Back To The Root: An Urban River Revitalization Plan Final
Back To The Root: An Urban River Revitalization Plan Final
Back To The Root: An Urban River Revitalization Plan Final
This project was made possible thanks to the generous support from the following contributors.
Over the course of several conversations, the group The rivers course has a natural evolution through
has identified the need for a comprehensive plan that the city meandering through nine city parks, two
will focus on the Root River specifically to: 1) reorient county parks and two golf courses and residential
the city to its river; 2) prompt robust, innovative neighborhoods. At the Union Pacific Railroad bridge,
development and growth with a mix of residential, the course changes, and its historic commercial and
retail and recreational projects; 3) improve habitat manufacturing character predominates. While the
and water quality along the river; and 4) promote the plan addresses the entire river scope, the majority
participation of citizens and good public process in of recommendations focus on the redevelopment
decisions affecting redevelopment of the waterfront. potential in the lower reaches of the river.
Horlick Dam
Citizen Comments
We would use the river more if the:
Area around the river can be cleaned up
Water quality was increased Top: Paddlers at Union Pacific Railroad bridge during
the 2007 Running the Root
Middle: Cyclists learning about REC in August 2006
Bottom: REC ribbon cutting on May 3, 2008
Citizen Comments
We love the Root River because:
It is a natural gem in an urban area
I love the calming effect of being near water
Each time I visit it is growing cleaner
Steps need to be taken to create a sense of place or Define a unified urban river planning
identity within this boundary. This can begin with boundary highlighting the rivers assets
creating a logo and signs for the entire river corridor and creating an identity that connects
that highlight the character of both the park and people to the river
urban sections of the river and unify the Root River
within the city.
Citizen Comments
The economic changes Id like to see:
Developed more with an overall plan, yet
keep it as natural as possible
Top: A musical gathering place on the Milwaukee River
Middle: Fishing access adjacent to riverfront housing
Bottom: Rock Bottom Brewery draws riverfront business
This project can also engage the community. Move the Mound Avenue section of
Organizations such as the Racine Arts Council and the Root River Pathway off the street
local artists could help implement this idea. between 6th and Marquette Streets
Improve the Water Street retaining wall
The refurbished wall and the adjacent Sam Azarian
by placing public art over the wall
Park should become a focal point that can connect the
river with downtown. To create easier access between Connect the river walk to downtown by
the river and downtown, the stairs at 4th Street need to improving the 4th Street stairs and adding
be improved and matching pedestrian access needs to matching access on the Park Avenue side
be added on the Park Avenue side of the wall. of the Water Street retaining wall
Image: Conceptual drawing of murals on the retaining wall Inset: Existing condition of the retaining wall
Fortunately, several studies have been completed Maintain vegetative buffers along the
and are still being conducted by the City of Racine rivers edge in the river parks
to determine the current water quality in the river.
18 Back to the Root: An Urban River Revitalization Plan (July 2008)
Creating a vision for the Root River is only the first The projects that citizens could organize around in the
step. Implementing the recommendations is a long- near future include:
term effort and relies on several next steps:
Retaining wall mural design and installation
Adopt the plan Vegetative buffer maintenance in parks
Continue to involve city staff Public education about buffers
Pursue funding opportunities New boat launches in parks
Pursue catalyst projects New benches and viewing places in parks
Continue to involve citizens
Participation of community groups will be key to
We will request that the Racine City Council and realizing the revitalization of the Root River. Some of
appropriate committees adopt this plan in concept. the key partners include:
Success relies on the continued close partnership with 21st Century School
city staff. In the immediate future, we will jointly Adopt-a-River
pursue funding from the Department of Commerce to Downtown Racine Corporation
further refine and carry out recommendations. Historic Sixth Street Association
Hoy Audubon Society
Funding is obviously a key requirement to Kenosha Racine Bike Club
implementing this plan. There are many federal and Leadership Racine
state programs that could support portions of the plan. Racine Arts Council
Root-Pike Watershed Initiative Network
While it may take a number of years for the riverfront Root River Chapter of Wild Ones
to redevelop, several projects can begin right Root River Environmental Education Community
away. These projects can become catalysts for the Center
redevelopment of the Root River. Salmon Unlimited
Southeast Gateway Group Sierra Club
The projects best suited for city staff leadership are: St. Catherines High School Environmental Club
Bike Path improvements along Mound Avenue Walden III Environmental Club
Repair of stairs at 4th Street Weed Out! Racine
Belle Harbor redevelopment planning
Root River identity creation (i.e. logo and sign
Promotion of the plan to developers
Thank you for sharing your comments about the Root River!
1. What are your experiences with the Root River? Please mark all that apply.
Boating, what type ___________ (canoe, kayak, motor boat)
Bird watching
I live nearby the river
I work nearby the river
I own a business near the river
Other _______________________
4. Later this fall we will be holding meetings to discuss the future of the Root River in the downtown and
upstream park areas (Island and Colonial, etc.). Would you be interested in attending a meeting to share your
concerns and help plan improvements for the Root River?
Which location would be most convenient for you to attend the meeting? Please check one.
Downtown area
West 6th Street area
Lincoln Park area
Location does not matter
November 2007
Root River Conversation Questions
December 2007
Root River Conversations Questions
What type of vegetation should be along the Root River in each of the parks?
How much of the river bank vegetation should be cleared for access/view?
Who should/could maintain the vegetation?
Where should boat launches be placed between the Quarry and REC Center?
River Walk
If there was a river walk along the downtown section of the river, where would it be placed?
What activities would talk place on or along a river walk?
What infrastructure would need to be created to have those activities and where should they be placed?
Retaining Wall
Should this wall:
Be Painted
Have vegetation planted (vines, etc.) that would trail down the wall
Be used a movie screen for public events
Be removed and terraced with an amphitheater
Downtown Connections
Where should connections be made from the river to downtown and what type of connections should they
Question One: What activities/experiences have you had in or along the river?
motor boat
30 dragon
sail boat
Own business Work nearby Other Bird watching Live nearby Fishing Biking Boating Walking
Horlick dam Photography Educational Getting Cleaner It is still here Beauty Serenity Recreation Urban Asset Nature/Wildlife
A sample of responses
The "wildness", seeing the birds and animals Good place to fish and sit and watch birds and relax.
Gentle, wild, meanders, shallow The salmon trap. I have sent several people from Illinois to see it
I like the greenery around the river this spring
A natural resource that can be shared by everyone in a sustainable fashion Serenity, the sounds of the river flowing-peacefulness
It helps to identify our city. Beauty, the natural beauty
Natural resource, beauty to compliment the urban environment The sound and the fact that it is here
Oasis in the middle of the city The quiet and the green space
Root River goes through heart of Racine How each time I visit it is growing cleaner
It is a nearby recreation resource and wildlife refuge I love that it (the river) is still here
It is fun to boat on That is it a river!
I love riding my bike along the bike path It's history
It runs throughout most of Racine-many opportunities for different
I like the opportunities it offers for various recreational activities as
schools to experience it.
well as photographic opportunities.
Living near water is important to me
Parks and bike paths are a gem, close to home, safe place to bike
Racine Horlick Dam
to work-off of city streets
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This chart summarizes the top comments made in written surveys and during three Root River Conversations in 2007
River Love About the Changes to the River Restricting Use of Connect River and Parks
Activities River the River Downtown
Walking/hiking Nature/Wildlife Improve water quality Safety concerns (real River walk Balance riparian
and perceived) vegetation and
river views
Boating Urban Asset Remove trash Access points Access points, Pursue a new
stairs, etc. park at Belle
Biking Recreation More recreational Water quality and Riverfront Fulfill Jens
opportunities and events cleanliness development Jensen's design
guidelines of Island Park
Fishing Serenity/Beauty Increase access, Lack of water depth Riverfront events More boat
including ADA and activities launches and
better signage
Bird watching Enhance ecosystem and Lack of signage Image and Access point to
fishery amenities: the river at
Appearance, Quarry Park
parking, restrooms
Increase signage and Improve retaining Teach fishing at
safety wall the steelhead
facility and
Horlick dam
Water Street as a
focal point
The following are a few detailed recommendations The following are a few detailed recommendations
related to the river walk. related to the Root River Pathway.
A river walk will be created on the south side of The route of the Root River Pathway should
the river within the urban river planning boundary be amended to become off-street along Mound
(Figure 1, on page six), from the 6th Street Bridge Avenue.
to the Main Street Bridge.
The newly routed bike path will turn right before
The river walk should be no wider than 15 feet Mound Avenue as you are heading east from 6th
wide, meet all Americans with Disabilities Act Street, and continue along the top of the slope,
requirements, and minimize impervious surfaces. parallel to Mound Avenue, with a proper setback
to avoid erosion. (This will require purchase of
The elevation of the river walk will be consistent and/or easements from several properties). A
from property to property. No stairs, ramps or former parking lot has left a flat surface that is an
change in elevation should be necessary to connect appropriate distance from the top of the slope.
the river walk from one parcel to the next.
Have the newly routed path go under the
Fully vegetated buffers should extend from Marquette Street Bridge. There is more than 10
the river inland of the river walk and natural feet of height under the bridge, which is adequate
vegetation should extend from the river walk to for an underpass.
adjacent development.
The path could be routed onto city sidewalk and
Sams River Road will become multi-purpose with connect to the existing path.
shared space for the river walk and vehicles.
In the future, the bike path could be extended
There will be at least one public non-motorized along or near the river.
boat launch along the river walk.
Cedar Bend Park The park is in need of new volunteers to maintain the
We need to go back to this park before vegetation, which should include early season mowing
recommendations are made. The bike path stays along to reduce the weeds and encourage the native plants.
the edge of the park and city streets. It is also a small Prescribed burning can accomplish this as well, but
park. can be more difficult to arrange and manage in an
urban setting.
Clayton Park
There is a nice simple boat launch in this park, but Suggested native shrubs
few people know about it. This is an example of why
new River Park District signs need to be created. The Ninebark Physocarpus apulifolia
launch area also doubles as fishing access. Witch hazel Hamamelis virginiana
Nannyberry Virburnum lentago
This park should have one bench for viewing added American highbush cranberry V. trilobum
between the boat launch and the bike pathway railing Blackhaw viburnum V. prunifoilum
as shown in the conceptual drawing. Hazelnut Corylus americanum
Black chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa
Barbee Park Elderberry Sambucus canadensis
This park was created when the bike pathway was Red osier dogwood Cornus stolonifera
constructed. It was dedicated to the late Alderman Eastern wahoo Euonymus atropurpurea
Bob Barbee. The park is intended to be an urban
green space and had been maintained by volunteers.
Baseline Assessment of Root River Water Quality Within the City of Racine
Reconnecting Racine: Transforming and Industrial Riverfront Into a Neighborhood, Jill Matthews Thesis- 1999
Suggested Highway and Streetscape Concepts for the Highway 20/Sixth Street Reconstruction and
Enhancement Project