ONA - Hostia Volume I PDF
ONA - Hostia Volume I PDF
ONA - Hostia Volume I PDF
J Secret Teachings
1 The O.N.A .
Volume I
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The Seven-Fold Sinister Way: A Comprehensive Guide
Black Book, Naos, Azoth and 'Fenrir'. After this preliminary study
External Adept:
'chthonic' according to desire.
Further training of companion up to and including Grade Ritual of
Internal Adept, if required.
Prepare for and undertake Grade Ritual of Abyss.
General Notes:
The Initiate stage lasts between six months to a year. The External
Adept stage lasts from one to three years. The Internal Adept stage
lasts from three to seven years.
- Insight Roles - A Guide
- The Roles:
o Join the Police Force (assuming you meet the reqUirements) and so experience
life at 'the sharp end' and being a servant of a higher authority. *
All roles should last for at least six months and all must be completed
(i.e. you leave them) before the end of eighteen months. All the roles will
by their very nature test your Satanic Views and beliefs and thus your
desire to continue along the sinister way. All will expose you to difficulties.
Once the choice is made, it is up to you to find means of undertaking the
role - e.g. in the case of joining the Police, finding reasons why which will
convince a selection panel; in the case of becoming a burglar, finding someone
to buy your stolen items and so on.
The essence of these Insight Roles can be succinctly stated: Incipit
ONA 1989 ev
Note: In times of actual War, an alternative InSight Role is to join one of the
Armed Forces and so gain combat experience.
The Secret Tasks of the Sinister Way
Before Initiation and after undertaking the tasks of a Neophyte as given in the
'Guide' MS:(a) find an area where game is plentiful and, equipping yourself
with either a cross-bow or an ordinary bow (such as a longbow) hunt/stalk some
suitable game and make a kill. Skin and prepare this game yourself (if necessary
'hanging' the game until it is ready) and (when ready) cook and eat it.
"Game" in this context means [for the U.K.] venison, hare, rabbit, partridge,
pheasant, Wildfowl and so on. In effect, you are assuming the 'role' of hunter.
(b) obtain, from a Nazarene place of worship, some 'hosts'. If you are
seeking Initiation into an established group, this will be your test of
fidelity (etc.) and the hosts will be used in the celebration of the Black Mass.
If you are undertaking a self-Initiation (as for example given in The Black Book
of Satan) then immediately following this rite you should trample on or otherwise
defile these 'hosts' (e.g. by urinating on them) saying "By this deed I pledge
myself to counter Nazarene filth and give myself, body, blood and soul, to Satan,
Prince of Darkness." You should then burn the hosts or what remains of them by
placing them in a vessel containing flammable liquid and setting this aligh~,
laughing While the burning seals your gesture and your oath.
After the rite or ceremony of Initiation and following completion of the tasks as
given in the 'Guide' MS, you should choose and undertake, for between six to
eighteen months, an 'Insight Role'. [See the MS 'Insight Roles - A Guide'.]
External Adept:
(a) With the Temple (formed as one of the tasks of an External Adept - see the
'Guide') perform a Black Mass with hosts obtained by a neophyte of the Temple
wishing Initiation.
(b) Train several members, and yourself. in the undertaking of tests relevant to
choosing an opfer. Select some sUitable victims. using the general gUidelines
for so selecting, and undertake the relevant tests. The victim or victims having
been chosen, perform The Death Ritual with the intent of eliminating by magickal
means the chosen victim(s). Thereafter, and having completed all the necessary
preparations, select a further victim using Aeonics or sinister strategy as
a gUide and undertake a culling either during a sUitable rite (e.g. the Ceremony
of Recalling) or via practical means. You may elect to do this latter yourself,
or you may nominate a trusted, sUitable member in good standing to undertake
this for the glory of the Temple, using a method of your own devising. At the
same time. perform a Death Ritual.
It must be stressed - (i) the victims must be chosen according to Satanic
principles as given in the various Order MSS; (ii) those chosen must be
tested according to Satanic principles as given in the relevent MSS; (iii) the
acts or acts of culling may arise from your own implemenation of Satanic
strategy and tactics or from one of the members of your Temple who is
fulfilling Satanic wyrd by some role or Satanic act, that member having elected
to follow the sinister path in a committed way.
These secret tasks, together With the tasks and ordeals and rites described
in the 'Guide' and explained in detail in the books "Naos" and "The Black Book
of Satan" (and explicated in the various Order MSS contained in 'Hostia 1/11'
and 'Hysteron Proteron')represent the Way of Satan. They are Satanic. As such,
they are fitting only to a minority. Some who profess to be Satanists (and who may
be seeking a Satanic Initiation in an established Order)will read them, or hear of
them, and be surprised, perhaps even appalled. 'They are not necessary' they or
some others will say, fearing to really begin following the reality of the Left
Handed Path as marked out by those tasks.
But Satanism and the Left Handed Path are as they are - dark, dangerous,
difficult and full of diabolic ecstasies. So it is, so it has been and so shall
it be - to enable evolution while the fearful majorities in their sloth and
delusions continue their morbid existence.
Sellins Water:By Ohe :Riyer
this mean?
Seven-Fold \-Iay.
Nothing original.
of her own Destiny - conventionally, "believing in the correctness of the
views so espoused") goes beyond the norms of society and its herd majority
and thus achieves personal knowledge of the illegal and the forbidden
(in that society).
The word 'diabolic' itself derives from the Greek
oLa~a>..>..wmeaning to "pass beyond" or "over", from the
root oLa - "through" and, as a causal accusative, "with
the aid of".
Later, OLa~a>..>..w acquired a more moral sense for
example 'to set against' (Aristotle) although it was sometimes
used (as oLa~o>..oc;;) when a 'bad' or 'false' sense was meant,
as for example, a false accusation.
Later still,OLa~o>..oc;; became "devil" or "The Devil" in the
sense of Nazarene theology.
Devil: .
The early forms of the English word 'devil' are regarded as
deriving from the Gothic (e.g. the Old English divull 'diabaulus'
which came from the Latin 'diabolus'.
However, the Old English 'deofol' and kindred words like the
Old Frisian 'diovel' could possibly be derived from the suffix
'fel', a variant of 'fell' meaning fierce, savage, wild. Then
the original form, e.g., deofel, would mean the 'fierce/
savage/wild' god. There is some justitification for the use
of the Latin prefix in this manner - e.g. 'deodand', which
occurs in 12th Century English. It is interesting in this context
that 'fell' (from the Latin 'fello' )was often used to describe
both a wild, fierce person (such as an outlaw) and a brave man
.J or warrior. Much later, the word passed into general usuage as
'felon' - with a moral sense.
This is often regarded as from the Hebrew, meaning accuser.
However, the Hebrew is itself derived from the Greek aL.La
"an accusation" - qv. Aeschylus: aL.Lav txw
The Greek form became corrupted to the Hebrew 'Satan' - whence
also 'Shaitan'.
In Greek of the classical period aL.La and oLa~o>"D were
often used for the same thing, particuarly when a 'bad' or 'false'
sense was required.
It is not generally known, outside of certain academic circles,
that Hebrew is Greek [a Jewish scholar once wrote a book with
that title; it did not please his brethren] - that Hebrew
is essentially in its origins a corrupt form of Greek, with
some other influences thrown in.
Ev i 1:
The word 'evil' derives from the Gothic 'ubils' which meant
a 'going beyond' (the due measure) - and did not have a 'moral'
sense. Only later (under the influence of Nazarene theology) did
it acquire a strict moral sense, and became an abstract absolute.
quioe to :Black JvtaSick
Interna1 Magick
This is when magicka1 techniques (e.g.
Grade Ritua1s) are used to a1ter the consciousness of an
individua1. The rites of interna1 magick 'open the gates'
between the causa1 and the acausa1. and change the perception
from 'ego' consciousness to the 'se1f' and what is beyond.
In the Jungian sense. interna1 magick produces 'individuation'.
and 1eads to Adepthood.
The main rites of interna1 magick are the hermetic
workings associated with the spheres and pathways of the
septenary Tree of Wyrd. and the Grade Ritua1 of Interna1
Adept which invo1ves the individua1 1iving in iso1ation
for at 1east three months.
It is one of the main functions of estab1ished Orders
and Temp1es to prepare their members for interna1 magick
and offer guidance a10ng the way.
Aeonic Magick
This is the magick of the Master. the
Mistress of Earth and the Magus. and its basis is an
understanding of those forces which inf1uence 1arge numbers
of peop1e over 10ng periods of time. On one 1eve1, aeonic
magick is the a1teration/distortion of such forces; on
another, it is the 'creation' of new energies and their
dispersion over the Earth to change conscious evo1ution.
In one sense. this is the 'b1ackest' magick of a11.
Satanism, as a way of magick, has no seasonal rites,
no servitude or submission to any diety and no fear. There
are thus in Satanic rites no defensive circles or
measures of any kind: only an exultation in the forces of
the rite, a prideful possession and mastery.
Rituals are often done at the time of the full moon
because it helps one to see when the ritual is done
outdoors and because it gives atmosphere to the rite.
Sometimes, rites are conducted on or around the seasonal
changes - solstice and equinox - because there is magickal
energy present then (due to Earth's changes) and this
energy can be harnessed. The same applies to planetary
workings - the rising and setting of planets (astronomically
calculated for the horizon of the observer - and not using
..., the frandulent 'planetary' tables given in most books)
Such planetary energies exist - but are generally small,
and have little effect on rituals done correctly. Most
Occultists delude themselves about the nature and extent
1 of these energies (this is particuarly true of the Moon)
to become sensitive to them is difficult in our shielded,
technological society. Generally, only Adepts ( and the
naturally gifted) possess the required empathy.
However, this said, the full moon is rightly associated
with 'lunacy' and 'demonic' possession - as anyone who
has worked nights at Mental Hospita~ will testify. This
power can also be harnessed during a ritual.
Celebratory rites in traditional Satanism are of
two kinds - 1) those that express the energies of
Satanism - e.g. the Black Mass, Ceremony of Recalling - and
whose performance thus distorts the currents of the
Nazarenes and the Old Aeon; and 2) those which create
new energies appropriate to the Satanic age of fire to
come - e.g. invokations to the 'Dark Gods'.
The Black 1-1ass is still celebrated simply because
the Nazarenes ( and their allies) are still powerful and
still polluting us with their filth. It is still the
main ceremonial rite performed on a regular basis by
organized Temples, and - like all ceremonial rituals
its performance gives identity to the Temple, strengthening
the magickal and personal ties of the members as well
as furthering the work of the Prince of Darkness because
it is a rite of Black Magick.
The mysteries of the Nine Angles form an important
aspect of genuine Black Magick. On the physical level,
the nine represent energy Vibrations - for according to
tradition, a crystal shaped like a tetrahedron responds
to voice vibration of the correct pitch and intensity.
In simple terms, the crystal amplifies the power of
thought and produces magickal change. Quartz gives the
best results, although spinel may be used. The tetrahedron
shape has to be created from the natural material by a
skilled operator.
On another level, the nine symbolize (that is, re-present)
the progression of Aeons and thus the Aeonic energies.
The representation is that of the nine combinations of
the three alchemical substances (9(9) e(~) ec~) etc.)
over the seven fundamental levels, these levels being
the spheres of the septenary 'Tree of Wyrd'. The Star
Game is a physical representation of these symbols the
seven boards are the spheres, and the pieces are the
alchemical variations. (It should be noted that the
nine main variations spread over the seven spheres also
represent an individual - their consciousness, life and
wyrd.) Thus the magick or 'sorcery' of the Star Game
an imitation (magickally done) of an Aeon or individual
whose change (the moves of the Star Game) is manipulated
by the magickian (the 'player' of the Game). The Star
Game has two sets of twenty-seven pieces - one set white,
the other black, representing the two aspects of cosmic
Change (or the causal and acausal). These pieces are spread
over the seven boards.
l The Nine Angles also symbolize the seven plus two
gates (or spheres) that join our causal universe with
the acausal (or 'magickal') universe. The seven are the
spheres of the Tree of Wyrd (zones of magickal energy),
I and the other two are the Abyss - where the causal and
acausal meet in temporary stasis - and the acausal itself,
which is beyond even the Tree. The Abyss, in the
septenary system, lies between the spheres of Sun and
Mars, and its crossing is the ordeal of the Adept and
the genesis of the Master/Mistress of Earth. It signifies
the beginning of acausal perception.
The other important form of Black Magick is to do with
self-survival after death. This can be done in two ways,
depending on the aim of the operator. The first is
transference of the essence of self-hood, near the moment
of physical death, into another physical body, ensuring
thus the continuation of existence on the physical level.
Grimoires and in those who were accused of such things. Later, various
individuals were regarded as 'Satanic' and as teaching a form of Satanism,
the most familiar being A. Crowley, Esq. Still later, various organizations
emerged, each claiming to be Satanic and each teaching what they called
was authentic Satanism. The most significant of these are the Church of
Satan (Anton LaVey), the Temple of Set (Michael Aquino) and the Order
of Nine Angles (ONA).
Church of Satan: The church achieved a high media-profile due to the showmanship
of LaVey. He expounded a philosophy of unenlightened egotism and self-
interest together with a belief in carnality. The rituals were in the
tradition of the Grimoires and imbued with qabalistic symbolism/notions
(including some deriving from Crowley). Further, the Devil was dispensed
with as an external Power - making the LaVey type of Sa tan ism more of a
practical belief system than a dangerous (in Occult terms) undertaking.
the former) insist upon belief in their own version of Satanism - and expect
the adherent/member to accept/conform. There is thus a fostering of
dependance by the individual upon the group (and in particular the leader(s)
and Master).
Order of Nine Angles: The Order first emerged to public view in the early
1980's (eh) and basically taught that Satanism was a means to attain
self and Occult insight and abilities, and that this could only be done
on an individual basis via direct, personal, experience.
which causes a rejection of the reality (and harshness) of life; it is
not a refuge for the failures, the cowards and the weak ... Satan ism is
about pride, an acceptance of individual worth. It is about defiance
challenging the accepted, seeking to know the unknown and seeking the
discover, to explore and to conquer: a refusal or bow down or givu in .
It is about excellence - of going beyond what is, in personal terms;
of achieving a greater awareness and understanding than the majority.
It is a desire to experience the limits of living, to strive for the gods
The Diabolist is insipid and rather pathetic, a historical curiosity
only - a footnote in the psycho-pathology of the Nazarene religion. Crowley
1 was a rather underdeveloped egotist who lacked the character to develope
real self-insight~ He could and did manipulate others, and did possess
some Occult powers (intuitively) and some understanding of the Art of magick.
His followers are trapped by the flaws of his system - chief among which
are a belief-system (in 'Thelema') and methods which encourage self-stupifaction
and self-satisfaction (and thus the illusion of development) rather than real
self-insight and thus Occult abilities.
Church of Satan members{and to a lesser extend those of the Temple of
Set) accept a sanitized Satan ism - a "safe Satan ism" where the Darkness is
said to be only within, where it cannot threaten them. They also are stuck
on the bottom rung of Occult understanding - seeing nothing beyond the ego and
the carnal. The Temple of Set claims to go further, but there is little or no
practical experience of evil, of the Sinister, of those Dark forces which are
part of the cosmos - there is instead an intellectualizing. There is also
no going to extremes, in living, no ordeals which challenge(and make) character.
No quest for personal excellence. Instead, there is the secur1ty of organization,
the acceptance of Temple authority and mandates. In brief, a fostering
of a type of mental servitude - in belief and in practice. All these are
contrary to what Satan ism is.
Only the ONA understands and practices Satanism as it is, with its
insistence that Satanism is about individual self-development in both
the real and the Occult worlds, and that this can only be achieved by hard,
long, dangerous and ~oilsome experience. Further, the ONA has exhibited
a creativity and an understanding which makes all other manifestations pale
into insignificance. Thus, it is not surprising that it has been so
influencial in the past few years.
This influence has, however, seldom been acknowledged - other groups and
individuals often borrowing the teachings, methods and ideas and claiming
them as their own, this 'borrowing' not being confined to "Satanic" or
Left Hand Path groups in general. This is both natural, and necessary
given the sterility of creativity which exists and has existed in such groups,
and given the nature of the human species in general, and the Satanic in
The chief contributions of the ONA toward an understanding of Satan ism in
particular and the Occult in general may be briefly described:
1) Satan ism and the LHP as a means to individual development leading to
Adeptship and beyond - via practical experience and ordeals (qv. the
Grade Rituals); 2) the emphasis on developing both the mental and physical
character of the individual; 3) a greater understanding of magickal
(and Occult) forces - and thus their nature - via the development of the
concepts of causal and acausal, and an abstract system to represent this,
enabling conscious apprehension (as against belief and superstition);
3) the re-structing of magickal forms and symbols in archetypal terms
in particular the septenary Tree of Wyrd and the Deofel Quartet (the later
explicating the archetypal, particularly in the 'real world' from
the viewpoint of the sinister novice); 4) the creation of a Sinister Tarot
whose images ~ sinister and thus imbued with Satanic energy; 5) the
emphasis on the individual Initiate working alone and achieving practical
goals - without accepting in a religious way a higher authority - and
making this achievable by all via the publication of practical gUides to
all aspects of Satan ism (Naos, Black Book etc.); 6) revealing and
significantly extending Aeonic Magick - enabling any individual to undertake
such works; 7) bringing an awareness of the Dark Gods - of the sinister
energies/forces which exist and which are supra-personal and thus
It is indicative of the sorry state of most Vccult paths
J and the people ,"ho follow them - that there is an abundence
of dis-information, deceit, mystification and cultivation of
.... e~o's.
Consider a typical case. A young man developes an interest
in Occult arts, and eagerly seeks information and cnntacts.
... Dooks and nrticles are read, contacts made, perhaps a group or
j three joined. Soon, the young man is part of 'the Occult scene'
- I
(2) after a little while he CODes to believe he has attained
his goal (and thus is an 'Adept' or 'l:aster' or whatever)
usually after engaging in a few rituals and a lot of conversations
and meet~ngs with others; (3) after a short or intermediate period
cultivating and fa'.... nin:; upon others (and thus assisting them
in their endless ca!:1paigns to 'safeguard' their own reputations
by attempting to discredit others via rumours and so on) he
establishes an identity for himself -exaggerating his 0\01
] ac~ievements, knowledge and contacts. In short, there is
the perpetuation of old Aeon traits and values - contra what
the Occult in general is supposed to be aehieving.
Two things are involved in this process: the desire (mostly
- unconscious, and natural) for self-importance, and self-delusion.
Part of this self-delusion occurs b"cause of the 'intellectualization
of the Occult' - there is too much talk, too much acceptence
.. .
. .. . . . . .~~1990 eh)
1990 ev
.. , 1
Manipulation II
ONA 1990 ev
- Ritual Magick - Cure and Sedue Ceremonial
Magick enables us to capture again and again those moments which not only
shape our lives but which can extend the possibilities of our existence: those
moments when we know with an exhileration and an insight that transcends words,
when we become more than a single isolated individual burdened with a
For some time there has been a denial of and attempts to undermine
the ceremonial in magick: there has arisen a plethora of self-written rituals
and "chaos" type workings. This, however, arises from a misunderstanding
of the nature of ceremonial. Basically, there are two types of ceremonial
workings in magick: dure ceremonial, and sedue ceremonial. The first is
essentially ritual used for internal magick - to produce/provoke/inspire
changes within the consciousness of those participating/attending.
The second is (or r~ther should be) a performance which transports the
individual participants to another realm and which engages their whole
being. It is not however a possession - but rather a developed awareness,
a new way of being distinct from "everyday" existence, one in which all
the elements (mind, body, emotions etc.) are a unity.
A sedue ceremonial is an artistic event of the highest type because
it is a conscious attempt to make the acausal real (to presence it) in
causal time. However, like any artistic performance, a ritual can be good,
indifferent, bad or great depending on the talent and abilities of those
performing/conducting it. If it is any of the first three, it will not
achieve its purpose.
A great performance is one which captures the essence of the ritual
- which brings the acausal, which "opens a nexion", and which thus has
the magickal power to transform. This of course is a rare event - at least
these days - and like, for example, a great performance of a drama or a
symphony, requires both talent and preparation. Unfortunately, in the past
as in the present, ceremonial rituals when attempted are done mostly by
inept performers with little or no preparation and little if any empathy
with the magick which the ritual re-presents. Thus the ritual is magickally
ineffective: non-inspirational for the participants/congregation. Further,
elements of self-delusion (regarding the "magick") are mostly present.
Such "performances" tend to confirm the mistaken belief that ceremonial
forms are either boring or outmoded or both.
A ceremonial ritual should be vivifying - and awaken "numinous" feelings.
It should stimulate all the senses - for a sedue ritual in a subtle way;
for dure ritual in an obvious/overt way. Incenses and fragrences should
stimulate the sense of smell; the eyes should be stimulated by colour and
imagery; hearing by the sounds of chanting, by music, words; the intellect
by the symbols/content/intent; the passions by the spirit or elan of the
performance and perhaps the sight/gestures of an individual or individuals
performing a specific "role", their manner of dress (or undress) and their
physical movement.
A ceremonial ritual is a seduction - of the participants/congregation
by he/she/they conducting it or the power of the rite itself because
the rite captures or transforms an aspect or aspects of the acausal. This
seduction is subtle if the ritual is a sedue one, and obVious/overt/harsh
if it is a dure one. But by its nature it always has a temporal structure
as it always is a nexion to the acausal - if it is a genuine magickal rite,
that is, one that possesses when performed acausal (or magickal) energy/power.
Both of these aspects - the temporal structure and the nexion - are important,
although hitherto esoteric.
Each shall be considered in turn. First, temporal structure. This means
that the ritual has a beginning, a middle (or 'action'/development) and
a definite end: it is confined in temporal time, and while a specific
specific performance may be 'fast' or 'slow' depending on the mood and
the intensity, it is generally of a certain duration. Second - a nexion.
This means that in form and content (e.g. the techniques used to draw upon
magickal energy) it is effective - it accesses the forms/symbols and so
on required for its purpose. This means more than that it 'produces emotion'.
Emotion arises or should arise from the performance by the effort and talent
of the performers. Rather, such accessing means it re-presents certain
elements of the acausal in an accessable form, such as archetypes or
numinous gymbols. This requires what can only be called a type of 'artistic
creation' - and this in itself can be of varying quality, as in music or
any creative endevour. Most creations, however, as rituals, are not
effective: they do not presence the acausal, although they may produce
emotion and perhaps the occassional insight. Emotion, however, is not
magick - just as "intellectual stimulation" and/or undisciplined behaviour
are not, although such things result and are expected to result from what
passes for "magickal rituals" today. Only rarely does a creation become
or be magickal - that is, a nexion, despite the intent of the person or
persons who undertake such creation. Thus, no amount of desire, no amount
of intellectual knowledge can make or create a ritual which is magickally
effective. Only rarely does a creation become or is magickal. It may become
so due to the "aura" or "tradition" surrounding it (partly due to past
performances) - but even in this instance it must still possess some aspects
which access the acausal directly. It is magickal when it is that rare
entity: a genuine magickal creation.
The temporal structure and accessing of a ritual mean that a genuine
rite, once created or transmitted via tradition, must be respected for
what it is: effective performance requires fidelity to the temporal limits
and its internal structure - in terms of all its formalized elements such
as words, chants, symbols, images, colours etc. Outside of this, there
can be (and indeed should be) artistic interpretation, a vivifying of the
original by the talent and skill of the performer(s). A genuine magickal
ritual is a work of art - and requires 'interpretation', that is, performance,
to presence the acausal. it is in short a conscious causal expression of
aspects of the acausal - and in performance lives in both the causal and
the acausal. Hence its power to transform.
[It should be remembered that only ceremonial magick is being considered
here - the above does not imply that only ceremonial forms are effective
as magick. There are many other forms or means of accessing the acausal.J
Given this understanding, it should be obvious that there are very
few rituals, written down or transmitted, which presence the acausal and
which, in an inspiring performance or interpretation, are capable of transforming
either the consciousness of others or of producing changes in the causal metr~c
itself. That is, there a few rituals which possess in their written form
n the potential to be a nexion to the acausal: and even these require inspirational
performance: rehearsal, planning, the correct intent or desire ... In short,
the creation of "atmosphere" and skill/ability in performance. The rituals that
proliferate today - and most of those regarded as 'traditional' - may in their
performance pass some moments of causal time and may even fill some
individuals with emotion (and boredom is an emotion), but they are not and never
will be magickal.
Of the rituals that do exist, those in 'The Black Book of Satan' together
with a few others (such as The Ceremony of Recalling in its various forms) rank
as supreme works of magick. Some other rites possess the potential to do even
more on the causal level (e.g. the Nine Angles rites) - producing aeonic changes.
Thus explicated, genUine Black Magick becomes available to all: for the
first time ever.
~ O N A 1990 ev
The Alchemy of ~1agick
Magick is not an object for academic study - it is essentially
practical. It also requires self-discipline and training
the acquisition of skills.
Xo books or teacher can teach magick: it can only be learnt
by practice, by the trials and errors of eA~erience. All books
and teachers can do, at best, is guide: tow~rd and into the
rel~ant experiences and offer some explanations for cause,
effect and what is beyond the causal.
Similarly, wi11ful self-expression will be mostly counter
productive. What is required of the novice and Initiate is
self-discipline and that insight which arises from achievement
and adversity. Modern life, however, has made these things
difficult - it is easy to be self-opinionated, to accept
the comforts of.~odern living and the lack of self-discipline,
just as modern "methods" and "ideas" about "magick" make it
seem that understanding of and achievement in magick is easy:
all that is needed are the relevant books/grade manuals/
information and a chaotic mind/attitude/approach.
There is not and never has been any substitute for self
learning from experience. The real learning of magick occurs
by the individua1 novice, alone: group work and group
experience merely confirm that learning and extend the
techniques, the forms that are used. This is so because
real magick is internal - an alchemy of psychic change. It is
the techniques which are external. For instance, sexual
ma:;ick is a technique of magick - it is not magick or
'magickal' in itself - just as ceremonial ritual is a
technique. All tec!miques are forms which are dormant - they
need vivifying, bringing to life: they need to be infused
with the 'breath of life'. This vivification is magick, and
its achievement is individual, that is, it does not rely on
the form - on minute details of performance or technique.
Sometimes, this vivific~tion is shared - e.g. between two
individuals undcrtal:ing a seALIal rite or a group gathering
for a ceremony.
For too long the techniques have been rezarded as magickal
in themselves, leading to a complete misunderstanding of
magick - as, for example, by Crowley and his followers and
by adherents of latter-day "chaos" techniC}ues. kagick is
beyond technique - techniques and for~s merely presence the
magick in the causal, and to access the magickal ener~ies
sldll is required. Sometimes, this sl~ill is intuitive - an
inborn gift - but most often it has to be cultivated, learnt,
acquired. The s1.:ill is an internal one, and may be likened
to an attitude of mind. It is a "movin.; 'vith" ma.;ic1..al ener.;ies
as those encr.;ies are, in themselves - it is not a loose,
undirected approach, a chaotic acceptance, but a finely
balanced direction; not a loss of conscious awa~eness/
und~rstanding, but a new type of awareness. It is like
running long distances: innate ability may help, but training
is required, an awareness of limitations born from past
experience, a self-discipline to acllieve the distance in the
time set - and then the running, which when successful is a
'flowing with' the body and ~ind
- In magick, desire makes the energy - once accessed via
the individual - presence in the form/technique chosen. This
desire is usually aimed - that is, it has a c~usal goal
(as for example in external rnagick). The form or technique
chosen may stiMulate to some extent the production of ma6icl~al
enerzies - but it is the individual who must push open the
gate (or nexion) and direct the ener~ies that lie beyond it.
~hat the forms and techniques most o~ten do is make the nexion
seem real and accessable - often '~rovoking' within the
individual the consciousness required to push open the nexion
and presence the energies.
, Because of this, ceremonial rituals (or any ritual where
more than two are present and involved) require direction or
control - of the images/forms/patterns invoked and the
presencing of such in the causal. This direction is always
toward the causal (that is, toward a specific aim or into
the psyche of an individual or individuals) because of the
nature of the energies - there is always 'flow'. If no control
is undertaken (or the direction is confused because more than
one attempts to control the flow - perhaps unconsciously) then
causal change ,~ill still occur (and must occur) although in
.. ,"'ays I'robably unforseen by those involved - this is ,.hat
usually ha?pens when some individuals gnther and attempt an
act of magick - and often results in psychic disruption of
one or more o~ those individuals.
The alchemy of magick is in learning this control - in being
able to access the energies, and being able to produce
changes via the presencing of what is accessed: internally
(within one's o,m psyche), externally (in others and the
things of the everyday) and aeonically(within and beyond the
confines of aeonics). There is thus a lenrning about the
various types of magic]~al energies (which may be said to be
differentiated by how they presence i~ the causal) - and
their uses. In short, the acquisition of individual sl~ill
and understanding. To achieve this, there are certain ways
certain guides which may be followed. This is a serious
commitment - not a hobby, not a gathering of some like-minded
people as and when for an enjoyable and e~o-gratifying
delving into 'the Cccult', and certainly not 'for lau~hs' or
to entertain. There is an intensity, a self-discipline, even
sometimes a hardness - and those pleasures which are beyond mere
~ortals. In brie~, new ways of living.
for ,.,.hile the alchemy of magicl~ is no,.. accessable to
everyone (due to works such as ":\;'\os") it is unlil:ely m<lny will
foreswear their current and easy ways of living for the
CK;' 1991 eh
Acausal Existence - The Secret Revealed
DNA 1991 eh
Baphomet - A Note on the Name
Baphomet - A Note on the Name II
I the group/Temple/Order or its members or by proxy. Proxy
Note: ~lethod~ (2) and (3) are no longer undertaken and are
given for his~orical interest ~
The Deoe1 Quartet
The Deofe1 Quartet: Themes and Questions
The f0110wing 1ists give some (not a11) of the main
themes and questions dea1t with/arising from the
Quartet. They are intended on1y as a guide to further
reading of the MSS. Idea11y, what f0110ws shou1d be read
on1y after the MSS themse1ves and then to provoke further
study of them/aid the understanding obtained from the first
r I 1) Grey1ing - What forces (in both magicka1 and persona1
sense (is there a difference?) contr01/inf1uence the
characters of ~fick1eman, Andrea, A1ison, Fenton?
Does Alison's perception change? If so, by what means?
Is this means intentiona1 - or via magick? If so, to what
Does ~lick1eman's perception/insight change? What is
his initia1 1eve1 of se1f-understanding? What his wyrd?
What is Fiona's part in this?
What if anything is Edmund seeking to achieve and why?
Some key e1ements (c1ues exist in the MS):
a) How does supra-persona1 magick work? b) To what end this
magick? c) Archetypa11y (re spheres of ToW) what
forces act upon the psyche of the main characters?
d) The MS expresses one aspect of rea1 magick in action _
is this magick as described in the MS sinister? If so, why?
2) Temp1e - What archetypa1 e1ements are present in
To some degree, all the MSS in the quintet deal
with a particular type of magick/ manipulation and
this is explicated in many ways including:
a) of individuals and groups of individuals by other
individuals and groups, be these others magickians or
b) of how various individuals are affected by certain
elemental/magickal forces and 'emotions', these forces
etc. being manifest in various guises - some directly
magickal, some archetypal (as, for example, when
a man is charmed by and falls in love with a woman, he
apprehending that woman archetypally) and some aeonic.
The manipulation of the energies/forms and so on
varies in the different MS, as the aim or intent of
such manipulation does - for example, sometimes it is
for direct personal desire/gratification, sometimes
.J it is due to unconscious factors, sometimes it is due to
a desire (sinister and otherwise) to change/aid a
particular individual or individuals.
However, just as important in each MS as this covert/
overt form of magick is how and why individuals become
changed via it in many and various situations. Thus, for
example, sometimes change occurs because of personal
involvement with others, sometimes through being influenced
(either consciously or unconsciously) by magickal energy
(which itself may be directed at that individual by
another), sometimes through mediums like music (with
perhaps some 'magickal' input from another), sometimes
via personal confrontation with unconscious fears and/or
l insights
All of these changes are presented in the various HSS
from differing perspectives - and these perspectives are
l sometimes individual (directly personal) as they are
sometimes magickal. The perspectives change - from MS
to MS and sometimes within a single ~IS - and while the
perspective may be 'sinister' it is also sometimes 'moral':
that is, seen from the viewpoint of an individual adhering
to 'conventional morals/attitudes'. This diverse variation
is intentional, since by it the reader is (or should be)
able to objectify the action/changes/characters and
thus understand the influences (magickal and otherwise)
behind these, particuarly with reference to the psyche.
This understanding is aided by the fact that each MS
is related to a particuarly septenary sphere and thus
to some extent deals with the energy/magick/influences
both unconscious and conscious o~ that sphere. However,
as in real life and real magick, other influences
(from other spheres) may sometimes intrude and complicate
matters and the reader should be capable of understanding
the interplay.
The understanding that results from a reading and study
of the MSS (using the themes, questions and so on revealed
here and in other notes on the quintet) is part of the
process of Initiate awareness - and should assist those
following the seven-fold way to arrive at a personal
understanding of their own psyche as well as that of others.
Such understanding enables magick itself to be understood
and used effectively.
The Sinister Path - Aims and Intents
and a desire to use this to further personal goals and
ambitions. Generally, followers of this tradition of
modern Satanism do not believe in any existence after death,
seek practical mastery over others, exult in the pleasures
of the flesh, perform rituals and ceremonies for their
I own benefit and see their beliefs in religious terms. The
main groups - the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set
also actively seek followers, engage in public avowals of
J Satanic faith and offer members various titles and offices.
The aims of these groups include winning converts for their
religion, making that religion more accessable and acceptable,
and, ultimately, bringing that religion into social prominence.
The majority of individuals who profess to be Satanists
and who do not belong to any particular grouping, almost
without excepti~n adhere to the La Vey tradition. This is
so because of the 'publicity profile' attained by La Vey
and, following him, Aquino (of the Temple of Set) and
because of the ready availability of books dealing with
this aspect of Satanism.
The fundamental aims of this type of Satanism may be simply
stated as the glorification of the ego and the return of
instinct. There is not, in this type, any glorification of
'evil' and certainly not any 'Satanic criminal behaviour'.
Instead, there is an attempt to change the way the individual
views the world - toward what may be termed a more
Mephistophelean and Machiavellian approach.
J The oundation o the Church o Satan in the sixth
decade o this present century and the writings o the
ounder o that Church (particuarly 'The Satanic Bible')
represented only one urther stage in the development
o Satanism - a new divergence, ounded on some aspects,
although not all, o that particular magickal and
! practical view o the wor~d.
Satanism, in many divergent orms,existed beore the
Church o Satan in both the Old and the New worlds
and those orms, as well as new ones, continue to exist
independant o both this Church and the writings o its
creater. Thus groups and individuals which claim that
the Church o Satan (in either its present or its
original orm) represents the only genuine orm o Satanism
are, histori9ally, deluding themselves
Such claims are usually based on one or more o the
ollowing: (a) The ounder o the Church o Satan
inaugurated a 'new Satanic' age and this inauguration
makes all other ~orms o Satanism invalid/superluousi
(b)a mandate was given by some supra-personal being;
(c) there is a pure , tradition and this orm is represented
by a presently existing group. .
Basically, those who claim to be 'genuine' Satanists
divide into three groups: the Church o Satan, the
Temple o Set and some small European groups (both
the Church o Satan (CoS) and the Temple o Set (ToS) are
American in origin) among which the ONA is included. From
time to time, other groups become maniest - both they
are almost without exception splinter groups/ronts
o the Cos or the ToS (e.g. 'The Werewol Order': a CoS
'ront'). The CoS accepts (a) and (c) above and as
a group adhere with an almost religious outlook to
the ounder o the Church and his 'Bible' - or example,
one the ollowers o this Church states (Black Flame,
Vol 2 no 2): "We have a Bible We have a Church. We
have a tradition We have a High Priest." The ToS
accepts (b) and (c) - the mandate emanating rom the
Prince o Darkness in the orm o Set and divulged to
mortals in 'The Book o Coming Forth by Night'. Further,
the ToS accept that they are continuing the work begun
by the early CoS, that is, they represent the original
and 'pure' Church. In this sense, the ToS is a schism
rom the CoS.
Hence the conlict between the CoS and the ToS - both
claim to be the genuine orm o Satanism and both date
the new Satanic age in the same way - 1990 ev is, or
example, XXV A.S. Both o these groups have an organizational
structure (although the ToS claims the CoS in its present
orm does not any longer possess a structure) and both
have teachings and a leader. Members o both are expected
to respect both teachings and leader. Both actively
seek members and both engage in public/media avowals.
The ToS hopes to make Satanism a legitimate religion.
As ar as basic teachings go, the CoS and the ToS
dier - or although the ToS accepts the early works
o La Vey (there being thus a little common ground) it
diers quite signiicantly in what has been built upon
those works. There is, or instance, in the ToS an
emphasis on the 'higher sel' above the gloriication o
the ego that is such a eature o the CoS as well as
the individual.
of ONA (in the form of the seven-fold way, Star Game etc.)
Note: All the above represent only one aspect of the causal
symbolism (ie. how the 'chaotic'/raw energy of a particular
sphere is apprehended/viewed/manifested to individual
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The Abyss
The Abyss is where the causal and the acausal meet: a nexus of temporal
and spatial dimensions. Because of the nature of our consciousness,
the Abyss lies latent within all of us - that is, our consciousness
consists of both causal and acausal aspects. In this sense, we are all
'Gates'/~e acausal dimensions, although this Gate - and the pathways
leading to/from it - often lies undiscovered. Magickal training is
essentially the discovery, exploration and use of these pathways
Symbolized causally, the Abyss lies between the spheres of the Sun
and Mars in the septenary Tree of Wyrd, and the 'Entering the Abyss'
is that stage of magickal development which distinguishes the Master/
Mistress from the Adept. The experience of the Abyss - which the Grade
Ritual 'Entering the Abyss' begins - is fundamentally a destruction of
the self-image which the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept created and which
was glimpsed during the External Adept rite. It is also the destruction
of all personal illusions regarding opposites: the final 'withdrawing of
projections'. In essence, the Internal Adept has learnt (mainly through
the Grade Ritual) to withdraw the projections of the 'ego' from
other individuals - that is, their is an understanding of individuals
as those individuals are in essence: without the distortion of one's own
passions/ideas/prejudices and without the distortions of other people's
ideas/judgements and so on. The experience of the Abyss takes this a
stage further - there is a withdrawal of all personal projections made by
every individual upon others/the 'cosmos' and so on: both personal
and impersonal. Thus, the essence is apprehended behind the appearence
which the causal produces because it is the causal.Put very simply, the
Abyss is the beginning of acausal perception.
This perception implies a complete understanding of oneself, one's
wyrd, as well as an understanding of others, of aeonic influences, and
of the 'comsos' itself - the beginnings of wisdom Yet this does not mean
a negation of individuality. Rather, it is an enhancement of consciousness.
This is so because the Abyss is also the Tree of Wyrd itself - all the
spheres and the pathways in both their individual and aeonic forms: the
'individual forms' being Jungian-type archetypes (and the experiences/
understanding appropriate to these) on a personal level, and the 'aeonic
forms' being aeonic/cultural myths and images on a supra-personal level,
in both 'sinister' and 'light' aspects. Further, the Abyss is also a direct
opening or "Gate" to the acausal dimensions.
The ritual of the Abyss implies an acceptance of acausal energies as
those energies are - that is, without any 'abstract', personal or
judgemental views. It is a letting 'in' of those Null, Chaotic energies
without any hindrence. This of course can be dangerous, but the
preparation reduces this danger as well as making possible an understanding
of those energies and the 'forms' they mayor may not assume in both
the causal and acausal worlds. This latter point is quite important, because
there have been many who, unprepared, having experienced some acausal
energies via entering the Abyss too soon. Quite often, the result of
this premature magickal experience is madness or extreme personal
dis-orientation resulting in a 'possessed' personal life~and/or loss of
vitality; another and frequent result is personal delusion about one's own
abilities and understanding, both personal and magickal.
This understanding of the acausal, vital to a 'successful' crossing
of the Abyss, derives from the preparation implicit in (a) having
undertaken the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept [that is, in essence, haVing
spent at least three months alone without any external influences and
without any personal contact] and (b) having fulfilled the tasks revealed
by that Grade Ritual. This fulfilling of personal tasks (the accomplishment
... I
one to many years after the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept) because it
dissipates the energy of the 'self-image' that the Grade Ritual produces,
] preparing thus a voidness within the Adept. The Adept generally knows
when this inner void is reached (in simple terms, the personal, driving
energy is gone through achievement of personal goals: the reality, of
] course, is more complicated and here the advice of a Master/Mistress/Magus
is often saught).
The ritual of the Abyss is simple. The physical part (the walk in the
the walk given the conditions stated requires determination - and this
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The Nine Angles - Esoteric t-feanings
.. ..
of the man and the woman ") and occassionally depicted
in drawings. This 'double tetrahedron' is a magickal
form of the double described above in the first paragraph
(the causal geometric one).
In some 'esoteric' circles the nine is seen in terms
of the five, the five itself deriving from the five angles
of the inverted pentagram. This is, however, a mis
understanding, deriving as it does from Viewing the
'angles' two-dimensionally when in fact they should be
considered in a three-dimensional way, at first,
and then four-dimensionally (the helical path within
the tetrahedrons). This four-dimensional view is in itself
only a beginning - beyond is the multi-dimensional when
both the causal and the acausal spaces are considered.
One means to apprehend this duality is the Star Game.
(Note: Take the four 'gates' from the nine angles and
an 'inverted' pentagram results.) )
#"(~'>f ~(t j)-,
i '.
\ \.
= acausal
). = causal //~t
. ~ \ Nine turns or
. ~
Nine basic erG) -') eel) ~ e(~ -7 1(e)~ 1.() -) l.rf:)':::;f={9)-) ~('i.)~tF(;
(Note: ere) ~ is causal angle; 9(S)p acausal angle ~. )
Crowley, Satan and the Sinister Way
of the seven that mark our evolution) will have its beginnings
centuries until the effects are apparent. This new Aeon will
covering of mist.
toward the entrance to the Raven Inn. It was warm, inside the
ancient Inn, but dark from fire and pipe smoke, and Yapp took
bench by the log fire. The silence that had followed his
entrance soon filled, and only one man still stared at h~.
The man was Abigail's husband, and he pushed his cap back from
Yapp smiled again, drank the rest of his ale and walked
Yapp turned toward h~, made a gesture with his hand and
(Copyright 1981 ev)
As has been wrltten - opfers are human culllng ln actlon. That lS, Satan1c
sacrlf1ce makes a contrlbutlon to lmprovlng the human stock, removlng the
worthless, the weak, the dlseased (In terms of character). Naturally, th1S
hlstorlcal change (war/strlfe/struggle/change and so on), than lt does by choos1ng
However, the correct cholce of opfer means that ~lth thelr ellmlnatlon, the
] Slnlster dlalectlc wlll be aided and thus the lntruslon of the acausal lnto the
causal speeded up. [In non-esoterlC terms, read 'aid the dark forces to spread over
] The chooslng of speclflc opfers depends on three thlngs: (1) SatanlC judgement;
(2) an 1ns1ght lnto and knowledge of AeonlCS and the Slnlster dlalect1c; (3) the
means for undertaklng"the act wlthout compromlslng the indlvlduals 1nvolved are
] G~nerally, lt lS the ~uty of a Master of Mlstress to select opfers, although
any Satanlst, from nOV1ce onwards, can suggest sU1table targets, in WhlCh case
the Master or Mlstress, after due conslderatlon, wlll give judgement as to the
] sUltablllty of the target.
(1) means a judgement lS made, based on experlence. Often, thls lS judgement
concernlng the character of the vlctlm. The vlctlm may be suggested/chosen
] (a) because one or more of thelr act10ns has brought them to attentlon and
made them seem sUltable; or (b) thelr removal wlll be beneflclal to Satanlsm/
the Sln1ster dlalectlc. The sUltab1llty of the vlctlm lS declded by a Master or
M1stress, and once confirmed, the vlctlms are subject to tests (qv. GU1del1nes for
J the Testlng of Opfers MS). Often, the Master or M1stress meets wlth the
vlctlm 'accldently' and so can judge them on a personal level, uSlng thelr
1ntultlon/lnslght and so on.
] (2) means the proposed act10n lS assessed ln the llght of Aeonlcs/the Sln1ster
dlalectlc - l.e. wlll lt a1d the cause of Satanlsm? The dialectlc?
(3) means (a) that members are avallable for the testing; (b) the loyalty of
those who w1ll partlclpate lS assured; (c) the Temple has the means and the
J ab1l1t1es to conduct the act and make lt seem 'accldental' lf requlred as well
as ensure safe dlsposal after the act and make the necessary arrangements
(an allbl, e.g.) should any partlclpant ever need one.
Opfers are not chosen at random - they are always carefully selected,
then judged, then tested. The actual act -be such a r1tual or a practlcal act
l (such as an assasslnation)- lS never done for any personal reason. That lS, lt
never ar1ses out of personal emotlons or from personal deSlres. Instead, the
act lS supra-personal - done wlth a SatanlC judgement and a Satan1C detachment
ar1slng from both knowledge (e.g. of Aeonlcs) and because of the character/
actlons of the vlctlm. The act ltself lS often communal - lnvolvlng a Temple/
group and thus a part1clpatlon WhlCh enables a reasoned and balanced assessment
by those part1clpatlng (although the verdlct of the Master/Mlstress 1S f1nal).
In such communal actlon, one member lS appo1nted to argue for the selected
v1ct1m dur1ng the spec1al sunedrlon Wh1Ch lS convened to cons1der the select1on/
arrangements for the act.
The act ltself lS one WhlCh glor1f1es the Satanlc, Wh1Ch aff1rms Satanlc values
that lS, It alds evolutlon ln a post1ve way, enhances the llves of 1nd1v1duals.
In short, lt alds self-development (of the partlclpants) and alds evolutlon (vla
the Slnlster dlalectlc/culllng). Opfers become/are chosen as v1ct1ms because of
the1r nature or because of the1r deeds. Mostly, they are dross whose removal w1ll
ald change/the growth of C1v1l1zatlon/the AeonlC 1mperatlve.
The judgement WhlCh dec1des the1r fate (so far as subjectlng them to tests) 1S
of course a Satanlc one - but qU1te often, thls judgement lS akln to an act of
'natural justlce' or a Satan1C retrlbutlon: the vlctlms have effect1vely
condemned themselves by the1r deeds.
Many examples mlght be presented to illustrate this - but two wlil sufflce,
I A young man of weak character (no self-dlsclpllne, a bully of the worst klnd ... )
spends hlS tlme steallng cars and commlttlng petty crlmes. He llves on 'Soclal
Securlty' and has a dlstaln for nearly everyone - WhlCh he shows by hlS loutlSh
behavlour, when he lS wlth hlS frlends, of course, belng too weak to do anythlng
provokatlve on hlS own. He lS often drunk. On one occaSSlon, he steals a car wlth
some cronles, lS chased by the Pollce, but escapes. Durlng the chase, he crashes
lnto some others cars, and two people are lnjured, one a young woman, qUlte
J Some tlme later, he and some others break into the house of an old, bllnd man.
The man attempts to stop them and thlS enrages our young man who beats the old
man unconSClOUS wlth hlS flsts, boots and the old man's stlck. The old man
had fought In the Great War of 1914-18 and had been glven several medals for
hlS gallant conduct. Our young man lS rather proud of hlmself after thls beatlng.
j ThlS young man lS a typlcal example of modern dross. H1S character and hlS
actlons make hlm sUltable. SatanlC judgement would glve hlm a chance to redeem
hlmself - make somethlng out of hlmself - Vla a test deslgned to provoke thlS.
Should he fall, another test would seal hlS fate.
lS a crlme, ln Law, jOlns an extreme Rlght-Wlng politlcal group WhlCh works
underground. In dOlng thlS, he hopes to acqulre experlence 'on the edge' and so
galn experience, and to aid the Slnlster dlalectlc by challenglng 'the accepted' .
and speaklng/worklng for 'the forbidden' [qv. MSS concernlng AeonlCS and heresy.].
After some months of actlon, one of hlS comrades betrays hlm and some others
because thls 'comrade' gave ln under pressure and made a deal wlth the authorltles,
havlng been captured dOlng somethlng illegal (in that country - distrlbutlng
'forbldden' books and leaflets). Our nOVlce, however, escapes - but two of hlS
comrades are arrested, tr1ed and eventually ja1led for the1r 'cr1mes'.
Thus, the person who betrayed them makes himself a v1ctim for Satan1C
retr1but1on - he acted aga1nst the sin1ster dialect1c (and thus the nOV1ce a1ding
that d1alect1c). The nOV1ce selected him as a v1ct1m, and the Master gU1d1ng th1S
nOV1ce agreed he was a sU1tabie cholce. The next stage was a special sunedr10n
to moot the case (w1th a member defending the v1ct1m's act10n and character)
and then a judgement made after the Master had heard all the arguments. After
the judgement - arrangements for the tests.
Essen1ally, sacr1f1ce falls into two categor1es - (1) the magickal act,
achleved by a r1te such as The Death R1tual: i.e. death by magickal means. (2)
the phys1cal act - 1.e. death by practlcal means. (2) can and often does
1nvolve a secondary/s1multaneous magickal r1tual Wh1Ch alds the act of executlon,
however th1S latter lS done, or the act may occur durlng a mag1ckal rlte.
Too often, In the past, the true nature of SatanlC sacrlf1ce was h1dden - even froe
many who professed to be Satanlsts. More recently, psuedo-Satan1sts have cla1med
that 'Satan1sm does not and never has conducted human sacrlflces'. However, I
repeat that human sacr1f1ce, properly conducted, lS a cuillng and thus 1S posltlve
lt lS apartof Satanlc pract1ce. Of course, the psuedo-Satanlsts would deny th1s,
Slnce 1n thelr weakness they seek respectabll1ty and seek to make Satanlsm
eaS1er and 'more acceptable', a playlng at w1zards.
The t1me lS now r1ght, however - both strateg1cally and tact1cally - to reveal
the Satan1c truth, the whole SatanlC truth and nothlng but the Satan1C truth 1n
clear, prec1se terms Wh1Ch cannot be mls-understood.
The trad1t1onal code of sllence Wh1Ch forb1d the cast1ng of th1S aspect
of esoter1C trad1t1on into wr1t1ng - and Wh1Ch expressly forbid the dissem1nat1on
of anyth1ng connected w1th that aspect - no longer, in th1S one 1nstance, appl1es.
That is, the Grand Master represent1ng trad1t1onal Satan 1St groups dec1ded
J to perm1t th1S trad1t1on to be not only wr1tten down (heretofore 1ts transm1SS1on
of necess1ty had been oral) but also d1ssem1nated to a lim1ted extent. Th1S
would establ1sh, for both present and h1stor1cal purposes, what the true nature
] of Satan ism was and is, Slnce 1t was cons1dered that the time was right (glven
the cond1t1ons perta1ning 1n Western soc1et1es at this moment in causal time)
for th1S knowledge to be made known. Part of the reason for th1S judgement
] was Aeon1C - to present Satan1sm as it is, thus enabling those w1th the r1ght
character to follow that dark path to self-development, increas1ng over decades
and centuries the number of genu1ne Adepts. All of the trad1t1on 1S now accessable
1n wr1tten form (at least to those prepared to find 1t) and this makes that
... trad1t1on more accessable, Slnce heretofore 1t had been the exclusive preserve
of a few. Accessability.here means it can be used, by others. The other ma1n reason
for that judgement was to counter the softly, softly meander1ngs of the psuedo
Satan1sts who seemed determ1ned to claim Satan1sm as the1r own and who preached
...I that Satan1sm was actually not that bad, it just had been 'mis-understood' and
Satan1sts were actually rather 'n1ce people, quite normal' who just appeared
to be rather we1rd and so on ad nauseam. These jerks, showmen and role-play1ng
l hucksters were taken seriously by those with1n what had become known as 'the
what group/organ1zation they considered to be Satan1C and what they considered
..l ONA
to be associated with the glamour of evil and darkness, but who lack the
inspiration, courage and daring to ~ evil and dark. Furthermore, I repeat
what I have written before - Satan ism is not now and can never be, an
a way of living which courts danger, excess. It is not nor can ever be,
Initiates conform to dogma or authority - such things are not for genuine
-- I
Satanic Initiates but for the deluded, those lacking spirit and talent:
In genuine Satan ism [primal Satan ism] sacrifice is accepted, and indeed
necessary. In former times, it involved both animal and human sacrifice. Today,
however, it involves human sacrifice only - since there are an abundence of
suitable specimens, due to the increase in human dross.
will mean the death will seldom if ever be seen as a Satanic act even if
it has occured during a ritual. Today, and in the recent past, most sacrifices
are of the second type - i.e. acts of execution undertaken by a Satanic
novice 'in the real world', involving assassination and 'accidents' or
... viewed by others (e.g. the Police) as seemingly "motiveless crimes" .
Further, in genuine Satanic groups, the execution of this act is an essential
prerequisite to Adeptship.
The aim of the sacrifice can be either (a) part of a dark ritual - i.e.
to presence sinister energies in the causal, causing changes in the world,
such changes aiding the dark forces (examples would be the Ceremony of
Recalling; the Sinister Calling); or (b) as part of general sinister strategy,
adduced via Aeonics. [ Note: This latter occurs when a novice progresses along
the Satanic path according to tradition.]
Crime is not an end, but a means. A criminal act is not done because
it is criminal but because the act itself has a purpose or intent - the
criminality of that act being irrelevant. This purpose is either to aid
self-excellence (build Satanic character) or aid sinister strategy.
Basically, an act is judged not by whether it is illegal (and thus criminal)
in a particular country, but rather by its purpose or intent. Or, expressed
more simply, by whether that act can serve Satan ism in general and self
development in particular. An example will best illustrate this.
A satanic novice conceived the idea of gaining experience by burglary.
The monetary benefits were useful, but incidental to the main purpose. As a
Satanist, he of course planned carefully and chose wisely. First, the jobs
themselves had to be difficult, challenging and thus interesting - they
would require careful planning and delicate execution. So he chose Apartments,
and entry mainly via windows and roofs - this needed some training and the
acquisition of skills, plus daring and courage. Second, the people to be
deprived of some of their belongings would choose themselves - they would
be 'tested' to see if they were suitable victims. The selection would be by
character - according to their nature. This required the novice to use his
own judgement and instinct. He would select those who showed they lacked
character, breeding, nobility - who lacked, in fact, the virtues of a Satanist.
[Note: One of the best exoteric descriptions of 'Satanic' character - and also
of those lacking it - was given by Nietzsche in his 'The Anti-Christ'. The
Satanist adheres to a 'master-morality'.]
The novice selected some Apartments in a city where the pickings would
be rich. Then he observed the occupants for some time - watching them, their
routines and so on. Next, he arranged for the execution of his tests.
Two friends (who were actually Initiates of his Order - or rather the Order
he had joined) were enlisted to aid him in this. They would appear, on his
signal, and seem to rob him as he lingered near the entrance to the building
when one of his chosen victims was near. On the first occassion, the victim
ignored the 'robbery', and continued on his way. On the second, the next
victim came to his aid and actually knocked one 'robber' unconscious with
a punch, albeit for a short time. Thus, the first victim or mark became
selected, or rather selected himself by his actions, and it was from his
Apartment that the novice stole some things some days later. Of course, the
planning and execution of such a test was difficult - requiring acting, timing,
manipulation, daring, zest - in brief, experience in the real world.
Following this success, he moved to another target and found some new victims
for his test. It was interesting that these tests confirmed the novice's
instinctive assessment of the victim's character - and thus aided his
Satanic judgement.
In this example, the burglary was a 'crime', in Law - but, in fact, the
illegal nature of the act was irrelevant. The act, and its planning etc.,
aided the self-excellence of the novice, and thus his magickal development,
because it was a Satanic act, not because it was 'criminal' - that is,
it involved danger, required skill, judgement, daring, and it was real.
It was, in a sense, a practical ordeal and its Satanic character meant that
its victims were victims of themselves: the act was akin to an act of
'natural justice'. To some, it may seem a game - and so it was, but one
played in earnest, in which losing meant capture and probable imprisonment
(factors which made it interesting and worthwhile). And it was only a few
incidents in a life crammed with such incidents - at different levels.
FUrthermore, this 'realness' is important - genuine Satanists involve
themselves with the real world, in real situations with real people and real
danger. The imitation Satanists play mental and intellectual and 'safe'
games. The difference is that a real Satanist will actually be an assassin,
for example, while the imitation Satanist will dream of being one and will
probably obtain a moronic pleasure from watching some fictional story
and 'identifying' with a fictionalized assassin - or, more likely, will
'act out' such a role in some pathetic psuedo-magickal ceremony and believe
he/she has attained something.
Naturally, in the real world things can and do go wrong. But as always,
the real Satanists survive and prosper, while the others go under, get
caught, give up or are killed. Also, sometimes even the best get things
a little wrong - but they learn from their mistakes, they grow in character,
in insight, in skill. Genuine Satanists are survivors: they learn and prosper,
and die at the right time.
This growth means that a Satanist moves on - there are always new challenges,
new delights, new tests of skill, daring, endurence,courage: new insights.
A 'role' is only a role - played, then discarded, transcended. Thus, even
crime, sacrifice, tests of others, become left behind, given time - they have
served the purpose for which they were intended - and a new being is given
birth, one more joins the elect. This is simply another way of saying that
a Satanist is never trapped by the act, the desires for and against that act,
its consequences, or indeed anything to do with that act, whatever the nature
of the act. An act, such as a sacrifice or a crime, is a means - to something
beyond. Allacts are experience. A Satanist is above and beyond acts - a
master or mistress of them, rather than a slave to them.
So it is, so it has been and so it will be - for genuine Satanists. Meanwhile,
the imitation Satanists will play their word-games, feast on self-delusions,
and continue to claim that 'Satanism' never involves sacrifice, or criminal
acts but is a rather pleasing philosophy which has had a rather 'bad press'.
But, henceforward, anyone who is taken in by these gutless, posturing
charlatans will deserve the epithet 'stupid'.
The Bard Reality of Satan ism
The hard reality of Satanism is that it is very different from both the
media image and the more recent image pedalled by imitation Satanists
in both Europe and America.
c) Satan ism involves ordeals, both physical and magickal. Those who are
suitable triumph; the others fail. [One such ordeal is the Grade Ritual of
Internal ~dept - where the candidate lives alone and isolated, bereft of
everything except the bare necessities for physical survival, for a period of
three months.]
d) Satan ism requires the practical experiencing of all moral limits, and then
a mastery of the feelings, desires, pleasures, terrors, pains and so on that
these imply.
g) Satanism is a means - a method, or way, and the purpose of this means, method
or way is to produce a specific type of individual: the next stage of our
evolution as a species. Satan ism is thus an expression of evolutionary
change - on both the individual level and in respect of 'societies' and
The individuals so created often inspire in the supine majority a certain
h) Satan ism is elitist. It does not compromise - its tests, ordeals, methods
and character-building experiences are severe and will never be made easier
to make them acceptable to more people or easier to undertake.
b} Satan ism cannot have anyone impose upon it any structure, authority,
or institution of any kind by claiming a 'dark mandate' or some kind
of 'revelation'. There can be no such thing as an 'infernal mandate' of
whatever kind because the only thing that really matters to Satan ism is
experience, its accumulation and the highly individualized learning that
results from such experience. A genuine Satanist, for example, confronted
by an entity which exhibited all the powers attributed to Satan would
not even accept what that 'entity' said and would most certainly not show
any submission - instead, they would a defiance, a reasoned assessment of
what was said, and then a judgement made from experience. A Satanist
never surrenders to anything - and would rather die, proud and defiant, than
submit. This applies even to 'Satan'.
If and when a Satanist accepts guidance, it is from someone of experience
who has explicated Satan ism by their life and thus who can offer advice
based on that experience. The aim of Satan ism is to create willful, characterful,
defiant, unique individuals who have or can fulfil their potential as gods
it is not to create followers or sycophants. An 'infernal mandate' implies
c} Satan ism does not involve discussions, meetings, talks. Rather, it involves
action, deeds. Words - written or spoken - sometimes follow, but not
necessarily. The ideal candidate for Satan ism is the individual of action
rather than the 'intellectual'.
By th~ nature of most Satanic actions, they can seldom be mentioned
and thus remain esoteric. The essence that Satan ism leads the individual
towards, via action, is only ever revealed by that participation which
action is. Words, whether written or spoken, can never describe that essence
they can only hint at it, point toward it, and often serve to obscure the
Satan ism strips away the appearence of 'things' - living, Occult and otherwise
by this insistence on experience, unaided. What is thus apprehended by such
experience, is unique to each individual and thus is creative and evolutionary.
Discussions, meetings, talks, even books and such like, de-vitalize: they
are excuses for not acting.
A Satanist will sometimes use such forms as he/she may use the form of
a Temple - to enhance and/or provoke experiences. But they are then actively
manipulating, actively creating experiences - the others involved are being
used by that person. That is, there is only one Satanist at such gatherings
(usually) - the others may believe they are 'Satanists', but they are deluded.
d) Satan ism does not apply moral absolutes to real-life situations and
forms. This may best be explicated by two examples. First, politics.
Satan ism does not affirm or deny any political forms or type of politics
it does not, for example, announce that 'fascism and Satan ism are incompatable'.
'members' for their own Satanic goals. This person (or persons) would of course
deny this, and if that denial was sincere, they could not be Satanists. What is
certain, is that that group cannot contain more than perhaps two Satanists - for
the members accept the constraints imposed upon them from above, and are servile,
in both theory and practice. They are also not being led into real experiences,
but accept a sterile, sanitized and safe 'Satanism' as pedalled by their leader.
* It can also aid the sinister dialectic - here, an understanding of Aeonics is
e) Satan ism does not seek any form of official recognition as it does not
seek to become respectable or the prerogative of a majority.
Rather, Satan ism operates, and must operate, for the most part in a clandestine
or 'underground' manner.
j 'Official' recognition mean SOmeone or some organization is granted some
sort of "status" and thus assumes both in theory and in fact an 'authority'
and an organizational structure to support it. This authority and this structure
mean followers, sycophants - and contradict the essence of Satanism.
J 'Respectability' means a moral stance broadly in line with that pertaining
at the time - that is, it means a restricting morality, ethics, as well
a limiting of action to what is deemed broadly 'acceptable' by the 'society'
J of the time.
Both of these - official recognition and respectability - also mean
that the self-appointed authority which is recognized and becomes or seeks to
J be respectable, sets its own limits: there is 'proscription' of other
groups, a peer hierarchy and all the many trappings of herd conformity; the
triumph of illusive forms over essence. In brief, the deluding of others,
Some other hard facts about Satanism are in order - to be placed on
J record.
] Satanism is hard and very dangerous. This danger is much more than just
a 'mental' or a psychic one of the kind sometimes experienced in magickal
workings. It is a personal danger of the 'life or death' kind. If it is
] not, then it is not tough enough, it is not Satanic. For far too long the
pathetic imitation Satanists, such as those in the Temple of Set and the
Church of Satan, have had no one to contradict their sickly, wimpish versions
of Satan ism - they have tried to deny the darkness and evil which are
~ssential to Satanism because the frauds in those organizations are fundamentally
weak: they have never gone to their limits, never experienced the realness
of evil. They have tried to make 'Satanism' safe and 'respectable': they
l have intellectualized it because they are typical products of this present
intellectualized, peace-loving, "we need to be safe" society.
A Satanist is like a beast of prey - in real life, not in fantasy.
A Satanist may be and often is an assassin, a warrior, an outlaw - in real life.
ONA 1991 eh
The Publication of Esoteric Traditions on the Left Hand Path
For a long time, genuine esoteric tradition was handed on on an
individual basis, from Master/Mistress to novice. There were many reasons
for this, most of them practical: the tradition was esoteric, liable to
mis-interpretation, and many of its tenets and rituals involved what would
have been regarded as 'heretical', anti-social and/or illegal acts. Furthermore,
the methods used to train novices often made those novices into 'outlaws'
and set them against conventional society. Also, for a long time, the
teaching and teachings of the tradition was heretical in Law - a criminal
offense against Church and State. Secrecy was essential and necessary.
] This state of affairs pertained until quite recently. With the burgeoning
of interest in 'the Occult' in general, the LHP became somewhat less secret
and certain aspects of the tradition were discreetly circulated. What were
, mistakenly taken to be 'esoteric' traditions and, given the new openess
J toward the Occult and the repeal of anti-Occult laws, freely distributed
and/or published, were (a) the useless Grimoire/Qabalistic tradition, or
(b) a mis-interpreted Crowleyism, or (c) of a showman/ghoulish/self-professed
] type with bits cobbled together from (a) and (b) with archaic myths and
unenlightened egoism thrown in. The real tradition - with its darkness
and danger - remained hidden.
] To (c) belonged the Church of Satan, which made Satan ism akin to a
fantasy role-playing game or games with some sorcery added to impress. The
later schism which gave birth to the Temple of Set (born not with a bang but
with a whimper) was not unexpected given the structure and orientation of
] this 'Church' - and neither was the fact that the leader of this schism
based his Temple and authority on what was termed an 'Infernal Mandate',
and declared Satan ism as a religion , much mis-understood.
] Meanwhile, the old traditions continued, in Europe and elsewhere, in their
traditional way - secretly, accepting but few novices and these only after severe
tests and ordeals. The traditions, writings, rituals, methods, ordeals and
! techniques remained unavailable except to those few. After lengthy deliberations
j and consultations, the individual representing traditional groups, decided
to gradually make the esoteric tradition which he and others represented
available on a selective basis, to reveal, for once and for all, what
the LHP and Satan ism were really about. The real impetus for this decision
came from Aeonic strategy - making the tradition available would enable an
increase in the number of genuine Adepts, thus hastening the presencing of
the darker forces on Earth, and so fulfilling the sinister dialectic of history.
This increase, however, would be gradual - over centuries.
With this dissemination, the purpose, intent and methods of Satan ism and the
] LHP could no longer be mis-interpreted and the posers and charlatans who
professed to be 'Satanists' would be exposed - at least to those with any
sagacity. With the secrets accessable to those who saught to find them, the
real esoteric work could continue, as it always had, in secret - the training,
via direct experience, of those few strong and gifted enough to undertake
the difficult and dangerous journey along the Left Hand Path.
ONA 1991 eh
The Secrets of the Nine Angles
I . ::
r ~
.1 'f
II "' :
" :a
l 1) Musick, Incense and Forms
F sharp
C sharp Purple
J A flat Black
E flat Xanthin
J B flat Tyrian purple
The Septenary ~~ar uame
I The Boards:
There are seven boards, placed one above the other in
a spiral and forming a septenary Tree of Life~ each
board representing a sphere. Each board consists of nine
,:hi te and nine black squares (see fig. 1).
Each board is named after a particular star, some of which
have esoteric significance.
The Pieces:
Each player has three sets of nine, represented by
Alchemical symbols thus: e (s') e(~) e($\ M(G)
(t) !(~), ~(e) (f(l) ~(f)
e(&) &(~) e (f) l (fr') ! (!> ~ (~\ *(&) .f(~) ~ (~\.
~(~ e(~) e(~) 'f/ Q) t{!') t(~)1 ~(e) ~(l) f((F);
One set of twenty-seven pieces is white, the other black.
The pieces are usually made from cubes or flat circles of
l 'iood ''lith the appropriare symbol. painted on them. An
alternative form of symbol.s may be employed - e as ~
] as /\ and!p as "" Thus, the e(~) piece becomes cx..(t.:J)
- ,
The ~lacing of the Pieces:
Six pieces are placed on Sirius (two sets of e )for
white, and six for black (see fig. 2).
Arcturus has three pieces for white and three for
black (fig. 3). Antares has six pieces for white and six
for black - two sets of ~ pieces placed in the same
~attern as the e pieces on Sirius.
Mira has no pieces on it at all. Rigel has the remaining
three pieces of the ~
sets, placed as the e pieces on
Deneb has six pieces of white and six of black from
the $ set, placed as the e set on Sirius.
Kaos has the remaining three pieces of the~ set,
Dlaced on the same squares as the e set on Arcturus.
The ~joves:
Each piece, when it moves, is transformed into the piece
next in sequence according to the pattern:
e(e) -') er .)
-~ e (~) -') ;t(
9'> ~ l5' ('a') -') 9.( IfF)
t-t- t
" -'> ~(e) -") ~(~) ~ 1= (~)
The Aim:
This is to occupy ce~tain squares on !'lira ''''i th one's
Olm pieces according to a pattern determined by the players
before the game begins. However, pieces can stay on the
~;ira board for only three moves - after that, they move
to another board. The first of these three alloHable moves
is that one that brin 6 s the piece to !'iira - that is, it can
stay for only another two moves.
The first player to place his pieces on the appropriate ~!ira
er ~)r. e(e)?o.
] &(~) ere);
] Ie (f:) er!f:)>.
GC-$)>. e(~)~
- I
B( ~)>. GrS)C/J e( ~)
l 8(8.
&( f;),~ e(e)~
. )
:=- -tld.el- l~ c.r..J
/i ".. ~c.; Q. t~ trJ. [
e(e)~ e(~) sr \,
ere)" e()~
The acausal space is represented bYPJ the
causal by /)$ Ps is described byf-f$ ; /II by r-"
,fiu symbolizes an individual; ,.f~(,( a group of individuals
of number I\.. fcc.(. represents a higher civilization.
~ is to be read 'within' or 'member of a group/space
or sub-space.
General Theory:
,,, --r-
r- 1-'
..If ~(/
I -
In terms of the consciousness of an individual
(since~! :: '"A, for f; C.l represents consciousness) the pieces
-, G(e') Extravert Feeling type
! ~(1)
" Intuitive
f?7 (~) Thinlting
J&) Inti-overt Feeling
\Y() " Intuitive
! t(f) " Thinlting
f:(~ l'las ter of Temple/r'listres s of Earth
~t) Hagus/.l'(ou~ ..
-i t(~) Homo Galactica
IV ~(f)~ ~ tr e(O/" 'tV .#~";\ -") Ir er-G)>.
. L"
- f c c..e
to presence in ~s
,I, (J'tCL r
implies 'r,(: the opening of a gate, \'ihich brings s
, predates the beginnings of a particular
- All
by c. 300-400 years.
trc. 1..l up to the present :lestern have exhausted
their potential by the :'\
e(G.! stage - although f:- '':a.r
stages (i.... ...... rI
] are possible.
b" Ie. il.l. ~'> ~J.. t)c. ~ t l~\ ~ e( )c.. -:, e(Q)c.
] Ko fc 1..< has ever achieved( fc. il.t because this requires <f;~ f As
~ ~ "1">(1
where~~)o and,f('~~ 1(;: I:f; ... =>~.u.. A fctllasts
between 1,500 and 1,2~0 years,,~ declining in intensity
during this time as indicated by the symbols:
- , Pj \i:(t),
_ ' - - - - ere)c
f " -.
j po,... er.
.1 -E (JV)L t;/'")o.] [ J :
Star Game: Addendum
. I
, (--c.. 1\ :
-- " t' . 1
Advanced Star Game
player making thus five sets for white and ive sets for
- ...... .
The pieces fol.l.ow the same rul.es of movement and
transformation as in the septenary game.
However, when a piece is on any of the l.evel.s (that is,
2,' or 4) of any board a move up or down a l.evel. is regarded
as the equival.ent of a move up and down the seven boards.
Thus for exampl.e, an 8 Ce) piece on a bl.ack square on l.evel.
2 of the Sirius board may move (prOVided the squares moved to
are vacant at the time) across l.evel. 2 to another bl.ack square,
or up to the bl.ack square of l.evel. 3 (the nul.l. square - where
it wil.l. be changed at random) or down to a bl.ack square on
l.evel. 1. A 8te) piece on l.evel. It may move across the squares
on l.evel. 4 to another bl.ack square, or it may move onto
a vacant square of the same col.our on Arcturus. Level. It
may therefore be regarded as a 'stepping board' to other boards.
Another exampl.e: a 1;<. ) piece on l.evel. 2 of Sirius may
move to any vacant square on l.evel. 2, up to l.evel. " or
up to l.evel. It (any vacant square, or down to ~r vacant square
on l.evel. 1. These moves are possibl.e because a ~( ') piece has
'2 degrees' of freedom. If thelc )piece was on, say, l.evel. 2 of
Arcturus, it coul.d move down to l.evel. It of Sirius (but not
any further). Simil.arl.y, alC )piece of l.evel. It coul.d move
if it was on, say, Arcturus,to.any vacant square on l.evel.
1 of Antares or any vacant square on l.evel. 2 of Antares (either
side - that is, either the 'causal.' or 'acausal.' side).
It is simpl.y a question of l.ooking at the l.evel.s either
u~ or down for 'degrees of freedom'. Thus an~( )piece, having
unl.imited degrees of freedom, coul.d move from any l.evel. on any
board to any other l.evel. on any board.
The ff~) piece if on any square on Naos may capture any
piece of the opposite col.our on any square and any l.evel. of
any board except Naos.
Internal Adept - A Brief Practical Guide
1) Important to choose a good site: it must be isolated,
near fresh water suitable for drinking, within a days
J walking distance of supplies (c. 20 miles) and somewhere
you will be undisturbed for the length of the ritual.
You should visit several sites beforehand and choose
] the one most suitable.
2) Equipment (see Equipment Guide for some recommendations)
must be adequate for the period.
Tent - choose one suitable for two people as room is
J important. Be sure to seal flysheet seams with sealant
(and take some sealant, tent repair kit). Use a strong
seperate groundsheet under the tent grounsheet as this will
1 take some of the wear and give some more insulation.
Sleeping bag - Take two plus a cotton inner. No need for
expensive down bags: choose two synthetic ones, one to fit
J inside the other (for colder days and as spare).
Insulating mat - essential.
Clothes - take two of most things. Go for hardwearing
natural fibres (wool, cotton). Thermal underwear is essential.
J As is a hat and a balaclava. Be sure to take at least two
pairs of gloves.
Waterproofs - Jacket and overtrousers. Best are heavyweight
J nylon/neoprene. If using expensive breathable fabrics like
Gore-tex, take a spare pair of coated nylon since in hard,
extended use the breathable fabrics can break down.
] Boots - a strong walking boot is essential. Also take
spare pair of shoes/lightweight trainers which are fast drying.
Stove - take two: one burning liquid fuel, other solid
for emergency back-up.
J Knife - essential. Also take a pocket lock-knife as spare.
Survival Aids - essential. To include: compass;
emergency food sufficient for two days; spare tent guy lines/
3) Diet - Take a supply of vitamin/mineral supplements.
Every day you need protein, fat, carbohydrate plus c. 3 litres
of water. As basic diet use oatmeal, tinned (powder) milk,
~ cheese, biscuits; dried fruit; tea/coffee. Every 3 or 4
days eat a cooked meal made from a pre-packed foil wrapped
freeze dried range. Each visit for supplies (one a month
no more unless dire emergency) buy fresh fruit, milk, eggs,
bread, meat or fish. As much as you can afford/carry back
to site.
4) Points to note:
He-pitch tent every two weeks
Avoid wood fires as they attract attention - however cold
it gets.
Always keep a set of clothes dry and in waterproof bags in
tent for use if needed. If all your clothes do become wet
wrap foil blanket around yourself, eat a hot meal, have a
hot drink and get into sleeping bag. To dry damp clothes
place them between the two sleeping bags before you go to
Keep as clean as possible by bathing in stream/river/lake.
Wash clothes frequently if weather suitable for drying them
* Before you go visit Dentist and Doctor for check-up
extra warm clothing. Make sure the tent you choose has
Remember: you can only take what you can carryon
your own back. Take specia1ist foods with you, and buy
about a month.
J The Dating of Esoteric Tradition
Received tradition (as given to the present writer by his
teacher - an Adept of the esoteric "Albion" tradition:
for which read 'Seven-fold WaY'/Septenary/Hebdomadry/
] traditional Satanism and so on ) places the origin of the
Hperborian Aeon, and thus the civilization of Albion,
at least a thousand years before the dates given in Order
] MSS.
Thus, received tradition gave the origin of the Hyperborean
Aeon as between 7,000 to 6,000 Be (that is, " nine to eight
J millenia before the present" - this 'present' being c. 1975 ev).
Also, the 'Primal Aeon' was given as arising between
eleven to ten mil~enia ago. This placed the origin of
the Hyperborian civilization (Albion) at around 6,000 or
J 5,000 BC, and thus dated Stonehenge to between 4,500 and
3,500 (the 'later' date - 3,500 - being favoured).
After a thorough study of these received traditions, and a
..... review of present archaeological/historical understanding,
the present writer decided the traditional dates were out by
at least a thousand years. When the Order MSS were written
] (mostly after 1975 ev) to consolidate what had been - apart
from a few MSS such as the 'Black Book' - a mostly oral
tradition/teaching, these "new" dates were included.
However, the present writer admits that this revision may
-l well be mistaken, and that the 'traditional' dates may yet
be proved correct.
It is to be hoped that some time in the future further
evidence for the civilization of Albion will be found,
particuarly in regard to accurate dating and the confirmation
of esoteric tradition concerning the sea-faring nature
of the communities (particuarly the links with Iceland/
Greenland/ Canada and the later migrations southward: Greece
etc.), the technological advances made and so on.
While some evidence for the 'advanced' agriculture of the
later period is emerging (e.g. the 'Butzer' Farm project)
and the astronomical nature of Stonehenge is now well-established,
there is still the view of Albion during the period
in question as a rather basic 'Neolithic' semi-nomadic
society, rather 'backward' in comparison with the "civilized"
societies of Sumeria and Egypt. The acceptance of this view
is not surprising, given the paucity of eVidence, the lack
of archaeological excavation and an almost total lack of
"professional" interest. Part of the lack of evidence stems
from the fact that a lot of the sites have been almost
continually inhabited/cultivated with the consequential loss
of material/patterns; another is the use of wood in the
construction of artifacts - this is rarely preserved and there
has been a rather silly tendency to use pottery remains
(its 'sophistication' etc.) to judge/date the communities
associated with it, whereas in fact at the time pottery was
probably considered an inferior material to wood/leather
etc. Another stems from a lack of written records - in
Egypt, Sumeria and elsewhere there are well-preserved reminders.
1 Notes on Rituals - II
in two ways:
The incenses given in 'Naos' for pathworkings are
appropriate to those workings and the visualizations of the
1 spheres (the Tarot images etc.).
Those gi ven are the e aspect. The 'i. aspect are
those listed in the "Musick, Incense anl Forms" chart. Thus,
the e incense for Mercury is Sulphur; the ~ incense is
Yew. The ~ is a combination of these in equal proportions.
e is generally used for pathways and spheres as in
'Naos'; ~ is used for specific workings involving the
energy of a particular sphere [e.g. Moon implies the vibrated
'word' Noctulius and is appropriate to 'hidden knowledge'/
'sinister knowledge/terror - see the tables in 'Naos' and
elsewhere]. The ~ incense for a particular sphere may
be used for any type of working.
Note: the basic difference, in magickal terms, between the
three forms of incense associated with each sphere is that
the e aspectt "evokes" those energies/levels of the sphere
associated with e , the 1 aspect, those associated with ~ and
f t 't.
the ~ aspect "evokes" the ~ energies/levels. Novices
J begin workings with the e aspects because in general these
are more accessable; Initiates are expected to gain
experience with working with all three aspects in magickal
] workings. Put simply - the e aspect can be considered as
the 'first level' of the sphere, the ~ as the 'second'
and the ~ as the 'third'. Thus, the first' level incense
] for Moon (Petriochor) associates particuarly with the
Tarot image 18, the 'second' level (Hazel) with the Tarot
image 15, and the combination with the image 13.
] These 'refinements' are, however, subtle - and their
appreciation marks the step beyond the noviciate stage.
J Naos:
l esoterically significant.
Names signifying the person who may embody, in
the causal world, the essence of the sinister - i.e. he/she
empowered by the 'Dark Gods' to bring the wordless Aeon
in a practical sense. In the exoteric sense, Falcifer (the
'reaper') and Vindex (the 'avenger') are esoteric names
for the anti-Nazarene mentioned in "Revelation" and elsewhere.
Vindex can be 'created' by sinister ritual - the chthonic
Nine Angles rite when the energy is channelled by visualization
and chant into a designated person. [qv. the Order instructional
text: 'Falcifer: Lord of Darkness'; a fictional account of
part of this process.]
An expression of the distortion foi~tered upon the
Western ethos by Nazarenes and their allies in spirit.
The Western ethos [i.e. the outward form of the magickal
energy of the 'Western aeon'] is Luciferian/pagan - the
septenary sys~em/seven-fold sinister way being an esoteric
expression of this [see 'Crowley, Satan and the Sinister Way'**]
The use of qabalistic/Hebrew names/images/symbols aids this
distortion and thus enhances the power of the Nazarenes and
the 'old Aeon' values/power structures. The same applies to
the use of 'Egyptian/Sumerian' etc. images/symbols/names.
Those who still use such symbols/images/words are not yet
free from Nazarene indoctrination/unconscious influences.
Thus. effective sinister magick implies the use ~ of
the septenary tradition in terms of names/images/symbols.
*Note: A recent book on Star names gives Naos as deriving from the Greek
for ship. This is a misunderstanding of the Ionic ~e~ ; a ship is
** Published in 'Fenrir' no. 7
and a failure to appreciate the finer points (or even any of the
points at all).
The 'Aeonics' MSS provide a general introduction to what is
J a practical but difficult subject. They describe the essential
mechanisms involved: they contain no 'value judgements', no
view. Rather, they present what is, as it is. They are an aid
] to conscious understanding of Aeonic energies - it is up to each
and every Adept to decide what they wish to do with that
understanding, in th~ practical magickal sense.
The best, and most complete, description of Aeonic processes
] is the Star Game, particuarly the advanced form. These MSS should
serve only as an introduction to the abstract symbolism of the
~ Game. Complete understanding arises when the Game is understood
I 'intuitively' - that is, without conscious effort: when there
are no need for words or descriptions. All words are ultimately
bound up with division into 'opposites' (and thus 'value
l judgements' etc.) - only the symbolism is truely representative of
what is beyond the Abyss, that is, of the acausal itself and how
that acausal effects(presences) the causal.
It is in the Star Game that real understanding of Aeonics lies.
Aeons and their associated Civilizations
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Aeonic Magick General Notes
Should only be undertaken if individual is free from
unconscious influences - particuarly archetypal images
l of current civilizations/distortions imposed upon it by
others. This usually implies having passed the Abyss - but
., some 'lesser' Aeonic magick can be undertaken by Internal
Adepts. This is so because if latent archetypal energy
.- ( t, ,.. ~ .
. ~ .. ... '
------- -.
1 I . .~ -f
.. I
Aeonic Hagick General. (I)
The basic means are:
All Aeonic magick is (a) for the wyrd of the Aeon; (b)
] against that wyrd; or (c) beyond both of these because a
new form is desired. (c) involves both small changes introduced
within an Aeon for some specific reason or other, and large
] changes desired as, for example, a prelude to attempting to
create a 'new balance' (i.e. the creation of a 'new Aeon').
It is possible to alter the magickal energy of an Aeon
at any time, although this is easier during the last phase
of an Aeon (generally: the Winter stage of the civilization:
the few decades before, and after, the beginning of an
Imperium). This alteration can be o~ any type - if sufficient
..1 energy is produced/created/released. (The Nine Angles rites
are usually the most powerful in this respect - particuarly
the chthonic with 'Sacrifice'.) Whatever, there must be
an intent: something specific to change the energy to/toward.
This is often symbolized by a magickal 'word' which then
represents the 'new Aeon'/the distortion imposed upon the
existing Aeon: this 'word' is only the outward form of inner
For the West (and at the time of writing - 1980 ev) the
fundamental long-term options re Aeonic magick are: (1)rites
to bring Vindex (channelling into individual etc.); (2)rites to
'Open a Gate' (re the next Aeon); (3) rites to bring acausal
energy, letting this presence without form; (~) rites to
distort/prevent the wyrd of the West (i.e. Imperium). (~) implies
another aim - i.e. the forces must be directed to something other
than Galactic Imperium. The scope of this aim is wide-ranging.
(5) creation of a new Aeon which is not the direct descendant of
the West - i.e. does not involve 'Dark Gods'. Again, aims wide
2) Aeonic energy can be used to: (a) create new archetypral orms
(a) implies a new 'idea'/mythos and oten a 'word' to express
this (to non-Adepts). Also, some causal movement is implied in
J such a orm - a development in time.
3) All aeonic change can be: (a) or the wyrd o the Aeon existing
to be broken down/redirected.
Thus, to change aonic orces the best way is (a) distort/
disrupt orms already existing; (b) let the random element accelerate
] within those Corms by letting loose undirected acausal energies.
within the aeon/higher civilization; (c) then begin to create
new orms via ritual(s). (A skilled Adept can try all three at the
] same time.)
7) Aeonic energies bring changes on a large scale by mostly
aecting non-Initiates - ie. the changes are unconscious: the
'mass' is unaware that their drives/desires/patterns o behaviour/
J 'thoughts' and so on are being manipulated by Adepts. The most
obvious way this occurs is via archetypal orms - but there are
! (intensity, type etc.) and the ritual(s) done by the Adept). One
(Aeonics: S. Trad. II
Quite simply, it is for those who aspire. The rest can continue
their crawling non-existence.
Naturally, in aeonic magick some mistakes have been made -some
jUdgements have been shown by events to be incorrect. Dut understanding
and reason are cumulative: a process of learning, for individuals
civilizations, and aeons. However: '
(oC.O(v~' OVE;.:.,J' or,! ~ ~fi(i' Et$ ~ E~-"
CLIOLOGY - A Basic Introduction
{First issued: 1978 eh; Revised: 1982 eh. Further revlsion: 1984 ehl
I C~vil~zat~ons, Aeons and Indiv~duals
An Aeon is a form or type of acausal energy which manifests in the causal - i.e.
~t has certain limits in both causal time and 3 dimensional space. It re-orders
the causal - which is s~mply another way of saying such acausal energy produces
certa~n changes in the causal. A civilizat~on [or rather a 'higher' or Aeonic
civ~lizat~on] is how this form, th~s energy, is ordered in the causal - from
a causal po~nt of view. An inexact analogy would be an oak tree - the surface of the
earth is the boundary between the causal (above) and the acausal (below). The
roots are ~n the acausal (the acausal energy), the trunk and branches in the
causal. The 'aeon~c' aspect is the roots; the civilization aspect is the trunk;
the soc~et~es w~th~n the civil~zat~on are the branches, and the ~ndiv~duals
within a soc~ety are the tWigs and leaves.
C~v~lizations, Aeons and ind~viduGls are examples of organisms - they are
created, or born, they grow and change and then they die. They occupy a f~n~te
space over a finite time, undergo metamorphosis and so on. They possess
structure or form, wh~ch form while variable with~n certain 1~m1ts is the same
or sim~lar for all manifestations of a s~milar type - and th~s form can be
stud~ed and class~fied, and appropr~ate models formulated to represent it and
the changes it undergoes.
In essence, a C1v11~zat~on is an aspect of an Aeon, and an ~nd1v1dual 1S an aspect
of a c~v11~zat10n. Ail ind1viduals - unless and unt~l they atta~n a certa1n degree
of self-awareness [var~ously called ~nd~v~duat~on and Adeptsh~p] and thus
~nner l~berat~on and freedom from 'unconsc~ous' and other influences - are
subject to the psyche and th~s psyche ~s determ~ned [draws ~ts energy from] the
c~v~l~zat~on and thence the Aeon. One form such energy takes ~s 'archetypes'.
Th~s energy [Wh1Ch ~s bas~cally 'acausal' and not to be confused w1th the phys~cal
energy described by SC1ence wh~ch 1S causal energy)determ~nes or ~nfluences the
act~ons/non-act10ns of ~nd~v~duals insofar as those ind~v~duals affect the c~v~l~zat~c
and thus the Aeon. In other words, the1r 11ves do not affect or change the c1v~1~zatlc
or the Aeon. They are part of the wyrd of that c~v11~zat~on - they do not possess
a wyrd of the~r own. USlng the ~nexact analogy - an ~ndlv1dual w~th wyrd (an Adept
or someone who has ach~eved ~nd1v~duat10n) ~s a seed wh~ch becomes free from the tree
and can beg~n a new process (a sapl~ng). All other ~nd1v1duals are t~ed to the tree
to grow as ~t grows and d~e when ~t d1es.
A Clvlllzation thus expresses an ordering of evolution. Its energy, and
thus ltS archetypes and so on, 1S determlned by the Aeon Wh1Ch 'creates' [or
rather, causes its creatlon/manlfestation 1n causal space-t1me]. These energles,
for both a clvillzatlon and an Aeon can be descr1bed in varlOUS ways. The
most slmple (and not very accurate) is mythologlcal/archetypal.
An Aeon lasts about 2,000 years of causal t1me. It lS linked to a partlcular
geographlcal region, and there is a centre to thlS where the acausal energy lS
strongest. ThlS is because an Aeon lS a physlcal presencing of acausal energy
Vla a nexion - l.e. a nexus between the acausal and the causal. ThlS centre
usually acquires a cult or rellglous nature: mostly unconsciously. That is,
certaln indlvlduals are 'drawn to this area' and the acausal energy produces/
provokes changes wlthln and external to the psyche of these and other indlvlduals.
The llst given below descr1bes the en~rgy of each Aeon which has existed
ln mythologlcal/archetypal terms - it is gUide, rather than an exact descrlptlon
] of the energles, and a gUlde to the changes which are caused in the psyche.
[The exact descrlptlon is purely abstract - in symbols - and is given later.]
Each Aeon has a particular clvilizatlon associated with it. (See the llst.)
] Its energy may be expressed in terms of an 'ethos' - that is, how the;f; [where
the symbol~; represents indivldual(s)] within that~~ [where the symbol means
'Clvlllzatlon'] apprehend both causally and acausally [or in simple terms, both
ratlonally and intuitively] the acausal energy of the Aeon. This ethos, like
] a ~c ' grows and changes : it evolves.
The clvillzations listed are 'higher' or Aeonic ones - those that have changed/
shaped conSClOUS evolutlon. Other clvilizations have existed, but they have
] generally not contributed significantly to such evolutlon in terms of
creatlvlty - they are usually related, in time and space, to an already existlng
or a prevlously eXlsting civilization. The criteria for an AeonlC Civllizatlon
-1 In analyslng civilizatlons and their changes, the work of Spengler and Toynbee
lS valuable, although its details are not essent1al. What thelr work has done,
lS to contribute some fundamental ideas about the nature and structure of
J Clvllizatlons -thelr detalled work (such as, in Toynbee's case, historlcal
dates and events) adds flesh to the bones of the aeonic theory here propounded,
but that theory is independant of such detail which may be and lndeed should be
l surpassed ln the future. The two most' fundamental ideas of these historlans are
Spengler's one of the metamorphosls of what he terms a 'culture', and the
genesls of clvilizatlons as glven by Toynbee - thelr origln, classlficatlon,
lnter-relation and so on. The ldeas have been comblned with others - some origlnal,
some not (some part of 'esoterlc tradition') - to provide the framework for
aeonlc/acausal theory outlined here. ThlS framework is 'CI10logy' - the study
of those processes WhlCh have caused historical change.
Aeon Symbol Magickal Associated Dates
Work1.ng Civilizat1.on
] Pr1.mal Horned
Shamanism 9,000
7,000 BP
Sumer1.an Dragon Trance; Sumerian/ 5,000
Sacrifice Egyptiac 3,500 BP
Hellenic Eagle Oracle; Hellenic 3,000 -
Dance 1, 500 BP
Western Sunwheel/ R1.tual Western 1,000 BP
] Swastika 500 AP
[Note: BP means 'Before Present' (1980 eh); AP means 'After Present']
The centre of the Hyberborian Aeon was the area around Stonehenge. The centre
of the Sumerian was located between the Tigr1.s and Euphrates (and is near present
] day Baghdad). The centre of the Hellen1.c was Delphi. The centre of the Western
was/1.s around an area in the Marches - it was, and 1.S, esoter1.C due to the
d1.stortion of the Western ethos by first the Nazarene religion and then other forms
1 Civili~~_~!on Relations
'---=":,,=,,, --'
-----------Troub"itU5 ----State
Time or Universal
.;.. _---.;---. --;J~or
Unrelated : Phy15ical .26n : 2298 - ' -BC
] . e_'" _ . _ . _ .
2298 BC
] . H8~leni~ '----_..L.!Ie'OO~y--.:..--.,-----------....;'~lUB:1l.C.-.--ll--.;'~7_(..J8::l--'LnU-
~fCiliated Physical
J _4_ __ _ _._ _ __
l _____
W...::.e.=s....:t....:e:..:rn:..=:... -=:A::f:..:r:..,;1:;.:l=..i;:.;:a ted
t.o Hellenic
Phys i c al
Table I
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I]~ ~?~
, (QV"~ '\I\.JvV ~?t~~j~.(~ 7radj~/ fii:.d-; )"..../"'..,..~.
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I ~l
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Each C1v1llzatlon follows a pattern. This can be symbollzed and thus studled.
The same lS true for an Aeon. Such study enables two important thlngs. Flrst,
1t enables an objectlfication. In one sense, this is a withdrawlng of
proJectlons (In Junglan terms). Second, it developes already_exlstlng facult1es
and creates new ones - the ablilty to reason ln abstract symbollsm, for example,
where the symbols are 'numlnous' (i.e. "allve") rather than belng slmply
'lntellectual'. That lS, such symbols relate to those things which are lmportant
j for an lndlvlduals life. fIn a slmple sense, the symbols of cliology are
1mbued wlth 'psychic energies' and thus posses 'power'. More correctly, the
symbols re-present acausal energles as against causal ones such as in mathematlcs
and phyS1CS.]
The symbol1zation enables the patterns, on the levels of an Aeon, a civilizatlon
and lndlvlduals, to be followed and manipulated if necessary. It enables
1nslght lnto Aeons, civilizations, individuals, and one's own self, and thus forms
the essence of inner esoteric teaching.
The symbolization, a~ the present time of writing, is of three klnds, two of
WhlCh have been developed quite recently. The first kind lS the mythologlcal/
archetypal - the use of myths/archetypes and such like forms to describe/
represent the processes and patterns. Such representations are traditional,
and stlll useful, partlcuarly in the early stages of study. [One type of thlS
Klnd of representation is the septenary Tree of Wyrd wlth each sphere belng
assoclated wlth various archetypes/myhtologlcal forms and so on.] The second
Klnd, is The Star Game - a collocation of abstract symbols WhlCh re-present
the acausal as it manlfests ln the causal, these symbols, as mentloned above, belng
numlnous ones. The thlrd type, the rudiments of which are described in
the Second and Thlrd Parts of thlS present work, is a formalized abstract
system WhlCh represents the beglnnlngs of a new SClence. The first and second
types are complete. The third type has only begun to be developed - the next
few centurles should see thlS new SC1ence complete in most of its essentlals.
The mastery of the first type of symbolization is relatively easy. The mastery
J of The Star Game (in both/septenary and Advanced versions) takes qUite an
lntellectual effort, stretchlng the frontiers of conSClOUS evolutlon. The
understanding of the third type, takes conscious evolutlon still further.
The completlon of this third type will stretch the frontiers almost to thelr
..l llmlts .
All three kinds are genuine esoteric Arts .
Before proceeding to descrlbe the symbollsm of thlS thlrd type, some
brlef remarks concernlng the symbollsm of The Star Game wlll be ln order.
In The Star Game, Aeons may be symbollzed by the boards - l.e. the f1rst
board (Slr1us) re-presents the flrst or Prlmal Aeon, the next board, the next Aeon,
and so on. The plac1ng on the pleces on a board represents a partlcular stage of
an Aeon - the in1tial placlng belng the pre-c1vlllzatlon stage of an Aeon.
The movement of pleces then represents the evolutlon wlthin an aeon and its effect
upon others.
However, all seven boards can be used to represent just one Aeon. The same 1S
true both for a C1vlllzatlon and an lndlvldual. Thus, ln the septenary verSlon for
lnstance, the seven boards could be used to represent aspects of one Civlllzatlon frc
1tS genesls to its demise - the flrst SlX boards might be chosen to represent the
causal changes, and the seventh, the acausal ones, thus:
- y(~)
~~'f. tJ
-"") "
~(~) 'rr)
(X (f)_ '" "
-') (lr:~) ( 1)
" -Ol(OL)
In thls case, the last board is in 'acausal space' and thus has three causal
aspects - Oc, ~ y
T.c~.. )'J - f( (1) (2)
In (2) there lS no llnear (2/3 dlmenslonal) representation of causal time as there
lS ln (1) [ the basic transformatlon is a linear representation of change]. That lS,
in (2) there is no direct, linear sequence from one board to the next.
Both representatlons are equally valid - they are merely different ways of
vlewing the same thing, and this flexibility is inherent in The Star Game. This lS
an important pOlnt WhlCh lS often overlooked - the only constants (or constraints)
In/of the Star Game are the seven boards, each of a partlcular number of squares,
the number and types of pieces, and the rules governing thelr movement. What
the boards and symbols and moves re-present has to be determined before the game is
used - when, that is, it is used esoterlcally, and not just as a 'game'.
Further, acausal components or 'pleces' (such asr(t) or ~(r) say) eXi~
slmultaneously as a particular causaJ.. componel\t or piece - thus,:\. whenOC(oi)exlsts,
so to does ()(("l) and botht1(r) and ""((~). whenll(('ot)transforms totJf.J, these acausal
pleces stlll eXlst, even lf they have not been 'presenced' ln the same or adjacent
causal space as that plece. ThlS slmultaneous eXlstence lS represented, ln the
septenary form of The Star Game, for lnstance, by the degree of freedom of movement
of an 'acausal' plece ..
.. We shall now move on to descrlbe the baslc symbolism of the thlrd form .
Two abstract spaces, rlJ'and >'.rare poslted and~JE..rs divlded lnto nlne
.. sUb-spaces represented by the abstract symbols Y"/~\ y"r11\, t( 0)
t~) / ~(p') ,I I< Or)" tc~) f(f~ fer))
J 0( I J, 0 ( (9
( 3)
rlr lS determlned byfand /l/ by fA where f~ lS acausal tlme, and f- '>. causal tlme,
order: ex(tK) -; ()/ Cf) -"") ()('(Y) --) f(or) -) f(~) ~ f(") -) )'"(00') 4 o(tf) -) ((r;
] (4)
[Note: the symbol ~ is to be read 'within'.]
J Therefore,
(5 )
wh~re ali)" I lS the new trans formed element according to (4).
~transformatlons also occur. Such a transformation - O~ - lS deflned
J by
fl L- t((i)'
J tf a. (/)" ;:
"., J Q{~~+
( 6)
Hence, a J~transformation
lS non-linea~
The operatlons cf"'andcf~are
the fundamental operatlons in ..r t ~, and can be used to formulate rules WhlCh
govern what occurs ln both ~paces_ That lS, an a1gebra~or these reglons
can be created (rules for tI z; ) Y
J i ;; 4~.' and so on) and then
equatlons wrltten, using the transformations, WhlCh represent the forms taken
by 'objects' ln these spaces - l.e. the forms are geometrlcally represented uSlng
algebralc equatlons based on the new algebra. Each form lS then ldentlfled wlth a
partlcular aspect of such spaces - e.g. one form/geometric structure would be
an aeon; another a Civlllzatlon; another an lndlvldual. The geometrlc representatlon
would be Vla a new 'co-ordinate geometry' ln the new space deflned by ~J ~ '>\r
Manlpulatlon of the equatlons, and an lndentificatlon of the models wlth aspects
of the physlcal manlfestatlons, would then provlde new insights. [For detalls of
this new algebra and geometry, concerned wlth the space }6,e'A r, see the
MS 'Mapplng The Acausal'.]
Th1S sect10n 1S an introduction to the basic ideas of a new representatlon
of the acausal. Th1S representation enables the fundamental laws governlng the
changes of energy (or acausal matter] to be ascerta1ned and descr1bed 1n convent10nal
mathemat1cal terms .
The 1deas - the formulation of the acausal and the changes, and so on - may
be used to descr1be, by reduction [the imposition of appropriate boundary
conditions] the causal and the changes of matter/energy w1thin it. Thus, 1t
1S possible to develope a new physics which describes the laws and so on of the
acausal, this new phys1CS being able also to describe the causal since the
causal is a spec1al case of the acausal.
h t.tJ
til f1 ~ (:X.:!,J)
P 1S a representation of the 3 dimensions of causal space: "x 1:/1 J .
A llne-element of this ~ space is described by:
ds= ~ (f~
1S determined by c, the velocity of light.
f: I)
f-~lmplies act10n at a d1stance, because of the nature of prs - i.e. it is 'beyond
the causal'.
: I
a. 4
: I = 7 (cI.J'~)
where alr~ is determined by f ~ . For f ~ 0" ~ reduces to ~ [where F in
general represents 'Force' e.g. ~ is gravitatlonal field 1n AJ"; v 1S r
the 'unif1ed f1eld' of ~r ] .
A p01nt in J is spec1fled by ~ f~nd / where; = (:t'Yd) and the metnc 0
th1s space 1S der1ved from a transformat10n /, -::.> /~and so on.
V ('V. ) - 1.. ~ :. 0
D1V 1mplies scource-dens1ty of field; Curl 1mpl1es r~rt1c1ty of fleld; Grad 1mpl1es
rate of change of field. Mass 1mpl1es F - the flux" ~ ~
Aeon Associated Cent.re of Consciousness !':agickal
Iligher Aeonic ~uide Form
] Civilizat.ion Force
j Hyper Albion
c. 4 000 BC
St.onehenge Henges
2 500 BC
] Sumerian Surneric
c. 3 100 DC
basin I (e) Trance;
1905 BC
Hellenic Hellenic
c. 1 100 BC
378 AD
r ("$) Oracle;
Galactic c. 2400 AD Beyond Empathy;
solar Star Game
An Aeon lasts approx. 1,500 years (not 2,000) and predates the
J higher civilization associated with it by approx. 300 - 400 years.
An Aeon impliest-.a.,i\S: that. is, an increasing of ~ in f~
dimensions. In simplified form, one may say that a 'Gat.e' between
] s and ~ S has l]een 'opened' - giving an increase in
consciousness ( 8, by f)\ )via the mechanism of a higher
civilizat.ion. Thus t.he 'opening of a Gat.e' for the next Aeon, the
] Galactic occurs c. 2000 - 2100 AD.
Contrary t.o Occult mythology, t.he most important aspect. of a
new Aeon is the associat.ed higher civilizat~Rnj t~ jivilization
taking its ethos from the Aeonic force and/oelngetHg most
1 conspicuous manifestation of that force. The subsequent development
of the higher civilization is natural, determined by the et.hos
l or 'spirit', the ethos itself becoming expressed and codified in
what is usually a non-magickal form - as a 'philosophy' or way
of looking at the world. This codification usually occurs in the
Spring period of a higher civilizatioJs metamorphosis.
Aeon Philosophy Associated
(& often esoteric)
Dragon/serpent mysteries
Apollo; myst.eries
not magickal. This free choice is part of all genuine Occult and magickal
paths: Initiation means this free choice, the decision to begin an inner
quest. When there is no free choice about the matter, there is no genuine
Initiation - whatever path or way is being followed. Where Satanism differs,
is in the aim, the philosophy of life and the techniques used to achieve
the aim - these make it a "Left Handed Path" [when viewed conventionally] .
Thus, there cannot be any such thing as 'childhood Initiation' - nor
participation by children under a certain age in any genuine magickal rituals.
What there can be: what there often is - in genuine Satan ism at least
is the simple dedication of infants by their parents to the darker path, and
1 this involves only the appointing of guardians to watch over and care for
the child(ren) :"Do you, so chosen, pledge to guard and watch over this
newborn and to teach them when the teaching-time is right, our ways ... "
~rom 'The Ceremony of Birth' in "The Black Book of Satan" (ONA)] The time
for teaching is when the child, in accord with Satanic philosophy, can choose
for themselve - sixteen years of age or thereafter - that is, when they
have attained the threshold of adulthood.
Hence, there is not, and cannot be, any such thing as "Satanic" child-abuse:
there can be no child-hood 'initiation', no participation by children under
a certain age in rituals, and no abuse, by adult Satanists,of children.
This latter is important - Satanism is concerned with the individual gaining
self-mastery and self-understanding. The abuser (whether of children, drugs
or pleasures) is swayed by mostly unconscious desires and impulses - they
may manipulate and try to control others who are susceptible, but they
I cannot control themselves, or even begin to understand their 'darker' side.
In short, they are weak - and generally rather pathetic - individuals,
although they may hide behind a "mask" or a "role". Such people are not
I Satanists, but rather failures. The Satanist aspires to self-mastery, self
overcoming; to knowledge ...
The popular image of Satan ism is a lie - a myth invented and fostered by those
I who have a vested interest in maintaining it. Organized religions and
I and fanaticism bring, the myths about Satan ism and the more general
myths about ritual 'child-abuse'. I and a few others like me can present
the facts - in my case about Satanism - but it needs an unbiased mind,
a certain mental freedom, to consider these facts as they should be
considered, and then make an informed judgement about the matter. It is this
freedom which a biased, religious intolerance destroys.
The real question about Satanic child-abuse (and ritual abuse itself) is
I thus a question about attitude, belief and commitment to reasoned thought
and debate. Long after Science showed the Earth was not at the centre of
, i
the Universe, the Church - its ministers and its faithful - continued
to bolster their religion and rather intolerant view of the world; or do we
go forward to greater understanding based on an acceptance of the facts?
These facts show that Satanic child abuse - and ritual abuse itself - is
a myth.
[The following books contain the facts regarding traditional Satanism, and
should be studied by anyone who wishes to know what Satan ism really is:
6 The Black Book of Satan - A Guide to Sinister Ceremonial Magick
6 Naos - A Practical Guide to Becoming
6 Fenrir Vol. I (no's 2 - 8)
an Adept
6 Fenrir Vol. II