Different Modes of Receipt
Different Modes of Receipt
Different Modes of Receipt
By Rail:
By Road:
Verification of Consignments :
When the materials are received by Rail the wagons received are
verified for any pilferage / shortage and also weighed for
ascertaining the receipt of correct quantity. Any discrepancy in the
quantity found or the damages observed is recorded on the RR /
PWB. A Railway claim is lodged against this discrepancy. This
Railway claims become a prerequisite for lodging insurance claim
with underwriters.
The material received through trucks are verified at the point of
receipt for the correctness against our Purchase order and the
suppliers challan and outward damages or shortages in quantity if
any. If any shortage or outward damage in the received
material/consignment is observed the remarks is made on the
transporters document and a carrier claim is lodged.
Acknowledgement for the receipt of consignment/material was
given on the transporters document like consignment note or on
the delivery challan of the firm.
Excise documentation :
Read this article to learn about Issuing Materials:- 1. Basic Requirement of Issue of
Materials 2. Methods of Issue of Materials.
Issue of Materials # Basic Requirement:
Since large sums of money remain blocked in materials, it is essential for the custodian of
materials to ensure that the issue of materials are made only under proper authorisation.
Since materials represents money, for the issue of materials there must be some authorisation by
responsible officers nominated by the management. Such authorisation should be given clearly in
the form of a directive circular.
The object is to avoid misunderstanding and unpleasantness that may arise due to the refusal by
the storekeeper to issue materials. In many industries, the designation of the person authorised to
draw materials along with their specimen signature are sent to the stores for verification.
The request for issue of materials is invariably made in written form or documents for proper
authorisation. It is the primary responsibility of the storekeeper to verify all such documents for
proper authorisation before the materials are issued.
Even though certain persons are authorised to draw goods from the stores, management normally
imposes a few restrictions for drawal of the goods beyond a certain level of consumption. In all
such cases, a clear directive must be given to the stores department.
user department. Often the code number given may not tally with the description of the goods,
and vice versa. Hence an experienced store-keeper should use his intelligence to identify the
mistake and suggest to the indenter the correct item.
Details about materials requirements such as part number, code number, etc. ensure that it is
supplied without delay and unnecessary correspondence.
issues. However, there may be sudden rush during the peak hours. This may put undue pressure
on the stores department and may lead to sudden stoppage of production, in case of undue delay.
So our intelligent store-keeper should study carefully the requirements of various departments
and stagger (spread) the timings in such a way that each department can draw their requirements
without loss of time.
Issue of Materials # Methods:
Issues from stores must be efficiently organised so that the requirements of the
production/operations department can be met.
1. Issue on request:
This is the most orthodox way of issue wherein the indenting department normally sends a man
and collects the materials from stores.
indicating when, i.e., the time and date it is required. The stores department will collect all the
materials and keep them ready.
Then it will intimate the indenting department about this. Depending on the prevailing practice
of the industry either they are collected from stores or delivered at the shop floor. This is
desirable in order to prevent any loss of man-hour caused by sudden absenteeism of a worker in
the production department.
3. Imprest issues:
In this system a list of certain items especially for tools and components and in specified
quantities is approved. The list is then held in a sub-store or tool kit near the shop floor.
4. Replacement issue:
In most engineering industries a large number of workshop machines are used. So there will be
considerable requirements of tools and gauges. When a fresh issue has to be made the machine
shop operator may be asked to return the old ones to the stores and obtain new one for
replacement. This is done without issue notes and the storekeeper has to maintain proper records
of such replacement.
5. Loan issues:
The issue of stores on loan should, as far as possible, be discouraged. Situations often arise
where some amount of spares; electrical fitting, etc. are required on emergency basis due to some
breakdowns. In such cases the materials are to be issued on a loan basis. However, the
storekeeper is to maintain a separate record and ensure that they are returned before year-ending
when annual stock-taking begins.
6. Stock records:
In a store-house where thousands of transactions take place some amount of records are to
maintained. This makes it possible for the storekeeper to make an entry of all transactions.