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International Food Research Journal 19(1): 19-27 (2012)

Mini Review
Analysis of curcuminoids in food and pharmaceutical products
Abdul Rohman

Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,

Faculty of Pharmacy, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.

Abstract: Curcuminoids refer to three main chemical substances, namely curcumin, demethoxycurcumin,
and bis-demethoxycurcumin. These are used as natural coloring agents in some food products and have been
reported to exhibit several biological activities in animal and human clinical studies. Due to its beneficial effects
to human health, several analytical methods have been continuously proposed and developed by scientist to
analyze them in plant sources, food, and in pharmaceutical products. This article highlights the application of
several instrumental techniques for analysis of curcuminoids.

Keywords: Analysis, curcuminoids, food, pharmaceutical, instrumental techniques

Introduction (Lim et al., 2001). However, Mancuso and Barone

(2009) made the criticism in relation to the use of
Turmeric isolated from the plant of Curcuma curcuminoids in clinical practice due to its poor
longa L is the main sources of curcuminoids, a yellow bioavailability.
in color, having the specific flavor attributed from its The main components of commercial turmeric
volatile compounds, and has been used as spice for are curcuminoids which refer to group of phenolic
early time of human civilization. It also correlated substances present in turmeric powder, namely
with several biological activities (Nagarajan et al., curcumin, molecular weight (MW of 368) which
2010). C. longa is belonging to Zingiberaceae family is accounting for 6080%, demethoxycurcumin
and widely cultivated in the regions of tropical and (MW of 338) accounting for 1530%, and bis-
subtropical, especially in India, Southeast Asia, demethoxycurcumin (MW of 308) with level of 26%
and China. India is the main country exporting (Wichitnithad et al., 2009). The chemical structures
the turmeric and its production is approximately of these curcuminoids are depicted in Figure 1. The
80%. Today, the species cultivation has also widely contents of curcuminoids were used as one of the
distributed to some African countries (Parthasarathy parameters in quality control of C. longa and other
et al., 2008). drugs derived from plant-based Curcuma (Cheng et
Because of its specific flavor and yellow color, the al., 2010).
introduction of turmeric keeps the nutritional value and O
freshness of food items. As a food additive, turmeric
R1 R2
can improve the deliciousness, aesthetic appeal, and
shelf life of delicate food products (Joe et al., 2005).
Besides, the powder of turmeric is expansively used HO OH
as preservative and coloring agents. It has been used
Curcumin: R1 = OCH3, R2 = OCH3
as traditional medicine in order to prevent several
diseases (Chattopadhyay et al., 2004) Demethoxycurcumin: R1 = OCH3, R2 = OCH3

Numerous biological activities have been Bisdemethoxycurcumin: R1 = H, R2 = H

reported in turmeric and its related plant sources
such as antioxidant (Kalpravidh et al., 2010), anti- Figure 1. The chemical structures of curcumin,
imflammatory (Skrzypezac-Jankun et al., 2000), demethoxycurcumin, and bis-demetoxycurcumin
anti-atherogenic (Ramrez-Bosca et al., 2000),
anti-psoriatic (Heng et al., 2000), anti-diabetic (Arun Most of the critical review is devoted to the
and Nalini, 2002), immunostimulatory (Antony et biological activities in vivo and in vitro (Joe et al.,
al., 1999), antibacterial (Singh et al., 2002), and 2004) as well as to the pharmacological effects of
anticancer effects as reviewed by Aggarwal et al. curcuminoids and related plant sources in animal
(2003). This also contributes to the incorporation of and human body (Miquel et al., 2002; Jain et al.,
the healing process of dermal wound (Gopinath et 2007) rather than exploring the analytical methods
al., 2004) and the prevention of Alzheimers disease for determination of curcuminoids. In this review,
we highlight the application of several instrumental

*Corresponding author.
Email:abdulkimfar@gmail.com All Rights Reserved
Tel: +62274-6492565; Fax: +62274-543120
20 Abdul Rohman

techniques for the quantitative analysis of made by weighing 2.00 mg curcumin (cat # C-1386,
curcuminoids either in raw materials or in food and purity 6070%), added with MeOH and adjusted to
pharmaceutical products. a final concentration of 0.8, 1.6, 2.0, 2.4 and 3.2 mg/
ml. For sample preparation, the powder was added
Analytical methods for analysis of curcuminoids with tetrahydrofuran and diluted ith MeOH.
Some researches also used the parameter of
Qualitative and quantitative analyses of extinction coefficient as the basis of their analysis.
curcuminoids in turmeric samples are very important The Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives
in order to determine the quality of the raw materials or (2001) has specified that curcumin deteremined using
its finished products (Jiang et al., 2009). Food industry visible spectroscopy in ethanol at 425 nm should
and regulatory authorities require reliable validated have of 1607. For this reason, some industries
techniques for determination of curcuminoids for the accepted this (1607) as the reference value for
scope of the various range of food products stated three curcuminoids jointly. However, some values for
in the European Color Directive (Scotter, 2009). For different maximum wavelengths (max) may be also
instance, curcumin is allowed to be use in smoked established in literature. The European Commission
fish with maximum limit of 100 mg/kg. Some types (EC) has specified to use 426 nm, whereas other
of food such as jellies, sausages, and dried potato regulatory authorities stated max between 424 and
products are allowable to contain curcumin; therefore, 430 nm. This difference comes from the proportion
its analysis is not a critical issue. In addition, sauces of each curcuminoids in the mixture, because each
and seasonings are allowable to restrain curcumin up exhibits different maximum wavelength. It has been
to levels of 500 ppm. From the point of regulatory reported that curcumin (C) in ethanol has max of
compliance, it is necessarily to determine the level 430 nm, meanwhile demethoxycurcumin (DMC)
contents of curcumin in certain foods. and bis-demethoxycurcumin (BDMC) exhibits max
Numerous analytical methods have been reported of 423 and 418 nm, respectively. Consequently, this
by some researchers for quantitative analysis of distribution affects the mean of max in the mixture
curcuminoids. Some of the methods are based- (Scotter, 2009).
spectrophotometric techniques, expressed as the
total color content of the sample. However, using Infrared spectroscopy
this technique it is not possible to separate and to Infrared (IR) spectroscopy, especially in
quantify the curcuminoids individually (Jayaprakasha combination with chemometrics technique, has
et al., 2002). For this reason, chromatographic- been widely used for determination of analytes of
based techniques and electrophoresis are among the interest in food, agricultural, and pharmaceutical
methods of choice for determination of curcuminoids products (Roggo et al., 2007). The method allows
attributed to their separation capacities. rapid and sensitive, ease in sample preparation, and
non destructive technique meaning that the used
Spectroscopic techniques samples can be used for further analysis. In addition,
IR spectroscopy can be exploited for determination
UV-Vis spectrophotometry of components on interest simultaneously (Rohman
The official standard method for determination et al., 2010).
of curcuminoids or Curcuma-based products is UV- Tanaka et al. (2008) had investigated the
Vis spectrophotometry which is relied on the direct possibility of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to
measurements of sample in certain solvents. In some quantify the contents of curcuminoids (C, DMC,
organic solvents, curcuminoids show the intensive and BDMC) in turmeric. Using the processing
absorption intensity at wavelength of 420 430 nm. combination of second derivatives and standard
However, it should be taken into account that the normal variate, partial least square calibration using
presence of other species having the chromophoric spectral regions of 1500-2500 nm and 1850-2040 nm
groups absorbing at this wavelength will influence was used for quantification of individual and total
the accuracy of the results (Jayaprakasha et al., curcuminoids. The results showed that the optimized
2005). The quantification of curcuminoid using UV- method offers good prediction model with standard
Vis spectrometry technique was usually expressed error of prediction of 0.117, 0.061, 0.070, and 0.174
as the total curcuminoids content. Pothitirat and %, respectively for C, DMC, BDMC, and total
Gritsanapan (2006) determined the curcuminoids curcuminoids.
contents in C. longa obtained from 13 regions in
Thailand, measured at 420 nm. Calibration curve was

International Food Research Journal 19(1): 19-27

Analysis of curcuminoids in food and pharmaceutical products 21

Flow injection analysis (FIA) gradient elution in HPLC are the preferred methods
for analysis of samples. Capillary electrophoresis
FIA system with on-line detections using was currently developed as an optional technique for
ultraviolet (UV) at 250 nm and fluorometric (FL) the analysis of curcuminoids (Sun et al., 2005).
using ex of 397 nm and em 508 nm is developed
for analysis of curcuminoids in C. longa (Inoue et al., Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
2001). FIA was conducted at ambient temperature Anderson et al. (2000) have isolated
using various organic solvents, either alone or in curcuminoids using preparative silica plates from
combination with water as carrier solution delivered ground turmeric. The extraction of turmeric was
at flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The detection limit obtained successfully done using dichloromethane with the
using FL (2.0 ng/ml) was better than that using UV aid of magnetic stirrer and heat at reflux for 60 min.
(30.0 ng/ml). The r values obtained was higher The extract was filtered and concentrated in water
than 0.99. The authors reported that the developed bath at 50 oC, and the residue obtained was further
method could be applicable for a regular analysis of redissolved in hexane. Plates were developed three
curcuminoids at an approximately estimation using times using dichloromethaneMeOH (99: 1 v/v).
curcumin standard. The RF value obtained for curcumin was 0.52.
A simple analysis procedure using FIA was The ability of two-dimensional TLC for
also proposed by Thongchai et al (2009)for the analysis of three curcuminoids in the rhizomes of C.
quantification of curcuminoids in turmeric extracts, phaeocaulis, C. kwangsiensis, C. wenyujin and C.
based on the development of a colored complex longa has been investigated by Zhang et al. (2008).
between curcuminoids and 4-aminoantipyrine, in the The chromatographic separation was achieved on
presence of the oxidizing agents such as potassium silica gel 60F254 plate using eluent mixture of
hexacyanoferrate (III) in base environment. Using CHCl3MeOHformic acid (20:1:0.2, v/v/v) and
the optimum parameters, the total contents of petroleum etherethyl acetate (9:1,v/v) for twice
curcuminoids could be assessed within a working development. The chromatogram spots were colorized
concentration range of 5 50 ppm. The sensitivity using 1% vanillinin sulfuric acid. The presence of
expressed with detection and quantification limits curcuminoids in these plants was semi-quantified
were 0.6 and 1.8 ppm, respectively. The precision using densitometrically at scan and reference of 518
parameter of standard deviation for reproducibility and 800 nm, respectively. The authors stated that the
reported was < 2.0 % with the percentage of recovery developed TLC method can be used as a technique
between 94.3108.0 %. for quality control of Curcuma rhizomes. Table 1
compiled some of the published research related to
Chromatographic-based methods the use of TLC and its high performance (HPTLC)
for analysis of curcuminoids.
Chromatography-based methods are emerging
analytical technique in chemical analyses which High performance liquid chromatography
are appropriate for qualitative and quantitative (HPLC) and related techniques
determination of a large number of samples. Besides,
these techniques also offer the separation capacities Because of to their low volatility and thermally
of analytes of interest into its component and make labile properties, curcuminoids are not popular enough
simultaneous analysis of a considerable number of to be determined using gas chromatography and related
samples (Cserhati et al., 2005). techniques. Therefore, several methods including
Due to its advantageous properties, namely low HPLC and its coupling with mass spectrometry (LC/
cost in operation, ease in sample preparation, and the MS), and capillary electrophoresis (CE) have been
availability of several detection systems, thin-layer developed for determination of curcuminoids in foods
chromatography (TLC) was regularly used for the or in pharmaceutical products (Jiang et al., 2006).
identification, separation, quantification or semi- HPLC is the most reported methods for analysis of
quantitative purposes of natural pigments, including curcuminoids due to its versatility and ease in use.
curcuminoids (Forgacs and Cserhati, 2002). However, In most cases, HPLC methods using detector of UV/
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is VIS spectrophotometer or photodiode-array detector
a method of choice for curcuminoids attributed to the (PDA) at around 260 or 450 nm were used, since
high precision and accuracy offered and low detection these techniques necessitate simple instrumentation
limit achieved. Furthermore, in order to improve the and are sufficiently enough to determine curcuminoids
separation power, multi-development in TLC and in some products (Jadhav et al., 2007).

International Food Research Journal 19(1): 19-27

22 Abdul Rohman

Table 1. Application of TLC and HPTLC for analysis of curcuminoids

Matrix sample Stationary phase Mobile phase Sample preparation Reference

Camag TLC The powder was

silica gel 60 scanner II using soaked in 50 mL of MeOH, Phattanawasin
C. longa hexaneMeOH (1:1:0.1,
F254 absorbance redissolved in 2.0 mL et al. (2009)
mode at 254 nm. MeOH.
silica gel camag UV Sample was extracted
HPTLC plate CHCl3: MeOH, 24: 1, chamber separately in MeOH for 30
Turmeric (60GF 254, 20 v/v). at absorbance min by ultrasonication,
et al. (2009)
x 10 cm). mode (425 nm) filtered, concentrated, and
-dissolved in MeOH
with ammonium
Turmeric nanosilica gel chloroform and ethyl molybdate/H2SO4 Cold and hot Solvent Green et al.
rhizomes 60 F 254 plate acetate (19:1 v/v) and scanned at Extractions using EtOh (2008)
UV 254 nm, 366
toluene:CH3COOH C. longa extract sample
(4:1, v/v) for solution
Turmeric curcuminoid was prepared by dissolving
Kieselgel 60 F Scanned at 425 Pozharitskaya
powder and C. separation and in MeOH Turmeric samples
254 nm et al. (2008)
longa n-hexane:EtOAc: were extracted
CH3COOH (80:25:5, using MeOH at 40C in an
v/v/v) for quantification ultrasound bath for 40 min.
Wavelength 366
Samples were extracted
HPTLC nm; Scanning
C longa CHCl3: MeOH (49: 1 with acetone, filtered and Pathania et al.
LiChrosphere speed:
rhizomes v/v) concentrated under vacuo, (2006)
Si 60F254 2.0 cm/s
and dissolved in MeOH

Bulk and silica the tablets were powdered

CHCl3: MeOH Absorbance at Ansari et al.
pharmaceutical gel aluminium and and extracted using
(9.25:0.75 v/v) 430 nm (2005)
products plate 60F-254 MeOH

Bos et al. (2007) have used HPLC using PDA analytes were detected using PDA at 420 nm.
detector at 425 nm to analyze curcuminoids in some Because of the intrinsic fluorescence nature of
Curcuma genus which are indigenous to Indonesia, curcuminoids, spectro-fluoresence detector can be
namely C. mangga Val &. v. Zijp, C. heyneana Val. & used to detect the presence of curcuminods. The
v.Zijp, C. aeruginosa Roxb. and C. soloensis Val. The sensitivity of this detector is about 10 times over UV-
separation was achieved using Zorbax Eclipse XDB- Vis spectroscopy. Zhang et al. (2009) has developed
C18 (250 4.6 mm i.d.; 5 m) with mobile phase HPLC with fluorescence to determine curcuminoids
consisted of a mixture of MeOH-H2O (containing in some Curcuma genus using 2,5-xylenol as
0.1% triuoroacetic acid)-acetonitrile (39.5:350:468, standard internal. The max for 2,5-xylenol is 287
v/v/v). The developed method gives the accuracy of nm (excitation) and 303 nm (emission), meanwhile
100.4 0.922 % (C), 99.8 0.806 % (DMC), and for curcuminoids the max used are 426 nm
99.9 0.574% (BDMC), with limit of detection of (exitation) and 539 nm (emission). The separation of
0.044 g for C, 0.048 g for DMC and 0.058 g for curcuminoids substances was achieved within 30 min
BDMC. Some other works were compiled in Table using Cadenza CD-C18 column (250 x 4.6 mm;i.d.,
2. 3 mm) using a mobile phase of mixture of 0.1 M
Recent work related to application of HPLC for of acetate buffer (pH 4.0)-ACN (57:43, v/v) as. The
determination of curcuminoids in commercial food reported retention times of I.S., BDMC, DMC and C
samples in Korea such as curry, mustard, candy, were 11, 19, 22 and 25 min, respectively.
pickle, and snack foods was carried out by Lee et al. Besides for quantitative analysis, HPLC involving
(2011). The column of X Terra MS C18 (250 mm x high speed countercurrent chromatography (CCC)
4.6 mm; 5 m) was used for separation. The mobile using a simple two-phase solvent systems composed
phase was composed of 2% CH3COOH in water (A) of n-hexane/CHCl3/MeOH/H2O (2/4/3/1, v/v) (Inoue
and 2 % CH3COOH in ACN (B). The gradient elution et al., 2008) and pH-zone refining CCC (Patel et
was: 10% B (03 min), 20% B (8 min), 25% B (13 al. 2000) using methyl-tert-butyl ether/ACN/H2O
min), 35% B (18 min) and subsequently held for 10 (4:1:5) was also used for the preparative separation
min before coming back to the initial conditions. The and purification of curcuminoids into the individual

International Food Research Journal 19(1): 19-27

Analysis of curcuminoids in food and pharmaceutical products 23

Table 2. Some of reported works related to the use of HPLC and related techniques for
determination of curcuminoids

Matrix sample Column Mobile phase Detector Sample preparation Reference

Rhizome of powder C. Cheng et al.
longa was extracted (2010)
Kromasil C18 (250 CH3COOH-MeOH (
by ultrasonication at
C. longa mm4.6 mm, 5 m) 15:85 v/v) UV 420 nm
ambient temperature.
After cooling, MeOH
was added
Alltect Alltima C18 ACN- CH3COOH 2% sample was sonicated Wichitnithad
Turmeric extract column (150 x 4.6 mm in H2O (4:6 v/v) UV 425 nm with ACN et al. (2009)
i.d.; m)
welchroll-C18 column Zhang Y-H et
Turmeric CH3COOH 2% in
(4.6 mmx250 mm, 5 UV 260 nm - al. (2009)
powder H2O ACN (1:1)
0.15M SDS and Chin-Chen et
Kromasil C18 column the samples were
12.5% (v/v) propanol UV at al. (2009)
C. longa (125mm4.6mm, prepared with 0.05M
buffered using 0.01M 210nm
5m) SDS-pH 7 at ratio of 1:10
NaH2PO4 at pH 7.0
Curcumin-enriched Naidu et al.
powder from samples (2009).
was dissolved with
acetone and impregnated
on silica gel, loaded onto
a glasscolumn packed
removed Exil-Amino column 2-propanol:water
UV 425 nm with silica gel. the
turmeric (5 m, 4.6 150 mm) (19:1, v/v)
column was eluted with
CHCl3 and fractions were
and grouped according
to their TLC profile and
UV 425 nm Dandekar
for curcumin and Patravale
Curcumin and Hi-Q-Sil C18 (250 (2009)
ACN- acetate buffer and at
its degradation mm x 4.6 mm, 10 Dissolved in MeOH
pH 3.0; (3: 2, v/v) 280 for its
products m)
glacial acetic acid 1% and
C. zedoaria BDS Hypersil C18 UV 425 nm -
in H2OACN (1:1) Gritsanapan
Rupikang ODS-BP column(250 MeOH-H2O-CH3COOH extracted using Chen et al.
UV 420 nm
cataplasma mm4.6 mm,5 m) ( 7026.53.5) ultrasound in MeOH (2008)
methanol, isopropyl
Turmeric RP C18 250 4 mm Cold and hot Solvent Green et al.
water. and acetic acid UV 420 nm
rhizomes i.d in the proportions Extractions using EtOh (2008)
20:4:27:48:5 v/v
powder was extracted
Vydac RP-18 (250 using hexane,
Commercial ACN-0.1% trifluro-acetic Jadhav et al.
mm 4.6 mm,5 m) UV 420 nm evaporated, redissolved
curcumin acid (1:1) (2007)
with MeOH
(A) buffer (5mM
ammonium formate, 0.1%
formic acid, in
Discovery1 HS C18 ddH2O) and (B) ACN;
Turmeric gradient (in buffer A): Samples were extracted Jiang et al.
(150 mm x 3 mm, MS
powder 02 min, 5% B; 257min, using MeOH (2006)
2.1m) 5100% B; 5760 min,
100% B; 6065min,
1005% B; 6575min,
5% B
ACN and H3PO4 in H2O Liu et al.
C. longa Kromasil C18 UV 420 nm -
(pH = 2.5) (2005)

International Food Research Journal 19(1): 19-27

24 Abdul Rohman

Matrix sample Column Mobile phase Detector Sample preparation Reference

Tablet, tea, and PEGASIL ODS (2 x CH3COOH 0.01% in H2O MS The samples were Inoue et al.
candy 150 mm, 5m) (A) and ACN (B). 0 min at extracted using (2003)
45% B, 015 min with a MeOH methanol and
linear increase from 45 to ultrasonicated for 10
95% B, and at last hold at min
95% B.

Commercial Bondapack C18 (300 MeOH (A), CH3COOH UV 425 nm Jayaprakasha et

turmeric x 4.6 mm i.d.; m) 2% in H2O (B), and ACN al. (2002)
varieties of C. (C). 45 to 65% C in B (0-15 Turmeric powder
longa min). The gradient then samples were
went from 65 to 45% C in extracted using
B for 15-20 min, with a hexane by Soxhlet,
constant of 5% A. re-extracted using
C. longa Phenomenex Luna CH3COOH 0.25% in H2O UV 425 nm pressurized-liquid Schieffer
C18 (150 mm x (A)-ACN(B). Gradient extraction (2002)
4.6mm, 5 mm elution and was as follows:
40-60% B in 10 min,
held for 10min, changed to
the initial in the next 2 min,
and held there for 2 min

components. The curcuminoids from C.domestica Val., C.

Capillary electrophoresis longa L. and C. xanthorrhiza Roxb. were succesfully
separated and quantified using CZE method with
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a powerful standard fused-silica capillaries and PDA at 258
separation means, which has speedily developed nm (with internal standard of 3,4-dimethoxy-trans-
and has been largely applied for analysis of cinnamic acid for quantification) and 470 nm
pharmaceuticals, and bioactive plant components. (for curcuminoids alone) in less than 5 min. An
Several factors, namely sample preparation, electrolyte solution of 20 mM phosphate, 50 mM
separation capacity, and detection level must be taken NaOH and 14 mM -cyclodextrin was found to be
into account when used for analysis of curcuminoids suitable for analysis. LOD obtained was 10 ppm. The
(Li et al., 2006). results obtained were compared with the photometric
method specified in European Pharmacopoeia
Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) (Lechtenberg et al., 2004). CZE using a buffer of
Among various modes of CE, CZE is the most 15mM Na tetraborate containing 10% MeOH (v/v)
frequently used method because it is the simplest at pH 10.8, 25kV and 30C was successfully applied
and most versatile CE modes (Ryan et al., 2010). for separation and quantification of curcuminoids
The level of Curcumin from turmeric isolated from in 7 min using PDA 262 nm with good selectivity
Chinese herbal medicine has been determined using (Yuan et al., 2005). LOD obtained was lower than
CZE with amperometric detector by Sun et al. that reported by Lechtenberg et al. (2004), i.e 0.247
(2002). The sample was prepared using solid phase 0.426 ppm.
extraction with tributyl phosphate resin as adsorbent.
Using the optimized parameters, i.e. 0.015 M Micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC)
phosphate buffer at pH 9.7 as running buffer, at 16 MEKC has emerged as a method of choice for
kV of separation voltage, injection for 6 s at 9 kV and determination of neutral compounds. In this method,
detection at 1.20 V, the limit of detection obtained is a pseudo-stationary phase is produced by the adding
3 x108 M at linear concentration range of 7 x 104 a micelle-forming ionic surfactant like sodium
3x106 M (r=0.9986) for curcumin extracted from dodecyl sulphate (SDS) or cetyltrimethylammonium
light petroleum. The recovery average obtained is bromide. The separation of analyte(s) in MEKC is
80%. Because of the high sensitivity and selectivity relied upon the hydrophobic interactions of analyte
of the developed technique, the authors claimed that molecules with the used pseudo-stationary phase
the trace levels of curcumin in more complex sample (Unger, 2009).
matrix, such as curry powder, herbal products, or Watanabe et al. (2002) have developed MEKC for
body fluids could be analyzed. the determination of curcuminoids in some turmeric
samples. Based on the solvent selection, ethanol was

International Food Research Journal 19(1): 19-27

Analysis of curcuminoids in food and pharmaceutical products 25

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