ME334 Manufacturing Technology Laboratory - II
ME334 Manufacturing Technology Laboratory - II
ME334 Manufacturing Technology Laboratory - II
Course Name
code Credits Introduction
Study and preparation of program, simulation and exercise on CNC milling machine:
- surface milling, pocket milling, contour milling etc.
Out of roundness measurement
Study of different methods used for measurement out of roundness
Measurement of out of roundness using form measuring instrument 1
Measurement of out of roundness using V-block and dial gauge
Measurement of out of roundness using bench centre and dial gauge etc.
Screw thread measurement
Measurement of screw thread parameters using two wire and three wire method.
Measurement of screw thread parameters using tool makers microscope etc.
Measurement of screw thread parameters using thread ring gage, thread plug gage,
snap gage, screw thread micrometer, optical comparator etc.
Bore measurement
Measurement of a bore by two ball method.
Measurement of a bore by four ball method. 1
Bore measurement using slip gauges and rollers.
Bore measurement using bore dial gauge etc.
Calibration and determination of uncertainties
Strain measurement using strain gauge load cells.
Calibration of a cantilever strain gauge load cell. 1
Rotation measurement
Determination of rpm using tachometer, optical tachometer and stroboscope, etc.
Area determination
Study of planimeter and Green's theorem 1
Determination of given irregular area using planimeter.
Gear metrology
Types of gears gear terminology gear errors - study of Profile Projector.
Measurement of profile error and gear parameters using profile projector etc. 1
Use of Comparators
Exercise on comparators: mechanical, optical, pneumatic and electronic comparators.
Use of Tool makers microscope
Study of tool makers microscope use at shop floor applications.
Measurement of gear tooth parameters using tool makers microscope. 1
Measurement of different angles of single point cutting tool using tool makers
Surface roughness measurement
Measurement of surface roughness using surface profilometer /roughness measuring 1
machine of turned, milled, grounded, lapped and glass etc specimens.
Squareness measurement
Determination of squareness of a trisquare using angle plate and slip gauges. 1
Flatness measurement
Study of optical flat and variation of fringe patterns for different surfaces.
Determination of parallelism error between micrometer faces.
Compare given surface using optical flat with interpretation chart.
Vibration measurement
Measurement of displacement, velocity and acceleration of vibration. 1
Use of Pneumatic comparator
Checking the limits of dimensional tolerances using pneumatic comparator 1
Calibration using air plug gauge etc
Reference books
1. Collett, C.V. and Hope, A.D, Engineering Measurements, Second edition,
2. Sharp K.W.B. and Hume, Practical Engineering Metrology, Sir Isaac Pitman and sons Ltd,
3. Shotbolt C.R. and Gayler J.F.W, Metrology for Engineers, 5th edition, ELBS, London,1990
4. Yoram Koren, Numerical Control of Machine Tools, McGraw-Hill,1983
A minimum of 12 experiments are mandatory but the experiments/exercises in CNC
machines are mandatory.
The academic evaluation shall be carried out by faculty.