypropylene
Operation Max. pressure O.4 MPa (4 bar|58 psi)
0.5 MPa (5 bar|73 psi) Sartobind STIC 5"

192 Protein Purification by Membrane Adsorbers | Membrane Chromatography

Technical Data Sartobind 4 mm Capsules

Order No. Chemistry Description Quantity Protein Binding Recommended

Adapter Inlet Capacity* Flow Rate
and Outlet [g] [l/min]
Sartobind nano
92IEXQ42DN-11 Q Luer female 1 0.029 0.03
92IEXQ42DN-11--A Q Luer female 4 0.029 0.03

Sartobind mini
92IEXQ42D4-OO--A Q Hose barb 4 0.2 0.2
92IEXQ42D4-SS--A Q Sanitary flange 4 0.2 0.2

Sartobind nano
92STPA42DN-11--A STIC PA Luer female 4 0.050 0.03

Sartobind nano
92IEXS42DN-11 S Luer female 1 0.025 0.03
92IEXS42DN-11--A S Luer female 4 0.025 0.03

Sartobind mini
92IEXS42D4-OO--A S Hose barb 4 0.175 0.2
92IEXS42D4-SS--A S Sanitary flange 4 0.175 0.2

* Typical dynamic binding capacity at 10% breakthrough was measured with BSA for Q|PA and lysozyme for S chemistry.

For Sartobind STIC PA 150 mM NaCl was added to the buffer.

For further information, please request the brochure, Sartobind Ion Exchange Membrane Adsorber capsules, 4 mm bed height.
Order no. 85030-531-08.

Overview Membrane Types and Formats

Mem- Description Pore Capacity* Sartobind Lab Scale Process Scale

brane Size [mg/ml] A4 96 well MA MA pico nano nano Capsule Capsule
Type [m] sheet 0.8 15, 75 0.08 1 3 FT FT/B&E**
mm 100 ml ml ml 4 mm 8 mm
S Sulfonic acid >3 25 () ()
Q Quaternary ammonium >3 29 () ()
PA Primary amine >3 60 () ()
D Diethylamine >3 22
IDA Iminodiacetic acid >3 3.6
HIC Phenyl >3 44 () ()
Aldehyde Aldehyde 0.45 1
Protein A Recombinant Protein A 0.45 57.5

* Typical dynamic binding capacity 10%

** FT = Flow through, B&E = Bind and elute
available () coming soon

Sartobind Pico with 0.08 ml bed volume and 4 mm bed height as well as Sartobind 96 3well plates, both sizes with Q, PA, S and HIC
are coming soon.

Membrane Chromatography | Protein Purification by Membrane Adsorbers 193

Ordering Information

Luer Lock Units|Sheets|Kits

Order No. Sartobind Quantity

93IEXQ42GB-12--A Sartobind Q 15 4
93IEXS42GB-12--A Sartobind S 15 4
93IEXQ42DB-12--V Sartobind Q 75 2
93IEXS42DB-12--V Sartobind S 75 2
93IEXD42DB-12--V Sartobind D 75 2
93IEXQ42BC-12 Sartobind Q 100 1
93IEXS42BC-12 Sartobind S 100 1
93IDA426DB-12--V Sartobind IDA 75 2
93PRAP06HB-12--A Sartobind Protein A 2 ml 4

Order No. Sartobind A4 Sheet Quantity

94IEXS42-001 Sartobind S A4 Sheet 1
94IEXQ42-001 Sartobind Q A4 Sheet 1
94IEXD42-001 Sartobind D A4 Sheet 1
94IDA-42-001 Sartobind IDA A4 Sheet 1
94ALD-06-001 Sartobind Aldehyde A4 Sheet 1

194 Protein Purification by Membrane Adsorbers | Membrane Chromatography

Sartobind Capsules 4 mm Bed Height

Order No. Description Sartobind Q Quantity

92IEXQ42DN-11 Sartobind Q SingleSep nano 1 ml 1
92IEXQ42DN-11--A Sartobind Q SingleSep nano 1 ml 4
92IEXQ42D4-OO--A Sartobind Q SingleSep mini capsule 4
92IEXQ42D4-SS--A Sartobind Q SingleSep mini capsule 4
92IEXQ42D9-OO--A Sartobind Q SingleSep 5" capsule 4
92IEXQ42D9-SS--A Sartobind Q SingleSep 5" capsule 4
92IEXQ42D1-SS Sartobind Q SingleSep 10" capsule 1
92IEXQ42D2-SS Sartobind Q SingleSep 20" capsule 1
92IEXQ42D3-SS Sartobind Q SingleSep 30" capsule 1
92IEXQ42DC3SS Sartobind Q SingleSep mega capsule 1

Order No. Sartobind S Quantity

92IEXS42DN-11 Sartobind S SingleSep nano 1 ml 1
92IEXS42DN-11--A Sartobind S SingleSep nano 1 ml 4
92IEXS42D4-OO--A Sartobind S SingleSep mini capsule 4
92IEXS42D4-SS--A Sartobind S SingleSep mini capsule 4
92IEXS42D9-OO--A Sartobind S SingleSep 5" capsule 4
92IEXS42D9-SS--A Sartobind S SingleSep 5" capsule 4
92IEXS42D1-SS Sartobind S SingleSep 10" capsule 1
92IEXS42D3-SS Sartobind S SingleSep 30" capsule 1

Order No. Sartobind STIC Quantity

92STPA42DN-11--A Sartobind STIC PA nano 1 ml 4
92STPA42D9-FF--A Sartobind STIC PA 5" capsule 4
92STPA42D1-SS Sartobind STIC PA 10" capsule 1
92STPA42D3-SS Sartobind STIC PA 30" capsule 1
92STPA42DC3SS Sartobind STIC PA mega capsule 1
9ZAIAM0001 Legs for Sartobind mega capsule (stainless steel) 3

Sartobind Capsules 8 mm Bed Height

Order No. Description Sartobind Q Quantity

96IEXQ42EUC11--A Sartobind Q nano 3 ml 4
96IEXQ42E9BFF Sartobind Q 150 ml 1
96IEXQ42E3ESS Sartobind Q Jumbo 5 l 1

Order No. Description Sartobind S Quantity

96IEXS42EUC11--A Sartobind S nano 3 ml 4
96IEXS42E9BFF Sartobind S 150 ml 1
96IEXS42E3ESS Sartobind S Jumbo 5 l 1

Order No. Description Sartobind Phenyl Quantity

96HICP42EUC11--A Sartobind Phenyl nano 3 ml 4
96HICP42E9BFF Sartobind Phenyl 150 ml 1
96HICP42E3ESS Sartobind Phenyl Jumbo 5 l 1
9ZGL--0102 Trolley for Sartobind Jumbo 5 l capsule

Membrane Chromatography | Protein Purification by Membrane Adsorbers 195

196 Protein Purification by Membrane Adsorbers | Chromatography
Air Sampler for
Critical Applications 198
AirPort MD8 Air Sampler 199
Gelatine Membrane Filters 200
BACTairTM 201
for the MD8 Air Samplers 202
Gridded Membrane Filters from
Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Ester)
acc. to ISO Standards, Sterile
and Individually Packaged,
for Colony Counting 205
Microsart e.motion Dispenser 206
Microsart e.motion
Membrane Filters 207
Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose
Ester) Membrane Filters Gridded,
Individually, Sterile Packaged 208
Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Ester)
Membrane Filters, Gridded,
Non-sterile Packaged 210
Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Ester)
and Cellulose Acetate Membrane
Filters, White, Individually,
Sterile Packaged 212
Hydrophobic Edged Cellulose
Nitrate (Cellulose Ester), Cellulose
Acetate and Regenerated
Cellulose Membrane Filters
Individually, Sterile Packaged
& Non-sterile 214
Culture Media in Bottles and Tubes
Absorbent Pads and Petri Dishes 221
Biosart 100 Monitors 223
Biosart 100 Nutrient Media 225
Microsart @filter 100|
Microsart @filter 250
Sterile Disposable Filter Units 226
Microsart Funnel 100|Microsart
Funnel 250 Sterile Disposable
Funnels 228
Biosart 250 Funnels 230
The Sterile-vented Filter Station 231
Microsart Combi.jet 2-branch
Stainless Steel Manifold 236
How to Set-up a
Vacuum Filtration System 238
Accessories for Vacuum Filter
Holders and Manifold Systems 245
Electric Vacuum Pumps 247
School Kit
for Microbiological Experiments 254
Sterility Testing Systems
Sterisart Universal Pump 255
Sterility Testing Systems
Sterisart NF 256
Re-usable Sterility Test System 259

Air Sampler for Critical Applications

The system consists of the MD8 airscan air The MD8 airscan air sampler allows to adjust
sampler and disposable gelatine filter units. selectively and easily air flow rate and sample
The system is routinely used for the quantita- removal speed. By means of a specially devel-
tive detection of air-borne organisms, mainly oped calibration unit (see accessories), the
at filling lines in sterile areas of class A user can calibrate the MD8 airscan locally,
(classification according to EU Guide for e.g. within the scope of validation steps.
GMP), isolators, or blow-fill-seal machines.
After removing the sample, the gelatine filter
The exceptionally high air flow rate of 8 m3/h can be placed directly on the agar culture
enables isokinetic sampling at flow rates that medium for incubation and colony growth.
are usual in laminar flow as well as filtration
of 1 m3 air very quickly (less than 8 minutes).
The filter unit can be placed separately from
the air sampler for remote sampling.

Specifications for the MD8 Airscan Air Sampler

Air flow rate 2.0 m3/h8 m3/h adjustable in 100-liter steps
Timer 199 minutes, adjustable in 1-minute steps
Max. deviation 5% in a temperature range of 15 35 C
Noise level For gelatine membrane filters, max. 62 dB (A)
Weight [kg] Approx. 6.5
Dimensions L W H [mm] 375 242 228
Correction of the air flow When the entered air flow rate cannot be
attained, rate setting the display shows the
max. attainable flow rate for a corresponding
new setting below this value.
Inclusive filter holder 17655 (Gelatine disc filters)

Ordering Information for the MD8 airscan Air Sampler

Order Number
16746 MD8 airscan air sampler, 230 V, 50 Hz
16747 MD8 airscan air sampler, 115 V, 60 Hz

Each version can be switched from 50 to 60 Hz and back.

Accessories for the MD8 airscan Air Sampler

Order Number
17801 Holder for disposable gelatine filter units

Ordering Information for Consumables

Disposable gelatine units, sterile, pack of 10

Order Number
17528--80----ACD Individually packed in 1 polyethylene bag each
17528--80----BZD Individually packed in 3 polyethylene bags each
17528--80----VPD Individually packed in 3 polyethylene bags each,
but label on innermost bag

Special brochures available on request. Order no. SMI2001-e|SM-3011-e

198 Air Monitoring | Microbiological Control

AirPort MD8
Battery-powered Portable Air Sampler

AirPort MD8 is the air sampler for the Flexible adjustment possibilities of the
pharmaceutical industry, the biotechnology, volume flow and the sample volume.
the food and beverage industry, for hospitals User-friendly prompting with the option of
environmental care and for work safety. four languages; English, French,
German and Spanish.
AirPort MD8 Offers the Following Parameters last used stored even after
Benefits automatic shut-off.
Battery-powered and portable for The device can be calibrated locally.
universal use.
Battery power level clearly indicated so For guaranteeing reliable and exact
constant performance during sampling measurement results AirPort MD8 uses
is guaranteed. the gelatine membrane filter method
Ergonomic design and easy to clean. or the impaction method with BACTairTM.

Specifications for AirPort MD8

Volume flow regulation By an integrated impeller wheel.
Volume flow adjustable 30 l/min., 40 l/min., 50 l/min. and 125 l/min.
Fixed given sample volumes 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 liters. In
addition, the sample volume can be chosen
manually in 5-liter steps.
Operational life with one battery charge Approx. 4.5 hours for 50 l/min
Noise level For gelatine membrane filters 48 dB (A)
Weight [kg] Approx. 2.5
Dimensions L W H [mm] 300 135 165
Inclusive adapter 17801 (for disposable gelatine filter units)
17803 (for BACTairTM Plates)

Power Supply
Battery NiMH 16.8 Volt/3800 mAh
Battery charger input 100240 V/4763 Hz/600 mA
Battery charger output 24 V/1000 mA
Charging time Approx. 4.5 hours for empty battery

Ordering Information for the AirPort MD8

Order Number
16757 AirPort MD8, complete with two adapters
(17801 and 17803) and battery charger

Accessories and Replacement Parts for the AirPort MD8

Order Number
17803 Adapter for BACTairTM on the
AirPort MD8 air sampler
17801 Holder for disposable gelatine filter units
69898525 Battery charger

Ordering Information for Consumables

Please refer to the following pages.

Special brochures available on request. Order no. SM-1502-e and SM-4023-e

Microbiological Control | Air Monitoring 199

Gelatine Membrane Filters

Gelatine filters in conjunction with the MD8 Gelatine filters in conjunction with the MD8
air samplers (gelatine filter method) are used air samplers offer the following features and
for collecting of airborne microbes and viru- benefits:
ses. Gelatine filter disposables are individually Absolute retention rate (99.9995%
packed, pre-sterilized and ready-to-connect for Bac. sub. niger spores, 99.94% for T3
units, each consisting of a gelatine membrane phages).
filter and a holder. Gelatine membrane filters The filter maintains the viability of
are still available as filter discs, suitable for collected microorganisms for a relevant
the filter holder 17655 (80 mm diameter) and meaningful sampling time.
supplied with the MD8 airscan air samplers, Gelatine filters are completely water-
as well as in smaller diameters. soluble. Therefore, microbes in one sample
can be cultivated in|on different nutrient
media or low and high bacteria counts can
be measured. The sample is not affected
by inhibitors.
The solubility of the gelatine filter is a
prerequisite for virus sampling.

Specifications of Gelatine Filters

Gelatine filters Water soluble, pore size 3 m, 80 mm
diameter, thickness approx. 250 m
Thermal resistance Max. 60 C
Air flow rate Approx. 2.7 l/min./cm2 at p = 0.05 bar
Retention rates 1. Bac. subtilis niger spores 99.9995% at
0.25 m/s inlet velocity.
2. Coli phages: phage T1, 99.9% at 0.3 m/s
inlet velocity and 50% rel. air humidity.
Phage T3, 99.94% at 0.3 m/s inlet velocity
and 80% rel. humidity.
Filtration area 38.5 cm2
Conditions for use Room temperature, max. 30 C,
max. air humidity 85%
Sterilization Supplied pre-sterilized by gamma irradiation

Disposable Gelatine Units, Sterile, Pack of 10

Order Number
17528--80----ACD Individually packed in 1 polyethylene bag each
17528--80----BZD Individually packed in 3 polyethylene bags each
17528--80----VPD Individually packed in 3 polyethylene bags
each, but label on innermost bag

Gelatine Disc Filter, Sterile, Sealed in Units of Five Each in a Polyethylene Bag

Order Number Diameter Package Size

12602--80----ALK 80 mm 50
12602--50----ALN 50 mm 100
12602--50----ALK 50 mm 50
12602--47----ALN 47 mm 100
12602--47----ALK 47 mm 50
12602--37----ALK 37 mm 50

Special brochure available on request. Order no. SM-3011-e

200 Air Monitoring | Microbiological Control

BACTairTM Big Impact
Microbiological Air Monitoring by the Impaction Method

A new developed system for sampling This new method uses the AirPort MD8 air
airborne organisms that allows impaction sampler to draw the air stream over the
onto culture media plates, where the plates BACTairTM Culture Media Plates. BACTairTM
function directly as collection heads. This is ready-to-connect to the AirPort MD8.
means that the collection properties are
integrated right into the culture media BACTairTM offers the following benefits:
plates. Metal sieve plates or metal collection Individually, sterile packaged
heads with slots, which have to be sterilized Integrated disposable sieve
for routine samplings on a regular basis, are Pre-filled with agar media
eliminated. Now, non-sterile sieves or slots Samples 1 m3 in just 8 min
have become a thing of the past. Optimized geometry

The geometry of the culture medium plate

and the 400 holes in the sieve plate yield
exceptional sampling efficiency, which
is generally higher than that of other
impaction samplers.

Specifications for BACTairTM

Material Polystyrene
Dimensions [mm] 116 24
Number of impaction holes 400 holes, 0.47 mm each
High retention of particles > 0.65 m
Sterilization Gamma irradiation

BACTairTM Culture Media Plates with Agar, 110 mm, Individually, Sterile Packaged, 10 Units

Order Number Determination of Medium Type

14320-110----ACD Total Count Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA)
14321-110----ACD Yeasts and molds Sabouraud Agar (acc. USP)

Other BACTairTM Culture Media types on request.

Air Sampler
16757 AirPort MD8 Air Sampler for BACTairTM
incl. charger

17803 Adapter for BACTairTM on the AirPort MD8 air
1ZPX-D0002 Covers for BACTairTM Culture Media Plates,
10 2 units individually, sterile packaged
14301-110------K BACTairTM Plates, sterile, without media, 50 units

Special brochures are available on request. Order no. SM-4023-e and SL-2047-e

Microbiological Control | Air Monitoring 201

for the MD8 Air Samplers

Calibration Unit Tubing and Connectors Set

The user can calibrate the MD8 airscan and If the disposable gelatine filter unit is not
AirPort MD8 directly on the job by means of placed directly at the MD8 airscan, but at a
the calibration unit*. distance from it, a flexible plastic hose (2 m
or 5 m), a connectors set and, if not available,
This is absolutely necessary above all within a holder (tripod 16970, double socket 16976,
the scope of validation steps, for which it clamp 17037) are necessary for the connec-
is important that the shown air flow rate tion between filter and MD8 airscan. The
(desired value at the MD8) corresponds to autoclavable silicone hose is used instead of
the actual air amount (actual value at the the flexible plastic hose, if the MD8 airscan
calibration device). The calibration unit is has to be used in sterile rooms, operating
supplied complete with battery charger| rooms, isolators, blow-fill-seal machines,
power supply unit (specific for the country etc. With this hose attached to the air outlet
in which it is used), filter holder, connectors connector (exhaust), the waste air can be led
set and connection tube (PVC, 2 m). off into another room.

* Alternatively, a maintenance agreement can be signed. Case

Within the scope of the contractual services, Sartorius
Stedim Biotech technicians will carry out a calibration of
A stable case for the transport and the
the MD8 at regular intervals. storage of a MD8 airscan, incl. accessories.

Aluminum Stack
Specifications for Calibration Unit It consists of a middle part, 10 numbered
Dimensions Length, 300 mm filter holders and 2 end caps. The stack is
(without filter holder), first sterilized (by 180 C dry heat, 2 h), and
Width, 390 mm with handles then equipped with the filters under sterile
Height, 182 mm min., conditions (LF cleanbench). The prepared
200 mm max. (adjustable feet) filter holders are put on one side of the
middle part. After removing the sample,
Connectors Quick locks (bayonet principle) the inserted filter holders are put on the
Operational Approx. 4 hours other side of the middle part, so that used
life with and unused filter holders are separated
full battery from each other.
Charge time Approx. 10 hours Accessories for Isolator Application
for empty For the monitoring of isolators with MD8
battery airscan, we recommend using stainless steel
Measuring 116 m3/h accessories such as adapters 17016 (DN25)
range or 17030 (DN30), clamps 17033 for sanitary
flanges, connector 17659---001 or
Max. error 116 m3/h, 2% 17659---003 (for tri clamp) and the filter
Type of IP 40 holder for gelatine filter disposables
protection 17801---001 as well as a Sartofluor capsule
Allowable Min. 0 C, max. 40 C with PTFE membrane and sanitary flange inlet
ambient and outlet, for sterile air filtration inserted
temperature between the MD8 airscan and isolator. This
construction makes it possible that the MD8
Weight Approx. 11 kg air sampler remains outside the critical work
area (the barrier function bet ween different
clean-room classes is maintained).
Special brochure available on request.
Order no. SL-2028-e

202 Air Monitoring | Microbiological Control

Accessories for Remote Control Function
Users of the MD8 airscan now have the
possibility of operating this air sampler
from a distance, using either of two remote
control configurations:

a) Via a PC (with Microsoft 95/98 or higher)

with MD8 airscan dialog system and cable
connection to the MD8 airscan
b) Via a PLC interface unit (1ZE---0003).

Gelatine Membrane Filter, 80 mm, Sterile,

Pack of 50 for Use with Stack
Gelatine membrane filters are still available as
80 mm filter discs, suitable for the filter
holder supplied with the MD8 airscan. The
filters are sterile-supplied, but the filter hold-
ers have to be sterilized by dry heat (180 C,
2h) and then equipped with the filters under
sterile conditions. For performing routine
check-ups, a stack is recommended in this case.

Further Consumables for Air Monitoring

If gelatine filters cannot be used (high
humidity, high temperature), it is recom-
mended to use cellulose nitrate filters.

Accessories for the MD8 Air Samplers

Order Number
16756 Calibration unit for the MD8 air samplers
17208 Case for MD8 airscan
17656 Aluminum stack for MD8 air samplers

Replacement Parts for the Stack

Order Number
17655 Individual filter holders for gelatine filter type
17660 Middle part
17661 End cap

Tubing and Connectors Set

Order Number
17085 Flexible PVC hose with reinforced ends (2 m)
17088 Flexible PVC hose with reinforced ends (5 m)
17662 Silicone tubing, sterilizable
(1 m, state length required)
17657 Set of connectors
(consisting of 17658 and 17659), aluminum
17658 Connector (air sampler inlet to flexible hose),
17659 Connector (flexible hose to filter
holder|adapter), aluminum

Microbiological Control | Air Monitoring 203

Accessories for Isolator Application

Order Number
17016 Adapter (DN 25 hose barb to 1"1 "
sanitary flange) to connect MD8 airscan
to an isolator via silicone tubing and a filter
capsule, stainless steel
17030 Adapter (DN 30 hose barb to 1"1"
sanitary flange) to connect MD8 airscan to
an isolator via flexible PVC hose and filter
capsule, stainless steel
17033 Clamp for 1"1" sanitary flanges, stainless
17659---001 Connector (flexible hose to filter
holder|adapter), hose nipple, stainless steel
17659---003 Connector (flexible hose to filter
holder|adapter), tri clamp, stainless steel
17801---001 Adapter for gelatine filter disposables,
stainless steel
5185307TS-----SS Sartofluor MidiCap Capsule with PTFE
membrane and sanitary flange inlet and out-
let, for sterile air filtration inserted between
the MD8 airscan and isolator

Accessories for Remote Control Function

Order Number
1ZE---0003 Remote control (Interface) for MD8 airscan
designed for PLC units
1ZE---0004 Remote control for MD8 airscan for use with
PC (dialog system software)

Consumables Used with Stack

Gelatine disc filters, 3 m pore size, 80 mm, 50 pieces/pack

Order Number
12602-080 ALK Gelatine disc filter, sterile, sealed in units of
five each in a polyethylene bag

Further Consumables for Air Monitoring

Cellulose nitrate membrane filters, 80 mm diameter, 100 pieces/pack

Order Number
11404--80----ALN Cellulose nitrate membrane filters, 0.8 m,
white with black grid, pre-sterilized in bags of 5
13004--80----ALN Cellulose nitrate membrane filters, 0.8 m,
gray with white grid, pre-sterilized in bags of 5
11301--80----ALN Cellulose nitrate membrane filters, 8 m,
white no grid, pre-sterilized in bags of 5

204 Air Monitoring | Microbiological Control

Gridded Membrane Filters from Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Ester) acc. to
ISO Standards, Sterile and Individually Packaged, for Colony Counting

Sterile, individually packed filters have long Specifications

become standard for routine microbiological
quality control because of the user benefits The Membrane Filters
they offer. All membranes are made of cellulose nitrate,
a material which assures effective retention
They are pre-sterilized and ready-to-use with high flow rates and optimum colony
and save preparatory time. As they are indi- growth. The printed grid with a size of
vidually packed, they avoid the possibility of 3.1 3.1 mm makes the counting easier,
contamination of remaining filters in opened especially for higher bacteria counts and for
packs and conform with GLP, having filter microcolonies, but does not influence the
identification and lot number printed on each growth. The various filter colors allow the
individual envelope. best contrast to the colonies and particles.

The increasing demand on these filters High Flow Membranes

required the construction of a new packaging The standard membrane filter for micro-
machine with ultra-modern stamping. Each biological analysis is an 0.45 m filter. One
membrane is checked to ensure it is not special variant is the High Flow membrane. It
damaged in any way, is positioned correctly provides 30% higher flow rates in comparison
with no slippage under the edge seal, has to traditional 0.45 m membranes. The special
perfect grid printing and is free of particles. pore structure of the new 0.45 m HighFlow
Each envelope is checked for readable membrane filters allows shorter filtration
lettering. Quality control par excellence! times due to higher flow rates and through-
puts. Especially E. coli shows best growth
These membrane filters are in accordance promotion on High Flow Membranes. As every
with the following norms: ISO 7704, ISO Sartorius Stedim Biotech 0.45 m membrane
7899-2, ISO 8199, ISO 9308-1 and ISO 16266. filter lot, these membranes are also tested
In addition to this they have been manufac- and released according to ISO 7704.
tured for use especially at the same time with
Sartorius Stedim Biotech Nutrient Pads in Additional Membrane Filters
accordance with the AFNOR (French Stand- Cellulose nitrate (cellulose ester) membrane
ards), the American Petroleum Institute, the filters, gridded, non-sterile packaged
American Society for Microbiology, the APHA (page 210).
Standard Methods, the Association of Official
Analytical Chemists, the British Drinking Cellulose nitrate (cellulose ester) and cellulose
Water Guideline, the British Standards, the acetate membrane filters, white, individually,
DGHM (German Association of Hygiene and sterile packaged (page 212).
Microbiology), the DIN Guidelines (German
Standards), the European Brewery Commu- Hydrophobic edge membranes are used
nity, the European Drinking Water Guideline mainly in the sterility testing of solutions
98/83, the European Pharmacopoeia, the containing antibiotics (page 214).
German Pharmacopoeia, the International
Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar
Analysis, the International Dairy Federation,
the International Fruit Juice Producers, the
ISO Guidelines, the LMBG (German food
law), the method described by Lanaridris &
Lafon-Lafourcade, the method described
in the journal of Food Protection, the
method described in the journal of the
Institute of Brewing, the methods of the
Central European Brewery Commission, the
MNO (Mineral|Table Water Guideline), the
National Canners Association, the testing
procedures for packaging stuff, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, the United
States Pharmacopoeia, the US Department
of Agriculture, the VLB (German Institute
of Brewery), the Zentralblatt fr Hygiene
(Journal of Hygiene), the US Federal Drug
Administration and Internal Standard
Operation Procedures.

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 205

Microsart e.motion Dispenser

Fully automated membrane filter dispenser The dispensers low weight makes it easy to
for individually sterile cellulose nitrate filter transport. Both its functions and design are
discs. ideal, giving you the versatility and flexibility
you need in your lab.
The membrane filters are automatically
removed from their sterile package either Applications
in a touch-free mode via an optical sensor Membrane filters for colony counting,
or at the touch of a button. A pedal switch particle testing and microscopy
can be optionally connected to the dispenser.
Thanks to their new motorized traction roller, Some of the advantages you will benefit
each filter is quickly and reliably dispensed. from when using the Microsart e.motion
Membranes that accidentally slide out of dispenser:
their packaging or that even get damaged Fully automated membrane filter
in the process are now problems of the past. dispenser
Works hands-free by an optical sensor
The controller specially developed for the Works by touch button
Microsart e.motion prevents unwanted Compact design
dispensing of several membrane filters at Rapid and reliable transport due to
a time its simple, fail-safe, and fast. sprocket feed roll technology
Easy insertion of the filter band
The clear, compact design of the dispenser Easy-to-clean
allows quick and easy cleaning. The
Microsart e.motion has an interface port
available so that other sensor systems can
be connected to control the dispenser.

Specifications of the Microsart e.motion Dispenser

Dimensions L H W [mm] 204 213 165
Weight [kg] 2.9
Operating voltage 110 V|230 V optional
Frequency 5060 Hz
Max. power Consumption 10 W
Dispensing speed 0.5 sec
Dispenser delay 5 sec
Certificates CE Mark and EMC Directive,
European Standards EN 50081-1 and 2,
EN 50082-1 and -2, EN 61010

Order Number for Microsart e.motion Dispenser

16712 Microsart e.motion dispenser,
fully automated membrane filter dispenser
1ZE---0028 Pedal (foot switch) for Microsart e.motion

206 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Microsart e.motion Membrane Filters

The membrane filter band specially Some of the advantages you will benefit
designed for the Microsart e.motion can from when using the Microsart e.motion
be conveniently inserted, and changed easily membrane filters:
and rapidly as needed, even without having Outstanding recovery rates for
to completely use up a complete package microorganisms
quantity. Each box contains 100 membrane 0.45 m are acc. to ISO 7704
filters individually sealed on a special Multi-fit: Fits into various dispensers
pleated band, and is designed so that it Protective paper-free
is easy to open and seal for storage. Packaged on a special pleated band
Microsart e.motion reliable help in Product data are printed on
your lab. High Flow membranes available
Gamma irradiated, 25kGray


Please refer to the membrane type:

Cellulose nitrate (cellulose ester), gridded, individually, sterile packaged.

Order Numbers for Microsart e.motion Membrane Filters

Diameter 47 mm or 50 mm, in Pack of 3 100 Membranes, Individually,

Sterile Packaged, without Protective Paper
White|black 11407Z-47----SCM 0.2 m
White|black 11407Z-50----SCM 0.2 m
White|black 114H6Z-47----SCM 0.45 m High Flow
White|black 114H6Z-50----SCM 0.45 m High Flow
White|black 11406Z-47----SCM 0.45 m
White|black 11406Z-50----SCM 0.45 m
White|black 11404Z-47----SCM 0.8 m
White|black 11403Z-47----SCM 1.2 m
White|black 11403Z-50----SCM 1.2 m
White|black 11402Z-47----SCM 3 m
White|green 139H6Z-47----SCM 0.45 m High Flow
White|green 13906Z-47----SCM 0.45 m
White|green 13906Z-50----SCM 0.45 m
Green|dark green 13806Z-47----SCM 0.45 m
Green|dark green 13806Z-50----SCM 0.45 m
Gray*|white 130H6Z-50----SCM 0.45 m High Flow
Gray*|white 13006Z-47----SCM 0.45 m
Gray*|white 13006Z-50----SCM 0.45 m
Gray*|white 13005Z-47----SCM 0.65 m
Gray*|white 13005Z-50----SCM 0.65 m
Gray*|white 13004Z-47----SCM 0.8 m
Gray*|white 13004Z-50----SCM 0.8 m

* Gray membranes after wetting black

Microsart e.motion Membrane Filters are also available together with Nutrient Pads (page

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 207

Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Ester) Membrane Filters
Gridded, Individually, Sterile Packaged

Applications Outstanding recovery rates for

Membrane filters for colony counting, microorganisms
particle testing and microscopy 0.45 m are acc. to ISO 7704
High Flow membranes available
Some of the advantages you will benefit Three different colors available
from when using this type of membrane Certified quality
filter: Gamma irradiated, 25kGray

Design 47 or 50 mm in diameter, white, grey or
green and gridded
Growth Promotion Test No enhancement or inhibition by the grid
acc. to ISO 7704 lines
No enhancement or inhibition due to
chemical extractables
No enhancement or inhibition by the
sterilization process
Sterility test Sterile
Thermal resistance 130 C max.
Thickness acc. to DIN 53105 115145 m
Chemical compatibility Aqueous solutions (pH 4-8), hydrocarbons
and several other organic solvents.
Detailed information in section Chemical
Compatibility under Cellulose Nitrate type
113 (page 124).

Typical Performance Rates for Various Pore Sizes

Pore size 0.2 m* 0.45 m** 0.45 m 0.65 m
High Flow**
Flow rate for water per cm2 at 20 70 100 130
1 bar acc. to DIN 58355 [ml/min]
Coliform retention [%] 100 100 100 n. a.
Recovery rate lot-released acc. > 90 > 90 > 90 > 90
to ISO 7704 [%]

* Pore size determined by quantitative retention of Brevundimonas diminuta in accordance with the ASTM Document
F 838-83 (1993) Standard test method for determining bacterial retention of membrane filters utilized for liquid
** Pore size determined by quantitative retention of Serratia marcescens in accordance with the Standard Methods of
Water and Waste Water

208 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

White Membrane with Black Grid, for Detection of Bacteria with Dyed Media,
Particle Count & Microscopy, Type 114, Individually, Sterile Packaged

Pore Size Order No. Diameter Pack Size

0.2 m 11407--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11407--47----ACR 47 mm 1,000
11407--50----ACN 50 mm 100
11407--50----ACR 50 mm 1,000
0.45 m 11406--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11406--47----ACR 47 mm 1,000
11406--50----ACN 50 mm 100
11406--50----ACR 50 mm 1,000
0.45 m High Flow* 114H6--47----ACN 47 mm 100
114H6--47----ACR 47 mm 1,000
114H6--50----ACN 50 mm 100
114H6--50----ACR 50 mm 1,000
0.65 m 11405--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11405--50----ACN 50 mm 100
0.8 m 11404--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11404--47----ACR 47 mm 1,000
11404--50----ACN 50 mm 100
1.2 m 11403--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11403--47----ACR 47 mm 1,000
11403--50----ACN 50 mm 100
11403--50----ACR 50 mm 1,000

White Membrane with Green Grid, for Detection of Bacteria with Dyed Media,
Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 139, Individually, Sterile Packaged
0.45 m 13906--47----ACN 47 mm 100
13906--47----ACR 47 mm 1,000
13906--50----ACN 50 mm 100
13906--50----ACR 50 mm 1,000
0.45 m High Flow* 139H6--47----ACN 47 mm 100
139H6--47----ACR 47 mm 1,000
139H6--50----ACN 50 mm 100
0.65 m 13905--47----ACN 47 mm 100
1.2 m 13903--47----ACN 47 mm 100

Green Membrane with Dark-Green Grid, Providing Optimal Contrast to Light-Colored

or Transparent Bacteria Colonies, Type 138, Individually, Sterile Packaged
0.45 m 13806--47----ACN 47 mm 100
13806--47----ACR 47 mm 1,000
13806--50----ACN 50 mm 100
13806--50----ACR 50 mm 1,000

Gray Membrane (after Wetting, Black) with White Grid, for Detection of Yeasts
and Molds, Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 130, Individually, Sterile Packaged
0.45 m 13006--47----ACN 47 mm 100
13006--47----ACR 47 mm 1,000
13006--50----ACN 50 mm 100
13006--50----ACR 50 mm 1,000
0.65 m 13005--47----ACN 47 mm 100
13005--50----ACN 50 mm 100
13005--50----ACR 50 mm 1,000
0.8 m 13004--47----ACN 47 mm 100
13004--47----ACR 47 mm 1,000
13004--50----ACN 50 mm 100

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 209

Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Ester) Membrane Filters,
Gridded, Non-sterile Packaged

Applications Some of the advantages you will benefit

Membrane filters for colony counting, from when using this type of membrane
particle testing and microscopy filter:
Outstanding recovery rates for
0.45 m are acc. to ISO 7704
Three different colors available

Design 25, 47 or 50 mm in diameter, white,
grey or green and gridded
Growth Promotion Test No enhancement or inhibition by the grid
acc. to ISO 7704 lines
No enhancement or inhibition due to
chemical extractables
Thermal resistance 130 C max.
Thickness acc. to DIN 53105 115145 m
Chemical compatibility Aqueous solutions (pH 4-8), hydrocarbons
and several other organic solvents.
Detailed information in section Chemical
Compatibility under Cellulose Nitrate type
113 (page 124).

Typical Performance Rates for Various Pore Sizes

Pore size 0.2 m* 0.45 m** 0.65 m
Flow rate for water per cm at 20 70 130
1 bar acc. to DIN 58355 [ml/min]
Coliform retention [%] 100 100 n. a.
Recovery rate lot-released acc. to ISO 7704 [%] > 90 > 90 > 90

* Pore size determined by quantitative retention of Brevundimonas diminuta in accordance with the ASTM Document
F 838-83 (1993) Standard test method for determining bacterial retention of membrane filters utilized for liquid
** Pore size determined by quantitative retention of Serratia marcescens in accordance with the Standard Methods of
Water and Waste Water

210 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

White Membrane with Black Grid, for Detection of Bacteria with Dyed Media,
Particle Count & Microscopy, Type 114, Non-sterile

Pore Size Order No. Diameter Pack Size

0.2 m 11407--25------N 25 mm 100
11407--47------N 47 mm 100
11407--47------R 47 mm 1,000
11407--50------N 50 mm 100
0.45 m 11406--25------N 25 mm 100
11406--47------N 47 mm 100
11406--47------R 47 mm 1,000
11406--50------N 50 mm 100
11406--50------R 50 mm 1,000
0.65 m 11405--47------N 47 mm 100
0.8 m 11404--25------N 25 mm 100
11404--47------N 47 mm 100
11404--50------N 50 mm 100
1.2 m 11403--25------N 25 mm 100
11403--47------N 47 mm 100
11403--50------N 50 mm 100

White Membrane with Green Grid, for Detection of Bacteria with Dyed Media,
Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 139, Non-sterile
0.45 m 13906--47------N 47 mm 100
13906--47------R 47 mm 1,000
13906--50------N 50 mm 100
13906--50------R 50 mm 1,000

Green Membrane with Dark-Green Grid, Providing Optimal Contrast to Light-Colored

or Transparent Bacteria Colonies, Type 138, Non-sterile
0.45 m 13806--47------N 47 mm 100
13806--47------R 47 mm 1,000
13806--50------N 50 mm 100
13806--50------R 50 mm 1,000

Gray Membrane (After Wetting, Black) with White Grid, for Detection of Yeasts
and Molds, Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 130, Non-sterile
0.45 m 13006--25------N 25 mm 100
13006--47------N 47 mm 100
13006--47------R 47 mm 1,000
13006--50------N 50 mm 100
0.65 m 13005--47------N 47 mm 100
13005--50------N 50 mm 100
0.8 m 13004--47------N 47 mm 100
13004--50------N 50 mm 100

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 211

Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Ester) and Cellulose Acetate Membrane
Filters, White, Individually, Sterile Packaged

Sterile, individually packed filters have long Additional Applications

become standard for routine microbiological 11301, a white CN membrane filter with
quality control because of the user benefits a pore size of 8 m is used as a prefilter in
they offer. They are pre-sterilized and ready- a special prefilter attachment (16807) for
to-use and save preparatory time. As they are bacteriological analyses. It retains the coarse
individually packed, they avoid the possibility suspended particles, whereas it allows
of contaminating remaining filters in opened microorganisms to pass through. These
packs and conform with GLP, having filter microbes are trapped on the surface of the
identification and lot number printed on each underlying bacteria-retentive membrane
individual envelope. filter (e.g. 0.45 m).

Materials 11107, a white CA membrane filter with a

The membranes are made of even cellulose pore size of 0.2 m is the filter of choice for
nitrate (cellulose ester), a material which sterile filtration, such as nutrient media,
assures effective retention with high flow buffer and sera. This membrane is validated
rates and optimum colony growth or cellulose by the Bacteria Challenge Test.
acetate, a material which combines high flow
rates and thermal stability with very low Applications
adsorption characteristics. Membrane filters for colony counting,
sterility testing, particle testing and

Some of the advantages you will benefit

from when using this type of membrane
Outstanding recovery rates for
Defined particle retention
0.45 m are acc. to ISO 7704
0.2 m are validated by BCT
Certified quality
Gamma-irradiated, 25kGray

212 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Design 25, 47 or 50 mm in diameter, white
Growth Promotion Test acc. to ISO 7704 No enhancement or inhibition by the
sterilization process
No enhancement or inhibition due
to chemical extractables
Sterility test Sterile
Thermal resistance CN: 130 C max. | CA: 180 C max.
Thickness acc. to DIN 53105 CN: 115145 m | CA: 120 m (average value)
Chemical compatibility Aqueous solutions (pH 48), hydrocarbons
and several other organic solvents.
Detailed information in section Chemical
Compatibility under Cellulose Nitrate type
113 and Cellulose Acetate type 111
(page 124).

Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, White, for Colony Counting, Sterility Testing,
Particle Count & Microscopy, Type 113, Individually, Sterile Packaged

Pore Size Order No. Diameter Pack Size

0.45 m 11306--25----ACN 25 mm 100
11306--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11306--50----ACN 50 mm 100
0.65 m 11305--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11305--50----ACN 50 mm 100
0.8 m 11304--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11304--50----ACN 50 mm 100
1.2 m 11303--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11303--50----ACN 50 mm 100
3 m 11302--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11302--50----ACN 50 mm 100
8 m 11301--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11301--50----ACN 50 mm 100

Cellulose Acetate* Membrane Filters, White, for Colony Counting, Sterility Testing,
Particle Count & Microscopy, Type 111, Individually, Sterile Packaged
0.2 m 11107--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11107--50----ACN 50 mm 100
0.45 m 11106--47----ACN 47 mm 100
11106--50----ACN 50 mm 100

* If cellulose nitrate is not compatible.

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 213

Hydrophobic Edged Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Ester),
Cellulose Acetate and Regenerated Cellulose Membrane Filters
Individually, Sterile Packaged & Non-sterile
Hydrophobic edge membranes are used Applications
mainly for colony counting and sterility test- Membrane filters for colony counting
ing of solutions containing substances with and sterility testing
antibiotic characteristics. The hydrophobic
edge avoids the penetration of any growth- Some of the advantages you will benefit
inhibitory substance into the membrane from when using this type of membrane
clamp zone wherefrom it could not be rinsed filter:
out and the substance could inhibit microbial Outstanding retention rates for
growth during incubation. microorganisms
0.45 m are acc. to ISO 7704
Materials 0.2 m are validated by BCT
The membranes are available in three Certified quality
different materials:
Cellulose nitrate (cellulose ester), a
material which assures effective retention
with high flow rates and optimum colony
Cellulose acetate, a material which com-
bines high flow rates and thermal stability
with very low adsorption characteristics
Regenerated cellulose, a material which
combines excellent chemical resistance and
thermal stability with very low adsorption

Design 25, 47 or 50 mm in diameter, white or
white with black grid
Growth Promotion Test No enhancement or inhibition by the grid
acc. to ISO 7704 lines
No enhancement or inhibition due to
chemical extractables
No enhancement or inhibition by the
sterilization process
Sterility test Sterile
Thermal resistance CN: 130 C max. | CA and RC: 180 C max.
Thickness acc. to DIN 53105 CN: 115145 m | CA: 120 m (average value) |
RC: 160200 m
Chemical compatibility Aqueous solutions (pH 48), hydrocarbons
and several other organic solvents, RC
is resistant to almost all solvents and
is compatible in a pH-range of 3-12.
Detailed information in section Chemical
Compatibility under Cellulose Nitrate type
113, page 124, Cellulose Acetate type 111
and Regenerated Cellulose type 184.

214 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, White with Black Grid, 3 mm Hydrophobic Edge,
for Colony Counting & Sterility Testing, Type 131, Individually, Sterile Packaged

Pore Size Order No. Diameter Pack Size

0.2 m 13107--47----ACN 47 mm 100
13107--50----ACN 50 mm 100
0.45 m 13106--47----ACN 47 mm 100
13106--50----ACN 50 mm 100

Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, White with Black Grid, 6 mm Hydrophobic Edge,
for Colony Counting & Sterility Testing, Type 131, Individually, Sterile Packaged
0.45 m 13106--47----HEN 47 mm 100

Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, White with Black Grid, 3 mm Hydrophobic Edge,
for Colony Counting & Sterility Testing, Type 131, Non-sterile
0.2 m 13107--25------N 25 mm 100
13107--47------N 47 mm 100
13107--50------N 50 mm 100
0.45 m 13106--25------N 25 mm 100
13106--47------N 47 mm 100
13106--50------N 50 mm 100
8 m 13101--47------N 47 mm 100
13101--50------N 50 mm 100

Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, White, 3 mm Hydrophobic Edge,

for Colony Counting & Sterility Testing, Type 131, Non-sterile
8 m 13101--50----AHN 50 mm 100

Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, White with Black Grid, 6 mm Hydrophobic Edge,
for Colony Counting & Sterility Testing, Type 131, Non-sterile
0.2 m 13107--47----HCN 47 mm 100
0.45 m 13106--47----HCN 47 mm 100

Cellulose Acetate* Membrane Filters, White with Black Grid, 3 mm Hydrophobic Edge,
for Colony Counting & Sterility Testing, Type 135, Individually, Sterile Packaged
0.2 m 13507--47----ACN 47 mm 100
0.45 m 13506--47----ACN 47 mm 100
13506--50----ACN 50 mm 100

* If cellulose nitrate is not compatible

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 215

Cellulose Acetate* Membrane Filters, White with Black Grid, 3 mm Hydrophobic Edge,
for Colony Counting & Sterility Testing, Type 135, Sterile,
Packaged of 10 Discs per Sleeve

Pore Size Order No. Diameter Pack Size

0.45 m 13506--47----ALS 47 mm 100

Cellulose Acetate* Membrane Filters, White with Black Grid, 3 mm Hydrophobic Edge,
for Colony Counting & Sterility Testing, Type 135, Non-sterile
0.2 m 13507--47------N 47 mm 100
0.45 m 13506--47------N 47 mm 100

Cellulose Acetate* Membrane Filters, White with Black Grid, 6 mm Hydrophobic Edge,
for Colony Counting & Sterility Testing, Type 135, Non-sterile
0.45 m 13506--47----HCN 47 mm 100

Regenerated Cellulose* Membrane Filters, White, Hydrophobic Edged, for Colony Count-
ing & Sterility Testing, Type 184, 100 Membranes per Box, Individually, Sterile Packaged
0.45 m 18406--47----ACN 47 mm 3 mm hydropho. edge
18406--47----HDN 47 mm 4 mm hydropho. edge

* If cellulose nitrate is not compatible

216 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Nutrient Pad Sets Dehydrated Media Pads in Petri Dishes,
with Matching Membrane Filters for Economical, Time-saving
Microbiological Quality Control
Sartorius Stedim Biotech Nutrient Pad Sets Benefits for the User
have been used successfully in the membrane
filter method for 30 years. Practical and easy Economy
to handle, they reduce labor and simplify No time-consuming and labor-intensive
many microbiological testing procedures. preparation of the nutrient media
(sterilization, cleaning, etc.).
Nutrient pads are sterile, dehydrated culture
media. Once they are moistened with Easy Handling
3.03.5 ml of sterile and demineralized Nutrient Pad Sets can also be used in
(or distilled) water they are ready to use laboratories without comprehensive
immediately. microbiological equipment.

Ready-to-use up to 24 Months Consistently Quality

The standard NPS box contains 100 sterile During the production, each nutrient pad set
nutrient pads, each of which is individually batch is compared with the corresponding
inserted in a petri dish and sterilized. Ten agar medium, in order to guarantee
each of these petri dishes are sealed in an consistently quality and reproducible results.
aluminum bag. This special packaging in bags
protects the sensitive formula constituents Trouble-free Storage
of the nutrient pads during transport and Nutrient Pad Sets can be stored at room
storage from fluctuations in humidity and temperature in a warehouse, up to
temperature. As a result, it guarantees the 24 months.
high quality of our NPS throughout their
entire shelf life up to 24 months. This makes
the Sartorius Stedim Biotech Nutrient
Pads Sets unique: No other ready-to-use
culture media around the globe assures such
consistently high quality and reproducible
results up to 24 months.

Compliance with International Standards

Currently, Sartorius Stedim Biotech offers
more than 30 different Nutrient Pad Set
types to meet the diverse objectives of micro-
biological analysis. Aside from the European
drinking water directive, they comply with
other international regulations and recom-
mendations: international pharmacopoeias,
DIN and ISO standards, the American Stand-
ards for Water and Foods, mineral water
regulations, brewery guidelines, such as
MEBAC or EBC, and recommendations of
the food industry, such as LMBG, NCA and
ICUMSA, etc.

Inclusive Membranes
All Nutrient Pad Set types are supplied with
the appropriate membrane filters, which are
also pre-sterilized and individually pack-
aged. Microsart e.motion Membrane Filters
are specially designed for the Microsart
e.motion Dispenser and can be conveni-
ently inserted. The membrane filters then
are automatically removed from their sterile
package either in a touch-free mode via an
optical sensor or at the touch of a button. All
membrane filters tailored to meet the special
requirements of microbial detection are avail-
able with 47 mm or 50 mm diameters.

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 217

Order Numbers for Nutrient Pad Sets in Petri Dishes

Nutrient Pad Sets for Total Colony Counting,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually,
sterile packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)

Determination of NPS Type (Filter Type)1 Order No.2

Total count Caso (1) 14063--47------N
Total count R2A (1) 14084--47----RDN
Total count R2A (1) 14084--47------N
Total count Standard TTC (1) 14055--47----RDN
Total count Standard TTC (1) 14055--47------N
Total count Standard TTC I mod. (1) 14085--47------N
Total count Standard (1) 14064--47------N
Total count TGE (1)|Tryptone Glucose Extract 14076--47----RDN
Total count TGE (1)|Tryptone Glucose Extract 14076--47------N
Total count Yeast Extract (1) 14090--47------N

Nutrient Pad Sets for E. coli, Coliforms and Enterobacteria,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually,
sterile packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)
E. coli and coliforms Chromocult (7) 14087--47----RDN
E. coli and coliforms Chromocult (7) 14087--47------N
E. coli ECD (2) 14082--47------N
E. coli and coliforms Endo (9) 14053--47----RDN
E. coli and coliforms Endo (9) 14053--47------N
Enterobacteria, E. coli MacConkey (2) 14097--47------N
E. coli and coliforms m FC (2) 14068--47------N
E. coli and coliforms m FC in closed petri dishes (2) 14068--50----PDN
E. coli and coliforms Teepol|Lauryl Sulphate (2) 14067--47----RDN
E. coli and coliforms Teepol|Lauryl Sulphate (2) 14067--47------N
E. coli and coliforms Tergitol TTC (2) 14056--47----RDN
E. coli and coliforms Tergitol TTC (2) 14056--47------N

Nutrient Pad Sets for Other Faecal Bacteria,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually,
sterile packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)
Enterococci Azide|KF Strep (1) 14051--47----RDN
Enterococci Azide|KF Strep (1) 14051--47------N
Salmonellae Bismuth Sulfite (1) 14057--47------N

Nutrient Pad Sets for Non-Faecal, Pathogenic Bacteria,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually,
sterile packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cetrimide (2) 14075--47----RDN
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cetrimide (2) 14075--47------N
Staphylococci, Staph. aureus Chapman (2) 14074--47------N

218 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Nutrient Pad Sets for Yeasts and Molds,
individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually,
sterile packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)

Determination of NPS Type (Filter Type)1 Order No.2

Wild yeasts Lysine (3) 14061--47------N
Yeasts and molds Malt Extract (8) 14086--47----CCN
Yeasts and molds Malt Extract (6) 14086--47------N
Yeasts and molds Sabouraud (10) 14069--47------N
Yeasts and molds Schaufus Pottinger| 14070--47------N
m green yeast and mold (4)
Yeasts and molds Schaufus Pottinger| 14072--47------N
m green yeast and mold (5)
Yeasts and molds Schaufus Pottinger| 14080--47----RDN
m green yeast and mold (6)
Yeasts and molds Schaufus Pottinger| 14080--47------N
m green yeast and mold (6)
Yeasts and molds Schaufus Pottinger| 14083--47------N
m green yeast and mold (3)
Yeasts and molds Schaufus Pottinger| 14091--47----RDN
m green yeast and mold (8)
Yeasts and molds Schaufus Pottinger| 14091--47------N
m green yeast and mold (8)
Yeasts and molds and bacteria Wallerstein Nutrient| 14089--47------N
WL Nutrient (2)
Yeasts and molds Wort (3) 14058--47----RDN
Yeasts and molds Wort (3) 14058--47------N
Yeasts and molds Wort (8) 14092--47----RDN

Nutrient Pad Sets for Product-Spoiling Microorganisms,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually,
sterile packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)
Thermophilic spore formers Glucose Tryptone (2) 14066--47------N
and mesophilic bacteria
Leuconostoc oenos and Jus de Tomate|Tomato Juice (1) 14079--47------N
other wine-spoiling organ.
Lactobacilli and other soft MRS (1) 14077--47------N
drink-spoiling microorganisms
Acid-tolerant microorganisms Orange Serum|pH 5.5 (1) 14062--47----RDN
Acid-tolerant microorganisms Orange Serum|pH 5.5 (1) 14062--47------N
Acid-tolerant microorganisms Orange Serum|pH 3.2 (6) 14096--47----RDN
Acid-tolerant microorganisms Orange Serum|pH 3.2 (6) 14096--47------N
Lactobacilli and Pediococci VLB-S7-S (2) 14059--47------N
and other beer-spoiling
Mesophilic slime-forming bacteria Weman (1) 14065--47------N
esp. Leu. mesenteroides

Nutrient Pad Sets Starter Kit,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually,
sterile packaged 47 mm membrane filters
E. coli and coliforms, total count, Mixed types: Endo, Standard, 14095--47------N
yeasts and molds Wort (1, 2, 3)

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 219

Special brochure available on request f.o.c. Order no. SM-4017-e.

1) The membrane filters are selected for optimum growth, together with the corresponding nutrient media.
The supplied membrane filter type is listed within brackets:
(1) = Green with dark-green grid, 0.45 m pore size
(2) = White with green grid, 0.45 m pore size
(3) = Gray (after wetting black) with white grid, 0.65 m pore size
(4) = White with green grid, 0.65 m pore size
(5) = White with green grid, 1.2 m pore size
(6) = Gray (after wetting black) with white grid, 0.8 m pore size
(7) = White with black grid, 0.45 m pore size
(8) = Gray (after wetting black) with white grid, 0.45 m pore size
(9) = White with green grid, 0.45 m pore size, High Flow, (ideal for E.coli)
(10) = Gray (after wetting black) with white grid, 0.45 m pore size, High Flow

2) Diameter of the membrane filter, 47 mm. Order number for Nutrient Pad Set with 50 mm membrane filter as above,
but --47------N replaced by --50------N.

Most of the NPS types are also available with Microsart e.motion Membrane Filters:
Order number as above, but ---N replaced by -RDN.

Other NPS types and NPS with Microsart e.motion Membrane Filters on request.

Nutrient Pad Set Poster

The photo shows a poster, original size
70 cm 50 cm, with growth patterns
and typical applications for the Nutrient
Pad Sets, described on the previous page.
On request, you can obtain this poster
free of charge. Order no. SM-0001-e.

220 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Culture Media in Bottles and Tubes
Absorbent Pads and Petri Dishes

Agar Media Absorbent Pads

The traditional culture media for microorgan- Sartorius Stedim Biotech 1.4 mm thick
isms is agar media. This can be used for the absorbent pads are wetted with the
membrane filtration method or for direct appropriate liquid culture medium before
incubation. There are two different forms a membrane filter is placed on them. They
available: Agar media in tubes are for pouring come pre-sterilized in plastic magazines,
agar plates. The content of one tube is which fit onto the Sartorius Stedim Biotech
sufficient for two 90 mm or three 60 mm manual dispensing device. The absorbent
petri dishes. Agar media in bottles are the pads are available in two diameters:
cost-effective alternative for casting plates. 47 mm with approx. 3 ml absorption
capacity and
Liquid Broth Media 50 mm with approx. 3.5 ml absorption
Liquid culture media broth for direct capacity.
incubation or for wetting an absorbent pad
before a membrane filter is placed on it.
They are available in tubes and in bottles.

Agar Media in 250 ml Bottles, 4 Bottles per Box

Determination of Agar Type Order No.

Total count Nutrient 14144----------A
Yeasts and molds Wort 14157----------A
Wild yeasts Lysine 14143----------A
Lactobacilli and Pediococci and VLB-S7-S 14148----------A
other beer-spoiling organisms

Agar Media in 20 ml Tubes, 50 Tubes per Box

Determination of Agar Type Order No.

Total count Nutrient 14137----------K
Total count Standard 14131----------K
Yeasts and molds Wort 14138----------K
Acid-tolerant microorganisms Orange serum 14130----------K
Leuconostoc oenos and Jus de tomate 14140----------K
other wine-spoiling organ. (tomato juice)

Lactose Broth Media, Bottled Concentrate, for Drinking Water Analysis

Concentration Factor Packaging Order No.

Two times concentrated 4 bottles 100 ml 14155----------A

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 221

Broth Media in 20 ml Tubes, 50 Tubes per Box

Determination of Broth Type Order No.

Lactobacilli and Pediococci and VLB-S7-S 14127----------K
other beer-spoiling organisms

Absorbent Pads, 47 mm, Sterile Packaged in 10 Magazines, Each with 100 Pads

Description Packaging Order No.

Absorbent Pads, 10 100 pads 1,000 per box, 15410--47----ALR
incl. one dispenser
Absorbent Pad Set, 10 100 pads 1,000 per box, 13906--47----APR
plus 1,000 membrane filters incl. two dispensers
(0.45 m, white|green)

Absorbent Pads, 47 mm, Sterile Packaged of 10 Discs per Sleeve

Description Packaging Order No.

Absorbent Pad Set, 10 10 pads 100 per box 13707--47----ALN
in sleeves plus 100 membrane filters
(0.2 m, white|black)
Absorbent Pad Set, 10 10 pads 100 per box 13706--47----ALN
in sleeves plus 100 membrane filters
(0.45 m, white|black)

Absorbent Pads, 50 mm, Sterile-Packaged in 10 Magazines, Each with 100 Pads

Description Packaging Order No.

Absorbent Pads, 10 100 pads 1,000 per box, 15410--50----ALR
incl. one dispenser

Absorbent Pads, 50 mm, Sterile-Packaged in Petri Dishes

Description Packaging Order No.

Absorbent Pad Set, 100 pads in 100 per box 15400--50------N
petri dishes, sterile packaged
Absorbent Pad Set, 100 pads in petri 100 per box 15400--50----FRN
dishes plus 100 membrane filters
(0.45 m, green|dark green)

Disposable Petri Dishes, Auto-Sterile, 100 per Box

Diameter Order No.

60 mm 14311--60------N
90 mm 14311--90------N

222 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Biosart 100 Monitors

The membrane filtration method is the suit- International Standards microbiological

able technique for microbiological analysis of methods, such as ISO 7704, ISO 9308-1,
pharmaceuticals, water, cosmetics, foods and DIN EN ISO 16266, ISO 8199
beverages. The use of ready-to-use disposable WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water
units is optimal for these applications. Quality, 1997
International Pharmacopoeia, such as the
Biosart 100 Monitors current editions of the USP and EP
Biosart 100 Monitors have been specifically
designed for the detection and enumeration High Flow Membranes
of microorganisms in pharmaceuticals, Biosart 100 Monitors are also available with
cosmetics, food, beverages, water and other the new 0.45 m High Flow membranes. The
liquids. These sterile disposables with an special pore structure allows shorter filtration
incorporated membrane filter and cellulose times due to 30% higher flow rates. Especially
pad are ready to use. After filtration, just E. coli shows best growth promotion on High
remove the 100 ml funnel to convert the Flow Membranes.
Monitor into a petri dish eliminating the need
for membrane manipulation. Culture media Applications
for wetting the pad are available in individu- Colony counting, particle testing and
ally sterilized, convenient plastic ampoules. microscopy
Biosart 100 Monitors are ready-to-use filter
units designed to be placed onto the bases of Some of the advantages you will benefit
a vacuum manifold, eliminating the cleaning from when using Biosart 100 Monitors:
and sterilization required of re-usable funnels.
Superior Performance
Compliance with International Standards High flow rate
The membrane filter method is worldwide High total throughput
accepted and the preferred method of choice
for the analysis of microbial contamination Safe & Reliable
in liquid samples. Biosart 100 Monitors and Sterile or individually, sterile packaged
Media are in compliance with the membrane Consistently recovery
filtration procedures referenced in the: Membranes meet ISO 7704
European drinking water directive (Council Membranes available in various colors
Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water) Without any hydrophobic adhesive areas
Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Waste Water, 20th edition Economical
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ready to connect and easy to use
600/8-78-017. Minimal amount of equipment needed

Housing Polystyrene
Membrane filter Cellulose nitrate (cellulose ester):
choice of white, green or grey, with grid;
Regenerated cellulose:
white; membranes removable for filing
Plug and adapter Polyethylene
Pad Cellulose
Capacity 100 ml, 10 ml graduations
Pore size 0.2 m, 0.45 m or 0.8 m
Filter diameter 47 mm
Filtration area 14.5 cm2
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Outlet 6.5 1.5 mm
Lot certificates Recovery rate, sterility and specifications

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 223

Biosart 100 Monitors, 100 ml, 47 mm, Individually Packaged, Sterile, 48 Units

Pore Size Membrane Filter* Order No.

Color|Grid Color
0.2 m CN white|black 16401-47-07--ACK
0.45 m CN white|black 16401-47-06--ACK
0.45 m CN green|dark green 16402-47-06--ACK
0.45 m CN gray|white** 16403-47-06--ACK

Biosart 100 Monitors, 100 ml, 47 mm, Packaged on Trays, Sterile, 48 Units
0.2 m CN white|black 16401-47-07----K
0.45 m High Flow CN white|black 16401-47-H6----K
0.45 m CN white|black 16401-47-06----K
0.45 m CN green|dark green 16402-47-06----K
0.45 m CN gray|white** 16403-47-06----K
0.8 m CN gray|white** 16403-47-04----K
0.45 m RC white 16404-47-06----K

Biosart 100 Monitors, 100 ml, 47 mm, Sterile, 48 Units

0.45 m High Flow CN white|black 16401-47-H6-V--K
0.45 m CN white|black 16401-47-06-V--K
0.45 m CN gray|white** 16403-47-06-V--K
0.8 m CN gray|white** 16403-47-04-V--K

Biosart 100 Monitors, 100 ml, 47 mm, Sterile, 48 Units, Membrane Fixed
available only in the U.S. and Canada
0.45 m High Flow CN white|black 16401-47-H6-VWMK
0.45 m CN white|black 16401-47-06-VWMK
0.45 m High Flow CN gray|white** 16403-47-H6-VWMK
0.45 m CN gray|white** 16403-47-06-VWMK

* CN = Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose ester)

RC = Regenerated Cellulose
** Gray membranes after wetting black

Biosart 100 Monitor Adapters and Membrane Lifter

Description Adaptation Order No.

Biosart 100 Adapter, Biosart 100 Monitor onto Sartorius 16424
polypropylene and Stedim Biotech stainless steel frits
silicone e.g. 16840 (Combisart single base,
50 mm) or onto 16841 (individual base)
Biosart 100 Adapter, Equal 16424 16414
Biosart 100 Adapter, Biosart 100 Monitor 16415
polypropylene onto 50 mm supports
Biosart 100 Adapter, Biosart 100 Monitor 16416
polypropylene onto 56 mm supports and vacuum pumps
Biosart 100 Membrane For easy transfer of the 16417
Lifter, ABS membrane onto agar

224 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Biosart 100 Nutrient Media

Each box of Biosart 100 Nutrient Media Application

contains 50 ampoules with sterile media, each Colony counting
with 2.5 ml and a lot certificate. If stored
under proper conditions (+4 C), the culture Some of the advantages you will benefit
media have a shelf life of 12 month (except from when using Biosart 100 Media:
for Endo, KF Strep, Lauryl Sulfate and Tergitol
which have a 9-month shelf life). Biosart Safe & Reliable
100 Nutrient Media comply with interna- Pre-sterilized media
tional regulations and recommendations: Certificate of Quality for every batch
International pharmacopoeias, DIN and ISO In compliance with international
standards, the American Standards for Water standards
and Foods, mineral water regulations, guide- Consistently recovery
lines of the food and beverage industries.
Within the scope of the quality assurance Ready-to-use
procedure and the stringent quality control Long shelf life
standards every batch has passed Sartorius
Stedim Biotech in-house tests of growth
promotion, sterility, physical and technical
parameters have been passed successfully.
Biosart 100 Nutrient Media are convenient
in use and eliminating the handling of glass

Biosart 100 Nutrient Media, 2.5 ml, Individually,

Sterile-packaged in Ampoules, 50 Units

Determination of Media Type Order No.

Total count Caso (acc. USP) 16400-02----CA-K
Total count R2A (acc. EP) 16400-02----RA-K
Total count TGE|Total Count 16400-02----TC-K
Total count Total Count TTC 16400-02----TZ-K
E. coli and coliforms m Endo 16400-02----EN-K
E. coli and coliforms m FC 16400-02----MF-K
E. coli and coliforms Lauryl Sulfate|Teepol 16400-02----LS-K
E. coli and coliforms Tergitol TTC 16400-02----TT-K
Enterococci KF Strep|Azide 16400-02----KF-K
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cetrimide 16400-02----CE-K
Yeasts and molds Sabouraud (acc. USP) 16400-02----SB-K
Yeasts and molds m Green yeast and mold| 16400-02----MG-K
Schaufus Pottinger
Yeasts and molds m Green yeast and mold 16400-02----GS-K
Yeasts and molds Wort 16400-02----WZ-K
Yeasts and molds and bacteria WL Nutrient| 16400-02----WN-K
Wallerstein Nutrient
Bacteria in fermentation WL Differential| 16400-02----WL-K
processes Wallerstein Differential
Acid-tolerant microorganisms Orange Serum 16400-02----OS-K

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 225

Microsart @filter 100 | Microsart @filter 250
Sterile Disposable Filter Units for Advanced Colony Counting

The process of producing pharmaceuticals Microsart @vance

and bringing new drugs to the market is The Microsart product family consists of
becoming an increasingly costly business. all the most recent products from SSB for
The pharmaceutical and biotech industries microbiological analysis, which are especially
are driven by the need to optimize their work characterized by innovation and clever
flows and increase efficiency without com- design. The Microsart @filter unit kicks off
promising their level of safety. Products and the new product line Microsart @vance.
raw materials used in the pharmaceutical or @vance stands for even more progress and
biotech industry require control of microbial intelligent design, enhanced safety and thus
levels during processing and handling. more reliable results.
Microorganisms in liquids are quantified by
the membrane filtration method. Use of this The products in the Microsart @vance line
membrane filtration method allows accurate have been specially developed for analyses
quantification of bacteria, yeasts and molds in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological
when low counts in a high sample volume industry. Following the trend of using Single-
are anticipated. All components of the filtra- use products, these products are delivered
tion system must comply with international sterile, ready-to-use and can be disposed of
guidelines, such as USP, EP or ISO standards. in an environmentally friendly manner.
Microsart @filter not only saves time and
Description labor costs but minimizes the risk of second-
Microsart @filter 100 and 250 filter units ary contamination - that's advanced colony
are a ready-to-use combination funnel, filter counting by Sartorius Stedim Biotech.
base and gridded membrane in one unit.
The range of Microsart @filter types has been Microsart Funnel Dispenser
tailored to meet individual needs: It is possi- The Funnel Dispenser for secure removal of
ble to choose between two volume sizes, single, sterile Microsart @filter has proven
100 ml and 250 ml, different pore sizes and itself in practice. Even after opening the bag,
different filter colors for contrasting back- the remaining funnels are protected from
grounds during evaluation. The filter units secondary contamination. The Microsart
exist as tray versions with lids or are stacked Funnel Dispenser is made of high-grade
in bags for safe removal using the Microsart stainless steel, the dispenser opening is made
Funnel Dispenser. of polypropylene and contains a silicone
O-ring. All these materials guarantee reliable
Despite the diversity of Microsart @filters autoclaving.
one thing is common: The optimal design.
Click-Fit fastening allows for easy removal Applications
of funnels Colony counting and microscopy
Leaking-free procedure due to innovative
Click-Fit and bayonet closures Some of the advantages you will benefit from
Bayonet closure allows for easy mounting when using Microsart @filter units:
and removal of units
Sterile Filter Base with recesses allows for Safe and Reliable
simple membrane removal Sterile Packaged
Innovative geometry of the funnel allows Sterilization at the point of use is not
for effective rinsing after filtration (no required
sample residue is left in the funnel) Fully Disposable Base and Funnel
Preparation-and sterilization-free
They have been specifically developed for the procedure reduces the risk of secondary
detection and enumeration of microorgan- contamination
isms in pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals Optimized Design and Materials
and cosmetics. No liquid remains after filtration,
eliminates the need of rinsing

Easy Handling
Click-fit Closure
Fast in routine analysis, eliminates the risk
of leakage

Adaptable on Combisart
Given flexibility, no additional investment
Transparent Funnel Material
Visibility of the complete filtration

226 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Materials Funnel: Polypropylene, Base: Polypropylene,
Membrane filter: Cellulose Nitrate (C. Ester);
Regenerated Cellulose; choice of various colors and grids
Capacity 100 ml, graduations at 20, 50 and 100 ml
250 ml, 50, 100, 200 and 250 ml graduations
Filter diameter 47 mm, prefilter 40 mm (particle testing only)
Filtration area 13.2 cm2
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Sterilization Ethylene oxide
Lot certificate Recovery rate, sterility and performance test

Microsart @filter 100, Sterile Disposable Filter Units, 47 mm, 100 ml,
Packaged on Trays, Ideal for the Use in Clean Benches, 24 Units
Pore Size Membrane Filter* Color | Grid Color Order No.
0.2 CN white | black 16D01--10-07--TG
0.45, High Flow CN white | black 16D01--10-H6--TG
0.45, High Flow CN gray | white** 16D03--10-H6--TG
0.45 CN green | dark green 16D02--10-06--TG
0.45 RC white (w/o grid) 16D05--10-06--TG

Microsart @filter 250, Sterile Disposable Filter Units, 47 mm, 250 ml,
Packaged on Trays, Ideal for the Use in Clean Benches, 16 Units
0.2 CN white | black 16D01--25-07--TF
0.45, High Flow CN white | black 16D01--25-H6--TF
0.45, High Flow CN gray | white** 16D03--25-H6--TF
0.45 CN green | dark green 16D02--25-06--TF
0.65 CN gray | white** 16D03--25-05--TF

Microsart @filter 100, Sterile Disposable Filter Units, 47 mm, 100 ml, Stacked and
Packaged in Bags, Ideal for the Use with Microsart Funnel Dispenser, 60 Units
0.2 CN white | black 16D01--10-07--BL
0.45, High Flow CN white | black 16D01--10-H6--BL
0.45, High Flow CN gray | white** 16D03--10-H6--BL
0.45 CN green | dark green 16D02--10-06--BL
0.45 RC white (w/o grid) 16D05--10-06--BL

Microsart @filter 250, Sterile Disposable Filter Units, 47 mm, 250 ml, Stacked and
Packaged in Bags, Ideal for the Use with Microsart Funnel Dispenser, 48 Units
0.2 CN white | black 16D01--25-07--BK
0.45, High Flow CN white | black 16D01--25-H6--BK
0.45, High Flow CN gray | white** 16D03--25-H6--BK
0.45 CN green | dark green 16D02--25-06--BK
0.65 CN gray | white** 16D03--25-05--BK


Description Order No.

Microsart Funnel Dispenser 16A08
Funnel dispenser for secure removal of single,
sterile Microsart @filter packaged in bags

* CN = Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose ester) ** Gray membranes after wetting black RC= Regenerated Cellulose

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 227

Microsart Funnel 100 | Microsart Funnel 250
Sterile Disposable Funnels with Click-fit

In microbiological quality control, sterility of Microsart Base 47 mm

the equipment used for processing samples is The Microsart Base 47 mm is the perfect
a necessary basic requirement. The re-useable addition to existing Combisart and
funnels made of stainless steel or other mate- Microsart Combi.jet stainless steel mani-
rials which are used for membrane filtration folds. The slightly recessed frit ensures the
are usually sanitized between samples by plane positioning of the membrane filter.
flaming or with hot water. Both of these Thus wrinkled membranes, which make the
methods can be insufficiently reliable if not counting of the colony growth difficult, are
properly performed. Alternatively, the funnels eliminated. Lateral notches make sure that
can be sterilized by autoclaving, but this is the membrane can be removed easily after
too laborious for routine use. A disposable filtration.
filter funnel is the ideal combination for
reliability and time saving. Microsart Funnel Dispenser
The Funnel Dispenser for secure removal of
Description single, sterile Microsart Funnels has proven
Microsart Funnels are sterile plastic funnels, itself in practice. Even after opening the bag,
which are available for the filtration of the remaining funnels are protected from
various sample volumes. They allow quick secondary contamination. The Microsart
performance of the filtration steps required Funnel Dispenser is made of high-grade
in the routine testing of water, food and stainless steel, the dispenser opening is made
beverages, pharmaceutical and cosmetic of polypropylene and contains a silicone
products. O-ring. All these materials guarantee reliable
A Sartorius Stedim Biotech 47 mm gridded
membrane is placed on a stainless steel filter Applications
support. A Microsart Funnel is simply and Colony counting, particle testing and
practically fitted on. The sample is filtered. microscopy

The funnel is made of polypropylene and thus Some of the advantages you will benefit
is elastic enough for optimal sealing with a from when using Microsart Funnel 100:
Click-Fit closure. Graduations are marked to Reliable Results
allow accurate sample volumes. The large Use a new, sterile funnel for each test for
inner diameter ensures a high flow rate. The certain prevention of cross contamination!
optimized shape allows thorough rinsing of Time-saving
the system subsequent to filtration. Just change the funnel, rather than
No liquid is retained in the filter funnel. spending time sanitizing it!
Simpler Handling
No more holding hot funnels! And, you can
see when filtration has been completed,
particularly useful when using manifolds
in routine testing.

228 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Material Polypropylene
Capacity 100 ml, graduations at 20, 50 and 100 ml
250 ml, graduations at 50, 100, 200 and 250 ml
Filter diameter 47 mm, prefilter 40 mm (particle testing only)
Filtration area 13.2 cm2
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Sterilization Ethylene oxide
Lot certificate Sterility and performance test

Microsart Funnel 100, Sterile Disposable Funnel, 100 ml, 100 Units

Description Order No.

Microsart Funnel 100, sterile in 5 sealed bags 16A07--10------N

Microsart Funnel 250, Sterile Disposable Funnels, 250 ml, 96 Units

Description Order No.

Microsart Funnel 250, sterile in 6 sealed bags 16A07--25------N

Accessories and Replacement Parts

Description Order No.

Microsart Funnel Dispenser 16A08
Funnel dispenser for secure removal of single,
sterile Microsart Funnels
Microsart Base 47 mm, with frit, stainless steel 1ZU---0002
base for Combisart and Microsart Combi.jet
Optimized for the use with 47 mm membranes,
Click-Fit closure for Microsart Funnel and
Microsart @filter (other funnel types sealed
by bayonet closure)
Silicone O-ring for Microsart Base 47 mm
male thread (pack size 3) 6980274
Replacement frit for Microsart Base, 1ZU---0001
stainless steel

Further information about Microsart Combi.jet and Combisart stainless steel manifolds you
will find on the following pages.

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 229

Biosart 250 Funnels

In microbiological quality control, sterility of Applications

the equipment used for processing samples is Colony counting, particle testing and
a necessary basic requirement. The reuseable microscopy
funnels made of stainless steel or other mate-
rials which are used for membrane filtration Some of the advantages you will benefit
are usually sanitized between samples by from when using Biosart 250 Funnels:
flaming or with hot water. Both of these
methods can be insufficiently reliable when Superior Performance
not properly performed. Alternatively, the High flow rate
funnels could be sterilized by autoclaving, High total throughput
but this is too laborious for routine use.
A disposable sterile funnel in a certified Safe & Reliable
quality is the ideal solution. Sterile or individually, sterile packaged
No risk of cross contaminations
Description No leakages due to proven closure
The Biosart 250 Funnel has been specifically technique
designed for microbiological and analytical No holding of hot funnels
quality assurance. Biosart 250 are sterile Visibility of the complete filtration
funnels which allows for fast filtration
required in the routine testing of pharma- Economical
ceutical and cosmetic products, water, food Ready to connect and easy to use
and beverages and other liquids. A Sartorius Minimal amount of equipment needed
Stedim Biotech gridded membrane is placed Autoclavable (to a limited extend)
on a stainless steel filter support. A Biosart
250 Funnel is simply fitted on and the sample
is filtered. The funnel is made of polypropylene
and is sufficiently elastic for optimal sealing
with a bayonet-type closure. Graduations are
marked at 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 ml
for exact sample volumes. The large inner
diameter ensures a high flow rate. The conical
form allows a thorough rinsing of the system
subsequent to filtration. No liquid is retained
in the filter funnel.

Material Polypropylene
Capacity 250 ml, 50 ml graduations
Filter diameter 47 mm (or 50 mm), prefilter 40 mm
Filtration area 12.5 cm2
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Sterilization Ethylene oxide
Lot certificates Sterility and performance tests

Biosart 250 Funnels, Ready to Use Filter Funnels, 250 ml, 50 Units

Description Order No.

Biosart 250 Funnel, 50 units, 16407--25----ACK
individually, sterile-packaged
Biosart 250 Funnel, 50 units, 16407--25----ALK

Further information available on request f.o.c. Order no. SL-3017-e

230 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Combisart The Sterile-vented Filter Station
Individual and Multi-branch Systems

The Sartorius Stedim Biotech Combisart, The Right Equipment for Your Application
system enables you to select the optimal In connection with the single base 16840
hardware and consumables for your needs (for 50 mm membranes) the manifolds are
in microbiological analysis or particle count flexible to adapt disposable Biosart 250 or
in quality assurance. Combisart features a stainless steel funnels. The stainless steel filter
modular design and field-proven standard support of the single base 16840 allows a
accessories to make your choice easier. homogenous distribution of the residues on
the membrane filter surface.
At the heart of the Combisart system is Alternatively to 16840 the Microsart Base
a high-grade stainless steel manifold or 47 mm is highly recommended for all 47 mm
individual system designed to accommodate membrane filters, Microsart Funnels and
all types of filter holders and funnels such as: for Microsart @filter.
Ready-to-use units like Microsart
Funnels 100 and 250, Microsart @filter The Biosart 100 adapter 16424 ensures that
100 and 250, Biosart 100 Monitors and the Monitors are positioned perfectly, minimiz-
Biosart 250 Funnels ing the risk of contamination during filtration.
Flammable units such as stainless steel
funnels for colony counting 3 or 6 polycarbonate holders of the type
Autoclavable re-usable funnels made of 16511 can be screwed onto the manifold
glass or polycarbonate directly.

The outlet of the 1- and 3-branch manifolds Glass units (16306 or 16307) can be fitted
are newly Quick Connection Nipples, which by using corresponding adapter-|stopper-
could be used together with Quick Connec- combinations.
tion Couplings (more information under
Microsart Combi.jet) or as hose nipples for Maximum Flexibility
vacuum tubings. The low height of the mani- The turnable single base for 50 mm
fold ports is particularly advantageous for membranes 16840 or the Microsart Base
working on a clean bench. For low number 47 mm features additional advantages you
of samples, we recommend the use of the will benefit from:
1-branch manifold 16844 or the individual You can pour out a non-filterable sample
base 16841 on the top of a suction flask. For from each unit.
large number of samples, we recommend the Filtration equally easy for left- or right
3- or 6-branch manifolds. handed users in your laboratory, because
funnels can be positioned to suit the
Sterile Venting individual user.
A special feature of the Combisart system
is the stainless steel three-way valve (tap). Some of the advantages you will benefit
They allows the vacuum for each filter holder from when using the Combisart System:
to be individually controlled and each filter
station to be sterilely vented. This rules out Safe & Reliable
secondary contamination of the underside Sterile venting of each membrane after
of the filter. filtration
Sterilization acc. to ISO 8199
Sterilization Special polished stainless steel surfaces
The system is compliant with ISO 8199 with allow easy cleaning & rinsing
regards to the sterilization methods of the Low height is advantageous for working
equipment described in the General Guide to on a clean bench
enumeration of micro-organisms by culture.
Since the most reliable sterilization method Saves Time
is autoclaving, the Combisart design offers Filtration of 3 or 6 samples in parallel
a unique advantage for this method. After Easy pouring out of non-filterable samples
inserting the membrane filters in the filter Equally easy for right- and left-handed users
holders, you can simply unscrew them as
an entire unit from each workstation and Economical
autoclaved them. This method increases Maximum flexibility due to different
reliability and saves sterilization capacity. set-ups
Space-saving in the autoclave
Stainless steel 304 long lifecycle

Combisart Hardware-set-ups
Filtration systems fast and easy completed at

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 231

Stainless steel quality High-grade stainless steel: B.S. 304S31|AISI 304
Dimensions L H D [mm] 3-branch manifold: 435 103 120
6-branch manifold: 910 103 120
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134 C),
By dry heat (max. 180 C),
By flaming,
By other methods acc. to ISO 8199
Parts and materials Lid, funnel, base part, filter support, clamp
and tap made of stainless steel.
Silicone flat gasket. Silicone lid seal
Flow rate per filter station 200 ml/min with 0.2 m membrane filter
for water at 90% vacuum 600 ml/min with 0.45 m membrane filter
Filtration area 12.5 cm2 (if using stainless steel funnels)
Suitable membrane 50 mm (47 mm, if using a 47 mm frit 6980103)
filter diameter
Outlet spout (individual system) 10 mm outer diameter
Inlet (branches only) Female thread, TR 20 2
Outlet (1- and 3-branches only) Quick Connection Nipple DN 7
(tubings with DN 10 are max. connectable)
Outlet (6-branch) Hose nipple DN 10

Combisart Individual System and Multi-branch Manifolds, Made of High-grade

Stainless Steel, Pre-assembled with Stainless Steel Funnels and Lids

Description Capacity Order No.

Combisart individual filter holder, stainless steel, 100 ml 1 100 ml 16219-CS
Combisart individual filter holder, stainless steel, 500 ml 1 500 ml 16201-CS
Combisart 1-branch stainless steel manifold, 100 ml 1 100 ml 16844-CS
Combisart 1-branch stainless steel manifold, 500 ml 1 500 ml 16845-CS
Combisart 3-branch stainless steel manifold, 100 ml 3 100 ml 16824-CS
Combisart 3-branch stainless steel manifold, 500 ml 3 500 ml 16828-CS
Combisart 6-branch stainless steel manifold, 100 ml 6 100 ml 16832-CS
Combisart 6-branch stainless steel manifold, 500 ml 6 500 ml 16831-CS

Combisart Individual and Multi-branch Bases, Made of High-grade Stainless Steel,

Without Funnels and Lids, to Accommodate Various Funnel Types

Description Order No.

Combisart individual base, stainless steel, with frit (50 mm), 16841
to accommodate stainless steel funnels and Biosart 100|250
Combisart 1-branch stainless steel manifold, without frit 16844
Combisart 3-branch stainless steel manifold, without frits 16842
Combisart 6-branch stainless steel manifold, without frits 16843
Combisart Single base with frit (for 50 mm membranes), stainless steel, 16840
accommodate stainless steel funnels and Biosart 100|250
Microsart Base 47 mm, with frit, stainless steel base for 1ZU---0002
Combisart and Microsart Combi.jet
Optimized for the use with 47 mm membranes, Click-Fit closure for
Microsart Funnel, Microsart @filter (other funnel types sealed by
bayonet closure)
Combisart Hardware Set-Ups Choose complete filtration systems easy and fast under:

232 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Replacement Parts for Combisart Individual Filter Holders

Replacement Parts for Combisart Manifolds

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 233

Accessories and Replacement Parts for the Combisart System

Description Quantity Order No.

Minisart SRP25, sterile filter for venting, 0.2 m, 50 17575--------ACK
individually sterile-packaged, could be autoclaved 5 times.
Plug Luer Lock, to close the Minisart inlet, 12 17012----------E
if sterile venting is not required
Plug, conical, to close the venting hole beside 10 6980225
the 3-way-valve, if sterile venting is not required
Silicone O-ring for single base 16840 male thread 3 6980274
(also 1ZU---0002)
Silicone O-ring for manifold female threads 3 6980235
Silicone flat gasket underneath the frit (16840) 1 6980124
PTFE flat gasket underneath the frit (16840) 1 6980104
Stainless steel frit, 50 mm diameter (16840) 1 6980102
Stainless steel frit, 47 mm diameter (16840) 1 6980103
Quick Connection Nipple, stainless steel 1 1EAS--0026
Hose nipple, stainless steel, DN 10 1 6980272
Stainless steel frit for Microsart Base 47 mm (1ZU---0002) 1 1ZU---0001

Funnels, Lids, Seals and Filter Holders to Connect on the Combisart System

Description Capacity Membrane Order No.

Stainless steel funnel with 100 ml 47|50 mm 6981065
closure clamp
Lid, stainless steel for 100 ml funnel 6981063
Lid seal, silicone for 100 ml funnel 6981064
Stainless steel funnel with 500 ml 47|50 mm 6981002
closure clamp
Lid, stainless steel for 500 ml funnel 6981001
Lid seal, silicone for 500 ml funnel 6981003
Stainless steel funnel with 40 ml 47|50 mm 6981004
closure clamp
Polycarbonate filter holder, complete 250 ml 47 mm 16511
with filter support and funnel
Glass filter holder, complete with 30 ml 25 mm 16306
filter support, funnel and metal clamp
Glass filter holder, complete with 250 ml 47|50 mm 16307
filter support, funnel and metal clamp

234 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Combisart Adapter, to Accommodate Various Funnel Types

Description Adaptation Order No.

Biosart 100 Adapter, Biosart 100 Monitors 16424
silicone onto 16840 (Combisart single base)
or onto 16841 (individual base)
Biosart 100 Adapter, Biosart 100 Monitors 16835
stainless steel onto Combisart manifolds 16844,
with silicone stopper 16842 and 16843
Glass funnel Adapter, 16306|15 (glass funnel, 30 ml) 16836
stainless steel onto Combisart manifolds 16844,
with silicone stopper 16842 and 16843
Glass funnel Adapter, 16307 (glass funnel, 250 ml) 16837
stainless steel onto Combisart manifolds 16844,
with silicone stopper 16842 and 16843

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 235

Microsart Combi.jet
2-branch Stainless Steel Manifold for Microbiological Analysis

The Microsart Combi.jet is a 2-branch Maximum Flexibility

manifold, made of high-grade stainless steel. The Microsart Combi.jet enables you to
The manifold has been specifically designed select the optimal hardware and consumables
for the use together with the Microsart e.jet for your needs in microbiological analysis in
Transfer Pump. The system is able to create quality assurance. At the heart of the whole
sufficient vacuum for vacuum filtration system is the Microsart Combi.jet, the stain-
concomitantly transferring the filtered liquid less steel 2-branch manifold, designed to
directly to waste. Microsart Combi.jet and accommodate all types of filter holders and
Microsart e.jet can be easily connected funnels such as:
and disassembled by the innovative Quick Ready-to-use units Microsart @filter 100
Connection technology. and 250
Ready-to-use units Microsart Funnel 100
Compact Design and 250
The complete traditional equipment, such as Ready-to-use units Biosart 100 Monitors
connectors, tubes, suction flask, protection Ready-to-use units Biosart 250 Funnels
filter, Woulffs bottle and a vacuum pump, Flammable units such as stainless steel
requires a lot of laboratory space and is funnels
time consuming to operate and maintain. Autoclavable glass filter holders
Microsart Combi.jet reduces operating Autoclavable polycarbonate filter holders
complexity due to its small and compact
design. The Transfer Pump Microsart e.jet fits Reliability: Ideal for Microbiology
visually and ergonomically into this design. Applications
Sterile venting after filtration
Quick Connection Easy to clean and sanitize
Building-up the vacuum filtration system Smooth and reliable filtration
is easy and fast thanks to the innovative
Quick Connection Coupling and Nipples Economically Efficient
at the Microsart Combi.jet manifold and Saving time due to Quick Connection tech-
Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump. Simply nology
push-to-connect for assembling and Saving work space (saves 70%)
pull-to-disassembling the whole system No need of suction flasks and water traps
within seconds.

Sterile Venting
A special feature of the Microsart Combi.jet
manifold are the stainless steel three-way
valves (taps). They allow the vacuum for each
filter holder to be individually controlled and
each filter station to be sterilely vented. This
rules out secondary contamination of the
underside of the filter.

236 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Stainless steel quality High-grade stainless steel: B.S. 304S31 | AISI 304
Dimensions L H D [mm] 246 98 130
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134 C)
Parts and materials Manifold: stainless steel, silicone O-ring
Quick Connection Coupling PVDF, closure: stainless steel, sealing: FKM | FPM
Inlet (manifold) Female thread, TR 20 2
Outlet Quick Connection Coupling (female),
inner diameter NW 7, non-shut-off

Microsart Base 47 mm
Materials Stainless steel, silicone O-ring
Suitable membrane filter diameter 47 mm
Filtration area (e. g. for the 12.5 cm
use with Microsart Funnels)

Microsart Combi.jet 2-branch Manifold, Made of High-grade Stainless Steel,

without Frits and Funnels, to Accommodate Various Funnel Types

Description Order No.

Microsart Combi.jet 2-branch manifold, without frits 16848-CJ
Microsart Base 47 mm, with frit, stainless steel base for 1ZU---0002
Combisart and Microsart Combi.jet
Optimized for the use with 47 mm membranes, Click-Fit closure for
Microsart Funnel and Microsart @filter (other funnel types sealed
by bayonet or adapter)

Accessories and Replacement Parts for Microsart Combi.jet

Description Quantity Order No.

Minisart SRP25, sterile filter for venting, 0.2 m, 50 17575--------ACK
individually sterile-packaged, could be autoclaved 5 times
Plug Luer Lock, to close the Minisart inlet, 12 17012----------E
if sterile venting is not required
Plug, conical, to close the venting hole beside 10 6980225
the 3-way-valve, if sterile venting is not required
Silicone O-ring for Microsart Base 47 mm male thread 3 6980274
Silicone O-ring for manifold female threads 3 6980235
Combisart single base, stainless steel, optimal 1 16840
for the use with 50 mm membrane filters,
funnel closure by bayonet or adapter
Microsart Combi.jet Coupling, Quick 1 1EAS--0022
Connection, PVDF

Funnels and filter holders to connect onto the Microsart Combi.jet manifold are equivalent to
those for the use with the Combisart system (page 231).

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 237

How to Set-up a Vacuum Filtration System

Microsart Combi.jet 2-branch Stainless Steel Manifold plus Microsart e.jet

The filter stations are directly connected to a Transfer Pump for simultaneous transfer of the
filtrate to waste. Easy assembling thanks to Quick Connection technology.

Order Information

Pos. Description Order Order No. Detailed

Qty. Information
on Page
Microsart Combi.jet stainless steel equipment: 237
1 Microsart Base 47 mm 2 1ZU---0002
2 Microsart Combi.jet 2-branch manifold 1 16848-CJ
Sterile venting of the filter station: 234
3 Minisart SRP25, 0.2 m 1 17575--------ACK
4 Silicone tubing, pressure-sided,1 m 2* 1ZAS--0007 249
Vacuum Pump: 248
5 Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump, 230 V, 50 Hz 1 166MP-4
Additional accessories:
Microsart @filter 100, sterile filter units,
packaged on trays 1 16D01--10-H6--TG 226
Stainless steel tweezers 1 16625 253
Colony Counter 1 17649 252
Incubator 1 18113 252
Container for anaerobic incubation 1 16671 253

* required length depends on distance between Transfer Pump and drain

238 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Combisart 1-branch Stainless Steel Manifold Plus Microsart mini.vac

8 9
2 4 6

The filter station is connected to a suction flask, which is connected to a filtrate-protected

vacuum pump.

Order Information

Pos. Description Order Order No. Detailed

Qty. Information
on Page
Combisart stainless steel equipment: 231
1 Combisart single base, 50 mm 1 16840
2 Combisart 1-branch manifold 1 16844
Sterile venting of the filter station: 234
3 Minisart SRP25, 0.2 m 1 17575--------ACK
4 Rubber vacuum hose, 1 m 3* 16623 246
Suction flask and stopper: 245
5 Tube connector 1 17204
6 Silicone stopper 1 17173
7 Suction flask, 2 liters 1 16672
Water trap for pump protection: 246
8 Vacusart, 0.45 m 1 17804----------M
Vacuum Pump: 247-249
9 Microsart mini.vac, 230 V, 50 Hz 1 16694-2-50-06
Additional accessories:
Microsart e.motion Dispenser 1 16712 239
Stainless steel tweezers 1 16625 253
Colony Counter 1 17649 252
Incubator 1 18113 252
Stainless steel prefilter attachment 1 16807 253
Container for anaerobic incubation 1 16671 253

* required length depends on distance between the filter station and the vacuum source

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 239

Combisart 1-branch Stainless Steel Manifold plus Microsart e.jet

The filter station is directly connected to a vacuum fluid pump for simultaneous transfer of
the filtrate to waste. Easy assembling thanks to Quick Connection technology.

Order Information

Pos. Description Order Order No. Detailed

Qty. Information
on Page
Combisart stainless steel equipment: 231
1 Combisart single base, 50 mm 1 16840
2 Combisart 1-branch manifold 1 16844
Sterile venting of the filter station: 234
3 Minisart SRP25, 0.2 m 1 17575--------ACK
4 Silicone tubing with Quick Connection
Coupling, 20 cm, vacuum-sided 1 1ZA---0006 249
Vacuum Pump: 248
5 Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump 1 166MP-4
6 Silicone tubing, pressure-sided 1 m 2* 1ZAS--0007 249
Additional accessories:
Microsart e.motion Dispenser 1 16712 240
Stainless steel tweezers 1 16625 253
Colony Counter 1 17649 252
Incubator 1 18113 252
Stainless steel prefilter attachment 1 16807 253
Container for anaerobic incubation 1 16671 253

* required length depends on distance between vacuum source and drain

240 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Traditional Multi-branch Manifolds and Individual Filter Holders
Made of Stainless Steel, Glass and Polycarbonate

Individual Filter Holders Glass Filter Holders

The three stainless steel holder types differ These filter holders are available for the
only in the funnel capacity (either 40 ml, filtration of small volumes with a 30 ml top
100 ml or 500 ml). They have been designed part and for larger volumes with a 250 ml
specifically for applications in which the top part. They can be sterilized by autoclaving
particles or microorganisms retained on (max. 134 C) or by dry heat (max. 180 C).
the membrane filter surface are of interest. The glass frit ensures uniform distribution
The stainless steel frit filter support ensures of retained residue.
a uniform distribution of the residues.
Simple handling is very important regarding Polycarbonate Filter Holders
routine examinations. Stainless steel taps in Type 16510 is complete with receiver flask,
the base allow the vacuum to be turned on and can be operated with vacuum as well as
and off. The special closure clamps simplify with slight overpressure (0.5 bar is recom-
the addition or removal of the funnels adding mended for highest standing times). Type
to the ease of use. 16511 is like 16510, but without receiver
flask. It is used on a suction flask or a vacuum
Multi-branch Manifolds manifold e. g. Combisart systems. Both
The manifold systems are available with devices can be sterilized by autoclaving
100 ml or 500 ml capacity funnels. The three (max. 121 C).
or six separate filter holders save time when
mass examinations have to be carried out.
Due to the stainless steel taps on the mani-
fold ports, the vacuum for each holder can be
turned on and off individually. The stainless
steel frit allows homogenous distribution of
the residues on the membrane filter surface.
Funnel and filter support can be disinfected
by flaming.

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 241


Stainless Steel Multi-branch Manifolds and Individual Filter Holders

Stainless steel quality High-grade stainless steel:
B.S. 304S31|AISI 304
Dimensions W + H + D [mm] 3-branch manifold:
3 + 100 ml: 432 + 184 + 120
3 + 500 ml: 442 + 262 + 132
6-branch manifold:
6 + 100 ml: 906 + 268 + 120
6 + 500 ml: 916 + 329 + 132
Max. operating pressure Vacuum or max. 2 bar|29 psi pressure
Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134 C),
By dry heat (max. 180 C),
By flaming,
By other methods acc. to ISO 8199
Parts and materials Lid, funnel, base part, filter support, clamp
and tap made of stainless steel.
Silicone flat gasket. Silicone lid seal
Flow rate per filter station 200 ml/min with 0.2 m membrane filter
for water at 90% vacuum 600 ml/min with 0.45 m membrane filter
Filtration area 12.5 cm2
Suitable membrane filter diameter 50 mm (47 mm, if using a 47 mm frit
filter support 6980103)
Outlet spouts (individual system) 10 mm outside diameter
Outlet (branches only) Hose nipple, DN 10

242 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Replacement Parts for Traditional Individual Filter Holders

Replacement Parts for Traditional Manifolds

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 243

Individual Stainless Steel Filter Holders, Pre-assembled with Stainless Steel Funnels and Lids

Description Capacity Order No.

Individual stainless steel filter holder, 100 ml 1 100 ml 16219
Individual stainless steel filter holder, 500 ml 1 500 ml 16201
Individual stainless steel filter holder 1 40 ml 16220
without lid, 40 ml

Multi-branch Manifolds, Stainless Steel, with Stainless Steel Funnels and Lids

Description Capacity Order No.

3-branch stainless steel manifold, 100 ml 3 100 ml 16824
3-branch stainless steel manifold, 500 ml 3 500 ml 16828
6-branch stainless steel manifold, 100 ml 6 100 ml 16832
6-branch stainless steel manifold, 500 ml 6 500 ml 16831

Glass Filter Holders

Description Capacity Membrane Order No.

Filter Diameter
Glass filter holder, 30 ml 25 mm 16306
complete with filter support,
funnel and metal clamp
Glass filter holder, 250 ml 47|50 mm 16307
complete with filter support,
funnel and metal clamp

Polycarbonate Filter Holder

Description Capacity Membrane Order No.

Filter Diameter
Polycarbonate filter holder, 250 ml 47 mm 16510
with 250 ml top part and
receiver flask, for vacuum
or pressure filtration
Polycarbonate filter holder, 250 ml 47 mm 16511
with 250 ml top part,
for vacuum filtration only

244 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Accessories for Vacuum Filter Holders and Manifold Systems

Suction Flasks and Stoppers

Suction Flask, 2 Liter Capacity

Vacuum-resistant flask made of duran
50 glass with plastic safety hose nipple
according to the German Industrial
Standard No. 12476. Outer diameter of the
hose nipple, 9 mm. Inner diameter of the
opening, 60 mm. Stoppers are not enclosed.

A 1-liter capacity flask is available for

countries which do not have safety
restrictions on glass hose nipples.

Order Numbers for Suction Flasks

Description Order No.

Suction flask, 5 liters acc. to DIN 12476, incl. stopper 75 D and glass tube 16672-----1
Suction flask, 2 liters acc. to DIN 12476, without stopper 16672
Tube connector for connecting a Combisart stainless steel 17204
manifold to a suction flask 1 or 2 liters (not necessary when
a Vacusart is connected directly to the bored stopper)
Suction flask, 1 liter (not available in countries which have safety 16606
restrictions on glass hose nipples)

Replacement Parts for Suction Flasks

Description Order No.

Glass tube for silicon stopper 75 D for suction flask 5 liters 16672-----1 1EAQ--0017
Bored stopper 75 D for suction flask 5 liters 16672-----1 1EAS--0019
Assembling kit for hose barb for suction flask 5 liters 16672-----1 1EA---0018
Hose barb, complete, Polypropylene, for suction flask 2 liters 16672 6983003

Order Numbers for Bored Stoppers for Suction Flask 2 Liters 16672

Description Adaptation Order No.

Silicone stopper Combisart individual base 16841 or other individual 17173
stainless steel filter holders (16201, 16219, 16220)
onto the suction flask 16672
Silicone stopper 16306|15 (glass funnels, 30 ml) onto the suction flask 16672 17174
Silicone stopper 16307 (glass funnel, 250 ml) onto the suction flask 16672 17175

Order Numbers for Bored Stoppers for Suction Flask 1 Liter 16606

Description Adaptation Order No.

Silicone stopper Combisart individual base 16841 or other individual 17004
stainless steel filter holders (16201, 16219, 16220)
onto the suction flask 16606
Silicone stopper 16306|15 (glass funnels, 30 ml) onto the suction flask 16606 17005
Silicone stopper 16307|16 (glass funnel, 250 ml) onto the suction flask 16606 17006

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 245

Water Traps
Used between suction flask and vacuum
source, in order to prevent overflow of
filtrate into an electric vacuum pump

Vacusart is a ready-to-connect filtration
unit, consisting of a polypropylene housing
and a hydrophobic, but air-permeable
PTFE membrane with a pore size of
0.45 m. Vacusart is perfectly suitable
for the protection of vacuum pumps.
It could be put directly into the hole of
the bored stopper and connected with
the rubber hose to the vacuum pump.

Description Order No.

Vacusart water trap, pack of 3 17804----------M

Woulffs Bottle, 500 ml

Used between suction flask and vacuum
source. Allows simple control of the vacuum
with glass units without a separate tap
and prevents furthermore the filtrate
from overflowing from the suction flask.

Description Order No.

Woulffs bottle, 500 ml 16610

Rubber Vacuum Hose (1 Meter)

Thick-walled rubber hose for connecting
the system components, e. g. suction flasks,
vacuum pumps, etc. When ordering, please
state length required in meters.

Description Order No.

Rubber vacuum hose (1 meter) 16623

246 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Electric Vacuum Pumps

Microsart mini.vac The vacuum produced by the new pumps is

Microsart maxi.vac controlled and can be easily adjusted to your
Neoprene membrane pumps with low noise specifications. Thus damageable cells (e.g.
level, oil- and maintenance-free; reliable bacteria) are concentrated on the surface or
sources of vacuum. a membrane filter under better conditions,
which results in decreased sub lethals, higher
The new vacuum pump series provides recovery rates and shorter incubation times.
up to date technology for daily use in the
Microbiology laboratory environment.

Specifications of Electric Vacuum Pumps

Microsart maxi.vac Microsart mini.vac

16694-2-50-22 16694-2-50-06
16694-1-60-22 16694-1-60-06
Delivery [l/min] 22 6
Ultimate Vacuum [mbar] 100 100
Noise level [100 mbar] 57.559.0 dBA 53.5 dBA
Operating Pressure [bar] 1 2.5
Materials (contact with Aluminum, CR (Neoprene), PPS, EPDM, FPM (Viton)
filtrate possible) NBR (Perbunan)
Connectors for Tube [mm] ID 9 ID 4
Ambient Temperature 540 C 540 C
Mains 16694-2-50-22: 230 V|50 Hz 16694-2-50-06: 230 V|50 Hz
16694-1-60-22: 115 V|60 Hz 16694-1-60-06: 115 V|60 Hz
Motor Protection IP 44 IP 20
Power P1 [W] 130 65
Operating Current [A] 0.9 0.63
Weight [kg] 7.1 1.9
Dimensions W H D [mm] 261 204 110 164 141 90
Recommended application All multi-branch manifolds Single filtration run up to
individual filter station 3-branch manifolds

Order Numbers

Description Order No.

Microsart maxi.vac for multiple filtration runs, 230 V, 50 Hz 16694-2-50-22
Microsart maxi.vac for multiple filtration runs, 115 V, 60 Hz 16694-1-60-22
Microsart mini.vac up to 3 filter stations in parallel, 230 V, 50 Hz 16694-2-50-06
Microsart mini.vac up to 3 filter stations in parallel, 115 V, 60 Hz 16694-1-60-06

Replacement Parts Order No.

Replacement kit for 16694-2-50-22 and -1-60-22, set 1ED---0055
of one membrane, two valve springs and two head seals
Replacement kit for 16694-2-50-06 and -1-60-06, set 1ED---0054
of one membrane, two valve springs and two head seals
Sound absorber for 16694-2-50-22 and -1-60-22 1EH---0002
Sound absorber for 16694-2-50-06 and -1-60-06 1EH---0001
Fine adjustment head for 16694-2-50-22 and -1-60-22 1EV---0002
Fine adjustment head for 16694-2-50-06 and -1-60-06 1EV---0001
Fine adjustment head for 16694-2-50-06 and -1-60-06, 1EV---0003
for pressure filtration

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 247

Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump The Microsart e.jet pump is an ideal
with Quick Connection accessory for manifolds up to 3 filter
The Microsart e.jet is a new vacuum labora- stations. Compared to traditional equipment
tory pump able to create sufficient vacuum Microsart e.jet and a stainless steel mani-
for vacuum filtration and concomitantly fold require only 30% of the average space
transferring the filtered liquid directly to meaning in particular less congestion working
waste. The second generation of Microsart in Laminar Flow Cabinets.
e.jet is ideal for sample preparation in
Microbiology achieving a trans membrane Traditional vacuum pumps often loose
pressure of 600 mbar and a higher flow rate their efficiency and capability to generate
of > 4.0 Nl/min (4.0 Normliters water dis- sufficient vacuum, when liquid is drawn
placement by air in one minute). Constant into the pump head. The Microsart e.jet
flow rates and a defined maximum vacuum is designed to pump both gas and liquids,
guarantee smooth and reliable filtration. meaning no loss of efficiency or malfunctions
from water drawn into the pump head.
Reducing Operating Complexity
Until now vacuum equipment for the Mem- Quick Connection
brane Filtration Method consists of numerous Building-up the vacuum filtration system is
parts including connectors, tubes, vacuum easy and fast thanks to the innovative Quick
containers, protection filter, Woulffs bottle Connections. The Microsart e.jet Transfer
and a vacuum pump. After several samples Pump is equipped with Quick Connection
the vacuum must be broken to empty the Nipples assembled to Quick Connection
filtrate collection container. The complete Couplings on hose nipples for DN 10 tubings.
traditional equipment requires far more Simply push-to-connect for assembling and
laboratory space and is time consuming to pull-to-disassembling the whole system
operate and maintain. Microsart e.jet will within seconds. The Quick Connections are
eliminate the need for side-arm flasks or non-shut-off.
Woulffs bottles from the laboratory filtration
bench. Some of the advantages you will benefit
from when using the Microsart e.jet
Ideal for microbiology applications
No need of suction flasks and water traps
Saving 70% of work space while saving
money thats economic efficiency

248 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control


Technical Specifications
Flow rate > 4.0 Nl/min
Max. vacuum 0.4 bar
Max. pressure 1.0 bar
Mains 100240 V|50-60 Hz
Materials (in contact with filtrate) PTFE, ETFE, Polypropylene, EPDM, POM, PSU
Weight [g] Pump: 1425.3; Power supply: 202.8
Dimensions W L H [mm] 120 170 190
Max. ambient Temp. + 5+ 40 C
Max. temp of liquid + 5+ 80 C
Max. viscosity <150 cSt
Protection type IP 64
Protection class III
Inlet|outlet Quick Connection on hose nipples for DN 10 tubings

Order Information

Description Order No. in

Number Picture
Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump with Quick Connection, 166MP-4 1
without tubings, inlet and outlet hose nipples for DN 10 tubings

Tubing with Quick Connection Coupling (PSU), silicone, 20 cm, for 1ZA---0006 2
vacuum-sided connection, inner diameter DN 10, outer diameter DN 20,
wall thickness 5 mm (when ordering, please state length required in meters)
Silicone tubing, 1 m, for pressure-sided connection, inner 1ZAS--0007 3
diameter DN 10, outer diameter DN 14, wall thickness 2 mm

Replacement Parts

Pump head complete for 166MP-3 and 166MP-4 1EP---0001
Power supply complete for 166MP-3 and 166MP-4 1EE---0007
Threaded Fittings
Quick Connection set, 2 Nipples (POM) on R3/8" male 1EAS--0027 4
thread and 2 Couplings (PSU) on DN 10 hose nipple
Quick Connection Nipple, stainless steel 1EAS--0026 5
DN 10 hose nipple on R3/8" male thread 1EAF--0020

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 249

Order Numbers Traditional Pumps

Description Order No.

Multiple filtration runs: 16612
13 mbar final vacuum, 26 l/min max., 220 V, 50 Hz
Multiple filtration runs: 16615
13 mbar final vacuum, 26 l/min max., 110 V, 60 Hz
Individual filtration run: 16692
100 mbar final vacuum, 20 l/min max., 220 V, 50 Hz
Individual filtration run: 16695
100 mbar final vacuum, 20 l/min max., 110 V, 60 Hz

Replacement Parts Order No.

Set of two neoprene membranes, four valve springs 6986017
and two neoprene head seals for 16612|16615
Set of one neoprene membrane, two valve springs 6986105
and one neoprene head seal for 16692|16695

250 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Water Jet Pump
Simple vacuum source. For connection to
a water tap with G male thread.

Description Order No.

Water jet pump, with G female thread 16611

Hand-operated Vacuum Pump

Practical vacuum source, also outside of
a laboratory. Up to 80% vacuum can be
obtained. The body is of PVC. Supplied
completely with gauge, vacuum release lever
and a 60-cm length of clear plastic tubing.

Description Order No.

Hand-operated vacuum pump with gauge 16673

Dosing Syringe
The most convenient way to moisten the NPS
with water is to use a dosing syringe with an
adapted Minisart syringe filter. Simultaneous
sterilization and dispensing of demineralized
water in 3.5 ml steps is easily done by dropping
the sinker at the end of the suction tubing
into the water, then filling the dosing syringe
and dispensing sterile water by operating the
twigger automatically.

Description Order No.

Dosing syringe, 0.55 ml 16685-2
Minisart, 0.2 m, individually, sterile-packaged 17597----------K
Replacement part: tubing with sinker for 16685-2 and 16685 6986125
Service Kit for Dosing Syringe 16685-----2 1EP---0002

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 251

Colony Counter
Compact, handy battery-operated colony
counter, it is as simple to use as a ball-point
pen, and has a 4-digit LCD-display. The
counter is supplied with an additional marker

Description Order No.

Colony counter 17649
Replacement part: Black marker refill 6981540

Incubator The swing-up cover and removable insertion

Compact, space-saving incubator for the plate simplify loading and unloading. The
incubation of membrane filters on nutrient cover is opaque, avoiding light penetration
pads or other nutrient media. The incubator into the chamber.
has a capacity of 15 liters and is designed
to hold the following numbers and sizes of
petri dishes: 200 47 mm or 160 56 mm|
60 mm or 72 90 mm.


Incubator 18113
Voltage [V] 230
Frequency [Hz] 50|60
Rated power [kW] 0.2
Weight [kg] 5.5|12
Max. load for insertion plate [kg|lbs] 5|12
Dimensions W H D [mm] Inner 270 205 288
Outer 340 270 431
Temperature range 20 C (or 5 C above room temperature) to 50 C
Temperature deviation Less than 0.2 C (at 37 C and RT 20 C)
Spacial temperature deviation Less than 0.8 C
Capacity Approx. 15 liters

Description Order No.

Incubator 18113

252 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Stainless Steel Tweezers
Membrane filters should only be handled
with suitable tweezers to avoid contami-
nation which can result from hand contact.
Sartorius Stedim Biotech stainless steel twee-
zers can be flamed and they are autoclavable.
They have blunt-edged tips for a careful, firm
hold of the membrane filter.

Description Order No.

Stainless steel tweezers 16625

Stainless Steel Prefilter Attachment

The stainless steel prefilter holder allows
the removal of coarse, solid particles from
samples for microbiological analysis before
and during the actual bacteria retentive fil-
tration. The device is clipped between funnel
and base of the stainless steel vacuum filter
holders. It can be autoclaved and flamed.
11301, a white cellulose nitrate (cellulose
ester) membrane filter with a pore size of
8 m is used as the prefilter and it retains
the coarse suspended particles from the
sample, whereas it allows microorganisms
to pass through. These microbes are trapped
on the surface of the underlying bacteria-
retentive membrane filter (e. g. 0.45 m).
After filtration is complete, the test filter
is incubated, and the colonies can grow on
the filter surface without disturbance from,
or being hidden by, an excess of particles.

Description Order No.

Stainless steel prefilter attachment 16807
Cellulose nitrate membranes with 50 mm diameter
and 8 m pore size for the prefilter holder, pack of 100,
individually, sterile packaged 11301--50----ACN
Replacement part: support plate, autoclavable, flammable 6981139

Container for Anaerobic Incubation

Stainless steel container with 11.8 cm inner
diameter, 10.7 cm depth and a with metal
insert for convenient insertion and removal of
petri dishes. The plastic lid holds two taps for
the vacuum exhaust and for cleaning with
inert gas, with 6 mm hose nipples (for 16623),
vacuum gauge and sealing ring. For up to
fourteen 60 mm, or up to six 90 mm petri

Description Order No.

Anaerobic container 16671

Microbiological Control | Colony Counting 253

School Kit for Microbiological Experiments

Complete Kit The handbook included in the case provides

For specific applications in microbiological general instructions and detailed descriptions
testing, we recommend our practical, of methods for 7 experiments: detection of
complete kit. microorganisms in water, air, and soil; the
effects of antibiotics; detection of yeasts
The school kit for microbiological experiments on substrates in nature; production of gas
is an ideal teaching aid for instruction in through alcoholic fermentation; and bacterial
microbiology and environmental protection growth at different temperatures.
in schools and other educational institutes.
The rugged aluminum case contains all the The vacuum, which is necessary for the
equipment necessary for microbiological filtration, is created with help of a syringe
testing. and a 3-way valve.


Parts Supplied
Aluminum case
Stainless steel tweezers 16625
Filtration system for samples Device 16510. 3-way valve 16639.
Adapter 17108D. Syringe 16647.
Glass fiber filter 13400-013S.
Filtration system for sterile water Filter holder 16517E. Syringe 16647.
Membrane filter 11307-025N.
Inoculation loop 17109
Culture media (nutrient broth) 14132----------K
Wort nutrient pad sets 14058
Standard nutrient pad sets 14055
Endo nutrient pad sets 14053

Order number
24002 School kit for microbiological experiments,
in a lockable aluminum case

254 Colony Counting | Microbiological Control

Sterility Testing Systems
Sterisart Universal Pump

International pharmacopeias require the Additional Features and Benefits

complete sterility of pharmaceutical products Closed system no ventilation for
that are injected into the blood stream or enhanced safety
that otherwise enter the body below the skin Rugged and maintenance-free
surface. As a manufacturer of such products, Compact and ergonomic construction
you are required to supply proof of sterility Modular design
of the final product batch. Pump available with special software
(menu-driven prompts for operator guid-
The new Sterisart Universal Pump is avail- ance; all process sequences can be logged;
able in two versions: as a basic version, 16419, barcode recognition)
and as an upgraded version, 16420, with dis-
play and user software. The pump can be used Special brochures available on request.
in clean rooms, integrated into clean benches, Order no. SLD1003-e, SLD2010
or installed countersunk in the working sur-
face of isolators. Its low, compact design has
a space-saving footprint a great benefit for
most clean room benchtops and isolators.

Technical Specifications for Sterisart Universal Pump

Pump flow rate [ml/min] 70650
Power requirements [VAC] 100240
Frequency [Hz] 5060
Power consumption [W] 100
Dimensions W D H [mm]
Pump Approx. 336 260 210 (with lever)
Pump with holding ring for bottles, container Approx. 440 365 485
Weight [kg]
Basic version 16419 Approx. 13.5
Upgraded version 16420 with
display and user software Approx. 14.6

Ordering Information

Order No. Description

16419 Sterisart Universal pump, basic version
16420 Sterisart Universal pump, upgraded version
with display|user software


Order Number Description

1ZE---0033 Footswitch
1ZG---0014 Adapter for Sterisart NF units, fitting into
container for draining of Millipore Equinox
1ZG---0025 Adapter for Sterisart NF units, fitting into
container for draining (with two slightly dif-
ferent diameters of the fixation-slots) of new
Millipore Equinox pump
1ZE---0039 Transport trolley
1ZE---0040 Communication kit
1ZE---0050 Installation kit for isolators

Further accessories are available on request.

Microbiological Control | Sterility Testing 255

Sterility Testing Systems
Sterisart NF

Sterisart NF is a completely closed system Sterisart NF Offers the Following Features

for the sterility testing of pharmaceutical and Benefits
products. It is based on the membrane filter Reliable, Sartochem membrane:
method, however it eliminates the procedure High retention of microbes
of manipulating the filters. By this the main Low adsorption
risk of a secondary contamination and false High mechanical stability
positive results is eliminated. A peristaltic Easy to use:
pump transfers the sample into the filtration Pre-installed color-coded tube clamps
units, and after rinsing, the filtration units Easy-to-read graduated marks
are filled with media and used for incubation Several user-friendly, practical adapters
of the filters without any contact to the available
environment. Product-|lot number identification
Safe and protected:
Special brochures available on request. Gas-impermeable packaging for
Order no. SLD1002-e, SL-2019-e, protection against sterilants
SLD2006-e, SLD2005-e, SLD2007-e,
S--2019-e, SLD2009-e, SLD2011-e


Technical Specifications for Sterisart NF

Pore size of the Sartochem membrane filter 0.45 m, tested with Serratia marcescens
Filter area 15.7 cm2 in each Sterisart container
Flow rate (for water) 500 ml/min at 1 bar|approx. 15 psi
Pore size of the air filters 0.2 m PTFE, validated acc. to HIMA
for the retention of B. diminuta
Sample container capacity 120 ml (graduation marks at 50, 75 and 100 ml)
Max. operating pressure 3 bar|approx. 44 psi at 20 C
Max. operating temperature 50 C
Sterilization ETO (ethylene oxid gas) or gamma irradiation

Ordering Information

Sterisart NF alpha Disposable Units for Sterility Testing in Clean Rooms, Individually,
Sterile Packaged, ETO-sterilized, Needles Made of Flame-sterilizable Stainless Steel,
10 Units

Type of Type of Sample Description Order No.

Sample Container
LVPs Closed glass bottles Sterisart NF alpha with long 16466--------ACD
with septum dual-needle metal spike,
LVPs Open containers, i.e. Sterisart NF alpha with long 16467--------ACD
SVPs glass ampoules, glass needle and protective plate,
bottles collapsible bags inclusive sterile venting needle
LVPs Open containers, i.e. Sterisart NF alpha with long needle, 16467--------TCD
SVPs glass ampoules, glass inclusive sterile venting
bottles, collapsible bags needle
Medical Tubing systems and Sterisart NF alpha with Luer or 16468--------ACD
devices bags with Luer or Luer Lock connector, inclusive long
Luer Lock connectors needle and sterile venting needle

256 Sterility Testing | Microbiological Control

Sterisart NF gamma Disposable Units for Sterility Testing in Isolators, Individually Sterile,
Double-packaged, Gamma Irradiated, Needles Made of Flame-sterilizable Stainless Steel,
10 Units

Type of Type of Sample Description Order No.

Sample Container
LVPs Closed glass bottles Sterisart NF gamma with long 16466--------GBD
with septum dual-needle metal spike,
SVPs Closed glass vials Sterisart NF gamma with short 16476--------GBD
with septum dual-needle metal spike,
LVPs, Closed plastic Sterisart NF gamma with long 16477--------GBD
SVPs, containers|vials| needle, (side opening, with solid
eye drops ampoules, plastic pointed tip, non-coring ), protective
containers of Blow- plate, inclusive sterile venting needle
Fill-Seal fillings
LVPs Open containers, Sterisart NF gamma with long 16467--------GBD
SVPs (i.e. glass ampoules, needle and protective plate,
glass bottles), inclusive sterile venting needle
collapsible bags
Lyophillisates, Closed glass vials Sterisart NF gamma with two 16475--------GBD
soluble with septum dual-needle metal spikes of
powders, different length,
liquid one is sterile-vented
Pre-filled Syringes with and Sterisart NF gamma with 16469--------GBD
syringes without needles syringe-adapter and long
dual-needle metal spike,
Medical Tubing systems and Sterisart NF gamma with Luer 16468--------GBD
devices bags with Luer or or Luer Lock connection, inclusive
Luer Lock connectors long needle and sterile venting needle
New Containers|bags Sterisart NF gamma with female 16478--------GBD
Medical with Luer Lock male Luer Lock connector
devices connectors

Sterisart NF gamma Septum, Disposable Units for Sterility Testing in Isolators,

Sterisart NF Containers with Integrated Septum for Reliable Sample Taking during
Incubation, Individually Sterile, Double-Packaged, Gamma Irradiated, Needles Made of
Flame-sterilizable Stainless Steel, 10 Units
LVPs Closed glass bottles Sterisart NF gamma Septum 16466--------GSD
with septum with long dual-needle metal spike,
LVPs SVPs Open containers, Sterisart NF gamma Septum 16467--------GSD
(i.e. glass ampoules, with long needle and protective
glass bottles), plate, inclusive sterile venting
collapsible bags needle
Lyophillisates, Closed glass vials Sterisart NF gamma Septum 16475--------GSD
Soluble with septum with two dual-needle spikes of
powders, different length, one is
Liquid sterile-vented
Pre-filled Syringes with and Sterisart NF gamma Septum 16469--------GSD
syringes without needles with syringe-adapter and long
dual-needle metal spike, sterile-vented

Microbiological Control | Sterility Testing 257


Application Description Order No.

Difficult-to-dissolve powders in Sterisart NF gamma tubing system 16470--------GBD
closed glass vials with septum, with two dual-needle metal spikes of
non-vacuo different length, needles made of
flamable stainless steel
Sterile venting of containers with Needle with venting filter, 4 cm, 16596--------HNK
rinsing solution and nutrient media, stainless steel, individually sterile
additional sterile venting needles, packaged, gamma-irradiated,
equal to the inclusive needles pack size 50
of the Sterisart NF units i.e. type
16467, 16468 and 16477

Further units (16464--------ACD|GBD) on request.

258 Sterility Testing | Microbiological Control

Re-usable Sterility Test System

Re-usable sterility test system for the sterility

testing of injection and infusion solutions.
The filter holders are easy to clean, dish-
watersafe and autoclavable. The system can
be designed according to the needs of the
user, and the membrane filter can be chosen
according to requirements.

Specifications of the Filter Holders

Material Glass cylinder; polypropylene base and sealing
plug; anodized aluminum closing cap.
Sealing Silicone gasket, 36/47 mm (6980573)
Silicone O-ring, 40.5 3.5 mm (6980574)
Filter diameter 47 mm
Filtration area 12.5 cm2
Capacity 16523: 130 ml (56 ml up to the mark for
aerobic incubation at a level of 60 mm,
110 ml up to the mark at the 115-mm level).
Operating pressure Vacuum only
Sterilization Autoclaving at 121 C

General Accessories for the Re-usable Sterility Test System

Description Order Numbers

Filter holder with 130 ml capacity 16523
Stainless steel manifold 16826
Stainless-steel adapter 17756
T-distributor for 2 filter holders 16966
Filling cap with filling needle 16967
Silicone adapter 16968
Peristaltic pump 16696
Silicone tubing, 4 1.5 mm 16699
Holding rod for inlet tube|needle 16974
Incubation rack 16975
Tube clamps (tubing clips) 16978
Venting filters, pack size 50 17574----------K

Additional Accessories for Re-usable Sterility Test System (for Ampoule Testing)

Description Order Numbers

Inlet tube 16963
Holding tongs 16973
Ampoule breaker 16969
Clamp holder 16976
Support stand 16970

Microbiological Control | Sterility Testing 259

Additional Accessories for Re-usable Sterility Testing System
(for Testing Infusion Solutions in Bottles)

Description Order Numbers

Inlet needle (long) 16964
Inlet needle (short) 16964-----3

Consumables (Membrane Filters, 47 mm, 100 Pieces/Pack)

for the Re-usable Sterility Test System

Order Numbers Pore Size Description Application

11306--47------N 0.45 m Cellulose nitrate membrane filter pH 4-8,
most hydrocarbons
13106--47----HCN 0.45 m Cellulose nitrate membrane filter pH 4-8,
with hydrophobic edge most hydrocarbons
11106--47------N 0.45 m Cellulose acetate membrane filter pH 4-8, most alcohols,
hydrocarbons and oils
13506--47----HCN 0.45 m Cellulose acetate membrane filter pH 4-8, most alcohols,
with hydrophobic edge hydrocarbons and oils
18406--47------N 0.45 m Regenerated cellulose pH 3-12,
membrane filter solvent-resistant
11407--47------N 0.2 m Cellulose nitrate membrane filter pH 4-8,
most hydrocarbons
13107--47----HCN 0.2 m Cellulose nitrate membrane filter pH 4-8,
with hydrophobic edge most hydrocarbons
11107--47------N 0.2 m Cellulose acetate membrane filter pH 4-8, most alcohols,
hydrocarbons and oils
13507--47----HCN 0.2 m Cellulose acetate membrane filter pH 4-8, most alcohols,
with hydrophobic edge hydrocarbons and oils
18407--47------N 0.2 m Regenerated cellulose pH 3-12,
membrane filter solvent-resistant

Peristaltic Pump

Rotor speed 1.5220 rpm
Operating voltages and frequencies 110240 V 50/60 Hz
Speed control ratio 147:1
Power rating 100 VA
Operating temperature 4 C to 40 C
Storage temperature range 40 C to 70 C
Weight 5.5 kg|12.1 lbs
Noise <70 dBA at 1 m
Standards IEC 335-1, EN 60529 (IP31)
Machinery Directive 98/37/EG EN 60204-1
Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EG EN 61010-1
EMC Directive 89/336/EG EN 50081-1/EN 50082-1

Order Number

260 Sterility Testing | Microbiological Control

Bags for Fluid
Standard Flexboy Bags 266

Standard Flexboy
with EVA tubes
(5 ml with Luer Lock
connection) 268

Standard Flexboy
with EVA tubes
(50 ml to 3 l with
Luer Lock connection) 269

Standard Flexboy Bags

Description Flexibility
Standard Flexboy Bags are designed for Standard Flexboy bags are available in a
the preparation, storage and transport of variety of bag sizes allowing easy adaptation
biopharmaceutical solutions, intermediates to process volume and media.
and final bulk products. They provide a
Single-use alternative to traditional glass Female and male Luer Lock fittings allow
and rigid plastic carboys in a large variety easy and convenient filling, emptying and
of applications. sampling.

Applications Easy Implementation

The broad chemical compatibility of Flexboy Standard Flexboy Bags with Luer Lock
Bags assures the safe processing of a wide connections are available in bag chamber
range of biopharmaceutical fluids in a variety volumes between 5 ml and 20 l. They are
of applications: supplied sterilized and ready to use. This
Fraction collection allows an easy and convenient process
Sample collection implementation. A series of associated
Buffers and Media sterile filtration & systems such as Flexboy Trays and Racks
storage facilitate an easy bag handling. Sartorius
Bulk Harvest Stedim Biotech supports users already at the
Product pooling design & implementation phase of a new
Bulk intermediate hold research and development with the most
Final Product transport comprehensive support program that ensures
successful design implementation of Single-
Cost Reduction and Risk Reduction use Manufacturing.
Single-use Systems improve process safety
as they reduce the risk of cross contamina-
tion from batch-to-batch and product-to-
product. Cost and time consuming CIP & SIP
operations are minimized. This results not
only in significant cost savings within the
entire process, but also in the optimization
of capacity utilization.

Features Benefits
Multiple manufacturing sites High security of supply
100% integrity testing of bag Process safety and integrity
and immediate connection
All connections extensively qualified Safe and robust
Full compliance with ISO11137 Highest sterility assurance level
Standard design Most designs available from stock

Bag Chamber Multiple Film Construction,
EVA Fluid Contact Layer
Tubing EVA, Silicone
Fittings Female Luer Lock, Needle free sampling port
Number of Ports 3 (except for 5 ml: 1 Port)
Volumes 5 ml 20 l
Sterilization By Gamma Irradiation

262 Standard Flexboy Bags | Bags for Fluid Handling

Security of Supply Quality Assurance
Sartorius Stedim Biotech has established Sartorius Stedim Biotech Quality Systems for
multiple manufacturing sites with consistent Single-use Products follow applicable ISO
industrial processes. The expertise of design- and FDA regulations for Medical Devices.
ing Single-use solutions based on collabo- Design, Manufacture and Sterilization
rative supplier management and customer processes are conducted under conditions
demand planning ensure a state of the art that mirror biopharmaceutical operations
and robust supply chain that can cope with and meet cGMP requirements.
strong market growth.
Flexboy bags are tested for compliance to:
Validation USP <87>: Biological reactivity tests, in
Flexboy Bags have been qualified apply- Vitro
ing the most complex and innovative test USP <88>: Biological reactivity tests, in
regimes. Biological, chemical and physical Vivo
tests combined with extensive extractable USP <661>: Tests for plastic
testing provide users of Flexboy with data USP <788> and E.P. 2.9.19 : Particulate
representing the widest range of process ISO 11737: Bioburden
fluids in a variety of processing conditions. ISO 11137: Sterilization of Medical Devices

Full compliance with ISO11137 allows steril- Rapid Supply

ity assurance level validation of 10-6 for each The majority of Standard Flexboy storage
Single-use System over its entire shelf life. systems are available from stock.

Bags for Fluid Handling | Standard Flexboy Bags 263

Ordering Information

Standard Flexboy with EVA Tubes (5 ml with Luer Lock Connection)

Part Description Tubing Bag Bag Bag Qty/

Number Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Box
FB115270 Flexboy 5 ml EVA 3/16" 1/4" 5 cm (2") NA NA 100
Female LL + plug,
slide clamp


5 ml 3l

Volume 5 ml 50 ml 150 ml 250 ml 500 ml 1l 3l

Length (L) 70|2.76 134|5.28 205|8.07 230|9.06 241|9.49 299|11.77 381|15.00
Width (W) 59|2.32 95|3.74 85|3.35 94|3.70 130|5.12 155|6.10 223|8.78
Length inc. 110|4.33 231|9.09 302|11.89 327|12.88 338|13.31 396|15.59 478|18.82
Tubing (T) [mm|"]
Film Surface 21|3.3 143|22.2 275|42.6 329|51.0 452|70.0 707|109.6 1346|208.7
Area [cm2| in]

5 l 50 l

Volume 5l 10 l 20 l
Length (L) [mm|"] 376|14.80 621|24.45 654|25.75
Width (W) [mm|"] 332|13.07 300|11.81 431|16.97
Length inc. Tubing (T) [mm|"] 473|18.62 718|28.27 749|29.57
Film Surface Area 1929|299.0 3528|546.9 4826| 748.0
[cm2| in]

264 Standard Flexboy Bags | Bags for Fluid Handling

Ordering Information

Standard Flexboy with EVA Tubes (50 ml to 3 l with Luer Lock Connection)

Part Description Tubing Bag Bag Bag Qty/

Number Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Box
FFB102603 Flexboy 50 ml EVA 1/4" 5/16" 10 cm (4") 1/4" 5/16" 10 cm (4") 3/16" 1/4" 5 cm 20
LL male + Cap, pinch clamp LL female + Cap, pinch clamp (1.97 in.) + septum
FFB102643 Flexboy 150 ml EVA 1/4" 5/16" 10 cm (4") 1/4" 5/16" 10 cm (4") 3/16" 1/4" 5 cm 20
LL male + Cap, pinch clamp LL female + Cap, pinch clamp (1.97 in.) + septum
FFB102670 Flexboy 500 ml EVA 1/4" 5/16" 10 cm (4") 1/4" 5/16" 10 cm (4") 3/16" 1/4" 5 cm 20
LL male + Cap, pinch clamp LL female + Cap, pinch clamp (1.97 in.) + septum
FFB103547 Flexboy 1000 ml EVA 1/4" 5/16" 10 cm (4") 1/4" 5/16" 10 cm (4") 3/16" 1/4" 5 cm 20
LL male + Cap, pinch clamp LL female + Cap, pinch clamp (1.97 in.) + septum
FFB102812 Flexboy 3000 ml EVA 1/4" 5/16" 10 cm (4") 1/4" 5/16" 10 cm (4") 3/16" 1/4" 5 cm 20
LL male + Cap, pinch clamp LL female + Cap, pinch clamp (1.97 in.) + septum
FFB103551 Flexboy 5 l EVA, 3/8" 15/32" 10 cm (4") 3/8" 15/32" 10 cm (4") 3/16" 1/4" 5 cm 20
Silicone LL male + Hose barb 3/8" 1/4" LL male + Hose barb 3/8" 1/4" (1.97 in.) + septum
+ 3/16" 5/16" 50 cm (20") + 3/16" 5/16" 50 cm (20")
+ male Luer Lock + female screw + female luer + male luer plug
+ cap + dust cap + pinch clamp + dust cap + pinch clamp
FFB102470 Flexboy 10 l EVA, 3/8" 15/32" 10 cm (4") 3/8" 15/32" 10 cm (4") 3/16" 1/4" 5 cm 20
Silicone LL male + Hose barb 3/8" 1/4" LL male + Hose barb 3/8" 1/4" (1.97 in.) + septum
+ 3/16" 5/16" 50 cm (20") + 3/16" 5/16" 50 cm (20")
+ male Luer Lock + female screw + female luer + male luer plug
cap + dust cap + pinch clamp + dust cap + pinch clamp
FFB102326 Flexboy 20 l EVA, 3/8" 15/32" 10 cm (4") 3/8" 15/32" 10 cm (4") 3/16" 1/4" 5 cm 20
Silicone LL male + Hose barb 3/8" 1/4" LL male + Hose barb 3/8" 1/4" (1.97 in.) + septum
+ 3/16" 5/16" 50 cm (20") + 3/16" 5/16" 50 cm (20")
+ male Luer Lock + female screw + female luer + male luer plug
cap + dust cap + pinch clamp + dust cap + pinch clamp

Bags for Fluid Handling | Standard Flexboy Bags 265

266 Films | Bags for Fluid Handling
Water Systems
arium 615S Softener Systems
Water Pretreatment Systems 268

arium 615DI Deionization

Cartridges Water Pretreatment
Systems 269

arium 613L
Reverse Osmosis Systems 270

arium 613AOV Open Gravity

Tanks for Reverse Osmosis
Water Produced by arium 613L
Systems 272

arium RO 61316
Reverse Osmosis Systems 273

arium EDI 61215

ASTM Type 2 Pure Water System 276

arium 613CPF05-------V
Pretreatment Cartridge 279

arium 613CPM4--------V
Reverse Osmosis Modules 280

arium Pressure Tanks

for Reverse Osmosis Systems
arium 61215 and Type 2 Water
Systems arium 61316 281

arium basic Ultrapure

Water System 282

Water System 284

arium Cartridge Kits

Disposables for Ultrapure
Water Systems 287

arium Water Guard 288

arium 615S Softener Systems
Water Pretreatment Systems

Description Applications
arium 615S systems are designed to produce Pretreatment for:
highly softened water, free of magnesium and Reverse osmosis system
calcium. ASTM type 2 water system
Glassware machine
Compact and mounted on 4 rollers, the sof- Boiler etc.
tener systems can be ordered in 3 different
types, variable in production capacity (400, Features
600 or 1,200 liters*). Low water and salt consumption
Compact design mounted on rollers
All systems can be readily regenerated with Automatic regeneration
sodium chloride brine. Regeneration is Easy to install
timercontrolled allowing the user to pre-
adjust regeneration intervals.

* At 20 dH


Materials of Construction
System Fiber-glass and PE
Plumbing PE

Capacity 615S004 615S006 615S012

At 1 dH [l] 8,000 12,000 24,000
At 20 dH [l] 400 600 1,200

Height [cm] 57.2 71.4 71.4
Width [cm] 23 23 23
Depth [cm] 40 40 40

Inlet (male) ["]
Outlet (male) ["]

Salt consumption [kg] 0.5 0.75 1.5
Time [min] 30 30 30
Water consumption [l] 55 55 55

Operating Pressure
Max. [kg/cm2] 6 6 6
Min. [kg/cm ] 2 2 2

Order No.
Softener 615S004 615S006 615S012
25 kg salt 615SC001

268 arium 615S Softener Systems | Laboratory Water Systems

arium 615DI Deionization Cartridges
Water Pretreatment Systems

Description The digitally controlled conductivity meter

The arium 615DI deionization cartridges are lets the user monitor the conductivity
designed to produce highly deionized water. by individually defined setpoint limits
(0.1200 S/cm). The conductivity measure-
These cartridges contain highly effective ion ment range is between 0.056 and 200 S/cm.
exchange resins to remove cations and anions
from water by exchanging H+ and OH-. Their Features
uniform and compact mixed bed ensures reli- Low water consumption
able desalination and optimal utilization of Compact design, easy to install
the resin material, reducing conductivity by Reliable procedure
up to < 0.1 S/cm. Conductivity typically < 0.1 S/cm
High efficiency
The arium lines also includes conductivity
meters for checking the quality of product Applications
water. These convenient options are avail- Pretreatment for
able in a choice of LED controlled display or Ultrapure water systems
digitally controlled display. Autoclaves
Glassware machinery, etc.
The LED controlled conductivity meter ena-
bles the user to monitor the conductivity of Post-treatment for
the product water with a red (> 20 S/cm) or RO permeate
green (< 20 S/cm) light. If the water does
not meet the user's quality requirements, the
LED will light up in red to alert the user.


Description of the DI Cartridges 615DI004 615DI007 615DI010 615DI014

Material of construction Plastic Plastic Stainless Stainless
(white) (white) steel steel
Capacity [l] at 10 dh 840 1,300 2,100 2,800
at 20 dh 420 650 1,050 1,400
Flow [l/h] 40 300 300 600
Dimensions [cm] Height 40 140 44.5 60
Diameter 23 23 23.7 23.7
Connectors ["] Inlet (male)
Outlet (male)
Operating pressure [bar] Max. 6 6 6 6
Min. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Operating temperature [C] Max. 35 35 35 35

Order No. Description

615DI004 arium deionization cartridge including set of tube connectors,
capacity of up to 420 l at 20 dh
615DI007 arium deionization cartridge including set of tube connectors,
capacity of up to 650 l at 20 dh
615DI010 arium deionization cartridge including set of tube connectors,
capacity of up to 1,050 l at 20 dh
615DI014 arium deionization cartridge including set of tube connectors,
capacity of up to 1,400 l at 20 dh
615ADC1 arium conductivity meter for deionization cartridges,
with digital conductivity display;
conductivity measurement range 0.056200 S/cm
615ALC1 arium conductivity meter for deionization cartridges,
with LED display (red > 20 S/cm & green < 20 S/cm)
615DIC1 arium replacement package for deionization cartridges,
ion exchange resin mixture in 25 l PE bag

Laboratory Water Systems | arium 615DI Deionization Cartridges 269

arium 613L
Reverse Osmosis Systems

Description Applications
arium 613L reverse osmosis (RO) systems Feed water for glassware machines,
have been developped fo applications requir- autoclaves and air humidifiers
ing large volumes of RO water on a daily General laboratory applications
basis. Capable of delivering up to 300 l/h of Feed water for ultrapure water purification
purified water per hour, the arium 613L is systems (ASTM type 1)
an efficient, reliable, low-maintenance RO
system that is affordable as well. Features
High performance, low-energy, thin-film
The high-performance RO membranes reduce composite (TFC) RO membranes
water wastage and provide excellent product Feed pump which ensures stable pressure
water quality, whilst ensuring high retention and water flow
rates of water constituents. Permeate distribution pump
5-m particle filter
Product water storage is simplified by the use Integrated 100-l permeate tank
of an integrated 100-liter tank. The built-in Compact design
distribution pump readily distributes the High-quality integrated components
product water at a speed of 2 m3/h and (Grundfos pump, Danfoss valves)
3.7 bar to the point of use. Fully assembled control panel (no
additional electrical installations required)
Flow meter and manometer for control of
permeate flow and pressure
Integrated pressure sensor with alarm
Optional UV lamp and conductivity meter

Footprint W H D [cm] 58 81 58

Product Water Quality

Rejection rates*
Monovalent ions Up to 98%
Polyvalent ions Up to 99%
Particles > 99%
Microorganisms > 99%
Dissolved organics (> 300 MW) > 99%
Max. recovery rate %* 4080
Conductivity [S/cm]* < 20

* Depends on feed water quality

Specifications RO 613L

Systems 613L050 613L100 613L150 613L200 613L250 613L300

Capacity [l/h]** 50 100 150 200 250 300
Tank [l] 100 100 100 100 100 100
Electrical connection [V] 230 230 230 230 230 230
Power consumption [kW/h] 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Power frequency [Hz] 50 50 50 50 50 50
Max. water temperature [C] 25 25 25 25 25 25
Max. water pressure [bar] 7 7 7 7 7 7
Min. water pressure [bar] 2 2 2 2 2 2
Weight (full) [kg] 150 151 152 153 154 155
Number of membranes 1 2 3 4 5 6

** Drinking water quality at 10 C, 3 bar, max. 500 mg/l total salt content 5% flow rate
*** Drinking water quality at 500 S/cm
40% without pretreatment softening (standard), 80% with pretreatment softening (option)

270 arium 613L | Laboratory Water Systems

Ordering Information

Order No. Description

613L050 Complete arium RO system with distribution pump, 50 l/h, 230 Volt, 50 Hz,
including 5 m prefilter, RO membrane and 100-l tank
613L050D Complete arium RO system without distribution pump
(in conjunction with an external tank system) 50 l/h, 230 Volt, 50 Hz,
including 5 m prefilter, RO membrane
613L100 Complete arium RO system with distribution pump, 100 l/h, 230 Volt,
50 Hz, including 5 m prefilter, RO membrane and 100-l tank
613L100D Complete arium RO system without distribution pump
(in conjunction with an external tank system), 100 l/h, 230 Volt, 50 Hz,
including 5 m prefilter, & 2 RO membranes
613L150 Complete arium RO system with distribution pump, 150 l/h, 230 Volt,
50 Hz, including 5 m prefilter, 3 RO membranes and 100-l tank
613L150D Complete arium RO system without distribution pump
(in conjunction with an external tank system), 150 l/h, 230 Volt, 50 Hz,
including 5 m prefilter, & 3 RO membranes
613L200 Complete arium RO system with distribution pump, 200 l/h, 230 Volt,
50 Hz, including 5 m prefilter, 4 RO membranes and 100-l tank
613L200D Complete arium RO system without distribution pump
(in conjunction with an external tank system), 200 l/h, 230 Volt, 50 Hz,
including 5 m prefilter, & 4 RO membranes
613L250 Complete arium RO system with distribution pump, 250 l/h, 230 Volt,
50 Hz, including 5 m prefilter, 5 RO membranes and 100-l tank
613L250D Complete arium RO system without distribution pump
(in conjunction with an external tank system), 250 l/h, 230 Volt, 50 Hz,
including 5 m prefilter, & 5 RO membranes
613L300 Complete arium RO system with distribution pump, 300 l/h, 230 Volt,
50 Hz, including 5 m prefilter, 6 RO membranes and 100-l tank
613L300D Complete arium RO system without distribution pump
(in conjunction with an external tank system), 300 l/h, 230 Volt, 50 Hz,
including 5 m prefilter, & 6 RO membranes
613AOV200 Standard 200-l tank with system-controlled distribution pump
(for RO 613L050D, 613L100D, 613L150D, 613L200D, 613L250D &
613L300D systems)
613AOV600 Standard 600-l tank with system-controlled distribution pump
(for RO 613L050D, 613L100D, 613L150D, 613L200D, 613L250D &
613L300D systems)
613AOV1000 Standard 1000-l tank with system-controlled distribution pump
(for RO 613L050D, 613L100D, 613L150D, 613L200D, 613L250D &
613L300D systems)
613L-AE002 Conductivity meter
613L-AE002 UV lamp with housing
613L-CH001 5 m prefilter
613L-CH002 RO membrane

Laboratory Water Systems | arium 613L 271

arium 613AOV Open Gravity Tanks
Product Water Storage Tanks for Reverse Osmosis Water
Produced by arium 613L Systems
Description Applications
The arium open gravity tanks are designed Storage reservoir for reverse osmosis water
to store water produced by the arium 613L produced by 613L water systems
reverse osmosis systems. Feed reservoir for ultra pure water sys-
tems, autoclaves and general laboratory
The polyethylene tanks are equipped with equipment, etc.
Grundfos reservoir distribution pump (2 m3/h
at 3.7 bar) and can be ordered in 3 different Features
storage capacities from 200 l, 600 l up to Integrated filtrate distribution pump
1,000 l. Compact design
High-quality components
(Grundfos pump, Danfoss valves)
Fully assembled control panel


Material of Construction
Reservoir: Rotation-molded P.E.

Volume [l] 200 600 1,000
Pump capacity [bar|m3/h] 3.7|2 3.7|2 3.7|2

Height [m] 1.55 1.92 1.93
Diameter [cm] 51 76 1

Inlet height [m] 1.02 1.4 1.4
Outlet height [m] 1.37 1.75 1.75
Outlet dimensions (Male) ["]

Order No.
Open gravity 613AOV 613AOV 613AOV
Tank 200 600 1000

272 arium 613AOV | Laboratory Water Systems

arium RO 61316
Reverse Osmosis Systems

Description Applications
The compact arium RO 61316 laboratory Feed water for ultrapure water systems
water purification system is designed to Rinsing glassware and laboratory vessels
produce RO-Water for general laboratory Feed water for humidifiers, autoclaves and
applications. dish washer

With production volumes up to 16 l/h and Features

up to 99% rejection rate of ions, bacteria, Four line alphanumerical display
organics and viruses, automated RO-mem- Simple menu navigation
brane back-flushing, and a constant flow Displaying conductivity, rejection rate,
rate, the arium 61316 is the ideal choice tank-level, temperature etc.
for daily laboratory applications. Typical conductivity < 20 S/cm
Production capacity up to 380 liter per day
The efficient RO-membranes reduce loss of Easy to change pretreatment cartridge
water, ensuring excellent quality of the puri- and RO-modules
fied water and a high retention rate of the Automatic RO-membrane-back-flush
constituents in the raw water. with RO-permeat
Constant flow rate
By the use of an optional closed pressurized Several alarm functions
tank (30, 70, 100 liter) the RO product water Product water storage in open gravity
will be distributed with up to 2.5 bar to the or closed pressurized tank
point of use. This unique feature provides a Serial interface RS-232
pressurized product-water flow for all your PLC interface for external communication
lab applications. There is no need for an
additional distribution pump.

Unit dimensions W H D [cm|"] 43|16.85 48|19 33.4|13.15
System weight [kg|lbs] 14|31
Operation weight [kg|lbs] 20|44
Electrical power requirements 100-240 V AC, 50-60 Hz single phase

Inlet Feed Water Requirements

Potable tap water feed only
(feed water to meet drinking water standards of the U.S., European Union or Japan)
Minimum inlet pressure [bar|psi] 1.2|17.4
Maximum inlet pressure [bar|psi] 6.9|100
Maximum conductivity [S/cm] < 1500
Temperature [C|F] 235|4115
Max. Hardness (max CaCO3) [ppm] 360
Silt density index <5
Free chlorine [ppm] 0.1
Turbidity < 1 NTU
Iron (total as Fe) [ppm] < 0.1

Ambient Temperature & Humidity

Operation 2 C35 C (41 F95 F)
max. 80% relative humidity
Storage 5 C-45 C (41 F113 F)
max. 80% relative humidity

Laboratory Water Systems | arium RO 61316 273

RO System Schematic

Pressure analysis|Rejection
Conductivity cell



cartridge RO module #1 RO module #2 RO pressure tank


Product Water Quality

Typical conductivity < 20 S/cm
Bacteria** < 1 CFU/1000 ml
Particle** < 1/ml
Specifications RO modules
Monovalent ions Up to 98%
Polyvalent ions Up to 99%
Particles > 99%
Microorganisms > 99%
Dissolved organics (>300 MW) > 99%
Product flow rate [l/h]* ( 20% at 25 C) 16

Ordering Information
61316 arium RO system
613CPF05--------V 2 pretreatment cartridges
613CPM4--------V 2 RO modules
611CDS2 Sanitization kit for the tank (2 syringes)
612CDS2 Sanitization kit for the RO modules (2 syringes)
613-AMDG1 Dispense gun with height-adjustable tripod
for 613APV pressure tanks
613-AMDG2 Dispense gun with wall mounting kit for
613APV pressure tanks
613APV31 30-liter tank***
613APV50 50-liter tank***
613APV70 70-liter tank***
613APV100 100-liter tank***

* Depends on feed water quality and temperature

** With Sartopore 2 150 ml final filter
*** At 2.5 bar tank pressure

274 arium RO 61316 | Laboratory Water Systems

Ordering Information

Benchtop System Built-in System Description

61316030F05M1A 61316030F05M1D Complete Reverse Osmosis System with a
tank capacity of 30 liter*** (includes arium
61316, tank, 2 RO modules, 2 pretreatment
cartridges + sanitizing syringes for
RO modules & tank).
61316050F05M1A 61316050F05M1D Complete Reverse Osmosis System with a
tank capacity of 50 liter*** (includes arium
61316, tank, 2 RO modules, 2 pretreatment
cartridges + sanitizing syringes for
RO modules & tank).
61316070F05M1A 61316070F05M1D Complete Reverse Osmosis System with a
tank capacity of 70 liter*** (includes arium
61316, tank, 2 RO modules, 2 pretreatment
cartridges + sanitizing syringes for
RO modules & tank).
61316100F05M1A 61316100F05M1D Complete Reverse Osmosis System with a
tank capacity of 100 liter*** (includes arium
61316, tank, 2 RO modules, 2 pretreatment
cartridges + sanitizing syringes for
RO modules & tank).

*** At 2.5 bar tank pressure

Laboratory Water Systems | arium RO 61316 275

arium EDI 61215
ASTM Type 2 Pure Water System

Description Applications
The compact arium EDI 61215 laboratory Reagent preparation
water purification system is designed to Electrophoresis
produce ASTM type 21, 3 water for general Pharmaceutical applications
laboratory applications. Microbiological media and buffer
The arium EDI 61215 guarantees constant General biotechnology applications
water quality and high economy for daily lab Rinsing glass ware
use, delivering purified water at a rate of at Feed water for ultrapure water systems
least 15 l/hr and retaining 99% of single- Feed water for humidifiers autoclaves and
and multiple-charged ions as well as bacteria dish washer
and viruses.
These powerful RO membranes reduce loss Four line alphanumerical display
of water, ensuring excellent quality of the Simple menu navigation
purified water and a high retention rate of Displaying product and feed water quality,
the constituents in the raw water. rejection rate of RO modules, tank-level,
temperature etc.
The use of proven Ionpure EDI technology Production capacity up to 360 liter per day
guarantees the highest quality of reagent Automatic RO-membrane-back-flush with
grade water (ASTM type 2)1, 3. The combined RO-permeate
arium EDI 61215 purification procedure Constant flow rate
including reverse osmosis, softening and Several alarm and service functions
electronic|chemical desalting as well as the Automatic regeneration of the EDI stack
continuous, automatic regeneration of the Product water storage in open gravity or
EDI module enables nearly maintenance-free closed pressurized tank
and inexpensive supply of pure water. Serial interface RS-232
PLC interface for external communication
The proven Ionpure EDI technology offers Flexible display unit can be mounted at the
convincing advantages: top, at the bottom or in a remote location
High retention rating of up to 95% up to 2.8 m from the system
Chemical-free deionization process
Resistance to the build-up of biological Depends on feed water quality, temperature and storage
deposits 2
In absence of CO2
Maintenance-free performance 3
With Sartopore 2 150 final filter

By the use of an optional closed pressurized

tank (30, 50, 70, 100 liter) the product water
will be distributed with up to 2.5 bar to the
point of use. This unique feature provides a
pressurized product-water flow for all your
lab applications. There is no need for an
additional distribution pump.

276 arium EDI 61215 | Laboratory Water Systems

Unit dimensions W H D [cm|"] 43|16.85 48|19 33.4|13.15
System weight [kg|lbs] 20|44
Operation weight [kg|lbs] 25|55
Electrical power requirements 100-240 V AC, 50-60 Hz single phase

Inlet Feed Water Requirements

Potable tap water feed only
(feed water to meet drinking water standards of the U.S., European Union or Japan)
Minimum inlet pressure [bar|psi] 1.2|17.4
Maximum inlet pressure [bar|psi] 6.9|100
Maximum conductivity2 < 1000 S/cm
Temperature [C|F] 535|4195
Max. Hardness (max CaCO3) [ppm] 360
Silt density index <5
Free chlorine [ppm] 0.1
Turbidity < 1 NTU
Iron (total as Fe) [ppm] < 0.1

Ambient Temperature & Humidity

Operation [C|F] 235|4195 max. 80% relative humidity
Storage [C|F] 545|41113 max. 80% relative humidity

Depends on feed water quality, temperature and storage tank
In absence of CO2
With Sartopore 2 150 final filter

Product Water Quality

Typical resistivity1 515 M cm
Typical conductivity 0.20.07 S/cm
Typical TOC level1 < 30 ppb
Rejection rates RO modules
Bacteria2 < 1 CFU/1000 ml
Particle2 < 1/ml
Product flow rate [l/h]* ( 20% at 25 C) 15
Depends on feed water quality, temperature and storage tank
With Sartopore 2 150 final filter

Laboratory Water Systems | arium EDI 61215 277

Flow Chart

Solenoid Conductivity|Retention rate analysis

valve Pressure Display
Inlet regulator
Conductivity cell
Conduc- Conduc-
Pump tivity tivity
cell cell

Softener EDI

cartridge Storage tank

RO module RO module
#1 #2


Ordering Information
61215 arium ASTM type 2 water system with built in EDI stack
613CPF05-------V 2 pretreatment cartridges
612CPS1--------A 4 softener cartridges
613CPM4-------V 2 RO modules
611CDS2 Sanitization kit for the tank (2 syringes)
612CDS2 Sanitization kit for the system (2 syringes)
613-AMDG1 Dispense gun with height-adjustable tripod for 613APV pressure tanks
613-AMDG2 Dispense gun with wall mounting kit for 613APV pressure tanks
613APV31 30-liter tank**
613APV50 50-liter tank**
613APV70 70-liter tank**
613APV100 100-liter tank**

Benchtop System Built-in System Description

61215030F05M1A 61215030F05M1D Complete arium EDI 61215 type 2 water system
with a tank capacity of 30 liter** (includes arium
EDI 61215, tank, 2 RO modules, 4 softener
cartridges, 2 pretreatment cartridges + sanitizing
syringes for RO modules & tank).
61215050F05M1A 61215050F05M1D Complete arium EDI 61215 type 2 water system
with a tank capacity of 50 liter** (includes arium
EDI 61215, tank, 2 RO modules, 4 softener
cartridges, 2 pretreatment cartridges + sanitizing
syringes for RO modules & tank).
61215070F05M1A 61215070F05M1D Complete arium EDI 61215 type 2 water system
with a tank capacity of 70 liter** (includes arium
EDI 61215, tank, 2 RO modules, 4 softener
cartridges, 2 pretreatment cartridges + sanitizing
syringes for RO modules & tank).
61215100F05M1A 61215100F05M1D Complete arium EDI 61215 type 2 water system
with a tank capacity of 100 liter** (includes arium
EDI 61215, tank, 2 RO modules, 4 softener
cartridges, 2 pretreatment cartridges + sanitizing
syringes for RO modules & tank).
** Depends on tank pressure 2.5 bar

278 arium EDI 61215 | Laboratory Water Systems

arium 613CPF05-------V
Pretreatment Cartridge

Description Special high-quality 20 50 mesh activated

The Sartorius arium 613CPFO5-------V is carbons are used to remove oxidizing agents.
an encapsulated cartridge, containing pre- The small, particle-size carbons permit fast
treatment media and a 5 m depth filter as a diffusion of contaminants and efficient
convenient, one-piece disposable. Designed adsorption or surface reaction. The small
for installation within the arium 61316 and carbon particle size also allows more acti-
61215, the pretreatment cartridge removes vated carbon mass, which results in longer
free chlorine and particulate matter from the service life.
systems feed water to protect the RO mem-
branes located downstream. A combination of proprietary catalytic media
is an integral part of the pretreatment mix.
Features and Benefits The catalytic media are extremely efficient
Pretreatment packs utilize a patented design at removing free chlorine and less susceptible
to encapsulate the treatment media and to the temperature and pH limits associated
filter. This design simplifies installation and with activated carbon. The catalyst ensures
removal, reducing downtime to a minimum. optimum chlorine removal from low
temperature and|or high pH feed waters.
Water entering the pretreatment pack flows Added benefits of the catalyst include limited
through the purification media bed before fouling, scale prevention and bacterial
passing to a 5 m depth filter. Down-flow control. The catalytic action reduces hardness
operation over the media bed helps to remove scale (calcium and magnesium) buildup on
larger particles and thus increase the service the membrane.
life of the particle-removing filter.

Materials of construction Housing Virgin unfilled polypropylene
Purification media 20 50 mesh granular activated carbon
Chlorine|hardness catalyst
5 m [nominal] PP filter cartridge
Unit dimensions W H D [cm|"] 18|7 26|10.2 11|4.3
Operation weight [kg] 3.5

Inlet Feed Water Requirements

Potable tap water feed only
Minimum inlet pressure [bar|psi] 1|15
Maximum inlet pressure [bar|psi] 6.8|100
Hardness (max CaCO3) [ppm] 360
Silt density index < 5%
Turbidity < 1 NTU
Iron (total as Fe) [ppm] < 0.1

Ambient Temperature and Humidity

Operation [C|F] 528|4182.4 80% relative humidity
Storage [C|F] 528|4182.4 80% relative humidity

Ordering Information

Order Number Quantity

613CPFO5-------V 2 cartridges

Laboratory Water Systems | arium 613CPF05-------V 279

arium 613CPM4--------V
Reverse Osmosis Modules

Description The RO modules typically produce greater

The arium 613CPM4--------V reverse than 50% permeate recovery, which
osmosis modules are designed for installation conserves water while still providing 99%
within the arium 61316 RO and the arium or greater salt rejection.
EDI 61215 systems. The arium RO modules
consist of two self-contained membrane- Each time the RO system shuts down with
housings engineered for easy installation and a full tank, the RO membranes are back-
reliable service. Each module contains a low flushed with permeate water. Back-flushing
energy thin film composite RO membrane with RO permeate water removes particles
(TFC) enclosed in a polypropylene housing. and potential scale forming salts from the
Each housing contains feed, permeate and membrane surface, promoting longer service
concentrate water connections with internal life and reducing system maintenance.
flow control for membrane rinsing. This back-flushing operation allows the RO
membranes to be stored in RO permeate
Features and Benefits water instead of feed or mains water between
The arium RO modules are designed to service operations, which extends the service
produce up to 380 liters* per day of RO life of the membrane. At startup, the system
permeate water. The low-energy TFC will produce higher quality permeate water as
membranes require less energy (pressure) compared to conventional systems that store
to produce a higher quantity of water/hour membranes in feed water.
than comparable membranes of the same
size. This reduces running cost by consuming The product water is ideally suited for use as
less electric power. feed water to a Type 1 lab water system
(e.g. arium 611) or other device requiring
pretreated water.

RO membranes Low-energy polyamide thin-film composite
Housing Polypropylene
Unit dimensions [cm|"] Height 30.8|12.13
Diameter 7.8|3.07
Operation weight [g|lbs] 468|1.03 each
Feed pressure [bar|psi] Min 1.2|15
Max 6.8|100
Temperature [C|F] 535|4199
Silt density index <3
Iron (total as Fe) [ppm] < 0.1
Hardness (max CaCO3) [ppm] 360 or softened water
Output Up to 380 liters per day* (16 liters per hour)
at 25 C 20%
* Depends on feed water quality and temperature

Ordering Information

Order Number Quantity

613CPM4--------V 2 modules

280 arium 613CPM4--------V | Laboratory Water Systems

arium Pressure Tanks
Product Water Storage Tanks for Reverse Osmosis Systems arium 61215
and Type 2 Water Systems arium 61316
Description Several benefits are gained by the use of
The arium pressure tanks are designed to a closed pressure tank:
store water produced by the arium 61316 Contamination by airborne bacteria and
reverse osmosis system and the 61215 Type 2 gases is reduced.
water system. Tanks can be mounted in any position for
delivery of water to optimize space and
Each of these vessels is a completely enclosed storage location.
pressure tank incorporating an internal dia- The pressurized reservoir is capable of
phragm, which expands and contracts relative delivering RO water directly to ultrapure
to the preset tank pressure and the volume water systems and other laboratory
of water in storage. An FDA-approved double equipment without the need of an
butyl diaphragm isolates the product water additional pump.
within the pressure tank, ensuring water
purity is maintained during storage.

Materials of construction Exterior Two part polyurethane|epoxy primed paint
Reservoir Patended double butyl diaphragm
Plumbing PE and PP
Operating pressure Tank [bar|psi] 010|0146 max.
precharge [bar|psi] 02.6|038 0.3|5
Operating temperature 5 C90 C (41 F200 F)
Not to exceed 60 C (140 F) ambient
Connectors [mm|"] Inlet 6| John Guest
Outlet 9|3/8 quick connect,
6| NPT for optional pressure switch or outlet
Pressure gauge [kPa|psi] 0700|0100
Shutoff valves Manual ball valve and quick-disconnect shutoff valve included
Certification The arium tanks meet CE and NSF [58] standards

Order Number

Capacity Height Diameter Weight Weight

@ 2.5 bar Empty Full
[litres|gallons] [cm|"] [cm|"] [kg|lbs] [kg|lbs]
613APV31 30|8 57|23 41|16 11|24 41|90
613APV50 50|11 74.9|29 41|16 12|26 62|136
613APV70 70|19 111|44 41|16 21|46 91|201
613APV100 100|26 94|37 53|21 26|57 126|278

Laboratory Water Systems | arium 613APV Pressure Tanks 281

arium basic Ultrapure Water System

The arium basic system supplies ASTM Features

type 1 ultrapure water and is used for both Innovative glass operator interface with
critical applications and routine analyses. touch function
Streamlined to incorporate only the most Time-controlled dispensing
important functions for the production of Freely adjustable flow rates up to 2 l/min**
high-quality ultrapure water, the arium basic Conductivity measurement for product
is a costeffective alternative for the discerning water
user that is also very easy to use. Data logging on printer or PC
Activatable PIN code for basic
Areas of Application configurations
Atomic absorption (AA) Service and alarm functions supported by
Ion exchange chromatography (IC) graphic displays
Inductively coupled plasma mass Intelligent alarm system
spectrometry (ICP-MS) Compact design
Rinsing glass vessels
Preparing buffers and media
Manufacturing reagents


Product Water Quality

Specific resistivity [M cm] 18.2
TOC at 50 ppb* inlet water <5
Particulate matter (at 0.2 m) < 1/ml
Bacteria (CFU/1,000 ml) <1
Flow rate [l/min]** Up to 2

Inlet Water Requirements

Specific conductance
RO water 100 S/cm
Distilled water 4 S/cm
Deionized water 20 S/cm
TOC [ppb] < 50
Turbidity < 1 NTU
Silica [ppb] < 1000
Minimum inlet pressure Depressurized
Maximum inlet pressure [bar] 6.9
Dimensions W H D [mm] 350 492 451
Empty weight [kg] Approx. 17
Operating weight [kg] Approx. 27
PC|Printer connections RS-232

Electrical Requirements
100240 Vac ( 10%), 5060 Hz, 80 W (max.), 130 VA (max.)

Environmental Conditions
Operation 530 C***; 80% relative humidity,
non condensing
Storage 545 C; 80% relative humidity,
non condensing

* Values may vary depending on the quality of the feed water, the amount of contamination contained in the feed
water, and|or the type of cartridge in use.
** At a pressure of 2 bar without a final filter
*** 540 C optional

282 arium basic Ultrapure Water System | Laboratory Water Systems


Order No. Description

H2O basic-B arium basic wall-mounted unit for producing
ultrapure water for standard applications
with front bottom-mounted display|dispenser
unit and integrated wall-mounting bracket
for the system
H2O basic-T arium basic bench-top system for producing
ultrapure water for standard applications
with front top-mounted display|dispenser

Cartridge Kits

Order No. Description

611CKDI 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing
cartridge for DI or electrically deionized feed
water for applications requiring a low level of
inorganic substances
611CKDO 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing
cartridge for DI or electrically deionized feed
water for low TOC level applications
611CKRI 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing
cartridge for RO or distilled feed water for
applications requiring a low level of inorganic
611CKRO 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing
cartridge for RO or distilled feed water for
low TOC level applications
611CKHI 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing
cartridge for RO, distilled, DI, or electrically
deionized feed water for applications requir-
ing a low level of inorganic substances
611CKTI* 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing car-
tridge for potable feed water for applications
requiring a low level of inorganic substances
611CKTO* 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing
cartridge for potable feed water for low TOC
level applications


Order No. Description

5441307H4--CE--B Sartopore 2 150 sterile final filters, pore size:
0.2 m (pack with 5 pcs.)

General Accessories

Order No. Description

611APR1 Dot matrix printer for data logging

* Tap water cartridges should be used only after the feed water specifications have been checked and following
consultation with the responsible Sartorius application specialist.

Laboratory Water Systems | arium basic Ultrapure Water System 283

arium pro Ultrapure Water System

arium pro, ASTM Typ1 water purification Areas of Application

system for the high end user. Whether for Atomic absorption (AA)
routine analysis or critical applications where Ion exchange chromatography (IC)
reagent-grade water is required, the system High performance liquid chromatography
consistently supplies high quality that is (HPLC)
perfect for your applications. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Inductively coupled plasma mass
arium pro features a convincing innovative spectrometry (ICP-MS)
design, quality and ease of use. From the intui- Preparing cell culture media
tive menu navigation to the operatorfriendly Proteinpurification
setup, all units in the arium pro series feature Manufacturing reagents
ultra easy operation and ultra high flexibility Preparing buffers and media
for producing laboratory-grade purified water. Rinsing glass vessels

arium pro UV and pro VF water purification Features

systems are also optionally available with an Innovative glass operator interface with
integrated TOC monitor for regularly check- touch function
ing the organic water constituents in product Integrated TOC measurement (optional)
water. Volume- and time-controlled dispensing
Freely adjustable flow rates up to 2 l/min**
The TOC can be measured manually or auto- Conductivity measurement for feed and
matically as required. product water
Integrated monitoring of water consumption
Data logging on SD card and printer or PC
Activatable PIN code for basic configurations
Service and alarm functions supported by
graphic displays
Intelligent alarm system
Compact design


Product Water Quality pro DI pro UV pro UF pro VF

Resistivity [M cm] 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2
TOC at 50 ppb* feed water [ppb] <5 12 <5 12
Endotoxin [EU/ml] n.a. n.a. < 0.001 < 0.001
Particules (at 0.2 m) < 1/ml < 1/ml < 1/ml < 1/ml
Bacteria (CFU/1000 ml) <1 <1 <1 <1
Flow rate [l/min]** up to 2 up to 2 up to 1.7 up to 1.7

Inlet Water Requirements

Specific conductance
RO water 100 S/cm
Distilled water 4 S/cm
Deionized water 20 S/cm
TOC [ppb] < 50
Turbidity < 1 NTU
Silica [ppb] < 1,000
Minimum inlet pressure Depressurized
Maximum inlet pressure [bar] 6.9
Dimensions W H D [mm] 350 492 451
Empty weight [kg] 1719 (depends on the type of system)
Operating weight [kg] 2729 (depends on the type of system)
PC|Printer connections SD Card
* Values may vary depending on the quality of the feed water, the amount of contamination contained in the feed water,
and|or the type of cartridge in use.
** At a pressure of 2 bar, without final filter

284 arium pro Ultrapure Water System | Laboratory Water Systems

Electrical Requirements
100240 Vac ( 10%), 5060 Hz, 80 W (max.), 130 VA (max.)

Environmental Conditions
Operation 530 C* 80% relative humidity, non condensing
Storage 545 C; 80% relative humidity, non condensing
* 540 C optional

Order No. Order No. Description
arium pro System
with Integrated
H2Opro-DI-B arium pro DI wall-mounted unit for producing ultrapure
water for standard applications with front bottom
mounted display|dispenser unit and integrated wall
bracket for the system
H2Opro-DI-T arium pro DI bench-top system for producing ultrapure
water for standard applications with front top-mounted
display| dispenser unit
H2Opro-DI-D arium pro DI built-in system for producing ultrapure
water for standard applications, including wall mounting
kit for the display|dispenser unit with 2.8 meter extended
cable, tubing and wall bracket
H2Opro-UF-B arium pro UF wall-mounted unit for producing ultrapure
water for cell culture applications with front bottom
mounted display|dispenser unit and integrated wall
bracket for the system
H2Opro-UF-T arium pro UF bench-top system for producing ultrapure
water for cell culture applications with front top-mount-
ed display|dispenser unit
H2Opro-UF-D arium pro UF built-in system for producing ultrapure
water for cell culture applications, including wall mount-
ing kit for the display|dispenser unit with 2.8 meter
extended cable, tubing and wall bracket
H2Opro-UV-B H2Opro-UV-B-TOC arium pro UV wall-mounted unit for producing ultrapure
water for chromatographic applications with front bot-
tom-mounted display|dispenser unit and integrated wall
bracket for the system
H2Opro-UV-T H2Opro-UV-T-TOC arium pro UV bench-top system for producing ultrapure
water for chromatographic applications with front top-
mounted display|dispenser unit
H2Opro-UV-D H2Opro-UV-D-TOC arium pro UV built-in system for producing ultrapure
water for chromatographic applications, including wall
mounting kit for the display|dispenser unit with 2.8 meter
extended cable, tubing and wall bracket
H2Opro-VF-B H2Opro-VF-B-TOC arium pro VF wall-mounted unit for producing ultrapure
water for standard, cell culture and chromatographic
applications with front bottom mounted display|dispenser
unit and integrated wall bracket for the system
H2Opro-VF-T H2Opro-VF-T-TOC arium pro VF bench-top system for producing ultrapure
water for standard, cell culture and chromatographic appli-
cations with front top-mounted display|dispenser unit
H2Opro-VF-D H2Opro-VF-D-TOC arium pro VF built-in system for producing ultrapure
water for standard, cell culture and chromatographic
applications, including wall mounting kit for the display|
dispenser unit with 2.8 meter extended cable, tubing and
wall bracket

Laboratory Water Systems | arium pro Ultrapure Water System 285

Cartridge Kits for pro DI and pro UF Systems

Order No. Description

611CKDI 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing cartridge for DI or
electrically deionized feed water for applications requiring a
low level of inorganic substances
611CKDO 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing cartridge for
DI or electrically deionized feed water for low TOC level
611CKRI 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing cartridge for RO or
distilled feed water for applications requiring a low level of
inorganic substances
611CKRO 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing cartridge for RO or
distilled feed water and low TOC level applications
611CKHI 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing cartridge for RO,
distilled or electrically deionized feed water for applications
requiring a low level of inorganic substances
611CKTI* 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing cartridge for
potable tap water feed for applications requiring a low level
of inorganic substances
611CKTO* 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing cartridge for
potable tap water feed and for low TOC level applications

Cartridge Kits for pro UV and pro VF Systems

Order No. Description

611CKDU 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing cartridge for DI or
electrically deionized feed water and low TOC level applications
611CKRU 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing cartridge for RO or
distilled feed water and low TOC level applications
611CKTU* 1 pretreatment cartridge and 1 polishing cartridge for
potable tap water feed and low TOC level applications

Order No. Description

611CDU5 UF cartridge
611CEL1 UV lamp
611CDS2 Sanitization kit with 2 syringes
611CDS6 Sanitization kit with 6 syringes
5441307H4--CE--B Sartopore 2 150 final filter, pore size: 0.2 m (pack with 5 pcs.)


Order No. Description

H2Opro-AMDG1 Dispense gun including height-adjustable stand
H2Opro-AMDG2 Dispense gun including wall mounting kit
H2Opro-ADM1 Display mounting kit including height-adjustable stand
611APR1 Dot matrix printer for data logging
H2O-AFS1 Foot switch for water dispensing
H2O-ALS1 2 Level Sensors for connection to an open tank system

* Tap water cartridges should be used only after the feed water specifications have been checked and following
consultation with the responsible Sartorius application specialist.

286 arium pro Ultrapure Water System | Laboratory Water Systems

arium Cartridge Kits
Disposables for Ultrapure Water Systems

Description Application Specific Media Design

The Sartorius arium cartridge kits are Each unique cartridge kit is designed for a
designed to be installed in the arium 611, specific feed water source and arium model
basic and H2O pro laboratory water purifi- to provide the highest product water quality
cation systems. Each cartridge kit utilizes available. Special kits are engineered for the
Sartorius patented technologies to provide different and variable feed water characteris-
ultrapure water that exceeds the ASTM Type tics expected from deionized, reverse osmosis
1 Reagent Grade Water Standards. Kits are or tap (mains) feed water sources. Purification
designed to produce 18.2 M cm ultrapure media recipes are also specifically designed
water with a low TOC content. All cartridge for arium systems, utilizing ultraviolet (UV)
kits contain 1 pretreatment pack, 1 polishing radiation technology for the lowest total
pack and 2 final filters. organic carbon (TOC) content. Ultraviolet
systems can produce peroxides and ozone
Features and Benefits that can damage ion exchange resins.
The cartridge packs are designed for A special catalytic material is used to remove
down-flow operation to promote efficient peroxide and ozone downstream from the
purification kinetics and to prevent media UV chamber. Kits for low TOC without the
separation. Inner tube diameters and volumes UV chamber and high capacity ion exchange
are engineered to cross-sectional fluid are also available.
velocity and media bed contact standards.

The packs contain the highest quality

granular and catalytic activated carbons.
Only new semiconductor (electronics) grade,
mixed-bed ion exchange resin is utilized in
the cartridge kits. These kits have some of
the highest ion exchange capacities in the
industry, resulting in low operating costs.

Specifications for arium Cartridge Kits

Materials of construction Housing Virgin unfilled polypropylene
Connecting screws Stainless steel
Purification media 20 50 mesh granular activated and catalytic
activated carbons.
Semiconductor-grade ultrapure mixed bed
ion exchange resin.

Cartridge Kit Order Number Description

6 1 1 C K R U

arium Consum- Polishing Pack (Pack 2)

product line ables kit I = Low inorganic application
O= Low organic application for
611DI & 611UF systems
U= Low organic application for
611UV & 611VF systems

Pretreatment Pack (Pack 1)

R = RO and distilled feed water
D = Deionized|EDI feed water
H= RO, distilled, deionized|EDI feed water,
high capacity ion exchange
T = Tap feed water

Laboratory Water Systems | arium Cartridge Kits 287

arium Water Guard

Description Areas of Application

arium Water Guard detects water leaks early. For pure and ultrapure water systems
That means your lab gets optimal protection
against water damage. Features
Reliably protects against leaks
Thanks to its high-grade materials and its Highly sensitive optical sensor, also suit-
finely-tuned sensors, arium Water Guard is able for detecting ultrapure water leaks
the ideal partner for laboratory-grade and High-grade material, non-corrosive
ultrapure water systems. Optic and acoustic alarm
Easy to install
Leaks are registered by an optical sensor. This Integrated wall holder for solenoid valve
automatically closes the inlet line and triggers Automatically blocks the feed water line
an acoustic warning signal. In addition, the when a leak is detected
user can also constantly monitor the system's Electrically powered
status on the built-in LED display. Versatile


Height [cm] 2.5
Diameter [cm] 5
Sensor cable Length 2 m
Tubing connector Inlet diameter 3/8"
Outlet diameter 3/8"

Power supply 100240 V AC 5060 Hz

Feed Water Requirements

Minimum inlet pressure [bar] 0
Maximum inlet pressure [bar] 7
Temperature 5 C30 C

Room Temperature and Humidity

Operation 5 C30 C at 80% relative humidity
Storage 5 C 45 C at 80% relative humidity

Ordering Information

Order No. Description

610AWG1 arium Water Guard

288 arium Water Guard | Laboratory Water Systems

Cell Cultivation
CERTOMAT Benchtop Shakers 290

CERTOMAT Incubation Shakers 291

Accessories 292

CultiFlask 50
Disposable Bioreactor 294

CELLine Disposable
Two-compartement-Bioreactor 295

Stand-alone Version 296

SuperSpinner D 1000 297

VoluPACTM Tubes 298

UniVessel SU
Single-use Stirred
Tank Bioreactor 299

Biostat Aplus
The Compact, Autoclavable
Fermentor|Bioreactor 304

Integrated System Design for
Convenience Research 305

Single-use Bioreactors 308

CERTOMAT Benchtop Shakers

CERTOMAT benchtop shakers have proven Accessories for CERTOMAT

their value for long-term use in microbiology, Benchtop Shakers
cell biology, pharmacology and chemistry CERTOMAT benchtop shakers are compatible
laboratories world-wide. with the full range of accessories:

Instruments available range from the Aluminium trays (type EU, 420 420 mm
economical CERTOMAT MO ll with or type FU, 420 800 mm)
simple speed and time control, over the Stainless steel or reinforced plastic clamps
CERTOMAT S ll with analogue output for for Erlenmeyer or Fernbach flasks from
data documentation and memory function, 25 ml up to 5 l volume
to the CERTOMAT RM with variable mass Hinged racks for test tubes or centrifuge
compensation allowing maximum speed tubes up to 30 mm diameter
with maximum load. The CERTOMAT R Universal mounting system with clamping
and CERTOMAT U models, in addition, rods for odd-shaped vessels
are extremely silent runners due to their Sticky tape or anti-skid layer for easy
strong magnetic drive. exchange of flasks or flat-bottomed
containers such as microplates
All benchtop shakers can be combined with Holders for microtiter plates
our incubation hoods CERTOMAT H or HK
in order to provide a temperature-controlled Accessories are not part of the instruments
environment. and have to be ordered separately.

CERTOMAT benchtop shakers are available

with shaking amplitudes of 12.5 mm, 25 mm
or 50 mm and can be run at up to 400 rpm,
which makes them very efficient tools for cell
cultivation and general mixing applications.

For more details, see our special brochures

available on request from your local
Sartorius office.

Order Numbers for CERTOMAT Benchtop Shakers

230 V/50 Hz 115 V/60 Hz

CERTOMAT MO ll 12.5 mm BBI-8860858 convertible
25 mm BBI-8860866 convertible
CERTOMAT S ll 25 mm BBI-8862524 BBI-8862532
50 mm BBI-8862621 BBI-8862631
CERTOMAT RM 25 mm BBI-8862320 BBI-8862338
50 mm BBI-8862427 BBI-8862435
CERTOMAT R 25 mm BBI-8863024 BBI-8860130
CERTOMAT U 25 mm BBI-8863121 BBI-8860238
CERTOMAT H heating BBI-8863202 convertible
CERTOMAT HK heat|cool BBI-8863245 convertible

Literature for CERTOMAT benchtop shakers

Overview Shakers and Homogenizers SL-0013-e

290 Benchtop Shakers | Cell Cultivation Systems

CERTOMAT Incubation Shakers

CERTOMAT incubation shakers, originally The CERTOMAT BS-T is a top-loading

engineered by Sartorius BBI Systems, provide incubator-shaker with the same features
a temperature-controlled environment for as described above for the BS-1, including
cell cultivation in microbiology, cell biology an interior made of polished stainless steel
and other application fields. (1.4301) for easy cleaning and sanitizing.

Temperature ranges from 8 C above ambient Based on the construction of the CERTOMAT
up to +70 C, with the optional integrated BS-1 the model CERTOMAT Tplus provides
cooling between 10 C below ambient and a sophisticated controller for extensive data
+70 C can be achieved. All units have shak- communication with process control soft-
ing orbits of 25 or 50 mm and can be run up ware, such as our MFCS/win process control
to 400 rpm. software.

Cultivation of Microorganisms Cultivation of Mammalian Cells

and Plant Cells Mammalian cells require very precise tem-
These CERTOMAT incubation shakers are perature control, CO2 gassing and humid-
fully programmable for all parameters. Up to ity control for successful cultivation. The
5 programs with 4 steps each and a pre-step CERTOMAT CTplus incubation shaker has
can be stored and protected with a password. been especially designed to fulfil these needs.
Safety features include the memory function The encapsulated drive unit is protected
that stores the last set points and re-installs from corrosion. The controller is based on the
them after power failure, and a stainless wellknown DCU-controller of our BIOSTAT
steel spill tray. Continuous recording of all fermentors. The patented variable mass com-
parameters is possible by analogue output. pensation allows operation of up to 3 stacked
CERTOMAT CTplus units.
The CERTOMAT IS is a benchtop model with
a small footprint of 540 680 mm and can be The validatable CERTOMAT CTplus can be
used for flasks up to 3 l volume. combined with the SENSOLUX intelligent
tray and with MFCS/win process control soft-
The CERTOMAT BS-1 is a large capacity ware.
unit for up to six 5 l flasks. Illumination units
for photosynthetic applications are optional. Accessories for CERTOMAT
Three CERTOMAT BS-1 units can be stacked Incubation Shakers
without additional equipment and be run CERTOMAT benchtop shakers are compatible
independently, at full speed. with the full range of accessories (see follow-
ing pages).

They are not part of the instruments and must

be ordered separately.

Order Numbers for CERTOMAT Incubation Shakers

230 V/50 Hz 115 V/60 Hz

CERTOMAT IS 25 mm Heating BBI-8864829 BBI-8864837
Heat|cool BBI-8864845 BBI-8864853
50 mm Heating BBI-8864926 BBI-8864934
Heat|cool BBI-8864942 BBI-8864953
CERTOMAT BS-1 25 mm Heating BBI-8865027 BBI-8865035
Heat|cool BBI-8865221 BBI-8865230
50 mm Heating BBI-8865124 BBI-8865132
Heat|cool BBI-8865329 BBI-8865337
CERTOMAT BS-T 25 mm Heating BBI-8865426 BBI-8865434
Heat|cool BBI-8865620 BBI-8865639
50 mm Heating BBI-8865523 BBI-8865531
Heat|cool BBI-8865728 BBI-8865736
CERTOMAT Tplus 25 mm Heat|cool BBI-8865906 not available
50 mm Heat|cool BBI-8865922 not available
50 mm Heating CTMCTPA5H CERTOMAT CTplus

Overview Shakers and Homogenizers SL-0013-e

Data sheet CERTOMAT CTplus SL-2059-e

Cell Cultivation Systems | Incubation Shakers 291


Reference Description
BBI-886 1455 Illumination unit for CERTOMAT BS-1, 5 18 W, individually activated,
programmable, only in combination with cooling
BBI-886 1463 Illumination unit for CERTOMAT BS-T, 5 18 W, individually activated,
programmable, only in combination with cooling
BBI-886 4489 Support frame for CERTOMAT BS-T or two CERTOMAT BS-1,
welded sectional frame construction, height-adjustable feet
BBI-886 1471 Grid for Petri dishes, stainless steel, adjustable height,
including mounting rails, for use in CERTOMAT BS-1
BBI-885 4416 Installation set for reference thermometer (Pt100),
BBI-8864403 Support frame, 220 mm high, for up to 2 units CERTOMAT Tplus or CTplus
BBI-8864446 Support frame, 780 mm high, with 2 shelves, for one unit CERTOMAT
plus or CTplus
BBI-8850062 Connection kit for second Pt1000 temperature sensor,
Universal Trays
BBI-885 3002 Type EU, 420 420 mm, for all CERTOMAT shakers
BBI-885 3037 Type FU, 800 420 mm, for CERTOMAT S II, RM, R, U, and
Type E Trays (420 420 mm) Equipped with Stainless Steel Clamps
for Erlenmeyer Flasks
BBI-885 3533 39 clamps for 100 ml flasks
BBI-885 3568 20 clamps for 250 ml flasks
BBI-885 3584 14 clamps for 500 ml flasks
BBI-885 3606 9 clamps for 1000 ml flasks
Type E Trays (420 420 mm) Equipped with Plastic Clamps
for Erlenmeyer Flasks
BBI-885 3688 39 clamps for 100 ml flasks
BBI-885 3666 19 clamps for 250 ml flasks
BBI-885 3677 14 clamps for 500 ml flasks
Type F Trays (800 420 mm) Equipped with Stainless Steel Clamps
for Erlenmeyer Flasks
BBI-885 3738 74 clamps for 100 ml flasks
BBI-885 3762 40 clamps for 250 ml flasks
BBI-885 3789 26 clamps for 500 ml flasks
BBI-885 3800 15 clamps for 1000 ml flasks
Stainless Steel Clamps for Erlenmeyer Flasks,
Capacity for Universal Trays
BBI-885 4505 for 25 ml flasks, type EU max. 49 clamps, type FU max. 98 clamps
BBI-885 4513 for 50 ml flasks, type EU max. 48 clamps, type FU max. 96 clamps
BBI-885 4521 for 100 ml flasks, type EU max. 24 clamps, type FU max. 48 clamps
BBI-885 4556 for 250 ml flasks, type EU max. 17 clamps, type FU max. 39 clamps
BBI-885 4572 for 500 ml flasks, type EU max. 12 clamps, type FU max. 26 clamps
BBI-885 4599 for 1000 ml flasks, type EU max. 8 clamps, type FU max. 17 clamps
BBI-885 4610 for 2000 ml flasks, type EU max. 4 clamps, type FU max. 12 clamps
BBI-885 4629 for 3000 ml flasks, type EU max. 4 clamps, type FU max. 8 clamps
BBI-885 4637 for 5000 ml flasks, type EU max. 2 clamps, type FU max. 6 clamps
Reinforced Plastic Clamps for Erlenmeyer Flasks,
Capacity for Universal Trays
BBI-885 4700 for 100 ml flasks, type EU max. 20 clamps, type FU max. 58 clamps
BBI-885 4711 for 250 ml flasks, type EU max. 20 clamps, type FU max. 40 clamps
BBI-885 4722 for 500 ml flasks, type EU max. 16 clamps, type FU max. 26 clamps
BBI-885 4733 for 1000 ml flasks, type EU max. 9 clamps, type FU max. 15 clamps
Stainless Steel Clamps for Fernbach Flasks,
Capacity for Universal Tray
BBI-885 4564 for 450 ml flasks, type EU max. 6 clamps, type FU max. 15 clamps
BBI-885 4600 for 1800 ml flasks, type EU max. 1 clamp, type FU max. 6 clamps
BBI-885 4640 for 2800 ml flasks, type EU max. 1 clamp, type FU max. 6 clamps

292 Shakers | Cell Cultivation Systems

Reference Description
Hinged racks for test tubes, stainless steel,
max. 4 racks on EU tray, 8 racks on FU tray
BBI-885 3134 for 64 test tubes 14 mm
BBI-885 3142 for 42 test tubes 16 mm
BBI-885 3150 for 36 test tubes 18 mm
BBI-885 3169 for 33 test tubes 20 mm
BBI-885 3185 for 18 test tubes 25 mm
BBI-885 3177 for 16 test tubes 30 mm
Hinged racks, low built version for centrifuge tubes,
max. 4 racks on EU tray, 8 racks on FU tray
BBI-885 3088 for 42 centrifuge tubes 16 mm
BBI-885 3096 for 36 centrifuge tubes 18 mm
BBI-885 3193 for 33 centrifuge tubes 20 mm
BBI-885 3240 for 16 centrifuge tubes 30 mm
Holders for microtiter plates, stainless steel
BBI-885 0321 for 1 standard 96-well plate or deepwell plate
standard plates: max. 12 holders on EU tray, 21 holders on FU tray
deepwell plates: max. 9 holders on EU tray, 18 holders on FU tray
Sticky tape for universal trays
BBI-886 4497 Standard, roll of 50 m, 30 1 mm
BBI-886 0416 Premium, roll of 10 m, 30 1 mm, repeated use
BBI-886 4470 Anti-skid layer, 380 450 mm, for individual cut
Universal mounting system
BBI-885 4238 Basic element type B-2 for EU tray
BBI-885 4246 Basic element type B-3 for FU tray
BBI-885 4254 Clamping rod type U
max. 4 rods on basic element B-2, 7 rods on basic element B-3
Shaking flasks, DURAN glass, Erlenmeyer type,
straight rim for metal caps, with 3 baffles
BBI-886 1005 300 ml flasks, max. diameter 87 mm, height 161 mm, pack of 10
BBI-886 1013 500 ml flasks, max. diameter 105 mm, height 183 mm, pack of 10
BBI-886 1021 1000 ml flasks, max. diameter 131 mm, height 232 mm, pack of 10
BBI-886 1022 2000 ml flasks, max. diameter 166 mm, height 305 mm, pack of 10
Metal caps for shaking flasks
BBI-886 1099 Aluminium caps, pack of 10
BBI-886 1102 Stainless steel caps, pack of 10
Shaking flasks, DURAN glass, Erlenmeyer type,
narrow neck for plugs, with 3 baffles
BBI-886 0998 500 ml flasks, max. diameter 131 mm, height 232 mm, pack of 10

Cell Cultivation Systems | Shakers 293

CultiFlask 50 Disposable Bioreactor

The production of recombinant proteins in Features and Benefits

suspension cell culture nowadays is a major Centrifuge Tube Design Flexible work-
issue in the biopharmaceutical industry. Each ing volume; easy handling, minimal
of the mammalian cell lines used for this expenses
purpose has individual characteristics, fur- Each Tube Represents an Individual
thermore the different stages during the pro- Bioreactor Allows for parallel experi-
duction process have different requirements. ments in high numbers
Process development and particularly media Passive Mixing with no Stirring
optimisation are of utmost importance to Mechanism Inside Low risk of
provide maximum cell numbers and highest contamination, less shear stress to the
protein yield. cells, negligible foaming
Vented Cap with PTFE Membrane
The CultiFlask 50 disposable bioreactor is a Optimal gas exchange, reduced liquid loss
versatile tool to perform media optimization| by evaporation
process development experiments with many Completely Disposable No need
samples in parallel. It resembles the classic for elaborate cleaning or validation
50 ml centrifuge tubes design, thus making procedures, tubes are sacrificed after the
handling steps, such as media exchange, very run
convenient. Each bioreactor is equipped with
a vented screw cap with five holes of differ-
ent size for optimal gas exchange with the
surrounding atmosphere; a PTFE membrane
serves as a sterile barrier and minimizes
liquid loss caused by evaporation. There is
no stirrer or any other mixing mechanism
extending into the bioreactor's interior;
mass transfer is achieved by shaking in an
appropriate incubation shaker (temperature,
CO2 and humidity controlled; regulation of
shaking frequency). Due to its unsophisti-
cated design the CultiFlask 50 disposable
bioreactor provides an ideal tool to perform
hundreds of parallel cell cultivations for
media optimization|process development

Ordering Information

Article No. Description Pack Size

DF-050MB-SSH---4 CultiFlask 50 disposable bioreactor for high throughput 1 box
applications in process development and media of 180 pieces

294 CultiFlask 50 Disposable Bioreactor | Cell Cultivation Systems

CELLine Disposable

The CELLine bioreactor is a disposable, The CELLine is perfectly suited for a wide
two-compartment cultivation device suit- range of applications involving suspension
able for many cell culture applications, e.g. cell culture, like monoclonal antibody
the production of monoclonal antibodies on production or long-term continuous culture
a laboratory scale. Two different sizes of the maintenance. The unit is optimised for
CELLine are available: CELLine CL 350 and cultivation of hybridoma, CHO (Chinese
CL 1000. hamster ovary) cells, NSO (mouse myeloma)
cells and Spodoptera frugiperda.
Efficient cell cultivation is dependent on
an optimal supply of oxygen and nutrients, Features
as well as an efficient removal of inhibiting High cell density & High product
metabolic waste products. In static cell concentration
culture the optimal balance of these factors Disposable & Ready-to-use
is not given. These limitations lead to a Cost efficient & Space saving
reduced cell growth and are unfavorable for
achieving high levels of protein expression.

The two-compartment bioreactor CELLine

is designed to overcome these limitations
by dividing the bioreactor into a medium
compartment and a cell compartment. A
semi-permeable membrane (10 kDa MWCO)
between the compartment allows small
molecules to diffuse from one compart-
ment to the other. Higher molecular weight
molecules secreted by the proliferating cells
are retained within the cell compartment.
This results in a continuous flow of nutrients
into the cell compartment and a concurrent
removal of any inhibitory waste products.

Ordering Informationen

Order-No. Product Name Description Pack Size

DC-90010 CELLine CL 350 Disposable two-compartment 5
Bioreactor for suspension
cell cultures, 350 ml medium,
5 ml culture volume
DC-90005 CELLine CL 1000 Disposable two-compartment 3
Bioreactor for suspension
cell cultures, 1000 ml medium,
15 ml culture volume

Manufactured and invented by Wilson Wolf Manufacturing,

Patent Number: US 5 693 537, EP 0 769 048. Made in U.S.A.

Cell Cultivation Systems | CELLine 295

SENSOLUX Stand-alone Version

The SENSOLUX stand-alone version is an The Single-use SENSOLUX EF Erlenmeyer

intelligent shaker tray with an integrated flasks are equipped with two pre-calibrated
sensor system. It is applied for monitoring sensor patches sensitive to pH and DO,
the pH value and the dissolved oxygen (DO) respectively. The flasks are delivered sterile,
saturation during the cultivation of animal single-packed and ready-to-use.
and human cells. The SENSOLUX EF are available in four
different sizes: 125 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and
Used in combination with the new Single-use 1000 ml. Special clamps ensure the exact
SENSOLUX Erlenmeyer flasks, it facilitates positioning of each flask on the shaker tray
easy, safe and highly informative online and thus precise measurement.
measurement of these crucial process
parameters in incubation shakers. The SENSOLUX tray comes with a dedicated
software which enables the monitoring and
The first member of the SENSOLUX family visualization of the measured parameters in
is an attractive tool for significant results each flask. It guides the operator through the
in the early process development phase, e.g. whole experiment.
for the advanced clone screening & media
optimization. Features and Benefits
Non-invasive & optical measurement
Nine measurement points for both pH and Online detection
DO are integrated in the shaker tray. The Fast
tray has a size of 420 mm 420 mm and is Reproducible
compatible with a broad range of standard Ready-to-use
incubation shakers including the CERTOMAT
shaker family of Sartorius Stedim Biotech.

Ordering Informationen

Order No. Product Description Pack Size

DCS09 SENSOLUX SENSOLUX stand-alone version shaker tray with 1
stand-alone a sensor system (9 measurement points) for optical
version pH- and DO determination in shake flasks. Cables,
data collector unit & the software SENSOLUX
control are included.
DCS--F1 SENSOLUX SENSOLUX EF 125 Single-use 125 ml Erlenmeyer 9
EF 125 flasks with a vented cap. The SENSOLUX EF 125
are patched with the Single-use and pre-calibrated
pH and DO sensors, sterile packed and ready-to-use.
DCS--F2 SENSOLUX SENSOLUX EF 250 Single-use 250 ml Erlenmeyer 9
EF 250 flasks with a vented cap. The SENSOLUX EF 250
are patched with the Single-use and pre-calibrated
pH and DO sensors, sterile packed and ready-to-use.
DCS--F3 SENSOLUX SENSOLUX EF 500 Single-use 500 ml Erlenmeyer 9
EF 500 flasks with a vented cap. The SENSOLUX EF 500
are patched with the Single-use and pre-calibrated
pH and DO sensors, sterile packed and ready-to-use.
DCS--F4 SENSOLUX SENSOLUX EF 1000 Single-use 1000 ml Erlenmeyer 9
EF 1000 flasks with a vented cap. The SENSOLUX EF 1000
are patched with the Single-use and pre-calibrated
pH and DO sensors, sterile packed and ready-to-use.
DCS--C1 SENSOLUX SENSOLUX C 125 stainless steel clamps for 9
C 125 SENSOLUX Erlenmeyer flasks 125 ml.
DCS--C2 SENSOLUX SENSOLUX C 250 stainless steel clamps for 9
C 250 SENSOLUX Erlenmeyer flasks 250 ml.
DCS--C3 SENSOLUX SENSOLUX C 500 stainless steel clamps for 9
C 500 SENSOLUX Erlenmeyer flasks 500 ml.
DCS--C4 SENSOLUX SENSOLUX C 1000 stainless steel clamps for 9
C 1000 SENSOLUX Erlenmeyer flasks 1000 ml.
DCS--B1 SENSOLUX SENSOLUX BCS Barcode scanner for the easy 1
BCS and safe transfer of the sensor calibration data of
the different SENSOLUX Erlenmeyer flasks.

Patent No.: US 6 673 532 B2; US 7 041 493 B2; CA 2 419 474 A; EP 1 309 719 A1; AU 2001/282908 A8.

296 SENSOLUX Stand-alone Version | Cell Cultivation Systems

SuperSpinner D 1000

The SuperSpinner D 1000 is a fully disposable, The SuperSpinner D 1000 allows easy and safe
pre-assembled and ready-to-use bioreactor sampling, feeding and direct transfer of cell
for efficient lab scale cultivation of animal suspension to a larger bioreactor. Additionally
cells. Main feature is a membrane stirrer the cultivation flask is compatible with stand-
which allows controlled and gentle mixing ard centrifugation rotors.
and bubble-free aeration, which avoids foam
generation. The SuperSpinner D 1000 is an easy, cost-
effective and efficient cultivation system
The gassing membrane ensures higher oxygen compared to traditional cell cultivation
transfer and thus optimal growth conditions techniques which provides fast and economic
and higher cell densities compared to lab-scale production of recombinant proteins
standard spinner flasks. monoclonal antibodies and biomass.

The SuperSpinner D 1000 consists of a culti- Features and Benefits

vation flask and a membrane aeration system Fully disposable
that also functions as a stirrer. Ready-to-use
Efficient gassing
A hollow-fiber membrane is wound around High cell density
the stirrer bar which contains a magnetic core Easy sampling in place & feeding
driven by a magnetic drive unit. A membrane
gas pump feeds ambient air through a sterile
filter into the flask.

The entire set-up is placed in an incubator.

Components & Material

Components Material Comments

1000 ml cultivation flask Polycarbonate Working volume 200 ml800 ml
Membrane system Polypropylene Pore size 0.2 m
Midisart Polypropylene with PTFE Pore size 0.2 m
Luer Lock connector, clamp Polypropylene Fixed to sample port and spare port
Tubings Silicone 3.2 mm ID 1.6 mm wall
C-Flex 1/8"ID 1/4" OD

Ordering Information

Order No. Comments

DF-001LS-SSB---V SuperSpinner D 1000, a fully disposable, membrane aerated
spinner flask for efficient cultivation of animal cells. Main
feature is a membrane stirrer which allows controlled mix-
ing and aeration without foaming. A pack unit contains 2
SuperSpinner 1000 D.
DZ-------AMP2-2 Membrane pump as gassing unit. For use in the incubator
cabinet (100 % humidity at 37 C). 230 V.
DZ-------AMP3-2 115 V version
DZ-----MM---2 Magnetic drive suitable for use in the incubator cabinet
(100 % humidity at -10 C to 56 C). The magnetic drive offers
a speed range from 5120 1/min. 230 V.
DZ-----MM---3 115 V version

Cell Cultivation Systems | SuperSpinner D 1000 297

VoluPACTM Tubes

Disposable spin tubes for the determination Works for All Cell Lines
of biomass in cell culture suspensions, No problems with cells forming
expressed as packed cell volume (PCV). microclusters
Allows Parallel Determination of Many
The VoluPACTM tubes provide a fast, easy to Samples
use, reproducible and reliable alternative Manual counting has to be performed
to manual cell counting. They are 15 times sequentially
faster and 5 times more accurate (margin Compatible with Standard Rotors
of error less than 5%) compared to the No additional equipment required except a
hemacytometer. bench top centrifuge
The VoluPACTM tubes enables the determina- Does not afford preliminary cleaning steps
tion of the packed cell volume (PCV) in a cell Cost Effective
suspension, resulting in absolute data cor- Compared to highly sophisticated tech-
relating with parameters like protein content, niques, in particular no initial investment
cell count, metabolic activity and others. costs and maintenance
Provides Absolute Data
Features and Benefits Irrespective of the actual volume of the
Fast cell culture
1 min centrifugation compared to
515 min counting under the microscope With these features biomass determination
Reliable with VoluPACTM tubes is one of the simplest
Less prone to statistical errors due to the and most rapid methods for obtaining precise
high number of cells in the pellet information about a cell culture. The overall
Reproducible accuracy competes with the best currently
No user to user variations; no dilution, available techniques.
manipulations, or calibrations are
Convenient and Easy to Use
Even for inexperienced users, no elaborate
training necessary

Ordering Informationen

Article No. Description Pack Size

DCC0304W-------K VoluPAC tubes for reproducible determination 50
of packed cell volume (PCV) as an alternative to
manual cell count
DCC0304W-------S VoluPACTM tubes for reproducible determination 200
of packed cell volume (PCV) as an alternative to
manual cell count

298 VoluPACTM Tubes | Cell Cultivation Systems

UniVessel SU
Single-use Stirred Tank Bioreactor

Introduction Design
The UniVessel SU is the latest development UniVessel SU cell culture vessels are made
in Sartorius Stedim Biotechs broad portfo- of polycarbonate and come pre-assembled
lio of single-use bioreactor and cell culture and sterile. The stirrer assembly featuring
devices. Featuring a similar design as the two shaft bearings for optimal stirrer shaft
glass version, the UniVessel SU can easily support and a lip seal ensure sterile vessel
be interchanged with or replace a classical operation. Two 3-blade segment impellers
autoclavable vessel. Dedicated motor adap- for efficient and low shear mixing are also
tors enable connection to many BIOSTAT as included. The vessel lid has 3 addition ports,
well as other systems. As the complete vessel 3 ports with dip tubes for harvesting or sub-
gets discarded after one use, cleaning time, mers media addition, 3 ports with blind plugs
autoclaving and re-installation hassle are for insertion of classical sensors e.g. pH and
eliminated. The UniVessel SU is currently Dissolved Oxygen (DO) or other assemblies
available in 2L working volume and its flex- and a luer septum port with dip tube for
ibility allows for connection to most existing sterile sampling. All inlet and outlet ports
BIOSTAT systems as well as other controllers for fluids come with thermo-weldable tubing
for autoclavable bioreactors. and feature common MPC or Luer connec-
tors for easy connection to addition|harvest
Features peripherals. All tubings can be secured at
Completely single-use from vessel to sen- the vessel lid for an orderly working space.
Designed for GMP and non-GMP
USP class VI
Connection to standard controllers
of autoclavable bioreactors
Possible to switch back and forth
between single-use and multi-use vessels
For cell culture applications

Cell Cultivation Systems | UniVessel SU 299

Product Specification UniVessel SU

Material (Product Contact)

Vessel & components, O-Rings Polycarbonate
Tubings Silicone, CFlex

Total [l] 2.6
Max. Working [l] 2
Minimum [l] 0.6

Type 3-blade segment impeller 30 angled
Number of impellers 2
Flow characteristics Down flow
Diameter [mm] 54
Lower impeller distance to bottom [mm] 47.3
Impeller distance [mm] 70.2

Hole diameter L-Sparger 0.5 mm
Number of Holes 14

Vessel inner diameter (top) [mm] 130 (1.5 slope)
Vessel inner height [mm] 242
Vessel weight [kg] 1
Diameter thermowell [mm] 8
Gas Filters (Sparger, Overlay and Exhaust) Midisart, 0.20 m PTFE (hydrophobic)
Maximum operating pressure 0.5 barg
Maximum operating temperature [C] 50
Vessel bottom design Torospherical
Sterilization Irradiated to dose exceeding 25 kGy

300 UniVessel SU | Cell Cultivation Systems

Vessel Holder Non-invasive pH and DO Measurement
UniVessel SU culture vessels are designed with SENSOLUX
to fit into a special vessel holder for safe (For BIOSTAT B-DCU II systems only)
support. The vessel feet have different sizes Furthermore, single-use sensor patches for
to ensure correct positioning of the culture optical non-invasive measurement of pH and
vessel in the holder. The holder itself is made DO are included in every UniVessel SU. The
of two parts, a base module and a vessel ring. determination of pH and dissolved oxygen
The vessel ring is available in different sizes (DO) with the SENSOLUX technology is
to fit culture vessels of various volumes. based upon the principle of fluorescence.
Currently the UniVessel SU is only available This measurement method eliminates the Vessel holder
in 2 l working volume. risk of contamination.

Motor Adaptor Sensor patches come pre-calibrated. Calibra-

The UniVessel SU can be used with most bio- tion data are printed on the vessel label. These
reactor controllers for autoclavable bioreactors. can be entered manually into the calibration
Stainless steel adaptors for several existing menu of the control tower or may be trans-
motors are available and can be mounted on ferred via a 2D barcode also located on the
the UniVessel SU stirrer shaft coupling. The label. A barcode scanner can be connected via
motor adaptor features a bayonet lock for the BIOSTAT controller.
secure motor|vessel connection.
Single-use sensors can be used with all
Aeration BIOSTAT B-DCU II. All other controllers for
Aeration is performed via a L-sparger located autoclavable bioreactors can be interfaced
underneath the impeller as well as via a top via classical pH and DO probes. Motor adaptor (e.g. BIOSTAT-family)
plate port for headspace aeration. The two
gas inlets as well as the gas outlet include
pre-installed Midisart aeration filters. The air
outlet filter can be connected to a filter
holder including a filter heater. The
UniVessel SU works with most existing
gassing systems for autoclavable bioreactors.

pH, DO and Temperature Control

Each UniVessel SU has three top plate ports
for insertion of sensors and other devices.
Classical sensors (e.g. for pH and DO measure-
ment) are normally autoclaved separately and
get inserted into the UniVessel SU through the
top plate ports under a laminar flow cabinet.

Standard temperature sensors can be inserted

into a thermowell which is already installed in
the vessel. Due to the use of standard|existing
sensors automatic control is executed by the
controller just like with a standard glass vessel. Barcode Scanner

Cell Cultivation Systems | UniVessel SU 301

Product Specification UniVessel SU Holder
UniVessel SU Holder
Dimensions W H D [mm] 265 110 350
Weight (incl. adaptor ring) [kg] 13.7
Interface to BIOSTAT B-DCU II RS485
Ambient temperature|relative humidity (non-condensating) +5 C 45 C|95 %

Product Specification SENSOLUX Sensor Patches

Measurement range 0 220 mol /l* 6.08.5
Response time 30 sec 3 min
Resolution 0.05 % @ 1 % air saturation 0.01 @ pH 7
0.2 % @ 100 % air saturation
Accuracy 0.2 % @ 1 % air saturation 0.1 with one point
1.0 % @ 100 % air saturation calibration
Drift < 0.2 % @ 100 % < 0.01 pH / day
air saturation /day (1 min. sampling
(1 min. sampling interval interval, pH 7)
@ 50% air saturation
Temperature range +5 C45 C +5 C45 C
Cross-sensitivity CL2, SO2 Slightly to ionic
strength, severe to small
fluorescent molecules
* Max. 110 % air saturation at 37 C in water

302 UniVessel SU | Cell Cultivation Systems

Head Plate Connections|Ports

1 12 mm port with blind plug, PG 13.5 thread, for standard 12 mm sensor, length max. 225 mm
2 12 mm port with blind plug, PG 13.5 thread, for standard 12 mm sensor, length max. 225 mm
3 12 mm port with blind plug, PG 13.5 thread, for standard 12 mm sensor, length max. 225 mm
4 Gas Inlet Overlay, Midisart, silicone tubing 1/8" 1/4" 200 mm
5 Gas Inlet Sparger, Midisart, silicone tubing 1/8" 1/4" 200 mm
6 Addition 1, C-Flex tubing 1/8" 1/4" 500 mm, Male Luer 1/8"
7 Dip tube 1, C-Flex tubing 1/8" 1/4", Male Luer 1/8",
Dip Tube to min. working volume
8 Thermowell
9 Gas Outlet, Midisart, silicone tubing 1/4" 7/16" 200 mm
10 Addition 2, C-Flex tubing 1/4" 7/16" 500 mm, Female MPC 4"
11 Dip tube 2, C-Flex tubing 1/4" 7/16", Male MPC ",
Dip Tube (bended) to vessel bottom
12 Sample port, silicone tubing 1/8" 1/4", Luer with needle free septum port
13 Addition 3, C-Flex tubing 1/8" 1/4" 500 mm, Female Luer 1/8"
14 Dip tube 3, C-Flex tubing 1/8" 1/4" 500 mm, Male Luer 1/8",
Dip Tube below min. working volume

Ordering Information

Order Number Description

DUO002LL-SS----V UniVessel SU 2 l, 2 3-blade segment impeller, (pack of two)
DZ-------MB Motor adaptor Bplus|B-DCU I|B-DCU II
DZ-------MAP Motor adaptor Aplus
DZ-------MAA Motor adaptor Applikon
DZ-------VHB UniVessel SU holder, basic (Aplus, Bplus, B-DCU I & II, Applikon)
DZ-------VHO UniVessel SU holder, SENSOLUX (B-DCU II)
DCSB1 Barcode Scanner
DZ002L---VHI UniVessel SU holder adaptor ring 2 l
DZ-------FH1 Filter heater UniVessel SU, Size 1
DZ-------VE1 Safety Valve Air Inlet UniVessel SU, BIOSTAT systems
DZ-------VE2 Safety Valve Air Inlet UniVessel SU, other controllers

Cell Cultivation Systems | UniVessel SU 303

Biostat Aplus
The Compact, Autoclavable Fermentor|Bioreactor

Biostat Aplus... plug in and grow The BIOSTAT Aplus is ideal for:
The BIOSTAT Aplus is a compact, Microbial culture growth of bacteria,
fermentor|bioreactor system specially yeast and fungi
designed for educational use and preliminary Cell culture growth of animal, insect and
or investigational R&D applications. plant cells
The single-housing design concept with Transition from shake or tissue culture
integrated measurement and control hard- flasks
ware, pumps, temperature, gassing and motor Small-scale protein expression
systems, saves valuable laboratory bench Education and research
The application-driven, configured packages Ready-to-use packages for microbial
for microbial and cell culture include every- or cell culture applications
thing needed to get started immediately. The Notebook PC for operation included
BIOSTAT Aplus is available with interchange- Control of temperature, pH, DO, stirrer
able 1 l, 2 l, or 5 l working volume single-wall speed, gas mixing, Foam|Level and
boroslicate glass culture vessels. Alternatively substrate
a single-use 2 l polycarbonate culture vessel 2-stage DO controller configurable via
can be connected for cell culture applica- stirrer speed, gas mixing or substrate
tions. All of our vessels, glass or single-use In-line pH calibration
are interchangeable, so select the size and Trend display
type that meet your needs today! Each system Flexible 4-gas mixing system with
also includes a powerful Notebook PC with individual gas flow path for cell culture
local control software, as well as our BioPAT packages
MFCS/DA software package for simultaneous Oxygen enrichment capability for
control and data collection. microbial packages
Interchangeable borosilicate glass culture
vessels with 1 l, 2 l or 5 l working volume
Single-use culture vessel with 2 l working
volume for cell culture applications
Industry proven hardware
Powerful PC operating software
capable of handling up to four units
BioPAT MFCS/DA data storage and
plotting software package
Easy-to-follow step-by-step installation
and user guide

304 Biostat Aplus | Cell Cultivation Systems

Integrated System Design for Convenience Research

BIOSTAT Bplus Integrated System Application

Solution Growth and production studies of micro-
The BIOSTAT Bplus has been designed to ful- bial, mammalian, insect and plant cells
fill the widest range of R&D, process develop- Culture media composition and optimization
ment and small-scale production demands. Downscale of production process
for process optimization
A comprehensive range of pre-configured Upscale of shaking flasks
packages are available to satisfy the demands Small-scale protein and mAB production
of both microbial & cell culture applications. High-cell density cultivation

Designed as a compact-system solution, the Features

space saving components require a bench Sanitary stainless steel housing for
space of less than one meter for a Twin easy cleaning
version. Space saving integrated system design
Single or Twin configuration available
The BIOSTAT Bplus is delivered with a User-friendly graphical user interface with
completely-configured software package, color display and touch screen
including various options. Culture vessels on Trend display with up to 6 process values
all systems are interchangeable without any Fully-equipped 1 l10 l UniVessel
expensive software extensions. culture vessels with storage bottle tray,
lifting handles and sampling system
BioPAT MFCS/DA Fully-equipped 2 l single-use culture
For further enhancement of system perfor- vessel for cell culture applications
mance our powerful supervisory process con- High-performance agitation motor for
trol software BioPAT MFCS/DA for extended all applications and UniVessel sizes
visualization, data acquisition and trend dis- Application driven integrated gassing
play is included. systems:
Microbial Culture
The BIOSTAT Bplus is ideal for: O2 Enrichment
Industrial and academic research Gas Flow Ratio Control
Process development Cell culture|dual use
Process optimization Exclusive Flow
Up- and Down-scale experiments Additive flow
Quality control Integrated thermostat or dry heating system
Production process control Control of Agitation Speed, pH, DO,
Temperature, Foam, Level, Substrate
Addition, Gas Mixing and Gas Flow Rate
Scaleable vessel design
Easy upgrade of cell culture packages
for multipurpose use
Optional Redox and Turbidity measurement
Inclusive Supervisory Process control

Cell Cultivation Systems | BIOSTAT Bplus 305

Reliable System Performance Multi-use Culture Vessel
UniVessel culture vessels, developed with
Basic Unit over 40 years of experience in up-scale and
The Basic unit incorporates all necessary sterile design, are part of every BIOSTAT
supply devices for independent control of up Bplus. They are available in 1 l, 2 l, 5 l or
to two culture vessels. All basic unit|culture 10 l working volume. All vessels are made
vessel connections are designed for easy of borosilicate glass with a stainless steel
handling. Quick couplings for vessel jacket headplate. They have a round bottom design
and exhaust cooler connections, direct probes for optimal mixing results at low and high
and agitation motor connections. speed agitation. The polished stainless steel
headplate has been specifically designed for
Gassing Systems easy cleaning and a maximized number of
Four different gassing systems are available. ports for probes and culturing accessories.
All provide individual flow rates and gas Available as single and double-wall vessels
blending for each culture vessel. The flow UniVessel have been designed for all types of
rates are adjustable via precision flow meters application demands. Each vessel is supplied
(rotameters). Optional Thermal Mass Flow with a separate stand and 3-fold bottle
Controllers (MFC) are available for each flow holder. Fitting both single and double-wall
path. A safety valve is installed in each flow vessels, they may be used in more than one
path to the culture vessel for vessel protec- application.
tion. Microbial packages come with an inte-
grated oxygen addition system. Cell-culture Single-use Culture Vessel
packages are supplied with an integrated The UniVessel SU is the latest development
4-gas mixing system for Air, O2, N2 and CO2. in our broad portfolio of single-use cell
O2, N2 and CO2 are routed to the Sparger culture devices. Featuring a similar design as
outlet. Air is routed to Sparger and Overlay. the glass version, the UniVessel SU can easily
be interchanged with or replace a classical
Temperature Control vessel.
The integrated thermostat system (multi-
use vessel only) or dry heating system with Composed of polycarbonate, the vessel comes
heating blanket provide precise temperature completely equipped. A sparger, impellers,
control. stirrer shaft and addition|harvest pipes are
already installed inside the vessel. A Pt100
Dosing Pumps sensor can be inserted via a sleeve, support-
Up to four industrial proven, easyto-use ing temperature control by a heating blanket.
peristaltic pumps for each culture vessel are Multiple top plate ports are available for use
included. Infinitely controlled, they can be with classical pH and DO sensors or other
configured to add corrective agents and feed- devices. All inlet and outlet ports for fluids
ing, as well as culture volume control. Two come with thermo-weldable CFlex tubing
additional external pumps for feeding can and feature common MPC or Luer connectors.
easily be connected.
As the complete vessel gets discarded after
Agitation one use, cleaning time, autoclaving and re-
The high-performance agitation motor com- installation hassle is eliminated.
bines low-shear agitation for cell cultures
with high speed mixing for microbial high cell The UniVessel SU is currently available in
density cultivation. The motor is gear- and 2 l working volume and its flexibility allows
maintenance-free for quiet operation (even for connection to most existing BIOSTAT
at high speed ranges) and provides conveni- as well as other controllers for autoclavable
ent handling due to its small size and easy bioreactors.

306 BIOSTAT Bplus | Cell Cultivation Systems

Control Performance Data Storage and Visualization BioPAT
Utilizing proven technology and expert For further enhancement of your system
engineering, we have developed our existing performance our powerful supervisory
in-house systems to bring powerful control process control software BioPAT MFCS/DA
capabilities to the sophisticated biotechnol- for extended visualization, data acquisition,
ogy market. Using a local controller for pro- data storage and trend display is included.
cess control in combination with a high-level Batch-oriented bioprocessing is essential
SCADA system ensures a high safety level for data management. Therefore, all batch-
right from the start. related data is stored under a unique batch
name. BioPAT MFCS/DA even has the ability
Local Control to incorporate other laboratory data, such as
The control system presents an intuitive off-line process analysers. A plotting module
to-use touch screen for excellent local provides comprehensive features for further
operation and process control for each evaluation of measured bioprocess data. The
culture vessel. Clearly designed screens export function gives added flexibility to
provide excellent process value overview and analyze data using other off-line programs.
operation. Proven industrial control hardware More advanced control strategies can be
ensures reliable system performance. developed using the Programmers Interface.

A typical application of this module could

include calculation of Oxygen Uptake Rates
(OUR), Carbon Dioxide Evolution Rate (CER)
and Respiration Coefficient (RQ). These values
can be used to establish new controller
setpoints for individual process optimization.

Cell Cultivation Systems | BIOSTAT Bplus 307

Single-use Bioreactors

BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 Basic

The BIOSTAT CultiBag RM basic is a rocking
motion single-use bioreactor for single-use
cultivation bags (CultiBag RM). The rocker
unit moves back and forth, generating a fluid
movement in the cell culture and medium
with low shear. Easy to use, it is applicable
to all cell types, including mammalian cells,
plant cells, insect cells and microorganisms.
The system can be placed on a bench-top or
in an incubator for stand-alone use.

The BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 basic is a

flexible medium-scale platform for various
bag sizes with working volumes from
100 ml to 10 l. It can also be combined with
the BIOSTAT CultiBag RM controller to
optimize the process by using intuitive touch-
screen operation and feedback control of all
relevant process parameters by cutting edge
Single-use sensors (see BIOSTAT CultiBag RM
optical and perfusion).

BIOSTAT CultiBag RM Ordering Information

Cat. No. Hardware Packages BIOSTAT CultiBag RM

DH-020LBRM-1 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 basic, 120 VAC
DH-020LBRM-2 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 basic, 230 VAC
DH-020LBRMC1 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 basic, clear lid,
120 VAC
DH-020LBRMC2 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 basic, clear lid,
230 VAC

308 Single-use Bioreactors | Cell Cultivation Systems

BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 Optical and BIOSTAT CultiBag RM reduces the risk of
Perfusion cross-contamination. It reduces set-up time,
The BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 optical is a the time between the batches and investment
medium-scale Single-use bioreactor consist- costs. Single-use CultiBag RMs eliminate
ing of rocker unit (basic system), BIOSTAT the need for cleaning (CIP) and sterilizing
RM control tower, CultiBag RM and superior (SIP). Validation requirements for single-use
BioPAT MFCS/DA data logging software. bioreactors are low.

The perfusion system consists of an optical

system, harvest and feed pumps, two balances
and an automated perfusion control system
(to be ordered as Perfusion Configuration 1).
Gravimetric flow controllers ensure precise
perfusion rates. These systems can be used
for R&D purposes, small scale production and
inoculum production under GMP and non-
GMP. The control tower is connected to the
rocking units for monitoring and controlling
the culture, including pO2 (cascade control),
pH, agitation, and temperature in batch and
fed batch mode of operation. Single-use
optical sensors for measurement of pH and
pO2 are pre installed in the CultiBag RM bags.
These bags are gamma irradiated as a closed

BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 Ordering Information

Cat. No. Description

DH-020LORM-1 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 optical, 120 VAC
DH-020LORM-2 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 optical, 230 VAC
DH-020LPRM-1 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 perfusion, 120 VAC
DH-020LPRM-2 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 perfusion, 230 VAC
DH-----PRM11 Perfusion Configuration 1, 120 VAC
DH-----PRM12 Perfusion Configuration 1, 230 VAC

Cell Cultivation Systems | Single-use Bioreactors 309

BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 Optical and
Perfusion TWIN-Rocker
The BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 optical and
perfusion TWIN-Rocker consists of two rocker
units, one TWIN control tower and superior
BioPAT MFCS/DA data logging software. This
system has two identical independent control
systems installed in one housing to simulta-
neously control two CultiBag RMs mounted
on two Bag Holders and Rockers, respectively.

BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 Optical and Perfusion TWIN-Rocker Ordering Information

Cat. No. Description

DH-020LOR2-1 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 optical TWIN-
Rocker, 120 VAC
DH-020LOR2-2 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 optical TWIN-
Rocker, 230 VAC
DH-020LPR2-1 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 perfusion TWIN-
Rocker, 120 VAC
DH-020LPR2-2 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 perfusion TWIN-
Rocker, 230 VAC
DH-020LRR2-1 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 optical and
perfusion TWIN-Rocker, 120 VAC
DH-020LRR2-2 BIOSTAT CultiBag RM 20 optical and
perfusion TWIN-Rocker, 230 VAC

310 Single-use Bioreactors | Cell Cultivation Systems

CultiBag RM
Single-use CultiBag RM bioreactor chambers
are USP class VI tested. Bags are available in
basic, optical (with pH/DO sensors) and per-
fusion pro (with pH/DO sensors and internal
perfusion membrane) configurations. Sterile-
tube connections allow addition of media to
the cultivation chamber. Bags are equipped
with C-Flex tubing which allows the use of
a BioWelder to make sterile connections. For
more information about single-use bioreac-
tor chambers, please refer to our datasheet or
CultiBag RM. CultiBag RMs are not part of the
packages and need to be ordered separately.

CultiBag RM Ordering Information

Cat. No. Description

DBB001L CultiBag RM 1 l basic
DBB002L CultiBag RM 2 l basic
DBB010L CultiBag RM 10 l basic
DBB020L CultiBag RM 20 l basic
DBO002L CultiBag RM 2 l optical
DBO010L CultiBag RM 10 l optical
DBO020L CultiBag RM 20 l optical
DBP002L--SM Cultibag RM 2 l perfusion pro 1.2 m
DBP010L--SM CultiBag RM 10 l perfusion pro 1.2 m
DBP020L--SM Cultibag RM 20 l perfusion pro 1.2 m

Cell Cultivation Systems | Single-use Bioreactors 311

& Centrifuges
Homogenizers 314

Laboratory Centrifuges 316


Laboratory work often requires that a sample The LABSONIC M is a convenient, handheld
is prepared for subsequent analysis by homo- instrument for fast sonication with up to
genization. This may simply mean mixing 100 W output. Due to its innovative design,
liquids, but more often it means destroying probes as small as 0.5 mm diameter can be
the structure of biological materials so that used for sonication of very small volumes e.g.
substances become accessible for isolation in microcaps. The maximum sample volume
and analysis. Depending on the sample mate- is about 750 ml, larger samples can be
rial, the required volume and the intended processed in a flow cell.
analysis of the homogenates, samples must
be treated with different homogenizers. The LABSONIC P with a maximum output
For this reason, Sartorius offers a wide range of 400 W allows processing of samples up
of homogenizers for different applications. to 4 liters or even 50 l/hr using a flow cell.
At the same time, organisms resistant to
The laboratory ball mills, Mikro-Dismembrator many other treatments, such as Pichia
U and S, are widely used for disruption of pastoris, can be reliably disintegrated.
brittle materials such as hair or bone, but also
of frozen tissue samples e.g. from biopsies. A large variety of sonotrodes is available
The Mikro-Dismembrator S is particularly for both LABSONIC instruments as well as
suited for rapid and complete sample homog- autoclavable flow cells and a sonication cup
enization with a maximum shaking frequency for indirect sonication. Although the working
of 3,000 min1. For operation, a shaking flask frequency is well above hearing level, use of
and grinding balls or glass beads are required. a sound dampening box should be considered
for increased user comfort. Particularly the
The Potter S is known world-wide as a tool high output power of the LABSONIC P
for disruption of soft tissues and cells. Due to requires users to protect the environment
its gentle action it even can be applied for against high energy audible sound generated
isolation of intact cell nuclei. It also can be during sample treatment. Both LABSONIC
used for disaggregation of bacterial colonies homogenizers can be connected to a PC via
in the course of testing of surface disinfect- the PC control cards for recording of power
ants. Homogenization cylinders and pestles output and temperature.
for sample volumes between 2 ml and 60 ml
are available. An integrated cooling vessel Hand Homogenizers are frequently used for
allows to control sample temperature during simple sample preparation such as tissue
homogenization. disruption. A range of Dounce type models
from 1 ml to 60 ml is available with wide or
The LABSONIC homogenizers are applied narrow gap.
for disintegration of all kinds of cells by
ultrasound, but also for shearing of macro-
molecules such as DNA. The instruments
combine all required components in one unit
a unique concept that saves valuable bench
space. Sonication amplitude and duty cycles
can be set continuously. The titanium
sonotrodes are monitored automatically for
their length, and the frequency is adjusted
for optimum power output, which allows
for longer service life of the probes.

Order Numbers for Homogenizers

230 V, 50-60 Hz 115 V, 50-60 Hz

Mikro-Dismembrator U BBI-8531722 BBI-8531730
Mikro-Dismembrator S BBI-8531609 convertible
Homogenizer Potter S BBI-8533024 BBI-8533032
LABSONIC M, 100 W BBI-8535027 BBI-8535035
LABSONIC P, 400 W BBI-8535108 BBI-8535116

314 Homogenizers | Homogenizers & Centrifuges

Accessories for Homogenizers
Mikro-Dismembrator U|S Shaking flasks made of PTFE or stainless steel,
3 ml to 20 ml, with cap or screw plug,
containers for disposable tubes.
Grinding balls made of chromium steel or
Tungsten carbide 3 mm to 10 mm.
Glass beads 0.1 mm to 1 mm.
Potter S Homogenizer vessels made of borosilicate
glass, complete with glass plungers, 2 ml to
60 ml. Glass cylinders and PTFE plungers, 2 ml
to 60 ml.
LABSONlC M Probes made of Titanium, 0.5 mm to 10 mm.
Flow-through cell with cooling connection.
Sound-dampening chamber
PC-control for recording of output or
LABSONlC P Probes made of Titanium, 3 mm to 40 mm
Flow-through cell with cooling connection
Sonicator cup for indirect sonication
Sound-dampening chamber
PC-control for recording of output or

For further information, please contact your local sales representative.

Literature for Homogenizers

Overview Shakers and Homogenizers SL-0013-e

Homogenizers & Centrifuges | Homogenizers 315

Laboratory Centrifuges

Sartorius offers a comprehensive line of For models 3-30K, 6-16|6-16K and 8K,
centrifuges ranging from small centrifuges free programming is a standard feature.
for reaction vials to floor-standing models
with a capacity of up to 12 l. Of course, all Depending on your exact application, you
our centrifuges comply with the relevant EC can choose between refrigerated and non-
regulations and are CE marked. All centrifuges refrigerated versions. Of course, PCR tubes
feature a brushless drive for reduced main- or strips may be spun in our centrifuges. For
tenance. Running speeds may be entered as special applications, such as oil analysis, even
rpm or g-force values. All refrigerated units heated centrifuges can be delivered. Please
are CFC-free. inquire with your local representative for
details, and for our comprehensive catalogue.
The small centrifuges have a short spin Instruments for 115 V/60 Hz are available on
function: the unit tracks and displays the request.
time spent for this run. This makes it very
easy to treat several samples the same way. To help you select the appropriate unit,
please consult the guideline below. Upon
The centrifuge 2-16PK and all larger request, we will provide you with a brochure
models have an automatic rotor recognition giving details about the individual units and
to prevent overspeeding. In addition, these their accessories.
centrifuges can calculate g-forces from rpm
values and vice versa. As an option, free
programming makes it possible to define
and store individual centrifuge runs.

Guide on Selection of Centrifuge Models

Model Refrig. Max. Max. Suitable Tubes [ml]

Speed Speed
Angle Swing
Rotor out Rotor
1-14 No 14,800 13,000 0.2 to 2.2, hematocrit
1-14K Yes 14,800 13,000 0.2 to 2.2, hematocrit
1-15P No 14,000 12,000 0.2 to 2.2, hematocrit, PCR
1-15PK Yes 14,000 14,000 0.2 to 2.2, hematocrit, PCR
2-6E No 3,900 3,900 0.2 to 100
2-6 No 4,000 4,000 0.2 to 100
2-16P No 15,000 12,000 0.2, to 100, microtiter, PCR
2-16PK Yes 15,300 14,000 0.2 to 100, PCR
3-16P No 14,500 5,000 0.2 to 250, microtiter, cyto
3-16PK Yes 15,300 5,500 0.2 to 250, microtiter, cyto
3-18 No 18,000 5,500 0.2 to 250, microtiter, cyto
3-18K Yes 18,000 5,500 0.2 to 250, microtiter, cyto
330K Yes 30,000 10,000 0.2 to 125
4-16 No 13,500 4,500 0.2 to 650, microtiter
416K Yes 15,000 5,100 0.2 to 650, microtiter
6-16 No 12,500 4,500 0.2 to 800, microtiter, blood bags
6-16K Yes 15,000 5,100 0.2 to 800, microtiter, blood bags
8K Yes 10,500 5,100 0.2 to 1000, microtiter, blood bags

n.a. = not applicable

Special brochure available on request. Order no. SL-1512-a

316 Laboratory Centrifuges | Homogenizers & Centrifuges

Filter Integrity
Testing Systems
Sartocheck mini
Filter Integrity Tester for
Food & Beverage Applications 318

Sartocheck 3 plus 319

Sartocheck 4 plus 321

Sartocheck 4 MultiUnit 324

WIT Trolley 326

Sartocheck mini
Filter Integrity Tester for Food & Beverage Applications

Description Test Result Documentation

The automatic filter integrity tester Test results are automatically printed using
Sartocheck mini can be used to verify the the built-in thermo printer. An additional
integrity of membrane filters which are port allows the connection of an external
used in the food & beverage environment. printer.

Taken those specific needs into account, Data Storage

this unit offers the following main features: The unit stores up to 100 test results in the
Automatic filter integrity tester internal memory. To avoid the oldest data
Pressure Drop Test & to be overwritten, electronic data can be
Diffusion Test stored on a connected PC with user-friendly
Small, portable unit software. The same software can be used
19 different test programs for programming the device.
100 test results to be stored
LCD display Equipment Supplied
Automatic venting after the test Sartocheck mini integrity test unit
Thermo-printer (57 mm paper) Low volume adapter for net
Easy and reliable data transfer to PC volumes < 5 l
High capacity batteries for up to 4 hrs Printer paper (4 rolls)
work Pressure inlet tubing (18104)
Protection rating IP50 Pressure outlet tubing (18103)
Incl. bag and case Carrier bag (soft case)
Hard case

Order Information


Technical Specifications
Power Requirements 100240 V AC, 50|60 Hz
Max. Power Input 20 W
Max. inlet pressure 4500 mbar
Dimensions W H D [mm] 315 150 280
Weight [g] ca. 3,900
Languages German, English, French, Italian,
Spanish, Portuguese

Operating Conditions
Temperature 330 C
Humidity 595% rel.

Measuring Ranges
Test pressure 03900 mbar
Max. inlet pressure 04500 mbar
Net volume 0.1999 L

Measuring Accuracy
Rel. deviation pressure measurement < 0.2%
Abs. deviation pressure measurement (@ 20 C) max. 4 mbar

External printer Centronics 25 pol
Communication port 232,9 pole male

318 Sartocheck mini | Filter Integrity Testing Systems

Sartocheck 3 plus

Description Data Storage

This unit supports all established integrity test As a pure paper-based system the
methods and is characterized by its intuitive Sartocheck 3 plus does not have an
and easy handling. The Sartocheck 3 plus is electronic result database. However, the
not encumbered by the 21 CFR part 11 code system allows to store up to 250 test
as it is a paper based system and does not programs within its internal memory. Test
store test results electronically. programs can be stored|archived on standard
SD cards (Secure Digital memory Card).
Main Features
Smart design Cleaning Function Guarantees Highest
Large colour TFT display Process Security
User-friendly menu structure The cleaning function of Sartocheck 3 plus
On-screen assistance allows you to flush all internal pneumatic
Paper-based result documentation parts completely. On-screen instructions
(21CFR part 11 not applicable) guide you through all necessary steps. The
Up to 250 different test programs automatic drying function guarantees that
to be stored no cleaning liquid remains inside.
Password protected access
Individual user profiles|rights to be defined Because only stainless steel and PTFE is used
SD card reader for storing|transferring for the internal pneumatic parts, the unit
test programs can be cleaned even with aggressive cleaning
Reliable cleaning of the complete fluids (e.g. 1 M NaOH). This guarantees
internal pneumatics highest cleaning efficacy and therefore
enhances the safety of the integrity testing
Sartocheck 3 plus Performs the procedure.
Following Tests:
Bubble Point Test
Diffusion Test
Bubble Point and Diffusion Test
(combined test)
Pressure Drop Test
Water Intrusion Test
Water Flow Test
Multipoint Diffusion Test

Power requirements 100-240 V AC, 50|60 Hz
Max. Power Input 74 watts
Max. operating pressure [mbar|psi] 9999|145
Minimum inlet pressure [mbar|psi] 4000|58
Dimensions W D H [mm] 460 390 212

Measuring Ranges
Test pressure [mbar|psi] 1008000|1.5116
Pressure drop [mbar|psi] 12000|0.0129
System inlet volume
With internal ref. vessel 9000 ml
With external ref. vessel max. 100 l

Measuring Accuracy
Pressure 0.1% full scale
9.5 mbar
Pressure drop 1 mbar
Volume determination 4%
Diffusion 5%
Water-Intrusion 5%
Bubble Point [mbar|psi] 50| 0.7

Filter Integrity Testing Systems | Sartocheck 3 plus 319

Operating Conditions
Ambient temperature +15 C to +35 C
Rel. humidity 1080%

Colour Display
Size 8.4"
Resolution 640 480 pixel
Language Option English, German, French, Spanish, Italian

Equipment Supplied Order No.

Sartocheck 3 plus 16290
Tubing for compressed gas inlet 18104
Tubing for compressed gas outlet 18103
Ribbon cassette 6982141
Rolls of printer paper 6982142
Test certificate
Calibration certificate
Operating instructions
Validation package 16290---VP
Mains lead (country specific)

Cleaning kit 26288---CK
Ext. reference vessel (10 l) 16288---RV

1 2 3 4 5 3 1 2

1: External reference tank 1: Main switch

2: Venting 1 2: Service TU
3: Out 3: Service MU
4: Venting 2
5: In

320 Sartocheck 3 plus | Filter Integrity Testing Systems

Sartocheck 4 plus
Fully Automatic Integrity Testing Device

Description Integrity Test Methods

The Sartocheck 4 plus is the result of Bubble Point Test (BPT)
Sartorius 30 years experience in developing Diffusion Test (Diff)
automatic filter integrity testers. Valuable Combined Test (Diff + BPT)
productivity enhancing features and Pressure Drop Test
robust build quality have been combined Water Intrusion Test (WIT)
with incredible ease of use to make the Water Flow Test (WFT)
Sartocheck 4 plus the only logical choice for Multipoint Diffusion Test
integrity testing. Customer Specific Tests
Automatic Test Time function for
The Sartocheck 4 plus provides the following intelligent optimization of test times
unique combination of benefits:
Barcode Scanner for easy and reliable Barcode Scanning
data entry (optional) Using the optional barcode scanner allows
Intelligent selection of test program easy and error-free entry of filter data into
after scanning the filter the unit. Sartocheck 4 plus automatically
Combination of large, color touchscreen locates the suitable test program that
display with keypad matches the scanned cartridge.
External pressure sensor and external
valves (optional) Cleaning Function
Automated cleaning function eliminates The patented cleaning function of
expensive service calls Sartocheck 4 plus allows the user to perform
Sophisticated Cleaning Kit available reliable cleaning of the complete internal
(optional) pneumatics even with aggressive cleaning
Automatic detection of improper test agents (up to 1 M NaOH). This unique feature
setup (e.g. disconnected filters) provides highest security of the integrity
Multitasking menu testing procedure while eliminating the need
Electronic test reports in PDF format for costly down time and service calls.
No thermo paper but dot matrix printer
(longer print preservation) Network Concept
SD card reader for easy test program The network solution for the Sartocheck 4
proliferation to other Sartocheck testers plus incorporates the TCP-IP and FTP protocol
Profibus communication (interface as standards, with data being transmitted via
accessory) the Ethernet standard. Via standard RJ45
Unparalleled accuracy and repeatability connection, all data can be easily up-loaded
of results for all test types on a FTP server. Profibus communication can
World class documentation, training, be used to allow bidirectional communication
applications, and service support with process control system as a basis for
Allows concurrent filter testing by complete automation.
controlling up to four additional test units
(optional MultiUnits) Multiunit Concept
Fully compliant with 21 CFR Part 11 In order to increase productivity through
Developed in accordance with GAMP parallel filter testing, up to four additional
MultiUnits can be easily connected to
the Sartocheck 4 plus. This provides
the equivalent testing capacity of five
Sartochecks operating concurrently at a
significant cost savings to the end user.

Sartocheck 4 plus ensures that all
integrity tests are carried out with highest
precision and accuracy. Our comprehensive
Sartocheck 4 plus validation documentation
and world-class Service Team provide
exemplary support for the user.

Filter Integrity Testing Systems | Sartocheck 4 plus 321


Technical Specification
Power requirements 100240 V AC, 50|60 Hz
Max. power input 74 watts
Max. operating pressure 9999 mbar|145 psi
Min. inlet pressure 4000 mbar|58 psi
Dimensions W D H1 H2 [mm] 460 390 140 245

Measuring Ranges
Test pressure 100-8000 mbar|1.5-116 psi
Pressure drop 1-2000 mbar|0.01-29 psi
System inlet volume
With int. reference vessel 14 l
With ext. reference vessel 150 l

Measuring Accuracy
Pressure 0.1 % full scale
Pressure drop 1 mbar|0.015 psi
Volume determination 4%
Diffusion 5%
Water intrusion 5%
Bubble point 50 mbar| 0.7 psi

Operating Conditions
Ambient temperature +15 C to +35 C
Rel. humidity 10-80%

Touch Screen
Size 10.4" TFT
Features 256 colors
Communication Ports Serial Port TU RS232
Serial Port MU RS485
PLC Port binary signals, 12 pins
Network RJ45
Language Option English, German, French, Spanish, Italian

322 Sartocheck 4 plus | Filter Integrity Testing Systems

Equipment Supplied Order No.
Sartocheck 4 plus 26288
Inlet tubing for compressed gas 18104
Outlet tubing 18103
Ribbon cassette 6982141
Rolls of printer paper 6982142
Test certificate
Calibration certificate
Installation and operating instructions
Validation package 26288---VP
Power cord

Barcode scanner 26288---BS
Multiunit 16288---TU
External pressure transducer 1ZE---0018
Set for external venting (1 valve) 1ZE---0025
Valve set for external filling (WIT) 1ZE---0026
Serial Port Interface cable TU|TU 0.5 m 1ZE---0008
2m 1ZE---0009
5m 1ZE---0010
Network cable 2m 1ZE---0029
5m 1ZE---0030
10 m 1ZE---0031
20 m 1ZE---0032
Cleaning kit 26288---CK
Pressure tank for cleaning 26288---PV
External reference vessel (10 l) 16288---RV
Profibus interface 16288---PI
Validation package 26288---VP
Clean room venting adapter 1ZE---0021
Midisart test manifold 10 1Z-LB-0002

A B 1 2 3 4 5 65 1 2 3 4

1: Ext. reference tank 1: Main switch

2: Venting 1 2: SD card reader
3: Out 3: Serial Port TU
4: Venting 2 4: PLC Port
5: Compressed Air In 5: RJ45 Network
A: External sensor 6: Connection for optional barcode scanner
B: External valves

Filter Integrity Testing Systems | Sartocheck 4 plus 323

Sartocheck 4 MultiUnit
Next Generation of Filter Integrity Testing

Description Data Transfer Security

The Sartocheck 4 MultiUnit has been devel- The Sartocheck 4 MultiUnit is an independent
oped to enable parallel integrity testing of test unit with its own power supply, electronics
multiple filters in the biopharmaceutical and pneumatics. It will maintain the test
industry. The MultiUnit is an identical copy results even if switched off or if the connec-
of the Sartocheck 4, without the user inter- tion is lost until the handshake communication
face and the data management system. Each with the Sartocheck 4 (plus) confirms that the
MultiUnit connected to a Sartocheck 4 or test results have been transferred successfully.
Sartocheck 4 plus is operated and controlled If the MultiUnit is switched off during the test
by this Sartocheck 4 (plus) via a RS485 it will transfer a corresponding error message
connection. as soon as the communication has been auto-
matically reestablished.
Up to 4 MultiUnits can be connected to one Traceability
Sartocheck 4 (plus) allowing to integrity The Sartocheck 4 (plus) test res ult printout
test up to 5 different filter systems in parallel contains the serial number of the MultiUnit,
including the testing capabilities of the the user name (log-on identity), a unique file
Sartocheck 4 (plus) itself. Testing up to name and all the information that has been
5 filters in parallel allows to reduce the time entered in the batch protocol.
required for filter integrity testing in bio-
pharmaceutical production significantly and Patent Pending Thermal Insulation
increases the efficiency of your production The Sartocheck 4 (plus) and its MultiUnit
process. feature a unique, patent pending separation
of the electronic components and the tem-
Flexibility perature sensitive pneumatics in addition to
There is no relevant distance limitation the efficient vent fan. This superior solution
between the Sartocheck 4 (plus) and the avoids any thermal influence on the integrity
connected MultiUnits. The MulitUnits can be test measurement from the unit itself.
placed all over your production facility and
are centrally controlled and operated by the Clean Room Venting Adapter
Sartocheck 4 (plus). A printout of the test The Sartocheck 4 (plus) and its MultiUnit
results of the MultiUnit is made by the printer can be equipped with an optional venting
of the Sartocheck 4 (plus) and the test data fan adapter that allows to contain the out
can be transferred to a network for review coming air in order to avoid any dispersion
and achiving. of particles in a clean room.

Sartorius Stedim Biotech Validation

The MultiUnit is delivered with a compre-
hensive validation package including an IQ
& OQ protocol that can be accomplished by
qualified Sartorius Stedim Biotech person-
nel. Assistance for PQ can also be provided
from the Sartorius Stedim Biotech Technical
Support team.


Technical Specifications
Power requirements 100240 V AC , 50|60 Hz
Maximum operating pressure 9999 mbar|145 psi
Minimum inlet pressure 4000 mbar|58 psi

Measuring Ranges
Test pressure 1008000 mbar|1.5116 psi
Pressure drop 12000 mbar|0.0129 psi
System net volume
With int. reference vessel 14 l
With ext. reference vessel 150 l

324 Sartocheck 4 MultiUnit | Filter Integrity Testing Systems

Measuring Accuracy
Pressure 0.1% full scale, 9.5 mbar
Pressure drop 1 mbar
Volume determination 4%
Diffusion 5%
Water intrusion 5%
Bubble point 50 mbar| 0.7 psi

Operating Conditions
Ambient temperature +15 C to +35 C
Rel. humidity 10-80%
Max distance between SC4 and multiunit (RS485) 100 m

Order Information.
Order number 16288---TU

Equipment Supplied Order No

MultiUnit 16288---TU
Tubing for compressed gas inlet 18104
Tubing for test gas 18103
Test certificate
Calibration certificate
Installation and operating instructions
Validation package 16288---VPTU
Mains lead (country specific)

Accessories Order No
External pressure transducer 1ZE---0018
Valve kit for ext. venting (1 valve) 1ZE---0025
Valve kit for WIT and|or external 1ZE---0026
pressure sensor (3 valves)
Cleaning kit 26288---CK
Clean room venting adapter 1ZE---0021

1 2 345 A B C D E F G

1. MultiUnit RS485 in|out A. Ext. sensor E. Outlet (test gas)

2. MultiUnit RS485 in|out B. Ext. valve F. Venting 2
3. MultiUnit PLC in|out C. Ext. reference tank G. Inlet comp. gas
4. Sartocheck 4 PLC in|out D. Venting 1
5. Sartocheck 4 RS485 in|out

Filter Integrity Testing Systems | Sartocheck 4 MultiUnit 325

WIT Trolley

Description In-line Steam Decontamination

The WIT Trolley has been developed to make The Trolley can be steamed at max tempera-
integrity testing of hydrophobic sterilizing ture of 134 C (266 F). The SIEMENS PLC
grade filters safe and easy in the pharma- supervises the steaming temperature at the
ceutical industry. Both Water Intrusion and lowest point using a second PT100 sensor. If
Water Flow tests can be performed. The the steaming temperature increases too much
Sartocheck 4 (plus) pilots all the pneumatic the inlet valve is closed. If the steaming tem-
valves via the integrated SIEMENS PLC. A perature decreases too much the steaming
PT100 sensor measures the water temperature cycle is interrupted and an error message is
in the water tank and avoids testing with given. An optional extended steaming version
water out of the predefined temperature of the Trolley allows for steaming of the
range. filling hose.

Installation Test Flexibility

Due to its unique design and its fully Although connected to the Trolley the
automatic two step filling procedure the Sartocheck 4 (plus) can perform all types
WIT Trolley can test all HIMA correlated of standard integrity testing via the auxiliary
hydrophobic sterilizing grade membrane output thus giving a total test flexibility.
filters at a horizontal distance of more than It can also be connected to up to four
100 m and a vertical distance of more than MultiUnits (please see separate data sheet)
15 m. The external thermal compensated in order to perform an additional test in
pressure sensor is installed on the top of parallel.
the housing and measures the pressure drop
exactly where the intrusion|water flow take PLC Connector and Integration
place. Moving the WIT Trolley during the The Sartocheck 4 (plus) may be triggered
measurement will have no incidence on the by a 24V dry signal from a PLC. The
test value. Sartocheck 4 (plus) printout clearly shows
the difference between an integrity test that
No Cross Contamination has been started by an operator from the
The Trolley uses the principle of one way flow. Sartocheck 4 (plus) touch screen|key-board
Once the Sartocheck 4 (plus) has pressurized and via the PLC contact.
the water tank and filled the housing to a
stable pressure the filter housing is isolated The WIT Trolley can thus be integrated into
by the filling valve. The gas overpressure an automated process and deliver a GO or
in the water tank is vented directly at the a NO GO for the following process steps.
water tank and does not go back via the
Sartocheck 4 (plus). Sartorius Stedim Biotech Validation
At the end of the integrity test the test water The Sartocheck 4 (plus) and its Trolley are
is drained via the draining valve directly at both delivered with a comprehensive valida-
the housing and does not get in contact with tion package including an IQ & OQ protocol
neither the filling tubing nor the water tank. that can be accomplished by qualified
Sartorius Stedim Biotech personnel.
Assistance for PQ can also be provided from
the Sartorius Stedim Biotech Technical
Support team.

326 WIT Trolley | Filter Integrity Testing Systems


Technical Specifications
Power requirements 110230 V AC , 50|60 Hz
Maximum operating pressure 9999 mbar|145 psi
Minimum inlet pressure 4000 mbar|58 psi

Measuring Ranges
Test pressure 1008000 mbar|1.5116 psi
Pressure drop 12000 mbar|0.0129 psi
System net volume
With int. reference vessel 9000 l
With ext. reference vessel 100 l

Order Information
Order number 17005A---L--5301

Measuring Accuracy
Pressure 0.1% full scale, 9.5 mbar
Pressure drop 1 mbar
Volume determination 4%
Diffusion 5%
Water intrusion 5%
Bubble point 50 mbar|0.7 psi

Operating Conditions
Ambient temperature +15 C to +35 C
Rel. humidity 10-80%
Max distance between SC4 and
filter housing (horizontal) 100 m
Max distance between SC4 and
filter housing (SC4 below) 25 m
Max distance between SC4 and
filter housing (SC4 above) 15 m

Equipment Supplied
Hose with valve battery for filling
Steam trap
Installation and operating instructions
Validation package
Mains lead (country specific)

External pressure transducer* 1ZE---0018
Sartocheck 4 plus* 26288

Optional Version
Extended steaming version 17005A---L--5501 1 2 3 4

*To be ordered separately; not part of 17005A---L--5301

1: Sartocheck 4
2: Pneumatic & hydraulic
3: Electrical compartment
4: OP7 screen

Filter Integrity Testing Systems | WIT Trolley 327

328 Seiteninhalt | Weighing Technology for Laboratories
Technology for
Cubis. The New Benchmark 330

Premium Ultramicrobalances
and Microbalances SE2, ME5
and ME36S. Highest Precision
Even for the Smallest
Sample Quantities 334

Premium Semimicrobalances
and Analytical Balances:
Sartorius ME
When Results Matter 335

Standard Micro-, Semimicro-,

Analytical and Precision
The New Sartorius CPA:
Unrivalled in Its Performance
Class 336

Standard Analytical and

Precision Balances Extend
The New Achievers for
Your Lab 339

Budget-class Analytical and

Precision Balances Talent
The Affordable Introduction to
Sartorius Weighing Technology 341

Accessories 343

Safety Weighing Cabinet SWC

Safe Weighing of Toxic and
Powdery Substances 346

Sartorius Density Determination

The Optimal Equipment for
All Methods 348

Bluetooth Wireless Technology

Weigh and Communicate
Wirelessly 349

Eliminate Static Electricity

Quickly and Reliably 350

Sartorius Pipette Calibration 351

OEM Products 353

Cubis. The New Benchmark

Cubis is the first completely modular labora- MSU Classic and Universal
tory balance series. It is freely configurable High-resolution, generously dimensioned,
and adaptable to different fields of applica- monochrome graphical display and precisely
tion. Every Cubis is an uncompromising actuated keys with a clear action point. For
implementation of an individual require- users who wish to combine classical operation
ment profile. The Cubis meets our stringent via keys with the broadest possible range of
criteria for advanced pharma compliance services.
and is ideally suited to quality management
systems in the regulated areas of the pharma- MSA The Ultimate Solution
ceutical industry. Technology and information design of the
elite class. Touchscreen with high-resolution
The modular Cubis system consists of display color TFT for brilliant reproduction of text and
units and service units, weighing modules and graphics. Outstanding ease of use and display
draft shields. quality, especially for complex applications
requiring frequent text entry.
Interface modules and a complete range of
accessories permit further individual adapta- Technological Innovations Position the
tions. Cubis the most sophisticated way to Cubis Far Ahead of the Current Standards
concentrate on whats necessary. in the Premium Segment
The quality, reliability and precision of
The Operating Concept Q-Guide Sartorius balances are legendary and require
Reference for Fast and Trouble-free no detailed commentary. But the Cubis also
Navigation offers: new benchmarks for measurement
Tasks and individual work processes can be accuracy, response time and repeatability.
set up in a quick and trouble-free way with
the new operating concept Q-Guide. Thus The First Top-Loading Laboratory Balance
the software and user interface of the Cubis with Accuracy to Five Decimal Places
always present the user with only that part The Cubis is the first mass-produced,
of the complete set of options that this user top-loading semimicrobalance with full
requires to perform his application. If the user resolution up to 220 g. This design results
has defined a task, he is guided directly and in an approx. 25% lower space requirement
interactively through the settings; irrelevant compared to conventional laboratory
information is grayed out. balances with the same resolution. The
combination of a compact construction,
With a total of three service units, the Cubis 0.01 mg resolution and a weighing range up
meets the demand of different operating to 220 g is only possible with the Sartorius
philosophies and covers the entire range of monolithic weighing system, which is a world
laboratory applications. From simple weigh- first.
ing to administration of complex work pro-
cesses using defined tasks and user|password The First Laboratory Balance with Q-Pan
management. Off-center Load Compensation
The Cubis is the first laboratory balance
MSE Weighing Pure and Simple to compensate for off-center loading of
Large, high-contrast LCD display, easily the weighing pan. Q-Pan simultaneously
understood menu guide with short descrip- offers the user two advantages: a significant
tions, and clearly arranged, precisely actuated reduction in the off-center load error and
keys. consequently the use of larger weighing pans.

330 Cubis | Weighing Technology for Laboratories

The First Balance with Automatic Advanced Pharma Compliance. Messfehler

Q-Level Leveling For the Use of the Cubis in Regulated

Q-Level combines a newly developed sensor Areas
system with the latest display technology, Both inspection equipment monitoring as a
thus making leveling of the scale easier, faster component of QM systems and the United
and more reliable. States Pharmacopeia set very stringent
requirements for supervisors and laboratory 0 Auermittige Belastung der Waagschale max.

Q-Level optionally permits automatic self- devices. The advanced pharma compliance of Herkmmliche Laborwaage
Sartorius Cubis
actuated leveling at the touch of a button the Cubis offers more than the best possible
or interactively guided leveling. The display prerequisites for compliance with general
provides all the necessary information: The regulations. Advanced pharma compliance
position of the air bubble and the indication permits the seamless integration of the
of which leveling foot should be turned in Cubis into processes and thus provides
which direction (standard in the display valuable support in implementing individually
and service units MSA and MSU; MSE with designed safety concepts, e.g. with
warning message only). Easy, fast and thorough cleaning.
Only high-grade materials with smooth,
Cubis. The First Top-loading Analytical structure-free surfaces are used.
Balance with a Motorized Draft Shield Protection against manipulation with user
Even in draft shields, the Cubis is the new password management.
benchmark in the premium class: Smooth- Audit trail function logs major changes
running draft shield doors often offer to the device. In this way, errors can be
inadequate stability; however, higher stability tracked quickly.
often makes disassembly more difficult and Integrated Alibi memory for traceable
leads to restricted visibility. Not so with the transfer to a PC of weighing data subject
Cubis. Despite their high mechanical stabil- to calibration requirements.
ity, the draft shields of the Cubis run very Maximum connectivity with Q-Com.
smoothly thanks to their new materials. They Three fixed (USB, RS232C, Ethernet (not
permit excellent visibility of the entire weigh- on the MSE)) and three optional interfaces
ing chamber and the sample and offer secure make almost all forms of bidirectional
shielding against external impact factors. communication possible. iso iso iso
GLP-compliant, configurable printout.
Sartorius is the first manufacturer to combine All data, such as the users master data or
the maximum ease of use of a motorized tasks, can be transferred easily and safely
draft shield with the minimum space require- from one Cubis to another using an SD
ment of Cubis analytical balances and semi- card (not on the MSE).
Drift in the readout caused by
microbalances. Fully automatic calibration|adjustment fluctuations in the ambient conditions,
such as temperature
with isoCAL.
Fast and easy working with learning capabil- Warning and reminder functions
ity and control via ergonomic palm-operable with configurable action hierarchy
keys mean that the motorized DA draft shield for leveling, minimum initial weights,
can be adjusted to any work process. In addi- calibration|adjustment.
tion to the motorized drive, the DI draft shield
possesses an integrated ionizer which, at the
touch of a button, eliminates the impact of
electrostatic charges on samples or sample

For cleaning purposes, all doors of the draft

shield can be disassembled in just a few steps.

Weighing Technology for Laboratories | Cubis 331

Please use the adjacent fields to enter the selection made
- -
with the icon.

Cubis Display and Service Units

Select the display and service unit and enter it in the field market with the icon.


Operation Touchscreen, keys for central Keys Keys
basic functions
Display High-resolution color TFT, High-resolution black-and-white, Black-and-white LCD display
5.7" graphical display 5.7" graphical display
Adaptation of the Tiltable display, Tiltable display, Removable service unit
service unit removable service unit removable service unit
Standard data USB (integrated into weighing module) USB (integrated into weighing module) USB (integrated into
interfaces RS232C accessory interface, RS232C accessory interface, 25-pin weighing module)
25-pin (integrated into weighing module) (integrated into weighing module) RS232C accessory interface,
Ethernet (integrated into display Ethernet (integrated into 25-pin (integrated into
and service unit) display and service unit) weighing module)
SD-card reader Integrated as standard into display Integrated as standard into
and service unit display and service unit
Operation of the Actuation via side keys or Actuation via side keys or contact Actuation via keys or contact
motorized draft shield contactlessly via IR switch, lessly via IR switch (optional), lessly via IR switch (optional),
(only for DA or DI (optional) learning learning capability learning capability
draft shields) capability
Applications Unit conversion, SQmin function for Unit conversion, SQmin function for Unit conversion, SQmin function for
minimum initial weight according to minimum initial weight according to minimum initial weight according to
USP, isoCAL automatic calibration| USP, isoCAL automatic calibration| USP, isoCAL automatic calibration|
adjustment function, individual adjustment function, individual adjustment function, density deter-
identifiers, density determination, identifiers, density determination, mination (buoyancy method only),
statistics, calculations, averaging, for- statistics, calculations, averaging, for- calculations, averaging, net|total
mulation, weighing in percent, time- mulation, weighing in percent, time- formulation, weighing in percent,
controlled functions, totalizing, DKD controlled functions, totalizing, DKD counting
measurement uncertainty, second tare measurement uncertainty, second tare
memory, counting, checkweighing memory, counting, checkweighing

Cubis Leveling
Select the type of leveling and enter the identifier or 1 in the field marked by the icon.

The Cubis shows the level indicator on the display and provides support for rapid leveling
(as standard on the display and service units MSA and MSU; only a warning message in MSE).
1 Fully automatic, motorized Q-Level leveling at the touch of a button (available for all analytical balances and
semimicrobalances with 0.1 mg or 0.01 mg readability and all precision balances with 1 mg readability).

Test Certificates and Permits

Select a test certificate|permit and enter the identifier in the field marked with the icon..

Standard certificate of conformity to specifications

TR Like , but with a detailed test protocol
CE Calibrated in the factory with European calibration permit

Optional Interface Modules

Depending on the balance, it may be possible to select an additional interface module.

IR RS232 interface, 25-pin

IB Bluetooth interface
IP RS232 interface, 9-pin, inc. PS|2 interface

332 Cubis | Weighing Technology for Laboratories

Cubis Weighing Modules
Enter the module identifier from the left. starting with the field marked with the icon.

Readability Weighing Weighing Typical Typical Repeatability Lin- Off-Center Minimum

[mg] Capacity Pan Stabilization Response [mg] earity Load [mg]* Initial
[g] (B D) Time Time [mg] (Test Load Weight
[mm] [s] [s] [g]) [g]**
225S 0.01 220 85 85 2 6 060 g: 0.015 0.1 0.15 (100) 0.02
60220 g: 0.025
225P 0.01|0.02| 60|120| 85 85 2 6 060 g: 0.015 0.15 0.2 (100) 0.02
0.05 220 60220 g: 0.04
125P 0.01|0.1 60|120 85 85 2 6 060 g: 0.015 0.15 0.15 (50) 0.02
60120 g: 0.06

Analytical Balances
0.1 mg
324S 0.1 320 85 85 1 3 0.1 0.3 0.3 (200) 0.12
224S 0.1 220 85 85 1 3 0.07 0.2 0.2 (100) 0.12
324P 0.1|0.2|0.5 80|160|320 85 85 1 3 0.1|0.2|0.4 0.5 0.4 (200) 0.12
124S 0.1 120 85 85 1 3 0.1 0.2 0.2 (50) 0.12

Precision Balances
3203P 1|10 1,010|3,200 140 140 1 1.5 1|6 5 2 (1,000) 1.5
2203S 1 2,200 140 140 1 1.5 1 3 2 (1,000) 1.5
2203P 1|10 1,010|2,200 140 140 1 1.5 1|6 5 3 (1,000) 1.5
1203S 1 1.200 140 140 1 1.5 0.7 2 2 (500) 1.5
623S 1 620 140 140 0.8 1 0.7 2 2 (200) 1.5
623P 1|2|5 150|300|620 140 140 0.8 1 1|2|4 5 4 (200) 1.5
323S 1 320 140 140 0.8 1 0.7 2 2 (200) 1.5
10202S 10 10,200 206 206 1 1.5 7 20 20 (5,000) 12
8202S 10 8,200 206 206 1 1.5 7 20 20 (5,000) 12
6202S 10 6,200 206 206 1 1.5 7 20 20 (2,000) 12
6202P 10|20|50 1,500|3,000| 206 206 1 1.5 7|20|40 50 50 (2,000) 12
4202S 10 4,200 206 206 0.8 1 7 20 30 (2,000) 12
2202S 10 2,200 206 206 0.8 1 7 20 20 (1,000) 12
1202S 10 1,200 206 206 0.8 1 7 20 20 (500) 12
12201S 100 12,200 206 206 0.8 1 50 100 200 (5,000) 100
8201S 100 8,200 206 206 0.8 1 50 100 200 (5,000) 100
5201S 100 5,200 206 206 0.8 1 50 100 200 (2,000) 100

* Position according to OIML R76 ** typical minimum initial weight according to USP (United States Pharmacopeia), USP31NF26

Cubis Draft Shields

Select a draft shield and enter the corresponding identifier in the field marked with the icon.

DO No draft shield. Please always enter this identifier for weighing modules with the weighing pan size 206 206 mm.
DE Manual glass draft shield for precision balances with a readability of 1 mg.
DU Manual analytical balance draft shield with smooth-running, wide-opening doors, unimpeded access to the weighing
chamber without interfering braces. For all models with 0.01 mg, 0.1 mg and 1 mg readability.
DA Automatic, motorized draft shield with learning capability for ergonomic working and individual adaptation to different
applications. For all models with 0.01 mg, 0.1 mg and 1 mg readability.
DI Like the DA draft shield, but with the addition of an integrated ionizer to eliminate the impact of electrostatic
charges in samples and vessels.

Weighing Technology for Laboratories | Cubis 333

Premium Ultramicrobalances and Microbalances SE2, ME5 and
ME36S. Highest Precision Even for the Smallest Sample Quantities

The premium microbalances meet the most Fast Results

stringent requirements when its necessary With stabilization times of only 10 seconds,
to achieve measurement results quickly the SE2 and ME5 will save you valuable time
and with exceptional accuracy during each weighing operation.
The balances also offer maximum support
when used as testing equipment in the con- Brilliant Readability
text of a QM system. This is ensured by per- The backlit, high-contrast graphical display
formance features such as the ensures excellent readability. Text-based user
SQmin function: Display of the permitted guidance allows the balance to be configured
minimum initial weight according to the quickly and confidently if you need to do
United States Pharmacopeia (can be acti- more than just weighing.
Design 1 vated by Sartorius Service)
Fully automatic calibration and adjustment Flexible
function (isoCAL) Every ultramicrobalance and microbalance
ISO|GLP-compliant logging has 14 built-in application programs as
Input of alphanumeric sample identifiers standard features, such as air buoyancy cor-
rection, differential weighing program, and
100% Glass Draft Shield statistical evaluation.
The motorized draft shield on the SE2 and
ME5 is made entirely of glass with no frame Featuring a readability of 1 g, the ME36S
to obstruct your view. A special coating offers an exceptionally wide weighing range
on the glass inside the chamber eliminates up to a capacity of 31 g and outstanding
interfering factors such as those caused by metrological specifications, making it ideal
electrostatically charged objects. for highly accurate microweighing and for
Design 2 weighing microquantities into heavy tare
Cleaning as Easy as 1-2-3 containers.
In just one easy step, you can completely
remove the draft shield. The weighing cham- All balance-generated data can be logged via
ber base plate features smooth, easy-to-clean the standard RS232Cdata interface.
surfaces. Such design features really pay for
themselves whenever absolute cleanliness is Filter Weighing
the number one priority. The models ME5-F and SE2-F were specially
designed for weighing filters of up to 90 mm
Easy to Operate in diameter. The draft shield is made com-
The generously sized opening of the draft pletely of metal, thereby minimizing the
shield moves to any desired position you interfering effects of static electricity.
can choose to operate the draft shield by
Design 3 pressing a palm-operable key, a foot switch
(optional) or an external computer.


Modell SE2*** ME5*** ME36S*** SE2-F ME5-F

Filterbalance Filterbalance
Weighing capacity [g] 2.1 5,1 31 2.1 5.1
Readability [g] 0.1 1 1 0.1 1
Repeatability () [g] 0.25 1 2 0.25* 1**
Linearity (< ) [g] 0.9 4 10 0.9* 4**
Response time (average) [s] 10 10 1418 10* 10**
Weighing pan [mm] 20 30 30 50 or 20 50 or 30
(75 und 90 (75 und 90
optional) optional)
Design 1 1 3 2 2

* With standard weighing pan 20 mm

** With standard weighing pan 30 mm
*** Models SE2, ME5 and ME36S are available in calibrated versions

334 Premium Ultramicrobalances & Microbalances | Weighing Technology for Laboratories

Premium Semimicrobalances and Analytical Balances:
Sartorius ME When Results Matter

Unrivaled Speed The Facts

An outstanding feature of the Sartorius ME Unique monolithic weighing system
series is speed: stable readouts with five deci- Three-part, motorized draft shield system
mal places in just eight seconds. User-friendly palm-activated keys for draft
shield operation; foot switch optional for
Controlled by palm-operable keys or by cus- applications where you need your hands free
tom programming, the draft shield closes Neutralization of static electricity
quietly, precisely and quickly. It can be adapt- Prompts in clear English for operator guidance
ed to any weighing scenario, according to the Alphanumeric input capability for sample IDs
requirements of your application. Software support for use in quality
management systems
Unrivaled Stability SQmin function displays the minimum ini-
Repeatability of the weights measured is an tial weight in accordance with the United
additional strength of the Sartorius ME. The States Pharmacopeia (can be activated by
results are just as stable as the monolithic Sartorius Service)
weighing system of the ME. Display of measurement uncertainty accord-
ing to the German Calibration Service (DKD)
The Sartorius ME is amazingly impervious to ISO|GLP-compliant, user-configurable
the surrounding environment of its installa- records|printouts
tion location. Interfering static electricity on
samples and tare containers can be neutral- Built-in Applications
ized at the touch of a button. Built-in software supports all key laboratory
weighing applications to ensure smooth,
Unrivaled Reliability time-saving lab procedures and reliable
Sartorius ME stands for reliability, year in, results.
year out. Thats why we are offering a three- Density determination
year warranty, which we will extend on Calculation of weights using a definable
request up to a total of five years. factor or equation
Statistical evaluation
Differential weighing
Air buoyancy correction
Air density determination


Model ME235S ME235P ME235P-SD* ME614S ME414S ME254S

Weighing 230 60|110|230 60|110|230 610 410 250
Capacity [g]
Readability [mg] 0.01 0.01|0.02|0.05 0.01|0.02|0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1
Repeatability 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.1 0.1 0.07
[< mg] (060 g) (060 g) (060 g)
0.025 0.040 0.040
(60230 g) (60110 g) (60110 g)
0.040 0.040
(110230 g) (110230 g)
Linearity (< ) [mg] 0.1 0.15 0.15 0.4 0.3 0.15
Response Time [< s] 8 8 8 3 2.5 2.5
Off-Center Load at 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.3
1/2 maximum load
[< mg] (according
to OIML R76)
Weighing Pan 90 90 90 90 90 90
Clearance above 253 253 195 253 253 253
Weighing Pan

All models are available in verified versions (excluding *)

* With short-design draft shield and pipette opening, 60 mm, with cover

Weighing Technology for Laboratories | Premium Semimicrobalances & Analytical Balances 335
Standard Micro-, Semimicro-, Analytical and Precision Balances
The New Sartorius CPA: Unrivalled in Its Performance Class

As the successor to the Sartorius Competence Quality

series, which proves its reliability on a daily Not just the housing, but also the entire
basis in practical use, the Sartorius CPA also construction of the new Sartorius CPA with
sets standards for engineering, quality and its powerful core, the monolithic weigh-
features. If you want to avoid taking risks ing system, stand up to the abuse of tough
when you make the investment in a new bal- daily use. The same goes for the control keys,
ance, the new CPA is the best choice you can the components on a balance that are most
make. frequently used. Even after they have been
pressed tens of thousands of times, they will
Whether your samples are in the microgram continue to work precisely, just like they did
range or up to 34 kg, the Sartorius CPA series from day one, with positive click action for
with its 29 models offers the right instrument reliable activation of their respective func-
for practically every weighing task in the tions.
Engineering The Sartorius CPA has precisely the features
All balances in the Sartorius CPA series are you need for fast and professional processing
equipped with a monolithic weighing system of weighing tasks in everyday laboratory
available only from Sartorius. This system is routines. This includes ISO|GLP-compliant
not only extremely precise, but also excep- documentation. Connected to a Sartorius
tionally reliable and durable. YDP20-0CE data printer or a computer, the
new Sartorius CPA enables you to comply
And the new Sartorius CPA scores winning with documentation requirements for use in a
points with further technical advantages that quality management system.
ensure continuous operation of the balance
with the greatest possible accuracy: The draft shield designs of the balance models
featuring readabilities of 1 g, 2 g, 0.01 mg,
Take the built-in, motorized adjustment 0.1 mg or 1 mg are also impressive. Both the
weight: Just touch the CAL key, and the bal- construction and size are specially adapted to
ance will automatically perform internal cali- the particular readability, offering tangible
bration and adjustment whenever required assets in actual use:
in your process. Excellent shielding from drafts
Draft shield doors that glide open smooth-
And theres the isoCAL function. When the ly for optimal access to the weighing
ambient temperature changes by a specific chamber
value or once a defined time interval has Outstandingly easy-to-clean design.
elapsed, isoCAL performs internal calibration
and adjustment fully automatically. There- A bidirectional RS232C data interface
fore, the balance ensures that calibration is provides the ideal basis for communication,
carried out at regular intervals, and delivers for example with a PC.
consistently high accuracy.
For advanced applications, such as weighing
On top of this, the high-contrast, backlit dis- in percent, net-total formulation, dynamic
play is exceptionally easy to read under any weighing or animal weighing, mass unit con-
room lighting conditions (non-backlit micro- version and counting, the CPA offers easy-to-
and semi-microbalances available). run programs as standard features.

336 Standard Micro-, Semimicro-, Analytical & Precision Balances | Weighing Technology for Laboratories

Model Read- Weighing Repeat- Linearity Response Weighing Design

ability Capacity ability [ mg] Time Pan
[mg] [g] [ mg] average [mm]
[ s]
CPA2P 0.001| 0.5|1| 0.001| 0.002| 10 d 20 1
Design 1
0.002| 2 0.002| 0.004|
0.005 0.003 0.005
CPA26P 0.002| 5|21 0.004 0.008 10 d 50 3
CPA2P-F 0.001| 0.5|1| 0.002| 0.002| 10 d 20 2
Filter Balance 0.002| 2 0.003| 0.004| d 125
0.005 0.004 0.005 Filter weighing pan

Semimicrobalance Design 2
CPA225D 0.01| 40|100| 0,02|0,05| 0.03|0,1| 6|3 d 80* 4
0.01|0.1 220 0.1 0.2

Analycal Balances
CPA324S 0.1 320 0.2 0.3 3 d 80* 5
CPA224S 0.1 220 0.1 0.2 2 d 80* 5
CPA124S 0.1 120 0.1 0.2 2 d 80* 5
CPA64 0.1 64 0.1 0.2 2 d 80* 5

* Triangular weighing pan shape. = Diameter of the inner circle. Design 3

Design 4

Design 5

Weighing Technology for Laboratories | Standard Micro-, Semimicro-, Analytical & Precision Balances 337

Model Read- Weighing Repeat- Linearity Response Weighing Design

ability Capacity ability [ mg] Time Pan
[mg] [g] [ mg] average [mm]
[ s]
Precision Balances
CPA1003S** 0.001 1,000 0.001 0.002 2 110* 6
CPA623S 0.001 620 0.001 0.002 1.5 110* 7
CPA1003P** 0.001| 500| 0.001| 0.002| 2 110* 6
Design 6 0.01 1,000 0.01 0.02
CPA423S 0.001 420 0.001 0.002 1.5 110* 7
CPA323S 0.001 320 0.001 0.002 1.5 110* 7
CPA223S 0.001 220 0.001 0.002 1.5 110* 7
CPA6202S 0.01 6,200 0.01 0.02 1.5 190 204 8
CPA5202S-DS** 0.01 5,200 0.01 0.02 1.5 130 9
CPA4202S 0.01 4,200 0.01 0.02 1.5 190 204 8
Design 7 CPA3202S 0.01 3,200 0.01 0.02 1.5 190 204 8
CPA2202S 0.01 2,200 0.01 0.02 1.5 190 204 8
CPA2202S-DS** 0.01 2,200 0.01 0.02 1.5 130 9
CPA6202P 0.01| 1,500| 0.01| 0.02| 1.5 190 204 8
0.02| 3,000| 0.01| 0.02|
0.05 6,200 0.03 0.05
CPA34001S 0.1 34,000 0.1 0.2 2 400 300 10
CPA16001S 0.1 16,000 0.1 0.2 2 400 300 10
Design 8
CPA12001S 0.1 12,000 0.1 0.2 2 400 300 10
CPA10001 0.1 10,000 0.1 0.2 1 190 204 8
CPA8201 0.1 8,200 0.1 0.2 1 190 204 8
CPA34001P 0.1| 8,000| 0.1| 0.3| 2 400 300 10
0.2| 16,000| 0.2| 0.3|
0.5 34,000 0.5 0.3
CPA5201 0.1 5,200 0.1 0.2 1 190 204 8
CPA34000 1 34,000 0.5 1 1.5 400 300 10

* Triangular weighing pan shape. = Diameter of the inner circle.

Design 9 ** = Equipped with the analytical balance draft shield as a standard feature.

All models are available in calibrated versions (excluding CPA2P, CPA2P-F, CPA2202S-DS,
CPA5202S-DS, CPA1003P). Accessories available on request.

Design 10

338 Standard Micro-, Semimicro-, Analytical & Precision Balances | Weighing Technology for Laboratories
Standard Analytical and Precision Balances Extend
The New Achievers for Your Lab

On paper, many lab balances look the same. The Range of Features
But in the real world, theres more to a lab Add up all features of the new Sartorius
balance than just its technical specifications. Extend, and youll find all the advantages
that only a genuine Sartorius lab balance can
The new Sartorius Extend series was specially offer: features that pay for themselves, time
designed for effective and reliable weighing and again.
in daily lab routines. This is where more pow-
erful technology and application-oriented A built-in, motorized calibration weight is
operation and features make all the differ- standard in all analytical balances. Applied
ence. at a touch of a button, it ensures the highest
weighing accuracy. The precision balances,
Winning Technology depending on requirements, are available in
More versatility in high-resolution applica- two versions with internal calibration (-CW)
tions: 1 mg to 620 g and 10 mg to 6200 g. or external calibration.
High-end technology made standard.
Whenever you need ISO|GLP-compliant
The monolithic weighing system, only avail- documentation of raw data or calibration|
able from Sartorius worldwide, offers unique adjustment data, the Sartorius Extend
prerequisites for permanently high measure- balance provides it at the touch of a key
ment accuracy and reliability. (in combination with the optional YDP20-0CE
data printer).
The latest powerful microprocessor technol-
ogy ensures shorter response times for faster The easy-to-clean draft shield chamber on
results. In an Extend balance with 1 mg the analytical balances provides optimal
readability, the typical response time is just lighting conditions inside, thanks to its nearly
1 to 1.2 seconds. Reliable weighing results frameless all-glass design.
are achieved all the time even under less
than ideal ambient conditions, thanks to the The following additional built-in application
Extends highly sophisticated digital compen- programs come as standard:
sation algorithms.
Weighing in percent, net-total-formulation,
Ease of Use calculation (multiplication|division), dynamic
When you need to get a heavy workload weighing|animal weighing, mass unit conver-
of repetitive applications done fast and reli- sion, and counting
ably, day in and day out, the last thing you
need is a lab balance so complicated that The bidirectional RS232C data interface
it causes operating errors and wastes your is another standard feature. Alternatively,
valuable time as a result. This is not the case Sartorius can provide an adapter cable for
with the Sartorius Extend. A simple, easy- connection to a USB port.
to-understand control panel, key function
assignments and the easy-to-read display are
ideal for efficient weighing in your lab.

User-friendly operation: short, plain-English

text prompts and cursor keys for navigation
make it simple for you to configure the bal-
ance to meet your individual requirements.

The backlit display with its 15-mm digits

means the results of measurement are plain
to see, under any lighting conditions.

The level indicator is positioned conveniently

right next to the display so that checking
whether the balance is level becomes second
nature to the operator.

Weighing Technology for Laboratories | Standard Analytical & Precision Balances 339

Model Read- Weighing Repeat- Linearity Response Weighing Design

ability Capacity ability [ mg] Time Pan
[mg] [g] [ mg] average [mm]
[ s]
Analytical Balances
ED224S 0.1 220 0.1 0.2 2.5 d 90 1
ED124S 0.1 120 0.1 0.2 2.5 d 90 1

Design 1
Precision Balances
ED623S-CW 0.001 620 0.001 0.002 1 115 2
ED623S* 0.001 620 0.001 0.002 1 115 2
ED423S-CW 0.001 420 0.001 0.002 1 115 2
ED423S* 0.001 420 0.001 0.002 1 115 2
ED323S-CW 0.001 320 0.001 0.002 1 115 2
ED323S* 0.001 320 0.001 0.002 1 115 2
ED153-CW 0.001 150 0.001 0.002 1.3 115 2
ED153* 0.001 150 0.001 0.002 1.3 115 2
Design 2
ED6202S-CW 0.01 6,200 0.01 0.02 1.1 180 180 4
ED6202S* 0.01 6,200 0.01 0.02 1.1 180 180 4
ED4202S-CW 0.01 4,200 0.01 0.02 1.1 180 180 4
ED4202S* 0.01 4,200 0.01 0.02 1.1 180 180 4
ED3202S-CW 0.01 3,200 0.01 0.02 1.1 180 180 4
ED3202S* 0.01 3,200 0.01 0.02 1.1 180 180 4
ED2202S-CW 0.01 2,200 0.01 0.02 1.1 180 180 4
ED2202S* 0.01 2,200 0.01 0.02 1.1 180 180 4
ED822-CW** 0.01 820 0.01 0.02 1 150 3
Design 3
ED822* 0.01 820 0.01 0.02 1 150 3
ED8201-CW 0.1 8,200 0.1 0.1 1 180 180 4
ED8201* 0.1 8,200 0.1 0.1 1 180 180 4
ED5201-CW 0.1 5,200 0.1 0.1 1 180 180 4
ED5201* 0.1 5,200 0.1 0.1 1 180 180 4
ED2201-CW 0.1 2,200 0.1 0.1 1 180 180 4
ED2201* 0.1 2,200 0.1 0.1 1 180 180 4

All models, except those marked with *, are devices available in calibrated versions.
Design 4
** Weighing pan size for calibrated versions: 180 180 mm.

340 Standard Analytical & Precision Balances | Weighing Technology for Laboratories
Budget-class Analytical and Precision Balances Talent
The Affordable Introduction to Sartorius Weighing Technology

Sartorius Talent series balances are the Built-in Application Software

alternative for all your simple weighing Talent series balances offer various
operations: economically priced yet with an application programs as standard features
uncompromisingly high degree of quality, to make routine work easy: weighing in
reliability and sophisticated weighing tech- percent, net-total formulation, weigh
nology. Whether you need to operate a bal- averaging|dynamic weighing, counting and
ance in the lab, at school or a university, or in mass unit conversion.
the field using the battery function, a balance
from the Sartorius Talent series will always be RS232C Data Interface
the number one choice. Each model comes standard with a bidirec-
tional RS232C data interface. This means no
19 Models One Design extra cost if you need to log the balance-
The right weighing capacity for every applica- generated results on an optional printer
tion and every budget? No problem with the or connect a remote display for use in the
Talent series. It offers you 3 analytical balanc- educational sector.
es with weighing capacities of 60 g, 120 g and
210 g, respectively, and a total of 16 precision
balances ranging from the top-of-the-line
model with a 3,100-g weighing capacity and
0.01-g readability to the high-capacity model
featuring a 12-kg capacity.

Ease of Use
When it comes to strictly weighing, ease of
use is the top priority. The balances in the
new series prove to be particularly talented in
this area: Just set it up, switch it on, and start
weighing. It couldnt be any easier.

Dependable and Accurate

Permanent reliability and weighing certainty
are ensured by the innovative weighing
system technology, and the robust
construction of the balance housing.

Portability is Standard
Many of the Talent series balances are also
battery-operable, providing an alternative to
line current operation. The built-in power-
saver feature extends the service life of the
battery. This function will automatically shut
off the balance if a key has not been pressed
after 2 minutes. An added benefit of this
portable application: the balance is compact
and lightweight.

Weighing Technology for Laboratories | Budget-Class Analytical & Precision Balances 341

Model Read- Weighing Repeat- Linearity Response Weighing Design

ability Capacity ability [ mg] Time Pan
[mg] [g] [ mg] average [mm]
[ s]
Analytical Balances
TE214S 0.1 210 0.0001 0.0002 3 d 90 1
TE124S 0.1 120 0.0001 0.0002 3 d 90 1
TE64 0.1 60 0.0001 0.0002 3 d 90 1
Design 1

Precision Balances
TE313S 0.001 310 0.001 0.002 2.5 d 100 2
TE313S-DS* 0.001 310 0.001 0.002 2.5 d 100 1
TE153S 0.001 150 0.0015 0.003 2.5 d 100 2
TE153S-DS* 0.001 150 0.0015 0.003 2.5 d 100 1
TE3102S 0.01 3,100 0.01 0.02 2.5 174 143 4
TE1502S 0.01 1,500 0.015 0.03 2.5 174 143 4
TE612 0.01 610 0.01 0.02 2 d 116 3
Design 2
TE412 0.01 410 0.01 0.02 2 d 116 3
TE212 0.01 210 0.01 0.02 2 d 116 3
TE6101 0.1 6,100 0.1 0.2 2 174 143 4
TE4101 0.1 4,100 0.1 0.2 2 174 143 4
TE2101 0.1 2,100 0.1 0.2 1.5 174 143 4
TE601 0.1 610 0.1 0.2 1.5 174 143 4
TE12000 1 12,000 1 2 1.5 174 143 4
TE6100 1 6,100 1 2 1.5 174 143 4
TE4100 1 4,100 1 2 1.5 174 143 4
Design 3
* With analytical balance draft shield

Design 4

342 Budget-Class Analytical & Precision Balances | Weighing Technology for Laboratories

Accessories for Cubis Models

Calibratable Data Printer for connection to RS232, 25-pin Accessory interface YDP10-0CE
Calibratable Data Printer with Bluetooth data transfer
(only in connection with YDO01MS-B or option IB) YDP10BT-0CE
Paper Rolls for printer YDP10-0CE; 5 40 m rolls 6906937
Color Ribbon for YDP10-0CE and YDP10BT-OCE 6906918
Additional Display, LCD, figure size 13 mm, backlit YRD03Z
RS232C Connection Cable, to connect to PC with 7357314
9-pin COM interface, length 2 m
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) YSL07D
Infrared Sensor for contactless function triggering (e.g. draft shield control) YHS01MS
Hand Switch for printing, taring or using a function key; YHS02
Selection via menu, inc. T-connector
Foot Switch for printing, taring or using a function key; YFS01
Selection via menu, inc. T-connector
Foot Switch for the functions open|close draft shield (only in combination YPE01RC
with DA and DI draft shield), taring and printing
Density Determination Kit for solids and liquids for weighing modules YDK01MS
with a readability < 1 mg
Density Determination Kit for solids and liquids for weighing modules YDK02MS
with a readability 1 mg
3-segment Control Display, red green red, YRD11Z
for plus|minus weighings, inc. T-connector
Barcode Reader with connection cable, 120 mm reading range YBR03PS2
Pipette Calibration Kit for models with 0.01 mg and 0.1 mg readability; YCP04MS
hardware and software
Software for pipette calibration on request
RS232C Data Interface 25-pin for connection of Cubis accessories YDO01MS-R
Data Interface for wireless connection of data printer YDP10BT YDO01MS-B
RS232C Data Interface, 9-pin including PS|2 for connecting a PC YDO01MS-P
or a keyboard
Antistatic Weighing Pan, diameter 130 mm, for weighing modules YWP01MS
with a readability of 0.1 mg or 0.01 mg
Support Arm for 10|100 mg precision weighing modules for YDH01MS
raising the service units MSE, MSU, MSA
Weighing Table made from synthetic stone, with vibration dampening YWT03
Wall Console YWT04
Weighing Table from wood with synthetic stone for precise, YWT09
reliable measurements
Service Unit with backlit LCD display and tactile keys YAC01MSE
Service Unit with backlit b|w graphic display and tactile navigation keys YAC01MSU
Service Unit with color TFT graphic display and touchscreen YAC01MSA
Display Cable 3 m for Cubis models, or separated setup of display VF4016
and weighing unit
SartoCollect Software for data communication between balance and PC YSC02
Sartorius OPC server for integration of all Sartorius Cubis balances
(requires 32-bit Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP with current service packs).
(free download of a 30-day trial version from the Sartorius website)
Initial license 6289OPC
Each additional license within an order 6289OPC-

The brand name and logo for Bluetooth wireless technology are owned by Bluetooth SIG Inc.
The use of this brand name and trademark by Sartorius AG is under license.
Other brand names and trade names belong to their respective owners.

Weighing Technology for Laboratories | Accessories 343

Accessories for all ME, SE, CPA, ED and TE Models
Data Printer, calibratable, with date, time, statistics YDP20-0CE
Paper Rolls for printer YDP20-0CE; 5 40 m rolls 6906937
Color Ribbon for YDP20-0CE 6906918
Adhesive Labels on normal paper for YDP20-0CE (20 m continuous roll) 69Y03247
SartoCollect, data transfer and integration on computer 4SC02
Weighing Table for precise, reliable weighings YWT09
Weighing Table made from synthetic stone, with vibration dampening YWT03
Wall Console YWT04
Additional Display LCD, figure size 13 mm, reflective YRD02Z
Hand Switch, inc. T-connector YHS02
Foot Switch, inc. T-connector YFS01
Ionization Blower for electrostatically charged samples [220 V] YIB01-0DR
Ionization Blower for electrostatically charged samples [110 V] YIB01-0UR
Ionization Probe Stat-Pen
for discharging electrostatically charged samples YSTP01
T-connector for connection of 2 peripheral devices YTC01
RS232C|USB Connection Cable, for connection to a PC via USB interface;
length 1.5 m YCC01-USBM2
RS232C Connection Cable, for connection to a PC with 25-pin COM
interface; length approx. 2 m 7357312
RS232C Connection Cable, for connection to a PC with 9-pin COM
interface; length approx. 2 m 7357314
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) YSL01D
LCD, figure size 13 mm, reflective YRD03Z
3-segment Control Display, red green red, YRD11Z
for plus|minus weighings, inc. T-connector

Accessories for ME Models and SE2

Battery Set, external with optical charge control display
for SE2, ME5 and all ME models YRB05Z
Antistatic Weighing Pan for electrostatically charged samples
for ME235S, ME235P, ME254S, ME414S, ME415S and ME614S YWP01ME
for ME5 YWP01MC
Density Determination Kit
for ME235S, ME235P, ME254S, ME414S, ME415S and ME614S YDK01
Storage Plate, for acclimatization of materials to be weighed,
for all ME models (excluding ME5) YGS01ME
Weighing Scoop made from chrome nickel steel, 90 mm 32 mm 8 mm 641214
Foot Switch, inc. T-connectorfor all ME models and SE2 YPE01RC
Barcode Reader, for all ME models and SE2 (YCC01-0024M01 required) YBR02FC
Cable with T-connector, for connection of the barcode reader YCC01-0024M01
Bluetooth RS232C Adapter with external antenna
(only point-to-point connections)* YBT01
Bluetooth USB Adapter (point-to-multipoint capability)* YBT02

* The operation of these devices is only permitted in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France
(indoor use only), Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

344 Accessories | Weighing Technology for Laboratories

Accessories for CPA and ED Models
Battery Set, external, with optical charge control display
up to 10 kg weighing capacity YRB05Z
from 12 kg to 34 kg weighing capacity YRB06Z
Analytical Balance Attachment YDS01CP
for CPA623S, CPA423, CPA323S, CPA223S
Antistatic Weighing Pan YWP01CP
for CPA225D, CPA324S, CPA224 S, CPA124S, CPA64, ED224S, ED124
Density Determination Kit
for CPA225D, CPA324S, CPA224S, CPA124S YDK01
for ED224S, ED124S YDK01LP
Draft Shield Cover with hole ( 30 mm) YDS02CP
for CPA623S, CPA423S, CPA323S, CPA223S
Hook for Under-scale Weighing, screwable, for CPA12001S, CPA16001S, 69EA0040
CPA34001S, CPA34001P, CPA34000
Bluetooth-RS232C Adapter with external antenna
(only point-to-point connections)* YBT01
Bluetooth-USB Adapter (point-to-multipoint capability)* YBT02
In-use Dust Cover
for display and control unit CPA34001S, CPA16001S, CPA12001S,
CPA34001P, CPA34000 6960CP01
for CPA423S, CPA323S, CPA623S, CPA223S 6960CP02
for CPA4202S, CPA3202S, CPA2202S, CPA8201, CPA6202S, CPA6202P,
CPA5201, CPA10001 6960CP03
for display and control unit CPA225D, CPA324S, CPA224S, CPA124S, CPA64 6960CP04

Accessories for TE Models

Battery Set, external (service life: 20 or 40 hours, depending on model) YRB08Z

* The operation of these devices is only permitted in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France
(indoor use only), Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Weighing Technology for Laboratories | Accessories 345

Safety Weighing Cabinet SWC
Safe Weighing of Toxic and Powdery Substances

For researchers and laboratory technicians, Single-source Equipment

working with poisonous or highly reactive The balance and weighing cabinet are
substances does pose a considerable risk. perfectly matched to each other. With its
Especially when weighing, the smallest sam- SWC Safety Weighing Cabinet, Sartorius
ple amounts have a high risk potential. has succeeded in uniting two otherwise
contradictory requirements: maximum
Health and Safety are Top Priorities personnel protection and reliable weighing
In order to protect the health of laboratory results.
personnel, proper safety measures must be
taken when weighing dangerous powdered The Safety Weighing Cabinets are available in
substances. four different sizes for special applications,
such as using a second laboratory balance in
The Sartorius Safety Weighing Cabinet SWC the cabinet or for unusually high structures.
offers many significant design advantages
over a regular laboratory hood: It creates a Each of the four basic models consists of:
contained area around the laboratory bal- Safety Weighing Cabinet with a separate
ance which prevents any air or finely pow- HEPA filter unit, data-logging alarm, light-
dered particulates from escaping into the ing unit, waste disposal system (on one side),
operating personnels work area. At the same airflow smoke test kit and anti-static cleaning
time, the constant inlet air velocity and the wipes.
special cabinet construction both keep the
air current practically turbulence-free, and, Sartorius SWC Safety Weighing Cabinets
as a result, ensure consistent and repeatable comply with the requirements of EN14175.
weighing results.

346 Safety Weighing Cabinet SWC | Weighing Technology for Laboratories

Model with Model without Dimensions
Filter Unit Filter Unit Width Depth Height [mm]
SWC900 SWC900NF 890 750 510
SWC1200 SWC1200NF 1230 750 510
SWC900T SWC900TNF 890 750 770
SWC1200T SWC1200TNF 1230 750 770

YWCF02 Carbon filter for solvent vapors
YWCF03 Box for carbon filter; for attachment to the filter box
YWCG01 Disposal chute for attachment to the side of the cabinet
YWCG02 Disposable chute bags (100 pcs)
YWCG03 Muffler for attachment to fan filter box
YWCG04 Airflow smoke test kit
YWCG07 Antistatic decontamination wipes
YWCG16 Printer table for attachment to the cabinet
YWT10 Laboratory bench; fits SWC900, SWC900T and SWC900NF
YWT11 Laboratory bench; fits SWC1200, SWC1200T and SWC1200NF
Other accessories for our Safety Weighing Cabinets are available on request.

All of the balances listed below have been tested for use in the Safety Weighing Cabinet and
achieved their typical repeatability with correspondingly extended response times.

Balance Series Cubis ME Sartorius CPA Extend ED

Microbalances ME5 CPA2P
Semimicrobalances All Cubis models ME235S CPA225D
with 0,01 mg ME235P
readability and
draft shield DU,
DA or DI
Analytical balances All Cubis models ME614S CPA324S ED224S
with 0,1 mg ME414S CPA224S ED124S
readability and ME254S CPA124S
draft shield DU, CPA64
DA or DI
Precision balances All Cubis models CPA1003S ED623S
with 1 mg CPA1003P ED423S
readability and CPA623S ED323S
draft shield DE, CPA423S ED153
DU, DA or DI CPA323S
CPA223S All models listed
CPA2202S-DS are also available
CPA5202S-DS in CW versions

Weighing Technology for Laboratories | Safety Weighing Cabinet SWC 347

Sartorius Density Determination
The Optimal Equipment for All Methods

Whether you use the buoyancy method, the The Integrated Application Software
displacement principle or the pycnometer Controls the Measurements and Evaluates
method for determining the density of solid, them for You
powdery or liquid samples Sartorius offers The application software integrated into the
you the technical equipment for performing balances of the ME and Cubis series provides
these applications simply, quickly and you with the ultimate in user convenience.
Just select your preferred method of meas-
These Include: urement by menu, weigh your samples and
Analytical and precision balances the balance does the entire evaluation for
The YDK01 or YDK01LP density you. In the process, it automatically takes into
determination kits account all important factors that influence
An integrated application program built the measurement. For example, after you
into the balance for density determination have entered the temperature, the balance
(standard software in all ME and directly calculates the density of the selected
LA balances) immersion medium.

Easy to Use Results in Black and White

Nothing is more annoying in laboratory A record of your results is printed out on the
applications than complicated operat- interfaced data printer if you wish, as an
ing sequences with delicate and sensi- ISO|GLP-compliant record.
tive instruments. This is why our density
determination kits have been built to be The printout includes the following data:
especially rugged and uncomplicated. Temperature and density of the buoyancy
Perfected Technology and Practical Weight value of the sample during
Accessories weighings in air and immersed in the
Large and easily accessible sample holders medium
are supplied so that you can perform The volume and the density of the sample
measurements in air or in a buoyancy
medium. The special design prevents air Which Density Kit for Which Balance?
bubbles from adhering, which could YDK01 density set for:
otherwise distort your results. ME models with 0.01 mg and 0.1 mg
If you weigh a substance with a density CPA324S, CPA224S, CPA124S, CPA225D
less than that of the buoyancy medium
forget the extra work. The specially shaped YDK01LP density set for:
weighing pan lets you immerse your sample ED models with 0.1 mg readability
effortlessly below the surface of the liquid.
YDK01MS density set for:
And determination of the density of liquids Cubis models with < 1 mg readability
couldnt be easier than with our standardized
glass plummet.

348 Density Determination | Weighing Technology for Laboratories

Bluetooth Wireless Technology*
Weigh and Communicate Wirelessly
Bluetooth wireless technology, widely used Data security is a high priority in Bluetooth
for laptops and mobile telephones, offers real wireless technology. The data transfer in
advantages for both measurement and data both send and receive directions is protected
storage processes. With a range of up to by the use of frequency hopping, and other
100 meters, wireless connection of measuring encryption techniques are also available. Thus,
stations, PCs and peripheral devices is now even sensitive areas are reliably secured.
completely feasible for laboratory use.
With the YBT01 module for connection to
No more cables to trip over, no more cable the RS232C data interface on the balance,
ducts and dust collectors, no more incon- and the YBT02 module for connection to the
venient restrictions when positioning devices computers USB port, Sartorius presents a
because infrared data interfaces have to be solution that meets the most sophisticated
connected to one another within line of sight. requirements, with the same high quality as
Not only for mobile weighing, but also for our premium balances designed for use in the
clean-room and ultraclean-room conditions chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
or contaminated environments, Bluetooth
wireless technology represents a practical The communication module has a stainless-
alternative that eliminates connection steel housing that meets the highest cleanli-
problems before they occur. ness requirements optimally. All data transfer
procedures and protocols are familiar to any-
Another major advantage of Bluetooth one who has used RS232C data interfaces.
wireless technology is the ability to connect
multiple weighing stations in individual So you can say goodbye to cable problems.
networks. All thanks to Bluetooth wireless technology.
The modules are suitable to use with any of
The installation is extremely simple. This our premium-series ME and Cubis balances.
technology uses the 2.45 GHz ISM band (for
industrial, scientific, and medical usage). No The equipment may be used only in the
fees are charged for this frequency, which following countries: Austria, Belgium,
means no added recurring costs for the user. Denmark, Finland, France (indoor use
only), Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland,
Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Bluetooth RS232C Adapter with External Antenna. Point-to-point Connections Only.
Transmitting power Complies with Class 1
Supported profiles Serial port
Data transfer rate 1,200115,200 bits/s (can be configured by
Sartorius service)
Temperature range 0 +40 C
IP protection class IP65
Dimensions L B H [mm] 121 84 32
(without antenna, cable, wall bracket)

YBT02 Bluetooth USB Adapter. Point-to-multipoint Capability.

Transmitting power Complies with Class 1
Specifications Bluetooth wireless technology V.1.1
PC software Bluetooth device driver
Operating system Windows 98, 2000, XP

* The brand name and logo for Bluetooth wireless technology are owned by Bluetooth SIG Inc., USA.
The use of this trademark by Sartorius is under license.

Weighing Technology for Laboratories | Bluetooth Wireless Technology* 349

Eliminate Static Electricity Quickly and Reliably

Static electricity can block the entire work- Sartorius ionizing blowers can be used
flow of everyday lab routines. When samples anywhere undesirable electrostatic charges
are weighed, particularly non-conductive are generated; for example, in production
sample materials such as plastic, glass or areas and photographic labs. The flow rate
porcelain, an electrostatic field may build up of the ionizing stream can be continuously
between the sample and the stationary parts adjusted. For StatPen, the flow rate is altered
of the balance. As a rule, this effect is seen by moving it closer or further away from a
when the digits of a weight readout seem sample.
to race out of control. This makes reliable
weighing, particularly in the analytical field,
very difficult. By ionization of samples using
the Sartorius StatFan or StatPen ionizing
blower, static electricity is neutralized within
just a few seconds, making it unnecessary to
increase the humidity of the air. Elimination
of static electricity can be performed
instantly wherever needed, without any time


Power AC Neutralization Airflow Weight

Connection Adapter [ccm/min] [kg]
[V|Hz] [V|Hz]
Ionizing blower 230|50 18|50 Up to 20 V Up to 1,000 Approx. 0.6
StatFan YIB01-0DR
Ionizing blower 110|50 18|50 Up to 20 V Up to 1,000 Approx. 0.6
StatFan YIB01-0UR
StatPen YSTP01 100230| 5060 Up to 30 V Approx. 0.8

350 Ionizing | Weighing Technology for Laboratories

Sartorius Pipette Calibration
Totally Accurate, Efficient and Independent

Save Time and Money GPC Pipette Calibration Balances

Pipettes are gauges used as inspection,
measuring and test equipment. GLP Fast and User-friendly
guidelines and ISO standards require pipettes The balances in the GPC series are ideally
to be tested at defined intervals to ensure suited for gravimetric testing of the volume
their continued proper functioning. Quick of any pipette size.
testing must also be performed between
these intervals. Having pipette calibration Because these balances do not require an
performed externally can be expensive additional draft shield, opening and closing of
and time-consuming. Backup pipettes the draft shield doors is eliminated. This saves
must also be available to maintain routine considerable time.
operations. The equipment for performing the
oft-required quick tests is not even available The calibration workstations modular design
in many cases. can be optimally adapted to your lab staffs
ergonomic needs.
Now you can calibrate your pipettes your-
self quickly and inexpensively with the GPC On the Go Pipette Calibration
Pipette Calibration Balance or YCP03-1 With the optional YDB01WZA carrying case,
Pipette Calibration Kit from Sartorius. you can pack up your GPC pipette calibration
balance along with the other accessories.
Procedure Ambient conditions permitting, you have
The liquid taken up in the pipette is weighed everything you need to calibrate your
on a balance. The volume of the liquid is pipettes directly at the place of use.
calculated from its weight and density and GPC65-CW
compared with the nominal volume for the Equipment Supplied
pipette. The balance transmits the weight Weighing cell with separate electronics
value to the PC where all the required box
calculations are performed for exam- Display|service unit with 1 m cable
ple, by the PICASO software. At the end of (GPC65-CW: 0.3 m cable)
each measurement, the calibration results Motorized calibration and adjustment
are printed as a GLP-compliant report. The function with built-in calibration weight
installation of an evaporation trap maintains Bidirectional RS232 data interface port
the humidity at 6090 %, thus preventing loss Leveling feet and level indicator
of liquid from the pipetting vessel. AC adapter
Pipette calibration kit consisting of:
Evaporation trap
Pipetting vessels 6 ml and 21 ml GPC26-CW | GPC225-CW
(3 of each)
Special adapter and reduction fittings
for pipetting vessels
Cable for connecting the balance (RS232)
to a PC (USB)

Overview of GPC Models

Model Readability Weighing Pipetting

Capacity Capacity Weighing
GPC26-CW 0.001 mg 20 g 0.001 mg8 g
GPC65-CW 0.01 mg 60 g 0.01 mg35 g
GPC225-CW 0.01 mg 220 g 0.01 mg195 g

Optional Accessories Order Number

PICASO pipette calibration software (PC running Windows YCP03-2
operating system 98|2000|NT or XP required)
Draft Shield and 50 ml Stainless-steel Vessel YDS01WZA
(for GPC65-CW and GPC225-CW only)
Carrying Case for mobile use YDB01WZA

Weighing Technology for Laboratories | Pipette Calibration 351

Pipette Calibration Kit YCP03-1 PICASO System Requirements
PICASO requires a PC running Windows
Optimize Your Pipette Calibration 95|98|NT|2000|XP with an RS232C interface
With the YCP03-1 Pipette Calibration Kit, port for the interface cable, 64 MB RAM and
you can save time, money, and organizational at least 20 MB available hard disk space.
effort. Of course, you need to choose the best
balance for your needs to benefit from all Overview of PICASO Software Performance
these advantages. Features
Measurement data saved at a click of the
If You Need a Balance for Other Uses mouse
as Well Program includes presaved specifications
the Sartorius microbalances and semimi- of more than 450 pipette types
crobalances are the right solution for you. Measurements in accordance with British
You can turn your balance into a pipette cali- Standard, ASTM and EN ISO 8655
bration workstation and then back into an Individual pipettes inventoried
ordinary balance again quickly and easily. Data records are GLP-compliant and
include mean, (in)accuracy, (im)precision,
Equipment Supplied and standard deviation
PICASO program CD Statistics displayed in graphs
Evaporation trap Time-controlled functions for monitoring
Weighing system adapter calibration cycles
Vessel adapter for 21 ml vessels Online help for all functions
Reduction fitting for 6 ml pipetting vessel
Pipetting vessels 6 ml and 21 ml (3 of each)
Connection cable for balance computer
Centering disk for the evaporation trap
Carrying case

Overview of Balance Models

Model* Readability Weighing Capacity

[mg] [g]
ME36S (VF3677 required) 0.001 31 (16 g**)
PICASO pipette calibration software ME5 (VF988 required) 0.001 5
CPA26P (VF3604 required) 0.002|0.01 5|21
ME235S 0.01 230
CPA225D (VF2396 required) 0.01|0.1 100|220
ME235P 0.01|0.02|0.05 60|110|230
ME235P-SD (with short-design draft shield) 0.01|0.02|0.05 60|110|230

Accessories Order Number

Pipette calibration kit incl. PICASO pipette calibration software
(for all of the above-named balance models, except ME5) YCP03-1
Short-design draft shield and adaptation of YCP03-1 for CPA225D VF2396
Adaptation of YCP03-1 for ME36S VF3677
Adaptation of YCP03-1 for CPA26P VF3604
Special pipette calibration kit for ME5 consisting of:
Draft shield, evaporation trap, vessel adapter and pipetting vessel (2.5 ml) VF988

* Models ME235S, ME235P, CPA225D, ME5 and ME36S are also available in versions calibrated for legal metrology.
** Weighing capacity with pipette calibration kit installed: 16 g

ME5 mit VF988

352 Pipette Calibration | Weighing Technology for Laboratories

OEM Products

Do You Need a Weighing Sensor for Your The table below shows the range of OEM
Applications? products available, with details on weighing
Sartorius offers excellent and precise sensors capacities and readabilities. The possibilities
for mass determination. Whether you need to go beyond what you see here in close
count small parts or batch precise amounts of cooperation with you, we can also develop
liquids and solids, we have the right sensors customer-specific solutions adapted to
for your solution. individual requirements.

In addition to monitoring and filling, our Contact us and well advise you on all the
weighing cells are used in a variety of appli- possibilities.
cation areas, from tensiometers and thermo-
gravimetric systems to checkweighers and
special balances, to name but a few.

Weighing Technology for Laboratoryies | OEM Products 353

Weighing Capacity Readability Models
[g] [mg]
Individual Encapsulated components with CE mark Optional
components built-in
without CE Explosion- calibration
marks protected weight
IP20 IP44 IP44 IP65
0.5 2 0.0010.005 WZ2P-CW
20 0.001 WZA26-CW
60 0.01 WZA65-CW
60 0.1 WZ64S
60 0.1 WZ64-CW
60 0.1 WZA64 ...-CW
60 0.1 WZA64-X
120 0.1 WZ124S
120 0.1 WZ124-CW
120 0.1 WZA124 ...-CW
180 0.1 WZA224-ND
210|80 0.01|0.1 WZ215-CW
210 0.1 WZ214S
220 0.01 WZA225-CW
220 0.1 WZ224-CW
220 0.1 WZA224 ...-CW
600 0.1 WZ614-CW
320 1 WZ323 WZA323 ...-CW
520 1 WZ523 WZA523 ...-CW
620 1 WZA623-X
1,000 10 WZG1
1,200 1 WZ1203 WZA1203 ...-CW
2,000 20 WZG2
6,200 10 WZA6202-X
8,200 10 WZ8202 WZA8202 ...-CW
10,000 100 WZG10
12,000 100 WZ12001 WZA12001 WZA12001-X
20,000 200 WZA224-ND WZG20

Examples of Order Number Combinations

WZ523 Weighing cell with individual components without built-in calibration weight
WZ523-CW Weighing cell with individual components with built-in calibration weight
WZA523 Weighing cell with encapsulated components without built-in calibration weight

For more information on our weighing systems, visit our website:

354 OEM Products | Weighing Technology for Laboratories

Moisture &
Water Content
The Right Equipment for
Any Application 356

Sartorius MA35
Easy ... Very Easy! 358

Sartorius MA150.
The Compact Class 359

Sartorius MA100.
Analytical Precision, Combined
with Flexibility and Dynamics 360

MA35|MA100|MA150 361

MA35|MA100|MA150 363

Sartorius LMA200PM
Speed Meets Analytical
Precision 364

LMA200PM 365

Sartorius WDS400. Selective

Detection of Surface Water,
Capillary Water and Water of
Crystallization 366

Water Detection System
WDS 400 367

Sartorius LMA320PA
Moisture Analysis in a Fraction
of a Second 368

LMA320PA 369

Sartorius PMD320PA and

PMD325PA Online Moisture
Analysis in a Fraction of a
Second 370

PMD320PA and PMD325PA 371

PMD500 Series Process

Analyzer with NIR Technology 372

Specifications PMD500 373

The Right Equipment for Any Application

Foods, chemical|pharmaceutical products, Microwave Drying

building materials or animal feed you name If the sample contains a large amount of
it, the moisture or water content has a decisive water, microwave drying is the fastest and
impact on price, processability and quality, most effective sample heating method.
ranging from raw materials to final products. It takes just 40120 seconds to vaporize the
Determining this moisture content is one of the water out of the sample. If under normal
most common analyses in product development pressure conditions, the temperature of the
and in the manufacturing process. Here, the escaping water vapor measures slightly over
most diverse requirements on speed, resolution 100 C during the heating process. As such,
of the values measured or on the operating this method is comparable to the 105 C set-
design of the moisture analyzers must also be ting in a classic oven dryer.
considered in all cases. As a leading provider of
moisture analysis equipment, Sartorius is thor- Differential Weighing
oughly familiar with the needs of its customers If the oven drying method is absolutely essen-
and thus offers a wide range of equipment that tial, the differential weighing program of the
is continuously being enhanced. LA Reference series of balances efficiently
manages large volumes of data and auto-
Infrared Drying Fast and Precise matically calculates the differences between
A fast alternative to the classic oven drying the tare weight, initial sample weight and
method, infrared dryers from the Sartorius backweight.
series of Moisture Analyzers are being
increasingly used. These analyzers are com- Coulometry
pact and designed for routine operation in Selective Detection of Water
production and in applications involving If you need to determine not the moisture,
incoming inspection. They feature the resolu- but the water content of a sample, the cou-
tion of an analytical balance, and are ideal for lometric Karl Fisher titration method is the
research and development. Moreover, these most commonly used technique. A further
moisture analyzers are supplied in versions advancement in KF filtration is the combi-
with an EC type-approval certificate for use nation method incorporated in the Water
in legal metrology. Sartorius offers a custom Detection System WDS 400. The WDS 400
solution for nearly every requirement. A wide allows accurate measurements to be per-
selection of infrared heat sources, such as formed down to a detection threshold of 1g
a halogen lamp, a CQR quartz glass heater of water. At the same time, it enables quan-
and a ceramic heating element, enable these titative differentiation among surface water,
moisture analyzers to be optimally adapted to capillary water, and water of crystallization.
the intended application. In addition, the WDS 400 completely elimi-
nates the need for the test reagents required
in KF titration.

356 Equipment | Moisture & Water Content Measurement

Microwave Resonance Technology NIR Technology
The microwave resonance method offers the Optical or spectroscopic methods exploit the
advantage of particularly fast measurement, interaction between light and the sample. If
well below one second. At the same time, it is light is directed onto a sample, part of that
non-destructive, which means that this versa- light is reflected, changing it characteristi-
tile method can be used in the laboratory and cally. The resulting change in the light is then
for online and offline applications. used to calculate the moisture content. NIR
spectroscopy is a nondestructive technology,
The basis of this new Sartorius product line is meaning that the samples can be used for
the LMA300P, a modular system that consists further analyses. In addition, NIR spectros-
of a control and evaluation unit and a reso- copy is fast, reliable and precise.
nator module in which the moisture of a sam-
ple is measured. Applications for the system The LMA500 NIR calibrator is the first in
cover measurement of the moisture in pour- our new NIR spectroscopy series. It not only
able, granulated and viscous products with a analyzes moisture content, it can also do
moisture content between 0.160%. on-site calibration, allowing adaptation
of methods to the materials being tested at
The new PMD300 series can analyze mois- a given time. The NIR calibrator is designed
ture levels online, meaning that the analysis for pourable and granulated substances
is performed and the results passed to the with a moisture content between 0.1%
processing unit continuously. Highly sensi- and 50%, depending on the sample.
tive sensors integrated in the production line
constantly analyze moisture content and
send the information to the processing unit,
which is directly connected to the controller,
ensuring that the entire process is constantly
controlled and documented and 100%

Moisture & Water Content Measurement | Equipment 357

Sartorius MA35
Easy ... Very Easy!

The MA35 is the new basic model in the Easy-to-understand and

moisture analyzer series from Sartorius. Error-free Moisture Analysis
Its performance functions and operating The operating design focuses on accuracy
concept are geared toward daily routine and ease of use. The concise display shows
processes such as repetitive QC monitoring the user all important information at a
of samples as performed during in-process single glance. Easy-to-understand icons
control and incoming goods inspection. To guide you in three steps from taring the
make the MA35 even more user-friendly, sample pan to starting the measurement.
we have done away with seldom-used pro- The MA35 has done away with the regular
gramming options without compromising Program Selection menu, opting instead for
flexibility or measurement accuracy. a limited number of drying routines that
can be saved in the non-volatile memory.
No Need for Programming All important operating parameters can be
End-point determination is fully automatic. accessed and changed in seconds, giving
It is no longer necessary to program a you more flexibility.
shutoff parameter. The MA35 continuously
monitors the drying process and stops the The optional printer, YDP20-0CE, enables
measurement as soon as the sample has you to print analysis results on a short
reached a constant weight i.e., when no report to save on paper usage. If you need
more weight loss can be detected despite comprehensive documentation, you can
heating. A built-in weighing system pro- also print out the sample analysis results as
vides the measurement accuracy required well as the weighing system and temperature
for this with 1-mg resolution that is opti- calibration as a detailed GLP report.
mized for use in high temperature ranges.
For sample heating, the MA35 is equipped
with two powerful metal tubular-shaped
heating elements, providing 360 watts of
power. These heating elements, also called
dark radiators, are both rugged and durable.
Compared to heating lamps made from glass,
e.g. infrared lamps or halogen heaters, these
are especially resistant to dirt and vibration.
In addition, the MA35s metal heating
elements can be used in accordance with
the strict guidelines of the FDA and HACCP
in cases where glass is prohibited in certain
production processes.

358 Sartorius MA35 | Moisture & Water Content Measurement

Sartorius MA150. The Compact Class with Maximum
Performance and Minimum Space Requirements

For Routine Operation Application-specific Solutions

A rugged design with low space requirements Practical accessories round off the entire
and easy operation are the major features line-up of Sartorius moisture analyzers.
of the MA150. Fully automatic drying of a These include, for instance, an in-use dust
sample until a constant weight is reached cover that is included with the standard
eliminates the need for programming an equipment supplied and a special version
endpoint shutoff parameter. Twenty drying of the moisture analyzer without openly
routines can be saved to give you the flex- accessible glass components in compliance
ibility you need when the moisture content of with the stringent FDA and HACCP require-
additional, out-of-the-ordinary samples of ments that ban the use of glass in production.
material has to be measured.

Customizable and Fast

Sartorius offers you a choice of two
different moisture analyzers that cover
diverse requirements on moisture meas-
urements. Whichever heat source you opt
for, both analyzers deliver results within
just minutes. For temperature- sensitive
samples, a ceramic heating element ensures
especially gentle heating over the entire
surface. The other choice, a CQR quartzglass
heater, optimizes the analysis time even
further, which is already ultrafast for the
analyzer featuring the ceramic heater. Halogen lamp

Ceramic heating element

CQR quartzglass heater

Moisture & Water Content Measurement | Sartorius MA150 359

Sartorius MA100. Analytical Precision,
Combined with Flexibility and Dynamics

As Accurate as an Analytical Balance Flexible and Modular

The MA100 is the first infrared dryer in The Sartorius MA100 analyzers give you
the world that features a built-in weighing a choice of three different infrared heat
system with 0.1-mg resolution and an EC sources: a halogen lamp for standard
type-approval certificate. A motorized heat- applications, a ceramic heating element for
ing unit moves over the sample to open or gentle heating of temperature-sensitive
close the sample chamber. This reduces inter- samples and a CQR quartz glass heater.
fering effects when a sample is placed on the The CQR combines the fast drying capability
pan or a measurement is started. The pace- of a halogen lamp with the gentle heating
setting design enables the MA100 to achieve capability of a ceramic heater for drying
a measuring accuracy well beyond that samples evenly over their entire surface.
provided by conventional infrared dryers. A printer that can be optionally integrated
into the housing eliminates the tangle of
Automatic Adaptation to cables so typical of an external printer, and
Reference Values helps tidy up your work area.
The acronym SPRM stands for Swift
Parameter Adjustment to a given Reference A Clean Solution
Method. This function enables the operating Did you accidentally spill a sample? Are there
parameters of MA100 to be adapted to the spatters of grease inside the sample chamber?
results of an available reference method No problem with the MA 100. The Plug &
and to be saved as a drying routine. Dry feature enables you to easily slide out
Optimization of operating parameters doesnt the cover with the heater for thorough
get any faster than this. cleaning, without the risk of cleaning agent
entering the inside of the housing.

360 MA 100 | Moisture & Water Content Measurement

Specifications MA35|MA100|MA150
MA35 MA100 MA150
Max. weighing capacity [g] 35 100 150
Accuracy of the weighing system [mg] 1 0.1 1
Weighing system with EC type-approval certificate
Repeatability, average [%]
For initial sample weight approx. > 1 g 0.2 0.1 0.2
For initial sample weight approx. > 5 g 0.05 0.02 0.05
Readability [%] 0.01 0.001 0.01
Display mode for results
% moisture
% dry weight
g residue
g/kg residue
g/l residue
mg weight loss
Calculated value (measured value factor)
Temperature range and settings
40 C160 C, adjustable in 1-degree increments
30 C230 C, adjustable in 1-degree increments
40 C220 C, adjustable in 1-degree increments
Heating mode
Standard drying
Quick drying
Gentle drying
Phase drying 3 0.1999 min.
Analysis mode
Fully automatic
Semi-automatic 150 mg|5300 sec. 150 mg|5300 sec.
0.15.0%|5300 sec. 0.15.0%|5300 sec.
Timer settings 1 0.199 min. 3 0.1999 min. 1 0.199 min.
Timer mode fully|semi-automatic 2 0.1999 min. + automatic
SPRM mode for parameter recognition
Heating unit
Ceramic IR heating element (infrared)
Halogen lamp (infrared)
CQR heater (coiled quartz radiator)
Metal tubular-shaped heating element
(infrared dark radiator)
Later exchange of the heating unit by Plug & Dry*
Access to the sample chamber
Via hinged flip-up cover
Via motorized cover

Moisture & Water Content Measurement | MA35|MA100|MA150 361

MA35 MA100 MA150
Optional version compliant
with FDA/HACCP regulations**
DLG Signam approved
Built-in calibration weight
Operator guidance features
Context-sensitive menu with alphanumeric
interactive prompts and icons
Text input for sample identification
using soft-key prompts
Numeric keypad for sample identification
and parameter input
Parameter input using soft-key prompts
reproTEST for determining the repeatability
of the weighing system
Number of program memories 1 30 20
Memory for data storage
Statistics of the last 9,999 measurements
End point up to the next moisture analysis run
Parameter settings password-protected
against unauthorized access
Manual input of tare weights
Data printer
Integratable (optionally retrofittable)
External (optional)
GLP-compliant, user-configurable
Inalterable standard configuration template
Short report
Data interface port
RS-232C unidirectional
RS-232C bidirectional
Bar code scanner can be connected
In-use dust cover for keypad
Power consumption (VA) Max. 400 Max. 700 Max. 700
Housing dimensions W D H [mm] 224 366 191 350 453 156 213 320 180.5
Weight. approx. [kg] 5.8 8.0 5.5

* Does not apply to the CQR quartz heater

** Not available with halogen lamp or CQR quartz glass heater

362 MA35|MA100|MA150 | Moisture & Water Content Measurement

Accessories MA35|MA100|MA150

Accessories MA35 MA100 MA150

Disposable sample pans, 6965542 6965542 6965542
80 units, aluminum, round,
90 mm
Glass ber lters, 90 mm
for analysis of liquid, pasty and fatty samples
Hard quality, for viscous samples, 80 units 6906940 6906940 6906940
Soft quality with high suction force, 200 units 6906941 6906941 6906941
Panel replacement set YDS05MA YDS03MA YDS04MA
Aluminum panel for replacing glass panels
to meet FDA|HACCP regulations (conversion kit)
SartoCollect, Software for
communication between
moisture analyzer and PC
(including 25 Pin|9 Pin, 2 m) cable
Carrying case YDB05MA
Data printer
Integratable YDP01MA
External YDP03-0CE YDP03-0CE YDP03-0CE
Ink ribbon cartridge for data printer 6906918 6906918 6906918
Paper rolls for data printer,
5 rolls, 50 m each 6906937 6906937 6906937
External calibration weight
100 g (E2) DKD Certicate YCW5128-00
30 g 0.3 mg DKD Certicate YSS43-00
50 g (E2) DKD Certicate YCW4528-00
Temperature adjustment set
with manufacturers certicate YTM01MA YTM03MA YTM03MA
500 disposable pipettes YAT01MA YAT01MA YAT01MA

Are you interested in receiving more

information about our moisture analyzers?
At you will find
our applications database packed with
information on which analyzer is best for
which application and which Sartorius
operating parameters are recommended.
Moreover, numerous scientific articles are
available for download as PDF files.

Moisture & Water Content Measurement | MA35|MA100|MA150 363

Sartorius LMA200PM
Speed Meets Analytical Precision

If the sample contains a high moisture con- High Speed

tent, microwave drying is the fastest and Two factors play a major role for ultra-
most effective thermogravimetric method fast measurements. First, the sample must
(loss-on-drying principle) for moisture absorb microwave energy within the short-
analysis. Developed for measuring moisture est time possible and transform it into heat
content ranging from approx. 8% to 100%, energy. For this purpose, the LMA200PM
the LMA200PM performs moisture analysis has a cylindrically shaped sample chamber
in a fraction of the time it takes for other that focuses the microwave radiation on
thermogravimetric methods. It delivers results the sample optimally. Second, the resulting
between approx. 40120 seconds on average. water vapor must be transported away from
With a cylindrical design, a focused emission the sample as fast as possible to obtain rapid
of microwave energy is channeled vertically analysis results. To accomplish this, a sample
through dual apertures at the bottom of the is applied to a glass fiber pad that allows
chamber. This concentrates the microwave water vapor to evaporate not only from
energy specifically to the sample. During the the top of the pad and upward through the
test, a carousel spins the sample, permitting sample, but also from the bottom of the pad.
an even distribution of microwave energy. An exhaust system draws water vapor out
This prevents hot and cold spots from occur- of the sample chamber, thus preventing the
ring, a familiar problem with conventional effects of condensation.
microwave analyzers.

Built-in Analytical Balance

The moist and dry weight of the sample
required for calculating the loss of mois-
ture is measured by a built-in analytical
weighing system featuring 0.1 mg resolution.
Thanks to its monolithic design (the cell is
robotically etched from a single block), this
system is particularly suitable for use in a
moisture analyzer, because it considerably
reduces zero point drift during heat expo-
sure when compared with classic weighing

Intelligent Endpoint Determination

A moisture sensor integrated in the exhaust
system of the sample chamber monitors the
progress of drying. When the measurement
begins, the moisture of the air inside the
sample chamber continuously increases as
water evaporates from the sample. Once
the sample has dried and no longer releases
water, the air moisture content drops back
to its original level a clear indication of
the end point. At the same time, the built-in
weighing system monitors the weight
progression and confirms when the sample
reaches a constant weight. This dual monitor-
ing system ensures optimal moisture analysis

364 Sartorius LMA200PM | Moisture & Water Content Measurement

Specifications|Accessories LMA200PM

Model LMA200PM
Weighing capacity [g] 70
Measuring accuracy of the weighing system [g] 0.0001
Reproducibility on average
Initial sample weight starting at approx. 1 g [%] 0.05
Sample carriers 90 mm (3") glass fiber pads
Display modes % moisture, ppm moisture, % volatile components, % dry weight (solids),
ppm dry weight, g dry weight, mg loss on drying, % RATIO
Measuring range Approx. 8100% moisture
Sample heating Microwave generator with 1000 W input power
Power control for heating 2100%, adjustable in 1% increments
Endpoint determination Fully automatic, by means of weight and moisture sensors
User-defined as loss of weight|time:
150 mg/199 sec.
0.19.9 %/199 sec.
Timer mode: 0.199.9 min.
Analysis time (in seconds) Approx. 40120 (depends on sample and moisture)
Programs 320, saved to non-volatile memory
Data printer Thermal printer, built-in
Moisture analysis report User-configured GLP record
The report can be printed on non-fading paper by
the built-in thermal printer.
Operator guidance Menu-driven, alphanumeric dialogue text
(English, French, German, Italian and Spanish selectable)
5 pre-programmed function keys
Data interfaces 1 RS-232 port for PC
1 Ethernet port
Housing dimensions W D H [mm]|[in] 510 535 304|20 21 12
Weight, approx. [kg]|[lbs] 22|48.5
Power consumption [VA] 1200 max.

Accessories Order No.

200 glass fiber pads 6906941
500 disposable pipettes YAT01MA
5 rolls of printer paper, each with 20 m 69M30100

Moisture & Water Content Measurement | Sartorius LMA200PM 365

Sartorius WDS400. Selective Detection of Surface Water,
Capillary Water and Water of Crystallization

Water, not Moisture Highly Accurate and Selective

Thermogravimetric methods, such as the This combination method works so accu-
oven-drying method, use the weight loss of rately that it is even possible to detect one
a sample to determine the total content of single microgram of water. Beyond that,
all volatile components and not, however, the WDS 400 enables water fractions to be
the pure water content. As a rule, the latter differentiated according to surface water,
task is performed using electrochemical capillary water and water of crystallization
techniques that are based on the principle (the latter is chemically bound water).
of coulometry (coulomb = electric charge).
The most commonly known methods are Easy Operation
coulometric Karl Fisher titration for solid All the user has to do is just weigh-in a
and liquid samples and the phosphorus sample. The WDS 400 does not require
pentoxide method for trace analysis of any complicated handling of detection rea-
gases. However, both methods require gents, many of which are toxic.
complicated equipment; moreover, KF For measurement of the water content, the
titration necessitates the use of additional user can choose the type of carrier gas, either
chemicals in order to perform an analysis. nitrogen (Class 5.0) or room air. For using
The WDS 400 Water Detection System from room air, the WDS 400 has a built-in pump
Sartorius combines these three standard and a drying unit.
methods into a high-resolution and easy pro-
cedure for selective detection of water
in solids and pastes.

Get all Three in One

The WDS 400 adopts the principle of
convection heating from the oven drying
method in order to drive out the entire
moisture from a sample. A ceramic disc
coated with extremely hygroscopic phos-
phorus pentoxide P2O5 completely absorbs
the water from the resulting gas mixture
and bonds water molecules to phosphoric
acid H3PO4 on the disc surface in a chemical

By coulometry, i.e., by an electric current

generated at the ceramic disc, phosphoric
acid is broken down into phosphorus pen-
toxide P2O5, hydrogen H and oxygen O.
Based on Faradays law, it is known how
much current is necessary in order to split
off all hydrogen atoms from a chemical
compound. Thus, the WDS 400 uses the
amount of electric current to calculate the
quantity of water driven out of a sample.

Dry nitrogen Oven up to 400 C Nitrogen + H2O Dry nitrogen with

P2O5-H2O cell H2 + O2


Balance PC Printer

366 Water Detection System: WDS400 | Moisture & Water Content Measurement
Water Detection System WDS 400

Moisture analysis method Thermal analysis followed by coulometric measurement
Sample heating in the built-in From room temperature up to 400 C;
stainless steel oven (convection heating) in increments of 1 C
Detection limit 1 g of water
Reproducibility 2% of the absolute water value measured (depends on sample)
Measuring range 1 ppm to approx. 40% water (depends on sample)
Sample weight, average [mg] 152,000
Display ppm/% and g water, mA current
Analysis time Average: 1020 min|adjustable in increments of 1 min 10 h
Operator guidance|Software English, for PCs with Windows 2000|NT|XP
Data storage On the hard drive of the interfaced PC
Number of measuring programs Limited only by the PCs hard drive memory
Power supply 115|230 V 10%
Frequency 50 60 Hz
Carrier gas: Dry room air (using integrated air pump with molecular sieve)
Nitrogen, N2 (Class 5.0)
Gas prepressure 1 bar|15 psi
Gas consumption 100200 ml/min
Power consumption Standby 100 W|At full power 600 W
Dimensions [mm] W D H 500 500 180
Weight, approx. [kg] 20

Accessories Order No.

Regeneration kit for the electrolytic cell 69MA0224
Calibration standard 69MA0225
PTFE particle-removing filters starting from
serial no. 19070049 69MA0226
PTFE particle-removing filters up to
serial no. 19170000 69MA0292
Nickel scoops for weighing samples 69MA0228
Electrochemical cell, uncoated 69MA0232
Molecular sieve for drying unit 69MA0293
Flexible gas tubing, stainless steel,
for external gas supply, approx. 2 m 69MA0229

Recommended Balance Models

Semi-microbalances ME235S ME235P CPA225D

Weighing range structure SuperRange PolyRange DualRange
Weighing capacity [g] 230 60|110|230 80|100|220
Readability [mg] 0.01 0.01|0.02|0.05 0.01|0.1

Microbalances SE2 ME5 ME36S CPA2P CPA26P

Weighing range structure SuperRange SuperRange SuperRange PolyRange PolyRange
Weighing capacity [g] 2.1 5.1 31 0.5|1|2 5|21
Readability [g] 0.1 1 1 1|2|5 2|10

Moisture & Water Content Measurement | Water Detection System: WDS400 367
Sartorius LMA320PA
Moisture Analysis in a Fraction of a Second

Product Profile With the novel calibration function,

Sartorius moisture analyzers of the LMA300 calibrations can be performed in different
series are designed for fast moisture analy- moisture ranges with a variety of regression
sis and density determination in the lab or coefficients (linear|high-order).
during at-line operation.
Additionally, calibrations can be issued
Thanks to their modular construction, these easily and reliable with the built-in auto cali-
analyzers can be connected to a variety bration feature. The software automatically
of different sensor types, depending on establishes the appropriate regression type to
sample properties and moisture range. match the moisture range.

Thanks to their microwave resonance Any temperature extremes in the sample

technology, the overall moisture, i.e. both are compensated for automatically.
the surface moisture and core moisture are
determined. Application Options
The moisture content of materials is one
Their microwave resonance technology of the most important parameters involved
offers the advantage of extremely fast in the production and processing of foods,
measurements that take less than a second. chemicals and pharmaceutical products.
Measurement is non-destructive, which
means that the samples can be used for It has a critical effect on product quality,
subsequent tests. Changes in the color processing and stability.
and surface structure of the sample, as is
frequently the case, for instance, in natural By optimizing product water content during
raw materials, have no effect on the meas- production, costs for raw materials and
ured result. energy can be saved effectively.

Every sensor is equipped with a recognition That is why fast, reliable and precise mois-
chip that transmits all relevant sensor data ture analysis is vital from incoming goods
to the electronics unit. That also means it inspection to outgoing goods inspection,
is configured automatically (plug and play). in the lab or during at-line production.
Moisture analyzers of the LMA300 series
The proprietary biparametric measurement have been designed especially for such
permits water content analysis of the applications. The proprietary measuring
sample that is independent of its density. method enables split-second moisture
analysis without sample pretreatment and
The user-friendly Moisture View software independent of the samples density.
offers a multitude of options for operating
the analyzer, for presenting and managing By this method, the production process
measured values, not to mention its extensive can be monitored, controlled and optimized
statistics and export functions. on a timely basis.

Moisture View features a hierarchical

user administration with log files and
context-sensitive help function.

368 Sartorius LMA320PA | Moisture & Water Content Measurement

Specifications|Accessories LMA320PA

Technical Specifications

LMA321PA-000U (With Touch Display)

Operation by touch display (8.4") or interfaced PC
(not included with the Equipment Supplied),
Moisture View operating software

LMA315PA-000U (Without Touch Display)

Operation via interfaced PC
(not included with the Equipment Supplied),
Moisture View operating software

Housing Plastic and aluminum

Dimensions (W H D) [mm] 425 335 500
Weight [kg] 11.5
Voltage 110230 V AC
Frequency 50 60 Hz
Interfaces 1 Ethernet
1 Analog input (0|420 mA) for optional IR temperature sensor
Interface port for PT-100 temperature sensor
Interface ports for PS2 mouse, keypad, printer, VGA monitor
1 RS-232 serial interface (modem, service)
Automatic sensor recognition Yes
Measuring range 0.05approx. 60% moisture, RATIO 0.05 150% (sample-dependent)
Reproducibility 0.05% standard deviation for a 10-fold determination (sample-dependent)
Measuring time < 1 sec., (> 800 single measurements/sec.)
Temperature compensation Automatic
Product data memory Unlimited
Sample temperature 0 70 C (automatic temperature compensation)
Ambient temperature 0 40 C

* * In addition to the LMA300PR sensor module, other sensors are also available on request. Depending on the desired application, however, the technical specifications
will have to be agreed on with a Sartorius applications technician.

Optional Accessories Order No.

Applicator, 60 mm 69MA0294
Applicator, 140 mm 69MA0295
Reference standard LMA301SY

Sensor Specifications LMA330RH-040B LMA330RH-050B LMA330RH-046 LMA330RE-026 LMA330RE-026

Dimensions [mm] 370245275 370245275 370395375 260270280 370385375
Weight [kg] 10 10 11 5 15
Sample volume [ml] (60|150) (90|125) 400 27 2000
Resonator diameter [mm] 40 50 46 26 96

Moisture & Water Content Measurement | Sartorius LMA320PA 369

Sartorius PMD320PA and PMD325PA
Online Moisture Analysis in a Fraction of a Second

Product Profile Calibrations can be issued easily and reliably

Sartorius moisture analyzers of the PMD300 with the built-in auto calibration feature.
series are designed for online moisture The software automatically establishes the
analysis and density determination within appropriate regression type to match the
production processes. moisture range.

Thanks to their microwave resonance Any temperature extremes in the sample are
technology, the overall moisture, i.e. both compensated for automatically.
the surface moisture and core moisture are
determined. Application Options
The moisture content of materials is one of
Their microwave resonance technology offers the most important parameters involved
the advantage of extremely fast measure- in the production and processing of foods,
ments that take less than a few milliseconds. chemicals and pharmaceutical products.
This feature also allows products conveyed
at extremely high speeds to be analyzed It has a critical effect on product quality, pro-
accurately. cessing and stability. That is why fast, reliable
and precise moisture analysis is vital - from
The individual measurements are averaged incoming goods inspection to outgoing goods
over a user-defined period to ensure that inspection, in the lab or at-line during pro-
even minor fluctuations in moisture content duction.
are detected along the product flow.
With inline moisture analyzers from Sartorius,
Changes in the color and surface structure key steps can be monitored, documented and
of the sample, as is frequently the case, for controlled throughout the process.
instance, in natural raw materials, have no
effect on the measured result. This method minimizes fluctuations in the
products water content.
The proprietary biparametric measurement
permits water content analysis of the sample This also promotes strict compliance with
that is independent of its density. legal regulations and their documentation;
out-of-specification batches can be generally
Thanks to their modular construction, these avoided.
analyzers can be connected to a variety of
different sensor types, depending on sample Because the products water content can
properties and moisture range. be optimized, valuable resources like raw
materials and energy are conserved. Savings
The user-friendly Moisture View software on production costs are also achievable.
offers a multitude of options for operating
and configuring the analyzer, for presenting Moisture analyzers of the PMD300 series
and managing measured values, not to have been designed especially for such
mention its extensive statistics and export applications.
Upon request, every analyzer can be supplied
Moisture View features a hierarchical user in a version for use in hazardous environ-
administration with log files and context- ments and explosive atmospheres.
sensitive help function.
Thanks to the large number of different
With the novel calibration function, interfaces available, these analyzers can
calibrations can be performed in different be seamlessly integrated into all electronic
moisture ranges with a variety of regression data-related processes.
coefficients (linear|high-order).

370 Sartorius PMD320PA and PMD325PA | Moisture & Water Content Measurement
Specifications|Accessories PMD320PA and PMD325PA

Technical Specifications

Operation via interfaced PC (not
included with the Equipment Supplied),
Integrated 5" LC display
Moisture View operating software

Operation by 10.4" touch display or
interfaced PC (not included with the
Equipment Supplied), Moisture View
operating software

PMD320PA and PMD325PA

Housing Stainless steel
Dimensions (W H D) [mm] 410 460 210
Weight [kg] 19.0
Voltage 110230 V AC
Power consumption 70 to 90 VA
Frequency 5060 Hz|70 VA
Protection class IP 54
Systems for use in hazardous environments and Upon request
explosive atmospheres
Interface data 1 RS-422 (for PC, max. 1200 m cable length)
1 Serial RS-232 (modem, service)
1 Ethernet (max. cable length, 100 m)
1 Analog input (0|4 20 mA)
3 Analog output (SPS, process monitoring and control)
(0|4 20 mA), active, potential-free
8 Potential-free digital inputs (optokoppler, 24 V)
8 Potential-free digital outputs (24 V, 0.25 A DC)
Automatic sensor recognition Yes
Measuring range 0.1approx. 60% moisture, RATIO 0.1150% (sample-dependent)
Reproducibility 0.08% standard deviation for a 10-fold determination (sample-dependent)
Measuring time < 1 sec., (> 800 single measurements/sec.)
Product data memory Unlimited
Sample temperature 0 70 C (automatic temperature compensation
temperature sensor integrated in sensor)
Ambient temperature 0 40 C
Maximum distance between electronics and sensor 3m

Moisture & Water Content Measurement | Sartorius PMD320PA and PMD325PA 371
PMD500 Series Process Analyzer
with NIR Technology

Product Profile End-point determination in a mixing pro-

The rugged online analyzers from the cess is equally as important, in other words,
Sartorius PMD500 series are designed for detecting the degree of homogeneity of a
process analysis and control. mixture. During this process, measurement
of the variances in the mixtures spectrum
These ultra-modern, high-tech optical using the PMD500 process analyzer takes
analyzers feature a unique and flexible place contact-free, i.e. at a distance of up
array of detectors for the UV|VIS and to 50 cm. If these variances are within a
NIR spectra in compelling combination predefined interval, the mixing process can be
with a high-resolution digital camera stopped. This method allows the process to be
and a comprehensive software package. stopped at the exact time the ideal mixture
Concentrations of ingredients, like water, has been produced, without waiting until a
moisture, fat, protein, solvent etc., can certain period has elapsed. That makes the
be determined accurately in online process less time-consuming and thus more
measurements. The process can be monitored efficient. In addition, online monitoring gives
and controlled in real time, thereby narrowly more transparence to the mixing process and
limiting fluctuations in concentration allows for easier documentation.
within the process. Valuable resources like
raw materials and energy are conserved. Identification and purity testing of materials
Huge savings on production costs are also is indispensable for incoming goods
achievable. inspection. The current spectrum of the
respective substance is compared with the
Thanks to the extremely short integration spectra stored in the spectral library of the
times, products conveyed at extremely high analyzer. If these spectra deviate, an alarm
speeds can also be analyzed. can be triggered and acceptance of the
incoming goods is automatically interrupted.
All analyzers have ATEX approval and are This ensures that only labelled goods are
rated with IP 65 protection class, their accepted that actually fulfill the specified
housings are made of stainless steel. degree of purity. Online analysis helps ensure
process reliability in a major way.
A comprehensive range of accessories
guarantees that the hardware of the sensor The PMD500 process analyzer is additionally
systems is integrated into the process. supplied with a high-resolution digital
camera (optional). The camera detects optical
Thanks to the large number of different features of a sample, for instance, black
interfaces available, these analyzers can specks in flour, also called bad spots are
be seamlessly integrated into all electronic identified in time.
data-related processes.
Similarly, a comprehensive range of available Online monitoring supplements many
tools enables flexible integration into your laboratory analyses by performing 100%
daily laboratory process. in-process measurements. Calibration using
the existing reference method produces
Areas of Application consistent traceability within the scope
Completeness control of individual of inspection equipment monitoring.
components is indispensable, particularly in With results being generated in split
mixing processes. Supported by the library seconds, processes can be monitored and
of spectra storable in the PMD500 process automatically controlled in real time. This
analyzer, each individual component and makes many of the process steps more
ingredient is checked. If an ingredient stored transparent and markedly minimizes
in the formulation is found to be missing, a fluctuations in the product. Efficiency is
signal is automatically triggered which allows enhanced, production costs slashed and
the process to be stopped in time. process reliability heightened.

372 PMD500 Series | Moisture & Water Content Measurement

Specifications PMD500

Technical Specifications

Dimensions (W D H) [mm] 220 220 135
Weight [kg] 7
Operating temperature range [C] -10. +40
Humidity Highest relative humidity < 90%, non-condensing
Operating pressure [bar] 30
Vibrations 0.2 G at 0.1150 Hz
Light source type|Lifetime 2 tungsten halogen light sources|MTBF > 18,000 h
Interfaces Bluetooth up to 10 m RS232
RS422 up to 2 km
Protection class ATEX: EX II D 1/2 IP65 T80
Upon request: ATEX: EX II G 1/2 IP67 T80
Measuring time 10 ms, typical
Optical measuring surface
(except for PMD beam, PMD light) = 4 cm
Detector type (spectrometer) Diode array
Special feature(s) Automatic referencing black|white comparison

PMD511-000U PMD One online system 9501750 nm

Spectrometer 9501750 nm; NIR

PMD510-000U PMD One online system 350920 nm

Spectrometer 350920 nm; UV|VIS

PMD521-000U PMD Two online system 9501750 nm + CCD

Spectrometer 9501750 nm; NIR
High-resolution CCD camera,
resolution 80 m

PMD520-000U PMD Two online system 350920 + CCD

Spectrometer 350920nm; UV|VIS
High-resolution CCD camera,
resolution 80 m

PMD532-000U PMD Three online system NIR, UV|VIS

Spectrometer 9501750 nm; NIR
Spectrometer 350920 nm; UV|VIS

Moisture & Water Content Measurement | PMD500 Series 373

PMD542-000U PMD Four online system NIR, UV|VIS, CCD
Spectrometer 9501750 nm; NIR
Spectrometer 350920 nm; UV|VIS
High-resolution CCD camera,
resolution 80 m

PMD551-000U PMD Beam online system NIR

Spectrometer 9501750 nm; NIR
Max. distance to product Approx. 40 cm
Optical measuring surface ca. =10 cm
Special feature(s) Variable distance between sample and optics: 040 cm

PMD552-000U PMD Beam online system NIR, UV|VIS

Spectrometer 9501750 nm; NIR
Spectrometer 350920 nm; UV|VIS
Max. distance to product Approx. ca. 50 cm
Optical measuring surface ca. =10 cm
Special feature(s) Variable distance between sample and optics: 040 cm

PMD503-000U PMD View online system CCD

Without spectrometer
High-resolution CCD camera,
resolution 80 m

PMD590-000U PMD Light

For large-area measurements
with internal reference
Measuring distance From 20 to 40 cm
Measuring spot From 10 to 30 cm
Appropriate for conveyor belts
Automatic referencing
For PMD One only
Traverse frame, not included

374 PMD500 Series | Moisture & Water Content Measurement

Mass Metrology
Automatic Mass Comparators
and Robots 376

Manual Mass Comparators 377

Accessories for
Mass Determination 378

Weights & Weight Sets

(YCW, YCS) 379

Metrological Weight Sets in

Wooden Cases with Forceps* 380

Weight Sets (YCS) 381

mg Weights (YCW) 382

Weights (YCW) 383

Test Weights (YCW...8) 384

Accessories for Weights (YAW) 385

Automatic Mass Comparators and Robots

The Fascination of Precision Mass Determination to the Most Exacting

International trade requires the worldwide Standards
standardization of certain measurements. On behalf of and in collaboration with the
Mass plays an important role, because the NMIs, Sartorius develops innovative mass
majority of commerce throughout the world comparators to the highest standards.
is defined by the mass of substances. To make
sure the same masses are used around the Sartorius has mastered the core disciplines
world, each country has a national metrol- of weighing like no other company, and sets
ogy institute (NMI) that governs units of new standards in mass metrology. In coop-
measurement. These institutes are the eration with the Bureau International des
measure of all things. Poids et Mesures and the Institute for Process
CCL1007 Measurement and Sensor Technology of the
Technical University of Ilmenau, Sartorius has
developed a mass comparator the CCL1007
that is capable of determining differences
in mass to an accuracy of 0.1 g for weights
of 1 kg even under high-vacuum conditions.

Our metrology experts will be happy to advise

you, offering the best solution available to
meet your needs.

Load alternator CCL1007 Automatic Mass Comparators and Robots

Model Maximum Readability Typical R = Robot

Load Repeatability* A = Automatic
CCL1007 1.031 g 0.1 g 0.1 g A 8 positions
CCR10 10.5 g 0.1 g 0.2 g R 39104 positions
CCR1000 1.002 g 1 g 2 g R 2160 positions
CCR10-1000 10.5 g 0.1 g 0.2 g R 39104 positions
1,002 g 1 g 2 g R 2160 positions
CCE1000S-L 1.002 kg 0.001 mg 0.001 mg A 4 positions

CCE10000U-L 10.05 kg 0.01 mg 0.01 mg A 4 positions
CCE10000S-L 10.05 kg 0.1 mg 0.1 mg A 4 positions
CCE20000S-L 20.05 kg 0.1 mg 0.1 mg A 4 positions
CCE50001S-L 51 kg 1 mg 1 mg A 2 positions

* Repeatability is the standard deviation s; it is calculated from 6 ABBA cycles, after eliminating drift.

Weight grabber CCR10-1000

376 Mass Comparators and Robots | Mass Metrology

Manual Mass Comparators


Model Maximum Load Readability Typical

[g] [mg] Repeatability
[s in mg]*

Analytical Range
CCE6 6.1 0.0001 0.00015
CCE36 31 0.001 0.001
CCE66 61 0.001 0.001
CCE111 111 0.001 0.001
CCE605 610 0.01 0.015
CCE1005 1,110 0.01 0.01

Universal Range
CCE1004 1,200 0.1 0.05
CCE2004 2,500 0.1 0.1
CCE5004 5,100 0.2 0.3
CCE5003 5,100 1 0.5
CCE10000S 10,050 0.1 0.1
CCE10K3 11,000 1 1
CCE20000 20,050 1 1
CCE40K3 41,000 2 3
CCE60K3 64,000 2 4
CCE60K2 64,000 10 7

Researching and Testing Range

CCI60K2 64,000 50 100
CCI100K2 151,000 50 200
CCI300K 303,000 1,000 500
CCS600K 605,000 1,000 2,000
CCT1000K 1,200,000 1,000 2,000
CCS1000K 1,510,000 5,000 5,000
CCT2000K 2,010,000 1,000 5,000
CCS3000K 3,010,000 1,000 10,000

* Repeatability is the standard deviation s; it is calculated from 6 ABA cycles, after eliminating drift.

Mass Metrology | Manual Mass Comparators 377

Accessories for Mass Determination

Density Determination

Model Maximum Readability Typical

Load Repeata-
Volume comparator with 2 load alternators VD1005 1,125 g 0.01 mg 0.02 mg
Volume comparator with load alternator VL1005 1,125 g 0.01 mg 0.02 mg
Pycnometer for weights up to 50 kg YP50K 50 kg
Density reference: 1 kg silicon sphere YDR1000SIC
Density reference: 500 g silicon sphere YDR500SIC
Density reference: 200 g silicon sphere YDR200SIC

Analysis of Magnetic Properties

Susceptometer for weights up to 50 kg YSZ01C 50 kg 10 g 10 g
Susceptometer for weights up to 50 kg YSZ02C 50 kg 1 g 5 g
Calibration kit for susceptometer YSZ01RMC
Susceptibility reference (1 kg) YSZ01RMC
Permeability indicator YAW61

Software for Mass Determination

ScalesNet SN01C
ScalesNet additional software licenses YSN01LC
ScalesNet V4, license for mass dissemination YSN01MC
Data Logger converter (RS232 LAN) YSN01DC
Evaluation program for mass metrology YPR02C

Air Density Determination

Climate station for an E1 laboratory YCM02C
Climate station for an E2 laboratory YCM03C
Precision climate station for an
E1 laboratory YCM05C

Draft Shields
for CCE10000S-L, CCE10000U-L,
CCE20000S-L YDS01C
for CCE1000S-L YDS44C
for CCE40K3, CCE60K3, CCE60K2 YDS03C
for CCE40K3, CCE60K3, CCE60K2 YDS05C
for CCE6, SE2, ME5 YDS20C
for CCE111 YDS22C
for CCE1004, CCE2004, CCE5004, CCE5003 YDS24C
for CCE36, CCE66, CCE505, CCE1005 YDS26C
for CCI60K2 YDS62C
for CCI100K2, CCI300K YDS64C
for CCS600K, CCS1000K YDS80C
for CC3000K YDS82C
for CCT1000K YDS85C
for CCT2000K YDS87C

378 Mass Determination | Mass Metrology

Weights and Weight Sets (YCW, YCS)

The Complete Line Ranging from Recalibration for Any Brand Names,
Weights to Certified Testing Services Manufacturers and Designs
Regular inspection and testing of weighing Depending on how frequently weights are
instruments are a must to ensure reliable used, they must be recalibrated on a regular
weighing results. Sartorius offers highly basis so that they meet the requirements
accurate metrological weights and weight for reliable measuring, inspection and test
sets with nominal mass values from 1 mg to equipment. Sartorius offers recalibration
1,000 kg, special and test weights, as well as service along with DKD calibration certificates
the accessories required for correct handling for all weights ranging from 1 mg to 50 kg,
and storage of weights. regardless of their design or brand name, and
up to 500 kg for F2 and M1 weights.
Sartorius weights and weight sets are
calibrated by the DKD* and comply with the Heres How to Find the Right Test Weight
International Recommendation OIMLR111: Just determine the number of digits specified
2004. They are therefore suitable for legal for your weighing instruments resolution,
and general metrological applications in then check the graph below for the particular
research and industry. accuracy class that your test weight must
Sartorius weights meet the requirements
for traceability to the national kilogram The weight value of your test weight should
prototype in conformance with ISO be more than 80% of the maximum capacity
9001:2000. These weights help support your of your weighing instrument.
quality management and quality assur-
ance systems, and fulfill GLP and GMP Use the following chart to determine whether
requirements. you need an individual weight or a weight set
by comparing the nominal mass values.
Your DKD Partner for Mass Units
Sartorius is a DKD calibration laboratory Example: Suppose your weighing instrument
for both weights and electronic laboratory has a capacity of 2,200 g and a readability
balances and industrial scales. Sartorius of 0.01 g. This yields 220,000 digits, which
calibration laboratories have been inspected correspond to a class E2 test weight. Since
and accredited for compliance with the 80% of 2,200 g is 1,760 g, you need to round
regulations of the German calibration service, it to a weight value of 2,000 g.
DKD, concerning mass units and meet the DIN
EN ISO IEC 17025 international standard for
test laboratories. Nominal n = m:d
Value Steps n = resolution of your weighing instrument (digits)
1,000,000 max = weighing capacity of your instrument
d = readability of your instrument




M1 F2 F1 E2 E1* Class
* or E2, DKD-calibrated

Mass Metrology | Weights and Weight Sets 379

Metrological Weight Sets in
Wooden Cases with Forceps*

Composition of the Weight Sets

Weight without marking

Weight with marking

Range Content mg g kg Range Content mg g kg

1 mg5 g 1 1 mg5 kg 1
Total contents: 2 Total contents: 2
11.11 g 5 11,111.11 g 5
16 pieces 10 28 pieces 10
20 20
Weight sets
50 50
100 100
200 200
500 500
1 mg100 g 1 1 g1 kg 1
Total contents: 2 Total contents: 2
211.11 g 5 2,110 g 5
21 pieces 10 13 pieces 10
20 20
50 50
100 100
200 200
500 500
1 mg200 g 1 1 g5 kg 1
Total contents: 2 Total contents: 2
611.11 g 5 11,110 g 5
23 pieces 10 16 pieces 10
20 20
50 50
100 100
200 200
500 500
1 mg1 kg 1 1 g10 kg 1
Total contents: 2 Total contents: 2
2,111.11 g 5 21,110 g 5
25 pieces 10 17 pieces 10
20 20
50 50
100 100
200 200
500 500

* 1 kg and up: glove included

380 Metrological Weight Sets | Mass Metrology

Weight Sets (YCS)

Features of Sartorius Weight Sets Service weight sets come in a plastic case for
The weights contained in Sartorius weight mobile maintenance of balances and scales.
sets have the same features and properties as
the individual weights in the corresponding Class E1 and E2 weight sets come with wire
maximum permissible errors. Sartorius weight weights up to 500 mg.
sets are supplied in a wooden case, along with
gloves, forceps and brushes. Class F1, F2 and M1 weight sets come with
leaf weights up to 500 mg.

Nominal Mass E1 E2 F1
From 1 mg to 5 g YCS011-351-0X YCS011-352-0X
From 1 mg to 100 g YCS011-511-0X YCS011-512-0X YCS01-513-0X
From 1 mg to 200 g YCS011-521-0X YCS011-522-0X YCS01-523-0X
From 1 mg to 1 kg YCS011-611-0X YCS011-612-0X YCS01-613-0X
From 1 mg to 5 kg YCS011-651-0X YCS011-652-0X YCS01-653-0X
From 1 g to 1 kg YCS31-611-0X YCS31-612-0X YCS31-613-0X
From 1 g to 5 kg YCS31-651-0X YCS31-652-0X YCS31-653-0X
From 1 g to 10 kg YCS31-711-0X YCS31-712-0X YCS31-713-0X

Nominal Mass F2 M1
From 1 mg to 100 g YCS01-514-0X YCS01-515-0X
From 1 mg to 200 g YCS01-524-0X YCS01-525-0X
From 1 mg to 1 kg YCS01-614-0X YCS01-615-0X
From 1 mg to 5 kg YCS01-654-0X YCS01-655-0X
From 1 g to 1 kg YCS31-614-0X YCS31-615-0X
From 1 g to 5 kg YCS31-654-0X YCS31-655-0X
From 1 g to 10 kg YCS31-714-0X YCS31-715-0X

Service Weight Set E2 F1

From 100 g to 5 kg YSS5128-6528-0X
From 1 g to 5 kg YSS3138-6538-0X

X = 0: weights with DKD certificate in Sartoriuss name (E2, F1, F2 50 kg)
X = 2: weights with DKD certificate in customers name
YCW02: DKD calibration certificate with customer data

Mass Metrology | Weight Sets 381

mg Weights (YCW)

Features of Sartorius Weights Class E1 and E2 wire weights

Class F1 leaf weights (F2, M1 in weight sets); 1 500 mg special steel, non-magnetizable
individual weights available on request E1; density 8.0 g/cm3
15 mg aluminum; density 2.7 g/cm3 E2; density 7.95 g/cm3
10500 mg nickel silver; density 8.6 g/cm3

Nominal Wire Weights Wire Weights Leaf Weights

Mass Class E1 Class E2 Class F1
1 mg YCW0111-0X YCW0121-0X YCW013-0X
Knob weights
2 mg YCW0211-0X YCW0221-0X YCW023-0X
5 mg YCW0511-0X YCW0521-0X YCW053-0X
10 mg YCW1111-0X YCW1121-0X YCW113-0X
20 mg YCW1211-0X YCW1221-0X YCW123-0X
50 mg YCW1511-0X YCW1521-0X YCW153-0X
100 mg YCW2111-0X YCW2121-0X YCW213-0X
200 mg YCW2211-0X YCW2221-0X YCW223-0X
500 mg YCW2511-0X YCW2521-0X YCW253-0X

Leaf weights Options:

X = 0: weights with DKD certificate in Sartoriuss name (E2, F1, F2 50 kg)
X = 2: weights with DKD certificate in customers name
YCW02: DKD calibration certificate with customer data

Wire weights

382 mg Weights (YCW) | Mass Metrology

Weights (YCW)

Class E1, E2, F1 and F2 knob weights M1: 1-10 kg, brass|galvanized, shiny polished
1 g to 50 kg, special steel, non-magnetizable Packaging of the weights:
E1; density 8.0 g/cm3 up to 20 g in a plastic box
E2, F1, F2; density 7.95 g/cm3 from 50 g in a wooden case
from 1 kg: glove included

Knob Weights (100 kg and up: Cylindrical Weights)

Nominal E1(1) E2(1) F1(1) F2(1) M1(2) M2(3)

Mass Knob weights

1g YCW311-0X YCW312-0X YCW313-0X YCW314-0X YCW316-0X

2g YCW321-0X YCW322-0X YCW323-0X YCW324-0X YCW326-0X
5g YCW351-0X YCW352-0X YCW353-0X YCW354-0X YCW356-0X
10 g YCW411-0X YCW412-0X YCW413-0X YCW414-0X YCW416-0X
20 g YCW421-0X YCW422-0X YCW423-0X YCW424-0X YCW426-0X
50 g YCW451-0X YCW452-0X YCW453-0X YCW454-0X YCW456-0X
100 g YCW511-0X YCW512-0X YCW513-0X YCW514-0X YCW516-0X
200 g YCW521-0X YCW522-0X YCW523-0X YCW524-0X YCW526-0X
500 g YCW551-0X YCW552-0X YCW553-0X YCW554-0X YCW556-0X Block weights
1 kg YCW611-0X YCW612-0X YCW613-0X YCW614-0X YCW615-0X YCW616-0X
2 kg YCW621-0X YCW622-0X YCW623-0X YCW624-0X YCW625-0X YCW626-0X
5 kg YCW651-0X YCW652-0X YCW653-0X YCW654-0X YCW655-0X YCW656-0X
10 kg YCW711-0X YCW712-0X YCW713-0X YCW714-0X YCW715-0X YCW716-0X
20 kg YCW721-0X YCW722-0X YCW723-0X YCW724-0X
50 kg YCW751-0X YCW752-0X YCW753-0X YCW754-0X
100 kg YCW813-00 YCW814-0X* YCW8157-0X
200 kg YCW823-00 YCW824-0X* YCW8257-0X
500 kg YCW853-00 YCW854-0X* YCW8557-0X Cylindrical weights
1,000 kg YCW913-00 YCW914-00* YCW9157-0X

* Cylindrical weight with lug

Nominal Block Weights(1) Block Weights(4) Block Weights(4)

Mass M1 M1 M2
5 kg** YCW6554-0X YCW6559-0X
10 kg** YCW7154-0X YCW7159-0X
20 kg** YCW7254-0X YCW7259-0X
50 kg** YCW7554-0X YCW7559-0X
100 kg** YCW8159-0X YCW6569-0X
200 kg** YCW8259-0X YCW7169-0X Block weight, stainless steel
500 kg** YCW8559-0X YCW7269-0X
1,000 kg** YCW9159-0X YCW7569-0X

* Cylindrical weight with lug for crane ** Cylindrical weight with lug for crane, stackable

(1) stainless steel, (2) galvanized brass, (3) brass, precision lathed surface,
(4) Material: gray casting, painted black

X = 0: weights with DKD certificate in Sartoriuss name (E2, F1, F2 50 kg)
X = 2: weights with DKD certificate in the customers name Block weight
YCW02: DKD calibration certificate with customer data

Mass Metrology | Weights (YCW) 383

Test Weights (YCW...8)

Features of Sartorius Test Weights

Stainless steel, non-magnetizable,
density 7.9 g/cm3, shiny polished;
packaging: in a plastic screw-top can with
DKD certificate in Sartoriuss name

Nominal Mass E2 F1 F2
1g YCW3128-00 YCW3138-00
Test weights
2g YCW3228-00 YCW3238-00
5g YCW3528-00 YCW3538-00
10 g YCW4128-00 YCW4138-00
20 g YCW4228-00 YCW4238-00
50 g YCW4528-00 YCW4538-00
100 g YCW5128-00 YCW5138-00 YCW5148-00
200 g YCW5228-00 YCW5238-00 YCW5248-00
500 g YCW5528-00 YCW5538-00 YCW5548-00
1 kg YCW6128-00 YCW6138-00 YCW6148-00
2 kg YCW6228-00 YCW6238-00 YCW6248-00
5 kg YCW6528-00 YCW6538-00 YCW6548-00
10 kg YCW7138-00 YCW7148-00

YCW02: DKD calibration certificate with customer data

384 Test Weights (YCW...8) | Mass Metrology

Accessories for Weights (YAW)

Accessories for Sartorius Weights In addition, Sartorius supplies susceptometers

Sartorius offers glass bell jars with a support for easy and convenient determination of the
plate, plastic cases, brushes, gloves, forceps susceptibility and magnetization of weights
with silicone-coated tips, weight forks, in accordance with OIML R111:2004.
handles for lifting weights and a permeability
indicator (for checking magnetic properties of
weights of accuracy classes E1, E2, F1 and F2).


Accessories Order No.

Glass bell jar for 1 mg 5 g YAW00
with support plate for 1 mg 50 g (100 g or 200 g) YAW01
for 100 g 1 kg (2 kg) YAW02
for 2 kg 5 kg YAW03
for 10 kg YAW04
for 20 kg YAW05
for 50 kg YAW06
Brush small, 100 mm YAW11
medium, 115 mm YAW12
large, 150 mm YAW13 Weight forks
extra large, 250 mm YAW14
Pair of gloves Cotton YAW21
Leather YAW22
Forceps with 115 mm for 1 mg 5 g YAW31
silicone-coated tips 160 mm for 1 g 200 g YAW32
230 mm for 1 g 1 kg YAW33
Weight forks for 500 g YAW41 Handles for lifting weights
for 1 kg YAW42
for 2 kg YAW43
Handles for lifting weights for 5 kg YAW50
for 10 kg YAW51
For 20 kg YAW52
for 50 kg YAW53
Permeability indicator For checking magnetic YAW61
properties of weights of
accuracy classes (OIML R111: 2004)
E1, E2, F1 and F2; supplied in a
wooden case
Permeability indicator
Susceptometer Resolution 10 g YSZ01C
Resolution 1 g YSZ02C
For checking magnetic properties
of weights of accuracy classes
E1, E2, F1 and F2, field of application
according to OIML R111: 2004
from 2 g to 50 kg.
Standard susceptibility reference 1 kg YSZ01RMC
Calibration kit for susceptometer YSZ01RMC
Plastic screw-top can for for 50 g weights YAW50GL
individual weights* with for 100 g weights YAW100GL Susceptometer
closedpore insert; for 200 g weights YAW200GL
also suitable for clean rooms for 500 g weights YAW500GL
for 1 kg weights YAW1000GL
for 2 kg weights YAW2000GL
for 5 kg weights YAW5000GL
for 10 kg weights YAW10000GL

* For knob weights only; for information on cans for cylinder weights, please contact Sartorius
Clean room weight case

Mass Metrology | Accessories for Weights (YAW) 385

for Laboratories
Sartorius DocuClip &
The New Standard for
Reliability in Electrochemical
Analysis 388

Professional Meter:
Multitalented Instruments
for the Most Sophisticated
Measurement Tasks 390

pH|mV Meter
Reliability in All Applications 392

Sensors for the Highest

Quality Measurements 393

Accessories 395

Sartorius DocuClip & Docu-pHMeter
The New Standard for Reliability in Electrochemical Analysis

Reliability starts with easy and comprehen- Give your electrodes an identity. DocuClip
sible operation. With the newly developed is a unique device that makes an electrode
Docu-pHMeter instruments, Sartorius is setting uniquely identifiable, in just seconds.
new standards in the determination and Equipped with built-in memory for calibra-
management of measured values. Equipped tion data, DocuClip works together with the
with a graphic display and easy-to-use soft Sartorius Docu-pHMeter to store essential
keys, all Docu-pHMeter models are practical electrode specifications over its entire service
meters that make even complex laboratory life.
tasks simple.
Electrode data is logged 100% automatically
You can choose between intelligent elec- in each measurement, and can be sent
trodes connected to DocuClip and standard to a printer or exported to a computer for
electrodes with a BNC connector. further processing.

Comprehensive Features Simple Results

Graphical display and soft keys
Easy-to-understand menu-driven prompts
in plain language
Defined function keys for the most com-
mon applications; no double-assigned keys
Fast mode for rapid results
Automatic recognition of DocuClip
Automatic recognition of a variety of
temperature probes
Serial interface for data transfer to com-
puter or printer (Docu-pH+Meter)
Data storage capacity for 500 data records


Temperature Measurement Docu-pHMeter Docu-pH+Meter

Temperature measuring range [C] 5 105 5 105
Readability [C] 0.1 0.1
Accuracy [C] 0.2 0.2
Temperature compensation Automatic or manual from -5 to 105 C
Buffer recognition Automatic: technical buffers, DIN|NIST buffers
Calibration points, max. number 3 3
Date|time battery-supplied
Sample IDs
Calibration reminder
Complete GLP-compliant record|printout
Memory for measurement data
Communication with DocuClip
Input for pH combination electrodes BNC BNC
Input for temperature probes:
NTC 10 k, NTC 30 k, Pt1000 2.5 mm male jack plug 2.5 mm male jack plug
RS232C interface
Dimensions [mm] 89 229 145
Weight [kg] 1 1

388 DocuClip & Docu-pHMeter | Electroanalysis for Laboratories


pH Measurement Docu-pHMeter Docu-pH+Meter

Measuring range 2,000 20,000 2,000 20,000
Readability 0.001|0.01|0.1 0.001|0.01|0.1
configurable configurable
Accuracy 0.005 0.005

mV Measurement
Measurement range [mV] 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Readability [mV] 0.1|1 configurable 0.1|1 configurable
Accuracy [mV] 0.2 < |1,000| 0.2 < |1,000|
1 > |1,000| 1 > |1,000|

Choice of Standard Features

Docu-pHMeter Order Number

Measuring instrument incl. electrode
retainer arm, technical buffers, AC adapter,
operating instructions Docu-pH Docu-pH+
... with electrodes and DocuClip for unique,
100% traceable data recording
pH electrodes with:
Plastic body, refillable, fiber junction,
NTC 10 k Docu-pH|PT10doc Docu-pH+|PT10doc
Glass housing, refillable, platinum junction,
NTC 10 k Docu-pH+|P11doc
Plastic body, gel electrolyte,
fiber junction, NTC 10 k Docu-pH|P12doc Docu-pH+|P12doc
Plastic body, gel electrolyte,
fiber junction Docu-pH|P20doc Docu-pH+|P20doc
Glass housing, refillable, platinum junction Docu-pH+|P21doc
with conventional electrodes
pH electrodes with plastic body, refillable,
fiber junction, NTC 10 k Docu-pH|P10 Docu-pH+|P10
Glass housing, refillable,
platinum junction, NTC 10 k Docu-pH+|P11
Plastic body, gel electrolyte,
fiber junction, NTC 10 k Docu-pH|P12 Docu-pH+|P12
Plastic body, gel electrolyte, fiber junction Docu-pH|P20 Docu-pH+|P20
Glass housing, refillable, platinum junction Docu-pH+|P21
for unique, 100% traceable
documentation of calibration for any
pH electrodes
Initialization by the user with
Docu-pHMeter (Docu-pH+Meter) required DocuClip

Electroanalysis for Laboratories | DocuClip & Docu-pHMeter 389

Professional Meter: Multitalented Instruments for the
Most Sophisticated Measurement Tasks

pH|mV meters, ion meters, conductivity Clear Functions Clear Advantages

meters. Four models with all options to Simultaneous display of a measured value
meet the highest requirements. and the temperature, also for parallel
Large, backlit multifunctional graphical measurements of the pH and conductivity,
5.7" VGA graphical display for example
Measuring accuracy to 0.1 mV Research-grade i.e. the highest
Automatic temperature compensation accuracy covering a broad range of
Menu-driven prompts in plain language concentrations
Automatic recognition of 26 standard Excellent reliability and repeatability of the
buffers (inc. NIST and DIN) measured results GLP|GMP|ISO-compliant
Automatic checking of your combination documentation of the calibrations and
electrode's functionality results
Automatic calibration prompt Interface port for connecting a printer or a
Stability indicator PC
Help function always available through

PP-15|pH Meter for pH and PP-20|pH Meter and

ORP Measurements Conductivity Meter.
Higher resolution to guarantee In addition to pH measurement,
even greater accuracy in electro- the high-end PP-20 Professional
chemical analysis. Meter offers research-grade
conductivity measurements.

PP-25|pH-meter and PP-50|pH Meter, Ion-selective

Ion-selective Meter. Meter and Conductivity Meter
In addition to convenient pH Combined in a Single Unit.
measurement, the PP-25 features The fully professional PP-50 com-
the added capability of research- bines all features of the models
grade ion-selective analysis for presented in this catalog. This
a wide range of concentrations. convenient Professional Meter is
designed for use in a broad range
of applications in the electro-
chemical analysis field.

390 Professional Meter | Electroanalysis for Laboratories


pH Measurement PP-15 PP-20 PP-25 PP-50

Measuring range -2,000 -2,000 -2,000 -2,000
20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Calibration points,
max. number 5 5 5 5

mV Measurement
Measuring range [mV] 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000

Temperature Measurement
Measuring range [C] -5 + 105 -5 + 105 -5 + 105 -5 + 105

Ion-selective Analysis
Measuring range 1.00 10-9 9.99 109
Direct potentiometric
measurement and
incremental modes
Calibration points,
max. number 7 7

Conductivity Measurement*
Measuring range [S/cm] 0.5 20,000 0.5 20,000
Specific electrical resistance
Measuring range [ cm] 50 2.0 106 50 2.0 106
Measuring range [ppt] 0.01 42.0 0.01 42.0
NaCl concent
Measuring range [ppt] 0.01 70.0 0.01 70.0
Measuring range [mg/l] 0.005 0.005
300,000 300,000
Calibration points,
max. number 5 5
Manual temperature input
Inputs for pH combination
electrodes and ISE BNC BNC 2 BNC 2 BNC
Input for conductivity
measuring cells DIN DIN
Date & time,
non-volatile memory
Memory for
measuring data 620 620 620 620
Dimensions [mm] 265 200 100

* Specifications based on a cell constant of 2.54 cm

Electroanalysis for Laboratories | Professional Meter 391

pH|mV Meter Reliability in All Applications

Basic Meter Portable Meter

A Strong Basis Featuring Sartorius Quality Compact Design Solid Performance
Four keys do it all! Its easy to operate anywhere in the field
where you need accurate measurements on
The user-friendly prompts and messages the spot.
guide you fast and reliably through
laboratory routines. Portable Meter PT-15|PT-20
BNC connector (pH, mV, ORP) and DIN
PB-11 connector (conductivity)
Easy 1-key calibration of 1, 2 or 3 3 point calibration
calibration points Automatic recognition of buffer sets or cell
Automatic buffer recognition constants
Automatic electrode test during calibration Automatic temperature compensation and
Automatic temperature compensation electrode testing
Clear readout with easy-to-understand Simultaneously displays the measured
symbols and LCD display value and temperature
Easy to toggle between the measurement
Three kits are available with different ranges modes
of equipment: Well protected against water splashes;
Meter with electrode retainer arm, technical waterproof rated to IP65
buffers, AC adapter and operating instructions, High operating reliability during portable
as well as: use thanks to battery indicating icon
Refillable pH electrode, PY-P10, with
plastic body and built-in temperature
sensor PB-11-P10 Model Measurement Electrode
Refillable pH electrode, PY-P11, with glass Parameters
body and built-in temperature sensor PT-15 pH, mV, Temp
PB-11-P11 ORP
Low maintenance pH electrode, PY-P20, (redox potential)
with gel electrolyte PB-11-P20
PT-15P pH, mV, Temp pH combination
Specifications Gel electrolyte
ORP Plastic body
Basic Meter (redox potential) Temperature
PB-11 sensor
pH Measurement PT-20 Conductivity,
Measuring range -1.99 19.99 Temp
Salinity, TDS
Calibration points,
max. number 3 PT-20C Conductivity, 2 Band
Temp Conductivity
Salinity, TDS Cell K=1.0 cm-1
mV Measurement with built in ATC
Measuring range in mV -1,800 +1,800

Temperature Measurement
Measuring range in C -5 +105
Input for pH combination
electrodes BNC
Protection class
Power supply AC adapter
Dimensions [mm] 230 120 80
Weight [g] 1,390

392 pH|mV Meter | Electroanalysis for Laboratories

Sensors for the Highest Quality Measurements

pH|ATC Combination Electrodes

Glass Membrane Electrodes
All pH combination electrodes have an 1|
Ag|AgCl reference. The electrodes are sup-
plied with a fixed cable and BNC connector;
electrodes with a built-in temperature sen- 2|
sor additionally have a 2.5 mm male jack. All
models are optionally available with DocuClip. 3|
Figure Order Construction Built-in Applica- Application
No. No. Temperature tion Range 4|
Sensor pH Value
1| PY-P10 Plastic body; electrolyte: Yes 0 14 Simple 5|
KCl 3 mol/l; free of silver ions; standard
fiber junction applications
2| PY-P11 Glass body; electrolyte: Yes 0 14 All standard
KCl 3 mol/l; free of silver ions; applications;
platinum junction; toughened, are TRIS-
low-resistance glass compatible 7|
3| PY-P12 Plastic body, gel-filled, Yes 0 14 Simple
fiber junction standard 8|
3| PY-P20 Plastic body; gel-filled; No 0 14 Simple 9|
fiber junction standard
2| PY-P21 Glass body; electrolyte: No 0 14 All standard 10 |
KCl 3 mol/l; free of silver ions; applications;
platinum junction; toughened, are TRIS- 11 |
low-resistance glass compatible
4| PY-P22 Microelectrode (length 110 mm, No 0 14 Low sample 12 |
diameter 5 mm); electrolyte: quantity
KCl 3 mol/l; free of silver ions;
platinum junction;
low-resistance glass
5| PY-P23 Flat membrane electrode; No 2 13 Surface
glass body; gel-filled; measurements;
annular gap junction; low sample
low-resistance glass quantity
6| PY-P24 High-performance electrode; No 0 14 Samples with
glass body; electrolyte: a low ionic
KCl 3 mol/l, free of silver ions; concentration;
adjustable sleeve junction emulsions,
for control of the flow rate suspensions
of the KCl solution; with extreme
low-resistance glass membrane pH values

ORP Combination (Redox) Electrodes

This type of electrode has an Ag|AgCl reference. It is supplied with a permanently attached
cable and a BNC connector.

Figure Order Construction Built-in Application Range

No. No. Temperature Sensor pH Value
7| PY-R01 Glass body; porous ceramic No 0 14
junction; Platinum
disc (4 mm diameter);
electrolyte: KCl 3mol/l;
free of silver ions

Electroanalysis for Laboratories | Sensors 393

Conductivity Cells and Multisensor Cell (pH, Conductivity, Temperature)
The conductivity cells are supplied with a permanently attached cord and an 8-pin DIN connector.

Figure Order Recommended Construction Application

No. No. Measuring Range Range
pH Value
8| PY-R01 0.5 S/cm 2,000 S/cm 4-band conductivity cell (platinum) Yes
8| PY-C02 0.01 mS/cm 5 mS/cm 4-band conductivity cell (platinum) Yes
8| PY-C03 1 mS/cm 200 mS/cm 4-band conductivity cell (platinum) Yes
PY-C12 1 S/cm 300,000 S/cm 4-band conductivity cell (graphite) Yes
3| PY-PC1 0.01 mS/cm 5 mS/cm Combination electrode, Yes
pH value 0 14 12 mm diameter;
120 mm length; 2-band cell
(platinum); pH electrode
with gel-filled electrode;
temperature sensor

Ion-selective pH Combination Electrodes

All ion-selective electrodes are combination electrodes. They are supplied with a permanently
attached cable and BNC connector.

Figure Order Ion Measuring Range pH Application

No. No. [ppm] Range
9| PY-I01 Fluoride (F) 0.05 500 5 5.5
10 | PY-I02 Ammonia (NH3) 0.02 17,000 > 11
11 | PY-I03 Sodium (Na ) 0.02 saturated solution 9 12

9| PY-I04 Chloride (Cl ) 2 35,000 2 12
9| PY-I05 Nitrate (NO3) 0.4 62,000 2.5 11
9| PY-I06 Potassium (K+) 0.04 39,000 2 12
9| PY-I07 Calcium (Ca2+) 0.2 40,000 2.5 11
9| PY-I08 Silver/sulfide 0.003 12,000 S2| >12 S2|
(Ag+/S2) 0.01 108,000 Ag+ 2 8 Ag+

Temperature Compensating Probe

NTC 10 k stainless steel sensor with permanently attached cable and a 2.5 mm male jack.

Figure Order Recommended for Construction

No. No.
12 | PY-T01 Temperature measurement and Stainless steel body;
automatic temperature compensation 4.7 mm diameter
120 mm length without built-in
temperature sensor

394 Sensors | Electroanalysis for Laboratories


Order Number
Data Printer for Professional Meter and Docu-pHMeter, Docu-pH Meter
Paper rolls, 5 x 40 m rolls 6906937
Ink ribbon 6906918

pH Buffers
50 capsules per pack; dissolve contents of each capsule
in 100 ml of distilled water
pH = 4.01 0.02 at 25 C PY-Y01
pH = 7.00 0.02 at 25 C PY-Y02
pH = 9.00 0.02 at 25 C PY-Y03
pH = 10.00 0.02 at 25 C PY-Y04
Color-coded buffer solution in practical pump-bottle, eliminates
the need for a beaker during calibration, traceable to NIST standards
pH = 4.00 0.01 at 25 C, 500 ml PY-Y21
pH = 4.00 0.01 at 25 C, 6+90 ml PY-Y21-6
pH = 7.00 0.01 at 25 C, 500 ml PY-Y22
pH = 7.00 0.01 at 25 C, 6+90 ml PY-Y22-6
pH = 10.00 0.01 at 25 C, 500 ml PY-Y23
Storage Solution, for pH combination electrodes, 500 ml PY-Y05
Cleaning Solution, pepsin | hydrochloric acid, 500 ml PY-Y06
Electrolyte Solution, KCl (3 mol/l), free of silver ions, 500 ml PY-Y07

Conductivity Standards, Traceable to NIST Standards

0.084 mS/cm 1.0% at 25 C (KCI 0.0001 mol/l), 500 ml PY-Y10
0.147 mS/cm 1.0% at 25 C, (KCI 0.001 mol/l), 500 ml PY-Y11
1.413 mS/cm 1.0% at 25 C, (KCI 0.01 mol/l), 500 ml PY-Y12
12.88 mS/cm 1.0% at 25 C, (KCI 0.1 mol/l), 500 ml PY-Y13

Equipment Qualification IQ|OQ|PQ

Qualification (IQ|OQ) pH Meter 8407pH
For each additional parameter 8407Para

Electroanalysis for Laboratories | Accessories 395

396 Seiteninhalt | Services
Instrument Services 398

Training Courses and Seminars 399

Abstract of
Our Training Program 400

Validation Services 407

Plant, Process and
System Survey 409

Process Optimization 410

Instrument Services

Our Mission is Your Productivity Equipment

We are well aware of how important Single-source and Full-range. No matter
smoothrunning equipment is for efficient whether a lab balance, a moisture analyser,
production processes and working routines. an air sampler or a bioreactor, we service all
That is why we at Sartorius offer you our of these systems for you.
full-scale Instrument Service. This service FAT and SAT
covers a diverse range of instruments and Installation
equipment used in the different applications. IQ|OQ support and documentation
Calibration services
Adherence to cGMP requirements and our Preventative maintenance
ISO 9001:2008 certified Quality Manage- Spare parts
ment System ensures that our customers Instrument repairs
receive services that meet the strictest quality Technical and application support
requirements for reliable operation. In todays Practical and technical operator training
strongly competitive market, such services
play a critical role and require a complex
infrastructure to meet the current customer
requirements. Accordingly, our organization
places great emphasis on the core compe-
tence of our service offering. Sartorius has a
local presence worldwide. A training depart-
ment with vast practical experience, highly
qualified specialists, well-versed technicians
and fast delivery times on replacement parts
are not just empty catchphrases, but prac-
ticed everyday with every customer by every
member of our service staff.

Rely on people with an in-depth knowledge:

Count on Sartorius and its Instrument Service

All Details & Global Contacts:

398 Instrument Services | Services

Training Courses and Seminars

We call it the EXPAND Technical Training Fermentation|Cell Culture

Program. EXPAND seminars, workshops From Cryo Culture to Bioreactor; Production
and courses are integrated into the Sartorius of Viruses; Monoclonal Antibodies; Serum-free
Stedim Biotech service program. These Cultivation; Bioprocess Control
training programs are designed to ensure
that each course participant has a proper Downstream Processing
understanding of the theoretical subject Downstream Processing; Virus|Prion Safety
matter and acquires the necessary hands-on,
practical skills. The ultimate aim and purpose Filtration
is to enable technicians and specialists to Sterilization and Integrity Testing; Filter
perform their work safely and efficiently. Optimization and Scale-up; Crossflow
Continuing education of staff has become Filtration; Single-Use Technologies
one of the many worldwide regulatory
requirements. So, to help our customers Microbiology
keep up with the latest standards, we have Microbiology in the Beverage Industry;
created EXPAND, a comprehensive series Sterility Testing; Light Microscopy in the
of technical training courses with a strong microbiological Quality Control
emphasis on hands-on, practical exercises.
These training programs are essential for all Molecular Biology
supervisors, managers, operators, technicians Cloning and Expression; RNA Technologies;
and specialists working in R&D, Production Quantitative Real-time PCR
and Quality Assurance Departments.
For our current trainings and seminar Protein Expression and Purification; ELISA
program please visit us at: Technologies; Immunhistochemistry and Immunofluorescence; Antibodies in Analysis

Cell Cultivation|Cell Biology Lab-|Quality Management

Animal Cell Culture; Mycoplasms; Flow Balances as test divices in QM; Gravimetric
Cytometry; Viability, Cytotoxicity and Pipette Calibration; Qualification and
Proliferation; Virus Detection; Microscopy validation in the cell culture lab

Professional Education
Life Sciences Assistant

Complete Program & Online Registration:

Services | EXPAND Training Courses and Seminars 399

Abstract of Our Training Program

Cell Cultivation|Cell Biology # 862056 Advanced Course Animal Cell

Culture|Trouble Shooting
# 862055 Basics of Animal Cell Culture Target group: Technicians and scientists with
Target group: Technicians and scientists experience in cell cultivation.
without any or with little previous knowl-
edge, career changers and those returning Even in experienced cell culture labs, cell
to work after a career break. growth problems can crop up suddenly and
apparently without reason and affect the
Beginners of cell cultivation often start by sterility or reproducibility of results. This
looking over the shoulders of their colleagues, seminar will teach you how to use practicable
who dont have the time during the busy methods to ensure the quality of your animal
day-to-day routine to teach all the basic cell cultures over the short and long term
principles and background information and solve any emergent difficulties.
on each subject in depth. This seminar will
teach you the fundamental prerequisites and Theoretical Aspects Include:
techniques for everyday work with animal Detection of poor cell growth and cause
cells and let you establish, optimize and analysis, e.g. physiological relationships in
standardize your proprietary cell cultures. the cell culture, effect of media compo-
nents, material surfaces and cell handling
Theoretical Aspects Include: on cell growth
Equipping and maintaining a cell culture Biological and chemical contamination:
lab Sources, diagnosis, treatment and
Cell cultivation: Composition of media, prevention
required additives, culture vessels and Required documentation and standardi-
disposables, origin of cell lines including zation of cell lines, creating proprietary
the required documentation cell banks (cell banking), viability tests,
Routine methods in cell cultivation: check lists
Morphological cell evaluation, handling
the microscope, passage|subcultivation, Practical Exercises:
cell counting, viability tests, cryopreserva- Routine methods as causes for bad cell
tion (freeze|thaw technologies) growth including cryopreservation and
Aseptic techniques and biological viability tests
contamination Detection of poor cell growth and
contaminated cells
Practical Exercises:
Inverse microscopy of cells
Passage|subcultivation, cell counting
including viability testing
Freezing|thawing cells
Detection of contamination

Complete Program & Online Registration:

400 EXPAND Training Courses and Seminars | Services

Abstract of Our Training Program

Fermentation|Cell Culture Technologies # 862086 Animal Cell Culture Workshop:

From Cryo Culture to Bioreactor (Part 1)
# 862077 Basic Course Fermentation| Target group: Technicians and scientists with-
Cell Culture out any or with little previous knowledge.
Target group: Technicians and scientists with-
out any or with little previous knowledge. This workshop provides you with hands-on
training in various cell cultivation systems
This course teaches you the fundamentals of to enable you to perform every step of the
different fermentation systems and how to process yourself from thawing cell cultures
monitor fermentation to obtain the desired (cryo culture) to fermentation in bioreactors
product. (seed train).

This course covers: Theoretical aspects include:

Chemical and microbiological principles Basic principles of cell cultivation and
of fermentation special features of production processes
Basic principles of reactor technique using animal cells
and different fermentation systems Media for production
(batch and continuous culture) Cultivation systems for production
Strain maintenance and testing organisms Monitoring and data analysis
Cultivation conditions and growth kinetics Strategies for scaling-up cultivation
Measurement and control during
fermentation process Practical exercises:
Monitoring|In-line controls Preparation of re-usable and single-use
bioreactors for cell cultivation (autoclav-
ing, in situ-steam sterilization, disposable
# 862021 High Cell Density Cultivation bioreactors)
of Escherichia coli Thawing and cultivation of antibody-
Target group: Technicians and scientists with producing CHO cell lines in different
basic knowledge of microbiology, cultivation cultivation systems
of microorganisms and of molecular biology Aseptic transfer of cell culture during the
and who are in charge of managing bioreac- production process (seed train) and sterile
tors or willing to do this in future. sampling
Monitoring cell cultivation
Small groups will perform high cell density
cultivation in the laboratory bioreactor
and learn about the related theoretical and
practical aspects.

The main aspects include efficient cultivation

to obtain high cell densities (High Cell Density
Cultivation, HCDC), safe handling of labora-
tory bioreactors, avoiding sterility problems.
Consideration is given to dissolved nutrients
and oxygen supply, to balancing equation
fundamentals and realization in feeding

Theoretical and practical aspects include:

Virtual bioreactor (simulation)
Laboratory bioreactors, handling,
preparation and cell harvesting
Media composition for high cell density
Cultivation strategies
Feeding profile calculation
Oxygen demand of growing cells
Oxygen transfer aspects

Complete Program & Online Registration:

Services | EXPAND Training Courses and Seminars 401

Abstract of Our Training Program

Downstream Processing

# 862087 Animal Cell Culture Workshop:

Downstream Processing (Part 2)
Target group: Technicians and scientists with-
out any or with little previous knowledge.

This workshop provides you with hands-on

training in different strategies and methods
for purification of your products using an
antibody producing CHO cell line.

Theoretical aspects include:

Methods for product purification and
critical process parameters
Development of strategies for proprietary
Virus inactivation and virus removal

Practical exercises:
Cell harvesting and clarification of the
fermentation product by depth filtration
and crossflow filtration (microfiltration)
Purification using column chromatogra-
phy, membrane chromatography, ultrafil-
tration (crossflow filtration)
Removal of contaminants by membrane
Quantification and quality control
Scale up strategies

Complete Program & Online Registration:

402 EXPAND Training Courses and Seminars | Services

Abstract of Our Training Program

Filtration # 862008 Crossflow Filtration

Target group: Technicians and scientists with
# 862024 Sterilization and Integrity or without previous knowledge.
Testing of Membrane Filters
Target group: Technicians and scientists This course is designed to give participants
with or without previous knowledge. state-of-the-art knowledge about GMP-com-
pliant processing using crossflow filtration.
In this training course, participants learn theo-
retical knowledge and practical skills in han- Theoretical aspects include:
dling the filters employed for sterile filtration. Crossflow filtration theory
Membrane characterization | membrane
The theoretical aspects include: selection
Basic principles of filtration Factors influencing performance
Depth filters|membrane filters Scale up
Hydrophobic|hydrophilic filters Operating conditions
Retention mechanisms Cleaning-in-place (CIP)
Integrity testing of membrane filters Steaming-in-place (SIP)
Regulatory requirements Integrity testing
Integrity testing methods Applications in biotechnology
Testing equipment
Physical theoretical principles of steam Practical exercises:
sterilization of filter lines Operational set-up of the systems
Determination of clean water flux
Practical exercises: Cell retention by microfiltration
Manual determination of bubble point| (model solution)
diffusion Concentration of a protein solution
Automated integrity testing by ultrafiltration
Bubble point test|diffusion test Removal of low-molecular weight
Integrity testing of hydrophobic filters contaminants by diafiltration
using the water intrusion test (WIT) Cleaning
Trouble shooting Demonstration of steaming-in-place
Hands-on exercises for in-line steam (optional)
sterilization of filter cartridges

# 862037 Filter Optimization and Scale-up

Target group: Technicians and scientists with-
out any or with little previous knowledge.

There is always room for improvement in any

process. Reducing costs per liter, improving
yield and implementing efficient process times
while increasing product and process reliability
are the major success factors for any company.
This course can help you to find the optimal
process solution for your specific application.
Theoretical aspects include:
Depth and membrane filter
Construction and formats
Filter clogging mechanisms
Selection of pre- and final filter materials
Evaluation of the test results

Practical exercises:
Constant flow and constant pressure trials
Pre- and final filter optimization trials
Small scale filterability trials
Confirmation of test results with small
pleated filter elements
Introduction to Zero-T software
Scale up calculations

Complete Program & Online Registration:

Services | EXPAND Training Courses and Seminars 403

Abstract of Our Training Program

Microbiology # 862034 Sterility Testing

Target group: Technicians and scientists with
# 862001 Basic Course Microbiology previous knowledge.
Target group: Technicians and scientists with-
out any or with little previous knowledge, Because sterility testing is a very exacting
career changers and those returning procedure, where asepsis of the procedure
to work after a career break. must be ensured for a correct interpretation
of results, it is important that personnel be
Theoretical aspects include: properly trained and qualified USP <71>.
Introduction to microbiology
Growth conditions This workshop is designed to give participants
Microbiological detection methods theoretical knowledge and practical experi-
The microbiological lab ence in the handling of sterility testing in
Microbiological examination of water and clean rooms and isolators.
drinking water: Regulations and methods
Introduction to personnel hygiene Theoretical aspects include:
Sterility testing
Practical exercises: Regulation and guidance
Introduction to microbiological work Sterility test methods | test limitations
Pour plate, streak plate Validation
Sample filtration run with various media: Interpretation of sterility test results
water, particulate media, oil-containing Microbial identification of isolates
media recovered from a sterility test
Evaluation of different growth samples Microbiological monitoring
Sterility test isolators
Standards and regulations
H2O2 decontamination

Practical exercises:
Sterility testing of different sterile prod-
ucts (LVPs|SVPs|ampoules|antibiotics |
syringes|medical devices)
Performing sterility test in isolators
Visual inspection and evaluation of
sterile test samples

Complete Program & Online Registration:

404 EXPAND Training Courses and Seminars | Services

Abstract of Our Training Program

Molecular Biology Practical exercises:

Liquid chromatographic purification
# 862042 Molecular Biology methods
Target group: Technicians and scientists Isolation of a recombinant fusion proteins
without any or with little previous knowl- Protein quantification
edge, career changers and those returning Separation and analysis using SDS-PAGE,
to work after a career break. staining of polyacrylamide gels (e.g.
Coomassie and silver), Western Blot
In this seminar, you will learn the basic theory
and practice of molecular biological methods.
After completing this seminar, you will know # 862053 Advanced Course Protein
how the latest methods for DNA and RNA Expression and Purification
analysis work and be able to apply them in Target group: Technicians and scientists
your own lab. with previous knowledge.

Practical exercises: Even the most experienced users repeatedly

DNA isolation and analysis: Isolation of encounter unanticipated difficulties with the
DNA from different sources, concentration expression and purification of natural and
measurement, restriction digestion and recombinant proteins. In this course you will
analysis in agarose gel (gel electrophoresis) learn the important practical aspects in pro-
RNA isolation and analysis: handling and tein expression and purification, alternative
quality assessment of RNA strategies will be discussed.
Establishing and optimizing a PCR
Controls and trouble shooting This course covers:
Production of native and recombinant pro-
teins: Expression systems, their advantages
Proteomics and disadvantages (quantity and quality
of proteins, glycosylation and other pro-
# 862052 Proteins: tein modifications)
Isolation, Purification and Analysis Biochemical characteristics of protein
Target group: Technicians and scientists purification and processing, recombinant
without any or with little basic knowledge, tags for purification
career changers and those returning to Protein processing: How buffers, tempera-
work after a career break. ture and detergents influence the stability,
solubility and aggregation behavior of
Proteins have variable biochemical structures purified proteins
preventing them from being isolated and Optimization of process sequences
purified according to a standard protocol. including trouble shooting
This turns every new target protein into a new
challenge for experimenters.

Theoretical aspects include:

Biochemical properties of proteins like
structure, function, modification and
Protein isolation and purification tech-
niques like ion exchange and affinity
chromatography, gel filtration, protein
precipitation, ultrafiltration and gel
electrophoresis including staining
Immunological methods like Western Blot

Complete Program & Online Registration:

Services | EXPAND Training Courses and Seminars 405

Abstract of Our Training Program

Lab-|Quality Management # 862602 Calibrating Pipettes

Target group: Lab techs and staff responsible
# 862601 Balances as Inspection, for quality assurance.
Measuring and Test Equipment in the
QM System This course teaches practical knowledge on
Target group: Lab managers, users and quality the subject of pipette calibration, weighing
assurance staff working in production and technology and volumetric measurement.
control. After the course, participants will be able to
calibrate piston-operated pipettes on their
The incorporation of balances into quality own. You can bring your own pipettes and
assurance systems (e.g. DIN EN 9000:2000, calibrate them!
GMP, GLP, ISO 17025) is of key importance.
Balances used as inspection, measuring and Gravimetric calibration of piston-operated
test equipment must be tested at appropriate pipettes within the scope of inspection, meas-
intervals to ensure their proper functioning uring and test equipment monitoring accord-
and process capability; test results must be ing to DIN EN ISO 8655.
documented in suitable form.
This course covers:
This course covers: Basics of gravimetrical|pipette calibration
Definition of terms, interpretation of met- DIN EN ISO 8655 Implementing the
rological data standard
Proper selection and correct handling of Selection and proper handling of balances
balances and calibration weights as inspection, measuring and test
Detecting and minimizing factors affecting equipment
balances and weighing samples Setting up a calibration workplace, mini-
Practical measurements on laboratory mizing interference factors
balances and industrial scales under Practical preparation and performance of
supervision calibrations
Inspection, measuring and test equipment Working with different types of calibration
monitoring: the specific requirements of software
DIN EN ISO 10012 Documenting and evaluating calibration
Equipment qualification DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ results
The use of non-automatic balances and Criteria for inspection, measuring and test
balances in legal metrology equipment monitoring
DKD weights, weight testing and Establishing test intervals, traceability,
certification documentation
Calculating the DKD measurement Handling and cleaning pipettes
uncertainly on electronic balances
Determining the minimum sample quality
according to the USP

Complete Program & Online Registration:

406 EXPAND Training Courses and Seminars | Services

Validation Services

Focus on regulatory compliance, time Various regulations for pharmaceutical

to market and cost efficiency with products call for monitoring of impact factors
CONFIDENCE. on the drug products safety and efficacy.
This includes the evaluation of possible con-
We respect our customers individuality. The taminants such as bacteria, toxic substances
diversity of todays manufacturing processes or particles but also verification of adsorption
on a global scale requires an approach which effects of drug product components to fluid
considers the critical success factors for each contact surfaces.
company scenario.
We will help interpreting the regulatory doc-
You can relax knowing that your needs are uments which are the basis for your business
being met with our risk-based validation and define applicable test conditions for your
strategies. We work in partnership with you product formulation based on your actual
to develop the appropriate test scope based process conditions.
on a risk assessment for processing and
packaging materials used. Confidentiality is taken seriously when
we interact with you regarding:
Whether you conduct conventional manu- Risk assessment consultancy
facturing in a stainless steel environment Grouping | bracketing support
or implement single-use fluid management, Customized validation protocol
we will test any and all process components, development
regardless of the manufacturer.

Complete Your Testing Requirements with CONFIDENCE Validation Services

Our program includes but is not limited to:

Microbiological studies Filter elements

Single-use fluid management containers
Sterility Test Validation Support
Physico-chemical studies Filter elements
Single-use fluid management containers
Extractables| Leachables studies Filter elements
Analytical Techniques used include e.g. Single-use fluid management containers
NVR, TOC, HPLC-UV, GC-MS, LC-MS, and assemblies
LC-MS-MS, LC-Q-tof, FTIR, ICP-MS, ICP-OES Freeze and thaw bags
Mixing systems
Transfer systems
Polymer-based syringes|vials|ampoules|
bottles (including labels, ink or glue)

Explore Your Possibilities:

Services | CONFIDENCE 407

Benefit from the expertise supplied by our Thinking globally and acting locally we are
specialists: where you need us with the same degree
Science-driven consulting services of competence, reliability and focus on your
Long history of regulatory expertise critical success factors.
Unique product and process specific test
approach Make the choice that helps bring your
In-depth knowledge of actual drug prod- products to market rapidly on time, every
uct testing time. Ask us about our 30-day commitment
Pioneers with polymer and elastomer program.
extractables | leachables knowledge
Modern state-of-the art laboratories We continue to lead and innovate in the field
Fast turnaround by effective and dedicated of validation studies.
project management

Explore Your Possibilities:

408 CONFIDENCE | Services

Plant, Process and System Survey

There is room for improvement in any process.

Within the scope of our DISCOVER service
segment, the following areas|aspects are
competently and critically analyzed:
Quality management system
Filter handling, ranging from incoming
inspection, storage in the warehouse
and use, to disposal
Filtration systems and plants|
Filtration processes
System analysis for preventive
Qualification|Validation status

The results of a DISCOVER survey and

analysis and specific suggestions for
improvement will be documented in a
comprehensive report for you.

Services | DISCOVER 409

Process Optimization

Theres always room for improvement in any Scale-up|Technology Transfer

process. An INCREASE study will systemati- Converting from pilot to process scale and
cally implement the potential identified by transferring technology to another location
process analysis to achieve maximum yields. require considerable organizational and
Use the extensive application know-how of communication efforts for a certain time.
our specialists. Moreover, the requirements of the particular
regulatory authorities and GMP standards
Process Development and Optimization have to be complied with.
The INCREASE process optimization program
supports a wide variety of aspects of your Let Sartorius Stedim Biotech reduce your
business activities technical, organizational effort:
and GMP compliance. Within the scope of You take a make-or-buy decision
technical process development and optimiza- For all the rest of the details, we offer
tion, our specialists understand that achieving our full support together with our
high yields and efficient process times are BioPharm-Alliance partners
the key to success.
GMP Compliance
Benefit from the expertise provided by our Lack of familiarity or non-compliance with
specialists: GMP requirements represents a business risk.
Selection of the optimal filtration material Together with our BioPharm-Alliance part-
Performance of filterability studies ners, we can help to minimize your risk by
Development support for purification offering support in the following areas:
processes Optimization of quality or process control
Sizing and designing of production-scale system
plants scale-up Corrective actions guidance
Technical consultation for perfusion Optimization of approval procedures
reactors Post-approval change support
Preparation for inspections

410 INCREASE | Services

Services | INCREASE 411
Sartorius Stedim Biotech Sales & Service Contact

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Germany Denmark Argentina Australia
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Bairro Vila Pires Airport Industrial Zone B, Shunyi
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Fax +36.23.457.147
Fax +49.5661.71.3702 So Paulo Beijing 101300
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Sartorius Stedim Italy S.p.A. Phone +55.11.4451.6226 Fax +86.10.80426580
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Sartorius Stedim Biotech S.A. 50012 Antella-Bagno a Ripoli (FI) Sartorius Stedim Shanghai
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Phone +
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Fax +
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No. 149
Phone +33.442.845600 Netherlands Phone +86.21.28986393
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Fax +33.442.845619 Sartorius Stedim Netherlands B.V. Fax +86.21.28986392.11
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Edisonbaan 24
Sartorius Stedim France SAS 3439 MN Nieuwegein Phone +52.5555.62.1102 Sartorius Stedim Guangzhou Office
ZI Les Paluds Fax +52.5555.62.2942 Room 704, Broadway Plaza,
Phone +31.30.6025080
Avenue de Jouques CS 71058 No. 233234 Dong Feng West Road
Fax +31.30.6025099
13781 Aubagne Cedex USA Guangzhou 510180
Sartorius Stedim North America Inc.
Phone +33.442.845600 Poland Phone +86.20.8351.7921
5 Orville Drive
Fax +33.442.846545 Sartorius Stedim Poland Sp. z o.o. Fax +86.20.8351.7931
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ul. Wrzesinska 70
Austria 62-025 Kostrzyn Toll-Free +1.800.368.7178 India
Sartorius Stedim Austria GmbH Fax +1.631.254.4253 Sartorius Stedim India Pvt. Ltd.
Phone +48.61.647.38.40
Franzosengraben 12 #69/2-69/3, Jakkasandra
Fax +48.61.879.25.04
A-1030 Vienna Sartorius Stedim SUS Inc. Kunigal Road, Nelamangala Tq
1910 Mark Court Bangalore 562 123
Phone +43.1.7965763.18 Spain
Concord, CA 94520
Fax +43.1.796576344 Sartorius Stedim Spain SA Phone +91.80.4350.5361
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Belgium Oficina 70 Toll-Free +1.800.914.6644
Sartorius Stedim Belgium N.V. Polgono Industrial de Fuencarral Fax +1.925.689.6988 Japan
Leuvensesteenweg, 248/B 28050 Madrid Sartorius Stedim Japan K.K.
1800 Vilvoorde Sartorius Stedim Systems Inc. KY Building, 811
Phone +34.90.2110935
201 South Ingram Mill Road Kita Shinagawa 1-chome
Phone +32.2.756.06.80 Fax +34.91.3589623
Springfield, MO 65802 Shinagawa-ku
Fax +32.2.756.06.81
Tokyo 140-0001
Switzerland Phone +1.417.873.9636
Sartorius Stedim Switzerland AG Fax +1.417.873.9275 Phone +81.3.3740.5407
Ringstr. 24 a Fax +81.3.3740.5406
8317 Tagelswangen
Phone +41.52.354.36.36
Sartorius Stedim Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Fax +41.52.354.36.46
Lot L3-E-3B, Enterprise 4
Technology Park Malaysia
Bukit Jalil
Sartorius Stedim UK Limited
57000 Kuala Lumpur
Longmead Business Park
Blenheim Road, Epsom Phone +60.3.8996.0622
Surrey KT19 9 QQ Fax +60.3.8996.0755
Phone +44.1372.737159
Fax +44.1372.726171
Sartorius Stedim Singapore Pte. Ltd.
1 Science Park Road,
The Capricorn, #05-08A,
Singapore Science Park 2
Singapore 117528
Phone +65.6872.3966
Fax +65.6778.2494

412 Sales & Service Contact

Sartorius Mechatronics Sales & Service Contact
For further contacts, visit

Italy Hong Kong

Europe Sartorius Mechatronics Italy S.r.l.
America Sartorius Mechatronics
Uffici di Milano Hong Kong Ltd.
Germany Argentina
Viale A. Casati, 4 Unit 1012, Lu Plaza
Sartorius Weighing Technology GmbH Sartorius Argentina S.A.
20053 Muggi (Milan) 2 Wing Yip Street
Weender Landstrasse 94108 Int. A. valos 4251
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37075 Goettingen B1605ECS Munro
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Fax +49.551.308.3289 Phone +54.11.4721.0505 Fax +852.2766.3526 Fax +54.11.4762.2333
Sartorius Mechatronics
Sartorius Mechatronics Brazil
Netherlands B.V. India
C&D GmbH & Co. KG. Sartorius do Brasil Ltda.
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52070 Aachen Vila Pires Santo Andr
Phone +31.30.6053001 So Paulo Kunigal Road, Nelamangala Tq
Phone +49.241.1827.0 Bangalore-562 123
Fax +31.30.6052917 09110-001
Fax +49.241.1827.213 Phone +55.11.4451.6226 Phone +91.80.4350.5250/51/52
Sartorius Mechatronics T&H GmbH Fax +55.11.4451.4369
Meiendorfer Strasse 205 Poland
22145 Hamburg Sartorius Mechatronics
Poland Sp. z o.o. Japan
Phone +49.40.67960.303 Canada
ul. Wrzesinska 70 Sartorius Mechatronics Japan K.K.
Fax +49.40.67960.383 Sartorius Mechatronics Canada
62-025 Kostrzyn 8-11, Kita-Shinagawa 1-chome
2179 Dunwin Drive #4
Austria Phone +48.61.6473830 Mississauga, ON L5L 1X2 Shinagawa-ku
Sartorius Mechatronics Austria GmbH Fax +48.61.6473839 Tokyo 140-0001
Phone +1.905.569.7977
Franzosengraben 12 Toll-Free +1.800.668.4234 Phone +81.3.3740.5408
1030 Wien Fax +1.905.569.7021 Fax +81.3.3740.5406
Phone +43.1.7965760.0
Fax +43.1.7965760.24 Spain
Sartorius Mechatronics Spain S.A.U. Mexico
Offices in Madrid:
Sartorius de Mxico S.A. de C.V. Philippines
c/ Isabel Colbrand, 1012, of. 70
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28050 Madrid
Sartorius Mechatronics No. 149 Incorporated
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4, rue Emile Baudot Fax +34.91.358.84.85 Mxico 330 Senator Gil Puyat Avenue Makati
91127 Palaiseau Cedex Phone +5255.5562.1102 City Philippines 1209
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Offices in Barcelona: Phone +632.8640929
Fax +33 (0) 1 69 20 09 22
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08915 - Badalona
Barcelona Spain Sartorius Mechatronics
Belgium Corporation
Phone +34.902.123.367 Singapore
Sartorius Mechatronics 5 Orville Drive
Fax +34.91.358.96.23 Sartorius Mechatronics
Belgium N.V. Bohemia, NY 11716
Leuvensesteenweg, 248/B Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Phone +1.631.254.4249
1800 Vilvoorde 1 Science Park Road #05-08A
Toll-free +1.800.635.2906
Phone +32.2.756.06.71 Fax +1.631.254.4253 The Capricorn
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Fax +
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Fax +65.6778.2494
Phone +41.44.746.50.00 Asia | Pacific
Fax +41.44.746.50.50
Sartorius Mechatronics Hungria Kft.
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2092 Budakeszi Sartorius Mechatronics
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Phone +3623.457.227, 457.228, 457.148 Unit 5, 7-11 Rodeo Drive Korea Ltd.
Fax +3623.457.147 Dandenong South Vic 3175 Yangjae B/D 4, 5F
Sartorius Mechatronics UK Ltd. Longmead Business Centre 209-3, Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Ku
Phone +61.3.8762.1800 Blenheim Road, Epsom 137-893 Seoul, Korea
Fax +61.3.8762.1828
Surrey. KT19 9QQ Phone +82.2.575.6945
Phone +44.1372.737102 Fax +82.2.575.6949
Sartorius Mechatronics Ireland Limited
Fax +44.1372.729927 China
Unit 41, The Business Centre
Stadium Business Park Sartorius Scientific
Ballycoolin Road Instruments (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Dublin 11 Konggang Industrial Zone B Thailand
Phone +353-(0)1-8089050 No. 33 Yuan Road Sartorius Mechatronics
Fax +353-(0)1-8089388 101300 Beijing, Shunyi District Thailand Co. Ltd. Phone +86.10.8042.6300 No. 129 Rama IX Road Fax +86.10.8042.6486 Huaykwang Bangkok 10310 Phone +66 2643.8361
Fax +66 2643.8367

Sales & Service Contact 413

Index by Application|Product Name

Application |Product Name Page Application | Product Name Page Application | Product Name Page

24-Well Ultrafiltration 131, 133 arium pro Ultrapure 284 ff. Chemical Compatibility 19, 124 ff.

25 mm Glass Holder 19, 113 arium RO 61316 267, 273 ff. Chemical-resistant
PTFE Holders 19, 88
25 mm Stainless Steel arium Water Guard 267, 288
Filter Holder 19, 86, 111 Chemical Resistant
Automatic Mass RC-Membrane Filters,
47 mm Stainless Steel Comparators and Robots 375 Type 184 19, 22
Filter Holder 19, 87, 112
Combisart 17, 197, 224,
50 mm Glass Holder 19, 49 226, 228, 229,
BACTairTM 197, 199, 201 231 ff., 237,
239 ff., 245
Bags for Fluid Handling 261 ff.
Accessories for CONFIDENCE 397, 407, 408
Mass Determination 375, 378 Biosart 100 Monitors 17, 197, 223,
224, 231, Cubis 329 ff., 343, 347 ff.
Accessories for 235, 236
Pressure Filtration Units 19, 96 CultiFlask 50
Biosart 100 Disposable Bioreactor 294
Accessories for Nutrient Media 197, 225
Ready-to-Use Minisarts 19, 46 Culture Media in Bottles
Biosart 250 Funnels 17, 197, 230, and Tubes Absorbent
Accessories for the 231, 236 Pads and Petri Dishes 221
MD8 Air Samplers 197, 202
Biostat Aplus 289, 304
Accessories for
Vacuum Filter Holders 19, 53, 245 BIOSTAT Bplus 305 ff. DISCOVER 397, 409

Accessories for Weights Bluetooth DocuClip 387 ff., 425

(YAW) 375, 385 Wireless Technology 329, 349
Docu-pHMeter 387 ff., 395
MA35|MA100|MA150 355, 363
CELLine 289, 295
Air|Gas Filtration 11, 14, 19, Electric Vacuum Pumps 197, 247
113, 115 Cellulose Nitrate
(Cellulose Ester) and EXPAND 397, 399 ff.
AirPort MD8 Battery 19, 197, 199 Cellulose Acetate Membrane
Filters, White, Individually,
Air Sampler 197 ff., 201 Sterile Packaged 197, 212
Filter Integrity
Analytical Balances 329, 333, 335, Cellulose Nitrate Testing Systems 19, 317 ff.
340, 342 (Cellulose Ester)
Membrane Filters Gridded, Filter Papers 19, 122, 123
arium 613AOV 267, 272 Individually,
Sterile Packaged 197, 208 Filtration Systems
arium 613CPF05-------V 267, 279, with Pressure Tanks 19, 97, 98, 100
Cellulose Nitrate
arium 613CPM4--------V 267, 280, (Cellulose Ester) Flexboy Bags 261 ff.
Membrane Filters, Gridded,
arium 613L 267, 270 ff. Non-sterile Packaged 197, 210

arium 615DI 267, 269 Cellulose Nitrate (Ester) Gelatine Membrane Filters 17, 197,
Membrane Filters, 200, 203
arium 615S 267, 268 Type 113 24
Glass Fiber Prefilters 19, 30
arium basic Ultrapure 267, 282 f. Centrisart 12, 13, 131, 136
Gridded Membrane Filters
arium Cartridge Kits 267, 287 CERTOMAT from Cellulose Nitrate
Benchtop Shakers 289, 290 (Cellulose Ester) 197, 205
arium EDI 61215 267, 276 ff., 280
arium Pressure Tanks 267, 281 Incubation Shakers 289, 291

414 Index
Application | Product Name Page Application | Product Name Page Application | Product Name Page

High Flow Rate Mini Filter Cartridges 19, 81 Safety Weighing Cabinet
Minisart Syringe Filters 19, 34 SWC 329, 346 f.
Minisart 0.2 m
Homogenizers 290, 291, 313 ff. Syringe Filter 19, 33 Sartobind 168, 169, 187 ff.

Hydrophobic PTFE Minisart 0.2 m Sartobran P 150 15, 19, 60

Membrane Filters, Syringe Filter Holders 19
Type 118 19, 27, 109 Sartobran P 300 19, 60
Minisart RC 12, 19, 36, 39
Sartobran P MidiCaps 19, 64,
Minisart RC Units with 65, 75
INCREASE 397, 410, 411 Hydrophilic,
Solvent-resistant Sartocheck 3 plus 317, 319, 320
Instrument Services 397, 398 RC-membranes 19, 36
Sartocheck 4 MultiUnit 317, 324 f.
Minisart SRP 12, 19, 39
Sartocheck 4 plus 317, 321 ff.,
Laboratory Centrifuges 313, 316 Modular Assembly System 19, 95 327

Low Adsorption Cellulose Sartocheck mini 317, 318

Acetate Membrane Filters,
Type 111 19, 20 Nutrient Pad Sets 17, 217 ff. Sartoclear P
Depth Filter Capsules 83
Polycarbonate Holder 19, 85 Sartocon Slice 13, 19, 116 ff.
OEM Products 329, 353, 354
Sartoflow Slice 200 19, 121

Manual Mass Comparators 375, 377 Sartofluor MidiCaps 19, 75,

pH|mV Meter 387, 392 107, 108
Metrological Weight Sets 375, 380
PMD500 355, 372 ff. Sartofluor
mg Weights 375, 382 Mini Cartridges 14, 19, 113, 114
Microbalances Membrane Filters 19, 26 Sartoguard PES 19, 59, 61, 62
329, 334,
337, 347, 367 Polycarbonate Holders 19, 51, 52 SartoJet Pump 117

Microsart Combi.jet 197, 228, 229, Polycarbonate Track-Etch- Sartolab P20 15, 19, 56,
231, 232, Membrane Filters, 57, 97, 101
236 ff. Type 230 29
Sartolab P20 plus 15, 19, 56, 57
Microsart e.motion 16, 197, 206, Polyethersulfone
207, 217 ff., Membrane Filters, Type 154 23 Sartolab RF|BT 19, 47, 60
239, 240
Precision Balances Talent 329, 341 Sartopore 2 19, 58 f., 66 ff.,
Microsart @filter 100 16, 197, 183, 185, 274,
226 f., 231, Premium 276 f., 283, 286
236, 238 Semimicrobalances 329, 335
Sartopore 2 150 19, 66, 183,
Microsart @filter 250 197, 226 f. Premium 185, 274, 276 f.,
Ultramicrobalances 329, 334 283, 286
Microsart Funnel 100 197, 228,
229, 236 Professional Meter 387, 390 f., 395 Sartopore 2 300 19, 66

Microsart Funnel 250 197, 228, Sartopore 2

229 Sterilizing Grade MidiCaps 19, 67
Re-usable 13 mm Syringe
MidiCaps 19, 64, 66ff., Filter Holders 41 Sartopore 2 XLG 0.2 m 19, 59, 69,
107, 108 70, 73
Re-usable 25 mm Syringe
Midisart 2000 14, 19, 104, 105 Filter Holders 43 Sartopore 2 XLI 0.2 m
Sterilizing Grade
Midisart BV 14, 19, 106 Re-usable Sterility Test System 259 MidiCaps and Capsules 19, 69

Index 415
Index by Application|Product Name

Application |Product Name Page Application | Product Name Page Application | Product Name Page

Sartorius Density Sterisart NF 197, 255 ff. Vivaspin

Determination 329, 348 Centrifugal Units 12, 13, 19,
Sterisart Universal Pump 197, 255 31, 131, 162
Sartorius LMA200PM 355, 364, 365
SuperSpinner D 1000 289, 297 Vivawell
Sartorius LMA320PA 355, 368, 369 Vac 8-Strip Plate 19, 31,
131, 162, 174
Sartorius MA35 355, 358
Traditional Multi-branch Vivawell Vac Vacuum 131, 172, 174
Sartorius MA100 355, 360 Manifolds and Individual
Filter Holders 197, 241 VoluPACTM Tubes 289, 298
Sartorius MA150 355, 359
Ultrafiltration Wash Water Capsules 19, 80
Sartorius Pipette Membrane Filters 19, 31, 131, 162
Calibration 329, 351 Weights 375, 379, 382 ff.
Ultrasart D20 12, 19, 45
Sartorius PMD320PA 355, 370, 371 Weight Sets 375, 379 ff.
UniVessel SU 289, 299 ff., 306
Sartorius WDS400 355, 366 WIT Trolley 317, 326, 327

SartoScale 19, 58, 83, 355, Woulff's Bottle 55, 236, 246
366, 367 Vivacell 70 13, 131, 148 ff.

School Kit 197, 254 Vivacell 100 13, 131, 151, 153
(YAW) 375, 385
SENSOLUX 289, 291, Vivacell 250 13, 131, 151,
296, 301 ff. 154, 155 (YCS) 375, 381

Sensors 286, 387, Vivaclear (YCW) 375, 382, 383

393, 394 Centrifugal Filters 131, 147
(YCW...8) 375, 384
Single-use Bioreactors 308 ff. Vivacon 2 131, 166, 167

Specifications|Accessories Vivacon 500 131, 164, 165

LMA200PM 355, 365
Vivaflow 50 13, 131, 156, 157
LMA320PA 355, 369 Vivaflow 200 13, 131, 143,
158, 159
PMD320PA and PMD325PA 355, 371 Vivapore Solvent
Specifications Concentrators 131, 160
MA35|MA100|MA150 355, 361
Vivapure 131, 147, 168,
Specifications 170, 171, 176,
PMD500 355, 373 178 ff.

Specifications|Accessories VivaSpec 131, 186

Water Detection System
WDS 400 355, 367 Vivaspin 2 13, 131, 134, 135

Stainless Steel Holder 19, 43, 90 ff., Vivaspin 4 13, 131, 137, 138
96, 120
Vivaspin 6 13, 131, 139, 140
Standard Analytical and
Precision Balances Extend 329, 339 Vivaspin 15 13, 131, 141, 142

Standard Flexboy Bags 261 ff. Vivaspin 15R 131, 143

Standard Micro-, Vivaspin 20 13, 131,

Semimicro-, Analytical 144 ff., 181 ff.
and Precision Balances 329, 336
Vivaspin 500 13, 131 ff.

416 Index
Index by Order Numbers

Order No. Page Order No Page Order No Page

1EA---0018 245 16D05--10-06--TG 227 139H6Z-47----SCM 207
1EAF--0020 249 69EA0040 345 166MP-3 249
1EAQ--0017 245 69M30100 365 166MP-4 238, 240, 249
1EAS--0019 245 69MA0224 367 00177 86, 111
1EAS--0026 234, 249 69MA0225 367 00179 90
1EAS--0027 249 69MA0226 367 180C1---------E 47
1ED---0054 247 69MA0228 367 180C2---------E 47
1ED---0055 247 69MA0229 367 180C3---------E 47
1EE---0007 249 69MA0232 367 180C4---------K 47
1EH---0001 247 69MA0292 367 180C5---------E 47
1EH---0002 247 69MA0293 367 180C6---------E 47
1EP---0001 249 69MA0294 369 180C7---------E 47
1EP---0002 251 69MA0295 369 180C8---------E 47
1EV---0001 247 69Y03247 344 224S 333
1EV---0002 247 90-KIT-01 169 225P 333
1EV---0003 247 92IEXQ42D1-SS 195 225S 333
1ZA---0004 169 92IEXQ42D2-SS 195 293C4-P13ACFF--M 84
1ZA---0005 169 92IEXQ42D3-SS 195 293C8HP13ACFF--M 84
1ZA---0006 240, 249 92IEXQ42D4-OO--A 193, 195 293F4HP13ACFF--M 84
1ZAS--0007 238, 240, 249 92IEXQ42D4-SS--A 193, 195 293F7HP13ACFF--M 84
1ZE---0003 203, 204 92IEXQ42D9-OO--A 195 293S5-P13ACFF--M 84
1ZE---0004 203, 204 92IEXQ42D9-SS--A 195 293S9-P13ACFF--M 84
1ZE---0008 323 92IEXQ42DC3SS 195 295PB1P13ACFF--M 84
1ZE---0009 323 92IEXQ42DN-11 193, 195 295PB2P13ACFF--M 84
1ZE---0010 323 92IEXQ42DN-11--A 193, 195 295PC1P13ACFF--M 84
1ZE---0018 323, 325, 327 92IEXS42D1-SS 195 295PC2P13ACFF--M 84
1ZE---0021 323, 325 92IEXS42D3-SS 195 323S 333
1ZE---0025 323, 325 92IEXS42D4-OO--A 193, 195 324P 333
1ZE---0026 323, 325 92IEXS42D4-SS--A 193, 195 324S 333
1ZE---0028 206 92IEXS42D9-OO--A 195 610AWG1 288
1ZE---0029 323 92IEXS42D9-SS--A 195 611APR1 283, 286
1ZE---0030 323 92IEXS42DN-11 193, 195 611CDS2 274, 278, 286
1ZE---0031 323 92STPA42D1-SS 195 611CDS6 286
1ZE---0032 323 92STPA42D3-SS 195 611CDU5 286
1ZE---0033 255 92STPA42D9-FF--A 195 611CEL1 286
1ZE---0039 255 92STPA42DC3SS 195 611CKDI 283, 286
1ZE---0040 255 92STPA42DN-11--A 193, 195 611CKDO 283, 286
1ZE---0050 255 93IDA426DB-12--V 194 611CKDU 286
1ZG---0014 255 93IEXD42DB-12--V 194 611CKHI 283, 286
1ZG---0025 255 93IEXQ42BC-12 194 611CKRI 283, 286
1Z-LB-0002 323 93IEXQ42DB-12--V 194 611CKRO 283, 286
1ZPX-D0002 201 93IEXQ42GB-12--A 194 611CKRU 286
1ZU---0001 229, 234 93IEXS42BC-12 194 611CKTI 283, 286
1ZU---0002 229, 232, 234, 237, 238 93IEXS42DB-12--V 194 611CKTO 283, 286
4SC02 344 93IEXS42GB-12--A 194 611CKTU 286
7M19LSB00012 115 93PRAP06HB-12--A 194 612CDS2 274, 278
7M19LSB00085 95 94ALD-06-001 194 612CPS1--------A 278
7M19LSB00098 115 94IDA-42-001 194 613-AMDG1 274, 278
7ZSB--0009 103 94IEXD42-001 194 613-AMDG2 274, 278
9ZAIAM0001 195 94IEXQ42-001 194 613AOV 8, 267, 272
9ZGL--0102 195 94IEXS42-001 194 613AOV200 271
16A07--10------N 229 96HICP42E3ESS 195 613AOV600 271
16A07--25------N 229 96HICP42E9BFF 195 613AOV1000 271
16A08 227, 229 96HICP42EUC11--A 195 613APV31 274, 278, 281
16D01--10-07--BL 227 96IEXQ42E3ESS 195 613APV50 274, 278, 281
16D01--10-07--TG 227 96IEXQ42E9BFF 195 613APV70 274, 278, 281
16D01--10-H6--BL 227 96IEXQ42EUC11--A 195 613APV100 274, 278, 281
16D01--10-H6--TG 227, 238 96IEXS42E3ESS 195 613CPF05--------V 274
16D01--25-07--BK 227 96IEXS42E9BFF 195 613CPF05-------V 8, 267, 278, 279
16D01--25-07--TF 227 96IEXS42EUC11--A 195 613CPFO5-------V 279
16D01--25-H6--BK 227 114H6--47----ACN 209 613CPM4--------V 8, 267, 274, 280
16D01--25-H6--TF 227 114H6--47----ACR 209 613CPM4-------V 278
16D02--10-06--BL 227 114H6--50----ACN 209 613L050 270, 271
16D02--10-06--TG 227 114H6--50----ACR 209 613L050D 271
16D02--25-06--BK 227 114H6Z-47----SCM 207 613L050D, 271
16D02--25-06--TF 227 114H6Z-50----SCM 207 613L100 270, 271
16D03--10-H6--BL 227 00124 49, 50 613L100D 271
16D03--10-H6--TG 227 124S 333 613L150 270, 271
16D03--25-05--BK 227 125P 333 613L150D 271
16D03--25-05--TF 227 130H6Z-50----SCM 207 613L200 270, 271
16D03--25-H6--BK 227 139H6--47----ACN 209 613L200D 271
16D03--25-H6--TF 227 139H6--47----ACR 209 613L250 270, 271
16D05--10-06--BL 227 139H6--50----ACN 209 613L250D 271

Index 417
Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page
613L300 270, 271 11107-100------G 21 11306-142 N 25
613L300D 271 11107-100------N 21 11306-293 G 25
613L-AE002 271 11107-142------G 21 11306-293 N 25
613L-CH001 271 11107-142------N 21 11327------41BL 25
613L-CH002 271 11107-293------G 21 11342-013 N 24
615ADC1 269 11107-293------N 21 11342-025 N 24
615ALC1 269 11301 24, 25, 204, 212, 213, 253 11342-047 N 25
615DI004 269 11301-013 N 24 11342-050 N 25
615DI007 269 11301-025 N 24 11342-090 G 25
615DI010 269 11301-037 N 24 11342-142 G 25
615DI014 269 11301-047 ACN 25 11342-142 N 25
615DIC1 269 11301-047 N 25 11342-293 G 25
615S004 268 11301-050 ACN 25 11402Z-47----SCM 207
615S006 268 11301-050 N 25 11403--25------N 211
615S012 268 11301--80----ALN 204 11403--47----ACN 209
615SC001 268 11301-080 ALN 25 11403--47----ACR 209
623P 333 11301-142 G 25 11403--47------N 211
623S 333 11301-293 G 25 11403--50----ACN 209
01029 86, 111 11302-013 N 24 11403--50----ACR 209
01030 86, 111 11302-025 N 24 11403--50------N 211
1202S 333 11302--47----ACN 213 11403Z-47----SCM 207
1203S 333 11302-047 ACN 25 11403Z-50----SCM 207
01324 46 11302-047 N 25 11404--25------N 211
01325 46 11302--50----ACN 213 11404--47----ACN 209
2202S 333 11302-050 ACN 25 11404--47----ACR 209
2203P 333 11302-050 N 25 11404--47------N 211
2203S 333 11302-142 G 25 11404--50----ACN 209
3203P 333 11303-025 N 24 11404--50------N 211
4202S 333 11303--47----ACN 213 11404--80----ALN 204
5201S 333 11303-047 ACN 25 11404Z-47----SCM 207
6202P 333 11303-047 N 25 11405--47----ACN 209
6202S 333 11303--50----ACN 213 11405--47------N 211
6289OPC 343 11303-050 ACN 25 11405--50----ACN 209
6960CP01 345 11303-050 N 25 11406--25------N 211
6960CP02 345 11303-090 G 25 11406--47----ACN 209
6960CP03 345 11303-142 G 25 11406--47----ACR 209
6960CP04 345 11303-293 G 25 11406--47------N 211
8201S 333 11304-013 N 24 11406--47------R 211
8202S 333 11304-020 N 24 11406--50----ACN 209
8407Para 395 11304-025 N 24 11406--50----ACR 209
8407pH 395 11304-037 N 24 11406--50------N 211
10202S 333 11304--47----ACN 213 11406--50------R 211
11104--13------N 21 11304-047 ACN 25 11406Z-47----SCM 207
11104--25------N 21 11304-047 N 25 11406Z-50----SCM 207
11104--47------N 21 11304--50----ACN 213 11407--25------N 211
11104--50------N 21 11304-050 ACN 25 11407--47----ACN 209
11104-142------G 21 11304-050 N 25 11407--47----ACR 209
11104-142------N 21 11304-090 G 25 11407--47------N 211, 260
11104-293------G 21 11304-142 G 25 11407--47------R 211
11104-293------N 21 11304-142 N 25 11407--50----ACN 209
11105--25------N 21 11304-293 G 25 11407--50----ACR 209
11105--47------N 21 11304-293 N 25 11407--50------N 211
11105--50------N 21 11305-025 N 24 11407Z-47----SCM 207
11105-142------G 21 11305--47----ACN 213 11407Z-50----SCM 207
11105-293------G 21 11305-047 ACN 25 11803-013 N 28
11106--13------N 21 11305-047 N 25 11803-013N 110
11106--25------N 21 11305--50----ACN 213 11803-025 N 28
11106--30------N 21 11305-050 ACN 25 11803-025N 110
11106--47----ACN 213 11305-050 N 25 11803-047 N 28
11106--47------N 21, 260 11305-142 G 25 11803-047N 110
11106--50----ACN 213 11306-013 N 24 11803-050 N 28
11106--50------N 21 11306-020 N 24 11803-050N 110
11106--85------N 21 11306--25----ACN 213 11803-100 G 28
11106--90------G 21 11306-025 N 24 11803-100G 110
11106-100------G 21 11306-030 N 24 11803-142 G 28
11106-100------N 21 11306-037 N 24 11803-142G 110
11106-142------G 21 11306------41BL 25 11806-013 N 28
11106-142------N 21 11306--47----ACN 213 11806-013N 110
11106-293------G 21 11306-047 ACN 25 11806-025 N 28
11106-293------N 21 11306--47------N 260 11806-025N 110
11107 21, 212, 213, 260 11306-047 N 25 11806-047 N 28
11107--13------N 21 11306--50----ACN 213 11806-047N 110
11107--25------N 21 11306-050 ACN 25 11806-050 N 28
11107--30------N 21 11306-050 N 25 11806-050N 110
11107--47------N 21, 260 11306-085 N 25 11806-100 G 28
11107--50----ACN 21, 213 11306-090 G 25 11806-100G 110
11107--50------N 21 11306-090 N 25 11806-142 G 28
11107--90------G 21 11306-142 G 25 11806-142G 110

418 Register
Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page
11806-293 G 28 13249-E 136 14064--47------N 218
11806-293G 110 13269-E 136 14065--47------N 219
11807-013 N 28 13279-E 136 14066--47------N 219
11807-013N 110 13400-0013 51 14067--47------N 218
11807-025 N 28 13400-013 S 30 14067--47----RDN 218
11807-025N 110 13400-013S 254 14068--47------N 218
11807-047 N 28 13400-042 Q 30 14068--50----PDN 218
11807-047N 110 13400-044 Q 30 14069--47------N 219
11807-050 N 28 13400-047 Q 30 14070--47------N 219
11807-050N 110 13400-050 Q 30 14072--47------N 219
11807-100 G 28 13400-100 K 30 14074--47------N 218
11807-100G 110 13400-120 K 30 14075--47------N 218
11807-142 G 28 13400-124 K 30 14075--47----RDN 218
11807-142G 110 13400-127 K 30 14076--47------N 218
11807-293 G 28 13400-130 K 30 14076--47----RDN 218
11807-293G 110 13400-142 K 30 14077--47------N 219
11842-025 N 28 13400-150 K 30 14079--47------N 219
11842-025N 110 13400-257 K 30 14080--47------N 219
11842-047 N 28 13400-260 K 30 14080--47----RDN 219
11842-047N 110 13400-279 K 30 14082--47------N 218
11842-050 N 28 13400-293 K 30 14083--47------N 219
11842-050N 110 13430-127 K 30 14084--47------N 218
11842-100 G 28 13430-130 K 30 14084--47----RDN 218
11842-100G 110 13430-142 K 30 14085--47------N 218
11842-142 G 28 13430-257 K 30 14086--47----CCN 219
11842-142G 110 13430-279 K 30 14086--47------N 219
12201S 333 13430-293 K 30 14087--47------N 218
12602--37----ALK 200 13440-042 Q 30 14087--47----RDN 218
12602--47----ALK 200 13440-044 Q 30 14089--47------N 219
12602--47----ALN 200 13440-047 Q 30 14090--47------N 218
12602--50----ALK 200 13440-050 Q 30 14091--47------N 219
12602--50----ALN 200 13440-130 K 30 14091--47----RDN 219
12602--80----ALK 200, 203 13506--47----ACN 215 14092--47----RDN 219
12602-080 ALK 204 13506--47----ALS 216 14095--47------N 219
13004--47----ACN 209 13506--47----HCN 216, 260 14096--47------N 219
13004--47----ACR 209 13506--47------N 216 14096--47----RDN 219
13004--47------N 211 13506--50----ACN 215 14097--47------N 218
13004--50----ACN 209 13507--47----ACN 215 14127----------K 222
13004--50------N 211 13507--47----HCN 260 14130----------K 221
13004--80----ALN 204 13507--47------N 216 14131----------K 221
13004Z-47----SCM 207 13706--47----ALN 222 14132----------K 254
13004Z-50----SCM 207 13707--47----ALN 222 14137----------K 221
13005--47----ACN 209 13806--47----ACN 209 14138----------K 221
13005--47------N 211 13806--47----ACR 209 14140----------K 221
13005--50----ACN 209 13806--47------N 211 14143----------A 221
13005--50----ACR 209 13806--47------R 211 14144----------A 221
13005--50------N 211 13806--50----ACN 209 14148----------A 221
13005Z-47----SCM 207 13806--50----ACR 209 14155----------A 221
13005Z-50----SCM 207 13806--50------N 211 14157----------A 221
13006--25------N 211 13806--50------R 211 14301-110------K 201
13006--47----ACN 209 13806Z-47----SCM 207 14311--60------N 222
13006--47----ACR 209 13806Z-50----SCM 207 14311--90------N 222
13006--47------N 211 13903--47----ACN 209 14320-110----ACD 201
13006--47------R 211 13905--47----ACN 209 14321-110----ACD 201
13006--50----ACN 209 13906--47----ACN 209 1442925------D 32, 163
13006--50----ACR 209 13906--47----ACR 209 14429-047 D 32, 163
13006--50------N 211 13906--47----APR 222 1442963------D 32, 163
13006Z-47----SCM 207 13906--47------N 211 1442976------D 32, 163
13006Z-50----SCM 207 13906--47------R 211 1443925------D 32, 163
13101--47------N 215 13906--50----ACN 209 14439-047 D 32, 163
13101--50----AHN 215 13906--50----ACR 209 1443963------D 32, 163
13101--50------N 215 13906--50------N 211 1443976------D 32, 163
13106--25------N 215 13906--50------R 211 14459-047 D 32, 163
13106--47----ACN 215 13906Z-47----SCM 207 1445963------D 32, 163
13106--47----HCN 215, 260 13906Z-50----SCM 207 14529-047 D 32, 163
13106--47----HEN 215 14051--47------N 218 14539-047 D 32, 163
13106--47------N 215 14051--47----RDN 218 1453950------D 32, 163
13106--50----ACN 215 14053 218, 254 1454943------D 32, 163
13106--50------N 215 14055 218, 254 14549-047 D 32, 163
13107--25------N 215 14056--47------N 218 14549-047 N 32, 163
13107--47----ACN 215 14056--47----RDN 218 14609-047 D 32, 163
13107--47----HCN 215, 260 14057--47------N 218 1462925------D 32, 163
13107--47------N 215 14058 219, 254 14629-047 D 32, 163
13107--50----ACN 215 14059--47------N 219 1462963------D 32, 163
13107--50------N 215 14061--47------N 219 1462976------D 32, 163
13209-E 136 14062--47------N 219 1463925------D 32, 163
13229-E 136 14062--47----RDN 219 14639-047 D 32, 163
13239-E 136 14063--47------N 218 1463963------D 32, 163

Register 419
Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page
1463976------D 32, 163 16414 224 16673 251
14650-047 D 32, 163 16415 224 16685 46, 251
14659-047 D 32, 163 16416 224 16685-2 251
1465963------D 32, 163 16417 224 16692 53, 250
14668-047 D 32, 163 16419 255 16694-1-60-06 247
1466863------D 32, 163 16420 255 16694-1-60-22 247
14679-047 D 32, 163 16424 224, 231, 235 16694-2-50-06 239, 247
15400--50----FRN 222 16464--------ACD|GBD 258 16694-2-50-22 247
15400--50------N 222 16466--------ACD 256 16695 53, 250
15406--25------N 23 16466--------GBD 257 16696 259, 260
15406--47------N 23 16466--------GSD 257 16697---00 55
15406--50------N 23 16467 256, 257, 258 16698 45
15407--25----MIN 23 16467--------ACD 256 16699 259
15407--47----MIN 23 16467--------GBD 257 16712 206, 239, 240
15407--50----MIN 23 16467--------GSD 257 16746 198
15410--47----ALR 222 16467--------TCD 256 16747 198
15410--50----ALR 222 16468 256, 257, 258 16756 203
15458--25------N 23 16468--------ACD 256 16757 199, 201
15458--47------N 23 16468--------GBD 257 16807 212, 239, 240, 253
15458--50------N 23 16469--------GBD 257 16823 98, 103
16201 54, 232, 244, 245 16469--------GSD 257 16824 232, 244
16214 43, 169 16470--------GBD 258 16826 259
16219 54, 232, 244, 245 16475--------GBD 257 16828 232, 244
16220 54, 244, 245 16475--------GSD 257 16831 232, 244
16249 90, 96, 100, 101 16476--------GBD 257 16832 232, 244
16251 86, 111 16477 257, 258 16835 235
16254 14, 87, 112 16477--------GBD 257 16836 235
16274 91, 96 16478--------GBD 257 16837 235
16275 92, 96, 100, 101, 102 16506 45 16840 224, 231, 232, 234, 235, 237, 239,
16276 93 16508 96, 100, 101 240
16277 94 16508B 85 16841 224, 231, 232, 235, 245
16288---PI 323 16510 51, 52, 241, 244, 254 16842 232, 235
16288---RV 320, 323 16511 51, 52, 231, 234, 241, 244 16843 232, 235
16288---TU 323, 325 16514E 42, 52 16844 231, 232, 235, 239, 240
16288---VPTU 325 16517----------E 169 16848-CJ 237, 238
16290 320 16517E 44, 254 16863 98, 101
1629605 80 16520 C 45 16880 96
16306 48, 231, 234, 235, 244, 245 16523 259 16881 96
16307 49, 231, 234, 235, 244, 245 16532 K 34 16931 103
16309 50 16533 K 34 16963 259
16315 48 16534 K 33 16964 260
16316 49 16534 Q 33 16966 259
16400-02----CA-K 225 16537 K 34 16967 259
16400-02----CE-K 225 16540 89 16968 259
16400-02----EN-K 225 16541 K 34 16969 259
16400-02----GS-K 225 16553 K 34 16970 202, 259
16400-02----KF-K 225 16555 K 34 16973 259
16400-02----LS-K 225 16555 Q 34 16974 259
16400-02----MF-K 225 16565 45 16975 259
16400-02----MG-K 225 16574 41 16976 202, 259
16400-02----OS-K 225 16579 88 16978 259
16400-02----RA-K 225 16592 K 34 16999 96, 98, 103
16400-02----SB-K 225 16592 Q 34 17002---140 169
16400-02----TC-K 225 16596--------HNK 258 17004 54, 245
16400-02----TT-K 225 16596 HYK 105 17005 54, 245
16400-02----TZ-K 225 16596 HYQ 105 17005A---L--5301 327
16400-02----WL-K 225 16606 54, 245 17005A---L--5501 327
16400-02----WN-K 225 16610 55, 246 17006 54, 245
16400-02----WZ-K 225 16611 54, 251 17012----------E 234, 237
16401-47-06--ACK 224 16612 53, 250 17016 96, 202, 204
16401-47-06----K 224 16615 53, 250 17017 96
16401-47-06-V--K 224 16617 97 17019 96, 100
16401-47-06-VWMK 224 16623 239, 246, 253 17030 202, 204
16401-47-07--ACK 224 16625 238, 239, 240, 253, 254 17033 96, 202, 204
16401-47-07----K 224 16639 46, 254 17036 96
16401-47-H6----K 224 16644E 46 17037 202
16401-47-H6-V--K 224 16645E 46 17038 90
16401-47-H6-VWMK 224 16646E 46 17039 88
16402-47-06--ACK 224 16647 254 17068 87, 112
16402-47-06----K 224 16647E 46 17069 87, 112
16403-47-04----K 224 16656 96, 103 17070 98
16403-47-04-V--K 224 16660 92 17085 203
16403-47-06--ACK 224 16662 97 17088 203
16403-47-06----K 224 16663 45 17089 87, 96, 100, 112
16403-47-06-V--K 224 16664 45 17090 100
16403-47-06-VWMK 224 16671 238, 239, 240, 253 17091 96, 103
16403-47-H6-VWMK 224 16672 54, 239, 245 17105 89
16404-47-06----K 224 16672-----1 54, 245 17109 254

420 Register
Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page
17146 49 17748 80 18407-293 G 22
17147 49 17749 80 23006-25 N 29
17150 96, 102 17750 80 23006-47 N 29
17170 98, 100 17751 80 23007-25 N 29
17173 54, 239, 245 17756 259 23007-47 N 29
17174 54, 245 17761 ACK 37 23007-50N 29
17175 54, 245 17761 K 37 24002 254
17204 239, 245 17761 Q 37 25006-013 N 26
17208 203 17762 K 37 25006-025 N 26
17521---001 116 17762 Q 37 25006-047 N 26
17521---002 116 17764 ACK 37 25006-050 N 26
17521---022 120 17764 K 37 25006-090 G 26
17521---023 120 17764 Q 37 25006-142 N 26
17521---101 116 17765 K 37 25006-293 N 26
17521---102 116 17765 Q 37 25007-013 N 26
17521---105 118 17766 80 25007-025 N 26
17521---106 118 17771 80 25007-047 N 26
17521---110 118 17801 198, 199, 202, 204 25007-050 N 26
17521---111 118 17803 199, 201 25007-090 G 26
17521---112 118 17804 E 105 25007-142 N 26
17521---113 118 17804 G 105 25007-293 N 26
17525---001 120 17804 M 55 26288 320, 323, 325, 327
17525--01 120 17804----------M 239, 246 26288---BS 323
17525---002 120 17804 NPE 105 26288---CK 320, 323, 325
17525SP-01 121 17804 NPG 105 26288---PV 323
17525SP-02 121 17805--------BVE 106 26288---VP 323
17525SYS-BT1 121 17805--------BVN 106 61215 8, 267, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280,
17525SYS-BT2 121 17805--------BVQ 106 281
17528--80----ACD 198, 200 17805 E 105 61316 8, 267, 273, 274, 275, 279, 280,
17528--80----BZD 198, 200 17805 G 105 281
17528--80----VPD 198, 200 17805 NPE 105 66042--47------N 28, 110
17530 98, 99 17805 NPG 105 302146AL01K--SG 116
17531 98, 99 17805 TCN 105 641214 344
17532 98, 99 17805 UPN 105 5105307HS--**--M 59
17533 98, 99 17805 UPQ 105 5181407T7 B 114
17534 98, 99 17809 UNN 105 5181506T9 B 114
17535 98, 99 17812 UNN 105 5181507T7 B 114
17536 98, 99 17820 K 40 5181507T8 B 114
17558 K 40 17820 Q 40 5181507T9 B 114
17558 Q 40 17821 K 37 5181558T7 B 114
17559 K 40 17821 Q 37 5181558T8 B 114
17559 Q 40 17822 K 37 5181558T9 B 114
17573 ACK 40 17822 Q 37 5185306T9-XX-A 108
17573 K 40 17823 K 33 5185307T7-XX-B 108
17573 Q 40 17823 Q 33 5185307T8-XX-B 108
17574 K 40 17824 K 34 5185307T9-XX-A 108
17574----------K 259 17824 Q 34 5185307TS-----SS 204
17574 Q 40 17825 Q 34 5185358T7-XX-B 108
17575 ACK 40 17829 K 34 5185358T8-XX-B 108
17575--------ACK 234, 237, 238, 239, 17829 Q 34 5185358T9-XX-A 108
240 17877 UPN 105 5231307H4-OO-B 60
17575 K 40 18052----------D (SFCA) 57 5231307H4-SO-B 60
17575 Q 40 18053----------D (SFCA) 57 5231307H4-SS-B 60
17576 K 40 18056----------D (SFCA + GF) 57 5231307H5-OO-B 60
17576 Q 40 18058----------D (SFCA + GF) 57 5231307H5-OO-V 60
17593 K 34 18059 97 5231307H7-PO-B 80
17593 Q 34 18068----------D (PES + GF) 57 5231307H7-PQ-B 80
17594 K 34 18075----------D (PES) 57 5231307H7-VO-B 80
17594 Q 34 18080----------M 47 5231307H7-VQ-B 80
17597 K 33 18099 56 5231307H7-VZ-B 80
17597----------K 251 18103 318, 320, 323, 325 5231307H8-PO-B 80
17597 Q 33 18104 318, 320, 323, 325 5231307H8-PQ-B 80
17598 K 34 18113 238, 239, 240, 252 5231307H8-VO-B 80
17598 Q 34 18406-013 N 22 5231307H8-VQ-B 80
17635 98 18406--47----ACN 216 5231307H8-VZ-B 80
17636 98 18406--47----HDN 216 5231507H7B 65
17649 238, 239, 240, 252 18406--47------N 260 5231507H8B 65
17655 198, 200, 203 18406-047 N 22 5231507H9B 65
17656 203 18406-100 G 22 5235306D0-OO-V 65
17657 203 18406-142 G 22 5235306D0-SO-V 65
17658 203 18406-293 G 22 5235306D0-SS-V 65
17659 202, 203, 204 18407-013 N 22 5235306D7-OO-A 65
17660 203 18407-025 N 22 5235306D7-SO-A 65
17661 203 18407--47------N 260 5235306D7-SS-A 65
17662 203 18407-047 N 22 5235306D8-OO-A 65
17712 80 18407-050 N 22 5235306D8-SO-A 65
17713 80 18407-142 G 22 5235306D8-SS-A 65
17747 80 18407-142 N 22 5235306D9-OO-A 65

Register 421
Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page
5235306D9-SO-A 65 5475307IS--**--M 59 5601505G9-B 82
5235306D9-SS-A 65 5475358G0 63 5605304E0-OO-V 78
5235306DS--**--M 59 5475358G7 63 5605304E0-SO-V 78
5235307H0-FF-V 65 5475358G8 63 5605304E0-SS-V 78
5235307H0-OO-V 65 5475358G9 63 5605304E7-OO-A 78
5235307H0-SO-V 65 5475358GS--**--M 59 5605304E7-SO-A 78
5235307H7-FF-A 65 5485307GS--**--M 59 5605304E7-SS-A 78
5235307H7-HH-A 65 5485358MS--**--M 59 5605304E8-OO-A 78
5235307H7-OO-A 65 5555303P0-OO-V 76 5605304E8-SO-A 78
5235307H7-SO-A 65 5555303P0-SO-V 77 5605304E8-SS-A 78
5235307H7-SS-A 65 5555303P0-SS-V 76 5605304E9-OO-A 78
5235307H8-FF-A 65 5555303P7-OO-A 76 5605304E9-SO-A 78
5235307H8-OO-A 65 5555303P7-SO-A 77 5605304E9-SS-A 78
5235307H8-SO-A 65 5555303P7-SS-A 76 5605304ES--**--M 59
5235307H8-SS-A 65 5555303P8-OO-A 76 5605305G0-OO-V 78
5235307H9-FF-A 65 5555303P8-SO-A 77 5605305G0-SO-V 78
5235307H9-OO-A 65 5555303P8-SS-A 76 5605305G0-SS-V 78
5235307H9-SO-A 65 5555303P9-OO-A 76 5605305G7-OO-A 78
5235307H9-SS-A 65 5555303P9-SO-A 77 5605305G7-SO-A 78
5235307HO-SS-V 65 5555303P9-SS-A 76 5605305G7-SS-A 78
5235307HS--**--M 59 5555303PS--**--M 59 5605305G8-OO-A 78
5235358HS--**--M 59 5555305P0-OO-V 76 5605305G8-SO-A 78
5441306D4-OO-B 66 5555305P0-SO-V 77 5605305G8-SS-A 78
5441306D4-SO-B 66 5555305P0-SS-V 76 5605305G9-OO-A 78
5441306D4-SS-B 66 5555305P7-OO-A 76 5605305G9-SO-A 78
5441306D5-OO-B 66 5555305P7-SO-A 77 5605305G9-SS-A 78
5441307G4--**--B 74 5555305P7-SS-A 76 5605305GS--**--M 59
5441307H4--CE--B 283, 286 5555305P8-OO-A 76 5621504E9-B 82
5441307H4-OO-B 66 5555305P8-SO-A 77 5621505G9-B 82
5441307H4-SO-B 66 5555305P8-SS-A 76 5621506A9-B 82
5441307H4-SS-B 66 5555305P9-OO-A 76 5621507A9-B 82
5441307H5-OO-B 66 5555305P9-SO-A 77 5625304E0-OO-V 77
5441307I4--**--B 71 5555305P9-SS-A 76 5625304E0-SO-V 78
5441358K4-OO-B 66 5555305PS--**--M 59 5625304E0-SS-V 77
5441358K4-SO-B 66 5591501P9-B 82 5625304E7-OO-A 77
5441358K4-SS-B 66 5591502P9-B 82 5625304E7-SO-A 78
5441358K5-OO-B 66 5591503P9-B 82 5625304E7-SS-A 77
5441506G7B 68 5591505P7-B 82 5625304E8-OO-A 77
5441506G8B 68 5591505P8-B 82 5625304E8-SO-A 78
5441506G9B 68 5591505P9-B 82 5625304E8-SS-A 77
5441507H7B 68 5591520P9-B 82 5625304E9-OO-A 77
5441507H8B 68 5591542P9-B 82 5625304E9-SO-A 78
5441507H9B 68 5595301PS--**--M 59 5625304E9-SS-A 77
5441558K7B 68 5595302P0-OO-V 76 5625304ES--**--M 59
5441558K8B 68 5595302P7-OO-A 76 5625305G0-OO-V 77
5441558K9B 68 5595302P8-OO-A 76 5625305G0-SO-V 78
5445306G0-** 68 5595302P9-OO-A 76 5625305G0-SS-V 77
5445306G7-**-A 68 5595302PS--**--M 59 5625305G7-OO-A 77
5445306G8-**-A 68 5595303P0-OO-V 76 5625305G7-SO-A 78
5445306G9-**A 68 5595303P0-SO-V 76 5625305G7-SS-A 77
5445306GS--**--M 59 5595303P0-SS-V 76 5625305G8-OO-A 77
5445307G0--**--V 74 5595303P7-OO-A 76 5625305G8-SO-A 78
5445307G7--**--A 74 5595303P7-SO-A 76 5625305G8-SS-A 77
5445307G8--**--A 74 5595303P7-SS-A 76 5625305G9-OO-A 77
5445307G9--**--A 74 5595303P8-OO-A 76 5625305G9-SO-A 78
5445307GS--**--M 59 5595303P8-SO-A 76 5625305G9-SS-A 77
5445307H0-** 68 5595303P8-SS-A 76 5625305GS--**--M 59
5445307H7-**-A 68 5595303P9-OO-A 76 5625306A0-OO-V 77
5445307H8-**-A 68 5595303P9-SO-A 76 5625306A0-SO-V 78
5445307H9-**-A 68 5595303P9-SS-A 76 5625306A0-SS-V 77
5445307HS--**--M 59 5595303PS--**--M 59 5625306A7-OO-A 77
5445307I0--**--V 71 5595305P0-OO-V 76 5625306A7-SO-A 78
5445307I7--**--A 71 5595305P0-SS-V 76 5625306A7-SS-A 77
5445307I8--**--A 71 5595305P7-OO-A 76 5625306A8-OO-A 77
5445307I9--**--A 71 5595305P7-SS-A 76 5625306A8-SO-A 78
5445307IS--**--M 59 5595305P8-OO-A 76 5625306A8-SS-A 77
5445358K0-** 68 5595305P8-SS-A 76 5625306A9-OO-A 77
5445358K7-**-A 68 5595305P9-OO-A 76 5625306A9-SO-A 78
5445358K8-**-A 68 5595305P9-SS-A 76 5625306A9-SS-A 77
5445358K9-**-A 68 5595305PS--**--M 59 5625306AS--**--M 59
5445358KS--**--M 59 5595320PS--**--M 59 5625307A0-OO-V 77
5445358MS--**--M 59 5595342P0-OO-V 76 5625307A0-SO-V 78
5471307F4 63 5595342P7-OO-A 76 5625307A0-SS-V 77
5471358G4 63 5595342P8-OO-A 76 5625307A7-OO-A 77
5475307F0 63 5595342P9-OO-A 76 5625307A7-SO-A 78
5475307F7 63 5595342PS--**--M 59 5625307A7-SS-A 77
5475307F8 63 5595350PS--**--M 59 5625307A8-OO-A 77
5475307F9 63 5601504E9-B 82 5625307A8-SO-A 78

422 Register
Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page
5625307A8-SS-A 77 6981063 234 6986132 98
5625307A9-OO-A 77 6981064 234 6986133 98
5625307A9-SO-A 78 6981065 234 6986137 99
5625307A9-SS-A 77 6981090 52 6986138 99
5625307AS--**--M 59 6981139 253 6988093 103
6906918 343, 344, 363, 395 6981288 90 6988094 97
6906937 343, 344, 363, 395 6981314 103 7357312 344
6906940 363 6981540 252 7357314 343, 344
6906941 363, 365 6982001 91, 92, 93 19070049 367
6965542 363 6982002 91 19170000 367
6980102 234 6982003 87, 112 61215030F05M1A 278
6980103 232, 234, 242 6982005 87, 90, 112 61215030F05M1D 278
6980104 234 6982006 87, 90, 112 61215050F05M1A 278
6980110 52, 85 6982012 92 61215050F05M1D 278
6980119 49, 50 6982020 90 61215070F05M1A 278
6980120 49 6982022 94 61215070F05M1D 278
6980121 49 6982029 103 61215100F05M1A 278
6980123 49 6982036 91 61215100F05M1D 278
6980124 234 6982043 91, 92, 93 61316030F05M1A 275
6980151 90, 91 6982044 94 61316030F05M1D 275
6980176 86, 111 6982060 103 61316050F05M1A 275
6980178 87, 90, 112 6982061 103 61316050F05M1D 275
6980180 87, 90, 112 6982070 91, 92, 93 61316070F05M1A 275
6980225 52, 234, 237 6982071 91, 92, 93 61316070F05M1D 275
6980226 52 6982072 91, 92, 93 61316100F05M1A 275
6980227 52 6982077 94 61316100F05M1D 275
6980228 52 6982078 94 69898525 199
6980229 52 6982079 94 3051441901E--SG 116
6980230 52 6982141 320, 323 3051442901E--SG 116
6980232 52, 85 6982142 320, 323 3051443901E--SG 116
6980233 52 6983001 50 3051445901E--SG 116
6980234 52 6983002 50 3051446801E--SG 116
6980235 52, 234, 237 6983003 50, 245 3051460901E--SG 116
6980236 52 6983004 50 3051462901E--SG 116
6980272 234 6983005 50 3051463401E--SG 116
6980274 229, 234, 237 6983006 49 3051463901E--SG 116
6980383 85 6983007 49 3051465001E--SG 116
6980389 99 6983009 49, 50 3051465901E--SG 116
6980390 99 6983010 49 3051466801E--SG 116
6980395 99 6985000 88 3051467901E--SG 116
6980396 99 6985001 88 3051545801W--SG 116
6980407 103 6985002 88 3051860601O--SG 116
6980415 99 6985004 85 3051860601W--SG 116
6980420 99 6985010 89 3051860701O--SG 116
6980573 259 6985011 88 3051860701W--SG 116
6980574 259 6985093 98 3081441902E--SG 119
6980656 87, 91, 92, 93, 94, 112 6985128 100, 102, 103 3081442902ESG 119
6980700 89 6985131 99 3081443902E--SG 119
6980701 89 6985149 113 3081445902E--SG 119
6980702 91, 92, 93 6985151 113 3081446802E--SG 119
6980703 89 6985183 91, 92, 93, 94 3081460902E--SG 119
6980704 89 6985184 91, 92, 93, 94 3081462902E--SG 119
6980705 89 6985216 103 3081463402E--SG 119
6980706 89 6986006 97 3081463902E--SG 119
6980707 91, 92, 93 6986017 53, 250 3081465002E--SG 119
6980708 91, 92, 93 6986055 90, 91 3081465902E--SG 119
6980711 91, 92, 93 6986070 46 3081466802E--SG 119
6980712 89, 92, 93 6986071 46 3081467902E--SG 119
6980713 89 6986072 46 3081545802W--SG 119
6980714 94 6986073 46 3081860602W--SG 119
6980715 94 6986084 90 3081860702W--SG 119
6980716 94 6986090 103 Symbole
6980717 87, 91, 92, 93, 94, 112 6986091 103 BBI-885 0321 293
6980718 94 6986092 103 BBI-885 3002 292
6980719 94 6986105 53, 250 BBI-885 3037 292
6980721 87, 112 6986110 98 BBI-885 3088 293
6980722 87, 91, 92, 93, 94, 112 6986111 98 BBI-885 3096 293
6980737 87, 90, 112 6986112 99 BBI-885 3134 293
6980740 93 6986113 99 BBI-885 3142 293
6980801 87, 90, 91, 92, 112 6986114 99 BBI-885 3150 293
6981001 234 6986115 99 BBI-885 3169 293
6981002 234 6986116 99 BBI-885 3177 293
6981003 234 6986117 99 BBI-885 3185 293
6981004 234 6986119 99 BBI-885 3193 293
6981031 86, 111 6986125 251 BBI-885 3240 293
6981032 86, 111 6986129 99 BBI-885 3533 292
6981033 86, 111 6986130 99 BBI-885 3568 292
6981034 86, 111 6986131 99 BBI-885 3584 292

Register 423
Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page
BBI-885 3606 292 BBI-8865027 291 CPA12001S 338, 345
BBI-885 3666 292 BBI-8865035 291 CPA16001S 338, 345
BBI-885 3677 292 BBI-8865124 291 CPA34000 338, 345
BBI-885 3688 292 BBI-8865132 291 CPA34001P 338, 345
BBI-885 3738 292 BBI-8865221 291 CPA34001S 338, 345
BBI-885 3762 292 BBI-8865230 291 CTMCTPA2H 291
BBI-885 3789 292 BBI-8865329 291 CTMCTPA5H 291
BBI-885 3800 292 BBI-8865337 291 DBB001L 311
BBI-885 4238 293 BBI-8865426 291 DBB002L 311
BBI-885 4246 293 BBI-8865434 291 DBB010L 311
BBI-885 4254 293 BBI-8865523 291 DBB020L 311
BBI-885 4416 292 BBI-8865531 291 DBO002L 311
BBI-885 4505 292 BBI-8865620 291 DBO010L 311
BBI-885 4513 292 BBI-8865639 291 DBO020L 311
BBI-885 4521 292 BBI-8865728 291 DBP002L--SM 311
BBI-885 4556 292 BBI-8865736 291 DBP010L--SM 311
BBI-885 4564 292 BBI-8865906 291 DBP020L--SM 311
BBI-885 4572 292 BBI-8865922 291 DC-90005 295
BBI-885 4599 292 CC3000K 378 DC-90010 295
BBI-885 4600 292 CCE6 377, 378 DCC0304W-------K 298
BBI-885 4610 292 CCE10K3 377 DCC0304W-------S 298
BBI-885 4629 292 CCE36 377, 378 DCS09 296
BBI-885 4637 292 CCE40K3 377, 378 DCS--B1 296
BBI-885 4640 292 CCE60K2 377, 378 DCSB1 303
BBI-885 4700 292 CCE60K3 377, 378 DCS--C1 296
BBI-885 4711 292 CCE66 377, 378 DCS--C2 296
BBI-885 4722 292 CCE111 377, 378 DCS--C3 296
BBI-885 4733 292 CCE505 378 DCS--C4 296
BBI-886 0416 293 CCE605 377 DCS--F1 296
BBI-886 0998 293 CCE1000S-L 376, 378 DCS--F2 296
BBI-886 1005 293 CCE1004 377, 378 DCS--F3 296
BBI-886 1013 293 CCE1005 377, 378 DCS--F4 296
BBI-886 1021 293 CCE2004 377, 378 DF-001LS-SSB---V 297
BBI-886 1022 293 CCE5003 377, 378 DF-050MB-SSH---4 294
BBI-886 1099 293 CCE5004 377, 378 DH-020LBRM-1 308
BBI-886 1102 293 CCE10000S 376, 377, 378 DH-020LBRM-2 308
BBI-886 1455 292 CCE10000S-L 376, 378 DH-020LBRMC1 308
BBI-886 1463 292 CCE10000U-L 376, 378 DH-020LBRMC2 308
BBI-886 1471 292 CCE20000 377 DH-020LOR2-1 310
BBI-886 4470 293 CCE20000S-L 376, 378 DH-020LOR2-2 310
BBI-886 4489 292 CCE50001S-L 376 DH-020LORM-1 309
BBI-886 4497 293 CCI60K2 377, 378 DH-020LORM-2 309
BBI-8531609 314 CCI100K2 377, 378 DH-020LPR2-1 310
BBI-8531722 314 CCI300K 377, 378 DH-020LPR2-2 310
BBI-8531730 314 CCL1007 376 DH-020LPRM-1 309
BBI-8533024 314 CCR10 376 DH-020LPRM-2 309
BBI-8533032 314 CCR10-1000 376 DH-020LRR2-1 310
BBI-8535027 314 CCR1000 376 DH-020LRR2-2 310
BBI-8535035 314 CCS600K 377, 378 DH-----PRM11 309
BBI-8535108 314 CCS1000K 377, 378 DH-----PRM12 309
BBI-8535116 314 CCS3000K 377 DUO002LL-SS----V 303
BBI-8850062 292 CCT1000K 377, 378 DZ002L---VHI 303
BBI-8860130 290 CCT2000K 377, 378 DZ-------AMP2-2 297
BBI-8860238 290 CPA2P 337, 338, 347, 367 DZ-------AMP3-2 297
BBI-8860858 290 CPA2P-F 337, 338 DZ-------FH1 303
BBI-8860866 290 CPA26P 337, 352, 367 DZ-------MAA 303
BBI-8862320 290 CPA64 337, 345, 347 DZ-------MAP 303
BBI-8862338 290 CPA124S 337, 345, 347, 348 DZ-------MB 303
BBI-8862427 290 CPA223S 338, 345, 347 DZ-----MM---2 297
BBI-8862435 290 CPA224 S 345 DZ-----MM---3 297
BBI-8862524 290 CPA224S 337, 345, 347, 348 DZ-------VE1 303
BBI-8862532 290 CPA225D 337, 345, 347, 348, 352, 367 DZ-------VE2 303
BBI-8862621 290 CPA323S 338, 345, 347 DZ-------VHB 303
BBI-8862631 290 CPA324S 337, 345, 347, 348 DZ-------VHO 303
BBI-8863024 290 CPA423 345 ED124 345
BBI-8863121 290 CPA423S 338, 345, 347 ED124S 340, 345, 347
BBI-8863202 290 CPA623S 338, 345, 347 ED153 340, 347
BBI-8863245 290 CPA1003P 338, 347 ED153-CW 340
BBI-8864403 292 CPA1003S 338, 347 ED224S 340, 345, 347
BBI-8864446 292 CPA2202S 338, 345, 347 ED323S 340, 347
BBI-8864829 291 CPA3202S 338, 345 ED323S-CW 340
BBI-8864837 291 CPA4202S 338, 345 ED423S 340, 347
BBI-8864845 291 CPA5201 338, 345 ED423S-CW 340
BBI-8864853 291 CPA5202S-DS 338, 347 ED623S 340, 347
BBI-8864926 291 CPA6202P 338, 345 ED623S-CW 340
BBI-8864934 291 CPA6202S 338, 345 ED822 340
BBI-8864942 291 CPA8201 338, 345 ED822-CW 340
BBI-8864953 291 CPA10001 338, 345 ED2201 340

424 Register
Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page
ED2201-CW 340 PMD542-000U 374 TE1502S 342
ED2202S 340 PMD551-000U 374 TE2101 342
ED2202S-CW 340 PMD552-000U 374 TE3102S 342
ED3202S 340 PMD590-000U 374 TE4100 342
ED3202S-CW 340 PY-C02 394 TE4101 342
ED4202S 340 PY-C03 394 TE6100 342
ED4202S-CW 340 PY-C12 394 TE6101 342
ED5201 340 PY-I01 394 TE12000 342
ED5201-CW 340 PY-I02 394 VC25S1 155
ED6202S 340 PY-I03 394 VC1001 153
ED6202S-CW 340 PY-I04 394 VC1002 153
ED8201 340 PY-I05 394 VC1011 153
ED8201-CW 340 PY-I06 394 VC1012 153
FB115270 264 PY-I07 394 VC1021 153
FFB102326 265 PY-I08 394 VC1022 153
FFB102470 265 PY-P10 392, 393 VC1031 153
FFB102603 265 PY-P11 392, 393 VC1032 153
FFB102643 265 PY-P12 393 VC1041 153
FFB102670 265 PY-P20 392, 393 VC1042 153
FFB102812 265 PY-P21 393 VC1052 153
FFB103547 265 PY-P22 393 VC1061 153
FFB103551 265 PY-P23 393 VC1062 153
GPC26-CW 351 PY-P24 393 VC1071 153
GPC65-CW 351 PY-PC1 394 VC1072 153
GPC225-CW 351 PY-R01 393, 394 VC2501 155
H2O-AFS1 286 PY-T01 394 VC2511 155
H2O-ALS1 286 PY-Y01 395 VC2521 155
H2O basic-B 283 PY-Y02 395 VC2531 155
H2O basic-T 283 PY-Y03 395 VC2541 155
H2Opro-ADM1 286 PY-Y04 395 VC2571 155
H2Opro-AMDG1 286 PY-Y05 395 VCA002 145, 146, 150, 153, 155
H2Opro-AMDG2 286 PY-Y06 395 VCA004 150
H2Opro-DI-B 285 PY-Y07 395 VCA005 145, 146, 150
H2Opro-DI-D 285 PY-Y10 395 VCA007 150
H2Opro-DI-T 285 PY-Y11 395 VCA009 155
H2Opro-UF-B 285 PY-Y12 395 VCA010 146, 150, 153, 155
H2Opro-UF-D 285 PY-Y13 395 VCA011 146, 150, 153, 155
H2Opro-UF-T 285 PY-Y21 395 VCA012 146, 150, 153, 155
H2Opro-UV-B 285 PY-Y21-6 395 VCA014 153
H2Opro-UV-B-TOC 285 PY-Y22 395 VCA015 155
H2Opro-UV-D 285 PY-Y22-6 395 VCA25 155
H2Opro-UV-D-TOC 285 PY-Y23 395 VCA200 145, 146
H2Opro-UV-T 285 SE2 8, 329, 334, 344, 367, 378 VCA700 150
H2Opro-UV-T-TOC 285 SE2-F 334 VCA701 150
H2Opro-VF-B 285 SMB70-3006-00 186 VCA800 153
H2Opro-VF-D 285 SMB80-3003-75 186 VD1005 378
H2Opro-VF-D-TOC 285 SMB80-3003-76 186 VF05C0 157
H2Opro-VF-T 285 SMB80-3003-77 186 VF05C4 157
H2Opro-VF-T-TOC 285 SMB80-3003-84 186 VF05P0 157
LMA200PM 9, 355, 364, 365 SMB80-3003-96 186 VF05P1 157
LMA301SY 369 SMB80-3004-07 186 VF05P2 157
LMA315PA-000U 369 SMB80-3004-70 186 VF05P3 157
LMA320PA 9, 355, 368, 369 SMB80-3004-71 186 VF05P4 157
LMA321PA-000U 369 SMB80-3004-80 186 VF05P6 157
LMA330RE-026 369 SMB80-3004-81 186 VF05P7 157
LMA330RH-040B 369 SMB80-3004-82 186 VF05P9 157
LMA330RH-046 369 SMB80-3005-00 186 VF20C0 159
LMA330RH-050B 369 SMB80-3005-10 186 VF20C4 159
ME5 8, 329, 334, 344, 347, 352, 367, 378 SMB80-3005-11 186 VF20H0 159
ME5-F 334 SMB80-3005-12 186 VF20H1 159
ME36S 8, 329, 334, 347, 352, 367 SN01C 378 VF20H2 159
ME235P 335, 344, 347, 352, 367 SWC900 347 VF20H9 159
ME235P-SD 335, 352 SWC900NF 347 VF20P0 159
ME235S 335, 344, 347, 352, 367 SWC900T 347 VF20P1 159
ME254S 335, 344, 347 SWC900TNF 347 VF20P2 159
ME414S 335, 344, 347 SWC1200 347 VF20P3 159
ME415S 344 SWC1200NF 347 VF20P4 159
ME614S 335, 344, 347 SWC1200T 347 VF20P7 159
PMD320PA 9, 355, 370, 371 SWC1200TNF 347 VF20P9 159
PMD320PA-000U 371 TE64 342 VF2396 352
PMD325PA 9, 355, 370, 371 TE124S 342 VF3604 352
PMD325PA-000U 371 TE153S 342 VF3677 352
PMD503-000U 374 TE212 342 VF4016 343
PMD510-000U 373 TE214S 342 VFA003 159
PMD511-000U 373 TE313S 342 VFA004 157, 159
PMD520-000U 373 TE412 342 VFA005 159
PMD521-000U 373 TE601 342 VFA006 156, 157, 159
PMD532-000U 373 TE612 342 VFA009 157, 159

Register 425
Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page
VFA012 157, 159, 176, 178 VPA007 161 VS0474 138
VFA013 159 VS01HT01 133 VS0601 140
VFA016 157 VS01HT21 133 VS0602 140
VFA020 157 VS01S1 132 VS0611 140
VFA030 157 VS02H01 135 VS0612 140
VFA031 157 VS02H02 135 VS0621 140
VFA032 157, 159 VS02H11 135 VS0622 140
VFA034 157 VS02H12 135 VS0631 140
VFA035 157, 159 VS02H21 135 VS0632 140
VFA036 159 VS02H22 135 VS0641 140
VFP001 157, 159, 176, 178 VS02H91 135 VS0642 140
VFP002 157, 159, 176, 178 VS02H92 135 VS0651 140
VFS202 159 VS02S1 135 VS0652 140
VFS204 159 VS02U1 135 VS0661 140
VFS502 157 VS02U2 135 VS0662 140
VFS504 157 VS02V1 135 VS0671 140
VK01P042 147 VS02V2 135 VS0672 140
VL1005 378 VS02X1 135 VS0691 140
VN01H01 165 VS02X2 135 VS0692 140
VN01H02 165 VS04S3 138 VS1501 142
VN01H2-SETO 165 VS06S1 140 VS1502 142
VN01H3-SETO 165 VS15RH01 143 VS1511 142
VN01H4-SETO 165 VS15RH02 143 VS1512 142
VN01H21 165 VS15RH11 143 VS1521 142
VN01H21ETO 165 VS15RH12 143 VS1522 142
VN01H22 165 VS15RH21 143 VS1531 142
VN01H22ETO 165 VS15RH22 143 VS1532 142
VN01H23ETO 165 VS15RH91 143 VS1541 142
VN01H31 165 VS15RH92 143 VS1542 142
VN01H31ETO 165 VS15S1 142 VS2001 146
VN01H32 165 VS20S1 146 VS2002 146
VN01H32ETO 165 VS0101 132 VS2011 146
VN01H33ETO 165 VS0102 132 VS2012 146
VN01H41 165 VS0111 132 VS2021 146
VN01H41ETO 165 VS0112 132 VS2022 146
VN01H42 165 VS0121 132 VS2031 146
VN01H42ETO 165 VS0122 132 VS2032 146
VN01H43ETO 165 VS0131 132 VS2041 146
VN01H91 165 VS0132 132 VS2042 146
VN01H92 165 VS0141 132 VS2051 146
VN01HH12 165 VS0142 132 VS2052 146
VN01HL12 165 VS0151 132 VS2061 146
VN02H01 167 VS0152 132 VS2062 146
VN02H02 167 VS0161 132 VS2071 146
VN02H2-SETO 167 VS0162 132 VS2072 146
VN02H03 167 VS0171 132 VS2091 146
VN02H3-SETO 167 VS0172 132 VS2092 146
VN02H4-SETO 167 VS0191 132 VS6001 150
VN02H21 167 VS0192 132 VS6002 150
VN02H21ETO 167 VS0201 135 VS6011 150
VN02H22 167 VS0202 135 VS6012 150
VN02H22ETO 167 VS0211 135 VS6021 150
VN02H23 167 VS0212 135 VS6022 150
VN02H23ETO 167 VS0221 135 VS6031 150
VN02H31 167 VS0222 135 VS6032 150
VN02H31ETO 167 VS0231 135 VS6041 150
VN02H32 167 VS0232 135 VS6042 150
VN02H32ETO 167 VS0241 135 VS6071 150
VN02H33 167 VS0242 135 VS6072 150
VN02H33ETO 167 VS0251 135 VSA001 142
VN02H41 167 VS0252 135 VSA002 142
VN02H41ETO 167 VS0261 135 VSA003 150
VN02H42 167 VS0262 135 VSA005 146
VN02H42ETO 167 VS0271 135 VS-ARABUFPK 176
VN02H43 167 VS0272 135 VS-ARAMAXIB 176
VN02H43ETO 167 VS0291 135 VS-ARAMAXIK 176
VN02H91 167 VS0292 135 VS-ARAMINIB 176
VN02H92 167 VS0403 138 VS-ARAMINIK 176
VN02H93 167 VS0404 138 VS-ARGBUFPK 176
VP0501 161 VS0413 138 VS-ARGMAXIB 176
VP0502 161 VS0414 138 VS-ARGMAXIK 176
VP0503 161 VS0423 138 VS-ARGMINIB 176
VP2001 161 VS0424 138 VS-ARGMINIK 176
VP2002 161 VS0433 138 VS-ARSTPKA2 176
VP2003 161 VS0434 138 VS-ARSTPKG2 176
VPA002 161 VS0443 138 VS-AVPQ020 169, 181
VPA005 153, 161 VS0444 138 VS-AVPQ022 169, 181
VPA006 161 VS0473 138 VS-AVPQ101 169, 182

426 Register
Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page
VS-AVPQ102 169, 182 WZG2 354 YCS31-652-0X 381
VS-AVPQ501 169, 183 WZG10 354 YCS31-653-0X 381
VS-AVPQ502 169, 183 WZG20 354 YCS31-654-0X 381
VS-IX01DH24 169, 171 YAC01MSA 343 YCS31-655-0X 381
VS-IX01DM24 169, 171 YAC01MSE 343 YCS31-711-0X 381
VS-IX01QH24 169, 171 YAC01MSU 343 YCS31-712-0X 381
VS-IX01QM24 169, 171 YAT01MA 363, 365 YCS31-713-0X 381
VS-IX01SH24 169, 171 YAW00 385 YCS31-714-0X 381
VS-IX01SM24 169, 171 YAW01 385 YCS31-715-0X 381
VS-IX01SQ16 171 YAW02 385 YCW013-0X 382
VS-IX20DH08 169, 171 YAW03 385 YCW023-0X 382
VS-IX20DM08 169 YAW04 385 YCW053-0X 382
VS-IX20QH08 169, 171 YAW05 385 YCW0111-0X 382
VS-IX20QM08 169, 171 YAW06 385 YCW113-0X 382
VS-IX20SH08 169, 171 YAW11 385 YCW0121-0X 382
VS-IX20SM08 169, 171 YAW12 385 YCW123-0X 382
VS-LVPQ040 169, 184 YAW13 385 YCW153-0X 382
VS-LVPQ500 185 YAW14 385 YCW0211-0X 382
VS-LVPQ1000 185 YAW21 385 YCW213-0X 382
VS-MCBUFPK 178 YAW31 385 YCW0221-0X 382
VS-MCMAXIB 178 YAW32 385 YCW223-0X 382
VS-MCMAXIK 178 YAW33 385 YCW253-0X 382
VS-MCMINI24 178 YAW41 385 YCW311-0X 383
VS-MCMINIB 178 YAW42 385 YCW312-0X 383
VS-MCST04 178 YAW43 385 YCW313-0X 383
VS-PPCSC 176, 177, 178 YAW50 385 YCW314-0X 383
VS-RP218L24 180 YAW50GL 385 YCW316-0X 383
VS-SP08HAIGG 179 YAW51 385 YCW321-0X 383
VS-SP08HAR 179 YAW52 385 YCW322-0X 383
VS-SP50HAR 179 YAW53 385 YCW323-0X 383
VW08ID02 169, 171 YAW61 378, 385 YCW324-0X 383
VW08IQ02 169, 171 YAW100GL 385 YCW326-0X 383
VW08IQ02V 175 YAW200GL 385 YCW351-0X 383
VW08IS02 169, 171 YAW500GL 385 YCW352-0X 383
VW08IS02V 175 YAW1000GL 385 YCW353-0X 383
VW08VAA02 173 YAW2000GL 385 YCW354-0X 383
VW08VAA03 173 YAW5000GL 385 YCW356-0X 383
VW08VAA04 173 YAW10000GL 385 YCW411-0X 383
VW08VAC01 173, 174, 175 YBR02FC 344 YCW412-0X 383
VW24HT051 133 YBR03PS2 343 YCW413-0X 383
VW24PS0212 133 YBT01 344, 345, 349 YCW414-0X 383
VW96VAA02 172 YBT02 344, 345, 349 YCW416-0X 383
VW96VAA03 172 YCC01-0024M01 344 YCW421-0X 383
VW96VAA04 172 YCC01-USBM2 344 YCW422-0X 383
VW96VAA05 172 YCM02C 378 YCW423-0X 383
VW96VAC01 172, 174, 175 YCM03C 378 YCW424-0X 383
WZ2P-CW 354 YCM05C 378 YCW426-0X 383
WZ64-CW 354 YCP03-1 351, 352 YCW451-0X 383
WZ64S 354 YCP03-2 351 YCW452-0X 383
WZ124-CW 354 YCP04MS 343 YCW453-0X 383
WZ124S 354 YCS01-513-0X 381 YCW454-0X 383
WZ214S 354 YCS01-514-0X 381 YCW456-0X 383
WZ215-CW 354 YCS01-515-0X 381 YCW0511-0X 382, 383
WZ224-CW 354 YCS01-523-0X 381 YCW512-0X 383
WZ323 354 YCS01-524-0X 381 YCW513-0X 383
WZ523 354 YCS01-525-0X 381 YCW514-0X 383
WZ523-CW 354 YCS01-613-0X 381 YCW516-0X 383
WZ614-CW 354 YCS01-614-0X 381 YCW0521-0X 382, 383
WZ1203 354 YCS01-615-0X 381 YCW522-0X 383
WZ8202 354 YCS01-653-0X 381 YCW523-0X 383
WZ12001 354 YCS01-654-0X 381 YCW524-0X 383
WZA26-CW 354 YCS01-655-0X 381 YCW526-0X 383
WZA64 354 YCS011-351-0X 381 YCW551-0X 383
WZA64-X 354 YCS011-352-0X 381 YCW552-0X 383
WZA65-CW 354 YCS011-511-0X 381 YCW553-0X 383
WZA124 354 YCS011-512-0X 381 YCW554-0X 383
WZA224 354 YCS011-521-0X 381 YCW556-0X 383
WZA224-ND 354 YCS011-522-0X 381 YCW611-0X 383
WZA225-CW 354 YCS011-611-0X 381 YCW612-0X 383
WZA323 354 YCS011-612-0X 381 YCW613-0X 383
WZA523 354 YCS011-651-0X 381 YCW614-0X 383
WZA623-X 354 YCS011-652-0X 381 YCW615-0X 383
WZA1203 354 YCS31-611-0X 381 YCW616-0X 383
WZA6202-X 354 YCS31-612-0X 381 YCW621-0X 383
WZA8202 354 YCS31-613-0X 381 YCW622-0X 383
WZA12001 354 YCS31-614-0X 381 YCW623-0X 383
WZA12001-X 354 YCS31-615-0X 381 YCW624-0X 383
WZG1 354 YCS31-651-0X 381 YCW625-0X 383

Register 427
Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page
YCW626-0X 383 YCW7169-0X 383 YSTP01 344, 350
YCW651-0X 383 YCW7254-0X 383 YSZ01C 378, 385
YCW652-0X 383 YCW7259-0X 383 YSZ01RMC 378, 385
YCW653-0X 383 YCW7269-0X 383 YSZ02C 378, 385
YCW654-0X 383 YCW7554-0X 383 YTC01 344
YCW655-0X 383 YCW7559-0X 383 YTM01MA 363
YCW656-0X 383 YCW7569-0X 383 YTM03MA 363
YCW711-0X 383 YCW8157-0X 383 YWCF02 347
YCW712-0X 383 YCW8159-0X 383 YWCF03 347
YCW713-0X 383 YCW8257-0X 383 YWCG01 347
YCW714-0X 383 YCW8259-0X 383 YWCG02 347
YCW715-0X 383 YCW8557-0X 383 YWCG03 347
YCW716-0X 383 YCW8559-0X 383 YWCG04 347
YCW721-0X 383 YCW9157-0X 383 YWCG07 347
YCW722-0X 383 YCW9159-0X 383 YWCG16 347
YCW723-0X 383 YDB01WZA 351 YWP01CP 345
YCW724-0X 383 YDB05MA 363 YWP01MC 344
YCW751-0X 383 YDH01MS 343 YWP01ME 344
YCW752-0X 383 YDK01 344, 345, 348 YWP01MS 343
YCW753-0X 383 YDK01LP 345, 348 YWT03 343, 344
YCW754-0X 383 YDK01MS 343, 348 YWT04 343, 344
YCW813-00 383 YDK02MS 343 YWT09 343, 344
YCW814-0X 383 YDO01MS-B 343 YWT10 347
YCW823-00 383 YDO01MS-P 343 YWT11 347
YCW824-0X 383 YDO01MS-R 343
YCW853-00 383 YDP01MA 363
YCW854-0X 383 YDP03-0CE 363
YCW913-00 383 YDP10-0CE 343
YCW914-00 383 YDP10BT-0CE 343
YCW1111-0X 382 YDP20-0CE 336, 339, 344, 358
YCW1121-0X 382 YDP20-PH 395
YCW1211-0X 382 YDR200SIC 378
YCW1221-0X 382 YDR500SIC 378
YCW1511-0X 382 YDR1000SIC 378
YCW1521-0X 382 YDS01C 378
YCW2111-0X 382 YDS01CP 345
YCW2121-0X 382 YDS01WZA 351
YCW2211-0X 382 YDS02CP 345
YCW2221-0X 382 YDS03C 378
YCW2511-0X 382 YDS03MA 363
YCW2521-0X 382 YDS04MA 363
YCW3128-00 384 YDS05C 378
YCW3138-00 384 YDS05MA 363
YCW3228-00 384 YDS20C 378
YCW3238-00 384 YDS22C 378
YCW3528-00 384 YDS24C 378
YCW3538-00 384 YDS26C 378
YCW4128-00 384 YDS44C 378
YCW4138-00 384 YDS62C 378
YCW4228-00 384 YDS64C 378
YCW4238-00 384 YDS80C 378
YCW4528-00 363, 384 YDS82C 378
YCW4538-00 384 YDS85C 378
YCW5128-00 363, 384 YDS87C 378
YCW5138-00 384 YFS01 343, 344
YCW5148-00 384 YGS01ME 344
YCW5228-00 384 YHS01MS 343
YCW5238-00 384 YHS02 343, 344
YCW5248-00 384 YIB01-0DR 344, 350
YCW5528-00 384 YIB01-0UR 344, 350
YCW5538-00 384 YP50K 378
YCW5548-00 384 YPE01RC 343, 344
YCW6128-00 384 YPR02C 378
YCW6138-00 384 YRB05Z 344, 345
YCW6148-00 384 YRB06Z 345
YCW6228-00 384 YRB08Z 345
YCW6238-00 384 YRD02Z 344
YCW6248-00 384 YRD03Z 343, 344
YCW6528-00 384 YRD11Z 343, 344
YCW6538-00 384 YSC02 343
YCW6548-00 384 YSL01D 344
YCW6554-0X 383 YSL07D 343
YCW6559-0X 383 YSN01DC 378
YCW6569-0X 383 YSN01LC 378
YCW7138-00 384 YSN01MC 378
YCW7148-00 384 YSS43-00 363
YCW7154-0X 383 YSS3138-6538-0X 381
YCW7159-0X 383 YSS5128-6528-0X 381

428 Register
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Publication No.: S--0300-e11065

Order No.: 85030-519-74

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