Finite Element Simulation of Springback in Sheet Metal Bending
Finite Element Simulation of Springback in Sheet Metal Bending
Finite Element Simulation of Springback in Sheet Metal Bending
Metal Bending
Yanwei Zhang Guohua Cui
College of the Mechanical and Electric Engineering College of the Mechanical and Electric Engineering
HeBei Engineering University HeBei Engineering University
Handan, 056038, China Handan, 056038, China
Email: Email:
Abstract- The paper studies sheet metal forming process using quantitative analysis necessary for efficient die design. This
finite element analysis for large elastic-plastic deformation, leads to blindness in design works, causing waste in
offering both theoretical and methodological contributions to the manpower, material and time. Finite element (FE) analysis is
subject. Sheet bending process is simulated using finite element seen as an effective way in addressing this problem. In
analysis software ANSYS. The springback phenomenon is particular, FE analysis for large elastic-plastic deformation has
examined in great details. Taking A3 sheet as a specimen, the been widely used in die design and processing design.
analysis presents springback values in the bending process, as Numerical simulation technology is also used in design. Sheet
well as a curve of springback vs. relative bending radius R/t, formation process can be simulated with input such as material
curve of springback vs. bending clearance between punch and parameters, process and geometrical parameters. Such analyses
cavity, curve of springback vs. material response (stress-strain and data offer comprehensive and valuable evaluation
curve) during plastic deformation. The simulation results information for die design and modifications[4].
provide valuable information for die modification. The paper studies sheet metal forming process using finite
element analysis for large elastic-plastic deformation, offering
Key words-Sheet metal forming numerical simulation
both theoretical and methodological contributions to the
springback finite element analysis large elastic-plastic
subject. Sheet bending process is simulated using finite
element analysis software ANSYS. The springback
I. INTRODUCTION phenomenon is examined in great details. The simulation
results provide valuable information for die modification.
Sheet metals usually undergo elastic deformation during
plastic bending; as a result, springback often occurs after the II. THEORETICAL BASIS OF LARGE ELASTIC-PLASTIC
bending process. Springback is a main defect of bending DEFORMATION FINITE ELEMENT METHOD
formation; however, the amount of springback is hard to
The theoretical basis for numerical simulation of sheet
determine[1,2]. In addition, from mechanics viewpoint, the
bending process consists mainly of FE analysis for large
seemingly simple bending process is in fact a complex plastic
elastic-plastic deformation and FE penalty function
formation process including non-linear, geometric non-linear
algorithms for contact problems. Among these, only the
and contact non-linear processes in the material. Therefore, it
former will be focused in this paper. During metal sheet
is difficult to address the springback problem by theoretical
formation, when stress reaches the yield point of the sheet,
method[3]. Engineers typically determine springback values
some zones may enter into a plastic deformation process. This
by empirical data, then test and modify the die accordingly.
variation in material property poses non-linear problems.
This empirical method is hardly able to take into consideration
After plastic deformation, the stress-strain curve is no longer
the various factors affecting sheet formation, thus lacking
linear, that is, the elastic-plastic matrix [D] is not a constant
[K ] e
= e
= [ Ke ]
[ K ] 4 e
i =1 i j =1 The cavity is fixed when the die works, therefore the
object surface of the cavity is constrained by two directions:
In consideration of large deformation, the basic
UX and UY. The punch only allows for perpendicular
equation of non-linear FE can be expressed as:
displacement, thus each node of the punch is constrained by
[ K ] ) { } = {F } + {F } + {F } + {F } 5
UX direction, and a -30 mm displacement loading is imposed
([ K e ]
e p
e j p pr b gd
j =1 along Y direction. The blank is left-right symmetric, the
symmetric line is constrained by UX. The movement of blank
where [K]ep- elastic-plastic stiffness matrix { }- node
during formation is dictated by contract state. The contact
displacement vector{Fp}- node force vector{Fpr}- unit
between kicking plate and blank is to be defined during the
analysis. The blank-holder force is applied on the kicking IV. RESULT ANALYSIS OF NUMERICAL FE MODEL
plate before the analysis. Assume that the force is great Fig.2,3 shows the shape of the sheet after bending and
enough that its impact on springback can be ignored during after springback. The figures show that:
formation analysis. 1 Changes at bend corner meshes are observed,
D. Modeling indicating that the deformation only occurs at the bend
coroner during the entire process. Referring to Fig. 3, the
Parameterized FE model is built using ANSYS-APDL
springback angle of A3 steel is 0.95. Springback phenomenon
language. 3D geometric model and FE model are built based
directly affects the quality of the sheet. Typcially the
on 2D simulation of die structure, see Fig. 1.
springback angle should not exceed the angle tolerance of the
sheet. The tolerance range is shown in Table1.
From the table 1 we can see that the springback
angle of A3 steel is within acceptable range.
2The springback value is related to relative bending
radius R/t. Fig. 4 shows a plot of punch radius vs. springback
angle (material: A3 steel, thickness t=3, bending
clearance=thickness t). As shown in the figure, the springback
angle increases as the radius increase. When R/t1.4, the
springback angle is small and varies slightly; when R/t1.4,
Figure.1 FE model
the springback angle increases significantly and varies
The punch, cavity, kicking plate and blank are all
symmetric, thus a 1/4 model of the structure is sufficient.
3The springback value is also linked with bending when the clearance exceeds 3.1 mm, its further increase only
clearance. Fig. 5 shows a plot of bending clearance vs. produces slight changes in the springback angle. When the
springback angle (material: A3 steel, thickness t=3inner clearance reaches 3.6 mm, or when the formation is
bending radius R=3). The figure shows that, the springback completed, U-shape part deviates greatly from right angle, as
angle increases as the bending clearance increases. However shown in Fig. 3.
The paper studies sheet metal forming process using
finite element analysis for large elastic-plastic deformation,
offering both theoretical and methodological contributions to
the subject. Sheet bending process is simulated using finite
Protruding model fillet radius mm
element analysis software ANSYS. The springback
Figure.4 Protruding model fillet radius vs. springback angle
phenomenon is examined in great details. Simulation results
show that, the bending process occurs only at the bend corner
of the sheet; the springback angle of A3 steel is within
acceptable tolerance range; the springback angle is related to
relative bending radius R/t, and bending clearance between
punch and cavity, among other factors. The stress-strain curve
Bending clearance
of springback value vs. material response (A3 steel) during
Figure.5 Bending clearance-springback angle curve plastic deformation is established, offering reliable
4Theres a strong stress-strain relation in springback information for die design and modification.
angle vs. material response(during the plastic deformation
stage). Fig. 6 shows A3 steels stress-strain curve with
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