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Design: GW online community
Editing: GW online community
Area map, Lanzend: Mars
Introduction, Mimi: Les Braun
Seaview Tower: SixthSixtySix
and Mars
MS 876, Submarine, DS 4:
John CalelSteele
Cover Art: Stu Shepherd
Interior Art: Larry Elmore INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2
General Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2
Hideyoshi Ruwwe
Village of Lanzend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
Mars SEAVIEW TOWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
John Wu Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
Neuville Levels 7-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
Levels 3-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
MINING STATION 876 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14
Central Docking Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 15
Pods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 15
The Mines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17
THE SUNKEN CITY OF MIMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 17
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17
Areas 1-17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18
Areas 18-45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 20
SUBMARINE PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 22
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 22
Decks 0-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 23
Deck 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 24
Deck 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 25
DEEP STATION 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 26
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 26
Docking Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 27
Security Sector One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 27
Storage Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 28
Life Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 28
Living Quarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 29
Laboratories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 30
Computer Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 31
Power Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 31
APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 32
Army of the Deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 32
Rapture Mutagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 33
New Creatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 33
Underwater Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 43
New Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 44
End Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 45
Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 46


This module is designed for play with Because of their reputation, the Council
Intermediate to Advanced characters has sent for the characters. They would
using the 2nd Edition Gamma World rules. like them to investigate the mysterious
It is best suited for a group of three to disappearances hoping a smaller, highly
eight players. This module includes Introductory Encounter skilled group will have better luck.
complete background information, Mysterious Disappearances Following the given pattern, the next most
encounter area descriptions, and maps for likely shoreline town to be attacked would
the Game Master to run a complete be Lanzend. It is located about 80km
Gamma World adventure. For the last few months, a series of south of Evium. The Council would like the
attacks have been made on coastal towns characters to go to Lanzend (about a 2-3
STOP! If you are going to run a player and villages. Whole communities have day journey if walking) in order to help the
character in this module, do not read any been disappearing without a trace. All that inhabitants with its defense and determine
further. The information in the rest of this was found afterward were deserted who or what could be causing these
module is for the Game Master to use in buildings and the occasional dead body. attacks. A new monster? Pirates? An odd
guiding the adventure. The odd thing about the bodies that were naturalphenomenon?
found is that they were located in hard to
reach or concealed areas as if they were The Council cannot give any equipment to
hiding from something. The dead had no the characters - they are spread too thin
apparent wounds and their faces were trying to protect all the other coastline
twisted in terrible grimaces. communities (the PCs should already be
well equipped from previous adventuring -
Read through this whole module carefully The first settlement attacked was the however the GM may see fit to modify this
before playing it. You should be familiar coastal town of Wycro (see area map). if he feels they desperately need extra
with all encounters and options ahead of Two weeks later McClanaye, another items they cannot purchase while talking
time. coastal town 100km to the south of Wycro, with the Council in Gatorvil see below).
was attacked. After this second attack, the The Council will promise the characters
The majority of this adventure takes place remaining coastal communities and city compensation for their services
underwater in the ocean known as the elders of Gatorvil (the major trade center commensurate with the effort expended
Lantik Zea. The very nature of underwater and capitol of the surrounding area) and information gathered on their return to
adventuring makes this a challenge even quickly formed a co-defense council. They Gatorvil. This reward is payable upon
for an experienced and well-equipped began working out a strategy of protection. completion of services - this could range
group. The GM should take care to A month later, 75km south of McClanaye, from 500gp to 10,000gp (or possibly the
balance out the dangers of open sea the port town of Evium was attacked. This choice of one or two artifacts for each
adventuring with the skill level of the last attack happened only 30km east of member of the party) - based on the
players. Even without facing the many Gatorvil and had a sizable force sent to amount of work the PCs accomplish.
terrifying denizens of the deep, the defend it just two weeks prior. Not a trace
characters may find themselves in a life was found of the defenders or the The co-defense council is made up of
and death struggle just to survive long inhabitants. The last attack happened a seven members: one Pure Strain Human -
enough beneath the waves in order to week ago and the Council is worried. Rumiko (female), three Humanoids - Ulric
solve the mystery they have been called Whos safe from attack if even a well- (male), Allta (female), Riderch (male - in
upon to investigate defended town falls victim to this strange addition to his Council duties, Riderch is
menace? also one of Gatorvils ruling nobles; see
below), two Mutated Animals - Mitzi

(female dabber), Tomas (male sleeth), encountered if the PC group stays on 12 Spreys 1d4
and one Mutated Plant - Sloosh (a established roadways. If this result is 13 Tanglepus 1d3
cabbage headed centaur looking plant). At rolled, the GM should act as if a "No 14 Defense Council boat (*1) 1
this time, all the varying groups along the Encounter" result was rolled, but have 15 Trading Ship (*2) 1
coast are represented by and adhere to the out of sight Army of the Deep 16+ GM's Choice (*3) (Special)
the Councils wishes. Unfortunately, the group take note of the passing PCs. *1 = If a Defense Council patrol boat is
council (though showing a unified front) *2 = If a Cryptic Alliance is encountered, it encountered there will be from 8-10
has a number of members who dont will most likely be either the well armed beings on board. They will
entirely trust each other. Brotherhood of Thought (30%), or the ask the PCs who they are, where they
Ranks of the Fit (40%). If it is not one are headed, and why. If the PCs are
If the characters choose to explore of those two groups, the GM should cooperative, the patrol will allow them
Gatorvil a bit, here are some common decide or randomly determine which to continue on their way, and will
items of information: Population - around Cryptic Alliance it is. The GM should probably warn them of any hazards
5000 beings (there are a number of use his or her best judgment as to the the PCs should be wary of.
prominent and interesting structures in the number of alliance members *2 = Trading Ships will have a crew of 20
city; however the players will probably not encountered, and what kind of to 40 people depending on the size of
have time to explore them). As the city is equipment they have. the ship encountered (small to large
quite large, the PCs should be able to *3 = If a Defense Council patrol is boat). Most trading vessels are
purchase just about anything they need encountered, they will ask the PCs capable of defending themselves if
here (including things like trechlily berries, who they are, where they are headed, the need arises. They will generally
etc). The city leadership consists of: Sir and why. They will typically be armed be suspicious of, and try to outrun any
Isaak, an elderly Sleeth who is gifted with with tech level 1 to 3 weapons. If the unknown vessel especially if it
the Political Genius mutation. Queenie, a PCs are cooperative, the patrol will appears the occupants are armed.
large female Menarl, matriarch of all allow them to continue on their way, *3 = For this result, the GM may choose
Menarls in Gatorvil (who make up the bulk and will probably warn them of any any creature from this encounter
of the citys servant class), Captain Anton, hazards the PCs should be wary of. table, or select a creature or creatures
a Pure Strain Human and head of the city *4 = Trading Caravans will only be from the rulebook; provided they
militia, Professor Jym-Bob, an Orlen who encountered on roads traveling would logically inhabit the surrounding
is the Elder Librarian, and Riderch, between villages, and may or may not region where encountered.
Gatorvils representative to the co-defense be carrying items which the PC group
council (a charismatic humanoid with can purchase. Each wagon in the
oversized eyes). Once on their way, the caravan will be carrying one
GM should roll for regular random merchant, 1d3 assistants, and 2d4
encounters during the characters journey guards who will either walk alongside
to Lanzend. the wagon (60%), or will be mounted
(40%). Mounts will be podogs (40%),
Random Encounter Tables centisteeds (30%), or brutorz (30%).
Vicinity of Lanzend (Land): (Roll 1d6 per They will typically be armed with tech
hour; encounter on a 1. Roll 1d20 below.) 1 and 2 weapons.
Roll Type Number *5 = For this result, the GM may choose
1 AotD Scouting Party (*1) 1d4+4 any creature from this encounter
2 Arns 1d6 table, or select a creature or creatures
3 Bigoons 1d6 from the rulebook (Serfs, Sleeths,
4 Boomblossoms 2d10 Orlens, etc.); provided they would
5 Crep Plants, water 1d4 logically inhabit the surrounding
6 Croaker 3d6 region where encountered.
7 Crustean 1
8 Cryptic Alliance (*2) (Varies) Vicinity of Lanzend (Coastal Waters): (Use
9 Fens 1d10 for encounter checks in areas within 20km
10 Gators 1d2 of shore. Roll 1d6 per hour; encounter on
11 Hawkoids 1d3 a 1. Roll 1d20 below.)
12 Keeshin 1d4 Roll Type Number
13 Narl Eps 1d4 1 Ber Leps 1d8
14 Spreys 1d4 2 Cren Tosh 1d4-2 Open Sea: (Use for encounter checks in
15 Defense Council Patrol (*3) 1d6+4 3 Crep Plants, water 1d4 areas more than 20km from shore. Roll
16 Trading Caravan (*4) 1d6 wagons 4 Ert Teldens 1d6 1d6 per hour; encounter on a 1. Roll 1d20
17 Trechlilies 2d4 5 Fens 1d10 below.)
18 Win Seen, green 1d4 6 Fleshins 1d2 Roll Type Number
19+ GM's Choice (*5) (Special) 7 Horsy 1d6 1 AotD surface raider (*1) 1
*1 = A small group of Army of the Deep 8 Koodas 2d6 2 Barl Neps 1d4-2
soldiers (see below) armed with tech 9 Mingos 1d20 3 Blade Whales 1d2
level 2 or 3 weapons. Army of the 10 Soopturt 1d4 4 Ceruleans 1d10
Deep scouting parties will not be 11 Spiny Craws 1d6 5 Draguns 1d2
6 Erts 1d4-2

7 Fens 1d10 characters arrive in Lanzend, allow them their compatriots against the town (see
8 Fleshins 1d2 to help the townsfolk organize and build below). If Grent and Ryco are somehow
9 Flipps 2d4 defenses. Regardless of their actions, two affected by the gas, they will merely join
10 Herkels 5d6 days after the partys arrival, a raiding the underwater raiding element and assist
11 Horsy 1d6 party from the Army of the Deep will them.
12 Koodas 2d6 attack. It is they who have been causing
13 Pirate vessel (*2) 1 all the trouble along the coastline. For this raid, the Army of the Deep will
14 Seps, sea type (*3) 1d6 Because the Army of the Deep (also have eight sea going craft (see page 38 of
15 Soopturt 1d4 known as the Trident) has had a couple of 2nd Edition rulebook) made up of one
16 Tanglepus 1d3 spies in town before the players arrival large boat (ex-Coast Guard cutter) and
17+ GM's Choice (*4) (Special) (see Grent and Ryco below), they will seven small boats (three motorboats, four
*1 = This is an Army of the Deep large have intimate knowledge of all defenses, sailboats) manned as described below
boat with 20-50 beings on board. including any personal weaknesses the which will attack the port area of the town
They are looking for surface vessels characters may have shown during the while, simultaneously, a strong force will
to chase down and attack two days prior to the raid. Any defensive attack from land (see below). In addition,
(robbing/commandeering the ships structure will have been secretly and they have four underwater transports
and killing/enslaving the crews). They expertly sabotaged. The raiding force will awaiting the capture of the villages
are typically armed with two have easy access to the town despite the population just off shore (these are
quadruple range Type C slug players best efforts. converted underwater ore transports from
throwers in addition to the individual Mining Station 876 also see below).
crew members arms (a smattering of Grent - looks like a Pure Strain Human, They also have a small vehicle ferryboat
mostly Tech 2 and 3 weapons). If this but is actually a Humanoid. which they use as a vehicle and personnel
encounter is rolled underwater, it will Morale: 9 transport, but it is some distance away up
be a submersible. AC 10 the coast and will not participate in the raid
*2 = A rare non-Army of the Deep affiliated HP 45 (because it is not nearly as nimble as the
pirate vessel. This will be a small boat IN 14 MS 14 CN 14, all others 10 other surface craft). The large boat listed
with 10-30 individuals (of any type) on Mutations: Empathy, New Body Part; above carries the same main blasters as a
board. They have roughly the same Poison Absorbing Organ (alcohol and Death Machine and four Mk VII blaster
intent as an Army of the Deep raider. Intensity 14 poisons or weaker are batteries of two guns each in addition to
These vessels will almost never have absorbed), Total Healing. the individual crewmembers armaments
their own armament, relying on the He is equipped with 2 flintlock pistols (treat (see Sea going raiding forcebelow). The
arms the crew carries (mostly Tech 1 as musket with the range), cutlass (treat smaller vessels each have the equivalent
and 2 weapons) to attack and board as long sword), hidden needler with of two Type C Slug Throwers with
other ships. They will avoid any paralysis darts, knockout drops (I 16), 2 quadruple the normal range and weight.
contact with rival AotD vessels. If this stun grenades, chronometer, 400gp. Each of the surface raiding vessels will
encounter is rolled underwater, treat have a large gas generator on board
as (*4). Ryco - Pure Strain Human which the raiders will use to assist the land
*3 = These creatures have exactly the Morale: 9 force in flooding the town with Rapture
same stats as their land based AC 10 gas. The Trident will not use any aerial
brethren. They will aggressively HP 44 assets (i.e. flying vehicles) during this raid.
attack any surface (or submerged) IN 14 MS 14 CN 13, all others 10
vessel or group. He is equipped with 2 flintlock pistols (treat As their initial raid action, the attackers will
*4 = For this result, the GM may choose as musket with the range), cutlass (treat flood the entire town with Rapture gas
any creature from this encounter as long sword), hidden needler with using the large gas generators on the
table, or select a creature or creatures paralysis darts, concealed paralysis rod, 4 raiding ships and land vehicles. The
from the rulebook; provided they stun grenades, chronometer, 550 domars. primary effort of the raiders during this
would logically inhabit the surrounding attack is the subdual of the inhabitants,
region where encountered. Grent and Ryco are the crew of the though they will use deadly force wherever
Prinzezz Marie (see #22 below). They necessary. The player characters may
Lanzend can be found most of the time at the End have special immunities or have special
This small coastal village is almost always of the World tavern (#7), buying drinks for equipment (such as sealed armor) that
busy with trade moving through it from people and having a good time (all the might allow them to continue to fight (or
several other settlements. Though small, while obtaining as much information as hide and follow the attackers at a later
its port is one of the most active in the possible). In addition to their covert acts of time). If so, the raiders will concentrate
area. It has a permanent population of sabotage, they will try to get people very special attention on those who continue to
about 200 people including adults and intoxicated the night before the raid and resist and show immunity to the gas. Once
children. Additionally there are about 25- then position themselves to strike at the the Army of the Deep has used the gas
75 outsiders in the village at any given towns strongest remaining defenses as (taking about 12 action turns [2 minutes] to
time conducting business. Most of the the raid begins; causing as much havoc as cover the whole village), it will quickly
buildings are of wooden construction, possible without getting killed. Because of move in to herd the suffocating inhabitants
however many of the larger buildings are their experience during previous raids, to the water (note - add two action turns to
made of concrete and stone (see they will know when to leave just before the turn total needed for each vehicle or
individual descriptions below). Once the Rapture gas (see Appendix) is used by boat disabled during the attack by the PCs

or villagers). The underwater element of MS 16 IN 13 CH 14 Captain Gilmer - Cerulean
the sea going raiding force (listed below) PS 15 DX 15 CN 18 Morale: 9
will be waiting in the water to corral the Marine battlesuit, B-G laser rifle, stun ray AC 3
townsfolk (any suffocating PCs may have rifle, stun ray pistol, long sword. 417gp. Hit Points 65
a chance to escape capture in the ensuing MS 14 IN 16 CH 10
confusion). At the same time the entire Land side raiding force PS 15 DX 14 CN 15
village will be looted of all valuables. Then 52 Humanoids, 47 Serfs, 35 Ceruleans, 34 Mutations: Confusion, Cryokinesis, Gills,
as quickly as they came, the attackers will PSHs 29 Fens, 26 Arks, 13 Menarls, 6 Ultravision
leave, going back out to sea taking all Orlens, 3 Dabbers, 3 Hoops (all equipped Plastic armor, paralysis rod, stun ray rifle,
bodies and any other evidence of their as per sea raiders above). chronometer, 248gp, 152 domars.
passing with them (including both sailing
vessels in port, but not the smaller boats, Four of the land force PSHs will be Sergeant Dimin - Pure Strain Human
barges, or dry dockedtrawler - see #22) equipped with marine battlesuits. Those Morale: 8
members of the Army of the Deep who are AC 3
Sea going raiding force native water breathers will wear bubble Hit Points 60
Surface - 30 Humanoids, 28 Ceruleans, helmets filled with water while on land. MS 11 IN 15 CH 10
23 Serfs, 13 PSHs, 5 Arks, 3 Orlens This force is lead by a Cerulean (see New PS 12 DX 13 CN 15
Underwater - 37 Fens, 12 Menarls Creatures) named Captain Gilmer and his Plastic armor (sealed), backpack fogger
The surface group will be spread evenly assistant Sergeant Dimin. for Rapture gas (looks very much like a
amongst the ships with 10 beings in
each small boat and 32 on the large boat.
The underwater group is spread out just
under the surface of the water near the

Typical Humanoid and PSH raiders

Morale: 7
AC 6 or 3
Hit Points 55
MS 12 IN 12 CH 11
PS 12 DX 12 CN 14
Typical humanoid mutations: Gills,
Partial/Total Carapace, Mental Blast,
Pyro/Cryokinesis, Radiation Eyes,
Regeneration, Sonar, Skeletal
Enhancement, Sonic blast, Stunning force,
Water dependency (D)
Fiber or plastic armor, B-G Laser rifle, stun
pistol, stun grenade. Any one common
melee weapon.

The above mutations and equipment are

only typical examples of what an
individual would have (1-4 mutations, one
of the above types of armor and one of the
listed weapons in addition to any common
melee weapon). The GM should feel free
to adjust this as necessary. Two of the
above PSHs will also be equipped with
marine battlesuits (see New Equipment).
The non-human raiders (Arks, etc) will be
equipped as per their standard rulebook
descriptions. Each raider will also carry
20-40gp or 10-100 domars. The sea force
is lead by Major Kantrell who is part of the
underwater group.

Major Kantrell - Pure Strain Human

Morale: 9
AC 2
Hit Points 75

flamethrower - anyone hit immediately characters it will be their job to put a stop other towns and villages when the need
suffers the effects of the Rapture to the new menace and discover the arises.
mutagen), stun pistol, chronometer, Armys overall plan. Why is the Army of 6. Warehouse This is a large, sturdy
135gp. the Deep taking the inhabitants? What are concrete building with 4-meter high ceiling.
their intentions? Why are they being so This building is owned by Mayor Wally. It
The land group will be supported by five secretive? Why have they begun a houses a variety of goods coming and
vehicles: two military ground cars, one systematic raiding of the coast? Could this going from Lanzend.
civilian ground car, and two hover cars be a build up for something bigger? 7. End of the World Tavern - This
previously offloaded from the ferryboat up concrete two-story building is the villages
the coast. They all carry the same Village of Lanzend locations most popular gathering spot. It is run by a
versions of the gas generators being used 1. Militia Compound a one-story tall and burly Pure Strain Human by the
by the ships. Only the military ground cars barracks and armory building made from name of Kalahan and his family. They are
are armed in addition to the gas locally produced concrete is surrounded Big Sally (PSH), Kalahans wife and tavern
generators. Each has one Type C Slug by a 3-meter high wooden palisade. It is waitress, Lil Sally (PSH), Kalahans
Thrower as per the small boats described the home to the town sheriff and 5-10 on daughter, also a waitress, and Gundar
above. These two military ground vehicles duty militia members at any time. The (PSH), the places bouncer-bartender,
each have eight beings riding aboard, one compound contains 15 Podogs and a who is married to Lil Sally. The walls in the
of which is Captain Gilmer. The other civilian ground vehicle (Mayor Wallys taverns main room have rows of Gator
three vehicles will have five beings apiece. truck - see below). Sheriff Karlton is a skulls and Kooda jaws. Each specimen
The remaining land raiders, including white haired Pure Strain Human. He is has a name under it and is larger than the
Sergeant Dimin, are on foot. It is the job equipped with plastic armor, stun ray rifle, one before it. One wall is dominated by a
of the land force to cut off any escape and a slug thrower B pistol. Each regular 2.5 meter diameter spined turtle shell.
from the town by land. They will encircle militia member is equipped with leather Darts and dice games are popular
the town and begin a squeezing armor, musket, and long sword. The gambling pastimes. Brawls here are
maneuver forcing the inhabitants toward village can muster up to 95 additional uncommon, but the atmosphere can get
the water where the underwater element militia in emergencies when given time to quite rowdy at times. Private rooms and a
of the sea force will be waiting to capture organize. These non-regulars are usually large single common room are rented out
them. equipped with common hand weapons, upstairs. Gator steaks, fish, and oysters
bows, or occasionally musket weapons. are the main fare on the menu. Many
After the raid, the remaining Trident forces 2. Brewer/Distiller - Rikken the brewer rumors can be heard here concerning the
will regroup offshore. The surface element sells more of his goods to ships than surrounding areas and events.
will then return to its base, while the locals. He also makes a little alcohol fuel 8. Bath house - This small, charming
underwater element (including Major for ground vehicles and other items which wooden building is the towns bathhouse.
Kantrell, all Fens, and about half of all the can use it. It is run by a Pure Strain Human of asian
remaining underwater raiders) will take the 3. General Mercantile Store - Smiling descent; Mr. Canto is a very short man
collected prisoners to the four awaiting Charlys shop is very similar to a 1830's who wears odd, colorful robes. The baths
underwater transports (two crew member, Western general store. Charly is a friendly are all private and customers are asked to
enclosed craft which can carry 75-100 Pure Strain Human who has a few musket bathe before they get in the tub. Soap, a
people each). They will then begin a weapons for sale, as well as dried food, oil towel, and an hours soak in a hot bath
straight-line journey to Mining Station 876, and alcohol lamps, cloth, rope, nautical costs two domars.
taking them north of Lando and within hardware, and furs. He welcomes trade of 9. Carpenter Lanzends busy carpenter
sight distance of the Seaview Restaurant all sorts in his store. lives here with his wife and two children
Tower (see below). Because the 4. Fishmarket and pickleworks this is a (all humanoids).
transports have a top speed of single story wooden structure. Most fish 10. Apiarist (bee keeper) Chazz is a
approximately 50km/hr, the entire trip will brought in from the local fishermen ends Pure Strain Human who collects wax and
take roughly 6 hours (about 3 hours to the up here to be dried, pickled, or salted. honey from the bees he keeps. He can
tower). Most is exported inland to other towns and make just about anything out of the wax
villages, however a good quantity is (his candles are especially nice) and sells
It may seem as if this Army of the Deep available for sale here to anyone who his honey by the bottle.
force is completely overwhelming even for wishes to buy. 11. Tailor Any type of ordinary clothing
a well equipped and organized party. It is 5. Mayors house - Mayor Wallys home is (for many different body types) can be
meant to be. The raiding party has been a sturdy concrete two-story structure. It is bought here. The towns humanoid tailor is
put together by the Army of the Deep for one of the more impressive structures in quite talented and can produce or repair
exactly this kind of quick strike and town. Mayor Wally is a rotund, bald, and just about any garment desired given a
subdual attack on large settlements. The quite friendly Pure Strain Human (CH 16) little time and the correct materials.
PCs should have little chance of saving who lives here with his wife and seven 12. Bookseller/Scribe - Maps, sea charts,
the village, let alone themselves, from children. They are the wealthiest family in rutters, and other miscellaneous books are
capture by the raiders. There really should town (primarily due to Wallys connections available here. This place is run by an
only be two outcomes for this encounter: to every business in Lanzend). Mayor albino humanoid named Crazy Abdool
the players are captured or are forced to Wally owns the only powered vehicle in who is gifted with Precognition.
retreat. If a few (or all) of the PCs escape town, kept in the militia compound most of 13. Brotherhood of Thought shrine This
capture, they can relay to the Council what the time for safe keeping (see #1). It is modest wooden house is run by three
has happened. The Council tells the used primarily to transport goods inland to members of the Brotherhood: a Pure

Strain Human, a mutant raven, and a assistants are here at any given time (all leave at any time and are mildly rowdy
humanoid. They work together teaching humanoid). when in the tavern or brothel. They are all
their creed by example rather than 17. Barrelmaker Any type of wooden equipped with common melee weapons,
lecturing. They run their small shine much container is available here. The while six of the officers carry muskets as
like an ancient tea house. Along with tea barrelmaker (humanoid) is usually very well. The other four vessels being tended
and small meals, they give out pamphlets busy producing items to carry perishables to are assorted coastal barges with
with philosophical texts printed on them for the ships coming and going from standard goods for the area (food, textiles,
encouraging interspecies tolerance. Lanzend. etc). The remainder of the boats in the
Brother Kurroi - Pure Strain Human 18. Butcher - Anton the butcher dock area (and along the shoreline) are
Brother Maynard - Mutant Raven (Speech, (humanoid) sells mostly Gator meat and merely local fishing vessels. In fact, a
Levitation). wild game. He also makes quite a lot of family of Dabbers, who are Lanzends best
Brother Thrakk Humanoid (Partial Gator jerky for export. In fact he keeps fishermen, practically live on their boat
Carapace). several domesticated Gators in a pen (D).
14. Masons residence This is where next door to keep his supply as fresh as 23. Tinker/Mechanic - Jimmi is a small and
Lanzends lead mason lives. However, he possible. wiry Pure Strain Human who can fix
is rarely home, spending most of his time 19. Gator pen - There are currently three almost anything; including some Tech III
at the Oyster works (#16) or at project ill-tempered Gators here (all three have items.
sites around town. their paralysis tentacles cut off). 24. Healer/midwife Doctor Ellsbethis a
15. The Ice Palace Hotel This 20. Junk collector - Most of this building is young Pure Strain Human. She uses a lot
three-story wooden building has a large full of tables and barrels of scrap metal of local herbal remedies to help residents
screened porch that wraps around three and broken artifacts. Rudy is an elderly and visitors alike when her talents are
sides of the structure. The porch has a rotund Dabber who left the fishing trade in required.
number of comfortable chairs and tables. favor of collecting. There might be 25. Boatwright - This building is the
A traditional swing is at each end of the something useful here, but nothing of residence for the villages humanoid
porch. Madame Evita (an elderly great value. Rudy is very proud of his boatwright and his family. He can build
humanoid with cryokinesis and beguiling) Ancient War Club collection: a display of small fishing boats and repair any ship
runs Lanzends popular brothel here. The golf clubs that adorns one wall. type. Part of this building is a small
building stays a cool 70 degrees 21. Sailmaker and weaver one of the warehouse which holds seasoned lumber
Fahrenheit year-round, making it the most respected shops in town, the married used in the boatwrights daily activities.
coolest place in town during the summer humanoid owners provide all of Lanzends 26. Smithy - Trell, the towns blacksmith,
months thanks to Madame Evitas fishing trade (and transient vessels) with is a burly humanoid with pyrokinesis. In
cryokinesis. On the first floor, fine food sails and other cloth materials needed in addition to his normal blacksmithing skills,
and drinks are served in the parlor, with their day to day activities. he can make and repair blackpowder
the specialty being freshly shucked 22. Docks - The remains of ancient weapons. His shop fills this large wooden
oysters served in a tray of crushed ice. Interstate 75 extend out into the sea, building which includes a metal roof. His
Most evenings there are local musicians in making a perfect docking platform for assistant Pipi is a wiry adolescent PSH girl
the main parlor playing stringed and wind ships both large and small. This is the who is oddly stronger than most grown
instruments. The back room hosts a small busiest area in Lanzend. There is a men.
casino with cards, dice and other games motorized fishing trawler in dry dock at 27. Leatherworker The humanoid
of chance. Private rooms are available on (A) owned by Vekio Saley, Lanzends proprietor handles many kinds of furs and
the second floor for more heated head fisherman (a Humanoid with skins here in this store. His gator hide
activities. The third floor is mostly Precognition and Weather Sense). It has boots are superb. He has his workshop
occupied by employee living quarters. In been pulled ashore and is surrounded by just down the road at #29.
addition to a bartender and a number of wooden scaffolding. Repair work to it was 28. Nettery - Fishing nets and rope are
casino workers, Evitas employees include just recently been completed and the ship made here by the humanoid shop owner.
six youngish ladies, one of which is a Gren is now completely sea worthy. However it Small casting nets and fighting nets are
girl of about 19. She is Jayd and is Evitas would take about an hour to remove the also available for sale.
adopted daughter. The other girls are all scaffolding and move the ship back into 29. Tannery - This building is located on
Pure Strain Humans and are named the water. This would make an excellent the downwind side of town due to the
Amber, Safyre, Roobie, Jett, and Zirc. ship for the PCs to use if they so desire (it terrible smell it makes when the
16. Oyster works This big wooden has the same stats as a large boat in the leatherworker is toiling here.
building has a large materials yard rulebook). There are currently six ships 30. Stables - Many Rakoxen and a few
outside. Piles of oyster shells currently fill being worked (loaded/offloaded) at the Brutorz stay in this wooden barn at night.
the majority of the yard. Locally harvested docks by roughly 10 dockworkers. The Travelers may board their animals here for
oysters are processed here - once the two ships that stand out the most are a 23- a very modest fee.
oyster meat is removed (which is sold at meter fishing sailboat, the Prinzezz Marie
the fishmarket), wood-burning ovens (B) - see Grent and Ryco above, and a 50- The unnumbered buildings in town are
inside the building heat the shells which meter two-masted wooden sailing ship the private residences.
are then crushed and made into a strong Blue Devil (C) - a merchant ship from
concrete. Because of the ongoing need for Karolina heading for Mobeel. It is crewed
building materials, the shells are actually by 15 PSH officers and 35 Johnny Rep
more valuable than the oysters. There is a sailors (Red haired Neanderthal-like
60% chance the mason and his two PSHs). About twenty-five are on shore

holds is great, but would be difficult even (This is also where they start if they find it
for native water-breathers to collect. by surface vessel). The PCs may have to
wait for the effects of the Rapture mutagen
There are two ways the players will come to wear off (if affected) before entering the
Seaview Restaurant Tower across the tower. If they have been tower however, as most of the building is
"The view is just fantastic. . ." captured and are being taken to Mining unflooded (or they could use water filled
Station 876 aboard a submarine transport, bubble helmet rigs if they acquired some
This now submerged tower is located its power plant will suddenly overheat from the Trident raiders). For random
roughly 150km east-southeast of Lanzend. nearby, causing the nervous Trident encounters in the vicinity of the tower use
In the past, travelers could get a fine meal personnel to hurriedly rush repairs. They the Open Sea chart below. There are no
at the world-famous revolving restaurant, believe its cause may be linked to this random encounters as such within the
enjoy a wonderful view of the ocean and haunted area (but is actually just a tower itself. The GM should plug in any
nearby busy Canaveral spaceport, get combination of age and poor appropriate ghostly encounter when he
access to a public datanet point (money, maintenance). Major Kantrell and the feels the need for one (see level 3).
communications, scheduling, etc), and other three transports will continue on their
shop at an open-air ground-level mall way. This will afford the PCs about a half- Roll Type Number
here. A marvel of engineering when it was hour opportunity to escape. Unfortunately, 1 AotD surface raider (*1) 1
built, the shell of the tower was if they completely overpower their Trident 2 Barl Neps 1d4-2
constructed in a single piece and set onto guards (eight Fens and two humanoid 3 Blade Whales 1d2
a 30-meter thick ferrocrete foundation (a crew members) as opposed to just getting 4 Ceruleans 1d10
super strong type of concrete). The outer away, the PCs will have some 70 5 Draguns 1d2
wall is duralloy and an amazing 1 meter Lanzend townsfolk on the transport that 6 Erts 1d4-2
thick. The windows are 1 meter thick they must look after. How they accomplish 7 Fens 1d10
transparent aluminum fused into the this is completely up to them. 8 Fleshins 1d2
duralloy. This was one of the sturdiest 9 Flipps 2d4
non-military structures built before the 10 Herkels 5d6
cataclysm. 11 Horsy 1d6
12 Koodas 2d6
The entire building is roboticized, with 13 Pirate vessel (*2) 1
service areas placed in between the 14 Seps, sea type (*3) 1d6
floors. There is no main building computer; 15 Soopturt 1d4
individual robots monitor and control the 16 Tanglepus 1d3
automated systems. The thing that makes 17+ GM's Choice (*4) (Special)
this tower unique now, because of its *1, 2, 3, 4 see Open Sea encounter
sturdy construction, it is currently the only table in Lanzend description above.
item on the ocean floor that actually
breaches the surface of the sea for scores Level 7- Arrival/Departure Deck
of kilometers around (making it an ideal This level is an aircar/airbus/etc.
base of operations for the characters if debarkation area (there are no parking
they desire). It is currently being used only facilities in the tower). The dome is ringed
as a navigational aid by passing Army of with a narrow deck that was used as both
the Deep elements. This is primarily a mooring point for vehicles and as a
because of terrified tales of ghosts and walkway. The deck has a railing that
vanishing creatures from the last Army of retracts in sections to allow vehicle
the Deep group to go there (see level 3). access. Atop the dome is a red navigation
light that blinks at night. There are four
In addition to the towers service areas, equally spaced corridors leading from the
the open spaces on the side view map debarkation ring to the central elevator
house equipment fixtures, utility walkways, (e). There are two waiting benches built
ducts, local power junctions for individual around the elevator core for the
replicators, etc. The GM should feel free convenience of visitors. The building
to cram any kind of miscellaneous item interior around the elevator has red tile
into these spaces as desired. The second way they may find the tower is flooring. The interior walls are decorated in
by surface vessel - the exposed upper Roman style mosaics depicting deities,
The tower is just 10km west of what once level (and its flashing beacon - see below) oceans, ships, and sea monsters. The
was Cape Canaveral - which could make providing a perfect way to easily discover elevator doors are a bright golden metal,
for a nice side distraction or future the structure. The PCs will probably first embossed with stylized waves and
adventure for the characters. encounter the tower at its base (level 1) dolphins. On the right side of each
Unfortunately, the Canaveral Spaceport after escaping from the Army of the Deep doorway is a golden metal plate with a
and associated facilities are currently transport, however egress into tower on small round metal button. The button
buried under 5 meters of sand (damage to this level is blocked (see below) so they summons the elevator. The elevator itself
most of larger buildings was severe from will most likely have to go to the surface is decorated inside in a garish Louis the
the original cataclysm). The treasure it still (level 7) to gain entrance to the building. XIVth style with red brocade walls and

white marble floor. Ornately gilded frames elevator by these hostess bots at O and P responsible for the maintenance and
surround a dozen very tall, but narrow in the enclosed teller booths. Opheliaand upkeep of the five upper levels (3-7) of the
mirrors on the walls (3m x 30cm ). Inside Penelope look like beautifully carved structure when the restaurant was closed
is a small monitor with numbered buttons marble statues of Greek goddesses. They during off hours. This upkeep includes the
underneath (7 to 1) set to the right of each appear to be carved stone, but actually feeding of the live fish and plants and the
elevator door. The elevator will take are made of a tough flexible plastic that replacement of the external navigation
anyone to levels 2-7 without any ID allows for facial expressions and graceful lamp atop the tower. Each time the lamp
requirement, but will not open the doors movement of their arms and torsos. These fails and is replaced, one of the household
on level 2 due to obstructions (see units are not mobile beyond their booths. robots arrives at level 7 via the central
below). The elevator cannot access level 1 They have the same stats as supervisory elevator. During rough seas, the elevator
or 0 due the partially flooded elevator borgs and are equipped with two floods a small amount when the doors
shaft. Access to level 0 also requires concealed stun ray pistols each. Their open and this water eventually collects at
special ID (see below), assuming the shaft primary tasks are that of reception, tower the bottom of the elevator shaft. Level 2 is
is drained and opened up first. There is oversight, and patron billing, but they are almost completely submerged now
currently one lobsterfish (5 hp - see New also programmed to defend themselves because of this. This flooding is separate
Creatures) crawling around by the elevator and the restaurant. A random number of from the flooding of the Open Area Mall
doors. It will normally skitter to the nearest domars (50-500) may be found locked in a (Level 1). That area was flooded long ago
exit and jump in the water, but there is a 1 safebox in each of these areas. After at the same time as the surrounding
in 4 chance it will attack. being greeted by robots O and P, the terrain. The elevator shaft remains sealed
characters will then be approached by against the outside waters unless the shaft
Level 6- The Seaview Restaurant robot Q, the maitred, to be seated. doors on level 1 are opened.
Waters outside have risen over 15 meters
above the ceiling of this area, and the view Of the restaurants five general household
from the transparent walls around the robots, four are programmed as waiters
restaurant, is now at least as fantastic, if (L, M, Q, R); with two of these having
not more so than during its heyday. During additional duties as maitred (Q), and
daylight hours, the ocean is illuminated to bathroom attendant (R). Waiters (L) and
just about this depth, and the horizon (M) are programmed to exclusively serve
stretches away into a wash of the bluish- one each of the two banquet tables and
greens of unending ocean waters. The only oversee those areas. The fifth
rolling waves of the surface too are visible, household robot (N) is programmed to
illuminated in a ghostly reflection. Below function in the role of cook (equipped with
there is only darkness. a vibro knife). All of the robots are
programmed to be capable of bouncing
The restaurant seats over 100 guests. It unruly patrons. Each robot carries a
has two large banquet tables, twenty concealed stun ray pistol built into their left
smaller tables, two buffet-style food tables hands to help in this capacity. Their
(05), four video entertainment screens programming is mostly intact, but they do
(04), and two lengthy, illuminated have a few odd quirks. Robots L and M
aquariums (06) attached to the outer wall. are mildly obsessive about their exclusive
These are still filled with tropical fish (and service to theirbanquet tables. Since the
one oddity see level 3). Both ends of maitred (robot Q) wont seat less than 9
the reception area (01) sport comfortable people at these tables, these robots stand
seating for patrons waiting to be seated (in near their tables and do nothing most of
the form of four long couches). There is the time. Robot N takes great pride in its
centrally located kitchen (02) and restroom work and will eavesdrop on customers
(03). The entire floor of the restaurant about its cooking. A customer is allowed to
revolves once an hour. The floor (only) is complain about the food one time. If a
what moves; a giant ring around the second comment is made, the robot
immobile central hub. The hub contains classes that person as an unruly patron
the elevator, restrooms, entertainment and attempts to stun them. If it is provoked
screens, and food staging area. There are a third time by the same person it will go Any dialogue from the characters
five bare-metal wait staff robots operating rogue and try to kill the offender with its regarding the duties of the robots may
here (modified household robots see vibro knife. Robot Q will defend the lead to information regarding the care and
below). In addition to the robots, there is a patrons by grappling with robot N if this upkeep of live fish in the aquariums and
loudly snoring humanoid (07) asleep on situation arises apologizing profusely the plants on various levels (including
this level near robot M also see below. during the melee. Note: meals can be 'Beauty' on level 3 and the overturned
purchased here for 35 domars and drinks concessions machine there). It is possible
A tall marble statue of a woman in long for 5, payable to the hostess bots. Non- (50% chance) that if robot L is questioned
flowing garments faces each elevator payment after a meal will cause the robots about its duties, it will convey information
door, standing in an ornately carved to react as if the patrons are unruly. about the heavy concessions unit that has
marble booth. Any new 'guests' (i.e. the been tipped over and ask for assistance in
characters) are greeted after leaving the These robots were also (and still are) lifting the machine back into place (even

with the assistance of the other house causes him to fall asleep instantly, often HP 10 (special)
robots, the concessions unit is too while he is in the middle of a sentence. He PS 10 (appears much stronger, other stats
unwieldy and heavy for them to right). If is terrified of winged creatures and even as per Cerulean)
the characters agree to help, they will be more afraid of the eight legged lobsterfish
accompanied to level 3 by robot L. The that roam the tower. Kulebra is a scout for the Army of the
robot is unaware of the predatory nature of Deep. He is a fine specimen of a Cerulean
the houseplant it has been nourishing all Level 5- Bar warrior. Tall and muscular, his light blue
this time, but will advise that it 'is a real This level is open from 10am-2am. After skin nicely offsets his golden iridescent
handful. . .' hours only the restroom area (M and F) is lightweight fish scale armor. He is armed
accessible (all other doors will be locked). with a long sword and a crossbow. He
As mentioned previously, a medium sized wears a leather harness to carry his
humanoid is snoring loudly stretched Room 1 - Starport Lounge. weapons, which displays a metal Army of
across a couple of chairs near robot M. He The transparent outer wall of this room the Deep badge with trident. Kulebra
has long blonde shaggy hair, silver once had a grand view of the Canaveral knows there is something strange going
goggles, and a sword on his hip. When the Spaceport; but now the scene is a deep on in this tower. He believes they are
characters get closer they will see he has blue twilight 40 meters below the oceans under the influence of ancient technology,
gills and is wearing a green lightweight surface. The tables here are one-meter not ghosts (he thinks it is an automated
metal vest over brown clothes. He will not diameter metal discs, 1cm thick and held teleport system of some kind or another).
wake up easily. When he does wake up, up by a slender transparent aluminum As with Bradfromlanta, he does not
eyestalks rise up from his hair and you post. High-backed legless armchairs made remember Beauty on level 3 if asked
realize his goggles are actually silvery of white plastic float 30cm above the about it. His natural arrogance has been
unblinking segmented bug eyes. He looks rooms blue carpeting. These chairs have tempered by recent events and he will try
up at the PCs, raises a four fingered hand circuitry that repulses them from a grid in to recruit likely PCs for the Army of the
in greeting and says, Hi, Im the floor, and will not work outside of this Deep, telling the group about the
Bradfromlanta. Welcome to Heaven. room. Inertial dampers in the chairs keep technology and wealth available to loyal
(Bradfromlanta is phobic about spiders them from moving very fast horizontally. members. He may also mention Mining
and winged creatures. If the PCs fit that Drinks and food are served here by Station 876 and even the sunken city of
description, he will scream and run away telescoping arms that bring serving trays Mimi if the PCs seem receptive to
instantly). Despite his gregarious attitude, down from the ceiling. Bowls of free recruitment. He was never involved in the
there is also something strange about snacks (cheese-filled potato crackers) are assaults on the coasts and knows little
him something not quite right (see provided to each patron, even if they dont about them. He does know that rapture
level 3). buy anything. There is a mural on one wall weed is used to make the Rapture
showing a stylized map of the nearby area mutagen allowing surface dwellers to
Bradfromlanta - Humanoid including a couple of arrows. One arrow breathe water. Just like others of his race,
Armor: 6 points to the location of the Cape he automatically assumes every powerful
HP 10 (special) Canaveral spaceport with the caption You race or organization enslaves the weak.
PS 10 (all other stats 12) are here - you could be here!with another
Attack: long sword (1d8) pointing to a picture of the moon a subtle Corporal Smyty - Ark
clue for the players if the GM wishes them Armor: 5
Mutations: Gills, Narcolepsy (severe), to go to the location of the spaceport. HP 10 (special)
Phobia (spiders and winged creatures), PS 10 (all other stats as per Ark)
four eyes on stalks on head, segmented Occupying this room are a large blue-
silver bug eyes, four fingered hands skinned man in golden armor and an Ark. Smyty is also a scout for the Army of the
They are sitting at a table and the man Deep. He is small for his race and is
He wears a metallic vest made from flat has a crossbow pointed at the door the comfortable being the underdog in a
strips of duralloy woven together. It is very characters enter through. As the military society. He has a shepards-like
light yet tough. Bradfromlanta is a characters enter the room, the man pulls pointy nose and ears, brown fur, black
Radioactivist from an area far to the north the trigger and a crossbow bolt shoots leather armor, a leather harness with an
of Gatorvil. He is convinced that he is in forth, but it vanishes right after leaving the Army of the Deep trident badge, short
the afterlife, on the threshold of Heaven. crossbow. The man and Ark look at each sword, and wears a necklace of shark
The only problems are there arent any other and start arguing about why it didnt teeth. He doesnt really care about the
girls around, and he cant buy anything work. The blue man says, See that!? weirdness going on, he is just glad to be
with his domars - they disappear when he Automated defense teleporters! the dog- somewhere dry with good chow where no
lets go of them. Any domars that he gets man casually replies; If they cant shoot one is shooting at him.
from the PCs work fine however and he back, who cares? During this argument
will order food and drink with them. He is a they will engage the PCs in the Room 2 - Tycho Crater VIP suite.
friendly sort, and will gladly tell what he conversation as well, asking their opinion This room is decorated like the surface of
knows about the tower in exchange for as to what is going on, defusing the the moon. The three walls have
domars, drinks, or food. Though he is original attack stance they took - it was photographic murals of the lunar horizon
familiar with levels 7, 6, 4, and even level only an experiment. and a carpet that is smooth but looks like
3, he does not remember anything about the cratered surface of the moon. The
Beauty (see below) and will be surprised Lieutenant Kulebra - Cerulean ceiling is draped in darkness with a
by it if he is taken there. His narcolepsy Armor: 7 holograph of a full Earth shining down.

There are antigrav plates built into this the storage room on this level containing a decorated in 19th century styling, with real
room that make it 1/6 earth normal gravity. good deal of spare parts for the tower. It wood paneling covering the walls. Two
It requires a request to robots O or P on looks just like the rest of the corridor wall. ornately carved four-poster beds and a
level 6 to deactivate. Nine skeletal bodies are neatly laid in a matching sofa dominate this chamber.
row on the floor within the room. The Their splendor is matched only by the view
Room 3 - Jungle Beat Night Club bodies are dressed in the clothes of the out the transparent outer wall. Hidden
This room is a low-lit club with two dance Ancients and have obviously been dead behind a painting of men in red jackets
stages. This club used real, live women as for a long, long time. A total of 835 riding horses on the inner wall is a room
dancers and waitresses. Drinks were domars, a gold necklace worth 100gp, 4 service viewscreen identical to the one in
delivered through the ceiling at A and wrist chronometers, energy cloak, slug the champagne lounge. Beyond the
brought to the customers by non-robotic thrower A (7 rounds remaining), hunting eastern double wooden doors of this room
hands. Elevators (e) are built into the knife, plasteel dagger, and a folding is a large bath. It has a huge ceramic hot
stages for the dancers which go down to pocket knife can be found here. All tub and other modern facilities designed to
the dressing room on sub-level 5 (see artifacts will function but need fresh power look like opulent 19th century fixtures.
below). One-meter diameter tables and cells. Bodies #1 through #8 have a Stage I
chairs fill the room. B is a small room ID on their person. Body #9 is the towers Level 4- Arcade/ Waiting Area
containing an elevator pad that goes late owner (Loni Reynolds IV). She has a Little is amiss on this level. The diligence
through a clear plastic tube to the VIP Stage I ID card that is the owners pass for of the towers robots keeps this level neat
area on sub-level 5 below. Room C has the entire tower. This will grant access to and clean. It is decorated in 21st century
an elevator pad that goes down to the hall most areas of the tower. The bodies were decor. There are two arcade couches (see
outside the dressing room - it is otherwise placed here by the robots after collecting below), two nostalgic free-standing snack
identical to the one in room B. The them from various places in the tower vending machines, a datanet terminal
elevator pads are one-meter in diameter. following the towers looting during the (atm, videophone, etc.), and a trash
apocalypse. If the bodies are disturbed receptacle on the south side of this level.
Sub-Level 5- Dressing area and VIP (i.e. searched), the PCs have a limited Each vending machine is functional and
lounge/suite amount of time before the robots show up contains 6d6 domars in their respective
The main central elevator will stop at this and require them to leave. If the PCs say coin boxes. The coin boxes can take 50
floor to pick someone up, but it will not that they should be given custody of the hit points of damage before opening.
stop at this floor for anyone to get off bodies for proper funeral rituals, the robots Attacking either of these machines will call
except robots. The ceiling on most of this will permit it, but will insist that the bodies one of the waiter robots to investigate.
level is only 2.1 meters high. be removed from the building immediately. Eating any food out of the machines has a
25% chance of being spoiled (treat as
Room 1 Hallway Room 4 - VIP Lounge and Suite random 2d6 Intensity poison). Six large
This bare metal hallway connects the The elevator from room B on level 5 monitor screens face the couches that
bathroom (R), showers (T), and dressing descends into a living garden with the have built-in video game controls. Some of
room. The double doors marked Don the sound of falling water. Sunlight shines the driving and flight simulation games still
map are rather large and clearly labeled down from a blue sky, although it is easily available here might be useful to learn
Authorized Robotic Personnel Only - Area noticed that the ceiling is only 3 meters how to operate those types of ancient
Hazardous to Humans on this side of the high here. Bushes grow around the machines for the PCs. The viewing
hallway. They are securely locked. transparent elevator shaft and there is a screens are two-meters square and are
Tampering with them summons three of lawn of manicured grass leading to a rock set two meters up the wall to allow people
the waiter bots from level 6. Beyond the waterfall. The smell of vegetation and to walk by without interrupting the games.
doors is the main elevator. moist dirt convince you that these are On the north side of this level is a
living plants. Two benches are tucked into bathroom with sink, toilet, and refreshing
Room 2 Dressing Room shady spots and there are two sets of station (hand dry, vending machine for
In the dressing room there are six makeup visible doors. One leads to the personal care items, etc.) It contains 7
stations, eight lockers, two elevators pads, Champagne lounge to the north, the domars.
and a closet. The two elevator pads are other leads to the VIP suite to the east. A
from the stages on Level 5, Room 3. They concealed service door (S) connects the Level 3- Waiting Area and 'Beauty' the
consist of 10cm thick duralloy disc that lounge and the hall, allowing access from Vicious Plant
moves through a one-meter diameter clear the main elevator for the robots. This level is similar to level 4 except it has
plastic tube. The tube extends between an early 20 century theme and a jukebox
the floor and ceiling of the dressing room. Room 5 - VIP Champagne Lounge. which starts playing right after the elevator
The lockers are electronically locked with This room contains an adjustable sofa with doors open (the type of music is up to the
a keypad, but can be opened with the room service delivered through a hatch in GM). There are no couches or monitors
tower owners ID card. Two lockers have the floor. It also has a private half bath present. Also, someone tipped over one of
100 domars each. The rest are empty or beyond the single door. On the wall to the the concession machines in a futile
contain ordinary womens clothing. The right of the door is a small viewscreen with attempt to gather the food and drink items
closet holds a number of dance costumes. four buttons under it. These are used to within. The machine lies on its side on the
view a menu and to order room service. floor, having scratched an arc across the
Room 3 Elevator and storage room wall during its descent. It is too heavy and
The wall area marked S is a concealed Room 6 - VIP Suite. unwieldy for the tower robots to lift and
service door used by the robots to access This is a lavishly appointed bedroom has remained in place for quite some time.

This is the least of the players worries on DESCRIPTION: Beauty's vines will lose contact with the projection. They are
this level however attempt to entwine any fleshy creature and capable of picking up a real object and
draw it behind the machine where the throwing it normally, but they tend to rely
One of the decorative plants here has plant's toothy mouth is. Any character on the illusory weapons they used in life.
been exposed for a long time now to the within five meters of the machine must They can eat and drink but they only think
leaking chemicals of concession make a dexterity check to avoid becoming that they get hungry and thirsty. They are
machines ruptured power cells, the entwined by a vine (this causes not truly intelligent; they are only complex
spoiled food contents of the machine, and cumulative damage each round - an recordings that act alive. Beauty does not
the ancient radioactive corpse (Intensity 3) entwined character takes 1d4 damage and actively control the Projections, they are
of an apocalypse survivor who tipped the must make a strength check or be drawn currently just a bizarre side effect (though
machine over several days after the two meters toward the beasts mouth (3d6 in time it might eventually gain control of
cataclysm and became pinned beneath it. damage+Intensity 8 poison). Any vine will the Projections and use them to lure prey).
Because of this, the plant has grown into a take 2d6 damage before being cut However, as an unconscious natural
monster, filling the gap between the through. Note that anyone pulled within protection, if Beauty is attacked, all
machine and wall with plant matter, three meters of Beauty will be exposed to Projections in the tower will instantly
sending out constricting vines across the the radiation from the corpse as well. The appear here (the three individuals, a
floor for five meters in all directions. The corpse has nothing of value on it. dozen Lobsterfish, and one harmless
entire area around the fallen machine is aquarium fish - see below) and attack the
green with foliage. It is not possible for Some time ago, a couple of Army of the offenders mindlessly. If Beauty is
living beings to approach the machine Deep scouts were unfortunate enough to destroyed, all Projections disappear.
without initializing combat (the plant get too close to Beauty prompting the
ignores the household robots). Trident to push the tower far down on their In addition to the three individuals, there
priority list (they have much more are a dozen lobsterfish Projections
important business right now than wandering around in various parts of the
spending manpower to clear out this tower. These are AC7 Hp 10. Beauty has
hauntedbuilding for use). The remains of eaten some that got inside and created
the two scouts behind the machine, a these as projections. They can be found
Cerulean and Ark, still contain their anywhere in the tower at the GMs whim.
equipment (plus eight doses of liquid In fact, the GM could have a little fun and
Rapture mutagen and a plastic map have the three individuals disappear and
showing the location of Mining Station reappear at random, as well as the
876). There is an additional, older corpse Lobsterfish, if desired. One of the fish from
entwined deep in Beautysmain body. It one of the aquariums on level 6 was
is that of a humanoid wearing a green accidentally fed to the plant by the robots
metallic vest and tatters of brown before it had died. Its Projection swims
clothing around in the tank with the others. It would
never be noticed, but it sometimes swims
The Weirdness through the walls of the tank and floats in
All three individuals previously the air near the rest of the fish or goes
encountered by the characters over to the other tank. Most Projections
(Bradfromlanta, Kulebra, and Smyty) are are stopped by solid surfaces but this
actually psychokinetic projections from small blue and silver striped fish is too
Beauty. The plant unknowingly absorbs dumb to notice (the not so smart
the memories and personality of its victims lobsterfish Projections will also move
and creates replicas of them with through solid objects on occasion).
advanced illusion and telekinesis to make
NAME: 'Beauty' the vicious, mutated them solid and able to pick up things. Level 2- Neiman-Macys
decorative plant These Projectionshave a strength equal The elevator encounters serious
NUMBER: Unique to the plants MS, and they only have 10 resistance when trying to force itself into
MORALE: N/A hit points. If wounded, they bleed. After the water to reach level 2. The doors will
HIT DICE: Vines 8 x 2d6; Body 14d6 taking 10 points of damage they disappear not open and a small screen above the
ARMOR: Vines 8; Body 6 and reform somewhere in range (1000m) button panel reads Obstruction as water
in 1d4 minutes. They are capable of seeps between the elevator doors. If
LAND SPEED: Does not move. remembering pre-death things, i.e. they access to this level is desired, the tower
remember how the PCs treated them owners ID can be used to convince
MS: 10 IN: 1 previously. None of them realize that if Robots O&P to open the elevator shaft
DX: 14 CH: 2 they diethey will reform. Discovery of this doors on level 3 while the elevator rests at
CN: 16 PS: 35 knowledge may cause them to assault the level 4 or higher. The players can then use
PCs over and over if the PCs attacked ropes or some other means to get down
ATTACKS: See below them previously. They are unable to use the elevator shaft. The doors to this level
any mental attacks they had in life. They are closed but unpowered. They can be
MUTATIONS: Poison, Psychokinetic can attack with a hand held weapon, but pried open manually. This level once
projections (see below) ranged weapons disappear when they housed a small elite clothing store. It is

now almost completely filled with water Room 1 - Entrance chamber. boxes set at 1.5m off the ground. The
because of the robots lamp replacement A large sign here says No Living Persons duralloy walls are backed with 50cm of
actions on level 7. This level was Allowed Past This Point. Robotic ferrocrete. The secret door is concealed
thoroughly looted during the apocalypse Personnel Only. Area Extremely by a section of false conduits. No ID is
and trash floats through the water. There Dangerous to Biological Lifeforms. There needed to open this door, the challenge is
is only about 30cm of air space near the are two heavy bulkhead doors on the to find it.
ceiling. A sealed stairwell (S) to Level 1 is south wall with hand wheels to manually
currently unflooded. If opened, it will flood open them, similar to a submarine hatch. Room 5 - Shelter
and lower the water level on this floor by The tower owners ID card will unlock This comfortably furnished bomb shelter
60cm. This area should serve as a them. The only other things of note in this was never used as the towers owner was
warning to interloping characters as to the chamber are two 20cm duralloy tubes that killed by looters before she had the
dangers associated with trying to use the emerge from the walls about two meters chance. The walls are lined with shelves
elevator to access level 1 below. up and go up into the ceiling. They are from floor to ceiling, filled with books and
warm to the touch and hum faintly. supplies (see below). A ladder on tracks
Level 1- Open Area Mall allows access to the upper shelves. A two
This used to be a completely exposed Room 2 - Generator monitoring stations. meter tall humanoid robot standing in the
open-air shopping mall area. It is now Both these rooms have another secure center of the room points a finger at the
entirely submerged. The mall was door identical to the one in Room 1, a party. I dont recognize you, do you have
extensively looted long ago. Any window looking into room 3 with a console any ID? This modified household robot,
characters arriving at this level via the beneath, and a chair. Through the window Bob, has been monitoring the party since
elevator will most likely drown without can be seen a stationary machine and the elevator doors were opened. Unless a
breathing apparatus or water breathing some more odd plumbing at the far end of PC has been impersonating the owner as
mutations. Any exploration of the area will the room. This door has a big red sign described below, the robot will open fire if
disturb a very large Tanglepus (93 hp) Warning! Dangerous Radiation. Robotic the players dont immediately leave. It
which hides in a small shop waiting to Personnel Only. These doors also attacks as many opponents as possible
ambush its prey. It drags its victim into the require the owners ID to unlock, but getting two shots each with its stun ray
shop at the end of the same round as it unless a long forgotten code is also and laser gun built into its hands. The
attacks. It will not let go until it takes 50% entered into the console an alarm goes tractor/pressor beam in its chest can
damage, then it flees. There are 346 off, all the lighting on the level turns red, shove one player back into the previous
domars scattered around inside the shop. and all the waiter bots are summoned room. Bob will not call for backup from the
If the outer elevator doors are forced open here to remove the offenders. other tower robots. The books are a
without sealing the shaft, the entire shaft wealth of knowledge from the ancient
will flood all the way to level 7 (each Room 3 - Atomic power plants. times, detailing a lot of Tech II and Tech III
individual level will flood if the shaft doors Each of these small rooms has an industry and innovation. The northern door
to them are opened afterward). Outside unbroken ceramic surface. There are two opens to a short hall 2.5 meters high that
the tower, the sea floor in this area is small fission pile reactors buried below leads to Room 6.
littered with the damaged remnants of these rooms (see below), each capable of
buildings rising from the seabed stretching running the entire tower. At the north end Household robot, Rural defense model.
to the horizon. of each room a one-meter diameter black Bob
metal hemisphere is imbedded in the floor. HIT DICE: 10d8 (Hp 70)
Level 0- Power Generation Room and A dozen 20cm duralloy tubes connect it to SENSORS: A/B/C
Concealed Shelter the walls and ceiling. Closer inspection ARMOR: 3
This dry level is imbedded deep in the reveals that the tubes hum, are warm, and CONTROL: Special
ferrocrete foundation of the tower. All the twitch slightly when touched. These have POWER: A/B/D
walls on this level have a 1cm thick layer no discernable purpose. The waiter bots
of duralloy covering them. Access is will probably interrupt the PCs before they MS: 13 IN: 13 DX: 13 PS: 18
difficult because the elevator shaft is get very far in this room (see room 2
flooded (as described on level 2) and the above) attempting to remove them, by SPEED: FEET = 12/900/18
water must pumped out of the shaft just to force if necessary. Eventually the PCs
make it possible for the elevator to reach may learn that these tubes are part of the DESCRIPTION: Bob has some of the
this level. The restaurant owners ID is environmental controls, including the features of a security robot, including a
required to authorize the elevator to go water purification system. The western tractor/pressor beam that can lift 200kg at
here. There is no button to open the Room 3 has a Projection of a lobsterfish 30 meters, and built in laser and stun ray
doors, it takes a verbal command to open wandering aimlessly. These rooms are not pistols. This robot includes an agricultural
them. The south doors lead to the hazardous to people as the reactors are and wilderness survival database that
generator rooms, while the north doors buried well beneath the floor and are makes it even more valuable. Bob was
lead to an electrical maintenance access inaccessible. As long as the PCs dont designed with high quality solar cells to be
room. Hidden behind the maintenance significantly disturb anything here, the totally self-sufficient. It has a standard
room is a bomb shelter. The shelter is not signs are just to scare them away. atomic cell as a backup power supply. It
interfaced with the main tower (robots has been carefully programmed to ignore
O&P are unaware of any activity past Room 4 - Utilities Maintenance. all ID cards except those of the tower
Room 4 on this level). Metal and plastic pipes run from the floor owner and a short list of other specific
to the ceiling, most run through meter people.

Room 6 - Supply room/living area heavy-duty submersibles are simple and
This chamber has a loft with a kitchenette reliable craft and there is usually at least
and a bathroom tucked underneath (B). one docked here at all times. Since the
There is exercise equipment up in the loft. facilities are well suited to both air-
There are enough supplies for six people Underwater Base breathers and water-breathers, many of
to survive for five years here, although the "Mining Station 876" the Tridents water-breathing allies are
luxury goods would only last for two. Items often present here (Ceruleans, Fens, and
include food, water, medical supplies, This aging marine mining station was a so forth). Activity levels here have risen
tools, air purifier, water recycler, 2-way major source for materials used in the sharply since the completion of the holding
radio, recorded movies, and electronic manufacture of duralloy. It is located areas in the mines, as the Army of the
versions of all books in room 5. Bedding is approximately 170km east-southeast from Deep is now heavily "recruiting" (see
stored under the stairs. A well hidden the Seaview Restaurant tower. Most of the below) in many capacities (labor,
weapons locker contains six laser rifles, required raw materials have been played technical, and military) for its upcoming
six stun ray rifles, and six slug thrower B out of the mine, leaving behind a large major operation.
pistols. There are also two atomic energy network of tunnels and chambers.
cells, ten hydrogen energy cells, and The overall complexity of the station was
1,000 rounds of ammo for the slug The station itself is somewhat extensive, kept low when it was built, easing
throwers. Repair parts for all the weapons as a need for raw materials storage was maintenance requirements and lowering
are also included. required along with docking facilities for costs. This has made the reclamation of
submersible transports to move the the mining station very easy for the Army
General tower notes: valuable cargo on to refineries when the of the Deep. Most of the areas in Mining
The players will be allowed to stay in the station was operating before the fall of Station 876 include omnipresent audio-
tower as long as they follow the flexible man. Since its depth was not too great, visual interface stations using flat touch
but occasionally erratic rules of the waiter the facility only required high-grade steel screen technology making them very
bots and robots O and P. Possession of construction and some clever physics to simple to use. The ceiling clearances in
the owners card will give them VIP status, maintain its integrity indefinitely. Extensive most areas are about three meters, with
but they will not be mistaken for the automated facilities were present to two meter tall doors.
owner, unless a very convincing charade ensure the mining station's continuous
is pulled off. Robots O and P are well operation. The station itself consists of
programmed in the area of deception and one main structure with four pods
will be suspicious if a guest vanishes at attached to the top of it. Each is described
the same time as the owner returns. Total below. Access to the station remains as it
control of the tower can be had by was originally intended, a simple "moon
successfully impersonating the owner pool" arrangement under the main
(difficult) or reprogramming robots O&P structure housing. Additional access
(very difficult due to dual security points are scattered about the station, but
systems). If successful, the PCs will be the moon pool is the primary means of
able to override all the restrictions in the entry and exit. It is interesting to note that
tower. A Stage IV or V ID card will give the entire external structure has been
access to all the human levels at any carefully constructed to withstand even
time, but will not allow robot major underwater quakes, rises and falls
reprogramming. If all robots in the tower of sea level, as well as no small amount of
are destroyed, the towers various simple physical abuse. This mining station
subsystems begin to function erratically has a pervasive feel of rugged
after a few weeks due to lack of dependability.
maintenance, and start to break down
completely in a few months. This facility is the destination of the Army
of the Deep raiding party from Lanzend
After exploring and/or commandeering the where they will drop off the prisoners they
tower, the players can follow the trail of have collected. Since the Army of the
the Army of the Deep raiding party to Deep has reclaimed this station, they have
Mining Station 876. Using the map found seen fit to use it as a staging area for
on Kulebras body on level 3 (or the slave prisoners in addition to its other duties.
transports straight-line path there) should The area around the station is home to a
This is because such a large area is open
make this an easy task. number of small refinement "farms" for
for prisoner housing in the old mines. The
Rapture Weed (as well as fish, water
fact that the mines are flooded in many
places is no great cause for concern, bears, and edible sea plants to help feed
given most of the prisoners are normally the bases ever increasing population)
see Farm Areas below. The Trident's
under the effects of the Rapture mutagen.
patrols are ranging father out around this
This station is also the source of the
station in order to keep the area clear of
raiding partys underwater transports, as
troublesome predators and make the way
there were a few of them present when
safe for further farm expansions. These
the Army of the Deep moved in. These

patrols are sometimes accompanied by mix of skilled Trident personnel and of the ocean floor only some five meters
domesticated Kooda, Horsy, or other sea educated slave labor workers (for below. This open area is lined with
going work animals of the Army of the example, if a 6 is rolled there will be three external white lights and a variety of
Deep. AotD beings and three slaves). The AotD sensory gear (sonar, ultrasound, UV
technicians will be lightly armed (light cameras, etc). There is a large airlock
Random Encounter Tables Tech 1-3 weapons) and armored (AC10 to here (1) that provides egress to and from
Vicinity of Mining Station 876: (Within 5km 8). They carry 20-80 domars each. The the lower portion of the station. While no
of MS-876. Roll 1d6 per hour; encounter slaves will have no weapons and be AC10 original facilities were in place to provide
on a 1. Roll 1d6 below.) (or individual race AC). security, the Army of the Deep keeps a
Roll Type Number *4 One of the stations leaders is substantial military presence here. One
1-2 AotD Patrol group (*1) 1 encountered with an escort of guards small portion of which is posted on the
3-4 AotD farming party (*2) 3d8 (1d4). Determine who it is randomly. If a lower area of the docking structure:
5-6 Use Open Sea Encounter Table leader is encountered here, they will not
*1 - An Army of the Deep patrol will be be encountered in the described area. The 5 Humanoids, 4 Ceruleans, 2 Serfs, 2
encountered in a small boat on the surface guards will be identical to those listed in PSHs, 4 Fens, 2 Menarls (all equipped
or if underwater, a submersible (40%) or the described area as well (or as per and stated as per raiding party members
mounted group (60%). Each vessel (boat individual raiders in Lanzend encounter if in the Lanzend encounter)
or sub) will be crewed by 1d6+6 no guards are listed.)
individuals of various races (equipped with The central docking structure immediately
a smattering of mostly Tech 2 and 3 above is used extensively for the
weapons and armor). A mounted group processing of newly recruited slaves -
will have 1d6+6 personnel and also 1d6+6 each is evaluated and then assigned to a
domesticated working animals with them task that he, she, or it, is most suited for.
(see above). They all carry from 1-100 This is where the PCs will be taken first if
domars or 1-20 gp each. Central Docking Structure they remain on the transports all the way
*2 - Farming parties will only be The lower docking areas headroom is here from Lanzend. As they are special
encountered underwater. If this encounter about 5 meters (excluding some non- cases, the PCs will be taken to a cell in
is rolled on the surface, treat it as an Open functional overhead cranes that long ago the mines until it is found out what will be
Sea result. There will be 2d4 Army of the assisted in cargo loading). The docking done with them. In addition to the armed
Deep overseers (equipped with mostly facility used a simple "racetrack" personnel in the lower area described
Tech 2 and 3 weapons and armor) arrangement for the mining bots to load above, there will be at least an equal
managing 3d8 slaves of various races (no their cargo directly into the waiting ore number of Army of the Deep guards with
weapons and AC10 (or individual race transports and then return straight to the the party as there are PCs in the group
AC). The slaves will be portering any mine for more ore. The storage facilities until they are placed in the cell. A mining
number of harvestable items (fish, water also used mining bots, albeit with the bot repair facility is located on this upper
bear meat, Rapture weed, etc). The mining equipment removed, to shift stored level (in the southwest corner) and
overseers will carry 1-100 domars or 1-20 materials into the ore transports. In its remains well equipped. The pod sections
gp each. heyday, this facility loaded many tons of of this facility all connect directly to the top
In nearly all encounters that include slave ore onto the transports at an amazing rate. of this central (upper) docking structure.
labor, the slaves will only stand passively
by while any fighting is going on, neither The main structure is supported by large The stairs in the main docking structure
hindering nor aiding the PCs (though the shock-absorbing "legs" and has are circular, sturdy, and well used. The
GM can modify this occasionally if he sees connections to the old mines through three northwestern stairs lead to the Living
fit). They will be grateful to be set free semi-flexible armored/pressurized tubes. Quarters pod, the southwestern stairs go
afterwards however. These relatively short tubes are some 10 up to the Laboratory pod, the northeastern
to 15 meters in length. The central tube stairwell leads up to the Medical Section
Inside Mining Station 876: (Roll 1d6 per 10 (A) is about three meters in diameter and pod, and the southeastern stairs lead to
minutes; encounter on a 1. Roll 1d4 is equipped with windows. It is clearly the Command Center pod.
below.) intended for personnel. The outer two
Roll Type Number tubes (B) are some four meters in Living Quarters pod
1 AotD patrol (*1) 2d6 diameter, windowless, with guide marks This pod held living quarters for mining
2 Work/slave group (*2) 3d6 on the inner ventral surface, and were personnel, small "entertainment" facilities,
3 Technician group (*3) 1d6 obviously meant for the mining bots to food storage, and waste disposal/recycling
4 Leader and guards (*4) 1d4 use. Where the tubes meet the rock, they units. The Living Quarters pod is in good
*1 - See patrol description above for open directly into the mines and maintain condition, owing to the fact that the Army
equipment. a positive atmospheric pressure feed from of the Deep's senior base personnel now
*2 - See farming party above for the station. Even so, about half of the live here. Nine ample sleeping chambers
description. This will be a party that is random area in the mines is flooded due are nestled into the various "apartments"
working on various mundane tasks within to seepage from various fissures in the of this pod, each offering a variety of
the station (cleaning, maintenance, etc). rock. amenities. The station was meant to run
*3 - This will be a group of highly trained with a minimum compliment of nine
technical individuals (engineers, lab The central portion of the lower docking human personnel, with a maximum
specialists, etc). The group will be an even area is open to a cleared and leveled area comfortable potential of 68 persons

sharing the workload. With the Army of the overseers, those beings in charge of operating room (5), a scrub room (6), one
Deep's presence here, the base's abilities directly managing the various patrol, recovery room (7) with 2 beds, three small
are stretched rather thinly, hence the slave, work, and farming parties. There is intensive care rooms (8) with 6 beds total,
outlying farms and the usefulness of the a 1 in 10 chance of encountering one in five small wards (9) with 19 beds total, and
Rapture mutagen. The three main each room (stated as per farming party a large office/meeting room (10). A locked
apartments (1, 2, 3) in this pod all include random encounter). There is also a 10% stainless steel cabinet in the storage area
a full-service kitchen, private bathroom, chance of finding one item from the holds 250 doses of liquid Rapture
and dining facility. In the largest room (1) Deathlands and Ruins loot table (page mutagen. One additional feature of this
is the bases leader: 31 of the 2nd Edition Adventure Booklet) pod is its low positive buoyancy and
in each room. The central concourse (10) manual emergency release stair-collar
Commander Atenvelt - Humanoid is lined with view screens and features a (the release handle is located on the north
Morale: 8 large meeting table. Two halls each lead side of the stairwell). This allows the
AC 3 to separate "lounge" entertainment areas Medical pod to do double-duty as a rather
Hit Points 50 (11), festooned with comfortable seating large escape pod should some sort of
MS 16 IN 13 CH 20 and sophisticated interactive media catastrophe strike the station.
PS 11 DX 15 CN 12 centers.
Mutations: Anti Life Leech, Dietary Currently in the medical pod are Doctor
Deficiency (D) - vampirism (requires Laboratory pod Slss (70hp), a Sleeth loyal to the Army of
mammal blood 1 liter/day), Mental Control, A central staircase leads up to this pod the Deep. He is equipped with a paralysis
Political Genius from the southwest corner of the central rod. There are also three medical
docking structure below. There is one assistants (random slave races), eight
Atenvelt is a slender albino humanoid Cerulean (62hp) and Fen (54hp) guard injured slaves (random races resting in the
equipped with the following: plastic armor, posted at the stairs. Both are equipped as southwest wards - unable to help the PCs
energy cloak, medikit, fusion rifle, vibro per race descriptions. This pod houses because of their injuries), and two Serf
blade, dagger, 2 doses of Rapture four main labs (1-4). Each contains guards (48, 45 hp) on this level as well.
mutagen. He has 720gp, 320 domars, and intrinsic internal airlocks and atmospheric Dr. Slss holds the key to the cabinet
a Stage IV ID as well. 1d6 random items controls. This level includes full biohazard containing the Rapture mutagen.
from the Deathlands and Ruins loot table and depressurization protocols, and an
(page 31 of the 2nd Edition Adventure external access airlock (5). The laboratory Command pod
Booklet) can be found in his room. facilities are somewhat limited at this This pod has more of a "business office"
station, but are well appointed. Most of the feel to the layout and accommodations
Currently residing in the next largest room equipment still works here. The equipment than any other pod. These include a
(2) is one of Atenvelts two lieutenants: was designed to assist in the study of spacious meeting room (1), a large
minerals, as well as relatively small bathroom (2), two computer rooms (3),
Grillandi, a wayward and foul-natured samples of bio-organic materials. The engineering control stations (4), the station
Orlen. majority of the lab spaces have been manager's office (5), the main command
Morale: 8 converted by the Army of the Deep for the center (6), and observation deck (7). A
AC 7 use of refining the Rapture weed into a sweeping view of the surrounding ocean
Hit Points 60 product that can be transported to Deep can be had though transparent aluminum
MS 15 IN 12 CH 10 Station 4 (see below) for the production of windows from this attached upper
PS 17 DX 14 CN 14 Rapture mutagen. Each lab will have two observation deck (see map).
Mutations as per Orlen (his additional two Humanoid or Pure Strain Human Army of
mutations are Intuition and Reflection). the Deep technicians (equipped as per Working in this pod is Atenvelts other
random technician encounter above) and lieutenant, Thuslar, a big brute of a Fen
He is equipped with a Mk VII blaster rifle, two slaves (random race types). (all stats +2, 59hp), and 17 Army of the
longbow (50 arrows), two-handed sword, Deep technicians (4 Humanoids, 1 PSH, 3
club, and duralloy shield. He will use the Medical pod Ceruleans, 2 Serfs, 1 Ark, 1 Dabber, 3
rifle and bow simultaneously if in ranged In the event of a medical emergency at the Fens, 2 Menarls). Thuslar is equipped with
combat and the two-handed sword, club station, an on-site facility was available. It a trident, stun whip, and bola. He has
and shield if in melee. He carries 208gp was well equipped and even sported some 82gp and 130 domars. The technicians
and 192 domars. 1d4 random items from very advanced medical equipment, some are all equipped as per the random
the Ruins loot table can be found in his of which still functions properly. Long-term encounter description. Thuslar or one of
room. care was not provided for though, as the other Trident members here will call
patients requiring extended care were sent for help via the stations public address
Atenvelts other lieutenant lives in room 3, to land-based facilities. The staircase (1) system if a fight breaks out here. Two
but is currently supervising operations in from the central docking structure below rounds later a patrol group (see random
the Command pod (see below). 1d4 can be sealed off in the event of an encounters) will arrive each following turn
random items from the Ruins loot table emergency by two doors some 20cm thick (up to five total) and all areas in the station
can be found in his room. The other and the whole pod section can be will now be alerted to the presence of
apartments (4-9) are a bit more plain, with detached (see below). Directly across intruders.
one bedroom crammed in with meager from the doors is the head nurse's station
mini-kitchen and small work areas. These (2). Other rooms on this level include a If the players spend any time searching
are used by the bases labor force break room (3), a storage room (4), one through the records here in this pod, they

will come up with information relating to by the Army of the Deep of a large a strange wonderland beneath the waves,
the Tridents operations in Mimi and the submarine has been siphoning some filled with many bizarre new life forms
transfer of labor to the submarine project manpower to that location (though at the ranging from beautiful to terrifying.
(see page 22). Very little (if anything) can moment mostly from the experienced
be gleaned about Deep Station 4 from the labor force already in the Mimi area - see The different colors on the area map show
information here. below). elevation changes. Aqua green areas are
elevated plateaus above the original sea
The Mines Within the entire mine labyrinth are a total floor which were once dry land. The blue
The mines are a meandering maze of of 45 slaves scattered about in the various areas represent low points (gullies and
tunnels with random access connections cells. The rest of the slave labor force is canyons) between the green elevated
cut in between for heightened movement currently out performing work under the areas. What used to be islands are now
capability between the separate tunnel watchful eye of their Trident overseers. In individual hills under the sea. A number of
systems (the GM should feel free to draw addition to random encounters, a regular bridges supporting the duralloy roadways
up any layout he likes for the mines - with patrol (identical to the patrol listing on the connecting the former dry land masses
no less than ten holding cell areas random encounter chart) makes it rounds are still in good shape. Others have
scattered randomly about the maze). through the catacombs every half-hour. collapsed as shown on the map. The
These cells are outfitted with heavy steel bright green areas are old golf courses
bars set no more than 10 centimeters The number of transferred prisoner/slaves and parks. The rich soil here has made an
apart for the Army of the Deeps guests should be very misleading to the PCs excellent spot for seaweed and kelp to
during their stay here. The clever use of a upon their arrival. It would logically seem take root in. These seaweed/kelp areas
certain kind of underwater mold which the greater number of laborers would be have grown into giant forests that tower
feeds on hydrocarbons and gives off going to more important locations. This above the surrounding terrain. Because of
oxygen has been applied to most areas so should (mis)lead the characters directly to a combination of factors (currents, nutrient
that prisoners not currently under Mimi. The GM should do his best to content, residual radiation, etc) the Mimi
Rapture will not suffocate in their non- ensure that the fact remain hidden that area has become a treasure trove for
circulating environs. Food is generally just Deep Station 4 is the Army of the Deeps those searching for the somewhat rare
enough kelp and fish to keep the prisoners underwater nerve center. No Army of the Rapture Weed (see Appendix) as it
alive, and no more. There is a single Deep member will consciously betray this grows in great quantities here along with
external access point to the open ocean in information and very few slaves even other normal (and abnormal) varieties of
the mines. It is an airlock-style egress suspect this. sea plant life. This raw form requires
which the Army of the Deep guards special cultivation and refinement
closely from both sides. Headroom in the Farm areas techniques that cannot be accomplished
mines varies widely between 2-5 meters. There are eight outlying farms in the here (hence the harvesting operations and
area surrounding Mining Station 876. transport to bases like Mining Station
Airlock guard group(s) - Inside group: 3 These areas will have from 1 to 6 Army of 876).
Humanoids, 1 Serf, 1 PSH, 1 Dabber. the Deep guards and 8 to 36 slaves
Outside group: 3 Fens, 2 Ceruleans, 2 working in and around them (harvesting Almost all the windows in the citys
Menarls. They are equipped with a fish and seaweed, tending water bears buildings are broken out. Silt covers nearly
smattering of mostly Tech 2 and 3 and the like). Though they play a vital role everything inside and out. Various
weapons and armor. Each carries from 1- in the function of Mining Station 876, the mundane (and not so mundane) sea life
100 domars or 1-20 gp (in watery areas PCs will probably have very little reason to use these buildings as shelter. Most of
non-water breathers will be under Rapture visit these areas. these buildings (especially the larger
mutagen effects). ones) are structurally sound; but a few are
not - those found in some of the old
Currently the majority of new prisoners residential areas are in danger of
brought to the station are processed within collapsing if entered. Most of the streets
a few days and then sent south to the have debris in them, but are still quite
sunken city of Mimi to provide labor in passable. In fact, a number of the
harvesting raw rapture weed (which grows Sunken City of the Ancients seaweed forests are divided by streets,
in abundance there and is then brought Mimi giving an eerie impression to those using
back to be cultivated and refined here a street to pass through them. Coral can
before being sent to Deep Station 4 for the Beneath the surface of the Lantik Zea lies be seen growing in many places on
final stage of production). Those few the ancient sunken city of Mimi. The city buildings, old vehicles, street posts, and
prisoners that arent sent south are was once a center for vacation get-aways, so forth. There is an abundance of coral in
generally screened as skilled workers recreational entertainment, retirement some areas and not much in others, all
(technicians, scientists, etc) that the Army living, and international commerce before depending on the flow of nutrients brought
of the Deep uses in capacities that fit their the cataclysm. Beautiful white sandy in on ocean currents.
needs. They may remain here, be beaches, clear warm water, palm trees,
transferred to one of several other Army of good weather, and numerous varied Surprisingly the city survived the fall of
the Deep bases also conducting similar attractions made this the city of choice to man relatively intact. Most major damage
operations to this station, or in very rare visit and live in for many of the Ancients. has come from decay by age and
circumstances, sent directly to Deep Of course those warm sandy beaches and exposure to salt water over the years. The
Station 4. In addition, the recent discovery palm trees are now gone. What remains is downtown district still boasts many of its

towering skyscrapers. A good number of use today. The one coming into the city Random Encounter Tables
these were used by multinational banking from the north is still, quite surprisingly, In and around the sunken city of Mimi:
conglomerates in the days before the completely intact all the way along the sea (Within 5km. Roll 1d6 per hour; encounter
Apocalypse. Most of the assets held in bottom to Lauder some 40 km away. The on a 1. Roll 1d20 below.)
these buildings were removed before the duralloy freeway that runs next to it is also Roll Type Number
end of the city, but a forgotten vault might in very good shape. The second Mag-Lev 1 Army of the Deep patrol * 3d6
still hold a fortune in domars. Large track is elevated and runs around most of 2 Army of the Deep scavengers* 2d6
corporations and businesses of various the downtown area. These tracks were 3 Barl Neps 1d4-2
types occupied other skyscrapers. used for moving people quickly between 4 Blade Whales 1d2
Unknown treasures might still reside in destinations. All that would be required to 5 Ceruleans 1d10
these ancient monuments as well (but as get these working again would be the 6 Draguns 1d2
these areas are outside the focus of this removal of debris from the track and the 7 Erts 1d4-2
adventure, it is left to the GM to flesh out if application of a large, suitable power 8 Fleshins 1d2
so desired). Outside the downtown area source (yes, they will work underwater). 9 Flipps 2d4
are a hodge-podge of shopping, 10 Herkels 5d6
residential, and entertainment districts. The Army of the Deep recently discovered 11 Horsy 1d6
12 Koodas 2d6
13 Seps, sea type 1d6
14 Soopturt 1d4
15 Tanglepus 1d3
16+ GM's Choice (Special)
*Army of the Deep patrols and scavenging
parties will consist of a random
combination of the following various races
- Humanoids, Ceruleans, Serfs, PSHs,
Arks, Badders, Orlens, Dabbers, Hoops,
Fens, or Menarls - though the non-native
water-breathing races will be somewhat
rare (those beings that fall into this
category will be equipped with underwater
breathing gear or be under the effects of
the Rapture mutagen). They will be armed
as the raiders listed in the previous
Lanzend encounter above. They carry 20-
80 domars each. Each group leader will
also be carrying four doses of Rapture
mutagen. Scavenging parties will also
include an additional 3d6 slaves of any
intelligent race (under Rapture effects)
carrying a total of 1d10 random non-
weapon items of value. The slaves will
have no weapons and be AC10 (or
individual race AC).
(Special) For this result the GM may
The citys various power sources have a large and mostly intact sunken choose any creature from this encounter
ceased functioning long ago. Only those submarine just northeast of what were table, or select a creature or creatures
devices and vehicles that can be powered once the Bahama Islands (see from the rulebook provided they would
independently might still be made to work. Submarine Project starting on page 22). logically inhabit the surrounding region
All military and police armories in the city Because of this, a good number of where encountered.
have been stripped clean by intelligent experienced laborers from Mimi have
inhabitants and the Army of the Deep. been sent to that location to help in the
Most of the Army of the Deeps presence repair process. They are being replaced
in the city is limited to harvesting with fresh labor primarily from Mining
operations in and around the seaweed Station 876. In fact, much of the current
forests scattered about the city, slave labor here is made up from the
(especially those near areas 30 and 31). inhabitants of the previously raided
However, some roving patrols or villages and towns along the coast. If they Area 1: Calder Race Course
scavenging parties can be encountered havent yet, the players should pick up This area was once used to race live,
anywhere in the metropolitan area. clues that will lead them to the sub after cybernetic, and robotic horses. Though
their interaction with the Army of the Deep any remaining equipment is completely
The city has two magnetic levitation (Mag- here in the strange submerged ruins of useless, there is still a possibility of finding
Lev) tracks. These are the equivalent of Mimi. some useful items here. Roll 1d6 each
most light rail transportation systems in hour spent here. On a 1, roll for one

random item on the Deathlands and Area 6: Hialeah Race Track 6 Fens, 4 Ceruleans, 31 various slave
Ruins loot table (page 31 of the 2nd Horse racing was held here year round. laborers. The Ceruleans and Fens are
Edition Adventure Booklet). There will be a There is very little of value here to the equipped as per their race descriptions.
total of 1d4 useful items here at the race players. The slaves will have no weapons and be
course. The GM should feel free to AC10 (or individual race AC). Non-water
substitute any item in the random Area 7: Dolphin Mall breathing laborers are under Rapture
treasure rolls with something he feels the One of the citys numerous shopping effects.
party needs at any time (this holds true for centers. Who knows what could be found
any randomtreasure roll in the following here? (see the procedure under area 1 Area 12: Police Hall of Fame & Museum
areas as well). above. In addition, a roll of 2 will yield A building used to honor law enforcement.
1d100 domars). There were many displays with ancient
Area 2: Pro Player Stadium police equipment, including security robots
The first of many sporting stadiums in the Area 8: Miami International Mall and the like. Most of the building has been
city. Capable of hosting many different Another, larger mall. It dealt mostly in non- ransacked. Any remaining equipment still
types of events. The only things left here domestic merchandise. See area 7 above on display here is completely beyond
are moldering sports equipment items. for items and/or domars that may be repair. However there is a well hidden
These will probably have very little value found. There will be 1d10 total items here. area with some useful items that have
to the players. remained undiscovered by previous
Area 9: Miami Spaceport searchers. For every five hours of
Area 3: Spanish Monastery Cloisters Once a gleaming step off point for space searching roll 1d6. On a 1 the area is
An interesting bit of old Spanish travel, this facility is in terrible disrepair. found. There are six items here - roll on
architecture. It is now the home for a Only aging, corroded junk is left. the Installations loot table (page 31 of
hermit Sleeth calling himself Trell. He is a Unfortunately, the area isnt completely the 2nd Edition rules Adventure Booklet).
wise old Sleeth who adapted to sea life abandoned. It is now the home of a small
and wished nothing more than to wander group of Psirens who will lure party Area 13: Mall of the Americas
through the surrounding ruins gathering members to their doom given the One of the largest shopping malls in the
knowledge. He has been avoiding the opportunity. city. See area 1 for the possibility of
Army of the Deep ever since they began finding items here. There will be 1d20 total
their operations here. He will gladly tell 4 Psirens 40, 35, 31, 28 Hp. items.
what he knows to anyone who will help
remove them. Trell can give detailed Area 14: Miami Dog Track
descriptions of any location in the city and Yet another track that used to race
many of the inhabitants (including the animals for sport. There is nothing of value
Army of the Deep). here.

Area 4: Opa-Locka Airport Area 15: Historical Museum of Florida

Many flying craft are located here ranging Many interesting displays showing the
from old winged airplanes to advanced local area of the world before the
flying vehicles. The Army of the Deep long Apocalypse. A computer historical system
ago removed the few salvageable craft is still in good shape here and would
that were here. Those that remain are all function if power were provided.
damaged beyond use. If the hangers and
terminal buildings are searched up to 1d6 Area 16: Miami Mega Sports Complex
items can be found here. See the and Freedom Tower
procedure in area 1 (roll once for every Nearly this whole area is dominated by a
two hours of searching). massive sporting complex. Any sporting
event could be held here for the
Area 5: North Bay/Indian Creek Villages enjoyment of huge crowds. Extensive
The home of well to do inhabitants before media broadcast facilities are also located
the cataclysm. There are many posh here for the convenience of transmitting
homes on the elevated areas, all now just the event around the world. Most
a shadow of their former glory. The luxury Area 10: Miami Jai Alai Frontan equipment is rusted over and the various
sea craft owned by the residents were An arena dedicated to the sport of Jai Alai. event fields clogged with coral. If the area
docked along the previous shorelines. Not much of value here. is searched, one automatic roll on the
These included private yachts, power random encounter table will take place
speedboats, personal hydrofoils, and so Area 11: Diaspora Vine Art Gallery (but nothing of value will be found here).
forth. Only the decaying hulks of these A place that showcased vines as an art
vessels remain now. This area is now form, this area has become overrun by Area 17: Miami Art Museum and Dade
frequented by a Sea Crone and her 4 pets sea plants (including Rapture Weed and Cultural Center
(local equivalents of Black Sea Serpents). others). There is currently an Army of the A number of hermetically sealed cases still
Deep harvesting party working here and preserve art treasures of the ancients in
Sea Crone 45hp. they dont take kindly to interlopers hard to reach chambers of this building.
4 Black Sea Serpents 20, 18, 17, 13 Hp. These great works of art would be very

difficult to remove without drenching them Area 23: Florida International Area 28: Miami Museum of Science and
in seawater. University Space Transit Planetarium
This area used to be rich with ancient A building in relatively good shape despite
Area 18: Bayfront Marketplace knowledge. Unfortunately it is no longer the ravages of the sea. It houses a
A quaint little marketplace where nearly accessible as the universitys computer number of items the characters might find
anything could be found for sale before system/think tank is now complete junk useful in working order (1d6 items on the
the city was flooded. For every ten search and all written records (books, etc) have Installation loot chart). The entrance
turns spent here, roll 1d6 exactly as per long since decayed in the harsh salt water. however is guarded by a sea spider. This
area 1. There is however a sealed room monster has placed its web in the spaces
containing a back up of all files if the between the supports for the elevated
Area 19: Parrot Jungle and Gardens characters search hard enough (roll 1d6 Mag-Lev track across the way. It uses the
Once a tourist attraction, it is now the each day; on a 1it is found). sea currents to trap food in the web, much
home of deadly mutant bird/fish things - like a huge fishing net.
anyone entering this area will be attacked Area 24: National Hurricane Center
by the school of par-rana inhabiting the Much weather detection (and modification) Sea Spider 98 Hp
area. If these things are defeated, 1d4 equipment is present in this building. None
items from the Deathlands and Ruins of it will function any longer, though the Area 29: Miami Seaquarium
loot chart from previous victims can be GM should feel free to lead the players to This once lively and interesting
found after one search turn. think it does. educational/entertainment center was
home for all sorts of sea life from around
50 par-rana - 8 Hp each (for simplicity). Area 25: Miracle Mile Mall the world. Much to the dismay of those
The largest shopping mall in the city. that venture too near, it still is. All kinds of
Area 20: Miami Convention Center Many items can still be found here given mutant undersea life are here, but the
A large building that hosted many different enough time. Use the procedure given in most fearsome is a family of mutant killer
events in its day. The last event held here area 1. A total of 25 items can be found. whales called Shadow Whales. Roll each
might be something the PCs could find However, the mall is also home to a turn on the random encounter chart while
useful the sign outside the center number of Trap Worms as well, so picking the characters are here (ignoring Army of
proclaims, Miami welcomes the National through the coral encrusted shops here the Deep, Blade Whale, and Cerulean
Underwater Outfitters Convention. Items may prove very dangerous. results - if these numbers are rolled or 16
still is good condition here are: 4 complete or higher is rolled, the encounter is the
scuba outfits with oxygen tanks (six hour 5 Trap Worms (total) 40, 39, 34, 30, 29 Shadow Whale family). The Shadow
supply), 1 deep sea divers outfit (treat as Hp. Whales hunt almost exclusively in this
marine battlesuit without weapons or area because of the abundance of food for
forcefield), 2 personal underwater Area 26: Biltmore Hotel them here.
transports (essentially a small motor that Once the crown jewel of the citys hotel
drags one individual behind it at small boat infrastructure, this edifice to luxury has 9 Shadow Whales - average Hp 100.
speeds underwater), and 3 other non- also fallen into decay. It is located in the
weapon underwater items the players heart of what once was quite a posh area Area 30: Sea Grass Adventures
want or need. These items were missed with palm tree lined streets and estates A playground for children and adults alike
by the Army of the Deep during their called Coral Gables; all its former glory in the past that has become the home of a
preliminary salvaging of the building, now gone. One random encounter should variety of underwater plant life including a
presumably because there was so much be rolled when the players arrive here. great quantity of Rapture Weed. In fact,
other useful stuff here at the time. some of the plant life in this area is
Area 27: Venetian Pool sentient, specifically an intelligent form of
Area 21: Port of Miami Once an area of relaxation that has now sea grass. This sea grass is relatively
The major port for the city. Coral become a spy post for an evil race of uncaring about the events going on
encrusted sunken ships abound here as sentient human-sized jellyfish-like around it, but if communication is
well as at various places on the bottom of creatures called Hydrozoans. They are established, it can relate to the players the
the former bay to the north and south. keeping a covert malevolent eye on the Army of the Deep activities in this area.
None of them are useful. operations being conducted by the Army Each turn spent here has a 50% chance of
of the Deep here in Mimi. They are an Army of the Deep harvesting party
Area 22: Fisher Island displeased with the conflicting role in the arriving to start work (identical to that in
Only an ordinary island in times long past, domination of the oceans the Army of the area 11). Only one will show up while the
this elevated underwater area is now the Deep poses. There are currently 3 PCs are in this area.
location of a small Cerulean village. This Hydrozoans here. They will bode no
settlement has strong ties to the Army of interference with their actions here and will Area 31: Cape Florida Lighthouse
the Deep and will aid anyone connected exterminate anyone who stumbles upon Jutting out on the edge of a forest of sea
with them. them. and Rapture Weed this lighthouse has a
commanding view of the surrounding
35 Cerulean males, 40 Cerulean females, 3 Hydrozoans 78, 66, 59 Hp seabed during the hours of daylight
10 Cerulean children (the children are not through the clear waters. It is used as a
combatants). All of them have average hit lookout point and operations center for
points for their race. Trident activity in Mimi. There are two

harvesting parties and one patrol group on (sometimes dropping off fresh laborers as berth.
permanent assignment in this area (see well), and patrols and/or scavenging
the random encounter table for stats). The groups check in and leave for different Area 35: Gold Coast Railroad Museum
leader for the Mimi operations is also here: parts of the city. There is a 4 in 6 chance Dedicated to the display of railroad
per turn spent here that some Army of the memorabilia, this building houses many
Major Konnar - Humanoid Deep contingent from the above list will types of rail vehicles. Most are useless
Morale: 8 show up. (such as ancient steam engines), but its
AC 2 possible to find parts to fix the
Hit Points 55 maintenance car on Mag-Lev track near
MS 16 IN 13 CH 14 location 32 (takes about two hours to find
PS 15 DX 15 CN 16 all the needed parts).
Mutations: Anti-Life Leech, Mental Control,
Regeneration Area 36: Miami Metro Zoo
Marine battlesuit, one mini-missile, B-G Yet another menagerie of creatures that
laser rifle, vibro blade, two energy have adapted to the sea dwell here. Roll
grenades, two fragmentation grenades, each turn as per area 29 to see what
four extra hydrogen energy cells, two extra creature is encountered (there will be no
atomic energy cells, ten doses of Rapture Shadow Whales however).
Area 37: Monkey Jungle
Major Konnar is the albino son of A group of particularly clever underwater
Commander Atenvelt (see Mining Station creatures reside in this area. These are
876) and oversees all Army of the Deep playful, if somewhat mischievous Sea
actions here. The lighthouse itself is Monkeys. The area here is a combination
roughly 30 meters tall. A spiral non-ferric of coral and seaweed making a bizarre,
metal staircase winds around the inside but beautiful underwater jungle which the
leading past two small window areas at 10 Sea Monkeys call home. Any who venture
and 20 meter heights. The lamproom at here are subject to the attentions of the
the top of the lighthouse is always manned band of Sea Monkeys who live here.
by two Army of the Deep lookouts, which
in addition to their normal equipment, each Area 32: Holographic Entertainment 23 Sea Monkeys average Hp 20.
have the equivalent of underwater Center
binoculars (small handheld light This building was used to play holographic Area 38: Coral Castle
intensifiers/magnifying devices enhanced games or watch/interact in 3D holographic Once just another tourist attraction this
with sonar technology) giving them 10 movies. Most of the equipment is now has become, quite literally, a castle made
times the normal range of sight. This ruined, but some might be salvageable (a of coral. In fact, it happens to be a true
combined with their vantage point makes it clever party can piece together a small living castle as it is actually a sentient
almost impossible for anyone or anything portable holographic projector able to coral reef (see New Creatures). It currently
to get near this area without the Army of display one man-sized image - this controls four minda rays which move
the Deep knowing. Next to the lighthouse requires a check at complexity D on the about the area looking for prey.
is an L-shaped brick cottage. This serves artifact table in order to accomplish). A
as the primary barracks and disabled maintenance car (self powered) 4 Minda rays 10, 8, 7, 6 Hp.
administrative office for the Army of the is on the nearby Mag-Lev track. All it
Deep here in Mimi. In addition to the needs to run are a few spare parts (see Area 39: Miami Speedway
above mentioned personnel, there will be area 35). The citys largest ground vehicle
two guards on station at each of the three racetrack. Though none of the vehicles
doors leading into the building. Within the Area 33: Air Museum here are salvageable, a variety of other
building can be found a total of 3,454 Interesting bits of aviation history still interesting things could be found here.
domars and 1,465gp in various containers reside here. Not much of value though. Most in decent shape despite the fact they
and lockers. There are also several crates This location marks the beginning of an have been underwater for so long. If at
containing a total of 600 doses of liquid area to the west and south that is teeming least an hour is spent searching here, roll
Rapture mutagen here. In addition, five with Draguns (Sea Gators) from the for 1d10 items on the Installations loot
random items can be found in the building former nearby Everglades area. There is a table ignoring any weapons results.
from the Deathlands and Ruins loot table 80% chance each turn spent here that a
(page 31 of the 2nd Edition Adventure group of 1d4 Draguns will be encountered. Area 40: Radioactive Crater
Booklet). Next to the cottage is an open This crater has Intensity 8 radiation at the
area used to temporarily store harvested Area 34: Fairchild Tropical Garden edges going to Intensity 11 in the middle.
Rapture Weed. It is almost always full of A particularly nasty variety of plant life now
tall stacks of Rapture Weed awaiting thrives here in addition to sea and Rapture Area 41: Radioactive Crater
transport. This entire lighthouse area is Weed. 1d4 sea versions of the water Crep This crater has Intensity 12 radiation at the
usually bustling with activity as harvesting Plant will be encountered each turn in this edges going to Intensity 14 in the middle.
parties come and go, transports arrive to area. Because of this, Army of the Deep The seaweed forests surrounding this
pick up bundles of raw Rapture Weed harvesting teams give this area a wide crater have become mutated and are now

entirely made from a form of killer kelp. submarine is also being used as a quite a bit of work being carried out inside
Army of the Deep harvesting parties avoid temporary underwater base for other and outside of the submarine when the
this area. Each turn the party is in this mundane Army of the Deep activities in PCs arrive. They will notice lighted ramps
area, they will be attacked by 3d10 killer the area. It is possible the players might and scaffolding on the exterior, making it
kelps. There are literally hundreds of these mistake the submarine as the Tridents easier for Trident work crews and heavy
plants in this area making it almost main base. Until they find evidence to the equipment to complete repairs on sections
impossible to clear. contrary, the GM should continue to allow of the subs armored hull and external
them to be misled. systems. There is always one labor party
Area 42: Radioactive Crater (see random encounters below) working
This group of smaller craters has Intensity The submarine is rather difficult to get to outside the sub at all times. This group
4 radiation at the edges going to Intensity however, because of a massive sea has use of an old sea floor crawler which
5 in the middles. behemoth - a gigantic 100-meter long they use for heavy work (it has the same
mutated lobster - which calls the area stats as a military ground vehicle but
Area 43: Radioactive Crater home; attacking surface as well as works equally well on land or underwater)
This crater has Intensity 10 radiation at the underwater creatures and vessels when It has been retrofitted with a heavy Blue-
edges going to Intensity 13 in the middle. the opportunity presents itself. The Army Green laser mount capable of firing in any
of the Deep has worked out a direction (double the damage, range,
Area 44: Radioactive Ship feeding/distraction routine which they use weight, etc. of a B-G rifle). It would be very
This area of radiation is caused by a to get personnel to and from the sub difficult for the PCs to gain access to the
nuclear powered luxury liner that sank safely when the thing gets too close. The submarine without the work group noticing
here. Its reactors are leaking Intensity 9 routine has been so successful in fact, them. An enterprising party posing as
radiation at the edges going to Intensity 15 they almost consider the monster to be a members of the Army of the Deep may
in the middle. There are 1d10 items of huge watchdog at this point (though the find this task much easier.
value on the ship for those who can PCs may be able to disrupt this status quo
survive the radiation long enough to get to and turn the monster against them ).
them. Roll on the Deathlands and Ruins
loot table once every three turns spent The submarine was originally a military
searching here. underwater research vessel with some
limited attack and defense capabilities.
Area 45: Radioactive Crater Pressed into immediate combat service
This large crater has Intensity 12 radiation during the cataclysm, it was scuttled by its
at the edges going to Intensity 17 in the crew after firing a hurriedly retrofitted
middle. atomic missile array in which the last
missile misfired and began contaminating
the ship with radiation. The sub came to
rest on a shallow, irregular undersea
ridge. Through herculean efforts by
Trident slave labor teams, the submarine
Army of the Deep was leveled, leaving all openings to and
Submarine Project from the vessel completely unobstructed.

Just off the north coast of what was once The players can gain access to the
Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas (about submarine in a variety of ways, either
480km due east of Lauder) a large, nearly through any one of the numerous access
intact submarine was discovered lying on hatches (see area descriptions below) or
the through its moon poolarea. There is Random Encounter Tables
the ocean floor by the Army of the Deep. A Underwater vicinity of the submarine: (Roll
prize like this once brought back to one other access point, but it is perhaps
the most dangerous, the area where the 1d6 per hour; encounter on a 1. Roll 1d8
operational status would be a major below. For surface encounters use the
addition to their fleet. In as much, the last nuclear tipped missile is still attached
to the hull. The intense heat generated Open Sea encounter table previously
Army of the Deep has begun diverting given above.)
resources (both material and labor) to this from the original malfunction melted a
gaping 5-meter sized hole in the hull of the Roll Type Number
project in hopes of bringing the submarine 1-5 The sea behemoth (1211 hp) 1
to operational status in time for use in their middle section of Deck 3 (see below).
6 Army of the Deep labor group 1
upcoming campaign. 7 Mer-kind 3d6
Much of the submarine had been flooded
when she was scuttled, but through the 8 Hyrdrozoans 1d4
After the apocalypse, the Bahamas were The sea behemoths aggressive behavior
completely submerged and because they efforts of the Army of the Deep, about
90% of the vessel has been pumped dry. is described above. Also see the New
had never really been heavily developed Creatures section in the Appendix for
before the fall of man, there is little to find Many of the ships more complex systems
are still not functioning, but the basic ones additional information.
in this entire underwater region except for Labor groups are made up of 1d4 Army of
the submarine and some coral encrusted (lights, oxygen generators, etc) are once
again completely operational thanks to the Deep overseers (equipped with a
fishing and vacation towns. While the smattering of mostly Tech 2 and 3
recovery operations are proceeding, the Army of the Deep repair work. There is

weapons and armor) managing 3d6 slaves some atmospheric controls. Aft of the hours a day (equipped as per patrols in
of various races (no weapons, AC10 or ladder to the access hatch is a small toilet the random encounter table). A good deal
individual race AC). The slaves will be for use by the flying bridge personnel (see of information regarding the Army of the
replacements or additions for the subs area 3). Deep restoration effort can be found in this
slave labor force. The overseers will carry room along with clues about Deep Station
1-100 domars or 1-20gp each. Area 2 Staircase 4. There is a locked sea chest here
Any Mer-kind encountered here will be The narrow central stair leads all the way containing 1235 domars and 610 gold
friendly to those who oppose the Army of down to the main bridge on deck 2. There pieces. It also includes one of each of the
the Deep, providing whatever aid they are always two Army of the Deep guards following: cur-in dose, medi-kit, suggestion
can. on duty here (stated as per patrol change drug, torc grenade. There is also a
Hydrozoans encountered in this area are personnel on the random encounter table). cipher with the daily passcodes for Deep
keeping an eye on the Tridents progress Station 4 hidden in the chest top. If found,
with the submarine. They will attack any Area 3 Flying bridge it would require a check at Complexity H
non-Hydrozoan they come across on Located here is the Flying Bridge of the on the artifact table in order to decode it.
sight. submarine. It is encased in heavy armor
with double door access points for Deck 2
Inside the submarine: (Roll 1d6 per 10 protection. In fact, very thick armor and Aft Section
minutes; encounter on a 1. Roll 1d4 reinforcement on the entire forward arc of Area 1 Airlock
below.) the conning tower allowed for ice-breaking This section has a large airlock, equipped
Roll Type Number and collision protection as well. The flying with heavy-duty armored external doors.
1 Army of the Deep patrol 2d6 bridge can act as an auxiliary bridge if
2-3 Army of the Deep labor group 3d6 need be, but can be overridden by the Area 2 Ready room
4 Army of the Deep technicians 1d6 main bridge on deck 2. There are four This is an attached ready room for use
An Army of the Deep patrol will be 2d6 Army of the Deep technicians working during the subs normal diving operations.
individuals of various races (equipped with here (equipped as per techniciansin the The docking bay (see Deck 3, Aft section)
mostly Tech 2 and 3 weapons and armor). random encounter table). is directly below this area. There are four
They carry from 1-100 domars or 1-20gp Army of the Deep technical personnel
each. Deck 1, Conning Tower. here (equipped as per techniciansin the
Labor groups are made up of 1d4 Army of Area 1 Airlock random encounter table).
the Deep overseers (equipped with a The aft part of this deck allows access
smattering of Tech 2 and 3 weapons and onto the outer hull of the submarine via a Middle section
armor) managing 3d6 slaves of various heavily armored airlock. There is heavy No less than eight sets of stairs provide
races (no weapons and AC10 (or door machinery in place to operate the ample access to this section. These
individual race AC). The slaves will be airlock. The airlock doors are next to access ladders are all individually isolated
working on any number of projects (bilge impossible to force open because of this. for maximum flooding control. The players
pumping, repair work, heavy lifting, debris should be able to find some evidence on
removal, etc.) The overseers will carry 1- Area 2 Ready room this deck (in the computer and bridge
100 domars or 1-20 gp each. The airlock's ready room has a dozen areas) that the operational orders are
Technicians will be a group of highly deep sea diving suit and helmet (as per really coming from Deep Station 4 and
trained technical individuals (engineers, area 20 in Mimi) lockers here. Only half of that this is where they should proceed
welders, etc). The group will be an even them contain equipment. Atmospheric next.
mix of skilled Trident personnel and controls are numerous here, as well as
educated slave labor workers (for some additional sensory and ballast Area 3 - Main computer room
example, if a 6 is rolled there will be three control gear. There are three Army of the Deep
AotD beings and three slaves). The AotD computer experts here along with six
technicians will be lightly armed (light Area 3 Equipment lockers recruited (slave) assistants working to
Tech 1-3 weapons) and armored (AC10 to The central chambers equipment lockers bring the ships computer systems back on
8). They carry 2-20 domars each. The contain combat gear for use in boarding line. All are equipped as per the
slaves will have no weapons and be AC10 operations and to protect the ladder going technicians result on the random
or individual race AC. to the bridge below. There are eight B-G encounter table.
laser rifles and two marine battlesuits
located in this room. Unfortunately, there Area 4 Upper power room
are also six Trident guards here as well The center portion of this section is given
(equipped as per patrols in the random over to the upper part of the power
encounter table). If alerted to the presence generator room on deck 3 (note the gaps
of intruders, two of these guards will don in the decking area around the outer two
Deck 0, Conning Tower. the battlesuits. nodes).
Area 1 Aft chamber
The aft chamber ladder provides access to Area 4 Captains quarters Area 5 Chambers
the conning tower hatch, the only external The captains quarters are located here. The port and starboard chambers each
hatch on this level of the submarine. Gelmar, the subs new captain is away hold their own atmospheric control
Equipment in this area is mainly sensory from his cabin right now on the bridge, but equipment and eight of them even sport
and communications gear, along with the there is a guard posted at the door 24 small bathroom stalls. There will be a total

of eight miscellaneous Army of the Deep Dr. Frankish - Pure Strain Human showers and toilets are located here.
personnel and fifteen slaves in these Morale 5
areas (equipped as per labor groupin the AC 10 Area 6 Power generators
random encounter table). Hit Points 33 The center area is home to the main
IN 18, all other stats 11 power generator room. Power was
Area 6 - Main bridge Dr. Frankish is of slender build with long provided by two fission power plants.
The bridge is occupied by four Trident black hair. He is armed with only with a There are five Army of the Deep
soldiers (equipped as per patrols in the slug thrower A pistol. He will try to avoid technicians currently working here
random encounter table) and the combat if possible, but isnt afraid to use (equipped as per technicians in the
submarines leader: force when necessary. random encounter table).

Captain Gelmar - Humanoid Deck 3 Area 7 Air/water generation

Morale: 9 Aft section Fore and aft of the power generator room
AC 4 There are several sections of the aft are water/air recycling and generation
Hit Points 80 external hull designated for extra sensor facilities providing those necessities to the
MS 12 IN 12 CH 11 equipment. These consist of various types crew during long tours of duty in the inky
PS 20 DX 16 CN 17 of sensory gear as the submarines blind black depths of the ocean. There are two
Land speed 6/600/12 spots were in its wake arc (directly aft). Army of the Deep technicians in each
Mutations: Carapace, total (green and The added sensory equipment room with three slaves (equipped as per
brown alligator hide), Heightened compensates for this. technicians in the random encounter
Strength, Intuition, Military genius, New table).
Body Part: Oxygen-storing organ (can stay Area 1 Submersible bay
underwater one hour while exerting or four A large pressure chamber for a single Area 8 The heart of the problem
hours resting. Requires four hours in air to small submersible is the dominant feature These chambers used to be the starboard
recharge), Regeneration of this section. There is no submersible side crew quarters. The Trident has
He is equipped with a B-G laser rifle, B-G here currently (it is being used for patrol sealed off this section for now and posted
laser pistol, Cutlass (treat as long sword), duties elsewhere). There are four warning signs on the doors and ladder
chemex grenade, anti-radiation serum, technicians and six slaves in this area. hatches leading here reading Danger -
and four doses of Rapture mutagen. (equipped as per technicians in the stay out. This area is where the atomic
random encounter table). missile melted a hole through the hull.
Forward section Most of this crew area is still flooded. The
There is heavy armor and semi- Area 2 - Docking control center. missile is still attached to the sub and is
externalized equipment used in this Forward of the submersible chamber is still leaking radioactivity, though not with
forward section. This equipment is a the submersible docking control center. the same intensity is did so many years
combination of weapon systems, There are two technicians and four slaves ago. The entire flooded starboard area of
communications gear, and sensor working here. this section is bathed in Intensity 4
devices. Also there are plenty of radiation. However this is not the worst
atmospheric control boxes scattered about Area 3 Engine room threat here. When the disaster originally
on this deck for maximum flooding Aft of the pressure chamber, the cramped struck the sub, some of the crew were
prevention in the unlikely event the armor engine room is stuffed with propulsive and sealed into this area during the ensuing
is breeched. control systems. This area is primarily run chaos. They are still here:
by the operations control area on deck 2.
Area 7 Engineering control There are four Trident technicians working 22 Radiation Zombies 5x32hp, 6x31hp,
The main engineering/operations control with and supervising eight skilled slaves in 11x30hp.
rooms are located here, carefully this area.
interlinked and individually sealable in the There will be about three in each
event of an emergency. There will be Middle section numbered room in this area. They will
three Army of the Deep technicians, two Area 4 Crews quarters attack anything entering the chambers
slave assistants, and two guards in this Located here are port side crew quarters they are in (remember the characters
area (all equipped as per the descriptions with bunks in each. If each room is movement is slowed while underwater).
in the random encounter table). searched, there is a 10% chance of finding The Army of the Deep had encountered
one item from the Deathlands and Ruins (and destroyed) a number of the ex-
Area 8 Operations loot table (page 31 of the 2nd Edition crewmembers when they began their
This is the engineering operations Adventure Booklet). There will be a total of preliminary restoration efforts. If any of the
managers control room. The managers nine miscellaneous Army of the Deep doors to this area are opened (except the
control console can operate any system personnel resting in these areas upper ladder hatches due to positive air
on the submarine. The forward control (equipped as per patrolsand technicians pressure), flooding will start to the non-
consoles are set to run various sub- in the random encounter table). There will water areas. This may be a major problem
systems. The Army of the Deeps be one or two in each room until all nine depending on how many open doors the
submarine restoration efforts are being are found. PCs have left behind them. If flooding is
supervised by Dr. Frankish from this area. not contained to a single room, an alarm
He answers only to Captain Gelmar. Area 5 - Central common bathrooms. will sound in each control area (flying
Standard restrooms outfitted with small bridge, main bridge, aux. control,

engineering, etc) and then throughout the Area 12 Sensor control Area 4 Ballast control
entire sub, warning the crew of the This area houses the forward sensor room The aft portion of this section contains a
danger. Patrols and work parties will and atmospheric control rooms. There are second (empty) diving gear chamber for
immediately move to the affected area to three Army of the Deep technicians here the moon pool while the rest is given over
control the situation. with four slaves (equipped as per to ballast control systems and tanks which
technicians in the random encounter regulate the submarines neutral buoyancy
Because of the zombies and the radiation, table). profile while underway. One Trident
this area has been placed last on the list technician is working here (outfitted as per
of priorities by the Army of the Deep - Deck 4 the random encounter description).
even though they consider it one of the Aft section
most important on the sub. This is There is no lack of double doors in this Area 5 Parts lockers
because the missiles nuclear warhead is section as they are meant to slow down Numerous equipment lockers provide
still operational as a weapon (if this possible intruders using the moon pool to spare parts and miscellaneous items for
weapon is somehow detonated, it will enter the sub so the crew can have time to use during emergencies (use
completely destroy everything within a react to them. There are usually only a Installations loot chart a total of 1d10
4km radius). Players may enter the sub handful of Army of the Deep workers in non-weapon items can be found here).
through the hole in the hull here. It is the aft section, but the moon pool room is There are a total of two Army of the Deep
located in the room just forward of the always well guarded (see below). guards, five technicians and six slaves in
restroom, but they will be attacked by the these rooms. All are outfitted as per the
zombies in this room as they enter. None Area 1 Moon pool patrols and technicians listings on the
of these rooms contain anything useful. This area houses the subs moon pool random encounter table.
(sealable with duralloy doors). These
Forward section doors are usually left open as this is the Forward section
Extensive forward equipment integrated primary egress point to and from the sub All four ladders from the forward section of
into the hull here comprises the subs main for most Army of the Deep activity. An Deck 3 reach down here granting plenty of
weapon systems (two sonic cannons and Army of the Deep patrol group (see accessibility. Two externalized equipment
six torpedo tubes). These were completely random encounter chart above) is bays (port and starboard of the nose) are
automated when the submarine was stationed here on a permanent basis. The the subs secondary weapons systems -
operational. There are no torpedoes left space between the heavy-duty aft doors to they are empty now (they were part of the
and the sonic cannon fire control system the moon pool provides effective airlocks hurried retrofit). This area is also heavily
has yet to be repaired. of a small stature in the event this room's reinforced against impact in case the
atmospheric controls are not operating submarine should run aground or bottom
Area 9 - Ballast control room. properly. out.
There are two Army of the Deep engineers
and five slaves working to repair the Area 2 - Aft diving ready room Area 6 Ballast control
equipment here. All are outfitted as per the Stockpiled here are foodstuffs of particular There is yet more ballast control gear here
technicians result on the random flavors favored by the Sea Behemoth to along with a plethora of pressure doors on
encounter table. allow the Army of the Deep teams to come this deck to ensure anti-flooding safety
and go as they please. In addition, there and security.
Area 10 - Central mess quarters are three crates here each containing 150
This area is where the Army of the Deep doses of liquid Rapture mutagen as well. Area 7 Auxiliary control
feeds its own (slaves are feed generally Scuba equipment may be recharged in This is an additional auxiliary control
during their irregular rest periods wherever this room as well as in area 4. There are room. There is one Trident guard and one
they happen to be at). The are currently two technicians and two slaves in this technician here currently (equipped as per
two Trident guards and six technicians room. the patrols and technicians listings on
eating here (equipped as per patrolsand the random encounter table).
technicians in the random encounter Area 3 Additional equipment
table). There is also one PSH cook (AC10, There are some externally mounted Area 8 Machine room
24hp) armed with a meat cleaver (treat as equipment modules facing aft which are Note the presence of the forward machine
short sword). more sensory gear and defensive weapon bay and extra equipment lockers. There
systems. Armor is heavy in this area as it are two guards, three technicians and two
Area 11 Crews quarters would be a likely target area during battle. slaves working in this room. All are
These are the lower enlisted crew quarters equipped as per the patrols and
with attached bathrooms. If each room is Middle section technicians listings on the random
searched, there is a 10% chance of finding Heavy-duty pressure doors maintain strict encounter table. Spare parts of just about
one item from the Deathlands and Ruins flooding control in this area at all times. any given type can be manufactured or
loot table (page 31 of the 2nd Edition Note the additional support structures and repaired here by someone who is skilled
Adventure Booklet). There will be a total of generally tight confines on this deck. All enough.
five miscellaneous Army of the Deep the added superstructure is meant to
personnel resting in these areas protect the submarine should it bottom
(equipped as per patrolsand technicians outif buoyancy was lost for any reason.
in the random encounter table).

Random Encounter Tables Deep to the presence of intruders in the
Vicinity of Deep Station 4: (Underwater area. There is a 10% chance every 10
within 10km of DS 4. Roll 1d6 per hour; minutes afterward that a Trident patrol
encounter on a 1. Roll 1d6 below.) party will show up to investigate.
Main Underwater Base Roll Type Number Listening posts can be made up of a
"Deep Station 4" 1 Army of the Deep patrol 2d6 remote mechanical device or a pair of
2 Army of the Deep transports 1d4 Army of the Deep personnel in a
Deep Station 4 is situated on the Hatteras 3 Army of the Deep sono buoy 1 camouflaged blindwho will report directly
Plain of the sea floor some 650km due 4 Army of the Deep listening post 1 Deep Station 4 through a communications
north of the Army of the Deeps submarine 5-6 Open Sea encounter (see pg. 3) * land line. These posts gather much better
project. Though it is fairly large, the station
is hidden from ordinary observation. This
is due to several factors. The biggest of
which is the fact that surrounding the
station, is a large and crumbling group of
ancient buildings which at one time were
all part of a larger underwater complex.
They, to a large extent, have almost
buried the station completely. In addition,
large amounts of seaweed, kelp, and other
underwater growth one would expect in
such an area after many, many years
choke the area off, making the entire area
difficult to navigate. In fact several of the
ancient structures are still inherently
unstable after centuries of wear and tear
and could come crashing down if
disturbed (though none will block the
opening to Deep Station 4). Along with
these hazards, interlopers should take
additional care as this area is closely
monitored by the Army of the Deep with Army of the Deep patrols will consist of a information than the static sono buoys and
passive sono-buoys and listening posts. random combination of the following can lead patrols directly to the players
The ruins have been long since picked various races - Humanoids, Ceruleans, location.
clean of any useful items, but care was Serfs, PSHs, Arks, Badders, Orlens,
taken by the Trident not to disturb the Dabbers, Hoops, Fens, or Menarls - Inside Deep Station 4:
natural environs as much as possible, thus though the non-native water-breathing Roll Type Number
maintaining its "untouched" appearance. races will be somewhat rare (those beings 1 Army of the Deep patrol 2d6
that fall into this category will be equipped 2 Army of the Deep labor group 3d6
Originally a deep-sea military research with underwater breathing gear or be 3 Army of the Deep technicians 1d6
facility, Deep Station 4 is now the nerve under the effects of the Rapture mutagen). 4 Army of the Deep guardsmen 1d4
center and headquarters for all operations They will be armed as the raiders listed in Army of the Deep patrols will consist of a
carried out by the undersea arm of the the Lanzend encounter. Each group random combination of the following
Army of the Deep. As such, the leader will also be carrying four doses of various races - Humanoids, Ceruleans,
underwater Triarch of the Army of the Rapture mutagen. There is a 10% chance Serfs, PSHs, Arks, Badders, Orlens,
Deep resides here overseeing all activity they will have domesticated working Dabbers, Hoops, Fens, or Menarls. They
(see Living Quarters below). Deep Station animals with them (Kooda, Horsy, etc). will be armed as the raiders listed in the
4 is also the only facility capable of These patrols may occasionally (25%) be Lanzend encounter. Each group leader
manufacturing the Rapture mutagen. It a small submersible with 1d6+6 will also be carrying four doses of Rapture
has extensive laboratories which are crewmembers on board. They are mutagen and a Stage II ID card.
operating at full capacity right now equipped identically as the footpatrols. Labor groups are made up of 1d4 Army of
producing as much Rapture agent as Army of the Deep transports (see stats the Deep overseers (equipped with a
possible for use in the upcoming major listed in Lanzend encounter) will most smattering of mostly Tech 2 and 3
operation being coordinated with the other likely be carrying refined Rapture weed (or weapons and armor) managing 3d6 slaves
two branches of the Trident against the occasionally other supplies) to Deep of various races (no weapons and AC10
interior of the eastern coastal area of the Station 4. However, there is a 10% chance (or individual race AC). The slaves will be
continent. Because of the importance of they are carrying additional slaves instead. working on any number of projects
this station to the Army of the Deep, not In all cases, they will be escorted by a (supply/Rapture movement, maintenance,
only is it well hidden, it is also well patrol party as listed above. custodial duties, etc.) The overseers will
protected (for during their quest for power Sono buoys are devices which track the carry 1-100 domars or 1-20 gp each.
the Trident has made more than a few movements of subjects underwater. They Technicians will be a group of highly
enemies.) are a metallic oddity the players may not trained technical individuals (engineers,
understand, but will tip off the Army of the scientists, etc). The group will be an even

mix of skilled Trident personnel and strong person may operate them, but only visible ID card are inoperative (or the
educated slave labor workers. The AotD at half speed. person wishing to pass through does not
technicians will be lightly armed (light possess a ID card). Access codes are
Tech 1-3 weapons) and armored (AC10 to Area 3 Grotto heavily encrypted and only held in the
8). They carry 2-20 domars and have a The internal docking bay chamber is 30 computer core run by the bases Artificial
10% chance of carrying a Stage III ID meters deep, by 25 meters wide, by 15 Intelligence in order to prevent
each. The slaves will have no weapons meters tall. It is actually only partially unauthorized remote entry. The interior
and be AC10 or individual race AC. submerged to about 11 meters or so deep doors are set to sound an alarm if any are
Guardsmen are elite Army of the Deep in water. The main entrance doors are breached (assuming 10 centimeters of
Brultan soldiers (see New Creatures). completely underwater. There is a gantry high grade steel can be bypassed). The
They answer only to the Triarch himself. some five meters wide running all the way available headspace on this level is over
Each carries 10-100gp. around the upper portion (about one meter three meters high, rather "tall" by most
above the water, leaving about three standards. But then again, the stations
meters of space above it - see the security robots were just a bit shorter than
gridwork on upper dock level map) made three meters. The majority of these were
of welded iron. The roof is bare rock with a destroyed during the Army of the Deep's
set of lights attached. This whole dock initial foray into Deep Station 4, however,
Top Level: Dock and Security sections area smells of seawater, and has the a single piecemeal security robot has
This uppermost level grants access to the atmosphere of a damp, cold cave. been cobbled together again by the Army
rest of Deep Station 4 and is heavily of the Deep from salvage and now helps
fortified. It is made up of two sections: the Area 4 Loading dock patrol this level (though it may not look
Docking Bay and Security Sector One. The Army of the Deep has made a few pretty, it functions perfectly). In addition to
The entire level is equipped with passive modifications to this area, including this one, there are still a few other security
sensory gear of various kinds, providing sealing up the old loading dock area with robots remaining. These however are run
an impressive picket of intelligence heavy metal walls and salvaged pressure directly by the bases Artificial Intelligence
gathering power on possible intruders. doors making entry into the docks - see Computer Core level. The other
interior area (and Security Sector One levels below this one are accessed via a
Docking Bay beyond that) extremely difficult. The set of elevators in the center of this
The only way in or out of Deep Station 4 is interior dock area is accessed by two section (see A and B below).
through a pair of huge semi-circular sliding large pressure doors, which are manually
doors leading into a submerged docking operated by a bulky wheel in the center of Area 1 Entrance doors
bay. These doors are only visible once each door. If the characters have bluffed The main entry doors from the dock area
Army of the Deep members (or intruders) their way this far into the base, it should are two meters thick; the outer layer is one
enter an ominous looking cave-like area be no problem to proceed past this point. meter thick duralloy, the inner meter is
formed by two collapsed buildings from high-grade steel. These retract into the
the ruins above. There are no external Area 5 - Airlocks wall when opened (see map). There are
lights or indications of any kind at the There are two small chambers beyond the four Army of the Deep guards on duty
entrance; the Army of the Deep units pressure doors, each terminating in an here at all times (equipped as per patrols
navigate here safely by certain landmarks identical door to the first. These chambers on the random encounter chart).
known only by ranking officers. These act to keep the internal air pressure of the
doors are opened only when elements of base normal, and are pressurized by jury- Area 2 Security command center
the Army of the Deep wish to enter or rigged air tanks in (A). These are This chamber houses the Security
depart. The proper pass code for the day controlled from the Security Command Command Center. Within lies the main
is given by a visible person (to the external Center. The pressure difference is enough security computer, slaved to the bases
cameras outside the bay) of any Army of that no human being could possibly pull artificial intelligence (AI) unit, but it is also
the Deep unit, be they submersibles or open the airlock doors by himself (even capable of uploading the AI if the need
swimmers. two extremely strong beings only have a should arise. In this room, controls for all
very slim chance (5%) of prying them doors and elevators can be found. All
Area 1 Entry doors open). The area beyond leads to the activity both inside and outside (sono
The external doors take about 30 seconds heavy security door protecting the buoys, external security monitors, etc) the
to fully open or close. The opening is entrance to Security Sector One. station is monitored here. There are two
some 15 meters wide by 10 meters tall. Army of the Deep guards in marine
Security Sector One battlesuits stationed here along with six
Area 2 Controls This section is typified by solid ferrocrete Army of the Deep technicians. The
The docking bay portals are normally walls, scores of sensors (both visible and technicians are equipped as listed in the
operated from the Security Command hidden), and heavy blast doors. This level random encounter chart.
Center, but there is a manual wheel is in no small way a fortress of sorts, and
system present in a locked cabinet on the certainly looks the part. ID panels are Area 2a Staircase
gantry just above these massive doors. It present on both sides of every doorway, A heavily secured emergency stairway
would take at least two strong beings (PS allowing manual use of ID cards in the access to the storage level is located here.
14 or better) to operate the chain and event that the automatic sensors above There once was access up to what was
wheel winch assembly at the same speed each door which constantly scan each once the rest of the underwater complex,
as the door's normal motors. A single being who approaches the door for a but this has been sealed off with welded

iron plates from the inside and covered these lockers as well see power station once filled with all the essential supplies
from above with many tons of rubble and level). Four Army of the Deep guards are for running the base (food stuffs, raw
silt. stationed within this room (equipped as materials, spare parts, clothing, etc). Now
per patrols on the random encounter only about half of them are used for that
Area 3 Central elevator area chart). purpose (all the rooms labeled #1).
The inner elevator area is surrounded by
four high-grade steel defensive Area 4a - Vault Room 2 Rapture storage
formations; three of the four contain The doors to this room are made of 20 The remaining area is being filled at a
weapon lockers (empty) and vidscreens centimeter thick duralloy and require a steady pace with Rapture mutagen being
for surveillance and communications. The Stage V ID in addition to the above stockpiled for the Army of the Deeps
fourth hides an atmospheric control unit, security requirements for all doors on this upcoming operation. These rooms hold a
capable of dispensing a wide variety of level. The armory is not completely full at large variety of containers from individual
unpleasant gaseous materials (see the this time as many of the weapons that vials to large bulk canisters and drums
effects of Poison, Stun, and Tear gas were here are now being used by Army of containing literally thousands of doses
grenades, page 36 of 2nd Edition the Deep personnel in various locations. worth of Rapture mutagen in both gas and
rulebook). This area has a dozen Army of Much of what remains is still impressive liquid forms.
the Deep personnel going about their however: 12 B-G laser rifles, 15 B-G laser
business (five guards and seven pistols, 1 Fusion rifle, 5 Mark V blasters, 3 Room 3 Empty
technicians all equipped as per random Mark VII blasters, 4 Needlers, 2 of each These rooms are completely devoid of
encounter chart listings). type of Slug Thrower (A, B, C), 4 Stun Ray contents.
pistols, 2 Stun Ray rifles, 2 Energy maces,
A and B - Elevators 6 Paralysis rods, 2 Stun whips, 4 Vibro Room 4 Holding cell
There are two types of elevators present blades, 2 Vibro daggers, 1 crate each There are two Army of the Deep guards
at Deep Station 4: personnel (A) and (containing 24) of the following grenade outside the door to this room (equipped as
cargo (B). The two elevator cores are types - Chemex, Energy, Fragment, Stun, per patrols on the random encounter
each constructed of high-grade steel. The Tear Gas. One small box contains 3 chart). This room holds a pair of chained
personnel elevator core is split into a photon grenades. There are also 4 micro- Mer-kind in a transparent water tank who
quartet of elevators surrounded by high- missiles and 2 mini-missiles here along were recently captured in the vicinity of the
grade steel walls, while the cargo elevator with 2 small damage packs and one station. They know very little of the station
core only sports corner posts. Manual Mutation bomb. There is one spare energy but will help rescuers any way they can.
controls on all elevators are of a very cell and/or ammunition clip for each
simple touch-button type. The four weapon here as well. Room 5 Holding cell
personnel elevators are each about two There are also two Army of the Deep
meters wide by two meters deep and three Area 5 Miscellaneous rooms guards outside the door to this room
meters tall having two metric tons of The remainder of the surrounding (equipped as per patrols on the random
capacity and are about as tough as most chambers are an assortment of defensive encounter chart). This room also holds a
of the regular doors in the station. These and command structures designed to transparent tank of water. But this one
elevators are by no means airtight and will ensure that intruders are as unwelcome as contains a Hydrozoan awaiting
not keep out toxic gasses. They provide possible. A total of seven guards and six interrogation. It will attack any would be
access to all lower levels. The sole cargo technicians are scattered about these rescuersif given the opportunity.
elevator is larger - four meters wide, four areas (all equipped as per random
meters deep, and three meters tall. The encounter chart listings). Life Support
cargo elevator only travels between this This level contained all the needed gear to
level and the storage level below. The Storage Area support life for the bases normal
cargo elevator has a five metric ton The cargo elevator and emergency population. Only about one third of that
capacity and has roughly the same staircase from Security Sector One only machinery is actually still functioning now,
attributes as its smaller brethren reach to this level. This entire area is but it is more than enough to handle the
otherwise. The Security Command Center much like the security section above, with Army of the Deep's needs (as not all
can usurp control of any elevator at any ferrocrete ceiling, walls, and floors. The members are exclusively air breathers).
time, holding hostage anyone within an doors are all high-grade steel, some 10 Water purifiers still scrub seawater into
elevators chilly metallic confines if need centimeters thick. Most are about three perfectly pure H2O. Air recyclers drone
be. meters tall and two meters wide each. The endlessly on, turning the stale air into
ceiling is some four meters in height, something a bit more breathable. Garbage
Area 4 - Armory providing plenty of room for a large recyclers turn rubbish into useful raw
The western and southwestern portions of amount of materials to be stacked here. materials to be stored in the level above.
this level are taken up by an extensive Various sorts of pipes and conduits are The life support level is not often
armory. Twenty-eight gear and battlesuit visible along the walls and ceiling populated, though the Trident is trying to
lockers dominate the walls, while within throughout this area. This whole level has find skilled beings to service the
the southern vault (4a), weapons lockers the look and feel of a sort of strange machinery in the hopes of returning it all to
still hold quite a few armaments. Only underground parking garage. a more fully functioning state. Overall this
three marine battlesuits are here at this level resembles some sort of refinery; with
time, recharging in their lockers (individual Room 1 Supply storage strange metallic machines throbbing,
atomic energy cells may be recharged in This sprawling collection of chambers was twisting pipes of all sizes everywhere,

clouds of smelly ambient steam, and poor still contains several smaller meeting (tentacles) - Intensity 15 poison,
lighting. The level is about four meters tall areas in its corners, most equipped with Regeneration, Will force.
in most places, though it's hard to tell for various vidscreen configurations, tables,
sure with the combination of poor lighting, chairs, and waste-disposal units. Xxen is a strong and cunning leader. His
maze of overhead pipe works, and talents have allowed him to rise as the
pervasive steam clouds. All atmospheric Area 2 Triarchs chambers undisputed leader of the underwater arm
and circulation controls here are closely The northeastern quadrant of the main of the Army of the Deep. Because of his
monitored by the bases Artificial living section is home to the Triarch's amphibious nature, he is equally at home
Intelligence. The air vents are generally suite; a large and comfortable facility with on land or in water. Many of his powers
set as to be practically invisible to the a meeting room, command center, small listed above arent actually mutations, they
casual observer, and will not permit the dining room, adjacent kitchen, large come from the nature of being a squid
passage of any object more than one bedroom, and privy. This area is under the (ink, chameleon ability, carapace,
centimeter in width past their exterior constant watch of four Brultans (elite Army orientation sense, bio-luminescent
grates. The ducting itself is a non-ferric of the Deep crabmen guards). Two are nodules, and poison glands). In addition,
metal and thick with filtration systems. The posted at each of the outer doors. The as a squid he is a decapod - a creature
ducts are about 10 centimeters in underwater Triarch of the Army of the having ten arms. Four of these are used to
diameter (far too small for even a teen- Deep, Xxen, a hulking amphibious squid, walk on while in a non-watery
ager to crawl though). The entire system is is also currently here with two of his environment, four can manipulate
loaded with all manner of sensors, consorts. weapons or entangle opponents (as per
particularly chemical/biological types due vines mutation), and the final two are long
to the nature of research that had been tentacles which can shoot out to a range
carried out by the base before the fall of of 15 meters to cause not only physical
man. There are only four Army of the damage, but poison the victim as well.
Deep workers with four slave laborers Anything getting close enough to him is
scattered around on this entire level also subject to a bite attack from his beak.
(equipped as per the technician listing on In addition to his mutations and abilities,
the random encounter chart). Xxen is equipped with a Mk VII blaster
rifle, black ray pistol, energy mace, control
Living Quarters Level baton, and communicator (which he will
Obviously devoted to the use of the base's use to call for assistance if intruders are
personnel, this lavish level once detected). He carries one spare energy
resembled some of the best modern cell for each of the above items, a Stage V
hotels, but now looks somewhat run down. ID, and a number of gems worth 7,350gp.
A kind of sad elegance pervades the feel
of everything here, as if it were meant for His consorts, Rena, a female Mer-kind
something truly great, but now has lost all and Scella, a fish-like female humanoid,
hope of that. Each room is spacious, are completely loyal to him and the Army
complete with all the amenities one might of the Deep. They also act as bodyguards
expect from an expensive hotel, working when the need arises.
or not as the case may be. These
chambers now house Army of the Deep Rena (54hp) all stats 16
members, though many of the domiciles Rena was nearly killed several years ago
remain empty as the occupants carry on after becoming trapped during an
their normal duties in and around the underwater landslide near an old
station. This level is divided into five radioactive waste dump. It was Xxen who
sections a central connecting common rescued her, and she has been by his side
area (main living section) and four outlying ever since. Her exposure to the
sections (living areas 1-4). This entire radioactivity gave her several new
level is effectively well patrolled due to the mutations which she uses to good
constant cycle of activity in the base (an Xxen - Mutant squid advantage: Levitation (allows her to swim
automatic encounter will occur every ten Morale: 10 through the air constantly on, but works
minutes). This level is roughly three AC 2 on her only) and Gills (allowing her
meters tall inside, with some five meters of Hit Points 122 unlimited air-breathing capability). See
headroom in the central hall (area 1). Damage: 2d6 beak, 2d8 tentacles (x2) Mer-kind description for her other abilities.
Doors here are only of light metal MS 18 IN 18 CH 3 She is equipped with a powered speargun
construction, have only local controls, and PS 17 DX 16 CN 18 (tipped with Intensity 15 poison), and a
do not seal hermetically at all. Mutations: Absorption (sonic blast), Anti- vibro dagger.
life leech, Beguiling, Total carapace
Area 1 Central hall (inside body), Chameleon powers, Scella (62hp) all stats 15 except CH 18.
Surrounding the elevator bank is a large Directional sense, Energy absorption, Mutations: Chameleon powers, Death field
common area, once a sort of meeting area Fear generation, Gas (blinding ink) generation, Devolution, Duality, Gills,
and garden; now it is a simple gathering generation, Light generation, Military Illusion generation, the Gamma eye.
hall for passing out orders. The central hall genius, Mental blast, Modified vines Scella wears leather armor giving her an

AC of 6. She is armed with a slug thrower Land Speed: 5/500/10 some of the greatest technological prizes
A pistol and dagger. She is quite attractive Water Speed: 8/1600/40 to be plundered by the Army of the Deep.
for being a fish woman and will use her Thrasher is a humanoid shark. He is Most laboratories here still hold their high
charms to sway players if it will give her an armed with Vibro blade and B-G laser tech gear (now in use by the Army of the
advantage. She will not hesitate to use her pistol. He also has a small force field Deep) while the remainder are being
powerful mutations to protect Xxen should generator belt which will negate 20 points repaired or still under study. Most of the
the need arise; she will fight to the death of damage each turn (one atomic cell, functioning work areas are currently
in his defense. good for 20 minutes). He is able to bite focusing on activity surrounding the
If Xxen and his consorts are defeated, 5d4 and attack with one other weapon if there production of the Rapture mutagen, with
random items on the Installations loot is something close enough to do so. He the rest covering small-scale
chart will be found in the room in addition will defend Kal to the death. He has a manufacturing and testing of other Army of
to a chest holding 11,974gp, 5,634 Stage II ID card, 435gp and 212 domars. the Deep projects. This level is the heart
domars, and thirteen pieces of jewelry of this underwater facility, where new gear
worth about 1100gp each. Kal is currently working on details of the is made, repaired, and trained with by the
Tridents upcoming continental attack in Army of the Deep's most trusted
Area 3 Mess hall his study. Thrasher is insuring he not be members. Additionally, the Army of the
The southeastern quadrant houses the disturbed. If a commotion is made in the Deep technical teams test and investigate
main mess hall, suitable for feeding some outer chambers, Kal will not hesitate to any artifacts recently discovered or
36 seated persons at a time. The large investigate and join the fray. 3d4 items "salvaged by members. Items include
kitchen area (A) is well equipped, and the from the Installations loot chart will be marine battlesuits, various artifact
"larder" (B) is often well stocked with a found in the room in addition to a weapons of a dangerous nature, new
variety foods from the sea. There are footlocker containing 4,687gp, 8,965 kinds of sensors, and ancient items of
always eight slaves and one Army of the domars, and five pieces of jewelry worth unknown purpose. It was here the formula
Deep cook here. In addition, there will be approximately 870gp each. for the Rapture agent was discovered, and
1-10 random Trident guards and/or it is here where it is produced using the
technicians in here having a meal at any Area 5 Luxury apartments materials brought in from various outlying
given time. All personnel in this room are The other three living areas on the west bases (like Mining Station 876). The
equipped as per the listings on the random side of the Main Living section host rooms Laboratory level is constructed of
encounter chart. for other high-ranking personnel, complete ferrocrete with sturdy metal doors (10
with all the amenities. They are currently centimeters thick of high-grade stainless
Area 4 - Luxury apartment unoccupied as their owners are away on steel, polished and well labeled). The
This plush apartment is also filled with all duty. 1d4 items random items on the central area has three meters of
the trappings of comfort one would want in Installations loot chart will be found in headroom. Every lab can be hermetically
a living space. This is where Xxens each room along with 200-1000 domars sealed if the situation warrants. Astute
second in command (and his personal and 5-500gp. observers will note the presence of
bodyguard) dwell: extensive atmospheric control equipment
Living areas 1-4 in each laboratory, a sign of the kind of
Kal Thompson Pure Strain Human The four main corridors in the central area work that went on, and now continues to
Morale: 7 lead to Living areas 1-4. Each of these go on here under Army of the Deep
AC 3 house some sixteen narrow apartments supervision. Additionally, all of the
Hit Points 60 which can accommodate up to two beings connecting doors can be sealed as well,
MS 17 IN 15 CH 16 apiece in a fairly comfortable fashion. allowing for tight control of movement (or
PS 9 DX 13 CN 15 There are ten random Army of the Deep containment) throughout this level. This
Land speed: 6/600/12 (see below) personnel (guards/technicians) in each of level is thick with sensors and all door
Kal is 60 years old with short white hair, these sections enjoying various states of controls may be overridden by the
and a long white curlicue mustache. He relaxation (sleeping, reading, conversing, command center in Security Sector One.
smokes cigars when topside. His etc). See the random encounter charts for The central laboratory area is a showpiece
movement is somewhat hindered as he descriptions. There is a 25% chance that of a high technology working environment.
has a prosthetic left leg (lost the original to any room checked will be occupied (and a Each of the four small labs in the central
a blade whale). His is equipped with 50% chance if occupied, that two area sports its own front office, dual door
Plastic armor with military scuba helmet, personnel will be present) until all ten airlocks, and extensive high tech
Mark VII rifle, Mark V pistol, 3 spare beings in a section are found. Each room equipment. Care was obviously given to
hydrogen cells, and a medikit. He carries searched will have 1-100 domars and 1- making each room unique, further
500 domars, 350gp, and a Stage IV ID 20gp. There is also a 10% chance that a enhancing their appeal with large
with him. random item on the Installations loot vidscreens for announcements and
chart will be found in the room as well. communication. The outer sections of the
Thrasher - Mutant shark Laboratory Level (1-4) each hold different
Morale: 9 Laboratories configurations of lab environments, most
AC 5 This level is laid out similarly to the Living with impressive atmospheric control
Hit Points 90 Quarters level. It has a central lab area equipment. All outer lab sections (1-4)
Damage: 3d6 (bite) with four corridors leading out to separate have five meters of headroom with three
MS 9 IN 13 CH 6 lab areas. Each of these is a sprawling meter high main doors (two meter tall
PS 18 DX 13 CN 17 maze of assorted chambers that contain doors elsewhere). Many items such as

neutralizing pigments, anti-grav pods, thus cannot suffer from mutations, but its beneath Deep Station 4 into power for the
geiger counters, kinetic nullifier liquid, behavior patterns have become a little base. The system is completely sealed (in
adhesive paste, anti-radiation serum, and strange over the many long years. In fact it a thick duralloy shell), and fully functional.
so forth can be found scattered throughout seems happy to work with the new In addition to the main thermal power
this entire level. The GM should feel free occupants as they use the facility in much source, a highly advanced energy
to include anything he thinks would be the same capacity as the original owners. conversion apparatus is still functioning on
found in a laboratory environment on this this level. This allows the facility to
level. Each of the five sections on this This whole level is typified by polished produce (albeit in small quantities) any
level has ten Army of the Deep walls and floors, sparse lighting, and quiet kind of energy needed from the geo-
scientists/technicians and ten very humming. The entire level has four meters thermal source be it hydrogen cells for
technically skilled slave assistants. In of headroom clearance, including the main experiments in the labs to the recharging
addition to random patrols, there are also computer room. A large majority of the of atomic energy cells for equipment
two Army of the Deep guards at the main chambers here are focused on data requiring them at the station (see area 5).
entrance hallway to each section. All storage and upkeep. The security robots This entire level consists of only a few
personnel on this level are equipped as defending this level are careful to use all rooms containing enormous machines and
per the listings on the random encounter defensive formations to maximum effect, support structures. The temperature in this
chart. and have no qualms about using area- area is noticeably higher than elsewhere
effect weaponry anywhere in areas in the base. Countless square meters of
Lab areas 1 and 2 outside the main computer room. ferrocrete encase this level, which is only
Lab sections 1 and 2 each hold waste accessible by the personnel elevators.
disposal facilities should the need for Room 1 Database/storage There is an engineering bot station on this
decontamination operations be required. These chambers house very large level, even though the need for such
There are also small "break rooms" for database facilities, equipment and spare services are rare at best. There is an
overworked technicians to relax in. The parts lockers, control and monitoring impressive full five meters of headroom
larger rooms in these areas are tightly stations, and atmospheric controls. This here. Inspection of the outer wall and main
controlled due to the sensitive nature of level's three resident light engineering bots support structures will reveal they are
their research (mostly Rapture mutagen). can usually be found working or sheathed in duralloy, and in fact, the main
recharging in the database storage supports buried within the meter or so of
Lab areas 3 and 4 facilities, particularly in the southwestern ferrocrete are actually solid duralloy
Lab area 3's main chamber now serves as area where the main equipment lockers supports for the Computer Level above.
the Army of the Deep's test firing range. In are found. The bases artificial intelligence Though there are no Trident personnel
addition to the normal number of will not hesitate to use them to assist the normally posted on this level, random
personnel here (see above), there are four security robots in defending this level encounters can still occur.
Army of the Deep guards test firing some should the need arise.
recently repaired B-G rifles. There is a Area 1 Equipment lockers
Mutation Bomb in a case under one of the Room 2 Inner sanctum The central elevator area is lined with
lab tables in section 3 as well. It will The northwestern portion of this level is equipment lockers, providing human
produce only water-related types of the most heavily protected. It is armored technicians the tools needed to work on
mutations and/or defects. Lab 4 is mainly with double-thick duralloy walls to shield the power generators should the
medical in nature and includes a life the main computer room from virtually any engineering bots be unable to correct any
chamber in the northeast corner. Three threat. The outer doors are a daunting 30 problems.
rejuv chambers are in the NW corner. centimeters thick, and the inner area has
tight atmospheric controls. Impressively, Area 2 Parts storage
Computer Core the only visible part of the central Large arrays of equipment lockers
Likely the most difficult area to access in computer core houses just one-quarter of dominate the southern end of this area,
the entire complex, this level is a fortress the artificial intelligences operating loaded with spare parts of all kinds.
within a fortress. Duralloy walls, ceiling, system. The two additional side chambers
floors and doors ensure the resilience of hold the remainder of the AI. The doors Area 3 - Recycling
this area. There are still four operational leading to them are not obvious to the The bases wastewater is recycled on this
security robots on this level under direct casual observer as they look just like level in a huge machine at the northern
control by the bases artificial intelligence; walls. They are some 20 centimeters thick. end of the level here.
an additional three engineering bots keep Also, in extreme situations the artificial
everything in running order. The doors on intelligence can be stored in the computer Area 4 Primary converter
this level are not equipped with external on the security level (see above). However The processing of wastewater in area 3
controls as the artificial intelligence runs if this happens only very basic functions helps regulate the primary power
everything here, including the precious will be available. generator systems on the east end of this
flow of power to all upper levels of the level, providing a recycling overlap
base. Access to this level is tightly Power Station between wastewater and power systems.
controlled, and not even the highest This level is a clean, efficient, and highly
ranked Army of the Deep representatives advanced geo-thermal plant. This large Area 5 Engineering station
have actually been inside the main geo-thermal station is basically a very The engineering bot station is located
computer room on this level. The artificial large heat exchanger, turning the blazing across the west end of this level. Its
intelligence is completely mechanical, and hot heat received from a dozen kilometers equipment is also manually operable for

human use. There are a dozen power computer room. This last safety measure from becoming a threat to the mainland,
couplings here for the recharging of any ensures that even if the bases artificial but even now they are working to
type of energy cell as well. intelligence goes offline, the base can still consolidate their power over the ocean.
function while the artificial intelligence is Should they succeed, there is little doubt
repaired. that they will then turn their attention to the
continental interior. Already, the sign of
Food was originally eaten for the most part the Trident is seen to have ominous
in the individual living quarters, but the implications by leaders of major alliances
General station notes: Army of the Deep now generally hosts all such as the Ranks of the Fit, the Red
All lights in the base are cold illumination meals in either the Mess Hall or meeting Death, and the Purists.
panel type. All screens are flat panel area on the Living Quarters level if a more
displays and all speakers are also of a flat- formal affair is in order. This is more a The Armys success lies in its three-
panel design. Nearly all original controls matter of simplicity for the Army of the pronged approach to ocean warfare:
were simply touch activated, including the Deep, and provides a subtle level of dominance above, on, and below the
computer screens. The Army of the Deep psychological control over the personnel. water (hence their symbol, the trident).
has tried very hard to preserve such items The Trident is commanded by three
as much as possible. If the PCs can disrupt the Army of the generals called Triarchs, each of whom
Deeps "Rapture" operations here it will oversees operations in one of three
All areas and levels are all clearly marked, deal them a severe blow, likely setting branches (air, surface, and submarine).
along with directions to the elevators on back their plans for a great deal of time There is a degree of overlap in their
each floor. Such markings are prominently and restoring the overall balance of power authority, and all three cooperate closely
etched into the walls near high traffic in the area. If the players accomplish this, when the Army is engaged in missions on
areas like elevators, corridor intersections, they will be given the maximum award the mainland.
etc. offered by the co-defense council after
their return to Gatorvil. The Trident possesses a vast store of
Any area not specifically stated as having Ancient technology recovered from
construction of a given type is ferrocrete in several intact undersea bases it has
nature. Internal windows set into some occupied (at least three to date), as well
doors are generally a form of transparent as salvage from now-submerged cities
aluminum which the Army of the Deep has along the coast. Its arsenal of military
yet to fully understand. Appendix hardware includes several submersibles, a
number of air/sea fighter craft, a few
All "wiring" of a non-power transmitting hundred marine battlesuits, and an
nature is fiber-optic. All power conduits are Cryptic Alliance extensive range of personal weaponry.
room temperature, super-conducting Army of the Deep (The Trident) However, it is debatable how much of this
materials sealed in pipes made of a Dragon #119; Page 77 by Douglas Lent collection its soldiers truly know how to
ceramic and polymer blend which does (codes are listed on page 53 of the 2nd operate, let alone maintain. Nevertheless,
not burn. The Army of the Deep has gone Edition rulebook) their success so far is unquestionable.
to great pains to ensure that fire Tech: 3 Whether or not it will continue to be
extinguishers are a common sight in every Types: PSH (35%); H (45%); MA (40%); successful remains to be seen.
room or hall used, even if they are only P (15%) A (10%)
filled with water. Number: 1d10 Base: A (5d10; The Army of the Deep is well organized
along seacoasts); B (2d10+50; along and the majority of its members highly
There were no "wireless" communication seacoasts); H (10d10+100; usually intelligent - the GM should play them as
systems permitted in the base when it was underwater) such during this adventure. For this
in use originally, and the Army of the Deep Secret Sign: A trident is tattooed module the Army of the Deep has a
has chosen to keep things that way. Once somewhere on the body. A trident on a number of goals directly tied to their
inside the facility, radio silence is field of red is displayed on uniforms, flags, current raiding activity. First, obtaining
observed; breaking this rule is a highly and vehicles. additional material and manpower
punishable offense (except for emergency Location: Along the east coast of America resources needed for an upcoming major
alerts). with bases on islands. the mainland, and offensive against the mainland. By raiding
beneath the oceans surface. the coastline communities the Army of the
While security is a prime concern here it is Deep gains additional wealth that they can
interesting to note that one could, with the Description: Created by members of use to recruit, bribe, or pay off individuals
proper access codes or clearance, use several ocean-dwelling mutant races and who could help them in their overall plans
any screen in the base to make contact a tribe of sea-going humans, the Army of of dominance (mercenaries, spies, corrupt
with any other screen or database in the the Deep has grown from a minor alliance officials, etc). The captured townspeople
complex. This freedom of information flow of pirates to a force with almost complete are put to work as slaves to free up
would seem to invalidate a great deal of control of large portions of the eastern valuable loyal manpower to further bolster
the security protocols, if it were not for the coastal waters. Many tribes and a few of the Army of the Deep offensive strength
fact that the bases artificial intelligence the weaker nations in this region pay (in fact, it's possible that as many as 1 in
can override any command issued from tribute to the Tridents soldiers. For the 20 who are captured might actually join
any panel not located in the main moment, their area of operations and a
the Army of the Deep willingly). Secondly,
relatively low membership have kept them

the raids also weaken those who oppose WATER SPEED: 6/1200/36
them by disrupting commerce and LAND SPEED: 6/30/12
reducing the number of people that could
be called upon to repel the Army of the MS: 2d4+3 IN: 1d3
Deep en masse. Third, the tactics being DX: 1d6+6 CH: 1d4
employed (the completely sterile attacks)
New Creatures CN: 1d6+10 PS: 2d4+8
add confusion to any type of truly effective
defense that could be made against them, NAME: Bigoon (Cave Dabbers) ATTACKS: Bite (1d8 + constriction)
keeping the opposition off balance. Fourth, From GW1 Legion of Gold
to test the effectiveness of the Rapture NUMBER: 1-6 MUTATIONS: Improved senses, gills, size
mutagen as a weapon. They've only hit a MORALE: 7 change, sonar, confusion, susceptible to
few towns at the time of the PCs HIT DICE: 15d10 damage, thermal intolerance (cold only)
involvement in the adventure because this ARMOR: 6
was the final testing stage as to the DESCRIPTION: Black sea serpents are
effectiveness of Rapture mutagen when LAND SPEED: 12/900/18 mutated snakes that have adopted the
used as a weapon. In this stage they anaconda's lifestyle. They are between 3
decided to hit surface towns, and not just MS: 1d10 IN: 1d4+2 and 12 meters long, jet black with green
the occasional fishing boat as with their DX: 3d6+4 CH: 1d6 stripes, have thick scales, and sonar to
initial tests (which would disappear without CN: 3d6+ 10 PS: 2d12+ 20 detect prey. Black sea serpents capture a
arousing too much suspicion). prey animal by biting it and coiling around
ATTACKS: 1 Bite (4d6+10 damage), 2 it. It does not crush the prey (like the
claws (1d6+10 damage each) myths state), but instead, keep the animal
from breathing by compressing its lungs
MUTATIONS: Heightened Strength, (use suffocation rules). They then swallow
Infravision the prey whole, having no way of chewing.
If found on land, a serpent is just as
Rapturemutagen DESCRIPTION: One glance easily dangerous as if it was in the water. They
The Army of the Deep personnel are using identifies a Bigoon as a giant mutated can be driven off by fire and extreme cold.
a mutagenic agent that comes in two Raccoon. The creature is well over two Black sea serpents are only found in
forms a gas and a liquid. It is used in meters tall (old males being known to Putrid Sound and Lake Ash. They like to
gas form on land to take whole settlement reach three or more meters in length, nose hide among the weeds that float near the
populations captive. When used to tail). The Bigoon's teeth are very much surface and catch the birds and fish that
underwater it is in a liquid form. In gas enlarged, and it bites for 4d6+10 damage. visit the weed mats. Occasionally, one out
form it will take effect by either being The creature also has heightened strength hunting will fall prey to sea lilies or to giant
inhaled or absorbed through the skin. In to complement its native intelligence and sea serpents, but otherwise they tend to
liquid form it is either taken orally or cunning. Despite its increased size and die of old age. They hibernate during the
injected. It is a temporary mutagen that strength, the Bigoon has lost none of the winter on land in deep mud. The snakes
changes the lungs of those exposed to it manipulative dexterity of its small are considered a major threat to the
to only process oxygen from water. Treat progenitor. The hand-sized forepaws of a fishermen of both bodies of water. They
this mutagen as an Intensity 18 poison; Bigoon are quite nimble and can be used do not congregate, except during mating,
any lettered result on the table means the to open simple closures and latches. The when up to 10 males try to mate with a
victim is affected. If the victim does not Bigoon is a nocturnal hunter and has single female.
find water to breathe in short order, he infravisual capabilities. When hungry, a
suffocates. Those who make it to water Bigoon attacks virtually anything, but the NAME: Blade Whales (Rammers)
find rapture primarily because they can creature is prone to ignore other creatures From Dragon #98; Page 45 by Randy
breathe again. Hence the reason entire if well fed, unless its curiosity is aroused. Johns
communities have been disappearing with A well-fed Bigoon has been known to NUMBER: 1d4-2
a few asphyxiated bodies found afterward. playfully knock down a passing human in MORALE: 1d6+2 (10 if fighting ships)
The mutagen was an experimental drug order to tear open a carried sack. A lone HIT DICE: 25d12
found by the Army of the Deep when it Bigoon is usually a rogue male. If three or ARMOR: 4
discovered the underwater research more are encountered, they are likely to SIZE: 30 meters long
complex Deep Station 4. With the be a mother and her immature young.
facilities available there they found they Bigoons are all capable of climbing trees WATER SPEED: 27/800/36
could reproduce it in large quantities using sturdy enough to hold their weight.
extracts from refined Rapture weed. It MS: 1d6+10 IN: 3d6
must be taken on regular basis (once NAME: Black Sea Serpent DX: 1d8+3 CH: 1d6
every 24 hours) or the victims respiratory by Derek M Holland CN: 1d10+11 PS: 2d20+80
system returns to normal and drowning NUMBER: 1 or d10+1
will occur while underwater. The Trident MORALE: 1d8 ATTACKS: 1 Bite (10d4); or, 1 Ram
has found this to be an excellent way to HIT DICE: 4d6 (10d10)
keep captives in line. It has no effect on ARMOR: 8
native water breathers or those beings ORIGINAL STOCK: Blue Whale
with gills as a mutation. MUTATIONS: Force Field Generation,

Kinetic Absorption, Mental Blast, New LAND SPEED: 12/900/18 Sources used for background info:
Body Parts (carnivorous jaws and
digestive system, bladelike horn) MS: 14+1d4 IN: 14+1d4 eciesADVLBJ.asp?curGroupID=19&range
DX: 3d6 CH: 1d8+10 =1009&range=1010&moisture=2&moistur
HABITAT: Oceans of the world CN: 3d4+2 PS: 2d6+3 e=1&curPageNum=79&recnum=TS0417
DIET: Marine animals (see description)
DESCRIPTION: For centuries, mankind ATTACKS: 2 limb strikes (1d2 plus NAME: Brultans
killed whales for his own needs or for Thorns [See mutation description]) or by By Les Braun
sport. Though many people protested weapon NUMBER: 2d6
these killings, they continued until only the MORALE: 1d4+6
smartest and strongest whales survived. ORIGINAL STOCK: Swamp Rose (Rosa HIT DICE: 25d6
With the ecological warfare of 2321 and Palustris) ARMOR: 4
the Apocalypse Week of the following MUTATIONS: Beguiling, Contact Poison
year, it was assumed that all great whales Sap, Explosive Seeds, Force Field LAND SPEED: 6/800/16
had finally become extinct. Generation, Modified Vines (Manipulation WATER SPEED: 12/1200/16
Vines), Telekinesis, Telepathy,
However, the weapons used during the Thorns/Spikes (Thorns) MS: 2d6+1 IN: 2d8
Social Wars had mutated the last DX: 2d8+2 CH: 1d6
remaining whales. They developed HABITAT: North America east of the CN: 2d6+6 PS: 4d4+2
powerful mutations, particularly the huge Rockies, from Hudson bay to the Gulf of
bladelike horns that were able to split even Mexico (Swamps and thickets, marshy ATTACKS: 2 pincers (2d6 each), or by
the largest ships in half. Remembering the shores of streams, ponds, and lakes) weapon type.
treatment their race suffered at the hands DIET: Minerals from soil
of human beings, the blade whales began DESCRIPTION: These intelligent, mutated MUTATIONS: Carapace - total, Hands of
attacking all surface and undersea descendants of the Swamp Rose retain power - gamma, Heightened physical
shipping they could find. As often as not, their blossoms (a dark rose-pink color) attribute - strength, Kinetic absorption,
any crewmen cast into the sea by a blade longer than their ancestors, keeping them Skeletal enhancement.
whales attack would be eaten. from mid-spring until almost autumn.
Other than that, they look like humanoid DESCRIPTION: These large man-like
With the explosion of new mutated life in shaped plants. crabs can be found in many regions of the
the oceans of the world, the blade whales ocean. They have a slightly tribal
have recovered their population and Boomblossoms will make use of any organization, but are rather nomadic,
developed the roots of a world culture. artifacts they have at hand in combat. never staying in one area for too long.
They speak a complex ultrasonic They are by no means stupid, however, They are extremely tough fighters and are
language and are quite sociable. Once a and understand there are times when it's terrible to face in combat as they are hard
year, blade whales gather in large herds to better to not use technology. Whether or to damage because of their mutations.
find mates and to discuss the activities of not they use artifacts, they often will use They are able to manipulate many types of
the enemy surface dwellers who threaten their beguiling power before entering weapons, though they prefer polearms the
the seas. These large herds contain 40 to combat. They communicate with each most. Even if they are unarmed their claws
60 individuals and stay together for about other (and other creatures) telepathically, can still do considerable damage - or blast
2 weeks, after which males and females and co-ordinate their actions so as to not an opponent with bolts of radiation.
pair off and go their separate ways. Blade get in each other's way. If, for some
whales have no fixed lairs and prefer to reason, they do not use artifacts, they are NAME: Ceruleans (Blue Meanies)
roam the seas freely. quite capable of handling themselves in By Mars
combat, having thorns and contact poison NUMBER: 1d10
Prior to ramming a ship with its horn, a sap in melee, and explosive seeds (which MORALE: 1d4+6
blade whale will activate its Force Field is how they got the name 'boomblossoms') HIT DICE: 15d6
and have the force of the attack absorbed for ranged combat. (Refer to the individual ARMOR: 9 or 7 with fish scale armor
by its mutational protections. Damage mutation descriptions in the rulebook for
equal to half the damage inflicted by the details.) WATER SPEED: 6/600/12
ramming blow will be inflicted on the blade LAND SPEED: 12/900/18
whale. An injured whale will rarely Boomblossom seeds sprout in the spring
continue an attack if the ship it struck has and are nonsentient and immobile for their MS: 3d6 IN: 3d6
been destroyed or is sinking, though it first year of life. In the spring of their DX: 3d6 CH: 3d6
may wait around to eat any survivors. second year, they become mobile and CN: 1d10+8 PS: 1d10+8
quickly learn the value of teamwork and of
NAME: Boomblossom the power of Ancient artifacts, which they ATTACKS: By weapon
By Zirra Scrohunter readily use. They will often trade artifacts
NUMBER: 2d10 for items they consider more useful to MUTATIONS: Confusion, Cryokinesis,
MORALE: 7 them. When a boomblossom group Gills, Ultravision
HIT DICE: 8d6 becomes too large for the land to support
ARMOR: 9 them, a group will break away from the DESCRIPTION: Ceruleans are humanoids
SIZE: 180 to 250 centimeters main group to form a new community. with light blue skin, gills, no hair, and

webbed hands and feet. Ceruleans creatures, they prefer to use their They generally try to stay out of the way of
operate equally well above and below mutations to remain hidden. If they are bigger creatures, preferring to spend most
water. Their culture is based in the spotted, they will use their Stunning Force of their time buried in sand or fine gravel
Karib'eun and they have a Tech Level II mutation and attempt to escape if at all with only their eyestalks exposed. When
seafaring society that is quasi-feudal. Most possible. If left with no option but to fight, encountered, crusteans will be invisible
Ceruleans swear fealty to King Guapo of they will bite and attempt to rub their unless surprised (on a 1 only).
El Morro (a small island once part of bodies (which are coated with a contact
Puerto Rico). Their technology includes poison) on any exposed flesh they can Crusteans are both articulate and
the manufacture of blackpowder weapons find on the enemy creatures. intelligent. They have no natural enemies,
and coastal sea vessels. Trading, and they are generally well equipped to
exploring, slavery, and piracy seem to Croakers band together in groups for avoid encounters, but occasionally one will
come naturally to these hearty folk. They mutual protection and for breeding. They get lonely and take an opportunity to join a
use and can repair many Tech III items, spawn year-round with suitable group of intelligent creatures for a time.
but cannot manufacture them. They count temperature and rainfall. Eggs are laid in Crusteans enjoy company and often enjoy
their wealth in ships and commonly use an long-standing water - ditches, canals, helping strangers in distress, but their
underwater crossbow that shoots small streams, and ponds. cranky, irascible nature often prevents
barbed harpoons attached to a line on a them from expressing themselves
spool. As a race, they automatically Sources used for background info: properly. Even with long time friends, a
assume every powerful race or crusteans conversation will generally
organization enslaves the weak. Many eciesADVSTD.asp?curGroupID=7&habitat alternate between griping and sarcasm,
young Cerulean men have been recruited =1065&range=1009&range=1010&curPag especially when it is performing a
by the Army of the Deep through the lure eNum=1&recnum=AR0008 kindness.
of wealth and technology.
NAME: Crusteans (Crusty Uns) A crustean will automatically climb an
NAME: Croaker From Dragon #98; Page 46 by John M. opponent to find a spot that the opponent
By Zirra Scrohunter Maxstadt cannot conveniently reach (between the
NUMBER: 3d6 NUMBER: 1 shoulder blades of a human, for example),
MORALE: 3 MORALE: 1d4+4 and will attempt to pinch with both claws. If
HIT DICE: 4d6 HIT DICE: 6d4 it hits, it will try to hold on until its
ARMOR: 6 ARMOR: 6 (-2 to be hit due to size) Symbiotic Attachment takes effect (which
SIZE: 10 to 24 centimeters long SIZE: 30 centimeters diameter does not begin until the round after the
crustean is attached). It takes a PS of at
LAND SPEED: 16/1200/24 LAND SPEED: 1/250/5 least 12 to pull a crustean loose if one
WATER SPEED: 24/1800/36 WATER SPEED: 1/150/3 claw is attached, or at least 16 if both
claws are attached. If a creature cannot
MS: 1d6+4 IN: 1d4 MS: 1d8+8 IN: 1d8+10 grasp the crustean, it may try to knock it
DX: 2d6+6 CH: 2d4 DX: 1d6+12 CH: 1d6 off. This requires a combat hit at -4 and a
CN: 2d6 PS: 1d4 CN: 1d6+4 PS: 2d6+4 minimum PS as noted above. This all
assumes that the crustean is attached in a
ATTACKS: Bite (1d3 damage) ATTACKS: 2 pincers (1d6 each) highly inaccessible spot - a crustean will
be very reluctant to attack a creature with
ORIGINAL STOCK: Cane Toad (Bufo ORIGINAL STOCK: Coconut Crab no back. A crustean forcibly removed
Marinus) MUTATIONS: Heightened Balance from an opponent has a 50% chance of
MUTATIONS: Displacement, Light (improved), Heightened Taste, Heightened losing the claw or claws that were
Manipulation, Poison (Intensity 12), Strength, Light Wave Manipulation attached. It can regenerate these when it
Stunning Force, Thought Imitation (limited) New Body Parts (speech and sheds its shell (see below), but not until at
hearing organs), Symbiotic Attachment least a week has passed.
HABITAT: Along the Gulf Coast in the (limited), Thought Imitation
southern United States and Northern Crusteans can climb almost any vertical
Mexico, also Florida HABITAT: Beaches, lake shores, deserts surface with great speed, even if the
DIET: Insects (mainly around oases), ruins, and surface is moving (in the case of an
DESCRIPTION: This mutated descendant sometimes populated cities in warm opponent). However, the surface must
of the Cane Toad looks much like its climates have some cracks, crevices, or footholds
ancestor It is brown to yellow-brown, with DIET: Fruit and nuts (especially coconuts in it. Crusteans Light Wave Manipulation
prominent cranial crests, and a somewhat and palm nuts), and even garbage in bad has no effect on lasers or black ray guns.
round, flattened body outline. It also times They must shed their shells once a month
retains the poison producing paratoid DESCRIPTION: These solitary, (sooner if they lose a claw), and will
glands of its unmutated predecessor. omnivorous scavengers can be regrow new shells and claws in 8 to 13
encountered in a wide variety of places, as days. They can only shed their shells
Croakers are not the bravest creatures in indicated above. In populated cities, they underwater and are extremely vulnerable
the world. They are small, and therefore live around garbage dumps, their while doing so. They must also mate
not able to inflict much damage on larger Heightened Taste enabling them to underwater. A crustean can hold its breath
creatures. When faced with larger distinguish which leavings are safe to eat. for a long time (4 hours), but it is not a

water breather and so will not be sized or smaller, there being a 15% MUTATIONS: Actual Metamorphosis,
encountered in deep water. Crusteans chance per bite that such prey is gulped Directional Sense, Dual Brain, Empathy,
have no interest in treasure and artifacts, down whole. A swallowed character takes Heightened Hearing, Heightened
although they understand other creatures 2d6 damage per action turn from slow Intelligence, Intuition, Radar/Sonar
desire for them. A visible crustean looks suffocation and drowning on water the (improved over natural talent), Sound
like a brown and black mottled crab about dragun swallowed, plus an amount equal Imitation, Temporal Fugue, Time
the size of a derby hat, with long legs and to his or her base AC from digestive acids. Distortion, Time Manipulation (see
very large, powerful claws. The victim may only attack with daggers. description), Time Suspension
claws, or teeth against the draguns
NAME: Draguns (Sea Gators) insides (AC 9). The dragun must be slain HABITAT: Oceans of the world
From Dragon #108; Pages 52&53 by in order for a victim to be removed. Once DIET: Plants and small fish
Danny Moynihan this is done, 100 points of damage must DESCRIPTION: The flipps true physical
NUMBER: 1d4-2 be inflicted on the dead draguns form has not changed at all from its
MORALE: 2d4+2 midsection, either by persons outside the ancestral dolphin shape. Like its ancestor,
HIT DICE: 7d12+7 dragun or by a swallowed victim, to free it attacks by ramming victims in the water
ARMOR: 2 the captive. Note that a dead dragun floats at high speed with its snout.
SIZE: 15 meters long easily and can be towed to land.
Though these intelligent mammals have
WATER SPEED: 12/1000/32 Draguns also like to ram ships and other no technology, they possess their own
creatures that are floating on the surface culture and society. They have been
MS: 2d4-1 IN: 1d4 of the water, using their snouts as known to save Pure Strain Humans and
DX: 1d4 CH: 1d4 battering rams. A vessel of sailboat size or humanoids from drowning, though they
CN: 5d4+1 PS: 3d20+30 smaller is 90% likely to capsize if rammed; are indifferent to the plight of mutated
a ship the size of a sailed frigate would animals. Flipps have never joined the
ATTACKS: 1 Bite (10d4+2 damage and have a 5% chance of rolling over. Zoopremisists alliance.
swallow (see description)); 1 Ram (4d10
damage); gun(see description) Finally, draguns have a New Body Part: a Flipps have been known to use their
gizzard that collects large stones and can Actual Metamorphosis mutation to join
ORIGINAL STOCK: American Alligator expel them forcefully out of the draguns parties of land dwelling adventurers that
MUTATIONS: Gills, New Body Part open mouth. A fired stone weighs 2d4 they have befriended. Of course, they
(projectile firing digestive system), Taller, kilograms, has a 40 meter range, and must somehow acquire weapons and
Water Dependency does 6d6 points of damage to whatever it clothing on their own. If turned into their
strikes. Draguns only fire stones when true form (as per the Actual
HABITAT: Caribbean Sea and Atlantic floating, not underwater. Because of this Metamorphosis mutation), they will take 4
Ocean effect, and because of the blasting sound points of damage per round while they are
DIET: All animal life made when the stone is launched, the out of water, until they are able to assume
DESCRIPTION: Draguns still resemble original name of dragonwas modified to a new form or reach a water supply to
their ancestral alligator forms, though they its current form. A dragun has 1d4 such keep their skins from drying out.
are much larger and cannot leave the stones which may be fired at any
water. They establish territorial areas particular time. Only 2% of flipps encountered will have
across sea beds, defending them fiercely the Time Manipulation mutation. For many
(even against ships and submarines just If a dragun senses any sort of poison gas years, flipps have been trying to improve
passing by). Being particularly stupid and on the waters surface, it immediately their time related abilities through selective
rather clumsy, draguns may be slowed submerges and flees the area. breeding so that flipps with Time
and stopped by heavy, steel cable nets Manipulation can attempt a series of time
dropped across their paths. They seem to NAME: Flipps (Clicker Fish) jumps to reach a period before the Social
like basking on the surface of the ocean From Dragon #98; Page 47 by William Wars. There they try to warn humans in an
during sunny days, and they are often Tracy attempt to alter history, but apparently
encountered during these times. NUMBER: 2d4 they are not being taken seriously since
MORALE: 1d8+1 the future Gamma World still exists. Still,
Draguns possess a rudimentary form of HIT DICE: 7d6 all the flipps with Time Manipulation will
communication consisting of bellows, ARMOR: 8 eventually try to go back and warn of the
croaks, and grunts, all of which are uttered SIZE: 2 meters long danger to come.
while the dragun is floating on the surface.
Mutant reptiles may learn to imitate these WATER SPEED: 24/1800/36 NAME: Horsy (Sea Stallion)
sounds with some success (50% chance By Les Braun
of getting a vocalization correct), and this MS: 1d10+11 IN: 1d10+11 NUMBER: 1d6
technique, coupled with an amplifier, has DX: 1d6+12 CH: 2d6+4 MORALE: 1d8+4
been used to attract or drive away these CN: 3d6 PS: 3d6 HIT DICE: 6d6
beasts. ARMOR: 5
ATTACKS: 1 Ram (1d6)
Draguns have three forms of attack. They WATER SPEED: 15/1800/36
prefer to bite and swallow prey that is man ORIGINAL STOCK: Bottlenose Dolphin

MS: 2d6+2 IN: 1d4 ability is their poisonous skin which turns DIET: Fish, squids & shrimp, known to
DX: 1d8+4 CH: 1d4 victims to stone (exactly as per Ert in the attack swimmers
CN: 1d6+6 PS: 2d10+8 rulebook - but will cause damage even if DESCRIPTION: This mutated descendant
the victim doesnt turn to stone). of the great barracuda retains many of the
ATTACKS: 1 Ram (1d10 damage) habits of its ancestor. To become a
NAME: Killer Kelp successful feeder, the Great Barracuda
MUTATIONS: None By Les Braun developed a technique of racing through a
NUMBER: 1d10 school of fish with its blade like teeth
DESCRIPTION: Horsy (sometimes MORALE: N/A attacking the helpless fish. After it injures
spelled Horsea) are giant ridable HIT DICE: 3d6 and immobilizes some of the fish, the
seahorses. Many underwater races prize ARMOR: 8 barracuda returns to snatch them up.
them as mounts. They are capable of very Koodas do the exact same thing, but are
fast movement underwater and are easy WATER SPEED: Does not move. even more effective due to their larger size
to train once domesticated. Their only and their mutations. The Kooda's Speed
attack consists of smashing into an MS: 1d4 IN: 1d4 Increase is improved in that it can be used
opponent. The Horsy must have enough DX: 1d4 CH: 1d4 three times per day. Koodas use their
room to move in order to use this attack. CN: 3d8 PS: 1d4 highly evolved instincts to take advantage
Horsy are quite loyal creatures whether its of the disorder that occurs around dusk,
to a family group or rider. ATTACKS: See below when the nighttime fish switch places with
the daytime fish. It is at this time, when
NAME: Hydrozoan (Sea Medusae) MUTATIONS: Spore Cloud, Dissolving their prey least expect it, that Koodas
By Les Braun Juices, Sonic Blast make their attack.
MORALE: 1d2+8 DESCRIPTION: This kelp can sense any Sources used for background info:
HIT DICE: 18d6 nearby movement that will first set off the
ARMOR: 6 plants sonic blast. It will then release its ipt/GreatBarracuda/GreatBarracuda.html
spore cloud followed by the dissolving
WATER SPEED: 12/900/18 juices. It will continue this sequence until briefs48.html
either the victim or the plant dies. Any
MS: 2d6+6 IN: 2d6+8 creature which falls victim to this plant will NAME: Lobsterfish
DX: 3d6 CH: 1d4 become fertilizer for future generations of By Mars
CN: 4d4+2 PS: 2d8 killer kelp. NUMBER: 1d10
ATTACKS: 3 tentacles (1d4 damage+ NAME: Kooda HIT DICE: 2d6
poison skin (see below). By Zirra Scrohunter ARMOR: 7
MUTATIONS: Bodily control - hearing, MORALE: 2d4+1 WATER SPEED: 8/600/8
Chameleon powers, Confusion, Contact HIT DICE: 12d6 LAND SPEED: 8/800/12
poison sap (Intensity 17 - see below), ARMOR: 7
Directional sense, Duality, Hands of power SIZE: 4 to 5 meters MS: 1d6 IN: 1d2
- electrical, Heightened intelligence, DX: 3d6 CH: 1d4
Heightened precision, Hostility field, Life WATER SPEED: 30/2250/45 CN: 1d10 PS: 1d6
leech, Mental shield, Mental paralysis,
Regeneration, Telepathy. MS: 1d4 IN: 1d4 ATTACKS: Bite (1 point of damage on a
DX: 1d10+5 CH: 1d4 natural 20).
DESCRIPTION: Hydrozoans are two CN: 3d4+8 PS: 1d12+8
meter tall jellyfish-like creatures. They are MUTATIONS: None
of a particularly evil nature and consider ATTACKS: 1 Bite (3d6 damage)
themselves the most superior form of life DESCRIPTION: These look like a 20-50
on the planet. Because of this all other life ORIGINAL STOCK: Great Barracuda cm long seabass with 8 spiny legs sticking
forms fall into two categories, food or (Sphyraena Barracuda) out of their sides. They are nearly
servants. The Hydrozoans have been MUTATIONS: Taller, Chameleon Powers, harmless, but can be annoying. They
actively pursuing plans of dominating the Speed Increase (Improved) sometimes (1 in 4) mindlessly attack
entire ocean environment for sometime anything that moves. On a roll of natural
now. They have found this to be more HABITAT: Occurring worldwide in near 20 they score 1 point of damage. They are
difficult than they first expected because of shore tropical and subtropical seas (30N - rather tasty if cooked.
efforts by others to accomplish this same 30S), common in the western Atlantic
goal. They are now pursuing plans to Ocean from Massachusetts (U.S.) to NAME: Mer-kind
eliminate said competition. They have a Brazil. It is also found in the Gulf of Mexico By Les Braun
number of attacks they are capable of and the Caribbean Sea as well as the NUMBER: 2d6
using on others (in fact, they can even eastern Atlantic Ocean, Indo-Pacific, and MORALE: 1d8+4
wield weapons which are not too heavy - the Red Sea. It is rare or absent in areas HIT DICE: 10d6
but this is rare), but their most feared of the eastern Pacific Ocean. ARMOR: 7

WATER SPEED: 18/1200/24 NAME: Mingos NAME: Psirens (Mind Singers)
By Les Braun By Les Braun
MS: 2d6+6 IN: 3d6 NUMBER: 1-20 NUMBER: 1-4
DX: 1d10+8 CH: 3d6 MORALE: 1d6+2 MORALE: 1d4+2
CN: 2d8+4 PS: 3d6 HIT DICE: 3d6 HIT DICE: 8d6
ATTACKS: By weapon type.
LAND SPEED: 4/400/15 WATER SPEED: 16/1000/20
MUTATIONS: Empathy, Heightened WATER SPEED: 12/900/15
balance, Intuition, Repelling force. MS: 2d6+10 IN: 2d6+6
MS: 2d6+4 IN: 1d6+6 DX: 3d6 CH: 3d6+4
DESCRIPTION: Mer-kind are half-man, DX: 1d6+12 CH: 1d4+4 CN: 2d8+2 PS: 3d6
half-fish beings (human torso with a fish CN: 1d8+6 PS: 1d10+8
tail) who live in harmony with most ATTACKS: Bite (1d6)
creatures of the ocean. They usually ATTACKS: 1 Beak (2d6 damage)
reside in small undersea communities and MUTATIONS: Beguiling, Empathy, Mental
will sometimes use trained Horsy as MUTATIONS: Gills, sonar. paralysis, Sound imitation
mounts. They will generally help any
creature they come across who appears to DESCRIPTION: Mingos are birdlike DESCRIPTION: These foul sea creatures
be in trouble. Of the many intelligent creatures descended from Flamingos. look very much like female Mer-kind.
beings living in the strange seas of They are now more at home in the water However their disposition is quite evil.
Gamma World, they are perhaps the most than they are on land. Mingos travel in They are well aware of their physical
noble. They are able to survive for short groups to hunt down their meals, often similarity to Mer-kind (except for a row of
periods of time above the surface. looking like a large school of long legged razor sharp shark-like teeth) and will use it
fish when encountered underwater. They to every advantage. However, Psirens
NAME: Minda Ray still retain the ability to hunt while standing prefer to remain out of sight of their
By BK "death_machine_2416" along shores, but find prey easier to catch potential prey, if at all possible. They
NUMBER: 1d4 in the open sea. They no longer have the typically use their mutations to lure victims
MORALE: 1d8+4 capability to fly because of their water to their doom by first using Empathy to
HIT DICE: 2d6 adaptations. They have been known to gage the emotional state of their target.
ARMOR: 9 attack humans/humanoids when hungry. Once this is accomplished, they will then
begin singing to their potential prey.
WATER SPEED: 8/900/16 NAME: Par-rana Using Sound imitation to spread confusion
By Les Braun (in any number of ways based on what
MS: 5d6+4 IN: 1d6 NUMBER: 3d10 their Empathy has revealed), or directly
DX: 1d10+4 CH: 1d4 MORALE: 1d6+4 into the mind with Beguiling or Mental
CN: 1d8+6 PS: 1d6 HIT DICE: 2d6 paralysis. The later is the preferred
ARMOR: 8 method to finish off their victims, as it
ATTACKS: See below. keeps the Psirens out of harms way (and
WATER SPEED: 8/1200/18 leaves their meal undamaged).
MUTATIONS: See below. AIR SPEED: 4/600/12
NAME: Radiation Zombies (Glowers)
DESCRIPTION: This creature is a MS: 1d4 IN: 1d4 By Les Braun
detached part of a sentient coral reef (see DX: 1d8+4 CH: 1d4 NUMBER: 1d10
below). A successful attack means the CN: 1d8+2 PS: 1d4 MORALE: N/A
creature has bitten its target (1d4 HIT DICE: 8d6
damage). A second attack against the ATTACKS: Bite (1d6) ARMOR: 10
victims AC means the creature has
attached itself to the victim and stabs the MUTATIONS: Sonic blast (in frenzy) MS: 1d4 IN: 1d4
victim for 1d6 damage. A third successful DX: 1d10 CH: 1d4
attack means the creature has entangled DESCRIPTION: This creature is an odd CN: 3d6 PS: 3d6
the spinal cord and now controls the fusion of a Parakeet and Piranha. It can
creature via the Coral Reef (see above). hunt under or above the water. These LAND SPEED: 4/300/6
Once the creature is attached, all of the creatures are very social and hunt ATTACKS: 1Bite (1d8) + radiation.
target creatures abilities are under the together in large schools. They will go into
control of the reef. Any land creature a feeding frenzy much like Herkels, but MUTATIONS: None.
which is controlled by the Minda Ray can while in the frenzy a random number of
breathe both water (after 10-20 seconds) the group will emit high-pitched Sonic DESCRIPTION: Radiation Zombies are
and on land, as the ray breathes for the Blasts. survivors of the apocalypse, usually
creature underwater and the land animal found sealed away in ancient structures or
can breathe for both creatures on land. underground complexes where they have
dwelled mindlessly for many, many years.
These survivors are not truly alive

anymore, but kept animated through the MS: 4d4 IN: 4d4 NAME: Sea Monkeys
radiation which killed them. For some DX: 3d6 CH: 1d6 By Les Braun
unknown reason they have an urge to kill CN: 2d10 PS: 2d6 NUMBER: 1-30
and eat any living thing which they MORALE: 1d4
encounter. They are usually easy to avoid ATTACKS: Claws (2d6) HIT DICE: 5d6
if encountered, as they are very slow ARMOR: 8
moving and practically non-intelligent. MUTATIONS: Anti-life leech, Beguiling,
However in close confines or in large Confusion, Density control (others), WATER SPEED: 16/1000/12
numbers they can be quite dangerous. Devolution, Empathy, Fear generation,
Hands of power - withering, Illusion MS: 2d6+2 IN: 3d6
Though their insatiable hunger is horrific, it generation, Life leech, Mental control, DX: 2d6+6 CH: 2d4+4
isnt the most feared thing about radiation Sonic blast, Summoning CN: 2d6+4 PS: 2d6+2
zombies it is the deadly radioactivity they
carry with them. Each group of radiation DESCRIPTION: Sea Crones are evil ATTACKS: Paws or bite (1d4)
zombies will be contaminated with 3d6 tempered sea dwelling humanoids whose
Intensity radiation. This will be uniform for sole purpose seems to revolve around MUTATIONS: Heightened balance
each individual within the entire group. causing suffering to others. They
Any contact with a radiation zombie will sometimes have a pet or pets in their DESCRIPTION: Sea Monkeys are a
require an immediate check on the company which they use for various generally peaceful group of creatures.
radiation table to determine the damage purposes. They generally attack using They are very curious however and will
caused by the radioactivity. their mutations, but if pressed will use their watch or follow anything out of the
bony claws. ordinary with great interest. This includes
NAME: Sea Behemoth, lobster adventurers who travel through their
By Les Braun NAME: Sea Lilies areas. In fact, Sea Monkey are so curious
NUMBER: 1 by Derek M Holland that after the initial observation period is
MORALE: 1d4+6 NUMBER: 2-5 patches (at 20-50/patch) over, they will actually come right up to the
HIT DICE: 100d20 MORALE: 1d8 thing which has held their attention for a
ARMOR: 4 HIT DICE: 4d6 per patch better look (if it doesnt seem too
ARMOR: 9 dangerous). Once in close proximity, they
MS: 4d4 IN: 2d4 become very playful and mischievous -
DX: 3d6 CH: 1d4 WATER SPEED: 0/1/0 taking items, throwing small objects,
CN: 20d10 PS: 2d20+200 making a chaotic ruckus as they move
MS: 1d2 IN: 1d2 rapidly in an out of reach. If harmed they
WATER SPEED: 6/800/18 DX: 1d3 CH: 1 will fight back by scratching or biting.
CN: 1d2 PS: 1 They cannot survive out of water.
ATTACKS: 2 claws (15d10 each)
ATTACKS: 1d6 damage per patch (see NAME: Sea Spider
MUTATIONS: None (other than huge below) By Les Braun
size). NUMBER: 1
MUTATIONS: See below MORALE: 1d4+4
DESCRIPTION: Sea Behemoths are little HIT DICE: 20d6
more than gigantic mutant versions of DESCRIPTION: Sea lilies are cousins to ARMOR: 4
ordinary sea creatures. Their large size starfish. They have a base developed to
(usually around 100 meters or so) makes hold strongly onto the bottom in the body LAND SPEED: 3/400/9
them extremely dangerous. They can be of water they dwell (it looks like worms WATER SPEED: 6/900/12
encountered in any region of the ocean attached to a root). Attached to this are
and sometimes will come ashore looking dozens of "arms" covered in fine hairs, MS: 2d6+4 IN: 1d6+6
for food when it becomes scarce in their used to catch food. Some species have DX: 1d6+12 CH: 1d4+4
area. In most cases they will have no evolved to survive in fresh water, and CN: 1d8+6 PS: 1d10+8
additional mutations (other than their most of those developed a mass attack to
monstrous size), but some may have consume large prey. Anything wandering ATTACKS: 2 Pincers (5d10 each)
numerous mutations which they will use to through a sea lily patch to attacked once
full effect. per phase using an enzymatic approach. If MUTATIONS: Regeneration
the person is moving, treat every square
NAME: Sea Crone (Hags) meter as a single patch. They do grow up DESCRIPTION: A giant cross between a
By Les Braun to the waters edge, so anyone reaching in crab and spider about 5 meters in size.
NUMBER: 1 the water is also attacked. Their defenses This creature spins sticky webs in areas of
MORALE: 1d10 are based on the fact that they are sea currents to catch food. It is non-
HIT DICE: 12d6 submerged; if they are brought up on land, venomous. It typically hides in its lair (like
ARMOR: 7 they have no armor and are totally a cave or rock outcropping) until its prey
defenseless (-4 to ranged /melee attacks). exhausts itself in the web. Then it goes
WATER SPEED: 6/800/18 and picks the victim to pieces with its
claws while the victim is still stuck fast.

The sea spider is immune to the stickiness DESCRIPTION: These mutant killer long and are a dull gray. Some races use
of the web due to body excretions. whales have a number of mutations which them as food livestock.
have earned them the name of shadow
NAME: Sentient Coral Reef whales. If in dire trouble, they disappear NAME: Slashworm
By BK "death_machine_2416" like a shadow using their displacement By Derek M Holland
NUMBER: 1 mutation, only to reappear to attack again. NUMBER: 10-20
MORALE: 1d8+4 They can move at amazing speeds for MORALE: 1d4+6
HIT DICE: Special short lengths of time (speed increase) HIT DICE: 5d8
ARMOR: 6 looking like nothing but blurred shadows in ARMOR: 5
the water. Shadow whales are also
LAND SPEED: Does not move. intelligent hunters and work together in WATER SPEED: 12/900/18
groups to capture prey and defeat
MS: 5d6+4 IN: 1d10+6 enemies. MS: d4+3 IN: d2
DX: 1d4 CH: 1d4 DX: d6+14 CH: d2
CN: 7d8+6 PS: 1 NAME: Shield Worm CN: d6+2 PS: d4+6
By Derek M Holland
ATTACKS: See below. NUMBER:1-3(50-100 when domesticated) ATTACKS: Slash x3 (1d8 damage)
MORALE: 1d8+1
MUTATIONS: Symbiotic attachment, HIT DICE: 12d8 MUTATIONS: None
Regeneration, Mass Mind, Telepathy, and ARMOR: 2
whatever else the GM wishes. DESCRIPTION: These carnivorous worms
WATER SPEED: 6/600/8 have 6 long blades, 3 on each side, used
DESCRIPTION: A coral bed is one large to kill prey by making bleeding wounds.
creature that is comprised of billions of MS: d2 IN: d2 They are .5 to .75 meters long and are
smaller creatures. It therefore cannot be DX: d4+2 CH: d2 light blue in color. They hunt in packs of
killed per se by ordinary damage. Only CN: d6+4 PS: d6+6 10 to 20 and migrate up and down the
weapons capable of destroying large East coast following several preferred prey
areas (nukes, etc) would actually harm or ATTACKS: 1 Bite (1d6 damage) species.
destroy the reef (being that they can be
many kilometers in size!). The coral has MUTATIONS: None NAME: Slimy Grazer
the ability to displace small "nodes" of by Derek M Holland
itself that it can control up 100 kilometers DESCRIPTION: This is a very important NUMBER: 1 to 1d6
away. Each node is a small mutant sting animal to many underwater races. The MORALE: 1d8
ray (see Minda Ray above) with a body worm is covered with plates of chitin that HIT DICE: 10d6
about the size of a man's fist and a spine are used to make arms (blades) and ARMOR: 9
about a foot in length. It will try to control armor. A shield worm is 6 to 8 meters long
whatever life form it has been placed on. and has 2 plates for every meter. They MS: 2d4 IN: 1
This Minda Ray attaches itself at the rear are usually harvested when they are .5 DX: d2+3 CH: 1
base of the head with its mutated mouth meters in diameter and grow back in a CN: d6+6 PS: d6+3
and stabs the victim with its tail. Driving month.
the tail deep into the victims spine, small WATER SPEED: 6/600/5
tendrils wraps round the victims spine and NAME: Slake
give control of the creature completely By Derek M Holland ATTACKS: 1 Bite (1d8 damage)
over to the reef. NUMBER: 1-3 (1-6 when domesticated)
MORALE: 1d6+2 MUTATIONS: Gills, toxin tolerance,
NAME: Shadow Whales (Shamu/Willies) HIT DICE: 15d10 redundant vital organs, diminished senses
By Les Braun ARMOR: 8 (sight), sound sensitivity
MORALE: 1d6+2 WATER SPEED: 2/300/3 DESCRIPTION: Slimy grazers are giant
HIT DICE: 26d6 sea slugs found in the Great Western
ARMOR: 6 MS: d4+6 IN: d2 Ocean. To see one is considered to be
DX: d2 CH: d2 good luck because of their feeding habits.
WATER SPEED: 24/1800/48 CN: d8+10 PS: d8+14 Only the desperate hunt slimy grazers
even though they are almost helpless.
MS: 1d6+4 IN: 1d6+6 ATTACKS: Bite (2d12 damage) They can retaliate with a bite, but thats it.
DX: 1d8+10 CH: 1d6+4 Slimy grazers are found only near their
CN: 1d10+6 PS: 1d10+80 MUTATIONS: None only food source: sea lilies. As there are
hundreds of thousands of patches of sea
ATTACKS: 1 Bite (3d10 damage) DESCRIPTION: These giant slugs have lilies in Putrid Sound, slimy grazers are a
elongated bodies similar to a snake. They semi-common sight. Slimy grazers
MUTATIONS: Displacement, Physical move slowly along the bottom, hunting the congregate only because of food,
reflection - electro magnetic, Speed animals hiding in the sand and rarely in otherwise they are solitary except during
increase. the corals. They are about 12-15 meters the fall mating season. Even then, they do

not search each other out, but will mate if sea, floating on large mats of seaweed, spines secrete a paralytic poison. When
they come in contact with each other. feeding off of small invertebrates and the prey is immobilized, it can begin
plants. After this year, they return to feasting. The poison from a spiny craw's
NAME: Soopturt shallow waters to graze on aquatic plants spines is not water soluble, but alcohol will
By Zirra Scrohunter until maturing. After reaching adulthood at neutralize it, but once injected into a living
NUMBER: 1d4 the age of 20 to 30 years, they return to creature, the amount of alcohol needed to
MORALE: 6 the beaches where they hatched, neutralize the poison would be far more
HIT DICE: 10d6 sometimes traveling 3,000 kilometers or dangerous to the victim than the poison
ARMOR: 4 more. There the females lay their eggs. At itself.
SIZE: 70 to 150 centimeters long night they will crawl onto the beach, dig a
nest hole, and lay up to 100 spherical, golf Spiny craws are often found in small
LAND SPEED: 4/300/6 ball sized eggs, which will hatch in about 2 groups. Rarely (10% chance) a larger
WATER SPEED: 8/600/12 months, if not disturbed. group will be found, numbering up to 6d6.
If one captures a particularly large fish, the
MS: 1d12+4 IN: 1d4+4 Sources used for background info: others nearby will typically wait for the
DX: 1d6 CH: 1d6 capturing 'craw' to finish eating, then
CN: 1d8+10 PS: 1d8+10 eciesADVSTD.asp?curGroupID=7&habitat sweep in for the leftovers.
ATTACKS: 1 Bite (1d6 damage) eNum=24&recnum=AR0147 The spiny craw is an important source of
protein in the coastal regions near where
ORIGINAL STOCK: Green Turtle NAME: Spiny Craw they are found. A few skilled craftsmen in
(Chelonia Mydas) By Zirra Scrohunter the coastal regions where spiny craws
MUTATIONS: Cryokinesis, Directional NUMBER: 1d6 reside have been able to fashion a sort of
Sense, Kinetic Absorption, Regeneration, MORALE: 8 scale mail out of the pieces of carapace.
Total Carapace HIT DICE: 8d6 This carapace armor provides an Armor
ARMOR: 4 Class of 4 if a full suit is made.
HABITAT: Shallow waters with abundant SIZE: 1 meter long
aquatic plants, and open seas during Sources used for background info:
migrations LAND SPEED: 6/450/9
DESCRIPTION: The Green Turtle was eciesADVSTD.asp?curGroupID=8&habitat
declared an endangered species in the MS: 3d4 IN: 2d4 =1077&habitat=1070&habitat=1073&habit
late 20th century. Before that it was DX: 2d6 CH: 1d4 at=1069&habitat=1072&habitat=1074&ha
hunted extensively for the variety of CN: 3d4+4 PS: 2d6+3 bitat=1075&habitat=1076&habitat=1071&h
products that could be gained - meat, abitat=1078&range=1108&range=1107&c
flipper leather, and oils for use in cooking ATTACKS: 2 claws (1d6 each), Spines urPageNum=41&recnum=SC0031
and cosmetics. Its mutated descendant is (see mutation description)
hunted by humans and humanoids for the NAME: Sprey
very same reasons, and also for the ORIGINAL STOCK: West Indies Spiny By Zirra Scrohunter
shells, which are often used to make Lobster (Panulirus Argas) NUMBER: 1d4
shields or occasionally pieces of armor. MUTATIONS: Chameleon Powers, Quills MORALE: 6
Physically the soopturt looks much the or Spines (Spines), Total Carapace, New HIT DICE: 7d6
same as its ancestor, having a broad, oval Body Parts (poisonous spines - Int 12) ARMOR: 7
shaped carapace and being olive to dark SIZE: 50 to 60 cm long, 140 to 180 cm
brown in color, with white edging on the HABITAT: Among rocks, reefs, sponges, wingspan
flippers, often in a mottled or radiating and other growth; from low tide line to 100
pattern. meters deep (Carolinas to Florida, Gulf of LAND SPEED: 3/225/4.5
Mexico, West Indies to Brazil) AIR SPEED: 36/2700/54
Soopturts do not enjoy combat. They DESCRIPTION: This mutated descendant
typically prefer to use their Cryokinesis to of the West Indies Spiny Lobster is MS: 1d4+1 IN: 1d4+1
discourage predators. If this fails and they approximately 50% larger that its DX: 1d4+15 CH: 3d4
cannot get away, they will use their bite as ancestor. It always leaves its Chameleon CN: 3d4 PS: 3d4
a last resort. If they feel they can drive off Power mutation "switched on", and ATTACKS: 2 claws (1d6 each)
the offending creatures, they will. When therefore often goes unnoticed by many
faced by surface creatures that they do passers by. Its carapace has rows of ORIGINAL STOCK: Osprey (Pandion
not believe they can defeat, they will strong spines, which it uses to capture Haliaetus)
submerge and make their escape that prey, and as a defense. MUTATIONS: Doubled Pain (D), Force
way. If they see boats approaching (which Field Generation, Speed Increase
they know to be a sign of fishermen and The spiny craw will sit patiently in its
turtle hunters) they will submerge and try chosen location, waiting for fish to pass HABITAT: Lakes, rivers, and seacoasts
to put as much distance between them near by. when prey comes too near to the (Found nearly anywhere in North America,
and the boats as possible. spiny craw, it will grab the prey with its wintering in the south)
pincers and attempt to force it onto the DESCRIPTION: The use of certain
As hatchlings, soopturts spend a year at spines protruding from its carapace. The pesticides in the 1950s and 1960s

threatened the osprey population, but the MUTATIONS: Chameleon Power, Mental Dexterity. Furthermore, if a creature is
disuse of these chemicals allowed ospreys Blast, Multiple Body Parts (Tentacles; see held by a tentacle, the tanglepus will
to make a comeback by the early 21st description), Regeneration constrict the creature for 2d4 points of
century and they returned to areas in damage on each subsequent round (no
which they had disappeared. Ospreys HABITAT: Among rocks and coral reefs attack roll required).
survived long enough to witness the near shore; near low tide line and below in
Apocalypse of 2322 and their decedents, shallow water (Western coastal waters of The only way to break free of a tentacle is
like many other animals, mutated. The the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean to sever it from the tanglepus. Each
sprey looks almost identical to its pre- Sea) tentacle has 18 hit points (recorded
holocaust ancestor, having brown feathers DIET: Carnivore separately from the main body HP). If a
except on the underbelly, where it has DESCRIPTION: This descendant of the tanglepus loses 25% or more of its
white feathers. The head is also white, Common Atlantic Octopus is a reddish tentacles in a combat, it is 90% likely to
with a dark band running along the side of brown color in its natural state, but eject a 20 meter cloud of ink that obscures
the face. typically uses its Chameleon Power all vision and attempt to escape to its lair
mutation to blend in with its surroundings. or some other suitable hiding place. If it
Spreys hunt for fish by flying and hovering The tanglepus is only slightly larger than does not attempt to flee after losing the
over the water, watching the surface its unmutated ancestor, but is requisite 25% of it tentacles, check again
below. When it locates prey, it dives considerably more intelligent, and far more each time another tentacle is severed.
steeply, its talons outstretched (gaining an vicious. This evil-minded creature will use
additional +5 to its attack rolls), and its Empathy on prey to feel its fear as it Tanglepuss generally prefer a solitary
splashes into the water. It quickly delights in the suffering of its prey. The existence, but will work together to bring
resurfaces, and if it successfully captures head of a tanglepus is roughly spherical, down larger creatures or boats. This is
its prey, it flies off, adjusting the fish in its and amounts to one-sixth of the creature's most common in the spring, when their
claws so the head is pointed forward. total length. A tanglepus has more mating season occurs. Tanglepus lairs
tentacles than its ancestor. They typically are typically sea caves or the remains of
An adult sprey is typically solitary, have 10 to 16 tentacles (roll 1d4+4, and sunken ships. Any treasure found in these
associating with other spreys primarily for multiply by two to determine the number of lairs is incidental, as the tanglepus is
mating. The female lays 2 to 4 white, pink, tentacles a given tanglepus has), but unconcerned with wealth.
or buff colored eggs, in a bulky mass of always an even number, unless tentacles
sticks and debris in trees, on tall poles, on have been severed from some previous Tanglepus hide is leathery, tough, and
rocks, or even on the ground (if it can combat and it hasn't had time to waterproof. Someone with knowledge of
conceal the nest). Younger sprey may, regenerate them (This takes 1d6+6 leatherworking can make jackets,
upon being ejected from the nest, remain weeks, and all tentacles severed will be raincoats, ponchos, or even armor from
together for some time, until they feel regrown by that time). There have been tanglepus hide. The ink from these
ready to strike out on their own. rumors of tanglepuss being sighted with creatures is another product that can have
20 or more tentacles, but these have not value among those who would be brave
Sources used for background info: been positively confirmed. enough to hunt these creatures.
eciesADVSTD.asp?curGroupID=1&habitat A tanglepus will happily attack a swimmer Sources used for background info:
=996&habitat=986&habitat=999&habitat=9 or small boat in order to get a chance to
97&habitat=988&habitat=998&habitat=100 indulge in its favorite pastime: torturing, eciesADVSTD.asp?curGroupID=8&habitat
0&habitat=994&range=1009&range=1010 and eventually eating, sentient creatures. =1077&habitat=1070&habitat=1073&habit
&curPageNum=180&recnum=BD0104 If none of the preferred prey is available, it at=1069&habitat=1072&habitat=1074&ha
will eat nonsentient animals, or seaweed bitat=1075&habitat=1076&habitat=1071&h
NAME: Tanglepus to keep itself alive. It can wrap one abitat=1078&range=1108&range=1107&c
By Zirra Scrohunter tentacle around a creature for each meter urPageNum=51&recnum=SC0100
NUMBER: 1d3 (or fraction thereof) of the prey's height or AD&D 2nd Edition Monstrous Manual,
MORALE: 7 length. If a creature is struck by a tentacle, page 271 (Octopus, Giant)
HIT DICE: 18d6 roll 1d4-2 to determine how many limbs
ARMOR: 7 are entangled. If two limbs are entangled, NAME: Trechlilies
SIZE: 3 to 4 meters long they will be the same type of limb (arms or By Zirra Scrohunter
legs, or whatever) in the same NUMBER: 2d4 (5% of 2d10)
WATER SPEED: 12/900/18 approximate region of the prey creature's MORALE: N/A
body. If no limbs, or only the creature's HIT DICE: 4d6
MS: 2d4+8 IN: 1d4+8 legs, are entangled, then the body of the ARMOR: 9
DX: 3d6 CH: 1d6 creature is held, and the trapped creature SIZE: 30 to 100 centimeters tall
CN: 1d6+15 PS: 1d6+14 suffers a -1 penalty to attack rolls. If one WATER SPEED: Does not move
arm is trapped (or two arms on a creature
ATTACKS: Tentacles (1d6 each, plus with more than two arms), the creature MS: 1 IN: 1
constriction), Bite (2d6) suffers a -3 penalty to attack rolls. In any DX: 1 CH: 1d4+10
case, a creature held by one or more CN: 2d4 PS: 1d4+1
ORIGINAL STOCK: Common Atlantic tentacles suffers a -4 penalty to AC and
Octopus (Octopus Vulgaris) loses any applicable bonuses due to high ATTACKS: See Description

ORIGINAL STOCK: Swamplily (Crinium MS: d2 IN: d2 MS: 1d3+1 IN: 1
Americanum) DX: d6+12 CH: d2 DX: 1d3+2 CH: 1
MUTATIONS: Berries, Blue (Heal all CN: d4+10 PS: d4+14 CN: 1d6+4 PS: 1d4+3
damage), Dissolving Juices,
Thorns/Spikes (Thorns), Poison (Int 18 ATTACKS: Tentacle x12 (d4 damage) ATTACKS: Ram (1d2 damage)
paralytic on thorns) Bite (d10 damage)
MUTATIONS: See below
HABITAT: Gulf coast, from Florida to MUTATIONS: None
Texas (Freshwater marshes, cypress DESCRIPTION: This very mutated
swamps, ditch & lake edges) DESCRIPTION: These worms have 12 arachnid is considered the cow of the sea
DIET: Minerals from soil (Carnivore) tentacles that extend from around the by many. It is an oval with 8 legs and a
DESCRIPTION: Post-holocaust humans mouth. They dig a burrow in the coral and small head. The true, unmutated water
and humanoids call this descendant of the lay the tentacles out in a circle. When bear (tardigrade) looks the same, but is
Swamp Lily the Trechlily, a shortened, suitable prey (10-45kg) swims over or much smaller (.005 m long at most). But
time-corrupted form of the term comes in contact with a tentacle, it both have an amazing ability, they can last
"treacherous lily". This is an apt attempts to grasp the prey and draw it to up to 30 years without water. It just seems
description of the plant, since it produces the mouth (takes 3 rounds). The worm is to wither up and collapse in on itself, but
berries (from August through November) 4 to 6 meters long and can change color. just giving it some water and it will walk
that can heal all damage to a person, but away unharmed. Water bears only defend
those berries are hidden behind very NAME: Vent worms themselves, never attacking. They just try
poisonous thorns. These berries appear in By Derek M Holland to waddle up and ram the aggressor, if
late fall, and if not harvested (which occurs NUMBER: 50-1000 moving away does not work. Many
quite often, due to the difficulty involved), MORALE: 1d6+4 undersea races farm water bears for food
fall off the plant sometime by mid HIT DICE: 3d10 - almost to the point of cattle, but water
November to produce the new batch of ARMOR: 8 (4 in case) bears can live in the wild without
trechlilies the following spring. supervision.
WATER SPEED: 10/800/12
Individuals attempting to harvest the
berries have a chance equal to (2 x DX)% MS: d4+1 IN: d2
of successfully harvesting 1d8 berries DX: d6+16 CH: d2
without being stuck by the thorns. If they CN: d4+3 PS: d3+2
fail, they take 1d4 points of damage and Underwater Rules
will be affected by the poison (as per the ATTACKS: Bite (2d10 damage)
rules). Holding your Breath:
MUTATIONS: None 1 minute for every 3 points of CON, if
The trechlily does not engage in combat physically exerting. All characters must
per se, but is quite able to defend itself DESCRIPTION: These worms absorb the make a MS check or break for the surface
against those who would try to take its minerals and metals emitted by the vents after 50% of the maximum time has
berries. Its thorns secrete a strong they live near and so have iron and zinc elapsed.
paralytic poison, and although the plant is based "teeth" used to kill prey (they can
nonintelligent, it is able to sense when it is rip through some metals). They still eat Vision:
being tampered with, and will then release the bacteria that their deeper dwelling 30 meters in clear, shallow water on a
its dissolving juices around itself. Any cousins use, but now also add fresh meat clear day (assumes native land creatures
creatures that survive this are typically when available. They build a case out of are wearing a mask or goggles, otherwise
discouraged from attempting to gather the the metals captured from the vent(s) and reduce by ). Below 6 meters deep the
berries after that. only come out to feed or to collect more light fades rapidly. Range is -1 meter for
nutrients from the hot water. Each worm is every meter below the surface down to 3
Sources used for background info: between .25 and 1 meter long and is meters visibility at about 30 meters depth. bright red in color. The hot water they This twilight descends down to 60 meters
eciesADVLBJ.asp?curGroupID=19&range dwell in inflicts between 1d6 and 6d10 before darkness sets in and visibility is
=1009&range=1010&moisture=2&moistur points of damage depending on the only 1 meter without artificial light sources
e=1&curPageNum=95&recnum=WF0006 temperature (190 F to 600 F) and the (which may attract some creatures). The
protection the diver has. slightest amount of murkiness will reduce
NAME: Trap Worm all ranges by . Very murky water can be
By Derek M Holland NAME: Water Bear like looking through mud; restricting vision
NUMBER: 1 by Derek M Holland down to as little as 2cm. Overcast skies
MORALE: 1d6+2 NUMBER: 30-3000 reduce visibility by . Algae in fresh water
HIT DICE: 10d10 MORALE: 1d4 reduces visibility by . Artificial light
ARMOR: 8 HIT DICE: 1d6 source ranges are reduced by in murky
ARMOR: 8 water.
WATER SPEED: 4/400/6
WATER SPEED: 6/500/5 Movement:
Characters that know how to swim (GM

call) can move at their land rate; those Infravision- maximum range 30 meters. of the spear. The target takes 1d4
that dont can dog paddleat their land Reduces penalties by . additional damage if the spear is pulled
speed. Characters carrying more than Light Manipulation- works the same as on out.
10kg will sink and have to walk on the land, does not leave a bubble.
bottom at 1/3 their land rate. (Adjust Quills can be thrown 3 meters. Speargun, Powered
weight for odd sized characters). Radiation eyes- reduce Intensity by 1 for WC: 9, Code: DIII, Range: 30 meters,
every meter to target. Damage 1d10/D, Cost 250, Weight 4 kg,
Combat: Repelling Force- If created above water, it Value 250
Land based creatures are penalized 4 (on will float on the surface. This weapon magnetically propels the
a d6) for initiative. Exceptions are made Shapechange- Something with gills would spear using a hydrogen cell good for 15
for initial attacks with a longer weapon, be useful in watery environs. shots. There is a 20 meter cable attached
like a spear. Thrusting weapons used Ultravision- as infravision but non to a powered reel inside the speargun.
underwater are at -2 to hit, slashing functional below 30 meters or The gun can wind in the cable at 5 meters
weapons are -4 to hit. Blunt weapons are underground. per round.
almost useless (they are -8 and only do Wings- Helpful if bat-like (fly at normal
1/4 damage). Natural weapons like teeth land speed while in water). Hinders if owl-
and claws are at -1 to hit. like (swim at 1/4 land speed.)

Many ancient items like pistols were
completely waterproof even if they were
not designed to be used underwater. Age,
damage, or post cataclysm maintenance New Equipment
may have compromised their integrity,
causing them to leak and fail underwater. Blue-Green Lasers
GMs may want to decide on water use Blue-Green Laser Pistol
suitability on an item by item basis. WC: 13 Code: DIII Range: 45
Problems may occur after items have Damage: 5d6 Cost: 750 Kg: 0.5
been in water if they are not cleaned Value: 1000
properly. Here is a short list of some Blue-Green Laser Rifle
underwater effects on weapons: WC: 13 Code: DIII Range: 150
Vibroblades work well under water, only -1 Damage: 6d6 Cost: 1100 Kg: 2.0
to hit. Value: Rank
Mk V and Mk VII Blasters are sonic Blue-Green (B-G) laser weapons have
weapons and do an additional die of less range than standard lasers, but can
damage underwater. be used underwater without penalty.
Stunrays work normally, (unless they are
electrical attacks, then maybe affect an SCUBA mask
area centered on the weapon - including Code AIII, Cost 150, Weight 1kg, Value
the owner...) 300
Most gunpowder weapons are useless, This device is a full face mask that
but a bangstick- a spear with a bullet or extracts oxygen from the water. It runs for
explosive charge at the tip is effective. 6 hours on a chemical cell. The mask fits
Slug throwers shoot at range and do humans and most humanoids.
damage when used underwater.
Lasers are limited to 10% of their normal Face mask or Goggles
(above water) range and damage in Code ~II, Cost 5, Value 20 Weight .5 kg
clear water. They are blocked by murky (mask) or .1kg (goggles)
water. This simple glass and rubber device
Needlers work normally. It might require a allows superior vision underwater for land
special underwater model, though. dwelling creatures. Masks fit most Marine Battlesuits
Explosives have their blast radius halved. humanoids. Most creatures with non- These are slightly modified versions of
Grenades cannot be thrown far enough humanoid faces can wear goggles. Note standard powered battle armor. They
underwater to be safe to the thrower. that goggles narrow the user's field of include sonar gear in addition to their
(GMs call as to damage taken by the vision slightly (GM imposed penalty) other sensors. This effectively gives the
owner). user the same vision range as someone
Fusion and heat guns are prone to boil Speargun on land while underwater. They are sealed
water and fall under the same restrictions WC: 9, Code ~II, Range 10 meters, against heavy pressures and can operate
as lasers. Damage 1d6/D, Cost 50, Weight 5 kg, at any depth. The user would generally be
Value 50 armed with a blue-green laser weapon.
Mutations: This simple weapon uses strong elastic
Actual Metamorphosis - can change into bands to propel the barbed spear. A 6 Swim fins
water breather. meter line is usually attached to the head Code ~II, Cost 5, Weight 2kg, Value 20

Doubles wearer's speed to a maximum of art or paper supply stores. Merely cut a
their normal land speed. Fins for non- sheet to size that when folded in two
human feet must be custom fitted at 2x the places will equal a size of just over 8 by
cost. 11 inches. This will allow room inside for
the text portion of the module. Print the
Thruster pack cover art on the two outside surfaces (of
Code EIII, Cost 150, Weight 5kg, Value the closed jacket). This will leave four
300 pages inside for maps. We recommend
This backpack uses a jet of water to placing the Lanzend map (pg. 48) on the
propel the user at a rate of 12/900/18. It first inside page, the Sunken City of Mimi
uses a hydrogen cell good for 3 hours of map (pg. 53) on the second page, the
continual use. Location map for all module encounters
(pg. 46) on the third inside page, and the
Wetsuit, Ancient Area map for introductory encounter(pg.
Code AIII, Cost 100, Weight 1 kg, Value 47) on the fourth page. This way if the
200 module jacket is used as a GM screen, the
Tougher and lighter than the lower tech players can see the starting area map on
version (see below), this suit is equal to the outside when the jacket is unfolded
leather armor and also functions as a and stood upright.
buoyancy compensator, allowing the
wearer to ascend, float, or sink as desired. Disclaimer
GAMMA WORLD is a registered
Wetsuit, Gamma Era trademark of TSR, Inc. This compilation
Code ~II, Cost 40, Weight 3 kg, Value 80 does not represent a challenge to any
Bodysuit made of a rubbery substance; it trademarks or copyrights held by TSR,
protects the wearer from exposure to cold Inc. This work is not affiliated with TSR,
water. Inc. The copyrights to all submissions are
held by their respective authors. This book
Bubble helmet may be reproduced for personal use, but
Code AIII, Cost 250, Weight 5kg, Value may not be used to generate personal
500 profit.
These clever rigs are the watery
equivalent of scuba gear allowing native
water breathers to breathe water while on
land. They are typified by the large name
sake clear glass (or plastic) helmet filled
with water that is common to all versions.
These items are good for about 4 hours of
use before needing a fresh supply of

End notes
This module was produced through ideas
generated in a community effort by the
entire membership (past and present) of
the Gamma World Yahoo Online Group.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed
their input and support. You have made
this module a reality!

Module Jacket
It was our intention to provide a tri-fold
module jacket cover just as TSR would
have included had they produced the
module. Due to the PDF nature of this
document, this was of course impossible.
To make one for the module, some light
cardstock sheeting can be found at most

Location map for all module encounters

Area map for introductory encounter Mysterious Disappearances

Seaview Restaurant Tower

Level 6

Level 7 Level 5

Sub Level 5 Level 4 Level 3

Level 2 Level 0

Underwater Base Mining Station 876

Lower Area of Central

Docking Structure

Upper Area of Central

Docking Structure

Army of the

Main Underwater Base Deep Station 4

Side view of complex

(Security Sector One

not shown to left of
docking bay)

Lower bay

Upper bay

Security Sector One

Storage area

Life support

Main Living

Living 1

Living 2

Living 3

Living 4

Central Lab

Lab 1

Lab 2

Lab 3

Lab 4

Computer level

Power level


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