Michael Rees BestPractices - Oct09 - New - Handouts

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Modelling Best Practices

October 2009

By Michael Rees
Michael Rees
Professional Experience
20 years
Strategy consultant
Equity analyst
Independent consultant
Palisade Director of Training and

B.A. in Mathematics and D.Phil. in
Mathematical Modeling from Oxford
Certificate in Quantitative Finance
Financial Modelling in Practice (John
Wiley & Sons, October) [see Wiley.com
for free .pdf of Ch 1; without the models]

The Two Schools of Everything
Alan Greenspan Einstein

I guess I should warn you if I Everything should be made as

turn out to be particularly clear simple as possible, but no simpler
you've probably misunderstood
what I've said

What is a good model?
Objectives-driven: Suitable for decision-making
Allows scenarios and sensitivities that align with mind-set/thought-processes of
Appropriate logical flow (definition of outputs versus inputs!)
Appropriate level of detail: one that decision-makers relate to
Requires minimal time to understand
Clear logical flow (e.g. left-to-right, top-to-bottom)
Modular structure, and with input values separate to calculations
Compact (related items close together, total audit path through is minimized, as
few worksheets as possible)
Use of formatting (borders, colours, bold, underline) to create transparency of
structure and flow
Avoids unnecessary complexity (macros, circular references etc)
Correct base level calculations/formulae
Correct calculations as inputs are varied
No unacceptable implicit assumptions
Hot controversies
Circular references

Multiple worksheets (workbooks)

Named ranges

Global/local placement of inputs/modularity issues

Macros/user-defined functions

Key Theme: Sensitivity Analysis
Thinking (SAT)
Selection of appropriate variables

Appropriate level of model detail

Building robust formulae


Using SAT to Build Robust
Formulae and Error-checking
Basic Methods Using sensitivity analysis
Robust formulae: Excel
Test a trial formula through the full range of Manual approach
values, and modify as necessary DataTables
Error-checking: RANDs in place of fixed inputs
Calculate same quantity in two or more ways
Build the difference as an error
Apply conditional format to highlight if non-
zero TopRank to quickly vary all relevant inputs
Sometimes, group these error cells together
to get quick overview @RISK to vary input combinations

@RISK Models: Robust ranges and
Distributions Relationships
See other talk!!! Independence

Parameter dependence (semi-


Correlated sampling

Parameter linkage through lookup functions
Correlated time series
Contextual dependencies (e.g. continuous
uncertainty within discrete scenarios)

Model Design Model Implementation
Objectives-driven: Error-checks
Clear view of key decisions to be made, and Dual calculation routes
their information and sensitivity-analysis Sensitivity analysis (Excel, TopRank and
requirements @RISK)
As simple as possible, but no simpler Conditional formatting of error cells
As few worksheets as possible (no linked
Designed around sensitivity analysis workbooks ideally)
thinking Modular structure, clear logical flow
Selection of variables Related calculations together
Logical flow and dependencies Clear formulae
Level of detail Either numbers or calculations
Short, transparent calculation steps
Formatting >50% of modelling time!
Named ranges: selective use
Avoid: circular references and macros
as far as possible

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