Muscle Strain Injury - Diagnosis and Treatment

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Muscle Strain Injury:

Diagnosis and Treatment

Thomas J. Noonan, MD, and William E. Garrett, Jr, MD, PhD


Muscle strain is a very common injury. Muscles that are frequently involved sports. The outcome of a muscle
cross two joints, act mainly in an eccentric fashion, and contain a high percent- strain is generally good but de-
age of fast-twitch fibers. Muscle strain usually causes acute pain and occurs pends on the severity of the injury.
during strenuous activity. In most cases, the diagnosis can be made on the A full return to activity with no
basis of the history and physical examination. Magnetic resonance imaging is residual disability is usually possi-
recommended only when radiologic evaluation is necessary for diagnosis. ble after healing of a minor injury.
Initial treatment consists of rest, ice, compression, and nonsteroidal anti- However, a major injury can result
inflammatory drug therapy. As pain and swelling subside, physical therapy in limited range of motion and
should be initiated to restore flexibility and strength. Avoiding excessive weakness. The vast majority of
fatigue and performing adequate warm-up before intense exercise may help to muscle strains fall within the range
prevent muscle strain injury. The long-term outcome after muscle strain of less severe injuries.
injury is usually excellent, and complications are few.
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1999;7:262-269

Certain muscles are injured more

Muscle injuries are very common Completely lacerated muscles often than others. The muscles
in persons who participate in sports. recover approximately 50% of their most at risk are those in which the
In addition to the inconvenience strength and 80% of their ability to origin and the insertion cross two
and discomfort associated with shorten. joints. One reason for their in-
such injuries, they also have a sig- Delayed-onset muscle soreness creased proclivity to injury is that
nificant economic impact if the is defined as muscular pain that many of these muscles can limit the
work-related costs are considered. occurs 24 to 72 hours after vigorous range of motion of a joint they
The spectrum of these injuries is exercise. It is common following cross. For example, with the hip
wide and includes contusion, lacer- unaccustomed intense exercise and flexed, the hamstring muscles can
ation, delayed-onset muscle sore- is characterized by discomfort limit knee extension; a hurdling
ness, and muscle strain. Contusion beginning several hours after exer- maneuver can place high levels of
is caused by a direct blow to the cise and peaking after 1 to 3 days.
muscle and is treated with a three- This entity can be distinguished
phase treatment program, involving from acute muscle strain, which is
(1) a short period of immobilization characterized by immediate pain Dr. Noonan is in private practice in Charlotte,
with the muscle in a lengthened associated with diminished func- NC. Dr. Garrett is Chairman, Department of
position, (2) passive and active tion. Delayed-onset muscle sore- Orthopaedic Surgery, University of North
range-of-motion exercises, and ness will resolve in a few days and Carolina, Chapel Hill.
(3) strengthening. requires no specific treatment.
Reprint requests: Dr. Noonan, Charlotte
Laceration is uncommon and is Stretching will help to preserve
Orthopaedic Specialists, 1915 Randolph Road,
seen more often after trauma than range of motion, and nonsteroidal Charlotte, NC 28207.
after sports accidents. Treatment anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
includes thorough irrigation and can be used to alleviate pain. Copyright 1999 by the American Academy of
debridement followed by suture Muscle strain is by far the most Orthopaedic Surgeons.
repair of the fascia, if possible. common muscle injury suffered in

262 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Thomas J. Noonan, MD, and William E. Garrett, Jr, MD, PhD

passive tension on the hamstring that activation of normal muscle be present. Active and sometimes
muscles and potentially injure by nerve stimulation alone did not passive range of motion of the
them. cause injury. To produce either joints that the muscle crosses will
Frequently injured muscles act gross or microscopic injury, stretch also cause discomfort and may be
in an eccentric fashion (i.e., length- of the muscle past its resting length limited. Strength testing of the
ening as they contract) as they reg- was also necessary.2 muscle will demonstrate weakness,
ulate motion during sports activi- but this may be attributable more
ties. During running, for example, to diminished central drive sec-
the muscles of the quadriceps Histology of Muscle Strain ondary to pain than to actual mus-
group act primarily to limit knee Injury cle damage.
flexion after heel strike rather than
to power knee extension. Injury to Histologic studies have shown that Imaging
these muscles usually occurs dur- muscle strain injuries cause a dis- Plain radiographs may show
ing an eccentric contraction. ruption of muscle fibers near the soft-tissue swelling in a case of mus-
Frequently injured muscles have myotendinous junction. The fibers cle strain injury but will usually
a relatively high percentage of type do not tear at the junction, but appear normal. Computed tomog-
II (fast-twitch) fibers. The high pro- rather at a short distance from it. raphy has only a limited capability
portion of such fibers means that Acutely, the injuries are character- to depict soft-tissue injury but may
the muscles are used for high-speed ized by disruption and some hemor- demonstrate hemorrhage into the
activities, which may predispose to rhage within the muscle (Fig. 1). By
injury. Not surprisingly, muscle day 2, an inflammatory reaction is
strain most often occurs in athletes evident, with the presence of edema
whose sports require high speeds and inflammatory cells (Fig. 2). By
or rapid acceleration, such as track day 7, fibrous tissue has replaced
and field, football, basketball, and the inflammatory reaction. Al-
soccer. An example of a muscle though some regenerating muscle
that displays all of these risk factors fibers are present, the histologic
is the biceps femoris. It crosses two appearance is abnormal, and scar
joints and acts eccentrically at high tissue is persistent.
speeds to decelerate the leg during

Biomechanics of Injury Muscle strain will usually present

with an episode of acute pain expe-
Muscle strain occurs as a result of rienced during intense activity.
forcible stretching of a muscle, Depending on the severity of the
either passively or, more common- injury and the intensity of the
ly, when the muscle is activated.1 activity, the pain may prevent the
Most often this is during an eccen- patient from continuing. If so, the
tric contraction, when the muscle is pain will be most pronounced dur-
being lengthened as it contracts. ing eccentric activation of the mus-
This is likely because eccentric con- cle (e.g., hamstring injury will be
traction generates higher forces most painful during the swing
than concentric contraction. The phase of gait while running).
connective tissue framework of the Fig. 1 Histologic appearance of an exten-
muscle also produces more force as Physical Examination sor digitorum longus muscle specimen
it is stretched, although this is usu- Localized tenderness over the obtained immediately after strain injury.
Note limited rupture of the most distal
ally quite small until a relatively myotendinous junction of the fibers near the myotendinous junction.
large amount of stretch has been injured muscle will be evident on M = intact muscle fibers; T = tendon
applied. physical examination. In the case (Masson stain, original magnification 1.75).
(Reproduced with permission from Noonan
Experimental data suggest that of a complete rupture of the mus- TJ, Garrett WE Jr: Muscle injury of the pos-
strain is crucial to the creation of cle, a defect may be palpated. terior leg. Foot Ankle Clin 1997;2:457-471.)
injury. Initial studies demonstrated Swelling and ecchymosis may also

Vol 7, No 4, July/August 1999 263

Muscle Strain Injury

ate number of fibers, with the fas-

cia remaining intact. A grade 3
injury is a tear of many fibers with
partial tearing of the fascia. A
grade 4 injury is a complete tear of
the muscle and fascia (i.e., a rup-
ture of the muscle-tendon unit).
Recovery is longer with a high-
grade injury, and the long-term
outcome is potentially worse.
Treatment Options

The various treatment strategies for

muscle strain injuries have usually
been empirically adapted from
clinical practice. Few clinical or
basic science studies have been per-
formed to determine the effects of
different treatments.
A B Initial treatment usually consists
of rest, ice, and compression for
Fig. 2 Histologic appearance of tibialis anterior muscle specimens (M = intact muscle
fibers; T = tendon). A, Specimen obtained 24 hours after strain injury demonstrates muscle relief of pain and swelling. Non-
fiber necrosis, tissue edema, inflammation, and hemorrhage (Masson stain, original magni- steroidal anti-inflammatory agents
fication 70). B, Specimen obtained 48 hours after strain injury. Higher-magnification may also be used for pain relief for
view of the musculotendinous junction shows the presence of macrophages, multinucleate
cells, and fibroblast cells (Masson stain, original magnification 227.5). (Reproduced with the first 2 to 3 days. As pain and
permission from Nikolaou PK, Macdonald BL, Glisson RR, Seaber AV, Garrett WE Jr: swelling decrease, physical therapy
Biomechanical and histological evaluation of muscle after controlled strain injury. Am J can be initiated to improve range of
Sports Med 1987;15:9-14.)
motion and strength. When full
range of motion and nearly full
strength have been attained, the
muscle. If radiologic evaluation is nosis may be evident from the athlete may return to full activity.
necessary, magnetic resonance physical examination, MR imaging No specific criteria for adequate
(MR) imaging can most accurately can be used to differentiate deep strength have been defined, but a
define the injury site. T1-weighted venous thrombosis from muscle cutoff of 80% of the strength on the
images may show disruption of the strain. This modality may also be contralateral side on isokinetic test-
normal architecture of the muscle- useful in determining the severity ing is recommended. In the early
tendon junction. T2-weighted im- of a muscle strain in cases in which stages of return, it is advisable to
ages will show increased signal in this may be important (e.g., in a avoid excessive fatigue to prevent
the injured muscle due to edema professional athlete). reinjury. In addition, the muscle
(Fig. 3, A). In addition, T2-weighted should be warmed up with low-
images often show collections of level activity plus external heat
high-signal-intensity fluid that track Classification Systems before intense activity.
along the epimysium and escape to Although surgical treatment
the subcutis (Fig. 3, B). There is no universal classification has been recommended for com-
Magnetic resonance imaging is system for muscle strain injuries. plete (grade 4) muscle ruptures,4,5
seldom necessary, however, as the Ryan 3 published a classification most surgeons believe that nonop-
diagnosis is usually evident from system for quadriceps strain in- erative treatment provides equiva-
the history and physical examina- juries that has been applied to lent or superior results. Almekin-
tion. For example, its use may be other muscles. A grade 1 injury is ders6 studied this issue by sever-
warranted if a patient has a a tear of a few muscle fibers, with ing the extensor digitorum longus
swollen calf but a history of only the fascia remaining intact. A muscle in the rat and then treating
minor trauma. Although the diag- grade 2 injury is a tear of a moder- it with either surgical repair or

264 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Thomas J. Noonan, MD, and William E. Garrett, Jr, MD, PhD


Fig. 3 A, T2-weighted axial MR image through the middle of the medial gastrocnemius muscle in a patient with documented disruption at
the distal myotendinous junction (m = medial head of gastrocnemius muscle; T = tibia). High-signal changes (arrow) consistent with edema
and inflammation are present throughout the muscle at this level. B, T2-weighted coronal MR image shows injury around the distal
myotendinous junction of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle (m). A layer of fluid is present (arrow), with escape into the sub-
cutis. (Reproduced with permission from Noonan TJ, Garrett WE Jr: Muscle injury of the posterior leg. Foot Ankle Clin 1997;2:457-471.)

immobilization. At 7 days postin- Rest Seven days after injury, load to

jury, the surgically repaired mus- In the acute inflammatory failure had returned to only 77% of
cles were stronger. However, by phase (days 1 to 5 after injury), the control value, while maximum
14 days, there were no differences rest promotes pain control. After contractile force was 91% of the
between the two treatment groups. the resolution of acute inflamma- control value.
In contrast, a recent study7 evalu- tion, only submaximal activity is Some authors recommend im-
ated the results of treatment of recommended, to prevent further mobilization of the muscle-tendon
experimentally created laceration injury or reinjury. The tensile pro- unit to limit hemorrhage and edema
in the gastrocnemius muscle of the perties and contractile ability of in the acute postinjury phase.
mouse and found that suture re- the muscle-tendon unit are altered However, prolonged immobiliza-
pair yielded significantly greater after injury, and an early return to tion is discouraged because of de-
tetanus strength at 1 month com- full activity predisposes to addi- trimental long-term effects. Long-
pared with treatment by immobi- tional injury. term immobilization in either a
lization. Whether these results are Several researchers have dem- lengthened or a shortened position
applicable to the clinical situation onstrated changes attributable to will result in a change in sarcomere
is unclear. Another consideration stretch-induced nondisruptive number (i.e., sarcomeres will be
is that muscle repair is technically strain injuries. Taylor et al8 tested added or deleted until the sarco-
difficult, as there is no way to the extensor digitorum longus mere length in the position of
securely fix the muscle to itself. muscle in the New Zealand white immobilization equals the sarco-
For these reasons, nonoperative rabbit and found that the postin- mere length before immobilization).
treatment of muscle strain injury is jury load to failure was 63% that of The addition of sarcomeres occurs
almost universal. the control value and length to fail- at the muscle-tendon junction. Im-
The time frame for healing of ure was 79% of control. Contrac- mobilization in a lengthened posi-
muscle strain injuries is directly tile ability was diminished as well. tion results in the reorganization of
related to the severity of injury. Obremsky et al9 also studied rabbit the passive elements of the muscle
Minor muscle strain injuries may skeletal muscle and found that 1 as well; the connective tissue is
be healed in 1 week, whereas se- day after injury, load to failure was rearranged as the resting length of
vere injuries may require 4 to 8 65% of control and maximum con- the muscle adjusts to its position of
weeks. tractile force was 59% of control. immobilization. Therefore, immo-

Vol 7, No 4, July/August 1999 265

Muscle Strain Injury

bilization of an injured muscle such the increase in the permeability of is not absolutely undesirable after a
that it is held at its resting length is superficial lymph vessels that oc- strain injury. This response may be
recommended. curs at this temperature. With less the only means by which the body
Immobilization also alters the extreme cooling, diminished swell- can remove necrotic tissue. There-
biomechanical properties of the ing has been observed. McMaster fore, a certain level of inflammation
muscle-tendon unit. Laboratory et al12 studied crush injury of the may be necessary to allow healing
studies have shown that immobi- rabbit forelimb and found reduced to take place.13 Healing of a muscle
lized muscle has a lower load to limb volume at 24 hours with cool- injury occurs in two ways. First,
failure and a lower total deforma- ing to 30C. Similarly conflicting muscle can regenerate from intact
tion to failure compared with nonim- data relative to the inflammatory viable muscle fibers and from satel-
mobilized muscle.10 Clinical stud- response have been reported. Stud- lite cells that act as muscle stem
ies also support using immobiliza- ies have shown that cold can in- cells. Second, the defect can heal
tion for only short periods of time; hibit as well as enhance inflamma- with bridging scar tissue. It is un-
a 20% decline in muscle strength tion. clear whether treatment aimed at
has been measured after 1 week of Cryotherapy also provides an inhibiting the initial inflammatory
immobilization.10 analgesic effect. Numerous studies response can blunt the scarring
The only exception may be the have shown an analgesic effect of response and allow increased
complete rupture, in which case im- cold application with cooling to amounts of muscle regeneration.
mobilization may allow some reap- 10C to 15C. The mechanism of In two studies, 9,14 the effect of
proximation of the torn muscle ends. pain relief is believed to be due to NSAIDs on muscle strain injury
Even in this instance, however, im- breaking of the pain cycle by show- was investigated, but no significant
mobilization should be used for no ering the central nervous system effect on tensile strength was
more than 10 to 14 days. with impulses, which makes the demonstrated. Contractile force
Early tensile loading of muscle, receptors momentarily refractory was also evaluated in one study9
tendon, and ligament can stimulate to pain. and found to be unaltered. How-
collagen fiber growth and realign- In summary, the effects of cryo- ever, both studies showed histo-
ment. Early motion also limits the therapy on inflammation and logic evidence of delayed healing
formation of adhesions between swelling after muscle strain injury with NSAID use.
healing muscle and adjacent tissue. are unclear. The analgesic effect is Another study evaluated the
Proprioception also recovers faster well substantiated. Although the effect of NSAIDs on rabbits with
with early motion. duration of the effect is not well exercise-induced muscle injuries.15
defined, even the temporary estab- The group that received NSAIDs
Cryotherapy lishment of analgesia is helpful for had a more complete functional
Application of ice, or cryotherapy, early mobilization of the injured recovery than untreated control ani-
is recommended to ameliorate the extremity. However, caution is ne- mals at 3 and 7 days, but showed
effects of the inflammatory reaction cessary, as the theoretical possibility deficits in pertinent measurements
to strain injury by reducing edema of worsening swelling exists with when tested at 28 days. Evaluation
and hematoma formation and the application of extreme cold. of histologic and ultrastructural
diminishing pain. 11 It has been properties also suggested that the
hypothesized that cryotherapy Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory long-term effects of NSAIDs could
retards hematoma formation be- Drugs be potentially harmful.
cause it constricts the capillaries and Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory In summary, NSAIDs offer the
thereby decreases blood flow. agents have been used to reduce potential benefits of analgesia and
Although a number of studies attest the inflammatory response seen in inflammation reduction when used
to these effects, there is also evi- muscle strain injury. This response to treat muscle strain injury. How-
dence that cryotherapy results in involves vasodilation and extrava- ever, many questions remain re-
periodic vasoconstriction and vaso- sation of blood into the surround- garding the long-term effects of
dilation, known as the hunting ing tissue. Inflammatory cells are these drugs on the recovery pro-
reaction.11 recruited in this process, which cess. In addition, the choice of
Cryotherapy can either increase results in increased swelling, ery- NSAID and the optimal timing and
or decrease swelling. Several stud- thema, pain, and impaired func- dosing schedules have not yet been
ies have documented increased tion.13 established. The current recom-
swelling with cold application to Although these effects are detri- mendation of most authors is to
temperatures below 15C due to mental, an inflammatory response use an NSAID immediately after

266 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Thomas J. Noonan, MD, and William E. Garrett, Jr, MD, PhD

injury but to continue administra- absorb energy, making it more sus- first 70% of the length change
tion for only a short period to pre- ceptible to muscle strain injury. (when most muscle injury occurs);
vent interference with the healing Continuing this logic, returning an there was only a 6% difference in
response. injured muscle to full strength is the last 30% of the stretch.
important in preventing additional Although it is impossible to
Compression and Elevation injury. eliminate fatigue in the competitive
The use of compression and ele- Passive stretching of muscle is situation, it makes sense to limit
vation in the treatment of muscle thought to be beneficial because it fatigue in the postinjury rehabilita-
strain injury is thought to decrease reduces muscle stiffness. A labora- tion period. At this time, not only
pain and swelling. Although there tory study showed that much of is the muscle at less than full
are no studies that address the use the decreased stiffness is due to strength, but the athlete may also
of these modalities in muscle strain viscoelastic properties rather than be deconditioned due to inactivity.
injury, their employment is gener- reflex changes.17 Because of visco- As the athletes conditioning and
ally recommended. elasticity, prolonged stretching can muscle strength improve, exposure
lead to diminished stress within to intense activity in a relative state
Physical Therapy the muscle for a given length of fatigue may be increased. Re-
After the resolution of the acute change. Although the temporal habilitation should, therefore, focus
pain and swelling, most authors characteristics of this effect are un- on muscular endurance as well as
recommend the institution of a pro- clear, this property represents a strength. This can be accomplished
gram of physical therapy. This is plausible mechanism by which by training with low levels of resis-
beneficial for restoring normal stretching might prevent further tance for many repetitions.
muscle strength and flexibility to muscle strain injury in the postin- Athletes commonly participate
the muscle. jury setting. in warm-up routines to enhance
Restoration of muscle strength is performance and minimize the
important to prevent further injury chance of injury. The benefit of
or reinjury because of the role of Prevention of Muscle such routines has been widely
muscle as an energy-absorbing Strain Injury debated. Many authors believe
structure. The ability of the muscle that warm-up is protective because
to resist lengthening is a measure Precautions can be taken to prevent it increases the range of motion and
of its capacity for energy absorp- the occurrence of muscle strain reduces stiffness secondary to an
tion. Muscle can do this in two injury. A strong, flexible muscle is increase in muscle.
ways: passively, by the resistance less likely to be injured than a Safran et al19 studied isometrical-
of the connective tissue elements weak, stiff muscle. Any factor that ly preconditioned rabbit muscle ver-
within the muscle, and actively, by impairs the contractile function of sus nonstimulated control muscle.
contraction against the lengthening the muscle will lead to a reduction The experimental muscle failed at a
force. in its energy-absorbing capabilities, greater deformation and greater
These concepts have been dem- making it more susceptible to load than the control muscle, imply-
onstrated in a laboratory study of strain injury. For example, fatigue ing that a protective effect may have
rabbit muscles stretched to failure has been associated with muscle been gained from the warm-up
in the activated and nonactivated strain; laboratory studies have period. It is unclear whether this
states.16 In that study, the force to shown that when fatigued muscle effect occurred because of the tem-
failure was 15% higher and the is failure-tested, it has diminished perature increase from the contrac-
energy absorbed was 100% higher load to failure, total deformation, tion (about 1C) or because of
in muscles stretched to failure and energy absorbed prior to fail- stretching at the myotendinous
while activated. At small deforma- ure. Therefore, a warmed-up, non- junction.
tions of the muscle, most of the fatigued muscle is more resistant to In another study,20 the effects of
energy absorption was due to the injury than a fatigued muscle that muscle temperature on failure
active component rather than the has not been adequately prepared properties were evaluated. Rabbit
passive component. Most physio- for competition. skeletal muscle was studied at 25C
logic activity in eccentrically con- Mair et al 18 examined rabbit and 40C, temperatures considered
tracting muscle occurs at relatively muscle pulled to failure after being to represent the extremes in human
small deformations. Thus, muscle fatigued. In a simulated stretch to muscle temperature. Mean stiff-
weakness should significantly muscle failure, a decrease in energy ness (load to failure/total deforma-
impair the ability of the muscle to absorption of 42% was seen in the tion) was higher in the cold muscle,

Vol 7, No 4, July/August 1999 267

Muscle Strain Injury

implying that warming of muscle these complications has been eluci- Summary
may be protective. dated.
The functional aspects of muscle Reinjury is the most frequent Despite the high prevalence of mus-
in relation to temperature have also complication. It can occur even in cle strain, treatment regimens have
been investigated. The temporal minor muscle strain injuries. Gene- generally been based on empirical
characteristics of contraction are rally, this is the result of returning data. Initial treatment is aimed at
significantly altered: time to peak to sport too soon. Athletes can reducing the inflammatory response.
tension and time to relaxation are develop chronic muscle strain Compression and elevation are used
decreased with increasing tempera- injuries that last several months, to limit swelling and hematoma. Ice
ture, and maximum and sustained with reinjury occurring each time a is effective as an analgesic, but its
power generation are increased. return to high-level sports activity anti-inflammatory effects are unclear.
Therefore, in the rehabilitation of a is attempted. In this situation, the Similarly, the use of NSAIDs helps to
muscle strain injury, the use of heat athlete has usually attempted to reduce pain acutely, but their role in
is recommended before exercise to return despite a persistent deficit in reduction of inflammation has not
decrease the likelihood of reinjury. strength and/or flexibility. yet been defined. Limitation from
In addition, a period of low-intensity Symptomatic fibrosis occurs less full activity is important to prevent
exercise is recommended before frequently. In some athletes, how- reinjury. Although immobilization
high-intensity activity to allow the ever, a severe muscle strain injury may be indicated, its use should be
body and muscle temperatures to will result in a painful fibrotic area. limited, as early mobilization is bene-
rise. Initial treatment should involve ficial in the healing process.
aggressive physical therapy with With resolution of pain and
stretching and perhaps the use of swelling, the treatment emphasis
Complications modalities such as ultrasound and changes to rehabilitation. Physical
deep-tissue massage. Occasionally, therapy is initiated, with the goal of
Complications of muscle strain the area remains painful; in a few restoration of muscle strength and
injury are relatively few. Most cases, symptoms have been so flexibility. A full return to activity
injuries heal with little, if any, severe that resection of the fibrotic should not occur before these goals
residual defect. Potential complica- portion of the muscle has been nec- have been met. In the early stages
tions include fibrosis, weakness, essary. Although experience with of return, extreme fatigue should
pain, and reinjury. Generally, only this procedure is limited, our re- be avoided, and a thorough warm-
the most severe injuries will be sults have been good. Myositis os- up should always be performed.
associated with any of these prob- sificans may develop after a muscle Adherence to these principles
lems. We are not aware of any contusion, but rarely occurs after a should lead to an excellent result
study in which the incidence of muscle strain. with a minimal risk of reinjury.

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