Section Modulus Calculation of An Oil Barge

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8/8/2017 Coursework


Yan Naing Shin

Table of Contents
PARTICULARS ................................................................................................................................................... 2
3-2-1/3 LONGITUDINAL HULL GIRDER STRENGTH ........................................................................................ 3
3-2-1/5 HULL GIRDER MOMENT OF INERTIA ................................................................................................ 3
3-2-2/3.1 SIDE SHELL PLATING AMIDSHIPS ................................................................................................. 3
3-2-2/3.5.1 BOTTOM SHELL PLATING ........................................................................................................ 4
3-2-3/1.1 DECK PLATING THICKNESS .......................................................................................................... 4
3-2-7/3.1 LONGITUDINAL BULKHEAD SCANTLINGS..................................................................................... 4
ACTUAL THICKNESSES OF SHELL, DECK AND BULKHEAD PLATING .................................................................... 5
3-2-4/3.11 MINIMUM THICKNESS OF WEB PORTIONS OF GIRDERS AND TRANSVERSES ............................... 8
ACTUAL SCANTLINGS OF BEAMS, FRAMES, GIRDERS AND LONGITUDINALS .................................................... 8
DECK LONGITUDINALS (L 75X75X8) ........................................................................................................................ 8
DECK GIRDERS (T 250X8.5 + 100X8)...................................................................................................................... 8
DECK TRANSVERSES (250X8 FLG. 100) ...................................................................................................................... 9
SIDE FRAMES (L 75X75X8) .................................................................................................................................... 9
SIDE WEB FRAMES (250X8 FLG. 100) ....................................................................................................................... 9
BOTTOM LONGITUDINALS (L 100X100X8) ............................................................................................................... 9
BOTTOM GIRDERS (T 350X8.5 + 100X8) ............................................................................................................... 10
BOTTOM TRANSVERSES (350X8 FLG. 100) ............................................................................................................... 10
3-2-7/3.5 LONGITUDINAL BULKHEAD STRINGERS ..................................................................................... 11
3-2-7/3.3 LONGITUDINAL BULKHEAD STIFFENERS .................................................................................... 11
3-2-7/3.5 LONGITUDINAL BULKHEAD WEBS ............................................................................................. 11
ACTUAL SCANTLINGS OF BULKHEAD STRINGERS AND STIFFENERS ................................................................ 12
BULKHEAD STRINGERS (T 250X8 + 100X8) ............................................................................................................ 12
BULKHEAD STIFFENERS (L 75X75X8) ..................................................................................................................... 12
BULKHEAD WEBS (250X8 FLG. 100) ....................................................................................................................... 12
MOMENT OF INERTIA OF SECTIONS ABOUT THEIR OWN AXES ...................................................................... 13
SECTION MODULUS CALCULATION ................................................................................................................ 14

Molded depth, D = 2.8 m
85% of D = 2.38 m
at 85%D, Lwl = 59.905 m

Rule length, L = 96% of Lwl = 57.5088 m

Breadth, B = 13.716 m

Draught, T = 1.6 m

Cb = 0.81092493

Cargo hold length = 9.7536 m

Spacing of transverses = 609.6 mm

Spacing of longitudinals = 500 mm

3-2-1/3 Longitudinal Hull Girder Strength
The required hull girder section modulus SMR amidships, to the deck and bottom is to be
obtained from the following equation:

SMR = K SMb cm2-m

K = 0.629 + Ms/(fp SMb) but is not to be taken less than 1.0

Ms = maximum still-water bending moment

Maximum still-water bending moment is neither available nor necessary to be submitted

(because L<76m). Therefore, K is taken as 1.0.

SMb = C1C2L2B(Cb + 0.7) cm2-m

C1 = 16.33(L/100)2 15.47(L/100) + 7.77

= 4.27415
C2 = 0.01
L = 57.5088 m
B = 13.716 m
Cb = 0.8109

SMb = 2929.419501 cm2-m

SMR = K SMb = 2929.419501 cm2-m

3-2-1/5 Hull Girder Moment of Inertia

The hull girder moment of inertia I amidships is to be not less than obtained from the
I = 0.03SMRL cm2-m2
SMR = 2929.419501 cm2-m
L = 57.5088 m
I = 5054.022005 cm2-m2

3-2-2/3.1 Side Shell Plating Amidships

The thickness of the side shell plating within 0.4L amidships is not to be less than obtained
from the following equation:

t = 0.07L + 0.007s mm
t = required thickness of plating
L = 57.5088 m
s = frame spacing, in mm = 609.6 mm
t = 8.292816 mm
= 8.5 mm (rounded)

3-2-2/3.5.1 Bottom Shell Plating
The thickness of the bottom shell plating within 0.4L amidships is not to be less than that
obtained from the following equation:

t = 0.045L + 0.007s + 1.8 mm

t = required thickness of plating

L = 57.5088 m
s = frame spacing, in mm = 500 mm

t = 8.637896 mm
= 9 mm (rounded)

3-2-3/1.1 Deck Plating Thickness

Thickness of strength decks with longitudinal beams is to be not less than 3-2-3/1.1.2(a) and
3-2-3/1.1.2(b), below.

1.1.2(a) t = 0.009s + 2.4 mm

1.1.2(b) t= mm

s = spacing of deck beams, in mm

= 500 mm
L = 57.5088 m

1.1.2(a) t = 6.9 mm
= 7 mm (rounded)
1.1.2(b) t = 5.221 mm
= 5.5 mm (rounded)

3-2-7/3.1 Longitudinal Bulkhead Scantlings

Plating of cargo tank bulkheads is to be of thickness obtained from the following equation:

t = [sk (qh)/254] + 2.5 mm

t = thickness, in mm
s = stiffener spacing, in mm
k = (3.075 a 2.077)/(a + 0.272) where (1 a 2)
= 1.0 where a > 2
a = aspect ratio of the panel (longer edge/shorter edge)
q = 235/Y (24/Y, 34000/Y)
Y = as defined in 3-2-6/5.1
h = as defined in 5-2-1/3

s = 609.6 mm
a = 9753.6/2800 = 3.4834 >2

So, k = 1.0
Y = 235 MPa
q = 235/Y = 1

Calculation of h according to 5-2-1/3

h = h1

h1 = ht+ ha m

= 1.0
ht = 2.8 m
ha1 = 1.22 m
ha2 = 9.95pv
According to 5C-1-7/11.11 of Steel Vessel Rules, pv 0.21 bar.
Assume pv = 0.21 bar.
ha2 = 9.95pv = 2.0895 m
ha2 > ha1
Therefore, ha = ha2 = 2.0895 m

h = h1 = ht+ ha = 1.0 x 2.8 +2.0895 = 4.8895 m

Thickness of the longitudinal bulkhead, t = [sk (qh)/254] + 2.5 mm

= [609.6x1.0 (1x4.8895)] + 2.5
= 7.79 mm
= 8 mm (rounded)

Actual Thicknesses of Shell, Deck and Bulkhead Plating

Required Actual
thickness Thickness
Plating (mm) (mm)
Side 8.5 9
Bottom 9 9
Keel 9 10
Deck 7 7
Longitudinal bulkhead 8 8

5-2-1/7 Required Section Moduli of Beams, Frames, Girders and
Deck beams and bottom and side shell frames, in association with the plating to which they
are attached, are to have a section modulus SM not less than obtained from the following equation:
SM = 7.8chsl2 cm3

Deck longitudinals

c = 1.25
h = 2.0895 m
s = 0.5 m
l = 1.8288 m

SM = 7.8chsl2 = 34.068 cm3 = 34068.21832 mm3

Deck girders

c = 1.25
h = 2.0895 m
s =2m
l = 1.8288 m

SM = 7.8chsl2 = 136.2728733 cm3 = 136272.8733 mm3

Deck transverses

c =1
h = 2.0895 m
s = 1.8288 m
l =2m

SM = 7.8chsl2 = 119.2238611cm3 = 119223.8611 mm3

Side frames

c = 1.25
h = 2.0916 m
s = 0.6096 m
l = 1.4 m

SM = 7.8chsl2 = 24.36600217 cm3 = 24366.00217 mm3

Side web frames

c = 1.25
h = 2.0916 m
s = 1.8288 m
l = 1.4 m

SM = 7.8chsl2 = 73.09800651cm3 = 7.31E+04 mm3

Bottom long'ls

c = 1.34
h = 4.8895 m
s = 0.5 m
l = 1.8288 m

SM = 7.8chsl2 = 85.46066777 cm3 = 85460.66777 mm3

Bottom girders

c = 1.34
h = 4.8895 m
s =2m
l = 1.8288 m

SM = 7.8chsl2 = 341.8426711 cm3 = 341842.6711 mm3

Bottom transverses

c = 1.25
h = 4.8895 m
s = 1.8288 m
l =2m

SM = 7.8chsl2 = 348.7347864 cm3 = 348734.7864 mm3

3-2-4/3.11 Minimum Thickness of Web Portions of Girders and
Web portions of girders and transverses are to have a thickness of not less than 1 mm per
100 mm of depth plus 3 mm nor is the thickness to be less than:

t = L1/20 + 5.33 mm

t = minimum thickness of the web, in mm

L1 = L = 57.5088 m
t = 8.20544 mm
= 8.5 mm (rounded)

Actual Scantlings of Beams, Frames, Girders and Longitudinals

The neutral axis of each
item is initially assumed to
be and the base of the
attached plating.

Deck Longitudinals (L 75x75x8)

Web 75 centroid 19.26595745
Web thickness 8 I0 2.99E+05
Flange 75 Ad2 5.67E+06
Flange thickness 8 IANA 5.97E+06
Plate thickness 7 ITNA 4.22E+06
spacing 500 SM (mm3) 5.97E+04
area 4700 Required SM 3.41E+04

Deck Girders (T 250x8.5 + 100x8)

Web 250 centroid 31.80502216
Web thickness 8.5 I0 1.11E+07
Flange 100 Ad2 9.17E+07
Flange thickness 8 IANA 1.03E+08
Plate thickness 7 ITNA 8.57E+07
spacing 2000 SM (mm3) 3.68E+05
area 16925 Required SM 1.36E+05

Deck Transverses (250x8 FLG. 100)
Web 250 centroid 33.17644344
Web thickness 8 I0 1.05E+07
Flange 100 Ad2 8.95E+07
Flange thickness 8 IANA 1.00E+08
Plate thickness 7 ITNA 8.28E+07
spacing 1828.8 SM (mm3) 3.57E+05
area 15601.6 Required SM 1.19E+05

Side Frames (L 75x75x8)

Web 75 centroid 16.00253855
Web thickness 8 I0 3.16E+05
Flange 75 Ad2 5.96E+06
Flange thickness 8 IANA 6.27E+06
Plate thickness 8.5 ITNA 4.64E+06
spacing 609.6 SM (mm3) 6.14E+04
area 6381.6 Required SM 2.44E+04

Side Web Frames (250x8 FLG. 100)

Web 250 centroid 29.60323361
Web thickness 8 I0 1.05E+07
Flange 100 Ad2 9.11E+07
Flange thickness 8 IANA 1.02E+08
Plate thickness 8.5 ITNA 8.55E+07
spacing 1828.8 SM (mm3) 3.61E+05
area 18344.8 Required SM 7.31E+04

Bottom Longitudinals (L 100x100x8)

Web 100 centroid 25.87704918
Web thickness 8 I0 7.01E+05
Flange 100 Ad2 1.31E+07
Flange thickness 8 IANA 1.38E+07
Plate thickness 9 ITNA 9.71E+06
spacing 500 SM (mm3) 1.07E+05
area 6100 Required SM 8.55E+04

Bottom Girders (T 350x8.5 + 100x8)
Web 350 centroid 42.19517796
Web thickness 8.5 I0 3.05E+07
Flange 100 Ad2 2.07E+08
Flange thickness 8 IANA 2.37E+08
Plate thickness 9 ITNA 1.98E+08
spacing 2000 SM (mm3) 6.10E+05
area 21775 Required SM 3.42E+05

Bottom Transverses (350x8 FLG. 100)

Web 350 centroid 43.8535136
Web thickness 8 I0 2.87E+07
Flange 100 Ad2 2.01E+08
Flange thickness 8 IANA 2.29E+08
Plate thickness 9 ITNA 1.91E+08
spacing 1828.8 SM (mm3) 5.90E+05
area 20059.2 Required SM 3.42E+05

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3-2-7/3.5 Longitudinal Bulkhead Stringers
Stringers which support bulkhead stiffeners are to have a section modulus SM obtained from
the following equation.

SM = 4.74chsl2Q cm3

c = 1.5
h = 3.4895 m
s = 1.4 m
l = 1.8288 m
Q =1

SM = 4.74chsl2Q = 116.1698063 cm3 = 1.16E+05 mm3

3-2-7/3.3 Longitudinal Bulkhead Stiffeners

Bulkhead stiffeners, in association with the plating to which it is attached, is to have a
section modulus SM not less than that obtained from the following equation:

SM = 7.8chsl2Q cm3

c = 1.0
h = 4.1895 m
s = 0.6096 m
l = 1.4 m
Q = 1.0

SM = 39.04431673 cm3 = 3.90E+04 mm3

3-2-7/3.5 Longitudinal Bulkhead Webs

Webs are to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation.

SM = 4.74chsl2Q cm3

c = 1.5
h = 4.1895 m
s = 1.8288 m
l = 1.4 m
Q =1

SM = 4.74chsl2Q = 106.7711892 cm3 = 1.07E+05 mm3

11 | P a g e
Actual Scantlings of Bulkhead Stringers and Stiffeners

Bulkhead Stringers (T 250x8 + 100x8)

Web 250 centroid 37.17142857
Web thickness 8 I0 1.05E+07
Flange 100 Ad2 9.05E+07
Flange thickness 8 IANA 1.01E+08
Plate thickness 8 ITNA 8.16E+07
spacing 1400 SM (mm3) 3.57E+05
area 14000 Required SM 1.63E+05

Bulkhead Stiffeners (L 75x75x8)

Web 75 centroid 16.29265403
Web thickness 8 I0 3.10E+05
Flange 75 Ad2 5.86E+06
Flange thickness 8 IANA 6.17E+06
Plate thickness 8 ITNA 4.56E+06
spacing 609.6 SM (mm3) 6.10E+04
area 6076.8 Required SM 4.56E+04

Bulkhead Webs (250x8 FLG. 100)

Web 250 centroid 30.6431063
Web thickness 8 I0 1.05E+07
Flange 100 Ad2 9.05E+07
Flange thickness 8 IANA 1.01E+08
Plate thickness 8 ITNA 8.47E+07
spacing 1828.8 SM (mm3) 3.60E+05
area 17430.4 Required SM 1.07E+05

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Moment of Inertia of Sections About Their Own Axes

The neutral axis of a section is initially assumed to be at the unflanged edge of the web portion.

Web Flange
Web thickness Flange thickness Area Centroid Ad2 I0 IANA ITNA
Deck girders 250 8.5 100 8 2925 160.2821 8.48E+07 1.11E+07 9.59E+07 2.07E+07
Deck long'ls 75 8 75 8 1200 58.25 4.59E+06 2.84E+05 4.87E+06 8.01E+05
Bottom girders 350 8.5 100 8 3775 212.9338 1.91E+08 3.04E+07 2.22E+08 5.06E+07
Bottom long'ls 100 8 100 8 1600 77 1.07E+07 6.71E+05 1.13E+07 1.84E+06
Stringers (side + long'l bhd)
T-250X8+100X8 250 8 100 8 2800 - - - - 6.77E+05

Qty Area d i0
Deck girders 6 17550 2639.718 1.24E+08
Deck long'ls 20 24000 2741.75 1.60E+07
Bottom girders 6 22650 212.9338 3.03E+08
Bottom long'ls 20 32000 77 3.67E+07
Stringers (side + long'l bhd)
T-250X8+100X8 3 8400 1400 2.03E+06

13 | P a g e
Section Modulus Calculation
Neutral axis is initially assumed to be at the baseline.

Thickness Height (one side) Length Area
Item (mm) (cm) (m) (total) (m) (cm2) d (cm) Ad (cm3) Ad2 (cm4) i0 (cm4)
Side shell plating 9 218.2 2.182 4.364 392.76 173.38 6.81E+04 1.18E+07 1.56E+06
Deck 7 0 6.858 13.716 960.12 280 2.69E+05 7.53E+07 0.00E+00
Bottom shell plating 9 6.77 5.5034 11.0068 990.612 3.385 3.35E+03 1.14E+04 3.78E+03
Keel 10 0 0.762 1.524 152.4 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Long'l Bulkhead 8 280 2.8 224 140 3.14E+04 4.39E+06 1.46E+06
BILGE 9 60 0.942477796 1.8849556 169.646 38.197186 6.48E+03 2.48E+05 5.78E+05
Deck girders 175.5 263.97179 4.63E+04 1.22E+07 1.24E+04
Deck long'ls 240 274.175 6.58E+04 1.80E+07 1.60E+03
Bottom girders 226.5 21.293377 4.82E+03 1.03E+05 3.03E+04
Bottom long'ls 320 7.7 2.46E+03 1.90E+04 3.67E+03
Stringers (side + long'l bhd)
T-250X8+100X8 84 140 1.18E+04 1.65E+06 2.03E+02
Total 3935.538 5.09E+05 1.24E+08 3.65E+06

true neutral axis = 129.4104008 cm

IANA = 1.2742E+08 cm4
ITNA = 6.15E+07 cm4
Required I = 5.0540E+07 cm4
SMtop = 4.0847E+05 cm3
SMbottom = 4.7532E+05 cm3
Required SM = 2.9294E+05 cm3

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