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Chapter One 1.1 Background of Study

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Refrigeration is best known for its use in the air conditioning of buildings and in the treatment,

transportation, and preservation of foods and beverages. It also finds large-scale industrial use,
for example, in the manufacture of ice and the dehydration of gases. Refrigeration is a

technology which absorbs heat at low temperature and provides temperature below the

surrounding by rejecting heat to the surrounding at higher temperature 7. This requires continuous

absorption of heat at a low temperature level (state this value), usually accomplished by

evaporation of a liquid in a steady-state flow process. The vapour formed may be returned to its

original liquid state for re-evaporation in either of two ways; what two ways? Mention them. It is

simply commonly compressed and then condensed. Alternatively, it may be absorbed by a liquid

of low volatility, from which it is subsequently evaporated at higher pressure 2. The basic purpose

of refrigeration is to remove heat from an area where it is not wanted. Usually, the heat is simply

dumped into the outdoor air or down the drain air. Heat reclaim, heat recovery or energy

conservation occurs when the heat is sent to an area where it is needed or desired3.

The choice of refrigerant may depend on characteristics such as toxicity, flammability, cost,

corrosivity and vapour pressure in relation to temperature. In order that air may not leak into the

refrigeration system, the vapour pressure of the refrigerant at the evaporator temperature has to

be greater than the atmospheric temperature. On the other hand, the vapour pressure at the

condenser temperature should not be unduly high; state this value i.e. what is termed unduly

high. These two requirements limit the choice of refrigerants to relatively few fluids. the final

selection depends on other characteristics2.

Refrigeration is a cooling process that occurs in a device known as a refrigerator. A refrigerator a

heat pump whose job is to reject heat to a higher temperature sink by removing heat from a lower

temperature source7. A refrigerant is the working fluid in refrigerator; different types include

CFC, HCFC, CO2, NH3 etc. CO2 requires special compressors for what? Complete the statement

and NH3 is toxic and flammable. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydro chlorofluorocarbons
(HCFCs) have less toxicity, material compatibility and non-flammability that have led to their

widespread use by both consumers and industries around the world as refrigerants in

refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The presence of chlorine atoms removes ozone in the

atmosphere and later these chlorine atoms continue to convert ozone to oxygen7.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Refrigeration systems are important for industrial and domestic applications. The systems

consume more electricity as compared to other appliances4. The first major environmental impact

of conventional refrigerants is their ozone depletion potential due to human-made chemicals in

the atmosphere. The next major environmental problem is global warming, which is due to the

absorption of infrared emissions from the earth causing high increase in international earth

surface temperature6. The performance of refrigeration systems is evaluated in terms of COP

known whose mechanism is based on the first law efficiency, which is the ratio of refrigeration

effect to the network input given to the system7.


1.3.1 Aim

In this study, the determination of optimum copper and nickel nano-refrigerant concentrations for

application in conventional refrigeration systems is investigated.

1.3.2 Objectives

List your objectives based on what your topic suggests: e.g.

- to prepare copper and nickel nano-refrigerants

- to determine the properties/characteristics of the synthesized refrigerants

- to determine the best conditions for their application under various mixing ratios or

concentrations in a conventional refrigerant

- to determine the coefficient of performance of the refrigerator under different power

applications: solar, battery & electricity.

1.4 Justification for the study

Nano-refrigerants help to reduce energy consumption because of their superior properties over

conventional refrigerants that help to increase the heat transfer rate in the refrigeration system.

Many types of materials can be used as the nanoparticles which are suspended in the

conventional refrigerants4.

Senthilkumar and Praveen8 studied the performance of a domestic refrigeration system by using

CuO-R600a nano-refrigerant. In their work, natural gas was used to improve the energy

efficiency of refrigeration. The average particle diameter was 50 nm and the purity was 99.5%.

The concentration of the nano-particles is in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 g/L. The result indicated that

the freezing velocity is higher than that of pure R600a, and the saved energy conservation was

about 11.83% and 17.88%8.

The nano-refrigerant could be a potential working fluid to be used in the refrigeration system to

increase the heat transfer characteristics and save the energy usage (remove this sentence)

Nano-fluids are a new category of advanced heat-transfer fluids engineered by dispersing nano-

particles smaller than 100 nanometer (nm) diameter in conventional heat transfer fluids.

Conventional heat transfer fluids have poor thermal conductivities when compared to solids.

Nanotechnology has provided a new area of research to process and produce materials with

average crystallites below 100 nm called nanoparticles. When these nanoparticles are suspended

in conventional fluids they are called Nanofluids. Also, the surface area per unit volume of
nanoparticles is much larger than that of microparticles. These properties can be used to

synthesize stable suspensions with enhanced flow, heat-transfer, and other characteristics 6.

Nanofluid has been introduced in many applications today such as industrial cooling, electronic,

nuclear reactor, biomedical and automotive engineering4. These Nanofluids are nano-sized

particles of metals, oxides and carbides suspended in conventional heat transfer fluids.

The application of nano refrigerants in refrigeration system is considered to be a potential way to

improve energy efficiency and improve on the environmental-friendliness of conventional


1.5 Scope of the study

The use of nano-refrigerant as substitute for conventional refrigerant was proposed5. The

addition of nanoparticles to the present refrigerants result in the improvement of the thermo

physical properties and heat transfer characteristics of the refrigerants, in this manner

performance of the refrigeration system is enhanced to some great extent.

Many studies have been conducted to investigate the properties of nanofluids. However, there are

only limited literatures on some properties such as their thermal conductivities. However,

researchers agreed that the nanoparticles concentration and types of nanoparticles increase the

thermal conductivity of the nanorefrigerant. A long term stability of nanoparticles dispersion

affects the thermal conductivity of the nanorefrigerant since better dispersion behavior gives

higher thermal conductivities4.

1. R. S. Mishra, Rahul Kumar Jaiswal, (2015). Thermal Performance Improvements
of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System Using Eco Friendly Based
Nanorefrigerants in Primary Circuit. International Journal of Advance Research and
Innovation, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 524-535.

2. Van Ness, M. M. Abbott. (year of publication?) Introduction to Chemical

Engineering Thermodynamics Fifth Edition. J. M. Smith, H. C.. whats this for?

3. Names of authors? (year of publication). International Journal of Innovative

Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), Vol. 6, Issue 3, March


4. Journal on Nano-particles (Hindawii). Revisit this article and reference it


5. Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering and Technology (ICRAMET'15).

Do same here as indicated for ref. no. 4.

6. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (JChPS), Springer and El

Sevier (Do the same here as told in ref. 5.)

7. International Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering, Vol' 2, Issue 12,

June 2016. Springer and El Sevier. (work on this ref.)

8. Senthilkumar, A., and Praveen, R. (2015). Performance Analysis of a Domestic

Refrigerator Using CUO-R600a Nano-Refrigerant as Working Fluid. Journal of
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Special Issue 9). This reference is incomplete

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