NXLD90 Router Security Configuration Guide
NXLD90 Router Security Configuration Guide
NXLD90 Router Security Configuration Guide
Routers are used to route traffic between different networks based on Layer 3 IP addresses and provide
access to network segment and subnetworks. So said, that makes routers the definite targets for
network attackers. When the border router of an organizations network is compromised or gained
access to, unauthorized, it poses a potential threat to its sensitive information and other network
services and resources.
Routers can be compromised in many ways, (Trust exploitation and MITM attacks) and this exposes the
internal network configuration or components to scans and attacks.
Attack techniques include: password guessing, routing protocol attacks, SNMP attacks, IP fragmentation
attacks to bypass filtering, redirect (address) attacks, and circular redirect for denial of service.
Session replay attacks use a sequence of packets or application commands that can be recorded,
possibly manipulated, and then replayed to cause an unauthorized action or gain access.
Rerouting attacks can include manipulating router updates to cause traffic to flow to unauthorized
destinations. These kinds of attacks are sometimes called route injection attacks.
Session hijacking may occur if an attacker can insert falsified IP packets after session establishment via IP
spoofing, sequence number prediction and alteration, or other methods.
Resource starvation attacks usually involve flooding the router with traffic or requests designed to
consume all of some limited resource. Target resources may be bandwidth, memory, or even
Careful router configuration can help prevent a (compromised) site from being used as part of a
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, by blocking spoofed source addresses. DDoS attacks use a
number of compromised sites to flood a target site with sufficient traffic or service requests to render it
useless to legitimate users.
Router Security Configuration Guide
int x0/0
access-group in 110
Where $yourRouterIP is your router IP and x0/0 is your external interface. We will always use this
convention in this article.
int x0/0
access-group in 111
Router Security Configuration Guide
Restrict SNMP
SNMP must always be restricting, unless you want some malicious person getting a lot of information
from your network.
interface x0/0
access-group 112 in
And if you are not going to use SNMP at all, disable it:
no snmp-server
The password from exec mode, that grants privileged access to the IOS system, Can be set using a MD5
hash, which is the strongest option available on the Cisco IOS.
All other passwords, you can encrypt using the Vigenere cipher that is not Very strong, but can help. To
do that, you can use the service password-encryption Command that encrypts all passwords present in
you system.
service password-encryption
no service tcp-small-servers
no service udp-small-servers
b. Disable finger
no service finger
no ip http server
ntp disable
Router Security Configuration Guide
no ip source-route
no ip proxy-arp
e. Disable CDP
no cdp run
no ip directed-broadcast
Log everything
To finish, you must log everything on an outside Log Server. You must everything from all your systems
and always analyze the logs.
With these simple steps you can add a lot of security to your router, protecting it against a lot of
possible attacks, increasing your network security.
Only as an example, you can see the nmap result before and after applying these options:
Router Security Configuration Guide
Warning: OS detection will be MUCH less reliable because we did not find at least 1 open and 1 closed
TCP port
Too many fingerprints match this host for me to give an accurate OS guess
There are substantial security resources available from router vendors. For example, Cisco offers
extensive on-line documentation and printed books about the security features supported by their
products. These books and papers are valuable, but they are not sufficient. Most vendor-supplied router
security documents are focused on documenting all of the security features offered by the router, and
do not always supply security rationale for selecting and applying those features. This guide attempts to
provide security rationale and concrete security direction, with pertinent references at the end of each
section identifying the most useful vendor documentation. This guide also provides pointers to related
books, vendor documents, standards, and available software.