Elements of A Short Story

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Define what a short story is

Define elements of a short story
Read and identify the elements of
a short story
Write original short stories
Connect the theme of the story
to their daily life affairs
of a
Short Story
What is a Short Story?
A short story is a work of
fictional narrative prose with a
few characters, limited setting,
and a single major event.

A short story is meant to be

read in a single sitting.
What are its elements?
1. Characters are the people,
animals, strange creatures or
objects that think, talk and act.
Types of Characters
a. Protagonist one who undergoes a
change or learns something during the
course of the story
-the one who takes the leading part

b. Antagonist the who contends with

the protagonist
2. Setting provides the locale
(place) and period (time) of
the short story
-it may be real or a make believe
place and time
3. Plot is the series of
events which leads to a climax,
or high point of interest
Parts of a Plot
a. Exposition the characters and setting
are introduces, as is the conflict the
struggle between a character and some
other force.

a.1 Types of Conflict

Man vs Man (could be a specific person or society in
Man vs Nature (could be weather conditions or animals)
Man vs Himself (could involve personal life circumstances
or psychological issues)
b. Rising Action during this time the
tension builds as the conflict becomes
more evident

c. Climax this is the highest point of

interest in the story

-It involves important discovery or decision.

During this time, one of the battling forces
wins and the conflict is resolved
d.Falling Action the event that
immediately follows the climax
-During this part, the story draws to a close

e. Resolution the part of the story in

which loose ends are tied up
Leahs parents arrive home
just as Leah panics.


Leah watches Leah explains

horror movies. to her
Exposition She wakes up, parents why
alarmed at the she was in Resolution
Leahs parents noise. She the
decides to basement. Leah realizes
go away,
check the that she learned
leaving Leah
basement door. an important
alone at their
She gets locked lesson about
home for the
in the herself.
first time.
Kinds of Plot
a. Man in a Hole considered as the
oldest and most popular kind of plot.
This story begins with a character or a
group of persons trapped in some kind of
a hole or problem. The story goes on to
show how the characters manage to get
out of their predicament.
b. Man on the Road some short stories
achieve their unifying effect through a
single character journeying through life,
encountering various stages of adventure
and growth
-This type of plot tends to be episodic but
because all events happened to the same
person, unity is established.
c. Man in a Tub this type of plot involves
two important factors. First, there must
be an unstructured and usually, an
ordinary event. Then, second, a
realization or insight from the experience
of such event.
4. Theme is a general truth about life

-This is considered as the message of the

story to the readers

Ex: Greed brings ones downfall.

5. Point of View is the way in
which the story is narrated. It is the
method, the vantage point, that
writers use to tell the story.
Types of Point of View
a. First Person the narrator, using the
word I tells the story and participates
in it.

Ex: I turned back to my bucket and sponge,

and I could feel the tears burning in my
eyes. I wanted so much to go to the ball
but my stepsisters would not hear of it.
b. Limited third person the narrator,
who is not in the story, tells the story
through the use of she or he. The
narrator cannot see into the minds of
the characters.

Ex: Tears in her eyes, Cinderella turned

back to her bucket and sponge. She
jumped when the door to the room
slammed behind her as her stepsisters
left for the ball.
c. Omniscient third person the narrator,
who is not in the story tells the story
through the use of she or he. The
narrator can see into the minds of the
characters and tell their thoughts.

Ex: Hurt and disappointed, Cinderella turned

back to her bucket and sponge. The thought
of missing the ball brought tears to her eyes.
Cinderella jumped when the door slammed
behind her.
Read the short story: How Much Land
Does A Man Need, by Leo Tolstoy

Identify the elements of the short story

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