Modelos Redacción 3
Modelos Redacción 3
Modelos Redacción 3
1. Multiple focus
2. Safe and enriching learning environment
3. Authenticity
4. Active learning
5. Scaffolding
6. Co-operation
In order to accomplish these features, teachers have to use multiple resources
and materials, where ICT appear because they provide a rich and varied context.
In this sense, teachers have to learn how to use ITC such as power point
presentations, interactive digital boards (IDBs), tools from Web 2.0 (blogs,
wikis, etwinning, Moodle,.)
Otherwise, teachers have to learn how to use ICT to support learning, so when it
is appropriate to use this technology and when it is not. A specific example is the
IDB, this technology add value to the learnings, but when teachers adopts a
leader rol reduce children opportunities to develop their thinking skills.
features of CLIL; these are: language dimension, content, learning, culture and
environment dimensions.
are features inside the language and content dimension. Besides, its important to
classrooms in centres such as the maths corner, the science corner, and so on.
Students must communicate more than the teacher and evaluate progress in
Moreover the features which are part of the authenticity are considerable in
order to let the students ask for the language help they need, to maximize the
In this context, the scaffolding and cooperation features are included in the
learning styles, fostering creative and critical thinking, involving parents in learning
about CLIL and for instance, involving the local community, and planning courses or
lessons in cooperation with CLIL and non CLIL teachers are the best examples of
features that we need to use in our teaching repertoire according to how CLIL
starting the programme, students are usually able to use the CLIL language for
The core features of CLIL and the importance of including in the teaching
the ICT in CLIL methodology.
The authenticity about this way to learn and teach letting the students ask
for the language help they need, maximizing the accommodation of student
interests in the selection of the topics, tasks... Students make a regular
connection between learning and the students' lives and connect with other
speakers of the CLIL language participating in Comenius projects. They can
use current materials from the media and other interactional sources
combining them with their own knowledge. The CLIL is an active learning
because students communicate more than teachers. They help setting the
content, the language and the learning skills outcomes. The pupils evaluate
the progress they have achieved, favoring peer co-operative work,
negotiating the meaning of language and so on.
One example this methodology is the ICT. It is very important and useful in
education, because we live in a technological society and the school must
adapt it to social progress.
ICT has some advantages above the traditional books or other resources,
because nowadays teachers can do and create different activities adapted
to our pupils' necessities or work specific content depending on the project
topic. We could do materials to develop cultural awareness.. Using ICT to
teach CLIL is a more enjoyable and engaging way to motivate students
about some topics and enhance the pleasure of culture and learning in the