Models Comparison
Models Comparison
Models Comparison
Advantages 1. It provides an easy to 1. Teacher is 1.It has a feedback Input is given by the
follow step-by-step involved in the mechanism, so it provides curriculum developers, target
guide to curriculum development of students with ways to group, other stakeholders in
planning and the curriculum. measure their progress or the development of the
development accuracy. curriculum.
2. It begins with a set of 2.It also sets the school Stakeholders engaging in the
clear objectives that objective as a final step in as planning and development
teachers must plan well as the first. It clearly calls stages empowers and
tasks and work for the setting up of acknowledges them,
towards achieving objectives. especially teachers, as
the specified valuable contributors.
outcomes Users and other parties
3. It aims at student's involved are given ample
developing behavior opportunity to contribute.
as their target of
Disadvantages 1. It does not have a 1.Teachers not The objective includes Walker describes what
feedback mechanism to understand the behavioral characteristics. happens in the process of
tell people how to connection between Behavioral objectives have curriculum design but does
correct it. the content, some limitations on not describe what actually
2. It seems lack a activities, teaching execution. E.g. How can happens in the classroom.
procedure between methods and one measure a students The process for deliberation
evaluation and evaluation. increased smoothness in can be time consuming and
organisation, and this 2. Keeping the writing? resource intensive, and can
procedure is execution. resources up to date. It seems to lack a result in curriculum products
For example, they do 3. Maintaining procedure between that may not be consistent
not apply to all subjects training for new organising and integrating and aligned internally.
or the design of a teachers on the learning experience content Consensus is often hard to
subjects content. method as well as and evaluation. According achieve when developing
3. It sees curriculum support needed for to Huang & Yang (2004), curriculum at national or
development as a teachers as they this procedure is the regional levels.
fixed, linear process. must review the plan execution of this integrated
4. The division of labor often. content.
at the various
points/steps are fixed so
curriculum actors are
unaware of what others
do .
5. It cannot account for
the many/complex
outcomes of learning.
6. It limits what students
can learn.
7. It treats ends and
means separately.
8. It doesnt indicate
who decides what is
worthwhile learning.
9. It doesnt consider
that not all learning
outcomes can be
10. It fails to consider
the changing
11. It fails to recognise
that the future cannot
be predicted accurately
with precision.